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Another night, another job. The White Moon? Hitting a hospital downtown to draw attention to their cause is exactly the kind of thing of they'd do, and this makes the whole thing seem like one of their political setpieces rather than a corporate hit on anyone. But we know better - right now, witnesses we need are in danger, swept up in the grandstanding statements of armed paramilitants and gangers gone gun-mad. So your job, Agent, is straightforward in its excess difficulty: simply get in, get to the people in danger, and get them out.
Oh hi, Agents!

The situation groundside is confused. I have confirmed that the Steel Vipers and a lot of other local small-timers and fortuneseekers are hitting the hospital zone. But I've also gotten multiple reports of White Moon paramilitants on site. Those guys are bad news, all kitted out in surplus military kit and with an ideolological will to commit kinetic action if it furthers their goals. My suspecions is that Mr. Nakamura, growing desperate and lacking the assets himself, has reached out through back-channels to get them involved and promised them some major payday or support. Hitting a hospital isn't exactly new tricks for these guys, so Metroplex is treating the whole thing as another White Moon separatist incident. But this might all work out in our favour: The White Moons are not the kind of people anyone contacts if they're having a good day.

So, for all the difficulty it poses, it must mean Mr. Nakaramura is running out of options, out of patience and out of time. Which means we simply need to get to Mox Mimicry, the other civilians and ARC team 2#, get everyone out safe, debrief and I think we've got what it takes to close this case.

Better check your gear.
It's going to be a long night.

>New recruits may notice the slight adjustment to the recruitment procedure?

Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Suite 1, Suite 2, if desired]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit
I don't expect much trouble from most of the Steel Vipers. Not compared to the stuff we normally dead with! They're bad news, but they're not really your usual street gang, so don't expect them to roll up on you and wave their guns about sideways.

They're corporate muscle pretending to be a gang, really. It's a larp, Agent, a pretend-play. It's all designer gear and tailored suits to go with their tailored ties and threats. Scions of middle management types, rich kids out on a prowl for a spot of the old ultra-violence, all masks and codes and bravado.

But the issue is they're caught up in events and that's drawn in some heavies. Mr. Nakaramura has let the word out and I'm tracking multiple open contracts going wide. Apparently since we've stopped them cold being subtle and clever, they're simply trying for old fashioned brute force. Expect a lot of dangerous elements to join the party. So keep your head on straight and keep moving. If you get bogged down in a running firefight, you'll be in trouble.
So, check your gear. Check your suits. Check your guns.
You get the standard service alotment, but you should prepare for tonights festivities by picking a primary weapon as well, and signing out a sword, a skim-drone and any additional armor or armor-like enhancements you feel you need. The ballistic shields are normally used by Metroplex finest to kick in doors, but they do absorb the occassional or bullet or two. Might come in handy.
ARC Team 2# is on site, since we called them in earlier. They're near Mox location right now, keeping up a cordon. By Agent Roma's reports, Mox's condition is stable but she's not in a great position to move. That's why you'll have to get there, set up a perimeter, and then hold off anyone trying to use the chance to off her. Yeah, I know - it's a rough ask.
The opposition at the hospital is an amalgamated mixture of gangers, opportunists, mercenaries and luckseekers. Those open contracts have drawn in a lot of heavy hitters, but if you keep moving and keep it together you should be alright.

The White Moon paramilitants are the worst of the lot, but luckily, they're fewer in number. The assorted and associated criminal elements, well, you've already tangled with. Metroplex is setting up a security cordon and organising things, but Tactical is moving in yet due to what I think is a reasonably worry about the possibilities of civilians being caught in the crossfire and what I am beginning to suspect is an unreasonable level of interference from higher ups. It makes sense - If Mr. Nakamura of Singularity Cloud set all this up to get witnesses dead before they blap about FEYWILD he wouldn't want Metroplex Tactical to roll in and sort things out before his hired shooters got a chance at putting lead into people.

So, we'll simply have to get in ahead of them.
You're going in by VTOL to a landing spot closer to the assumed location of Mox and ARC 2#, right inside the Metroplex perimeter. I've got your IDs as Metroplex MIST operatives - that's Metroplex Intelligence and Strategic Taskforce - so if anyone asks, you're here to protect a high value asset from a novel threat vector. Any Metroplex officers you run into will assume the situation has gone political if MIST gets called in, which will hopefully make them ask a little less questions about what we're doing. Keep your heads on straight and you'll be fine.

So, Agents, final gear check, comms check, get your nets aligned and let's... crack on.


Please ensure you have a primary weapon ready, a sword,a skim-drone, and as many armor enhancements as desired above the baseline suit with its anti-stab vest. Though they're a bit bulky in aggregate, so mind your tolerance for difficulty. It'll be easier to navigate some of the terrain in there if you have a low profile, and we will have to make our way to Mox location first.

You'll have a lot of " Oh but I don't want " and your opinion doesn't matter, you get the equipment anyway, because this is a high stakes situation and you will abide by the regulations for field deployments or you will sit this one out. We are not sending people into an active shooter scenario without a longarm, basic ballistic protection and the standardised equipment for dealing with bullet resistant cyboform systems.

You can, however, if you like and want to, try to grab some specialist munitions. That's dependent on your Ballistics training.

It's a bit rough and though we don't have time for any long-term installations of new or adjusted implant protocols, you might be able to crash-alter your current implants if you find they're not fine-tuned for the mission.

Which is to say, no new field grades yet, buy you can hot-swap available systems.


Once you're ready, sound off, report in, and let's go save some people.


>Once ready, report in and designate whether you PILOTING [testing relevant secret], PERIMTER SECURITY [Sense and CQC, Ballistics or other] or MESH OVERWATCH [Process, MeshOps, DroneOps or other]. Please test the relevant pool as we are going in... hot.
Rolled 8, 6, 4, 4, 6, 9, 9 = 46 (7d10)

>Get some shotgun ammo
>Get PadPlates
>Refill Tactical Kit
>Switch DMV to Sense
>Report for Perimeter Security (Sense 3 + Ballistics 4 + flat Zeal 1)

#Agent Mammoth, FG 2
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 2.1 | 18 credits
*Alive *Zeal +1

Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1

Attune 2 | Sense 2+1 | Support 2 | Process 2
Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 5 | React 3 | Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 4
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1

#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor
#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Sense
#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info
#FEYWILD Exposure 1
#Well Rested

H1: Veritas
B: PadPlates(Absorb 8 Armor 2, Bulky 2) | Antistab vest 4
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [IFR] | 3x NERF Reloads [24] | 1x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | 16x normal shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | chem gear | sword | skim-drone
Rolled 10, 10, 4, 3, 4, 1 = 32 (6d10)

#Agent Dragon
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
10 Credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 2
!Janitorial Duties 1

#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 1, Advanced Piloting 1]
#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
H1: Chirni Advanced PDW
H2: Ballistics Shield
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!), PadPlates
H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]

Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21] | C7 Service Pistol [18] | 2xReloads [18x2] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted) | Chirni Advanced PDW | SecSystem Vital PadPlates | Cool, Non-Descript Blade | SkimDrone | Ballistics Shield

>Split Skill Recorder into JanitorialDuties1, AdvancedPiloting1)
>Ready... It's going to be a long day.
>PILOTING (Proficiency3+AdvancedPiloting3)

Hope this goes well- last time I crashed this and I might have some leftover trauma.
By the way, someone on MESH OVERWATCH should check out the strea marchive, to see what intel we can gather from it and what the opposition could have learned
Rolled 6, 2, 7, 5, 7, 3, 3, 3, 8, 7, 5, 10, 2 = 68 (13d10)

Sweet. I'll be taking Impact-Frays and Seekers for my Broadsword. Do I get to bring extra reloads or are these going to swap out the 2x I have in my tackit?

Also, even with a sword, I don't fancy my chances when it comes to brawling with the bigger Cyboforms. I'll try sourcing munitions that could come in handy for putting them down. Subcaliber AP, Haywire, APHE, hollow points, doesn't matter. Just whatever works and can be sourced right now. (Ballistics 3)

Swapping a level of Spliced Signals Access for Deep Morphological Variability for this deployment. Set initially to Proficiency b/c pewpewpew

>Reporting for...what else? Mesh Overwatch, ofc. (Process5+MeshOps5, flat bonus from Spliced Signals +1, 10 dice)

Btw, is there any way to tamp down on the Strain aside from begging the TS for debugs? Maybe something in the aid kit?

#Agent Octant, FG2
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.8
Credits 9
5 Strain

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 5
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3+1 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 5
!Persuasion 1

H1 Broadsword [20/20, Seek]
H2 ^^
B: CAMOT II [Obscure2, Adaptive2] I SV-PP [Absorb8, Armor2] I Agent Suit [AntiStab4] (total Bulk 3)
H: Techset Headwear (NodeburnerOps2, CRADLE-NEXUS2)

Inv: Broadsword I C7 Service I Sword I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access 1
!Deep Morphological Variability 1 (Prof.)
Rolled 7, 10 = 17 (2d10)

> +2 Intelligent analysis
> +2 Psychology

> +2 Attune
> +2 Process

> CLOUD-Fragment Op
> +1 Process
> Swap Alive status for Drone status.
> Swap Resilience(???) for integrity.
> Roll 2d10 for drone set-up

> Did you fill out your health insurance?
[Asset Ajiva: "Command..."]
> Are you up to date on your rabies shots?
[Asset Ajiva: "TS, please-"]
> Did you prepare protection against gun related hearing damage?
[Asset Ajiva: "Liren!"]
[Asset Ajiva: "That's inappropriate."]
[Asset Ajiva: "You know perfectly well that I have none of those things."]

# [SA] Ajiva
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 4 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!FirstAid 2
!MeshOps 1
!Persuasion 1

#CLOUD-Fragment Ops
B: ???
H: ???

Inv: ???
It's a standardized f-form, look, I have to-- it's-- I don't mean to imply things about your auditory processing capability, it's just a form I have--


Good to have you. All the groundside agents are getting settled in with guns, gear and gadgets, but admittedly you will have a little less decision making in that area due to a different chassis modelling process. However, a little less is not nothing! I'll get the tools for you.

Oh, and a series seven is it? Nice.
Sorry Agent, there isn't much. Strain is a system-wide build up of gradual damage, accrued... well... strain... and micro-fractures, damages, looped processes, so on. The proprietary ARC implants you're outfitted with allow you a significant capability edge compared to baseline or near-peer actors, but the physiological cost can't be overstated. Long term redlining of implanted systems will lead to system degradation. "System" here means "you",as in, your entire body. I can hot-patch and rewire some things from here, remotely, accomodating and adjusting and adaption around difficulties but this naturally cuts into how much focus and time is available to do other things.

Long-term healthcare and system adjustment will reduce strain, of course, but it's hard to take a nap and get proper professional are on deployment.

You can take Support actions to attempt to reduce someone elses Strain. Debugging their systems and fixing issues is easier. But reducing Strain on yourself with your own actions is enormously difficult - logically enough the strain you already have interfere with your own ability to reduce the Strain. This is less of an issue when it's someone else, same as how assisting with bleeding on other people is innately easier than with your own.
Rolled 8, 2, 6, 6, 6, 9 = 37 (6d10)

>I need Nerf Rounds, seeker rounds and whatever the fuck else fits for the Chirni

>We manning the Perimeter with Sense 3 and Origami folding 3

#Agent Graphite, FG2
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Believable 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 2
!Origami Folding 3
!Intelligence Analysis 1

#NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)
#Overclocked Resonators 4 (+Intent to magnet/electric output. Flat effect lvl)
H1: Chirni
H2: Shield
B: SS-VP [Absorb8, Armor2] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear w/Shades (over balaclava) [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]

Inv: Double C7 Service Pistols [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Sword I Collapsible Baton I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I 16x JOLT Shells I 24x SLAP Shells
oh and drones. Graphite wanted the skimdrones, too.
Well, TS, I've noticed that other agents seldom call for tactical support, so I think I'll be fine counting on you to unfuck my system somewhat regularly. Thanks.
Rolled 2, 7, 3, 10, 9 = 31 (5d10)

>Report for REIMTER SECURITY (Sense 2 + Close Quarters 3)

#Agent Butterfly
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 1 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 4 I React 3 I Resist 3

!Close Quarters 3
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 4
!Acrobatics 2

B: Agent Suit (AntiStab Vests 4+) I Graphite's 'Conversation Starters'
H: Techwear Headset W/ Shades

Inv: C7 Service (Int. Suppressors 2, Faulty 1) (x2) I Veritas Multi I Service Knife I Agent Aid Kit (Biomonitor 2) I Grilled Cheese Sandwich I Agent Tactical Kit I Collapsible Baton

SC Gland Augmentics [Adreno++]
Test Attune+Respond to flood your system with tailored hormones, aiding performance for specific tasks.
Further, enormously overclocked nor-adrenaline response lets you treat 1/3rd of on-going Injury as +Alacrity. If you have Shock, you ignore penalties and you can spend the Shock as additional Dice. This is pretty injurious.

UNCC: [Deep Morphology Variability] rank 3

#Probability Shunt 1 [ResPet]

#Dynamic Accent [CAI, *Switch]
Rolled 6, 2, 9, 10, 8, 4 = 39 (6d10)

Come on Dragon, how bad could things be? It's not like they'll be expecting us to fly in at breakneck speeds to protect our threatened interests. I'd assess the overall likelihood of paramilitary types setting up overlapping MANPADS engagement envelopes over probable LZs to be LOW! You worry too much. Those systems are notoriously easy to operate - but so is the chaff/flare bucket!

>Requesting seeker shots, I need all the help I can get. Please TS, I might have to actually shoot at someone today.
>Perimeter Sec, ID the greatest threat to our landing (Sense 1 + Improv Improbable 5)

#Agent Sunday
Limit 6
Trauma 1

Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1

Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1
Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 2
Instinct 1

!Close Quarters 1
!Ballistics 1
!First Aid 2
!Persuasion 1
!Improvisation Improbabilities 5

#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance
B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear w/ Shades (RID Interface 2, AR Spook 2)

Inv: Chirni A-PDW I 2xReloads [30x2] I C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I PadPlates (8/8, Arm 2, Bulk 2) I Cool, Non-Descript Blade | SkimDrone x3 |
On MESH OVERWATCH [Process + DroneOps]. Can I get an estimate on the number of bystanders at the hospital? And get me a manual on Metroplex SOP, I don't want to be the one to blow our cover because I did something stupid.

#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 3
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall] [1 Strain]
3 Credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 3
!Jury Rigging 1

H1 -
H2 -
B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)
H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2] [CrowdControl 33 Matrix]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]
!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes | Ballistic Shield | Sabre |
Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 SkimDrone, 1 P-Series AARID (Matrix)]
Rolled 7, 10, 8, 9, 2, 6, 2 = 44 (7d10)

didn't register my dice for some reason
Rolled 5, 8, 3, 7, 6 = 29 (5d10)

>Load up a Sensor 2 on my Headset
>PERIMTER SECURITY [Sense 2, Origami Folding 3]
>NERF reloads only for the Broadsword and C7s

Concealment is not a concern, so I'd like to have my extra three pistols, revolver, analgesics and stimulants delivered, Liren if you please.

#Agent Fold
Limit 12
[2+ Aide-De-Camp]
Psych Stress Testing 0.3
Credits 1 (-5)

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 5 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Telekinetic Projection 2
!Origami Folding 3

#Pattern Recog 1
#SC Spinal Augmentics 2 [2 Manipulators] [Reach 2, STR 3]
#Attentional CoProcessor (Once per turn, split action to multiple targets. -1 dice per extra, roll once. Freely divide dicepools between targets, ignore distractions)
#Reserve Capacitors 2-9 (Resonance charge limit 9. When generating charge, effect +2. Can spend charge as AL for resonance actions.)

H1: Broadsword [NERF 45/45]
H2: -
H3: Ballistic Shield
B: SV-PP (Absorb 8, Armor 2) | Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techwear Headset [Shield-R 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: 4x C7 Service Pistol [NERF 27/27] I Cool, Nondescript Blade | Service Knife I Collapsible Baton | Tactical Kit [2x Foam Grenade, 2x Paint Grenade, 2x Stingball Grenade, 2x Smokeball Grenade, Advanced Modular Toolkit, Stickfoam Spray, 2x CC-MAID, 2x C7 NERF reloads [27/27], 2x Broadsword NERF reloads [45/45]] | Agent Aid Kit | 1x Revolver Old Reliable [3P, 5/6 Ammo, Penetrator 10+, Solid] | 1x Class 4 analgesics | 1x Class 3 nerve stimulants
Rolled 8, 5, 8, 6, 1, 6 = 34 (6d10)

Let's make tonight a night to remember, shall we?

>Mesh Overwatch [Process 4, MeshOps 2]

#Agent Thorn
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 0.4 | 2 credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 4
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 1 I Resist 2 I Override 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 2
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Support Operations 1

H1 Chirni [Standard, 30/30]
B: CAMOT II [Obscure2, Adaptive2] | Agent Suit | Q-Thread Ballistic Vest [DR=2, Cover 1, Statelock 3]. Total Bulk: 1
H: Techset Headwear [MultiSpec 3, CRADLE-NEXUS 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Chirni | 2x Reloads [30x2] | Service Knife I Cool, Nondescript Blade | SkimDrone | Aid Kit I Tactical Kit

Hong8 [Needler Swarm 2-9].
4C [Systemic Injection Vector 2].

# [SA] Ajiva
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 4 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!FirstAid 2
!MeshOps 1
!Persuasion 1

#CLOUD-Fragment Ops
B: ???
H: ???

Inv: ???

> MESH OVERWATCH (Processing5+MeshOps1)
Rolled 3, 10, 5 = 18 (3d10)


#Agent Cheddar
Limit 12
Stress Test 0.2

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 4 I Sense 2 I Support 5 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Insight 3
!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Support Operations 1
!Intelligence Analysis 1
!DroneOps 1
4C: [ScanCloud RID] 3
4C: [HazeOrb RID]2

B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [Memeplex 2][AR Spook 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Cirni Advanced PDW | CAMOT II Urban Opsn Cloak | Cool, Nondescript Blade | SkimDrone |Service Knife I Aid Kit I Turkey Sandwich | Smokes | 29 Credits

>Agent Cheddar reporting for duty.

>Mesh Overwatch of course. Do we have too many assigned to that already though? If so I can swap to something else, but I think I'm well suited for it. (Process 2+ DroneOps 1)
They’re not your analgesics or stimulants, Agent, they’re evidence of a man’s suicide and stuff you stole from his apartment and have, for kleptomaniac reasons, decided to hang on to and pretend they’re yours despite the obvious fact that it links you directly to someone’s death, is related to FEYWILD and FETCH, and requires a medical degree to administer properly. And you’re requesting the use of scarce resources to bring stimulants from home to a hospital where you will be, if nothing else, able to find at least as many pharmacological injections.


You absolutely can bring some
extra C7’s, however, I presume it pairs quite well with your spare hands!

On it.

They call for tactical support all the time, Agent, including at least seventeen times during our last deployment. Given that other people also are likely to need the signal bandwidth and we’re capacity limited I would, errr, suggest you keep that in mind’

PERIMETER, it has an E in it too!


Rolled 7, 7, 8, 7, 1 = 30 (5d10)

>Yes yes naturally i have an insurance as well as both eye and ear protection. Shots inside hurt anyones ears and i have augments. Hold on Rabies shot i live i city why'd i need rabies shot in hospital none the less also ain't that like really dangerous rabies i mean.

"Ok you convinced me to take The camo cloak. I guess it's light enough to carry let's also swap that memeplex for nodeburner if i ever need it."

>MESH OVERWATCH (Support 3 + Crash Synchronicity 2)
Not really my speciality but i'll try to spot some irregularities in areas network so others can take advantage of them.

#Agent Bnnyy
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Crash Synchronicity 2
!Improvisational improbabilities 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [NodeBurnerOps 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
Rolled 2, 10, 3, 7, 9, 4, 1, 10 = 46 (8d10)

#Agent Thukpa
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2 | Instinct 4

!Close Quarters 4
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Brand Management Ops 1
!Delivery Service Operations 1

#Strength 1
#Agility 2
#Agility 1
#Mobility 1
#Regen 1
#Sensory 1
#UNCC Combat Chromatics 2
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [AntiStab Vests 4+]
H: Techset Headwear w/ Ballistic Glasses and Earmuffs [Shield-R 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: Chirni Advanced PDW [30] | x2 Reloads [30x2] | C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Cool, Nondescript Blade | Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Skim Drone

>BioAugmentic Genesplice

>+2 Instinct
>+1 Sense
>+1 Process

>+2 Close Quarters
>+1 Brand Management Ops
>+1 Delivery Service Operations

>UNCC [Combat Chromatics 2, Agility 2]

>My health insurance is always up to date.
>R-rabies shots?!? Yes, but what are you people /doing/ that this is an intake question? This turns away new employees!
>I forgot that, but my referral contact packaged me some.

Um, hello, is this Liren? I've been told that my credentials have been sent along. I- I don't really know what credentials I have, but apparently they should be nearly as satisfying as um, as Nodular's famous Midlife Crisis Busting Beef Chow Fun. And um, if that wasn't enough I was told to say something about a special wok offer that's boxed to go? I don't know, I just helped some noodle shop and the owners said they'd pass it on and help me help someone else.

Oh, I'm allowed on the VTOL? Wow, I didn't even realise you had a VTOL. I thought that was an unrelated VTOL.

O-oh, that's a gun. And a sword. Okay. Sorry, please don't hurt me- what do you mean they're mine?

>Perimeter Security (Sense 4 and Close Quarters 4)
Part of the standard equipment, Agent Thukpa! Think of them as, err, extra large chop sticks....
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Apologies for the delay, Asset Ajiva - I have your specs on file and I've included a little info-brief as a refresher on your capabilities. I'm sure you don't need it, but it might sometimes come in handy - right?

Don't get a lot of you specialist signed up, but ever since TATIANA managed to pull through I the program shows great promise. Let me know if you ever start feeling like you're experiencing acute onset DID or personality fragmentation.

Series Seven Search and Rescue Okami Models

The redoubtable series 7, for search and
rescue operations and other security work

#Speed 2
#Flexible Manipulators 2
#Hardlight Projector 1
#Swarm 7
#Pack Tactics 1 [++1effect per swarm]
#Armor 3, Agility 2

Speed replaces your innate speed, since this unit is faster than people on foot, but the other Traits you can simply note as Traits as relevant.

Pack Tactics is a specialist subroutine; for each unit participating in a given action the coordination capabilites increase and the action itself gains +effect. This is very handy for search and rescue work.

Flexible Manipulators implies the tools, tricks and training to have hands as-good-as-a-human, or other capabilities that mirror it. It means you don't have to worry about questions like "can I open a door" or other such, as your frames have the fine-tuned flexibility. It also provides +Flat Effect on actons that might require deft flexibility, such as pulling the victims of a house collapse from the rubble

Hardlight Projectors are a model-variant of the renowed NanoTransen implant systems, built into the drone-frame and powered by onboard systems. It means the frames can project small barriers, lift things (it's partially why they're so flexible) or shape other small brief structures and shields. Quite handy. Most CLOUD frames have these, though some units have larger systems.

The specialist autonomous routines of the series 7s that sets them apart from others are really the PACK Tactics operations, and the fact you're armored and agile along with quite a bit faster than standard units. Very sleek design.


The only thing to keep in mind as a CLOUD operator is that you functionally move your selves as a single unit, until you 'tag' sub-components with a given task, which they then move to carry out using SECRET+SWARM. Having different Secrets thus allow broader functionality. Once you're split up into multiple places, you can take "personal" actions freely through any frame, benefitting from Intent+Secrets+your personal traits.

If you never want to split up, that's fine too - a lot of CLOUD operators take some time getting used to the, errr, flexibility. If you TAG an agent, the chassis sticks with them, which is pretty handy for movement and reach.
You aren't that differently equipped from standard Agents, though it may feel like it?

Each frame actually has access to a C7, a knife equivalent (The Okami has claws, so, you can figure out how that works fairly readily),a baton equivalent (the frames can just bash people), on-board supply and support kits, and incorporated techwear systems that function completely like they do for any other agent, including the tacnet linkage, the program packages and so on.

There are two points to be aware of.

If you bring a RID interface, Cloudswarmlets tagged to do things can treat it like a SECRET, which tends to improve their function as it lets you brute-force a lot of things, but you also have a wide and varied skillset yourself and you may want to keep the programmability clear because you can naturally spin up specific swarm-wide tools on the fly, as a GENERATE action.

>Process+MeshOps: Work up a navigation package
>-->hits, you get [Navigation 2], so now swarms count as having Navigation 2 and can use it.

The other is that we don't yet have the capability to equip a lot of frames with heavy munitions. This has some drawbacks - sorry Operator, none of your swarm-chassis have anything heavier than the integrated C7.

( Though obviously at some level, enough C7's is basically a Chirni anyway )

BUT because you have so much packing space as a large amount of bodies, you don't have to worry about running out of tactical kit. If you spend a lot of stun-grenades, they might 'deplete' but you don't otherwise have to track expenditure of grenades and such things. And because you have so many of them, it's usually a SUPPORT action to replenish it for someone else.

So, in short:
The units all come with integrated C7s, knife and baton equivalents, support and tactical kits, you don't have to track expenditure of munitions, techwear, but you unfortunately can't manage heavy weapon platforms.
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And while we're on the topic, Agents, I do have some information regarding your particular capabilities you may be interested in.

It hasn't come up much because our present Bio-Augmentics haven't gotten the chance to show off yet, yet the inherent capability of organic systems is that unlike the implants of HAZE operatives you can, slightly, adjust to mission profile depending on stress vectors experienced. If you dig into your instincts, you'll find that you accrue slight boosts to certain actions - the issue is that some impulses might not then be as useful for other actions. Suppose you get caught up in an intense series of CQC brawls and your entire system is red-hot with adrenaline. Well, you might then be so intensely riding that adrenaline high that your innate characteristics are mildly adjusted. Something like +Strength, -Agility could happen on field.

Remember your breathing exercises, such that if you find yourselves overcome with a stress related impulse accident, you can try to refocus. You don't have to worry too much about the manifestations, because these are tested systems and series of adjustments. You very rarely get so lost in the fury that you find yourself punching walls, but, still... Errr, maybe not to let Impulse build up higher than half your Limit...
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Rolled 5, 9, 2, 10, 1, 8, 4, 9, 3 = 51 (9d10)

Dragon, 4, 2B, 1C
>Emergency assigning spare personnel
Cheddar, 2, 1B
== 6, 3B, 1C
--> 4 Remainder

>Origami Folding not applicable to perimeter security. Hits halved. Excess hits applied as Complication. Sorry Agents, you can't "fold" a perimeter operation.
Mammoth, 4
Graphite, 2
Butterfly, 4, 1B
Sunday, 2
Foldworth, 1
Thupka, 7, 2B
== 20, 3B, 4C
--> 5 Remainder

Mesh Overwatch
Octant, 6, 1B
Thorn, 2, 1C
Ajiva, 4, 1B
Bnnyy, 2
== 14, 2B, 1C
--> Beat!

Good work, Agents, good work...

Did you miss my Mesh Overwatch roll or is it simply redundant? Sorry if you did, I typed it in the field but i must've put a space somewhere on accident.
Punished you for missing the dice by glossing over the action, Agent!

Not to worry. . .
Harsh, Command, harsh!!
Agents, good work navigating. Getting through the perimeter is easier in a VTOL but we almost got clipped by lightning twice landing. Bet you enjoy the warmth of those CAMOT cloaks now, right?

We've got pinged by White Moon operatives coming in, so they know we're in the area, but so far they don't know where we are or or anything more measurable about our profile. Fantastic work there - it's not like them to have mesh ops that good so I am absolutely certain Mr. Nakaramura is running them from the shadows and offering a bit of insight into our profile.

Rain is pouring down, and Team 2# is holding elsewhere.

We've come in pretty close to the trauma care facility that Mox and the others are in, but we couldn't land on it due to the building roof being occupied.

So! The route!
Get off of this roof, down to groundside, across the open space to the trauma care facility, up to the 2nd floor, and reconnect with Team 2# who are in position right now forming a cordon around the trauma theatre where Mox Mimicry as just in surgery for a case of "shot in the heart".

Agent Monarch, you wanted hard numbers on enemy density, but I can't provide those estimates because even Metroplex doesn't even know - it looks a LOT of two bit gangsters, gangers and shooters are out to play tonight. Mr. Nakaramura's open contract have them riled up, and we can expect more trouble to mount as the night progresses.

We'll deal with it in chunks. Smooth, careful and effective.

First order of business:

Get off of this roof.

The White Moon have the lift systems on lockdown and facility control over most of the usual AR security features, so mind the drone-hatches and any turrets you see. Not that there actual gun turrets on the ROOF, but deeper in the facility we might run into crowd control or things of that nature.

For now, override the remote locks on the lift system OR take control of the stairs. We've got Vipers coming this way. Luckily, because of your PILOTING no one else have had time to get to location but if we linger too long expect the heavy hitters to show up.


TacNet is integrated and we've layered plenty of defensive virals. It'll take them a long, long time to burn through it, so you've got some resilience there. And we've sharpened some kill virals, though those will blunt out quick as the oppositions spread a basic innoculation package.

Navigation put us in a good spot with little horror, so before you take your turn you may shift up to 6 tiles and act from there - benefits of proper deployment.

Finally, Perimeter Security provides a running series of encounter benefits. For now, you can reroll failed dice by depleting the Security pool. Benefits of proper tactics.

You've got very little time before more Vipers are boiling up the stairs, and we've got a lot of other places to be tonight so get moving, people!


>Agents to act!
>Coming in hot, FOCUS!
Rolled 1, 4, 8, 3, 1, 5 = 22 (6d10)

I mean't more how many patients and workers are in the hospital, but I'll take what I can get. Thukpa, I'm tapping you to cover my six while I work this elevator. This is reminding me of a bad Ankara job.

#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 3
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall] [1 Strain]
3 Credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 3
!Jury Rigging 1

H1 -
H2 Ballistic Shield
B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)
H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2] [CrowdControl 33 Matrix]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]
!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes | Ballistic Shield | Sabre |
Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 SkimDrone, 1 P-Series AARID (Matrix)]

The other roof is occupied? Did we get a visual on what's over there?
>6 AL: Move 433 223, then take a knee.
>3 AL: Begin work removing White Moon override. Use the intrusion to start running backtraces to their tech guys. [Process 4 + MeshOps 2]
So uh, how do those re-rolls work, command?
Grab a handful - proper prepwork saves lives. You simply nominate as many dice as you want to reroll, then... reroll.

In this case suppose you grab the 5 that busted and reroll 5.

>Reroll 5 failed dice on override action.

Try to make it as clear as possible which actions you're rolling. You'd roll another 5 dice, and they'd be used instead - but this then depletes 5 dice from the overall pool, which will, at some point, run out - though as we move along, you'll have chances to refill it.


As for the other roof, it's (for once!) simply good news: the aerial vehicle pads are all occupied by hospital transportation. Though the White Moon did come in on three civilian craft that they landed on the roof as well, so they also partially assisted in the occupation. Due to the storm surge and the difficulties of navigating in this weather, it'd be difficult to risk getting close to land, get you off and ready to go with none of the pads cleared and potential White Moon paramilitants active in the area.
Can I nominate the two comps specifically?
Of course, Agent Monarch! Keep things nice and smooth.
TS, just to make sure... are we weapons free on steel vipers and white moon? or do we still want to keep hostile casualties on the down-low, only apply equivalent force when necessary?
# [SA] Ajiva
Integrity 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 4 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!FirstAid 2
!MeshOps 1
!Persuasion 1

#CLOUD-Fragment Ops
#Flexible Manipulators 2
#Hardlight Projector 1
#Swarm 7
#Pack Tactics
#Armor 3, Agility 2

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit

> All units, move SWx3, Sx3. (-3ALA)
> Tag 3 units, Utilize hardlight projectors to scoop up metal scrap at SEx1, Sx1 then use it to obstruct the stairwell at SEx2, NEx2, SEx2. (-1ALA)
> Remaining 4 units, move NWx1, SWx1. (-1ALA)
> Remaining 4 units, detach vent cover and infiltrate hospital's ventilation system. (Manipulate2) (Flat Effects: +x FlexibleManipulators, +3 PackTactics) (-3ALA)
> Tag 4 units, map out the ventilation layout, forward data to command. (-1ALA)
Rolled 6, 5 = 11 (2d10)

Spending 2 SecPool to reroll 2 comps
Rolled 6, 4, 9 = 19 (3d10)

>Mesh Overwatch: Process 2, Drone Ops 1
Residual Strain 1
>Take off the bulky armor. I can't put my arms down.
>Resist the lure of the bunny suit with the ass-kicking boots. Take the fancy arm instead.
>Move towards the stairwell down and put my shield between me and the steel vipers.

#TS [Redacted]
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 1 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 5 I React 1 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 1
!Jury Rigging 2
!Improvisational Improbabilities 1
!SC: [Morphology Augmentics [Limbs] 4]: Armor 4, Strength 4, Agility 4, Reach 4

H1: Baton
H2: Shield
B: Agent Suit
H: Techwear Headset 2: Bring Agent C.

Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3];
IService Knife x2 I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton | Primary Chirni Advanced PDW, 3 x Reloads | Cool, Nondescript Mandatory Blade | SkimDrone Mk. 2 |

3-1 Ops Deployment Credentials 1: As a major action, put in a request for support based on your pool. It arries at the end of the phase. (seems like I can use this to order gear or ask HQ for help)

Credits: 20
I would personally prefer, Agent Dragon, that we avoid leaving a trail of corpses a mile wide.

Significant components of the opposition are adrenaline junkies, daredevils, ideologically motivated, hangers-ons or fools with very little understanding of what they're swept up in being used by others as a cloak for their operations. They're not hardened fanatics here to murder people for sport. At best, their night is going to amount to chaos, civil disorder and enormous rowdiness than Metroplex Tactical will, eventually put a stop to.

Consider that Mr. Nakaramura and his Haze Nine team specialize in counter-intelligence. The fact he convinces the Steel Vipers - or others - to take actions and get involved in this manner is a testament to his ability to make other people perform as preferred. Agent Evans signed up with them following very brief exposure. He is a convincing man. You might reasonably consider a lot of the groundside opposition memetically compromised, in the sense that they're acting out of negotiated belief, pressure, financial leverage and such-like, not a basic desire to go stab a defenseless nursing student. Their boss and associate or friend tells them they've got a 30 credit job that's a fun time, so come along. I doubt their night started with the desire to trash windows in a hospital.

That said, some of them are more dangerous than others, and especially the Bonejackers and White Moon types are more hardened and apt to here for actual chaos than others. It is difficult during high stakes moments to filter the merely chaotic from the actually dangerous. If you have to escalate to kinetics, you can do so.

Of course, if you can get them to stand down, surrender, break away or disengage without putting yourself at risk, that is preferred.
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TS Devonshire, there's a bit of a disrepanancy in your healthcare files - let me demonstrate.

Your systems are noted as functioning like this:

>!SC: [Morphology Augmentics [Limbs] 4]: Armor 4, Strength 4, Agility 4, Reach 4

Although it's not entirely apparent from the file systems, note that it does function like this:
At rank 0, eg, when you get the SC Augmentics, they provide Armor 2 Str 2, having enhanced your limbs significantly and hardened your body.

Then you can rank it up, and each rank add +1 to those base values - so rank 1 is Armor 3 Strength 3. Then, due to refinement and customization, each rank further lets you add in another Trait at that level.

So at rank 1 you can add Agility 1, Reach 1, Flexiblity 1, or so on.

Then at Rank 2, you'd have Str 4 Armor 4 base (2+2ranks), then the ability to slot in a another trait - such as Agility 2 or Flexibility 2.

The final line for a rank 2 augmentic would then

>!SC: [Morphology Augmentics [Limbs] 2]: Armor 4, Strength 4, Reach 2, Agility 1

Noting that the enhanced traits from increasing ranks are added in at that level - the rank 1 trait is 1, the rank 2 trait is 2, the rank 3 trait is 3...

A Morphology Augmentic system of Armor 4, Strength 4, Agility 4, Reach 4 would be one of such staggering complexity that it remains somewhat outside the feasibility curve for Agents.
Rolled 9, 9, 2, 1, 10, 4 = 35 (6d10)

Brrrrrr, I hate this kind of weather
>-Redeploy to immediately N of the lift
>1AL: Switch DMV to Process
>3AL: Try to put the lift into firefighter emergency access mode (Process 3 + MeshOps 2)
>3AL: Pull up the AR stream archive, see what the audience (and potential stream snipers) knows about the situation

#Agent Mammoth, FG 2
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 2.1 | 18 credits
*Alive *Zeal +1

Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1

Attune 2 | Sense 2+1 | Support 2 | Process 2
Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 5 | React 3 | Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 4
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1

#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor
#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Sense
#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info
#FEYWILD Exposure 1
#Well Rested

H1: Veritas [SLAP]
B: PadPlates(Absorb 8 Armor 2, Bulky 2) | Antistab vest 4
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [IFR] | 3x NERF Reloads [24] | 1x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | 16x normal shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | chem gear | sword | skim-drone
They are what? Goodness gracious I did what? My humblest apologies madam Liren, please deliver the items to the proper authorities once the crisis is over, or to the Justness Alliance if you believe the authorities cannot be trusted. My locker combination is

>Deploy 333334 of current position
>3AL: Drop a stingball in the middle of that goon group (Proficiency 2, extra arms)
>3AL: Inform them that they should run away now. (Manipulate 5, Persuade 2)
>3AL: Charge up my resonance capacitor (Manipulate 5, Projection 2, extra effect from capacitors)
>Reaction: Magdump on anyone who runs away in any direction other than back down the stairs. Attentional Coprocessor to split the targets, don't be stingy on the ammo (Proficiency 2, Ballistics 2, all of the NERF rounds if need be)

"Vile miscreants, you shall not harm the hospital and its patients under our watch! Run away, if you know what's good for you!"
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Agent, how exactly are using an attentional co-processor split bullets at the molecular level and ensure that your wild spray of 'magdumping' hits multiple targets at different locations using, seemingly, the same burst?

Bullets don't work that way, Agent Fold. Sorry!

If you lay down an FA cone, you spend X munitons, depending on the gun, and attack all targets in a reasonable cone, usually clustered together. You roll this attack once. So with the mighty Broadsword, FA 10, you spend 10 ammo and then all targets in a cone are subject to the attack.

The only way to meaningfully co-process that is to spend another 10 ammo to then make another attack at another target. Which is of course possible, but then depletes munitions rather rapidly.

Meanwhile, if you're bursting to get more dice - burst 3, spend 9 ammo for +3d10 - you are bursting at a specific target. It isn't possible to spend 9 ammo, get +3d10, then co-process that your Prof2+Ballistics2+3d10Ammo --> 7d10 is actually

>Attack the 3 targets near the door (5d10 at each, CoProcess)

because you'd only be bursting at one of those targets, and so the other targets you're shooting at don't have the burst dice and you don't have enough bullets to fire at them without severely depleting your munitions budget. That would actually be 5d10 (prof2+ballistics2+ammo3-2 for 2 more targets), then 2d10 and 2d10 to the others.

Unless of course you spent an additional 18 ammo in total - burst 3 for another 2 targets each at +3d10 - which would bring the total ammo expenditure up to 28 shots or so (1 to get going and then another 27 to rack up burst multipliers).

This enormously rapidly depletes your capacity to take additional shots because you've spent all your ammo very fast!

You can Lockdown an area, using your weaponry to take shots at who-ever is in the area and this is done "as effectively as possible", but certainly isn't anything approaching magdumping because the moment you use all of your bullets to fire at 1 target, the other targets knows you're out of ammo.

Now, you can suppress an area - and that's what the FA function indeed mostly does, firing a vast amount of bullets into an area and generating a "risk area" that is difficult to cross without being hit, hits multiple targets already present and is quite dangerous. But if so, you can't co-attention split that out into... multiple overlapping... fields of fire... from the same gun????? It only has the one barrel and the one ability to lay down one field of fire??? If you're trying to shoot multiple targets within a zone accurately, you could concievably do that, which is how one might take Prof2+Ballistics2 = 4d10, shoot at 3 targets CoProcessStyle, rolling 2d10 + 2d10 + 2d10, or even do that but "tri-burst 3 targets", rolling 3d10+3d10+3d10, but that costs 12 ammo in aggregate (one to attack and then you're burst 3'ing to get +1d10 per) and that is indeed excellent, fine, but then you're certainly not magdumping.
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Now, in this unique situation where your targets are literally adjacent in very close confines, you can actually split the burst between them, "walking the shots" as it were.

So you'd fire down into the crowd, spend say 15 ammo for +5 on Burst 3, have your Prof 2 Ballistics 2, that's a wonderful pool of 9d10, and then you're walking it across let's say 4 targets with the Co-Processing, which of course is -3 because it's -1 per target past the first, you end with 6d10 in an attempt to slamfire down into a group of clustered targets.

Though you might actually as well have simply FA'd the lot for 10 ammo, this is possible.

It's also possible to do in another way - you build up your 9d10 pool, then split it out between targets, let's 3d10 to each, which is how people without Co-Processing split out dicepools, they simply assign them as possible instead of paying -1 to generate the ability to hit an additional target.

Anyway, so, maybe walking the bursts COULD be what you intended to do.

But then we enter the horrifying little fact of the problem that you sorta need to acquire a target to avoid having your functional attack pooled halved, because if you are simply spraying bullets willdy down-range at a fast amount of targets they'll go everywhere but not quite where you're aiming and I think we can both agree, Agent, that if you are 'magdumping wildly into a zone' you don't have a particular target in mind.

So doing the above walking the burst trick, at some point, the universe will start going "yeaaah that's... half a pool...". You don't have to worry about that on your end, but you should just be aware that it's not that easy.
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So, Agent, you run up, take position near an overhang, wildly fire your entire munitions complement at no one in particular, hitting nothing and no one, your gun runs out of ammo, and the very confused people standing in the cratered out ruin of all the bullets you just spent hear the loud clicking of your now emtpy gun and then they... .. . generally speaking . . . hurt you.
a lot.
I'm just saying, Agent, I think you might be confused about how guns work.
Dreadful things. Lemureman is right to never use them.
Yes, the world would be a kinder, better place if we all followed his glorious example. Luckily, with CQC and speed and hands, one can simply disarm opponents of their horrid little leadbelchers and teach them the proper ways JUSTICE
Oh, if only he were here...

In any case, I do believe I am confused about how guns work. My intent was to shoot them as they scrambled to avoid the stingball dropped at their feet and herd them to the right direction not... what ended up happening.
Early Steel Viper responders stumble unto the roof, catching their breath, lungs heaving. Not much for cardio, the pretty boys, but they do have guns and enough guts to make a go of it. If we'd come in much hotter or louder, we'd be swarmed by now, but our smooth descent and Dragon and Cheddar's fine piloting plotted us a course clean through their sentry net and any watchers below. They'll still keep coming, as more rally around, but at a slower pace now...


Good spiking on those lifts, people, and the kill-virals help. But the White Moon have some tech people working.

Agent Monarch, trying to backtrace their people is a good call, but we need a little more Compromise of their overall systems before we can do that, or any kind of more personalised access. If we access to one of their cyboforms, or their people's techgear, grab the chance to get direct access to their systems.

And, as we're plugging away at this problem, I am getting some data too.

And-- keep your heads down! That Steel Viper is laying down full auto fire! You remember how this works, right? It's happened to you enough times by now! If you're in the zone, there's a Risk Factor which applies if you're not in cover and for every tile you move through. But as you're mostly keeping your head down, you're fine. The real killer is the Distraction, because it is hard to work when under threat - you take a dice penalty equal to the Distraction value on actions that happen in the area.

Clip that guy, distract him, or move out of the area - if you move while near cover (likely the bit you started in) you're not at risk. If you have to cross an open area, that's where good REACTION, SPEED and some movement talent really helps. Try to avoid throwing yourself through the air while firing both guns akimbo, it looks really good on media but it doesn't work so well in real life.


Not quite how guns work, Agent Fold! Resonators charged with +7 Charge, but otherwise, action scrubbed.

TS Devonshire, you put on the armor to get ready for this deployment, taking it all off again takes a bit of time! Maybe when you're not being shot at? You requested the sec pads!

Uniform switching takes time ! Get out of this situation first !


>Agents to move move move!
>Coming in hot, FOCUS!
You'll be fine agent - next time, think of it like this:

When you squeeze the trigger of a gun death comes out the barrel.

A standard attack is Profiency+Secret - Agents are trained in Firearms, but for heavy weaponry you might used Mounted Guns and for experimental e-shock systems you might be using High Yield Energetics. You could even "shoot" with TK modulation - bet you didn't know that - by "shooting" some debris at someone; a standard Prof+TK action.

A 'Snap Shot' is a single attack. No real notes there.

Burst Fire is a snap shot, but with more ammo. Weapons have a burst rating - spend that much ammo, get that much extra dice. Obviously, you can't benefit from more ammo assigned to 1 target and then split that out across multiple targets, unless they're very close together and such hacks. Bullets go one way and they don't split.

Full Auto is noted FA on weapons that can do it, and spends a flat amount of ammo to hit everything in a cone. Snap Shot is 1 attack 1 roll 1 target. FA is 1 large cone, 1 roll, but the roll hits multiple targets. You can add BURST to FA, naturally simply making it deadlier.

Suppress is like FA, but you're shooting into an area to make people keep their head down. Great for distractions, harassment, such-like.

You mostly wanted something like

>Get into position
>Throw a grenade
>Lockdown the group.

A simple enough process that you potentially overthought a little? The basic training everyone has ensures options like that is entirely on the menu, because it often is how one uses grenades. You simply tried to do it via... burst firing fa suppress co processing close quarters mass fire?

Simplify, Agent. Simplify.

A *LOCKDOWN* reaction primes you to shoot people.

So next time, get into position, throw your grenade, say a snappy one-liner, then LOCKDOWN the area as a response.

If you want to combine that with active attacks - and you can - use a weapon with FA capability and do an FA attack burst. You can even make it conditional. Move in, throw grenade, say snappy oneliner, then if they don't I'll FA the lot.

Combo-ing the Attention Co-Processor with a gun is... hard? Bullets don't have attentional focus problems. They're very single minded entities.

It can work

>Snapshot the two people in front of me (3d10, Prof2Ballistics2-1CoProcess)

but you don't often need to because of the fact that with the way the guns around here work, they sort of do it innately. FA lets you spray into an area, hitting multiple targets. LOCKDOWN as a response sets you up to do overwatch repeatedly against hostiles that don't comply with your shouted demands.

The ability to go

>Response: LOCKDOWN direction 1

is a core operational point of the mechanics - if you have a gun and get in someone's face and shout for them to quit fighting, a fair amount of people will tend to do that.
Rolled 10, 6, 1, 4, 3, 10, 5, 8, 1, 9 = 57 (10d10)

>4AL: Crawl along cover 4N
>1AL: Switch DMV to Proficiency
>1AL: Acquire Viper laying down suppression
>3AL: Give him a shot of SLAP (Prof 6 + Ballistics 3 + flat Zeal 1)
>R: Avoid

#Agent Mammoth, FG 2
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 2.1 | 18 credits
*Alive *Zeal +1

Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1

Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2+1
Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 5 | React 3 | Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 4
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1

#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor
#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Process
#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info
#FEYWILD Exposure 1
#Well Rested

H1: Veritas [SLAP]
B: PadPlates(Absorb 8 Armor 2, Bulky 2) | Antistab vest 4
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [IFR] | 3x NERF Reloads [24] | 1x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | 16x normal shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | chem gear | sword | skim-drone
Rolled 9, 2, 2, 3 = 16 (4d10)

>Deploy 5554, in cover behind the edge of the landing pad.
>1AL: Debug me, TS. Might have to start Straining again soon.
>1AL: Splice (range 6), about 8 agents. I won't be splicing our CLOUD operative. Seems like it'd be crossing more boundaries with them than it already usually does. (+8 Splice dice).
>1AL: Man, this wind, the rain, all the shooting that's about to start. Hmmm, could it be that I packed my (privately-sourced) travel-sized shooting earmuffs? (Ballistics3+1, 4 dice).
>3AL: Let's get on overriding that lockdown, then. (Process5+MeshOps5+4Splice).
>3AL: Spin up a meshdaemon that marks hostile targets for us. (Process5+MeshOps5+Splice4, CRADLE-NEXUS 2)

I'll just roll the 4 dice for the tackit thing. The remaining 28 are way too much for qst.

TS, can you remind me how the Skimdrones work and what they do? I don't have DroneOps, so how much can I get out of them via MeshOps? Also, I believe I should have Seekers loaded, and my Broadsword should be 20/20.

#Agent Octant, FG2
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.8
Credits 9
7 Strain

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 5
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3+1 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 5
!Persuasion 1

H1 Broadsword [20/20, Seek]
H2 ^^
B: CAMOT II [Obscure2, Adaptive2] I SV-PP [Absorb8, Armor2] I Agent Suit [AntiStab4] (total Bulk 3)
H: Techset Headwear (NodeburnerOps2, CRADLE-NEXUS2)

Inv: Broadsword I C7 Service I Sword I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access 1
!Deep Morphological Variability 1 (Prof.)
>TS, can you remind me how the Skimdrones work and what they do? I don't have DroneOps, so how much can I get out of them via MeshOps?
As in, can they be set to do things other than the automatic scan/mark (which is great, don't get me wrong!) and if I need to have DroneOps to wrangle them to do so?
Oh and even though my attempt to source ammo to better combat the Cyboforma here >>6177482 didn't go through, I'd still like to know if you have any info on what sort of bullets would do a better job against them. Needing high-power AP rounds would be bad news in a hospital, but if it's a question of physical ruggedness rather than armor, then expanding bullets could do the trick, right?
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 7, 8, 1, 7, 6, 5, 8 = 47 (10d10)

Liren, seeing how I'm a professional agent I'm sure I remembered setting my needlers to Shock before people started shooting at us, right?

>Deploy 445 555.
>1AL: Acquire Target: At the bottom, the rightmost of the pistol Vipers currently shooting.
>3AL: Throw a foam grenade at him. Try to account for the wind when it comes to throwing strength [Proficiency 3, Ballistics 3].
>1AL: Take cover behind the structure (?). What even is this?
>3AL: Do some work on the lockdown override using my Systemic Injection Vector implant [Override 2, MeshOps 2].
Rolled 10, 9, 3, 9, 1, 1 = 33 (6d10)

#Agent Dragon
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
10 Credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 2
!Janitorial Duties 1

#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 1, Advanced Piloting 1]
#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [30/30 IF]
H2: Ballistics Shield
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!), PadPlates
H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]

Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21 IF] | C7 Service Pistol [18 NERF] | 2xReloads [18x2 NERF] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted) | Chirni Advanced PDW [30 IF] | SecSystem Vital PadPlates | Cool, Non-Descript Blade | SkimDrone | Ballistics Shield

>Deploy: Move 1-2-1-1, peer over the edge! "Hey Friends! Catch!"
>1AL, Ready a Stingball Grenade!
>3AL, Drop/Toss over the edge at Vipers! (Prof3)
>1AL, Ready a Paint Grenade!
>3AL, Drop/Toss over the edge at Vipers! (Prof3)
>Deploy+2Strain: Move 4-3-3-3
>1AL, "Nogard! Assist Monarch with breaking that Lift's override!" (send nogard to takeover that lift)
>Respond: Avoid (protect me ballistic shield!)

"Why does it have to be raining! I hate rain!"
Turns since Octant forgot his Respond: 0. Thus,
>Respond: Avoid
They're very simple systems, Agent. They provide visual and interfaces, if they attach to things, but they are primarily monitor-scan-sensor systems that link to huds, smartlinks and a tacnet and provide additional information. They're really just an independent, movable sensor with some scanning tech that automatically attempt to mark and acquire viable targets in your surroundings. When firing at things, there's a chance they lock on first so you benefit from target acquisition.

It's a handy system because it frees up the user, but you shouldn't expect much from them. If you want them to do something specific, you can certainly try. DroneOps helps, but any basic Intention will do. For emergency operations, you could Process+CQC it at someone and they'd Harass them? They're not fantastically flexible but sometimes sheer skill and ability can compensate for lightness.

Well, you are a professional, Agent Thorn. . .

Well, it's mostly because the Ballistics check referred to munitions already in the armoury. I didn't have time to run down to the Chironan military suppliers and get fragmentary warhead rounds. Sorry. I'll get you a brief on the Cyboforma, though!
>Well, it's mostly because the Ballistics check referred to munitions already in the armoury.
Oh, my mistake. Well, it should've gotten me the IF and Seekers, then? Or at least one of those two? Say, speaking of IF...

...Oversized penetrators, huh? Seems like it'd work on the Cyboforma. Well, waiting on that brief, regardless.
TS... did I happen to forget to bring a SkimDrone with me... I swear I did... did Nogard eat it?
File: jealousy 1.png (300 KB, 538x458)
300 KB
300 KB PNG
No, no, Agent Dragon, you clearly have a -- I coded up subunit #74 for you, it's one of my favorites, it's got this cute warblin--where's subunit #74????
. . . Going over the logs carefully it seems Sophont NoGard has devoured the mesh-signature of SubUnit #74 on account of a remarkable streak of territoriality which would be fascinating if it wasn't also mildly worrying.
# [SA] Ajiva
Integrity 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 2

Attune 4 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 5
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!FirstAid 2
!MeshOps 1
!Persuasion 1

#CLOUD-Fragment Ops
#Flexible Manipulators 2
#Hardlight Projector 1
#Swarm 7
#Pack Tactics
#Armor 3, Agility 2

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Tactical Kit

> Cluster 2, Utilize hardlight constructs to disassemble the vent outlet assembly at Sx1 for additional metal scrap. (2 Manipulate+HardlightProjector1) (Flat effect: +3 PackTactics) (-3ALA)
> Tag Cluster 2, add harvested scrap to the barricade on the staircase then shove the whole mangled mass of sheet metal down the stairs and into the congregated hostiles. (-1ALA)
> Cluster 1, two units each disgorge a stingball grenade. After a momentary delay, third unit launch a foam grenade. Target fatigued thugs. (Proficiency2+Ballistics2) (Flat bonus: +2 PackTactics) (-3ALA)
> Tag Cluster 1, Check if the vent outlet immediately north of the staircase connects to the elevator. (-1ALA)
Rolled 1, 7, 10, 7, 2, 2, 4 = 33 (7d10)

>This is technically my first turn: Shift position 5NE, 1N
>1AL: Move 1N
>1AL: Make sure I am not in a water puddle myself or in the capacity to accidentaly discharge on friendlies
>3AL: Generate and launch a electronic charge at the puddle where the 2 Steel Viper Thugs are standing on 3 to 4 East (Prof 3+ Overclocked Resonators 4)
>1AL: Shield Facing Nearest enemies
>Respond 1: Block with shield

#Agent Graphite, FG2
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Believable 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 2
!Origami Folding 3
!Intelligence Analysis 1

#NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)
#Overclocked Resonators 4 (+Intent to magnet/electric output. Flat effect lvl)
H1: Chirni
H2: Shield
B: SS-VP [Absorb8, Armor2] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear w/Shades (over balaclava) [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]

Inv: Double C7 Service Pistols [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Sword I Collapsible Baton I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I 16x JOLT Shells I 24x SLAP Shells
Rolled 7, 10, 1, 9, 2, 2, 9, 10, 7, 3, 1, 8, 2, 8, 9, 2, 3, 7, 3, 2, 4 = 109 (21d10)

#Monarch, Field Agent Grade 3
Limit 12 [Resilience, Resolve, Firewall] [1 Strain]
3 Credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 4
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!DroneOps 3
!Jury Rigging 1

H1 -
H2 Ballistic Shield
B: Agent Suit (Anti Stab Vest)
H: Techset Headwear+Shades [RID Interface 2] [CrowdControl 33 Matrix]

!Smooth is Fast: Once a turn, split any action out to target multiple target at a stacking -1
!4C Profiler [Insight 2]
!4C [HazeOrb RID] 2

Inv: 2 C7 Service Pistols I 2x C7 Standard Reloads [18x2] | x4 C7 Special Reloads [2IF, 2NERF] [18x4] | Vertitas Multi | 32x Veritas Shells [SLAP] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Smokes | Ballistic Shield | Sabre |
Drones: [2 SkimmerDrones 2 Roto HazeOrb, 1 SkimDrone, 1 P-Series AARID (Matrix)]

>9AL: My full attention is on this elevator and breaking Whiskey Mike's mesh hold on it. I'll keep in mind that I'll need to compromise their systems directly to run a trace. Maybe I can get a hold of their gear once we start running into them. [Process 4 + MeshOps 3] x 3
Some of the Steel Vipers fire off a few confused shots in the pouring rain, distant thunder cackling - though the real noise is the boom of Mammoth's shotgun, SLAP shell impacting to send a man half-flying, half stumbling until he thuds against the ventilation systems with a soft *thwunk*

Almost there, Agents... !
Agents, we've been noticed, but the White Moon are far too busy elsewhere to think much of it. The lift is almost ours now - great work, people. Nudge it that last bit and make sure to call it with a major action.

I'm starting to almost grow fond of Meriesweather's paint grenades. They're... handy. Hm.

Keep it up! You've got more Steel Vipers incoming!

>Agents to GO GO GO
Rolled 8, 4, 7, 10, 1, 3 = 33 (6d10)

>6 AL: Move 444 333
>1 Strain: Take Cover
>3 AL: Fire at a Steel Viper (Proficiency 4 + Ballistics 2)
Rolled 8, 5, 2, 10, 10, 10, 5, 8, 1, 10 = 69 (10d10)

"For shame, TS. Not only did you not debug me, but you also left me hanging on the Cyboforma brief...Something else occupying your attention\? Give us the bad news, if so."

>3AL: Finish up the override. (Process5+MeshOps5, 10 dice)
>3AL: and call the lift.
>3AL: Move 223

#Agent Octant, FG2
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.8
Credits 9
7 Strain

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 5
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3+1 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 5
!Persuasion 1

H1 Broadsword [20/20, Seek]
H2 ^^
B: CAMOT II [Obscure2, Adaptive2] I SV-PP [Absorb8, Armor2] I Agent Suit [AntiStab4] (total Bulk 3)
H: Techset Headwear (NodeburnerOps2, CRADLE-NEXUS2)

Inv: Broadsword I C7 Service I Sword I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access 1
!Deep Morphological Variability 1 (Prof.)
Agent, it’s been 30 seconds. Intelligence briefings actually take a hot minute to put together!
"Oh, I thought you had one ready to go. I can wait. There isn't one crawling up my ass right this instant, after all."
Rolled 7, 1, 1, 7, 9, 10 = 35 (6d10)

#Agent Dragon
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
10 Credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 2
!Janitorial Duties 1

#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 1, Advanced Piloting 1]
#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [30/30 IF]
H2: Ballistics Shield
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!), PadPlates
H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]

Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21 IF] | C7 Service Pistol [18 NERF] | 2xReloads [18x2 NERF] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted) | Chirni Advanced PDW [30 IF] | SecSystem Vital PadPlates | Cool, Non-Descript Blade | Ballistics Shield

>3AL+1Strain, Move 1-6-6-6
>1Strain, Ready last Paint Grenade (wish I had more... shame there's only two in here...)
>3AL, Drop/Toss over the edge on incoming Vipers (Prof3)
>1Strain, Ready Foam Grenade!
>3AL, Drop/Toss over the edge on incoming Vipers! (Prof3)
>Respond: Avoid! (Protect me shield!)

"I call this one paintball special... okay that was cringe."
Reset the fucking counter. He does it again. Turns since Octant forgot his Respond: 0.

>Respond: Jam, in case the White Moon infosec guy has something to say about what's happening. That's right, we doin counter-counterintrusion.
>Cluster 1, Move Nx2. Take cover near the ventilation installation present there.
> Tag 1 unit in Cluster 1, Discharge C7 anti-personal firearm at thug ridiculing Devonshire. (Proficiency2+Ballistics2) (-1ALA)
> Tag 1 unit in Cluster 1, Discharge C7 anti-personal firearm at thug ridiculing Devonshire. (Proficiency2+Ballistics2) (-1ALA)
> Tag 1 unit in Cluster 1, Discharge C7 anti-personal firearm at thug ridiculing Devonshire. (Proficiency2+Ballistics2) (-1ALA)
> Cluster 2, Utilize hardlight constructs to systematically dismantle the ventilation assembly at Sx2. (Manipulate2) (Flat effect: +3 PackTactics) (-3ALA)
> Tag Cluster 2, relentlessly lob the requisitioned infrastructural components over the barricade piece-by-piece. The scrap will tumble down the stairs, catching on the vipers, optimizing OPFOR's frustration, and increasing the probability of amusing pratfalls. (-1ALA)
I'm not gonna waste ammo on these clowns, the lift is coming already

>5AL: Move SW 4S
>1AL: Top up with 1 SLAP shell
>R: Avoid

#Agent Mammoth, FG 2
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 2.1 | 18 credits
*Alive *Zeal +1

Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1

Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2+1
Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 5 | React 3 | Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 4
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1

#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor
#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Process
#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info
#FEYWILD Exposure 1
#Well Rested

H1: Veritas [SLAP] 5/6
B: PadPlates(Absorb 8 Armor 2, Bulky 2) | Antistab vest 4
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [IFR] | 3x NERF Reloads [24] | 1x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun | 16x JOLT shells | 16x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | 16x normal shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | chem gear | sword | skim-drone

This might be a silly question Liren but could all my drones combined hold my weight?
Rolled 6, 4, 5, 10, 6, 5, 4, 6, 3 = 49 (9d10)

You guys think we're getting paid overtime for this? Back to back missions has to be against company policy, and we're certainly owed R&R following hazardous deployments.

>Deploy move 4SE, 2S
>1AP, ready a stingball from tac kit
>3AP, chuck it at marked viper 3S (Prof 2 + Ballistics 1)
>2AP, move 2NW
>3AP to REACT, conveniently be elsewhere if shot at (Instinct 1 + Improv Improb 5)

#Agent Sunday
Limit 6
Trauma 1

Alacrity 9 Respond 0 Speed 1

Attune 1 I Sense 1 I Support 1 I Process 1
Manipulate 1 I Proficiency 2 I React 1 I Resist 2
Instinct 1

!Close Quarters 1
!Ballistics 1
!First Aid 2
!Persuasion 1
!Improvisation Improbabilities 5

#Fragile, #Bleeder, #Vitals Weakness, #Low Pain Tolerance
B: Agent (Half) Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear (RID Interface 2, AR Spook 2)

Inv: Chirni PDW I 2xReloads [30x2] I C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I PadPlates (8/8, Arm 2, Bulk 2) I Cool, Non-Descript Blade | SkimDrone x3 |
Rolled 5, 4, 2, 8, 3, 9, 2 = 33 (7d10)


Damn, the VTOL drop left me more disoriented than I thought. Maybe I'm developping some kind of flight related trauma. (definitely didn't misread the compass hahah...).

>1AL: Take Aim at the Steel Viper that just jumped up the stairs.
>5AL: Move 222 33.
>3AL: Apply some shock treatment to him (by way of 4 needles right into his body). It's okay, I'm a trained professional! [Process 4, Ballistics 3, +4].

REACT: Avoid.
Rolled 9, 9, 3, 6, 10, 5, 7, 7, 1 = 57 (9d10)

"It's OK Ajiva. Better to show the might of the shield than respond with bullets, which would only reinforce his point".
>Move 6 hexes East
>(Proficiency 6 + CQC 3) Shield bash the person who bashed my shield use. Let's see how far they fly. I'm not trying to knock them off the top of a 6 story building.
>Respond: Intercept. (Can my robotic friend can still avoid behind my shield?)

Modified Arm Stats: Strength 4, Armor 4, Reach 2, Agility 1 (I assume this applies to held melee objects as well and not just my punches/kicks?). Would you like a full charsheet? If I were to test SC, I'd roll 2 dice? Do I apply both Strength and Agility to my actions, or do I need to choose?
Rolled 8, 7, 8, 4, 5 = 32 (5d10)


>Deploy 444444.
>3AL: Move 333, following Devonshire's lead.
>3AL: Provide support fire with Rotodrones, attempting to nonlethally take down anyone focused on Devonshire. (Ballistics 2 + DroneOps 1)
>3AL: Activate CAMOT II, attempt to hunker down and not attract enemy attention. (React 2)
Rolled 8, 7, 9, 6, 6, 2, 10, 3, 10, 2, 2, 3, 8, 5, 5 = 86 (15d10)

#Agent Thukpa
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2 | Instinct 4

!Close Quarters 4
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Brand Management Ops 1
!Delivery Service Operations 1

#Strength 1
#Agility 2
#Agility 1
#Mobility 1
#Regen 1
#Sensory 1
#UNCC Combat Chromatics 2
H1: Empty
H2: Empty
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [AntiStab Vests 4+]
H: Techset Headwear w/ Ballistic Glasses and Earmuffs [Shield-R 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: Chirni Advanced PDW [30] | x2 Reloads [30x2] | C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Cool, Nondescript Blade | Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Skim Drone

>Deploy-Move 222 222
>3 AL: Move 111
>3 AL: Flying kick off the railing and into the blinded thugs (REDLINE - Agility 3 + Close Quarters 4)
>Free Avoid
>Respond 1: Intercept

Are we meant to all have collapsible batons? They're in the green section of the equipment page, so maybe? I'll add it if so.
Rolled 7, 10, 5, 10, 6, 3, 8 = 49 (7d10)

>3AL: "Well, unless you can get to the cleaners or a laundramat in the next 10 minutes instead of standing in the rain...No. So I'd get running while I still don't have to pay the bill for a new Jojo Diamanti suit." (Manipulate 4+Believable 1+Persuasion 2) They really oughta cut their losses now.
>3AL: Reload Chirni with NERF rounds
>Respond: Block incoming attack
>Field Team Lead Order in case Agent Monarch doesn't have the time to post: "Monarch, run the trace on that White Moon Mesh Warfare Specialist. Don't let him rest. I want to know what they know and do and more. Reel that fish in."

#Agent Graphite, FG2
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1 Believable 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 4 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 2
!Origami Folding 3
!Intelligence Analysis 1

#NanoTransen Projection Emitters (Intent+Secret to project hologram)
#Overclocked Resonators 4 (+Intent to magnet/electric output. Flat effect lvl)
H1: Chirni
H2: Shield
B: SS-VP [Absorb8, Armor2] I Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear w/Shades (over balaclava) [Suite 2=Shield-R 2=Sensor 2]

Inv: Double C7 Service Pistols [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Sword I Collapsible Baton I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit I 16x JOLT Shells I 24x SLAP Shells
>First turn reposition to 66666
>AL 1: equip the C7
>AL 3: Lockdown toward the entrance opposition will use. (React 2 + Ballistics 2)
>AL 3: Tell them to drop their weapons or else... (React 2 + Persuasion 1)

#Agent Bnnyy
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 3 I Sense 2 I Support 3 I Process 2 I Instinct 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Crash Synchronicity 2
!Improvisational improbabilities 1

BioAugmentic Genesplice
#Strenght 1 | Agility 1 | Mobility 1 | Regen 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear [NodeBurnerOps 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Collapsible Baton
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Asset Ajiva, be aware that tag orders do not benefit from being sent multiple times?

Tagged subordinate nodes perform a given task.
That task could be "C7 that thug attacking Devonshire". Viable task.
Sending the same order 3 times to 3 separate units ensures they are not cooperating when doing it. Tagged subordinate nodes do not benefit from your Intentions, as you are not personally operating them with your full awareness. So they would engage with Ballistics only (2d10).
Tagged subordinate units make up for this in three primary ways:
multiple tagged units cooperating on the same order gain a Swarm bonus, each additive unit adding dice. So 3 subordinate nodes tagged to engage a target rolls Ballistics 2 + Swarm 2. In a sense, the swarm distributed processing becomes their intention, and more units work together more smoothly.
They also benefit because a full tag order is a "full turn" the unit takes, becoming unavailable to all other taskings, but then making up for reduced dicepools with focus. Ballistics 2d10 is not so impressive, but rolled as 3 actions it's 2d10+2d10+2d10, heightening the chances that it scores a hit.
Finally, it leaves you free to concentrate on other actions, certain that your tasking is being handled!

Sending the order as you have manages to undermine multiple utilities of a Tag order. Be careful with that. You have expended your own processing power sub-microing units by sending the same order to multiple nodes when a more cohesive
>Tag cluster 1 to engage hostile ridiculing Devonshire
would have cost 1 AL as well and engaged multiple nodes. The units engaged in the task are not cooperating on it, and do not benefit from Swarm bonuses because this is 3 distinct tag commands, and this means they do not intuitively perform Swarm tactics or pack operations.

Meanwhile, your last command is a Tag order to Cluster 2 which involves a significant amount of precise, subordinate control of individual nodes. That would be you, the operator, taking a full action with your full awareness. Tagging the Cluster to do it means they perform the task in general - but note that you've already used them earlier to do other things so the processing they have available is reduced. You might have been better off doing that last one, a precise careful appplication of force, as a full action requiring 3 AL. Wihch you could have done if you hadn't spam-cast your Tag orders and cost yourself a further 2 AL than required.

This all takes a minute to wrap your head around - and is why the intake in the CLOUD program is so difficult - but you will master it in time. Don't worry about the micro-slip ups, one learns in time.

Just be aware that there really is no gain at all from multi-sending the same TAG order; the universe itself has pruned all those benefits carefully to avoid issues. Units work enormously better when massing on tasks or if the Tag-nodes do distinctly different things.
In joint total, somewhat, yes - though it wouldn't be comfortable. The Flitdrones have manipulators to carry you. You might need to call in another 1-2 or to be certain. The HazoOrbs don't have ability to assist much, other than forming some perhaps support in certain areas.

Each drone would have 1 Strength for a given purpose, so all of them working together can provide 3 Strength; more if you have more drones, which does allow you to shift things. If you're thinking of drone-jumping off of the roof, that is possible, but just be aware that it is difficult as well.

That said, once you have about 4+ Strength effective, most common humanoid targets mass-class in the 1-3 range so they're handled relatively smoothly.

>how do I know the massclass of my--

It's an art and a science, Agent, but you can roughly use Resist as a measurement of how much resistance one needs to overcome in a struggling opponent to shift them, so most humaoids class at 2-3. This is imprecise, of course, because bulky equipment gets in the way.
The rain flashes down and in the distance, a peel of lightning blooms across the landscape in a soar of white. Someone comments on the feasibility of shield-tactics, but leaves the more studied art of rock-throwing unspoken on - he can't speak, because hit by a shotgun shell, he's on the ground, moaning, his fine suit slowly leaking red...

>Reaction Phase [1/xx]
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Rolled 4, 1, 1, 5, 3, 5, 5, 10, 2, 7, 5, 1, 5, 7, 9, 10 = 80 (16d10)

Did that screen just glitch out? Oh... hmh. Crescent Two, Crescent Six, we have... I think it's a Metroplex Tactical team trying to be clever near the adminstration facilities building. Go check it out

>Hey, no overriding my system-locks! [8d10]
>Deploy a BARGHEST [8d10]
Alright, Agents, lift is here and we're still patched through to the central command system. They've flung a -- let me check -- that's a BARGHEST RID system -- at us.

White Moon must have control over the central hospital facilities and their core computing, along with all their electronic infrastructure. They're probably not as good as we are in straight cyberops, but remember all those times you sat a console and felt good because the ease of use and all the tools you have access to make working easier? Yeah, they have that - setup probably. A BARGHEST suite is a specialized reactive instrusion defensive tool, it's going to prowl down unauthorized access and clamp down on it.

Compromise it out of existence and it won't be a problem until they spin up another one.

Good work, though, Octant, you filtered out most of those bad packages - and Monarch, I've got a trace to their central eghost operations. They probably have other suites and have brought in terminals of their own too, but this is one of them. By the signatures they're spliced into the hospital infrastructure very effectively - if we burn them out, they're probably going to restore functionality relatively quick. Consoles are fairly hardened.

Luckily, we're no completely without recourse here, of course. Compromising them and breaching their consoles and systems gets us access to the infrastructure they've subborned and keeps them from using it.

Unlike direct visual intrusion using short-range firewall bypasses from the headsets you're more used to, you often operate through LINKS when engaging with stuff like this - for instance right now we have control over the lift systems and they're LINKED to the infrastructure which lets us trace it down to find the E-Ghost and his little ops room. Because he's also linked to the lift systems.

It's like how every agent is linked to the tacnet, right? So someone could try to breach in to Mammoth through access to Dragon. It's not more complicated than that. Except for one slight wrinke, which is that links and system somtimes have safeguards and reactive intrusion defenses - he's coming at us from behind a proxy, if you want a terminology, so hammering him directly is impossible because he's really working through the console and we don't have a direct bead to his systems before we compromise that.

Well, once we get off of this roof we'll re-mask our signatures and move on, so it shouldn't be too much trouble.

Let's keep it moving people!


>No estimated hard dangers, so turn may auto-resolve within a few hours and Agents simply take an >extract action

Note that Agent Mammoth has been heavily compromised - they focused on him because they couldn't ping anyone else nearby, though Octant took some of it with the Jamming. Good work, Agents!

As always, Filter the Compromise as much as you want using Processing, same as Resist for Shock, and then unfiltered Compromise converts to Breaches that allow worse access. If your Techset headwear has Shielding, you can apply that.

Herbie is still being repaired so don't have any automatic adjustment this time, but you're fine.

And because of the integration of the tacnet, you do have a pool of Burnfilter you can simply use - it's 20 right now, and you can freely spend it to reduce any Compromise as well.

So, this isn't that problematic at the moment - I almost want to ping them a few pointers on meshwarfare...
Rolled 9, 4, 5 = 18 (3d10)

#Agent Dragon
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.2
10 Credits

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 3 I Proficiency 3 I React 3 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Scrounging 1
!Advanced Piloting 2
!Janitorial Duties 1

#Skill Recorder 1 [Janitorial Duties 1, Advanced Piloting 1]
#Sophonic Integration Routines 3^
H1: Chirni Advanced PDW [30/30 IF]
H2: Ballistics Shield
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!), PadPlates
H: Techset Headwear [CRADLE-NEXUS 2, Shield-R 2]

Inv: C7 Mod. Pistol [21 IF] | C7 Service Pistol [18 NERF] | 2xReloads [18x2 NERF] | Service Knife | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | Actual Pilot's License | Set of Vehicle Keys | Mop (Adjusted) | Chirni Advanced PDW [30 IF] | SecSystem Vital PadPlates | Cool, Non-Descript Blade | Ballistics Shield

>1AL, "Nogard! Destroy that Barghest!" (have nogard focus on subjugating or eliminating that mesh-entity)
>5AL, Move 4-4-4-4-3!
>3AL, attempt to assist Nogard with fighting back the breach (Process2+MeshOps1)
>Respond: Jam
> All units, Cohere Nx1 of Agent Cheddar. (-1ALA)
> All units, Dismantle the ventilation assembly. (Manipulate2) (Flat effect: +x Flexible Manipulators. +6 PackTactics) (-3ALA)
> All units, Improvise shields from the accumulated metal scrap (Manipulate2) (Flat effect: +x Flexible Manipulators. +6 PackTactics) (-3ALA)
> Move in Phalanx formation. March NEx1, SEx1. (-1ALA)
> Move SEx2. Cover Devonshire's exposed flank. (-1ALA)
[Asset Ajiva: "Ha-ha! All those nights processing documentaries about ancient Romano-Zunist line tactics are finally paying dividends!"]
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... Did we move so far in front of the curve of new model tactics we swooped back around?
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I'm going to need to write out a report on this, aren't I. Someone's going to want to ask questions about why the adaptively stigmergic drone operations system is defaulting to Romano-Zurist line tactics.
At least it's excellent material and reference source for a thesis... if you need to get some sort of academic qualification.

...I don't know if you would need that... but you seem like the academic type TS! you've always got information and studies that I only understand 10% of.

Something-something, maybe those Romans knew what they were doing, eh?
>6 AL: Move 333 433
>3 AL: Step 4 and send this fool back down the stairs. Perhaps collecting their friend 4 of them along the way. (Instinct 4 + Close Quarters 4)

#Agent Thukpa
Limit 12

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 3
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2 | Instinct 4

!Close Quarters 4
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
!Brand Management Ops 1
!Delivery Service Operations 1

#Strength 1
#Agility 2
#Agility 1
#Mobility 1
#Regen 1
#Sensory 1
#UNCC Combat Chromatics 2
H1: Empty
H2: Empty
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!) [AntiStab Vests 4+]
H: Techset Headwear w/ Ballistic Glasses and Earmuffs [Shield-R 2, Sensor 2]

Inv: Chirni Advanced PDW [30] | x2 Reloads [30x2] | C7 Service Pistol [18] I 2xReloads [18x2] I Cool, Nondescript Blade | Collapsible Baton | Service Knife I Aid Kit I Tactical Kit | Skim Drone
Rolled 4, 2, 10, 5, 10, 7, 3, 6, 9, 1, 5, 2, 2, 8, 6, 9, 6, 4, 2, 6, 5, 2, 9 = 123 (23d10)

>1AL: Splice agents in range except Mammoth and Ajiva. (+8 Splice dice)
>1AL: Filter Mammoth (Process5, 5 dice)
>1AL: Switch Nodeburner on.
>3AL: "Hey, asshole, think fast." Attack the E-Ghost's console. (Process5+MeshOps5+Splice8, NodeBurnerOps2, +3 Comp bonus, 18 dice).
>1AL: TS, how about now? Debug me, please.
>2AL: walk towards the lift, ig.
>Respond: Jam.

#Agent Octant, FG2
Limit 12
Stress Testing 0.8
Credits 9
7 Strain

Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1

Attune 2 I Sense 3 I Support 2 I Process 5
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 3+1 I React 2 I Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 3
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 5
!Persuasion 1

H1 Broadsword [20/20, Seek]
H2 ^^
B: CAMOT II [Obscure2, Adaptive2] I SV-PP [Absorb8, Armor2] I Agent Suit [AntiStab4] (total Bulk 3)
H: Techset Headwear (NodeburnerOps2, CRADLE-NEXUS2)

Inv: Broadsword I C7 Service I Sword I Collapsible Baton I Service Knife I Tactical Kit I Aid Kit [BioMon2]
!Multimedium Mimicry-Muse
!Spliced Signals Access 1
!Deep Morphological Variability 1 (Prof.)
>Respond: Intercept!
Rolled 1, 8, 4, 5, 6, 9 = 33 (6d10)

13/18 missing is a horrible result. I'm gonna tap the reroll function from the secure perimeter for 6 lowest dice (including the comp).
comp stays comp'd ig, but two extra hits isn't nothing.
Rolled 3, 10, 5, 10, 1, 1, 8, 6, 7, 6 = 57 (10d10)

Bad virtual dog.

>Apply shielding 2 from techset
>3AL: Resist compromise (Process 2 x3)
>3AL: Hit back at the Barghest (Process 2 + MeshOps 2 + flat Zeal 1)
>3AL: Extract

#Agent Mammoth, FG 2
Limit 12 | Stress Testing 2.1 | 18 credits
*Alive *Zeal +1

Alacrity 9 Respond 1[Avoid+2] Speed 1

Attune 2 | Sense 2 | Support 2 | Process 2
Manipulate 2 | Proficiency 5+1 | React 3 | Resist 2

!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 4
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 2
!Persuasion 1
!Jury-Rigging 1
!Acrobatics 1

#4C Modularity [Kitfingers] - transform finger/body into simple tool for 1AP, currently +1 Armor
#UNCC [Deep Morphology Variability 1] - allocate +1 to Intent/Speed/Respond with 1 AL and roll, currently +1 Process
#UNCC: [Augment Threat Matrix 2] - degrade cover, analyse sensor info
#FEYWILD Exposure 1
#Well Rested

H1: Veritas [SLAP] 6/6
B: PadPlates(Absorb 8 Armor 2, Bulky 2) | Antistab vest 4
H: Techset Headwear (Sensor 2, Shield-R-2), filtering mask

Inv: C7 Service Pistol [IFR] | 3x NERF Reloads [24] | 1x IFR reloads [12] | Veritas Shotgun | 16x JOLT shells | 15x SLAP shells | 16x HiExEx shells | 32x normal shells | Service Knife | Collapsible Baton | Aid Kit | Tactical Kit | chem gear | sword | skim-drone

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