I'm tired of uncertainty, is anyone still here?
>>6177481Yes.Or do you mean players of this quest? No clue, in that case.
>>6177527QM, Mog and Ursus
Theres still a couple of us humans left. One does wonder though.Maybe go outside?
>>6177481I'm here. Good to see you buddy. Was just waiting for QM to make a new thread. Still, haven't finished my reread of the quest so far, but I'm good to start again come next Tuesday regardless.
>>6177583Yeah I'm just being proactive. Wouldn't mind a tl;dr for what happened, imagine we're all drawing blanks since even you are re-reading.
>>6177625A longer tl;dr is probably beyond me at the moment, but we were at a crossroads for what to do, raid the hotel, talk to or kill Sage the Otter (because she's actively murdering bears to fuel her weird hybrid owlbear army), or go after the Nihm Dealer that is performing animal experiments on random people. We chose to raid the hotel, it was pretty easy. We got our guns back and were just about to go pick up some manual on how to make a not!Nuke before dipping outta here.
>>6177641what do we need a nook for?
>>6177481What's going on here in this quest???
>>6179867A player from the quest (really a RP) was uncertain if the quest was coming back, since QM hasn't made a new thread after the New Year. We went on hiatus a few months ago by mutual agreement, for the holidays. We've had a hiatus before, without issue coming back on approximately the agreed upon date, iirc. Plus more or less consistent sessions at least once a week, sometimes twice, for two years now. So QM not showing up is a bit concerning.>>6177625I can make a new RP thread with a different premise, or something to pass the time, if QM doesn't show up sometime this month.
>>6179891>for two years nowscary>new RP thread with a different premise, or something to pass the timeI don't really come to /qst/ for anything other than RoTA nowadays so I dunno.If all goes to hell, drop a d*scord tag I remember you said you had?For RoTA all I want is closure from QM if he doesn't feel like running it to the end. Silence just eats me alive. Also hope Ursus is doing well.
>>6179891>>6179970Why not do a spinoff or sidestory to scratch the itch?
>>6177481I'll see what I can do this Tuesday.Sorry guys things went to shit for me. I am now an uncle, three of my cats died around Christmas (Now I only have two), and people have been inviting me to so many events because they think I need to be more active ever since I got a CPAP. It's bullshit that I ever needed a CPAP in the first place. Something else that's bullshit is the 900 second timer. I hope I don't have to do this shit everytime I want to post (whether with or without wifi).Still that's no excuse for me to leave you guys hanging. As your QM I should have made a thread like I promised after New Years. I'm sorry and I hope you guys can forgive me. I hope you are all safe.
>>6182553Dammit forgot my name.... again.
>>6182553Jesus, that's rough. I'm sorry for your loss and it's understandable you didn't have time/energy to run. Still, glad to hear you're around and hope things improve.The timer... it fucks off if you're posting with PC, since it remembers you from your browser cookies. Phone with changing IP and no cookie (like an app) is a different story.
>>6182553Shit, I'm sorry man. That really, *really* sucks. Take all the time you need, I'm just glad you're still around and okay-ish.>900 secsIn my experience, you won't. I only got it once. May be different if you phonepost though.>SafeMy family are losing their marbles to dementia, but yeah, I'm all good.
>>6182553I went for the 4chan pass, but if you don't clear your cookies, the timer's just the normal 60 seconds after the first post IIRC.
>>6182640I'll try to be here as Early as I can possibly be.
>>6184570I'll probably be there at my usual - late - time. About 2 or 3 hours after you typically get your first post down in the morning.
>>6184570it's fine if you're late, I'm not sure if I can be on time given recent demolition of my sleep schedule
Really as long as we resume our regularly scheduled sessions, then all is well. A perfect first session upon return doesn't have to happen.
>>6177481https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise+of+the+awakenLast time on the RotA Campaign>So much Shit happened.>Maggie and the group freed her aunt from cryostasis and checks up on the two wolves who were experimented on.>Mog found out the ancient texts might be older.>Mog and Kinny met the Queen who recognizes Mog and was willing to help out.>Dib showed up again and granted them access to the Forest Guardians hotel room.>Meanwhile Bobby, Potato, and Ord were all following Lincoln the Flametounge.>Not only did they find Sage.>Not only did they find the source of the Owlbears.>Not only did they find a Fucking Nuke>They finally found their guns the main reason why they were going after them in the first place.>After knocking Dib out it was safe to assume that getting the guns was the best option.Will our heroes survive this encounter? Find out in Rise of the Awaken!
>>6185045>Ursus, Mog, and Kinny poke their heads out to see if the coast is clear from any guards.>So far that seems to be the case.>With the keycard you got from Dib you could potentially enter any room you wish.Where do you want to go?
Maybe I was here a bit too early.
>>6185094Fuck, sorry.Can you remind me where we are? Forest guardians room or..?
>>6185095>Still in the hotel hallways.>Next to an unconscious Dib.>Luckily no guards are near.... at the moment.>You are all still in front of the door to the Otter's room.
>>6185099"Don't mind if I do" Kinny murmured and attempted to barge into the Otter's room in a confused attempt to be helpful... surely.
>>6185101>Kinny then uses the key card to open the door to the otter's room.>Kinny with his advance hearing hears Sage whisper to herself."What was that?">You can hear her immediately scurry to the door.>And you can now feel her pushing against it."Who is this? And why are you entering my chambers without my permission?!"
>>6185103it's a bit anticlimacting, but will help me immensely here: who is sage?
>>6185105Sage the otter is the druid of the Forest Guardians the one talking to the "goddess" and creating the owlbears
>>6185108is it plausible to fight her or should a more diplomatic approach be utilized?
>>6185111I mean this is D&D you can chose which you think is the best option.
>>6185112I'm just currently clueless and don't want to assault a random npc who didn't necessarily deserve it. Does she know what the "goddess" looks like? Not sure if these animals saw the blue human or not.
>>6185118She does in fact know what the goddess looks like.
Rolled 4 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6185103Kinny sighed deep inside and squinted hard as he focused. "...room service." The cat didn't stop pushing at the door, but slightly relieved the pressure. If he could just divert the otter's attention enough to surprise her and knock her out, that would be great.>Rolling deception to get an openingmight as well try to bag her
Rolled 2 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6185123U-um, I will reroll that with lucky
Rolled 3 + 4 (1d20 + 4)>>6185123>>6185124Rolling insight. If you have one more lucky than just beat this.
>>6185126>7that's not very insightful, miss SAGE
>>6185126Nevermind. Your buff alone beats this.>>6185124>>6185123>>6185127"Room service? I never called any though... but if you are serving food for me, then I will graciously accept.">She then barely opens the door.>Allowing her to peek her head out.Knock her out?If you do you roll with advantage.
Rolled 10, 3 = 13 (2d20)>>6185130Graciously, huh? Graciously peek your head out so I can...In a blur of blackness, Kinny lunged at the otter, attempting to dropkick the pretentious sage before she could put her guard up.Not sure what my bonus here would be, probably nothing since it's unarmed? or even negative for strength?
>>6185132I'll say add your dex bonus.What would it be then?
>>6185134>Kinny using his cat like speed and reflexes goes in for a non lethal attack.>Jumping in the air and delivering a flying like the (no longer) living legend himself... Chuck Norris!Roll damage (1d4 + Dex) and then double it.
Rolled 2 + 7 (1d4 + 7)>>6185138kickin
>>618514018 Damage.>Kinny's attack landed directly on her face.>Knocking her out instantly.>Strange though.>For someone who is considered the leader of this freakish cult, she didn't seem that strong.>Maybe she didn't drink enough milk.>Still she is knocked out.>Best to take advantage of that.What do you do now Kinny?
Rolled 14 + 4 (1d20 + 4)>>6185141Tie her hands and gag her mouth. Suspecting she might be a mage of some sort. Then I use perception to look around her room to see if there's anything that might be important/of value.
>>6185143>There are literally only two things in the room you seem to notice.>Her staff, which makes sense for a druid to have.>Then... this green cocoon thing.>You have no idea what it is this but judging by the fact it's glowing means there's a bad sign.Inspect the cocoon?
>>6185146Y-yes. If it's on the table, cat does the only logical thing by jumping on the table and knocking it off.
>>6185161Give me a strength check to try and knock down the cocoon.
Rolled 3 + 4 (1d20 + 4)>>6185163hefty
>>6185166(it's negative)
>>6185166>>6185167>Kinny brings in all the muscle he can offer and....>Doesn't even budge it an inch.>Infact it felt like was pushing him more thst he was pushing it.>Still it was a good attempt given your strength problem.>Maybe best to have Ursus and/or Mog handle it.What do you do now Kinny?
>>6185170Kinny seemed unmoved by the failure, one could say it was the cat's plan all along. Getting pushed. Disinterested, the cat moved his gaze towards the druid's staff.>Appraise the staff
>>6185172Roll me an Arcana check.
Rolled 16 + 5 (1d20 + 5)>>6185173we're gonna be rich
>>6185174>You can immediately see that this staff is made with some sort of wood.>Must be a very rare piece of wood since you don't recognize it.>Maybe mahogany.>Been forever since a mammal has seen this shit.>Still it does have all that moss it.>Might lower the price but only by about I don't know 1 plat...>Out of 200.>Still 199 platinum ain't bad at all for mahogany.>Now for the real good shit.>Magic.>After inspecting it a bit, you seem to notice some jewels embedded near the top.>Amber, with some cocoons in it.>Perfect for casting some polymorph spells.>One jewel of Amber like that could get you 500 gold or 5 platinum.>There are 4 on the staff.>You definitely hit the jackpot if you sell it.>Still mahogany and amber seem like a good combo.What do you do now?
>>6185187Kinny patiently pushes the staff inside the bag of holding held open by Einstein and looks back into the hallway to check on Mog.And I think this is where me should stop, since it doesn't look like Mog is going to make it today? I hope Ursus picks up on the thread too.
>>6185190I'm not a hundred percent sure if they knew they had to come back to this thread. I think they might have been expecting a new thread if anything, but I was afraid it might have been reported for spam if we did try to make a new thread. Still I hope they do see that this is the thread we are continuing the story on.
>>6185193this board is 50% dead threads anyway
I hope you guys have a Blessed Night though.
>>6185213you too
>>6185094>>6185190AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!Fuck, sorry. Wasn't the usual chores/renovations that usually cause me to be late, like during the spring/summer, I just overslept like an idiot. Kinny isn't the only one with a busted sleep schedule. I have to do a quick grocery run soon, but will try and get a post up afterwards, so that we can continue on Thursday. Again, my apologies guys.
>>6185218Yeah we might be here for Thursday.
>>6185222>>6185214Hey guys, can we postpone until next Tuesday? My sleep schedule is still fucked, and moreover I've gotta drive over to the pharmacy around noon anyways. My bad again. I was so enthusiastic about getting sessions started again, I didn't think very carefully about how available I'd be this week, when I should've told you guys, to save you time.
>>6185951It's OK. I woke up overheated myself so I don't really feel good either myself. I'm not sure if I had my heater up to high or if I'm getting sick... hopefully it's the former. I hope that you, Kinny, and Ursus, are safe for this coming tuesday.
>>6185951Sure we can do that
>>6186191>>6186194Funnily enough, I am actually awake on time. Though that has more to do with a disrupted sleep because of noisy workmen, rather than punctuality on my part. I'll probably go back to sleep as soon as the noise stops. As much as I'd love to get our sessions restarted, I don't want to go through the day with half a night of sleep.I hope you two take care of yourselves! I can certainly relate to having the heat up too high during winter.Bit worried we may have lost Ursus, but he's likely just busy with Uni, I imagine.
>>6186197And I can relate to having no sleep
>>6186203Seems to be a common occurrence. Everyone I know, myself included seems to be popping melatonin to push down insomnia.
>>6186206the water must be turning melatonin gay
>>6186210It's the North American clouds, they're different from your all natural Europoor clouds. The deep state weather machines put all sorts of nasty chemicals and artificial fruit flavourings into them, muddies the water you see, even affects the frogs. You're blessed with all those nice regulations to keep the clouds light and fluffy, and the floodplains flooded (RIP Mitteleuropa, Natura non constristatur).
Holy shit it’s happening I have been doing college stuff I am alive
>>6186344>>6186210>>6186197God Bless You All! I'm glad to see the gang's alive and back together. See you all Tuesday.
>>6186344greatest comeback since jesus christ
Should be available tomorrow.
>>6188975My sleep schedule is still fucked, so I may be early, or I may be late.>>6186344Glad to see you buddy, hope the tests haven't been too bad.
>>6185190>>6189259>>6186344>Einstein helped Kinny put Sage's staff inside the bag of holding.>Easily getting the mahogany carved staff in with no effort.>Kinny checks in on Ursus and Mog.>Seeing if they are in fact okay.
>>6189406I'll wait for others to show up since last time it was just me and I still need to do some stuff
I'm here, will post in a bit. Though I have to leave to do a grocery run around noon (in 5 hours). I should be back in time to continue, barring a traffic jam or my family wanting to suddenly go out for lunch afterwards.
>>6189406>>6189416Mog watched patiently as Kinny did what he was born to do. A bit of a rougher job than he would have liked, but all their recent adventures recently seemed to boil down to naked violence in the end. A little extra breaking and entering went along just fine with the mugging, they had already crossed that line a few minutes ago anyways.Gingerly, he stepped into the room, examining it and its contents carefully. Surprised at its sparse trappings, he turned to inspect the cocoon, then Sage herself, focusing his divine senses on them.This had to be a trick right? Sage went down too easily, none of her owlbears were with her, and Mog knew only too well that even squishy spellcasters grew thick skin as their power and experience climbed. Perhaps this was a body double, or maybe Sage had disguised herself in this cocoon, thinking that they'd mistake it as a gestating owlbear.The wolf was being paranoid, he knew. She'd have no reason to suspect that they were just outside her door, waiting to strike her down. But, maybe she had just taken a precaution?He dismissed these thoughts, and focused once more.>I use my Divine Sense on Sage and the Cocoon. Will probably follow up with a Detect Magic/Detect Poison and Disease afterwards.
>>6189429>Mog then used divine senses on the otter...>She was knocked out by the cat surprisingly.>But your senses tell you that she was using... some sort of magic.>Healing magic to be precise.>But why?>Mog then turned to the cocoon.>Mog then senses something from the cocoon.>It was... some sort of huge power.>Not owlbear huge or even regular bear huge.>But somehow bigger than that.>He then immediately sensed something else.>Something that felt as hot as a star in the night sky surrounding the moon.>Almost felt like it was burning you.>There was something definitely inside there, and it wasn't a bug or an owlbear incubating.
>>6189406Ursus voices his own thoughts, I believe I should distract her still to prevent her from realizing what we are exactly doing here. As for what we should do with the guns we should arm the loyal elements of the city and our allies with a modification to the plan, getting the rabbit tribe involved seeing as how they are the second most knowledgeable of guns, same with any other animal that has the grip strength to aim and fire a gun without thumbs. Also the fact that she has mass destruction based weapons scares the shit out of me>Ursus inspects his rifle and makes sure a round is in the chamber incase things go to hell along with a few of the other clips compatible to the weapon
>>6189437Give me a Percection Check.
>>6189433>>6189437>>6189416"Careful!" Mog barked out in warning, "I sense residual healing magic. I'm not sure if she is regenerating her clobbered brain right this second, but most likely she was 'healing' this cocoon. She should be out for the count, but just keep an eye on her in case she is somehow capable of magic while unconscious."He darted around the cocoon, prodding it, to see if he could lift it."This isn't an owlbear, something powerful is inside. I'm not sure if it just some stronger variant of the abominations that Sage has been making so far, or if her 'goddess' is inside it, but we can't leave it here. We have to do something. Kill it, maybe put it on ice in the freezer, so delay the issue, move it, anything."Poking his head over the table, to look at Ursus, he said "We should get your 'Omega Weapon' or 'Phoenix Bomb' or whatever the heck Dib was talking about earlier. He said there was a manual here. We also can't leave it lying around, same with the cocoon. Lets get ready to carry these hostages away, maybe we can disguise them, pretend they are drunk on our way out, in case we get caught.">Mog will try and lift the cocoon.
>>6189443Give me a Strength or Athletics check.
Rolled 12 (1d20)>>6189439
Rolled 8 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6189445
>>6189446>Ursus sees that there is only bullet from the chamber.>Thankfully it seems the gun is in fact jammed.>Probably best to get the guntaku, Maggie to check that out.>>6189447>>6189443>Mog tried his best to lift the fucker.>But surprisingly it was really heavy.>Must have glued to the ground or something like that.>Still this mother fucker wouldn't budge.>Though thankfully it didn't feel like it pushed back like it did with Kinny.
>>6189447>>6189445Also, for reference, under the normal carrying and lifting rules on page 176 of the PHB, I can lift 570 pounds.
>>6189446"Hey, Ursus, when you're done with that, gimme a hand with this, and hoist Sage onto your back will ya? We gotta get your book and then skedaddle!">>6189416"Mind disguising Sage now, while we have the time? Might make our exit easier."
>>6189449Ursus stashed the jammed gun making sure to engage the safety Maggie pointed out. Ursus makes sure too keep an eye on the Druid. Btw how big is the phoenix bomb thing?
>>6189451Ursus helps mog and then hoisting sage onto his back
>>6189443>>6189445I would like to remind you guys that the otter is gagged and tied up, which should limit use of some spells at least.>>6189443The black cat sighed, seeing the wolf's reaction to his pawiwork. He lifted his butt, and proceeded to walk over to the otter. "I'm all for peaceful resolutions Mog, don't get me wrong. But this weasel was a armed." Kinny gestured towards the knocked-out mage and glanced at his backpack, where he put the staff. He then climb on top of the unconscious female and pulled a cloth bag over her head.>>6189451>>6189453"Oh, disguising, right." The cat pulled the bag off of the otter's head and let Ursus manhandle her instead.Just cat things, please understand.
>>6189454Initially wanted to say "she had a gun", but the cat isn't familiar with guns enough.
>>6189451>>6189452>>6189453>>6189454Roll for Strength with Advantage Ursus and Mog.Kinny make a Deception check to disguise Sage the otter.
Rolled 1, 10 + 2 = 13 (2d20 + 2)>>6189456Rolling strength
Rolled 20 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6189456Kinny finds some nearby sheets and wraps them around the otter, trying to make her look like a restrained mental asylum escapee.
>>6189454>>6189453She is tied up, I didn't forget. I'm just worried she has some sort of healing factor or magic item hidden on her that will wake her up again. I did detect healing magic after all. Though most likely it was just the residue of her magic, like I said. She was was probably healing the egg thingy.He turned to fix the unperturbed cat in his unblinking gaze. "Don't mistake my words. I'm very happy you knocked her out with such ease. The violence was of no issue. I would've just preferred to have not been seen at all."Turning to look out the door and down the hall, for any guards, he said "Work your makeup magic on her, or however you do it. Making her look and smell drunk would be a good start. Just in case you aren't able to facilitate as smooth an exit and you were for our entrance. When your ready, lets retrieve the book Dib showed you, Ursus.
>>6189459"She is restrained and a cultist, I'm just changing the framing a little." Kinny explained the thinking behind sheet-mummification of the Sage.
Rolled 13, 8 + 6 = 27 (2d20 + 6)>>6189456Strength, or is Athletics also okay, like last time? Also, does this cocoon weigh more than 1000 pounds or something, or are we rolling because it is magically weighed down? 'Cause rules as written, Ursus and I can lift over 1000 pounds together.
>>6189461"If it's of any consolation, she didn't see you. I don't think she saw me either." The cat stretched his legs allusively .I keep trying to find the right word to use but it escapes my mind. What adjective do you use for actions that are suggestive(?), like cat stretching his legs in the context of otter potentially not having seen him because he kicked her unconscious?
>>6189463>>6189459Turning to look back into the room, he was startled at Kinny's masterful 5-second disguise, though he really shouldn't have been. His gums flapped gormlessly in the wind. Sage was unrecognizable. Eventually he managed a thumbs up."Nice work." Mog said simply.
>>6189464Another point to be made is this cocoon? Is an organic object that is probably quite unwieldy not necessarily too heavy to lift. Like trying to lift a heavy desk chair and trying not to get a particular unstable part of it
Magically Weighed and Tied Down>>6189464>>6189461>>6189457>Through the combined efforts of Mog and Ursus, the cocoon was finally lifted...>Along with some of the floor.>Makes you wonder if this silk is in fact magical or just very sticky.>>6189459>>6189463>Kinny the cat makes Sage look like a nut case.>Very fitting for her.>Also good that she is tied up like one as well.
>>6189467I'm drawing a blank now that you've put me on the spot. Suggestively? Indicatively? Evocatively? Reminiscently? Revealingly? Meaningfully? I dunno.
>>6189474Closest I could get to it is allusively.
>>6189470True, volume is also an issue.>>6189472That explains it, it was stuck to the floor.With a heaving grunt, the wolf lifted together with Ursus, and with a final crack, the cocoon came free, along with a section of the floor.Breathing in carefully, Mog whispered "Lets go, gotta fetch your book of mass destruction and then scoot.">If everyone agrees, we follow Ursus to fetch the book Dib showed him. The phoenix bomb one. Then we leave, with Kinny hopefully stealthing us out of here.
>>6189477*drags 3 stealth sheets behind him*
>>6189477Ursus follows along, I had a terrible thought while helping move this cocoon, due you think the Druid might’ve put her mind into whatever the helll is in this pod? That would be just our luck.
>>6189482"Consciousness transfer? I-..." he stumbled in his words.Though he had considered something like it earlier, coming to grips with the idea for real threw Mog through a loop."-I mean...maybe? She's a druid though, right? Mind transfer is a spell for Wizards I thought? Not just any wizards, Archmages. She's strong, but I don't think she's THAT strong. I'm genuinely not sure if there are any living archmages alive, maybe not even Elder Swift."Just going off what I remember of the spell from 2e that lets you transfer your conscious.
>>6189484I was more thinking some crazy damn brain transfer stuff I saw the owl bear creation process so I’m not gonna deny the terrible possibility although that just means we need to get this out of the way faster
>>6189477>>6189482>>6189484>Kinny and Mog follow Ursus who is carrying the unconscious Sage to the room where the book was.>There you spot the book.>Still on the page where the weapon of mass destruction.Get the book?
>>6189490May I check for traps
Going to take a break got dishes to wash. So go ahead and write out what you need.
>>6189488>>6189490"I mean, if you want to just stab this thing until whatever's in it dies, then I'm all for that. But, assuming that we aren't going to take that huge risk right now, I'd say our best bet is dumping it into one of those fridges in the temple basement."Seeing that they'd arrived, he gestured to the book."All yours Ursus, your the one that got the tour from Dib, and probably the best one to sort through it. Don't lose it."
>>6189493Roll for Investigation or Perception.
>>6189490Ursus grabs the book in the bag, no man made existential horror today no thanks
Rolled 16 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6189498>Investigation>>6189499Uh oh
Sorry for being so late, someone decided to put cigarettes in my coffee cup.>>6189502>>6189497>Kinny observes for traps...>And immediately notices a patch of soil near the book's pedestal.>And in that soil a large seed pertruding out of it.>And if front of that soil...>A large green rune.>One for Entangle.>>6189499Ursus make a Strength saving throw.
>>6189517What the hellKinny could only hiss as Ursus activated the rune.
Rolled 15 + 4 (1d20 + 4)>>6189517Rolling
Rolled 17 + 1 (1d20 + 1)>>6189517Bruh, what. Why?The rune flashed hot in Mog's vision, and he immediately dashed back to avoid being caught in the vines.Foolish of him, to have been so casual when he could've spotted it with his still-active magical senses. If Kinny wasn't here, he'd blunder into every trip, trap, and stray branch in his path, as Ursus had done.'Curses.' he thought to himself.Nothing to do but keep a look out, while Ursus untangled himself.>Watching for guard patrols.
>>6189520>>6189518>>6189522>Kinny was too late.>The vines soon grows from the seed and snatches the bear's arm...>Only for him to instantly pull away from it.>....>Must have been a weak version of the spell.>Either that or they were expecting something like rabbits or the dumbass raccoons to steal this thing and not a strong ass bear.>Still easy fix.>Luckily still no guards around.
>>6189527Ursus sighs trying to calm his heart remembering the chimp trees and owl bear pods, shuddering breathing, I need to invest in some corrective equipment. Ursus looks at the book wand puts it in his pack, at least she had the sense to protect it.
>>6189527>>6189528>>6189518"We're still in the clear, no patrols. Lead us outta here Kinny."
Rolled 16 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6189527>>6189528>>6189530Kinny was just waiting for the word. The cat nodded, did a 360° and walked out of the room, motioning with his black tail for the others to follow.>Rolling Stealth to find a safe path out of the building
>>6189536>>6189530>>6189528>You find the safest path, out of the building and start heading out.>No one is there to stop you or anything.>Soon you are now back out into the public with your guns, your newly acquitted book, and the otter druid.>No one seems to recognize the otter due to Kinny's clever disguise for her.>Instead though they are wondering why two brilliant aristocrats are doing with a mental patient otter."Must be a fetish thing. You know how rich mammals are freaky.">You hear one wolf couple say to each other.What do you do now?
>>6189538Ursus not wanting to give away anything keeps his trap shut
>>6189538We fucked her alright. Fucked her up.I'm not sure what to do, so I will let others choose the direction of our proceedings.
>>6189538>>6189536>>6189528"Lets get off the main streets. Don't want some tabloid 'journalists' chasing us down to get a quick scoop. Once we lose the crowds, lets head to the temple and put the cocoon on ice. From there we can debrief and pour over the book, maybe interrogate the otter too, if we don't just put her in the freezer too." Mog put forward his plan.He moved to step into an alley.>Lose the crowds, take sidestreets, head to the temple. Assuming everyone agrees.
>>6189542Do I roll for this or
>>6189542Ursus nods
>>6189542>>6189538Obviously, I do this out of earshot of the listening wolves.>>6189541Yeah we did! High fives all around!
>>6189543You may roll.
>>6189543I dunno, you may as well. Better to ask forgiveness than permission in DnD. DMs love assertive players.
Rolled 14 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6189546>>6189547Stealthing harder
>>6189549>>6189544>>6189542>You all then take the safest path to the old church.>There you enter.>You also hear some moaning as you enter."Mmmm.... what happened?">Seems like Sage has woken up.>She then sees the familiar face of Ursus."Oh.... have you come to kill me?"
>>6189551Shouldn't she be gagged? Pretty sure Kinny tied her up. And blindfolded her.Seeing the druid stirring awake, Mog motioned for them to rush down the stairs to the basement.
>>6189551I fucking hope not. also she does have a bag over her head.
>>6189551She is gagged, and ideally also blinded.
>>6189553>>6189554I forgor about the gag and blindfold. Sorry. I was in a rush.
>>6189556No need to rush
>>6189553>You all head downstairs.
>>6189558All right let’s get this stuff stashed and save setup in a room to monitor or something.
>>6189558>>6189559>>6189555"Books all yours, tell us what you find. I'm gonna put the cocoon and the mustelid lady into a pair of the tubes, for now. We need to get Dr.Wallace over here, so she can properly examine the two of them. Kinny, you mind fetching her, or do you have something else in mind for this wretch?"
>>6189561Make sure the doctor doesn’t do anything bad, while I study and copy this script. >Ursus helps put the terrifying lady in the tube
>>6189561"I can find her, sure" The cat responded absentmindedly and walked off to find the old one.>>6189558>Look for Dr. Wallace
>>6189564>Kinny then quickly heads back to the base.>The seed shop is luckily not that far.>There he sees Maggie simply talking to her aunt about what she does know about their current politics."So let me get this straight? The rabbits... who were the first to talk mind you... are second class citizens?">Dr Wallace asks her niece Maggie."As far as I know yes. At least here at the very least.""And you choose to transform as a rabbit why?""Much easier. Plus last time I was wolf and it ended pretty awkwardly so I just stayed as a rabbit. I was a falcon once but I was pretty bad at landing.""That's another thing I noticed, the bugs and birds are a bit larger. Must be an effect from the stone. Might have to study that.">Maggie then notices her cat friend."Oh Kinny you're back... wait why are you back alone? Are Mog and Ursus in trouble?">>6189561>>6189562>Ursus then puts the otter in one of the tubes.>Which just closes and doesn't freeze her at all.What do you two do?
Rolled 13 + 1 (1d20 + 1)>>6189566>>6189562"Huh, I guess it isn't automatic. Maybe we should look around for an operations manual? That way we can figure out how to operate the controls. I'm sure Dr.Wallace knows how to make these things work, but we might as well learn while we can.">Mog looks around for an operators manual and the control panel for the tubes.
>>6189566Well shit pods are probably not going to work on its own and I sure as hell don’t trust myself in not screwing up what ever process they do so I’m just gonna help you keep an eye on the lady
>>6189569>>6189570>Mog finds a manual...>But it's written with human letters.
>>6189566"No, we came back at full squad. Got a +1 even. That's partially why I'm here, we need your help studying what we brought back." Kinny gave a short report to Dr. Wallace. "Could you come with me?"
>>6189577>Dr Wallace looks over to Kinny and gently picks him up."Mind telling me what kind of animal from the mammilian kingdom is common to see around here. I assume forest creatures. Should I go as a raccoon?"
>>6189578We're still in canis lupin or nearby, right?"Wolves I think?" The cat grunted, trying to climb on top of the woman's boney appendages, instinctively avoiding being held in the air like a sack of fur.
>>6189582You are in Canis Lupin."Thank you. Maggie make sure my patients get the water they need.">Dr Wallace then puts Kinny down and starts getting a ring to turn her into a wolf."Lead the way mister cat."
Rolled 20 (1d20)>>6189572>>6189570Sorry for the delay. I'm gonna have to go in a few minutes, gotta get groceries. I'll probably be back in an hour or two. Not sure if we are also going out for lunch. If I'm not back home in a timely manner, I'll just say I'm glad to be back in the swing of things, with you all."Mmm, maybe we can piece together what to do based on the diagrams, and try and get started on learning their language. Worth a crack at it, at least. With the good doctor on her way here, she could help us transliterate Old One script into our languages. That way we could understand the human languages.">Mog will try and understand the diagrams in the manual, bringing the manual close to Ursus so they can work together on it. Intelligence Check>>6189582Yes.
>>6189589>Mog can understand all the pictures!Epic Roll to leave on
>>6189589MOG has discovered the rosseta stoneLets go
>>6189585Kinny leads the wolf-woman>>6189589straight to Mog. And doesn't bother to explain who he brought with him
>>6189589>>6189591>So just from the pictures alone, good ole Canis Lupine fashion Mog understands what he needs to do.>Once inside the pod, you must push the buttons with the runes "F R E E Z E" on it and the subject will be frozen for the time allotted.>Mog can see the digital clock on the control pad.>It has markings that say "1 0 0 Y R S".>Must mean a century.>Strange if that was the case shouldn't the rest open up?>Questions for later.>Mog then looks for this "F R E E Z E" button.>Which he ends up finding.>So after pressing the button that activates the pod the otter is in Mog then presses the Freeze button.>Cryogenically freezing the otter for what he hopes is a century.
>>6189597"I thought you said he needed help?"
>>6189599>Ursus nods in respect to his understanding. We will make an archaeologist out of you yet
>>6189600"I uhm, he did say that, don't kill the messenger." Kinny moved aside. He didn't like the prospect of arguing with a wolf that much.
>>6189600Regardless I still will need help in reading this book Ursus brings up the book on weapons of mass destruction
>>6189609Also found my rifle but it’s been jammed
>>6189602>>6189605>>6189609>Dr Wallace looks at the book."Interesting.... I didn't expect something like this to survive.... hold that for me for a bit.">Dr Wallace then flicks the ring off going back as a human.>She then gently grabs the book from the bear."Going to read this for a minute. I'll be right back."
>>6189614Sorry for absence, I might have to call it a night.
>>6189652Understandable I have class work to get done
>>6189652>>6189658>>6189589See you all on Thursday?
>>6189589>>6189663>>6189675Would it be okay to go back to once-a-week schedule on thursdays? I feel like I will burn out again if we start doing tuesday-thursday on weekly basis.
>>6189663I'm good for Thursday. But Kinny seems to want tomorrow off. I'm good to just do Tuesdays for awhile too.>>6190076That's fine too. Or maybe we could do 1-2-1 sort of deal, one week with just one session, the next with two, then back to one and so forth. Whatever everyone is capable of and comfortable with.
>>6190252No I'm good for tomorrow, but would prefer to return to the thursday-only schedule with more rare doubles if we all feel like it (like it used to be).The reason is that I have a bad and weird case of ADHD where schedules just absolutely fucking kill me. Everything that I have to do regularly on a schedule to me feels like I'm chained down and it wears on me. I wouldn't be asking for this if it wasn't the case, but I know it will end up with me just flaking.Well, one more thing I suppose. If you guys can do without me, I don't mind you 3 doing tuesdays without Kinny. Just know I won't be posting then.
>>6190295Gotcha, that's alright with me. Though I'm pretty sure it was Tuesdays as our sole sessions, with Thursday as the optional day. Though that doesn't really matter, since most of us seem to be able to make either day.
>>6190324>>6190295>>6189675I'll make a Strawpoll tomorrow.
ill see if i get here in tiem
Going to be late.Woke up late.But I made the poll.https://strawpoll.com/1Mnwkql7dn7
>>6190793I'm here.
>>6189614>>6189612>>6189605>>6189589>Dr Wallace continued to look at the book for a while as she Lso observed all the other people in crystasis.>Leaving room for our heroes to talk amongst each other on what should do next.
>>6190803>>6189609>>6189675"Uh, well then...I guess we should dump Gawain in here, maybe for a shorter time period. Y'know, to kill the squid sitting on his brain. After that, I think we should get to work hunting down the Nihm dealer." Mog mused aloud, bashfully pawing at the bridge of his snout.He didn't bother mentioning that he accidentally put the weirdo and her egg on ice for a hundred years, but his fat paws had trouble working the time dial. Oh well, an adventure for the next generation, he supposed. They could always leave a warning for future caretakers of the temple. What mattered is that they were out of the picture.
>>6190803>>6190774>>6189675"I'll go fetch Gawain, since Dr.Wallace seems to be busy translating, and I know you want her help with the guns, Ursus.">I'll go fetch Gawain and bring him here.
>>6189589>>6190804Kinny just stared idly at the cryostasis pod slowly turning the otter and her egg into white-ish ice sculptures. "Nice job, how long will they be in for?"
>>6190811>>6190810>>6190804"I'd wait on that.">Dr Wallace suggests."It'd be very suspicious if tons of animals go in and out of here often. I'd say wait an hour or at least til I can translate this to something you guys can understand more clearly."
Wait I just realized something. Did we put that otter inside the pod still wrapped like a mummy?
>>6190811>>6190812"Hmm. I'll heed your advice, but we can't afford to waste the nighttime hours frivolously. Kinny-" Mog started, before the cat interjected with just the question he didn't want to hear.If Mog could blush like the now increasingly familiar humans, he would have. Darting his head back and forth between the audience and Kinny, he shamefully leaned his head in close to Kinny to whisper "Uh...a hundred years. Assuming the machine doesn't malfunction and just put them on the deep freeze forever."Backing up, he then said "Since attracting attention is an issue, Kinny, can you go and wheel the tied up Gawain here, so we can be done with this prophecy? Maybe take an escort on your way back, so no one interferes. Jessica maybe, she's stealthy and strong. Then we can all go deal with the Nihm peddler."
>>6190819Kinny didn't even look up at flustered Mog, his 1000-mile gaze pierced the cryopod, looking at the space between the atoms visible only to him. "I will let it be known that the last opponent who stood in my way got knocked out for a century." The cat exclaimed with feline pride.What kind of animal was father Gawain again? Wolf too?>>6190816Kek, imagine being the rando who opens her up and gets furry cleopatra throwing lightning bolts at him.
>>6190824>>6190819yes he is a wolf
>>6190826Sorry for being out of the loop, but isn't he under the effect of a squid? Do I have to lure him or is he on our side or..?
>>6190828It's more of a 50/50 control. They're both in control but still the squid is dangerous because it can hypnotize and control people.
>>6190828He's a wolf, with a squid in his brain, but he's weird in that he has a pact or mutually beneficial arrangement going on with the squid or something. He's still a lying delusional heretic to Mog's religion though, and definitely not on our side. He's tied up at the seedhouse though. So you can just get Jessica and carry him over here. Stealthily, please.
>>6190824Also, that line goes hard.
Rolled 11 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6190831>>6190832Kinny snapped to reality and finally looked at Mog. "Gawain you say? Sure." He then noticed. "Why do you look so weird Mog? You did a good job!" The cat pawed wolf's leg and turned around with a swish of his tail, before beelining it for Jessica, whom he needed to sneak Gawain inconspicously.I'm still too confused about things to go into the detail of what I'm doing exactly, so I will just let the rolls handle this. Taking Jessica and trying to stealthily carry the big dog into the cryochamber.>Rolling StealthDoes Jessica's help give me advantage roll?
>>6190834It should, yeah. She's proficient in stealth as well.
>>6190834I actually forgot Jessica was with you guys. Fuck it has been long.>Kinny along with Jessica (still in her wolf form) then stealthily makes it back to the seed shop to get Gawain.>They are met by Adler (your possibly gay deer friend that you converted away from the cult) bas soon as the door opens."Kinny you're back early. Maggie told me to keep an eye on the door while she was watering the wolves. Don't worry I got Harold (the slime) with her in case one tries to bite her. Is there something you need?"Sorry for (these) just felt it was necessary in case we forgot.
I'll be afk for about 30 minutes. soz
>>6190839>forgets the best girl"W-watering the wolves? To help them grow bigger?" Kinny started but immediately changed his line of questioning after getting a healthy poke by Jessica. "We're here for Gawain, where is he?" The cat asked, slapping his tail against the floor.I remember Jessica's character and Adler well, Maggie more or less (not all family and drama details), remember that Wallace is her aunt(?) and that Mog almost got a gangbang in the first or second thread which my expert use of lethal force prevented.
>>6190845"Oh... okay. I haven't heard from him for a while. Then again we do have a lot of people here we are keeping as prisoners. I know Caramel is with Kuma, he's made a huge recovery after we removed his squid. Although none of us checked on Gawain for a while. I know you said not to go in there a lot because Mog was paranoid we could get possessed.">Adler said as he was leading the way to Gawain.>Jessica then went close to Kinny."You don't think squid infected people sleep right?">Jessica asked the cat.
>>6190848"I don't know, why?" The cat responded with a question. He was no sushi expert.
>>6190848Allright I’m mostly caught up in the mean time throughout the conversation Ursus was asking Maggie on how to unjam a rifle while showing her the rifle
I'm back.>>6190857Welcome friend.
>>6190857You mean Dr Wallace, Maggie is not here right now.>Dr Wallace takes a break and then looks at the gun.>She gives it a glance."I'll disassemble it in a bit. First let me focus on this book.">>6190858Welcome back.>>6190851"Because didn't you and Mog say that his squid was really chatty? So why would his squid be really quiet all of a sudden?">Jessica asked the cat.
>>6190859Probably because of the connections they seem to have with each other and the fact they tend to self destruct upon over sharing via enraged red nihm dealer they tend not to even know the information they can and can’t disclose
>>6190859"That's no good, let's get him out of here quick and get back to Mog." The cat responded after digesting her words.
>>6190862Wanna get out the music? (To get the cephalopod to leave our patient’s cranium)
>>6190862I'd like to get Gawain to do something before we put him on ice. We need his signature, so you can copy and forge it onto documents, so we can manipulate the justice department in our favour. That way I can have the charges against me annulled, and we can get representation for the rabbits. Y'know, your casual everyday shadow puppetering over the levers of power. No big deal.
>>6190861>>6190862>>6190863>>6190864Have to do something real quick brb.
>>6190859Mog stood up on his hind legs and peered over the good doctor's shoulders."So, what does it say?"
>>6190864Bold of you to assume I'd ice him before your input. Very bold. My felinegs are hurt.*takes the paw off the [FREEZE] button and uncranks the dial from [1000YRS] to the default value*
>>6190866"Well it is a weapon. A big one to add on to that. Though I don't know who this Oppenheimer and Einstein are."Still out sorry.
>>6190862>As Kinny and Jessica enter the room, they see an unusual... but horrific site.>Gawain was gone.>There was no trace on where he went.>All that remains of him...>Is all the blood left on the bed he was resting on.
>>6190877Amuffled hiss escaped Kinny's mouth and his tail went straight up like a hydrogen baloon. He immediately stepped back, assessing the room for danger.I want to look for the squid, what do I roll?
>>6190879Perception or Investigation. Both if you wish.
>>6190879Probably Investigation or Perception>>6190877Veerry frustrating, and I personally think they should have to roll to have escaped (unless the blood is from Gawain exploding, which is more tolerable, but unfortunate nonetheless), but understandable from a plot perspective. Gawain is too important to the plot laid down so far, his signature would let us solve all the problems, and us icing him would've been like icing the final boss for the arc, and then there's the whole prophecy and everything. Still feels really bad, from a railroading perspective. Especially since he was under guard.
Rolled 1 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6190881Investigation
>>6190884Yikes!Use Lucky?
Rolled 19 + 2 (1d20 + 2)>>6190881Rolling investigation
Rolled 6 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6190877>>6190884>>6190885I only used one lucky today right
>>6190888Yeah.You can also roll for Perception or whichever one you did use, because they might get different results upon success.
>>6190893Batbear! It's Batbear!At this point, I'm assuming you went with Kinny to the seedhouse, since you already made a post trying to talk with Maggie.>>6190874"Some cultist conspiracy theorist called Dib called it a 'phoenix bomb' and an 'omega weapon', whatever that means. Not sure if that helps."
Rolled 15 + 4 (1d20 + 4)>>6190892>>6190881Rolling eyesKinny is apparently too shocked to investigate properly...
>>6190886>>6190893I'm really starting to get confused on where Ursus is at because I thought he was with Mog still. But I will assume he went with Kinny for now.>>6190884>>6190888>Kinny does end up finding something along with Ursus.>An interesting blood trail from the bed's blood splatter.>You then spot it.>Something that can make even the most experienced of mercenaries sick to their stomach.>Gawain's grotesque head with a bit of his spine showing.>>6190897>What's worse was the gaping hole in the back of his head.>A good sigh showing how his squid friend got out.
>>6190896"Probably doesn't.">Dr Wallace said as she looked through the book."But this shit was way before the Draconians came to earth over at Roswell. Looks primitive if you ask me. From the years these were written though... note to self look up World War II information."
>>6190899He's probably confused himself. Should be with Mog, since we agreed to not move too much and be inconspicuousWhat do I roll to puke?
>>6190901Constitution save.But you don't have to puke if you don't want to. Don't want another vault situation.
>>6190899>>6190902So uh, I don't see the squid?
>>6190903Roll me another Perception.
Rolled 12 + 4 (1d20 + 4)>>6190904Is this a two-stage investigation? I did specify I wanted to look for the squid.
>>6190900"World war? Is that even possible? You humans are crazy!" Mog yawled, backing away, disturbed.>>6190901Eh, with your stealth, you could have led him out. You did the same for all of us during the hotel, both entering and exiting. So that is precedent for you being able to roll in our place when leading the group in stealth.>>6190903Oh no. Maybe he went into one of our friends like I was afraid of. Or maybe follow the blood trail, see if it leads outside the store.
>>6190904Rolling perceptionUrsus is not particularly happy about this development
Rolled 14 (1d20)>>6190913
>>6190909"You'd be surprised on how fucked up humans are.">>6190907>You look at the blood trail.>You notice it leads out the door.>The squid must have been able to squeeze under due to his flexibility.>But even then you saw no blood on your way in.>Which means two things.>It got it off of itself somehow.>or...>It found a new host.>Either is not good.
>>6190918Quick question- was there a way to find the squid hosts without detect evil?Kinny exchanges a knowing look with Ursus and Jessica. "Ursus, should the worst happen, can you restrain Adler or Maggie?"
>>6190918>>6190921Yes I can do that although it’s going to be rough I can already tellWell I guess we are going to have a group music night then, let’s round everyone up including the people that are dealing with the nihm mutations
>>6190918"I can't believe how many people worship your kind, now having gotten even the tiniest glimpse of what your people were and are capable of." Mog muttered darkly.He went off into the corner to brood quietly.'They sure are taking quite awhile to get back. I hope nothing happened'
>>6190921They freak out from cold and sleep deprivation torture via the ol' "play Metallica at max volume on headphones treatment", otherwise no. The only way to detect them is with Detect Poison or Disease, or other similar magical senses like what I have. Since they count as a parasite, and also capital E evil.
>>6190923>>6190921You will have to make insight checks.>You then gather everyone around the facilty.MaggieAdlerThe two Nihm infected WolvesCaramelKumaSuperman(?)>Only ones who aren't present are Bobby, Ord, and Potato, and that's because they are following Lincoln.How do you plan doing insight? One at a time or all at once?>>6190925Yes you could do this as well.>>6190924"We're worshipped? Why?"
>>6190931>>6190923I want to tell Jessica to analyze them and Ursus to stay as defacto enforcer should things go wrong, while I go and actually just fetch Mog. This isn't something I want to have to bet on.
>>6190935>Kinny then rushes back to the church.
>>6190918"Yknow doc, I thought the Draconians landed in 1945. When was World War II? I thought all your stuff happened only 30 or so years after that, I dunno, can't recall well. Shouldn't this have been recent history for you, what with you being a human elder?" Mog caught himself, "Ah, no offence! I just mean in comparison to Maggie."You know, it is kind of odd for Dr.Wallace not to know Oppenheimer or Einstein. Or for her to respond to my address of 'you humans' with a response about humans as if she wasn't one of them. Thought to be fair, the way she said it also makes perfect sense to say normally as well. Just...a bit spooky for me to be alone with her, not sure if she is actually the squid.
>>6190931Alright let’s get everyone’s story together and compare and contrast them together.Ursus advises while he gets the music ready with Maggie. I’m terrible at judging people so I’ll leave this to our wisest. If the results are inconclusive then we check manually (Ursus plan is with the combination of music and tapping each members necks with his weapon and forcibly getting them to inject a health potion>>6190935Will do
>>6190931"Oh, uh...well, I mean...you guys left a hell of a legacy. All these massive buildings and cities, technology and monuments. For us, it is like the remnants of a bygone golden age. We know you guys are the ones who built all of it, since there's statues of you guys and art'n'stuff, so, y'know...you kind of seem like gods to some folk. Naive, foolish folk, in my honest Goddess-fearing opinion, but I digress."
>>6190940"Godspeed, you crazy bear." Kinny replied as he rushed towards the door.>>6190909"MOGwevegotacapitalP-roblem" The cat skidded on the floor as he slowed down not to hit the busy wolf, ending up about 30 degrees off-target. After correctively turning to face Mog, he explained that "Gawain is no more, unless you can revive a gibbed corpse. The jellyfucker is nowhere to be found, he might've possessed one of ours. I left Ursus with Jessica to question them, but we really need you there to find the damn squid."
*wipes bloody paw on the floor*
>>6190939>>6190942"I guess that would make sense. Still we're not gods. Nothing like that exists.">>6190943>>6190944>Kinny rushed in and did an Akira slide to get Mog's attention.>Dr Wallace just stared at the cat."Nice skid.">>6190940Who do you want to let listen to music first?
>>6190947Let’s start with people that have been isolated for much of the day and the ones who have been moving around throughout the church
>>6190943Mog jumped, startled into panic by the cat ice-skiing on his paws past him into a panicked crash. He landed awkwardly, flopping around stupidly until he found his legs underneath him and stood up sharply upon hearing the cat's frantic explanation."WHAT?!? How the fuck did this happen?!" Mog practically screamed.He ran and grabbed the doctor by the scruff of her neck and dragged her."C'mon doc, transform. We gotta scram! Lead the way Kinny!">I grab the doc and drag her along with us, following Kinny back to the seedhouse.
>>6190947>>6190951Should I roll for stealth or is this one a freebie too?I'd imagine we're all kinda shook.Mog shaken so hard he made not two, not three, but FOUR reddit spaces. Truly the sign of the end-end times.
Sorry guys gotta leave now. Sorry for the late replies. I'll check the poll later.
>>6190953Also I shall say it's a freebie.
>>6190953>>6190956lmao, hell ya I'm shook. Pretty exciting session, to be honest. Or at least this part is.Ah shit, just when it was getting good. Well, thanks for running QM. See ya Tuesday or whenever our next session is.
>>6190956I’m imagining the ambient the thing theme played when we uncovered the body and is just going on
>>6190956No problem, give us the results here in thread so we know when's the next session.>>6190959Nice>>6190960blueballed
>>6190793Final Results.>Yes - Tuesday: 2 Votes>Yes - Thursday: 1 Vote>No Keep Both Days: No Votes
>>6191172Should be available tomorrow.
>>6194059Same, around the usual time, 3 or 4 hours after you usually first post.
>>6190951>>6190953>After Dr Wallace Transforms, you all three head over back to the seed shop.>Rushing back to the home base.>>6190950>You start off by gently placing headphones onto June."May I ask what this is?">June asks in a scared tone.Ursus you want to calm her first or just turn it on?
>>6194269I want to leave the detective work to others and maybe clean up the room from the uh, gore. Where's Bobby&Co.?
>>6194272Still following Lincoln.
>>6194274Oh okay, then I'll leave the body for later lolLincoln is the head lizard right?
>>6194275He's a head lizard. Not the Head Lizard. He's mostly there to be a representative of the Lizard Nation.
>>6194276Okay, did we have any particular reason to have Bobby follow him, or are we doing it just in case he does something that we'd benefit of knowing about?
>>6194278Well aside from the latter. One of the other main reasons he is here is he wants the current head lizard (the czar) dead and was wanting the wolf council to join him in on that. He admitted to Mog this I believe. Either that or Ursus but I know he hates Ursus at the moment.
>>6194280Lmao, what did Ursus do?
>>6194281Mostly just say that humans aren't bad at all and that both sides were wrong.... Lincoln did not take kindly to that at all and literally choked the shit out of him
>>6194282Note to self to not say that within the choking distance of him
>>6194283Will note.
I'm gonna wait for others to come over.
>>6194288Just for the record, it's because I decided that the cat would let Mog/Ursus carry this out an generally just waits to claw the octofuck once it's forced out.
Here. Just catching up.
Rolled 15 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6194269"Hey, it's alright. Think of this as medicine, it tastes bad, but it heals you. This will sound awful and loud, but it's a necessary diagnosis tool, alright? Try and relax." Mog eased into his role as doctor's assistant.'Maybe it isn't the doc, she was just fine in freezer after all, there was a noticeable chill and yet she didn't freak out. One of the isolated ones then? The afflicted? Or one of the guards, who couldn't help themselves but go in to feed and water Gawain?' he thought to himself as he rubbed June's back in an attempt to calm her.>Persuasion check to calm June.
>>6194319Kinny observed closely as Mog convinced June that he would not, in fact, rupture her eardrums, while planning on rupturing her eardrums. A single tear of pride formed in his left eye.
>>6194322>>6194319>June listens to Mog and calms down.>Ursus then places the headphones on her.>He then plays the music.I'll let you play the song. Let's just say it's a 2000's mix cd with songs from the 90s.
>>6194335>>6194327Cringe, I messed that up.
>>6194327>>6194336It was 'Radio' by The Corrs, the MTV unplugged version, btw.
>>6194336>>6194335>>6194337I still heard it.>The music was calming surprisingly.>Still loud to her sensitive ears but it wasn't causing her pain.>She clearly wasn't infected.>Still best to try to find out who else will react you know how the squid would react.Who's next?
>>6194340"Welp, it's not her. Maggie, you're up next." Mog shrugged.He gently pressed her towards the chair, aiming to achieve conveyor belt like efficiency. The wait was driving him to anxiety.'Go go go, lets get this over with' came the oppressive thought, better to rip the bandaid off, see who was at stake.
The Corrs - Radio (MTV Unplugged Version)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RZhg4Fkvd0
>>6194344"Okay.">Maggie soon gor on the chair and began listening to the music via headphones.".... nice use of violins... but other than the song's okay.">She said as she kept the headphones on for a while.>So question.... how are we going to put the headphones on him?">She asks as she points onto Hogar.>The very wolf who's acting feral.
>>6194344>conveyor belt like efficiency
Rolled 8 - 2 (1d20 - 2)>>6194347Thanks catto>>6194348"He's already restrained, so we just have to avoid his snapping jaws. So we walk around him to behind, like so-" Mog walked and talked, headphones in hand, "-and just plop them on!">Dex check to fit them on his head while he is no doubt thrashing.Hogar should be tied up, so escape or a fight isn't an issue. The only issue is his head is likely free, so putting it on may be struggle.
>>6194348>>6194350Kinny assists by shoving the otter's staff into the wolf's maw out of nowhere
Rolled 14 - 2 (1d20 - 2)>>6194351>Rollin with advantage thanks to Kinny's quick thinking!
>>6194351>>6194350Go ahead and make that second roll Mog.
>>6194354Looks like we need Ursus to hold his head while I gag him while you put headphones on him. And if that fails, we need Jessica to kick him in the shins while Ursus holds his head while I gag him while you put headphones on him.
>>6194354>>6194350>>6194351>Hogar bites on the staff Kinny gave him.>Sure monetary value might go down with the teeth marks but nothing a beaver can't fix.>Mog then puts the headphones on him.>Seems to be going well....>Wolf also seems to be calmed by the music too.>Note to self.>Music soothes the most savage of beasts.>No violent and/or pained reactions from it.>So...>All that's left....>Adler>Caramel>Superman(?)>KumaWho's next?
>>6194359"Huh, wasn't him, makes sense. Squid wouldn't go into an already restrained person."Mog had suspected Adler earlier, given that he was in charge of looking after the prisoners. This possibility paled in comparison to the damage that could be wrought if 'Superman' was infested. Better leave that until last."Adler, you're up buddy!"
>>6194360>>6194359Kinny turns his gaze towards Adler, wondering whether the staff will be needed if he's indeed posessed. He unknowingly dragged the head of the staff on the floor behind him, making it screech menacingly.
>>6194360>>6194362"Yes sir.">Adler said as he went up.>He sat down.>Waiting for you to put the headphones on.>However when the staff screeched across the floor three mammals reacted.>Adler winced as he heard the staff being scrapped across the floor.>Caramel covered her ears from that painful sound.>Kuma closed his eyes and got on the floor.>Superman(?)... he didn't seem to react at all... then again he seems to barely know what's going on.
>>6194365"Oh sh-" Cat puffed up and backed away from the crowd, watching Caramel, Kuma and Adler carefully.
>>6194365'What does it mean? Are they covering their ears from the pain, like a squid? Or does Superman's lack of reaction indicate he's the one infected?' the wolf's thoughts raced, a million miles an hour.Mog unceremonious leapt sideways and plopped the headphones over Superman's head on gut instinct. Internally, he braced for the violence sure to be unleashed. He could only hope to be wrong.>Put the headphones on Superman instead. Surprise 'attack'!
>>6194370>Superman then listened to the headphones.>He was clearly enjoying the tunes that were playing on it."Ha ha. Music."
>>6194371>>6194368Mog breathed out a tremendous sigh of relief. The kingdom was safe! Goddess preserve the queen! He passed off the headphones to Kinny to test the rest of their friends, laying down to relax. It was better this way anyways, if his paws were free, he could act harshly when they finely found the infected. Kinny had the wits to act fast, but Mog wasn't sure the cats had the brawn to restrain anyone but Caramel.
So did we test Adler properly? He did have a reaction, but I'm not sure what did that indicate.
>>6194382No we didn't, I switched to Superman to try and take him off guard, in case he was the squid.
>>6194382Sorry for being late. Lunch.So Kinny who will you choose?Adler, Caramel, or Kuma?
Just a heads up, in about 40 or so minutes, I'll have to go pick up groceries. I'll be gone for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half.
>>6194387Caramel for startersKinny plops the headphones on Caramel, starting from the smallest to the biggest animal to minimaze chaos.She's the horny bunny right
>>6194390Yes she is.>Before you turn them on...>Caramel seemed a bit off."W- wait! This won't work. I'm a rabbit for I have sensitive hearing. The mudic would hurt me either way. Why not do Adler first?"Mog, Kinny, Ursus will you listen to Caramel?
>>6194393>>6194383Kinny shoots Mog a look that says 'detect evil, por favor'.
Rolled 2 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6194393>>6194395Mog made a placating motion with his paws."Never been shellshocked? Your ears will ring, but your hearing will return, almost as good as new. You know how important this is. It only makes you look 'guilty' to refuse. We need to know who the squid is occupying, their thoughts are not their own and they are a danger to us all. It's necessary" the wolf said, gesticulating emphatically to disguise his casting of his spell.>Persuasion check first, to see if she'll do it without me needing to waste a spell.>Gesturing to hide my subsequent spell cast, in case she still refuses.
>>6194400Kinny pretends he's about to put the headphones on Caramel anyway to save Mog.
>>6194400>>6194393>When she inevitably still refuses, I'll cast Divine senses, and if that doesn't do it, I'll cast Detect Poison and Disease and look at her, then everyone else in the room. If no one seems to be infected, I'll go through every room, then outside into the street to see who I spot.
Rolled 14 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6194402>>6194400Rollin' again thanks to Kinny's quick thinking.
Brb something came up.
Sorry. Car problems around the neighborhood>>6194395>>6194400>>6194402>>6194403>>6194404>Caramel was distracted as she was talking to Mog."L- listen maybe we can talk this out.>Kinny the Kot then placed the headphones on the unsuspecting rabbit and she reacted both in pain and violently as she listened to the 90's music playing from them.>The tentacles immediately popped out.>Making everyone shocked."Shut this blasphemous noise off or I will gladly devour this disgusting rabbit's perverted brain!!">Two voices said at once.
Gotta go now, be back in a bit
>>6194410What would kinny realistically know about these squids? Something that I can do to remove them?Is the second voice coming from other animal than Caramel?
>>6194410And if you eat her brain I will destroy you, not a great bargaining chip.
>>6194418Leave her now unharmed Ursus growls out
>>6194416The Squid[/spoilers]>>6194418>>6194419"You think threats like that will scare me? I've been with that wolf for years! I've seen my fair share of people trying to kill me! If you think you can scare me, go ahead an- UGH! THAT'S DISGUSTING! STOP THINKING THOSE THOUGHTS YOU VERMIN!"
>>6194422Oh you think that you will be killed instantly? Tell me how much salt does it take for your body to slowly shrivel, in agony constant? Or a jar full of vinegar picking your form until your a husk, or even say this music constantly blasting in your jar prison slowly tearing your mind apart until your are but a twitching mass your soul broken. Face it cephalopod what’s currently preventing me from t unleashing such suffering is caramels continued existence. I’m certain your creator would let you experience it in full for your failure
>>6194424Maggie keep thinking those thoughts tell him the lengths of the book you have on hand you know the one.
>>6194422Uhm so is this post right? Looks like the answer was cut
>>6194425Replace Maggie with Caramel
>>6194427My answer was the Squid was also talking. But I fucked up the spoiler tag.>>6194425>>6194428"Ugh! I admire her genius but... why does she have be such a pervert!>The squid then had enough.>It then escaped from Caramel's ear and then left.>Leaving itself exposed.Athletics to grapple but with disadvantage due to it being slimey.
Rolled 18 + 4 (1d20 + 4)>>6194429Rolling
Rolled 6 + 4 (1d20 + 4)Rolling again for disadvantage
Rolled 20 (1d20)>>6194429I hit it with a staff
>>6194433Roll for damage.>>6194430>>6194431Your first may actually be enough.
>>6194435what's the damage for the staff?
>>6194438A quarterstaff is 1d6.Since this is a modded mahogany staff however, 1d8.
>>6194424I hope you enjoyed me channeling the chaotic barbarian character. Also Ursus meant every word he said so if that squid could taste the surface thoughts it would raw concentrated cruelty
Rolled 8 (1d8)>>6194435Kinny takes a swing and after drawing a 180 degree arc, strikes the jellybrain in the jellynub.>>6194443A stray jellydrop lands on Mog's nose
Rolled 14, 14 + 6 = 34 (2d20 + 6)>>6194429"Kill it, kill it, kill it!" Mog chanted, as he ran towards the conflict. Drawing his sword, he slid on his knees as he passed the squid, scraping his sword against the floor is a rising crosscut.>Attack the squid with disadvantage.>>6194445Achoo!
>>6194433>>6194445>>6194430>The Squid couldn't even see Kinny taking his Mahogany Staff and bludgeon him on the head.https://youtube.com/shorts/A3V6XslZZwU?si=bufPIkZpGCPqC4o4>The squid was then taken hold of by the bear.>Ursus grabbing it in a way it couldn't move or invade his mind if it could.>For now all the squid was doing was just struggling to be free.>Though his body was pretty weak.
>>6194450Didnt see your post until now.Roll damage.
Rolled 4, 4, 3 + 4 = 15 (3d4 + 4)>>6194452
Rolled 3 (1d8)>>6194452>>6194456Thunder now.
>>6194456>>6194457>Mog then finishes the job.>Killing the squid with his Broadsword.>You could hear it scream as it was then cut in half.>The fucker leaving barely anything there...>Except a Nimh stone.What do the three of you do now?
>>6194458Ursus immediately rushed toward caramel checking her over for damage healing potion in hand
>>6194458"CAREFUL! Don't...touch it!" Mog practically screamed, quieting down as he remembered not to attract attention.He sheathed his sword, moving to go check in on Caramel, to see if she needed healing.deleted prior post, due to typo.
>>6194458Kinny unceremoniously moves to Adler and presents him with the headphones. "You're up, I'm not taking any chances." The cat said, the thought of another squid infiltrating their ranks being in the back of his head together with one where said squid hops onto Mog or Ursus.
>>6194467We should read that book it seems to work as a defence
>>6194468"I'm getting old, remind me, what book?" Mog asked warily. His memory really was going. Hopefully it didn't become a problem.
>>6194469The erotica one
>>6194459>>6194464>>6194467>You both see Caramel.>She looks weak as fuck.>She's mostly limp.>You then remember that those cephlopod fucks drink the blood of their host.>Then remember that rabbits probably don't carry a lot of blood.>Still Caramel looks at Ursus."Hey there.....">She weakly says."Sorry about that.">Adler then goes up to Kinny and allows him to put the ear phones on."Huh.... so this is human music... neat.">He, Thankfully, did not have a single squid in him either.>>6194470Out of character those all got burned by Simon remember.
>>6194472>The cat tries KumaWho's Kuma again?
>>6194470"Oh, the brainrot. I can't believed that worked. A literal fragment of the literal Incarnation of Hate, and some lewd shit was enough to freak the little shit out. Woooooof, maybe it is a good idea, as reluctant as I am to admit it. But is using evil to fight evil worth it? You might contract some kind of mental disease."
>>6194472The wolf began massaging the rabbit's limp form, working the Goddess's divine energy into her tiny body. Soon all she would need was food and rest.>I use Lay on Hands to heal her.
>>6194472(Oooh there’s goes that option)Ursus immediately poors the healing potentiometer to help balance out her blood volume. >Ursus looks relieved and exhausted from the stress, Ursus still holding her carefully
>>6194477Upon seeing mog about to use lay on hands Ursus immediately corked the potion>>6194477Also damn typos
>>6194474Kuma was the original leader of the Forest Guardians before Sage took over. He also had a squid in him but you killed it already.>The bear was next.>He soon had the headphones put on him.".... May I ask what this is? It sounds... bad and nasally.">>6194476>>6194477>>6194478>Thankfully it was enough to get her blood moving regularly again.>Caramel was still weak though properly move."Is that everyone?">Maggie then asked."Yeah. I was the only one infected.">Caramel said as she was lifted up by Adler."Tentacles there promised me I would be a human if I aided him."
>>6194482Ursus I guess this is a lesson on how dangerous these monsters.>Ursus sighs in dad level disappointment
>>6194486(Continued because accidental post) and not to make deals with them. I’m not mad caramel you already told me about your desire and I advised you on the distructive effects of nihm.
>>6194482Of course a bear would find it nasally. Normal speech for Kuma is probably gruff and deep as all hell."You're better off seeking the Goddess for aid on that front. I mean that sincerely. The amber rings are powered by moonlight, after all." Mog proselytized as he moved towards the kitchen, to get the rabbit some easily digestible food.
>>6194486>Dr Wallace then went up to the stone.>She then gently picked it up."Dear God.... did it just burst into a Nimh stone?">She then looks at Maggie."What the hell even was that?""As far as we can tell... an enemy.">Maggie replied.>>6194489"I still want to be one though... it just.... seems right.">Caramel said.>Still there was nothing you could say to change her mind.>>6194490"That's the last of those fuckers... right?">Maggie asks the group.
>>6194491In our proximity? maybe? In this town? Not even close I doubt there isn’t a ton of these little monsters running about, I bet that John dealer made these monsters
>>6194493Nihm dealer
>>6194495Gotta go now.Have things to do, but you may all talk among yourselves. See you all next Tuesday.
>>6194491>>6194495>>6194499I think I'll pause for tonight too, see you next tuesday anons
>>6194499Cool beans sorry for not being present had college stuff
>>6194491"A pawn of some alien, evil god. Demons." Mog replied to Wallace as he came back from the kitchen.He handed Caramel a bowl of weak porridge, something that would go down easily. The strange idea of her not feeling right in her own body perplexed him. He still wasn't sure it wasn't just a fetish thing. Still, he supposed he should take it seriously, she certainly seemed to, after all.To Maggie's question, he answered "That we know of. I'm sure there are more, they had a whole plan and everything. Many of Kuma's raccoon subordinates were infected as well. If they are infiltrating the city for their ritual or whatever, then there must be others that were worth infecting.">>6194499Thanks for running QM. See you next Tuesday!>>6194493>>6194438Take care everyone, have a good week. I'll see you all next Tuesday!
Will be there tomorrow.
>>6198379I most likely will as well. Will give updates if I can't make it.
Might be a bit late to respond. Got some stuff to take care of.>>6194493>>6194503>>6194500"So that's our target? The Nimh Dealer? Any idea where he might be?">Jessica asked.>Maggie was then quick to come up with her own question."Hey, where's Maggie, Ord, and Potato?"
>>6199009>Ursus looks up immediate concern plastered on his head.Please tell me they are just out doing missions or something
>>6199009I just noticed my mistake, meant to say "Bobby, Ord, and Potato", not "Maggie, Ord, and Potato". Fucking Morning Daze.>>6199050"Well they were with you guys last right?"
>>6199009Did you mean caramel?
>>6199052No I meant for Maggie to ask where Bobby, Ord, and Potato are.
>>6199051Ursus stands bolt up right and starts booking it back to where they last saw Ord and potato
>>6199009>>6199058"They were tracking Lincoln last I've heard. Can go look for them" Kinny offered his services
>>6199059>>6199068"You sure that's a good ide- and Ursus is bolting his way over there.">Maggie said bluntly."Kinny you might want to make sure Ursus is okay.">After a while.>Ursus then reaches back to the restaurant where they asked Bobby and her cats to tail Lincoln.
>>6199074Ursus turns to one of the waiters or waitresses and asks where Lincoln went.Ursus then reorients on that direction
>>6199077Again sorry for late responses. Just moved in a Freezer I just got. Gotta transfer stuff in it soon"About like half an hour ago sir.">The wolf waiter replied."He walked passed us and did whatever lizards do. I don't see why you would want to know where he is. You a lizard supporter or something to that effect?"
>>6199086First off I know a good lizard bar owner who helped my home town deal with a pretty nasty problem second I’m not looking him specifically just where he’s going
>>6199089"I don't know he passed by. Listen I just serve food and place rich mutts on tables. I don't keep track of anyone.
>>6199096Ursus nods and apologizes for the disruption he then bolts toward the fountain
I'm here, just catching up.
>>6199098Give me a perception check.
>>6199009>>6199068"We should go through what we know of the dealer again. I can't remember, did you see his face Ursus? His species could help identify which quarter he's most comfortable residing in, in the city. Also, I gotta ask the doc if Nihm has specific storage conditions, might help locate his base o-" Mog started.>>6199059>>6199074"-HEY! Where are you going! They were just tracking Lin..." The wolf was startled up by the bear bolting out the door, too slow to react with his bum leg.He turned to Maggie "Make sure the seedhouse is secure. If any strange pigs or whoever, someone you don't know comes knocking, don't answer. They break in, you shoot first and don't ask questions later. Don't stick around to fight it out, go out the back, with everyone. We'll be back."Then he rushed out the door after Ursus, tracing his steps.>>6199096"Hey! Did you just see a bear just now? Which way did he go!?" Mog interrogated everyone he passed by intensely, palming them some gold if they protested.
Rolled 16 (1d20)>>6199114Command typo
>>6199074>>6199098>>6199103I follow Ursus with Mog.Sorry for infrequent replies today as well.
Brb guys. Again sorry about this.>>6199115>>6199118The wolf gives directions and you. Atch up to ursus
>>6199118No worries.>>6199119>>6199098"Hey! Slow down buddy. You're the only one who's encounter this guy. What should we expect, what does he look like? Anything you can remember about his abilities?"
>>6199121Lincoln is an old soul, he is haunted by his actions I can tell but also he’s prone to reacting to anger. But I’m not going for him I’m checking the fountain to see if the nihm dealer a human shaped being clad in a cloak who operates in the shadows, expect modified human science, possible wesponized nihm etc expect anything as Ursus pads the ground
>>6199127If Ord and potato are anywhere they iether be near the well scouting Lincoln or stuck there
>>6199127"Ah, I was talking about the Nihm dealer, not Lincoln, but sure. So, should we expect him to have ice guns?">>6199118Turning to Kinny, Mog said "Maybe you can look over the fountain hideout, if Ursus doesn't pick up the trail. There might be evidence the dealer left behind that might give us a clue."
Rolled 11 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6199096>>6199136Rolling investigation
I've gotta leave soon. Sorry.
>>6199116>>6199146>You are unfortunately unable to find either Lincoln, the Nihm Dealer, or Bobby and her two men.I think I won't be able to continue, sorry guys.
>>6199147>>6199149Thursday, then?
>>6199157Yeah I should be available, also what have they done to my cat boys
>>6199157>>6199161Yeah. Then we'll go back to weekly. Sorry again. I was slammed by several things happening at once.
>>6199170All good man, take care of life stuff
>>6199157>>6199161>>6199170Yeah, I'm good for Thursday. Sorry again for the abrupt departure. In addition to having to go pick up groceries like usual, I had a lunch date, then therapy right after.
I'm probably gonna be late for today's session, since I'm burning the midnight oil.
>>6199119>>6199121>>6199127>Where do you wish to go now?>Go inside the fountain's secret passage way again and hope to find the Nimh Dealer?>Try to find Bobby, Ord, and Potato?
>>6200218I hate the idea of splitting up further but clearly our friends are in danger so we will look for ord and potato if the nihm dealer has any relation to what’s happening with them then we will find them there if not it could be more of those lizards trying to provoke a war by killing Lincoln which would be even more annoying.
>>6200247Will Respond Later just waiting for Kinny to respond as well since Mog is going to be late.
>>6200218>>6200254I would like to find them first
>>6200247>>6200259>You both agree that finding Bobby, Ord, and Potato is the best plan of action.How do you guys wish to find them?
>>6200265weren't we following lincoln for that?
>>6200267You haven't spotted him yet
>>6200265>>6200267Ok everyone start asking bystanders if they’ve seen the old dragon and a possible concrete direction. We meet back up around here to discuss possible leads to go on.
>>6200271Right, investigation 18 wasn't enough to get clue where to find him.Are there any other cats around?
and sorry if i my posts are short, im tired and not feeling well today
>>6200273>>6200275Give me another investigation or perception check.
Rolled 16 + 4 (1d20 + 4)>>6200280Perception for cats
Rolled 10 + 4 (1d20 + 4)>>6200280Rolling
>>6200281>>6200282>Kinny this is able to see something on the rooftops.>Looks like something struggling while basically being tied up to one of the many antenna the buildings have.>Good thing it wasn't storming.>Judging by how big the figure was you can immediately tell it was either Ord or Potato.Go up the rooftop and check?
>>6200284Waiting for kinny to point out the figure, possibly warns everyone about a possible trap so if we spring it be ready
>>6200284>>6200288"Think we've got more problems, look over there" Kinny pointed towards the rooftop and waited for Ursus to catch up before urgently climbing up there himself.If I can reach them, I ask them what the hell happened.
>>6200288>>6200313How do you plan on getting up there?
>>6200314I'm a cat so I'll just jump up there. Not recommended for bears.
>>6200315Acrobatics check with advantage.
Rolled 11 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6200316As cat intended
Rolled 19 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6200317
>>6200317>>6200319>Kinny is able to get there with reletive ease.>Kinny then sees who was tied up to that pole.>It's Ord.>Of course it's Ord.>You see he's tied up and gagged.Remove his bindings?
>>6200323Ungag and ask what happened and where others are first.
>>6200324"THEY TOOK POTATO! THEY TOOK POTATO! THEY TOOK POTATO! THEY TOO-"Gag him back, take the torture of listening, or force him to shut the hell up?
>>6200325Slap the gag back on and claw his bindings so he rolls off the roof
>>6200337>With one quick swipe, you take off the bindings and Ord starts comedically starts rolling off the roof like a boulder.>Luckily cats land on their feet.>So no fall damage for him.>Also helps that they gave a bear to land on.Ursus what do you do with Ord?
>>6200342Ursus I’m going to open your gag you need to point once again where they went alright? I need you to breathe and calm down so you can be thorough allright Ord
>>6200348Give me a charisma/persuasion check to try and calm him down.
>>6200348>>6200350Kinny looks down from the roof and gives a claws-up to mama bear.Can I look around for clues or things the kidnappers left behind while I'm up here?
>>6200357Give me investigation.
Rolled 13 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6200363
>>6200365>Kinny you look around.>You end up seeing one of Bobby's Daggers.>Seems like she used it for self defense as the tip is covered in blood.>Other than that no other clues.
>>6200366>>6200348Not much use, I grab the blade, hop off the roof and safely land on Ursus. Gonna try and help him calm down the fat cat.
>>6200372>>6200348Like Ursus give me a Charisma/Persuasion check.
I'm here.
>>6200383Do you wish to make the Charisma/Persuasion check Mog?
Rolled 12 + 8 (1d20 + 8)>>6200386Okay. Still catching up though.
>>6200276Sorry to hear that buddy.>>6200373>>6200388"Ord. LISTEN. Which way did they take Potato. We need you to be strong and calm. I know you can do both. Who took Potato, and WHERE? Which direction?" Mog demanded sternly, enunciating each word with clarity, to cut above the cat's babbling.
>>6200388>>6200372>>6200348>>6200391>Mog then helped Ursus calm down the Tard Cat.>Making him more comprehensible.>Ord then speaks."Monkeys.... monkeys took Potato and Bobby! Bobby stabbed one in the dangles and sliced another one in the neck. They then took me and tied me up to that pole and called me a tard and I told them my name was Ord but they didn't want to listen. They then turned me in a direction I couldn't see and then I couldn't hear Bobby and Potato anymore. I don't know where they are."
>>6200399>>6200372>>6200348Mog waved his paw, motioning for him to be quiet "So, monkeys? Or Apes, specifically? What do you think guys, another faction? Clayton, or Sunny?"He looked up at the roof where Ord was tied "Which way was Ord facing when he was tied up? He says that they went in a direction he couldn't see, so that means they went whichever direction was behind him. Also, which direction relative to Ord was the bloody dagger, Kinny?"
>>6200402"Apes... they said something about making sure Lincoln dies. Or at least that's what Bobby said she overheard. I don't know. I think I was facing North."
>>6200406"Odd play from them. They could be banished from the city from this, if word got out. I guess they are counting on their investments in the city, to keep them out of trouble. They must be pretty dumb though, to think they can covertly take out Lincoln." Mog mused aloud.Motioning with his head for everyone to fall in, he led them around the corner onto the street heading south. He kept his head on a swivel, looking for signs of struggling or disturbed roof tiles. Occasionally he stopped a passerby to ask if they saw any apes carrying a cat or a moving sack, explaining that there was a catnapping in process. When he was sure everyone else's eyes were peeled, he lowered his nose to the ground to try and pick up Bobby's scent.>>6200372"Hey, buddy, maybe you'd better follow from the rooftops, to our right. They might've travelled over those, to avoid attracting as much attention on the street. Maybe see if they broke any tiles with their bumbling traipsing and leaping around, or if there is any more blood."
>>6200412Give me a perception check for Bobby's scent.
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d20 + 1)>>6200417Did anyone I asked see anything?
>>6200418I guess it is up to Kinny then.
>>6200412Urdu’s will follow Mog’s and Kinny’s lead(Was taking an exam sorry for the late reply)
>>6200412>>6200422>>6200418>You were unable to pick up a scent.>It was all just... stale for some reason.>You all then go around and search for the monkeys via talking.>No wolf mentions anything about monkeys or any mentions of a cat or a moving sack.
>>6200423>>6200422>>6200372"I think we're on the wrong track. My theory must have been wrong." Mog told Ursus, before pausing to shout up to Kinny, "You see anything up there?!"He sat and waited for the cat's response. If Kinny couldn't pick up the trail, and if nobody had seen the apes, that must mean they had a secret passage, like the Nihm dealer. The party would have to go back the way they came, investigate the building where Ord was tied up, check out the block, for underground passages. It was the only other thing that made sense, how they could avoid anyone seeing them. Satisfied that he'd thought up of another way of at least keeping the investigation going, he shared his thoughts with Ursus and asked for his input.
>>6200428Ursus nods to mog as they move silent determination and stress etched to the bears face after weeks of non stop conflict stress and fear.
>>6200428The well makes sense it’s quite clear the place is riddled with chambers passage ways and hideouts
>>6200428>>6200437>>6200438What will you three do now?
>>6200438"The well? I suppose that makes sense. Multiple parties could've discovered it, or even built it themselves. The question then becomes, is the Nihm dealer working with the apes, or are they separate parties who independently discovered the passages? Or in the case of one party having built the passages - the apes most likely, during their additions to the city - are they enemies, not allies but unable to keep the others out, allies but not working towards the same goal, what? Or perhaps these are human made passages, like the tunnel beneath the temple, and these wretches are just parasites." Mog chattered pointlessly, soothing his anxious mind.
>>6200439>If Kinny doesn't reply and roll to help track the apes, then we'll move back to where Ord was tied up and check the building he was on for secret passages. If we don't find any underground entrances, we'll check the block. If we still find nothing, we'll enter the well.
I can roll, just tell me whatSorry but I need to wrap it up for tonight after that
>>6200450Fair enough.Sorry for being so slow with replies this week.
>>6200450Probably investigation, to look for clues and pick up the trail?
Rolled 1 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6200453>>6200453I hop off the roof after and report findings to Mog and Ursus, if I get anything.
>>6200457Yikes. The trail grows colder. Lucky or no?
>>6200458it's ogre
>>6200453We wrapping up for the week, or are you good to keep going? And don't worry about slow replies. Not every day is as free as it could be for any of us.
>>6200457>Kinny fails to notice something.>Anything.>Unfortunately....>That might be trouble for him.See you guys this coming Tuesday.
>>6200447Definitely separate parties, the hunger for power is too great for them to even consider an alliance no matter how brief, not to mention judging by the way he operates i suspect he isolates a specific member of a faction and does some form of back alley deal to iether complete his own ends before backstabbing them eventually or actively mis informing them in order to cause some form of chaos mind you my character profile on the being is still updating point is he is very much not opposed to killing his supposed allies to achieve his goals.
>>6200464>>6200459See you next week!>>6200467"You'd know him best, you've actually met him, for one. Makes things easier for us though." Mog replied, with a shrug.See ya next week big guy!
Just giving a heads up, I'll be busy tomorrow. Uncertain about Thursday. Also I have the chills, so I might be coming down with something.
>>6200457>>6200464>The Monkey stares at Kinny.>His eyes only fixed on him.>As if he was studying him and what move he was going to do next.Kinny... what do you do?>>6200467>>6200468Ursus and Mog what do you two do while you are still on the roads.
>>6203482>>6202973My schedule cleared up unexpectedly, and my symptoms seem to have gone away too, after only a day. So, I should be available, albeit only for 6 hours or so.Mog is still chatting with Ursus, unaware the Kinny has company.
Am I early?
>>6203491Currently have a fever 100.3 so I’m not great right now sort for not responding
I'm starting to think that it's best we wait til Thursday.
>>6203660Sorry felt like my brain was about to pop from heat
>>6203578You were pretty early, to be honest.What I actually think (or thought) happened was that because I gave a day's notice that I was gonna be unavailable, everyone assumed there'd be no session, and so no-showed. Bit egotistical on my part, but it made sense.>>6203651This however, is worse than I expected. I hope you get well soon man. I thought I'd caught a cold, or maybe even the flu for a second, with aches and chills and a sore throat, headache and everything, but it passed in a day. I hope your fever passes similarly quickly.>>6203660>>6203863I can make Thursday. See you then!
Sorry for being so late.How is everyone holding up?
>>6204807I haven't slept all night. Otherwise just waiting for Kinny to respond to you previous posts from last session. Oh, and I had a nice fruit salad, and am trying to make sure I don't get sick again (not sleeping isn't helping with that though).
>>6204810Get that Votamin D and C in you friend. Definitely needed during this time of Spring, AKA the most deadliest month for me. Fucking pollen.
>>6204816Sorry guys but I must leave.Sorry for being very inactive.Maybe we can try again on Tuesday.Mog mind archiving the thread?
I hope everyone's recovered and is doing well!>>6204892Thread archived: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20AwakenedI should be able to make Tuesday's session early this time, assuming nothing suddenly changes.
I'm alive, sorry for absence last week.
>>6207068No worries, glad to see you're alive.
>>6207068>>6207114Glad to see both or you are doing well.
>>6207116I am still sick but alive it’s good to be somewhat able to think
>>6207567Might be a bit late.
Still out but I can still make a few posts.>>6203482>>6207068Kinny what do you do?
>>6203482Ursus quickly maneuvers to get into the building Ord was tied up supposedly, Ursus is about ready to kick the doors in if they are locked.
>>6207623Give me a Strength Check.
Rolled 15 + 2 (1d20 + 2)>>6207626Strength roll
>>6207628>Ursus breaks down the door.>With relative ease.>You then enter the building and start going up the building.
>>6207631Mhmm we are the cavalry time to get our boys home
>>6207641Give me a perception check to see how many stairs you need to climb.
Rolled 5 (1d20)>>6207653Perception my only weakness
>>6207656>To Ursus it looks like 30 flights of stairs....>But really it's only 3.Will you go up the stairs?
>>6207660Ursus accepts the challenge
>>6207661>Ursus then goes up the stairs>His determination helping him reach to the top.>It takes about a minute for the bear to climb the three flights.>Only 27 to go...>Then Ursus finds a dead end.What do you do?
Rolled 6 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6207631Seeing that Ursus was backtracking to look for underground passages, as they discussed, Mog went to check up on Kinny. The cat wasn't answering him, even after he'd called several times. Looking around the street for a perron or stoop, to reach the roof, he eventually settling for taking a running leap up the wall instead.>Athletics to climb up to where Kinny is at.
>>6207663>The wolf tried his best to climb...>A bit higher than he expected.>He was getting too old for this.>Mog eventually made it halfway.Give me another athletics check.
>>6207662By dead end you mean I reached the top? Also I look down to mog does he need help?
>>6207668Yes you have reached the top.
Rolled 10 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6207664>>6207068"Argh, Kinny! What's taking so long!?">2nd roll
>>6207670Ursus in confusion looks for roof access while waiting for log to catch up
>>6207678kek log nice typo
>>6207674>Mog then climbs up the rest of the way with no problems at all.>Maybe he just needed a jumpstart.>Been forever since he climbed something.>He soon reached the top.>>6207678>Meeting up with Ursus as soon as he found the door.>>6203482>>6200457>There they saw Kinny.>Face to face with a monkey.>Both of them seeming to compete in a stare off.
>>6207683Ursus seeing the stale mate moves behind kinny to back the cat up
>>6207683"Hey! You! Where'd you take our cats?!" Mog called out.He was taking a risk and making potentially offensive assumption. Sometimes the simplest answer was the solution though; this was their catnapper. Drawing his sword and crouching low, his leg muscles coiling in preparation to spring forward after the ape if he fled.What was it gonna be? Would the ape talk things out, fight, or flee?
>>6207688>>6207691>The monkey's eye then shifted towards the wolf."Hey! You! Where'd you take our cats?!">The Monkey called out.>Drawing Bobby's dagger and crouching low, his leg muscles coiling in preparation to spring forward after the wolf if he fled.
>>6207694OI I see your muscle tensing like a spring, we just want our friends back.
Rolled 16 + 3 (1d20 + 3)>>6207694Immediately understanding something was very, very wrong, Mog held out his paw to Ursus to ward him off. They needed to figure out what was going on. Was this monkey just mocking them? Was he trained to mirror his opponent's fighting style? Or was their something deeper going on, magic perhaps, or some kind of biological programming, similar to what the squids could do? Maybe this could even be a unique application of Nihm, or Clayton's secret weapon.The wolf eyed up the ape like he would prey, trying to grasp what he was seeing.>Insight check on the Ape. What's his deal?
>>6207694Also, is the monkey holding Bobby's dagger in his mouth, like I would? Or is he holding it in his hands, like presumably an ape would?>>6207696This guy is mirroring me, the QM practically copy pasted my sentence. More spooky shit is going on.
>>6207698Ursus calms and weapon resting on his hip, face becoming calm and serene to possibly throw off the primate
>>6207696"OI I see your muscle tensing like a spring, we just want our friends back.">The Monkey shouts at the bear.>>>6207698>Mog could immediately tell what was happening.>He's heard of training like this but didn't expect it to be real.>A mimic soldier.>Usually trained to monkeys since birth at Ape Army camps.>They only had one job and one job only.>To mimic all their opponent movements and attacks.>But do then better.>These kind of soldiers were usually sent to mammal kingdoms that sympathize with lizards.>Last time Mog checked though, Canis Lupin were not lizard sympathizers.>So what was he doing here?>>6207700By Mouth>>6207702>The ape then stares at Ursus for a bit...>But keeps Mog's position.
>>6207708Ursus reciprocates like a mirror
Rolled 1 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6207708>>6207702The truth dawned on a now horrified Mog. He understood. Lincoln was making inroads with the queen. The party had more or less taken Lincoln's side over Czar Dhalsim. If the queen approved a wolf army to back Lincoln, they'd knock the lizard's out of the faction war. The ape's grand strategy probably relied on divide and conquer, they knew the wolves had renewed their strength after their prior losses. With the book burners out of the war, and less opponents to focus on, a rejuvenated Canis Lupin could back the remaining free cities and defeat Clayton. The pigs were a wildcard, but they'd like stay out of things to profit from the war, and even if they joined the fray again, they were the weakest of the bunch.All of this explained why ape special forces were here in Canis Lupin, to conduct 'gorilla warfare', and prevent the wolves from taking Lincoln's side. Clayton was also probably afraid that a Canis Lupin that sided with Lincoln would join their regressive ways, turn to the Moon Goddess and reject technology, burn the Old One's works everywhere in the vast north. He was looking to make the 'ultimate soldier' he clearly knew about Xenarus, and the Old Ones. They had to stop him.Mog made up his mind "Ursus, take him alive. I'll explain later. He's a mimic soldier, ape special forces. Be careful."Then he surged forward, his muscles uncoiling as he lunged. He aimed for a feint, a deceptive arc as he tilted the left side of his head down, to bring the sword on his right up, making it seem like he was going for a downward crescent arc. In truth, he'd tilt his head the other way as he got within measure, bring his sword up in a rising cut. All of this, knowing the mimic would do everything he did, except better. The ape was younger, faster, probably even stronger, and he'd be trained from birth. But Mog had a wolf's cunning, and he had the love of his Goddess! The ape could not use the light of the moon!>Attack roll.
Rolled 3 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6207723>Using Lucky
>>6207723Ursus will flip the script and mimic the simian
Sorry, was gonna post an hour ago but FOURCHAN forced me to wait 15 minutes during which i had to fuck off and take a bath...And when I returned this piece of shit forced me wait another 15 minutes.>>6203482>>6207611Can I roll deception to make this monker fail to predict my next move?
>>6207726No 2nd lucky use.Honestly, I'm glad. I'm looking for tough fight. We've been stuck at low levels for ages, and have been getting soft ball encounters ever since the hellbot gave Kinny and I the scare. Kinny thought he was too tough for us, but honestly, 5e has a lot of HP bloat and we had a lot of damage potential. The real danger in the fight was the fact that we were low level and therefore low HP, and the hellbot had burst damage in the form of an AOE spell.QM is really good at horror and spooky shit, but the lack of danger has kinda put a hamper on that, so I'll be glad to get a tough enemy that can mimic our abilities. (Though he probably shouldn't be able to mimic magic, or at least not ALL magic. Just whatever class he happens to know. It'd be weird for him to be able to do cleric stuff and wizard stuff. Mimicking our stats or fighter abilities makes sense though)>>6207723Also, I'm glad I got the chance to use the 'gorilla warfare' joke in complete seriousness. kek, what an opportunity.
Rolled 11 + 3 (1d20 + 3)>>6207732You may.>>6207722>>6207727Give me a performance check.>>6207723>>6207726>Then he surged forward, his muscles uncoiling as he lunged. He aimed for a feint, a deceptive arc as he tilted the left side of his head down, to bring the sword on his right up, making it seem like he was going for a downward crescent arc. In truth, he'd tilt his head the other way as he got within measure, bring his sword up in a rising cut. All of this, knowing the mimic would do everything he did, except better. The ape was younger, faster, probably even stronger, and he'd be trained from birth. But Mog had a wolf's cunning, and he had the love of his Goddess! The ape could not use the light of the moon!
Rolled 19 (1d20)>>6207737Rolling
>>6207732Glad to have you join us buddy. Guess 4chan's overzealous anti-bot policies are fucking you, huh?
>>6207737>>6207735Mog what is your AC Again?
Rolled 17 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6207737
>>6207738>After attacking Mog the Monkey Mimic now has his sights only fixed on Ursus>>6207743Monkey now has disadvantage when copying Kinny.
>>6207746Ursus reciprocates the monkey drawing attention let’s see how the mimic responds to their own skill thrown in their face
>>6207740I think it is 21. It'd be 22 if I still had the copper shield, but that exploded. Without a shield it is 19 with my full plate and protection fighting style. But I think I bought a new shield with 2 AC.So, it is 21, assuming my most recent char sheet is up to date.
>>6207748I was asking because you are in disguise.>>6207747>The monkey then stares at Ursus.>Waiting to make his move.
>>6207748Wait, protection fighting style doesn't give +1 AC, not sure why my sheet says 21. It is 20. Full plate+ shield. Unless I have some other bonus from some item that I am forgetting.
>>6207737>>6207743Kinny finally blinked. He's been staring at this chimp for solid 5 minutes unsure what to do, but it seems to have worked out. When his opponent turned around, the cat quickly noticed the uncanny way it mimicked Mog and Ursus and decided his best time to strike without counter was... now. Without the monkey's attention actively on himself, the Kinny drew his claws - a thing the monkey did not have - and pounced on his head, attempting to scratch the shit out of his eyeballs to render his tactics useless.
>>6207750Oh, well, with my guard or detect disguise, I'd have chainmail on, so my AC would be 18 with a shield, 16 without. In my noble disguise, I probably have no armour, so the monkey would hit, but I'm not wearing the noble disguise right now, since we were breaking into the hotel.
>>6207758detective disguise*
>>6207750The moment he moves I move expressions I mimic and voice I mimic go full psychological warfare doubled with his sheer size and mass he’s hard to ignore and anticipate if Ursus will completely break character and rush him
>>6207753Roll Acrobatics with advantage to jump on his head (DC 15) then roll dex unarmed strike.>>6207752>>6207758>>6207759Even if it was 16 or 18, 11+3 (14) does not hit.>The monkey.... hit you.>Thank Mog's Goddess that his hide was strong.>But he hit him.>How the hell did he do that?>>6207760>The monkey continues to stare.
>>6207762Ursus stairs bag attempting to mimic the sheer wide eye stare to keep the game going but the moment the monkey breaks character to attack Ursus will attempt to rush until the mimic tries to mimic ursus’s actions
Rolled 8 + 7 (1d20 + 7)>>6207762
Rolled 12 + 7 (1d20 + 7)oh a roll to hit, right
>>6207762"Hheugh. You saw through my feint. You're good." Mog complimented freely with a grunt as he disengaged from the clash. The monkey had got him good, but his armour was worth its weight in gold.I'll wait for my next turn while the others take theirs. I guess we should be glad that the monkey's bonuses aren't that high despite their mimic nature. But given that there could be many of them, they could prove an issue later.>>6207753Nice. I just remembered that you had that ring too. You could transform in a BEEG CAT, for extra claw damage, in the future. Would be a good combo with your anti-mimic trick.
>>6207767i didnt even know, sorry
Rolled 13, 10 + 3 = 26 (2d20 + 3)>>6207763Rolling constitution saving with disadvantage.Ursus roll constitution.>>6207764>>6207766>Kinny lunges at the monkey>Claws ready to scratch the fuck out of him.>He then lands on his head.>He then starts slashing his face repeatedly.Roll damage, 1d4 + Dex>>6207767>Mog Disengages as he waits for the chaos to ensue.
>>6207767Would you believe I thought about using the amber ring to mimic the mimic? Then thought a bear mimicking the mimic would throw off
Rolled 4 + 7 (1d4 + 7)>>6207772rollan>>6207767should I double my damage? I have that as a racial trait from the first thread
Rolled 3, 15 + 2 = 20 (2d20 + 2)>>6207772Rolling consave
>>6207769Nah, no worries, it is up to you. Its been a long time since that chill session anyways. Back in thread 8, you and Ursus experimented with the coccoon rings to transform. You turned into a tiger and got a tiger's statblock. In terms of character work, I remember you had Kinny looking for a permanent way to become a BEEG cat or something, iirc.Also, I vaguely recall QM okaying animal claw damage for us, but don't quote me on that. Since you're not a tiger, I think yours is something like 1d4+dex, rather than 1d8+3 for tiger, or 1+STR for normal unarmed human.
>>620777413 Slashing Damage, doubled, 26 Slashing Damage!>Kinny literally scratches this monkey in the face.>Making him scream with every scratch the cat made.>He's giving him cat scratch fever!>>6207775>Ursus saw the monkey break concentration first thanks to Kinny.What will you do now Ursus?
>>6207777Yeah I mean i remember the temporary dramatic depression of the cat. I shitpost a lot, my excuse is that he's literally a cat.
>>6207772>>6207777Speak of the devil, I was right about the claw damage.>>6207774Your choice, but I looked up thread one. You are right, you get marked for death for 3 turns, double damage. I'd say go for it, we're not likely to have too many other fights in the same day, so you may as well use it. You also have sneak attack damage, and we're level 4.
Rolled 17 + 2 (1d20 + 2)>>6207778Ursus rushes forward to close and struck with his base clawsRolling to strike
>>6207773I mean, that could work, but the mimic's abilities just stem from regular old training. You'd essentially be turning into an ape without his abilities. It might throw him off though.Sorry for fragmented replies.>>6207774Also, 4th level sneak attack is 2d6 bonus damage fyi.
>>6207783I just wanna turn my brain off
>>6207783True also a form I would be inexperienced with, you know we should give caramel a ring and allow her to try out being human that way she can avoid possibly dangerous choices
>>6207782Roll damage.1d6+Strength
Rolled 2 + 2 (1d6 + 2)>>6207788Rolling
>>6207784Fair.>>6207785Yeah, true. Though you did experiment with turning into a human once, so it wouldn't be THAT bad.Regarding Caramel, I think she already has a ring, or am I wrong about that? We got a lot from the forest guardians. If she doesn't, then I'm not sure we have any spares. If you want to give her yours, go ahead. The other humans need theirs though, and Kinny has his whole character arc thing of wanting to find a way to become a BEEG cat.
>>6207788The moment the monkey turns to initiate mimicry again Ursus will mirror >>6207790Speaking of I gotta try to train in a human form should the need arise to have human hands and use human tech in a pinch
>>6207789>Ursus then does 4 Slashing damage to the monkey.Mog want to get in on this while you have the chance?
Rolled 4 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6207791Go for it, when you have the time.>>6207794Mog followed the others lead, sheathing his sort and rushing forward to claw at the monkey.>Attack
>>6207800Do it with advantage since Kinny is still on his head.Also sorry for late responses. Washing dishes with Bleach Water.
Also, this monkey may not be the most skilled, but he is TANKY. He's taken 30 damage, which is one more HP than I have in total. If we have to fight many of them in the future, it'll be rough. I look forward to it though.
Rolled 12 + 6 (1d20 + 6)>>6207805>2nd roll.Bleach water? Did...uh...something happen?>>6207805>>6207791>>6207784I gotta go get groceries in 20 minutes or so, will gone an hour. Honestly, it was a mistake for me to have voted for Tuesday sessions instead of Thursday, since I go out to get groceries every Tuesday. Shortens our sessions. Maybe next week, we can switch to Thursday session instead, from then on. If that is okay with all of you?
>>6207805It's fine, I'm okay with staying on his head while Ursus pummels the motherfucker ^^>>6207807Remember, my cat senses said thursday.
Rolled 1 + 4 (1d6 + 4)>>6207807>>6207805What is wolf claw damage in your system, 1d6+STR like Ursus? Or do I do the wolf 5e bite damage, 2d4+STR?Rolling 1d6+STR for now, for speed, since I may have to leave soon.
>>6207809>>6207807I’m game for either timeAlso IRSUS SMASH!!!
>>6207809u riteHit me, I'm ready for my punishment mighty prophet! Smite me with your cat claws! pic related
>>6207811Irsus, Ursus' superhero alterego
>>6207807>>6207810Hit and you may use bite damage to be 2d4 yes.Someone, aka my friend, put cigarette butts in the coffee cups.... again>>6207809>>6207811I think we should possibly try only Thursday next week. Could be fun to experiment with. Plus it might be New Thread Time by the time we get there.
>>6207815That’s bad, cigarettes nicotine in combination of saliva can produce arsenic so I see why you are bleach washing those mugs
>>6207812gifrel>>6207815Please get better friends.
I'm guessing we're calling a day?
Rolled 1, 1 + 4 = 6 (2d4 + 4)>>6207815Mog bowled the ape over, his maw deep in the simian's throat, fangs flashing in violence as the two tangled together in a blur.Gross.Pretty sure this thread will expire by then, yeah.
>>6207820Sure, we can pick it up on thursday. Once again sorry for last week and today.
>>6207820>>6207817If you want to end here. I'm good to continue in an hour, if everyone still has time though. Up to you guys. Gotta go now.>>6207822No problem, shit happens.
>>6207821>>6207822>>6207823>>6207817Well I hope everyone feels better this coming and next Thursday.I know on sunday my ears went stuffed due to all the pollen bullshit happening.Hope you all have a Blessed Night be safe everyone!
Rolled 3 + 3 (1d20 + 3)>>6207821>>6207789>>6207774>The monkey continues to scream as he then tries getting the cat off of him.>His strong paws clenching on the cat's skin.>He then tries to yank him off.Kinny make a Dexterity Saving Throw.
>>6207826>>6208613I thought we were switching to Thursdays only...next week? Maybe you got confused cause Kinny said "we can pick it up on thursday"? I'm available right now, but I'll be busy later in the morning/noon/afternoon.
>>6208619Huh? I thought I said this coming and next Thursday. But if you wish for me to postpone for next Thursday that's fine. Besides new thread if we wait.
>>6208628I mean, you did, but I think Kinny and I meant 'see you next week's Thursday'. Doesn't matter anyways, since it seems like no one else is here. I've gotta go write something up and then go out, so I'll wish you a blessed day, QM. Take care!
>>6208637Take Care Mog
>>6208638It’s official got a respiratory infection gonna be takeing antibiotics while going to college
>>6208638Have a good one gm