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The world lived in a magocracy for as long as anyone can remember, the upper classes being those who have mastered the arcane arts and the rest of society being the peons who would do their dirty work. Every settlement had a powerful wizard who was the lord protector over the people there, with life and death authority. Many of those wizards used their prerogatives to do horrifying experimentations with the people.

One day, some kind of disruption in the flow of mana cut off the wizards from their powers. The people rebelled and started to murder their wizard masters.

What every wizard learns from basic arcane theory is that the energy that power magic has to come from somewhere. Most wizards drain the metaphysical plane of demons, just "below" our own world. This causes destruction in large scale and chaos to unfold there, but the wizards don't care - it is just a bunch of demons. But this simply ceased to work on that fatidic day, and most wizards were unable to adapt quick enough.

Many have heard some rumors that some wizards managed to retain part of their powers by using alternative sources of mana.

You're one such wizard, and your powers come from the forbidden art of:

> Soul drain. The soul of a being is located in their head, so if you capture and shrink heads you can use people's heads as material component for spells. Works with monsters and animals, but they tend to have far less mana than humans. The head of a wizard and some magical creatures causes far more powerful effects to occur.
> Blood magic. Blood contains a little bit of magic. By spilling copious amounts of blood - yours or someone else's - you manage to cast the simplest of spells. More complex or powerful spells require large amounts of sacrifices, preferably in rituals, so that you can muster all the power.
> Mana powder. By turning anything with magical powers into a fine powder and snorting it, you can use magic for a very short time. Grinded dry brains, dry blood, broken magical items, mana crystals, demon horn - anything with magic can be snorted and turned into magical power.
> Write in
> Blood magic. Blood contains a little bit of magic. By spilling copious amounts of blood - yours or someone else's - you manage to cast the simplest of spells. More complex or powerful spells require large amounts of sacrifices, preferably in rituals, so that you can muster all the power.
> Blood magic. Blood contains a little bit of magic. By spilling copious amounts of blood - yours or someone else's - you manage to cast the simplest of spells. More complex or powerful spells require large amounts of sacrifices, preferably in rituals, so that you can muster all the power.

> Soul drain. The soul of a being is located in their head, so if you capture and shrink heads you can use people's heads as material component for spells. Works with monsters and animals, but they tend to have far less mana than humans. The head of a wizard and some magical creatures causes far more powerful effects to occur.

Shrunken heads seems fun
> Soul drain. The soul of a being is located in their head, so if you capture and shrink heads you can use people's heads as material component for spells. Works with monsters and animals, but they tend to have far less mana than humans. The head of a wizard and some magical creatures causes far more powerful effects to occur.
> Soul drain. The soul of a being is located in their head, so if you capture and shrink heads you can use people's heads as material component for spells. Works with monsters and animals, but they tend to have far less mana than humans. The head of a wizard and some magical creatures causes far more powerful effects to occur.
> Blood magic. Blood contains a little bit of magic. By spilling copious amounts of blood - yours or someone else's - you manage to cast the simplest of spells. More complex or powerful spells require large amounts of sacrifices, preferably in rituals, so that you can muster all the power.
> Soul drain. The soul of a being is located in their head, so if you capture and shrink heads you can use people's heads as material component for spells. Works with monsters and animals, but they tend to have far less mana than humans. The head of a wizard and some magical creatures causes far more powerful effects to occur.

Voodo soul mancer with shurken heads>>Vampire Wannabe blood mage.
> Soul drain. The soul of a being is located in their head, so if you capture and shrink heads you can use people's heads as material component for spells. Works with monsters and animals, but they tend to have far less mana than humans. The head of a wizard and some magical creatures causes far more powerful effects to occur.
Soul Drain is much more occult and menacing, which matters to a renegade wizard very muchly!

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