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Since it doesn't look like that there will be another LBCF post for me to participate in, I've collected the questions from last week's anchor post, and answers thereto, into https://www.emlia.org/pmwiki/pub/web/LeftBeyond.FAQ.html

I'm not very functional, and I am pretty sure that I missed some of the questions in the anchor post, so I had to use AI to suffice for some of the questions and answers. The answers are 100% my own but I used ChatGPT to make them grammatically coherent. I have also done this for this post.

If you liked "Left Beyond" and if it has made a difference in your life; if you cared at all about my work or my being; thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I'm now in Italy because I wanted to see a few things and be somewhere safe, and hug my family. So I will not be walking into the ocean for the King of Rust's coronation after all. I suppose if such a counter-historical event comes to pass, instead I will be walking into the lake. In my hometown there is a horrible mausoleum of a WW1 general, one of those who would throw men at machine-gun nests, facing a beautiful lake. It was a little tradition to go egg it in high school when people studied WW1. I think it stopped a few years after I graduated, but I am going to go egg it anyway.

Deus nolens exitus.

This may be the great filter. I hope we as a species and a collection of cultures make it through it.


Thank you to everyone who was there.
What the fuck?

Looks like this was a Quest that was on /qst/ from 2016-2019.
this reads like someone dying (walking into the ocean or a lake). who/what is the king of rust? what does it have to do with a general? are you protesting WW1 of all things? i guess better late than never?

Geist, if this is a cold opening for a new quest, awesome, but if not, we're worried.
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is all /qst/ this mentally ill, or just this namefag?

i was thinking on leaving /tg/ for /qst/...not so sure now....
Left Beyond was terrific.
>one QM who hasn't run a quest in 5 or 6 years comes back to post a cryptic message, without even a trip or anything to verify it's really them
>"I dunno chat, should I abandon the whole site??"
You won't be missed.
Looking at the wiki, it seems like he thinks the plandemic was real and he was considering killing himself because Trump is the US president again.

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