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File: younghuntress.png (1018 KB, 666x666)
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You're a young huntress! All the good men are gone in the baron's war. You must provide for the village.

You have a short bow, a dagger and the knowledge of how to use them.

Now go out there and catch some game!

Choose your name.

You are wandering through the woods near the village deciding on which trail to follow.

There are three options.

The Rabbit trail is the most common one. You'll find a lot of rabbits, probably. Maybe some foxes.

The Deer trail goes deeper into the woods. You risk chancing upon a bear though, which would be bad.

The Wolf trail is usually a bad idea. It is the path people who don't know the woods well take and end up... well, dead. But you could chance upon something unusual there.

> Take the Rabbit trail
> Take the Deer trail
> Take the Wolf trail
> Write in
Diana Auryon.
>Take the Rabbit trail
>The Wolf trail is usually a bad idea. It is the path people who don't know the woods well take and end up... well, dead. But you could chance upon something unusual there.
high risk, high reward
I don't think that arrow is going very far
shut up chud, her archery is heckin valid okay

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