The man known as Marik shook his head, eyes blinking.“We have a confirmed nuclear detonation on force Center.”“I can see it, Nero.”The visual feeds had corrected for the flash, filtering and darkening it so that he could look upon the growing cloud.His second was already pushing the command mech back to its feet, standing it again as an elite pilot does.Not in the first wave, only an idiot leads directly from the front, but his position in the third wave, the reserves, was carefully planned for.He could bring them where they were needed most, to drive forwards wherever the push had faltered or where a weakness had been sighted.Or more realistically, wherever the hell his best guess was, if everyone was operating in the dark.Though that darkness had just lifted with an enormous flash.He had watched Kinston’s superheavy stagger beneath concentrated firepower right before the Plaza of Heroes, before returning fire and charging into smoke. His attention had wavered after then, but add to that the proximity of the Senate building, tantalizingly close, and the bastards in power proved again that there was no line they wouldn’t cross in order to try and crush his rebellion.The Old Man deserved the Imperial Cross for his sacrifice, he mentally noted. And a promotion. Posthumously, of course. No one objects to a dead man being promoted above them.But it was a good thing he had withdrawn the remainder of Crimson lance before that final push. A smart commander took care of his loyal pieces, and there weren't many queens left to use.“I’m not getting any traces of jamming. Just residual interference from the blast. Are we still pressing forwards, sir?”His second asked from the piloting seat.“Forwards. We make the most of this. They’re not going to expect a fresh force attacking through their own blast wave, after all.”Turning back would be admitting defeat, and certain death. No matter the losses, he had to win here.
The fight for the Ferrum Empire’s capital continues, despite the interruption of a nuclear detonation in the city’s heart.You are Sophie, an AI designed to operate the most advanced mecha frames ever built in tandem with a human pilot. The ultimate link of human and machine, to dominate the battlefield and place your name into the history books.While General Marik leads the Patriots into a final push through the blasted remains of Victoria, your task is unchanged.Crush the resistance at the palace, and open the way for special operations teams to enter and capture the Empress.That the resistance now consists of an upgraded fellow Core Frame in Gamma, and that you still hadn’t cleared out the remaining scraps of the Blackwatch may be troubling, but the mission stays the same.If you’re new here, welcome to Core of Steel. We’re (probably) on the final thread here, but prior threads can be located at the following link if you want to catch up. know I’ve said it before, but for real: appropriately ironic music title)
Evade.You can see Her. A multitude of eyes stretch wide open, focusing on the fuzzy frame in the distance. Perched atop a ruined skyscraper, with a commanding field of view.Three primary weapons.One Nail-pattern Railgun.Two unknown weapons.Core Gamma is an actual peer, beyond the human-operated mechs of the Blackwatch. Agile, optimized for long-range combat, and with a wicked targeting system to make her firepower hurt, it offers a uniquely painful experience.Unless you close the distance. Then the tables turn, usually, and your superior durability, strength, and armor-piercing Demon claw can tear her lighter frame into pieces.Problem: You are at long range, in direct line of sight.The metal slug hits before your ears hear the supersonic crack of rending the sound barrier asunder. A glancing strike to the leg, vital functions unimpeded. Stinging. Distracting. Blink away the pain and warnings appearing.Duck and move, return fire with Sunburst. Show that you aren’t completely toothless at long range.A red beam shines back, focused energy scattering through the form and going beyond.Your eyes can’t focus on Gamma, somehow. Her hazy form seems shift to the right of your shot. A twitch drags the beam over, the .8 degree correction needed shifting the line over. No, she’s left. Right?Sunburst’s chirped warning shuts the beam down as the temperature rises. Conclusion: Seek cover until recharge and cooling finishes.This visual targeting error is troubling, and points to a clear outcome:The stealth subsystem she is using is more mobile than the simulated version you faced in training.But you are not without subsystems of your own. Any number of your own could help.Another crack splits the air with intent, heralding another slug impacting the ruined building you're crouched against.Now, then.>Your Predator array has been set to full-spectrum jamming, but you could tune it to E-War, and interfere with her processes while you approach.(Engage in E-War contested rolls against Gamma)>You will trust your Yi accelerators for the last burst of speed against her firepower, charging ahead.(Defense Rolls for the approach, charging Gamma)>You need to get her off the overwatch positioning. Now that external jamming is down, you could try and rally some Patriot forces to cover your approach.(Call for backup)>Withdraw, head back to the Palace to clear off the remaining Blackwatch members and open the door. You will make Gamma follow you off of her perch, instead of being baited into charging her position.(Combat rolls against lesser mechs)>Write in- (Something else? Some combination of tactics)And with your vote, I also need 1d6 rolls, up to 3, for Will.
Rolled 6 (1d6)>>6179576>Call artillery on that skyscraper
Rolled 1 (1d6)>>6179576>Withdraw, head back to the Palace to clear off the remaining Blackwatch members and open the door. You will make Gamma follow you off of her perch, instead of being baited into charging her position.We aren't Delta love. Good luck chasing and sniping at the same time. good luck angel
Rolled 3 (1d6)>>6179576>WithdrawCatch us if you can.
>>6179702And send the coordinates to marrik if our comms are up. If not. Meh.Hope he likes surprise sniper.
>>6179576>Withdraw, head back to the Palace to clear off the remaining Blackwatch members and open the door. You will make Gamma follow you off of her perch, instead of being baited into charging her position.Welcome back QM I hope real life has been doing you well instead of ill
It's good to be back.>>6179576>Write in- (Something else? Some combination of tactics)Deception. Tell her we are willing to stand down. Like she asked.Use what she already thinks of us. That her dependable brother would never lie. That he values family above all, and after being betrayed by mean old Delta, he just wants his only remaining sister back. How he realizes he was wrong, and that the Loyalists are the only hope after Marik has demonstrated how "suicidal" he is.Ask that she just doesn't harm the pilot. She isn't expecting two of them. Caldwell steps out, and we look like we're powering down. Sophie stays inside and when Gamma gets close, we rip her up with the claw. Kill her.We saved her life, but she wouldn't have done the same.
>>6179576>>You will trust your Yi accelerators for the last burst of speed against her firepower, charging ahead.
>>6179860We do this when she's closer to us, not when she's far away and at railgun range
>>6179576>Withdraw, head back to the Palace to clear off the remaining Blackwatch members and open the door. You will make Gamma follow you off of her perch, instead of being baited into charging her position.Glad to see you back QM
>>6179576>You are Sophie, an AIInteresting perspective shift there, pilot. High sync doesn’t mean you’re not human though. Something you were trying to hold on to.>Withdraw, head back to the Palace to clear off the remaining Blackwatch members and open the door. You will make Gamma follow you off of her perch, instead of being baited into charging her position.>Send off a message to Command informing them you’re engaged with Gamma. They can push harder on other fronts knowing she isn’t present on them in her Frame.>Include mention of the stealth mechs that ambushed you. They may be drones that are present elsewhere and are now being activated since communication is up.As long as we’re fighting her, no one else is. She can’t afford to spin herself off into her drone network elsewhere until we’re finished. That said, they may have autonomous modes that can function through Alpha.
>>6180788+1 good ideas to keep allies in the loop