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Last time, you tied up the final ribbon to the Prison Break mission, reunited people, talked to friends and allies, and left on a high note to rest at home with your bestie by your side. From that, one thing led to another and you find yourself with your friend visiting your favorite neighbor to relax with. As you were helping them get to know each other, an interesting undisclosed topic was brought up that changed the shape of the conversation. One, you weren’t aware hadn’t been discussed yet!

You mentioned that Ajna will be a vibrant trumpeter!

“Crossbill, you know this amazing girl over here is going to become an idol?” You place your hands on Ajna’s shoulders. “She’s part of the agency I’m building and all!”

…!!!” Ajna looks surprised to be thrown into the spotlight.

“That sounds swell!” Crossbill is more optimistic than you give her credit for. “Why the hell do you have an idol agency…?”

“Woah, Ajna is going to do WHAT?!” Craig is flabbergasted.

“Play the trumpet.” You pantomime it.

“Ooh! I can tell. I bet she’s good.” Crossbill points at the trumpet decoration on Ajna’s blanket.

“Focus on the idol stuff, kid. You’re not pulling my hair, right?” Craig continues being dumbfounded.

“You gotta be careful, he doesn’t have much left.” Crossbill jokes around. Yeah, Craig is balding just as badly as Jesse… “Let’s step back, is this a social media thing that might get serious in the near future or what?”

“Oh, right. Kids get carried away like that...” Craig doesn’t know why he took it so seriously. “Sorry for losing my head there. I overreacted a lil’ bit.” The man scratches the back of his head.

“Doesn’t mean they can’t get a gig to perform somewhere though.” Crossbill is a shit stirrer.

Ajna doesn’t know how to react. As far as you know, her mother didn’t appreciate any of the hobbies she partook in. Maybe she needs some confidence to tell Craig herself, you know the guy, he’s going to be supportive. Or you should protect your talent and explain everything yourself, no need to stress her more than needed.

Either way, the decision is in your hands… Ajna is too busy increasing her vibrations…

What do you do?

>Encourage Ajna to explain it herself.
>Explain everything about the agency to quell Craig’s worries and Crossbill’s curiosity.
>Be vague about it, let Craig know that Ajna is part of a band, and once she feels comfortable sharing, she’s going to. For now, apologize to Ajna for bringing this up.
>Let the music do the talking! Hand the trumpet to Ajna! It’s the only explanation needed.
>Write In.
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>>6179573 (OP)


Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest
(Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

(NEW) Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describ-ing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!
>>6179573 (OP)
>>Encourage Ajna to explain it herself.
>>6179573 (OP)
>Encourage Ajna to explain it herself.
>>6179573 (OP)
>Encourage Ajna to explain it herself.
>>6179573 (OP)

dat ass
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Even if you’re the manager, you feel like it’s a little pointless if you’re the one doing all the talking. If Ajna is serious about this, she’ll try to explain herself. And in the case she’s having issues, you’ll help her out.

You gently encourage Ajna to speak up with a tap on the back, and a smile. It doesn’t work until you actually whisper something to her. Sometimes you gotta be more detailed.

“I-I-I-It’s a serious p-project.” The sentient blanket speaks. “W-We’re helping Deborah, she’s an accomplished m-musician… and, uhm, in a creative s-slump.”

“Basically the whole thing started because of her.” You’re mainly lending a hand.

“You’re doing her a favor or do you really enjoy it?” Crossbill asks due to genuine curiosity.

“B-Both! W-Who d-doesn’t enjoy p-playing music?” Ajna doesn’t have complicated feelings regarding this. “I-I feel c-comfortable doing it...”

“You sure you can handle it? You seem pretty shy.” Crossbill asks, she seems to be aiming the questions in a way to quell anyone’s concerns.

“I-I can, I’m not a b-burden… M-Maybe I s-slow t-things down, b-but everyone l-lets me take things a-at my o-own pace. O-One day, everything will be easy again.” Ajna has enough determination. “A-And nobody is p-p-perfect…” Ajna has complaints about the others’ abilities… This girl seems like a perfectionist! No wonder you chose her!

“Seems like you landed at the perfect spot, Ajna.” Crossbill is happy to hear this.

“Why didn’t you tell me, Ajna?” Craig wonders.

“I-I d-didn’t know if you were g-going to allow me t-to…” Ajna admits.

“You’re an adult, Ajna. How could I stop ya? I’d be a dead man before I stomp on someone’s dreams!” Craig is genuinely confused. “Maybe I got a lil’ overbearing? But screw all that noise! This is great news! You’re getting that spunk back, girl! Go get ‘em, I’ll be in your corner!”

“As everyone else is.” You add.

“…Y-You are not going to tell h-her…?” Ajna asks. She’s probably talking about her mother...

“The only way Lexi is gonna find out is if you get famous. I’m good at one thing and that’s keepin’ secrets!” Craig laughs out loud. That explains all the shady characters around him…

Ajna smiles… fidgeting subsides momentarily…

“Cool, I feel like I watched something significant.” Crossbill chuckles.

“N-Not as significant a-as the next c-classic we’re gonna w-watch…” Ajna is ready for a movie!

“C’mon, people, we have the popcorn ready!” Craig turns the TV back on. As a certified old head, he has a disk player connected to it.

You have a bad feeling about this movie…

What’s the movie about…?

>About something that will scare you specifically…
>About something that will scare Crossbill specifically…
>About something that will scare Debbie specifically…
>Write In.
>>About something that will scare Debbie specifically…
>>About something that will scare you specifically…
I'm curious about this
Changing to this
>>6179573 (OP)
Damn our ex-wife’s ass is nice.
>About something that will scare you specifically…
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Regardless of your feelings, you get comfy and await the movie to begin. You have level 5 Courage, you should be totally unaffected by what the motion picture industry can do. It’s not like this genre (when at its best) is known to break the barrier of what a person can imagine! All horrors have been seen before and all are comprehended! You get to sitting on the couch…

“Ajna, c’mere a sec.” Craig calls the fidgeting machine, despite being the asshole who asked everyone to get into position. “You know I have your back no matter what, right?” He whispers to the redhead.

“T-Thanks.” Ajna never took him for granted.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Craig chuckles. “I’ll put the tape on!”

“Isn’t it a disk?” You’re pedantic because they are taking their time.

“Shut up, kid. The movie is starting!” Craig slaps your thigh as he finds his own seat. You and Crossbill are sitting in front of the couch on some pillows, while Craig and Ajna are sitting in the comfy part of the couch.

The movie is about the classical Lokyo Mythological creature the Koggig! A fae-like monster who snaps people’s necks after eating their faces! Your Mom used to tell you to behave or else the Koggig would send his merry band of goblins to grab your ankles to not let you escape from his face eating activities!

This is terrifying to you, and it doesn’t seem to stop. Your courage is useless against what you’re seeing. This is not good. You can’t look away without making it painfully obvious that you’re scared, you’re too tall to go unnoticed. Wait, they already can tell you’re a baby! That’s good! Because you can tremble in fear without being judged too much!

The movie is over. You’re in your safe space inside Ajna’s blankets. Yes, you’re right next to her forming a giant ball of clothing that no monster can penetrate. And yes, you’re both fidgeting as a team. Poor Ajna is as scared as you are. She won’t judge you.

“What a classic, eh? Back in my day, this thing terrified EVERYONE. All my buds are wannabe tough guys and all lost their marbles. Conti, Sewel, Flint, Ruffus, I could go on, all of them turned into big fat chickens.” Craig claps as the credits roll.

“W-What happened to you?” Crossbill noticed that you’re in your safe haven.

“T-Take a guess.” You won’t admit your Courage is temporarily lowered out loud.

“Y-Y-Y-You aren’t scared?” Ajna is impressed.

“Second watch, girl! Didn’t you hear Stumpy Legs? It was really famous!” Crossbill smirks.

“Your legs are trembling too…” You point out.

“I’m a lil’ surprised this old dog still pulled its tricks on you three of all people.” Craig talks about the entire group, well, assuming that Crossbill is as courageous as you and Ajna. “Okay, kids, it’s late. I gotta go. Does anyone want me to take them to their apartments? I’m not judgin’.”


W-What do you do?

>Fuck that, you’re staying here for the night. A-Ajna needs the company! Call Ruby to tell her your new plans.
>Fuck that, you’re staying for a little longer! Ajna needs the company! The Crossbill can’t leave the nest like this! And you… huh, you’d like to stay, plain and simple!
>Accept going back to your apartment! Better safe than being bitten by goblins…
>Decline! You’re a man! You can return to your apartment with Crossbill! It’s literally one door away.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>Decline! You’re a man! You can return to your apartment with Crossbill! It’s literally one door away.
>>Fuck that, you’re staying for a little longer! Ajna needs the company! The Crossbill can’t leave the nest like this! And you… huh, you’d like to stay, plain and simple!
>Decline! You’re a man! You can return to your apartment with Crossbill! It’s literally one door away.
>>Fuck that, you’re staying here for the night. A-Ajna needs the company! Call Ruby to tell her your new plans.
>>6179573 (OP)
More ass covers of this lady please.
>Decline! You’re a man! You can return to your apartment with Crossbill! It’s literally one door away.
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Maybe if you lived farther away, you’d take him on the offer, but now? It’s kinda pointless.

“I’m fine, I literally live next door.” You deadpan.

“Ya sure, kid? No need to be ashamed.” Craig isn’t scared in the slightest.

“Relax, I’ll be there with him.” Crossbill cockily winks. Her legs continue trembling.

“...Ya sure, kid?” Craig glances at your Bestie, then his eyes drift back to you.

“Yes.” You adjust your glasses with your shaky hands.

“Johnny, you’re matching Ajna’s speed...” Craig points out.

“D-Don’t be s-so pushy…” Ajna asks the landlord to relent.

“Got it, I’m just messing with ya.” Craig laughs. “I had a blast, kids. Let’s do this again with the sequel.”

“I-It has a sequel?” Crossbill didn’t hear about this one.

“I’d say it’s more terrifying than the first one, didn’t do as well though. At the time, they couldn’t run a proper marketing campaign ‘cause the TV stations knew what it was about this time around, and they were like ‘hell no, our sponsors don’t want to be shown next to this thing.’ It’s still a cult classic.” Craig explains. “I’m the only person I’m aware of who has watched the entire thing, everyone else chickens out…” He’s hyping it up. “Anyway, gotta put these stumpy legs to work. See ya!”

You feel like watching this movie is the key to unlocking more Courage…

Either way, to calm your nerves, Ajna served some of her Special Tea before you two left. You could see in real-time the vibrations dying down on you three. Maybe this is the secret thing she needs to be able to do these marathons? Any hot beverage with this cold would help out, but this one remarkably hit the spot. Also, cuddling together inside the blankets helped a lot. But good (comfy) things come to an end...

“Well, Ajna, this was too much fun!” You smile to hide your fear.

“T-Thank you f-for visiting, Johnny, Crossbill!” Ajna loved the company! It’s incredible how far she has evolved! She headpats you both! “N-Next t-t-t-time, I-I want you t-to see me p-play… I mean, y-you have to m-meet the rest of the b-band!”

“Gotta learn more about this funny project of yours…” Crossbill can’t be more excited!

“You’re gonna love it!” You will always back up your talent! “I’ll see you soon, Ajna!”

And that’s how you left Ajna’s apartment…
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You and Crossbill run to your apartment, you struggle to put the keys inside the keyhole to open the door, once in, you two put your bodies against the door to make sure you can relax… and relax you will do… No monsters abducted you…

“What are you two doing?” Suan De welcomes you back with hostility!

“Meow!” Bradford Jr. is happy to see you in one piece!

You take a moment to catch your breath… and pet your cat.

“N-Nothing.” You adjust your tie with one hand. “Where are the others?” No Ruby or Ichie in sight!

“Told them that you’re bringing a guest, and they went out of their way to buy groceries.” Suan De expects snacks. “What has you rattled?”

“Rattled? Us? Nothing at all.” Crossbill tries to save face.

“Spit it out.” Suan De makes your problems her business.

“We watched a scary movie before getting here…” You admit it.

“…Dumb.” Suan De has lost all interest.

“Dumb?! I bet you wouldn’t fare any better, missy!” Crossbill gets cocky.

“What are you babbling about? It’s fiction.” Suan De doesn’t get it.

What do you do?

>Put the movie for Suan De to watch. Let’s see if she’s all cocky after this.
>Wait for the other girls… and make them watch the movie too.
>Wait for the other girls to return and have a pleasant time without thinking about terror. You need to heal.
>Write In.
>>Wait for the other girls to return and have a pleasant time without thinking about terror. You need to heal.
>>Wait for the other girls to return and have a pleasant time without thinking about terror. You need to heal.
>Show Suan De the trailer for the movie. That way we show her what we’re talking about, but won’t traumatize the other girls when they come in.
>Wait for the other girls to return and have a pleasant time without thinking about terror. You need to heal.
>Show Suan De the trailer for the movie. That way we show her what we’re talking about, but won’t traumatize the other girls when they come in.
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Doesn’t matter who is running their mouths here, you’re not in the mood to experience more terror. You’re here to heal. But you don’t want to leave Suan De out of the loop! And you’re sure this next move has Crossbill’s approval…

“It’s not that simple…” You say as you pull out your phone to find the trailer of the movie. Praise all the people who upload vintage trailers and commercials on the internet. True modern heroes. “Watch this to get an idea of what we’re talking about. I’m gonna change clothes in the meantime.”

“If you decline, we know exactly why, hotshot.” Crossbill acts cocky. Doesn’t work that well when her voice quivers...

“...If that’s what you want.” Suan De is ultra-competitive. Or petty. Or both. She’s in good company with you two.

Suan De watches the snippet of the horror film that traumatized a generation… You’re back as soon as they finish. How efficient!

“And?” Crossbill expects a reaction, but Suan De barely emotes. The trailer captured the atmosphere of the movie perfectly.

“It’s been a long while since I heard about this film. I missed my one chance to watch it...” The Slob Dragon feels a little nostalgic. “It doesn’t look compelling after all these years. Good riddance.”

“Come on, it holds up so well. I wasn’t expecting it upon rewatching. Right, Knockout?” Crossbill doesn’t buy it.

“Yeah, the monster looks terrifying.” You add. It’s like it’s behind you ready to wipe your face!

“It isn’t convincing. The notion of it existing in our world is ludicrous.” Suan De is the type of person who would rant about realism in movies.

“But look at the way it moves! The way he hunts! The point is to imagine it being real.” You think that’s the fun of it. Huh, it’s weird that you’re defending a film that left you slightly perturbed. Doesn’t help that you feel like this thing might be real...

“It’d be frightening, perhaps.” Suan De doesn’t see a way to know. “But it doesn’t exist, and never will.”

“What are you talking about? Real monsters AND demons are around. You two have one each!” Crossbill points out.

“Your point?” Suan De raises an eyebrow.

“Don’t they come from our collective thoughts or something? Some even change shapes based on your psyche, right? What makes you think there’s no chance that the Koggig isn’t real?” Crossbill justifies her answer.

“…” You were supposed to chill. Not think about this.

“…” Suan De breaks into a cold sweat.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. is licking his paws.
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Before you can deal with these feelings, Ruby and Ichie are back! They’re carrying some grocery bags, and because you’re decent people, you start helping them.

“My dear tutor, you look as vibrant as the last time my eyes laid upon you!” Ichie is very happy to see you again!

“You mean yesterday?” Suan De deadpans.

“Johnny! We heard from Suan De that you might bring some company, so we decided to prepare a fun welcome!” Ruby smiles from ear to ear upon seeing you.

“I said it was likely.” Suan De expresses that she was guessing before.

“Hey, Ruby! Ichie! Thank you!” You grab some of the bags. “Also, this is my dear friend Crossbill! Crossbill, these are Ruby and Ichie.”

“Hey girls, I’m staying the night. You all live here, huh?” Crossbill finds this peculiar. “You got an interesting thing going on, bestie.”

“Yes, we all are roommates.” Ruby nods. “...And our place got an unexpected expansion, so we’re happy to have you here!”

“Bestie? What sort of relationship do you have with Johnny?” Ichie questions immediately.

“Isn’t it obvious? You heard her.” Suan De doesn’t see the point of getting too deep into this.

“Let’s be patient, we can get to know each other during dinner. It’s late enough as it is.” Ruby wants everyone to follow the impromptu schedule.

One of your favorite things about interacting with these gals is that you don’t have to think about terror existing outside the bounds of this apartment…

What do you do?

>Make Dinner. You have to make dinner. You HAVEN’T cooked all day.
>Get comfy and relax on the couch. You have done enough all day to deserve an extended break.
>Take a better look at the new parts of your apartment! You gotta appreciate what you have!
>Maybe have a little chat with Suan De to thank her for her help today. She did great!
>Write In.

What’s next?

>Ask Ruby if she wants to do anything as a group.
>Ask Ichie if she wants to do anything as a group.
>Ask Crossbill if she wants to do anything as a group.
>You’re a little bit tired. Decide who will sleep where. Prepare to sleep soon!
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>Maybe have a little chat with Suan De to thank her for her help today. She did great!
>Write In.
Also if you still interested in still watching that movie I can borrow it from a friend. Probably don’t mention Craig since Susan wants to act like the cool loner.
>Make Dinner. You have to make dinner. You HAVEN’T cooked all day.
>Ask Ichie if she wants to do anything as a group.
Forgot to add heard theres a sequel to it. We can binge both of them if you want.
>>6179573 (OP)
Why is it always tits and ass with these covers

Look great, but every time I click on this quest I feel like I'm entering a strip club
The girls are all this quest is good for
+1, bet she's just acting tough like Flint and shit like Craig said
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These girls haven’t eaten yet? You must do something about this immediately. The girls can’t starve! You’re not on an empty stomach thanks to Crossbill, so it’s your responsibility to see this through. Besides, you enjoy cooking and haven’t done it all day...

“I’m taking things from here. You all can relax on the couch.” You say as you take ALL the grocery bags.

“But my dear mentor, you just came back home after an arduous day of work. Let us handle it!” Ichie wants to be the best type of apprentice.

“I can’t. You haven’t eaten a crumb because of me, but the truth is that I ate something already.” You can’t live with this guilt.

“Can we lend you a hand? It’s too much work for one person.” Ruby wants to be of assistance.

“They’re tripping over themselves for you, Bestie. You better agree.” Crossbill wants your feet on the earth.

“You three stay put. Suan De is going to help me out.” You don’t like having people around when you cook, but Suan De is potentially so disinterested in helping that she’s not going to be in the way. “I need to talk with her for a moment anyway.”

“As you say…” Suan De isn’t pleased with helping.

You’re divided into two fronts, you’re with Suan De in the kitchen, while the others are in the living room chatting among themselves. You don’t know why you specify this as some sort of big divide, the kitchen is right next to the living room. Well, if everyone is loud, the noise becomes a privacy barrier, right? Well, not exactly, it’s more annoying than anything else, but you’re going to pretend it is.

You know exactly the type of person that Suan De is, so you ask her to cut and peel some vegetables. Even the most useless cook can do this, not that you’re one to underestimate this dragon…

“You must be wondering what I wanted to talk about.” You say as soon as you’re done with the tricky parts of the meal.

“Naturally.” Suan De may have softened up slightly, but she doesn’t trust your idiotic ideas.

“I really wanted to thank you for all you did today. It means a lot.” You smile. “More than you can ever imagine.”

“…” Suan De lets your words sink in for a moment. “...No need. You saved my skin out there. We’re even.”

“You were doing me a favor, and I didn’t do much.” You shrug. “I know Jun told you to help me out, but still. You did this of your own volition. And as far as I’m concerned, I think you’ve done your part of the deal, so if you want to go—” You’re ready for this to be the last meal she enjoys under your guardianship(?).

“No. I said we’re even. Nothing has changed.” Suan De won’t hear otherwise.

“Are you sure?” You raise an eyebrow. You thought she hated it here!

“I have a proper room now. It could be worse.” Suan De will stay.

“Cool. If you're still interested in watching that movie I can borrow it from a friend.” You act nonchalantly since she seems to prefer being lowkey. “We can binge it with the sequel.”

“I… I’ll consider it.” The Slob Dragon doesn’t know if agreeing is a good idea.

(Ichie’s decision will be in the next post.)

Anything to say to this permanent hobo?

>No. Everything that needed to be said, has been said.
>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Write In.

You were planning on making this dish based on Suan De’s tastes (as a last meal), but since she’s staying… Do you change course?

>Continue making a meal that Suan De is gonna love!
>Make a meal that Ruby is going to love!
>Make a meal that Ichie is going to love!
>Make a meal that Crossbill is going to love!
>Write In.
>>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Make a meal that Crossbill is going to love!
>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Make a meal that Crossbill is going to love!
>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Make a meal that Crossbill is going to love!
>“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You appreciate your dragon!
>“Wanna work as a bodyguard for the band?” Offer Suan De a permanent job.
>Make a meal that Crossbill is going to love!
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This is a nice moment and it will stay like this. Against your best instincts, you won’t prey on the possible weakness this dragon is showing.

“Anyway, this will always be your home. Got it?” You want to be kind to your Slob Dragon!

Suan De stares at the walls intensely, she places one hand like she’s admiring an ancient statue…

“...Got it.” Suan De matches your sincerity with her own. No cynical quips, no snarky comments, just a quiet moment.

“Well then!” You smile back. “We gotta finish this meal. And… there’s something else I want to ask you. Remember the offer I told you about? About being the band’s bodyguard?”

“Yes, I do.” Suan De doesn’t cringe at the mention, so that’s progress.

“Are you sure you don’t want to make it a permanent gig? Again, you will get all the benefits that you want.” You offer.

“Hypothetically, would I have to prioritize this over any other mission you require me in?” Suan De wonders.

“Hard to say, I can’t imagine doing something that important during one of the shows. So they won’t be in conflict.” The point of juggling different activities is to actually manage to do them all without neglecting them!

“...Very well. You’re easier to tolerate now.” The Slob Dragon turns this job offer into a permanent gig! “With that being said, don’t test your luck.”

“I’m gonna do my best.” You smile. “Food’s ready now.”

Suan De nods. You get everything ready for this late dinner…

Thanks to everyone’s efforts, the table was ready in a blink of an eye! You call them hobos, but they’re very active and good-mannered girls. Still, you get more good guy points for feeding the homeless, so the schtick will stick! Regardless, your delicious Ham with a nice dressing is going to rock their world! Mainly Crossbill’s, you tried to cater to her taste with the seasoning and other details.

“Holy hell! You give this man some fried fish and he feeds you like an angel~!” Crossbill is chirping enthusiastically, every peck is a blessing! She did have it tough in jail... “Girls, you better take notes because this is one of the best thank you letters I have ever gotten.” She really loves the meal!

Serve. Teacher. Fried. Fish. Got it!” Ichie writes it down.

“I’m glad you liked it!” You love seeing people smile! That’s why you capture it on camera...

“Liked it? Ya think I just liked it?! Pfft! Get a grip! I can tell now how much the food cart was inhibiting your powers.” Crossbill only has good things to say. “Bet you chicks can’t get enough. I can picture your faces dropping when it’s someone else’s turn to cook.”
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“He’s incredibly skillful under the knife, but I’m no slouch.” Ruby chuckles. She is a little of a slouch, if you’re honest… “The thing is that his love for cooking supersedes any of my attempts to make a meal. All I can do is practice on the side, maybe make breakfast every now and then.” She wants you to love her cooking!

“I’m remarkably capable of cooking a perfect meal, but as Ruby says, my dear Teacher likes to show off. Everyone deserves the spotlight now and then.” Ichie wants to show everyone what she’s made of.

“He’s a good hand, no need to rock the boat.” Suan De keeps it simple.

“Bet you like getting all of these compliments, eh, Knockout?” Crossbill nudges you.

“Your smiles are all I need...” You adjust your glasses.

“Yet I want to provide you with so much more.” Ruby wants to reciprocate!

“Well, I need seconds. Your smiles are underway!” Crossbill continues eating! She’s stealing Nariko’s catchphrase!

“After we’re done, I was wondering if we should do something together.” You want to have a fun time. “Ichie, you’re the newest one here, do you have anything in mind?”

“I’m glad you asked, Johnny!” Ichie takes this chance with glee. “I know the perfect activity to learn about each other in the most profound ways!”

Drawtionary…?” Ruby is reminiscing about something akin to what Ichie is describing… if your protegee was a pervert.

“Incorrect! It’s the King’s Game!” Ichie proclaims with enthusiasm. “I read it online! A perfect activity to play with friends.”

“…” Suan De is already zoning out.

“What’s that?” You ask.

“We all draw a straw with a number on it. The one who draws the King proclaims a royal decree that one of the numbered peasants must do!” Ichie says. “For example, if I’m the King, I will order Peasant Number 3 to tell me one of their deepest secrets, and the peasant must comply!”

“You’re forcing secrets out of people then…” Crossbill reads your apprentice’s real intentions.

“Me? I couldn’t possibly have those types of intentions. But if you desire another activity, I’m willing to listen. I’m that compassionate.” Ichie tenderly smiles.

“I’m not the kind of person who keeps secrets.” Ruby is willing to do it.

This could be dangerous, you might want to pivot...

What do you do?

>Do Ichie’s dumb game.
>Ask Ichie to pick a movie instead.
>Ask Ichie to pick a different game instead.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>Do Ichie’s dumb game.
Sounds fun
>>Do Ichie’s dumb game.
>>Do Ichie’s dumb game.
>Do Ichie’s dumb game.
>Do Ichie’s dumb game.
Almost as dumb as she is
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Sorry, everyone! Delaying the session for tomorrow, I'm a little tired.
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You gotta get lucky to enjoy this game… You enjoy Poker, you can get into this idea no problem! You’ll accept!

“Sounds good to me.” You agree on the basis that it is better than nothing! And if Ichie is excited about it, it should be for good reason.

“Of course, you do! You’re the brilliant man who has the honor of calling himself my teacher!” Ichie praises you! Suan De dislikes how much of a Suck-up your trainee is.

“We’re all playing, right? No chickening out now.” Crossbill is a thief by trade, she might be planning on cheating...

“It’s just a game, what’s there to be scared of?” Ruby has nothing to hide. And as far as you know, she doesn’t like hiding her stuff…

“Yes, only the most cowardly and despicable could ever deny the King’s orders! You must follow the instructions thoroughly without any doubt in your mind.” Ichie says why this can be frightening…

“You’re playing too, I wanna see you have fun.” Crossbill pressures the Slob Dragon.

“I’ll humor you all for a couple of rounds. Let’s not overextend, we had a tiresome day.” Suan De wants everyone to watch their health. She has a point, but… you did drink the Cola…. “And that goes for everyone.” She’s glaring at you and Crossbill.

“Hey, Hitmaker, I haven’t done anything that anyone would classify as mildly entertaining for months. Give me a break!” Crossbill pouts.

“Eh, I think I can go for a bit too.” You stretch.

“Do as you please, I’m not your mother.” Suan De thinks she has been mindful enough.

“I’ll be on the watch for everyone’s condition.” Ruby is ready to take care of you! “Thank you for your concern, Suan De. But leave it to me and relax.” The redhead places a hand over the assassin’s to drive her point.

“Focus on the game and you’ll crack a smile, I’m sure.” Crossbill really wants the Slob Dragon to enjoy this. She did help her out of the prison too...

“We’re in high spirits, everyone! Let’s not waste a moment more and begin this delightful activity!” Ichie brings out the empty cup with the straws. “Whoever is mixing them up, takes the last straw. In this case, it’ll be me! Feel free to take yours in whatever order you see fit.”

“Don’t mind if I do…” Crossbill snatches hers very quickly. The Phantom thief doesn’t seem happy with her reward.

“Hmm…” Suan De grabs hers next. You can’t read her face because she barely emotes as is.

“Do you want to go first?” Ruby asks you.

“Nah, go ahead.” You wink.

“Very well!” Ruby giggles as she takes hers.

Now you take yours...

“Time to reveal the king’s identity!” Ichie asks the culprit to reveal themselves.

It’s you...

“Me?” You show the proof.

“Now this is where things get interesting. Proclaim a number and an action that said number shall perform, and it shall be done! We’re keeping the numbers secret~!” Ichie is super excited about this game.

Shall… King Comfy take the reigns here? Or should you be normal for a bit?

(QM Note: Instead of asking for a random number, I’ll ask for the character. It’s better this way.)

What do you do?

>Ask for a drink. A Sorangeda!
>Ask for a kiss on the cheek. Tests everyone’s limits.
>Demand them to do your family dance.
>Demand someone’s pants. Skirts are fine too.
>Demand to use a peasant’s lovely features as a pillow. That’s the will of King Comfy.
>Write In.

Who is doing it?

>Suan De.
Only reply of the Day, everyone. We'll return tomorrow, sorry for the short session.
>>Demand to use a peasant’s lovely features as a pillow. That’s the will of King Comfy.
>>>Demand to use a peasant’s lovely features as a pillow. That’s the will of King Comfy.
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You’re going to admit something to yourself, sitting on a chair instead of the couch like everyone else kinda bugs you. It’s your couch. In fact, you want to reclaim your territory. What’s a king without a comfortable throne?

“C’mon, your majesty, it’s a number from 1 to 4, not that complicated!” Crossbill starts short clapping to get you moving! Reminds you how Matilda encourages everyone during her training session. Well, not the last one…

“Please, do not pressure your excellency.” Ichie wants everyone to behave.

“It can be anything…” Ruby is curious about where your mind will go.

“…” Suan De is patiently waiting to hear the worst thing she’s gonna hear today, and she heard the Prison monster shriek.

“The king’s orders are to use Peasant Number 1’s lovely features as a pillow!” You proclaim your royal decree!

“Oh~! Oh~! Oh~! Everyone, I’m that peasant!” Ichie bounces on the couch as she shows the straw to everyone!

“Congratulations...?” Ruby is confused by Ichie’s enthusiasm, but she’s happy for her.

“She’s eager to be stepped on...” Suan De shakes her head.

“Hey, Johnny! What do you mean by lovely features here?” Crossbill nudges you from the edge of the couch.

“Is it not evident? Everything! My dear mentor recognizes that every single facet of mine is simply wonderful!” Ichie’s ego is unmatched! “Which means, my liege can use my entire body for comfort.”

“Girl, there’s a zone he’s more interested in. A big one.” Crossbill jokes.

“Agree to disagree, everything about me is top quality. Now, I must attend to my duties!” Ichie wants a big hug.

“Alright.” You drop yourself into Ichie like a plank of wood. You end up sitting right in front of Ichie between her legs like a little spoon. You rest your head in those lovely features Crossbill was pointing out. You’re literally using your apprentice like a throne chair. It’s damn comfy…

“You sink right in, huh?” Crossbill finds this really funny.

“It’s very daring…” Ruby is surprised by how much Ichie is willing to do. “How long are you two going to stay like this?”

“Huh, don’t tell me…” Crossbill can feel the redhead’s envy…

“A-As long as the king wants! Or if any other order conflicts with this!” Ichie’s voice wavers! She’s blushing!

“Why are you so nervous, topper? Catching some feelings?” Crossbill teases.

“N-Nervous? Me? I’d laugh, but I don’t want to cause the king discomfort.” Ichie feigns ignorance.

“I’m enjoying this as my comfort is maintained.” You smile like a doofus.

“Next straw…” Suan De moves things along by administering the next round.

Again, you’re the second to last to grab a straw…

How lucky, you get to be the king again! This is as great as your pillow!

What do you do?

>Demand them to never stop looking at you!
>Demand to know who they’re in love with!
>Demand them to take their shirt off.
>Demand them to sit on your lap. You’ll be someone else’s throne!
>Write In.

Who is doing it?

>Suan De.
>>Demand them to sit on your lap. You’ll be someone else’s throne!
>Write In
>Demand them to act like catgirls.
>Suan De.
>Demand them to sit on your lap. You’ll be someone else’s throne!
I'll change to this
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You’re quite lucky! So lucky, you’re going to let this go to your head just a little bit! A tiny weenie bit…

“Everything is ready.” Suan De crosses her arms after looking at her straw.

“Aw, it isn’t me. I was looking forward to my turn.” Ruby sighs.

“Me neither. So damn unlucky...” Crossbill continues pouting.

“Hey, thanks, Suan De!” You show her the King straw!

“The King remains in power! Praise the heavens!” Ichie would clap if she wasn’t trying to be the best pillow in the world.

“Two in a row? Oh, come on!” Crossbill pouts despite drawing first both times, which is also cheating, or something close to it. “How lucky can you be?!”

“Pick better.” Suan De doesn’t want anyone to think she cheated to help you out.

“Maybe the secret is to be more patient.” Ruby is thinking ahead. “Well, it’s time for our king to proclaim his royal decree.”

“I-I’m the spokeswoman of the king! D-Don’t steal my role, my dear new friend!” Ichie rants.

“Sorry, I thought you were too preoccupied to talk…” Ruby apologizes to the anxious girl.

“You lost your job when you degraded into a pillow.” Suan De deadpans.

“She won’t be the last one to lose something, prepare yourself!” Crossbill acts like you’re about to spread chaos…

And your bestie reads you very well… You’re in the mood to do something fun...

“You know me well, Bestie.” You adjust your glasses. “The King’s order is for Peasant number 4 to act like a catgirl!”

They all double check their straws, only Suan De keeps hers in front of her…

“…” Suan De remains in place.

“It’s Suan De.” Ruby double checks the Slob Dragon’s straw.

“The stoic one as a cat?! Wow! Our king is so imaginative!” Ichie can’t believe it.

“Told ya to prepare yourself! Haha~!” Crossbill whistles.

“A… cat… girl...?” Suan De doesn’t know what to do, like specifically.

“You gotta.” Crossbill nudges her.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. is going to be one of the judges.

“As long as you’re trying, I know Johnny is going to give you a pass.” Ruby says.

“Come on! We’re waiting!” Crossbill starts clapping.

“Stand up to perform, please!” Ichie wants the Dragon to do the whole show!

“…” Suan De moves in front of you to get her robotic cat-like pose going…

She does nothing else.

“Do you want some encouragement?” Crossbill grabs Bradford Jr’s toy, the one Suan De herself was using to play with your pet! She wants you to grab it… “Here, play with it!”

“C’mon, Suan De!” You start moving it around in front of her face.

“Pss, pss…” Ruby also helps!

“Obey, feline!” Ichie says with a smile on her face. Her animal knowledge is lacking.

“...Meow.” Suan De barely sounds like a cat. Even Bradford Jr.’s deep voice sounds more like a cat! She does the cat slap motion to play with the toy…

“…” Nobody is sure how to react.

You need to act appropriately.

What do you do?

>“You’re too darn cute!” Praise Suan De and let her go!
>Tell Bradford Jr. to defend his territory.
>Pet Suan De, she’s cute.
>Get too excited and start playing with Suan De like she’s an actual cat.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we return on Sunday!)
>>Pet Suan De, she’s cute.
>>Get too excited and start playing with Suan De like she’s an actual cat.
>Pet Suan De, she’s cute.
>Get too excited and start playing with Suan De like she’s an actual cat.
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As everyone else continues to struggle on how exactly to react, you think it’s only appropriate to play along since she’s doing a terrific job! It’s the best way to show your approval!

“Good kitten.” You place the toy to the side, and pet Suan De! She jitters upon touch. The other girls are a mix of mortified and dumbstruck as they watch like you’re a wild animal researcher.

“…” Suan De hesitates between slapping your hand away to maintain her dignity, or continuing her charade and not defying the king so as to not be forced to do this over until you’re satisfied. Her suffering might be swift if she endures it all now, she needs to continue — but hasn’t moved a muscle since you started petting her. This is a make-or-break moment...

“Good, good kitten…” You start scratching Suan De behind the ear. This is becoming very fun for you…

“…” Suan De wants to say something. Wants to move. Wants to play along and be done with this. But it’s far too embarrassing! With the incredulous looks from the other girls, Suan De can’t break the mental barrier and understand nothing is humiliating about playing charades, or playing the role of a good cat girl!

“Meow.” Noticing the woman’s insecurities, Bradford Jr. encourages his friend to embrace her dignified duty as a cat. He’s a cat. There’s nothing to be ashamed of about being a cat. They’re fluffy. They’re adorable. They’re lovable. And she is too!

M-Meow…” Suan De is as robotic as before, but decides to continue. Bradford Jr.’s words moved her heart.

“Aw, you like it!” You start petting her more enthusiastically with both hands now! Ruby feels compelled to join you, but stops herself. The cat girl is still mortified, but she’s not as rigid as when you started…

“You sure? She ain’t purring, that’s how they show real love.” Crossbill points out that happy kitties turn up their engines when they feel happy.

P-Prrr…” Suan De tries to purr, it’s… a unique take. As stiff as she is, she’s too dorky not to be loved!

“How about now? Mmm?” You smugly retort.

“Eh, she isn’t going around your legs…” Crossbill is making things difficult for Suan De.

P-Prr… Prrr...” Suan De gets on all fours and presses her body against your legs…

“Oh my god, she’s the cutest of kitties!” You pet Suan De everywhere you can like she’s an actual pet since she’s moving around. Ruby can’t help herself and pets her too. Bradford Jr. can relate! You have to hunch over to get this done, making Ichie a tiny bit jealous that her pillow spotlight is being taken away for a moment. Maybe you’re getting too excited...

“Here again!” Crossbill hands you the toy you left to the side. “Play!”

“Kitty, kitty, kitty!” You start playing chase with the toy with Suan De, she swats the poor thing a couple of times. She’s more like a tigress than a cat girl…

“C’mon, kitty cat! You gotta pounce to get it, don’t forget to wiggle!” Crossbill starts clapping to egg the cat on.

“…” Suan De is ready to attack. You lift the toy out of reach (of someone on all fours on the ground). Suan De does the whole sequence before pouncing, and once in the air, she steals the toy with her mouth… She continues playing with it like she’s an actual cat after capturing it…

“Grrr… She’s just as passionate about her role as I am for mine…” Ichie feels the rivalry growing.

“…” This sole comment makes Suan De freeze again.

“Kitty, you can’t stop until the next round, and if you get an order.” Crossbill reminds her.

“Let’s get to that then.” Ruby goes for the assist to this embarrassed cat as she makes this round hers to deliver the straws.

T-This is way too lucky, you’re king again! T-They’re not going to believe you, are they…?

What do you do?

>Demand to know if someone is cheating on your favor...
>Demand to cuddle with you now!
>Demand them to take their pants/skirt off.
>Give the crown to someone else this round. But discreetly...
>Write In.

Who is doing it?

>Suan De.
>>Demand to know if someone is cheating on your favor...
It's no fun if we always win.
>>Demand to know if someone is cheating on your favor...
>Demand to know if someone is cheating on your favor...
>Give the crown to someone else this round. But discreetly...
If it does happen again then yeah ask.
Forgot to vote who
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Yeah, this is getting too suspicious to stay quiet about. You better tell them, even if you don’t find out who the culprit is, you won’t take advantage!

“Everyone, I got king again…” You don’t say it with the enthusiasm of a king… but the disappointment of a fraud king! “I think this is rigged.”

“Rigged?” Ruby becomes upset. If there’s one thing this girl hates is a liar and a cheat! “Are you sure?”

“Not entirely.” You shake your head.

“Can’t say I pay much attention after I get mine.” Crossbill always picks first and fails miserably. She’s always seething for a little bit to be on guard.

“It’s far from a mistake to bring this issue up.” Suan De finds this as suspicious as you do.

“Ehem. Foul play or not, you *must* stay in character, cat. The king’s orders are absolute.” Ichie is quite strict.

“A ruler who cheats has no credibility.” Crossbill chuckles. “Buuut since the king himself brought it up, I believe the orders should stay as is.”

“True, our honorable king doesn’t deserve that us — peasants — disobey!” Pillowchie nods. “Cat, you were blessed by his royal touch, you should be grateful!”

“Shut it, don’t say a word about it.” Suan De goes back to her quirky cat pose despite her protests.

“But who did it? We have to rule out Johnny, he brought the topic up himself, and I will always attest that he plays fair even when the situation looks bleak.” Ruby believes in you wholeheartedly.

“There’s one bird here that is a known thief…” You don’t want to place the blame on Crossbill, but…

“I know you’re jokin’, but I would’ve won them for myself If I cheated.” Crossbill provides the most reasonable of arguments. “I know exactly what I’d want to do to all of you...”

“Does it really matter? As the royal pillow, I don’t see anyone better fit to rule than my dear Teacher!” Ichie argues.

There’s a little pause after this eyebrow-raising statement.

“It’s Ichie.” Crossbill deadpans.

“Agreed.” Suan De agrees.

“H-How dare you besmirch my name so easily?!” Ichie is in shock that she was blamed for this so quickly. “I demand proof.”

“It’s your game, straws, and cup — and you always pick before Johnny.” Crossbill doesn’t hesitate to explain.

“A-All conjectures! He always picks last!” Ichie looks away with a guilty look.
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“Move the kid away and empty your pockets. I bet you have something on you.” Suan De demands.

“Ichie, go along.” You trust her… a little. It’s either her or Crossbill...

“…” Ichie hesitates, she doesn’t want you to leave her. “I admit it! I admit it! Yes, I orchestrated the odds to favor my teacher…”

“Ichie, how could you...?” Ruby furrows her eyebrows.

“I had to! It’s my privilege and responsibility as a woman of nobility to choose who rules them all! It has always been my life’s duty no matter how insignificant the role is!” Ichie admits. “Besides, all men love winning!”

“What in the world are you talking about?” Ruby doesn’t understand a peep from Ichie.

“I hate cheating though, Ichie.” You shake your head.

“B-But I-I thought you two would understand. You’re a clever man, and Ruby, we’re part of the same caste. The same upper echelon!” Ichie is utterly flabbergasted. “A-And it’s not cheating, I’m making society work! Maintaining the balance!”

“This explains the annoying posh accent.” Crossbill knows what kind of girl Ichie is.

“Ichie, what you’ve done is not only upsetting but a major disrespect to our friends. I can’t look at you the same way as before.” Ruby is furious but doesn’t raise her voice.

“Woah, woah, hold your holster, cowboy. It’s fine being upset, but don’t take it too far. It’s just a game.” Crossbill calms Ruby down. “And games have rules against cheating. And if they don’t, well, up to us to come up with a way to relieve our anger! Let’s make her pay.”

“Punish her according to the level of her transgression.” Suan De agrees.

“P-P-Punish…?” Ichie doesn’t like where this is going as she hugs you tightly out of fear. Those women are ready to rip her apart.

“Play along and apologize, Ichie. It’s the only way to fix this.” You impart wisdom.

“...I’m s-sorry for disrespecting you. I won’t ever do it again.” The obedient Ichie admits her fault.

“I accept your apology.” Ruby doesn’t want to be harsh, it’d be worse if Ichie didn’t learn her lesson.

“Cool, now let’s make her suffer.” Crossbill is ready for revenge. Petty bird!

If anything, Ichie deserves to be punished for delaying the game…

What do you do?

>Let Ruby punish Ichie.
>Let Crossbill punish Ichie.
>Let Suan De punish Ichie.
>Write In.

Who is the next king?

>Suan De.

(Last reply of the day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>Let Suan De punish Ichie.
Also pat the misguided hobo for her good, but misguided intentions.
>Show your blatant noble favoritism by not punishing her.
>Let Ruby punish Ichie.
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Time for justice to be delivered. Sorry, Ichie, but you can only pray for her now. She had bad intentions and worse methods, but she did it for you — that counts for something, right? But you have to be fair and objective with your hobos.

“I think Suan De should be the one carrying out the punishment.” You suggest. Arguably, the Slob Dragon is the only one who got more screwed over. Your humiliated hobo appreciates the opportunity.

“It’s appropriate, only she and Ichie were victims.” Ruby agrees this is the best course of action.

“Hey, do what you want to her. Don’t waste your chance!” Crossbill leaves the floor. She’s acting like she didn’t egg Suan De on to be more cat-like…

“We’ll stand by your decision.” Ruby is ready to see the wicked get their just desserts!

“Understood.” Suan De grins with evil intentions.

“B-B-But she’s not an objective agent of justice…!” Ichie is afraid, Slob Dragon will be harsh and she knows it.

“It’ll be fine. Be strong and brave...” You pat your misguided hobo pillow.

“I thought about making you go through the same humiliation I did to humble you…” Suan De is thinking about revenge and revenge alone. “But it isn’t enough.”

“I-It’s isn’t?! But that’s already too far for the likes of me!” Ichie doesn’t like consequences.

“I’d rather take away something you hold dear and ruin it forever...” Suan De is cold-blooded. “I’m paying you in kind, remember that.”

“W-What are you going to do to me?” Ichie is very afraid.

“Take your top off.” The Slob Dragon says…! Wait, what?!

Bwoh?” Crossbill can’t compute this. Neither can you. Did you miss something or are all your hobos perverts?!

“...Her shirt? Why? Is this even appropriate for a game like this?” Ruby is flabbergasted.

“A woman of her supposed status can’t continue playing, less fulfill her role as a bolster, half naked.” Suan De explains. “I’m knocking her down a peg. If she has any decency, she’ll quit the game and hide her face in shame.”

“W-Wouldn’t it be better to kick her out if that’s your intention?” Ruby reasonably asks.

“It’s not as satisfying without the humiliation.” Suan De grins.
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“Alright, game was heading in weird directions anyway. Ichie, you heard her. Take it off, then run away!” Crossbill doesn’t overthink it. Again, she’s clapping to make things go faster.

“No! I’m not running away! My dear teacher told me to be brave, and I will be!” Ichie won’t falter. “I will not quit!”

What?” Suan De is consternated.

“I-I feel like I’m being misconstrued here.” You don’t mind though.

“Then don’t look too happy!” Crossbill points out your hypocrisy.

“Ichie, y-you don’t have to…!” Ruby is trying to make her see reason.

“No, I must pay my dues!” Ichie takes her top off in one sweep…! “Aaaaaaaaaaah!!!” Her shirt lands on top of you, it doesn’t obscure the view.

Boing~!” Crossbill resorts to doing sound effects. “Now that’s a rack.”

“Mhm.” You nod. Ichie seems to adore the attention, those subtle movements say it all…

“I-I’m glad we have the heater on.” Ruby has secondhand embarrassment… she acts like she didn’t do something much more revealing before in this very room! “S-Shall we continue?”

“We can’t let her stay like this.” Suan De acts like this wasn’t her idea.

“It was your idea, Killer Eyes.” Crossbill deadpans.

“I shall resume my duties as the royal pillow in a short moment...!” Ichie says as she’s hiding behind the couch… Too embarrassed to be half naked in front of you for long.

“Take your time?” Ruby sounds mildly confused. “Johnny, you can rest your head on my shoulder if you want.”

“Just the shoulder?” You try not to sound disappointed.

“...I’m surrounded by degenerates.” Suan De can’t believe her eyes. “Fine, continue.”

“Again, your idea.” Crossbill points out. “Now everything is fair from this point onwards… Let’s play!”

Crossbill is the one delivering the sticks this round. You’re NOT the king this time, nature is healing...

“A-ha! At long last! I’m the King! I don’t wanna hear anything about foul play since I was the last one to draw.” Crossbill makes sure nobody objects. “I can read your mind, bestie…”

The bird… the bird is planning something! Everyone is unsure of what to expect, and you miss your pillow! You hope Ichie regains her confidence soon!

What’s the order?

>Crossbill demands a specific wardrobe change! The result is a mystery!
>Crossbill demands more Cat girls or boys!
>Crossbill demands a royal throne for herself!
>Crossbill demands the loss of pants for her subject!
>Write In.

Who does the king punish?

>Suan De.
>>Crossbill demands the loss of pants for her subject!
>>>Crossbill demands the loss of pants for her subject!
>Crossbill demands the loss of pants for her subject!
humana humana...
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Due to my incapability to draw tonight, we'll return tomorrow. Sorry!
>Crossbill demands a specific wardrobe change! The result is a mystery!
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Crossbill is taunting you… or maybe she’s telling the truth. Maybe holding onto flames allows her to listen to your thoughts! This needs to be considered a type of cheating! You’ll say something once you gather some proof. Wait, Philonune is telling you he’s been next to you the whole time. You’re just imagining things again… This is the second time you think Crossbill is cheating, you’re a monster! You need to trust your best friend!

“You do?” You play along.

“It’s pretty easy, you’re an open book. And you know what that means?” Crossbill continues teasing. “I know your number~, Knockout…”

“That’s cheating! Strip her now!” Ichie demands equal treatment.

“W-What?! I’m not cheating, I’m goading him with an air of mystery behind my veil!” Crossbill doesn’t want her fun to be ruined.

“Stay quiet, pillow.” Suan De harshly retorts to Ichie.

“...That’s not going to be the default punishment for cheating, is it?” Ruby wants it to be harsher.

“No.” Suan De doesn’t want to fuel anyone’s wet dreams.

“Uhm, where were you, Crossbill?” You decide it’s better to return to the topic.

“Oh yeah, I was about to tell you about my plans.” Crossbill goes back to taunting. “As your bestie, you’d think I wouldn’t do anything to you, but you’ve gotten a lot of mileage from the game, don’t ya think? That includes a freebie. Now it’s time to even the score, feed these girls something. You know it’s nothing personal…”

“You gotta do what you gotta do. But don’t get mad at me if I return the favor…” You adjust your glasses.

“Ha! I don’t expect anything different…” Crossbill smirks. “Now, the King requests, no, demands that Peasant Number 3 take their pants off! Show us that booty!”

“Huh…” You don’t know what to say… because that’s the wrong number. “I’m Peasant Number 2.”

Ah...?” The smirk on Crossbill’s face is wiped out.
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“I-I’m Number 3…” Ruby shows her straw.

“Woah, got it wrong there. Hehe, whoops.” Crossbill starts whistling.

“…You were pretending the whole time?” Suan De facepalms hard. She didn’t like where this was going before, but this is somehow worse to her.

“I thought it’d be funny if I was right. W-What was I supposed to do? Cheat?! Do I look like a pillow?!” Crossbill defends herself. “On second thought, I don’t wanna hear the answer to that.”

“You’re a buffoon.” Suan De chuckles at the bird’s incompetency. At least she’s not mad.

“The King’s orders are absolute! Peasant, step forward and fulfill your duty!” Ichie claims behind the fortress’ walls.

“E-Excuse me.” Ruby stands up in front of everyone, the same spot where Suan De became a kitty…

“Hey, no hard feelings, right?” Crossbill smiles at the redhead.

“Of course not.” Ruby smiles back. “But I don’t have to worry about making these types of mistakes from now on. It’s all *game*, no? I’ll have fun.”

“R-Right…” Crossbill feels like she has made things harder for everyone. “King’s ready. Go.”

Ruby glances at you for a moment, wanting you to pay close attention...

Watch me…” Ruby whispers so low that you make out the message by reading her lips. Nobody else got it. Then she takes them off… Her qualities are as formidable as you remember...

“I got you another show, huh? What a great buddy I am…” Crossbill chuckles. “Too bad she’s gonna hide behind the couch.”

But Ruby sits back where she was before…

“Guess not.” Suan De doesn’t seem that surprised.

“L-Let’s continue playing.” Ruby is a little embarrassed since she has everyone’s eyes on her.

You’re the one delivering the straws right now…

Who’s the king?

>Suan De.
>Suan De.
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You’re the last dealer before they start repeating. In a way, Round 1 is soon to be over...

“Alright! Get your sticks, ladies, before they run out!” You wiggle the cup with the straws to gather everyone’s attention from Ruby.

All the girls take a moment to draw one, Ichie’s speed made it impossible for you to enjoy the view, Ruby’s speed on the other hand made it easy… No! It’s not the time to have these types of thoughts, everyone will think you’re a man of the weird, a weirdo!

Except Ruby, she’s used to this. Maybe she’s a bigger weirdo than you, but you can’t say that to her or her fragile redhead mind will explode into a thousand pieces.

Anyway, the results are in, and you’re not the King again! Hooray! It’s far less enjoyable now that it just tastes like defeat, and it won’t feel better until you win again! Either way, you ask who drew the crown…

“Ladies and gentleman, I am the monarch!” Ichie boasts with her hand extended with the straw! She doesn’t leave the back of the couch though. “I shall follow the example of my dear king, and rule with an iron fist and pretend it’s fair!”

“Hey, that’s not what happened.” You were chill! So chill everyone took their clothes off… Hmm…

“Then I shall create a new order that will rule with an iron fist!” Ichie’s plans won’t change.

“Weren’t you interested in learning more about everyone through the game? Now is your chance!” Ruby reminds Ichie.

“After what you did, we know plenty about you, Ruby...” Crossbill teases.

“P-Please, d-don’t focus on that…” Ruby gets all embarrassed.

“Then put them back on.” Suan De deadpans as she points at the redhead’s pants.

“I forgot to consider it! Thank you, Ruby, you’re so considerate! You’re an example I will always follow!” Ichie smiles fondly.

“I can tell.” Suan De is quite sardonic.

“And you’re quite the opposite, Suan De! I do not approve!” Ichie doesn’t like Suan De’s attitude. “As a Just Ruler, I must bring swift justice against you for your perverse deeds!”

“Bring it.” Suan De doesn’t back down.

“Do what you want, Ichie. It’s your decision to make.” You say to your apprentice.

“Yeah, you can always regret it later! But you’ll laugh about it later than that, so it’s all gooood.” Crossbill encourages her too, but to do something entertaining.

“Hmm… I don’t want to disappoint the past rulers…” Ichie sees you both with respect.

What’s the order?

>The King demands more shirts! The peasant should suffer the same fate as her!
>The King demands the peasant to act like a dog! More animals to amuse the monarch!
>The King demands eternal friendship from the peasant, beyond the limits of this game!
>The King demands the peasant to dress in rags!
>The King demands the peasant to keep you comfy in her temporary absence!
>Write In.

Who does the king punish?

>Suan De.
>>The King demands the peasant to keep you comfy in her temporary absence!
>The King demands more shirts! The peasant should suffer the same fate as her!
Totally not a ploy for the girls to see your abs.
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You can only hope Ichie considers the fact that she doesn’t know everyone else’s number! Maybe she can do something nice for whoever is picked. That’d be nice. You’d be so proud of her.

“There’s no better way to honor my heroes than with the deployment of fairness! And nothing is more just than suffering the consequences of your actions!” Ichie exclaims full of courage. “Suan De, face your fate!”

“Show me what you got, Pillow.” Suan De is waiting.

“First, tell me your number, peasant!” Ichie demands.

“No.” Suan De won’t do it. Crossbill laughs out loud.

“W-What do you mean No?” Ichie’s plans find the most obvious roadblock.

“Why should I?” Suan De doesn’t get it.

“So you can suffer the consequences?” Ichie didn’t think this through.

“Idiot.” Suan De shakes her head.

“W-What?” Ichie thought you all were playing fair.

“It’s the ruler’s duty to punish. I’m no snitch, not even to myself.” Despite it all, Suan De has the spirit of a criminal! “I could lie about the number too.”

“Please, don’t. It’s better to stay quiet than be dishonest.” Ruby asks nicely.

“Well then...” Suan De yawns.

“I thought better of you, Suan De. But you’re nothing more than a scaredy cat…” Ichie sighs.

“…” Suan De pantomimes closing her mouth with a zipper.

“Taunting isn’t gonna do any good. Pivot.” Crossbill advises.

“No! A true king is always headstrong! Never wavers! I can’t back down now!” Ichie has an immutable resolve. “Peasant Number 4! You’ll suffer the same fate as I, take your shirt off!” Ichie points at Suan De.

“I’m Number 1, you coconut head.” Suan De shows her stick.

“Oh no! How could I fail..?!” Ichie is in utter shock.

“Hey, that’s me!” You exclaim like you’re Philonune when he sees Philonunes somewhere else.

“No! Dear Teacher, my hubris has done this… my sincerest apologies…” Ichie shakes her head.

“Then don’t look too happy.” Crossbill teases the trash girl.

“Meh, it’s not a big deal. It sucks that it’s kind of cool, but you all can endure it.” You point out how Crossbill, Ichie, and Ruby are scantily clothed. You take it off! “See? No big deal!”
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“Oh mama quack-a, no big deal you say?! Bet your ass you’d downplay going to the moon! Oof!” Crossbill really likes what she’s seeing! She’s mildly curious about the scars tho as she places the tip of her fingers on them. “Right, everyone?”

“You’re more of a man than I thought...” Suan De never saw this coming, even if it was painfully obvious to everyone else. The size of the scars impresses her for some reason.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. approves. What a bro.

Johnny…” Ruby is left with her mouth open.

Teacher…” Ichie is left with her mouth open.

“Girls? You two alright?” Crossbill notices part of the hobo squadron is in a trance. She waves her hand in front of them but nothing happens. Their eyes are locked on you. “I think you broke ‘em, Knockout.”

“Oh no…” You’d put your shirt back on, but it’s against the rules!

“This had to have happened before. How long do these goofy gals stay like this?” Crossbill half deduces. You shrug in response.

“They’re messing with us. Let’s hose them up or throw them in their beds.” Suan De shows no mercy.

“Sounds funny, but I don’t want anyone to catch a cold. No one likes a stuffy nose.” Crossbill shows mercy. “Do you guys have any markers?”

“No pranks.” You shake your head.

“Bwah. Okay, Knockout. You left ‘em like this, any ideas?” Crossbill pouts.

Welp, you think this shouldn’t happen again after they get used to it, so as long as you break them from whatever this is. You’ll be good to go again!

What do you do?

>Kiss their foreheads. Start with Ruby.
>Snap your fingers. Start with Ichie.
>Suan De is right. Put them to bed.
>Tell Bradford Jr. to do *it.*
>Play one round without them.
>Write In.

If you deal with this properly, who should be the next king?

>Suan De.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>Kiss their foreheads. Start with Ruby.
>Bring out your trusty paper bag mask and your new trusty cardboard box shirt.
>Nobody ever said doing your best wasn't going to hurt you emotionally...
Forgot to vote next king
>Kiss their foreheads. Start with Ruby.
Gah, damnit. Passed out and never realized I didn’t vote on who’s the next king.

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Crossbill is right. It’s your responsibility. You don’t want to cause more damage, so you’re going to take hefty measures to make sure everyone is okay for now.

You sigh loudly. “Yes, I know what to do. I’m always prepared for a situation like this.” You pull out your paper bag to wear, then you grab a cardboard box by the kitchen to use as a shirt. You’re the saddest knight in the kingdom. “Ready…” This is what you have to do to help...

What are you doing? What’s this supposed to be...?” Crossbill is laughing hysterically.

“I’m profoundly irritated that this paper bag business got a whole lot worse…” Suan De is so annoyed this is a recurring thing.

“Y-You think I’m happy like this?!” You rip two holes in the box to properly do a sassy pose with your arms on your blocky hips.

“Yes. It wouldn’t happen every day if it wasn’t the case.” Suan De jeers.

“Well! You’re wrong! Super wrong!” You expertly argue back. “I’m doing it for them, so they don’t have to suffer anymore…” You’re always willing to make the sacrifice.

“Wait, you think covering yourself is going to make them snap out of it?! What a riot!” Crossbill laughs even harder as she slaps her thighs and points at you mockingly.

“Huh? Where am I?” Ichie snaps out of it!

“And it worked?! HAHAHAHAHA~!!!” Crossbill is in tears.

“I don’t know what caused your laughter, but I feel demeaned.” Ichie is a little peeved.

“As you should.” Suan De furrows her eyebrows.

“I-I shook it off a moment before Johnny felt inclined to do... that.” Ruby is still embarrassed by her reaction, but boy, she looks at your armor like it’s the van...

“Do what? Oh no!!!” Ichie gasps upon the realization you’re half man and half box…

“I had to do it for you all…” You tell Ichie since she’s the only one who was too shocked to follow all the events.

“But this is a travesty! Everyone is making fun of you like this!” Ichie doesn’t like it.

“Relax, I can endure it.” You smile even if it’s covered by the paper bag.

“You shouldn’t bear this pain alone. I’ll display my solidarity by following in your footsteps!” Ichie puts on her own cardboard box shirt! “Behold!” Ichie is happy to join you because she didn’t notice how sad you look.
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“My bestie can’t hide his disappointment, huh?” Crossbill is having a blast. “Well, one more cardboard woman and we’re going to continue.”

“I’m not covering myself with cardboard.” Ruby rejects the idea.

“…” Suan De is judging Ruby so hard right now that she should form a club with Ajna to do it together...

“You prefer shaking your buns out in the open, huh? Why am I not surprised?” Crossbill thinks she should be though, but Ruby finds a way…

“I-I’m sitting! I’m not doing that!” Ruby turns redder than her hair…

“Please, let’s move on.” Suan De hates the way the game is evolving.

“My turn again! Take your straws, everyone!” Boxchie is happy to be in control of everything again. By everyone’s looks, they’re paying special attention to prevent her from cheating.

Once again, you’re not the King. So, Ichie is clean. In fact, it lands on the girl who hasn’t given any orders yet…

“I got it, everyone.” Ruby announces with glee.

“Oh, fantastic, just the one I just made fun of! I love karma, great system!” Crossbill groans.

“Two shots have been misfired already, take it easy.” Suan De is nice enough to remind the bird that the peasant is random…

“I wonder what I should do…” Ruby gets pensive.

Somehow you feel safer inside the cardboard…

(QM Note: Ichie is going to ditch the box next post. Let not this detail cloud your judgment for the prompts!)

What’s the order?

>The King demands to share the bed with the peasant tonight. Ruby is playing the long con.
>The King demands for all the cardboard in the room to be recycled. This somehow includes paper bags.
>The King demands for the peasant to share her previous fate. They’re losing their pants.
>The King demands the peasant make peace with the other peasants that they dislike the most. Good relationships for everyone!
>Write In.

Who’s the peasant?

>Suan De.

(Only reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>The King demands for the peasant to share her previous fate. They’re losing their pants.
All are equal in this Kingdom
>The King demands for the peasant to share her previous fate. They’re losing their pants.
>The King demands for the peasant to share her previous fate. They’re losing their pants.
>Suan De.
>The King demands to share the bed with the peasant tonight. Ruby is playing the long con.
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Even if you feel safe inside your cardboard shirt and paper bag mask, you should take them off at some point. Make sure nobody gets affected by it. You don’t want to cheat people out of their wishes, no matter how unappealing you look.

With one finger placed under her lips, Ruby continues to wonder what her wish is going to be. The pause feels longer than it is, and it causes a certain bird to start cheeping.

“You should wish for whatever makes you happy, live a little! Consequences be damned!” Crossbill believes that being pantless isn’t enough to enjoy a fulfilling life. She’s trying to trick Ruby out of revenge.

“I believe it’s a good instance to punish the wicked!” Ichie disagrees with the bird’s suggestion.

“Just… don’t try to make a big spiel out of it? All of them are backfiring tonight.” Crossbill feels like karma is getting too funny.

“Today is a day to teach that revenge is never the answer.” Ichie agrees despite being a warmonger two sentences ago. “Ruby is a woman of pure intentions, I’m sure her wish will go as planned.”

“I don’t know how you can believe that. I don’t know how you can believe that at all.” Suan De has a hard time believing that Ichie finds new ways to be dumber. Ruby is shocked that this is what she thinks of her.

“Hmph! You don’t have to contradict my every word just because you’re jealous that you don’t share a cardboard shield of this quality with my mentor like I do!” Ichie will bring anything up that makes her feel superior. She looks at you and realizes you lost it! “Huh?! Where did it go?!”
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“Welp, since I didn’t want to cheat a previous king of their reward. I decided to take it off. You’re all fine, right?” You adjust your glasses over your paper bag. Once they get used to your awful shirtless self, they won’t have issues with your dumb face.

“Y-You’re right! How blind of me!” Ichie takes off her own cardboard! “I will forever honor my king’s request!” She slowly starts walking back to her old shield: the back of the couch.

“See? Whatever you do, it will stick. Why not get something nice?” Crossbill smiles at the redhead.

“Mhm, it’s all luck anyway… But I’m here to play.” Ruby’s thoughts are clouded with one idea, as her eyes are locked at the manifestation of said idea: You! She probably likes the paper bag! Perhaps she will ask for one herself?

“What is your command?” Ichie asks like she’s part of Ruby’s royal guard.

“I want Number 2 to share the same fate as I did before.” Ruby dodges saying it out loud. You all look down to her thighs except the individual that is going to follow her footsteps…

“What goes around, comes around…” Crossbill shows her straw. She’s the peasant! She’s getting what she did to Ruby!

“Oh… I’m sorry, I suppose...” Ruby sounds more disappointed than apologetic.

“If you feel that way, why don’t we skip this one?” Crossbill smiles.

“That’s not going to happen.” Ruby shakes her head like a vindictive redhead. “What goes around, comes around.” She repeats the bird’s song. “The King is ready. Take them off.”

“R-Right! In one swift swoop!” Crossbill takes her pants off with the grace of a gymnast! “O-One and done! No need for applause!”

You clap though, she has quality long legs... Suan De facepalms instead, that’s one way to clap...

“S-She said no clapping.” Ichie wants you to stop.

“If I didn’t go to jail, this would’ve been my biggest scandal…” Crossbill laughs at herself as she sits down next to Ruby. “We’re buds now! Butt buds!”

“W-We’re friends, but that name is…” Ruby gets all red.

“C’mon, get confident, the Knockout can’t take his eyes off us.” Crossbill whispers loudly, she wants the redhead to take the heat from her since the bird isn’t handling it well.

“No, it’s because I’m hiding behind you!” Ichie steals the credit.

“Shut up.” Suan De deadpans. “Next straw.” She’s ready to deliver.

“Okay! Everyone! I believe it’s the appropriate time to expand the rules: The King can apply an order to more than one peasant!” Ichie acts like the host.

“Fine. But these shall be the last few rounds.” Suan De wants this to end in a way that prevents everyone from complaining.

Now the king holds more power than ever…

Who is the next king?

>Suan De.
>Suan De.
>>Suan De.
>Suan De.
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Everyone draws a straw from Suan De’s cup, and yours is another loser ticket. You’re starting to get a little concerned that you haven’t won legitimately once. Does fate hate you? Or is Ichie the dumbest angel of luck that you turn away for your principles? Regardless, you’re Mr. 4, the peasant.

“Well, well, well, would you look at that?” Suan De feels pretty lucky because everyone failed miserably to draw the winning straw. “Can’t say I get lucky often.”

“A reign of terror has begun… The kingdom won’t see another summer…” Ichie pretends to be the narrator.

“…” Suan De doesn’t appreciate Ichie’s somber words. If there’s anyone in this room that the Slob Dragon wants to see suffer is her.

“You saw me get my bum bitten for talkin’ smack, and you open your mouth to say something like this? If you want fate to pull your pants off to leave your legs hanging out like a buffet, I can do it instead and you won’t realize a thing. I guarantee it.” Crossbill wants to show her thief skills.

“Ha! Don’t be a fool. Nobody can take my skirt off me! My agility is my most remarkable trait!” Ichie proclaims.

“I beg to differ.” You adjust your glasses.

“I noticed what you like, Mr. Subtlety.” Crossbill laughs.

“It’s the only way I’m winning because I can’t grab a straw to save my life…” You lament.

“You always enjoy the crossfire, hmm?” Ruby teases you.

“We’re going to figure out if he can like this one…” Crossbill is unsure what move Suan De is going to take.

“Oh, please, continue talking. The longer it takes for me to give an order, the more uncomfortable you all look.” Suan De can be sadistic.

“I-It’s just a game!” Ichie doesn’t like the way the dragon is hoarding her wealth.

“And I’m enjoying it for once...” Suan De grins as a cackle creeps through.

“This doesn’t have to be bad news. Suan De can be quite kind, if you don’t believe it, ask Bradford Jr.” Ruby believes in the dragon.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. agrees that his fellow cat is a good friend.

“’D’aww, the kitties stand together.” You say as it warms your heart.

“…” Suan De doesn’t want to remember that.

“W-What?” You feel like you fucked up.

“...I’m ready to give my orders.” Suan De stoically retorts.

After listening to everyone, the Slob Dragon is going to make the most out of her victory…

What’s the order?

>The King demands more cat girls and boys. Everyone shall suffer her same fate.
>The King demands a massage.
>The King demands a jump rope competition.
>The King demands a can of beer.
>The King demands to keep the couch for themselves and no one else. No one can hide behind it either.
>Write In.

Who is the peasant?


(Last Reply of the Day, we return on Saturday most likely!)
>The King demands more cat girls and boys. Everyone shall suffer her same fate.

Instead of cats, though, Suan De wants a puppy boy.
>The King demands more cat girls and boys. Everyone shall suffer her same fate.
>>The King demands a jump rope competition.
Since we can select multiple now
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Forgot the relevant art for this...
>The King demands a jump rope competition.
>>The King demands a can of beer.
Crossbill could get it
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The King (Queen?) awaits the plebeians to be ready to speak. Ears perk to listen to her royal mandate. You have no clue what to expect, except it won’t be pretty.

“Listen closely because I’m calling out peasants from 1 to 4. I want to see you sweat.” Suan De is about to throw a bombshell now that the rules have changed. “Each one of you will participate in a Jump Rope competition.”

“I’m glad I drank that Soda.” You’re going to win more than one athletic competition in one night.

“You want us to exercise? That simple?” Ruby is a little befuddled, it’s not as extreme as everyone was expecting.

“Yes. Do you have a problem with that?” Suan De acts a little aggressive.

“No, on the contrary, thank you for being lenient.” Ruby smiles back. “Did you notice that I like doing this?”

“Have you forgotten how you’re dressed at the moment…?” Suan De believes Ruby is far too gone if she doesn’t get how humiliating it is to do this butt naked.
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“I-It’s still pretty tame for what it could’ve been.” Ruby argues.

“My mind is not as distorted as yours to think of those possibilities.” Suan De deadpans.

“Or has any brains for that matter! Have you forgotten about my agility? Victory awaits!” Ichie is confident she’s going to win. Suan De rolls her eyes at Ichie’s idiocy.

“A competition implies a prize...” Crossbill wants something out of this. “You gotta motivate us if you don’t want us to slack.”

“Yes, I deserve compensation!” Ichie likes this train of thought.

“The winner rips apart that paperbag.” Suan De points at your face.

“Y-You wouldn’t dare…” You’re so overprotective of it, you’ve already swapped it with a fake. “Fine, I know you’d dare. But what do I get if I win?”

“Rip apart something else for all I care.” Suan De didn’t think it through, she only aimed her efforts at getting rid of the paper bag.

“You’re saying that if my dear mentor wins, he can rip apart one piece of our clothing of his own choosing?! Preferably the loser?! That’s an incredible reward!” Ichie makes up shit as she goes.

“I did NOT say that.” Suan De retorts.

“Eh, works for me. Means I can take something else too, right? I want your glasses, bestie.” Crossbill starts stretching.

“Fine. But if you don’t impress me, you get nothing.” Suan De covers her bases instead of arguing further, probably a smart move to get part of the idiocy out.

“Give me a moment, I need to…” Ruby runs into her room, you can see her taking her shirt off midway in! She comes back with a sports bra! Bye-Bye shirt! “...Ready to go.”

Bwohng…” Crossbill makes a sound effect since it’s a pretty loose sports bra...

“Break a sweat.” Suan De throws jumping ropes for everyone, one each. She kept them in the same place as the Qilin statue she gifted you. With the timer in hand ready, she wants everyone standing next to one another. “You’re disqualified if you bump into each other. I only care about how long you last without tripping, not the amount of jumps. You ready?”

“Yes!” Ichie shouts.

“Yes.” Ruby takes a deep breath.

“Aye!” Crossbill *only* pretends to take it easy.

“I’m as good as I’ll ever be.” You’re so ready!

“On your marks… Go.” Suan De gives the signal almost instantly!

The competition begins, the new royal sport is going to crown a new winner! Every participant’s form is pretty interesting and very distracting... Despite this, you’re doing well!

Maybe you’re focusing on the wrong things here...

What do you do?

>Win! It’s your duty to crush these girls! Mainly Crossbill, you can’t let her tie today.
>Let Ichie win.
>Let Ruby win.
>Let Crossbill win.
>Write In.

Who is the next?

>Suan De.

(Only reply of the day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>Win! It’s your duty to crush these girls! Mainly Crossbill, you can’t let her tie today.
>>Win! It’s your duty to crush these girls! Mainly Crossbill, you can’t let her tie today.
>>>Win! It’s your duty to crush these girls! Mainly Crossbill, you can’t let her tie today.
No glasses means we can't see
>Suan De.
>Win! It’s your duty to crush these girls! Mainly Crossbill, you can’t let her tie today.
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As distracting as the other competitors’ efforts are, you can’t lose this competition no matter what. You absolutely obliterated Crossbill during the competition, you’re going to obliterate her again. It’s destiny, and destiny is written by the winners. Or the luckiest ones. Or the cheaters. Or historians. Or — worst of all — fake journalists who are way into conspiracy theories. And tonight, you’ll be the fake journalist once again!

You give it your all until the very end. Crossbill matches your resolve. Ruby seems distracted. Ichie is in her own world. Minutes pass, and one by one they fall. First, Ruby clumsily trips and bumps into Ichie. Both are disqualified.

Then it’s you against Crossbill…

Or you would’ve said that, if the bird didn’t get bumped by the others in a comical domino effect. Ropes are trip hazards. Oh well, it’s your victory for standing away from this mess, there’s a lesson beneath all of this, but you don’t care about specifics — except those in your winning contract! You’re the greatest peasant to have ever lived!

“You girls okay?” You want to check on them, but they regain their composure far too quickly for you to be of any help.

“This is a travesty, it shouldn’t end like this!” Ichie is upset.

“I-I’m so sorry, I got distracted…” Ruby didn’t mean to destroy the competition for you.

“You were supposed *be* the distraction, not the other way around!” Crossbill pouts as they all stand back on their feet. Ruby sheepishly looks down.

“My mentor’s concentration is second to none, our efforts did so little…” Ichie finds you admirable AND is determined to beat you. In your opinion, her efforts are well appreciated.

“Seeing you all trip over yourselves was entertaining enough.” The Royal Slob Dragon doesn’t regret her choice all that much.

“Hooray, the queen was entertained. Does it mean I get a prize?” You wiggle your eyebrows.

“You all fabricated a reward, you all can figure it out. I won’t stop you.” This is the closest thing to Suan De declaring you the winner.

“As far as I see it, they all tied, right?” You don’t know who you have to pick. Suan De shrugs.

“Getting cheeky, huh, Knockout?” Crossbill knows what you’re doing. You feign ignorance. “We’re trippin’ and strippin’ anyhow. But who will lose a piece of clothing, I wonder…” Crossbill pretends she’s not on the list.

“I must say that it was Ruby who tripped first! If any punishment must be dealt, she should be the one who gets it.” Ichie has a point.

“I’ll… do what you want me to do.” Ruby looks away all embarrassed.

“You all are losers, order doesn’t matter one bit.” Suan De wants to mess up Ichie. “There’s nothing worse than a coward selling someone else out…”

“I-I’m stating the facts…!” Ichie doesn’t see herself as a chicken!

“Who do you have in mind, bestie?” Crossbill is ready to move on.

You have a tough decision ahead of you...

(Crossbill is locked to be the next king.)

Who will lose a piece of clothing? (You can specify which one.)

>Suan De.
>No one.
>Write In?

(Big chance this is the only reply of the day, we return tomorrow regardless!)
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All things considered, Suan De is the king now, and if she’s egging you into one decision — you rather go along to keep her happy. If not, what’s the point of playing a game together? Maybe you’re overprotective of your kitties… You’ll answer Crossbill.

“In all fairness, I think our king has a point, so I’m picking Ichie.” You say like loyal peasant. The Slob Dragon looks mildly positive about your decision, you wager that she’s pleased internally. But stoic girls are going to be stoic…

“My overzealousness has cost me greatly once again. Oh, when will I learn my lesson…?” Ichie didn’t discard the possibility of this coming, but she was disappointed in herself.

“How about now?” Suan De deadpans.

“But punishment is not the way to settle this, it only leaves scars on the body, the lessons are forgotten — only resentment grows. If we don’t foster a friendly environment that encourages learning, my behavior will never improve.” Ichie is an A-Grade bullshitter.

“Girl, it was your idea. And this ain’t a classroom.” Crossbill points out.

“Decision is final.” You won’t be convinced otherwise, or else… you’ll be convinced otherwise and you’ll go back to square one.

“Hey, don’t lose his interest…” Crossbill whispers to your dumb apprentice.

“...I-I didn’t enroll to rebel against your teachings.” Ichie will oblige after hearing that. “B-But which article of clothing do you want me to get rid of?”

“Ichie, please, be sensible…” Ruby suffers second-hand embarrassment, though, most of her blushing comes from another source aside from that.

“What do you mean Which one? You wanna expose your jugs?” Crossbill is pretty surprised. “Your skirt, Ichie! Your skirt!”

“This is where you draw the line?” Suan De shakes her head.

“Your pants are next, Killer Eyes...” Crossbill proclaims. “Jests aside, don’t judge me, I’m matching this place’s vibes. You all got cute before me, and I mean you all, Ms. Kitten.”

“…Fair point.” That shut up Suan De quick.

“Let’s not ruin it, though. Ichie, you’re up.” Crossbill moves things along. “Winner is supposed to rip ‘em apart, so you gotta get to it fast before he pounces on you.”

“D-Don’t make me sound like a wild animal.” You feel insulted.

“C-Can’t imagine him doing something like that…” Ruby is imagining. Bad girl.

“A-And it’s off!” Ichie is all in underwear now! She lingers for a moment to let you admire her qualities, then quickly retreats to the couch…
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“I miss my pillow…” You sigh.

“I can do that for you…” Ruby suggests. “But it won’t be comfortable for either of us if you keep that paper bag on…” She wants it...

“No time, next round. Take your straws.” Crossbill is hurrying this up! Perhaps, she wants the king to take care of their subjects…

Welp, you’re not the king again… you’re terrible at this when you’re not cheating without your knowledge…

The administrator of Straws gets lucky again, Crossbill has the reins!

“Are you ready boys and girls?” Crossbill gauges the room.

“Yes…” Ruby is busy focusing on you.

“Y-Yes!” Ichie was distracted by you.

“…” Suan De shrugs.

“As always.” You adjust your glasses.

Seems like this game is reaching a fever pitch…

What are the king's orders?

>Send a bunch of peasants together to the same room to sleep with you.
>Demands the remaining peasants take their pants off.
>Demands everyone to get their clothes back and end the game. It was fun!
>Demands that they go to bed with you. The king is playing matchmaking.
>Write In.

Who does the king target?

>Suan De.
>Herself (Crossbill.)
>Write In.
>>Send a bunch of peasants together to the same room to sleep with you.
>Herself (Crossbill.)
Only the best wingman
>Demands the remaining peasants take their pants off.
Everyone with pants
>Write in
Peasants must collect tribute in form of alcohol.
Then be a magnanimous ruler and share said tribute
Are you aiming for Johnny and Suan De alone?
I think Suan De is the least likely so I was hoping to get with the others
You might want to include Johnny into the vote then. The prompt is kind of confusing there.
Good point

To clarify >>6189014 is meant to include Johnny too
This +Johnny as well
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Crossbill takes a moment to evaluate the situation, her eyes scan you one by one, she’s used to making difficult decisions — and this will be no different. A royal decree must be enacted for the well being of the Kingdom.

“Hmm, I see my people are losing their focus… These challenges have taken their toll.” Crossbill snaps her fingers to make your hobos pay attention. “I’ll take this into account for my decision.”

“I-I assure you that I’m in peak physical condition!” Ichie doesn’t want to be seen as lazy.

“But mentally? You’re out of this game and thinking of another…” Crossbill is implying something… “And you aren’t the only one.” She pokes Ruby’s head!

“…” Ruby turns redder out of sheer embarrassment.

“What’s next then?” Suan De crosses her arms.

“I want all of these plebs rounded up and sent… back to their homes to relax!” Crossbill proclaims. “They’re overstimulated.”

“Their homes? This is their home.” You point out.

“I’m telling you to drag ‘em to bed, bestie! Do you know a better place to relax and let your mind unfold? Where’s the biggest one we can drop ‘em off in?” Crossbill wonders. Upon hearing this, Ichie pretends to be exhausted.

“Ruby’s room has the largest bed.” You point out.

“I-I have to tidy up first, excuse me.” Ruby rushes inside her room.

“...If we’re going to bed, I'd rather go to sleep on my own.” Suan De doesn’t want to see where this is going, believing this will be dumb.

“Yeah, you have a headache, don’t you? Go, hope you had fun. We’ll see each other in the mornin’!” Crossbill smiles at her.

“Right. Is that okay with you?” Suan De asks for your permission for whatever reason.

“You don’t have to ask me. We had a long day, didn’t we?” You take off the paperbag to smile at her. “Have a good night’s rest!”

“...Night, then. And… be careful.” Suan De takes her shoes off as she starts walking into her new room. What a strange thing to say before leaving. Bradford Jr. meows, you pet him briefly, and then he goes to bed (your room) too.

“Okay, so…” You were going to say something to your bestie, but they’re all gone…

The door to Ruby’s room is half open… You have to explore.

Immediately upon entering, Crossbill shuts the door behind you. Both subjects are on the bed waiting on their knees as you last saw them.

“So, Johnny, we went ahead and started playing another round, and good news, you’re the king! I played for you ‘cause I’m doing guard duty.” Crossbill shows you the last straw! “Bad news is that we walked back the rules! You can order only one peasant at a time. So… Choose wisely. Or not. I’m not your boss. Game’s gonna be fun for you whatever happens.”

“Johnny…” Ruby has waited a long time for this… She’s sneakily displaying her number for you...

“My king is back in his rightful place…” Ichie is looking forward to your ruling.

What do you do?

>Make peasant Ruby’s night one to remember first.
>Make peasant Ichie’s night one to remember first.
>Ask your guard why she’s not on the bed with them.
>Ask for some words from everybody before making a decision.
>Write In.
>>Make peasant Ichie’s night one to remember first.
Ruby cheating by showing her number? Tsk tsk
>>Make peasant Ichie’s night one to remember first
>Make peasant Ichie’s night one to remember first.
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Despite the redhead’s best efforts, you can’t distinguish the number she’s holding — and even if you did, you’re tired of all the cheating that has happened throughout the day. Odd timing to be all righteous, but better late than never. You’re going to leave the number at random.

“It’s two numbers, bestie. They know it’s all chance.” Crossbill doesn’t want you to take your time. “Just ask for some private time with either!”

“Huh… If you say so.” You clear your throat. “Alright, Number 2, you’re up!”

Ichie explodes with happiness like she won a lifetime supply of sourdough bread!

“Oh no, you missed it…” Ruby looks incredulous and disappointed! She can’t believe her flawless strategy failed.

“Remember, Ruby. No complaining!” Crossbill steps in without a hitch. “We made a promise~, you know he’s gonna feel bad...”

“Yes, I know. I’m still a little disappointed in myself…” Ruby steps away from the bouncy comforts. On her way, she takes a moment to whisper something to you and only you. “Don’t spend too much time with her, I need you...” She winks before leaving.

“…” You get a little flustered.

“I’ll make sure she stays in her lane. You two have fun.” Crossbill tries to earn the title of the best wingwoman ever!

“I-I’m not going to bother them.” Ruby feels a little offended for being targeted.

You’re left all alone with Ichie… It’s up to you to make this one an unforgettable moment for her.

“My king, I’m honored to serve you. I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life (all night)!” Ichie exclaims with a jubilant smile! “Your royal pillow is ready to serve you once again! Please, find comfort on me, and let us enjoy each other’s presence for as long as we want.”

Ichie opens her arms towards you, no shame in her wardrobe, she’s only interested in making you the happiest part of the royalty as you can be…

What do you do?

>Ask Ichie to treat you as normal, talk with her more casually.
>Use your royal pillow as she’s meant to be. Enjoy the comfiness.
>You don’t want a pillow, you want much more! Both of you want much more! Kiss her!
>Tell Ichie to do as she pleases. You’re here to make her happy, not the other way around.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we return when we can! Most likely tomorrow!)
>>You don’t want a pillow, you want much more! Both of you want much more! Kiss her!
>You don’t want a pillow, you want much more! Both of you want much more! Kiss her!
>>You don’t want a pillow, you want much more! Both of you want much more! Kiss her!
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You recognize that those eyes indicate that Ichie wants way more than she lets on… It stands to reason that you play according to her expectations.

“I want more than a pillow though...” You wiggle your eyebrows.

“I’ll do anything to meet your expectations, my lord! Ask and you shall receive.” Ichie is very ready for whatever is ahead.

“If I said I was interested in a kiss, what would you say?” You adjust your glasses as you approach this proactive girl.

“I’ll accommodate to all your whims, it’s my duty.” Ichie wants you closer, she can’t wait — her eyes are shining from the excitement.

“Great, and if my will is to make you happy, what would you want me to do?” You ask as you shorten the distance.

“I’m devoted to you, my king! Just by fulfilling my role, I’ll be pleased!” Ichie will do anything for the kingdom.

“But I don’t want pillows, I don’t need royal subjects, I want you, Ichie. I want to make the real you the happiest.” You’re basically face-to-face now. “Tell me what you want.”

“All I want is to serve you…” Ichie is all flustered.

“S-Stop role playing, please.” You can’t believe she isn’t taking you seriously! You don’t deserve this, you always treat everyone with respect and dignity!

“My entire life, I’ve been preparing to dedicate myself to the most magnanimous person to ever live, and serve them to shape society for the better.” Ichie’s eyes are sparkling! “But... my heart skips like never before when I look at you! You’re kind, brave, and tolerant! It may be hasty, but my mind is clear of all doubts — you are the one who I want to be with! I’m the one choosing now!”

“Ichie!” Your time together might be short, but your feelings are similar!

“I will be at your service!” Ichie bows down. You can’t turn her down. “Let’s commemorate the occasion with the kiss you’re interested in!”

Ichie leans forward and kisses you on the lips! It was a fairly short affair, but she’s merely testing the waters — or her mind went blank and couldn’t keep going. This unsatiated puppy is infatuated with you. You take over by grabbing her chin and smooching her again. She slowly places her back on the bed as the love continues... Now you’re on top… looking at each other…. And what had to happen, happened — and it’s all Ichie’s will...


[Spoilers: You had sex with Ichie! Hooray! ]

Well, you did expect to use your former pillow as a pillow once again, so here you are, after the fact… Ichie passed out shortly after. You don’t know if it was from the exhaustion, the happiness, or the tiredness, but she’s sleeping like a baby. Thank god you cleaned up, you don’t want to disturb her.

But now… you’re trapped in here. Can’t use this bed now.

What do you do?

>Step out and talk to Ruby… She begged you to.
>Step out and talk to Crossbill! See how your bestie is doing!
>Step out, tell the girls the room is all theirs, and go to sleep in your room.
>Write In.
>>Step out and talk to Ruby… She begged you to.
>>Step out and talk to Ruby… She begged you to.
>Step out and talk to Ruby… She begged you to.
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Yeah, you think it’s better if you leave Sleepy Ichie be. You told her that you might go back to your own bed after this, so if she doesn’t recall it later, it’s her fault. And well, you don’t think she’s ever forgetting this event, you know that you won’t!

You step out of the room with light steps, you wonder if Houda Lan ever thought you’d use his impeccable technique for something like this. If anything, he did seem like the type who would do something similar. You have bad role models.

But speaking of being influenced by the same bad role model, Ruby and Crossbill are on the couch watching a movie together, or finishing watching. The credits are on screen. Oddly fitting for what you were doing, too bad your co-star won’t be joining you now.

“Sorry about the delay, but I’m here.” You don’t know how to approach this, so you’ll act like you were normally busy.

“Welcome back! Glad you could join us, Ruby has been waiting for ya.” Crossbill smiles. It doesn’t seem to be any problem, almost like they didn’t hear you — it’s impossible to not know what happened.

“Sorry for all the noise, Crossbill couldn’t keep her voice down.” Ruby profusely apologizes.

“It was a scary movie.” The Bird explains. It doesn’t sound truthful.

“But it was a documentary?” Ruby sounds confused.

“Tell ‘em not to edit it like that then. Those birds didn’t deserve being hunted like that.” Crossbill feels bad about her cousins,

“But you picked it?” Ruby is still perplexed, and a little annoyed that she’s noticing that Crossbill is lying.

But, but, but! Stop wastin’ your time with me! Look at that man over there, he wants to talk to you!” Crossbill drags Ruby out of the couch.

“She’s right about the last part.” You scratch the back of your head.

“I-It’s about what I said before, isn’t it?” Ruby approaches you and lowers her voice. She doesn’t want Crossbill to get into the details.

“It’s the middle of the night, guys. If you don’t want me to hear a beep or a boop, you should go to another room and close the door behind you.” Crossbill starts surfing for more shows. “Don’t mind me. I’ll be here if you need me.”

“W-Well, if it doesn’t bother you, excuse us…” Ruby walks into your room like she’s used to.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. tells you to not worry, he’ll keep Crossbill company. You pet the cat.

“I’ll see you in a bit, Bestie.” You tenderly say.

“I’d be surprised if you do.” Crossbill winks, then turns her head back to the screen.

You wobble into your room…
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Back in the TV studio, an unprepared sole presenter is shouting at the crew! The place is wholly unorganized and in a state of pure chaos.

“W-What do you mean he went with Ichie first?! We were prepared for Rubys! Rubys! She’s the one who has been yearning for this the longest! Wait, they made love in Ruby’s bed?! What?! I’m not happy with my 12th sister-in-law! Nuh-uh! Not one bit!” Amelia is losing it and now she hates Ichie! “I told you this could happen! I know my brother doesn’t sleep around often, but we have to have all the coverage! Now we didn’t tell our audience that viewer discretion is advised! They’re going to have babies irresponsibly! We’re going to be ruined! They’re going to take us off the air. Huh?! We’re live?! Cut the feed! Cut the feed!

And as abruptly as it started, the feed went dark…

As advised, you close the door behind you for privacy’s sake. Ruby is sitting on your bed, a place she’s accustomed to resting on. You both are staring at each other, the silence heightens as you hear the mumbling of whatever the bird is watching, your and hers cheeks turn rosy… you must say something.

“Sorry for making you wait.” You begin with an apology. Truly the most arousing of opening lines.

Ruby shakes her head. “Ever since we played together with Yu Yan and Nariko, I knew I’d be competing for your attention.” Ruby half-jokes. “I treasure every moment I spend with you.”

“There’s no need. Ask me to spend time together, and I will. Like now!” You love being with everyone!

“Well then… I want to spend more time together...” Ruby humbly requests. “Will you grant me this wish?”

“Is that all you want?” You ask back.

“No, Johnny, I want much more…” Ruby says.

Ruby is wearing her heart on her sleeve… And not much else…

What do you do?

>“How about we spend some time talking first?” Engage in a casual conversation with Ruby!
>“Tell me what, I’m all ears...” You’ll do everything Ruby wants…
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow if we can! Please vote as soon as you can, though!)
>>“Tell me what, I’m all ears...” You’ll do everything Ruby wants…
>“Tell me what, I’m all ears...” You’ll do everything Ruby wants…
>“Tell me what, I’m all ears...” You’ll do everything Ruby wants…
>“Tell me what, I’m all ears...” You’ll do everything Ruby wants…
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“Tell me what you want, I’m all ears…” You wiggle your eyebrows.

“I’ll be a little self-indulgent, is that okay?” Ruby feels a little ashamed for what’s to come.

“Nothing makes me happier than seeing you smile.” You don’t think she needs to feel embarrassed.

“For starters, I’d like you to sit right next to me.” Ruby’s gentle voice asks.

“No problem.” You adjust your glasses and sit next to her. “Is this good?”

“Yes… Yes, it is…” Ruby gets closer to be side-by-side. “Now I want to lean my head on you...”

“Sure.” You’re the pillow now! Ruby places her redhead on top, then she puts her arm around yours. There’s a short pause, she’s getting really comfortable. “What’s next?” You wonder. Ruby’s fingers go between yours, you’re holding one hand together.

“I don’t want you to take your eyes off me...” Ruby sits on your lap, facing you directly. She holds your other hand, and raises her glance — you’re eye to eye. You each take a moment to admire the other. “Johnny…” Her hips are slowly moving.

“Yes?” You’re getting lost in her eyes. Your blooming red faces are getting closer…

What are you waiting for…?” Ruby wants you to kiss her…

You embrace in a long, slow, and passionate kiss that keeps gaining more and more momentum, it speeds up so fast it goes from romantic to a little bit too fervent, like this has been an eternity in the making! You truly lost sight of yourselves, and you end up tumbling on top of her… Once you realize, there’s another pause, Ruby’s back is on the bed… you’re on top marveling at the beauty…

I love you...” The fiery redhead confesses. “I don’t care anymore… Consequences be damned… Hold me tight and do me. I need you...

Without hesitation, you begin kissing again… Ruby finally has her wish granted….
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The TV News Station is back on air, if before they were panicking, now they look like they’re preparing for a different broadcast. An intern approaches the TV announcer to deliver some important news!

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE’S SLEEPING WITH HER NOW?!” The TV Personality Amelia shouts in dismay. “We’re live?! Please, make love responsibly! PLEASE! Viewer discretion is adviseeeeeeeeed…!

The Feed cuts.

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[Spoilers: You fucked Ruby! Congratulations! ]

That’s all we have for this thread, thanks for playing! And see you next time! (We will take 2 weeks of hiatus.)
Nice, thanks for running!
Thanks for running
Thanks for running, have a nice rest.

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