You are still William. Currently framing several mages as arsonists for breaking school property to get the school hall monitors to come and beat their shit in.
>>6181012Low risk trap, high risk ambush, or quite potshot all valid ideas going through William’s mind before taking a moment to think about any ords caught in the middle. Remembering Betty’s care for her work staff and their proximity to the trays he settles for a single tray ambush to reduce their risk of danger. Accepting the fact that he won’t get a leader to fight to weaken both sides in exchange for the safety of Betty’s people. With the plan settled we rechecked his gloves to make sure all its energy is topped off for heals or counterspells to cover their retreats.“Okay Betty we will go with a single ward spell to avoid causing too big of a mess.”“Good if my people would have been at risk I would have pulled them out and let the work be done by you alone.”“And you didn’t say anything?”“If you didn’t care enough to think of others then I would have known I made a mistake. But you picked it correctly so I have a few spells set up with non-detection, thaumaturgy, and two fireball wards.”“You just had this around?”“I asked Alice to make the fireball wards and I supplied the non-detection as I don’t want gods ever watching me. Bad enough I have to cater to spoiled and malicious brats with the power to level a block but knowing gods can literally come on down to start shit and look into someone’s life is worse.”“What is the best way to trigger the ward?”“Letting them grab their food and detonating it on the table and triggering a cantrip to shout an Animus voice behind them. Thanks to the mage war everyone is on edge for ambushes and will have their guards down during meal times.”“Then everything is ready to go?”“Yes. Just need to have counterspells prepped and head out before anyone gets hit.”“I am on my way then for backup in case you need more healing options.”Hours pass as Betty applies a quick makeup disguise to hide William’s identity before stuffing him on dish duty to ensure his cover is not questioned. Eyes trained on the mages waiting for the Revelations leader to walk in and grab the designated tray. With Betty going through orders and plates as she scrambles line to line to ensure mages do not lose their patience on her staff taking only a few backhands from mage hand and a minor cut from a spiritual weapon. Staff holding down their fear to focus on their jobs as order continues being sent out without rest as fewer and fewer mages arrive at the last meal slot time. part 1
>>6181014William’s eyes narrow as he spots his very visible target with a blindfold and stupid lowing scale sword as they enter the cafeteria with grace and silence. Each nun takes a tray as Betty spots them moving inside before grabbing a warded tray and stacking another set on the table ready to be grabbed by one of the nuns. Seconds flow slowly as one of the nuns grabs the tray before picking out their favorite meals and offering grace to the staff as they move toward their table. Taking a few bites as the ward triggers as a ball of flame explodes underneath the tray and shatters the table tossing the nuns backwards and to the ground as their clothing is signed and charred.“They are still standing, send another one!” A rough animalist voice states from an Animus table as they look between each other as the nun’s gaze turns towards them from hearing Betty’s cantrip going off. With a secondary fireball blowing apart the table as well to deny any evidence being found of non-mage magic being used. More fire rocks the room as mages panic at the coming knight team as Revelations begins firing off Scorching Rays toward shocked Animus members as they cast Shapechange to turn into Bugbears to charge through magic spells. Tossing aside tables, trays, other mages as both groups begin tearing into each other. Claws digging into magic robes and flesh spilling blood across the floor as swords gleaming in divine energy smite back to leave deep gouges and burns in their bodies. Exposed bone and organs with skin hang off at times painting a gruesome sight as other uninvolved mages begin trying to cast their escape spells as the air shimmers as rune knights teleport in.Four knights with glimmering swords and no shields look across the damage as a tense silence hangs over everyone taking a breath to speak as all mages begin casting again. Forcing the knights to drop their swords as they proc their teleportation locks to keep everyone from escaping before rushing in pairs of twos to cover the escape doors as mages rush and trample one another trying to escape.“Code Blue, Code Blue we need back up for riot in progress send more!” Yells out a knight as he casts thunderwave to scatter resistance.Immediately Betty and William grab the staff and get them down as more beams of magic begin being thrown around scorching walls, cracking walls, and decaying their facilities. Taking one look around to see the rune knight leader has not arrived to further cripple knight leadership with a sigh William turns his attention back to the staff on getting them out.-Get everyone to crawl toward the back door and hope fireballs don’t get used as you can’t spot. -Stay back and watch the fight ready to counterspell dangers going toward Betty’s staff but can’t dispel any spell splash damage on you.-Crawl with the group and risk staff seeing your magic and possibly alerting the school if they do an investigation on them-write -inpart 2