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Jail Quest: a text adventure occasionally illustrated.

A night of drinking and a failed attempt to cheat on cards had landed you the strangest job slash community service sentence you've ever had: ensuring Gongalla Gaol survives the reality storm called Singularity.

Now you travel around with your employer and a handpicked crew to survey the four Reality Anchors. Hey, beats being tarred and feathered, right?

Previous thread:


You are Rosa Montagni, and you've had just returned from a successful raid on a cultist cave, only to find a commotion in the town of Pinewatch. A large autowagon came in, claiming from the north; their driver claimed to have had a shootout with bandits. And yet, there's no bullet marks, and while the passengers were wounded, the driver wasn't. Then there's this mysterious gunman camping the back of the clinic, as well as the mischievous goblin girl Rita from the brothel and the missing theatre troupe actor, Hammy. Just as you think things were getting simpler...
>>6183794 (OP)
"So, Rita, you sure that's the real Hammy there, and not someone pretending to be him?"

Hey, who knows, maybe the eternal child actor currently under the ministrations of the tmavy les - Doc, you presume - isn't who he claimed to be.

"I'm certain! I've seen all his shows when he swings by the North - last time was a couple of months ago on stage in Blackslate. That's him, alright!"

Well, there goes the theory that cultists were impersonating the theatre troupe. Wonder if McDowd got anything on the gunman?

"Hey, do me a favor, and keep an eye on him, would you?"

"I'll do it even if you won't let me!"

Leaving that concerning comment aside, you step back to McDowd, who has not only tied and gagged him up, but has also rummaged the gunman's pockets.

"How you doing, McDowd? Found out anything about this fella?"

He shows you a card, the letters BHC on them.

"Apparently, he's a member of the Bounty Hunters' Club by the name of Ajax Brun."

Ah yes, the hobbyist para-lawman organization, you've had your share of interactions with them. Thankfully, you have no known bounty last time you heard.

"Well, that's weird. Who is he after? Who hired him?"

McDowd just shrugs, putting the card back into Ajax's pocket.

You rack up your brain. The facts are:
- there were autowagon tire marks at the rear exit of the cultist cave
- troupe's autowagon allegedly came from the north, but it's been blocked by the Ravens
- driver and autowagon not showing signs of being shot at, despite claiming to have had a shootout
- passengers, however, were wounded
- there's a bounty on one of them, but which one?

Then comes the question: how would you check this hypothesis?



>□ See if the Ravens actually had a shootout
>□ Observe Hammy, see if he's under coercion of some sort
>□ Go to the guild hall and interrogate your prisoners
>□ Other (fill in)
Oh hey, we're back!

Hmmm...I don't know. I guess these guys are related to the cultists. They might not have had a real shootout at all, but instead shot the wagon themselves to look un-suspicious.
>□ Observe Hammy, see if he's under coercion of some sort
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>>6183794 (OP)
Also, is that fucking Uraume Jujutsu???
+1 to the theory.

I agree. I suspect the troupe is genuine, but either has always been associated withbthe Singularity Cult, or is being forced to aid them somehow.

That said, I think we need a mroe proactive approach.

>Ambush Hammy as he exists and tie him up. See if we can get his stalker on board with it.
Supporting the theory and the vote.
+1 plan

+1 theory
"My theory is this: the troupe, while not actual members of the Singularity cult, might be coerced to work for them... or they're actually in cahoots somehow."

McDowd thinks a bit, then nods.

"Reasonable, but we have no actual proof to confirm it right now."

"To test that theory, here's what we do... you got some rope and a bag, big enough to carry a kid?"

The ex-lawman's face practically exploded into disbelief, then a thoughtful mien, and shifts right back to slightly aghast.

"That's nuts! But... could also work?? I hope you know where you're going with this..."

"Don't worry, I have a plan."

Receiving the sizable sack and rope with gusto, you turn towards Rita.

"Hey Rita! Come here a sec. Would you like to do some trickery? Maybe get some alone time with Hammy to boot..."

A while later, you are Pietro Hammond, eternal child actor. That escape from the cave was way too bumpy, and your troupe sustained minor bruises - guess you'd need more makeup than usual to hide the one on your cheek, if you're going on stage in the near future. But hold on, what's this? A rythmic knocking on the clinic's rear window? Ah, seems like it's just another ardent fan! You suppose you'd fulfill her wish for an autograph, then. This should only take a while.

"Hi! How can I hel-"

A quick, textbook sacknapping later, and you're back as Rosa Montagni, running your ass away from the alley, Rita and McDowd in tow. Rita's giggle-cackle is surprisingly contagious, your goblin genes overjoyed by such mischief. McDowd, however, shares not your glee.

"Well congratulations, you caught him! What's the next step of your master plan?!"

You couldn't help but feel a bit of sarcasm from him. But true - you haven't thought this far... yet.

What's the plan?


>□ Get him to the hotel and interrogate him there with Rita and McDowd

>□ Get him to the guild hall holding cells with the other two prisoners and interrogate them with Rita, McDowd, Clyde, Nemo and Valencio

>□ Get him to the hotel and wait for Millie and Craig to return to interrogate him

>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Get him to the hotel and interrogate him there with Rita and McDowd
Time is money. Can't wait for the others.
We're willing to have him score with Rita if he's willing to sell out the cult, maybe?
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I wonder who could have posted this...

>□ Get him to the hotel and interrogate him there with Rita and McDowd
>□ Get him to the hotel and interrogate him there with Rita and McDowd
"Right... let's get him to our hotel room while everyone's distracted with the autowagon. We can interrogate him there."

McDowd's face seem to agree.

"Take a bit of detour then, the crowd's getting kinda big."


A while later, you are Erica Happyjoy, concierge of the Pinewatch Hotel... probably the only employee other than the cook. There was some excitement earlier in your shift when a lady was missing her kid, but afterwards it was kinda boring. Until that theater troupe's autowagon rolled in. Then everyone went out. Then it got kinda boring again because there's nobody in the hotel. Maybe you can read some books, then.

Oh wait, that lady earlier just ran through the front door. Carrying what looks like... a wriggling sack? She's followed by your former workmate, Rita, and the dog guy you saw earlier. Huh.

"Good thing everyone's distracted!"

"Hey, can I have a turn with him?"

Are you bringing a client to the burlesque, Rita? Please don't do the deed in the hotel room, the mess will be real hard to wash off.

"Depends. How naughty can you get?"

"Ooh, very! Hihihi"

"OK, then maybe only once..."

Yeap, guess you'll be reading your usual book, then. Very handy and versatile in every situation.


You are once again Rosa Montagni, and you've unbagged the child actor in your hotel room. Huh, Rita just quickly tied him up - which was unnecessary, he's just here for questioning, yeah.

"Um... how can I help you...?"

Now that's a professional - he kept smiling despite the confusion he's in. No wonder, he's a top tier actor around here.

"Well, what now?"

McDowd raises a good point. What's your angle here?


>□ The good lawman, bad lawman trick
>□ Good lawman, bad lawman... crazy fan?
>□ Pretend to be from the Singularity Cult
>□ UNLEASH THE RITA for a minute
>□ Pretend to be fans of his, that just saved him from a cult
>□ Just ask directly if he's with the cultists or not, he won't expect that
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Just ask directly if he's with the cultists or not, he won't expect that
If he spills all the beans and turns on the Cult willingly, we can leave him to get fucked silly by Rita for a day or two as a reward. If he puts up a fight, we vandalize his face or blackmail or something nefarious to break him
>□ Pretend to be from the Singularity Cult
If that fails to get a reaction, do >>6188149 's plan.
>□ UNLEASH THE RITA for a minute
If he starts enjoying it, cut him off and only let her get back if he answers truthfully. If he doesn't, say you'll only pull her back if he does! Simple as. He might just tell a lie if we ask first.

You don't start interrogation with a question, you have to make sure it'll be a real one or else they get emboldened to lying. This guy is an ACTOR, it would be extremely easy for him to fake telling the truth.
+1ing this plan
"Now, you scooch out of the room for a bit while we handle things. Yeah?"

McDowd hesitates for a second, but heads out the door.

"As long as he's still able to talk by the end of it, alright."

As McDowd exited, you fully turn your attention towards Hammy.

"Let's make things simple. We have questions, you answer them. Or else we'll let her have her way with you."

You point towards Rita, who waves at Hammy with her goblin charm. But instead of trepidation, you see him relaxing a bit - even going into smug territory.

"Oh, please do! I've been in this profession for twenty years, how many groupies did you think I've had? Let's just say I'm quite experienced, myself! Bring it on!"

Well, that was unexpected... but you do have Rita - your inner shenanigan-sense tells you she'll make him talk. Let's add a bit of your own bamboozlement to make it work.

"Well, don't say we didn't warn you... you didn't know how the last guy with her ended up."

As you let Rita loose, you can see the confidence drain from his face as Rita rapidly closes the distance.

"We'll be right back in a hot minute."

You leave Hammy to Rita's mischievous ministrations and close the door shut. Outside, McDowd's scanning the rest of the hotel from the balcony - empty as it is currently.

"You sure it's a good idea, leaving him with her there?"

McDowd's skepticism finds a voice.

"Don't worry, she won't maim him or anything like that. She does work in a service industry, you know?"

McDowd sighs.

"Yeah, guess I'll have to trust you with her, huh?"

"I know you know she's a loose storm in a teacup. I'm confident she'll make him talk."

"Heh, of course. Can't be a con artist without confidence, eh?"

You grin and nod.

"Well, it's been a minute. Let's check on them."

The door opens easily, thankfully. It is not a grisly nor explicit scene that you walked into - yet, Hammy's expression tells you it may have been both for him. Not that you wanna find out what she's doing before she's blowing air and kisses towards Hammy's ear.

"Looks like you're ready to talk, huh?"

Hammy's crooked, pained smile betrays his desperation.

"YES, PLEASE GET HER OFF ME! I'll answer, so please - !"

Another blow to the ear and Hammy shivers. Terror? Delight? Both? You don't really wanna know.

But you do know what you wanna ask about, right?


>□ What's his connection with the Singularity Cult?
>□ What does he know about Orville?
>□ How did he escape from the cave?
>□ Does he know what the cult's plans are?
>□ What about the missing kids?
>□ Or the box full of crystals?
>□ Does he know where the North anchor is?
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ What's his connection with the Singularity Cult?
>□ Does he know what the cult's plans are?
>□ Does he know where the North anchor is?
She's real dang fast if she was able to keep him looking the same after whatever it is she did. Anyway, I assume thoes questions would be able to cover a wide enough base to also explain some of the other questions.
>□ What's his connection with the Singularity Cult?
>□ How did he escape from the cave?
>□ Does he know what the cult's plans are?
>□ What's his connection with the Singularity Cult?
>□ Does he know what the cult's plans are?
>□ Does he know where the North anchor is?
Rolled 18, 7, 13 = 38 (3d20)

Don't mind these rolls...
High mean it's good, right?
"Time to confess up. What's your connection with the Singularity Cult?"

Rita hovers near Hammy, eyeing him closely.

"I was kidnapped by them, but once they knew I'm an eternal kid - they forced me to lure kids to them."

That's messed up - but this meant the Cult is after actual children, ones that can grow up or otherwise unimpeded by time shenanigans. You recall grandpa Gobson's story of a triplet of child soldiers that ended up different due to time stuff. One of them stayed as a kid forever...

"Then you must know what plans the cult have, right?"

"I have no idea! I just hand the kids over to local cells, who took them elsewhere."

So basically Hammy here's the source of the missing kids cases all over Gongalla, huh? Good news, then, you've just cut off the cult's supply of kids this way.

"Lastly, do you know the way to the North's reality anchor?"

He looks puzzled for a bit, until a look of recognition flashed across his face.

"Reality anchor... I've heard rumors about it, but never went there myself. Most of the rumors agree it's way north, further north than Blackslate - somewhere deep in the Pale Yonder. Although, I hear you have to get lost to find it in the first place..."

Hm, interesting. You'd need to confirm this with Jed Stuart, the lumber baron.

"You sure you're not acting right now?"

Pushing Rita slowly towards him will ensure he does, so that's what you do. To Rita's credit, she started puckering up her lips and made kissing sounds - of which Hammy recoiled from.

"Honest!! They got Lynn hostage!"

"Huh, so that's why she's been a no-show this last few shows."

Rita's insight intrigues you. So Hammy might really be coerced by the cult to lure kids to kidnap, but then again, he had caused many kids to go missing. One question remain...

What do we do with Hammy?


>□ Let him go, he's as much a victim of this as the kids.

>□ Let him go, but only to see if he runs to any of the hidden cultists in town.

>□ Arrest him, he's guilty for aiding the cult, and caused all those missing kid cases.

>□ Arrest him, at least until Millie can read him like a book and confirm or deny what he said to you.

>□ Take him into custody as witness, he could help McDowd point out the town cultists.

>□ Other (fill in)
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>□ Other (Leave him with Rita)
supporting, he chose to sacrifice innocent children to save his own hide, throw him to the wolves
Let's do this.
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"Well, I've got no idea what to do with you - you said you were forced to kidnap kids, but you still delivered a lot of them into the cult's hands. So I don't really know what to do with you."

Hammy's face changed from fear to confusion. But that won't last long.

"So that's why we'll be keeping you here for the moment. Rita, keep an eye on him until I get an idea on what to do with him?"

Hammy's face recedes into abject terror as Rita grows a malicious yet expectant grin.

"Well, if you say so!"

"WHAT?! No, please, no!! Please, I've been a good boy, PLEASE-"

Hammy's desperate pleas gets drowned under Rita's gleeful giggles as you shut the door. Outside the room, McDowd's been observing you, all this time.

"Damn, that's real cold of you! You sure that's what he deserves?"

"Eh, he did make a lot of kids disappear in exchange of his own safety. I'd say it's deserved."

McDowd nods, with a look that you assume is some form of respect - however begrudging it is. As the two of you start to leave Rita to her mischievous ministrations, Nemo and Valencio arrived at the top of the stairs.

"O hey! You're done with the interrogations already?"

"Yep! And we did learn some stuff. The boogeyman didn't yield any good information, but the rabbit has some choice intel."

Valencio almost looks elated under his mask. Must be happy having something important to do.

"He was very stubborn, but apparently he's very weak to tremorsense. Just have to find the right frequency. Anyways, thanks to him we've learned a part of the cult's plans to summon the Singularity, which is..."


>□ Something related to crystals
>□ Something related to the missing kids
>□ Something related to the duplicated relics
>□ Something about what will happen when the ritual succeeds
>□ Something that could hinder their ritual
>□ Other (fill in)
>□ Something related to the duplicated relics
This feels more intriguing to me
>□ Something related to crystals
This feels more important.

Goodbye, adult baby man. Maybe we'll check on him later to see how he's doing after a long time of Rita's ministrations. You really gotta wonder what she was/is doing to him that would have him be so afraid
>□ Something related to the missing kids
Priority one is rescuing the kiddos.
>□ Something about what will happen when the ritual succeeds
>>6195899 is me, but I'll back >>6195738 to break this four-way tie.
>majority achieved
Drawing, writing!
Valencio clears his throat, readying himself for an exposition.

"Here's what I got from him: apparently the cave has multiple purposes, one of which was to charge the duplicate relics with mana. I don't know how, exactly - but when I asked him of the Ossuary orphanage cult, he said that's where the duplicate relics were ground up."

That doesn't quite make sense - but then again, cults have their own system of logic. Valencio continues.

"Heretical, I know, right? Apparently they then added a reagent to the relic powder and cast them into these high-mana briquettes. And it can store enough mana as it is blasphemous, apparently!"

"So, what do they do with them?"

"He really doesn't know, but my guess? Some kind of fuel for whatever it is they do. A ritual? An engine? Who knows!"

"But those relics - they have to be charged first, which means there's an origin, right?"

McDowd comes up with a good question.

"Apparently, they come from somewhere on the West, smuggled in via the railway."

That's quite the detailed answer. Maybe too detailed...

"So, what exactly did you do with him to make him spill all these beans? Just make him have a lotta headaches, like in the cave? He's quite the ornery hare."

Valencio laughs, a simple, straight ha.

"Oh, no, nothing like that. Apparently he was subjected to something like tremorsense a long time ago, back when he was young. Before he came to Gongalla. It made him quite pliable... suffice to say, I just had to find the right vibrations with him."

Brainwashing! Or rather, exploiting a former brainwash? Something like that. Interesting.

"Well, what do we do now? Should we report back to Jed Stuart?"

"Before we do that, we still need to root out the cultists in town. Flush them out so we can catch them."

McDowd reminded you. Ah yeah, any leftover cultists won't just sit still and give up their goals, would they? They'll be gone into hiding.

"But how'd we do that?"

McDowd scoffs. Is that a hint of derision?

"Well, don't let me stop you - you're the con artist, why don't you scheme something up?"

Hmm, yeah. You'd need a plan that's not too blatant, and can check a lot of people at the same time. Fortunately, the townsfolk are quite distracted by Hammy & Lynn's autowagon outside. Unfortunately, Hammy is not in the clinic where he's supposed to.

What plan do you concoct?


>□ Weave through the crowds around the autowagon with Craig, overseen by McDowd - basically play as a fellow gawker and have Craig's spirits check them out

>□ Same thing, but instead of Craig, get Millie to mind-read

>□ With the troupe unable to perform, the burlesque's auditions and play would still go on, right? Prime chance to check the crowd with either Craig or Millie

>□ Maybe call in on the Ravens, have them stage a roundup of the town - including you - and then you could check the townsfolk with Craig or Millie that way

>□ Other (fill in)
>□ With the troupe unable to perform, the burlesque's auditions and play would still go on, right? Prime chance to check the crowd with either Craig or Millie
Or both!
>□ With the troupe unable to perform, the burlesque's auditions and play would still go on, right? Prime chance to check the crowd with either Craig or Millie
"Hmm... I happen to know that the local brothel wants to open a lewd-free theatre to the public, so why don't we help them set it up? And with the troupe definitely unable to perform, our auditions would be a perfect excuse for everyone to gather."

McDowd seems to be deep in thought.

"I see... that could work. But, will the girls agree with this?"

A while later, you find yourself back at the brothel, explaining recent events to Angie - whose tears flowed freely all the way from when you mentioned Rita stalking Hammy, up until you finish that recap. Unsure if those are tears of joy, or stress.

"Ah, so that's what happened? I see, I see."

"So, uh, is that a go for the theatre?"

Angela wipes her cheeks, and confidently replies.

"Well yes, obviously! We'll have to make some tickets, but that's not the biggest problem here. You see, we haven't quite decided on what play we're going to perform! If you'd be so kind to suggest which play, we can quickly rehearse it. In fact, any story will do, as long as it's entertaining!"

She pulls up a folder from under her office table's storage. Well, more like a veritable dossier of theater script. Perhaps there's something here you can use?


>□ A whimsical Goblin adventure tale, where the main character bumbles and stumbles their way in and out of problems

>□ A Tmavy Les gothic drama, chock full of horror, despair, and reserved but taboo romance

>□ A Pandemonian improv parody, with tons of racy and risque subtext as befits demons

>□ A chivalrous yet violent Machine performance about honor in the battlefield

>□ A Hinomoto anime adapted into a stageplay, equal parts action and lewd fanservice

>□ Maybe turn that lumberjack fanfic you've encountered into a play? It's local, for sure!

>□ Other (fill in)
>□ A Hinomoto anime adapted into a stageplay, equal parts action and lewd fanservice
Sounds funny.
>□ Maybe turn that lumberjack fanfic you've encountered into a play? It's local, for sure!
>□ Maybe turn that lumberjack fanfic you've encountered into a play? It's local, for sure!

They wanted less lewdity, though, right?
>□ Maybe turn that lumberjack fanfic you've encountered into a play? It's local, for sure!
>□ Maybe turn that lumberjack fanfic you've encountered into a play? It's local, for sure!
>□ A whimsical Goblin adventure tale, where the main character bumbles and stumbles their way in and out of problems

Wasn't the fanfic based on real people and events? Might piss some people off or cause a fight, which might make it hard to check everyone.
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"Entertaining, huh? Well, I found this very long fanfic hidden in the guildhall's records room, perhaps we can turn that into a play?"

A sudden, loud hiccup from Angela caused an involuntary and awkward pause between the two of you. While her face is partially hidden by her steepled hands, you don't need to analyze her face to discern the truth - here be the mysterious author of said fanfic. A sly smile spreads across your face.

"Ah, don't worry, I'll keep it anonymous... I still need to edit them into a working play. In fact, why don't you help me to speed things up? I'm sure you'll do a great job..."

A solitary sob and a nod escapes Angela. Poor woman, but a good con artist can't let a good blackmail opportunity go.

Some time later, the two of you hammered out a good script - it's essentially a new chapter of the fanfic. Basically it's not just an adaptation of existing material, but rather, a subtle nod to recent events. In the story, there's a lumberjack who was scammed by a traveling bard, and set off to find the bard in a cave. But the bard was actually captured by a cult, and the lumberjack ends up saving the bard from the cult.

A script this good needs a good cast to play them on stage, and the ones available to you are your crew and Millie's - discounting Craig, Millie and McDowd since they'll be checking the audience for cultists - and the brothel girls minus Rita, who's 'babysitting' Hammy. Now, who plays what role?



>□ You! Of course you don't wanna miss out being on the stage.
>□ Nemo. For a shapeshifter, he's got the personality of a cardboard, but he can shapeshift.
>□ Valencio. He's got a refined air, and he knows several good Gongallan literature.
>□ Clyde. Few words, but he's got quite the presence.
>□ Angela. While she might be a bit neurotic, she remembers every line. She wrote 'em!
>□ Pamela. You've only seen her once, but Angela says she's got quite the singing voice.
>□ Sandra. The ditzy succubus who accidentally kidnapped Craig. Airheaded but adds sex appeal, not to mention knows charm spells.
>□ Monica. Angela says she's very good at dancing, and she reads a lot.
>□ Mary. Angela says this sultry deer got actual theatrical experience before coming to Pinewatch.
>□ Other character (who?)
Is it just me or does the image look kinda...low resolution? Something's just weird about it. It's like i opened a thumbnail instead of the full image.
A little, yeah, at least on mobile.

>Clyde as...
>>The Lumberjack!
He has a good build for it, and could be a good stalwart hero type

>Valencio as...
>>The Bard!
He can benefit from his knowledge and keep an 'eye' on the crowd reaction with tremorsense.

>You as...
>>The Cultist!
As the villain, we'll have long stints not on-stage where we can observe from yhe wings, maybe?

>Sandra as...
>>The Narrator!
Get her doing the narration, introductions and interludes, to charm people and hold their attention.
Shouldn't the bard be female?
>angry Shakespearan thespian noises
Yeah well I don't think Valencio would be very great at dressing like a woman and pretending to be one. Wouldn't Pamela be a better choice? You know, Bard? Singing voice?
>Clyde as...
>>The Lumberjack!

>□ Pamela.
>>The Bard!

>You as...
>>The Cultist!

>Sandra as...
>>The Narrator!

I am very tempted to vote for getting Nemo to play multiple/all roles.
>one man play
Damn, why didn't I think of that?
For the Lumberjack, you gotta go with Clyde - not only his hunk of a physique fits the role to a T, but the way he sparingly talks is congruent with the stoicness of the character.

As for the Bard, you hand the role to Valencio - his knowledge of literature should help in his dialogues.

Then, for the Cultist - why, it's you! Not only you want a piece of the action, but since the antagonist only comes out on the second half of the play, you can use the time to check the audience.

The other brothel girls would act as extras and minor characters, you think. It's their stage, after all.

And lastly, you point to Angela.

"Hey, why don't you be the narrator?"

Angela's surprised face is a calmer one compared to her earlier one when she saw Rita about to prank Craig. Then again, nothing tops that.

"Eh? Me? You really think I'm good at it?"

You nod.

"Very well then... Angela is going to do her best!"

"Attagirl! Now let's rehearse quickly, that crowd outside won't stay there for long."

Sometime later, and the stage is ready for the premiere of this play. Pamphlets and word of mouth have been dispersed, and it seems the crowd is moving toward the burlesque theater. Good thing Millie and Craig already returned from the clown kids' home, so you've briefed them on what to do.

"Right, this is it. Happy hunting, you three!"

"Into the wolf's maw!"

Huh, is McDowd a secret thespian? He just encouraged you in a dramatic way. Luckily, you know just the reply for this.

"May the wolf die!"

Craig and Millie gives a thumbs up, and the three spread out across the room. All that's left to do is to start this thing...



>□ Start with a bang!
>□ Start with riling up the crowd!
>□ Start with calm narration
>□ Other (fill in)
Rolled 17 (1d20)

Wait, didn't everyone vote for Sandra to narrate?

>□ Start with riling up the crowd!
We want any cultists in the audience sweating.
>Wait, didn't everyone vote for Sandra to narrate?
I'm OK with this. It's Angela's fanfic we're adapting into an impromptu play. It's only fair she gets to narrate it
...fuuudge I misread. Welp, something interesting's Gonna Happen in the next few updates...
Rolled 10 (1d20)

+1, Fair enuff
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>□ Start with riling up the crowd!
First, you hand Sandra a yeller-phone and tell her to tell the crowd gathered around Hammy & Lynn's autowagon all about our newfangled play. Use all of that charm, don't hold back! You'd think she could handle the narration, but according to what Angela said, she'll get confused over the... advanced words.

"Heeey, you guys and gals! Stop staring holes into that wagon and come watch some real entertainment over here!"

Bless her airheaded heart, though - she knows how to draw a crowd. Soon enough a line started to form on the ticket booth, where McDowd took position - he'd have clear view on the ones who came in. Seems like the crowd were skeptical of the burlesque theatre at first - they knew its less-savoury reputation. But when they see the hastily-redone sign and the title poster for the play, their misgivings were allayed.

As the townsfolk trickle in, you have Craig and Millie show them to their seat - Millie can scan their minds by just walking the aisles, and Craig says his watchdog spirit will tell him if someone's dangerous. The theater's packed and the stage is ready - let's start the first act!



>□ It started in a tavern...
>□ The Lumberjack was out chopping trees one day, when...
>□ A wandering bard arrived in town...
>□ Other (fill in)
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>□ A wandering bard arrived in town...
Fun little references in the crowd, by the way.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>□ A wandering bard arrived in town...

I see... Highball, Fido, Charlotte and Gil, The Mask, and someone from Monster Girl Facility I think, or maybe Tyranid Girl Quest?
You're forgetting Firemane and Ezekiel, those were the first two I saw.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>□ A wandering bard arrived in town...
Not liking the loom of these rolls...
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Identify them by circling them in MS Paint please? I can't tell a damn thing!

>□ A wandering bard arrived in town...
>I can't tell a damn thing!
Yeah it's weird, I don't know if Indonesian is posting from somewhere different or something but lately the updates just feel like someone posted the thumbnail of an image rather than the actual image.
File: cameos.png (134 KB, 481x244)
134 KB
134 KB PNG
Never played whatever they're from, but I do think a recognize them from the 2021 husbando tournament. Good catch!

These are the ones I recognize as cameos, anyway.
Weird, shows up fine both on mobile and browser over here. Is something up with your ISP?
>Is something up with your ISP?
I mean, every other image seems to work fine. It's just the resolution on your images that's all weird.
Seems fine to me, anon.
Valencio strums his plinkerton as Angela narrated the arrival of the bard in town. In exaggerated steps he walked, right until he reaches the center stage.

"Calloh, callay! Your boredom I shall allay! With my words sweet as honey, that shall part fools from their money!

O prithee, a lone lumberjack! Wonder how heavy is his money sack?"

The audience seems to be mostly perplexed. You feel it's less because of a stellar performance, but more likely it's because they were very unaccustomed to this kind of theatre.

"This hunk of muscle shall be the target of my hustle!"


As Valencio acts as if he didn't see Clyde right behind him, Craig and Millie had their own jobs to do, and that is patrolling the seats. Seems like the two of them had already planned this out - you just hope they'd be able to pinpoint the hidden cultists among the audience.

That being said, while there's nobody clapping, nobody's also leaving or throwing fruit. Which is a good sign, despite Valencio's insistence on archaic theatre vocabulary. Which means it's time for act two! You hope you can nail your part.



>□ The lumberjack was tricked out of their money
>□ The lumberjack was tricked out of their good name
>□ The lumberjack was tricked out of a kiss
>□ Other (fill in)
What does being tricked out of a good name even mean?
I mean I really don't know
Rolled 10, 6 = 16 (2d20)

>□ The lumberjack was tricked out of their money
Rolled 20, 4 = 24 (2d20)

>>□ The lumberjack was tricked out of their good name
Rolled 4, 9 = 13 (2d20)

Humiliated in some way, possibly framed for a crime or blackmailed.

>□ The lumberjack was tricked out of their good name
Valencio continues his lines, unabated by the lack of audience response.

"No scrip on this lumberjack? A drip of laxative he'll snack! Hey boy, enjoy!"


Clyde takes Valencio's apple, and immediately bends over in theatrical pain - he's pretty good at this pantomime thing. Clyde then stumbles behind the outhouse prop, groaning realistically.

"In the outhouse preoccupied, I leave while he's less dignified!"

Good, the audience is sympathizing with Clyde - their faces made it clear.

"Why, I'm feeling brave; I'll go hide in that cave!"

Now, while the audience is hooked! As the background changes into a cave's, you pop out with Pamela and Monica as supporting cultists!

"Who dares intrude upon the lair of the Singing Girlarity Cult?!"


The crowd goes wild - some cheering at the comeuppance of the treacherous bard, others at finally seeing some of the girls appear, and others at the semi-musical!

"Good timing, lost bard - we do need a live sacrifice! Girls, seize him!"


You glance at Craig and Millie - Craig's entranced by the theatre, while Millie seems to have a hard time reading the room, now that it's gotten chaotic. Oops! But the show must go on - good thing there's only the final act left!



>□ The Lumberjack tracked down the Bard, and interrupts the ritual to save the Bard

>□ The Lumberjack tracked down the Bard, and interrupts the ritual to beat up the Bard

>□ The Lumberjack tracked down the Bard, but ended up seducing the cultists via his masculinity

>□ Other (fill in)
Rolled 11, 2, 15 = 28 (3d20)

>□ The Lumberjack tracked down the Bard, and interrupts the ritual to beat up the Bard
Almost forgot, it's Bo3 so I'll need 2 more 3d20 rolls, thanks!
Those 2 guys have the "bro visited his friend" meme faces, the 3rd guy has Yaranaika

Nice 4koma guys

>□ The Lumberjack tracked down the Bard, and interrupts the ritual to beat up the Bard
Rolled 2, 12, 2 = 16 (3d20)

Rolled 9, 12, 13 = 34 (3d20)

>>□ The Lumberjack tracked down the Bard, but ended up seducing the cultists via his masculinity
Rolled 15, 9, 7 = 31 (3d20)

>□ The Lumberjack tracked down the Bard, and interrupts the ritual to save the Bard
We should include details only someone who knows about the cult would know, to make them antsy and help Millie get a read.
Apologies, folks, update's delayed due to a combo wombo of insomnia and the laundry shed in my backyard falling over in yesterday's heavy rains. There's even small hail that fell with the rain, that's rare here. In short, today there's just not enough energy to draw the update.
That makes sense. That's a lot to deal with. I hope things are looking up soon, and sorry to hear about your shed.
"Where is he?!"

Enter Clyde as the lumberjack, livid from his disgrace, as the bard is about to be sacrificed by the Singing Girlarity cult.

"Oh no! Our weakness, a handsome lumberjack!"

"Oh no~"
"Oh no~"

After a short, choreographed fight scene where you dodged an axe swing and got flung offstage, the cultists exit stage right as the lumberjack helps the bard up.

"Thanks, my savior! Pardon my prior misbehavior!"

The lumberjack looks up and down the bard.

"...still gets a beating."


With the laughter of the audience, the curtain falls, and the cast got together and takes a bow - seems like the town is receptive towards the theatre, judging by the clapping. No interruptions from the outside and nobody demanded an encore, but that's alright - you have cultists to catch.

And just in the nick of time, the detection crew returned to give a report. Millie said she detected five cultists in attendance, a number corroborated by McDowd's guess - and according to Craig, none of the audience had dangerous vibes.

Just how are you going to arrest them?


>□ Call their ticket numbers for a supposed 'door prize' and direct them to a side room, where you can capture them
>□ Have the brothel girls approach them individually and direct them to a back room
>□ Track them as they return home, and arrest them quietly
>□ Other (fill in)
>>□ Track them as they return home, and arrest them quietly

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