And there came a day unlike any other... When Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat... On that day, they became... The Avengers!Welcome to Avengers Quest. This is but one of many realities where the group known as The Avengers is formed... But the team's fate, and perhaps even the entire Earth's fate, will be decided by YOUR collective choices... But no matter what, they must stand together, or Earth will fall!This is a quest where you will give commands to a character, but with one simple caveat: You can ONLY move ONE character in your post until the next QM post. Nobody "owns" any of the player characters, anybody can play them until the next "turn", but always only one per post.Make sure to write which character you are choosing for in your post.Now, before the adventure starts, choose 5 initial Avengers from the 14 available. Vote for 5 in your post and the ones that repeat the most will be chosen. The first threat they face will also depend on this.Note that the characters not chosen may appear later on anyway depending on how the story goes.Now SELECT YOUR AVENGERS!IRON MANPROS: Armored hi-tech hero. Millionaire. / CONS: Weak under armor. Smarmy.THORPROS: Norse God of Thunder. Wields Mjolnir. / CONS: Speaks weird. Exiled from Asgard.THE HULKPROS: Gamma-powered powerhouse. The strongest. / CONS: Struggles to contain his strength.THE WASPPROS: Bio-modified size-changing fashionista. Good leader. / CONS: Vulnerable when small.ANT-MANPROS: Ant-commanding size-changing mad scientist. / CONS: Emotionally volatile. A bit crazy.CAPTAIN AMERICAPROS: Patriotic soldier of liberty. Indestructible shield. / CONS: Old fashioned and stubborn.CAPTAIN MARVELPROS: Alien-tech-powered ex-pilot, high-flying heroine. / CONS: Brash and impulsive.HAWKEYEPROS: World's absolute best archer. Many gimmick arrows. / CONS: Deaf. No powers. Rude.BLACK WIDOWPROS: International woman of mystery super spy. / CONS: Shady past. Untrustworthy?BLACK PANTHERPROS: King of Wakanda powered by a magical herb. / CONS: Uptight. Kingly obligations.CRYSTALPROS: Inhuman Princess with power over elements. / CONS: Young. Diplomatic obligations.BLACK KNIGHTPROS: Modern-day knight with a cursed sword. / CONS: Knight with a CURSED sword.TIGRAPROS: Feline powers. Mutated, strong as a tiger. / CONS: Vulnerable to sensory attacks.MOON KNIGHTPROS: Servant to a mad Moon God. Ex-Merc. / CONS: Kinda crazy. Weaker during the day.
>>6184019>ANT-MAN>PROS: Ant-commanding size-changing mad scientist. / CONS: Emotionally volatile. A bit crazy.>CAPTAIN AMERICA>PROS: Patriotic soldier of liberty. Indestructible shield. / CONS: Old fashioned and stubborn.THORPROS: Norse God of Thunder. Wields Mjolnir. / CONS: Speaks weird. Exiled from Asgard.>TIGRA>PROS: Feline powers. Mutated, strong as a tiger. / CONS: Vulnerable to sensory attacks.>THE WASP>PROS: Bio-modified size-changing fashionista. Good leader. / CONS: Vulnerable when small.
>>6184019IRON MAN>PROS: Armored hi-tech hero. Millionaire. / CONS: Weak under armor. Smarmy.THOR>PROS: Norse God of Thunder. Wields Mjolnir. / CONS: Speaks weird. Exiled from Asgard.THE WASP>PROS: Bio-modified size-changing fashionista. Good leader. / CONS: Vulnerable when small.CAPTAIN AMERICA>PROS: Patriotic soldier of liberty. Indestructible shield. / CONS: Old fashioned and stubborn.CRYSTAL>PROS: Inhuman Princess with power over elements. / CONS: Young. Diplomatic obligations.
>>6184019Iron ManCaptain AmericaThorCrystalThe WaspClassic!
>>6184019IRON MAN>PROS: Armored hi-tech hero. Millionaire. / CONS: Weak under armor. Smarmy.CAPTAIN AMERICA>PROS: Patriotic soldier of liberty. Indestructible shield. / CONS: Old fashioned and stubborn.MOON KNIGHT>PROS: Servant to a mad Moon God. Ex-Merc. / CONS: Kinda crazy. Weaker during the day.THOR>PROS: Norse God of Thunder. Wields Mjolnir. / >CONS: Speaks weird. Exiled from Asgard.ANT-MAN>PROS: Ant-commanding size-changing mad scientist. / CONS: Emotionally volatile. A bit crazy.I want the white schizo
>>6184019I'm thinking:>Iron manProvides necessary funds and tech know-how for infrastructure like a headquarters and some place to keep the bad guys without just handing them over to SHIELD>Captain AmericaA levelheaded team leader and symbol of hope and trust that the people can put their faith in. Also a great counterbalance to the futurist and occasionally unethical practices of Stark>ThorThe perfect mix of mobility and power while not having any of the baggage associated with the hulk. We will eventually get our hands on him, but we need someone who won't be a liability so early on>The WaspCapable of infiltration, espionage, and high speed combat. Not a liability with no superpowers and potential Hydra or Red Room involvement like Black Widow. With both her and Stark on the team, there's no need for a liability like Hank Pym>Captain MarvelOur smoking gun. Sometimes able to take the Hulk in a one on one fight while remaining at least passably sane
>>6184019>Moon KnightSchizos are based
>>6184059>choose 5 initial Avengers
>>6184063I mean I will still count itwill probably count the votes tomorrow morning so there's still plenty of time. Pretty surprised at how it's going so far, no one has picked Hulk yet, for one.
>Crystal>Black Knight>Tigra>Moon Knight>HawkeyeFuck yeah, hard mode.
>>6184081We're currently leaning toward:>Iron Man>Thor>Captain America>The Wasp>Moon KnightPretty interesting mix. The big three, plus a lower-profile founder (PR person? Spunky 'spirit' of the group?) and... Uhh... Fucking MOON KNIGHT. What a wildcard.
>>6184019>Iron Man>Thor>Captain America>The Wasp>Moon KnightI really want to see Thor and Moon Knight interact with each other.
>>6184019>The Wasp>Captain Marvel>Black Widow>Crystal>Tigra
>>6184019Time.THOR: 9CAPTAIN AMERICA: 8THE WASP: 7IRON MAN: 6MOON KNIGHT: 6CRYSTAL: 5TIGRA: 4ANT-MAN: 3BLACK KNIGHT: 2HAWKEYE: 2BLACK PANTHER: 2BLACK WIDOW: 2CAPTAIN MARVEL: 2THE HULK: 1It seems Thor is the big winner, quite unexpected, but welcome since top 3 are all faves of mine.The 5 starting characters are decided, these are your new Avengers!(Give me a while to prepare some stuff and then write.)
>>6184438Hey OP, just wondering, you been playing Marvel Rivals lately?I've been playing cap a lot in ranked
THE COMING OF THE AVENGERS?!The realm known as Midgard, present day, New York City.Rain falls from above, among the citizens walking around is the unassuming Donald Blake, a man who needs a cane to walk... Of course, nobody would suspect he is actually a disguise for The Mighty Thor, God of Thunder, Prince of Asgard... Exiled from his home to Midgard (or Planet Earth as the locals call it) by his father Odin, All-Father, for his arrogance...Though Midgard has proven to show him plenty resistance and evil-doers to battle, he is truly a fish out of water, suffering from a bit of a culture shock constantly as he protects the world from all matter of foes in an attempt to be allowed back into the Golden Realm of Gods by proving himself worthy of his royal lineage...As he wanders the streets, he ponders heavily on this strange Godless world, these humans seem to live vapid lives, they struggle to survive, weak and vulnerable... They ride on automated chariots, boxes of metal that tend to cause accidents... And high above, on the sides of the tall rectangular buildings there are bright electronic tablets that promote spending their hard-earned gold into frivolous trinkets.But little does he know Odin himself is in quite the trouble, following Thor's exile, his other son Loki was quick to attempt betrayal... For which he was imprisoned deep in the Isle of Silence.And yet... Loki is a mighty magician, the trickster God of Evil is physically stuck, but his mind is active as always, brewing a terrible scheme to destroy his brother and eternal rival Thor... Eliminating all opposition to the throne of Asgard!"I project my image... I cast my spell upon Midgard... Let them know THOR is their ENEMY!"Taking the shape most convenient to trick the heroes, he seeks for the realm's protectors:Marc Spector, once a disenfranchised mercenary, now the hero of the night, the Fist of Vengeance... Revived by the Egyptian Moon God Khonshu to be his immortal servant! His MOON KNIGHT! A man with a fractured mind... For Loki, however, it is trivial to trick him, masquerading himself as Khonshu, he gave him a new assignment:"Attention, my knight! An evil God has invaded your city, and you know gods hate sharing... Vikings are dangerous people, so before it becomes too late... Hunt down the beast known... As THOR!!"Kneeling, the protector of the night glides into action.Janet Van Dyne, the heroine known as THE WASP, similarly tricked but with much less fanfare: All Loki had to do was show her the image her dear guy friend and the creator behind the particle that became the source of her powers, scientist adventurer Hank Pym... Imprisoned by an evil man with a hammer! "Jan! A madman pretending to be a norse god has kidnapped me! I do not have my equipment! Hurry!"Played like a puppet, the wondrous Wasp flies into action, rage in her eyes. "Why do these super freaks always have some crazy gimmick?! Honestly!" (cont.)
>>6184523Anthony Edward Stark, once a brilliant engineer, capitalist, and heir to Stark Enterprises... His life almost cut short after he was captured by terrorists who wanted him to build a weapon for them! On the edge of death from shrapnel reaching his heart, he was forced to turn himself into said weapon, a metallic armored nightmare known as IRON MAN... Now forced to keep that armor on, he fights for justice to reclaim his tech, hiding himself in his mansion to keep his suit functional and thus, keeping himself alive... Alas, Loki kept his most devious lie for last!Stark stares in shock as Edwin Jarvis, his butler and the only man aware of his true identity, arrives gravely wounded!"Master...! There's... A terrible evil... Is here! You must... Stop him!"Loki knew this would anger Stark beyond rationality, as he flew out the window of his mansion to track down the lonesome god.Now, to get Thor to reveal himself, all that Loki had to do was present him with a monster to fight!An enormous Frost Giant manifested in front of Thor, who was quick to change into his godly form and strike it with lightning! ...However, it was merely a dastardly illusion! Thor watches with deep regret as he strikes a sign behind the monster. Could it be...? "A most vexing ruse? But... Could this be mine brother's magic?"The thunder and lightning bring the other 3 heroes to him.Wasp, Iron Man, Moon Knight. All here for different reasons, but all with a bone to pick! Loki has accomplished his goal so far... And the battle is on!"There you are, you no-good oversized carpenter!" Wasp mocks him, readying her bio-organic bolts, Moon Knight readies his Crescent Darts, and Iron Man takes aim!WASP, IRON MAN, MOON KNIGHT Objective: Defeat Thor.THOR Objective: Defend yourself!(Remember, write who you are acting for, pick ONE character.)>THOR- Attempt to reason with them.- Screw it. TO BATTLE!- Write-in>WASP- Shrink and try to confuse him- Attack! Blast him head-on.- Write-in>IRON MAN- Repulsor Blast- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- Go crazy on him. Like always.- Actually let's just watch...- Write-in(Oops I forgot to scale it up. Also, Cap is coming next post in case you're wondering.)
>>6184524>>MOON KNIGHT>pic rel
>>6184524>THOR>Screw it. TO BATTLE!I am the god of thunder, you will respect my auTHORity!
>>6184524>Iron manInitiate rockets, then fire a full-power unibeam right into his smug stupid helmet wearing face.
>>6184524>Wasp-Shrink and try to confuse himHe's the GOD OF THUNDER so bioelectricity might not be the best idea.
>>6184527>>6184551>>6184552>>6184555"Mortals... I know them, they're heroes of this realm... Why do they dare attack me?!" Loki's insidious presence hovers behind Thor, one last illusion is all it takes to make the battle-hungry God of Thunder go all out. For Thor suddenly sees the heroes in front of him as Jotunns as well, evil doppelgangers of the real ones! "Vile invaders! Taste my thunder!"Moon Knight is known for his aggressive style of justice, and he wastes no time emptying his pockets on the so-called villain... With little effect. "Hngh... Gonna need more that that to take this clown out!"Iron Man, driven by anger as well, loads up his weapons, rockets, and his trademark unibeam and... Runs out of power. It seems Thor is drawing in the electricity around him and that includes the power from his machinery. Left completely helpless, he drops like a brick. "...Maybe I should've considered this before jumping into action. Just my luck." His transistors and servos jammed, he is a sitting duck. "Hey, a little help? Anyone?"Alas, he is on his own, Wasp becomes tiny and flies around the thunder god, dodging the rays and overall being a nuisance. It seems to distract him long enough for Moon Knight to land a solid punch, but it doesn't seem to do much, even if he feels it... What's more, Wasp can see a strange ghostly figure standing behind their foe, the specter of a horned man with a wicked, frightening smile! She feels this must be important somehow, but if she gets too close she might become a zapped bug!"ENOUGH, I SAY THEE!" Thor calls, bringing down his power on Iron Man... Who is saved just in time by a mysterious man with an iconic shield!Captain Steve Rogers, a man out of time, born many years ago and enlisting into the military to help the American troops during WW2... A man with a good heart but a weak physique, an experimental one-of-a-kind serum was used on him, transforming him into the perfect soldier: His strength, agility, stamina and health rose to the peak of human capacity! Along with his unique indestructible shield and his strategic genius, he was invaluable in helping the Allies defeat the evil Axis forces but he sadly perished in battle before the war ended......Or so the history books go, as he appears alive and well right in front of everyone.Another man who doesn't quite fit in with the modern world, he understood Thor's angst well. "Thor, stand down! We are not your foes!"But would he listen?>THOR- Retreat to the skies, strike from above.- Write-in>WASP- Distract him further- Investigate the head, risky as it might be!- Write-in>IRON MAN- Leave the suit- Write-in>MOON K.- Try to save the weird tin man- Consult with THE VOICES- Write-in>CAPTAIN AMERICA joins the fray!- Throw your shield- Shield charge!- Write-in
>>6184602>CAPTAIN AMERICA joins the fray!>- Shield charge!
>>6184602thanks for making the new image bigger
>>6184602>Moon Knight>- Consult with THE VOICESWhat are we thinking boys
>>6184602>IRON MAN-Activate arc reactor and initiate emergency recharge process, divert excess power to main shieldsSince Wasp is still operational, we know Thor can't absorb or use all electricity nearby, so hopefully with Cap and Moon Knight distracting him we can muster up enough energy for a hasty getaway. Leaving is tempting, but we're way more vulnerable outside of the suit than in it even as a sitting duck. Also, make a mental note to add some sort of insulation to the next iteration of the suit to keep our juice from getting stolen.
>>6184602>Wasp-Get close to the head then zap it! It can't be good!
>>6184041Your team is young, smarmy, speaks weird, and stubborn.u ded bro
>>6184602>THOR- Retreat to the skies, strike from above.Is Cap also made to look like a Joutuun? If he he is, then all Frost Giants are our enemy. If he's not, then demand to know why he's siding with them.
(Okay while I would love to finish the day with one last update I don't think I have it in me to finish it tonight. Kinda lame I know out but I am also getting used to something new. Hope I can at least update this quicker than my last quest, going forward.)>>6184610(Yeah I was gonna do that with the first too but I messed it up)>>6184490(A bunch yeah, my fave is Namor)
(OP here I am in a lot of physical pain right now really sorry i didnt want to delay this even further)
>>6184608>>6184616>>6184617>>6184622>>6184637The good 'ol Captain charges forward to pacify his fellow warrior, but misses as he rises to the skies, rotating his hammer as incredible speeds to lift himself off the ground! And while the attack doesn't connect, it is a foreign presence Loki could not account for... "Blasted soldier! I cannot cast a new spell over him without revealing my deception!" Fortunately for him, unfortunately for us, Iron Man and Wasp charge in!Wasp flies around, zooming rapidly and inspecting the ghostly head... A shot from her stingers should do the trick!...Or not. It is not a physical presence and the beam flies right through, hitting the thunder god on the face. It seems to barely register on him, but he is clearly annoyed more than anything else. "Foul, diminutive villain! Begone!" And he returns a much bigger ZAP, sending her flying into a building... This does buy Iron Man some valuable time, however! And Loki's ghost dispels, meaning he cannot see... No matter, his evil plan continues..."Redirect energy resources, emergency charge protocol!" If there ever was an emergency this was one, diverting the power from the machine keeping him alive to his suit, he flies up, supercharged! "Iron Man at the ready! Stand down!"The two heroes, airborne and ready to throw down, though one definitely has more time than the other... "Really fancy hammer you got there, I will enjoy seeing it's inner workings." Of course, that doesn't mean he will give up. Thor's attention is split between the captain and the metal man, but while one seems evil, he knows the man known as Captain America must be crazy to fight him!"Thou, American Captain. Why art thou aiding these vile warlike beasts?!"Meanwhile, hidden in a corner, the caped hero of the moon consults... Himself? "...This clown seems serious. Lotsa' work on his costume, too." Crouching to avoid detection, he responds... To himself. "Are we sure this is... The real Thor? I expected a noble figure.""He might be... His power seems to come from his hammer, just like..." A third voice interrupts: "Thor is a hero. I've heard it on the streets, if this is the same man, then..." / "B-But Khonshu... He wouldn't lie to us, would he?""..." Silence. A silence of agreement. Khonshu was never the most trustworthy after all.A groan of annoyance from the man who struggles to define his reality. "Well, if he's the REAL Thor we have many questions to ask...">THOR- Attack Iron Man.- Attack Captain America.- Write-in>WASP [Stunned, inside an office building, dizzy and confused from the hit...]- Write-in?!>IRON MAN- Tackle Thor and bring him to the ground.- Big laser beam time!- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- Try to assist Thor- Take him down THEN ask questions.- Write-in>CAPTAIN AMERICA- (Write-in) Talk to him, try to explain.- Make sure Wasp is safe.- Aid the strange robot!
>>6185159>>IRON MAN>- Tackle Thor and bring him to the ground.
>>6185159>CAPTAIN AMERICA>- Make sure Wasp is safe.
>>6185159>MOON KNIGHT-Try to assist ThorNothing more schizo than joining a fight and immediately switching sides
>>6185159>THOR>Attack Iron ManAfter all, Cap is no Jotunn and is also doing something he'd recognize on some level as chivalrous.
>>6185180>>6185266>>6185274>>6185280Thor's inquiry falls on deaf ears as the man out of time dashes off!"Alright old-timer, you've truly overstayed your welcome." The gilded hero powers up his rocket propulsor boots, readying himself to take the norse down from the skies, however, as he lets out a warcry he is... Not moving, his charging tackle pulled back by... A moon-shaped grappling hook! Moon Knight seems to have switched sides, confusing both mighty fighters, pulling the tin man with his moon-powered might!"The knight of Khonshu demands answers!" Stark's attack has failed, and with Mjolnir flying to his face, he is grounded! Thor, confused by the infighting and the concern expressed by what he saw as beasts, begins to question the situation."Now thou help me...? I... Who art thou! Identify yourself!""I should ask you the same, wing-cap! If you're a god then my master has a bone to pick with you!" The knight exclaims, brandishing his truncheons... While Iron Man stays still on the floor. "...I am also here. Getting the feeling I might be losing this fight.""Silence, robot!" Moon Knight barks angrily, allowing Thor to realize... Mine eyes deceive me! If this be an automaton... These are not Jotunn! Tis a trick!Meanwhile, running into the large hole on the side of a building, the military legend of old approaches the knocked-down woman... "Madam, are you alright? That looked like a nasty hit." What a gallant gentleman. Wasp lazily lifts a thumbs up. "Yup. Doing good. Ow. But doing okay! Really-" The sarcasm is completely lost on him but as she sits up it's clear she was made of stronger stuff. "...So what are you, John America? U.S.Agent? Freedom Boy?"Well, the 40's were a long time ago..."Whatever. Let's go back now, that viking guy kidnapped my... Friend. Yes, that-" Wasp states, still a bit dizzy... "I don't think he is the enemy. He is strong, could've shot to kill, but didn't... Plus you noticed the evil presence behind him too, I bet.""...That I did..."Cagey as ever, Moon Knight prepares to get his answers the only way he knows how: By force! "I serve the protector of the night, and your light threatens it! State your business unless you wanna take me on next!" But Thor cannot answer, can he? He barely understand what matter of attack he is under!>THOR- Demand to know who that "Master" of his is.- Look for the source of the illusion.- Write-in>IRON MAN- Recharge again, use multi-target missiles.- Call Jarvis for assistance!- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- Attack!- Try to summon Khonshu's aid!- Write-in>WASP and CAPTAIN AMERICA are unavailable while running back to the others.
>>6185369>THOR>- Demand to know who that "Master" of his is.
>>6185369Lust and temptation continue to grab onto my heart, is the problem. But don't worry! Avalon is completely safe. Defend and prepare, and let me "sink into the background" sometimes. The attention can sometimes be disruptive.
>>6185394...Huh?>>6185369>IRON MAN- Call Jarvis for assistance!At least get us intel on these deities at play, stat.Maybe we'll learn about Loki from an AI summary of Norse Mythology from Wikipedia
>>6185369>- Try to summon Khonshu's aid!Khonshu, explain this mess.
>>6185394(Sod off Captain Britain you are not invited to this crossover...)>>6185373>>6185404>>6185405>>6185430"I am Thor Odinson, currently protector of Midgard. I should be asking you the same thing! If thou are not frost giants then explain who your master is or face the fury of Asgard's-!" Before he can finish, the man below the white hood turns around and begins some sort of... Summoning? He is calling someone, it must be his master. "Khonshu! Present yourself! Arise!"...But nothing happens.As the Captain and the Wasp return to the battle zone, they notice it has become quite a confusing scene. Iron Man calls up his butler for aid and perhaps to make some sense out of this. "Hey Jarvis, I may be stuck in a 2v1- Don't think my odds are good for avenging you right now, h-hey does your eye still not open-""...What are you talking about? And where have you gone to? It seems you fled in a rush!""...Hold on, you're fine?!""Better than you for the looks of it. Your suit's energy seems rather low, sir."Iron Man, defeated, asking for a quick favor. "...Glad you're doing okay, but can you google what a Khonshu and a Thor and a Thor's brother are for me real quick? I think tonight's getting a lot weirder than I expected..."At lest, the battle has stopped. The city lights around New York slowly go back to normal as the group reunites...Both objectives, failed! The winner of the fight was... Moon Knight?! Sure, why not.As Moon Knight continues fruitlessly trying to commune with his God, calling out for a Khonshu who either can't or does not want to answer, the illusion fades, allowing the heroes to introduce themselves properly..."So it seems we have all been tricked into fighting Thor. But why?" Iron Man asks what's in everybody's minds while recharging his battery with the nearest cable. The Wasp replies "I thought he kidnapped someone I know but... Yeah, up close, he is too handsome to be the kidnapping type of evil." A correct assessment for the wrong reasons. "This must be the act of a mystical foe... I saw things during the war, but it seems occult powers are still active..." The old soldier remarks, though the nature of this still eludes him while Iron Man listens to what Jarvis has to tell him about the Norse God of Thunder, and his trickster, sinister brother. "Well if the internet doesn't lie then this Loki guy sure knows how to party. Shame he messed with me, we could've gotten along, but now I have a missile with his name on it."A dejected Moon Knight joins in, uninvited as always. "...So where is he? Can't wait to beat his #$%& in."...Where IS Loki?>THOR... Has no idea and is not allowed in Asgard.- Write-in?>WASP- "Could he be the one with Hank?"- Write-in>IRON MAN- Return home, upgrade suit,- Try to track any strange waves.- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- Search the city in your MOONCOPTER.- Write-in>CAPTAIN AMERICA- Write-in- "What's a Loki?"
>>6185762>CAPTAIN AMERICA>- "What's a Loki?"
>>6185762>IRON MAN-Return home, upgrade suitClearly if all the power can just be drained out in a second, we got things to work on
>>6185762>WASP>- "Could he be the one with Hank?"
>>6185762>MOON KNIGHT- Try to call for Khonshu again to ask him about Loki.Khonshu you little shit, pick up the phone.
>>6185762>THOR>>Give everyone a primer on Loki and his whole deal
>>6185767>>6185796>>6185818>>6185854>>6185906"Hold on a second partner-" The red-white-and-blue costumed freedom fighter says, making sure he is on the same page as everyone else. "Assuming you are who you say you are, which is hard to believe as-is... The most pressing matter is who is this "Loki"? Another foreign deity?""Well soldier boy, Loki is-" Iron Man begins talking before he is abruptly cut off by Thor's much more boisterous voice. "Strange metal man, let me explain my brother's exploits and tales!"Annoyed and not happy with how awful today is for him, he resists his urges to punch someone and flies away. "Well I'll be returning to my hideout. May come back later, maybe not." A slight passive-aggressive tone as he fades into the city... His ego has been wounded, and he doesn't take it well. But perhaps some hard work will help... An armor that can take down a self-proclaimed God is a challenge, but one he will enjoy.Back to the group discussion, Moon Knight tries to contact Khonshu with no avail.If this does anything, is convince the others that despite his insistence, Khonshu may not be real at all. Or at least real than Thor who was standing right there. "I come from thy realm of Asgard, and so does Loki, Son of Odin... He is the God of Lies, sometimes God of Mischief, and among the lesser, he is called the God of Evil... A trickster and magician like no other... And mine brother. Father made us compete for the throne, and since I was exiled, I assume he must be the only heir... So it vexes me why he would spread his magics over Midgard." Wasp has a snide comment as always. "So... We're talking some sorta mystical-magical otherworldly family drama, huh? Could he be the one who was holding Hank hostage? Looked like you but, like... Evil.""That was a trick, you idiot, we already went over this!" Moon Knight growls as his patience wears thin. "KHONSHU! WAKE UP!"The voice comes to his head, hitting hard like a sword cleaving through his skull."MARC. YOU ARE MY KNIGHT. MY WEAPON IN THIS WORLD. DO NOT WASTE YOUR BREATH MAKING DEMANDS FROM ME. YOU HAVE BEEN TRICKED DUE TO YOUR OWN FOOLISHNESS. DO NOT BLAME ME FOR IT! NOW DO AS YOU MUST TO PROTECT THE NIGHT AND STOP BOTHERING ME!"...Of course nobody heard that, they just see him gripping his head in pain, dropping to his knees, exhausted as if he just had a terrible migraine.Wasp, on the other hand, is checking in on Hank with the mythical magic of having a smartphone....And it seems he is actually unavailable for real.No matter how hard she tries he won't pick up the calls, which would normally mean he is too absorbed in his work, but considering the circumstances..."I think I know where we can check.">THOR, WASP, MOON KNIGHT & CAPTAIN AMERICA (You should probably vote on this)- Rush into Pym Labs, weapons blazing! Let's do this!- Actually this probably requires some strategy.- Write-in?>IRON MAN- FUCK those guys. Stay home.- Make them wait a bit longer...- Write-in
>>6186388>>THOR, WASP, MOON KNIGHT & CAPTAIN AMERICA (You should probably vote on this)>- Rush into Pym Labs, weapons blazing! Let's do this!Wooooo, revengers ressemble!
>>6186388- Rush into Pym Labs, weapons blazing! Let's do this!This is the worst team of heroes yet. I love it.
>>6186388>IRON MAN>Make them waitFuck those guys, but being too petty isn't a good look, plus when you save all their asses later with a cool entrance it'll be cooler
Gotta say that Moon Knight is definitely living up to based schizo
>>6186388>>6186394 +1>>6186480 +1, too. Very in-character, kek.
>>6186482These sort of teams usually have a moment where they finally click and work together in perfect tandem, but I can't imagine that would look like for Moon Knight.
>>6186563Might involve evidence that Khonshu is actually real.
>>6186394>>6186468>>6186480>>6186484While Captain America would certainly suggest further planning and a sensible approach but even with his leadership and legendary reputation he probably cannot convince the 3 furious heroes he is grouped with that there is any reason not to storm the building. And so they will...On the way Wasp explains where they're going:About a year or 2 ago, renown scientist Vernon Van Dyne died under mysterious circumstances... Leaving behind his life's work and lab to his colleague and friend Hank Pym but most importantly leaving his daughter Janet Van Dyne with no remaining family. Seeking the truth, and seeking revenge, with Pym's help, she volunteered for an experiment and was modified by the Pym Particles he created, giving her wings along with the power to alter her size and shoot bio-electricity, transforming her into the heroine known as The Wasp, in order to chase the alien monster who killed her father.While Dr. Pym being in danger is bad enough for her, his experiments and devices would be terrible if they fell into the wrong hands, and a "God of Evil" is most certainly the worst case scenario for that. Unless it's a really dumb god who cannot understand technology...Moments later, at the Pym Labs building...KA-BOOM!!!Thor's hammer blows away the smoke. "You know there was probably an easier way in... Without blowing up the door. B-But we're in so whatever let's uh..." Wasp turns small and flies around, no lights, no people, sure it is late but the building looks outright abandoned.Moon Knight goes ahead of the group, kicking in doors, trying to find any sign of where Loki might be. The captain holds his shield close..."I assume this isn't normal for your scientist buddy?" He says as he looks around, observing all the highly advanced tech that did not exist in his era but now is casually everywhere. Will he ever get used it? "...This reminds me a bit of the HYDRA bases I used to raid a bit. No offense intended, I am sure he is a decent man. I just fear for what we may find..." Wasp should have authorization to come and go as she pleases here... But it seems someone has overridden the security system... "The main lab should be below... D-DO NOT break the floor to get there let me... Think..."If only we had someone who could hack this. Iron Man is catching up on his Netflix shows.>THOR- Fry the systems with your lightning, We are already brute forcing this so who cares.- Break through the floor. No one tells me what to do.- Write-in.>WASP- Shrink and try to pass through the edge of the door.- Search for the ants, they might help...- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- Kick even more doors down. It's bound to work eventually.- Yell for Loki to show up so you can beat his ass.- Write-in>CAPTAIN AMERICA- Follow Wasp to make sure they're safe.- Follow Moon Knight to make sure they're safe.- ...Investigate the documents you can find.- Write-in>IRON MAN is busy.
>>6186961>Moon Knight>Yell for Loki to show up so you can beat his ass
>>6186961>WASP>- Shrink and try to pass through the edge of the door.What better use is there for shrinking powers?
>>6186961>THOR>- Look for signs of magic
>>6186961>CAPTAIN AMERICA-...Investigate the documents you can findCan't exactly follow her under the door there, huh
>>6186961>>MOON KNIGHT>- Kick even more doors down. It's bound to work eventually.
>>6186963+1, if it matters.>>6186973Good thinking.
>>6187096It matters cause there was a tie, yesI will update tomorrow, look forward to it
>>6187112Remember when I said thisI dont think i have it me to update today actually, my apologies
>>6187675It fine
>>6187675Thanks for looping us in. Do you do the sprite art yourself, btw?
>>6186963>>6186969>>6186973>>6187020>>6187043>>6187096"LOKI! LOKIIIII!!! GET HERE YOU $%&/(# SO I CAN %&/*?#@ YOUR #$%&/!!!"Captain America sinks into the dark corner of the room with some papers, he really doesn't expect to understand any of it, as much as he saw of it this mad science he never got used to it, he never got any closer to understand it and now that over 80 years have passed since the war, massive gaps in his knowledge about where the world is now and yet... Miracle size-changing particles? Oversized insects? Quantum science? Different dimensions?Hopefully Wasp is right about Dr. Pym being a good man, these concepts would be considered crazy in the 40's."LOOOKI! GET HERE!" Moon Knight keeps yelling, as Thor gently places his hand over a small box on the floor, A little rub, he notices signs of magic. It all but confirms his suspicions, this must be one of his brother's tricks.Such power reminiscent of the ancient runes, thick as mist in the air... He prepares his hammer.Wasp meanwhile proceeds with her plan, shrinking and going through the small gap above the door... And she finds some of the ants, running away from..."LOKI!!! COME HERE!!! YOU-" And then Wasp returns, to silence Moon Knight's yelling. Too late, since he already alerted the beasts. "YOU SHOULD'VE KEPT SHUT! WATCH OUT!" Pulling him away as the door flies off it's hinges as 3 shadowy monsters rush in!Thor flashes his lightning to keep them at bay as the heroes regroup. "These beasts... If I am not mistaken, these come from the Isle of Silence! What could be the meaning of this?!""We'll have time to discuss later! Let's dispatch these freaks first!" Moon Knight prepares for battle... While Wasp nags him. "THEY WOULDN'T HAVE FOUND US IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU WEREN'T YELLING, BUDDY!""Stay on task, team." Captain America holds his shield firmly. "We ought to fight together, you like it or not!">THOR- Launch Mjolnir to down one of the birds!- Break through the floor! Begone, beasts!- Write-in.>WASP- Stingers at the ready, go for the wolf!- Distract the enemies so the others can bring the pain.- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- Grapple that bird!- Grapple that wolf!- Launch some Crescent Darts!- Write-in>CAPTAIN AMERICA- Launch the shield, make it ricochet between 'em!- Hop ahead and make sure no one is injured.- Write-in>IRON MAN suit recharge at 35%-Go?-Not yet.
>>6188175>THOR>>Shoot lightning at them to stun themZap zap motherfuckers.
>>6188175>IRON MAN-Not yet
>>6188175>>CAPTAIN AMERICA>- Launch the shield, make it ricochet between 'em!This move's a classic for a reason
>>6188175>WASP>- Stingers at the ready, go for the wolf!Biggest, baddest threat. Might I suggest Moon Knight focus on the birds, whoever votes for him?
>>6188175>MOON KNIGHT>Beat on that dog with your trusty dual truncheons!
I'm really loving this.
>>6188182>>6188184>>6188191>>6188221>>6188253Thor came to the battle prepared, and unleashes a storm upon the vile creatures as soon as they charge towards the team with ill intent! Dodging a bite, he raises his hammer and the shock stuns them! Electricity courses through the mist-like monsters, allowing the brave Captain America to jump in. "I got the aerial ones!"Throwing his shield with his characteristic and now legendary skill, the metallic disc bounces from one bird-like beast to the next, until they fall limp and dissolve into gas while Wasp shrinks to pass harmlessly through the wolf's teeth, zapping it from behind with her bolts stronger than bullets, allowing Moon Knight to pull out his truncheons and hit it from above, slaying the monster at once. "There, bug-chick, problem solved!""I'd still you rather not have alerted them in the first place... B-But no matter that now! We gotta hurry and get to where they came from!" Wasp claims loudly as she leads the charge, Thor flings Mjolnir to follow her in agreement. "Aye! Let us investigate this madness!"Moon Knight, hungry for battle continues kicking doors.The team of heroes rush downstairs with valiant purpose to find the source of the night's strange happenings... The beasts seemingly keep coming out, potentially endangering the city if let loose, and so they reach the source, the lab coated in mist and a green glow...And next to the gigantic portal spawning the monster is... Dr. Hank Pym?! His eyes seem strange, face hidden by shadow, entranced by a foreign presence..."HANK?!""Dr. Pym! I don't know what you're doing but you must turn off this machine!" The old soldier catches up, his commanding presence makes the situation feel slightly less cataclysmic, but no less urgent!"...Hello, fools...I See... You discovered... My hideout..." This man is clearly not himself, what's going on?! "Yes... This is what... I have been looking for... I must thank the God who... Gave me this knowledge..." Dr. Pym pulls a switch, the machine growing stronger with a horrid hum!>THOR- Focus on stopping the monsters coming out of the portal.- Write-in.>WASP- Try to take off your helmet and see if he recognizes you!- Screw it, smack some sense into him.- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- I don't care who he is, tackle this mad scientist and question him!- Jump into the portal screaming for Loki!- Write-in>CAPTAIN AMERICA- Try to block the portal with your shield.- See if you can turn off the machine with the knowledge you got from reading those papers.- Write-in>IRON MAN suit recharge at 60%- Go?- Hold on...
>>6187682(Yes. They're small so it's easy.)>>6189060(Why thank you)>>6186569(...Or is he? Who knows...)
>>6189149>IRON MAN>- Hold on...we kept the bit this long so we are going ALL the way
>>6189149>WASP>>- Try to take off your helmet and see if he recognizes you!
>>6189149>MOON KNIGHT-Jump into the portal screaming for Loki!Two really fucking good schizo options here, but I gotta go for the even more insane one
>>6189149>>MOON KNIGHT>- I don't care who he is, tackle this mad scientist and question him!
>>6189149>>THOR>- Focus on stopping the monsters coming out of the portal.Since the other anon beat me to MK
>>6189169+1 if it comes to a tie break.
>>6189149>CAPTAIN AMERICAHelp Thor deal with the monsters from the portal. That portal's pretty massive, I don't think we can block it with our shield.
>>6189149>Go?60% is good enough
>>6189155I'd also +1. When the big boss shows up, having a fully-charged Shellhead could be useful.
(You can't +1 if you already moved a guy btw, at least you shouldnt be. Also let me write I am on it post coming soon)
>>6189648My bad, I thought you said if there was a tie n what one character was to do, the +1s mattered.
>>6189155>>6189156>>6189169>>6189171>>6189181Screw secret identities, perhaps it is just the urgency of the situation, but Janet Van Dyne throws caution in the wind as she approaches her most trusted Hank Pym, hoping this will be enough to get through to him! "Hank! Come on, it's me, Jan! W-What's going on here?! Turn it off right now!'"As the rest attempt to charge into battle, the man who in other universes became one of Earth's Mightiest, explains the goal of this experiment: "Jan... The monster that took your father... Was from a different dimension..." A cold sweat rises in the Wasp, who realizes all too late what his secret project was. "This was all to help you... You see?" "I was stuck... But... Tonight... GOD Spoke to me!"Thor recognizes something in Dr. Pym as he battles the beasts... Something quite sinister! "By Odin's beard! He has been ensorcelled by Loki himself! The influence is so strong, that means he must be near! Do not listen to his lies, insect lady!"Captain America fights valiantly and Moon Knight prepares for a leap, hoping to destroy the threat from the source. "LOKI!!! YOU WILL FACE JUSTICE TONIGHT-"His battle cry cut short as the swirling magic concentration... A hand pops out, grabbing and strangling the ivory-cloaked hero with a surprising might!"I'd rather not sully my hands with mortal filth, but it seems you "heroes" of Midgard are too useless to even slay each other in battle!" A surge of magic energy knocks Thor's magical hammer out of his hand, and Captain America must use his shield, scraping across the floor to not be flung into a wall!"Retreat! Retreat!" He yells a bit too late, as Thor is overwhelmed by the monsters, his helmet, armor and Asgardian strength being the only things stopping one of the wolves from biting his head off! Without his thunder, he struggles! An excited Dr. Pym shoves Wasp aside carelessly, much to her outrage... "It works! Yes! Proof of life! We can head into the Microverse! W-We can save Vernon!""FOOL!!! You are of no use to Loki anymore! If my father denies me my birthright, if he denies me Asgard, then I will simply do as our followers of old: Pillage and conquer! Starting with Midgard! Bow before your new ruler!" While he certainly has a knack for theatrics, Captain America stands to him."I bow to no one, and neither does America!"Meanwhile, somewhere far away from the lab..."Sir, the news are claiming strange shadow monsters are on the streets... Are you sure you're not ready yet?""Last adjustments, Jarvis!">THOR- Break the beast in half with raw power!- Write-in.>WASP- Attack Loki directly.- Slap Hank.- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- Kick wildly to get away!- Use the grappling hook!- Write-in>CAPTAIN AMERICA- Throw your shield at Loki.- Aid Thor with the beasts.- Try to grab the hammer to toss it to him?!- Write-in >IRON MAN suit recharge at 90%- Go?- Hold on...
>>6189676>IRON MAN>>- Go?Alright, alright, it's time.
>>6189676>MOON KNIGHT>Swing your grappling hook at Loki's eyes
>>6189676>CAPTAIN AMERICA-Throw your shield at Loki.Thor can take care of the beasts, but Loki won't see a Proto-Adamantium frisbee smash into his skull!
>>6189676>THOR- Break the beast in half with raw power!Rip and tear
>>6189702D you reckon that, because he is huge, that implies that he has equivalently-large intestines?
>>6189676>WASP>- Slap Hank.Wake up!
>>6189708Would be funny if Wasp just spends the entire fight trying to wake up Hank.
>>6189651(They do but not if you already did something else, or else it completely defeats the point: You get only one action per "turn")
>>6189704Oh, almost certainly, unless it's the magical sort that doesn't have any organs at all
>>6189704We wouldn't know unless we rip and tear his intestines out.
Iron Man prepares for battle, as he flies out of the garage with 90% of his normal power, hoping he is not too late.Meanwhile, back at the lab, Janet tries to get Hank's attention, but he just keeps rambling what comes off like nonsense. "Other realms! Other lives! Worlds beyond our comprehension, big, small! Jan, Vernon might still be alive-" Before he can finish his track of thought, an enraged Wasp who will have none of this nonsense, slaps him right on the face.Perhaps a bit too hard. "Snap out of it already!" She exclaims as Hank falls to the floor with a "Gweh-!"And he's out cold! Which may be the safest he can be with a mad god on the room... Though it brings up the question of how to stop the machine and if anyone else knows how.Loki pulls himself out of the portal, still holding Moon Knight in a deadly grip, but the protector of the night is never out of options! Pulling out his grappling hook, he swings it as an impromptu weapon towards his face, which does no damage to the invader but surprises him enough that he lets go of his neck. "You BASTARD! For raising arms against me, you shall be the first one to perish!" Loki floats above, hurling magical bolts at Moon Knight!While his back is turned, Thor struggles against the beasts, and even without his hammer his Asgardian might honed over the years cannot be simply dismissed! He picks up the wolf, holding the jaws with his hands and pulling until the enemy is ripped in half as Thor screams from the effort "GRAAAH!!!". Wasp flies between the monster's remains as it turns into mist like the others, blasting the birds out of the sky and flying circles around the horned god... "Get off me, insect!"This distracts Loki enough for Captain America to swiftly strike him right in the face with his shield, sending him plummeting to the floor!As the heroes gather around him, Thor picks up his hammer... It looks like they've won, but is it truly safe. "He may look beaten, but beware, my brother has been known to play dead before striking...""We need to end this, fast!" Moon Knight says, staring into the portal.As Iron Man tries to catch up, he is slightly slowed down as he sees the night skies of New York infested with flying entities of unknown origin, threatening the population... He could stay back and fight them off, but then he will take even longer... "No time for regrets...">THOR- Try to hold Loki down with your hammer!- Fly out to see how the city is doing.- Write-in.>WASP- Check on Hank.- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- Beat Loki while he is down!- Destroy the machine...?- Write-in>CAPTAIN AMERICA- Try to see if you can do something with the portal.- Write-in>IRON MAN- Stay behind to fight the monsters, THEN go to Pym Labs.- Rush through, tell Jarvis you need additional help.- Write-in(Sorry this one took way longer than expected, I might be overextending myself a bit.)
>>6190322>>CAPTAIN AMERICA>- Try to see if you can do something with the portal.the formula DID make him smarter, sorta
>>6190322That's some great sprite work.>MOON KNIGHT>- Beat Loki while he is down!+ Threaten him to undo his magic on the rambling scientist man.
>>6190322>THOR- Try to hold Loki down with your hammer!Always confirm the beating
>>6190322>IRON MAN>- Rush through, tell Jarvis you need additional help.
>>6190322>WASP>>-Cover Cap, protect his back while he works
>>6190330>>6190376>>6190425>>6190431>>6190490"You insolent mortals! I will show you the true might of Lo--!" Thor walks over, and drops Mjolnir on Loki's back, since only Thor may lift the hammer, this effectively immobilizes him on the spot, preventing him from casting any more illusions... Which means Moon Knight can safely take his frustrations out on him, which he does by literally kicking the so-called god while he is down. "Vengeance!" He exclaims as he kicks away... Of course this doesn't mean the threat is over, the portal is still open. "Undo your spells you otherworldly cretin!" Moon Knight demands, to which Loki can only shrink further. "I-I am not doing anything! Okay! J-Just you wait, I will get free and you will all suffer my wrath!"Captain America and Wasp hurry to the side of Dr. Pym, who is... Well still unconscious. Thankfully Cap saw those papers earlier... "Okay, work with me here Wasp.""That's the idea, yeah but uh... Where... To even start..." Wasp looks at the controls, or what seem to be controls? There's many switches, but the central part seems to be 8 rectangular boxes in groups of 2, with one bigger in the middle... "Geez, this reminds me of a puzzle..."Finally catching up, Iron Man reaches the secret underground lab. "Yeah I just followed the trail of destruction... I guess uh, the horned guy's Loki? I see you already got him handled... And... Big evil portal? Right... Oh boy..." Moon Knight bites back. "No thanks to you, tin-can! Did you at least stop the monsters from getting out?""I... Got a friend working on it, but I figured you'd have a better chance with me here."Not being kicked for a bit, Loki tries to catch his breath, as Thor explains... "If we dispel the magical mist, they shall all wither at once... But we must close the portal first or else it will keep coming."Captain America and Wasp discuss, as the unconscious Hank mutters some nonsense... "Kosmos... In-between... The creature... Must... Find... Pilai...""Okay, so, Pym Particles shrink things using the 'space between molecules' or something along those lines?" Wasp tries to explain. "And we theorize we might find... Gateways to other worlds... Using such space?" As the Captain tries pressing the rectangular boxes together, from the papers he saw he did know some of this. "These must regulate the outflow to decide the direction... We can probably reverse it somehow...""Yeah but doing it wrong will probably implode a large area of this building or country... S-So yeah, no pressure, Cap!"What will they do...?>THOR- Chuck Loki into the portal.- Write-in.>WASP- Try to awaken Hank.- Write-in>MOON KNIGHT- Go outside to protect civilians, you've done all you can here.- Write-in>CAPTAIN AMERICA- Press the boxes closest to the center.- Press the boxes away from the center.- Write-in>IRON MAN- Go help with the machine.- Write-in
>>6190971>IRON MAN>>- Go help with the machine.Let's get a very stable genius working on this.
>>6190971>>MOON KNIGHT>- Go outside to protect civilians, you've done all you can here.
>>6190971>WASP>- Try to awaken Hank.
>>6190971>CAPTAIN AMERICA >Cooperate with Iron Man on the portal machine. Follow his lead. He’s the techy guy here.
>>6190971>THOR>>-Offer magical insight to help Cap and Iron Man (and maybe Hank)All hands on deck.
>>6190971>Thor-Have a real conversation with your brother for the first time in a while
>>6191345Shit, that might work.>>6190971Changing my vote from >>6191191
>>6191345+1This sounds like fun.