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File: floatingislands.png (259 KB, 666x557)
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The world is just a series of floating islands hovering on top of an endless abyss, perpetually filled with stormy clouds and fog. There are three main races in the world - humans, whose ingenuity allowed them to build flying machines to traverse the void which aren't always very reliable, elves who invented magical flying ships, the traditional way to get around, and harpies, who just fly from place to place and menace the air travel of the other races, but as a result never developed much technology or magic of their own, relying on their natural abilities.

There are also the denizens of the abyss, a race of peculiar creatures who seem to only exist at night, the light of the sun making them disappear. They are the only ones who can grant passage into the abyss or retrieve items that fall into it.

Ocasionally the storms make creatures from other worlds show up. That is how the humans and elves appeared here. The harpies either arrived first or were always here, and no one knows much about the denizens of the abyss, not even themselves.

Which race do you want?
> Humans
> Elves
> Harpies
> Denizens of the Abyss
> Write in
>>6184095 (OP)
> Harpies
>>6184095 (OP)
>Denizens of the Abyss
Rolled 2 (1d2)


1 - harpies
2 - denizens

Your existence is one of simple purpose: to grow, gather, and survive. It is only when enough of you gather that the strange ritual begins. The process is both a sacrifice and a creation, where your kind melds together, sacrificing many to create something permanent. These sacrifices form the foundations of structures that will exist within the abyss, untouched by the sun’s cruel rays. These shelters provide refuge, protect your people from the inevitable daylight, and house the treasures that fall from the floating islands above.

You are Legend, the leader of the Denizens of the Abyss. You have existed for a long time, seen more denizens than you can count appear and disappear, and gained some wisdom. They call you Legend because you brought back the Bioluminescent Fungus from a falling island. Your henchmen are Bauble and Stick. They are named that because they found a bauble and a stick. Though your numbers are vast, it is rare to actually find something.

There are others like you, but they are far away. In here, whatever you say, goes. Your voice echoes like a booming wail through the abyss, and even the creatures above can hear it and they fear you.

You direct your people towards where they can find food. They are constantly roaming looking for sustenance, and it is found in the mists and some rarer things. You could attack the surface, yes, but the Denizens would be angry at you for sending them to their deaths, you don't know if it is day out there, so any attack has 50% chance of ending with all of your people dead before they can do any damage.

The depths are off limits because creatures like the Void Dragons and the Abyss Whales eat your people when you go there. But within such creatures many treasures can be found, if you are mad enough to attempt killing them. However, expect genocidal levels of death until you even figure out a way to damage them.

Denizens: about 3 million
Growth: 10k every night


Abyssal Mists. Small particles of energy that float in the abyss. There is probably enough to feed 5-6 million Denizens in your territory.


Shard Vault. Where you store all the inedible loot. Took a million denizens sacrifices to build.

Nest. Each of these structures increase growth by 5k per night. The natural growth seems to be 5k per night. Took two million denizens sacrifices to build.

Fungus Vault. You grow bioluminescent fungus as weapons against other Denizens. Using material from the surface and some fungus, you create Lanterns whose light can be directed. It takes a long time to kill any Denizen with them, but it is very unpleasant to be touched by the light. Took five million denizens sacrifices to build.

What do you want to do next? Select the timeframe and roll the corresponding dice.
> Grow (roll 1d100 for how many from your growth rate survives during the period you choose to grow)
> Gather (spend energy actively looking for things, roll 1d100 for every day, on a 100 something interesting happens, or 1d10 for every 10 days and on a 10 something interesting happens)
> Build Structure (you can build anything, but since it takes millions of sacrifices to build you must convince the denizens that it is worthwhile)
> Attack your neighbours (raid their structures and steal their loot. Expect millions of deaths)
> Raid the surface (raid the surface and steal loot. 50% chance of dying immediately. Expect millions of deaths.)
> Explore the depths (other creatures dwell in the depths and they eat you when you go there. Expect millions of deaths.)
> Write in
Rolled 7, 6, 7, 7, 5, 10, 2, 7, 10, 9, 8, 6, 2, 1, 1, 8, 6, 9, 1, 10, 2, 9, 9, 4, 5 = 151 (25d10)

spend 300 days gathering
Rolled 1, 6, 8, 7, 1 = 23 (5d10)

didn't know dice had a size limit

Reports come that the mists in the outer borders have coalesced into a gigantic humanoid shape, it is wandering seemingly aimlessly through the mists.

> Attempt to destroy the mist giant
> Attemp communication with the mist giant
> Avoid the mist giant and hope it doesn't come your way
> Write in

A strange black rain starts falling on a section of the abyss, it seems to sap energy of all it touches.

> Let it fall harmlessly into the abyss
> Collect it to use against our enemies, at a large expenditure of life
> Hurriedly build a structure specifically to collect the black rain, at a cost of one million lives
> Write in

An ancient denizen called Rider, because he clung to an Abyss Whale and travelled for a long time, returns claiming to have seen the bottom of the abyss.

> Tell him it is nonsense, the abyss has no bottom
> Demand proof or kill him for spreading falsehood
> Send an expedition to the bottom of the abyss, there must be loot there
> Write in
>Attempt communication with the mist giant
> Hurriedly build a structure specifically to collect the black rain, at a cost of one million lives
> Demand proof or kill him for spreading falsehood

The mist giant eats the denizens we sent to attempt communicating with him. It seems it enjoyed the taste, as it continued eating more and more of your people until it apparently had enough and vanished towards the surface!

-100k Denizens

You hurriedly build a structure to collec the black rain! You now have a Black Pool, filled with black water that saps the energy of anything that touches it!

You demand Rider prove he found the bottom of the abyss. As he is unable to prove it, you and your henchmen grab Lanterns and chase him with them until he is dead! You then consume his energy, a feast for he was ancient, and you feel more powerful already.

Denizens: about 1.9 million
Growth: 10k every night


Abyssal Mists. Small particles of energy that float in the abyss. There is probably enough to feed 5-6 million Denizens in your territory.


Shard Vault. Where you store all the inedible loot. Took a million denizens sacrifices to build.

Nest. Each of these structures increase growth by 5k per night. The natural growth seems to be 5k per night. Took two million denizens sacrifices to build.

Fungus Vault. You grow bioluminescent fungus as weapons against other Denizens. Using material from the surface and some fungus, you create Lanterns whose light can be directed. It takes a long time to kill any Denizen with them, but it is very unpleasant to be touched by the light. Took five million denizens sacrifices to build.

Black Pool. Filled with black water that saps the energy of anything that touches it. Took one million denizens sacrifices to build.

What do you want to do next? Select the timeframe and roll the corresponding dice.
> Grow (roll 1d100 for how many from your growth rate survives during the period you choose to grow)
> Gather (spend energy actively looking for things, roll 1d100 for every day, on a 100 something interesting happens, or 1d10 for every 10 days and on a 10 something interesting happens)
> Build Structure (you can build anything, but since it takes millions of sacrifices to build you must convince the denizens that it is worthwhile)
> Attack your neighbours (raid their structures and steal their loot. Expect millions of deaths)
> Raid the surface (raid the surface and steal loot. 50% chance of dying immediately. Expect millions of deaths.)
> Explore the depths (other creatures dwell in the depths and they eat you when you go there. Expect millions of deaths.)
> Write in

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