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You are a SKELETAL MAW - a person (?) reincarnated as a monster in a fantasy world.

Initially spawning as a Bone Turtle, you have done quests and wandered the Deadlands, levelling up your skills and even evolving one time.

In more detail, in the previous thread you:
>got acquainted with a reaper adventurer, Arthur, while dungeon-diving
>got quests from a strange guiding voice to recover your memories
>intervened in battles between a lich girl and her nemesis (2 times)
>traded with a skeleton caravan
>killed an undead tiger
>looted some magical power crystals from various sources
>put the undead of a border fortress to rest
>killed a mad wizard on request from the reaper
>agreed to assist a group of bone scouts (they're not made of bones, they're searching through bones for profit) in looting a secret treasury by protecting them from undead

Currently, you're with the scouts in the fortress where the portal to the secret treasury has been opened. And there are some monsters on the way for sure...

(I'm back and fixed all the technical problems for now. Let's roll.)

Previous thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6125909/
>Fight the ents in the big hall
>Save 3 fireballs

The ents shamble inside, and with you and the four of them, even the fairly spacious main hall of the fortress becomes a little crammed.

Well, it's only better for your fireballs.

Throwing 2 of them at the ents to immediately ignite and damage them, you dedicate all your efforts to blocking their hits - not an easy task for one skeletal maw fighting 4 monsters. Your allies, the human warriors and mage, come to your help just as you feel yourself starting to struggle under pressure...

3 anons please roll 1d100.
DC: 50/80/90
Rolled 91 (1d100)

WE MUST LOOT! Get out of the way, schmucks!
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Rolled 94 (1d100)

We've got this
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Hell yeah.
>>6185018 (OP)
it lives.


The two ents your fireballs hit (un)live on borrowed time. They swing their wooden arms at you, but you bat them away with your flat maw like tennis balls. As the humans put in the work, protecting your flanks and blasting the ents' legs with supercharged weaponry from their previous looting, the trees collapse into piles of burning wood.

[You have gained 50 EXP]
[You have gained 50 EXP]

The remaining two keep attacking, but all it takes for them to catch fire as well is a bash with your head, pushing them into bonfires. The walking trees get consumed by ghostflame just like their former brethren - the only mage that stayed back to assist in the defence,rather than maintain the portal casting some fire spells to quicken the process. The ents do some earth attack, rooting some of the humans in place, but your companions have their protections right and get out of the roots' grasp quickly enough not to get smashed into goop by the log-arms of the enemies.

[You have gained 50 EXP] x 2

Just as the cold from the ghostflame bonfire dies down, the fire having devoured the fuel, you hear another enemy approaching. The many-headed BONE HYDRA enters the scene. You hear curses from humans below - and for good reason. You recall it being a Skeletal Maw evolution you're working towards. This puts it a rung above you in sheer power.

If only you had some ability that could cut off a bunch of heads at once... As your mind races for a solution, the drake heads of the monster begin charging with necrotic energy...
>Just spam [Ghostflame Fireball II] until it dies. 3 remaining shots should be enough. Probably.
>Retreat to the small hall to catch it in a tight space. It should help both the humans and yourself defend against its many heads that can attack simultaneously.
>Remain in the big hall and chomp the heads off one at a time with the help of humans. Your group is numerous enough to keep each of its heads busy.
>You have a feeling there is some attack that can be deadly to the monster... but which? [you possess the following abilities: [Life Drain], [Greater Skull Bolt], [Ghostflame Fireball II], [Crush], [Circle Strike], [Inspire]]
managed to write a proper update today in addition to starting the thread, see you tomorrow most likely
If the Bone Hydra is undead, it can be assumed that it can't regenerate. That means fire is less effective than cutting the heads off and luckily, we have a skill that allows for it.

If the Bone Hydra is undead, it can be assumed that it can't regenerate. That means fire is less effective than cutting the heads off and luckily, we have a skill that allows for it.

>Charge and use [Circle Strike]!

We know this works, because we've already used it to sever two heads of a Necrohydra!
Rolled 100 (1d100)

Wow nice 91
Sure would be a shame if I ruined it with a nat 1
Do you are have stupid?
>You have a feeling there is some attack that can be deadly to the monster... but which? [you possess the following abilities: [Life Drain], [Greater Skull Bolt], [Ghostflame Fireball II], [Crush], [Circle Strike], [Inspire]]
Circle Strike.
You’re late but checked.
>Circle Strike.
Mission failed successfully :,)
>Remain in the big hall and chomp the heads off one at a time with the help of humans. Your group is numerous enough to keep each of its heads busy.
nice seeing you again, OP
anon, remember to update the thread before voting. fuck me.
>Circle Strike
>Circle Strike
Good choice, anons. Wasn't too hard of a vote, yes?

Now all that's left is to pray for the dice gods to grant you a flawless victory. You will earn base success at least, but some additional boons may be obtained... like some DRAKE HEADS for your Hydra evolution quest.

So 3 anons please roll 1d100. Unfortunately that 100 doesn't count since there was no call for a roll. Alas.
DC: 60/80/90
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolled 67 (1d100)

Rolled 100 (1d100)

Ok thread updated this time
Wow I got 2 in a row that’s crazy
I kneel.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

RIP the rest of this thread's luck.
Ok anon, who the FUCK did you sell your soul to? Because you better get a refund while the trial period is not over. Your soul is more important than dice, anon, please reconsider.

Writing for that crit.

Circle Strike. Of course. The AoE attack that crushes and cuts through everything softer than your ragnatar maw. You charged and used it to cut off some of the bone hydra heads to great efficiency.

[You have gained 400 EXP]
[Maximum level for your build reached. 268 EXP stored.]

What you didn't expect was your attack slicing off ALL SEVEN heads of the hydra. And as you stand above the slain foe, taking in just WHAT kind of battle you've speedrun, you hear fragments of hushed speech from behind you.

"...sure the plan will...?"

"...more monsters..."

You feel uneasy, but refocus on the corpse of the monster. Its heads are still wriggling like worms with remnants of the energy that animated it, but you notice something more interesting between the bones of the carcass.

A sphere of light at the centre of it body glows even from behind a mass of bones and dead meat. You dig it out with your claws and touch it. Immediately, it gets absorbed into your body.

[You have gained a new skill: [Freeze]]
[Slow a single enemy by 30% for 2 minutes. Deal 15 Cold damage. Mana cost: 10 MP. Cooldown: 10 minutes.]

Good. It was about time you diversified your damage beyond Necrotic and Fire. Now about those dragon heads...

The air is split with a roar from above seconds later. The roof caves in while the sound is still echoing off the walls. On top of the debris sits an enemy you didn't think you'd meet until you entered that Dragon Cemetery: an UNDEAD DRAKE.

Swinging its tail from side to side, it looks over your group with unreadable, glowing eyes. You'd be considered large in comparison to humans, yet this beast... you are at best half of its mass.

A tough battle is ahead, and you're starting to doubt your decision to help out the bone scouts...
>It doesn't get worse than this. Spam Ghostflame Fireball, Greater Skull Bolts, EVERYTHING until your mana drains, then charge and do the same with physical attacks. This shit is CODE RED tier of danger, and you don't even know which gods to pray to for victory.
>RUN. Fuck these bone scouts, fuck this drake, you're getting out of here (un)alive.
>Observe its attacks - the patterns, the damaging area. Maybe a good portion of humans will die, but they're not numerous to begin with, and you will at least know how to deal with this beast... hopefully.
>Write-in strategy
Oh boy, shoulda saved those crits
>It doesn't get worse than this. Spam Ghostflame Fireball, Greater Skull Bolts, EVERYTHING until your mana drains, then charge and do the same with physical attacks. This shit is CODE RED tier of danger, and you don't even know which gods to pray to for victory.
Alright. This seems like a massive pain.

Unleash hell gentlemen and pray to whatever god will listen.

Can we invest any xp in anything right now?

Slowing that thing down will be very helpful. So it should be unleashed first with
>It doesn't get worse than this. Spam Ghostflame Fireball, Greater Skull Bolts, EVERYTHING until your mana drains, then charge and do the same with physical attacks. This shit is CODE RED tier of danger, and you don't even know which gods to pray to for victory.
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>Oh, that last 100 didn’t count? That’s fine. I’ll just roll another one.
>Observe its attacks - the patterns, the damaging area. Maybe a good portion of humans will die, but they're not numerous to begin with, and you will at least know how to deal with this beast... hopefully.
>It doesn't get worse than this. Spam Ghostflame Fireball, Greater Skull Bolts, EVERYTHING until your mana drains, then charge and do the same with physical attacks. This shit is CODE RED tier of danger, and you don't even know which gods to pray to for victory.
>It doesn't get worse than this. Spam Ghostflame Fireball, Greater Skull Bolts, EVERYTHING until your mana drains, then charge and do the same with physical attacks. This shit is CODE RED tier of danger, and you don't even know which gods to pray to for victory.
>>Write-in strategy
Wait for it to make the first move, and THEN spam everything, barring 2-3 casts worth of Freeze to keep it debuffed. Make sure to Inspire the humans so that they can run forward and help us, although I have a sinking suspicion that they intend on betraying us after this is over.
Behold, the Strongest /qst/aor.

>It doesn't get worse than this. Spam Ghostflame Fireball, Greater Skull Bolts, EVERYTHING until your mana drains, then charge and do the same with physical attacks. This shit is CODE RED tier of danger, and you don't even know which gods to pray to for victory.
It's a fucking undead dragon. We cannot give it ANY chance to gain the initiative.
>It doesn't get worse than this. Spam Ghostflame Fireball, Greater Skull Bolts, EVERYTHING until your mana drains, then charge and do the same with physical attacks. This shit is CODE RED tier of danger, and you don't even know which gods to pray to for victory.
Unfortunately you cannot lvl up skills while in combat, anon.

Not linking every post because spam detector complains.
>It doesn't get worse than this. Spam Ghostflame Fireball, Greater Skull Bolts, EVERYTHING until your mana drains, then charge and do the same with physical attacks. This shit is CODE RED tier of danger, and you don't even know which gods to pray to for victory.
>Save some mana for [Freeze]

Very well. 3 anons please roll 1d100.
DC: 80/90/95
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Here's the nat 1
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Shit, we ended up choosing the most difficult option while I was away.
Rolled 13 (1d100)


okay sad. but kinda expected. might as well ask.
No actual update today, will most likely do one tomorrow.
Skeletal Maw bros, we can't stop winning

You open with [Freeze]. Ethereal cold grips the drake, making its movement sluggish - for a couple minutes, at least.

Fireballs come next. One to each wing, the last striking its long neck - the drake sways and catches fire, but regains its footing a few moments later. It gazes upon you with its glowing eyes, and for a moment, your are lost in them, as if your body is not your own.

But you know whoever dares mess with your inner psyche is doomed.

The drake recoils in pain known to the dead as well. It roars and closes its eyes - eyes seared by the very magic it tried to cast upon you.

You cast [Inspire], and humans take the hint and attack. Warriors cut with strength on par with yours, making deep, scorched gashes upon its limbs and neck with enchanted blades. Your Skeleton Captain is there, too, though his regular sword is less impactful to the mass of dead flesh and bone. A couple archers aim for its wings and head, and finally, the only mage that stayed behind to protect the looting group with you throws bolts of arcane energy that pierce the giant body.

For a moment, you think "Oh yeah, it's all coming together" and throw a couple [Greater Skull Bolt], preparing to charge in yourself, but your enthusiasm is soon crushed by the drake making a tail swing, throwing the warriors fighting it several meters away.

It opens its mouth as if to roar again, but out of its maw comes strange, white gas, quickly flooding the hall with it.

The humans start coughing and crying in pain immediately. You can barely see what's happening to them, but you think you hear sizzling sounds.

The drake gazes at you again, its eyes now cracked and safe to look into. Suddenly, plates of ice start forming all around its body - a frozen armour! - but it gets banished by the ghostflame engulfing the monster immediately.

You think quickly in these moments of respite...
>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.
>You've already used magic to deal heavy damage to the drake AND you've got that [Thirst For Blood] buff that makes your physical attacks stronger. Finish it off with some [Circle Strike] and chomps.
>Write-in strategy?
>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.
>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.
Grind goodwill
>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.

you will not kill em before they die of natural courses and become great sources of future power.
>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.
>>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.
>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.
>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.
It's less effective from a combat perspective but we need that speech crystal.
>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.
Update will most likely be late today, in like 9 hours or so.
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My dudes, I overestimated my power, after finishing GMing a session for my friends I don't think I have the brain capacity to write an update, even if I know what I want to put in there. I'll get to it tomorrow.

Also due to some issues I'll probably have to post without formatting from now on fml. But we'll see.
C'est la vie, get some shuteye and enjoy your weekend, QM-sama.
>You came here to protect humans - and they were quite useful so far, crippling the drake's movement. Use your flat maw as a fan to blow the toxic gas away - luckily, it is already dissipating through the large entrance to the hall.

The drake has soaked up a fair bit of damage by now. You do not know the limits of its HP, but maybe a couple more hits will bring about its end...

But the humans are suffering. Your dead flesh is immune to this caustic gas - theirs is not...

But the drake may attack you while your help them...

But your paycheck depends upon your protecting your allies...

But the drake may have a ton of EXP and loot...

But the humans..!

But the drake!


"Ah, fuck it." you think and start fanning the gas towards the hall's exit with your maw.

The oversized lizard observes you, then makes a sudden, quick movement.

[You have lost 30 HP]

Its sharp bone tail impales you, piercing a hole to the other side through your body and pulling out equally quick. If it makes a few more of these attacks, you may be in trouble. But you keep fanning nonetheless.

Before the drake can strike you a second time, a magical shockwave spreads out from within the fortress.

[You have lost the [Thirst For Blood] buff.]

The drake recoils. Suddenly, it spreads its wings and with a mighty flap, rises several dozen metres up at once. Taking a break from blowing away the gas, you observe its flight through the hole in the roof. Somehow, its wings, torn and burnt, carry it through the air nonetheless. A frost armour forms again on its body, this time extinguishing the ghostflame. After a few moments, it disappears from view.

And with that, it is over.
By the time the looting group of the party emerges from the depths of the fortress, you have dispersed the gas. 2 humans died in the caustic cloud - the rest heal up their chemical burns and rest.

"Looks like the operation was a success." Robert, leader of the bone scouts says, still wincing from the pain of burnt skin. "We looted a lot. Though there's one more thing to do. One more monster to kill." he faces you, his blade unsheathed.

You feel the fates grip you by the neck. Everything takes on an otherworldly quality. This world, hostile to you, is one of many that refused you.

You were always doomed to be betrayed. To never find compassion. To always face grief.

Truly, you never even had a chance at a good life. At one not filled with suffering.

"Are you crazy?" a sudden voice appears from the backlines. The mage that has been left to help you. "We had a deal - it upheld its end, we should do the same."

"We've seen its body is full of artifacts while it rested. Perhaps you want to spend another year or two looting the Deadlands, Nikke? Because that's what's going to happen if we let it go."

The mage is silent. She looks at the floor, blushing from tension. Not finding the words to counter the greed of the leader. And yet... half of the scouts join her side, opposed to Robert's.

You find yourself being filled with vigour once more.

There is an opportunity here. A chance to REFUSE THE FATES, FORGE YOUR OWN DESTINY. If only you knew how to do it...

>A show of force. This leader is the focal point of your misfortune here. Kill him - and others will submit.
>Patience. Trust in Nikke or another scout to find their words and protect you.
>KILL EVERYONE. No one dares betray you without consequences. You have faced a drake - what is a a couple dozen scouts, even if their weaponry is enchanted?
>It's time for skullduggery. There is merely a skeleton crew manning their outpost - run there full speed and take the speech crystal yourself if they don't want to give it to you the easy way.

>Patience. Trust in Nikke or another scout to find their words and protect you.
>keep ready to kill him. maybe growl a little when he once more tries to insinuate that you would be their way out of the deadlands. and nod your maw whenever someone tries to defend you. After all. you could have let them all die.
Adding on to this >>6187985, use body language to gesture toward those suffering chemical burns from the drake's attack, and the two melted corpses. Encourage them to speak for us-- and be ready to protect them if the greedier half of the company tries to start shit.
>Patience. Trust in Nikke or another scout to find their words and protect you.
Scoundrels, and after we saved their lives!

I'll agree with this. If it comes to blows they won't be too hard to slay but it doesn't need to come to blows.
>[You have lost the [Thirst For Blood] buff.]
is this because it ran away ?
>Patience. Trust in Nikke or another scout to find their words and protect you.
>Patience. Trust in Nikke or another scout to find their words and protect you.
>Point at the corpses

You slowly walk over to the two disfigured corpses and carefully pick one up by the collar (a tough task for your huge bone claws), showing everyone the coal-blackened, bloody remains of the face.

For a few moments, silence reigns, the scouts' attention pulled to the corpse.

"We'd all end up like that if it wasn't for the monster blowing the gas away." Nikke continues more confidently.

Several scouts that joined the leader sheathe their blades.

"She's right, Rob." Another scout intervenes. "It ain't right betraying our saviour, even if it'll bring us a few coins more." He turns to you. "Sorry for our dumb captain."

Robert gives you one final look, eyes narrowed, then sheathes his sword as well.

"Very well. You will have your speech crystal. Let's depart."

You feel like this was a victory. However, more challenges lie ahead. Perhaps your decisions won't yield a fortunate result for them.

The way back is an awkward one. There's no conversation, only the shuffling of armour, sound of footsteps and the wasteland winds.

At the fortress, the bone scouts distribute the newly gained artifacts and treasures between the rooms. Finally, they carry out a big flask from one of them. Inside, a white, translucent crystal floats. They uncork the flask and let you absorb it.

[You have gained [Speech] skill]

At last, you can speak. And the first thing you say with your newly acquired voice to the gathered scouts is...
>is this because it ran away ?
You got that buff when the looting part of the scouts opened the portal to the treasury. While they were looting, the portal was attracting monsters that you fought. Since you're a monster as well, but one with a more developed consciousness, you got that buff but didn't suffer the enraging effects of the portal. When the loot was carried out and the portal was closed, the monsters in the area stopped being hostile (the drake included - it flew away) and your buff ended.
"finally. I have been stuck unable to speak for WAY too long. Thank you for keeping your word. I rather dislike killing those with a conciousness. Even if their greed might could their conscience." Offer those that stood for you a handshake and your friendship with it. You would give em a pat on the back but know how fragile humans can be.

i meant: cloud their judgement.
>Thanks for not betraying and killing me for money guys, really meant a lot to me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8rjEs8xMJY [Embed]
Actually can we expand this? If there's some way for us to collect artifacts without absorbing them.

>If it's artifacts you require, you will find me more valuable alive than dead.
Supporting >>6188793. "If you like, we could strike another bargain. As I recall, you needed help killing a vindictive spirit in a ruin to the northwest? I would still be willing to help, for a fair share of the loot."
but also like what a jack ass thing to murder out of greed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjI75I0H2PA [Embed]
should we sing something like this
>but also like what a jack ass thing to murder out of greed
That’s kinda what we’ve been doing since the start, though.
They weren't sentient, didn't save our lives, and didn't have a prestanding deal.
Didn't update yesterday for schizo reasons, writing now for
>Thanks for not betraying and killing me for money guys, really meant a lot to me
>If it's artifacts you require, you will find me more valuable alive than dead.

Before departing from the fortress, you remember that you haven't plundered the bones of the hydra. You absorb the drake heads into yourself for both power and finishing of quests.

[You have gained Drake Skull x7]
[Drake Skull]
[The skull of a drake - a draconic beast not quite powerful as a dragon, but greater than a wyrm.]
[+1% physical damage]
[+1 DEF]

[You have completed the main objective of [Dragon Cemetery] quest]
[You have gained 100 EXP]
[Bone Hydra evolution unlocked]
[Finish quest?]

N. You've still got that bonus objective to complete, and that requires travelling to the Dragon Cemetery itself...


Your voice, loud and echoing, booms through the halls of the bone scout hideout.

"Thanks for not betraying and killing me for money guys, really meant a lot to me."

After a few seconds of silence, someone in the back row chuckles. The man is joined by a few more, but after earning a disapproving stare from others, they suppress their laughter.

"If it is artifacts you need, you will find me more valuable alive than dead." you continue.

"Really?" Robert says. "I expected you to leave and never deal with us again after that. Well, we've looted a good share of magical items from the treasury, so we can take a month or two to rest and find buyers for them, restock our supplies and all that stuff. I don't think we'll have use for you in that time.

If you want to deal with that vindictive spirit in the northwestern fortifications - you're welcome to try without us, though we'd be grateful for a portion of the loot should you find any. But for now, we'll be collecting crystals in the usual places.

Again, thanks for protecting us. Maybe our paths will cross once more."

You nod and bid farewell to the scouts. With your main goal with them achieved, you're free to go somewhere else to complete your other quests.
>Travel northeast, towards the Dragon Cemetery. You should complete that bonus objective. Also sirens for the Bone Charibdyss evolution are in the same direction, in the southern Mountains of Doom.
>Travel east, towards the Cursed Bog. You've got a Witch Hat to return.
>Find Arthur, the solo reaper, and report that you killed the Mad Wizard. He promised to give you a powerful item from his stash.
>Travel west, towards the fortifications with the ghost-general. Though you know he is ethereal, so you may struggle to kill him with your limited magic...
>Travel southwest, towards the Riverlands. The [Restoration of Life] quest bonus objective suggests there is a sacred spring there - drinking from it will gain you the [Heal] skill. You do not, however, know what the effects of drinking sacred water for an undead monster may be...
>Travel in some other direction? Write-in
>>Find Arthur, the solo reaper, and report that you killed the Mad Wizard. He promised to give you a powerful item from his stash.
Then we can go to the Bog, then northeast for the bonus. Maybe if we unlock everything, we can get a super-evolution.
>Find Arthur, the solo reaper, and report that you killed the Mad Wizard. He promised to give you a powerful item from his stash.
+1 to >>6190074
Seems like a solid plan. And having a witch being at least neutral towards us is probably beneficial
>Find Arthur, the solo reaper, and report that you killed the Mad Wizard. He promised to give you a powerful item from his stash.
That wizard was a bitch and a half to slay, the edgelord owes us one.
So I just finished reading the last thread and we have a couple outstanding rewards and stuff
Epic sounds cool and I'd like to do this first
>Witch hat
I'd like to plan to do this next
>dragon cemetery
I'd like to plan do this last. Imagine if the bonus objective is a hidden thing that gets us a drake evolution? That would be sick
>Find Arthur, the solo reaper, and report that you killed the Mad Wizard. He promised to give you a powerful item from his stash.
>Find Arthur, the solo reaper, and report that you killed the Mad Wizard. He promised to give you a powerful item from his stash.
>Find Arthur, the solo reaper, and report that you killed the Mad Wizard. He promised to give you a powerful item from his stash.

You travel south-east. That was where the crypt was - the last place you saw Arthur.

On your way, you notice some deadwing rocs circling above. You know you can deal with groups of enemies, as when the ents attacked you back on the mission, but flying ones... You could try to defeat them, but you'd need projectiles to finish them off should they fly away, and you don't think you have enough mana.

"Status." you mutter.

Name: [LOCKED]
Race: Skeletal Maw
Level: 15/15
368 EXP stored
Rank: E
[Life Drain], [Greater Skull Bolt], [Ghostflame Fireball II], [Crush], [Circle Strike], [Inspire]
[Bonemonger], [Undead], [Marvengade's Champion], [Speech], 2 Hidden traits
[Astorian High Paladin's Remains], [Pyromancer's Remains], [Lance of Power] x 2, [Subduer of Demons] x 3, [Alpha Deadwolf's Fang], [Witch's Hat], [Channelling Staff], [Mad Wizard's Remains], [Drake Skull] x 7
[Fire Resistance I]
HP: 115/160
MP: 6/60
STR: 70
DEF: 36
MAG: 45 + 20
RES: 33
SPD: 25

Ultimately, you decide to run away into a nearby forest - it's an ominous, dark place, but should be alright for breaking eyesight with your enemies. Besides, it's right along your route, so you'll cut time crossing it.

As you go deeper into the forest, you see that it... becomes more alive? You hear a couple birds singing somewhere, the barren, grey ground of the Deadlands gives way to grass, and the trees start to bear some foliage. In the distance, you think you see a light...

After some time walking through the woods, you enter a meadow where a stream flows. You feel... nauseous in its presence. The light turns out to be a bonfire, a tent set up nearby. As you look around to identify to whom this belongs...

[You have lost 20 HP]
[You are STUNNED for 3 seconds]

An arrow comes flying with insane speed right into your neck. Standing amid the meadow, you start to panic as more arrows impact you with damage that definitely DOES NOT belong to a regular bow.

[You have lost 15 HP] x 3
[You are no longer Stunned]

"HOL UP!" you yell.

The arrows stop.

"A talking undead? Haven't seen that in a while." a clear, pleasant female voice echoes. "What do you want here?"

"For you to stop peppering me with arrows for once. I'm just travelling through these woods."

A few moments pass in silence. The archer suddenly jumps down from the lower branches of a tree, gracefully landing and immediately training her bow on you again.

She is... cute. A light tunic with leather armour worn on it, and cloth pants and high boots in addition. You also notice sharp ears - an elf?..
"If you wish to pass - I will let you. Go where you meant to and don't corrupt the spring with your influence - there's few enough of them in the Deadlands already."
>Go on your way.
>Talk further? You may ask questions, ask for a quest, or negotiate a partnership...
Schizo reasons for not updating yesterday again, still trying to update everyday.
>Talk further? You may ask questions, ask for a quest, or negotiate a partnership...
What kind of spring is it? Would we ruin it just by getting close?

>Go on your way.
Fine, it makes me feel sick anyway
"I am very sorry for bothering you. I was not aware my presence could befoul this place. i shall endeavor to go around such places in future to not risk it. I dont like their ambience anyway. "

>Go on your way. After this short apology
>Go on your way.
There's no need to take any risks.
>Go on your way.
Beautiful elf woman she may be, we are a skeletal maw with no genitals to cloud our judgement.

I'll back this, though. Questions need answers.
Supporting >>6191424 and >>6191423.
>Go on your way.
Let me answer these questions in a short additional update today before heading to sleep and sending you forward tomorrow (should you still wish to travel straight to the reaper).

"What kind of spring is it? Would I ruin it just by getting close?"

The elf lowers her bow and assumes a more relaxed pose.

"When the Deadlands earned the 'Dead' epithet in their name, the goddess of water created these springs to balance the overwhelming influence of death in these lands and make small checkpoints for the living to rest at. Regular undead avoid them due to their aura, so they remain undisturbed. Aberrant necrotic monsters, like you" she points her bow towards you. "can enter them and thus, impart some of their necrotic influence into them. It won't taint from the less powerful undead, but someone of your power may leave a lasting impact. Just standing around probably won't affect it."

>Apologize and travel further.
>Write-in other questions?
>Apologize and travel further.
>Apologize and travel further.
Sorry for being a blight upon the natural order :(
>Apologize and travel further.
what's exactly the difference between regular undead and necrotics like us ? just power lvl ?
Brain. Free will. Apple bottom jeans.
>Avoid and travel further.
Hmm, interesting. Maybe exposure to these could contribute to our healing quest? Something to look into later.

>Apologize and travel further.
"Then i shall make my exit carefully. i might return one day once i am much more alive and can enjoy the ambience."
Basically what the other anon said, free will gained with reincarnation. Far from many undead possess it. Far from many are reincarnated at all, even.

>Apologize and travel further.

"Then I shall make my exit carefully. I might return one day once I am much more alive and can enjoy the ambience."

"Alive? It's been a while since I last saw an undead attempt to gain life. Well, you're a strange one either way, so I shouldn't be surprised. Safe travels."

You carefully step over the stream, your skeleton captain clinging to you, and make your way further through the forest. The woods start turning back into a dark, creepy place more fitting of the Deadlands, until nothing shows signs of a sacred spring flowing deeper in them anymore.

You exit the forest and cross some hills to reach the crypt where you initially met the reaper, yet don't find him anywhere within sight. With no way to identify where he went, you start randomly searching through the nearby wastes, hoping to find some clue to his whereabouts...

3 anons please roll 1d100.
DC: 80
Probably going to post an additional update later today since this is a short and kinda intermission-like one.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Rolled 81 (1d100)

Rolled 22 (1d100)

Let's see here.

Impressive! Impressive indeed.
A Nat 1 means a harder fight, which means more rewards! All according to plan!
Do not worry anons, you may die, but it will advance the META PLOT, it is all according to plan. Also no update today after all, wasted all my power on irrelevant stuff.
As you travel, you notice an eerie calm around this part of the Deadlands. It seems like all the undead have been scared away by something... but what?

The answer appears soon. Walking through these lands, you notice the earth becoming pock-marked - it wasn't like this before. There is some kind of buzzing in the air...

When you get the thought to turn back and leave this area, a SWARM OF GIANT UNDEAD BEES rises from the holes and starts flying towards you. Even with your fairly high speed, they reach you and start eating you whole, crushing bone and ripping flesh with their mandibles - shouldn't you call them hornets, then?..

[You have lost 2 HP] x 10

"NO, NOT THE BEES, NOT THE BEES!" you think, but the insects, weirdly focused on devouring your rotten flesh and bone, continue their work.

You get the idea to use ghostflame fireball to burn them all in one shot. Directing your maw towards your body, you charge the spell and release it. Necrotic flames engulf your body and you suffer considerable damage...

[You have lost 25 HP]

... though not as much as you would have if you weren't immune to fire. Many of the bees fall, but many still circling you replace them.

[You have lost 2 HP] x 10

With your body weakened from the powerful shots of the elven archer, all it takes to kill you is a few dozen damage points. You succumb to your wounds.


So this is how it ends - not with a bang, but with a whimper...


"I was wondering when you'd die, champ." the Guide's voice appears in your consciousness.

Why, thank you, this is a very encouraging expectation.

"HAHAHA. It was bound to happen with your traits. You should've realized this already."

Yes, yes. So why are you still existing, then?

"Your journey won't end unless you die in PERMADEATH BOSS FIGHTS or decide to end it on your own upon death. Though even for the former there are ways to circumvent this kind of end."

Good. Means you can respawn again and get back on track, preferably evading those DAMN BEES.

"Not so fast. After all, for every death, there is a price to pay. A crippling, hard to remove debuff."

Very well. What will it be?

"It is your choice to make. Here's a list of those available to you:

1. -50% ALL physical damage
2. -70% ALL magical damage
3. +60% ALL damage taken
4. -50% ALL healing and regeneration

All of these are applied after all the other modifiers. However... Someone may help you in skipping these."

"That's me." a clear female voice cuts in.

Unnamed Skeletal Maw, pleased to meet you.

"I am Lumena, goddess of the Moon and Night, consort of Astra."

What may a goddess want with you?

"A deal. In exchange for helping you avoid the respawn penalties, I ask for a favour.

Many people from other realms of the multiverse reincarnate in this world. We, the local gods, cannot go against the will of greater ones, so we often bestow these reincarnators with gifts of power and let them do what they want in Alterorbis.

Sometimes, due to the... unpleasant character of these people, chaos arises. Some of the gods care little, while others, including me, wish to change things in order to end the free reign of these types.

That's where you come in. I want to ask you to defeat a particular person, put him in his place, so to speak."

Can't the gods just smite this cheating isekai protagonist?

"They've got the protection of forces above us. This does not, however, extend towards beings born in this world, rather than presiding over it. Beings like you."

Why you? You're just a skeletal maw trying not to die from some unknown horrible fate if what you've felt so far is right. Why not boost the ability of a person from the more common races - human, elf, dwarf, whoever else, - and send THEM to do this task?

"Because the best, most fitting candidate to defeat a hero is, naturally, a monster.

So, do you agree?"

>Alright, sign the contract. You'll kill this isekai man and get back on track with levelling and investigating your memories.
>Decline the offer. You'll crawl back up from this with your own strength, curses be damned. [pick a debuff from those listed by the Guide above]
"Soo..... i assume i am not the only one you made this offer. Whats the catch? Will those higher powers be ready to smite me for messing woth their reincarnates?

Also... can i carry anything over? I really liked being able to talk again"
"You guessed right - you are not the first. Some of the others perished battling these so-called 'heroes', others succeeded. As for whether the forces above will smite you - they usually work in subtler ways. And let me put it like this: you have already earned a high degree of their ire, for some reason, in your past lives. Should you succeed in putting that reincarnator in his place - I don't think anything particularly bad will befall you."

"You can carry over your traits, your evolution and your levelled up skills." the Guide answers your second question. "So you'll still be able to speak. As for what you will lose - that will be 90% of your items, 50% of EXP and levels contributing towards your next evolution, and 75% of crystals. The lost items and crystals can be looted back from your corpse - provided you reach it in time before others pillage your stuff. You can pick which ones to save."
"Can I get some info on the guy at least? I don't wanna go after him just to die immediately and get cursed anyway."
>Alright, sign the contract. You'll kill this isekai man and get back on track with levelling and investigating your memories.
So basically just another quest.
They need their pet monsters to die to talk to them? And then revive them? After making them weaker? And they expect to ever get some turbonerd psycho bastard hero killed with this strategy?

These guys are chumps.
Do I retain ownership of my soul, if I sign this contract? Or will I be bound to your will in perpetuity?

Are there other benefits to helping you, or the other gods of this world?
Truly, the ways of the gods are incomprehensible to mortals. It is as if some malicious force encourages them to take roundabout, inefficient ways to reach their goals, and creates obstacles to doing things directly. Like some ultimate master of goals and ways to reach them, which are quite similar to quests, a certain... Quest Master

"You retain your soul, why would we take it from you?" the goddess answers. "You will also retain free will. However, remember not to linger too long: this is a task of import for us, the gods, so we expect you to commit to its completion, not delay it."

"As for other benefits - should you give worship and sacrifices to us or defend our holy places, we will bestow blessings upon you in exchange. This is, however, outside the scope of this deal. Its terms are simple: no grievous penalties upon death in exchange for the completion of a quest. But... I guess we could also let you get your gear as well?"

"It is not recommended to mess with the System too much, Lumena." the Guide interjects.

"One exception shouldn't break anything..."

"His name is Hiromu Housaki. He resides in a city not far from the eastern border of Astorias, near the Mountains of Doom. The power bestowed to him by the forces above us is the charming of any woman he lays his eye on: he has used it to assemble a harem of warrior and mage women which protect him with their lives, and continues exploiting this power to live a life of luxury and lust.

In fact, it may turn out that your past... ahem. It may turn out that many more women will fall to this embarrassing power."

She stuttered. You heard it. What was that about your past?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Ok, I think these will be the last questions I answer today, please pick whether to accept the quest or not and I will most likely update tomorrow.
>harem coomer
Sounds like a decent target.

>Alright, sign the contract. You'll kill this isekai man and get back on track with levelling and investigating your memories.
Less tedious than trying to break one of those debuffs.
>Alright, sign the contract. You'll kill this isekai man and get back on track with levelling and investigating your memories.
booba lady
>>Alright, sign the contract. You'll kill this isekai man and get back on track with levelling and investigating your memories.
Bait him with the location of hot women (the deadlands lich and the elf) into a 1v1, and then we kill his ass.
"So. another quest it is them. can i decide what to keep or is that randomly stripped from me? And is the amount of items rounded down or up?"

>Alright, sign the contract. You'll kill this isekai man and get back on track with levelling and investigating your memories.
>Alright, sign the contract. You'll kill this isekai man and get back on track with levelling and investigating your memories.
Alright, you'll do it. No respawn penalties and kept gear in exchange for killing a coomer doesn't sound bad.

"Excellent. You'll still lose some of your crystals, so pick which ones to keep..."


12 bit fire crystals
5 bit water crystals
3 bit eldritch crystals
2 medium fire crystals
1 medium abjuration crystal


So, in total, you have 25% of 32 "base points" (total worth of all crystals you had) = 8 points, with 1 bit crystal worth 1 point and 1 medium crystal worth 4 points.

Spread the points between which crystals to keep. So e.g. you may take 1 medium fire crystal and 1 medium abjuration crystal = 8 points OR 8 bit fire crystals = 8 points. Or another combination.
>Write-in which crystals to keep.
low writing power today so I'll write for the respawn itself tomorrow.
>In fact, it may turn out that your past... ahem. It may turn out that many more women will fall to this embarrassing power."
Woah what? He’s going to NTR us by stealing our lover from a past life?

That’s kinda hot
>Don’t accept
could we get a quest list again? And do we need to keep the crystals to still get the full effect like for the Pyromancy quest?
Realized I didn't list the crystal effects.
Bit crystals give +1% to relevant magic damage (fire, water, eldritch) or spell effectiveness (abjuration).
Medium one are the same, except give +4%.

>And do we need to keep the crystals to still get the full effect like for the Pyromancy quest?
The objectives you completed, i.e. get 2 medium fire crystals, will remain completed even if you lose the crystals. You won't lose their rewards. The objectives that are not yet complete i.e. the main one, will require assembling the crystals again should you lose them on the way to completion.

As for the quest list... let me post it as a text file to catbox. It is quite lengthy. https://files.catbox.moe/19qx84.txt

It is a bit difficult for me to post since almost the beginning of the thread due to technical issues (you may notice my IP changing as a symptom of that) so I may take some time to reply to questions.

thank you very much.

after consulting the list.
i think we should keep the two medium fire Crystals. 8 bits is a good chunk of the way to finishing that pyromancer quest.
>>6193677 +1
Anons, take note that medium fire crystals do not replace bit crystals for progression on the pyromancer quest. So if you have 5 medium crystals it doesn't count like 20/20 progress for the main quest. You need precisely 20 bit crystals to complete it. I'll extend the voting period for this choice for you to correct you picks retroactively should you wish to.

For now, however, you respawn in the Deadlands...



You wake up in a wasteland of dark skies and grey earth - a familiar sight. By your side, your skeleton captain awakens, rattling his bones to indicate unlife. Not far, ruins of a purpose long forgotten lie. A trail of smoke rises from within. You feel compelled to enter them.

Between half-fallen walls and still standing archways, a person sits by the bonfire. Your approach does not go unnoticed. The man has a gigantic scythe in his hand that you remember all too well...

"Wait." you say. "It's me."

"'Me' who?" the reaper responds. "Wait. A talking monster?.. That skeletal maw! You're the one from a few weeks ago!"

"I killed Vincent, the Mad Wizard, as you asked." you eject the mage's remains out of your skeletal body. The corpse, half-rotten, but with a still identifiable face, falls heavily on the ground.

"Hm. Guess I need to uphold my end of the bargain as well. Wait a bit here. I'll be back." he says before going to another, smaller ruined hall. You hear the screech of an old, rusty door being opened.

Arthur returns soon, bearing 3 items.

"These are all powerful things I thought would be useful to you. Pick any one you like." he says and lifts some small thing. "The first - the Pendant of Pand - enhances necrotic magic with +50% damage for all spells of this type. It also has a bound spell of 30 mana restoration, usable once every day.

The second" the reaper points to a breastplate of dark steel. "- Darkshield Armour - raises your defensive stat (DEF) by 40, decreasing all physical damage, and absorbs 15% of all damage from necrotic monsters. Should be good if you plan to battle monsters of the Deadlands in the future.

The third - Selenian Wu Windclaws - a relic from the east - raise your STR and SPD by 50, so more, quicker damage and greater travel speed. +20% wind magic damage as well, should you ever learn such spells."

You consider which to pick...
>Pendant of Pand
>Darkshield Armour
>Selenian Wu Windclaws

You may also talk about something with the reaper.
>Mention that the bone scouts he recommended almost killed you for artifacts. After you saved them from a gruesome death, no less!
>Finish the deal, say your goodbyes, and move on.

Also, where will you go next?
>Deliver the Witch Hat to the Cursed Bog (I think that was the consensus before the BEE SWARM has befallen you)
>Go somewhere else (specify)
>Selenian Wu Windclaws
>Mention that the bone scouts he recommended almost killed you for artifacts. After you saved them from a gruesome death, no less!
"Seem to be some fine people with em at least. but their leader was a dick. Anyway. if you have any other worthwhile targets that will have to wait a bit. got some other business to take care of."

>Deliver the Witch Hat to the Cursed Bog (I think that was the consensus before the BEE SWARM has befallen you)

and we shall do so. we need some ways to disenchant those followers preferably and a witch might know a good bit about charm spells so we can focus on the reincarnate instead of having to butcher his harem first.

>Anons, take note that medium fire crystals do not replace bit crystals for progression on the pyromancer quest.

are you fucking serious? Then they are only good for bonus objectives. damn. hate that kind of game logic.

fine take the eight bit fire Crystals.
>>Darkshield Armour
We've got plans to take on a bunch of monsters to try and get a super-evolution, right? This is probably better for the long run but I'd also take the Windclaws.
>Mention that the bone scouts he recommended almost killed you for artifacts. After you saved them from a gruesome death, no less!
>"Don't be too torn up about it though, most of them were appropriately grateful. Their boss was the real asshole."

>Mention the witch hat we found; is she going to kill us out of hand when we try and return it?
>"Hey, wanna come with? After I return her hat, I have a quest to kill a (whatever they call Isekaiees/otherworlders) who keeps magically charming women and someone who isn't a giant monster being able to vouch for me in human areas would go a LONG way. Can't promise anything for a reward, but he probably has his harem shower him with gifts."

>Deliver the Witch Hat to the Cursed Bog (I think that was the consensus before the BEE SWARM has befallen you)
>>Darkshield Armour
To be the Turtle is to be tanky.
>Darkshield Armour
>Mention that the bone scouts he recommended almost killed you for artifacts. After you saved them from a gruesome death, no less!
>Deliver the Witch Hat to the Cursed Bog (I think that was the consensus before the BEE SWARM has befallen you)
Also how many bits is a medium crystal worth? Or is that not for us to know?
In that case I'm>>6193683 going with
>8 bit fire crystals
>Pendant of Pand
>Mention that the bone scouts he recommended almost killed you for artifacts. After you saved them from a gruesome death, no less!
>Deliver the Witch Hat to the Cursed Bog (I think that was the consensus before the BEE SWARM has befallen you)
going with 8 bit fire crystals then

>Darkshield Armour

>Mention that the bone scouts he recommended almost killed you for artifacts. After you saved them from a gruesome death, no less!

>Deliver the Witch Hat to the Cursed Bog
File: King Stare.jpg (86 KB, 410x636)
86 KB
>In fact, it may turn out that your past... ahem. It may turn out that many more women will fall to this embarrassing power."
>Woah what? He’s going to NTR us by stealing our lover from a past life?
>That’s kinda hot
ntrfags deserve the rope
>Darkshield Armour
>"Bone Scout Cunts"
>Deliver the Hat
>Darkshield Armour
>Mention bone scouts
>Deliver Witch Hat
>Conversation write-ins

"I'll take the armour, then." you say and place your claw upon it. It disappears into your bony limb, and suddenly you find your body reinforced with plates of dark steel.

"Woah, what the fuck?" No other armour you found before did that.

[You have obtained [Darkshield Armour]]
[Darkshield Armour]
[Rank: Epic]
[When the Deadlands first started taking hold, spawning undead monstrosities, the Riverlanders assisted the Astorians in battling them. Their greatest dragon rider knights used this custom-made armour to protect themselves from necrotic damage that many of the monsters inflicted with spell and claw alike.]
[+40 DEF, 15% damage from necrotic monsters absorbed]

"It's because of its quality. It adapts to your body... however monstrous it may be." Arthur explains.

"Oh, I see..."

You take a few moments to look over your dark armour plates. They look kinda cool and conceal the rotten bones that make up your body.

"By the way, those bone scouts you recommended almost betrayed me and killed me for artifacts. After I saved their lives from a huge undead drake! It turned out alright in the end though, their leader was the one the suggested finishing me off but others stood up for me."

"Damn." with the mask cast aside, you see the reaper's frown clearly. "They never treated me like that. Always were reliable allies. Maybe Rob tried this because you're a monster?.. Now I feel kinda bad for suggesting them to you."

"Don't be. Like I said, they were alright in the end, it was their leader that was the asshole. Anyway, if you have any other targets, that'll have to wait, I got another one from a more influential employer. Also I got this Witch Hat to return to a witch named Lily Arante in the Cursed Bog, do you know anything about her? Will she try to kill me on sight?"

Arthur whistles.

"I think if you're heading to the Cursed Bog you'll have other stuff to worry about first. It's home to some of the toughest monsters in the entire Deadlands. Moss Walkers that live there are literally giants of dead matter soaked in necrotic magic and stale water. You know the phrase 'Kill it with fire'? Well, you may set fire to an undead drake, but these fuckers will snuff it out in a second with their bodies. Physical damage? Mitigated by literal tons of moss. The only saving grace for anyone facing them is they're slow, but you can't run in the Bog anyway. And don't get me started on the Dead Eater tribes and their shamanism.

If you make it through that land alive... well, un-alive - I think you will find Lily cool. I worked with her a few years ago when we raided the Graveyard of Heroes. She won't attack you first, even if you're a monster."
You muse on your decision for a few moments. Moss Walkers sound like a pain, but you're faster, taller, stronger than most people. So long as you evade them, you should be okay. And some naked ass savages? You'll have them for dinner and probably learn their spells from a quest, too. Thank you, Adventure Guide.

"Well, besides the witch, I've got that quest I talked about to kill a... Marebito, I think you called them. A reincarnator that subjugates women to his will with a cheat skill given by powers above. He's got a harem of warriors and mages, from what I've heard, and resides in a city in eastern Astorias... I'm going to the witch in part because I thought she'd know how to disenchant his thralls. I thought maybe you'd want to come with? Having an actual human being with me would be great for trustworthiness. Since I'm a monster and all that."

"Hmm... What will be in it for me? You know, I'm stuck out here in the Deadlands looting crystals and remains not because I want to. It pays well. Can you say the same about helping you?"

You pause for a few moments. Truly, there is nothing guaranteed in this venture. Sure, you got your pay from the gods, but...

"Well, he's probably getting showered with gifts from all the women he's charming. Can't say for sure though."

"Hmm..." it is the reaper's turn to pause. "Okay, I think I can come with you if you need me. But, you know, since you can't say for sure what I'll be getting out of it, and it seems like a long and dangerous journey, let's strike a deal. I've heard there is a valley with a great lake deep in the Mountains of Doom where an offspring of the Doom Beast resides. The Beast itself is a World Boss, so its pup is still a permadeath boss. I've heard it can cast spells enchanting its claws with all four elements, and its mobility is some of the highest among monsters to boot. If I were to kill it and get whatever drops from its corpse, I think I would be set for life. But I can't defeat it alone, so I'll need you to help. Ideally, some other companions as well. So what do you say?"

You consider the reaper's offer...
>Agree to the deal.
I like, literally just died a bit ago
Not ready to risk perma death so soon after that, sorry
"I might get back to you on that later. not ready for jolly cooperation again so soon. well i am off to the marches then to see if maybe i can garner some favor with a new ally. take care"
>Decline for now.
"You know how I needed prep-time for the mad wizard? I'd need about ten times as much for something like that. I've only got one more evolution and I'm trying to see if I can find a hidden evolution or something that won't bottleneck me. I'll get back to you later, my friend; preferably once you've got your own party together."

"Nice talking with you."

Can we also try tracking down Cap? Or did he somehow follow us?
the bone captain woke up next to us. as can be read here >>6194304
just after the Elipsies
Thanks for letting me know, based Cap.
We already have a babillion quests in the backlog that we've forgotten about.
>Agree to the deal.
>Agree to the deal.

"I almost died to that wizard, and I'm not really ready to take on a permadeath boss so soon. I'm trying to find a way to get a hidden evolution right now - after that, I'll need to kill that harem reincarnator to get the deal done ASAP. Maybe I'll help you in the future, when you get a party together, but I'll say 'no' now."

"Yeah, alright, I get it. We all got a lot on our plate. If you ever want to work together again, ask the scouts around this area where I am - if I leave the Deadlands for more profitable places, I'll tell them. Safe travels."

"Take care."


You travel fast. Not as fast as you would have if you had a higher SPD, but fast nonetheless. Captain rides you - he wouldn't have been able to keep up if he were following you on foot.

In the distance, monsters your size or less wander the Deadlands. They don't dare attack you.

Yet even without a fight, you find someone curious along the way...
>A single young woman, travelling by horse in the direction you're going. Her armour seems similar to that high paladin one you looted... though less flashy.
>Lizardmen riding big lizards cross your path. A caravan?..
>A lone traveller in a cloak draping his entire body, with a huge backpack... more like a mobile closet. There are horns poking from behind the cloth mask...
(no write-ins for this vote)
>A lone traveller in a cloak draping his entire body, with a huge backpack... more like a mobile closet. There are horns poking from behind the cloth mask...
>A lone traveller in a cloak draping his entire body, with a huge backpack... more like a mobile closet. There are horns poking from behind the cloth mask...
>>A single young woman, travelling by horse in the direction you're going. Her armour seems similar to that high paladin one you looted... though less flashy.
I just want to give the paladin lady a breakdown when we talk.
Rolled 3 (1d3)

i dont really care so. 1 is the woman, 2 the caravan and 3 is the lone traveller.
lone traveller it is then.
>A lone traveller in a cloak draping his entire body, with a huge backpack... more like a mobile closet. There are horns poking from behind the cloth mask...
>A single young woman, travelling by horse in the direction you're going. Her armour seems similar to that high paladin one you looted... though less flashy.
>A lone traveller in a cloak draping his entire body, with a huge backpack... more like a mobile closet. There are horns poking from behind the cloth mask...
>A lone traveller in a cloak draping his entire body, with a huge backpack... more like a mobile closet. There are horns poking from behind the cloth mask...
Some variety of roving peddler? Intriguing.
No update today, most likely gonna write one or two tomorrow.
>A lone traveller

The stranger stops once he sees you approaching. He doesn't take out any weapon or assume a defensive stand, as you'd expect. However, there appears to be something akin to sparks circling his horns now?..

"Hello." you greet him. "Yes, yes, rare talking monster, whatever. I don't have a name. Who are you, what's that backpack, and why are you wandering the Deadlands?"

The stranger throws back his head and laughs. His voice is deep and raspy. The hood falls to reveal crimson skin and monocolour orange eyes.

"Hello to you too, skeletal maw. My name is Baghira, I'm a trader - though my wares are not the kind you'd expect from a regular one. I'm on my way to the Riverlands - without a particular purpose. As for what I trade in - it is skills. Perhaps you have a need of one?"

"Skills? How'd you carry them?"

"There are ways." Baghira says, patting his backpack.

"I'll browse at least." you say.

"Alright. I don't have much variety, but they're all solid if you ask me.

There are a couple simple ones - [Stun], which stuns a single enemy for 10 seconds twice a day with a minute cooldown between the two, and [Health Shield], which grants a non-stacking 100 HP worth of protection for 15 MP. I'll agree to trade either for a single medium-power skill or both for an upgraded one.

Among the more offensive, the best is [Blinding Light Lance] - deals 70 Light and Holy damage, 35 each, and blinds any enemy it hits. Also pierces through them. I'd ask a single upgraded skill or two base ones for it.

I also have a couple non-combat ones. [Recall Beacon] lets you set a place in the world where you may return by teleport once every 5 days while you're out of combat. Some travellers use it, and it's quite valuable, so it'll be an upgraded skill or 2 base ones, like [Blinding Light Lance].

Another non-combat one that may be of use to you is [Size Morph]. It allows you to become smaller or return to your original size for 20 MP, while retaining part of your strength in smaller form. I think with your size it may prove useful should you want to clear some dungeons or enter places meant for smaller peoples. 2 base skills or one upgraded for this.

There's a couple more, but they're meant for other clients."

You consider the demon's offer...
>Trade (Your skills: [Life Drain] (upgraded), [Greater Skull Bolt] (upgraded), [Ghostflame Fireball II] (upgraded), [Inspire] (basic), [Freeze] (basic)) (other skills are inherent (non-tradeable))
>Ask Baghira something?
>Refuse to trade, continue on your way.
>Trade [Inspire] (basic), [Freeze] (basic)) for Size Morph
>Ask Baghira something?
A ten second stun is ridiculously strong, what’s the catch on that one?
>>Trade [Greater Skull Bolt] (upgraded) for [Blinding Light Lance].
>Ask Baghira if casting it would hurt us, to his knowledge.
Basically an anti-everything spell in the deadlands. I'd like to keep our hard-earned Inspire and Freeze, which we got from the fort and wizard respectively. Life Drain is super useful and Ghostflame Fireball has a ton of investment in it, so we definitely don't want to trade those.

The catch is you can use it only twice and there's a 1 minute cooldown between uses.
wdy guys think about trading inspire for the stun or the shield ? both seen useful for our mission
We EARNED that Inspire. I could maybe be convinced to trade Freeze for the Stun (which fills the same role, but more specialized) but it's
>2 uses PER DAY (admittedly at no mana cost)
>1 minute cooldown
>Only goes for 10 seconds
>Single Target
Freeze seems like it'll scale better into some kind of blizzard attack later on, where the most I can see out of Stun is some kind of Flashbang.

Shield is stinky because it doesn't stack; this could mean it doesn't stack only with itself, or that it doesn't stack with ANYTHING. I'd rather invest in more Life Drain.
Shield doesn't stack only with itself. So if you were to cast [Health Shield] while you still have a 50 HP [Health Shield] on you, you would refresh its effect back to 100 HP, not 150.

It does stack with shields from other spells, so if you were to cast it while having 200 HP from other spells, you would then have a 300 HP shield: 200 HP from other spells, 100 HP from [Health Shield]

Basically what the other anon >>6197574 >>6197889 said. It's very useful if you need to "nuke" a single powerful enemy, but against massed enemies you'd need an AoE attack.

Also I forgot to mention that the blind from [Blinding Light Lance] lasts 40 seconds, not forever.

Also also remember enemies may have resistances to status effects. They may be useful against regular enemies while bosses would shrug them off.

>Ask Baghira if casting it would hurt us, to his knowledge.

"That Light Lance spell... would casting it hurt me? Since I am undead and all that." you ask.

"Hmm... I don't think it would inflict damage outright, but you'd probably feel the effect of channelling Holy magic on yourself in some other way. Like a feeling of weakness, dizziness or disorientation for a couple tens of seconds."

(I'll give you anons some more time to consider the trade)
+1 to >>6197574
Basically. Anti high level undead nuke. Might be possibly very useful against those shamblers since its holy magic
Aah, so the shield spell is effectively an MP to HP conversion. So we would never die as long as we have MP.

That's actually pretty good. I'd be down to trade [Life Drain] for that and Stun.
Definitely get stun, in combat ten seconds is long, ridiculously long
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Fucking finally wrote the update.
The consensus seems to be this anon's idea >>6197574, so you'll
>Trade [Greater Skull Bolt] for [Blinding Light Lance]


"Would [Greater Skull Bolt] be fine in exchange for that [Blinding Light Lance] spell?"

"Hmm... I can't say it's as rare, but it is an upgraded spell, so the deal stands. It's good enough. Now, let me get it from you. Calm down and cleanse your mind of any doubt. I'm starting..." the demon says, placing his bared hand against your limb.

You do as he said, standing unmoving, trying not to think as much as possible. Suddenly, you are assaulted by a feeling of inexplicable loss, as if some part of you just disappeared.

[You have lost the [Greater Skull Bolt] skill]

You look at the skill trader and see the arm he touches you with being surrounded by wisps of blue smoke. He fetches a jar reinforced with runes from his closet-backpack and channels the spell into there, transforming it into a crystal that you are familiar with. The compartment he took it out of closes with a snap as he puts it back.

"Now to give what I promised." he opens another compartment and takes out a similar vessel, this one filled with what seems like a crystal of light. Opening it, he pushes the open vessel against your limb, and the crystal drains into your body, spreading a sensation of lightness and nausea to you.

[You have gained the [Blinding Light Lance] skill]
[You have been inflicted with [Light Poisoning I] for 1 hour]

"Hey, you promised me it'd be a few dozen seconds of weakness, not an hour!" you say.

"It's just the learning penalty." Baghira responds, unfazed by your worry. "When you use it, it will be much less."


"Well, if that will be all, it was a pleasure doing business with you." the demon says, pulling his hood back on. "Maybe we'll meet again. Safe travels." he waves you goodbye and continues on his path.



[You are no longer affected by [Light Poisoning I]]

Just as the debuff wears off, you find yourself approaching what seems to be the Cursed Bog. The ground here is getting damp, and the trees, simply barren in other parts of the Deadlands, become bearers of inky black leaves and strange red fruit.

A few kilometers more, and you are wading through water, making your way deeper and deeper into the swamp...

[You have been inflicted with [Curse of the Bog I]]
[Curse of the Bog I]
[+15% Water and Cold damage taken]
[-15% MP]

Well, at least it didn't cut your speed as well. The water does this task well enough...

Rolling for encounter.
1 - Something you were warned about that's probably gonna fuck you up
2-4 - Something you were warned about, though not as bad
5-6 - There are more fruits hanging from the branches here, and the ground is drier, featuring more trees...
7-9 - Another waifu thrown in your face by the QM
10 - A rare sanctuary in such a place
This is 4 votes for grabbing stun. One person objecting to burning [Inspire] to get it, and me offering an alternative to get it. Maybe put it to another vote, even though shopping is always tedious.
so... another girl to throw at us.

there is only one question that remains. Harem Route or Golden Route?
that's one actual "get stun," one "yeah I could go for that," one anon asking people's thoughts and one anon asking what the catch is
I considered >>6197878 as a "discussion" kind of post since anon didn't write it in along with his +1. But yeah, ok, there is support for [Stun] as you said, so I'll put it to a retroactive vote.
>Trade [Stun] + [Health Shield] for [Life Drain]
>Trade [Stun] for something else (write-in)
>Do not trade for [Stun]

If the former 2 options get more votes summed up than the third, you'll get [Stun] for the most popular among them.

As for present events...


As you walk through the Bog, your skeleton captain riding you as always, you hear a sound, first as if a mosquito was buzzing somewhere, then quickly growing into a... girl's yell?

Looking around, you notice too late the flying object, and with a WHAM, the young woman's body slams on top of your maw, immediately stopping the cry.

[You have lost 1 HP]

The girl falls down from the entire height of your head limply into the water. Is she... dead?

You prod her carefully with your claw, and she starts twitching, limbs locking into place, bruises miraculously draining away. Finally, she rears her head from the water and looks at you, wide-eyed.

Her long, thick, wet, oddly crimson hair gives little protection to her otherwise naked body. She is of low human height, but obviously not a child, judging both by chest and the rest of the figure. Her skin is an ill, greyish-green colour, and her eyes are big, though within human limits. The combo of her hair and skin colour give a strange, mismatching, unpleasant look...

"Who the FUCK are you?"

"Oh, huh, you talk!" she exclaims, but regains her composure. "Ahem. YOU should introduce yourself first! Since you're INVADING the Bog."

"I'm not invading, I'm just passing by on my way to... I don't know where I'm going, but I have to find a particular person." you say. "I have no name. Only my race: the Skeletal Maw."

"Ohh... Not a named one yet, hm?"

"So who are you?"

"I'm Arta. The one and only!.. well, not only, but one of the few sane humans of these lands." she deflates a bit as she says that.

For some reason, you think inquiring about her recovery from wounds that would leave another person a broken, dead ragdoll would be in bad form... but your curiosity gnaws at you.
>Ask her if she can take you to "Lily Arante". Since she is a native of these lands and all.
>Ask her how she healed so fast from a literal cannonball impersonation.
>Ask her why she came flying from the sky.
>Say goodbye to flying swamp woman and continue on your way.
(multiple may be chosen)
Did she just sexually assault us? Lady you can't just run around slapping people with your tits. Sex pests these days.
>Do not trade for [Stun]

>"I hope you will be fine. Not many could take such an impact from such heigths. How did that even happen?

Also.. could you maybe point me in the direction of the witch Lily Arante? I have something of hers i picked up on my travels and would like to return"
>>Do not trade for [Stun]
>Ask her if she can take you to "Lily Arante". Since she is a native of these lands and all.
>"I hope you will be fine. Not many could take such an impact from such heigths. How did that even happen?
>Trade [Stun] + [Health Shield] for [Life Drain]

>Do not trade for [Stun]
>Ask her if she can take you to "Lily Arante". Since she is a native of these lands and all.
>Trade [Stun] for [Inspire]

>Ask her if she can take you to "Lily Arante". Since she is a native of these lands and all.
>Trade [Stun] + [Health Shield] for [Life Drain]

>Ask her if she can take you to "Lily Arante". Since she is a native of these lands and all.
>Do not trade for [Stun]

>Ask her if she can take you to "Lily Arante". Since she is a native of these lands and all.
Wouldn't hurt to have one speaking companion, even if it's temporary.
Funny idea, what if Cap was a woman the whole time and betrays us when we go to fight the Marebito because she's charmed?
Since we can speak now we have to find the qt3.14 lich and kill her army again, and when she gets teary-eyed and ask why we keep ruining her plans we just tell her 'Cute liches are made for bullying' and then leave.
>"I am a queen of the dead and sovereign of terror I am not cute!"
>"Okay, adorable then."
Do not flirt with the lich bitch. She can't handle the BTC.
What does the T stand for ?
Since we have a precarious balance of 4-3 no Stun - yes Stun, and I'm getting down to writing now, I'll call the vote here so there's no sudden change as I'm working on the update.
>Do not trade for [Stun]
>Ask her if she can take you to "Lily Arante". Since she is a native of these lands and all.
>I hope you will be fine. Not many could take such an impact from such heights. How did that even happen?
"Since you're a native, could you take me to Lily Arante? She's the person I'm looking for."

"The Witch? Yeah, I know her. May I... ride you on the way?"


She climbs quickly on top of you and sits down near Captain.

"Let's go!" Arta yells, and so you're off.

"I hope you will be fine after that fall." you say. "Not many could take such an impact from such heights. How did that even happen?"

"Oh, don't worry, when you live for so long in the Bog you become resilient like this from all the crystals and... fruit you collect." her voice seems to break a little for a second. "I have ways to restore my health. And even revive a couple of times! Anyways, I was just disarming traps of the Dead Eaters a mile or so away, and there was one that was tied to a bent tree to suspend you up in the branches. Well, I made a mistake and it didn't suspend me but throw me up, and then I landed on you and... that's how we're here."

"I see." you say. "I've heard the 'Dead Eaters' name from another person previously. Who are they?"

"They're evil people... They live in the Bog and eat whatever undead or living that find their way in."

"How'd you evade them?"

"Skills I picked up over the years." the swamp girl dismisses your question.


The way is peaceful, interrupted rarely by Arta giving directions.

However, a few miles later you see something shifting beneath the water ahead. As if the ground is rising, and the stale water flowing off to reveal something...

"Shit." you say and prepare to run from the Moss Walker.

[You have been inflicted with [Crippling Moss]]
[Crippling Moss]
[-30% SPD]

It seems like you're fucked.

"STOP!" the swamp woman shouts. The mound seems to slow its movements. Out of its depths, a sound akin to gargling or camel noises escapes, though considerably deeper and louder.

"Yes, I know a Skeletal Maw is a big catch, but please let us pass!" Arta continues. "I'll lead some tribesmen to you later."

The Moss Walker groans, a low, monotonous sound.

"Don't be grumpy! This Maw is under my SPECIAL PROTECTION. You'll get dozens of others like it in the future! Well, maybe not dozens, and maybe not skeletal maws... Anyway, you'll have plenty of prey in the future! So let us pass!"

[You are no longer affected by [Crippling Moss]]

The mound lets out another groan and starts lowering itself back into the water...

"How the fuck did you communicate with that Moss Walker?" you ask Arta once you're safely out of the monster's range.

"Ehehehe, that's a secret! You learn some things when you've lived here as long as I have."

"...Do you evade Dead Eaters the same way? Offering something in exchange for letting you go?"

"No. You can strike a deal with a Moss Walker, not so much with crazy carrion-eating tribespeople."

[You are no longer affected by [Curse of the Bog I]]
[You have been inflicted with [Curse of the Bog II]]
[Curse of the Bog II]
[+40% Water and Cold damage taken]
[+20% Eldritch damage taken]
[-30% MP]
[-100% ALL HP restoration (additive)]

"Ohhh, 2nd level... We'll be there soon." the swamp woman says quietly.

"Are you sure this is the way?" you ask warily.


"How does Lily even live in such conditions?"

"She's got her ways. Others like me don't go here regularly though. Only when we're leading someone through the Bog by the shortest route. Or when we need something from the Witch."

Your journey remains undisturbed. Not even any undead or Moss Walkers cross your path as you get deeper and deeper into the swamp. The water here gets darker, and the red fruit fewer.

Even Arta, humming some melody previously, falls silent.
>Ask Arta something? (write-in)
>Cheer her up somehow. (write-in)
>Travel in silence.
>Ask Arta something?
"So, what are those fruit? And is there anywhere you want for me to drop you off once we're done?"
>[You are no longer affected by [Curse of the Bog I]]
>[You have been inflicted with [Curse of the Bog II]]
>[Curse of the Bog II]
>[+40% Water and Cold damage taken]
>[+20% Eldritch damage taken]
>[-30% MP]
>[-100% ALL HP restoration (additive)]
it really gets worse

>Ask Arta something?
How did the moss cast an status effect on us ?

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