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We are going to play as humans.

Select a few other details and lets go.
>>6185277 (OP)

> Bronze Age
> Iron Age
> Medieval Age

> Low magic
> Vancian
> High magic

> Humans only
> A couple more races
> Lots of different races

> No deities
> One deity (aloof)
> One deity (involved)
> Many aloof deities
> Many deities involved with mortals

Terrain (Bonus)

> Open plains (horses)
> Thick forests (archers)
> Hilly/Mountainous terrain (infantry)

That's all, choose and let's start.
>>6185277 (OP)
> Bronze Age
> Vancian
> Lots of different races
> Many aloof deities
> Open plains (horses)
>Bronze Age
>High magic
>Lots of different races
>Many deities involved with mortals
>Thick forests (archers)
>Bronze Age
>A couple more races
>One deity (involved)
>Thick forests (archers)
Rolled 1 (1d3)


Alright, so it is

> Bronze Age
> Vancian
> Lots of different races
> Deities?
> Thick forests (archers)

And I will roll for deities

1 - many aloof deities
2 - many deities involved with mortals
3 - one deity (involved)
You are Thalric Ravenshade, the leader of Ravenspire, king by right of succession. The council will bring to your attention matters of importance and you will decide what to do. You have had fourteen sons and daughters, but half of them died of diseases.

Your civilization is named Ravenspire, the land is one of thick forests, rolling hills, and winding rivers, a realm steeped in myth and whispered legends. According to ancient tales, your ancestors were guided to these lands by a spirit of the earth in the form of Ravens, who led them to the fertile valleys where they built their first great settlement. Now, your people number around 12,000, spread across 300 square miles of untamed wilderness. About 75 square miles of arable land sustain vast herds—over 10,000 cattle, with sheep and pigs numbering at least twice as many—while the rest of the territory remains dense with towering trees and hidden glades. Two major towns serve as the heart of your kingdom, while scattered villages lie nestled between the forests and hills, their inhabitants bound by tradition and wary of the unknown that lurks beyond their borders. Magic is rare but undeniable; roughly one in a thousand is born with an innate affinity for the arcane, yet many remain undiscovered. Two shamans dwell in one town, two wizards in the other, but there should be more—hidden, lost, or perhaps even taken. Beneath the earth, your land holds three copper mines, their steady yield vital to your forges. To the north, a rich tin deposit lies within contested mountains, its ownership uncertain, as two neighboring realms—Varkosia and Durnholm—covet it for themselves. Alone, each is weaker than you, yet they are kin and could unite against a common foe. Their infantry is formidable, stronger than yours in open battle, but your skilled archers and fortified towns would withstand any siege they dare attempt. To the south, the nomadic horse tribes roam, rarely venturing into your lands except to trade. They call themslves the Tarakhan clans. They seek tin and bronze, paying in silver, hinting at a hidden mine somewhere in their vast, windswept plains. To the west, the sea stretches endlessly, its surface broken by scattered islands, some inhabited, others lost to time. To the east, the great forest grows denser still, its depths shrouded in mystery. Scouts whisper of distant mountains rising beyond the treetops and of strange beings—neither man nor beast—lurking in the gloom. Your realm stands on the edge of the unknown, surrounded by both peril and opportunity, its future yet to be written.

Your two major towns are Eldermere, where the council gathers and trade flourishes, and Duskwood, built on the edge of the great eastern forest, home to hunters, rangers and scholars who seek to understand the mysteries of the wild.

Your four casters are:

Shaman Kaelen (Level 4) – A wise elder from Duskwood, deeply attuned to the spirits of the land and skilled in nature-based magic.
Shaman Veyla (Level 2) – A younger, ambitious shaman from Eldermere, still learning but gifted with visions of the future.
Wizard Sorin (Level 3) – A scholar-mage from Eldermere, specializing in elemental magic and ancient runes.
Wizard Lysara (Level 1) – A reclusive spellcaster from Duskwood, her talent raw but showing potential in illusion and divination.

The army of Ravenspire is modest in size but highly disciplined, designed to take advantage of the kingdom's dense forests and natural terrain. It consists of approximately 1,200 standing troops, with archers forming the backbone of the military. Around 500 skilled bowmen are trained in ambush tactics, hit-and-run attacks, and using the forest as both shield and weapon. Supporting them are 400 spearmen, lightly armored infantry equipped with spears and wooden shields, primarily used to hold defensive lines and guard the archers. Close combat is handled by 200 swordsmen, more heavily armored and trained for decisive engagements or leading charges. Though limited by the terrain, the army also includes 50 light cavalry scouts, who patrol the borders and provide reconnaissance, though they are rarely used in full-scale battles. A small unit of 50 elite rangers completes the force, highly trained in stealth, tracking, and guerilla warfare. These rangers operate as the eyes and ears of the army, capable of navigating even the deepest forests with ease. In times of crisis, Ravenspire can call upon an additional 2,000 militia from its villages, though these recruits are poorly equipped and lack formal training, serving mainly as reserves or support. The strength of Ravenspire's military lies not in its numbers but in its ability to use the forests to its advantage, making it a formidable foe for any would-be invader.

The army of Ravenspire is spread across the kingdom, with forces stationed throughout the dense forests and scattered villages. At any given time, only about 10% of the military can be mobilized for active duty, roughly 120 troops. The rest remain dispersed, guarding settlements, patrolling borders, and maintaining the kingdom's defenses. Of the mobilized forces, 50 are archers, 40 are spearmen, 20 are swordsmen, the remaining 10 are rangers, the elite of the force.

The most popular deity in Ravenspire is Sylvara, the Verdant Mother. Many other gods and goddesses are honored in the settlements, but state sponsored worship goes only to Sylvara.

Population Sectors and Attitudes

Sectors and Attitudes
Nobility – 7/10 (Confident)
Military – 4/10 (Cautious)
Common Folk (Farmers, Laborers) – 6/10 (Hopeful)
Merchants and Traders – 3/10 (Uncertain)
Religious Leaders – 6/10 (Hopeful)
Scholars and Mages – 5/10 (Neutral)
Rebels/Disenfranchised – 1/10 (Dismayed)
Rural Villages – 4/10 (Cautious)
Foreign Diplomats – 2/10 (Apprehensive)
Council of Advisors – 5/10 (Neutral)

Here is the composition of your council:

General Ulric Stormshield
Role: Military Advisor
Competence: 9/10 – Expert
Loyalty: 9/10 – Unyielding

Emira Goldleaf
Role: Economic Advisor
Competence: 8/10 – Adept
Loyalty: 7/10 – Steady

Sorin Eldermage
Role: Magic Advisor
Competence: 6/10 – Journeyman
Loyalty: 7/10 – Steady

Lady Alina Valebrook
Role: Diplomatic Advisor
Competence: 8/10 – Adept
Loyalty: 8/10 – Dedicated

Alden Thorne
Role: Cultural Advisor
Competence: 6/10 – Journeyman
Loyalty: 6/10 – Reliable

Sister Elira Dawnwhisper
Role: Religious Advisor
Competence: 4/10 – Apprentice
Loyalty: 8/10 – Dedicated

The Council gets together! This is what they have to report.

Military Advisor
"Varkosia has been showing signs of hostility. Their patrols along the border have increased significantly, likely in response to our own military movements. We need to keep a close eye on their activities, as it could signal preparations for an incursion or at the very least, heightened tension between our two kingdoms."

Economic Advisor
"There's promising news on the trade front. A potential new route has opened up with a distant kingdom, which could bring substantial wealth into our coffers. However, this will require some initial investment in infrastructure and securing our borders to ensure safe passage. We should also consider the long-term benefits of this new economic relationship."

Magic Advisor
"Unsettling reports have surfaced from the enchanted forests. Strange disturbances have been observed—anomalies in the elemental forces, possibly linked to an unstable rift in the fabric of magic itself. We don't yet know the full scope of the issue, but it could pose a threat to the kingdom's magical balance. I recommend sending a team of skilled mages to investigate."

Diplomatic Advisor
"Varkosia is becoming increasingly aggressive in their movements near our borders. Intelligence suggests they are massing troops, and there are fears they may be preparing for some form of invasion. If their intentions are hostile, we may need to bolster our defenses, though an outright conflict would likely be disastrous for both sides."

Cultural Advisor
"The mood among the people is troubling. There has been a sharp increase in black market activity, particularly in luxury goods like fine wines and silks. This suggests that the people may feel the pressure of economic strain or dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. We may need to address this issue through better regulation or increased public morale efforts."

Religious Advisor
"The people are growing restless. There's been a noticeable decline in spiritual gatherings, and discontent is rising among the clergy. The absence of large religious festivals is being felt, and the people are demanding a grand celebration to renew their faith and loyalty to the crown. This could be an opportunity to strengthen our connection with the people, but it also requires resources and careful planning."

What do you want to do?

It is the year 327. Estimated population is 12,000. You have 500 silver. Your current income is 30 silver per year from taxes. Your current upkeep is 10 silver per year, mainly with the army. For a total income of +20 silver per year.

> Strengthen Border Defenses
Increase patrols and fortify key border areas to deter Varkosia’s potential aggression.
Cost: 80 silver (for additional troops, equipment, and fortification efforts)
> Build Infrastructure for New Trade Route
Invest in roads and secure trading posts to facilitate the new trade route and ensure safe passage. +10 income.
Cost: 60 silver (for construction, guards, and transport materials)
> Send Mages to Investigate Magical Disturbance
Deploy a team escorting your mages to investigate the elemental rift and ensure the kingdom’s magical safety.
Cost: 40 silver (for travel expenses, supplies, and mage compensation)
> Create a Diplomatic Response to Varkosia
Send a diplomatic envoy to Varkosia to defuse tensions and open a dialogue before any potential conflict escalates.
Cost: 30 silver (for diplomatic mission, bribes, and security)
> Implement Black Market Regulation
Establish better control over the black market and implement stricter trade laws to prevent illegal transactions.
Cost: 50 silver (for additional enforcement officers, intelligence gathering, and surveillance)
> Organize a Grand Religious Festival
Hold a large-scale religious festival to restore faith and morale among the people, appeasing both the clergy and the general population.
Cost: 70 silver (for preparations, offerings, and venue management)
> Recruit Additional Rangers and Scouts
Raise an elite group of rangers and scouts to conduct regular surveillance of the border and keep an eye on enemy movements.
Cost: 50 silver (for recruitment, training, and equipment)
> Build Fortifications at Key Border Points
Construct defensive structures like watchtowers, walls, and outposts at critical locations to fortify your kingdom’s borders.
Cost: 90 silver (for materials and labor)
> Fund a Public Morale Campaign
Launch a public campaign to boost morale, including art, festivals, and propaganda that promotes the prosperity of the kingdom and unity under your rule.
Cost: 40 silver (for public events and materials)
> Write in
Updates are once a day. You may choose as many actions as you want, limited only by how much silver you have.
> Strengthen Border Defenses
> Build Infrastructure for New Trade Route
> Create a Diplomatic Response to Varkosia
> Implement Black Market Regulation
> Build Fortifications at Key Border Points
> Fund a Public Morale Campaign

> Write in: Invest in wine production and aquisition. The people want their wine
>Strengthen Border Defenses
>Build Infrastructure for New Trade Route
>Create a Diplomatic Response to Varkosia
>Build Fortifications at Key Border Points
>Strengthen Border Defenses
> Build Infrastructure for New Trade Route
> Send Mages to Investigate Magical Disturbance
> Create a Diplomatic Response to Varkosia
> Organize a Grand Religious Festival
80+60+40+30+70 = 280s
I think doing fortifications at the same time as strengthening our border seems overkill since we can descalate it. we should send the mages to verify what's going on in the magic forest and if possible also do a religious festival
You have a point about overkill. However, I think focusing on threats to our security is a more pressing concern at the moment than morale. We shouldn’t blow more money than we need to, especially when we’re still so early into the thread and there’s still some unknowingness to what choices we’ll have next.
Revising my vote to this.
>Strengthen Border Defenses
>Build Infrastructure for New Trade Route
>Create a Diplomatic Response to Varkosia
>Send Mages to Investigate Magical Disturbance

The general consensus seems to be:

>Strengthen Border Defenses
>Build Infrastructure for New Trade Route
>Create a Diplomatic Response to Varkosia
>Send Mages to Investigate Magical Disturbance

For an expenditure of 210 silver!

You invest some money on border defense to deter Varkosia, mobilizing about half of your forces to the border and building some fortifications.

Meanwhile, a new road is opened bordering the forest and plains to the southeast, connecting several small villages and leading to a road network built by our newly found neighbours, which we soon learn call themselves Anurak.

They have a large walled city on the edge of a swamp and trade in grains and metals. They also sell spices and rare herbs. Soon the trade is flowing, and with our new trade posts the merchants don't need to be exposed in the road for many days

The Anurak, noticing our trade and infrastructure efforts, send a diplomatic representation to our city, composed of about twenty people. They bring gifts worth about 50 silver, including a magic dagger that glows in the dark. Their mages must be powerful indeed!

> Let them establish an embassy
> Give them gifts to foster goodwill (20 silver)
> Receive their gifts but send them away
> Refuse their gifts and send them away

We dispatch diplomats to Varkosia. The news we receive is that they have a new council, one who are interested in annexing the tin producing region, and they see us as the greatest threat to their expansionistic ambitions. They are convinced we are going to attack them first, and our moves on the border only made them more wary.

> Attack Varkosia preemptively (start a war)
> Offer your protection to the neutral enclave in the tin mining region
> Send a force of a hundred soldiers in disguise to the tin mining region (20 silver)
> Pay bandits to sabotage the Varkosia operations in the region (20 silver)

Close to winter many of our merchants and border troops report frequent skirmishes by armed bands in the region. We were unable to send a prompt response for winter was closing in and that region is very treacherous in the colder months, we could lose many troops simply to the terrain.

> Mount an offensive into Varkosia to route out the bandits
> Send a strongly worded letter to the leaders of Varkosia about bandits
> Call off all trade with Varkosia (-10 silver per year)

We send our mages to investigate the weird disturbance in the magical forest. They find a feral girl with powerful magic that was the source of the disturbances. About a dozen soldiers were killed before we managed to catch her. Though powerful, she's out of control and don't trust our people. Her magic summons demons that can shapeshift and become invisible! Our mages theorize that her repeatedly summoning small demons has weakened the barrier between this world and the demon world, and drawn attention from more powerful demons.

Our soldiers have dragged her back in manacles, after beating her unconscious.

> Sacrifice the witch in a ritual to appease the gods
> Put the demonic witch to death by burning
> Lock the witch in our dungeons
> Talk to the witch to arrange her escape and finance her activities

The council meets again! These are the concerns they bring to your attention:

Military Advisor
"Our scouts have reported unusual movements from the Tarakhan Clans. They seem to be rallying warbands near our eastern border, possibly preparing for a raid. While they haven’t crossed into our lands yet, their presence is unsettling, and we should decide whether to prepare a defensive force or attempt negotiations."

Economic Advisor
"The recent influx of trade has been a boon to our treasury, but some merchants have been complaining about rising tolls along key routes. If left unchecked, this could drive traders elsewhere, reducing our revenues in the long run. A review of our taxation policies may be necessary."

Magic Advisor
"An apprentice in the capital has shown remarkable talent in elemental magic, far beyond what we would expect for his age. If properly trained, he could become a valuable asset to the kingdom. However, there are whispers that his powers manifest unpredictably, and some fear his potential lack of control."

Diplomatic Advisor
"Messengers from Durnholm have arrived with a formal request for a non-aggression pact. Given their rivalry with Varkosia, this could strengthen our position, but binding ourselves to them may strain our relations with other factions. We must decide whether to accept, reject, or negotiate better terms."

Cultural Advisor
"Discontent is stirring in the countryside. Many villagers are growing frustrated with the heavy levies imposed to support the army. There are no signs of rebellion yet, but if their concerns are not addressed, we risk unrest spreading beyond a few isolated communities."

Religious Advisor
"A group of zealous preachers has begun stirring up the populace, claiming the kingdom has strayed from the true path. Their rhetoric is growing increasingly inflammatory, and they are drawing a sizable following. If this continues unchecked, it could undermine both the established faith and your authority."
You are King Thalric Ravenshade. It is the year 328. Estimated population is 12,500. You have 360 silver in your treasury. Your current income is 40 silver per year from taxes. Your current upkeep is 10 silver per year, mainly with the army. For a total income of +30 silver per year.

What do you want to do?

> Mobilize Border Defenses
Deploy additional rangers and fortify outposts near the eastern border to deter the Tarakhan Clans from launching a raid. (+5 upkeep with the army)
Cost: 70 silver (for increased patrols, fortifications, and supplies)
> Send Emissaries to the Tarakhan Clans
Attempt to negotiate with the Tarakhan warbands before they resort to violence, offering trade incentives or warning of consequences.
Cost: 40 silver (for diplomatic envoy and security detail)
> Reduce Trade Tolls
Lower or standardize merchant tolls to encourage continued trade and prevent economic stagnation.
Cost: 30 silver (loss in short-term tax revenue, but potential long-term gains)
> Appoint a Mentor for the Young Mage
Assign a skilled magic instructor to train the gifted apprentice and monitor his progress to ensure he does not become a threat.
Cost: 50 silver (for magical training, accommodations, and supervision)
> Negotiate a Better Pact with Durnholm
Accept the non-aggression pact but attempt to add favorable clauses, such as trade privileges or military support in case of war.
Cost: 30 silver (for negotiation efforts and diplomatic gifts)
> Ease the Burden on the Peasantry
Reduce levies on the rural population and introduce alternative ways to fund the army, such as tariffs on foreign traders.
Cost: 60 silver (short-term loss in tax revenue, but improved morale and stability)
> Investigate the Zealous Preachers
Send agents to monitor the radical religious movement and determine if it poses a true threat or if it can be brought under control.
Cost: 40 silver (for intelligence gathering and potential countermeasures)
> Publicly Endorse the Established Faith
Hold religious ceremonies and issue proclamations reaffirming support for the traditional faith to counteract the influence of the radical preachers.
Cost: 50 silver (for ceremonies, clergy support, and public declarations)
> Investigate the Forest for More Demonic Activity
Send scouts and mages into the eastern forests to determine if the recent magical disturbances indicate a resurgence of demonic presence.
Cost: 80 silver (for trained personnel, magical wards, and equipment)
> Recruit More Rangers to Secure the Borders
Expand the ranger corps to better patrol key areas, especially in regions vulnerable to raiders and internal unrest.
Cost: 90 silver (for training, weapons, and long-term deployment of new rangers)
> Write in
>Let them establish an embassy
>Offer your protection to the neutral enclave in the tin mining region
>Mount an offensive into Varkosia to route out the bandits
>Sacrifice the witch in a ritual to appease the gods
>Send Emissaries to the Tarakhan Clans
>Reduce Trade Tolls
>Negotiate a Better Pact with Durnholm
>Investigate the Zealous Preachers
>Let them establish an embassy

>Offer your protection to the neutral enclave in the tin mining region

>Mount an offensive into Varkosia to route out the bandits

>Sacrifice the witch in a ritual to appease the gods
>Send Emissaries to the Tarakhan Clans
>Reduce Trade Tolls
>Appoint a Mentor for the Young Mage
>Negotiate a Better Pact with Durnholm
>Investigate the Zealous Preachers
File: Pottery.jpg (3.03 MB, 6393x3481)
3.03 MB
3.03 MB JPG
> Give them gifts to foster goodwill (20 silver).
> Offer your protection to the neutral enclave in the tin mining region.
> Mount an offensive into Varkosia to route out the bandits.
> Sacrifice the witch in a ritual to appease the gods.
> Send Emissaries to the Tarakhan Clans.
> Appoint a Mentor for the Young Mage.
> Negotiate a Better Pact with Durnholm.
> Publicly Endorse the Established Faith.

Consensus seems to be

>Let them establish an embassy
>Offer your protection to the neutral enclave in the tin mining region
>Mount an offensive into Varkosia to route out the bandits
>Sacrifice the witch in a ritual to appease the gods

>Send Emissaries to the Tarakhan Clans
>Reduce Trade Tolls
> Appoint a Mentor for the Young Mage.
>Negotiate a Better Pact with Durnholm
>Investigate the Zealous Preachers


You grant the Anurak permission to establish an embassy within your lands. While they refrain from preaching their strange foreign gods, their presence alone draws many curious souls. Merchants, scholars, and even some nobles seek their knowledge, intrigued by their customs and philosophies. Over time, whispers of their gods begin to surface in taverns and marketplaces, and small circles of followers emerge among the populace. Though no open conflict arises, the priests of your own faith grow uneasy, watching warily as foreign beliefs take root in your land.

Recognizing the strategic importance of the tin mines, you extend your protection over the neutral enclave. The enclave prospers under your watch, growing into a wealthy trade hub. Its leaders, grateful for your aid, propose hiring 100 of your archers as mercenaries in exchange for tin, valued at 5 silver per year.

> Accept Their Proposal
> Decline Their Proposal
> Demand 10 Silver Instead

Determined to rid the region of the lawless brigands, you send troops into Varkosia. After several weeks of bloody skirmishes, the bandit menace is greatly reduced—but not eradicated. Your campaign does not go unnoticed. A formal letter arrives from Varkosia’s rulers, declaring that if you do not withdraw your forces at once, they will treat your presence as an unprovoked act of war.

> "So Be It! Attack Varkosia!" (Declare War)
> "Retreat Your Troops Back to Your Territory."
> "Bribe Their Scouts to Pretend They Didn’t See You." (10 Gold)

The accused witch is bound and cast into the sacred flames, her screams rising into the night sky. As the fire consumes her, the shaman falls into a trance and receives a terrifying vision—this girl was not just a witch; she was the daughter of a demon! Her mother died in childbirth, and the demon remains at large, lurking in the shadows. The sacrifice may have delayed disaster, but the true danger still lurks in the dark corners of your realm.

A delegation is dispatched to the Tarakhan warbands, laden with gifts and words of diplomacy. Your envoys navigate the rough terrain and harsher politics of the clans, attempting to secure peace. The results are uncertain—some chieftains seem open to dialogue, while others scoff at your offers.
"If you are really serious about wanting diplomatic relations with you, you will declare war on our hated enemies the Anurak and join our effort to rid the world of their menace! If you do, we'll be allies!"
> Declare war on the Anurak (join an alliance with the Tarakahn warbands)
> Offer the Tarakhan 20 silver to appease them and leave it at that
> We cannot do it, the Anurak are our friends

Recognizing the growing frustration of merchants, you lower the tolls on key trade routes. Caravans flow more freely, commerce flourishes, and your markets swell with exotic goods. In the short term, this causes a dip in direct tax revenue, but over time, increased trade may more than compensate for the loss. However, local nobility, who relied on those tolls for personal gain, are displeased and may seek other ways to maintain their wealth.

The young apprentice with untamed power is placed under the tutelage of a seasoned wizard. With careful training, he starts to learn how to control his abilities, and his potential grows. In time, he may become a formidable asset—or a dangerous liability, should ambition cloud his loyalty. His fate is now entwined with your kingdom's future.

Rather than blindly accepting their terms, you send diplomats to renegotiate. After weeks of careful bargaining, an improved pact is reached. Durnholm agrees to the non-aggression treaty but also grants your merchants some preferential trade rights, strengthening your economy (+5 silver income). However, Varkosia takes note of this alliance and views it as a sign that you are aligning against them. Future relations with Varkosia may now be more fraught.

Your agents infiltrate the gatherings of the radical preachers, listening to their fiery sermons and watching their growing influence. Their words stir unrest, and their numbers swell. After thorough investigation, your spies bring troubling news—these zealots are not merely disillusioned citizens but are backed by a foreign power, seeking to weaken your rule from within. Their movement, if left unchecked, could become a serious threat to the kingdom's stability.

> Continue investigating to determine which foreign power is responsible
> Charge a hefty tax on all religions not sponsored by the state
> Ban the new faith and execute anyone who preaches it

The council meets again!

Military Advisor
"Your Majesty, troubling reports have reached us from the coast. Fishermen and traders whisper of strange ships lingering beyond our waters, their sails unfamiliar, their intent unclear. Some claim they are mere smugglers, avoiding tariffs and royal scrutiny. Others fear they may be raiders, testing our defenses before launching an assault. If these rumors hold truth, we must act before our shores are put to the torch. Our coastal defenses are sparse, and the garrisons stationed there are ill-equipped for a naval threat. Should these unknown vessels belong to a hostile force, we may not have the strength to repel them."

Economic Advisor
"Trade has slowed due to fear of instability near Varkosia, reducing tax revenue. However, the tin mines remain productive, and we could leverage this resource to strengthen our economy through exports or better trade agreements."

Magic Advisor
"The young mage under mentorship is progressing at an alarming rate, but his recklessness is concerning. Additionally, reports from a village near the eastern forests speak of strange lights at night and missing livestock. Given past concerns of demonic activity, this should be investigated."

Diplomatic Advisor
"The Tarakhan Clans remain unpredictable. Some leaders favor diplomacy, but others continue raiding. A warband has been spotted near our borders. Meanwhile, Durnholm has proposed a mutual defense pact against Varkosia. Such an alliance could be beneficial but would also tie us to their conflicts."

Cultural Advisor
"The people grow uneasy with rumors of war, bandit attacks, and strange happenings. A festival or public event could raise morale. The Anurak embassy continues to draw interest, and while they do not preach, their foreign philosophy is gaining traction. The kingdom’s priests are growing concerned."

Religious Advisor
"The Anurak presence is creating division, and some priests call for restrictions on their influence. Meanwhile, the witch’s sacrifice has not ended our troubles. The demon that fathered her may still be lurking, and we should take measures to track it down before its corruption spreads."
You are King Thalric Ravenshade. It is the year 329. Estimated population is 13,000. You have 200 silver in your treasury. Your current income is 40 silver per year from taxes. Your current upkeep is 10 silver per year, mainly with the army. For a total income of +30 silver per year.

> Recruit additional scouts for border patrols (50 silver) – Strengthen surveillance along the borders to deter further incursions and identify potential threats before they escalate. (Reduces risk of surprise attacks but costs resources.)
> Impose heavier tariffs on foreign merchants (40 silver) – Increase tax revenue by placing stricter trade tolls on foreign caravans. This would bolster the economy but may anger trading partners. (Short-term economic gain +10~60 silver, +5~15 silver income, risk of diplomatic tensions.)
> Send diplomats to Varkosia to ease tensions (30 silver) – A formal mission to discuss your military actions and smooth over the situation before it escalates into open war. (Chance to avoid hostilities, but Varkosia may demand concessions.)
> Grant special privileges to loyal religious leaders (50 silver) – By strengthening the influence of your kingdom’s dominant faith, you reinforce loyalty among the faithful and counter growing foreign religious influences. However, other sects may grow resentful. (Reduces foreign religious influence, risks alienating minority faiths.)
> Expand mining operations in the tin region (70 silver) – Invest in improving infrastructure around the mines to maximize productivity. This will increase resource income but could lead to labor disputes. (Economic boost +10~30 income, risk of worker dissatisfaction.)
> Offer land grants to nobles in exchange for military support (80 silver) – Encourage noble houses to raise their own forces, strengthening your military without direct royal expenditure. However, this could increase noble power. (More troops available +10~30% extra troops, but nobles gain influence.)
> Investigate possible corruption among tax collectors (40 silver) – Some treasury losses may be due to embezzlement. A thorough audit could recover funds but risks upsetting the bureaucratic elite. (Potential silver recovery +10~200 silver, risk of angering officials.)
> Conduct magical research into demonic threats (60 silver) – Task scholars with studying potential methods to detect and combat demonic entities before they can cause harm. (Increases magical preparedness, but requires funding.)
> Strengthen coastal defenses (90 silver) – If rumors of maritime threats are true, fortifying key ports could prevent future raids. However, this diverts resources from inland defense. (Increases naval security, weakens focus elsewhere.)
> Write in
took awhile to write, I got busy
see ya tomorrow
>Demand 10 Silver Instead
>"Retreat Your Troops Back to Your Territory."
Hopefully making the bandits an endangered species sent a good enough message.
>Declare war on the Anurak (join an alliance with the Tarakahn warbands)
>Continue investigating to determine which foreign power is responsible
> Impose heavier tariffs on foreign merchants (40 silver) – Increase tax revenue by placing stricter trade tolls on foreign caravans. This would bolster the economy but may anger trading partners. (Short-term economic gain +10~60 silver, +5~15 silver income, risk of diplomatic tensions.)
> Expand mining operations in the tin region (70 silver) – Invest in improving infrastructure around the mines to maximize productivity. This will increase resource income but could lead to labor disputes. (Economic boost +10~30 income, risk of worker dissatisfaction.)
> Investigate possible corruption among tax collectors (40 silver) – Some treasury losses may be due to embezzlement. A thorough audit could recover funds but risks upsetting the bureaucratic elite. (Potential silver recovery +10~200 silver, risk of angering officials.)
We need to start being very frugal with our spending.
>Demand 10 Silver Instead

>"Retreat Your Troops Back to Your Territory."

>We cannot do it, the Anurak are our friends
I'm not declaring war right after opening trade and their embassy. I could support paying them to fuck off, but that's it.
>Continue investigating to determine which foreign power is responsible
>Grant special privileges to loyal religious leaders (50 silver) – By strengthening the influence of your kingdom’s dominant faith, you reinforce loyalty among the faithful and counter growing foreign religious influences. However, other sects may grow resentful. (Reduces foreign religious influence, risks alienating minority faiths)
> Expand mining operations in the tin region (70 silver) – Invest in improving infrastructure around the mines to maximize productivity. This will increase resource income but could lead to labor disputes. (Economic boost +10~30 income, risk of worker dissatisfaction.)
> Investigate possible corruption among tax collectors (40 silver) – Some treasury losses may be due to embezzlement. A thorough audit could recover funds but risks upsetting the bureaucratic elite. (Potential silver recovery +10~200 silver, risk of angering officials.)
with this we deal with the religious problem, get some money back and invest in our money maker rn.

The votes are too different, gonna wait for a tiebreaker otherwise I'll roll.
let's see if a third guy shows up
I'm a third guy, And I support You!
thanks, but that 1 id make things suspicious and now I'm reminded OP hasn't returned since friday.
QM ?
Welp, it was an interesting CIV Quest before falling to the same fate of others

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