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“We’ll be back in a year, just remember your job lad. The lamp is in good order, as is the horn. You’ve plenty of provisions, oil, and coal. You should be able to take care of any issues with the workshop. Stay sharp though lad, don’t get complacent. The storms will start up in a few more weeks, and Saint Brendan’s has a way of getting to you after a while. Keep your hands busy and stay on top of things though, and you’ll be fine.”

The Captain extends his hand, which you accept in a farewell shake. It is a weathered appendage, worn from a lifetime of voyaging across the seas and from his advanced age, but there is still a weary strength to it. He gives you a few firm shakes before releasing his grip.

“Mind the light and hold fast lad.”

With this final dispensation of wisdom the Captain turns and makes his way up the gang plank to his small tramp freighter. The Cape Rose is aged, covered in rust and barely worthy of the honor of being a ship. Black smoke rises as her boilers set to turning her screw, and a handful of her crew members wave at you as she slinks away.

They were the same men who unloaded the tons of supplies needed for you to see to your task on Saint Brendan’s Isle. To man the lighthouse that even now loomed at the periphery of your sight, ensuring that it warned off nearby ships from the jagged black rocks that surround and make up the isle.

You wave back to the men, they had done their job well and provided some company on the long voyage from the mainland. Turning from the small ship as she heads out to sea you take in the sight of your new home.

Saint Brendan’s is a relatively small land mass, made up of sharp volcanic rock that thrusts up from the ocean in dramatic cliff faces and curving coves. You are standing on a weather-beaten quay, made out of decidedly non-native grey granite blocks, in the largest of these coves. Dark sand makes up a miniscule beach around the edges of the manmade structure, and you had spied a few similar landings from the Cape Rose as she made her initial approach. But those shores were guarded by more of the volcanic stone, with menacing spires reaching from the depths, breaking rolling waves from the open ocean before they could assault the land proper with their full fury.

All manner of seagrass, kelp, and sargassum clings to these sentinels, bringing some dull color to the black rocks while barnacles and other mollusks add to their sharpness. While above the roiling currents moss and lichen lurk in crevasses along the cliff face.

Next to the quay lies a small boathouse, made up of the same granite and barred with a heavy metal door. It is a squat and thickly built structure, armored against the wrath of crashing breakers that presumably thunder against the landing during winter storms.
>>6185726 (OP)
Beyond that a path criss-crosses up a less steep section of cliff face, leading up onto the plateau that makes up a slim majority of the isle. You begin an unhurried hike up its carven steps. It is somewhat tiring, but hardly insurmountable. Afterall it was the only path to bring supplies and equipment to both the lighthouse and the warehouse that fed it.

The walk gives you time to reflect on yourself, something that you suppose would happen often enough during your year of isolation.

University had been going well enough, but a break was needed away from the campus and professors. But why the lighthouse? Why become a Lightkeeper?

>A broken heart.
>An opportunity for study.
>A lack of funding.

It is rather brave of you to peer behind the curtain, but I would advise against doing so. That which is contained in these margins is not for you to peruse without consequence. But if you are committed to an… alternative way of progression I would invite you to choose one of the above options in addition to this. If you manage to convince a majority… of its wisdom that is.
>And something else.
>A broken heart.

Need a reset.
>>A broken heart.
>And something else.
I know this is bait yet I cannot help it
>A broken heart.

We need time alone to heal.
>>A broken heart.
>And something else.
>A broken heart.
>And something else.
>A broken heart.
>And something else.

Your heart is broken.
How very interesting.

The story continues...
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You still miss her. Even the faintest memory causes you to tear up as you ascend the cliff. You had to leave, the emotions wer–ARE too strong! And the hushed conversations, the suspicious looks, the sickening gossip! It was all too much!

What happened wasn’t your fault! Couldn’t they see that!?

Couldn’t they see that you missed her?

You had decided that you would leave the University, at least for a time. It would be impossible for you to finish your studies with the rumors. And you had no desire to do anything but grieve.

You planned to stay with some distant relatives in the countryside and lose yourself among the nature and manual labor. Far away from the scorn of others, perhaps you could have found some form of succor given time.

The letter had changed that plan.

Moving your hand to your breast pocket you can fill the crinkle of paper underneath the thin fabric of your shirt. The letter had brought you to the Company, to the lighthouse, with nary a word to anyone from your past. Practically disappearing off the face of the Earth.

“Perhaps for the better.” one part of you thought bitterly.

Wiping away tears you finally make it to the plateau, a worn path leading through short grass and around jutting rock towards the other structures on the isle. A squat warehouse shielded from the wind in a small dell and the tall lighthouse, standing proud a little beyond. Both are made up of darker stone than the landing, the blocks being hewn from native stone sourced from the plateau rather than dragged up the cliff face.

The warehouse housed a majority of your stores from food, to spare parts, and other consumables. It also served as the main repository for your fuel stores, oil for the lamp and coal for heating and electricity generation. A steam powered generator and battery bank take up a portion of the warehouse, as well as a small workshop and the large oil tanks. A series of long pipes ferries the oil to the lamp, but everything else must be manually brought to the towering lighthouse. The lighthouse itself houses the lamp, fog horn, and your quarters which take up the lower section of the tower.

With the Cape Rose already disappearing over the horizon you feel rather aimless, what should you do before the sun starts to set?

>Set out to the lighthouse, examine your quarters and your two charges.
>Stop at the warehouse, take stock of your supplies and equipment.
>Tour the plateau, get to know your new home.
>Something else?
>Set out to the lighthouse, examine your quarters and your two charges.
Oh nice were on
>Stop at the warehouse, take stock of your supplies and equipment.
>Set out to the lighthouse, examine your quarters and your two charges.
>Set out to the lighthouse, examine your quarters and your two charges.
>>Set out to the lighthouse, examine your quarters and your two charges.

Onward to the lighthouse.

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