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You are Astra, a fledgling angel still in training, entrusted with your very first mission! A mischievous imp has slipped through the celestial veil and descended into the mortal realm, and it’s up to you to track it down before it wreaks havoc.

Though imps may seem like mere pests, their danger should never be underestimated. Given time—and enough harvested souls—even the smallest of these fiends can ascend to the rank of a demon lord, threatening to plunge the world into darkness and spark a full-scale demonic invasion. Failure is not an option.

Let's see... what the tech level of the world you've been assigned to?

> Stone Age – Tribes and survival, where fire is a newfound wonder.
> Bronze Age – The rise of kingdoms, chariots, and the first great cities.
> Iron Age – Empires expand, warriors clad in steel march to war.
> Medieval – Castles, knights, and the struggle between faith and power.
> Renaissance – A time of art, discovery, and political intrigue.
> Modern – The world of industry, firearms, and global conflicts.
> Cyberpunk – A neon-drenched dystopia where megacorporations reign.
> Spacefaring – Humanity among the stars, with technology beyond imagination.
>>6185799 (OP)
Seems like a cool setting for angels and demons
>>6185799 (OP)
>Cyberpunk – A neon-drenched dystopia where megacorporations reign.
Reminds me of Demon Lord 2099
>>6185799 (OP)
> Medieval – Castles, knights, and the struggle between faith and power.
ez mode
>>6185799 (OP)
> Spacefaring – Humanity among the stars, with technology beyond imagination.
At our level nothing the angel and the imp do will be world shattering to mankind, meaning the imp at his level should have an harder time to wreck havoc.
Also I like space
>>6185799 (OP)
>Cyberpunk – A neon-drenched dystopia where megacorporations reign.
>>6185799 (OP)
> Cyberpunk – A neon-drenched dystopia where megacorporations reign.
Drifting down from the celestial plane, you emerge into the mortal world clad in nothing but your radiant wings and a shimmering aureole above your head. The air is thick with unfamiliar scents, the sky dull compared to the divine brilliance you’ve always known. Yet, there’s no time to marvel—your mission is clear.

Taking to the skies, you begin your search for the rogue imp, scanning the city below. However, your flight is abruptly interrupted as a swarm of mechanical constructs—small, buzzing, and unrelenting—close in on you. Their lenses flash, capturing images at an alarming rate.

“These humans are far too indecent,” you mutter, wrapping your arms around yourself in an attempt to shield your celestial form from their prying eyes. With a desperate prayer for aid, divine light engulfs you, and in an instant, culturally appropriate garments materialize over your body.

Well… mostly appropriate.

You glance down at the outfit, your expression tightening. The fabric clings a little too much, the skirt is distressingly short, and the overall effect feels more like a questionable costume than holy attire. Before you can complain, divine intervention strikes again—quite literally this time. A massive tome plummets from the heavens, landing squarely on your head with a loud thud. The impact knocks you from the sky, sending you plummeting straight into—


With a startled yelp, you crash into an unsuspecting girl, both of you sprawling onto the ground.

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” you exclaim, scrambling off of her. “I’m, uh, really new to this.”

The girl groans, rubbing her head. “Oww… New to what? Who even are you?”

Puffing up slightly, you compose yourself and declare, “I am Astra, an angel-in-training! I’ve been sent to hunt down an imp that has escaped from Hell and is now wreaking havoc in the mortal world. Have you seen anything… suspicious?”

The girl gives you a long, silent stare before muttering, “What a weirdo…” and walking away.

You blink, watching her disappear into the city’s endless sea of mortals.

“Oh well… this might be harder than I thought.”

With a sigh, you retrieve the fallen tome and settle beneath a towering tree in what appears to be a public park. You crack open the book, and as you flip through the pages, they shimmer and shift, words rearranging themselves in an animated, almost living script.

“Alright, let’s see… If I need something, I just pray for it and hope for the best…” you mumble, frowning. “There are a bunch of powers I can unlock, but they all sound so complicated…”

Your eyes scan the pages until one particular ability catches your attention.

“Detect Evil! Perfect! That will definitely help!”

Determined, you spend the next while studying the ability, practicing the incantations, and familiarizing yourself with the divine energies required to wield it. Once you feel confident enough, you rise into the sky once more, wings spreading wide as you prepare to cast the spell.

The moment Detect Evil activates, a surge of overwhelming darkness floods your senses. Your vision is nearly blinded by the sheer volume of malevolent energy pulsing through the city. Hundreds—no, thousands—of corrupted souls light up your awareness, a web of sin and wickedness sprawling in every direction.

Your breath catches.

“By the Holy Angels… This city is infested!”

Clearly, this is far worse than you anticipated. One little imp is the least of your concerns. If you’re going to succeed, you’ll need more than just raw determination—you need power.

What will you do next?

> You may need to cleanse the city of its wickedness. Research “Purge Evil.”
> You may need a mortal warrior to aid you. Research “Shapechange.”
> This is too much for an angel-in-training. You need divine intervention. Research “Miracle.”
> Write in
>You may need a mortal warrior to aid you. Research “Shapechange.”
>Perhaps there is something worth protecting in this city, especially with an imp at large, plus you could use some encouragement. Research "Detect good"
>This is too much for an angel-in-training. You need divine intervention. Research “Miracle.”
Honestly, I really like how this idea >>6186306 could work narratively So I'm switching my vote from >>6186303
>Detect good
Destroying evil leads to an empty world, what you need to do is foster and protect good
>> You may need a mortal warrior to aid you. Research “Shapechange.”
> This is too much for an angel-in-training. You need divine intervention. Research “Miracle.”
>You may need a mortal warrior to aid you. Research “Shapechange.”
Supporting if at all possible?

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