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You lean back in your seat, folding your arms defensively, you stare at the paper and one thought just keeps repeating itself over and over as you look at it.

This isn't right.

His choice of words.. 'the department can move on from this'. Not to mention that you aren't a fool, you know more than one officer has gotten overzealous and stepped past the bounds of a warrant or agreement. What's to stop them from using this to keep tabs on you? Is it paranoid to think this? Is it even paranoia? You frown and shake your head, you won't do this. Not blind at least. You lean forward and set your elbows on the paper, a clear sign.

"I'm not signing anything until you explain to me WHY I'm a person of interest in this? Hell, I'd like to know what THIS is."

Irons scowls and he sets his notebook down with a deliberate tenderness. He opens his hands and shrugs.

"Mark, be reasonable-"

"I am." You cut him off, suddenly but not harshly. "This isn't about an ambulance ride and a guy I offered a drink. Besides, this is all off the record isn't it?"

You punctuate your rhetorical with a pointed look to the recorder still standing tall on the edge of the table. Detective Irons glances at it himself and reaches out to pick it up. He takes it into his hands and his eyes lock on, you recognize the familiar absence of a man in memory, you take the moment to take a small breath and focus. You direct all your mental energy towards the detective, opening your neural paths like lifting the arm of a railroad crossing. A familiar rush starts to fade in only to be stopped. Hard. Your eye twitches, the inside of your head feels like a raging furnace, like a lasso of white hot pain was wrapped around your tumor ridden gray matter and pulled taut. You feel a surge of nausea. Your vision swims. All the while you struggle to keep a straight face, to not let the smoke from your hippocampus leak through your expression. You hear no words, no whispered secrets, or visions of his past. To your discomfort, your mind is silent and still as you cease concentration.

Detective Irons glances up, breaking from his own memory as he tucks the recorder in his jacket, his eyebrows shoot up and he nods.

"You're nose is bleeding, Officer." He says, sliding you a crumpled napkin.

"Thanks.." You mutter, still shaking off the fading psychic burn.

Irons stares at you for a few moments as you plug your leaking nose and eventually he sighs.

"You want me to level with you, DeLucia? I'd love to. But I can't unless you sign the form."

"There's got to be SOMETHING you can tell me. I just need a little more info."

Irons flips a few pages on his notebook, letting it rest on the table. He flips until he gets to a certain point.
"Is it true you were in possession of federal cold case files? Because I got a report for that right here. That got squashed by someone beyond the pale. We also have a report from a woman Alexis Shell, the woman who was removed from your apartment, she mentioned that you had a second phone that you kept.." He pauses. "That you kept in your fridge?"

You keep your face still but your heart starts freeclimbing your throat. Irons continues.

"We also have your report from a vision you had in The Narrows, I've been cleared to see your files from the Mole hunt, that basement ended up being a future murder site. Every time you came face to face with Mandragora or a member of his organization you always managed to walk away. Your only friends seem to be a Sergeant who abandoned his desk work to train you, an accomplished but under-achieving detective, a soldier with his own fair share of complaints on file, and another Officer, Banks, you convinced to implode his career to help make your case. All men with points of leverage that we've identified. Add onto that the odd hours you keep. It makes a convincing argument for whoever wants to repeat it."

"You don't think.." You start. "You think I might be stepping out on the department?"

"I can't confirm or deny that." He says with a knowing glint in his eye. That's the best you'll get from him. "This situation with Gorchakov has the brass shitting bricks and someone, very conveniently set up this trail of dominoes, and tipped it over with this."

He fetches another image. Black and white. Grainy. You sitting directly across the square from a man in a hoodie and mask with glasses. SIM.

"Anonymous tip. Told us to check the camera's for Wayne Tower's main square, even gave us a time stamp."

"Who made all these complaints about me?"

"You know I can't tell you that."

"What can you tell me?"

"That these complaints are being taken seriously. Take that as you will. I asked your Commander to let me get in front of it and talk to you directly. I have a lot of respect for Bennett and he wouldn't line himself up with someone stepping over the line. I know him."

You ease slightly. At least he has some faith in you, though how thorough he's been has you wondering how much faith he truly holds.

"But these kick up a lot of dust, I need you to help me clear it. Sign the form and I can promise you that as soon as I'm cleared I'll loop you and Tommy in on this. If you object that much then by all means take the door, but that just means they're going to assign more people than me to look into you. Leads are scarce and brass has a deathgrip on the idea that the mole issue isn't squashed."
"Why is that?"

"Horse's mouth. Gorchakov says he has one more mole we haven't found, he's demanding immunity for the name. That's not fucking happening, it would be an embarrassment to let him go free after all the shit he did. Brass wants him under Blackgate before this gets out so we don't have ANOTHER scandal hanging over us. They need a mole. Don't let it be you. Sign the paper." He looks into your eyes and leans forward, lifting the pen.

>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.
>Stand and leave. "I appreciate the conversation, Detective Irons, but I've done nothing but try and do my job the best I can. I refuse to give up my privacy to settle admin's nerves. I didn't do anything wrong."
>Stand up and leave. You're beyond pissed. You've done nothing except try to do your best for Gotham, for the people, and for the department and all it's gotten you is a courtesy chat before they crucify you. Fuck this.
>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.
We came here and chose not to be a cape for accountability. Can't be a hypocrite when it requires us to do things.
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Welcome back, everyone. Thanks for continuing to read if you're returning and thanks for deciding to hop in (even if it is a little late) if you're new. Also thank (YOU) specifically to the anon who thanked me last thread for running. Thank you for reading!

Thread Header Image drawn by RedWisp who did a stunning job, per usual. It's always the highlight of my day when I see any Quest Art. Please find him wherever he posts and enjoy more of their work.

If you wanna provide a header image just post in thread and I'll add it to my folder (I save all art that gets posted btw) and I'll do what I must to turn it into a title card when the time rolls around.


Now for the usual quest info:

PAST THREADS: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Gotham%20City%20Beat%20Cop%20Quest

CURRENT ABILITIES: See attached pic.
>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.
Mark is NOT SIM
All those "dominoes" that Detective Irons has pointed out to us can easily be addressed directly
Cold case files? Tracing SIM's history
The second phone? The former line to SIM
The basement vision? Not SIM; that one was all Gorchakov setting up and killing Free
The Wayne Tower square photo? Meeting with SIM to get info out of him
>Every time you came face to face with Mandragora or a member of his organization you always managed to walk away
What member of his organization? We only ever came across the white whale (HOLY GRAIL) himself in the smoking club, and we begged him to knock us out instead while pretending to be a dirty cop
>"Anonymous tip. Told us to check the camera's for Wayne Tower's main square, even gave us a time stamp."
>>>even gave us a time stamp
Is SIM fucking with us right now? Nobody NOBODY else knew about when we met up with SIM there except Mark, SIM himself, or Hawthorne but Hawthorne is NOT EVIL
>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.
What >>6186185 and >>6186190 said.
Supporting this too.
>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.

Hmm. Is SIM a cop?
We know he is, and he confirmed it to Mark himself.
SIM's probably the other mole aka rodgers

Slowly. Painfully. You wrap your fingers around the pen and bring it's tip to paper, a few scratchings later and you slide the paper back across the table.

"I want to make it clear that everything you brought up could be addressed directly, easily."

"Yeah well.. hope nobody asks you for clarification. No news is good news and all that. Once your location from last night checks out I have a feeling nobody is gonna be putting much stock in all of this."

"So, that's it?"

"That's it." He says simply, his shoulders slack from their tense posturing earlier. "I hope you understand, it really isn't personal. I've seen your file and so far I think you're on track to be a fine officer."

"Appreciate it." You reply dryly.

You watch as Irons packs his files away. One by one, sliding those glossy photos back into their folder, you get one last look at Bobby and your mind can't help but to crawl over his words and pick at them like fresh scabs.

The files.. the time stamp.. reports... OFFICIAL reports. Whoever is setting you up, they're a cop. SIM confirmed himself that he works in the field, but this means he wasn't on Gorchakov's short list. A mole directly for Mandragora while Gorchakov did.. what? Intermediary between the other families? But who would he..

The file.

The fucking cold case.

There's always been a part of you that thought he was off. Something about him feels wrong. He brought those files to you.. is it possible? You see the vision again in your mind's eye, the scuffed wooden floor. The wavering beam of a flashlight. The massive hand reaching and dragging him out of his hiding place beneath the bed. It would fit.. it'd give him a reason to hate Angelo, to make him first on his rampage as a free man.

You glance at Irons who is rising from his chair, he offers his hand to shake as he tucks his case files under his arm.

>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.
>Keep it to yourself, last thing you need is for it to get out that you're throwing fellow cops under the bus without a lick of evidence.
>Keep it to yourself, you don't have any real proof yet.. besides, if he is SIM you want to handle this personally.
>>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.
>Keep it to yourself, you don't have any real proof yet.. besides, if he is SIM you want to handle this personally.
>Keep it to yourself, you don't have any real proof yet.. besides, if he is SIM you want to handle this personally.
>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.
I do NOT in fact want to "handle SIM personally", fuck having a "personal" villian. I just want him dead.
We gotta get this show on the road, SIM has been out and about for way too long.
>Keep it to yourself, you don't have any real proof yet.. besides, if he is SIM you want to handle this personally.
>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.
Mark doesn’t seem like the type to make it personal anyways.
>>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.
I don't want to risk him getting away because we didn't say something out of a desire to make it personal.
Honestly this- if we extremely caution this with the fact the man has been contacting us as pseudo therapist holding over lives, we may have leeway
>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.

You've sat on your own instinct too long. Wrong or right it doesn't matter, this is a way you can finally settle the most nagging voice in your head. Your own.

"Detective Irons, you mind if I say something actually? ON record?"

He raises a brow but slowly sinks back into his seat, he pulls his pen and pad out and nods to you.

"Sure, I'm assuming it has to do with the chat we just had."

"Yeah.. I think I may have an idea. I don't know if it's right, I don't have any proof. But I do have a gut feeling."

"I've listened to mine plenty enough to know sometimes it's worth hearing someone else's. Go ahead."

"There's an officer. Another rookie, further ahead than I am but still not in proper blues, he serves out of Gotham-By-The-Sea."

"The second precinct.." Irons echoes, scribbling on his pad. "Name?"

"Vic Rogers. Probably short for Victor, I met him back around when I was first hired. He didn't like me, something to do with me being meta. We got into a bit of an exchange."

"An exchange?"

"Words mostly. Until our TO's suggested we work out whatever problem this was in Precinct 2's gym. It has-"

"It has an old boxing ring in it, I know. I came up in Precinct 2 before getting into the Detective's circle. Who was the TO?"

"Miller." You recall after a brief pause.

"Mhm. Go ahead."

"We get into the ring and we spar.. wasn't very friendly but we weren't taking each other heads off. We trade a few shots but one of them he hits me and I get a vision."

"As in, your ability? Why did it go off?"

"Before I learned some techniques for focusing my mind sometimes I would kind of be ambushed by my visions, especially if they were emotionally charged."

"What'd you see?" He asks, his voice flat and firm. As if he were speaking to any of a hundred witnesses he's interviewed.

"Bad scene. Real bad. Kid tucked under a bed, crying, a flashlight scanning the place. It ended when a big hand came down and grabbed m-.. grabbed him." You clear your throat and continue. "Anyways, ever since that I've just had this weird feeling in my gut about him, everytime I've run into him. He's tried to be buddy buddy with me and the thing that makes me think this all comes back to him is that cold case."

"The cold case that belonged to the feds?"

"Given to me by him. Wanted my help on it, wanted me to use my shivers. Said there was a potential witness who slipped through the system, a kid."

"A kid?"

"Belonged to a prostitute who was in Mandragora's racket, I saw her die in a vision.. she died to save her son."

Irons writes furiously, not missing a word as he looks up to you, eyes telling you to continue.

"Those files disappeared because I took them to an ARGUS Agent. I turned them back in and he gave me the name of the kid's mom. That's how I had the vision of her.." You trail off, your throat running a little dry.
"And you're suspecting Rogers because.. you got anything more than a gut feeling and your word against his?"

You blink a few times and sigh.

"I just know that most of your tips came from a cop, and more than one of those instances had Rogers involved. Hell he was even at the crime scene I walked around in during my vision. The only thing that doesn't track is the time stamped video you got directed too.."

"How so?"

"I was meeting.. a CI." You say, not technically lying. "The only people that knew about that meeting at the time it was happening was myself, the CI, and Sergeant Hawthorne and I KNOW Hawthorne wouldn't have tried to get me caught up in anything."

Irons sits up. His eyes were analytical before, tracking your words, occasionally you saw a small nod confirming he was even able to get ahead of you in some places of your story. But his attention is rapt now and his eyes don't have that cold gleam of a detective's mental calculus. It's pure curiosity at this point as he waits for you to bring it home.

>"I think Rogers might be the SIM Killer.."
>"I think Rogers is Gorchakov's last mole.."
>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."
>"That's all I got.. I know I can't influence your investigation so. I hope you find use for that info."
>I think Rogers might be the SIM Killer.
We know that sim had to have access to a certain uniform to try to stab Hawthorne. Many details suggest Vic could be in the adoptive son role in the mob. Physical details match. It's a strong lead for finer investigation.
This basically says that we knew we were meeting the SIM killer and that we have had a line of contact with him for some time. Should we be mentioning that? All of this is on record now.
>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."

If we just rip out “HES A SERIAL KILLER” after ranting about a vision quest it’s going to damage our credibility. Give them the breadcrumbs and they can follow the trail.
>"That's all I got.. I know I can't influence your investigation so. I hope you find use for that info."
Though with the caveat of saying that we think he should be investigated as well.
>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."
+1, prudence
>>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."
>"I think he was the kid and didn't say anything."
>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."
>>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."

"I'm just saying that if I'm worth looking into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."

Irons holds your gaze. His brow furrowed and his eyes themselves not giving you anything, his poker face is impressive.

"Sounds like you've been thinking about this for a while."

"It's not like that. I've just.. you ever meet someone and they just try too hard? Too hard to be friendly, too hard at their job, just they rub you the wrong way and you never know why? That's him to a T."

"I'm familiar." He offers dryly. "But I need something to bite down on, you mentioned those files. You got anything more on those that could help me find a place to get my foot in the door?"

You sigh and lean back as you rack your brain.

"I mean.. it's a long shot. But my vision I got from him at the gym, combine that with the fact he got those files somehow and dropped em off to me? I think he's the kid, the missing witness."

Irons leans forward now a touch more invested, interest creeping into the wrinkles on his forehead.

"Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you said he brought to files to you to help find the witness."


"So he was essentially asking for your help in finding himself?"

You toss your hands up lightly.

"I don't know. I just.. that vision I had and the vision I had where I saw Lauretta.. y'know. It just leads me that way. But I don't have any answers for you.."

Irons sits and taps his pen against the page. Eventually he scribbles a final note and tucks it. He rises fully now and steps around the table.

"If you were anyone else.." He says, looking you up and down. "I'm gonna go have a chat with Bennett. But if it goes how I think then maybe I'll be able to find some answers for you."

He grabs the handle and gives you a final assessing look before opening the door and stepping aside.

"Thanks for the chat, Mark. You should probably get a couple paces ahead of me before I head out of here."

You nod and offer him a quiet thanks as you step out into the tan fluorescent lit hallways of Precinct 1. You take the short walk to shake off any excess jitters and ensure any trace of blood from your earlier mishap is cleared up. As you round the corner into the bullpen you see Reiner standing with Hawthorne in front of his office, a small line formed around them as Hawthorne hands out papers.
Hawthorne stands straight behind a small podium as Officers step up. He listens, checks a binder in front of him and then hands out thin sheets. Then the next one files in and it continues.

Reiner notices you across the room and subtly beckons you closer. Keeping his eyes half trained on Hawthorne. You walk over and hear the tail end of Hawthorne speaking.

-ing North Otisberg. Lucky bastard, make sure the stadium doesn't get trashed. I have season tickets." He chuckles and hands out the sheet, giving you a brief nod as you make passing eye contact.

Reiner steps out from behind the podium and speaks quietly.

"Everything good?"

"I think so, sir. I got to leave so."

"All you can ask for sometimes, I trust Irons. He puts his gut before his brain sometimes but I figured that would be a boon here." He glances over his shoulder at Hawthorne and shakes his head, a coy smile starting to form. "When watch him like a hawk and keep a boot on his neck your Sergeant makes a half decent administrator. Since you've both been off active patrols I've got him helping me with some of the more tedious parts of the job."

"Hah, I'm pretty sure he'd rather die than stay off the street forever."

"Yeah.." Reiner says, watching another sheet trade hands. "This is our marching orders for Halloween Night, assigning everyone into groups and spreading them around Gotham. One group from each department, the four departments work together, and it's almost like we have enough man power to cover the city."


"Well I mean even if we pull in the weekenders and put OT behind us it's still only barely covered. Which is why I actually wanted to talk to you."


"How's your head feeling? You seemed in good spirit earlier, Hawthorne said you've been seeming on the mend today. I know it's only day one but I know how resilient Meta's can be, so do you have a plan for dealing with your.. condition." He delivers the final words whispered.

>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."
>"I have a plan, just kind of in the waiting stages right now. But I did get a.. treatment. It's helped a lot so far."
>"Being perfectly honest, I don't feel the best. I had something done but I think it might have hurt me in a way.. Or maybe I'm just pushing myself too hard."
>"If you're asking if I can work Halloween, the answer is yes."
>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."
>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."
Though privately, I AM concerned. Shivers wasn't all we had, but ti was our edge. Constantine hasn't just guarded us against demonic/Apokaliptian shit he's neutered our powers.
as much as I would want us to rest- I think us going out is better than us alone at home.
Mark has already entered his de-powered arc, hasn’t he?
I mean he hadn't actually tried much. We had what, one failed activation?
But yeah, it's probably full schizo or nothing. Have superpowers and die from magic brain cancer or just be normal and sad. Cyberpunk 2077 style
>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."

Hoo. Tough choice.
I don't think being normal would make Mark sad based on how we've characterized him, but we may need these powers for the potential apocalyptic event ahead.
>>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."

Can make one note that if something SUPERVILLAIN big happens, it's likely to hit our vibes. Is someone does something that hurts the city in a loud way, it's probably gonna send a more than a shiver up our spine.

Not that it's LIKELY to happen... but if it does... there's a real possiblity.
>>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."

"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well."

Reiner raises a brow but you wave a hand.

"I mean, I don't think a lack of voices in my head is cause for concern. I haven't had any flare ups except for a small one earlier and I had control over it."

"No voices? At all?"

"I can kind of hear them? Like someone whispering in another room but if I try and focus in on the words they just kinda.. fade away."

Reiner takes a moment to look you in the eye, he holds the stare just long enough that you feel like you may have said something wrong when he finally breaks the silence.

"Those are symptoms but what about the cause?" He speaks casually but his tone still lowers as he says the final word.

"I have a plan, it's being worked on."


"Yes, sir. I promise if anything changes you'll be the first to know."

Reiner takes a breath and you can visibly see his shoulders relax slightly as he offers you a slight smile, a rare sight among the hard expression he seems to maintain.

"Good, because I'm bringing you and Hawthorne off the bench for Halloween."

You fish mouth for a few seconds, letting your jaw flap before you manage a:

"Thank you, sir. Really."

"Don't thank me yet, I'm sending you home for the next two days. Halloween is one of our busiest times, lock up is usually stretched to it's limits, cavalry is hard pressed to ride in, and for the past couple years punk teens aren't the folk in costume we're worried about. I think it's important to your training to take your first run at it under someone experienced."

"Makes sense to me, but why the days off? I'm feeling fine."

"One: To make sure you KEEP feeling fine. I don't need whatever treatment you got to sprout nasty side effects and leave me short a duo." You open your mouth to reply and he cuts you off with a firm hand gesture. "I also don't want to know anything. Don't ask, don't tell."

"I don't think that's what that means.." You reply quietly.

"You'd have to ask Kimble." He says, you almost flinch. Was that a joke? He carries on. "Two: You work too goddamn much and if I keep you on your normal rotation on top of Halloween then Admin is gonna wear me like a cocktail dress because our overtime pay is thin enough as it is without shelling out to rookies. You'll make up the time, don't worry."

"Understood, what about Hawthorne?"

"On your days off I'll have him help me with administration like he has, he'll be ready. Unless you want to partner up with someone else?"
"Someone else?"

"Kimble, specifically. I don't think putting Banks on Halloween is a good move so Kimble is down a partner for the day, I planned on keeping him here to keep lock-up from boiling over but Hawthorne can do that job just as good. Plus you've worked with Kimble before, to great effect."

You shift uncomfortably as you glance over his shoulder at Hawthorne and Reiner leans into your field of view.

"Don't worry about him, if anything he's lucky I'm giving him the chance to go out in the first place. I got quite the email from city hall about him earlier." He shakes his head. "Every time he's close to getting off my list he does something that sticks him back up. But you both have been showing me you took our talk seriously, so I'm willing to loosen the leash a bit if you want."

>"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir."
>"Kimble is a good cop and I trust him but I think it'd be better to do this with my Training Officer."
>"I can partner up with Kimble, Halloween sounds like it'll be hectic and there's nobody I trust more when things get hairy. He's proven himself more than once with me."
>"Why not send us out as a three-man unit? Shores up any weakness I bring as a rookie and I get to learn from two sources at once."
>"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir."

We’re not ditching the old man, not after all this time.
>"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir."
>"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir."
>"Plus, I'd rather he'd be thinking about his revenge for the Gotti suit where I can see him plotting."

"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir. I'm not ditching him after all this time."

Reiner smiles warmly, a truly rare sight, and nods with approval.

"Good man, Officer DeLucia. Good man." He says simply.

"Besides.. I got him into the Gotti outfit so I know he's going to be plotting something."

"He did it again this year?" Reiner says, casting a short glance back as Hawthorne hands over a sheet. His smile eases back into his usual stoniness as he approaches Hawthorne and extends a hand for the stack of papers he's holding.

Reiner sorts through them slowly, shuffling them as he searches through until eventually he plucks out one, then two, then three. He hands the bundle to Hawthorne and jerks his head over his shoulder.

"Go talk to your rookie, you're off bench for Halloween. These are your options, don't take too long." He speaks gruffly and immediately turns his attention to the next officer, scanning the sheets and handing it to him before gesturing to the next.

Hawthorne looks over the pages and nods slowly, he glances at Reiner as if to say something but holds it. Instead giving an appreciative grunt as he steps off to the side with you.

"I don't know what you said to him, but I appreciate being out of the dog house." He mumbles quietly. "So you and me working your first Halloween huh? Wish I could tell you it's gonna be fun."

"I remember what you said, I know it's rough."

"Yeah well, we'll see how you do. Commander gave us some of the gentler spots at least, but that isn't saying much, so sorry to tell you we won't be spending the night in the Narrows."

"What spots do we have then?"

Hawthorne leans in and fans out the pages. They provide a cut out of a city map, a few dark circles marking problem areas, and a small list of known gangs or criminal elements. He points to each page as he speaks.
"First up is probably the easiest, in terms of being straight-forward at least, the Diamond District. Neighbors with Wayne Tower, a lot of stores, and a lot of storage for tech and whatever else Wayne hawks. We go here and it's a night of B&E's, Robbery, and punk ass kids tagging."

He slides that sheet to the bottom and taps the next.

"Here we got Tricorner, the industrial docks, it's got a little more presence than usual considering the Commissioner lives in the area but most of the stuff going on here isn't far from the diamond district. People cracking cargo containers, tagging ships.. but the entire city knows how this goes. Police condense more in the city proper, meaning some scumbags like to use the chaos as their chance to bring in 'imports'."

"Imports? Like what?"

"Girls, drugs, weapons. Sometimes men. Usually it's one of the old timers leading it up, Maroni or Falcone, but with them out of place there's a nice fat power vacuum waiting for someone to ship in some muscle, guns, or drugs so they can fill it. Or.. maybe with management out the window that's all on hold. We won't know until we know."

"Right, and the last one?"

"Best for last, or worst depending on your view. Southern Financial District. Bunch of office buildings, part of the clump that orbits City Hall. Usually pretty safe, north district and City Hall are gonna be swarming."

"But you said SOUTHERN Financial. What's that mean for us?"

"It means one of two things. A whole lot of dick-holding and watch checking or this is one of those Halloweens some animal tries something at Blackgate. Look at this circle here, see what it covers?"

"The bridge to Blackgate Isle. So it's essentially prison watch?"

"In a way, Halloween especially we always get someone trying something. Last year it was nothing at all, but the year before that it was some fruitcake in a van with enough tannerite to put a hole in the middle of the bridge, or the front gates."

"Was he trying to do a prison break?"

"No clue, he punched through the blockade and hit the bridge. About half-way through he must have saw the lights waiting on the other end cause he took it off the shoulder and into the water. We recovered the vehicle with him in it."


"Oh yeah." Hawthorne snorts, shaking his head slightly. "So it's the spot with the biggest ratio of 'nothing to 'something' out of our options. Got a preference?"

"You don't wanna pick?"
"Son, I've been picking for years, besides you're the one going into this for the first time. I want you to pick something you're confident with because I need you on your A-Game. Don't think about what'll make you look best or give you the best learning experience. Pick what you think we'll be good at."

He hands you the papers and after an insistent shake you take them, sliding the crisp pages as you look them all over..

>"Let's do the Diamond District, my track records with robberies is perfect. Let's see if it holds."
>"Tri-corner, for all the time I lived in the city I've never been down there. Never a reason to cross the bridge, maybe it'll shake my shivers out of their stupor."
>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."

Two day time skip incoming after this vote and the next update, so start thinking about what you want to focus on in that time as we may breeze over it a bit (unless you guys care to get some SoL content) next update will set us up to return on Sunday with Halloween.

Let me know what you think about the skip and if you'd rather get normal update-type delves into it or just the cliff notes. I also wouldn't mind hearing what you guys are expecting out of Halloween in Gotham, are you excited to see what happens? Or are you worried that 'happening' may be something horrible? Regardless, I'll see you soon.
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>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."

We’ll be okay. After all, nothing ever happens.
>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."
>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."
>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."
Watch us sense a pitch black fed boat bringing in some secret shit into Blackgate
Maybe it would be bringing someONE in. A dishonorably discharged crayon muncher, perchance. Nah the feds would definitely be smuggling in a bomb or something to let all the inmates escape to discredit Dent and his efforts.
>>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."
But isn't Dent trying to give them Blackgate? Why would the feds fuck with Dent if he's working with them?
You really think feds wouldn't double-triple betray people who are working with them for seemingly no good reason? Why settle for Blackgate doing Capone shit when you could oust Dent and get your own plant in office? And still get Blackgate when you stonewall any investigation.

Remember, to think like a fed you must imagine both incompetence and ambition. With a healthy helping of hubris.
>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."
>>Also, uh, Batman's doing some shit around there that I can't get into and probably won't affect normal folks, but if it does...
... I almost want the city to pick for me

Tri-corner feels like a place the shivers would feel the history of without getting lost in the sauce (compared to black gate)

No need to go full action or to lay back.
>>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."
Update will be late today, it's certainly leaning one way but maybe this extra time will draw out a few lurkers. I'll still be updating today just not entirely sure when, I'll let you know if anything else changes.
Update tonight. Apologies.
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No need for apologies. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm just glad to be part of such a great quest for free.
QMs are some of the most humble creators on the internet. You don’t have to apologize for not providing us free content, we’ll be here whenever you’re ready.
No worries, QM. Waiting warmly!

"The Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if anything happens, especially there, that's where I want to be." You say, handing the other two forms back. "Can't say I'm not curious to check out Tri-Corner though, such an old part of the city.. I've never been there either."

You trail off as you stare at the page, taking in the information, you furrow your brow and look back up to Hawthorne, who's been watching with a neutral expression. He nods once.

"Right well, bridge is as good a spot as any, I'll mark us down with the Commander." He casts a glance over his shoulder at the shuffling line of Uniforms and turns back to you. "Next couple of days you might wanna ask Kimble if he's free to help you out. Commander is drowning in shit right now and I've been helping him paddle."

"You've been volunteering? With Admin work?"

"Meh." He waves a hand dismissively. "More like voluntold. Still though, never quite knew what he had to put up with, I owe him a hand after adding to it for the past however many years."

You small and let out a single subdued laugh. The noise draws his eye from the corner.


"Nothing, you're just getting soft."

He rolls his eye and lets out a huff of air.

"I just don't want to give him a reason to keep me parked at my desk, you're just scared to be on your own, ain't you Bambi?"

"Commander actually gave me the next 2 days off, wants me to go into Halloween fresh, make sure my head is really feeling better."

"Two days?" He says, his brows arching high. "Stingy bastard told me to 'pick it up' during my lunch the other day.. But he's right. Take the time, son. Halloween is a 12 hour shift, so make sure you're rested."

You give him a nod.

"Yes, sir. I'll see you Friday."

"Mhm, what do you plan on getting up to?"

>"What else? I have a new lady friend and time off for once."
>"Might be nice to get out of the city actually, visit my parents for a bit since it's about that time of year."
>"Practice, if things really are as wild as you say then maybe I need some hours at the range."
>"Might go see some of our.. mutual friends. Mainly just to check on them and Basshead."

Appreciate the sentiment but I like to try and hold myself to certain rules. By writing and running this I made a commitment to you guys so if I don't see it through it's something worth apologizing for. The warm words are really nice though considering I was drawn away from my screen by some life shit that keeps cropping up.

Additional second vote:

==Do you want detailed posts for Mark's days off or do you want me to glaze over it doing a single 'snapshot' style update and advance us to just before Halloween?==

>Let us play through Mark's time off.
>Tell us about Mark's time off and skip to Halloween.
>"Practice, if things really are as wild as you say then maybe I need some hours at the range."
Here's hoping they let us take an AR in our warbags come Halloween. Before shit pops off I mean.
>>>Let us play through Mark's time off.
Almost forgot about this second bit
>"Might go see some of our.. mutual friends. Mainly just to check on them and Basshead."
>"What else? I have a new lady friend and time off for once."
Both if possible, but in that order of priority if not.

>Let us play through Mark's time off.
I like downtime character-building scenes.
>>"Practice, if things really are as wild as you say then maybe I need some hours at the range."
>>Tell us about Mark's time off and skip to Halloween.
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>Be Reiner
>Invest into a super powered officer
>Couple months in he comes to you and says he neutered his powers
absolutely scammed lol
Oh man, This Is The Police?
Is that a mod or what?
>"What else? I have a new lady friend and time off for once."

>"Practice, if things really are as wild as you say then maybe I need some hours at the range."
>"Practice, if things really are as wild as you say then maybe I need some hours at the range."
>Tell us about Mark's time off and skip to Halloween.
I'm good, boss

They all told him "bro your visions are kinda creepy and you lose yourself (in the music, the moment), you better go get that checked by somebody", and he went straight to Batman with it, and it worked. Reiner can complain all he wants, but in the end Mark literally did what the others advised him to do
>Is that a mod or what?
Just a fanart
>Reiner can complain all he wants
I think Reiner himself never actually complained. He *wanted* a meta in his roster, he was clear about it.
>>"What else? I have a new lady friend and time off for once."
>Tell us about Mark's time off and skip to Halloween.
Allison isn't a very melodramatic love interest, so I don't think we would need to vote on anything with her. It's not like she has a moral dilemma attached. One update should be enough for Mark's free time

'Snap-Shot' of time off wins, along with Practicing at the range and maybe a brief visit to Allison.
"Practice." You answer resolutely. "If things are really as wild as you say then I might need a few more hours at the range.. I have a question actually. About our gear."


"Can we request a rifle in the bag? I know you have your own, but maybe I could get one too? I was working with one the last time I went to shoot and did pretty well with it."

"Hm.." Hawthorne grunts, stroking his stubbled chin. "I'll talk to Kimble, he's in good with the armory boys, we're low on em for sure what with Dent wanting to 'de-militarize' us. But if there are any floating around he'll be able to get us one."

"I'll keep practicing then, worse comes to worst maybe I just borrow yours?"

Hawthorne barks a solitary laugh and sighs.

"Maybe when you've got more notches in your duty belt, rook. I'll tell Kimble to put his back into convincing em. What else you got planned?"

"Uh.. nothing? Not really at least, I have something planned for before work but.."

"Nothin? You're gonna spend your days off with your nose still sparking off the grindstone? You gotta take some time off or you'll blow a fuse."

You raise a brow and Hawthorne furrows his.


"Just a bit ironic coming from you, sir."

He lets out a snort and shakes his head.

"It ain't irony when someone who's been there tells you not to follow em, son. It's a warning. I don't have..." He clears his throat and for a moment a strange look in his eye flits by. "Your shift is always gonna be waiting for you, not everything else will. Like uh.. what's her name from the bar? Alice. Sweet girl."

"Allison." You correct gently. "Hm. Maybe you're right, I'll see if I can't find some time for her. I don't know how the FD handles Halloween."

"About as busy as us. If she's got the time too, you should both take it, trust me." He gives you a slap on the arm and you just nod. Something about his tone..

"Anyways." He continues. "You said you had something planned before work?"

"Ah just a thing I like to do before big days. Graduation, moving, that kinda thing."

"Mind if I come along? I can come by your place in the shop and pick you up."

"In the shop?"

"Yup, every Halloween I park outside the city at a buddy's place and take the train in."


"You really think I'd leave my baby parked on the street during the one night a year anything short of a fire is getting ignored?"

"Why not park it here?"

"Eggs. Bologna. Toilet paper. Paint." He ticks off his fingers as he goes. "And that's the squad cars we don't keep in the garage underground."

"Understood.. uh, sure. I'll ride in with you as long as you don't mind making a stop."

He waves a hand and glances over his shoulder, seeing the new line of Officers off their lunch break lining up. He sighs.

"Alright, I should get back to it. Get out of here, and spend some time with your girl for Christ's sake."

You give Hawthorne a nod goodbye and head for the locker room to get back into civvies and enjoy a little time off..

>Roll 1d100 (Best of 3)
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Additional vote:

>What do you want to do with Allison on your day off? (Ice Rink, Coffee, Meeting the Parents, etc.)
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Cafe/bakery crawl date. FD & PD live and breath baked goods and coffee. Good opportunity to share experiences as gothamites and get to know each other.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

I’ll second >>6194233
a cafe crawl sounds fun
Rolled 48 (1d100)


+1, but drive to her station so that her coworkers can finally meet and inspect us. Might as well make some friends there as well.
Ah yes, let the alcohol-fueled hazing rituals commence!

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You get changed quickly, your brain running through the days ahead and picking bits of time like plots of land. An old habit, all this planning, you had so much structure as a kid and now on your days off you almost feel like you don't know how to.. be. You shake it off with the shudder that rolls over you as the glass doors of the Precinct lobby opens to frigid Gotham air, the sun hanging low in the sky. As you get into your car and start it up you pull out your phone and make a quick call.

"Hey! What's up?" A cheery voice answers.

"Just got off work, got some unexpected free time my way the next two days."

"Ooh." She coos. "Sounds nice, have any plans?"

"I was gonna ask you that actually, you free in the next two days? I heard you guys have your own prep you do."

"Yeah, it's a lot but at the same time we don't exactly patrol. It's more like just being ready to go, lots of drills, getting our times low."

"So busy?"

"So.. no." She laughs. "Benefit of being smaller than a fridge is that I'm quick to suit up and ship out. My times are good, what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking something different than usual, maybe a cafe crawl?"

"A cafe crawl? Like a bar crawl?"

"Exactly, but beer in the morning is frowned on for some reason." You muse with mock confusion. "So I figure we could go for the other part of our food pyramid. Coffee and donuts."

"Hmm sounds pretty good.. except donuts are more of a cop thing."

"I've had a muffin."

Her laugh floats through the phone and you can't help but smile. A tiny part of your mind thinks back if this was how you felt when you first met Nia.. but it's a part so small you don't even hear it.

"Alright, you sold me. Cafe crawl day after tomorrow?"

"Perfect, I was gonna get some time in at the range anyways tomorrow."

"Great, I'll see ya then."

"Alright.. bye."

You hang up and tuck it in your cup holder, still smiling..


Something about the smell of brass and gunpowder wakes you right up. 8am right at opening you're at the doors, coffee in hand, and an agenda in mind. A familiar old face greets you as the doors are pulled open from inside. The bristles of his moustache raise in surprise as Will Church opens the doors. But without any question he simply steps aside and gestures to you to come in. He walks slowly behind you before overtaking you and scanning a small card that opens the sealed interior doors. You glance at the desk.
“Nobody in this early except me. I’ll log ya, so don’t get your freedom briefs in a twist.”

Following him into the familiar chamber with walls loaded with firearms and he slides behind the glass counter, leaning down and picking up a thermos off the ground which he drinks from deeply before setting down. He gives you a firm nod and jerks a thumb at the wall.

“You’ve been here before, what’re you looking to get your hands on.”


“AR platform? Again?”

“Yes, sir. Hoping to use the M4 again if you’ve got it ready to go.”

He grunts and turns to his wall, taking his time pulling down a freshly wiped down weapon.

“I show up early and make sure everything’s up to my standard. Full white glove.” He runs a hand down the spine of the rifle before setting it down and reaching beneath the counter, he comes up with a familiar ammo box and he pulls out a few dull plastic magazines. He slides one to you.

“Make yourself useful, boy.” He mumbles as his aged hands get to work, expertly loading rounds, by the time you top off your own magazine he’s filled two. “This’ll be enough for now. I’ll get more set up for you as you’re shootin.”

His words are stiff and rushed, most of the time he speaks he keeps his eyes away from yours. It’s only when you sling the rifle and head for the range doors that he calls out again.

“Hold on a minute.” His voice is firm but it doesn’t have the spine of confidence behind it. “I wanted to uh.. The last time you were here I was a bit harsh with ya. Said some things about Mitch that might’ve been more true for me than him. I just wanted to say that I sat with it for a bit and you may have had a point, I’ve talked to him since and if he’s not selling bridges.. well then you’re on a plenty fine track with him.”

You pause for a moment and study his face. Despite his earlier avoidance he holds your gaze firmly now. Slowly you nod.

“Don’t worry about it, Will.”

“Also.” He interrupts. “Not proud of it, but I promised you I’d get a long gun assigned to your shop and I never started the paperwork. I was making more heat than light after our talk..”

You pause again and screw up your face.

“Huh.” You say before smiling with a shrug. “I completely forgot if I’m being honest.”

You see his moustache curl up at the ends as he chuckles.

“Well it's no excuse, I’ll make sure you get one.”

“Sounds good, Will. Feel like giving me a few more pointers on the rifle? I haven’t had any practice since we worked on it last time.”

He grumbles and slaps the lid of the ammo box shut as he shakes his head.

“Damn kids, no attention spans, you gotta put time into your weapon. Like a new skill. Or a wife.”

He guffaws and slaps your back and you follow him, chuckling along.

(ROLL: 78)
Your day off yesterday flew by, Will taught you some good lessons when he learned you were going to be working Halloween. He shared a few stories, no costumed encounters as it was a bit before his time, it shocked you to find out that this has always been a bad time of year for the city. Even more paradoxical was it seemed every Halloween despite the previous years there were only more and more people going out at night.

“You need to learn some practical skills.” Will asserted.

You ran drills practicing point shooting, moving between targets while maintaining fire, and ‘Combat Awareness’ which boiled down to: Will barking street names and demanding directions from one area of Gotham to another as you fired on multiple paper targets as accurately as you could, randomly telling you to cease fire before quizzing you on how many rounds remained in your weapon. He even busted out old reliable, the hostage target, and you only went through a civilian once, so that was good. But now you replace the sharp sting of gunsmoke and brass for the deep thick aroma of coffee and sticky sweet pastries.

Allison meets you at the premier GCPD cafe, a small truck that’s just off the exit before the precinct.

“Starting off strong.” She says, raising her eyebrows dramatically. “Buy two get one hour of free parking?”

“Relax.” You joke. “This is the fuel that drives the GCPD, thank you very much. C’mere.”

You approach the small metal window, the line filled with a few Officers you recognize, you lean and smile at ‘Chess’ the man who runs the truck who returns it. His eyes beaming behind his coke bottle lenses.

“Chess, lemme get a small black coffee with a pump of mocha and uh.. You doin the churro donut today?”

“You know it, Officer Mark.” He says, leaning back with tongs and a thin paper bag. “Where’s the big man?”

“Working, it’s my day off.”

“You gonna be out tomorrow night?”

“Planning on it.”

Chess leans forward and drops the warm bag in your hand and slides the cheap paper cup forward.

“On me today, boss.”

“What? Chess c’mon man you know I can’t be taking things from people. It’s against protocol.”

“Then how about I just charge it to Officer Hawthorne’s tab?” He says with a wink.

You glance at Allison who watches your back and forth with a petite grin and you decide that maybe today you can be Mark instead of Officer DeLucia.
“That works for me, man.” You reply back.

As you both walk away Allison turns and waves.

“Bye Chester, pleasure meeting you.”

You suppress a laugh and take your first bite of the donut.

“What? Did I say something funny?”

“His name..” You swallow. “Isn’t Chester.”

“So Chess is a nickname? Is he a Central Park hustler or something?”

“No uh..” You chuckle again. “Hawthorne told me ‘He looks like he’d play chess.’ when I asked him.”

Her lips wobble as she contains her own smile.

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“The boys in blue.. The guys in red. You’re both so.. Simple.”

You look up from your second bite, cinnamon-sugar falling from your face like a trickle of sand.

“Thimple ith bad?” You say through a mouthful of donut.

“Not always, sometimes it’s actually really..” Her hand stretches out and gently flicks the grains off your lips with a thumb. “Cute.”

She snags the donut from your hand before you can react and gives you a small peck, donning the sweet coating of your shared breakfast on her own lips now..

“Now though, I’m gonna show you what a real coffee looks like. Ever had a red-eye?”

“No, is it good?”

She doesn’t reply, only giggles as she takes a small bite of the donut herself..

Author notes below:

Turns out brevity doesn't come as easily to me as I thought lmao.
I kept it short(ish) and sweet(er) trying out a few things. Would love to know what you guys think about the quality of this as a little 'montage' just displaying the important bits and sliding over the rest.

The update will come tonight as the Halloween shift begins and we will see what comes to pass. Chatacter Vote Question as well if you wanna vote..

>What's Mark's "perfect breakfast"?
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Update looks great

Ask her how her ladder is like. Do they act like dads or big bros?

>Perfect Breakkie
Baked eggs and chorizo with good sourdough
I enjoyed it Very sweet, very cute. Good work, QM

>perfect brekkie
Going to break with Italian-American tradition here and say a three-cheese omelette and a jam-covered English muffin, plus the coffee order he just placed.
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Two scrambled eggs, some rice, and a few slices of Portuguese sausage

No, I have no idea how an Italian-American born and raised on the East Coast learns about a Hawaiian style breakfast to make it his favorite breakfast meal. Neither do I care. I fucking love Portuguese sausage and I miss having it as a regular breakfast item, along with pork buns and Loco Moco.
Two thick slices of french toast, Italian sausage, and a Colorado omlette.
Your eyes flutter open as you let out a low groan and extend your limbs. You hear a few pops and cracks as your body adjusts to movement once again, you blink the blur from your eyes and roll over to grab your phone off the nightstand. A text sent at 6:32 sits in the center of your screen from Hawthorne.

"I'll be there by 8."

You glance at your clock and sigh as you wipe the sleep from your eyes. Seven o'clock, plenty of time for a shower. You slowly rise out of bed taking the chance to stretch a few of your more stubborn muscles, especially the ones in your legs. You spent most of your day with Allison yesterday and walked a good line through the center of the city. As you turn the dial and hot water begins to sputter up to a solid spray you sigh contently. The past two days have been great, you were worried about being tense but the lack of whispers and ghost sensations actually finally allowed you to relax. You've also been managing to sleep deeply and fully, no more strange dreams or off-putting women offering you grim fortunes. You feel the water with your hand and step in, letting it envelope you. Whatever Constantine's magic did, it worked.

You remember how worried you were, moving back after all the time away, after you had already started planning a life in National City. Now you've met a lovely woman, made new friends, new mentors, you've fully embraced Gotham as your true home. Where you were always meant to be, sometimes at night you'd wonder about what life would be like if you had never come back... but those thoughts are fewer and farther between now. The only fly in the ointment that still buzzes in the back of your newly muted mind:

What the hell is SIM getting up to?

You don't give yourself too long to linger on that troubling thought, better to focus on the job today. You step out, towel off, and get into uniform. As you set the cap firmly on your damp hair a firm knock hits the front door. You hustle over and open it to a mildly less grumpy than usual Hawthorne.

"C'mon in, sir. Just gotta grab something." You say, jogging shortly to your kitchen and pulling open the freezer.

“Pack a’ peas? Too many drinks last night, eh?” He asks, stepping inside.

“Ha. No, I kept busy like I said, the range a little.. thing. With Allison.”

“Oh yeah? You two goin steady?”

“Yeah, sure. I took her out for an egg cream and invited her to the sock hop next week.” You joke, as you pull a bottle from the back of the freezer.

“I don’t know how you fucking kids talk, ghosting and situationshits.”

“Ships” You correct.

“It’s all shit to me.” Hawthorne chuckles, gravelly and cut short as he raises his brow at the bottle. “Bit early, no?”

You look down at the spare Amaretto you had bought, a thin layer of white frost barely hiding the amber fluid within, you lift it by the neck and shake your head.
“Not for me. I told you, old tradition for big days. Ready to head out?”

“Sure..” He says slowly, still eyeing the bottle. “Where’re we stoppin?”

“Gotham Cemetery.”


Leaves crackle under foot as you make your way across the clean cut grass of the cemetery, curled leaves of brown, red, and orange spread across it, you can’t help but feel some peace.

“You know, it’s weird.” You say quietly to Hawthorne. “My Shivers would never act up when I came to visit.”

Hawthorne remains silent, letting you speak.

“I felt that way when I talked to him too, he just.. Seemed like he understood, even though there wasn’t a way in hell he could.” You laugh bitter-sweet. “That was his thing, had a way of making you feel like he went through the exact same thing..”

You slow to a stop in front of an unassuming marble gravestone, small and clean with rosary draped over the top and some dried flowers at the base. The words, engraved into the stone, read boldly:

‘Giuseppe Nicola DeLucia - Ad Finem Fidelis’

You kneel, setting the bottle gently in the grass, before sealing your hands together, shutting your eyes, and whispering a short prayer.

“O St. Joseph, who accompanied Jesus and Mary in all their journeys…” You begin before trailing off into whispers.

Hawthorne opens his mouth for a moment but decides instead to let you have your moment, watching from a few paces back until you finish. As you open your eyes and let out a soft “Amen” he steps forward and joins you. You uncap the bottle and pour a small bit into the ground before adding some to the cap and tilting it into your own mouth. You turn and glance up at Hawthorne.

“It’s not enough to do anything it’s just what we did.”

“You did this before he passed?”

“Sometimes, usually before we moved, started when I was around 16. This was our ‘private communion’, course he’d always have a glass and I’d just get the cap. But it made me feel grown up.”

“That’s uh.. That’s real nice.” Hawthorne’s voice catches slightly and he clears his throat.

You just smile and cap the bottle. Leaving it next to the gravestone. You let out a slow sigh and just as you always feel, the warmth from the Amaretto slides down until it sits in your chest as a wave of calm is draped over you. You slowly stand up and nod to Hawthorne.

“Thanks for taking the time to let me do this, sir. My head’s in the game now.”

“Of course..” Hawthorne says, speaking lightly. You see his gaze linger on the stone for a few moments. A strange emotion bubbling behind his eyes.

“Son, do you-” He clears his throat, speaking again more steady now. “Would you mind if we made another stop, Mark?”

>”Of course, sir. Where to?”
>”Are you sure we have time? We start at 9 sharp don’t we?”
>”Maybe you should go alone, I’ll stay here and take some extra time. As long as you need.”
>”Everything okay, Hawthorne?”
>>”Of course, sir. Where to?”
>>”Of course, sir. Where to?”
I liked this. Long is good. Calmer scenes only amplify higher stakes ones by comparison.
>>”Of course, sir. Where to?”
>>”Of course, sir. Where to?”
His wife probably

Excited for halloween in gotham, whatever dark evil bullshit it's gonna be this time.
4300 Pacific islanders live in NYC according to a quick Google, so perhaps Gotham has a similar number. All it takes is one of them, or someone who's been there and appreciates that breakfast, to start a cafe or diner.

>>”Of course, sir."
No need to ask where. We know. No Shivers needed.
>”Of course, sir. Where to?”
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You don't need shivers to see where this is leading. You just offer a reassuring smile and nod.

"Of course, sir."

Hawthorne just grunts, his eyes scanning the leaves as he walks deeper into the cemetery, you feel a tickle run down your spine but it quickly blends in with the chilled it that seeps between the gaps in your uniform and body. After a few minutes of walking Hawthorne slows to a stop, in front of him lies a headstone of simple grey rock.

You offer a gentle hand to his shoulder and he angles his head towards you, his face a complex mix of emotion but one you see more than anything is shame.

"Mother, Daughter, Friend." Hawthorne says emptily, his words cold as the breeze itself.

You shift your eyes and register those words as the one on the stone.

"Mother?" You ask quietly.

Hawthorne nods.

"A son." He says, his voice tight. "We don't.. we don't really talk all that much these days."

"Oh." You mumble, unsure of what to say.

"Yup." He replies.

You both stand there in silence, the space you occupy feeling endlessly vast. Slowly Hawthorne takes off his hat and holds it low in his hands, his fingers kneading the material as he stares, his eyes unblinking and shimmering with moisture despite his jaw being locked in a pained grimace.

"I didn't pick that. You know. The words for her." He gestures with his hat to the stone. "After Suzy.. I just dropped it all. Focused on getting my hands on that fat prick. Missed her funeral. Stopped coming home. Only time I ate is when Grey brought me something.”

“Your son?”

“He was about to graduate, had a couple scholarships lined up, Suzy wanted him to go to Gotham U. Stay close.” He clenches his hat in his hands, his weathered knuckles fading. “He ended up going to Coast City though, guess there wasn’t much left here for him.”

Hawthorne trails off into silence again, his shoulders relaxing with a sigh as he finally closes his eyes.

“Sorry.” He says simply.

>”You wanna take a second to say something? I can give you some privacy.”
>”Want to say something? I talk with my Grandfather sometimes.. It helps.”
>”It isn’t too late, you know? Maybe once we get off shift tonight you should reach out, give him a call.”
>”What made you settle into a desk? By the time you took me on as my TO it looked like you had stopped your hunt.”
>”Hard to imagine you as a dad, why’d you never bring him up before?”

Probably going to do an update this weekend to make up for the missed on a few days back, keep an eye peeled for one tomorrow. Enjoy the Hawthorne lore that definitely isn't a precursor to anything. Please make use of the write-in if you have any other parts of his background you want to know more of. See you soon..
>”Want to say something? I talk with my Grandfather sometimes.. It helps.”
>>”Want to say something? I talk with my Grandfather sometimes.. It helps.”
>>”It isn’t too late, you know? Maybe once we get off shift tonight you should reach out, give him a call.”
>>”Want to say something? I talk with my Grandfather sometimes.. It helps.”
>>”It isn’t too late, you know? Maybe once we get off shift tonight you should reach out, give him a call.”
>”It isn’t too late, you know? Maybe once we get off shift tonight you should reach out, give him a call.”
Dispatch, please play "Cat's in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin.

>Stand there in silence
Idk man, I can't deal with emotional old people
>”It isn’t too late, you know? Maybe once we get off shift tonight you should reach out, give him a call.”

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"It isn't too late, you know? Maybe once we get off shift tonight you should reach out, give him a call."

Hawthorne grunts in reply, eyes still locked on the ground.

You awkwardly shift a bit in place before you speak again, lower this time.

"Want to say something?"

"Yeah I'll.. I'll call him."

"Good.. but I meant here."

He gives you a glance from the side of his eye and raises a brow.

"Not much for praying."

"I didn't say pray, just talk. Sometimes when I visit my grandfather I don't pray. I just talk, tell him about my life, try and think about what he would tell me, it helps."

Hawthorne holds your gaze for a moment before his tired eye slips away back to the ground, he nods.

"Mind giving me a minute then?" He grumbles.

"Yes, sir."

You take a short walk before finding one of the benches that dot the grounds and settling down. The cold wood creeps through your pants but you keep yourself occupied, enjoying the peace and quiet. Before too long a firm hand grips your shoulder.

"Let's get to work." Hawthorne says.

You look up and can just tell, he seems a little more relaxed, you don't linger on or mention the fact you can see the dampness still beneath his red eyes. You just nod and stand, tugging your cap on snugly as he does the same. Without any other words you both silently head to the shop..


Precinct 1 is a madhouse. You thought things were busy before the sting but this is another level, the bullpen is simultaneously a ghost town and a highway, the most you see your fellow officers is a few seconds at a time as they enter to retrieve a paper or bang something out on a keyboard. A large corkboard sits in the center with a series of laminated head shots and small descriptions. The top reads boldly:


Your eyes scan over a few of the faces and stop on one displaying a man with thick sunglasses and a cigarette. The photo is fuzzy and gray, likely taken by CCTV, Hawthorne notices and nudges you.
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"Bounty Board. Some bigger names like to try and use Halloween to move around, get lost in the noise."

"Is that an alias or occupation?" You ask, pointing to the bold text beneath his photo: HITMAN.

Hawthorne snorts.

"Both. Pain in the ass murderer, did some work for the families putting down rival wiseguys, at least he had the common courtesy to avoid civilians. Still, with the vacuum we made pulling Fatty out of play, means there's a non-zero chance he comes back to pick up a check."

Your eyes scan down the board, picking a few more familiar faces, Dr. Crane: The Scarecrow. Your eyes hit another and you point again.

"Wasn't this guy in the Arkham break out?" Your finger lingers on a laminated headshot of a man with a stovetop hat. "Jervis Tetch."

"Goofy fucking name." Hawthorne growls. "Goes by Mad Hatter, real basket case who we picked up after a string of kidnappings, all of em young and blonde."

"Mad Hatter? Like from Alive and Wonderland? So the girls.."

"He wanted an Alice, yup." Hawthorne "Sick fuck, we got him gift wrapped with the right side of his ribcage pushed in. First time I didn't really mind The Batman."

You frown and stare at the image, a strange feeling washing over you as you turn your eyes away from the poster as Commander Reiner walks up to you both, wearing his own crisp uniform with two dangling medals. You recognize one, The Gotham Cross, the same commendation Banks received. He sighs and plants his hands in his pockets.

"I got an assignment for you both, tonight you'll be on bridge duty but until then I need some more bodies for City Hall's Trick or Treating event."

Hawthorne groans but otherwise doesn't protest. You pipe up.

"Really? They stopped doing that when I was a kid."

"Well Dent is bringing it back, him and Wayne, and they want it to go well which means some GCPD. It's an easy assignment."

"It's fluff." Hawthorne grumbles.

"It's your job." Reiner counters firmly. "And it's not fluff. If anything happens at that event it's nothing but children, parents, and most of City Hall. So take it seriously."

Hawthorne scowls but accepts this. He nods as Reiner turns to you.

"I'm only offering this to you as a courtesy because I know you BOTH have history with the Mayor." He gives Hawthorne a particularly long glare. "So I've got two spots, one closer to the steps of City Hall and one by the entrance, about as far from Dent as possible."

"I think Dent and I might actually be.. alright now." You offer lightly.

"Not me." Hawthorne replies.

Reiner sighs.

"Look, just pick your position. By the Hall or by the Entrance. I'm extending a courtesy to you two since you've been working hard to get back in line. I've appreciated it. So pick one or I'll stick you by the porta-johns."

>Be positioned by City Hall
>Be positioned by the Entrance
>Be positioned by the Porta-johns
>Write-In (Basically if you wanna also ask Reiner anything use this too)
>>Be positioned by the Entrance
>Write-In (Basically if you wanna also ask Reiner anything use this too)
"I'm guessing there's going to be private security with Bruce Wayne around?"
>Be positioned by City Hall
>"Any notable guests at the event besides Dent?"
>"All the candy's been screened I assume?"
>"Any particular type of candy you'd like from the event sir?"
That last one is a joke, but who knows? Maybe Reiner has a sweet tooth?
>Be positioned by City Hall

I really, REALLY hope we don’t have to wear Gotti tonight, if picrel’s associates are patrolling the streets for Halloween…
>Be positioned by City Hall
>Write-In (Basically if you wanna also ask Reiner anything use this too)
>>"I'm guessing there's going to be private security with Bruce Wayne around?"

>inb4 "candycorn"
I'd vote to turn in our badge right then and there.
+1 plus the question above this post asking if there's going to be private security for Wayne.
I bet the Joker eats candycorn.

"We can handle City Hall." You say confidently. "I've already been there for him twice, no point acting like a stranger now."

Reiner nods, satisfied.

"Good to hear, I'll pass it on. Check in with Perry, Sergeant." He says to Hawthorne. "If anything changes he's your point of contact, he'll provide you the frequency for the event."

"Understood." Hawthorne grunts.

"Any questions?"

"Only one, sir." You say quietly. Reiner raises an eyebrow.

"Go on."

"Any particular type of candy you'd like from the event?"

Reiner stares at you for a few moments before shifting his glance to Hawthorne, who only gives the slightest tremble as evidence of his held chuckle.

"How about I give you a jawbreaker." Reiner says flatly, but with a barely perceptible smile.

You glance down and contain your own laugh as Reiner begins to turn, but freezes. Extending another finger.

"Oh yeah. You." He holds the finger directly at your chest. "I got the paperwork clearing you for a long gun, it seems the armory lost an old request form and it popped back up. I've passed it along and it should be in your war bags. I hope you don't need it but.. something tells me this is going to be a Long Halloween."

Reiner turns as he finishes and walks away. Hawthorne lets out a sigh and leans back, causing his back to pop, he laughs gently.

"You heard him, rook." He says. "Go grab your bag and let's saddle up. Sooner we get there the sooner day care is over."

You follow Hawthorne in silence as you both prepare to hit the street...


The street is packed. Hawthorne spits whispered curses as he flicks your lights on and pulls the PA system's handset off the dash.

"Make way. Make way, GCPD." He says calmly, lowering the device before muttering. "Assholes."

The mass crowd clogging main street slowly parts as your shop rolls through to the staging area, a cordoned off parking lot containing all the cars for GCPD Officers. A traffic cop in a bright white vest lifts a wooden plank and you roll into a parking spot.

"This place is stuffed." You mumble, glancing around. "I haven't seen this many people out at once except for New Years.."

You step out into the scent of fried foods and the sound of hundreds of voices speaking at once as citizens flow downstream towards the steps of City Hall. Your eyes go wide as the sound hits you and you look around.

"You're gonna catch flies, rook. Close your mouth." Hawthorne offers walking to the trunk. "Don't tell me this is your first time being in a big crowd."

"No.. it's not that. I just.. this is what it sounded like."
The trunk opens with a hiss as Hawthorne cranes his neck around.

"Come again?"

"In my head. When Shivers was just.. passively going. This is what it sounded like.."

You close your eyes and focus your hearing, trying to draw in on a single voice in the entire crowd, only to smile when you find it impossible. The waves of chatter overlapping and running over one another.

"Wow." You mutter. "I could never tell before."

You glance back to gauge Hawthorne's reaction only to see him absent, bent over at the waist digging through the trunk. He leans back, a black strap hanging loosely from his rifle as he pulls it from the trunk, his eyes slide across the weapon from barrel to butt and a familiar grin shows up on his face.

"Hello gorgeous." He says fondly before sliding the strap over his head.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" You say quietly, moving closer to the trunk. "I mean, there's a lot of kids around."

Hawthorne pulls a magazine free from his bag and clicks it into place.

"Settle down, son." He grumbles. "You act like I haven't been handling these things since you were in pull-ups. Besides, I want it to stand out."

You furrow your brow.


Hawthorne grins wickedly and lets the rifle hang at his side.

"Dent wants to de-militarize us? Fine. But he's gonna be on the front page with me right there, rifle in hand. I'm sure that'll bring up some uncomfortable questions from reporters, the buzzards."

"Are you serious?" You ask, shocked. "You want to carry it as a form of protest?"

"I want to carry it while I still have the chance. If it lights a fire under the Mayor's ass that's just a bonus." He glances down into the trunk and nods. "You could carry yours too, take her on her maiden voyage, not to mention it's for a good reason. We have these weapons because we need them, because as you found out firsthand nine mil isn't doing anything against a nutjob with a flamethrower."

You glance down at your war bag, still securely zipped.

>"Alright I'll do it. I mean, he's been attacked twice over now. It'd be irresponsible not to be prepared.."
>"I'm in, especially if it means messing with Dent's job the way he's messed with mine."
>"You're on your own with this, sir. I respect the message but.. I need to think about my future. Who know's how long Dent will be mayor."
>"No way, the last thing I need is to finally get in the paper as "Dent's opposition within the GCPD" or whatever other spin the Gazette will put on it.

Don't worry anon who wanted to ask about Wayne by the way, I haven't forgotten you.
>"Alright I'll do it. I mean, he's been attacked twice over now. It'd be irresponsible not to be prepared.."
If Dent objects, let him have the "if only the demilitarization was lighter so we could have had these to stop Firebug, huh?" or similar
>"Alright I'll do it. I mean, he's been attacked twice over now. It'd be irresponsible not to be prepared.."

>>"Alright I'll do it. I mean, he's been attacked twice over now. It'd be irresponsible not to be prepared.."
>"Alright I'll do it. I mean, he's been attacked twice over now. It'd be irresponsible not to be prepared.."
Yeah no, in Gotham, it's definitely a little more reasonable for a cop to run around LARPing as a soldier.
>something tells me this is going to be a Long Halloween
Oh boy here we go
Surprisingly hard choice for what it is.
>>(Do not take the rifle) Dent seems to be quick to tag you as an "enemy" if he sees opposition from you, real or perceived. I'd like to keep that door open, at least for now.
And hey, if taking the gun wins, we promised Banks we'll walk the beat with him forever anyway.

I do wonder what was that strange feeling we almost picked up from a mad hatter picture
I support taking the rifle- but why not the best of both worlds: we just carry it in the duffle bag- that way we still have it AND we have plausible deniability as to us having it.
>Man is going to stand in full cop uniform in front of the city hall with a suspiciously rifle-shaped duffle bag
Come on now
>"Alright I'll do it. I mean, he's been attacked twice over now. It'd be irresponsible not to be prepared..."
I can't imagine even most people who want to defund or demilitarize police IRL would have the same stance on a comic-accurate, meta-filled Gotham City Halloween.

Though I imagine Dent's solution to the above dilemma centers on his work with ARGUS.
>Though I imagine Dent's solution to the above dilemma centers on his work with ARGUS.
And I wonder how that's gonna work out for him when a bunch of spooks who give precisely zero shits about Gotham are the only people with the tools to do ANYTHING, much less protect and serve.
I can see nothing but shit coming down the pipe, best we can do now is hold our nose and get ready to say "I told you so".

You lean down and unzip the bag, pulling eagerly at the zipper.

"Alright, I'll do it." You open the bag and see your very own rifle, clean and ready. "I mean.. he's been attacked twice over now. It'd be irresponsible NOT to be prepared."

You hoist the weapon out of the trunk and sling it's strap across your chest, shooting a small glance at Hawthorne you prod a little.


"Damn straight." Hawthorne replies. "Maybe if we save his life again using these things he'll get a bit of a better understanding of why we need em."

You carefully plug a magazine into place and ensure your safety is on. You close the trunk and take a few small steps, testing how it sways on your side without a hand to hold it. Hawthorne steps forward and grabs your hand, placing it firmly on the weapon.

"One hand on at all times." He says firmly, taking his own hand away. "You were right to put the safety on but anyone familiar with one of these is gonna be able to flick it and squeeze off a round faster'n you can say 'Freeze' so keep a hand on it and an eye on anyone who's within arms reach of you."

You nod, a little embarrassed but taking his words seriously. You twist the strap so the rifle hangs more flush against the front of your body and you find a comfortable place to rest your hand on the back of the grip. You look to Hawthorne for approval and he gives you a thumbs up before jerking his head.

"Let's walk down then, see what we signed up for."


The crowd is dense, but unsurprisingly, you manage to move through it with relative ease. Whether it's the uniform or the conspicuous weapon, people seem to give you a bit of breathing room as you meander towards City Hall. You glance up as you walk beneath a large banner proudly reading:

'GOTHAM CITY CANDY WALK! Proudly funded by Wayne Enterprises.'

"Sir." You say casually, receiving a grunt as acknowledgment. "Who's running security for Wayne you think?"

"I doubt he's here." Hawthorne replies.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"For one this place ain't swarming with TV crews, you'd think he gives em dinner scraps the way they follow him around, if pretty boy was here there'd be a photo op every fifteen feet. That's not even mentioning the trouble he's having too."

"Trouble? What trouble?"

Hawthorne stops and gives you a glare framed by a furrowed brow.

"You wanna be in the paper so bad, why don't you try reading one? Wayne's been catching flack from people about the Firebug incident."

"Wait.. I think I did hear about that on TV. They said his suit was Wayne Tech?"
"Mhm. Apparently Wayne's been asleep at the wheel for a while now, his company put out the usual crap PR statement about looking into it but Wayne's been quiet as a ghost and not for lack of trying. Seems he can stay out of the way of a camera after all."

"But what are people giving him a hard time for? I mean, Firebug used a suit that Wayne-Tech makes, what's the big deal?"

"Didn't realize you were such a fan."

"It's not like that, I've talked with him before. You even said yourself he wasn't what you thought, he paid your hospital bill."

"Mhm, and I appreciate that but I also know that stuff like a bulletproof suit doesn't fall out of the sky. If it was stolen or something then they'd have mentioned it in their press release, but playing dumb has people think that Wayne isn't running as tight a ship as he used to." Hawthorne grumbles and shakes his head, you can see genuine disappointment and irritation in his expression.

"You seem to feel pretty strong about it yourself, sir."

"Eh. Everyone my age basically watched him grow up through the news, he was proof that Gotham could get to anyone and nobody wants to see a kid suffer. So we rooted for him, and he became Gotham's darling, for a while at least. Then the parties, rehab, and all the typical shit that comes with being a twenty something with too much money. That was nearly thirty years ago now and he's still in the same spiral. Some of us were just hoping Wayne'd grow up eventually."

"Sounds a little more than just 'rooting for him', sir."

Hawthorne shrugs and scoffs.

"Yeah well, there was a time people thought we'd be getting Mayor Wayne. A guy who understands personally how it works down here and what it's like. Then he came around and supported Dent, King Yuppie." He shakes his head and lets his sentence die off as he spots something. "Rook, look there."

You follow his gaze to a small group of men, two men and two teens, you narrow your eyes as you look at the younger of the group and you mumble.

"Is that?"

"Some old friends." Hawthorne growls, setting off on a walk.

You trail behind him, keeping close as you take in the details. One man, definitely an adult, face covered with a red ski-mask and an anarchy symbol on the forehead. In front of him are two very familiar young men, the other half of the Anarky Crew that Caesar was running around with. As you both approach you hear their conversation, muddled by the crowd, die the moment they lay eyes on you. The two teen's eyes like up with recognition but they say nothing.

"Officers." The masked man states, giving you an up nod. "Problem?"

"Yeah." Hawthorne growls. "Your mask. Take it off."

The man raises his hands and looks around.

"Is it not Halloween, Officer? Am I breaking some kinda law?"

"Halloween or not, you're wearing gang colors." You say confidently.

"A gang?" The man says, craning his neck around. "I don't see no gang, just a couple friends hanging out. Enjoying the festivities."
"Yeah, pig. We ain't no gang." One of the teens pipes up.

You hear a dull thud aa a swift slap connects to the back of his head.

"Show some respect for the Officers." The Masked Man says firmly.

"Enough." Hawthorne barks. "Take the mask off and put your hands behind your head, I'm giving you a pat down."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, punk-ass. I know you're packing something, they always are." Hawthorne says.

"Sorry Officer, but I don't think that fits probable cause and I don't think the Mayor is big on stop and frisk anymore either.."

"My probable cause is that eyesore on your forehead."

"This?" His fingers lightly taps the Anarchy symbol. "This ain't a gang symbol, officer. It stands for Apples.. yeah I'm dressed up as an apple."

He circles his head with his pointer finger and smiles.

"See? Red and round. Just like an apple."

"I'm not doing this with you. Turn the hell around." Hawthorne says.

Head Mask steps off the curb onto the street as the crowd bends around you, a few people slowing to rubberneck, he holds his hands by his hips but his fingers spread and his hands empty.

"And if I don't go along with this unconstitutional search?" He says quietly, eyes flicking down to your rifles as he smiles smugly.

The two teens quietly share a glance and let out excited whispers as they watch, enraptured.

Hawthorne's jaw sets and you see his hand tense as you move to step in.

>"You asked for probable cause and we gave it, if you don't consent to the search then that means we have to put you in cuffs and send you to the station, all above board."
>"Or we handcuff you anyways and ship you back to the precinct where you'll spend all of your Halloween in a holding cell piss puddle, by the time they uncuff you and say sorry the day'll be over. It's easier if you comply."
>"Or we make you. Simple as that, ask your little friends there if you think I'm lying."
>"How about we slow this down.. how about this: you give us your name and some ID instead, how's that?"
>Say nothing, let Hawthorne handle this.
>Leave Hawthorne to his search and keep an eye on the other punks. They clearly came to start shit.
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>"You wanna be in the paper so bad, why don't you try reading one?
+1 be his other eyes
>Say nothing, let Hawthorne handle this.
Ya know, I just realized something.
We have walked into a public event with kids everywhere, armed with rifles, and immediately told a group of people to submit to a search, with Hawthorne saying some pretty typical cop shit out loud (no offense).
I think Reiner is gonna have a conniption chewing us out when we get back to the station.
>"How about we slow this down.. how about this: you give us your name and some ID instead, how's that?"
Keep an eye on the kids, they're gonna try something.
They're already trying something here, I bet going for some Police Brutality stuff
Us? This was Hawthorne's call. He's the TO.
Do you honestly think that's going to spare us a dressing down for the immensely shit optics we just displayed here?
We've been pulling our Boy Scout Mark persona and it worked before, but we mostly used it with civvies who don't know shit/care about it (Like the guy on the Yatch club) or people who are into our same type of job but they don't get the same rules (The guards in the prison)

This type of guy is like the ones you see in videos who are either a nuisance or they're on the right, and the first group always trying to always look like the second one. If this guy is of the first group, he surely has some flowchart with some strong laws that he knows how to tell when needed and some that are more shakey that he pulls out if he's really struggling.

I suggest that we either

1. Boy Scout Mark on this guy so hard he gets embarrased (And owned with facts and logic)
2. We let Hawtorne do his stuff while looking to the other kids.

My problem with option 1 is that with the example that I said earlier on Mark being a boy scout, I even don't know if he really, REALLY know what exact, minute clause would let him win the legal argument against this idiot, or if Mark basically does the same that I explained before. Hell, I don't even know if Mark knows the laws slightly more than this guy to pull it off. It would be cool if QM could come here and clarify if Mark really knows his stuff or not.
>"How about we slow this down.. how about this: you give us your name and some ID instead, how's that?"
I hate to throw off Hawthorne's groove or make him think we're second-guessing him but, man. The optics. And we're surrounded by civvies.
I don't even wanna engage with this guy. But it is odd. He slapped a teen who went for "pig", but refuses to take off the anarky-themed mask.
Picked a weird hill to die on. Hawthorne *is* good at hurting people's pride, so it might just be that.

>"How about we slow this down.. how about this: you give us your name and some ID instead, how's that?"
>"Apple costume is cool and all, but anarky-themed merch worn in proximity to city administration buildings or government officials makes you a number one suspect, you understand. It's an easy mistake to make."
Idk, try to be real with him. They *did* came here to start shit, but they could reconsider.
It's bait. This guy is totally just a fucking shitter. Maybe even trying to get a lawsuit that'll get a settlement out of court if he's a real smart cookie. Otherwise he's probably just being a tard. Look around for some idiot with a smartphone.
Something to consider is that he's clearly smarter than his compatriots, which means he has to know how this was going to go down. That to me smells like a diversion.
But a diversion for what? What are we NOT seeing?
I actually wonder how it works in murica. Are there symbols you can't wear by law?
I mean I doubt the "A" in a circle classifies, anarky didn't even came up with it, it's an old one. Bet it's on lots of t-shirts.
You know what, we should try shivers. Surely they aren't completely gone. Surely.
>I actually wonder how it works in murica. Are there symbols you can't wear by law?
No, but don't expect to anything good if you wear a swastika or some shit.
>"How about we slow this down.. how about this: you give us your name and some ID instead, how's that?"
This reeks of some sort of shitty Johnny Somali "Pranktube" bullshit to me... Shame we can't do the same to this guy here.
...Do the same thing South Korea is currently doing to Johnny, I mean.
I'm pretty sure all symbols and writings are permitted under freedom of expression so long as you are on public property. Though I know that feds will show up if you flash recognized terrorist group stuff. But Anarkists probably aren't classified as a recognized terrorist group. For whatever arcane gubmint reason. Probably still classified as a street gang despite having all the hallmarks of a terrorist organization.
>But Anarkists probably aren't classified as a recognized terrorist group
>Tfw I remember the lab they had that is a joint venture with scarecrow
Wonder what did the detectives sent there found. Grey passed the info along iirc
They found the stolen nudes of Mister Freeze. The sight chilled them to their bones.
>I'm pretty sure all symbols and writings are permitted under freedom of expression so long as you are on public property
Correct. What is also protected under the first amendment is people's reaction to those things in public spaces, but that doesn't really come up until people start throwing bricks and chairs and whatnot.
>But Anarkists probably aren't classified as a recognized terrorist group
Bit fucking odd, but I suppose it lets the GCPD deal with them a little more efficiently. Imagine if they had to coordinate with the feds and get approval every time they wanted to raid an Anarchist drug den or something. FUCKING THANKS DENT YOU SHITHEAD YUPPIE
>What is also protected under the first amendment is people's reaction to those things in public spaces, but that doesn't really come up until people start throwing bricks and chairs and whatnot.
Yeah. You can talk all the shit you want (without outright stating you're going to cause them harm) to that guy in the Klansmen getup but the moment you put your hands on him you've committed a crime. Hopefully that doesn't change. I see what's happening in Europe and it hurts my eyes.

>Imagine if they had to coordinate with the feds and get approval every time they wanted to raid an Anarchist drug den or something
That's probably where he'll wind up getting his weed from now that needle-dick got spooked. Fuckin' Yuppie Dent.
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You keep quiet, but something about this stinks. While Hawthorne has his stare down with the man in the mask you let your eyes wander.. The two teens who used to run with Caesar have something.. off about them. You remember the last time you saw them, typical punks, but looking now they seem. Different. Confident. Your eyes go for the usual locations first, a quick glance at the waist, ankles, and pockets doesn't show any strange lumps.. So no guns or.. wait.

Your eyes freeze. The loudmouth of the two, the one who called you pig, he wears a slightly oversized flannel that hangs loosely from his shoulders. The wrinkles and folds pull one side down more than the other and a slight glint catches your eye. A camera lens.There’s a click somewhere deep in your unconscious when you spot it, peeking just above a breast pocket, as a memory of something Wallace said comes rushing back to you. You swallow harshly and turn just as you see Hawthorne take a step and let loose a:

"Enough of the clown show."

You step backwards, lightly bumping Hawthorne's shoulder as you step half between them.

"How about we slow this down.." You start, holding a hand up to Hawthorne and giving a flick of the eye to the two young men.

"How about I break my foot off in his ass?" Hawthorne counters.

"Sir." You say firmly. Your eyes flicking again to the two young men and now a small gaggle of people watching with more interest.

Hawthorne looks around and you see some of the heat in his face fade away as he lets out a huff. He grunts and nods at you to continue, turning around, you speak politely to the masked man.

"How about this, you give us your name and some ID instead, how about that?"

"For what?" He replies, scoffing. "I ain't done nothing."

"Yeah, man. Why're you fuckin with us?" The one without the phone shouts.

You glance around and see more people starting to look over. Hawthorne shakes his head slightly, staring daggers at the teen.

"How about you brats get out of here and quit interfering in police business, unless you want me to make a call to your mama."

Hawthorne's threatening taunt actually makes something click for you. In the silence of your mind the idea stands out like a sore thumb.

"How old are you two boys?" You ask, turning from the masked man entirely while keeping your body squared up with his.

"We don't answer questions." One of them spits. Out of the corner of your eye you see the mask shift as he smiles slightly.

"That right?" Hawthorne growls. "Well we ain’t asking, it's an order. How old are you and where are your parents?"

"What's it matter, Officer? We can't just enjoy the day?" The Man asks, raising his voice slightly.

"The matter." You swivel and tell him to his face. "Is that per City Ordinance all minors have to be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or older."
"I'm over eighteen, Officer." He replies with a mocking laugh. "Do I look underaged?"

"From where I'm standing you look like a big fucking baby." Hawthorne says, hard edge returning to his eyes as a smirk forms.

"That's your opinion." The man says, but you hear the irritation in his voice building from the consistent mockery. "But I'm far above that age limit, a family friend of these two."

"Then you won't mind proving it by handing over an ID. You know, so we can confirm?" You ask with a sly grin.

Hawthorne takes your lead and moves past you fully. Positioning himself so you're back to back, trading suspects.

"And if he's not willing to hand it over then that means you two brats are going to GCPD holding until we find out mommy and daddy's names and have em come pick you up." He speaks in a low threatening tone.

"Sir." You say firmly, an idea striking you. You raise your voice, using his same trick. "I just need to confirm you know these two YOUNG boys, sir! Can you please provide me some ID?"

"What the fuck?" He mumbles suddenly, his eyes flicking back to you.

"Please, sir. I'm only asking to confirm the safety of these minors." You raise a little higher on the last word and you see his cool demeanor break as anger flashes in his eyes.

"Ay, shut the fuck up!" He mumbles harshly in a rush. Tucking his chin as he reaches down to his pocket, you slide your finger over the trigger guard and warn him.


His eyes flick up and he scoffs, a disgusted annoyed sound, but he complies. Moving steadily he draws out a wallet and dips his fingers inside. He draws a thin laminated card and you watch as it slips between his fingers and clatters to the pavement below. The moment your eyes break from his to look at the card you see his sneakers pivot and twist as he makes a move to run. You glance to Hawthorne as you instinctually move to follow and you see he's dealing with his own situation. Looks like they had the same idea. He holds his rifle close to his body as his only free hand wraps tightly in the collar of the one boy's flannel while the other tugs on his friend's arm to pull him free. But Hawthorne's grip is iron and he's already got the teen on his tiptoes, dragging pale sneaker tips across pavement as he pulls him closer.

>Hawthorne has the kids handled, at least one of em, take off after the Mask yourself.
>"Leave the kids, he's running!" Take off after the Mask with Hawthorne.
>Let him run, end of the day the kids are more likely to break and tell you something than he is.
>Let him run, the crowd is too dense to do anything without serious risk. Pull your radio and put out a notice for him.
>Swing your rifle like a club, try to catch him in the back of the knee.
>Draw your stun-gun and aim..
>Lift your rifle and fire, aiming for a non-vital area.

I'm going with the canon of Anarky having already been dealt with (I believe I mentioned the specifics in an early thread) and what's left now is basically a bunch of edgy teens and scumbags who took his branding.

Original Anarky and his goons? Domestic Terrorists for sure, and that's why he basically got Black-Site'd after being turned in by Batman (per Arkham Origins)

If you guys have any other questions I can iron out I'd love to hear em. Just reply to this.
>>Hawthorne has the kids handled, at least one of em, take off after the Mask yourself.
"Someone stop that child molester!"

We've already got the publics attention and hes bolting at the suggestion hes done weird shit to them.

Time to capitalise on that attention.
>Hawthorne has the kids handled, at least one of em, take off after the Mask yourself.

We just had to take this stupid fucking rifle with us…
>Hawthorne has the kids handled, at least one of em, take off after the Mask yourself.

I also regret taking the rifle.
>Hawthorne has the kids handled, at least one of em, take off after the Mask yourself.
Leave the cardio to the Rook, I see you Hawthorne. Anyways...
>I also regret taking the rifle.
I don't, this is a good learning experience. Mark might look into SBR'ing that bitch to make it less cumbersome in the future, among other things...
+1, kek.

Oh, so they ARE just a gang who took the ideologial branding of the local unabomber. Makes sense.

Gonna need some rolls from you folks for the update later.

>1d100 Best of 3 (Bo3 because that fucking write-in kills me)

Essentially, the equivalent of the Joker Goons from Dark Knight Returns where they've basically canonized Anarky and try to 'carry on the mission' but they aren't actually organized at a real level.

Appreciate the question, I have a lot of 'My Gotham' lore that I've set up in my head but haven't had a place in story to let some of it be known, so I was happy to see something I had actually pre-thought about be brought up.
Rolled 86, 26, 62 = 174 (3d100)

Fucking fucked up my roll formatting, my bad...
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d100)

Bo3, damn
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So uhhhhhh
no crit fails right?
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...fuck me.

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You guys know I can't let that slide, right?

Thankfully theres no crit fails in this quest. JFC.

But lack of crit fails means we still catch him, just egg on our face right?
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We sure showed the fucking ground what-for. Hopefully there's no ricochet. So much for that long gun cert.
Last time I saw this kind of luck was in DC Henchman Quest.
Wouldn't we still just consider this "one" of the three rolls? or is it just critfails auto default regardless of result
Our parents are dead now, aren't they?
Yeah. Rip AxisQM. You were one of the greats of QST.

ROLL: 82

GOAL: 70

RESULT: Success [spoiler?

Writing now
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Time seems to slow as your brain rushes to calculate as much as it can. He's running.. Hawthorne has one kid at least but in this crowd odds of this guy getting away are high if you don't have some help, suddenly a spark strike as you pivot your foot and extend your arm as instinct takes over:

"SOMEBODY STOP THAT CHILD MOLESTOR!" You yell, pointing an accusatory finger.

Where the fuck did that come from? You only have a split second to consider your words before you see the immediate effect. A blur of gold and black as a man dives from the crowd and connects with the Masked fellow's ribs. He goes down like a sack of dirt, dragged all the way, and pulled into a sprawl as other members of the crowd swarm him, stepping on ankles, hands, and fingers. You hear a muffled splutter as the young man wearing a Gotham Rogues Jersey leaps up from the ground and screams with ear-piercing fervor.


He turns to another young man, this one skinny and tall, as he posts up for a double high five into a low five followed by their shoulders clashing. The back of his jersey simply reads: Waterson.

"Fuck yeah, Ray-Ray!" The slim athlete yells at his friend.

"That's D-Line baby! Not in my fuckin city!" Ray-Ray does a small dance in celebration above the crumpled and restrained form of the Anarky member, his friend chattering with hype ups and cheers.

You jog over and give him a firm nod as you kneel down to the Masked man.

"Appreciate the help, sir."

"Anytime!" Ray-Ray replies, holding his fist out expectantly.

You look up at him and scoff with a smile.

"Oh hell! MARK, BEHIND YOU!" Hawthorne's voice rings out, a tone you'd never heard before.

You turn just in time to see a blue of a person slamming into your side and sending you sprawling to the ground, the crowd watches in confusion as someone they thought was a victim crawls over you, his hands grab and scratch at your face as your feet scramble for purchase beneath you. You let your rifle fall to your side as you free up your additional hand to try and speed up your recovery but the moment you do the immediate flurry of nails and weak hits against your face stops and he dives forward with both hands out for your weapon.

You feel your heart freeze solid as you open your eyes and see his blurred form.

His hands grab and press against the grip.

You feel a rising acidic tide in your throat as you push yourself off your back.

His finger slides into the guard..

There's no time. You need to do something. Anything!

You feel a cut open on your center knuckle as your fist collides with the teen boy square in the front of his mouth. His hands come off the gun and up to his face as his head snaps backwards, blood spraying from his newly split lip. His eyes swim as he blinks, like he's trying to force you into focus, he sways in his crouched stance for a moment before a set of thick arms wrap around his arms and chest and he's pulled, kicking weakly, into the air by Ray-Ray.

"Holy shit man, I think this kid got Stockholm's Syndrome or some shit!" He says over his shoulder to his friend.

You groan and rise to your feet, pulling out a set of zip-ties from your belt and zipping the youth's hands together tightly as Ray-Ray holds him still. Hawthorne follows the same procedure with the other teen, all the while the crowd around you has the huffing and wheezing Anarkist pinned down until you can get over to him with cuffs, you squeeze them tight, making sure he only gets a hair's width of free space. As Hawthorne approaches you he leans in.

"We're gonna talk about this in a fucking minute." He says, his voice firm and.. disappointed?

"Yes, sir." You reply quietly.

"Alright folks, couple’a steps back now." A familiar voice calls out.

You watch Officer Bunko and Chen emerge from the crowd, batons in hand. Hawthorne exchanges a curt nod with them and raises his fingers to his lips letting out a sharp whistle between his fingers. Everyone’s heads shift to him as he waves his arms.

"Alright now! If you were one of the people who helped us detain this creep I want you to line up and talk to Officer Chen here. He's gonna ask you what you saw or heard before, during, and after." He lowers his voice and extends a finger to the oversized young man in the jersey. "You. You're gonna talk to Officer Bunko and tell him the same thing, then he's gonna take down your information. Alright?"

"Sure thing, Officer." Ray-Ray says with a lopsided grin. "It's cause I smeared him ain't it?"

Hawthorne nods and he grins wickedly.

"Damn right, son."

"Hell yeah.." Ray-Ray whispers to himself, before walking away.

As the crowd starts to disperse and Bunko calls in another Officer to cart your suspects back to Precinct One, Hawthorne pulls you aside.

"You're an evil little fuck you know that?" He chuckles darkly. "Calling the guy a chomo in the middle of a crowd.. not what I expected from a boy scout."

"I improvised." You say quietly, your finger tracing a particularly deep scratch on your chin.

"Yeah well. It was good improv." Suddenly his face grows a little more serious. "What wasn't good was the fact you let a goddamn teenager get the drop on you."

You lower your eyes and nod. But Hawthorne puts a hand on your shoulder.
"Look at me. It's not on you alone. I should have had both those little shits in a headlock before they had the chance.. I just.." He trails off, his face contorting in frustration. "Meh. Maybe Willy was right, maybe I'm too old for this shit."

"It was a bad situation, I should have never let go of my rifle." You mutter but Hawthorne cuts that off with a shake of his head.

"You reacted when it counted, you handled business. The more you work the more you'll pick up that sixth sense, then you'll be able to avoid needing to react in the first place."

At his words you can't help but feel frustration bubbling up inside. You never really noticed how.. aware your Shivers made you. Without it now you can't stop yourself from thinking that.. maybe Kimble was right. You don't have time to dwell on it as Hawthorne slaps your shoulder and lifts your rifle back into your hands.

"Don't dwell on it, son. We still got a job to do, let Bunko and Chen handle the transfer, let's get to city hall before Dent's munchies hit and he takes all the good stuff."

You nod, pushing the thought from your mind for now and focusing on the job ahead. But as you step away Ray-Ray breaks away from Bunko to jog up to the pair of you.

"Ay, before you guys go I just wanted to say... that was kick ass!" He smiles widely and offers both his fists to you.

Hawthorne raises a brow and glances at you from the corner of his eye, his face the usual mask of granite stoicism.

>Give Ray-Ray a knuckle tap.
>Leave Ray-Ray hanging.
>Write-In (For Anything additional before you go to City Hall and leave these 3 Anarkists.)
>One-handed knuckle bump with the good hand and put the rifle back after all.
Could have been worse...

This guy just got bodied by a not-evil version of EDP. Kek.
Supporting. Mark's gonna have hand cramps the next few days from white-knuckling that rifle.
>Knuckle tap him.
>"You got good instincts and an even better tackle. You ever consider joining the GCPD? Or maybe the GCFD? Both would have plenty of opportunities for you to put all that muscle to good use."
Bro please don't try and play recruiter with the crowd.
I thought we saw some guy named Ray-Ray earlier in the quest. Ain't he doing the footbowls or something? Am I having a schizo moment?
I'm only on thread 4 of the archives, but I just want to say that you really have a knack for characterization and for dangling mysteries, DetectQM. I think Question is my favorite character with TO Hawthorne as a close second. And Banks is really good company too.

Super kind of you, Anon. Hope you enjoy catching up!


Locked in.
Your free hand makes contact with his knuckles, a slight chuckle escaping you as the adrenaline starts to fade, your other hand death grips the handguard of your rifle, the plastic ridges biting into your palm.

"You've got some good instincts, and a good tackle." You offer.

Ray-Ray's eyes light up and he nods.

"Yes, sir!" He laughs. "I got a ride too, all the way to the top."

Hawthorne even humors him with the back of his fist.

"Keep your nose clean, son." He says simply.

You both turn from the scene and walk off, giving a few comforting nods to onlookers, you don't have to walk along before the atmosphere around you returns to it's jovial tone. You test a few different positions as you walk, finding places that keep your hand comfortable while maintaining a firm grip, the more time you walk in silence the more you find yourself thinking back on how bad things could have gone back there. Maybe sensing your discomfort Hawthorne elbows you gently, giving you a silent gaze that conveys his message perfectly. Get it together.

You both slow as the wide steps leading to City Hall start to come into view, roped off by thin red belts, the center of it blocked by a long table where Dent and a few aides stand and hand out candy to a slow moving line. Hawthorne nods to you to fall in behind him and you both step beneath the belts and onto the steps, the officers flanking Dent currently give you a glance and you notice their eyes lingering on your rifles.

"Relief." Hawthorne says to the nearest Officer.

They nod thankfully and step back as Hawthorne enters the initial position on the left while you cross to the right. A small clipboard from the table is picked up and you and Hawthorne both sign on. Now your job starts properly. Dent offers you a brief grin but you see his eyes drop and his expression sour, doubly so when he makes eye contact with Hawthorne who sports a shit eating grin.

"Officers." He says dryly. "Let's try not to scare the kids, alright?"

Before either of you can speak he turns his attention back to the next family approaching the table, his face shifting from cold withheld anger to a warm and charming smile and a crinkle in his nose as he scoops up two handfuls of candy and drops them into waiting plastic buckets shaped like Batman's Cowl.

"Here you go! I made sure to get extra chocolate bats in there for you, young man." He speaks jovially to one of the children before giving a firm hand shake to the father and a delicate clasp over mom's hand. "And thank you both, for coming out and helping us bring Gotham back from the dark."

They move on and the next family steps up, slight variation in the script but the same series of events, candy and a joke for the youngsters and a heartfelt thank you for the parents. You take a breath and shift slightly to stay loose and comfortable as you settle in...

>Roll 1d100 (Middle of Three)
>Write-In (Basically the 'I want to try shivers' vote.)
Rolled 41 (1d100)

I will roll the middle.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

no shivers, just focus on the task at hand
also rolling the low
Rolled 8 (1d100)

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You called it, damn you.

The line moves at a sluggish pace, but not unbearable, your eyes work over each new person that steps up. You can feel a twitch in your finger as you enter a state of high alert, two attacks on Dent at this point means you'd have to be stupid to not be on edge. Still.. not a pleasant feeling. You glance at Hawthorne and see his own face is a mask of focus, you see his eyes move almost robotically, his view being focused on those next in line.

You take a subtle breath as you slow your breathing and settle your nerves. Following Hawthorne's lead you emulate his posture and watch as a nice family of four wanders off and a small elderly woman with a wide brimmed flower cap hobbles up to the table.

"Which is it? Do you have a sweet tooth or are you just young at heart?" Dent delivers smoothly. His smile radiating warmth.

"Oh.. I don't want any candy.." She mutters, digging in a large purse.

You tense. You see Hawthorne tense as well. Dent keeps on smiling as he just watches. Slowly her hand pulls out and reveals a crinkled slightly yellowed plastic bag wrapped around a dark hat. Dent's smile goes away as his jaw drops in awe and his hands reach out.

"That's my hat." He says with a breathless chuckle, his eyes shining.

"Mhm!" The old lady mumbles, nodding enthusiastically. "You handed these out when you ran for District Attorney and I just found it yesterday. I wanted to bring it back to you."

The plastic crinkles as Dent takes the hat and stares down at it shaking his head in disbelief.

"Would you believe I never got one of these made for myself? I always regretted it.." He pulls the hat from the bag, it's a dark charcoal grey with deep red lettering reading:

'Put a DENT in crime.'

"Well it's yours to keep."

"No.. I couldn't."

"Please. I insist, I don't have any reason to keep it anyhow."

"You're sure?" He asks quietly.

Hawthorne steps forward and extends a hand. Dent looks down to his palm and up to his eyes. The old lady starting slightly from Hawthorne's sudden appearance.

"Sorry, Mayor. Post orders say any gifts need to be held onto by us until they're inspected."

"Oh please." Dent scoffs.

"Am I in trouble?" The old lady asks confusedly.

"No, ma'am." Hawthorne answers simply. "I need that hat Mayor Dent, I don't make the rules."

"Well luckily I do." Dent replies coldly, his eyes have a matte glaze to them as he stares into Hawthorne's own demanding stare. "It was in a sealed plastic bag and has been for the past seven years, the only thing I'm in danger of is smelling moth balls."
You step forward yourself, feeling the rise in tension between Dent and Hawthorne as your mentor steps even closer. Growling now.

"The hat. Commissioner's orders."

"Don't forget who his boss is." Dent replies with an equal gravity.

You glance between the two men, their faces screwed into harsh masks of intensity and their chests slightly puffed out. As you think of something to say that may defuse this the old woman offers her own solution.

"I just wanted a picture.. can I take a picture? I'll take the hat with me after.. I don't want to get anyone in trouble."

"Ma'am, I'm truly sorry but we aren't doing photo ops either." Hawthorne replies, his eyes still fixed on Dent.

"We are now." Dent replies, his stern expression becoming a smug grin as he waggles the cap in Hawthorne's face by the bill. "It's well within my authority to change the post orders issued by your Commissioner and that's what I'm doing now."

Dent holds a hand up to Hawthorne's face before he can reply and pivots to address the woman.

"Did you bring a camera, dear?"

"Oh yes.." She replies, pulling an old school silver digital out of her bag. Dent plucks it from her hands and turns back to Hawthorne, leaning in and pressing the camera into his chest.

"Take the picture for me, Sergeant." Dent says quietly.

You see a thin vein in Hawthorne's neck rise against the reddening skin as his nostrils flare and he glances down to the camera and back up to Dent.

"I'm ordering you to take the picture." Dent adds with more force this time.

The old lady's eyes flicker between the two men before settling on you... maybe you should step in?

>"Not to put too fine a point on it Mayor Dent but having a pissing contest with your security is bad optics. No?"
>"Hawthorne, sir. We gotta respect the chain of command.."
>"Take it easy, Dent. There's no need for all this, we're just doing our jobs."
>"Both of you need to take a second to back up and take a breath. If it's such a big deal I can take the picture. It's the exception, not the rule."
Yep, and that is we should have NOT picked the town hall placement. I'd take a psycho killer, or a robbery, anything else over this.
>(Light tone) Hawthorne is a great officer, but isn't the best with the camera, I'll take a picture for you ma'am
And after this is over, to Hawthorne, quietly
>I get the rifle protest, but what was that for?

If old lady is some sort of a killer, then fuck me I guess, but I doubt it. If anything, that's really sweet. Fuel for Dent's "good side"
Yeah there's no reason for any of this shitshow when we can just give Dent his cool hat after we check it for any contact poisons or hidden blades or something horrible.
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>tfw we brought Hawthrone within the interaction range with Dent completely on our own volition
Fuck the hat, I'm more concerned about the camera or Dent being in specific spot for any length of time.
Best scenario, it really is just a little old lady looking for a photo. No harm, no foul.
Worst case scenario, somebody in the crowd or the next building over has something nasty in store for Dent when he gets into position.
Now that's some Q-level paranoia
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You want paranoia, I'll give you paranoia.
Whatever photo this old lady wants (if she really is an old lady), is gonna be low enough in resolution thanks to the age of her camera that photo manipulation will be all the more believable. Dent wears that hat, who the fuck knows what somebody might shop onto it to make him look bad publicly. Granted, that assumption is probably unwarranted as there are plenty of people here taking pictures and videos with high resolution smartphone cameras to contest such a thing.
If we roll back to the hidden gunman angle, the hat could also be used to designate a target (think pic related), though that still doesn't explain why it would be necessary. Anybody gunning for Dent should know exactly what he looks like, right? The hat wouldn't be necessary in that case, unless the gunman was from out of town or unable to follow complex orders...food for thought.
Then there's the little old lady. Her story just rubs me the wrong way, ya know? Anybody out for Dent would know he's a bit of a narcissist and looking for any PR wins he can get. This whole bit with the hat from his old DA run feels tailor-made to take advantage of that, coupled with the fact that she asked for a photo op right after.
All that said, it COULD still just be exactly as it appears to be at a glance, as nothing I can see from Mark's point of view directly contradicts the old lady's stated intentions. Regardless, no reason not to entertain the notion of somebody falling victim to an elaborate plot against them in Gotham of all places.
>This camera is odd. Take a test photo of a distant wall or the ground pointed away from the kids.

The camera contains a gun.
That also came to my mind. Again, a little out there, but this IS Gotham after all. Could also be a detonator for a hunk of C-4 in her purse for all we know.
>a little out there
As you said: Gotham. Grey faced off with a mob boss with a machine gun hidden in an umbrella what, two weeks ago?

>"Take it easy, Dent. There's no need for all this, we're just doing our jobs."
>>Politely take the camera point it at a wall and take a couple shots.
Damn, I wish we had our Shivers right now.
>"I'm sure a simple hat doesn't need too much research, and a photo doesn't need to use the chain of command this way. I'll take the picture while Sargeant Hawthorne gives it a look, and if it's good then you can take a picture wearing it, Mayor Dent."

Both are acting like dumbasses, because Hawthorne is doing it on protocol and Dent being the piss baby he is now has made it personal. We reaffirm the authorities of both and also show how they're acting, and give a solution. If both won't like it well too bad, we're adults so they should act like it.

>"Let me test it really quick, I used to have one of these some time ago"
>Act normally while we check that the camera is a normal one, if it's all good, take the picture

With this we will even make sure to take some time for Hawthorne to check the hat
That's good phrasing.

>>6203522 is me on mobile. I switch to back >>6203548
>"Take it easy, Dent. There's no need for all this, we're just doing our jobs."
>>Politely take the camera point it at a wall and take a couple shots.
>"Both of you need to take a second to back up and take a breath. If it's such a big deal I can take the picture. It's the exception, not the rule."
Changing vote from >>6203506 to backing >>6203548
Sorry for the lack of an update or heads up. I was so sick yesterday I couldn't even use my phone, slept about 16 hours and I'm still too dizzy to even walk around so I'm going to take a break until I start to feel better.

I'm sorry this is happening at a pretty big time but I can hardly think. Hopefully it'll just be another day of medicating and sleeping to fix myself.
Get some rest and sleep, boss.

Just caught a viral infection myself and I could only sleep it off since antibiotics wasnt going to do shit.
Get well Detect
Get well soon QM. We shall await your return!
Hydrate and snuggle in.

The tension between these two is intense. You never thought you'd need to be the adult in a situation like this but..

You step forward and give your best disarming smile, holding out your free hand to the woman.

"Hawthorne is a solid officer but he isn't the best with a camera. Why don't you let me take it for you?"

She obliges while Hawthorne switches his eyes to you.

"We nee-"

You cut Hawthorne off, speaking as you boot the camera up and wait.

"I agree, sir. I was just thinking myself that this is the perfect time to give the hat a once over while I make sure the settings don't blow out the camera." You glance to Dent, catching his eye now as well. "I mean, you want the photo to 'look good' don't you sir? Besides, a hat can't need much looking over and I really don't think we need to invoke the chain of command for a quick photo."

Dent and Hawthorne both stare at you as you maintain a casual grin but with a hardness in your eyes that conveys your point. You see Hawthorne deflate first, the brief break from his confrontation giving him the seconds to ease up. He takes a single step back before addressing Dent, his voice measured and calm. At least as calm as he can be.

"Mr. Mayor, this is just to look out for your safety. A brief check, while Officer DeLucia sets up the camera."

Dent never takes his eyes off you, you can see a struggle between pride and something else, eventually he glances to the waiting line behind the elderly woman and you see that edge fade as he hands over the hat and steps off to the side. Pasting a smile back on he makes small talk as you both work. You turn around and aim at the stairs, a test photo sets off the flash and then the digital screen on the back shows you exactly what was in frame, not exactly shocking but you can never be too careful. As Hawthorne gives the interior of the hat a quick sweep with his fingers and you do the same with the camera, skirting edges and making sure every button enacts it's actual purpose. After a minute or two you're satisfied and tap Hawthorne with a nod.

"Alright." You say with a smile. "Ready to say cheese?"

Hawthorne hands the cap to Dent who accepts it with a surprisingly friendly nod.

"Thank you, Officer."

Dent pulls the cap down snugly on his head and a warm smile spreads, a genuine smile, as he wraps an arm around her shoulder and holds up a thumb. You line it up and snap the picture, the flash illuminating both of their faces beneath their brims, Dent blinks a few times as his eyes water up from the burst of light. He takes a step back and rubs them before turning to the woman and giving her a warm handshake.

"It was a pleasure, ma'am. Thank you, for believing in me AND in Gotham."

Dent watches her leave and moves back behind the table with a strange grace, as if a weight was removed from his shoulders, he approaches Hawthorne and you tense as he opens his mouth.
"Sergeant Hawthorne..." He begins, looking him up and down. "I apologize. You were only doing your job, I haven’t.. Exactly been feeling well recently but it’s not fair to take it out on you to try and.. To use my authority for petty grudges.” He gives a humble nod and adjusts his hat. “All that time in my office and in meetings has me a little out of sorts, when I was the DA I used to have my finger on Gotham’s pulse and now I just feel so disconnected.”

Hawthorne narrows his eyes, an equal mix of surprise and suspicion, but he offers a respectful nod back all the same.

“Water under the bridge, sir.” He says simply.

“Glad to know there aren’t any hard feelings.. Seeing as I am a bit on edge I was thinking of calling this a little early, maybe get back to the office and try to rest up a bit. We both know the real problems won’t start until the sun is down and I’d like to be rested and ready for anything.”

You give Dent a confused look.

“Call it early? Sir, are you sure? The line is pretty long.”

“I can get a staffer to cover for me, to be completely honest with you both I think I’ve had enough close calls the past few weeks to justify limiting my public appearances, besides I’m sure you both have better things to do than guard a man handing out Booster Gold Gumdrops.” He chuckles.

Hawthorne’s eyes are nearly popping out of his head as he gives you a glance that could only read one way:

Are you hearing this guy?

But you are, you're seeing him too, with that same strange glint in his eye that you saw in his office earlier.

Dent chuckles again, seeing your expression, looking between you both.

“I don’t blame you for being surprised, it's just… I don’t know. Seeing this hat, remembering what it was like before I reached the mountain top, it gives you perspective. So, would you mind terribly if I let you two off the leash? I can make the call to your Commander and let him know.”

>"We work for you, sir. If you want to call it early, we won't object."
>"I mean, only if you're sure, sir. Won't the people waiting in line be disappointed?"
>"No offense or anything Mayor Dent but, are you feeling alright?"
>"Regardless if you're the one handing them out or not sir, we should probably maintain our post just in case."

I'm back, bitches. Still not 100% but all the brain fog is gone and if I'm well enough to go to work I'm the type that can't help myself. So I figured I'm well enough to get back to writing as well, thanks for being patient and thank you doubly so for the nice words. Helped me not worry so much about the quest while trying to exorcise my 102 temp and the truly staggering amount of phlegm I produced.

Excited to play through the rest of the week and I have a half-written cut-away segment planned that'll give you guys a look into what Constantine and Bats are up to on the spookiest of nights, so look forward to that. I'll see you guys soon!
>"We work for you, sir. If you want to call it early, we won't object."
>"I mean, only if you're sure, sir. Won't the people waiting in line be disappointed?"
>"No offense or anything Mayor Dent but, are you feeling alright?"

I mean all three are valid here. We'll play ball, but the people of gotham came out of their way. There could be more old ladies with hats.

He knows we're connected to the city. I'm sure if we play up that he's connected to the city, he won't shit on us for it
All good statements.

QM got his own version of the brain tumor demon

>Dent pulls the cap down snugly on his head and a warm smile spreads, a genuine smile
>Dent blinks a few times as his eyes water up
>you're seeing him too, with that same strange glint in his eye that you saw in his office earlier
Harvey Dent is healing? The bad face is receding? Could it be?
>"Regardless if you're the one handing them out or not sir, we should probably maintain our post just in case."
Let One-Face here get his rest. We can handy out candy.
Maan, Dent is so hard for me. I want to hope for one-face to be real, but that's how he gets you, right?
>You're a better judge of your condition than we are, Mr. Dent. If you want to call it early, we won't object.
I'm meta gaming a little here, but I wanna go see some wacky Gotham city hallooween night shenanigans.
>I have a half-written cut-away segment planned that'll give you guys a look into what Constantine and Bats are up to on the spookiest of nights
Hell yes! Even back when the Sting was happening we got a bunch of cutaways and basicaly agreed that Mark can't see everything himself. Good to see another one.
>>"Regardless if you're the one handing them out or not sir, we should probably maintain our post just in case."
>"We work for you, sir. If you want to call it early, we won't object."

Dude is hurting, let him go lay down.

You and Hawthorne exchange a glance and a shared shrug, but you break the silence.

"I mean, only if you're sure, sir. Won't the people in line be disappointed?"

"I'm sure, besides there'll always be time for them in the future. When things finally calm down."

"Understood, at the end of the day we work for you, sir. If you want to call it early we won't object. You're a better judge of how you're feeling than we could be."

"Glad to hear it, gentleman. I'll get a staffer to make the announcement and take my place, I'll let your Commander know I've relieved you of your positions. An occasional rounding Officer should be plenty." Dent pulls out his phone and gets to typing before he tucks it away with a contented sigh. "That should take care of it. Thanks again, Officers."

As quickly as he thanks you he leaves, turning on his heel and heading up the white steps to City Hall, just as the front doors open and you see Isaac, red faced, hustling down them.

"Guess he kept his job after all." Hawthorne mutters.

You both watch as Isaac takes his place at the table and stands atop a small crate.

"Excuse me everyone! Thank you for coming out, but there's been a change of plans...


As you both settle into the front seat of the shop you and Hawthorne both let out a long exhale and close your eyes for a moment. You turn the heat on and hold a hand in the stream of warm air starting to churn out.

"Can I ask you something, sir?" You say quietly, keeping your eyes on your stiff fingers as they reanimate beneath the heat.

"Would it stop you if I said no?"

"Heh, probably not."

"Then you may as well."

"What was that back there? With Dent, because the rifles I understood. That was protest but picking a fight with him over a hat and a picture?"

"That was-" He begins strongly but he stops, waving a hand he grunts angrily. "Yeah it was fucking stupid."

"Then why?"

"You know why you're so lucky, rook? You've got no history on the force, no old shit to hold you back or cloud your mind."

"You have beef with Dent that serious?"

"DA refused to move on my wife's murder because Dent didn't want to settle for just Mandragora. He wanted a bigger bust than just one man, especially with re-election coming. So they sat. Mandragora ran and vanished. Dent settled for Black Mask and Anarky, caught them in one swoop on a bank robbery. Feds black vanned Anarky and The False Face Society got the same treatment, wasn't too long after that more and more feds started to come into Gotham, all cause a cop's wife 'wasn't enough' to go on."
You have no words, you can only nod.

"Still." Hawthorne continues. "We got the bastard, he's in a box now, and maybe it's finally time for me to try moving on."

"Sir, you don't have to-"

You're cut off as Hawthorne opens the glove box and pulls out two dark bricks with rubber antennae. He sets them on the dash carefully and adjusts the dials.

"I was hoping we'd get some free time, truth be told I was worried that scuffle with those brats was gonna be the height of our action until tonight. But now that we do have the time, how about we hit the streets? See if we can't help out."

"But why all the radios?"

"Old ones, Kimble fixed em up a couple years ago, now we save em for special occasions."

"Save them? Why?"

"For this." He answers, twisting both knobs at once and tapping the button for the Shop's radio.

Overlapping radio chatter and static fill the car, different codes, call ins, acknowledgments, and radio checks go off in a flurry.

"...suspect heading east on.."

"...driver appears to be heavily impaired, requesting K-9 to meet me at..."

Hawthorne smiles widely and pulls his seat belt down.

"Where to?"

>Code 510 in Port Adams, two vehicles street racing. Requesting officers for pursuit.
>10-57, Missing child reported in Robinson Park, requesting Officers to aid in grid search.
>11-55, Officer being tailed by a suspicious vehicle, requesting back up.
>Code 187 in the Diamond District, apparent mugging, victim is DOA, witnesses have provided a report. Seeking additional officers to search for suspect.
>Write-In (If there's any crime you can think of you want to keep an ear out for, within reason, use this.)
>>Code 187 in the Diamond District, apparent mugging, victim is DOA, witnesses have provided a report. Seeking additional officers to search for suspect.
Fuck me, if the body's fresh, we might be able to catch the perp with his pants down. Here's hoping we can get away with some Shivers tonight.
>>11-55, Officer being tailed by a suspicious vehicle, requesting back up.
bros before hoes
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>"For this." He answers, twisting both knobs at once and tapping the button for the Shop's radio.
>Overlapping radio chatter and static fill the car, different codes, call ins, acknowledgments, and radio checks go off in a flurry.
Cinema, time to get some gotham halloween night action

>>10-57, Missing child reported in Robinson Park, requesting Officers to aid in grid search.

>Code 187 in the Diamond District, apparent mugging, victim is DOA, witnesses have provided a report. Seeking additional officers to search for suspect.

Going with my gut.
>Code 187 in the Diamond District, apparent mugging, victim is DOA, witnesses have provided a report. Seeking additional officers to search for suspect.
>>11-55, Officer being tailed by a suspicious vehicle, requesting back up.
I know others want to go for the murder but better to prevent one in my opinion.
>10-57, Missing child reported in Robinson Park, requesting Officers to aid in grid search.
>11-55, Officer being tailed by a suspicious vehicle, requesting back up.
>Code 187 in the Diamond District, apparent mugging, victim is DOA, witnesses have provided a report. Seeking additional officers to search for suspect.
are all good ones
Uhh, I'll say >11-55, Officer being tailed by a suspicious vehicle, requesting back up.

>Code 187 in the Diamond District, apparent mugging, victim is DOA, witnesses have provided a report. Seeking additional officers to search for suspect.

>10-57, Missing child reported in Robinson Park, requesting Officers to aid in grid search.

Both of these are things that we can work our shivers muscles on.
Can we even still use Shivers with Constantine' magic screen up? It keeps failing us...

>10-57, Missing child reported in Robinson Park, requesting Officers to aid in grid search.
This would be my preference, though.
We can still use shivers, our problem was that it was that the faucet was full open all the time vs. having control.

We could prob intentionally go full open now, but also why?
It fizzled out on us in interrogation, though, and I could have sworn once or twice besides that.
Fucking Cloudflare and their bullshit captcha system.

Rolling to break the tie, since I couldn't do it yesterday.

1) 11-55, Trailing vehicle

2) Code 187, murder in the Diamond District.
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Aw shit, I didn't realize we were tied. My baaaaaaaad.
"A 187.. that's a murder isn't it?"

"Mhm.." Hawthorne mutters, pulling the radio up to his mouth. "Dispatch, this is 1-Adam-0. Show us as responding, we'll join the hunt."

"Copy that, Adam-0, showing you as en route. Point of contact is Sergeant Fischer."

"Copy, out." He racks the radio and nods to you. "Off we go, rook. Your first real Halloween case."


You close the door and drag your shoes across grey pavement.

"We should have stopped for coffee if you were tired." Hawthorne gripes.

"I'm not tired, and isn't it better we get here as soon as possible? Keep the trail from getting too cold."

"If you aren't tired pick up your feet, I hate the sound of you dragging those lead steppers of your around. As far as 'the trail' I'm sorry to remind you that WE are on the beat. This isn't one of those special circumstances like with Grey, the Detective on scene is gonna be the one handling the leg work of finding the perp."

"So then we're here to just.."

"Just nothing. We're here to do our part of the job, scene security, canvassing, the grunt work."

You let out a slow sigh and nod.

"Yes, sir."

"Good man, you won't always be the star player but you're always on the team. So let's handle this."

You both approach a stern faced man, silver and black stubble coating his chin and neck as he nurses a steaming foam cup. He gives Hawthorne a familiar nod and shakes his hand.


"Randy. This here's my rook."

"Mark DeLucia." You offer alongside your hand, he gives it a quick pump.

"Appreciate you boys coming to lend a hand, you know how it is."

"Don't I?" Hawthorne grumbles. "We got free of City Hall early and DeLucia is always up to lend a hand. So, y'know, don't go easy on him for my sake. Put the rook to work and I'll handle maintaining the line so you can do something useful. Morgue coming?"

"Ten minutes, if traffic isn't fucked, which we both know it is. Still, I appreciate it, Mitch."

"Just make sure the kid gets some good work in, he's the antsy type."

"Heard. Come on, rookie."

You follow Fischer as he walks away, jerking his head for you to follow as Hawthorne splits off towards the neon yellow tape line surrounding a lump covered in a thin tarp. A few people loiter around but before long you hear a familiar booming voice as Hawthorne begins to urge the crowd to keep it moving. You see around three other officers roaming the street, checking beneath vehicles, into storm drains, and generally observing.

"You like working with Hawthorne?"

"He's great, taught me a lot."

"I bet, you deal with a murder scene before?"

"Sort of.. the body was really old. Bones."
He whistles low.

"That's a rare pull for first stiff, even here. Well I got a small group of guys going around checking for a weapon, wounds are likely a knife and since it wasn't left in him.." He trails off, glancing at you.

"Odds are he ditched it or kept it on him?"

"Right. Now we haven't been able to really search the vic yet, we need coroners and CSU on site for pictures and all that good stuff. So we don't have a name yet, once we get there that's when the detectives show up and we go from there."

"So what needs to be done now?"

"Now, we try and make it as cushy a landing for the detectives as we can. They need those calories for their big ol' brains." He taps his temple. "Leg work is just energy they'd rather spend on thinking, so we try and make sure they have as much information as possible when they arrive. I got a couple options."

"Hit me, sir."

"Join the sweep team looking for the weapon outside the lines, I need someone to go around the nearby businesses to request CCTV, or I have the witness sitting in the patrol. She's young, pretty shaken up, could use someone to settle her down for the detectives cause they're gonna have a lot of questions." He pauses for a moment and takes a long sip from his cup before glancing around and speaking with a more conspiratorial tone. "Of course if you wanted to.. y'know. Do your thing."

"Do my thing?"

"Come on, kid. Word's spread around by now, Hawthorne and Kimble are fighting over the rookie with meta powers."

"Fighting over me? Your information might be a bit off."

"Yeah? Word is that Hawthorne went above your own Watch Commander to get you back under his wing. That true?"

"I mean.. sort of-"

"Look. I'm not trying to bust your balls or nothing, kid. Just letting you know if you wanna.. power up or whatever. I'm cool."


He nods and sniffs once before raising a brow, clearly waiting for an answer on where you want to start.

>"I'll join the sweep team, see if I can't find that weapon."
>"I'll see about getting CCTV from the nearby businesses, you have a direction the suspect fled?"
>"I've been told I'm a people person, I can see about making sure the witness is ready for Detectives."
>"Can you make sure I don't go anywhere? When I use my powers I can.. wander sometimes." (Use Shivers)
>"Actually, I was thinking about... (write-in)
>>"Can you make sure I don't go anywhere? When I use my powers I can.. wander sometimes." (Use Shivers)
There's really no reason not to try, though I do have to ask, how much is Mark gonna have to force it to a get a clear picture? I'm rather not get a ton of blood on a fresh uniform is all.
>>"I'll see about getting CCTV from the nearby businesses, you have a direction the suspect fled?"
>"I'll see about getting CCTV from the nearby businesses, you have a direction the suspect fled?"
>>"Can you make sure I don't go anywhere? When I use my powers I can.. wander sometimes." (Use Shivers)
What do we have our powers for if we don't use them.

>>"Can you make sure I don't go anywhere? When I use my powers I can.. wander sometimes." (Use Shivers)

It's literally one of the safest times for us to work our meta muscles now we're not under a whole load of shit.

Feeling out the situation here should be within the scope of our ability
I like that Mark is gaining rep in the force. I hope Shivers coming through here helps more cops see him favorably, because this cop Fischer will spread the word
>"Can you make sure I don't go anywhere? When I use my powers I can.. wander sometimes." (Use Shivers)
Give him a warning that our powers have been a little stubborn lately, but we'll give it out best go.
>"Can you make sure I don't go anywhere? When I use my powers I can.. wander sometimes." (Use Shivers)

What could go wrong?
>"Just make sure the kid gets some good work in, he's the antsy type."
Ain't that the truth
>>"Can you make sure I don't go anywhere? When I use my powers I can.. wander sometimes." (Use Shivers)
Hurray, time for our daily dose of failure and embarrassment, as the powers don't work at all!

You glance around, the alley secluded and dim, at least it isn't too roomy.

"Can you make sure I don't go anywhere?" You ask Fischer. "When I use my powers I can.. wander sometimes."

"Like walk around?"

"Sometimes." You reiterate.

"Shit, sure thing." He says, moving to rest his cup on a nearby dumpster. You see a spark of deep interest as he takes a step back and watches you closely.

You take a deep breath and walk closer to the body, getting in the general area of the crime should make this a little easier on you.. you hope. You kneel down and press your hand to the cold damp ground and close your eyes..

>1d100 Mid of Three

Alright I have faith in you guys, this is the one for sure. Update will be a touch later and I should have our cut-away good to go sometime over the weekend. See you soon!

Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolled 70 (1d100)

Rolled 78 (1d100)


A slow and settling breath escapes. The sound of the alley, the passing cars, the chatter of a few Officers near by, and anything other than the sound of your own breathing slowly fades away. You feel this.. pressure. Forming in the center of your head and slowly expanding like a balloon. Maybe the problem before was that you were trying to use your powers like you always had, just cranking the tap and letting it all flood through you. But maybe what you needed was to treat them with kid's gloves and take it slow.

In the inky blackness behind your eyelids you see it. A thin jagged line pulsing in new shades of purple, yellow, and green. Trying to focus on it just smears the color so you change tactics, another hand pressed to the ground and your head tilted forward. The line grows. You feel a sharp twinge behind your right eye but you ignore it. Your focus is absolute as the edges of the line grow clearer and more concrete until it almost feels like you could reach out and touch it. Pulsing waves of heat roll over your face as your gut forms into a familiar knot.. then that feelings sinks. Deeper. Deeper.. Your teeth ache from the pressure you're inflicting on them, your hands start to feel clammy, and that knot in your gut goes from a familiar sign of tension to another unwelcome sensation. Burning.

You let out a sharp gasp and open your eyes, only to find yourself staring directly into dilated shaking pupils. You can see the crimson strands worming their way towards his iris.. a drop head. Your hands aren't flat against cold concrete anymore; now they're locked around the warm soft flesh of the man.. no the boy standing before you as you hold his wrist. You glance down and feel your heart seize and skip as you see the hilt of his hunting knife jutting from between your ribs.

"Wh..why?" You manage to dredge up the energy to ask. A question devoid of curiosity.

"I..I'm.. I... oh fuck.." The answer hardly registers as you feel a new electric torture while the blade is withdrawn from your body.

You try to run but your first step ends abruptly as your knee abandons it's duties, turning to a mass of putty between useless muscle as it crumples beneath your weight and drop face first into the grimy alley floor. Rough hands accost your lower body as his fingers invade your pockets, claiming his prizes. An old wallet with no cash and a smartphone about three generations behind. How much is that even worth? Is that your worth? You try to move again but the cold of the ground saps all the energy from you, your muscles feel like sludge, and it takes all your focus to just keep your eyes open as he stumbles away from your body, retching into a dumpster and muttering to himself. A sudden noise breaks through as a door opens and the high pitched shrill scream of a young woman pierces the bloody fog clogging the alley. A soft plop as your wallet hits the ground next to you as he abandons his prizes to flee. Pointless.
The sound of fading sneakers. The abrupt bang of that same door closing. The sound of your own rattling, wet, breath as your eyes finally give in and...

You open your eyes. A kneeling man next to you. Fischer stares down at you as you pull yourself off the ground with a disgusted expression, your hand flicks away the gravel and grime.

"It worked.." You say quietly.

"You sound surprised."

"I've just been having some.. mental block stuff. It's nothing."

"Didn't look like nothing. You stood up and had this glassy look in your eye, then you just dropped like a sack of shit, would have called somebody if Mitch didn't gimme 'the look' from the street."

"Yeah I mirror a lot of what happens when I see visions, I'm working on it.." You groan, rubbing a phantom ache between your ribs.

"It was something. Learn anything worth passing along?"

"Suspect was young, late teens maybe? I'd put it between seventeen and twenty one."

"You saw him?"

"I saw a lot. Suspect is in that age range, Caucasian, brown hair, no marks or tattoos but he was a drop-head."

"So our vic was mugged for some quick cash? And you said it was a kid?"

"He looked young.."

"Jesus." Fischer mutters, rubbing his chin. "I'll put out word to a few of the halfway-houses, see if any runaways are out or if some PO out there is missing their druggie."

"Didn't seem intentional, or... no. I think he was high, his eyes were all out of wack. He dropped the wallet when he got spotted instead of going after her.."

"Mhm, that's how we got the vic's name."

"He kept the phone though."

Fischer gives you a grim grin and nods.

"Detective's are gonna be happy to hear that, anything else?"

>"He went off that way, deeper into the alleys. If he was high then odds are he's coming down, might find him passed out close by."
>"He might have thrown up, that trash can over there. If you need DNA to link him to the scene."
>"He's armed, a pretty big hunting knife."
>"The vic was.. scared. But so was the kid, I don't think he meant for this to happen.."
>"He might have thrown up, that trash can over there. If you need DNA to link him to the scene."
Kid didn't mean for it to happen, but he still took drop and he still killed a lady for basically nothing
May as well pass all the information.
He needs help... but his addiction resulted him killing somebody for absolutely nothing.
>"He went off that way, deeper into the alleys." "He's armed, a pretty big hunting knife."
>"He went off that way, deeper into the alleys. If he was high then odds are he's coming down, might find him passed out close by."
>"He might have thrown up, that trash can over there. If you need DNA to link him to the scene."
>"He's armed, a pretty big hunting knife."
>"The vic was.. scared. But so was the kid, I don't think he meant for this to happen.."
All intel.

The vomit is probably inadmissible and I really don’t care if he feels bad about his crime, it’s time to rebalance the scales.
>"He went off that way, deeper into the alleys." "He's armed, a pretty big hunting knife."

Maybe we'll catch him passed out.
Should clarify here, do NOT add "If he was high then odds are he's coming down, might find him passed out close by". REALLY don't want to let our guard down around a druggie in close quarters who's armed with a knife, and I don't want our comrades to (even subconsciously) do so. If we find him passed out, then hey that's good. I'd rather we be expecting him to conscious and mobile however.
*to be
>"He's armed, a pretty big hunting knife."
All this. No reason not to share it all, right?

>"He might have thrown up, that trash can over there. If you need DNA to link him to the scene."
If we must prioritize, start with this, though. They know he's armed, since he stabbed a man to death, and there's now way to know if he passed out or not. And as for his moral culpability... I feel for the poor kid, but the murdered a man in cold blood, so my sympathy only goes so far.

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