You lean back in your seat, folding your arms defensively, you stare at the paper and one thought just keeps repeating itself over and over as you look at it.This isn't right. His choice of words.. 'the department can move on from this'. Not to mention that you aren't a fool, you know more than one officer has gotten overzealous and stepped past the bounds of a warrant or agreement. What's to stop them from using this to keep tabs on you? Is it paranoid to think this? Is it even paranoia? You frown and shake your head, you won't do this. Not blind at least. You lean forward and set your elbows on the paper, a clear sign. "I'm not signing anything until you explain to me WHY I'm a person of interest in this? Hell, I'd like to know what THIS is."Irons scowls and he sets his notebook down with a deliberate tenderness. He opens his hands and shrugs."Mark, be reasonable-""I am." You cut him off, suddenly but not harshly. "This isn't about an ambulance ride and a guy I offered a drink. Besides, this is all off the record isn't it?"You punctuate your rhetorical with a pointed look to the recorder still standing tall on the edge of the table. Detective Irons glances at it himself and reaches out to pick it up. He takes it into his hands and his eyes lock on, you recognize the familiar absence of a man in memory, you take the moment to take a small breath and focus. You direct all your mental energy towards the detective, opening your neural paths like lifting the arm of a railroad crossing. A familiar rush starts to fade in only to be stopped. Hard. Your eye twitches, the inside of your head feels like a raging furnace, like a lasso of white hot pain was wrapped around your tumor ridden gray matter and pulled taut. You feel a surge of nausea. Your vision swims. All the while you struggle to keep a straight face, to not let the smoke from your hippocampus leak through your expression. You hear no words, no whispered secrets, or visions of his past. To your discomfort, your mind is silent and still as you cease concentration.Detective Irons glances up, breaking from his own memory as he tucks the recorder in his jacket, his eyebrows shoot up and he nods. "You're nose is bleeding, Officer." He says, sliding you a crumpled napkin."Thanks.." You mutter, still shaking off the fading psychic burn.Irons stares at you for a few moments as you plug your leaking nose and eventually he sighs."You want me to level with you, DeLucia? I'd love to. But I can't unless you sign the form.""There's got to be SOMETHING you can tell me. I just need a little more info."Irons flips a few pages on his notebook, letting it rest on the table. He flips until he gets to a certain point.
"Is it true you were in possession of federal cold case files? Because I got a report for that right here. That got squashed by someone beyond the pale. We also have a report from a woman Alexis Shell, the woman who was removed from your apartment, she mentioned that you had a second phone that you kept.." He pauses. "That you kept in your fridge?"You keep your face still but your heart starts freeclimbing your throat. Irons continues."We also have your report from a vision you had in The Narrows, I've been cleared to see your files from the Mole hunt, that basement ended up being a future murder site. Every time you came face to face with Mandragora or a member of his organization you always managed to walk away. Your only friends seem to be a Sergeant who abandoned his desk work to train you, an accomplished but under-achieving detective, a soldier with his own fair share of complaints on file, and another Officer, Banks, you convinced to implode his career to help make your case. All men with points of leverage that we've identified. Add onto that the odd hours you keep. It makes a convincing argument for whoever wants to repeat it.""You don't think.." You start. "You think I might be stepping out on the department?""I can't confirm or deny that." He says with a knowing glint in his eye. That's the best you'll get from him. "This situation with Gorchakov has the brass shitting bricks and someone, very conveniently set up this trail of dominoes, and tipped it over with this." He fetches another image. Black and white. Grainy. You sitting directly across the square from a man in a hoodie and mask with glasses. SIM."Anonymous tip. Told us to check the camera's for Wayne Tower's main square, even gave us a time stamp.""Who made all these complaints about me?""You know I can't tell you that.""What can you tell me?""That these complaints are being taken seriously. Take that as you will. I asked your Commander to let me get in front of it and talk to you directly. I have a lot of respect for Bennett and he wouldn't line himself up with someone stepping over the line. I know him."You ease slightly. At least he has some faith in you, though how thorough he's been has you wondering how much faith he truly holds."But these kick up a lot of dust, I need you to help me clear it. Sign the form and I can promise you that as soon as I'm cleared I'll loop you and Tommy in on this. If you object that much then by all means take the door, but that just means they're going to assign more people than me to look into you. Leads are scarce and brass has a deathgrip on the idea that the mole issue isn't squashed."
"Why is that?""Horse's mouth. Gorchakov says he has one more mole we haven't found, he's demanding immunity for the name. That's not fucking happening, it would be an embarrassment to let him go free after all the shit he did. Brass wants him under Blackgate before this gets out so we don't have ANOTHER scandal hanging over us. They need a mole. Don't let it be you. Sign the paper." He looks into your eyes and leans forward, lifting the pen.>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.>Stand and leave. "I appreciate the conversation, Detective Irons, but I've done nothing but try and do my job the best I can. I refuse to give up my privacy to settle admin's nerves. I didn't do anything wrong.">Stand up and leave. You're beyond pissed. You've done nothing except try to do your best for Gotham, for the people, and for the department and all it's gotten you is a courtesy chat before they crucify you. Fuck this.>Write-In
>>6186182>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.We came here and chose not to be a cape for accountability. Can't be a hypocrite when it requires us to do things.
====Welcome back, everyone. Thanks for continuing to read if you're returning and thanks for deciding to hop in (even if it is a little late) if you're new. Also thank (YOU) specifically to the anon who thanked me last thread for running. Thank you for reading!Thread Header Image drawn by RedWisp who did a stunning job, per usual. It's always the highlight of my day when I see any Quest Art. Please find him wherever he posts and enjoy more of their work.If you wanna provide a header image just post in thread and I'll add it to my folder (I save all art that gets posted btw) and I'll do what I must to turn it into a title card when the time rolls around.====Now for the usual quest info:PAST THREADS: ABILITIES: See attached pic.
>>6186182>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.
>>6186185+1Mark is NOT SIMAll those "dominoes" that Detective Irons has pointed out to us can easily be addressed directlyCold case files? Tracing SIM's historyThe second phone? The former line to SIMThe basement vision? Not SIM; that one was all Gorchakov setting up and killing FreeThe Wayne Tower square photo? Meeting with SIM to get info out of him>Every time you came face to face with Mandragora or a member of his organization you always managed to walk awayWhat member of his organization? We only ever came across the white whale (HOLY GRAIL) himself in the smoking club, and we begged him to knock us out instead while pretending to be a dirty cop>"Anonymous tip. Told us to check the camera's for Wayne Tower's main square, even gave us a time stamp.">>>even gave us a time stampIs SIM fucking with us right now? Nobody NOBODY else knew about when we met up with SIM there except Mark, SIM himself, or Hawthorne but Hawthorne is NOT EVIL
>>6186182>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.What >>6186185 and >>6186190 said.
>>6186190Supporting this too.
>>6186182>You have no moves here, you must prove your innocence, even if it invites unwelcome surveillance. Sign.Hmm. Is SIM a cop?
>>6186262We know he is, and he confirmed it to Mark himself.
>>6186190+1SIM's probably the other mole aka rodgers
>>6186185>>6186188>>6186190>>6186223>>6186250>>6186262>>6186334Slowly. Painfully. You wrap your fingers around the pen and bring it's tip to paper, a few scratchings later and you slide the paper back across the table. "I want to make it clear that everything you brought up could be addressed directly, easily.""Yeah well.. hope nobody asks you for clarification. No news is good news and all that. Once your location from last night checks out I have a feeling nobody is gonna be putting much stock in all of this.""So, that's it?""That's it." He says simply, his shoulders slack from their tense posturing earlier. "I hope you understand, it really isn't personal. I've seen your file and so far I think you're on track to be a fine officer.""Appreciate it." You reply dryly.You watch as Irons packs his files away. One by one, sliding those glossy photos back into their folder, you get one last look at Bobby and your mind can't help but to crawl over his words and pick at them like fresh scabs.The files.. the time stamp.. reports... OFFICIAL reports. Whoever is setting you up, they're a cop. SIM confirmed himself that he works in the field, but this means he wasn't on Gorchakov's short list. A mole directly for Mandragora while Gorchakov did.. what? Intermediary between the other families? But who would he..The file. The fucking cold case.There's always been a part of you that thought he was off. Something about him feels wrong. He brought those files to you.. is it possible? You see the vision again in your mind's eye, the scuffed wooden floor. The wavering beam of a flashlight. The massive hand reaching and dragging him out of his hiding place beneath the bed. It would fit.. it'd give him a reason to hate Angelo, to make him first on his rampage as a free man.You glance at Irons who is rising from his chair, he offers his hand to shake as he tucks his case files under his arm.>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.>Keep it to yourself, last thing you need is for it to get out that you're throwing fellow cops under the bus without a lick of evidence.>Keep it to yourself, you don't have any real proof yet.. besides, if he is SIM you want to handle this personally.>Write-In
>>6186699>>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.
>>6186699>Keep it to yourself, you don't have any real proof yet.. besides, if he is SIM you want to handle this personally.
>>6186699>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.I do NOT in fact want to "handle SIM personally", fuck having a "personal" villian. I just want him dead.We gotta get this show on the road, SIM has been out and about for way too long.
>>6186699>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.
>>6186879+1Mark doesn’t seem like the type to make it personal anyways.
>>6186699>>Say something about Rogers, since they're looking anyways maybe they could spare him a glance.I don't want to risk him getting away because we didn't say something out of a desire to make it personal.
>>6186879+1Honestly this- if we extremely caution this with the fact the man has been contacting us as pseudo therapist holding over lives, we may have leeway
>>6186717>>6186879>>6186951>>6187026>>6187144>>6187356>>6187108>>6186935>>6187356You've sat on your own instinct too long. Wrong or right it doesn't matter, this is a way you can finally settle the most nagging voice in your head. Your own."Detective Irons, you mind if I say something actually? ON record?"He raises a brow but slowly sinks back into his seat, he pulls his pen and pad out and nods to you."Sure, I'm assuming it has to do with the chat we just had.""Yeah.. I think I may have an idea. I don't know if it's right, I don't have any proof. But I do have a gut feeling.""I've listened to mine plenty enough to know sometimes it's worth hearing someone else's. Go ahead.""There's an officer. Another rookie, further ahead than I am but still not in proper blues, he serves out of Gotham-By-The-Sea.""The second precinct.." Irons echoes, scribbling on his pad. "Name?""Vic Rogers. Probably short for Victor, I met him back around when I was first hired. He didn't like me, something to do with me being meta. We got into a bit of an exchange.""An exchange?""Words mostly. Until our TO's suggested we work out whatever problem this was in Precinct 2's gym. It has-""It has an old boxing ring in it, I know. I came up in Precinct 2 before getting into the Detective's circle. Who was the TO?""Miller." You recall after a brief pause."Mhm. Go ahead.""We get into the ring and we spar.. wasn't very friendly but we weren't taking each other heads off. We trade a few shots but one of them he hits me and I get a vision.""As in, your ability? Why did it go off?""Before I learned some techniques for focusing my mind sometimes I would kind of be ambushed by my visions, especially if they were emotionally charged.""What'd you see?" He asks, his voice flat and firm. As if he were speaking to any of a hundred witnesses he's interviewed."Bad scene. Real bad. Kid tucked under a bed, crying, a flashlight scanning the place. It ended when a big hand came down and grabbed m-.. grabbed him." You clear your throat and continue. "Anyways, ever since that I've just had this weird feeling in my gut about him, everytime I've run into him. He's tried to be buddy buddy with me and the thing that makes me think this all comes back to him is that cold case.""The cold case that belonged to the feds?""Given to me by him. Wanted my help on it, wanted me to use my shivers. Said there was a potential witness who slipped through the system, a kid.""A kid?""Belonged to a prostitute who was in Mandragora's racket, I saw her die in a vision.. she died to save her son."Irons writes furiously, not missing a word as he looks up to you, eyes telling you to continue."Those files disappeared because I took them to an ARGUS Agent. I turned them back in and he gave me the name of the kid's mom. That's how I had the vision of her.." You trail off, your throat running a little dry.
"And you're suspecting Rogers because.. you got anything more than a gut feeling and your word against his?"You blink a few times and sigh."I just know that most of your tips came from a cop, and more than one of those instances had Rogers involved. Hell he was even at the crime scene I walked around in during my vision. The only thing that doesn't track is the time stamped video you got directed too..""How so?""I was meeting.. a CI." You say, not technically lying. "The only people that knew about that meeting at the time it was happening was myself, the CI, and Sergeant Hawthorne and I KNOW Hawthorne wouldn't have tried to get me caught up in anything."Irons sits up. His eyes were analytical before, tracking your words, occasionally you saw a small nod confirming he was even able to get ahead of you in some places of your story. But his attention is rapt now and his eyes don't have that cold gleam of a detective's mental calculus. It's pure curiosity at this point as he waits for you to bring it home.>"I think Rogers might be the SIM Killer..">"I think Rogers is Gorchakov's last mole..">"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it.">"That's all I got.. I know I can't influence your investigation so. I hope you find use for that info.">Write-In
>>6188673>I think Rogers might be the SIM Killer.We know that sim had to have access to a certain uniform to try to stab Hawthorne. Many details suggest Vic could be in the adoptive son role in the mob. Physical details match. It's a strong lead for finer investigation.
>>6188677This basically says that we knew we were meeting the SIM killer and that we have had a line of contact with him for some time. Should we be mentioning that? All of this is on record now.
>>6188673>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."If we just rip out “HES A SERIAL KILLER” after ranting about a vision quest it’s going to damage our credibility. Give them the breadcrumbs and they can follow the trail.
>>6188673>"That's all I got.. I know I can't influence your investigation so. I hope you find use for that info."Though with the caveat of saying that we think he should be investigated as well.
>>6188673>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."
>>6188683+1, prudence
>>6188673>>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it.">"I think he was the kid and didn't say anything."
>>6188673>>"I think if I'm worthy of being looked into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."
>>6188683>>6188911>>6188732>>6188953>>6189054>>6189061>>6189122"I'm just saying that if I'm worth looking into then Rogers needs to be gone over with a fine tooth comb. Something is wrong with him, I just know it."Irons holds your gaze. His brow furrowed and his eyes themselves not giving you anything, his poker face is impressive."Sounds like you've been thinking about this for a while.""It's not like that. I've just.. you ever meet someone and they just try too hard? Too hard to be friendly, too hard at their job, just they rub you the wrong way and you never know why? That's him to a T.""I'm familiar." He offers dryly. "But I need something to bite down on, you mentioned those files. You got anything more on those that could help me find a place to get my foot in the door?"You sigh and lean back as you rack your brain."I mean.. it's a long shot. But my vision I got from him at the gym, combine that with the fact he got those files somehow and dropped em off to me? I think he's the kid, the missing witness."Irons leans forward now a touch more invested, interest creeping into the wrinkles on his forehead."Correct me if I'm wrong here, but you said he brought to files to you to help find the witness.""Yeah.""So he was essentially asking for your help in finding himself?" You toss your hands up lightly."I don't know. I just.. that vision I had and the vision I had where I saw Lauretta.. y'know. It just leads me that way. But I don't have any answers for you.."Irons sits and taps his pen against the page. Eventually he scribbles a final note and tucks it. He rises fully now and steps around the table. "If you were anyone else.." He says, looking you up and down. "I'm gonna go have a chat with Bennett. But if it goes how I think then maybe I'll be able to find some answers for you."He grabs the handle and gives you a final assessing look before opening the door and stepping aside."Thanks for the chat, Mark. You should probably get a couple paces ahead of me before I head out of here."You nod and offer him a quiet thanks as you step out into the tan fluorescent lit hallways of Precinct 1. You take the short walk to shake off any excess jitters and ensure any trace of blood from your earlier mishap is cleared up. As you round the corner into the bullpen you see Reiner standing with Hawthorne in front of his office, a small line formed around them as Hawthorne hands out papers.
Hawthorne stands straight behind a small podium as Officers step up. He listens, checks a binder in front of him and then hands out thin sheets. Then the next one files in and it continues.Reiner notices you across the room and subtly beckons you closer. Keeping his eyes half trained on Hawthorne. You walk over and hear the tail end of Hawthorne speaking.-ing North Otisberg. Lucky bastard, make sure the stadium doesn't get trashed. I have season tickets." He chuckles and hands out the sheet, giving you a brief nod as you make passing eye contact. Reiner steps out from behind the podium and speaks quietly."Everything good?""I think so, sir. I got to leave so.""All you can ask for sometimes, I trust Irons. He puts his gut before his brain sometimes but I figured that would be a boon here." He glances over his shoulder at Hawthorne and shakes his head, a coy smile starting to form. "When watch him like a hawk and keep a boot on his neck your Sergeant makes a half decent administrator. Since you've both been off active patrols I've got him helping me with some of the more tedious parts of the job.""Hah, I'm pretty sure he'd rather die than stay off the street forever.""Yeah.." Reiner says, watching another sheet trade hands. "This is our marching orders for Halloween Night, assigning everyone into groups and spreading them around Gotham. One group from each department, the four departments work together, and it's almost like we have enough man power to cover the city.""Almost?""Well I mean even if we pull in the weekenders and put OT behind us it's still only barely covered. Which is why I actually wanted to talk to you.""Oh?""How's your head feeling? You seemed in good spirit earlier, Hawthorne said you've been seeming on the mend today. I know it's only day one but I know how resilient Meta's can be, so do you have a plan for dealing with your.. condition." He delivers the final words whispered.>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern.">"I have a plan, just kind of in the waiting stages right now. But I did get a.. treatment. It's helped a lot so far.">"Being perfectly honest, I don't feel the best. I had something done but I think it might have hurt me in a way.. Or maybe I'm just pushing myself too hard.">"If you're asking if I can work Halloween, the answer is yes.">Write-In
>>6189377>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."
>>6189377>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."Though privately, I AM concerned. Shivers wasn't all we had, but ti was our edge. Constantine hasn't just guarded us against demonic/Apokaliptian shit he's neutered our powers.
>>6189392>>6189392+1as much as I would want us to rest- I think us going out is better than us alone at home.
>>6189462Mark has already entered his de-powered arc, hasn’t he?
>>6189711I mean he hadn't actually tried much. We had what, one failed activation?But yeah, it's probably full schizo or nothing. Have superpowers and die from magic brain cancer or just be normal and sad. Cyberpunk 2077 style
>>6189377>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."Hoo. Tough choice.
>>6189717I don't think being normal would make Mark sad based on how we've characterized him, but we may need these powers for the potential apocalyptic event ahead.
>>6189377>>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."Can make one note that if something SUPERVILLAIN big happens, it's likely to hit our vibes. Is someone does something that hurts the city in a loud way, it's probably gonna send a more than a shiver up our spine.Not that it's LIKELY to happen... but if it does... there's a real possiblity.
>>6189377>>"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well. But I don't think lack of voices in my head is a cause for concern."
>>6189392>>6189421>>6189462>>6189604>>6189720>>6189741>>6189920"I do actually, my symptoms are handled for now. Maybe a little TOO well."Reiner raises a brow but you wave a hand. "I mean, I don't think a lack of voices in my head is cause for concern. I haven't had any flare ups except for a small one earlier and I had control over it.""No voices? At all?" "I can kind of hear them? Like someone whispering in another room but if I try and focus in on the words they just kinda.. fade away."Reiner takes a moment to look you in the eye, he holds the stare just long enough that you feel like you may have said something wrong when he finally breaks the silence."Those are symptoms but what about the cause?" He speaks casually but his tone still lowers as he says the final word."I have a plan, it's being worked on.""Yeah?""Yes, sir. I promise if anything changes you'll be the first to know."Reiner takes a breath and you can visibly see his shoulders relax slightly as he offers you a slight smile, a rare sight among the hard expression he seems to maintain."Good, because I'm bringing you and Hawthorne off the bench for Halloween."You fish mouth for a few seconds, letting your jaw flap before you manage a:"Thank you, sir. Really.""Don't thank me yet, I'm sending you home for the next two days. Halloween is one of our busiest times, lock up is usually stretched to it's limits, cavalry is hard pressed to ride in, and for the past couple years punk teens aren't the folk in costume we're worried about. I think it's important to your training to take your first run at it under someone experienced.""Makes sense to me, but why the days off? I'm feeling fine.""One: To make sure you KEEP feeling fine. I don't need whatever treatment you got to sprout nasty side effects and leave me short a duo." You open your mouth to reply and he cuts you off with a firm hand gesture. "I also don't want to know anything. Don't ask, don't tell.""I don't think that's what that means.." You reply quietly."You'd have to ask Kimble." He says, you almost flinch. Was that a joke? He carries on. "Two: You work too goddamn much and if I keep you on your normal rotation on top of Halloween then Admin is gonna wear me like a cocktail dress because our overtime pay is thin enough as it is without shelling out to rookies. You'll make up the time, don't worry.""Understood, what about Hawthorne?""On your days off I'll have him help me with administration like he has, he'll be ready. Unless you want to partner up with someone else?"
"Someone else?""Kimble, specifically. I don't think putting Banks on Halloween is a good move so Kimble is down a partner for the day, I planned on keeping him here to keep lock-up from boiling over but Hawthorne can do that job just as good. Plus you've worked with Kimble before, to great effect."You shift uncomfortably as you glance over his shoulder at Hawthorne and Reiner leans into your field of view."Don't worry about him, if anything he's lucky I'm giving him the chance to go out in the first place. I got quite the email from city hall about him earlier." He shakes his head. "Every time he's close to getting off my list he does something that sticks him back up. But you both have been showing me you took our talk seriously, so I'm willing to loosen the leash a bit if you want.">"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir.">"Kimble is a good cop and I trust him but I think it'd be better to do this with my Training Officer.">"I can partner up with Kimble, Halloween sounds like it'll be hectic and there's nobody I trust more when things get hairy. He's proven himself more than once with me.">"Why not send us out as a three-man unit? Shores up any weakness I bring as a rookie and I get to learn from two sources at once.">Write-In
>>6189982>"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir."We’re not ditching the old man, not after all this time.
>>6189982>"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir."
>>6189982>"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir.">"Plus, I'd rather he'd be thinking about his revenge for the Gotti suit where I can see him plotting."
>>6189996>>6190021>>6190038>>6190075>>6190170"Respectfully, I can't imagine doing this with anyone other than Hawthorne, sir. I'm not ditching him after all this time."Reiner smiles warmly, a truly rare sight, and nods with approval."Good man, Officer DeLucia. Good man." He says simply."Besides.. I got him into the Gotti outfit so I know he's going to be plotting something.""He did it again this year?" Reiner says, casting a short glance back as Hawthorne hands over a sheet. His smile eases back into his usual stoniness as he approaches Hawthorne and extends a hand for the stack of papers he's holding.Reiner sorts through them slowly, shuffling them as he searches through until eventually he plucks out one, then two, then three. He hands the bundle to Hawthorne and jerks his head over his shoulder."Go talk to your rookie, you're off bench for Halloween. These are your options, don't take too long." He speaks gruffly and immediately turns his attention to the next officer, scanning the sheets and handing it to him before gesturing to the next. Hawthorne looks over the pages and nods slowly, he glances at Reiner as if to say something but holds it. Instead giving an appreciative grunt as he steps off to the side with you. "I don't know what you said to him, but I appreciate being out of the dog house." He mumbles quietly. "So you and me working your first Halloween huh? Wish I could tell you it's gonna be fun.""I remember what you said, I know it's rough.""Yeah well, we'll see how you do. Commander gave us some of the gentler spots at least, but that isn't saying much, so sorry to tell you we won't be spending the night in the Narrows.""What spots do we have then?"Hawthorne leans in and fans out the pages. They provide a cut out of a city map, a few dark circles marking problem areas, and a small list of known gangs or criminal elements. He points to each page as he speaks.
"First up is probably the easiest, in terms of being straight-forward at least, the Diamond District. Neighbors with Wayne Tower, a lot of stores, and a lot of storage for tech and whatever else Wayne hawks. We go here and it's a night of B&E's, Robbery, and punk ass kids tagging." He slides that sheet to the bottom and taps the next. "Here we got Tricorner, the industrial docks, it's got a little more presence than usual considering the Commissioner lives in the area but most of the stuff going on here isn't far from the diamond district. People cracking cargo containers, tagging ships.. but the entire city knows how this goes. Police condense more in the city proper, meaning some scumbags like to use the chaos as their chance to bring in 'imports'.""Imports? Like what?""Girls, drugs, weapons. Sometimes men. Usually it's one of the old timers leading it up, Maroni or Falcone, but with them out of place there's a nice fat power vacuum waiting for someone to ship in some muscle, guns, or drugs so they can fill it. Or.. maybe with management out the window that's all on hold. We won't know until we know.""Right, and the last one?""Best for last, or worst depending on your view. Southern Financial District. Bunch of office buildings, part of the clump that orbits City Hall. Usually pretty safe, north district and City Hall are gonna be swarming.""But you said SOUTHERN Financial. What's that mean for us?""It means one of two things. A whole lot of dick-holding and watch checking or this is one of those Halloweens some animal tries something at Blackgate. Look at this circle here, see what it covers?""The bridge to Blackgate Isle. So it's essentially prison watch?""In a way, Halloween especially we always get someone trying something. Last year it was nothing at all, but the year before that it was some fruitcake in a van with enough tannerite to put a hole in the middle of the bridge, or the front gates.""Was he trying to do a prison break?""No clue, he punched through the blockade and hit the bridge. About half-way through he must have saw the lights waiting on the other end cause he took it off the shoulder and into the water. We recovered the vehicle with him in it.""Dead?""Oh yeah." Hawthorne snorts, shaking his head slightly. "So it's the spot with the biggest ratio of 'nothing to 'something' out of our options. Got a preference?""You don't wanna pick?"
"Son, I've been picking for years, besides you're the one going into this for the first time. I want you to pick something you're confident with because I need you on your A-Game. Don't think about what'll make you look best or give you the best learning experience. Pick what you think we'll be good at." He hands you the papers and after an insistent shake you take them, sliding the crisp pages as you look them all over..>"Let's do the Diamond District, my track records with robberies is perfect. Let's see if it holds.">"Tri-corner, for all the time I lived in the city I've never been down there. Never a reason to cross the bridge, maybe it'll shake my shivers out of their stupor.">"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be.">Write-In Two day time skip incoming after this vote and the next update, so start thinking about what you want to focus on in that time as we may breeze over it a bit (unless you guys care to get some SoL content) next update will set us up to return on Sunday with Halloween.Let me know what you think about the skip and if you'd rather get normal update-type delves into it or just the cliff notes. I also wouldn't mind hearing what you guys are expecting out of Halloween in Gotham, are you excited to see what happens? Or are you worried that 'happening' may be something horrible? Regardless, I'll see you soon.
>>6190724>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."We’ll be okay. After all, nothing ever happens.
>>6190724>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."
>>6190724>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."Watch us sense a pitch black fed boat bringing in some secret shit into Blackgate
>>6190948Maybe it would be bringing someONE in. A dishonorably discharged crayon muncher, perchance. Nah the feds would definitely be smuggling in a bomb or something to let all the inmates escape to discredit Dent and his efforts.
>>6190724>>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be."
>>6190957But isn't Dent trying to give them Blackgate? Why would the feds fuck with Dent if he's working with them?
>>6191144You really think feds wouldn't double-triple betray people who are working with them for seemingly no good reason? Why settle for Blackgate doing Capone shit when you could oust Dent and get your own plant in office? And still get Blackgate when you stonewall any investigation. Remember, to think like a fed you must imagine both incompetence and ambition. With a healthy helping of hubris.
>>6190724>"Southern Financial District, watching the bridge does sound boring but if something happens, especially there, that's where I wanna be.">>Also, uh, Batman's doing some shit around there that I can't get into and probably won't affect normal folks, but if it does...
>>6190724... I almost want the city to pick for meTri-corner feels like a place the shivers would feel the history of without getting lost in the sauce (compared to black gate) No need to go full action or to lay back.