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“Do you think you can help me? I’m not really bad, if I wanted to eat you I would!”

“You’ll eat me?”

“I mean, no, I meant that I can but won’t because I’m not a bad bug!”

Be it the bizarreness of the situation or his mind too tired to think, this made sense to Tobias. A normal tyranid would eat him by now. He stared at the yellow pupils, almost drawn into her eyes and face. The moon’s pale light accentuated the sharp angles of her nose and lips that resembled so close to a human.

“I’ll help you…”


A smile revealed the deadly maw of jagged fangs. Ninety-Nine’s tail wagged.

“Yes, where do you need to go?”

“I don’t know.” Ninety-Nine set Tobias down. She cupped her cheek as she pondered. “I’m not going to look so well when I come in… Where are we?”

“Sector Six.” Tobias said. “We’re close to Sector Five here.”

“Oh that’s where Stracken is!” Ninety-Nine cheered. “But he won’t recognize me without any armor…”

“I can go back by myself.” Tobias offered. “I’m certain you will be shot moment you are seen, and I will be as well since they will assume I am under your control.”

>I’ll follow you until you get to Sector Five, I’ll wait at the entrance. I’ll hide if I see anyone.
>I can wait here

Additional choice (optional)

>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… you have pretty eyes that’d be a waste.” [Face check]
>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… Not that I think you’ll taste bad but I like having you here.” [Face check]

Health: 70
Heartiness: 14
Exoskeleton Class: 18

Agility: 7/10, [+ 3]
Intelligence: 7/10 [+3]
Strength: 16/20 [+8]
Senses: 6/10 [+ 3]
Sneak: 6/10 [+ 3]
Face: 2/10 [+1]

Exoskeleton Armor II
Natural Weapons II
Hive-Mind Takeover (Lvl 3),
Heavy Ranged Weapons Proficiency I [0/3]
Heavy Melee Weapons Proficiency II [1/3]

Penance Token: 01

His Loyal Servant
>Ninety Nine is now known in the sisterhood of the Adepta Sororitas, it may be one person but her fame may grow should she continue the correct path…

Hive-Mind Takeover (Lvl 3)
>Ninety-Nine is able to give simple orders to larger creatures such as attack, defend, or protect
>Ninety-Nine is able to possess a small tyranid unit for a limited amount of time and distance
>Ninety-NIne is able to control a higher tier tyranid enemies after damaging them

Heavy Ranged Weapons Proficiency I [1/3]

>Whenever Ninety-Nine uses a heavy ranged weapon, she is able to add one (subject to be changed) for a roll that has the option to use her weapons along with the modifier of Strength and other modifiers involved.

Heavy Melee Weapon Proficiency II [1/3]

>Whenever Ninety-Nine uses a heavy melee weapon, she is able to add two more rolls for a check that has the option to use her weapons along with the modifier of Strength and other modifiers involved and add a +2 for that roll. During combat scenarios, you may roll two times for failures. This ability will be available in the next combat scenario.

Exoskeleton Armor II

>Any failures that result in damage will be halved if the enemy does not roll higher than Ninety-Nine’s Exoskeleton Class.

Natural Weapons II

>Unarmed damage and tail damage can now do damage with strength modifier with a +2 to roll.
>>6188480 (OP)

‘’I know! Do any of you got a tarp or a Ogryn blanket?- I could put it on and say I’m a Sis of battle that lost her armor or something!’’

>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… you have pretty eyes that’d be a waste.” [Face check]
>>6188480 (OP)
>I’ll follow you until you get to Sector Five, I’ll wait at the entrance. I’ll hide if I see anyone.

>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… Not that I think you’ll taste bad but I like having you here.” [Face check]

Don't forget to join the server if you want instant update notifications!

The success we got on the previous thread was:
>Success: He for now will help Ninety-Nine but will be very wary, even run at any give moment.

So I don't think staying where we are is sensible (he won't come back) and staying outside the gate isn't sensible (he either won't come back or will come with the wrong kind of people).

Should use him to find some temp disguise that can get us into a camp. Not sure if the long term thing we need is to call home and request an inquisition handler that can vouch for us? Is there anyone at all on this planet that knows what 99 is, or is everyone just hostile? For every other mission there was someone who knew what we are and would take us home. Since we just dropped in, what was the exfil?
Honestly plan D or F is to fine some kind of Inquisitor or an Ultra Marine successor chapter (Hi I met you dad!) and pray to Big E that they are willing to send a message before torturing us
Supporting >>6188485
>>6188480 (OP)
>I can wait here

>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… you have pretty eyes that’d be a waste.” [Face check]
Gonna try and bag a Cadian. You can do it, 99!
>>6188480 (OP)

>I’ll follow you until you get to Sector Five, I’ll wait at the entrance. I’ll hide if I see anyone.

>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… Not that I think you’ll taste bad but I like having you here.” [Face check]
Either looting a vox unit from a battlefield or going in a camp for a vox unit is a good idea. A good clothing disguise is needed for approach any of her newly made friends here on Roland.
>the long term thing
is completing the mission (this world, Roland not falling to nids) and going back to Hive-Father alive
>request an inquisition handler that can vouch for us?
yes or waiting for them to get to us after Roland is successfully defended and they don't hear our return, or trying to find a transport with any of our new friends.
>Is there anyone
no one. This is her first mission where she is completely alone, without any handler, support, mission informations or clear objectives beside ensure Roland is defended. All contacts (Black Dragons, Catachans or the Knight House) made here know her as the very young heavily armored inquisitorial agent. The only boon she was given was an inquisitorial rosetta and the thunderhammer, currently both lost.
>For every other mission
not this time
>what was the exfil?
it wasn't given to us, we are on our own on everything. This situation is very much a "learn to swim or die" one, with all the freedom and all the danger that entails. Welcome to being a low rank inquisitorial agent 99 !

>>6188480 (OP)
supporting this vote
+1 to disguise master plan
>>6188480 (OP)

This is me

> The only boon she was given was an inquisitorial rosetta and the thunderhammer, currently both lost.
I’d like to search for this stuff if we can, maybe a needle in a haystack though. Might just need to find where we lost our clothes as a start.

So I’d like to have my vote to be to get the cadian to help us get a disguise.

Then we can either search for our stuff, fight nids, go to a camp etc. plus it’ll be funny when we bump into the cadian in the future and he has to decide to blow our cover or not
Plan D for Dance.
Take control of small horde of nids.
Force them to dance where they can be spotted
Wait for Rescue
Not a bad idea
Rolled 2 (1d2)


>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… you have pretty eyes that’d be a waste.” [Face check]

>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… Not that I think you’ll taste bad but I like having you here.” [Face check]

I'm just going to flip a 1d2

>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… you have pretty eyes that’d be a waste.” [Face check]

>“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… Not that I think you’ll taste bad but I like having you here.” [Face check]
Difficulty: 14
Amount of rolls: 2
Dice: d20
Modifier: Face [+1]
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Wooo- Sneek for the win!
Rolled 15 (1d20)

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“I wouldn’t really eat you by the way… Not that I think you’ll taste bad but I like having you here.”

In a strange way, Tobias found the thing’s sentiment rather sweet. Yes, her appearance still disturbed him, but upon closer inspection her face did not stray so far from a human’s even her body appeared proportionally pleasant. Tobias shook the thoughts from his head, and briefly prayed for his sinful thoughts.

“Oh I know! Do any of them got a tarp? I could put it on and say I’m a sister who lost her armor!”


Among his dead comrades Tobias took the tarps off from their packs. Each tarp was put together by tying the edges and with the use of a stapler meant to close wounds. The dark green tarp covered Ninety-Nine head to toe, like trashy cocoon.

“How do I look?”

“Barely passable…” Tobias said. “Don’t move too much or else it’ll come off. Let’s get going, we’re not safe here.”

Ninety-Nine treaded the forest, eyes sharp, nose keen and ears vigilant, no tyranid crossed their paths yet. As the sun retreated, the dark skies bloomed with explosions, silhouettes of fighters and winged kins crossed paths. The bellowing horns of knights and shrieks of bio-titans echoed throughout the forest.

“What’s your name?” Ninety-Nine said.

“Tobias. Tobias Cena.”
“Nice to meet you, Tobias. I’m Ninety-Nine.”

“Same to you.” Tobias said.

Their walk exchanged no further words, silence followed their footsteps.

“Stop.” Ninety-Nine said.

A small group of hormagaunts appeared from the shadows. Ninety-Nine took immediate control.

“Don’t shoot them they’re under my control!”

Tobias’s finger curled around the trigger. His eyes bulged as the hormagaunts approached but did not attack.

>Ninety-Nine controlled the hormagaunts to move past them and continue their patrol
>Ninety-Nine surrounded herself with the swarm, masking their presence ahead

Not a bad idea kek
>>Ninety-Nine surrounded herself with the swarm, masking their presence ahead
>Ninety-Nine controlled the hormagaunts to move past them and continue their patrol
>>Ninety-Nine surrounded herself with the swarm, masking their presence ahead
>99 sends the hormagaunts to scout and survey. To lay down the best path to reach allies and away from the nids.
Thank you Anon its exactly what I imagined and its beautiful
I like to think so, and its what precious darling 99 would do. It'll be even better if she dances along too.

>>Ninety-Nine surrounded herself with the swarm, masking their presence ahead
>Ninety-Nine controlled the hormagaunts to move past them and continue their patrol
>>Ninety-Nine controlled the hormagaunts to move past them and continue their patrol
>Ninety-Nine controlled the hormagaunts to move past them and continue their patrol
Let's not march tyranids into allied territory.
>>Ninety-Nine controlled the hormagaunts to move past them and continue their patrol
>Ninety-Nine controlled the hormagaunts to move past them and continue their patrol

Votes locked in
Ninety-Nine softly grasped Tobias’s shoulder. The hive mind hacked the hormagaunts to move past them and continue their patrol with the order to continue far beyond. Tobias’s eyes bulged as the hormagaunts walked past them, then stared up at Ninety-Nine, mouth agape with no words forming until he finally did.


She shrugged.

“I just do it, take the strands and make it mine.”


“Mmhmm!” Ninety-Nine said. “Let’s keep going, we need to get to sector five.”

Several patrols walked past them and each time Ninety-Nine allowed them to continue. Bright rays of light beamed up in the air and vehicles roared as they moved. Cadiand and Catachan guardsmen stood on a planted ceramite barrier with autocannons. Tobias released a sigh of relief.

“Thank the Emperor, it’s a checkpoint.” Tobias said. “We made it! Stay here and wait.”

Tobias ran forward, waving his arms. The guardsmen squad approached, took him by the arms and dragged him into the checkpoint. The lights now aimed toward the bush.

>Ninety-Nine hopped out, raising her hands
>Ninety-Nine hid beneath the bush [sneak check]
99 waits a bit and approach slowly, brandishing her Inquisitorial Badge.
>Ninety-Nine hid beneath the bush [sneak check]
>>Ninety-Nine hid beneath the bush [sneak check]
Does she still have the badge or did she lose that alongside her armor?
>Ninety-Nine hid beneath the bush [sneak check]
>>Ninety-Nine hid beneath the bush [sneak check]
Didn’t we lose it as well ?
>Ninety-Nine hopped out, raising her hands
>Ninety-Nine hid beneath the bush [sneak check]
>Ninety-Nine hid beneath the bush [sneak check]
>>Ninety-Nine hopped out, raising her hands
>>Ninety-Nine hid beneath the bush [sneak check]
No update till around 1AM or later- someone got the QM banned.
For what?
Nobody knows.
People would be more understanding if you'd just explain yourself, Spit.
in the discord he posted a pic that said he was banned for ~1 day in all boards and the reason given is that he was posting low quality stuff, which didn't make sense.

So here's what happened. I was at /wg/ at tg, I have an old trip name that I wanted to try since I found a screenshot of the password so I typed "test" and thought "neat it still works, maybe I'll restart the story" I left the "test" post. I think that's the reason why. Honestly, it's a fair ban it's just one day. I'll make up for the lost day with a double update on Saturday. The day ban gave me a day to think where I want to take the quest.

Sorry for the scare. Thank you for your support anons.

Votes locked in

Difficulty: 16
Amount of rolls: 3
Dice: d20
Modifier: Sneak [+3]

Reason: Plenty of lights and guardsmen are actively prepared for a night ambush.
Success: Ninety-Nine stays undetected
Failure: Evasion rolls
Glad to have you back.
Thank you anon, lessons learned lol.
Rolled 2 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Lets Go!
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Success! Writing.
Submerging in shadows, Ninety-Nine laid down, limbs spread apart as she waited for the guardsmen to stop their searching. As much as she wanted to come out, she knew her hideous appearance would earn las and bolter. On the bright side, Tobias returned home, the guardsmen were so happy that they carried him back! Ninety-Nine wished she would be welcomed like that too.



Ninety-Nine slowly inched back into the forests. Instinct guided her when to move and how to crawl. Ninety-Nine’s tail end planted into the ground and pulled herself back. The blades of grass brushed against her exoskeleton. With her face close to the ground, she smelled the fresh earthy scent.

I hope Tobias will remember me… Ninety-Nine thought as she escaped.

Once far from the eyes of the guardsmen, Ninety-Nine climbed up to the tallest tree. Past the checkpoint, Ninety-Nine saw the rest of the route secured by wheeled vehicles, small tanks, and gunships.

A shriek echoed.

From the skies, a murder of sky slashers swooped down. The heavy stub guns easily tore the sky vermins, making a rain of guts and bones. Termagaunts laid a barrage of suppressive fire. Fleshborer rifles spat out borer beetles, any that landed scraped into the target’s soft flesh. One of five termaguants wielded a strangleweb rifle, a bio-gun that shoot webs to trap a victim. Las and bio-guns lit the dark forest.

Yet, Ninety-Nine did not see the accompanying hormagaunt. She instinctively understood this was not a raid, but a test before an assault.

>Ninety-Nine took control of the sky-slashers and shredded the Termagaunts
>Ninety-Nine took control of the Termagaunts to shoot down the sky-slashers
>Ninety-Nine rushed into the battlefield to eliminate the swarm herself, hoping to prove her proof of devotion
>Ninety-Nine took control of the sky-slashers and shredded the Termagaunts
>>Ninety-Nine took control of the sky-slashers and shredded the Termagaunts
cause it seems like the humans can easily deal with the sky slashers themselves
>Ninety-Nine took control of the sky-slashers and shredded the Termagaunts
>>Ninety-Nine took control of the sky-slashers and shredded the Termagaunts
Might as well sabotage their assualt whilst they are here. Emperor knows Astra militatum needs a break.
>>Ninety-Nine took control of the sky-slashers and shredded the Termagaunts
>>Ninety-Nine took control of the sky-slashers and shredded the Termagaunts
>Thank you anon, lessons learned lol.
Have you? Listening to people and actually being open about who you are and what you're running might clear things up and stop this from happening again.
>Have you? Listening to people and actually being open about who you are and what you're running might clear things up and stop this from happening again.
he said what the quest was about from the start, what are you talking about ?
>Ninety-Nine took control of the sky-slashers and shredded the Termagaunts

Votes locked in
Ninety-Nines’s hivemind easily took the sky-slashers’ hive mind strands. The sky-slashers flew high in the air and swooped down to the horde. The black clouds of tiny blades shredded the termagaunts, lacerating every part from head to toe. The earth absorbed the dark red blood and ribbons of torn flesh. The momentary paused allowed the guardsmen to fire back and took back the momentum of the battle. From the tree, Ninety-Nine grinned. While her route of returning home disappeared, the guardsmen did not have to fight alone.

“Did you see that? They just attacked one of their own. You think that guy was telling the truth?”

“A tyranid human hybrid that can control tyranids? Right, if anyone wants to confirm that it’s real they can do it themselves. Can you imagine how disgusting that would be?”

The words did not hurt as much as before but still squeezed her heart. Ninety-Nine sighed then climbed down and explored the quiet forest under the night sky. Ninety-Nine stayed around the vicinity of the checkpoint on trees. She hid from the light when the sun rose by retreating deeper into the forest. She heard more rumors, especially that of a new arrivals.

"It was a matter of time until they arrived." A guardsman said.

"Who were they?"

"Inquisition. Ordo Xenos." The veteran sergeant said. "It must be serious enough to have them come. Let's hope they can put an end to this."

Days passed, and no crack in the checkpoint gave her a chance to sneak back in. She returned to the cave where she was before, while her thunder hammer had been lost her inquisitorial rosette could be located somewhere else. Every day, Ninety-Nine searched for her lost badge while assisting any guardsmen patrols undetected. Hunger slowly took hold of her thoughts, clouding her conscience for a few seconds.

>Ninety-Nine returned to the cave inside, and she closed her eyes. Sleep called to her.
>Ninety-Nine continued to look for a way to return and her badge, while eating on dead guardsmen and tyranid kins. [Intelligence Check, High]

Sorry for the late update, pharmacy switched to a new software so the work was tough. Had to do some extra work.
>>Ninety-Nine returned to the cave inside, and she closed her eyes. Sleep called to her.

NO Eating the loyal's flesh!

*Dont worry Bro, keep the great work.
>Ninety-Nine returned to the cave inside, and she closed her eyes. Sleep called to her.
>>Ninety-Nine returned to the cave inside, and she closed her eyes. Sleep called to her.
>Ninety-Nine continued to look for a way to return and her badge, while eating on dead guardsmen and tyranid kins. [Intelligence Check, High]

Our Int isn't too bad. Might be worth the risk.
>>Ninety-Nine returned to the cave inside, and she closed her eyes. Sleep called to her.
>Find the badge
>Just eat tyranid kin
>Search for the badge but only eat tyranids
>Ninety-Nine continued to look for a way to return and her badge, while eating on dead guardsmen and tyranid kins. [Intelligence Check, High]
I like to live dangerously
change >>6191861

for >>6191897
Also to bury them with a little pray, when possible
A warning on only eating on tyranid kins.

99 is not completely a tyranid, she's a hybrid. If she only consumes tyranid I will incur an Int check [medium difficulty] to keep her sentience.
In that case I change my vote form



Write in;

Find Badge

Eat only part of Gardsmen when we are sure we are not to be discovered, respectfully burry whatever we don’t eat.

Whenever possible eat plants, animals, and such
>Ninety-Nine returned to the cave inside, and she closed her eyes. Sleep called to her.
Do guardsmen eat dead guardsmen when they run out of rations and anything to scavenge?
>Ninety-Nine continued to look for a way to return and her badge, while eating on dead guardsmen and tyranid kins. [Intelligence Check, High]
I don't understand this dumb reluctance to eating the dead some of you are having.
>Ninety-Nine continued to look for a way to return and her badge, while eating on dead guardsmen and tyranid kins. [Intelligence Check, High]
>>Ninety-Nine returned to the cave inside, and she closed her eyes. Sleep called to her.

>Ninety-Nine continued to look for a way to return and her badge, while eating on dead guardsmen and tyranid kins. [Intelligence Check, High]


I hope you guys read the tyranid eating warning
We did, and our faith in the Emperor remains strong.
Difficulty: 13
Amount of rolls: 2
Dice: d20
Modifier: Intelligence: 7/10 [+3]
Mmm, let’s eat
Rolled 4 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Feast time
Rolled 1 (1d20)

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175 KB JPG

Whelp, time to roll up a new quest protagonist.
Don't lose yourself 99ty I believe in you!
(roll faith/will)












Ranos slid through the dense forest, on a tall hill, his Mk.III Shrike Sniper Rifle founded his target. As the rumors said in the watch fortress, Subject Ninety-Nine was truly a sight to behold. Encased in an exoskeleton yet with some soft flesh, the thing chewed through the dead tyranid. The feral thing looked left and right, sniffed the air and yawned.

“Target found.” Ranos said. His left pauldron presented his chapter, the Raptors. “Target is confirmed to have entered a… feral state and has grown compared to the briefing.”

“Then we kill it.” Casus said. “I’ve wanted that abomination dead, it’s an affront to the God-Emperor.”

“That is not our mission.” Obediah said. “Ninety-Nine is an asset of Lord Primarch, retrieval is possible.”

Thedas nodded along, much as he did not trust the astartes of the Red Hunters. He did not let his admittance known, but Ninety-Nine’s ability has proven to be an asset. Emperor, he never thought he’d ever agree with Kryptman but here he was. He turned to see the honored cousin by the name of Chyron, a dreadnought who was sent to their watch fortress after disobeying an order.

“By the blood of Sanguinius, this abomination should be torn to shreds!” The honored brother said. His mechanized voice boomed, echoing throughout the forest.

“We are to retrieve it, brother. I will remind you that—” Obediah said calmly.

“I will not heed the word of an Inquisition dog. Bark somewhere else.” Chyron snarled.

“Disagree as much as your hearts desire, venerable one.” Ranos said. “This is your last opportunity to avoid expulsion.”

“We are to retrieve it depending on the target’s state. You saw it yourself, that thing has reverted to its natural state.” Casus said.

Thedas shook his head. This kill team was more focused on killing the asset than to retrieve it. Then again, the asset’s creator himself emphasized how little it mattered to him, but failed to explain this order came from his father.

>“I will retrieve the asset then.” Said Thedas.
>Thedas waited for the argument to be finished
>Ranos shook his head. “I will capture the asset.”
>>Thedas waited for the argument to be finished
>Thedas waited for the argument to be finished
>>“I will retrieve the asset then.” Said Thedas.

I am calling it now- we ate the cute Cadian, horror movie style.
>>“I will retrieve the asset then.” Said Thedas.
>>“I will retrieve the asset then.” Said Thedas.
>“I will retrieve the asset then.” Said Thedas.
Aww Big Blue doesn't want 99 dead. What a guy.

Nah my money's on the Inquisition disappearing him because he started spreading Inquisition secrets. Namely, 99 being a xeno-hybrid.
I think that if 99 went feral and saw someone she recognized she would act like an oversized puppy.

Maybe they tried to disappear hem-

Then call in the big guns because they also found 99 in the process
>“I will retrieve the asset then.” Said Thedas.

Votes locked in
“I will retrieve the asset then.” Said Thedas.

“I will go with you, commander.” Obediah said.

“Casus, Brother Chyron, and Ranos will remain here on overwatch.” Thedas commanded.

“That abomination is feral, we must—”

Thedas faced Casus, the memory of the accusation at the watch fortress remained fresh in his mind. Sons of Dorn were stubborn, and the Black Templars exemplified that zealously. Thedas knew why Chyron and Casus was assigned to this mission, after all, Kryptman assembled this team.

“I am the leader of this kill team.” Thedas said. “Not you. Stay here. Provide overwatch with Brother Chyron and Ranos.”

Thedas and Obediah carefully surrounded Ninety-Nine from the shrubberies. Ninety-Nine dug into her third hormagaunt, smiling as her jaws easily snapped the exoskeleton. Each chew echoed a sickly crunch as her tail swayed left and right. Thedas moved forward, certain that the asset could not hear his approach.

Or so he thought.

Ninety-Nine’s head swiveled the moment the first step touched the ground. Her eyes opened wider, slit pupils formed to a circle, the tail swayed left and right at a faster rate. Thedas sensed no hostility. Their plan was for Thedas to be the distraction and Obediah to pin Ninety-Nine down and inject a sonambulin*.

>Thedas stepped forward
>They still acted on their plan

SONAMBULIN - Sedative used for tranquilizing dreadnoughts
>>Thedas stepped forward

Yea- we gone full puppy
>Thedas stepped forward
>They still acted on their plan
Just because an animal seems friendly that doesn't mean that they are.
>They still acted on their plan
>Thedas stepped forward
I think more like a cat with those pupils widening
>Thedas stepped forward
Here's hoping Feral 99 remembers that battlemasters are allies.
>Thedas stepped forward
>>Thedas stepped forward
Come on anons, despite her diminished intelligence, she is still 99 our girl.
Isnt it usually a bad thing when cats do that though?

Votes locked in.
“Hold.” Thedas said through the vox link.

Thedas stepped forward, exiting as the bushes and branches rustled as it brushed his power armor. He moved steadily, slowly, he sheathed his power sword but kept his shield on his arm. Ninety-Nine’s head snapped, like a turret that found its mark. The pupils remained wide, her tails swished back and forth at a faster rate. Ninety-Nine crawled away, then stood up, facing Thedas. Her legs bent at a different angle but her upper body still retained human features. Now, she stood a foot taller than Thedas.

A deep purring echoed from Ninety-Nine, deep as an engine’s hum but still soft. Her lips split into a smile, revealing jagged fangs. She charged forward, arms wide and still purring.

“Stop!” Thedas commanded.

Ninety-Nine did as ordered. This was the so called honored duty of a deathwatch agent… Thedas almost thought of leaving this Throne damned assignment. Ninety-Nine’s tail drooped, frowning, her purring stopped.

“Do you… understand me?”

Ninety-Nine cocked her head once more.

“You don’t. It seems like.” Thedas sighed. “Obediah, I believe we can extract her as is.”

“That is not our order.” Obediah said in the vox channel. “We must sedate her, then send back into Roland to complete her mission.”

As much as Thedas rather bring back Ninety-Nine, he did not care enough to let her be harmed. Most likely, he was the kindest astartes that Ninety-Nine knew.

“Very well.” Thedas said. “I will incapacitate her.”

Thedas unlatched the shield from his arm and raised his shield high with both of his hands, he cocked his arm back, then swung.

>Ninety-Nine took the hit, then fell
>Ninety-Nine took the hit, then snarled. [Roll strength]

I will let you anons decide. Taking the hit is a way out and to return to Roland, not getting knocked out will continue this fight.
>Take the hit, but whine and fall
>Ninety-Nine took the hit, then snarled. [Roll strength]
Fresh meat.
>Ninety-Nine took the hit, then fell
Goodnight, sweet princess
>>Ninety-Nine took the hit, then fell
>Ninety-Nine took the hit, then snarled. [Roll strength]
>>Ninety-Nine took the hit, then fell

Votes locked in
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08EqQPIvHOU&ab_channel=bagel [Embed]
[play the video for an immersive effect and see the image for panopticon]

The very force slammed Ninety-Nine into the ground. Thedas and Obediah grabbed the poor girl.

“Lisandra, this is Thedas. Mission complete. Requesting exfiltration on our position.” Thedas said.

“Yes, my lord.”

Ninety-Nine was taken to a facility on Deathwatch’s Xenos Purgatio’s observation room. Thedas and his kill team waited for a month, observing Ninety-Nine slowly revert to her old form. Clay held the data-slate as he watched slumbering Ninety-Nine locked inside the containment room. Clay now doubted if the room could hold a creature Ninety-Nine evolved into.

“She got taller. Adapted… no, produced the nautiloid shell by consumption. Body composition still the same. Interesting...”

Clay read the data-slate in the research room. He now had the mission to redeploy Ninety-Nine back into Roland without raising any suspicions. An onset of headache pounded, of course no mission would ever go smoothly when tyranids were involved. The small pantopticon* glowed in blue, indicating each section of Roland in dire reinforcements. He’d much prefer using Imperial Guard resources than the Tempestus Scions, but secrecy mattered more. Kill Team Hope was assembled by Kryptman, meant to kill Ninety-Nine than to retrieve her.

Can’t say I’m glad he’s gone, but I suppose that was inevitable. Throne, what a mess I’m heaped on.

If not for the primarch being involved in Ninety-Nine’s retrieval, she would have been dead. Now that Kryptamn was enroute to Terra to answer for his negligence for supporting Ninety-Nine and updating the primarch, he had control of the mission.

>Ninety-Nine needed to be pulled away, redeployment would only raise suspicions
>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with the Catachan Devils of the Catachan Second, he could always alter their memories later after they are informed. Stracken would understand… he hoped.
>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with Kill Team Hope

[PANOPTICON — These chart rooms, often found on large starships, have hololiths or holospheres that project galactic charts in three dimensions.]
Does 1st option mean to be redeployed somewhere else?
>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with the Catachan Devils of the Catachan Second, he could always alter their memories later after they are informed. Stracken would understand… he hoped.
I don't know what Guilliman expected from Kryptman of all people. I'm pretty sure even most of his fellow Inquisitors think he's a colossal piece of shit.
She will be returned to the watch fortress.
>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with the Catachan Devils of the Catachan Second, he could always alter their memories later after they are informed. Stracken would understand… he hoped.
Getting her back in the swing of things is probably for the best, and it would probably be better to be working with people who aren't looking for excuses to kill her.
>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with Kill Team Hope
Back at it with Clay and our Kill Team buddies (just some of them) !

Beside Tobias and the rumors he might spread (which can be easily neutralized, changed, distorted by an Interrogator like Clay), the only issue i see with redeployment with the Devils is the fact that she disappeared after the completed mission with the combined hunting team of Black Dragons, Catachans and Knight. Despite mission success, being in no danger and nearby allies. Maybe Clay could justify it with inquisition business, since for anyone that has interacted with her on Roland she is an inquisitorial agent and doesn't need to answer/inform a regiment or a chapter.

I don't think Clay would think the situation on Roland is unsalvageable, but he would give consideration to all three options. In case of Kill Team Hope it would allow him to call the shots and where to deploy them, even if marines like Cassus Belli are just waiting for one justification to open fire on 99. With the Devils, they are already in a hot contested zone of the world, changing the tide there would be still of use. The third would be probably if he judges 99 too unstable to return to the battlefield.

He probably expected Kryptman to actually bother properly using the likely costly Weapon he developed, instead of attempting to make sure it had the lowest amount of success in a high priority mission so he could return to his lab and create a 100 iteration of this Weapon (only because 99 didn't fit some of his criteria). Guilliman is also occupied with many other things but he definitely keeps a tab on 99, when he can since her value is probably quite high if she can reach adulthood. He will probably demote Kryptman from the main position of handling and controlling her, and assign him somewhere else (or perhaps with another role in the project. Even if punished, Kryptman has too much knowledge on the project for be sent in a far away mission in Imperium Nihilus for example)

Also I agree with this assessment, even if 99 in herself is not that valuable- she represents possibly the first in a number of Nid-hunters.

Also I would argue that Krypman inadvertently proven that 99 is even more valuable by he’s reckless stunt- even if we gone full puppy temporarily we still complied with our superiors.
At the moment yep, she just reached the juvenile stage. A good progress from being a chatterbox bioweapon-child, but not the final asset that was promised by Kryptman to Guilliman from the start of this mad project.
His plan definitely backfired, he should have kept a better eye on what she was actually learning. He will pay the consequences of his action now, up to the Lord Regent.

In regard to the assessment, there is one more thing. The obvious one, if the second option is taken : I am not really sure what Clay can say for justify 99 new size to Stracken and his men. He could introduce a "new" agent (99) deployed in the region for assist the Devils, maybe ? Or Clay could just memory wipe or blam anyone that is a problem ? Though that might leave some traces and other problems from doing that action.
>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with Kill Team Hope
meant this post ops
>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with Kill Team Hope
The Black Dragons might also be an issue for Clay if he does something more ... drastic for keep things hush hush while 99 is redeployed with the Devils.

They were collaborating really well together, the chapter and the regiment. Its the kind of thing that creates bad blood between imperials if not properly handled, and Clay is not the one holding all the cards here in Roland. Only an Interrogator.
>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with Kill Team Hope
Let's be real, elite inquisitorial (and equivalent) assets are the only ones 99 will be able to safely work with from here on out.
>>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with the Catachan Devils of the Catachan Second, he could always alter their memories later after they are informed. Stracken would understand… he hoped.
>>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with the Catachan Devils of the Catachan Second, he could always alter their memories later after they are informed. Stracken would understand… he hoped.
>>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with Kill Team Hope
makes the most sense.
>>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with Kill Team Hope

>Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with the Catachan Devils of the Catachan Second, he could always alter their memories later after they are informed. Stracken would understand… he hoped.


A lil late, but I will rule that the inquisition can do this. They have the power and authority to do so.
Ninety-Nine would be redeployed with Kill Team Hope. Thank the Throne Thedas was in charge of the team. A Black Templar and a Howling Griffin, and an ornery dreadnought. He wondered if Ninety-Nine was better off risking her presence within the guardsmen than being sent with the kill team. Clay sighed, then took a long drag of his lho-stick.

Throne help that creature…

Ninety-Nine gasped. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the world around her. Black and white. Red and yellow. Green. So many colors. She rubbed her eyes. She first recognized an old face… color. Ninety-Nine smiled.


He sidestepped Ninety-Nine’s attempt at a hug. Thankfully, she caught herself before falling down. Her vision focused. The astartes stared back, and one big machine stood quietly. The surrounding forests shrouded the astartes and Ninety-Nine from the sun. A thunderhawk’s engines whirred as it waited to return to the ship.

“Ninety-Nine.” Thedas said. “They are to be your new masters. We do not have time, how is your new armor?”

Black carapace armor layered above a black body suit that wrapped Ninety-Nine. A new inquisitorial badge hung on her pauldron. Unlike the astartes, no purity seals adorned her armor. Why would they? The creature certainly did not earn any.

“It’s good. They feel nice.”

“We are wasting our time.” Casus growled. “We have our objective. The Hive Tyrant must be destroyed or at the very least, distracted for the knights to attack should they arrive on time.”

“The lieutenant speaks the truth.” Ranos said. “We must be on our way.”

Thedas nodded.

“Your weapon, Ninety-Nine.” ]

In his arms were the weapons assigned to Ninety-Nine, each being a low quality weapon so no loss can be incurred should Ninety-Nine lose her weapons again.

Heavy Melee weapon [No ranged]
>Ogryn trench shovel
>Heavy Chainsword
>Heavy Spiked Maul
>Write-in [The write-in must be in lore a lower quality weapon or used in IG widely. Basically easily found]

Light Melee Weapon [which I will decide] & Heavy Ranged Weapon
>Heavy bolters
>Heavy Flamer
>Write-in [The write-in must be in lore a lower quality weapon or used in IG widely. Basically easily found]


>Write-in [I will decide whether or not this will work. Keep in mind, 99 is now give lower quality weapons]
>Ogryn trench shovel

>Heavy bolters
>Heavy Flamer
>Heavy Chainsword
99's built for melee
>Heavy bolters
>Heavy Chainsword
Shit, they finally realized that anything they give us will be gone by the time the mission's over.
>Heavy Chainsword
>>Heavy Flamer
>Heavy Bolter


>Heavy Chainsword

Heavy Chainsword wins
Ninety-Nine held her new weapon, she poked the sharp edges. The chainsword revved, snarling when Ninety-Nine accidentally squeezed the handle of the chainsword. She beamed then revved the sword again then again, as if she discovered a new toy. Thedas shook his head, only Ninety-Nine would play with a chainsword of all things. The astartes chainsword of a heavy variant was simply larger that required two hands to wield properly.

“We must move, follow.” Thedas said.

Kill Team Hope and Ninety-Nine moved through the forest. The occasional patrols moved past thanks to Ninety-Nine’s hive mind control. No tyranid have yet to ambush them as they walked to the nearest Imperial controlled sector. Ninety-Nine walked beside Thedas but kept glancing at the large metal and yellow square following behind.

“Thedas Thedas.” Ninety-Nine said.

“Speak.” Thedas said.

“What is that?” Ninety-Nine pointed at Chyron.

“That is brother Chyron, he is a dreadnought, which is a… bigger armor.” Thedas said. “Do not talk to him because he is busy.”

Chyron stopped, he slowly turned around.

“And if that thing comes near I will smash its skull open.” Chyron said. “Do you hear me, abomination?”

Ninety-Nine nodded, though the word hurt the pain dulled each time hearing the insult.

“I understand, master.”

“I am not your master.” Chyron said. “Brainless beast.”

The walk was silent after that. Up in the sky, a lone

>Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side.
>Ninety-Nine chose to scout ahead
>Ninety-Nine chose to scout ahead
>>Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side.
>Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side.
>>Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side.
>>Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side.
>>Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side.

Poor 99
>99 slowly inched closer to Chyron
We like to push boundaries here

Change my vote to support >>6196287

Add in that we find a flower and try to give it to hem. Everyone like flowers!

Won't stop you both but...


Like the flower idea, but we can offer it from the safety of Thedas’s side
Yikes- I’ll go with offering the flower form Thedas’ side
>Chyron chose to disobey the order to keep the aforementioned Tyranid life-form alive.
Right, let's not tempt him to kill a second tyranid bioform that he's supposed to protect.
For that matter, why tf is he still on the mission knowing that he's previously disobeyed the same orders they're being given? It made sense when Kryptman was accidentally-on-purpose trying to get us killed but why is Thedas doing it now?

>Thedas knew why Chyron and Casus was assigned to this mission, after all, Kryptman assembled this team.

Kryptman never wanted 99 and wanted her dead, so in his last moment before going to Terra he made this team in hopes of having 99 killed instead of being retrieved.

Hope this explains it
>Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side.
Having anything to do with someone who openly wants to kill us and will be willing to go through with it is a profoundly stupid idea.
>Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side.

Votes locked in. If update is not done today I will do a double one to make up for it. I'm too tired today and not sure if I can make an update tonight. Fuck corporate, dumb fucks changed my workplace's software and then brought in more customers through fucking sales. Cunts all of them.
>Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side.
Ninety-Nine stood by Thedas’s side quietly. Be it luck or The Emperor’s guidance, no major ambushes impeded their travel. By the time they reached the nearest sector, the kill team heard from a vox-guardsman that several titans and defensive lines were broken. One bio-titan did little to stop the stampeding tyranids. Sector three was a tall hill with ample trees and malleable dirt, an ideal defensive position now reduced to lines of trenches that overlooked other sectors. The once vibrant seas of emeralds were reduced to a naked field, even the dark brown soil turned pale after their nutrients were sucked dry.

“Abominations.” Chyron said. “My blood boils the longer we wait here.”

“But wait we must.” Ranos said.

Ninety-Nine, Ranos, and Honored Brother Chyron waited outside the command center of sector three. The wave of faces walked past her, but she did not find Tobias. Her tail swished left and right, waiting for her masters to return. Ranos adjusted the scope of his rifle and Brother Chyron stood still, as if frozen. Boredom gnawed Ninety-Nine.

“It’s the astartes!”

“They look different.”

The nearby guardsmen that would enter and exit the command tent bowed, and Ninety-Nine would wave politely. She did remember Thedas did not give her a specific order to stay, just to wait.

>Maybe she’d talk to the next person she saw
>Ninety-Nine left the area, looking for ways to help [will roll a luck check]
>Ninety-Nine looked for something to eat

Another update will be made to make up for the yesterday's maybe
>Ninety-Nine left the area, looking for ways to help [will roll a luck check]
>>Maybe she’d talk to the next person she saw
>Ninety-Nine left the area, looking for ways to help [will roll a luck check]

Moving supplies

>Assistance at the medicae camp

>Trench digging

>Meeting Stracken & Tobias again

>Meeting Sran'skan

>Meeting Suleiman

Roll a D6
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Ninety-Nine wandered the camps. She saw some guardsmen moving with crates and others parting a path for her. The world grew taller, people now looked up and she had to look down. Many knelt as she passed them, their eyes fixed on the inquisitorial badge. At the foot of the Armiger pattern knight, a dark skinned young woman in a tight hair bun blew out a smoke. Ninety-Nine gasped, she ran to the woman while waving her arms.

The woman watched with a confused expression, but slowly, her eyes widened on realization. The voice adn the familiar armor adn the unique mechadendrite tail was no common appearance. Though Suleiman had to look up at her old comrade. Her tail wagged, and those close enough ducked or were knocked into the ground.

“Ninety-Nine?” Suleiman said incredulously.

“You remembered me!” Ninety-Nine cheered. “Thank you for that!”

“I… what happened to you?” Suleiman said with a thick accent. “You were small but now you’re so tall, do you inquisition use some strange drugs?”

“I dunno.” Ninety-Nine said. “I ate that titan kin and got bigger when I woke up.”

Suleiman giggled. A joke. She needed to laugh.

“I didn't know the inquisition made jokes.”

“We do?” Ninety-Nine said.

“Very funny.” Suleiman said. “I hope you are well, it truly was an honor fighting beside you.”

“Are you going to fight with us again?”

Suleiman shook her head, she wiped the dir on her blue coat and sighed.

“No, my house needs me and I will soon depart to assist my brother. A final push will be made to end the hive tyrant and end this once and for all. My father Saladin and my brother Nur-Aldin will be there. This will be my chance to prove myself” Suleiman’s hand tightened to a fist, her determined gaze hardened. “Then, I will pilot a true knight.”

“Oh that’s what we’re doing!” Ninety-Nine said.

For a young woman (a large one at that), in a tyranid invasion her unbothered joy made her smile despite her weariness.

“You are entering the jaws of death once more? If the inquisition does not need you, House Aya will be glad to have you as our guards.”

“I…” Ninety-Nine paused, her heart did not sting when she thought for a moment. But a disgusting truth that was her body reminded her that she had no home but the inquisition “I don’t think I can.”

Suleiman shrugged.

“The offer will always be there. When this is over, I will give you vox code to contact me should you need it. I will see you soon at the victory feast.”

After the brief reunion, Ninety-Nine returned to the warcamp as Thedas and Casus Belli left. The plan was almost simple.

>Ninety-Nine needed to make a large enough commotion, alone
>Ninety-Nine needed to flank the enemy tyranid and the hive tyrant to deliver a virus payload, alone
>Ninety-Nine needed to scout ahead to give the strike team an intel of the enemy’s composition
We are in the final stretch of Roland. So I will ask now, what do you want to see next?

Also please do a quick survey

I want to see more...

>Romance subplots

>Ninety-Nine needed to flank the enemy tyranid and the hive tyrant to deliver a virus payload, alone
>Ninety-Nine needed to make a large enough commotion, alone

- Romance, or friendship. I wonder if that Gardsmen
>Ninety-Nine needed to scout ahead to give the strike team an intel of the enemy’s composition
>Romance subplots
>>Ninety-Nine needed to flank the enemy tyranid and the hive tyrant to deliver a virus payload, alone
I feel like even though narratively this was done previously, since it was successful, it would be the best choice to do it again.

E.g. the rest of them attack from one side as a distraction, and 99 can come from another side undetected until she gets close enough to plant the payload (and for the most part they would consider her disposable if things go wrong)

Maybe word gets out about 99's usefulness and "someone" takes ownership of her to send her out on missions and Kryptman gets permission to begin with subject 100. Would be interesting to have her come in contact with a newer 'model' (that doesn't have the puppy personality that Kryptman dislikes).

Re: mission, maybe cultists in a hive world she has to sniff out
>Ninety-Nine needed to scout ahead to give the strike team an intel of the enemy’s composition

>Ninety-Nine needed to make a large enough commotion, alone

Wholesome Noblebright.
>Ninety-Nine needed to make a large enough commotion, alone
>Tail penetration
>Ninety-Nine needed to make a large enough commotion, alone

Not in terms of bad things happening, but instead complicated things. Stuff where 99 has to make a serious decision that will have complex ramifications throughout the rest of the story, and will have to live with that decision (even if those consequences aren't necessarily negative).

>>Ninety-Nine needed to make a large enough commotion, alone

Votes locked in
Ninety-Nine needed to make a large enough commotion, alone.

“That’s so simple!”

Thedas did not have the heart to correct her. He knew this would bring displeasure to his primarch, if she died. All haste needed to be made for both Ninety-Nine and for Roland. He learned inside the command tent that most lines were decimated, knights fallen, even their greatest knights Saladin and Nur-Aldin, fell to the tyrannic horde. Everyone knew this battle was lost should the defensive war continue.

“Yes… it is.” Thedas said. “Of course, you will be armed appropriately. Do you know how to use krak grenades or melta grenades?”

“What’s a grenade?”

Ah. Thedas face palmed.

“That’s a no.” Thedas said. “I’ll see what weapons you can use.”

Ninety-Nine was armed by a confused heavy gunner guardsman who explained the simple weaponries. The ripper gun: Point and pull the trigger at the enemy. Two bolt pistols: Also point and pull the trigger at the enemy. Ogryn missile launcher was square with a handle, the instruction was also point and pull the trigger at the enemy but far. Along with other weapons of the same instruction. Ninety-Nine appreciated the simple instructions and thanked the guardsman and asked if he knew Tobias, which the guardsman did not know.

“Are you prepared?”

“For the Emperor!” Ninety-Nine cheered.

After the brief lesson, Ninety-Nine took a ride on a thunderhawk with the kill team, save for Chyron who was transported by another thunderhawk.

“Approaching first stop.”

The hatch slowly opened. Her drop zone was…

>An abandoned castle and a small village
>An abandoned trench
>A clear open field
>An abandoned castle and a small village
>An abandoned castle and a small village
>An abandoned castle and a small village

Lets Castle Wolfenstein this bitch.
>An abandoned castle and a small village
Honestly? We should have been using Ogryn weapons from the get go. They're as simple as possible to use, robust enough for them big boys to use as bludgeons, and run as he'll.

If we kill enough monsters with the same weapon and we don't lose it, will the weapons gain a blessed or champion trait?
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>An abandoned castle and a small village

>If we kill enough monsters with the same weapon and we don't lose it
>and we don't lose it
>An abandoned trench
>>An abandoned castle and a small village
While that's a good idea, I want anons to have fun by using different weapons since variety is a good component of a quest. Maybe I can try armor or other items. If you have an idea let me know, this is a good one.

Votes locked in
The two days Tobias was not having a good time. First his entire squad is wiped out, then a tyranid… girl xeno thing tells him she’s part of the inquisition and hugs him. Then, he is inspected then guaranteed for eight hours. He expected an execution, maybe turned into a servitor, instead, he was redeployed…

As a tyranid bait.

Of course. Nothing went right for ol’ Tobias. He should’ve said he survived a tyranid ambush, not being rescued by a tyranid abomination. Tobias did not have the time to sigh. His eyes bulged. His heart beat faster than a heavy stubber. Adrenaline flowed through his veins. The winds hit his face as he and other selected guardsmen drove through the forest with a strange bait that the command gave him for the decoy team to occupy as much tyranid force they could.

“Frak frak frak!”

The seat rattled as the wheels hit bumps and tree roots. The tyranids’ screech came ever closer, inching as he heard some of his comrades either crashing or being caught until he was the only one. Tobias revved the handle as he passed the village’s direction sign post. He would have been relieved, he could hide in the homes or run for the castle, the tyranid horde behind him convinced him he would die here.

Could this day be any worse?


The ground shook. Tobias gripped the brake and safely stopped. He leapt from his seat and aimed his lasgun. A black armored figure landed in a crater he made. The hordes… they stopped their chase and now they were eating each other. A pool of blood and chunks slowly formed, seeping into the earth. A tall black armored figure with a tail-like mechadendrite stood, armed ferociously with a two-handed chainsword. The armored man turned, Tobias immediately knelt. He had to be an astartes or someone clearly above him.

“M—My lord.”

“Tobias! You’re ok!”

Strong arms ensnared him.


“You remembered me, thank you!”

“Ninety-Nine let go of me!” Tobias said.

“Oh. Sorry.”

Ninety-Nine released him. The inquisitorial badge was now slick with tyranid blood.

“You… you’re real. You really are part of the inquisition.”

“See? I told you I’m not a liar.” Ninety-Nine said. “Are there more coming?”

“Yes but… wait that bait was made so you can be— you’re the decoy? Just you?” Tobias said.

“Yes.” Ninety-Nine said.

It was going to die if she stood alone. He was going to die too.

“Ninety-Nine we need to move to the castle. Now.” Tobias said. “We can hold off better in there than here. The walls were made for defensive warfare.”

>Ninety-Nine nodded. “Sure!”
A defensive position in the castle will be beneficial but if the tyranids are in escape will be difficult and the distraction will not be as effective.

>“You can go, I need to face them here or else they’ll get bored.”
The distraction will be much easier and more effective, but the fight will be more difficult.
>“You can go, I need to face them here or else they’ll get bored.”

>>Ninety-Nine nodded. “Sure!”
We need them to flood the castle so we may bring it down and the lot of them with it.

>“You can go, I need to face them here or else they’ll get bored.”
>>“You can go, I need to face them here or else they’ll get bored.”
>You can go

Save the adorable tyranid bait.
>“You can go, I need to face them here or else they’ll get bored.”

Votes locked in
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“You can go, I need to face them here or else they’ll get bored.”

Tobias’s face twisted into a mess of confusion and horror.

“Bored? Tyranid warriors and Emperor knows what will come here, you’re insane?”

“No, silly, I’m Ninety-Nine!” Ninety-Nine lifted her head and sniff the air. “You really should go, Tobias. More of kins are coming. Go!”

Tobias ran without a fight. Ninety-Nine revved her chainsword. Her teeth itched. Hands jittery. The initial hordes termagaunts and hormagaunts died either by Ninety-Nine’s sword or shredded one another by hive mind takeover. The waiting had Ninety-Nine bored, a jolt and a snap, synapse strand pulled from her control. Ninety-Nine commanded the tyranids to die faster. A sharp screech cut the air. Ninety-Nine revved her chainsword.

A tyranid warrior arrived with the same amount of swarm. Ninety-Nine managed wrestled the control, attacking one another in a crazed frenzy. The tyranid warrior gazed at Ninety-Nine accession, she smacked the synaptic control away.

The synaptic control tried again. Ninety-Nine took the tyranid warrior’s confusion by gaining distance. The chainsword bit into the tyranid warrior’s neck, and soon the teeth chomped all the way through with an angry growl. The tyranid warrior’s head fell with a heavy thump. A distant cry echoed from the sky and from the forest. Two tyranid warriors and its horde charged and a tyranid shrike* and its gargoyle descended above.

>Ninety-Nine stood her ground and used her ripper gun (mid chance to hit two tyranid warriors but open to attack from gargoyle)
>Ninety-Nine ran to the village (high chance to hit one tyranid and mid chance to hit tyranid shrike)

Tyranid Shrike

A synapse creatures for aerial units and shock assault troops for aerial combat
>Ninety-Nine ran to the village (high chance to hit one tyranid and mid chance to hit tyranid shrike)
considering what I know about the flying fucks, I'll go with this
>>Ninety-Nine ran to the village (high chance to hit one tyranid and mid chance to hit tyranid shrike)
>Ninety-Nine ran to the village (high chance to hit one tyranid and mid chance to hit tyranid shrike)
>Ninety-Nine ran to the village (high chance to hit one tyranid and mid chance to hit tyranid shrike)
The huts of the villages will provide temporary covers from any aerial and ranged attacks. Good enough for thin the horde and then kill the remains. The tyranids have fallen for it, that's good. The castle would have made them more hesitant but like this they are commited.

>We should have been using Ogryn weapons from the get go. They're as simple as possible to use, robust enough for them big boys to use as bludgeons, and run as he'll.

Thats probably a good idea, if Kryptman, Guilliman or Clay cared of it. I think they didn't care of the spending of the assigned weapons and equipment to 99, since 99 is probably already an high amount of walking and breathing thrones. But the death watch marines did care and put a change to that after looking at her track record of lost weapons/equipment XD

Votes locked in
Difficulty: 15 (To hit Tyranid Warrior), 22 (To hit Tyranid Shrike)
Amount of rolls: 4 [Heavy Melee Weapon Proficiency II]
Dice: D20
Modifier: Strength [+8], Heavy Ranged Weapon Proficiency I [+1], Heavy Melee Weapon Proficiency II [+2]

Success: Good damage to Tyranid Warrior and Tyranid Shrike
Failure: Roll for enduring attack

Question: Would you guys think the game is getting more complicated by adding stats to weapons? Should I get rid of health stuff and replace with a more narrative way to track health? Read a homebrew fro Kids On Bike where the health goes from Bruised, Beaten, and Battered.
Rolled 8 + 11 (1d20 + 11)

Shit I did not explain this well.

If the number exceeds 22 or meets it, you get both. If the only number was 15 or more, you only get the tyranid warrior.
Rolled 6 + 11 (1d20 + 11)

Come on, we can do better than that.
seems not ;)
Rolled 11 + 11 (1d20 + 11)

Rolled 12 + 11 (1d20 + 11)

thanks, anons
Answer: In the case of health, I believe it would be appropriate, as it will help with the narrative flow.
As long as everything is still flowing well, I'm ok with things as they are at the moment
I feel like it would be good for weapons to have stats to some extent (to say, distinguish a simple heavy chainsword from a mastercraft thunder hammer), but it doesn't need to be a serious thing.
Nice, writing!
Also to the anon who did many wonderful arts of 99. PLEASE tell me your art name or something! I really want to give some donations or at the very least give your name a shout out!
So, this is going to be actual rolling for damage. This time I will do it first so I can show you guys how it will work.

1d[Modifier] + [Modifier] + Weapon Damage x [Once weapon proficiency reaches III, then it will be 1D2]


This is very experimental. So please forgive me things to change and PLEASE don't hesitate to tell me what you think. This quest cannot exist without your input!!!

Here we go. Rolling.
Rolled 5 + 8 (1d8 + 8)

Stat of Tyranid Warrior will stay hidden for game reasons
Don't know why it posted without the weapon damage but since the weapon is 25DMG the total damage is

5 + 8 + 25 = 38
Ninety-Nine weaved through the houses and buildings. The tyranid swarm flooded the village. Half of the swarm attacked the other half, they turned into a chunky blended mess of blood and fluids that spluttered like a broken fountain. The tyranid warrior gave chase and weaved through the small buildings as it searched for its prey. Ninety-Nine leapt from the corner, the clash from the sword knocked the tyranid warrior into a stumble.


She swung again. The chainsword let out a mechanical growl as it bit into the warrior’s torso, digging through the exoskeleton then chewed through the soft innards in a delightful pop snackle crack. A tickling excitement swelled her heart with satisfaction. The tyranid warrior’s warm and steaming insides spilled over the floor, then collapsed.

A stray plasma-like substance whizzed above. Ninety-Nine aimed her two bolt pistols and fired wildly, the bolts punched through the tyranid shrike, one splattering the skull. The surrounding gargoyles dropped the moment the shrike died. The sky rained with tyranid limbs and the ground fed on tyranid blood. Ninety-Nine waited inside the village until more tyranids arrived. The ground soon shook. The reinforcement brought a larger wave with two tyranid warriors and a carnifex charging as a vanguard.

“Uh oh.”


>Took her missile launcher and aimed at the carnifex from a comfortable vantage point [Str check, mid difficulty, targets swarm, carnifex, and one tyranid]
>Retreated further into the village, she hid behind a giant statue. She hid inside a smithy with an in her hands, ready to throw at any tyranid warrior that came close [Sneak + Str, easy roll, one tyranid, if success guaranteed kill & funny]
The numbers are valid for now.

I really do like this idea and I'll find a way to implement it.


This is also an experiment.

Heavy Chainsword

Ability: Two Hands Revy
On a roll that is +7 [Subject to change] or more higher. Extra damage is inflicted.
so the 1d8+8+25 was for the warrior and the 1d8(+25?) was for the shrike ?
>Took her missile launcher and aimed at the carnifex from a comfortable vantage point [Str check, mid difficulty, targets swarm, carnifex, and one tyranid]
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For now, 1d8+8+25 was for the tyranid warrior and tyranid shrike is killed due my stupid ass getting shit jumbled up. If you keep asking question it will show how much of a mess this is and I will cry. Jokes aside. Sorry for the confusion anon.
>Took her missile launcher and aimed at the carnifex from a comfortable vantage point [Str check, mid difficulty, targets swarm, carnifex, and one tyranid]
>take vantage point, Aim for the cairnfrx
>Took her missile launcher and aimed at the carnifex from a comfortable vantage point [Str check, mid difficulty, targets swarm, carnifex, and one tyranid]
We must impress the Tobias by slaughtering the enemies of Man in the Emperor's name.
>Took her missile launcher and aimed at the carnifex from a comfortable vantage point [Str check, mid difficulty, targets swarm, carnifex, and one tyranid]

Tobias is going to have a very "funny" two way choice soon.....since Clay no doubt heard the rumors of guardsmens spreading that there was an human-tyranid hybrid inquisition agent. 99 just has to chat about his new friend to Clay for like a second !
>>Took her missile launcher and aimed at the carnifex from a comfortable vantage point [Str check, mid difficulty, targets swarm, carnifex, and one tyranid]
>>Retreated further into the village, she hid behind a giant statue. She hid inside a smithy with an in her hands, ready to throw at any tyranid warrior that came close [Sneak + Str, easy roll, one tyranid, if success guaranteed kill & funny]
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Votes locked in

>Anvil option did not win
Difficulty: 10 (To hit swam), 20 (To hit Tyranid Carnifex)
Amount of rolls: 3 [Heavy Ranged Weapon Proficiency I]
Dice: D20
Modifier: Strength [+8], Heavy Ranged Weapon Proficiency I [+1]

Success: If 20, half of swarm is gone and carnifex will be easier to fight, tyranid warriors are damaged via splash damage from explosive
Failure: Luck roll to see where the missile hits.

But c’mon guys you didn’t want to throw the anvil?
Rolled 20 + 9 (1d20 + 9)

>But c’mon guys you didn’t want to throw the anvil?
but OP, bazookas are cooler
Emperor bless
Holy shit I think this is the first nat 20! I'm going to save this. I'll cook up something special!
Rolled 4 + 9 (1d20 + 9)

The higher the pile of tyranid corpses, the more impressed Toby will be!

The Emperor wills it.
Ninety-Nine took her missile launcher and aimed at the carnifex from a comfortable vantage point, the village’s bell tower! Ninety-Nine climbed the wall with ease and hopped inside then fired the missile launcher.

“Get some!”

The back blast pushed the bell then swung forward, a pleasant chimed echoed throughout the forest. The missile sailed through the air and struck direct at the carnifex’s face. Chunks flew high, the swarm charred by the missile’s fiery vengeance. The missle’s explosion shot the carnifex’s exoskeleton fragments into the tyranid warriors. The lodged pieces slowed the tyranid warrior and the other already laid dead. A red bolt of las pierced through the limping warrior, she waved toward the castle.

“I guess that’s it then?”

Ninety-Nine hopped down. She wandered the villages. She played with small tools from the smithy, grasping the tools and see how they work. Ninety-Nine pulled the ropes of the well, finding water in a bucket that tasted refreshing. This small village, people lived here, and wherever they were, their homes would be safe under her protection. Ninety-Nine was certain the people would be happy, so The Emperor was happy, so that made her happy. At the small stone brick church, the tall statue of The Emperor stared down.

“The Emperor is not a god.”

“But… The Emperor sounds like a God.”

“He is not. A god is a foul warp being that plagues on humanity. Is The Emperor a warp creature?”

She prayed for The Emperor like a God, not as the man he was. Chaplain Gabriel’s teaching was clear. The Emperor was not a God, and to pray to him as one was heresy.

“The Emperor is no God, he is the Master of Mankind, the greatest of all humanity. Pray to him as the greatest warrior and man, ask for his strength because he is the mightiest, not because he is a god.”

Chaplain Gabriel’s words echoed again.

“Is it heresy?” Ninety-Nine asked.

The statue did not answer. Ninety-Nine prayed to

>The God-Emperor
>The Emperor
>>The Emperor
>The Emperor
>The Emperor
>>The Emperor
>>The God-Emperor
>The Emperor
>> The Man Emperor

Ninety-Nine will no longer see The Emperor as a God, per astartes belief and Chaplain Gabriel's teachings
Uncle Gabe knows best.
The statue did not answer. Ninety-Nine prayed to The Emperor. She asked for strength, the safety of the people, and the enemy to be killed. With renewed fervor, Ninety-Nine waited for the next waves of attack. One after another, Ninety-Nine defeated her foes. Be it missiles, bolt pistols, or her ripper, the tyranid swarms fell. The swarm’s size steadily rose, forcing Ninety-Nine to use the villages as a way to outmaneuver the tyranid warriors and shrikes. Some homes were destroyed and melted away, but Ninety-Nine knew this was better than their deaths.

That, and Ninety-Nine hoped she was able to stay and help rebuild the homes.

Ninety-Nine cocked her head up. She sniffed the air. An earthy and wet scent spread. An orange and yellow fog suddenly marched forward. Her breathing slowed, as if tiny particles clogged her breathing. The grasses shriveled up. The wooden material shriveled and rotted. Her eyes watered, her muscles contracted and twitched. Ninety-Nine held the line, she revved her chainsword.

A tall tyranid slid with its serpent shaped and tentacle dangling body. From its maw, a vapor of the fog flowed. No swarm followed. Instead, a squad of smaller and slimmer tyranid warriors escorted the new tyranid. The things sprang, they dashed toward Ninety-Nine with tiny daggers as the vapors covered the grounds more.

Ninety-Nine blocked or took the quick daggers. If one attacked, another coiled up to follow, this tactic continuously repeated. The daggers shredded the armor in tiny but biting cuts, thankfully, the gas did not corrode her armor. Either way, she needed to make a move.

>Ninety-Nine retreated deeper into the village (easy agil roll)
>Ninety-Nine held her ground, endured the gas, and killed the enemies by waiting for the right opportunity to strike. (Must roll Heartiness, if failed there will be temp debuff till venomthrope is killed then the next roll to fight the smaller warriors will have high or medium roll depending on the Heartiness roll)
>Write-In, and I will see if it can be made
>Ninety-Nine went for the venomthrope (Must roll Heartiness, then agil roll then str roll to hit)

guranteed damage, high difficulty with temp debuff
>Ninety-Nine held her ground, endured the gas, and killed the enemies by waiting for the right opportunity to strike. (Must roll Heartiness, if failed there will be temp debuff till venomthrope is killed then the next roll to fight the smaller warriors will have high or medium roll depending on the Heartiness roll)
>>Ninety-Nine held her ground, endured the gas, and killed the enemies by waiting for the right opportunity to strike. (Must roll Heartiness, if failed there will be temp debuff till venomthrope is killed then the next roll to fight the smaller warriors will have high or medium roll depending on the Heartiness roll)
>Ninety-Nine went for the venomthrope (Must roll Heartiness, then agil roll then str roll to hit)
>Ninety-Nine held her ground, endured the gas, and killed the enemies by waiting for the right opportunity to strike. (Must roll Heartiness, if failed there will be temp debuff till venomthrope is killed then the next roll to fight the smaller warriors will have high or medium roll depending on the Heartiness roll)
>>Ninety-Nine went for the venomthrope (Must roll Heartiness, then agil roll then str roll to hit)
>Ninety-Nine held her ground, endured the gas, and killed the enemies by waiting for the right opportunity to strike. (Must roll Heartiness, if failed there will be temp debuff till venomthrope is killed then the next roll to fight the smaller warriors will have high or medium roll depending on the Heartiness roll)
Time to make use of that Heartiness stat we've been buffing on and off.
>Went for the venomthorpe.

Faith build but not a God, huh?

Votes locked in
Heartiness Check

Difficulty: 21
Amount of rolls: 3
Dice: D20
Modifier: Heartiness [+7]
Rolled 17 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

Rolled 5 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

Rolled 1 + 7 (1d20 + 7)

nice, anon
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1.23 MB GIF
No debuffs on Ninety-Nine.

Difficulty: 20
Amount of rolls: 4 [Heavy Melee Weapon Proficiency II]
Dice: D20
Modifier: Strength [+8], Heavy Melee Weapon Proficiency II [+2]

One more roll

Also new stat! Or ability? I don't know you think of a name

Heavy Chainsword

>Hungry Hungry Chainsword: Should the roll go beyond a number set by the QM, any target that is not downed by the first roll will take additional damage by rolling.
Rolled 3 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

Rolled 18 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

If this goes nat 20, I'll make this one special
Rolled 15 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

Rolled 17 (1d20)

Well, good tries anon. Still a very goo roll
Be it The Emperor’s might or her own tyranid biology, the fumes did not stop her righteous battles. Ninety-Nine continued to take the brunt of the attacks then swung. The chainsword’s teeth shredded the first warrior in half. In one fluid motion,, Ninety-Nine side stepped and punched the tyanid. Her fist cracked through the exoskeleton and out. Ninety-Nine charged, stomping another warrior before lodging her heavy chainsword into the venomthrope’s gullet. Splurts of gooey blood melted some parts of Ninety-Nine’s armor.

“You stink!”

Ninety-Nine revved her chainsword. The teeth gnashed with a metal growl as the chainsword gutted the venomthrope in half. Ninety-Nine battled more tyranids, wave after wave, be it use of her weapons or her heavy chainsword, the consuming tide was quelled. Tobias’s sharpshooting assisted in her blindspots, scoring plenty of tyranid warriors by shooting them in the eyes. By the time Ninety-Nine’s armor melted off or been bitten off, the waves stopped once more.

“Ninety-Nine, report.”

“Here.” Ninety-Nine said tiredly.

“You still draw breath, good. The hive tyrant have been eliminated. The hive fleet is retreating. Remain where you are. A thunderhawk will exfiltrate you and any guardsmen that survived the bait ride.”

Ninety-Nine stood on the mounds of corpses and gore. A small part of her wanted to face the hive-tyrant herself, win the glory, a final epic battle, but this was also fine. The thunderhawk later picked up Ninety-Nine and to Xenos Purgatio, where she had to depart to a different room to Tobias.

“Ninety-Nine, you’ve grown taller since the last we met.”

“Hellow Clay!” Ninety-Nine said. “Where’s Hive-Father?”

“He is… occupied for the moment. Good work on Roland. I am instructed to return you to the Watch Fortress.”

“But… Suleiman promised me that there was going to be a feast and I want to see Tobias before I go.”

“Ninety-Nine, this is not a trip. I will hear no more of this selfishness, do you understand?”

>Her tail slammed the floor. “No!” Ninety-Nine said.
>“But—” Her shoulders slumped. “Ok…”
>>Her tail slammed the floor. “No!” Ninety-Nine said.
Time for the rebellious teen phase.
>“But—” Her shoulders slumped. “Ok…”
>Ask if you can still go say good bye to your new friend, and if you will get to see him next time.
>Her tail slammed the floor. “No!” Ninety-Nine said.
I mean, are you sure? 99 isn't exactly human, and the Imperium doesn't take kindly to insubordination. Maybe we could ask a Battle Master for a feast or something later?
>>“But—” Her shoulders slumped. “Ok…”
Normally I would agree, but since she has Guilliman's favor (sort of) and is just an outburst, I think we can push it a lil bit.
>“But—” Her shoulders slumped. “Ok…”
>>Her tail slammed the floor. “No!” Ninety-Nine said.
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>>Her tail slammed the floor. “No!” Ninety-Nine said.
>funny number
>“But—” Her shoulders slumped. “Ok…”
Today 99 learns that being a responsible servant of the Emperor kind of sucks.
>Her tail slammed the floor. “No!” Ninety-Nine said.

Hmmm how bout no
>>Her tail slammed the floor. “No!” Ninety-Nine said.
when the warrior size teen throws a tantrum


Votes locked in

Optional: Roll for autrismo tantrum?
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Already rollin
It'd be d100 but I need a consensus first, anon
Since anons want it, let’s make it fun
Let me wait a lil longer, at least three more votes or something like that
Sure, why not? Let's see if Clay can wrangle a 7ft tall bug girl.
Alright then. Roll a D100, higher the more tarded!

Roll em!
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Rolled 95 (1d100)

Well I never said how many rolls I'll take 95 lol
Rolled 24 (1d100)

nat 100 incoming
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fuck yeah
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we going full retard
I can see this being seen as further evidence against daddy.

Dude not only didn’t teach us, didn’t supply us, but also didn’t raise us.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Her tail slammed the floor. The tail caved the floor with each swing.

“No!” Ninety-Nine said.

“Ninety-Nine. This is not up for a deba—”

“No no no no no!”

Ninety-Nine stomped over and over. The floor trembled, Clay stepped back. Not out of fear, but to let the tantrum ride out. Though he had to admit, the new found strength did frightened him. She ate a nautiloid, a bio-titan. Instead of six foot, she was nwo seven, barely shorter than an astartes. He also knew the shell would easily taken on a bolter, maybe plasma. His researcher heart raced with excitement, how more can she evolve?

“I do everything I’m told but I can’t see Tobias or Suleiman? It’s not fair!”

“Life isn’t fair, Ninety-Nine.”

“But… But…”

“Two things will happen, Ninety-Nine.” Clay said with uncaring coldness. “Either Tobias dies or you obey.”

A jolt of fear struck. Ninety-Nine stopped, she nodded. Clay sent back Ninety-Nine to her holding room and returned to the Watch Fortress with her. The metal interior ignored Ninety-Nine’s return. Nothing had changed since her departure. Clay led her to a new room.

Her new room now had tints instead of observatory windows. Other than the grey astartes dolls, a pile of blankets that doubled in size, her stack of books, the room was as same as before. She could even go outside on her own as long as she wore the ankle tracker and covered herself amply.

Though the room, despite being larger felt smaller than before. Ninety-Nine gathered the robe and clasped on her ankle bracelet. She wandered hall to hall, hoping Tobias was safe.

>Ninety-Nine wandered into a room that smelled sterile [Apothecarion]
>Ninety-Nine went to see Tech-Priestess Edict
>Ninety-Nine wandered without a thought
>Ninety-Nine wandered into a room that smelled sterile [Apothecarion]
>>Ninety-Nine wandered without a thought
I must say, I thought that with a 95 she would go only 5% short off full tarded.

Did the 2 balance it out?
>>Ninety-Nine wandered into a room that smelled sterile [Apothecarion]
>Ninety-Nine went to see Tech-Priestess Edict

The Machine Gods tools did not fail her.
>Ninety-Nine went to see Tech-Priestess Edict
>Ninety-Nine went to see Tech-Priestess Edict
>Ninety-Nine wandered into a room that smelled sterile [Apothecarion]
>Ninety-Nine went to see Tech-Priestess Edict
>>Ninety-Nine went to see Tech-Priestess Edict
Poor 99, at least Tobias should be ok.
>>Ninety-Nine went to see Tech-Priestess Edict

Votes locked in
Ninety-Nine went to see Tech-Priestess Edict. While she did not believe in the Omnissiah, other than Amberley, Edict was the second nicest person. Ninety-Nine entered the tech-priest’s work station once more. Data-slates hung from chains, machines rumbled and hummed, from above a mass of wires and machines formed a metal root with many glowing screens. Servitors roamed the station in slow steps.

“Ninety-Nine, greetings and Omnissiah’s blessing to you.” Edict said. “You’ve grown taller.”

Edict now craned her neck up to speak face to face.

“Do you wish to learn more about The Omnissiah?”

“N—No. I’m just feeling a bit sad.” Ninety-Nine siad.

“Would you like for me to remove your emotions?” Edict said. “Or are you here to dispense your sorrow in the form of a companionship?”

“Mmhmm.” Ninety-Nine nodded. “I need someone to talk to.”

“Normally I would make you leave but you are a good student and has helped in eliminating the hereteks, so I will allow your… visit.” Edict said.

Another set of heavy footsteps appeared. An astartes with heavy mechadendrite approached. Clad in black like the rest of his astartes brothers, his helmet however was red along with his thicker and larger servo arms and mechadenrites. On the pauldron was not just a chapter, but a founding chapter, The Iron Hands. The servo arm’s clamps spun then fixed on Ninety-Nine.

“What is the weapon doing here, sister? There are more important matters to attend to than this.” The techmarine robotically aimed his gaze. “Ninety-Nine. Return to your holding cell.”

Edict gestured toward Ninety-Nine.

“Do not comply, Ninety-Nine.” Edict said. “A weapon needs maintenance. Therefore, I will…”

>Have her as my servitor
>Have her as my courier
>Have her as my test subject
>Have her as my test subject

I wanna see what Edict is cooking
>Have her as my test subject
Gonna try feeding 99 kroot flesh or something?
>>Have her as my servitor
>Test subject
>>Have her as my courier
>Have her as my test subject
>>Have her as my courier
>Have her as my courier

test subject

Votes locked in
“Do not comply, Ninety-Nine.” Edict said. “A weapon needs maintenance. Therefore, I will have her as my test subject.”

“That thing is a waste of time.”

“To you perhaps.” Edict said. “Follow me Ninety-Nine.”


“No, you say compliance.” Edict corrected. “Say it.”

“Compliance.” Ninety-Nine said.

Edict nodded approvingly. “Good.”

The research station turned out to be multi-layered. The first floor was a research station and the other half a forge. The second floor was also an archive for the research station’s history, notes, and discoveries of unique xenos biologies. This however, was but a fraction of the research station. Ninety-Nine followed Edict through many turns and grav-lifts led to a hall full of live xenos held in a cell of ceramite.

“Do you know the name of this fortress?”

“Nuh uh.” Ninety-Nine said.

“This fortress name is Eternity.” Edict said. “You do well to remember that.”

“I will!”

In one cell, a blue skinned humanoid sat in the corner. The xenos had cloven hoof instead of feet.

“That is a tau.” Edict said. “A xenos species. You may eat a part of her if you want.”

The machine held by edict spoke, the tau’s eyes widened then started to shout as it backed into the corner. Ninety-Nine saw the blue flesh, maybe it tasted fine but she was not hungry. This tau did not look tasty, too blue and how was she supposed to eat the hoof? It looked hard to chew.


“Your body adapts when you consume flesh. I wish to see what will happen with xenos that is not the tyranid.”

“Do I have to?” Ninety-Nine said.

Edict shrugged.

“It’s your choice. This is for my own research.”

The translation box delivered another message that made the tau sob.

>Eat the tau
>Don’t eat the tau

[This is pure narrative choice, no mechanic or stat will change]
>Don’t eat the tau
for the lesser good
>Eat the tau
Probably tastes like beef.
"if you want.”
>Don’t eat the tau

Save the appetite for a fisty Ork
Last thing we want, is her being gullible to "The greater good".

Also "EataTau" reference spotted
What reference ?
"EataTau" the 2009 webcomic

Doesn't look tasty
>>Eat the tau
blu tint
>Don’t eat the tau

"Mmmm, she panics like a human. I dun like it."
>>Eat the tau
>Eat the tau
Maybe just...one bite.
>Eat the tau

maybe just one small bite
>Don’t eat the tau
>>Don’t eat the tau
>Don't eat the tau
>Don't eat the tau

>Eat the tau

Not eating the tau.
Ninety-Nine shook her head.

“Dun wanna.”

“Your reason?”

Ninety-Nine saw the unnaturally bright blue flesh, the cloven hoof, noseless face, and the scent was peculiarly bland. The tau seemed relieved by Ninety-Nine’s lack of appetite but still perturbed by Ninety-Nine’s ghastly appearance. Ninety-Nine wore her porcelain mask back on and adjusted her crimson robe.

“Looks ugly.” Ninety-Nine said. “Don’t look tasty.”

“Does the creature look like a good source of energy?”

“Nuh uh.” Ninety-Nine shook her head. “Too skinny and looks bland. Bleugh.”

“That is a fair assessment.” Edict said. “Thank you for the knowledge, Ninety-Nine. I will lead you back to the research station and you may spend the rest of your time however you choose.”

The tau may not seemed tasty, but the thought of eating stirred her appetite. Ninety-Nine tied the robes up for her legs to move easier. Her bare foot did not care for the cold floor and her skin did also not feel cold at all. Though the robes did hinder her movement, the comfortable knowledge of her disgusting and putrid body being covered comforted her. Ninety-Nine entered the cafeteria. A heavenly scent of fried meat ticked her stomach.


Ninety-Nine, being the seven foot tall, she now met the gaze of the firstborn astartes face to face.

“That’s the one who defeated the hordes of tyranid on her own.”

“Impressive, I knew our primarch’s plan would not fail.”

“She’s still an abomination.”

The metal interior devoid of colors did not beat Ninety-Nine’s mood. After taking a plateful of grox, three horned ox, and basedcakes. The other plate was stacked with grain cakes and fruits. Ninety-Nine hummed happily.

“Watch it, worm.”

A strong push knocked her down. The plate clang and the foot splattered across the cold and uncaring ceramtie floor. The oil from the meat glistened from the light above. The fruit and meat collided into a pile of edible mess. The three astartes laughed. Ninety-Nine recognized their pauldrons and their faces.

The yellow pauldron with lightning.

Two bronze pauldrons with a two-horned beast.

Ninety-Nine stood up and disrobed. The nautiloid shell shined, her tail stood up still. Her hands balled into a raging fist. Her eyes opened wide and her lips peeled back to brandish her new rows of deadly maw. The nearby astartes took their plates and stepped back without fear but anticipation, and the rest stood by. Thedas waited, silently wishing for a good slugging on the Minotaur battle brothers himself.
>Ninety-Nine charged forward with a bellowing roar, she lanched her whole body with an intent to brutalize them with her own two hands and tail. [mid roll will look cooler and unarmed weapon II modifier]
>Ninety-Nine grabbed ripped the bolted down seats and charged with a shrieking war cry [mid roll with melee weapon modifier]
>Write-in! [Encouraged]

This time, there will be no huge consequences. Be creative with the write in if you want!
>>Write-in! [Encouraged]
With a careful side step and a roll, she managed to slitter between them and absconded the place with their trays of food. One in each hand and one in her tail.

"You can eat mine if you want" she said, turning the corner, disappearing from view.
>Write-in! [Encouraged]
>Ninety-Nine sits again, then in a moment her tail launched the fallen food on the floor toward the trio while her hands ripped a chunk of her seat, before jumping on the table and throwing herself at the Astartes with the yellow pauldron and lightning. [improvised ranged on trio/melee weapon modifier on specific target ?]

>Ninety-Nine grabbed ripped the bolted down seats and charged with a shrieking war cry [mid roll with melee weapon modifier]
>Ninety-nine scooped up the food splashed on the floor and threw it at the head of the Astartes with yellow pauldron and lightning.
>>Ninety-Nine grabbed ripped the bolted down seats and charged with a shrieking war cry [mid roll with melee weapon modifier]
>99 took up the food splashed on the floor and tossed it at the astartes

Food fight

>Brutalise with her bare fists
and regular fight. Fuck you you bullying pricks
Supporting a food fight.
99 doesn't know what a food fight is though, and assumes that it's a regular fight that incorporates food.

I support sassy 99
>99 broke down crying and ran back to her room, foodless


>Ninety-Nine sits again, then in a moment her tail launched the fallen food on the floor toward the trio while her hands ripped a chunk of her seat, before jumping on the table and throwing herself at the Astartes with the yellow pauldron and lightning. [improvised ranged on trio/melee weapon modifier on specific target ?]
Food fight + Fist Fight

>>Ninety-Nine grabbed ripped the bolted down seats and charged with a shrieking war cry [mid roll with melee weapon modifier]

Votes locked in
Difficulty: 15 or below is a lose on both attempts 20 [Food gets on them and Ninety-Nine gets a good scrap and is on a draw] 25 [Food gets on them and Ninety-Nine decimates them], 29 or higher is pure win
Amount of rolls: 5 Heavy Ranged Weapon Proficiency I & Heavy Melee Weapon Proficiency II Dice: d20
Modifier: Strength [+8], Heavy Ranged Weapon Proficiency I [+1], Heavy Melee Weapon Proficiency II [+2]
Rolled 17 + 11 (1d20 + 11)

food fight food fight
Rolled 2 + 11 (1d20 + 11)

Rolled 9 + 11 (1d20 + 11)

Need more dice rolls to continue so I'll add my own and within ten minutes of this i will take >>6205163 roll
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Rolled 18 + 11 (1d20 + 11)

Lets Fucking Go!
Rage boiled inside her guts, bubbling in a hot rage bursting her veins and muscles to move. Ninety-Nine’s tail grabbed the food on the floor, while eating off the ground did not matter her fury demanded to use the food as projectiles. With one flick of her powerful tail, the foot traveled faster than the astartes reaction. Meat, paste, and cake splattered their armor and face, staining their holy power armor in grease and porridge. The astartes scowled.

“You’ll pay for that, worm.”


Ninety-Nine ripped a chunk of the ceramite seat and jumped on a table. Her tail coiled and her legs bent down.The Marines Malevolent astartes chuckled, he cracked his neck and lowered his stance to take on Ninety-Nine.


The nautiloid shell and the force of her launch punched into the astartes. The astartes flew back into another table. Ninety-Nine immediately recovered, she raised her arm and struck down with the chunk of ceramite seat. The Marines Malevolent astartes raised his arm as the ceramite slammed down like a piston.


Slam. Slam. Slam.


Ninety-Nine wrenched the arm away and punched with the ceramite, teeth clattered to the floor like dice. The two Minotaur astartes rushed from behind but her tail tore a meaty chunk of the first astarte’s cheek and the other a strong concussion to his forehead. Ninety-Nine lifted the Marines Malevolent astartes, stunned by the unexpected blow, his body flew across and skidded with a metal screech. The two Minotaur astartes immediately stood back up, grinning wildly. The bloodsoaked hands balled up once more. She strode forward until a hand gently pulled her back.

“That’s enough, Ninety-Nine.” Thedas said. “You’ve proved your point.”

Each battle brother present realized the ferocity of the meek creature. This… weapon, killed a squad of traitor Khornate berserkers, killed a lictor, a patriarch, tyranid warriors, and a bio titan. To some battle brothers, she was a warrior. To the rest, a servant of the Emperor deserving respect and not their scorn.

Altai, Tyr and Mawsl stepped in from different directions cautiously knowin full well of her capabilities. Ninety-Nine found herself surrounded.

>“It’s not over until they apologize!”
>“Go away or I’ll fight you too, all of you! I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again!”
>Ninety-Nine turned around. She snarled. “Make me.”
>Ninety-Nine shrugged off the hand, her beating heart began to slow down. She left.
>Ninety-Nine shrugged off the hand, her beating heart began to slow down. She left.
we've had our revenge on the minotaurs
>Ninety-Nine shrugged off the hand, her beating heart began to slow down. She left.
>Ninety-Nine shrugged off the hand, her beating heart began to slow down. She left...
...for the buffet, to get new trays of food. After filling them to the brim, she left for her room. Later she came back for seconds.
>Ninety-Nine turned around. She snarled. “Make me.”
Teenage angst!!!!
...for the buffet, to get new trays of food. After filling them to the brim, she left for her room. Later she came back for seconds.


Yes, I'd like to add to my vote. Because we deserve our food!
>Ninety-Nine shrugged off the hand, her beating heart began to slow down. She left...
...for the buffet, to get new trays of food. After filling them to the brim, she left for her room. Later she came back for seconds.
>>“It’s not over until they apologize!”
Imagine how pissed off the minotaurs would be if they were forced to apologize under gritted teeth. Best revenge in my book.
>Ninety-Nine shrugged off the hand, her beating heart began to slow down. She left...
...for the buffet, to get new trays of food. After filling them to the brim, she left for her room. Later she came back for seconds.
>Ninety-Nine shrugged off the hand, her beating heart began to slow down. She left.
>...for the buffet, to get new trays of food. After filling them to the brim, she left for her room. Later she came back for seconds.

See kids- how you stop bullying is by beating up and embarrassing the bullies. None of this ‘’tell the teacher’’ crap works.
>>“It’s not over until they apologize!”
Sorry guys no update today. I'm too tired.
You are good king
No worries enjoy the weekend
Rest well Bro, have a chill weekend.
Thank you anons. I appreciate it.


Votes locked in
Ninety-Nine shrugged off the hand, her beating heart began to slow down. She left for the buffet, to get new trays of food. The Minotaurs tried to continue to fight but stopped, realizing they were outnumbered by the other astartes no longer being a bystander. Despite their close ties to the High Lords of Terra, they knew this did not matter in the Deathwatch. After filling them to the brim, she left for her room.

The food tasted dull, flavors boring, Ninety-Nine found the food salty thanks to the pouring tears that rolled off her cheeks. The hiccups and the sobbing interrupted her chewing, but in a blubbery mess she finished the food, not that she managed to savor them.

The astartes hated her, they called her abomination and monster with scorn. The humans would kill her. Ninety-Nine missed Amberley, and she wished she still had her bag of candies. Ninety-Nine returned to the cafeteria and got another plateful to actually taste the food. With a full stomach and no missions, Ninety-Nine laid on the floor without a thought.

Her stomach growled an hour later.

Ninety-Nine returned for a second. No other astartes dared to push her or get in her way. Instead of scorn, it was indifference. No one acknowledged her but no one bothered to insult her as well. Peace, at last, Ninety-Nine managed to grab her plate and this time sat in the cafeteria. The nearby astartes continued their meal without much care. That is, until another commotion broke An astartes with a bone strapped into his helmet crashed into her half finished plate.

“Say that again.”

Another astartes approached, clad in green, his pauldron was a white star with a black auroran ribbon. The skull masked astartes hopped back up to fight again. Mild anger tugged at her patience. Here she was, enjoying a great meal for the second time and now gone. Can’t she just enjoy a second helping of meal?

>Ninety-Nine walked between the two astartes
>Ninety-Nine got her third helping and returned to her meal
>Ninety-Nine threw her plate at the green astartes
>Ninety-Nine threw her plate at the green astartes
Round two
>Ninety-Nine got her third helping and returned to her meal
>>Ninety-Nine got her third helping and returned to her meal
>Ninety-Nine got her third helping and returned to her meal
>>Ninety-Nine got her third helping and returned to her meal
>>Ninety-Nine got her third helping and returned to her meal
And then a fourth, and some extra dessert. Then she walked to see what the commotion was.
>>Ninety-Nine threw her plate at the green astartes
>Ninety-Nine ordered a helping of popcorn and watched with interest.
>>Ninety-Nine threw her plate at the green astartes
>>Ninety-Nine threw her plate at the green astartes
>Ninety-Nine threw her plate at the green astartes
"Woops I thought that was the garbage bin."
I change my vote to this.

3rd Meal

Votes locked im
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Ninety-Nine got her third helping and returned to her meal. The two astartes went on to fight about something about Codicks Astartes. How Mortifat were not true sons of Guilliman and how his chapter was more adherent to the Cockdix. Ninety-Nine had zero clue, instead she ate her meal in silence. As other astartes came to end the fight, Thedas stood between the skull face and green astartes, speaking of unity and brotherhood. By now, she was certain there was little unity when everyone was different.

“This is not what our primarch would want, brothers.”

“The Codex Astartes—”

“Lord Primarch declared they are guidelines, not laws to obey.”

Ninety-Nine returned the plate to the servitor and left the cafeteria as the echoes of her “teachers” faded. The Watch Fortress was silent. She scratched her butt and then headed for her room. The hall’s light ceased, as if electricity snapped the light in an instant. A shimmering golden light wrapped Ninety-Nine.

She now stood in a beautiful chapel. Group of armored women with white hair watched in joy that turned sour quickly.

“It’s the work of the enemy, they are trying to fool us!” A woman said.

“For The Emperor!”

“Blessed be Him!”

They aimed their bolters and fired. The nautiloid shells tanked the shots. Ninety-Nine…

>Went behind a pillar and shouted for them to stop
>Charged forward to knock the women out
>Charged forward to knock the women out


She holds out the reset of the Inquisition as she fumbled the words.
99 does not have a badge for now
>Went behind a pillar and shouted for them to stop
This day keeps getting worse. The Emperor truly must hate 99.
>Went behind a pillar and shouted for them to stop
how does someone from here doesn't know about 99 already ?
Oh- then I change it to her hiding behind a pillar while singing hymns she half remembers XD.
>Charged forward to knock the women out
>Went behind a pillar and shouted for them to stop
tfw you try to summon a hero and get a tyranid instead
>>Went behind a pillar and shouted for them to stop
>>Charged forward to knock the women out
>>Went behind a pillar and shouted for them to stop
Pillar men

Smack a bitch

What? No! Conflict builds character anon!
Ninety-Nine went behind a pillar and shouted for them to stop. The bolters punched the thick pillar.

“My name is Subject Ninety-Nine I’m with the Inquisition!”

The bolter fire stopped.

“Cease fire!” A voice said. “I’ve heard that name.”

“Sister Superior?”

“I’ve heard from Sister Catherine, a…” A voice said. “Come out of the pillar!”

The sisters of battle all made a varied face of disgust and horror, one raised their bolter out of habit but stopped by the sister superior. Broken seats and chunks of debris littered the chapel. Moon light poured through the holes from the roof. The sisters were caked in dirt and their armor was dented in many places. Tired eyes stayed open by their faith and fury. A white haired sister approached.

“You are Subject Ninety-Nine, correct?”

“You know who I am?”

“I doubt you know me but I was Inquisitor Vail’s bodyguard before returning to the sisterhood.” Sister Superior said. “I… I suppose you are our prayer’s answer.”

A younger sister stepped forward.

“Sister Superior, this is a vile mutant! We must kill it before it can—”

“Silence, Sister.” Sister Superior said. “Agent Ninety-Nine is a tyranid veteran that repelled a splinter fleet on Roland, purged a heretek forge world, slayed heretic astartes, destroyed a gene stealer cult, and eliminated a lictor. You will show respect to your superior.”

The achievements stunned the sisters into silence.

>Ninety-Nine scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.
>“And I also met Celestine!”
>“Do you have any food?”
>“And I also met Celestine!”

‘’She’s very nice and pretty’’
>Ninety-Nine scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.
Supporting both of these.

Ladies seem to be the only ones who-.
Well, two ladies and the farmer were nice to us.
>Ninety-Nine scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.
>Ninety-Nine scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.
>>Ninety-Nine scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.

Something tells me this isn't the time or place to name-drop.

>Ninety-Nine scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.

Damn I'm gonna need a tie breaker folks
Oops I did not update it, >>6208341 and >>6208151 makes Celestine the winner
Dang we almost got the
"Why not both meme"
“And I also met Celestine! She’s very nice and pretty’’

The sisters blinked once. Then twice. Then thrice.

“Heretic!” One sister said. “To utter her name so casually!”


Golden light poured inside the broken chapel. The Living Saint, Revered Sister Celestine descended, her white wings flapped, pushing the dust and small debris away. Her glowing eyes widened. Ninety-Nine waved with a toothy smile.

“Hi Celestine!”

“I sensed another God-Emperor’s miracle but to think he sent you…” Celestine shook her head. “No matter, you are here. Ninety-Nine, do you know what this means?”

Ninety-Nine shrugged.

“You have been summoned by the God-Emperor to fight his enemies.” Celestine went to grasp her shoulders but retracted her hands. “This is the greatest honor you have been bestowed on.”

“It is?” Ninety-Nine said. “I was trying to go back to my room.”

“It is.” Celestine said, fortified with patience and goodwill. “We have much work to do.”

After establishing communications, Legatines arrived to clad Ninety-Nine in new armor. Those who witnessed Ninety-Nine were to swear an oath to never reveal her existence, and should she be compromise to calm the sisters around her. With the Canoness Commander and the Mission’s Canoness informed, Ninety-Nine was quickly armored with spare tank treads, ogryn armor parts, and quickly crafted cover for her tail. The sisters nearby went on their knees to pray, ignoring Ninety-Nine.

“Thank you for stopping them by the way.” Ninety-Nine said.

“Of course, though I admit even I shot you until I heard your voice. It must be The Emperor’s will that I was here as you arrived here. If it was a different sister, this would have gone very differently.” The Sister Superior said.

“Is it because the tyranid is here?”

“No, we are against the foul xenos known as the Tau.” Sister Suanna said with dripping hate. “I suppose you already know them due to your Ordo Xenos origin.”

“They look like they would taste bad.”

The sisters held their bearing and the urge not to vomit at the very words. Celestine remained indifferent.

“I see…” The Sister Superior said. “With you and the Revered Lady on our side, the foul Tau will meet a painful end.”
A distant explosion cracked, not far enough to be a muffle but not close enough to cause immediate alarm.

“Sister Susanna, I put Ninety-Nine in your hands.” Celestine said.

“I will not fail you, Revered Sister.” Sister Susanna said.

Celestine nodded approvingly, then flew off to the battle.

“The line is being attacked once more, we must move. Our supply is thin, you must find a weapon available.” Sister Susanna said.

The sisters began to run to the sound of bolters and plasma. Ninety-Nine followed by jogging in long strides.

“But I don’t see any!”

“Just grab something, the inquisitor told me you are an expert in melee!”


>Grabbed a large rock
>Grabbed an abandoned folded chair
>Grabbed a bike

>write-in [must be some kind of debris or something you’ll see in a battlefield]
>Grabbed an abandoned folded chair

‘’I always wanted to do this!’’
>write-in [must be some kind of debris or something you’ll see in a battlefield]

>a STOP sign
‘’HALT!’’ *BANG*
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Seconding the stop-sign
>Grabbed a bike
+1, or some sort of street sign on a pole if that makes more narrative sense
>Grabbed an abandoned folded chair
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>>Grabbed an abandoned folded chair

Ah, the classics.
>A stop sign
God that's funny.
>>Grabbed an abandoned folded chair
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1.58 MB PNG

>Grabbed an abandoned folded chair

Votes locked in
Ninety-Nine grabbed a nearby stop sign and headed into the battle.

“One more thing, Ninety-Nine, if your armor has melted, wait for us to find you!”

“Got it!”

The tau ambushed with vehicle Ninety-Nine had never seen before. Instead of bulky and fume roaring vehicles, the machine gilded with grace and fired blue beams. Ninety-Nine sprinted full speed and jumped out of the defensive line. The blue bolts fired from afar, sisters with chainswords cursed and fired back.

“Another ambush! God-Emperor smite them and their cowardly ways!”

Ninety-Nine rushed ahead, tanking the plasma shots as her new nautiloid shells easily resisted the plasma heat as her parts of her armor melted. Ninety-Nine grabbed the stop sign with her tail and charged on all fours. The nearest squad and the vehicle began to back away, shouting in language she heard before back in the fortress. The machine laid a heavy fire as the strangely armored enemies entered the vehicle, ensuring no one was left behind in their retreat.

They moved too late.

Ninety-Nine grabbed the STOP sign. The flat surface smacked the tau with so much force, the helmet flew off as the spun and landed with a thud. In melee range, Ninety-Nine spun, the hammer tail tipped the vehicle over. The taus quickly exited the vehicle.


Ninety-Nine bashed the enemies, the blunt force not only dented their armor but threw them in air or slammed into a nearby debris. The final tau blocked in time, but the sharp side of the sign cut the pulse rifle in half. The tau drew a single edged sword, dodged the first attack then cleaved in half from the side by the STOP sign. Ninety-Nine yawned then saw the other vehicles retreating.


>Chased the vehicle
>Returned to the line
For added immersion, please use this sound effect

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puBWf_PUV3I&ab_channel=LactoseIntolerant [Embed]
>>Chased the vehicle
>Returned to the line
>Chased the vehicle
>Chased the vehicle
>Chased the vehicle
Didn't they see the sign?
>Returned to the line
This is your reminder that Tau are not clinically retarded, and will readily lure us into a trap if they see the opportunity.

‘’I! SAY! STOP!’’
>Chased the vehicle

This is your reminder that we are retarded (or at least inexperienced), and would totally fall for even the most obvious ambush

We are 99, we embrace the Reee

Votes locked in

Anons, vote how you want.
Ninety-Nine chased the vehicle. Through the streets, she ran past the round shaped buildings and buildings Ninety-Nine was used to. This new world was as if someone could not decide whether the strange round building of the xenos or the Imperial pointy building was better so they chose to mash them into an ugly paste. The machine entered the building, a raining plasma from above stopped Ninety-Nine’s chase. Tau drones descended and chased Ninety-Nine.

“Hot hot hot!”

Ninety-Nine snatched the drone and threw it at the other drone. Some xenos enemy fired at the spires and another squad fired from the roof. Ninety-Nine ran back and jumped behind a destroyed tau vehicle. She regretted not bringing some kind of gun with her, she saw large rock a size of her fist. Ninety-Nine popped from her cover and threw the rock hard as possible, missing but the enemy xenos backed away.

A bright idea lit up.

Ninety-Nine gathered the rocks and threw at the enemy xenos. None of the rocks hit, but Ninety-Nine did feel better. That is, until a metal man came. The metal moved quick as a tyranid shrike. Ninety-Nine and the metal xenos exchanged a brief eye contact. Its cylindrical weapon aimed at Ninety-Nine and spun.


The burst cannon spat a barrage of blue plasma bolts. Missiles followed Ninety-Nine and the explosive singed the armor. The rock Ninety-Nine’s rock stunned the metal man, but not too long.

“Why don’t you come down here and fight like a real warrior you scared metal hatchling!”


>Found a larger rock and threw it [high difficulty roll]
>Went inside the nearest building
>This is your reminder that Tau are not clinically retarded, and will readily lure us into a trap if they see the opportunity.
but anon, 99 wanna chase
this, kek
>Went inside the nearest building
>She remembered her lesons. "When in doubt, find higher ground." So she ran, out of the enemy's sight, behind a tall building, climb it real quik, and prepared to drop the sickest elbow bomb of her life.
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>Found a larger rock and threw it [high difficulty roll]
>Found a larger rock and threw it [high difficulty roll]
I cast boulder
>Went inside the nearest building

>This is your reminder that Tau are not clinically retarded, and will readily lure us into a trap if they see the opportunity.
You know this but 99 doesn't (yet). Anyway I think we work better as a wildcard on the battlefield.
>Went inside the nearest building
Shes better in close quarters combat, so make them chase her inside.

Plus shes strong enough to cool aid man through walls.
>Went inside the nearest building

>Found a larger rock and threw it [high difficulty roll]


Votes locked in

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTo9AdF-DsQ&ab_channel=SonataDusk [Embed]
No one told them the gue’la* invaders were this insane.

Without fear they charged, armed with primitive and brutal weapons with tanks just as the same. Their lack of fear did not surprise them, but their lack of personal safety was. Under rains of plasma, missiles, and mech suits, these female guel’la warriors fought with deadly efficiency and deadlier in close quarters.

First some female gue’la in golden armor flies faster than a mech suit, killing hundreds of fire warriors gue'vesa'ui* and mech suits. Some golden light from some primitive prayers healed their comrades!

Then, the two other groups. One group wore an iron mask in matching armor, they marched shoulder to shoulder in the open and fired their primitive las weapon. Except, all of their shots hit and not once did they falter. A skirmish squad paid with their lives by underestimating them.

Finally, the most baffling group of all were soldiers in different uniforms and equipments. These cowards fought despicably. Traps, sabotage, hostages, they slid through the defenses like the shadows. They were masters of traps and defensive warfare that somehow ended up being an offensive tactics! How?

The gue'vesa* were right.

The gue’la were absolute monsters.

And now this!

A seven foot tall human with a tail prothetic?

They didn’t know guel’a could run on all fours!

The tau forces entered the building where the gue’la fled. The fire warrior clad in the XV25 battle suit entered first and scanned the dark interior…

>The gue’la was nowhere to be seen… [Sneak roll, mid difficulty. Reward: +2 Sneak]
>The foolish gue’la charged [Strength + Agility + Natural Weapons II roll] [High difficulty.] [Reward +1 Agility]

>The foolish gue’la threw rocks… rocks! [Strength Roll +Heavy Ranged Weaponry][High Difficulty][Reward +1]

*Gue'vesa'ui: Trusted human helper
*Gue'vesa: Human helper
*Gue’la: Humans

QM Note: Imma apologize ahead for any Tau fans for any slanders I may create in this arc.
It's not slander, Tau fans deserve it too.

>The gue’la was nowhere to be seen… [Sneak roll, mid difficulty. Reward: +2 Sneak]
>The foolish gue’la threw rocks… rocks! [Strength Roll +Heavy Ranged Weaponry][High Difficulty][Reward +1]
>The gue’la was nowhere to be seen… [Sneak roll, mid difficulty. Reward: +2 Sneak]
>The gue’la was nowhere to be seen… [Sneak roll, mid difficulty. Reward: +2 Sneak]
Tau are strong when they're in control of a situation, but they fall apart when something blindsides them.
>The foolish gue’la threw rocks… rocks! [Strength Roll +Heavy Ranged Weaponry][High Difficulty][Reward +1]
>The gue’la was nowhere to be seen… [Sneak roll, mid difficulty. Reward: +2 Sneak]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGqE0CLz_LM [Embed]
>>The gue’la was nowhere to be seen… [Sneak roll, mid difficulty. Reward: +2 Sneak]
>The foolish gue’la threw rocks… rocks! [Strength Roll +Heavy Ranged Weaponry][High Difficulty][Reward +1]

Votes locked in

Difficulty: 13
Amount of rolls: 5, Natural Weapons II [+2]
Dice: d20
Modifier: Sneak [+3]

Reason: Tau relies a lot on their tactics, one wrench to their plan scares them.
Success: High damage on battlesuit, scares the fuck outta taus, and I get to laugh cause seeing Tau getting owned will always be funny.
Failure: Damage on a higher scale, have enemies far from melee range

99's new art will be out soon, WIP is in discord.
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 3 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

let's go

>Success: High damage on battlesuit, scares the fuck outta taus, and I get to laugh cause seeing Tau getting owned will always be funny.
I like seeing their females being bullied
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Come on Nat20!
Rolled 4 (1d20)

just need a 10 huh
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If no one rolls in 30 minutes. I will roll.
bruh wtf is going on, lmao
Rolled 6 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Not one roll out of five got above a 10. This is rigged.
I smell Chaos.
Rolled 2, 19, 19 = 40 (3d20)

Guess we'll roll the very first damage attempt.

Exoskeleton Class: 18

Exoskeleton Armor II

>Any failures that result in damage will be halved if the enemy does not roll higher than Ninety-Nine’s Exoskeleton Class.

I will be fair and give three rolls since we get that too.
Rolled 7 + 25 (1d10 + 25)

25 damage plus 1d10.
The XV25 heads up display scanned.

Shas’vre* Nyserra, she got her name for a battle on a gue’la’s moon. Her name translated in gue’la tongue as Moon’s Shadow, fully as Fire Warrior Elite Moon’s Shadow. An unorthodox follower of kayuon*. The recent goading of the gue’la forces did not work, satisfied with staying in their trenches and defensive fortifications, for an invasion force there was a lack of invasion after the first few failed waves. Praise where it was due, the green gue’la known as Jopall Indentured Squad fought well, composed of many talented marksmen and skilled hunters that she could respect. Unlike the fools in the iron masks of Maccabian Janissaries and Sisters of Battle who charged like easy prey.

“Target found.”

Nyserra aimed her burst canon then directed her squad to coordinate with her aim. From the shadows, the gue’la jumped. The armor melted and were blown to pieces. Her eyes widened. This was no gue’la, no gue’la could ever tank through the deadly pulse burst cannon and a line of plasma rifles did not impede the creature’s speed or the ferocity.

“Get awa—”

The fresh soldiers who did not move fast enough exploded into blue and red gore. The creature’s talons and fists ripped through the armor and scraped out chunks of flesh. The punches bludgeoned the armor as if it was clay, sending them across the floor as a mess of mangled limbs. The tail caved her comrade’s skull in sickening metal and wet crunch. Nyserra did not falter and fired her missiles and burst cannon. The creature ran back, stunned and stumbling. The creature snarled.

“What is that thing?” A soldier said.

Nyserra stood frozen. The hatred in the creature’s eyes burned with fury like the gue’las. Yet.. something was different. A shiver ran down her body. The creature’s gaze invoked a primal fear in her. Then she realized.

A creature who killed a warrior with no weapons.

A creature whose shell resisted pulse rifles and missiles.

A creature who fought in melee without information that Nyserra could use to wield.

And she was trapped with it, inside a building, limited in movement. If this creature can still stand so far, should she push her luck?

“We retreat!”

Nyserra and her squad retreated. When she turned around,d she saw the creature…

>Slinking back into the shadows
>Running out of the building
>Slinking back into the shadows
even if we got unlucky, they still got fucked
>Coming right at her
Like a gambling addict, just one more roll baby

Just a fair warning: the roll will be higher and the consequence grander. Fight at your own risk.
>Slinking back into the shadows
Any chance we can get an "OHGODOHFUCK" morale bonus?
>Slinking back into the shadows
Honestly if the roll is made, then yes, the Tau will absolutely fear you in battle. But a warning. Fuck this roll up, and there will be a heavy penalty via long but temporary or permanent cripple/loss of limb or a set back on skills, proficiency, or others. Be smart about this anons.
...Still going to push on ahead, albeit with the awareness that this is a risky idea which could easily end badly.
You absolute gambling retard.
>Slinking back into the shadows
>Slinking back into the shadows
Normally, I'd vote for the write-in, but I have a bad feeling about this particular encounter.
>Slinking back into the shadows

Alright I'll change my vote, when the QM tells you something is a bad idea then I have to listen...

Change to:
>>Slinking back into the shadows
>Slinking back into the shadows
I want to go Xenomorph on these berries
>Slinking back into the shadows

Still fight
Votes locked in
Here we go.
Nyserra and her squad retreated. When she turned around, she saw the creature slinking back into the shadows. As much as she wanted to end the creature now, the lives of her comrades mattered much more, a noble warrior cares not for the kill but the lives of their comrades. Nyserra engraved the image of the creature, the grooves of the exoskeleton, the ferocity and strength, for next time, she would hunt alone and would not rest until her or the beast died…

“What were you thinking?”

Ninety-Nine eventually returned to the line by hiding in a building near the line. A large tarp draped Ninety-Nine, inside an administartum building turned to the offensive line headquarters. Ninety-Nine sat on a table as Susanna pinched the bridge of her nose. The canoness watched in silence, half disgusted by her appearance and half impressed by Ninety-Nine’s accomplishments.

“You could’ve died!”

“I thought we all die for The Emperor…” Ninety-Nine said meekly.

“A death made by foolish choice is no martyrdom; it is heresy, Ninety-Nine!” Susanna said. “How did you work with Deathwatch and survive all these missions but don’t have the wisdom?”

Ninety-Nine shrugged.

“That was rhetorical!” Susanna said.

“Sister Susanna. That’s enough.”

The canoness who sat at the large table said calmly. The woman’s few wrinkle did not mar her mature and dignified visage, only strengthened her presence. Susanna’s sharp nose wrinkled, her red lips opened but closed them quickly. Ninety-Nine shrunk as the canoness stood in front of Ninety-Nine who shrunk.

“What you have done was very, very bad, Ninety-Nine. I am disappointed by your actions, especially when you are a venerable member of the Deathwatch.”

Ninety-Nine wilted under the harsh gaze. Her tail drooped down as she avoided the canoness’s eyes.

“The Emperor would be very, very disappointed in you, as is your creator and the primarch would be as well if they heard of this.”

“You can’t!” Ninety-Nine said.

“A punishment is in order. Perhaps from this you will learn and overcome this shame.” The canoness said. “You are a living weapon created by the blessed primarch and I will ensure you honor him by being the weapon of hope that you are. Through this, you will redeem yourself. Do you understand?”

“I do, tell me please!”
>“You will not dishonor your creator and the God Emperor again, you will learn discipline and patience by being a fire support and carrying supplies when needed as a novitiate of Sister Susanna and her squad.”
>“You will learn discipline and patience as a guardian and a novitiate for our sisters' hospitallers by assisting in the healing of the noble guardsmen and the sisters”

2. Choose Orders Militant

>Order of Our Martyred Lady
>Order of the Bloody Rose
>Order of the Valorous Heart
[no write-in]

[QM Note: I highly highly recommend you to briefly learn each of them. Not only they’re fun to read but also can help with what you want to choose. I excluded some since they won’t fit with this arc.]
>“You will learn discipline and patience as a guardian and a novitiate for our sisters' hospitallers by assisting in the healing of the noble guardsmen and the sisters”

>Order of the Bloody Rose
it was a fun time checking all 3 on the lexicanum
>“You will learn discipline and patience as a guardian and a novitiate for our sisters' hospitallers by assisting in the healing of the noble guardsmen and the sisters”

>Order of Our Martyred Lady
>“You will not dishonor your creator and the God Emperor again, you will learn discipline and patience by being a fire support and carrying supplies when needed as a novitiate of Sister Susanna and her squad.”

>Order of the Bloody Rose
>“You will not dishonor your creator and the God Emperor again, you will learn discipline and patience by being a fire support and carrying supplies when needed as a novitiate of Sister Susanna and her squad.”

>Order of the Valorous Heart
>“You will not dishonor your creator and the God Emperor again, you will learn discipline and patience by being a fire support and carrying supplies when needed as a novitiate of Sister Susanna and her squad.”

>Order of the Valorous Heart
>>“You will learn discipline and patience as a guardian and a novitiate for our sisters' hospitallers by assisting in the healing of the noble guardsmen and the sisters”
>Order of Our Martyred Lady
>“You will not dishonor your creator and the God Emperor again, you will learn discipline and patience by being a fire support and carrying supplies when needed as a novitiate of Sister Susanna and her squad.”
>Order of the Valorous Heart
Bloody Rose might inadvertently feed her impulses in battle and Our Martyred Lady is almost self explanatory. Valorous Heart would teach her the most about discipline and restraint, and appreciate the extra muscle Ninety-Nine brings. Sacred Rose would have been a very solid pick.
I voted for "Our Martyred Lady" cause that get us closer to the St Celestine. And been with the hospitallers would prevent recklessness.

But you make a good point, about "Valorous Heart".
Still been with the hospitallers is the best way for our girl to be more than a weapon, and for people to see her in a better light.
>“You will not dishonor your creator and the God Emperor again, you will learn discipline and patience by being a fire support and carrying supplies when needed as a novitiate of Sister Susanna and her squad.”
>Order of the Valorous Heart




“You will not dishonor your creator and the God Emperor again, you will learn discipline and patience by being a fire support and carrying supplies when needed as a novitiate of Sister Susanna and her squad. Saint Lucia’s sacrifice taught us discipline and faith comes strength to kill the enemy. You will learn as well in the Order of The Valorous Heart.”

Sister Agatha, Beatrice, and Cecilia were not freshly graduated novices. No, they already survived two campaigns and killed many enemies. They have seen the worst of Chaos cults and heretic astartes. They trudged through the steep mud of swamps during an execution of a rogue Imperial world. While not veterans, they liked to believe their faith and metal proved to belong in their order. In a small tucked corner, away from their sisters in the administratum building, their new sister superior brought the thing from before.

“This is Subject Ninety Nine. I’m sure you all met before.” Sister Susanna said.

“Sisters,” Sister Celestine said with a beautiful and powerful voice. “Subject Ninety-Nine is vermillion secret living weapon created by the blessed Primarch and the priesthood of Mars. She may appear like a vile mutant but she is a loyal servant.”

The thing stood tall as an astartes, with an exoskeleton shing with a strong tail with a spiky end. The urge to shoot the mutant or abhuman or xenos thing rose if not for the canoness’ and Sister Celestine’s presence. Also, they already met Ninety-Nine at the chapel. If the revered Sister Celestine did not slay it and her light did not burn the creature, the thing was certainly not tainted

“There will be an offensive by the imperial guard from the west and east to cut off city nineteen’s retreat. The Jopall Indentured Squadrons assured us their supplies are sabotaged and have demolished any routes of escaping. It is now up to us to break their defense.” The canoness raised her clenched fist with a frightening smile for Ninety-Nine. “Your mission will have an additional objective which is to capture the clock tower. Any other questions?”

“No canoness!” The sisters said in unison.

“Good. Have Ninety-Nine properly equipped Sister Susanna. Our offensive will be tomorrow dusk.”

The sisters did their best to contain their disgust, after all, the thing was made by the blessed son of the God-Emperor. Ninety-Nine’s very existence confused them. The thing was not human, an abomination, yet… the blessed primarch made the thing, has the approval of the reversed sister and is a superior in terms of experience.

[His Loyal Servant] Activated
Yet… they could not find in their heart to hate Ninety-Nine. An inexplicable presence of Ninety-Nine made her presence tolerable, as if another humble servant of the God Emperor was with them. Though they wanted to submit themselves to the repentia, many more sisters who did were refused due to the rising number among their ranks.

“Enough pondering, sisters.” Sister Susanna said. “I will have her armored up and equipped, I expect you all to be prepared tomorrow.”

Later on, Ninety-Nine was clad in tank tread armor and equipped with…

>Heavy Bolter
>Weapon Trait: Rapid Faith Delivery
>The rapid fire weapon will allow +2 more rolls and +1 modifier

>Heavy Flamer
>Weapon Trait: Cleansing Flame
>The flamers will be effective against light armored infantry and add fear into the enemy. When the enemies attack after a fail or without a fail, they will be at a disadvantage.

>Weapon Trait: Lightbringer
>The multi-melta will be effective against heavy armored infantry and medium battle suits. When fighting such enemies, +5 modifier but -1 to the roll.

>Shield and bolt pistol
>Weapon Trait: Steady Faith
>The shield will allow +5 modifier and +3 rolls in any defensive scenarios
>Heavy flamer

>[His Loyal Servant] Activated
almost forgot about this one
>Heavy Bolter
>Shield and bolt pistol
A shield can also be used as a weapon.

We haven't used one of those yet!
>Heavy Bolter
I feel like unconditional extra rolls are probably the most practical (if prosaic) choice.
>Heavy Bolter
>>Heavy Bolter

Heavy Bolter

Shield and bolt pistol

Will need a tie breaker
Honestly, I change my vote to Bolter, so that we can be a Teranid Bolter Bitch
Tie breaker counted and votes locked in
The world’s sun slowly rose. The gentle light of the sun waved through the demolished buildings. The native wildlife chirped in the ruins, some building a new nest among the quiet ruins. A herd of wind blew softly, sweeping small pieces of pebbles and dust. The brave defenders of City Nineteen continued their vigilance, and some who woke up heated their portable meal maker, brave and dedicated as they were, hunger did not rest. Those with intact optimism and heart made jokes despite their escape route needing a heavy excavation and their supplies sabotaged. Most swore revenge and to fight to the bitter end.

A distant rumble roared.

The fire warriors perched on rooftops watched a roll of dark cloud approaching. The sound of the quiet engine echoed, growing louder and louder each second. Their eyes widened, fire warriors reported frantically to their superiors. Battlesuits flew.

There were still more.

After ambushes, long-range assaults, and numerous victories… there were still more.

Black tanks roared, a strange hymn blasted so loudly the fire warriors heard from their defensive positions. Hulking beasts of metal with treads rolled through. Showers of missiles and artillery smashed the city. The invasion force of iron masks and white haired soldiers stampeded, walking alongside with their vehicles instead of behind.

The fire warriors fought; they reported on one unique individual, armed with a heavy weapon marching in unison without a pause.


Difficulty: 20 [Success] 25 [Second Degree of Success] 29 [Glorious Success]
Amount of rolls: 3 Heavy Ranged Weapons Proficiency I [+1] Heavy Bolter [+3] = 7 rolls
Dice: D20
Modifier: Strength [+8] Heavy Bolter [+1]
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 16 + 9 (1d20 + 9)

time for the greater pain in their ass
Rolled 5 (1d20)

File: 233.png (461 KB, 523x720)
461 KB
461 KB PNG
Rolled 4 + 9 (1d20 + 9)

Rolled 6 + 9 (1d20 + 9)

Here we go!
Rolled 13 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

Let it rip
Rolled 16 + 9 (1d20 + 9)

Ninety-Nine and the sisters advanced. Blue bolts from the pulse rifles whizzed past, but none hit Ninety-Nine or the sisters. Missiles and explosives ripped across, shaking the ground. The hymns, they rang like harmonious bells, even among the sound of chaos the words could be heard loud and clear.

“Sisters!” A sister shouted on the top of the exorcist. “Let us praise and sing to the Golden Throne. Seventh movement, ‘Requiem By The Melta and Flamer’. All exorcists target defense fortifications and buildings, commence Allegro and engage!

The exorcists tanks engine roared and the missiles launched with a hateful hiss. A strange sensation swelled in Ninety-Nine the longer she heard the music, her steps matched with the sisters as did her pace. The las and bolter sang as well in a deadly duet. Metlas and flamers lit the path forward. Ninety-Nine’s heavy bolter spat rapid bolts of hate, those unlucky or foolishly brave lost chunks of their body and flew into the air.

“Onward sisters, for the God Emperor and the Revered Sister are with us! Praise The Emperor!”

“Praise The Emperor!” The sisters chanted.

The army broke through the established defense with no enemy hindrance. The sisters of The Order of The Valorous Heart and the Maccabian Janissaries built a trench, then began their grinding assaults. From the distance, sniper fire from the Jopalls put out would be opportunists and put the fear of The Emperor to the hunkering fire warriors. Sister Susanna’s mission and Ninety-Nine broke from the force and entered the clocktower.

“Death upon you xenos!”

The pulse rifles fired from a barrier. Ninety-Nine’s heavy bolter punched through within the few seconds, pulverizing both the barriers and the armor. The gate to the stairway was closed.

“We do have melta charges, sister superior.” Sister Beatrice said. “We can breach the door.”

“There is obviously a trap ahead of us… perhaps we can climb up through the maglift shaft?” Sister Cecilia said.

“Which can also be trapped.” Sister Agatha said.

"Novitiate, what do you think?" Sister Beatrice said.

Ninety-Nine shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't get asked a lot on how to do things. I just hit things that come at me."

"Ha!" Sister Beatrice said. "You may be a lab-born... thing, but I like your style!"

>“We will breach the door and push forward.” [Strength roll][Reward: +1 Heavy Ranged Weapons Proficiency I]
>“Ninety-Nine, can you climb to the second floor?” [Agility roll][Reward: +1 Agility]
>>“We will breach the door and push forward.” [Strength roll][Reward: +1 Heavy Ranged Weapons Proficiency I]

More pluses = more fun :D
>“We will breach the door and push forward.” [Strength roll][Reward: +1 Heavy Ranged Weapons Proficiency I]
>>“We will breach the door and push forward.” [Strength roll][Reward: +1 Heavy Ranged Weapons Proficiency I]
>“Ninety-Nine, can you climb to the second floor?” [Agility roll][Reward: +1 Agility]
Ambush them before they ambush us
>>“Ninety-Nine, can you climb to the second floor?” [Agility roll][Reward: +1 Agility]
>Breach the door

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