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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Folklore: https://pastebin.com/AnbsrDcd

Something very exciting was going on. Sure a fight between two cultivators isn't that uncommon nowadays, and it certainly isn't when an arrogant young master pushes their whipping boy a little too far while being closer to being their equal instead of their superior in all things. That wasn't what was exciting, though seeing that loud mouth called Barracuda get slammed face first into the floor of your recently constructed castle is quite cathartic, what's gotten your ears and tail perked up is what that whipping boy by the name of Heng has done. The sliver of natural primordial beast essence woven through his spiritual roots and rooted into his meridians, had somehow, through pure instinct or natural affinity, managed to perform without instruction, guidance or explanation a chimeric transformation. Something you didn't think could be done by anyone but a magical beast who stopped and meditated on their ability to take on a human form.

And while seeing the gentle eyed peasant boy go berserk and tear tufts of hair and claw the young master who had dared to try and tell you to send one of the students of your class on Beastial techniques away was a little entertaining, in the way that watching kittens bowl each other over and train to pounce by playing with eachother's tails was, it was that instinctive use of a fairly advance transformation technique performed by a novice of the Qi Condensation stage that had you so excited. But more than excited, you were curious, just how far Heng could go. While a beast attaining human form required certain insights and a deepening of intellect and comprehension, was the same true for Beasts?

Could a human even become a beast, even if they were overflowing with Primordial Beast Essence as high quality and refined as that which is produced within your own beast core.

Well, only one way to find out. You lift up a finger as Hai Xiannu whines and begs you to stop the very cat like fight between Heng and Suoyu, while her brother Hai Ma and her fellow pupils Xia Xiaofan and Kuángcháo gawk and watch in amazement, sometimes muttering about how the fight is going or some technique one of the two young men have just performed.

There is a ripple of bright, green the same hue as fresh spring growth or maybe Lian Luli's hair, ripples out from the tip of your finger as you connect your beast core and funnel a massive burst of the primordial beast essence churning within it through your meridians and release it from the palm of your hand and the ends of all five of your fingers.
>>6188826 (OP)

A massive, bright red cat's paw bursts into the air, made out of pure carmine light as the surge of beast essence ripples through the training chamber. Suddenly, all of the Summer Sea Dawn Sect Disciples you'd been training sprout adorable cat ears and tails ripple under their robes and struggle to pop out as their hair, which with their new ears and tails are the same shade of red as your majestic mane. Their teeth lengthen and sharpen to fangs, and their nails turn claw like as whiskers and tufts of fur spread out on their cheeks and shoulders.

All except Heng, who freezes suddenly and is wrapped in cocoon of jade green Primordial Beast essence as his peers all collapse, fainted from the shock of their sudden changes and the delirium caused by the unparalleled potency of your fully released beast essence.

There's a sharp mewl, and the light vanishes as you dam the flow of Primordial Essence from your hand, and draw back in the overabundance you had filled the chamber with. You pause, as a cloud of incense smoke and ash obscures the chamber and all the lanterns and candles are snuffed out as you reabsorb and slow the constant flow of Primordial beast essence by constricting and holding your heart still with some elementary blood control.

With a snap, the chamber is lit with false ghost lights, and you see a very confused kitten standing where Heng was standing a moment ago.

"So it is possible!" You laugh as he stares up at you, about the normal size of a cat but nowhere near the wolf size you were when you had first awaken and ascended to become a magical beast. He meows, and you understand it to be a question

"Ah, don't know how to speak with a cat's tongue. That took me awhile to figure out" You titter as you prance and skip up to him "Strange, you don't display any of the ordinary qualities of my kind. Not strange fur color or patterns, and no unusual size. Maybe this new form hasn't absorbed enough Primordial Beast Essence? Oddly you still only have as much as you were born with and you absorbed into yourself during this practice"

"Mao" Heng says, meaning "I don't get it", but his look screams "Turn me back" as you pick up him by his scruff out of his robes and look him over

"Such lovely white fur, mine used to look like this before I got into the habit of soaking it in the blood of my foes and meals" You reminisce as you hold him in your hand, as he stares at you "And don't look at me to solve your problems, Farm boy, figure it out yourself"

You set him back down on his robes and sit down, cross legged, leaning over and watching the kitten Heng is now close their eyes tightly and stiffen all over.

It takes him a couple of minutes to figure out the trick of changing back to a human. You lazily applaud him as he, in a flash of emerald light, returns to being a nude human boy

"Congratulations, you're the first human to attain beastly form as far as I know, though, you needed a little help" You cackle and sneer as he covers himself "Oh don't be ashamed, I'm only wearing my shadow and hair"

"How...what did you do to me! To them!" He shrieks, face as red as your hair even though his has turned white

"Their bodies reached the limit of primordial energies they could endure, they passed out, they're fine. I could kill with my actual cultivation aura, they just got bowled over by a wave of my beast essence. I covered all of Chuan with it once, its why some of the people have become so much more handsome" You answer playfully, tapping a sharpened nail on the ground

"Why didn't it happen to me?" He asked "I mean, not getting knocked out or...growing cat ears when you...Wait that was your doing!?"

"Thought that was common knowledge in cultivation circles. And if I had to guess. Its because your ancestry was sealed by one of your ancestors. Probably cause having a beast in your family tree was considered shameful or reason for execution until I made my grand entrance" You dully explain, rolling your eyes "But that is just a theory, could be the Primordial Beast Essence inside of you acted as a barrier. Or it could be that roar of mine awoke your hidden potential for felinedom"

"I...defer to your experience, Master" he says slowly as he looks at you pleadingly as he lifts up his robes, you stare at him more intently, just to prove a point as he acts like a blushing girl being found in her bath "I...it just, I was a cat"

"And you can become one again" You say, snapping your fingers, and undressing him, just to mess with him "And turn back"

"Grandmaster" He complains, now even redder as you snicker and grin at him

"I'm in a jovial mood, you should be thankful my idea of fun at the moment is just taking you out of your robes, and not ripping your soul out of your body to play with like a ball of yawn" You gently scold him "And you shouldn't be so concerned, you should be proud, you're a rarity, with an even rarer talent, being a human natural attuned to the...well natural world and the beasts inside of it. I'm sure Xia will start treating you better, now that I've brushed the dirt off the piece of jade he'd trodden over, thinking it was horseshit"

"You really aren't anything like I expected' He says after his face shifted between a number of complex, difficult looking emotions

"Oh? You thought I was austere and stuck up like other masters are? I'm a cat" You say, drawing a circle in the air around your face "Sure I am dignified and majestic by nature, but it is in my nature to be fickle and playful, amongst other things"

He blinked, then asked "Why was I just a normal cat"

"Beats me" You answer with a shrug "Probably need to grow or work at attaining magical beastdom. But at least your new, second form will make you popular with girls"

"You only see me as a cute baby, don't you?" He asks and you laugh uproariously, slapping your knee

"What else should I see a kitten as?" You ask as he turns away "But this means, unlike your napping peers, you can learn some of my actual techniques and grasp what I taught the others better"

That seemed to cheer him up, though you had no clue why he looked so gloomy there for a second

"But I think that's enough training for what your victory was worth" You sigh as you hop to your feet and tap your chin thoughtfully. The foundation establishment bracket was about to start soon. And it, and those that followed it, well except the beast only contest, was bound to be much shorter and simpler than the earlier brackets. If only because of the fact there were simply fewer cultivators in the world who transcended into the foundation establishment realm and beyond.

"I thank you for the privledge, lady Huanliuxue!" He shouts, before sneezing and suddenly poofing back into a white furred kitten

"Weirrrrrd" You coo as you catch him before he can fall to the floor "That's interesting"

He mewled in protest, so you set him down and wait for him to turn back human to explain "Never seen anyone switch between their two bodies accidentally, how curious"

"Why does it sound like you want to cut me up to find out why?" he asked warily. And you just smile.

"oh I wouldn't need to cut you up, but I've probably embarrassed you enough already" You snicker as you turn on your heel and walk away "Wake up the others, and return to your master"

He nods and does as he is told

Double Vote!

What do you tell Xia Jinse-Shayu about the training session

>Merely that his students have a talent for fighting like beast's do, and mention nothing about their new looks or Heng's odd talent

>By walking up to him with the students in tow, in public, and making a show of turning Heng into a kitten to him and any onlookers

>Tell him playing favorites is a quality only shit teachers have and he needs to take after you instead of encouraging rivalries between his students

>Ask if you could borrow some more of his disciples, to experiment and see if you can make them change like Heng did

>Write in

And how do you begin the Foundation Establishment contests, Huanliuxue?

>Since there are so fewer of them, personally meeting the contestants and introducing them to your own disciples competing in the tournament at this level

>Since there aren't as many, and most of them are already part of other sects, just start them and do something else unless something interesting happens in them

>On a whim, declare that since foundation establishment cultivators are strong enough to cause damage to your new temple, the tournament is changing Venues, and they'll be competing down in HELL! under your protection and watchful eye of course

>by parading around the newest members of the palace of natural law sect and opening the next stage of the tournament with a bang!

>Write in
>Tell him playing favorites is a quality only shit teachers have and he needs to take after you instead of encouraging rivalries between his students
>Ask if you could borrow some more of his disciples, to experiment and see if you can make them change like Heng did

>by parading around the newest members of the palace of natural law sect and opening the next stage of the tournament with a bang!
>Playing favorites is shit, merit matters. Don't force rivalries, they arise naturally.

Teach him properly. He is our subordinate.
>Introduce them properly!
>>Tell him playing favorites is a quality only shit teachers have and he needs to take after you instead of encouraging rivalries between his students
To be fair, you CAN have favorite, you just can't treat them better when it comes to training. No one should get second fiddled in training.
>by parading around the newest members of the palace of natural law sect and opening the next stage of the tournament with a bang!
Fireworks? Indoors? Lunacy.
>Tell him playing favorites is a quality only shit teachers have and he needs to take after you instead of encouraging rivalries between his students
>Since there are so fewer of them, personally meeting the contestants and introducing them to your own disciples competing in the tournament at this level
I'm going to expand on the intended lesson, now that I am free of work:

Xia, you are a sect head and your efforts and attention is valuable enough to only go to the worthy.
But reserve your judgements of worth until you have an eye that can discern value. The children you gave me have some potential, good for the wider world even if below my own standards, and you weighed perhaps 4 or 5 of value rather than all 6.

The farmer has a beastial bloodline, and instinctively completed an advanced form of transformation. Yes the glorious me provided the right enviroment but it is still a sign of skill rather than my efforts.
Discarding him, you discard a useful asset of your sect.

Every student must be given dilligent attentions, not dismissed, belittled and ignored.
Have your favorites, gently Coax a few beneficial rivalries that shall arise in time while keeping them simmering enough that they don't break out into brawls during a lesson.

Have your favorites, I do, But never make the mistake of disregarding those who are not.
Merit alone is value, and given he seems a tactician as well, this is an indictment against your eyes. Take these lessons and weed your garden of talents more properly before you throw them to the fire."

We do genuinely want our subordinate to improve. He is our subordinate after all.
>Tell him playing favorites is a quality only shit teachers have and he needs to take after you instead of encouraging rivalries between his students
>by parading around the newest members of the palace of natural law sect and opening the next stage of the tournament with a bang!
>Tell him playing favorites is a quality only shit teachers have and he needs to take after you instead of encouraging rivalries between his students

>Since there are so fewer of them, personally meeting the contestants and introducing them to your own disciples competing in the tournament at this level
>Tell him playing favorites is a quality only shit teachers have and he needs to take after you instead of encouraging rivalries between his students
>Since there are so fewer of them, personally meeting the contestants and introducing them to your own disciples competing in the tournament at this level
Get ready to gamble juniors, because this is where the real money will come from
>>Tell him playing favorites is a quality only shit teachers have and he needs to take after you instead of encouraging rivalries between his students
>>Since there are so fewer of them, personally meeting the contestants and introducing them to your own disciples competing in the tournament at this level
Fu is a favorite.

Qiang should be the next one.

I can't think of anyone else who has MEGA combat potential. But Fequing is the monster in the crafting stage.
Maybe owl best boy is the one to rule the scholars test.
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Ending the vote and tallying its result now.

Tell him playing favorites is a quality only shit teachers have and he needs to take after you instead of encouraging rivalries between his students:7

Ask if you could borrow some more of his disciples, to experiment and see if you can make them change like Heng did:1

Playing favorites is shit, merit matters. Don't force rivalries, they arise naturally.:1

Expanded lesson:1
by parading around the newest members of the palace of natural law sect and opening the next stage of the tournament with a bang!:3

Since there are so fewer of them, personally meeting the contestants and introducing them to your own disciples competing in the tournament at this level:5

So you'll tell your subordinate Patriarch Xia that playing favourites is something only shit teachers do, then, since there are fewer foundation establishment cultivators overall, you'll meet them personally and introduce them to the disciples of yours who they'll be competing against

Update will arrive shortly. Meant to do this quicker, but I slipped on some stairs and fell myself and hurt my ankle so I needed to take a breather for a day or two.
Someone count how many times falling down stairs has caused 2 day delays in this quest, nay, the past 2 months.

Good lord Grandfather. Move to a Bungalow.
You will live longer
>but I slipped on some stairs and fell myself and hurt my ankle
You need to put some rubber grippies on them stairs bro.
"I hope that the changes you've wrought upon my students aren't merely surface level" Jinse-Shayu jovial jokes as you lead the students you rewarded with a private lesson to the wing of the temple you've allowed your subordinate sect to take for their temporary quarters during the tournament, hopping between the stones jutting out from the red sand garden the Xia Patriarch was admiring with a session of tea he was sharing with his sons and wife. Oddly, his bastard son was also present, looking as much like a hermit who went a little feral as he has since he learned how fond he was of magical beasts

"Master!" Suoyu greets, standing side by side with Heng, both of them still showing the bruises, scrapes and cuts they got from their little spat as Xia looks them and his other students over.

"Though that one hasn't seemed to change at all" he ponders, rolling the knuckles of his fingers through his larger, stronger wife's hair as she pours him a fresh cup of fermented tea that smells of sea weed and brine

You smile thinly as Heng's face turns red and Suoyu remains tight lipped as you had a long talk with him about what you thought about bullies.

"You know, as my subordinate, its something of my responsibility to share my wisdom with you when its fitting. Heng actually is the one who changed and improved the most, the boy had more talent than you gave him credit for" You say as you hop and skip up to him and grab the tea cup from his hands as your eyes meet and his sharpens, realizing immediately that you're scolding him but also knowing how bad of an idea it'd be to speak out or complain about it "Only shit teachers play favorites. Sure the talented should be given precedence and special attention, but that and choosing a favorite are entirely different things. Those with less potential need more attention and guidance to excel. And everyone is born good at something or another, its a master's duty to find out what their pupils are most talented at so they can fly high. Much like it is a ruler's duty to ensure the prosperity of their lands rather than simply benefiting through their wealth and authority, you see, sharky?"

He nods and answers "I would be remiss to refuse your most brilliant insights and wisdom, for your insight is so bright and shining it illuminates this humble patriarchs mind already... Master"

"Exactly! Strive to be like me! Sure I'm a special case, but I give all my students blessings, and train them together when I can. See the result of that method? My small sect has risen to such prominence cause my students have also risen above their peers under my guidance. Do the same, don't allow those who don't seem as special to be pushed around and abused. It'll effect their progress for the worse" You continue, smiling, sipping his tea and spitting, sticking out your tongue in disgust. Did they use salt water to brew this?! You turn away and cover your mouth with your sleeve and hand the cup back, Jinse-Shayu reaches for it

His wife snatches it from his hands, smiling as she sets the cup aside and prepares a fresh one for her husband

"Don't encourage him, even so slightly" Yanyu (盐玉 , Salt Jade), softly reprimands "And I'll ensure my idiot husband doesn't forget your earnest advice, Lady Huanliuxue"

"Ah, I suppose that would excite some men, and knowing even as little as I do about his bloodline's preference, I suppose he'd be one of those sort" You titter with her and Xia breathes in through his nose and lifts his shoulders, trying to look dignified despite your scolding and gossip "I'll be meeting with the competitors for the foundation establishment bracket, send your disciples of that level to the meeting, I'll introduce them to my own amazing students there to, you can accompany them there of course Lord Xia. if you so wish to. Enjoy your sea-water tea"

And then, holding your arms to your side, you skip away merrily to gather your own brightest disciples to introduce them to their opponents, whoever they may be.

You decide the most dramatic place to hold this meeting of cultivators is the grove of unusual spirit woods growing in your temple, so you open the gate to that portion of your gardens and find a nice comfortable red veined, white barked spirit root to climb up and recline across its branches, sharpening your claws on the rare-woods mostly to just show off.

Not surprisingly, Fa Jin and Fa Tang and their master Su Zhe'xínglǚ are the first to arrive, though they're accompanied by another member of their sect who looks awkward standing between the twin brothers. Ah, a fresh faced foundation establishment cultivator of the initial level, fresh from the realm of Qi Condensation!

"I see you have chosen to wear your furs, Huanliuxue" Su greets, noticing you staring curiously at their third disciples "Ah, I see you've noticed the third of my students to attain foundation establishment, introduce yourself, I know she looks terrifying in this form, but the secret of the bloodshed is she is surprisingly soft hearted"

You could've popped a vein in his eye for that unnecessary and very untrue comment at the end there

"I am the humble Peng Jiao" The beauty lesser than yourself cries out, cupping her fist, as you notice she isn't wearing any make up "as Master Su said, I've recently attained this level after an intense session of meditation"

"The poor thing thing was so focused she nearly starved, impressive. Well, not compared to your long meditations of course, according to the rumors I've heard from your own students" Jin chuckled as he sat beneath the tree and fanned himself as Master Su settled down to the grass and Tang and Jiao remained standing.

"Ah, greetings to my fellow heads" Xia Jinse-Shayu says, wearing his robes messily and loosely "I was not expecting to be the second to arrive"

"Seems your wife had something to do with this lateness, friend Xia" Su giggled as you sniffed the air and realized Lord Xia was draped in a cloud of perfume, trying to disguise the scent of mating no doubt, how shameless "I've heard of these disciples of yours, have you not Lady Huanliuxue?"

"I have not" You answer with a yawn "Introduce them, to us and their rivals in the five colors"

"Gladly" Xia said as he moved down the line of five cultivators, all of whom have some familial resemblance to him "This is my third legitimate son son, Xia Hai, named after his grandfather. Beside him, is his Cousin, first son of my second brother, Xia Bohai. Next, is my cousin, eldest daughter of my third uncle who is set to create a new branch family of the clan, Xia Lanying"

"You've met Xiaofan, haven't you" She greets with a wave, smiling politely, before bowing and stepping back after her elder cousin glared at her for speaking out of turn

"Beside her, is our clan's inheritor of our healing arts, Xia Xiaoling" he starts before smiling fondly "A daughter of mine, but not one of Yanyu's"

She wasn't a tower of muscle and shark bite scars, so you didn't need to be told that

"My half brother Xiaosi has told me of you, princess" She says warmly and doesn't get glared into silence like her legitimate relative was

"And last is Gen, apprentice to our sword smith" He says, motioning to a dour faced man with burns across the lower half of the right side of his face and along the arm of the same side. He nods.

"Well, come, sit beneath the shade" You say after allowing silence to hang "We're still waiting for the other contestants to arrive"

Lord Xia cups his fist and bows, and sits beneath the shade of a large spirit wood with white, willow like leaves and black flowers.

"Lian Tianhua, my friend!" You trill and greet, hoping down as you rush to her purring, and frowning as you see the sad eyed girl next to her, with white irisis woven through her hair

"She lost her closest friends to the attack upon our sect" She explains sadly "She wished dearly to meet you, and worked hard to ascended out of Qi condensation stage to meet you. She is the only one of our foundation establishment students who have chosen to apply to the contest, they did so out of respect for her wishes"

"What a sad tale, if you'd like, I could tell you exactly how I killed the bastard" You say as the somber girl nods softly

"I am Chuan Tung-Mei. My mother named me after her favorite treat. I was accepted into the thousand lotus hall after Sun Cuifen saved me from a childhood sickness" She explains "I am one of the nieces of Lord Chuan...er, King Chuan now, I suppose. My mother worships you. It is nice to see she's chosen a friendly god to follow"

"Well, I'll tell you once this part of the tournament is over. And if you'd like, I can hold a seance then as well" You say tenderly, patting a paw on the sad girl's head, deciding it isn't best to tell her Sun Cuifen and Qi Qi's ghosts are still hanging around Lian Luli

"Such a kind gesture, Huan, may I examine the flowering trees with Tung-mei?" Lady Lian asks, and you give her permission.

next to arrive is Shandian and the familiar lightning scared face face and one other extra.

"Greetings, Master Bloodshed, I've brought Bìléizhēn (避雷针, Lightning Rod) and Gong Qing like you asked, I would've bought our pride Thunder Crow, but he was busy flirting with a handsome peahen!" He declares thunderously, grinning brightly as he shows the two

"You and I have met before Rod, now I finally know your name" You laugh and laugh louder as he pieces together

"Ah! I should brag about being the first to see your human face and beauty then" He laughs and then you explain what he's talking about to his master and the other sect heads who've already arrived.

"Of course the sea dog is here" Shidi Xiudao growls as he marches into the grove "Huanliuxue, allow me to introduce the dusk marshes Foundation Establishment experts to you, Blizzard Quelling Cat. You've met my son Xiaodao, and my nephew Shidi Meng before. There's also a relative of mine who was out cultivating when you visited my family, my lovely Niyu's youngest Niece, Lang (狼, Wolf) Yingtai, and her friend and rival Bómù (薄暮, Dusk) Yanmei, their clans are subordinates of the Shidi, and also the Sabersmith of our sect's son, Dong"

And all five of them are glaring at the five foundation establishment tier disciples of Xia, just as the two patriarchs are throwing dirty looks the other way

You greet Meng and Xiaodao warmly and tell the Shidi party to sit away from the Xia, so they won't threaten your lovely trees with their fighting.

Mi Shengdao floats through the gates, accompanied by four of his students, dressed in the manner of ascetic monks, one of who you recognize as being his voice when you first met him

"Ah, I do so enjoy this stroll through your gardens, as expected they reflect the clear mind of their owner and tender, and flourish as a sign of your good karma, Empress of all beasts, I cannot help but admire your palace still" He sighed, speaking through spiritual senses and remaining mute "You've met but not been introduced to these students of mine, the one who speaks on my behalf is Suyin, the two older men are Zhen and Quan, and the younger is of the newest generation of my disciples...before the beasts I adopted, of course, Mù (木, Wood) Bai)

And Suyin, his aid and voice, introduces herself and the others on his behalf, greeting your properly as empress as Shengdao languidly floats around the trees, admiring them all and gossiping with Lian Tianhua through an unspoken conversation.

The Weiwupo and two of her students are next to appear

"Knew there was a bad smell hanging around" She drawled as she spotted Su reclining under a tree "Greetings, Witch Daughter, and thank you for having us meet around so many flowers. The girl to my right is...a fan of yours, Wū (巫, Witch) Yèliǎng (夜魉, Night sprite and the one to my left is little Yu Límíng (黎明, Dawn)"

Yeliang seemed incredibly disapointed and pouted as she looked up at your feline face while the Weiwupo chuckled and pat her on the back

"Maybe she'll transform later in the meeting, Sprite" She consoled as Liming rolled her eyes

"My martial sister had heard you had amazing...twin peaks, Princess" She answer and you realize that Yeliang is one of the members of the innocent witch court who are the reason they have a reputation for Polishing Mirrors. And if you had a chance to get dressed you might give her a chance to glimpse your human beauty, if only because you feel complimented by her despair at not seeing it.

Weiwupo then immediately joins Master Mi and Tianhua in examining the trees and flower viewing.

Disi-Ling Huofeng and Shengzhanshi of the white jade devil opposing are the next to arrive, with a pair of disciples to both of them

"These are my sons, Disi-Ling Huǒyàn (火焰, Flame) and Disi-Ling Huǒshé (火舌, Tongues of flame), they're twins, which is the reason for their odd names. They lost an older brother to the Main branches foolishness. I hope they'll get revenge when we seek it together, Happy Bloodshed" Huofeng explains before the giant, taciturn and always armored Shengzhanshi pushes the one armed master aside

"My students are more skilled at hunting demons, but these two wish to learn how to fight men" He answers, before clearly looking at a note in his hand and reads it, having not bothered to remember the names of his sect mates "Shi Li's grandson, Shi Nianzu, and do not read this part master the peasant girl we found in the depths of the forge...."

There is a long pregnant pause as the girl lifts her eyebrow and you try not to laugh, and Shandian and Su fail to restrain themselves, before Shengzhanshi silences them with a pulse of his aura and clears his throat

"Well, she didn't have a name, so I named her Devil Butcher (恶魔屠夫, èmótúfū), on account of us finding her neck deep in imp guts" He huffed and quietly marched up and assumed the stiff posture of a gate guard or a statue of one

"You killed a bunch of those monsters, right?" Emotufu asks and you answer with a nod "Like you then"

And that was all the White Jade Devil Opposing army had to say, even if the Disi-Ling twins had much to say to them for their master's rudeness.

Ehuang of the Autumn Swan Lake School walks in alone and weekly explains she is the highest level cultivator in her sect, being a late stage foundation establishment expert, and quietly standing there in the presence of greater sects. Xue Long appears after her.

"Most of our foundation establishment cultivators left the sect after the death of my father and our humbling" He explains briskly "And of them, none of them have the stomach to meet with my father's killer. Except my brave grandson , who heard you killed one of his father Ming"

Xues are sure prolific, huh? They must get that behavior from Monu.

"I am Xue Li. I heard you showed my father respect despite killing him. I am the man who will one day beat and humble you, Auntie" The teenaged boy shouts and you can't help but grin

"Hope you give me as good of a fight as Ming did. His was a glorious death, better than the dog's death your great grandfather suffered" You say and...wait did he just call you auntie?

You stare at him and shake your head, and meet the few rogue cultivators participating at this level.

A few who used to be a part of the Winter Blossoming sect, a couple who are striving to found sects of their own after getting kicked out or outgrowing their prior sects, three seven slaughtering swords members, who don't give their names and try to act intimidating but fail for the most part. they do manage to frighten Tianhua and Luli with their behavior. And after waiting for an hour to make sure there aren't going to be any late arrivals.

"Alright!" You declare as you walk back in after walking around the rest of the temple with Ao shadowing you to make absolutely certain there weren't any other foundation establishment realm cultivators who just slept in, sauntering in in one of your spider demon silk outfits , this one fashioned to look like flayed skin pulled over your arms and legs in the form of long gloves and boots that reached your thighs, with bone hand clasps connecting the leggings to the short skirt and top that only the middle of your ribs and barely covered the bosom you were so proud of. The sight of you nearly causing a few of the guests in your spirit wood grove, including Miss Night Sprite, to faint as you marched past them

"Now that every competitor of the foundation establishment round has arrived, allow me to introduce you all to the greatest obstacles in your way, the wheat amongst the chaff, my most skilled and talented of students and who are going to make winning any of the contests hell!" You declare brashly as you throw out your arms as Fu steps out from the shadows, grasped by ghostly hands as he allows his cloak of the vengeful dead to appear to the eyes of even those who can't perceive ghosts "My first and foremost disciple, Fu of the Two axes"

Qiang hops down from the tree tops and goes limp as she demonstrates that she shares your ability to separate her soul and body by drawing her sword from its sheath and performing a few sequences of strikes and forms with it as her empty body slumps forward.

"Qiang, the sole inheritor of the Ruler of the Great Wheel's law, my self made, taught and practiced cultivation technique!" You introduce her, as Chuandapo in her human form gets lead gently into the grove by Huili, rubbing her eyes sleepily as the thuggish looking wolf in a man's skin grins

"You've probably heard of these two, but they're the Ashen Gale and the Ship Breaker, and two of the palace of natural laws most diligent students" You greet them as Siwang swoops down and holds up a wing "And you also know Wusheng Siwang, the Silent death and the cleverest of our sect behind myself"

Ping walks forward, tightening his prayer beads cut from teeth and finger bones around his cursed, ghoul arm, white hair flowing behind him as Feiqing stomps after him, wearing a mask that draws attention to and accentuates his recently awakened demonic heritage, while Lei does a dance and claps his hands, wearing a mask styled after your own face

"And the three sworn brothers. Ping of the cursed arm. Feiqing the anvil breaker, and Lei the...lunatic!" You introduce them all before a cough tells you that they aren't alone "And Qinxin, Ping's friend"

Baifenchi flutters down in her human form, caressing a human skull lovingly

"And one you do not know, Baifenchi. My fellow admirer of death, decay and all their mysteries" You coo as she lands beside you and you ruffle her black and white split hair, as Canlan Yuanquan, Hong and Lanfen make there entrance

"Our sects bastion of purity, Canlan Yuanquan the poison frog, Blind Hong who can hear a cat's footsteps, and our resident healing fairy, Lady Lanfen" You introduce the three of them in turn as they politely bow or ribbit in Yuanquan's case

"There are two missing' Xue Long says suddenly "The leaders of your armies"

"Yeah, your little sisters aren't here, are they not competing" Tianhua asked

"Maybe they're still resting" Xia Jinse-shayu suggests

"They did have a long trip recently" Master Su hums

You clap your hands

"Tiexingege and Jionghuagege are going on a special mission only they can undertake. That is all any of you need to know" You sharply answer "now, that introductions are out of the way, lets begin the foundation establishment contests, which will be a little different from the others since there simply aren't enough of you for some of them. The martial contest, magic contest, alchemy and crafting contests, free for all and luck contests will be the same, but there will be no exam or tacticians bout, they will instead be replaced with monster slaying contests and random team battles, respectively"

"Where did you get the monsters for us to fight, Master?" Fu asked

"I have my sources" You say with a shrug. The answer was the primordial basin and Hell, but why spoil the surprise. Some monsters unknown to the world of cultivation, some demons and a few undead monstrosities you may have created with Baifenchi's help

"Can I, as a fellow sect head, make a request, Crow killer?"Shengzhanshi asks with a raised hand, you nod "May the monster hunting trial take precedence over the others?"

Double vote!

Do you permit Shengzhanshi's request Huanliuxue?



>Yes, but in exchange for a favor.

And what will you do as the first contest of the foundation establishment tournament begin, Huanliuxue?

>invite all the other sect heads to watch it with you, and get to know the contestants a little as you do

>use the time to give your own students some last minute advice, pointers and training to win the contests they'll be joining

>Place a few bets with your fellow sect masters on the outcome of a few of the contests...

>Warn the common people/ normal mortal attending the tournament about the monster hunting contest, so there isn't a panic when it starts

>Write in

Would if I had the cash to

I probably should, or rip out the accursed carpet that I keep tripping on.
>Sure for a favor.

>Give our students a few last minute tips.
>Place a few bets On the outcomes.
Qiang is gonna kill it in the solo matches.

Also, devil subjagator, fucking terrible sect master, hillarious general.
And kinda want to train Xue Li a bit. We shouldn't, but I approve of his moxy
>Yes, but in exchange for a favor.

>Place a few bets with your fellow sect masters on the outcome of a few of the contests...

>Warn the common people/ normal mortal attending the tournament about the monster hunting contest, so there isn't a panic when it starts
>and do not read this part master the peasant girl we found in the depths of the forge...."
This guy is such a goober. He's either the best method actor on the planet or he's genuinely the most horrifically strong master present (besides ourself) here to compensate for his complete lack of any social acumen. He's great.

>"And Qinxin, Ping's friend"
Truly the highest accolade of all present kek

Sure. He was polite about it.
>Warn the common people/ normal mortal attending the tournament about the monster hunting contest, so there isn't a panic when it starts
Nobody panic, this is all part of the P L A N
>>invite all the other sect heads to watch it with you, and get to know the contestants a little as you do
omg movie night
>Warn the common people/ normal mortal attending the tournament about the monster hunting contest, so there isn't a panic when it starts
if possible this too.
like the other anon said
he was polite.
>Yes, but in exchange for a favor.
> Place a few bets with your fellow sect masters on the outcome of a few of the contests...
>Yes, but in exchange for a favor.
>Place a few bets with your fellow sect masters on the outcome of a few of the contests...
>Warn the common people/ normal mortal attending the tournament about the monster hunting contest, so there isn't a panic when it starts
Okay, by the way.

5 colours has 3
Xia clan has 5
We have 12 plus 2 of our sisters at foundation establishment.

Making the alliance have in total 22 foundation establishment experts.
I think that the Xia may have more, and theirs is a sect in the hundreds. But if not. Damn.

Wait, no.
Using the army they deployed against us during the war, with the Winter blossoming sect and Ling's guardian of celestial.sunlight being PEAK sects, they sent a few hundred FE cultivators and 16 core formation.

Tch. Nevermind. We are strong for like a tiny sect. After this recruitment drive we will probably be acceptably strong for a low medium sect.

Core formation experts are going to be the backbone for force projection.
not all those within the same cultivation level are equal.
our sisters go well beyond their weight class in that regard.
All of our disciples are worth 10 of their orthodox peers.
But even so, despite our twin genius generals we are marching formations of fodder and 14 elites. The powerhouses of this stagnant world are core formation and the overlords are golden cores.

We need a comfortable roster of about 10 core formation to stand the equal of any other given sect.
Mostly since while a peak sect may Command a hundred core formation figures, our disciples are afformentioned worth 10 times their number.
I agree with the idea of getting our students stronger, though we do have a few tricks and tools to either weaken their side (Blood Rain, Chaos mist and Moon Collapse to cause widespread disorder) or bolster our side (not only our and Monu's skills, but also potentially the Thousand Lotus Halls', our natural ability to rouse the dead plus Ao's raw strength, Cat's Court: Spiteful Blood Legacy can also call up those long gone). Speaking of Monu, I want to see if there's any way we can also get her up to Golden Core, especially with our Sinner Bone Centipede Gu to be a potentially valuable cultivation material for her.
Recruiting Lotus Hall Is a move.
We have so much good will already that adding their economic might wouldn't be terrible.

I have to ask now. What Is the purpose of the alliance of Mountain spring and Sea? Is it to strengthen our own abilities to wage war or is it more than that?

Ought we introduce tax and contributions to the alliance as a unit?
>Yes, but in exchange for a favor.
> Place a few bets with your fellow sect masters on the outcome of a few of the contests

No one escapes the gamba.
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Ending the vote and tallying its result now.

Yes, for a favor:5

use the time to give your own students some last minute advice, pointers and training to win the contests they'll be joining:1

Place a few bets with your fellow sect masters on the outcome of a few of the contests...:5

Warn the common people/ normal mortal attending the tournament about the monster hunting contest, so there isn't a panic when it starts:4

So you'll agree to move the monster hunting contests forward, in exchange for a favor. Warn the common/ mundane/ ordinary attendees of the tournament about it, and then place a few bets

Update will arrive shortly

He's one of my favorite boys to write.

Well Five colors is also a recently established sect, and Xia did lose a people fighting the Xue (So did Shidi). Both their heads nearly died fighting Xue.

Yeah, Huan and Ao are terrifying on their own, but together they're really a nightmare. Remember, they met in a place that had so much Deathly/ ghostly/ negative Yin Qi, it'd have killed pretty much any of the named characters in the Quest. Barring a few obvious exceptions. .


and before I forget. Make sure to check out Reborn Grandmaster Quest, Juniors. Its a new cultivation quest that has a really fast pace. Always got to shout out my fellow daoist writers!
>Barring a few obvious exceptions. .
Ah yes, Master Hung. The man with supreme Yang physique.
How Exciting!" Jinse-Shayu declares, flashing his teeth like a shark's fangs "Never fought in a tournament where we had to fight be...Monsters. Must be a traditional style. From before the establishment of the laws of cultivation and the Orthodoxy, I mean"

"Hmm. Its shameless, but my bloods gotten hot just thinking about it. Won't be as satisfying as culling your school of fishes and humbling your cowardly clan, but it will be an exciting contest to be sure" Shidi Xiudao declares with a brightness to his eyes, as he scratched his mangy, matted beard "lets hope your master's playthings don't turn your disciples into mangled corpses"

"Tch, don't wail when yours die dog deaths in the arena, swamp yokel" Lord Xia scoffed in reply

"How frightening" Lian Tianhua muttered, with a thankful and relieved expression "Luckily, none of my students are fighters, so they are in no danger"

"Well?" Shengzhanshi pressed, ignoring the conversation and arguments of his peers and that a few of them look rather astonished by either his request or that their precious disciples would be fighting Monsters tougher than confused children lost in the world

"Sure. Like Xia and Shidi brought up, it'll be much more exciting than combat between us cultivators" You answer happily and with a pleasant smile "Though this does alter my plans, so since it is a favor I'm giving to you, I expect one in turn"

"Of course" He answers with a nod as The Weiwupo smiles in a way that reminds you she is indeed a witch, even if it is in her name

"Well, this is certainly interesting, isn't it girls" She cackles, eyes gleaming "We may not raise warriors like master white jade, but we do know much of what is esoteric and rarely encounter, hm?"

"I'm sure my three students will be proud to represent our temple in battle against true monsters" Master Su says pleasantly as Fa Tang nods, with an clear air of murderous intent surrounding him

"Hah! Thunder falls, lightning cracks, and the monsters shall be slain to the delight of the crowd" Shandian, declares, suprisingly poetic.

"It'll be a chance to show Chuan our sect is still righteous at its core" Xue Long mutters as Disi-Ling closes his eyes, looking like he was meditating or else had fallen asleep.

"It'll be good practice" He says suddenly "without sullying our hands with the blood of our fellow daoists"

"Will they be devils?" Shengzhanshi asks, a little too close, looming over you as his two disciples circle you from the sides, an obvious tactic used by village children to corner cats when they weren't willing to be held or played with

Mi Shengda rescues you from their smothering formation by delicately asking "I assume the proper precautions to protect the audience and attendees have been taken"

"Wait, Monsters. Not magical beasts. But, real...like from the stories?" Ehuang squeaks and Shengzhanshi turns to face her

"Most likely demons, devils, fiends. Master Bloodshed has promised to take myself and my disciples down to Diyu, to search for my ancestor spirits in seek of training. Surely, this contest is to prepare not only us, but all of Chuan's sects to do battle with the true enemy of all cultivators. Demons, like the hordes of the supreme devil mind"

And you remembered you needed to keep master Bai well away from any of your usual haunts, friends and toadies down in hell. Well. Except maybe Yi Zhu. If the greedy pig annoyed you, you could just serve him to the devil hunters as an exotic dish, Heh-Heh-Heh.

"What?" Mi Shendao says, lips moving as he nearly broke his vow of silence

"They arranged for it, during the free for all of the first round" Shandian explained "I'm half tempted to join them, just to see what hell is like, and see how the storms over yellow springs compare to those sent by the heavens"

"Demons" Enhuang says with a forced smile

"Don't worry, junior" You laugh, brushing your shoulder against hers to try and calm her racing heart "They aren't the only opponents I've brought for these contests. There are many kinds of monsters in the world. Like corpse eating, graveyard dwelling ghouls. Hungry ghosts..."

Shengzhanshi had raised his hand

"Yes?" You ask

"Are you not the empress of the restless dead?" He asked, and you saw a few of the other masters were curious

"Some ghosts are too mad and strong to be controlled. And some of my subjects in my kingdom of graves were very enthused to be allowed to fight the living" You say with a smile "As you may find out when we reach the golden core stage. But I made sure to only allow ghosts of around the same level of strength for each of these contests"

Ao hadn't been informed. Because his allegiance to you and continued presence in the world of the living was still a secret. And because it'd look really bad if the villain of ancient history rose up and struck down a few sect heads in a friendly tournament. And you know Ao would. Even if he was holding back, he might get too excited and go too far.

"And, speaking of that" You continue, snapping your fingers "Xia, Su, come with me. We should warn the audience that they'll be seeing bloodthirsty monsters without pretty faces like mine, fighting against the noble "immortals" they idolize. Wouldn't want them to stampede in a panic...And if any of you want to place wagers on your students, come find me and lets place some bets. And Master Bai, I'll tell you the favor I expect from you, once I've warned the public and placed a few wagers"

He simply stares, silently, as you, Master Su and Master Xia take to the skies.

Immediately the crowds and throngs filling your temple and treating it like a festival's grounds, look up as you catch their attention with a brief flare of your aura, which the two other heads of the tomb, mountain and sea alliance mimic

"There has been a change in schedule. The first contest of the foundation establishment rung, will be a fight to the death between the competitors and the most fierce monsters yours truly could wrangle and capture! But fear not, for none of you will be in any sort of danger. There are protections, mystical and not, in place to ensure your safety. But, for the first time in generations, you'll see the sort of threats we cultivators are SUPPOSED to be defending you good people from!" You shout, voice ringing melodiously across the temple "And to you sectless competitors, who missed your chance to greet me, consider this your warning that you'll be fighting fierce monsters, dastardly devils, and horrid things I've dug up from crypts!"

"And Huanliuxue is honor bound to immediately execute any escaped monster that breaks free from their restraints or the wards and protections in place!" Master Su adds on, swirling his hands and producing a five colored ring "And the lord of the summer sea has sworn to be the first line of defense for the common people"

Xia looks to you. And you nod, deciding that that is now his job until the monster slaying contests are through. He languidly shrugs his shoulders and holds up his intimidating spear, striking a heroic pose for the little people as you drift away on a breeze to place your bets.

Triple vote!

Which wagers do you take of those offered by your fellow sect heads (and what do you wager/ demand)

>Shoushan has put forward a wager, that if either of your ghost cultivating disciples lose to a Buddhist, you will agree to become the idol of a newely built Buddhist temple in your territory

>The Weiwupo has placed bet on her two students winning the sorcerous contests, wagering a prized volume of curses on their victory

>Shandian has placed a lot of money on lightning rod and Gong Qing winning in every contest they're partaking in, as well as a some rare bottled lightning.

>The elders of the thousand lotus hall have proudly declared that they'll give the reward they prepared for Tung-Mei to the winner of the Alchemical/ medicine contest if she isn't the victor.

>Place a bet of your own and see who takes it (Write in)

What is the favor you'll ask of Bai Shengzhanshi?

>To help train some of your new disciples

>To allow you to build a Monastery/ Martial arts school, in the white jade devil opposing army's territory.

>To provide men in your upcoming war against the Main Ling Branch

>To allow your sect unlimited access to the Forge Devil's furnace,

>Something else...(write in)

And what will be the primary target for the monster slaying contests, Huanliuxue?

>Demons, that you had Anjing's family and the Crow devils catch for you, or who volunteered for the chance themselves

>The monsters from the primordial basin, like the corpse eating wretches and the like, who you asked The tribes there to help you capture

>Undead monsters, Jiangshi and Ghosts. There really are a lot of them in Chuan right now, and Baifenchi was happy to help stitch together some corpses that had been just lying around...

>Decide what each contestant will be fighting at random.

>Write in
>>Shoushan has put forward a wager, that if either of your ghost cultivating disciples lose to a Buddhist, you will agree to become the idol of a newely built Buddhist temple in your territory
If his baldies fail to defeat our ghostly disciples he needs to donate a respectable statue of the Buddha to our temple. And a mop. To clean it with.

>Shandian has placed a lot of money on lightning rod and Gong Qing winning in every contest they're partaking in, as well as a some rare bottled lightning.
Wager that his students will not win, but come in second or third place in three of the competitions. We put up for wager several pills to aid in a trip to Hell.

>To allow your sect unlimited access to the Forge Devil's furnace,
Friends can visit each other's homes whenever, right big guy?

>Demons, that you had Anjing's family and the Crow devils catch for you, or who volunteered for the chance themselves
I just really want to see what madman of a demon would willingly come up to a competition where people would be trying to kill them, and they don't even get to kill their opponents in return!
>Shoushan has put forward a wager, that if either of your ghost cultivating disciples lose to a Buddhist, you will agree to become the idol of a newely built Buddhist temple in your territory
If we win they'll teach our exorcists some of their more powerful anti-ghost chants
>The Weiwupo has placed bet on her two students winning the sorcerous contests, wagering a prized volume of curses on their victory
We'll offer the same to them
>Shandian has placed a lot of money on lightning rod and Gong Qing winning in every contest they're partaking in, as well as a some rare bottled lightning.
Spirit stone and the qilin antlers
>The elders of the thousand lotus hall have proudly declared that they'll give the reward they prepared for Tung-Mei to the winner of the Alchemical/ medicine contest if she isn't the victor.
If she does win we'll share some seeds if the less valuable but still unique plants from our grove with them

>To allow your sect unlimited access to the Forge Devil's furnace,

>Undead monsters, Jiangshi and Ghosts. There really are a lot of them in Chuan right now, and Baifenchi was happy to help stitch together some corpses that had been just lying around.
I'm quite happy with these wagers.
>The Weiwupo has placed bet on her two students winning the sorcerous contests, wagering a prized volume of curses on their victory
Wager some of our own curse knowledge, gathered from the ghost army (meaning Ao)
>Shandian has placed a lot of money on lightning rod and Gong Qing winning in every contest they're partaking in, as well as a some rare bottled lightning.
Wager Feiqing's services in improving their lighting rods

>To allow your sect unlimited access to the Forge Devil's furnace,

>Decide what each contestant will be fighting at random.
>Shoushan has put forward a wager, that if either of your ghost cultivating disciples lose to a Buddhist, you will agree to become the idol of a newly built Buddhist temple in your territory
If we win, share us some of your Buddhist techniques
>The Weiwupo has placed bet on her two students winning the sorcerous contests, wagering a prized volume of curses on their victory
Bet our (and Ao/Monu's) knowledge in exchange
>Bet on Siwang sweeping the scholar tournament (Wager a personal lesson and our red agate idol)

>To allow your sect unlimited access to the Forge Devil's furnace,
I'm certain there's plenty of materials for Feiqing and his new smithy crew to get their hands dirty with and upgrade our arms

>Decide what each contestant will be fighting at random.
>Shoushan has put forward a wager, that if either of your ghost cultivating disciples lose to a Buddhist, you will agree to become the idol of a newely built Buddhist temple in your territory
This one is funny
Send a buddhist monk as a delegate to our sect to teach any of our students who are curious hence forth, if we win.

>To allow your sect unlimited access to the Forge Devil's furnace,
also aren't these all kinda big in exchange for what we gave him (moving the order), feels like we are bullying him a bit.

>Decide what each contestant will be fighting at random.
The whole 9 yards, a cat is anything but predictable.
Access to his lands is fine in the grand scheme of things but. . Yeah, I get what you mean.

Fuck can you imagine? "Why did I get drafted? My Marshal wanted to see a devil fight first in a tourniment rather than second"
For the sake of vote consolidation:
Supporting these >>6193489 wagers and favor choice

But let monster slaying target be random.
Forgot to actually link the vote >>6195390
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Ending the vote and tallying its result now that I am not currently busy with familial responsibility and filial duties. Made a lovely dinner for my sect's matriarch. And her dogs got a tithe as well.

Shoushan has put forward a wager, that if either of your ghost cultivating disciples lose to a Buddhist, you will agree to become the idol of a newely built Buddhist temple in your territory:6
-they donate a buddha statue if they lose
- Teach exorcist techniques/ anti ghost chants/ buddhist techniques IG.
-send a delegate to teach your students:

Shandian has placed a lot of money on lightning rod and Gong Qing winning in every contest they're partaking in, as well as a some rare bottled lightning.:5
-wager his students place 2nd/ 3rd, and medicines to allow weaklings to travel to hell:1
- Spirit stones/ qilin antlers:3
-wager feiqing's services:1

The Weiwupo has placed bet on her two students winning the sorcerous contests, wagering a prized volume of curses on their victory:5
-Offer a similar record/ manual/ your own knowledge (or Ao or Monu's)
The elders of the thousand lotus hall have proudly declared that they'll give the reward they prepared for Tung-Mei to the winner of the Alchemical/ medicine contest if she isn't the victor.:3
-Offer some of the plants from your grove/ orchard:3


To allow your sect unlimited access to the Forge Devil's furnace:7



Decide Randomly:4

SO! the favor is official/free access to the forge devil's furnace.

and you'll accept Shoushan, Shandian and the Weiwupo's wagers, for excorcist techniques, betting spirit stones and qilin antlers and wagering some of your own cursed knowledge/ knowledge of curses

Before starting the monster slaying competition, the monsters in which will be decided randomly.

Update will arrive shortly

I mean if Huan told him "Oh the ling are devil descendants" I'm sure at least the Marshal himself would be thrilled!
. . . Let's tell him then
"Free access to the dangerous wastes and heated desolation of the forge devil's masterless furnace?" Shengzhanshi rumbles, palming the head of his apparent favorite disciple, the empty eyed and almost feral seeming Emotufu, in a display of what was most likely the amusingly peculiar giant's way of showing affection "I do not see how I can refuse, considering how effective you were at removing the evil that had slipped in and made itself a roost beneath our noses. How can I refuse to allow such a talented devil hunter entrance to the place demons haunt? It wouldn't make any sense"

"Other sects and temples might get offended at being upstaged" You argue against yourself, just so Shengzhanshi isn't tricked in the future, as you've grown oddly found of the strange man "And some in your army may think it an insult"

"They won't" He drolly replies, lifting his massive hand from the wincing Emotufu's head "When someone has something to teach you, you listen. Especially if its how to more effectively kill your enemies. And my lineage has long hunted the fiends. We've forgotten much. You know much. It is just logical"

"Mwah, how refreshing" You meow with a cat's smile "Well, I'll probably have Feiqing head into the depths of that blasted place with some of your soldiers"

"To seek demons?"

"To know what else is hidden in there, so yes, among other things" You titter, and pat the glowering girl at the white jade devil opposing general's side, and think better of saying you'll take your leave unless Shenzhanshi wants to talk about how best to mangle slaughter demons, since if you say that, he'll take you seriously and you'll be stuck here for days listening to him. So you just tell him you'll send a messenger when you're ready to act as his guide down by the yellow springs.

"Ah, if it isn't my uncle Shoushan! some of your kind signed up for the next stage, didn't know they made monks that cocky" You snicker as you creep up behind the blind monk, stalking him playfully like a kitten would her litter mate, flicking your tail as he turns to face you, sensing your spiritual signature "And I've heard, you had a bet for me"

"Yes, that if I win, on behalf of the Chuan Buddhists, will establish a shrine in which you are placed as the idol and resident god" He answers back just as playfully, with a fanciful look in his white eyes, while Yongzheng takes in a deep breath to steel himself "A temple built near your old hometown, if one of the juniors monks I've guided here can beat one of your cultivators of the ghostly essence"

"Isn't that a prize to red cat in of itself?" Yongzheng groans and you purr as you circle around the two of them

"Yes, it is a win win for both of us. Either I get more praise if I lose or Shoushan can spread his teachings in my temple if I win, though, I'd ask you teach my resident exorcists in training some techniques and anti ghost mantras" You cackle
"Can't two of them exorcise ghosts with a touch? or was it three?" Yongzheng asks

"That is more than acceptable, well, either I shall teach or your image will be worshipped" Shoushan laughs, patting you on the head "Come, brother Yongzheng, there are poor folks who need our guidance even here..."

And so they depart and you seek out the thunder cloud.

"Oh. if it isn't my kindred spirit and fellow gambler. Come to ply another game of chance, hm?" Shandian, tipsy again, asks, his cheeks reddened as he rolls around some dice in his hands "I'd hoped you'd take the bait I laid. I've too many spirit stones to count already to fill my shrine's coffers, so figured some would be better spent enticing my fellow daoists to gamble"

"More interested in that bottled lightning, so I shall take your bet, and place some more spirit stones and high quality qilin antlers down against your heaps of cash" You answer back with a bold grin, swaying your hips and thrusting out your chest "But know, your students will be against mine, in all those contests"

"I like those odds. You're the strongest in your sect" He says just as brazenly, pushing his chest forward and smiling in a way that allows a spark of lightning to arc between his teeth "And while your students may be rutheless in battle, these are contests. Different set of skills"

"We'll see if that's true" You laugh and step back, fanning your face as you waltz away "If it is, my sect will be richer through your miscalculation"

"Hah! We'll see indeed! I like that attitude!" He calls out, before marching away in a drunkard's step.

And it is easy to find the Weiwupo, all you have to do is follow the smell of her sect's unique perfume until you can spot one of their goofy looking hats.

"Matriarch Huanliuxue" She greets

"Weiwupo" You greet in return, lifting up your chin and smiling down at her "You know why I'm here"

"You are that Hao's daughter" She sighs, tipping the wide brim of her hat down to cover her eyes and the crow's feet around them "I'll be relieved if you win this wager, less displeased than I'd be if I lose it to someothers"

"You'll be happy if you win, because I'm risking the same thing you are, Great witch. My own knowledge of curses, and cursed knowledge if you're feeling confident" You cackle and she sneers and cackles herself as the junior and lesser witches following her around like a row of ducklings pull their hats down, maybe cackling at eachother is to witches like hissing is to cats

"Oh me oh my" She answers exhilarated "Well, I'll have to tell Wu and Yu what's at stakes. The grave leaping princess possess insights we've been drooling over, ever since your cultivation was declared heretical but not demonic. I'll take your most valuable treasure girly, and adopt them into my clans repitore of hexes"

"Hah! You'll lose another one of your arts to a thieving cat. Just be thankfully I'm better looking than Old Su" You sneer back and the two of you throw your heads back and cackle

"Maybe, in a few decades time, I'll allow you to use my actual name, kitten" She says as her cackle fades away as she swooshes past you "A curse for a curse, how novel"

And with that, dressed in your wild princess regalia and donning your arm and wearing both your battle artifacts as accessories, you enter the thundering colosseum again. Daoist Cultivators, Buddhists, Beasts, Peasants, Nobilities, people of every stripe and strata of society are cheering and stomping their feet in excitement as you make your entrance, appearing before them descending on scarlet wings of pure Qi as you flutter down like a butterfly moving from corpse to corpse to stand before a giant turning wheel, with the contestants with the gumption and courage to participate in the monster slaying contest stand up in a line, some more relaxed and a few much more enthused than the others.

"It would be boring to see them fight the same brutes, every round, and give those who go later an unfair advantage against those brave enough to go first!" You shout, projecting your voice across the arena with a simple spell "That's what I thought, and it'd get dull quickly and tiring for them if I had them fight monsters in a sequence. If they can kill enough of one kind of yaogui, they can kill them all, probably. So, to make this more exciting for us and more challenging for them, I've chosen to leave up their exact opponents up to chance! FU"

"Master!" Fu loyally replies, bandages flapping in the wind like banners, as he cups his fist and bow

"Spin the big colorful wheel" You say, bouncing on your heels excitedly "And lets find out what you're going to be killing, to demonstrate to the crowd and your competition, how this part of the tournament will work"

He nods stoically and steps up to the wheel

"Kick their ass big brother!" Ju shouts, somehow loud enough to be heard over the din of thousands of voices betting in favor of Chuan's own home grown hero, Fu of the two axes

The wheel spins, chiming and jingling with bells as you continue bouncing and almost dancing as you listen to it, having designed the wheel to make a near melody that excites the heart and strains the nerves. If gambling halls got inspired by this musical wheel of yours, they'd make a killing.

"Demons!" You declare, throwing up your hands and barring your teeth and flicking your tongue over your most fang like ones "Why should Qiang and I have all the fun! Hm? Time for you to face down the denizens of hell, Fu. A hero should kill at least a dozen demons to earn their title, don't you think"

"What kind of demons?" He asks curiously, hands already on the hafts of his demon forged axes, eyes glinting behind his bandages

"Ssssspiders" You hiss. Apparently another family of spider demon's displeased Anjing's mother and she put in a good word for you to be chosen as their method of execution. Since that clan of spider demons knows how well stomp out spiders

Fu smiles

"I'm wearing armor spun from their silk" He says "I'll be curious to see which is tougher, it or their chitin"

"Well, no reason to keep the crowd waiting, begin!" You shout, and without any fanfare, spin around and swing your leg into his backside, kicking him to the ring as you give the signal to release the cage full of starved spider demons as the crowd gasps.

Fu recovers midair, rolls and lands, axes drawn and eyes fierce

Oh it was going to be an absolute bloodbath.

And how do you present and announce the Monster Slaying Contest, Huanliuxue?

>By hyping up the contestants and the monsters with enough brains to understand you, fanning the killing intent and bloodthirst of the fighters and the crowd

>Like a lecturer, explaining to the ignorant masses and untrained cultivators in the audience exactly what each monster is and what they're capable of

>Floating around like a ghost and asking various audience members their thoughts and observations as the contests play out.

>Simply sit down and play a trill sonata with Ghost Empress Melody to add to the atmosphere and...maybe make the ghosts a bit harder to fight, Heh-Heh

>Write in
>Hype the contestants
>Absolutely do it while using ghost empress melody. I WANT SYMOPHNY NUMBER 7, A NEW WORLD IN CHINESE!

Fu really does get a lot of abuse. But we love him dearly.
Wasn't Anjing on bad terms with her family? Why do we have clout with it?

>Floating around like a ghost and asking various audience members their thoughts and observations as the contests play out.
>Simply sit down and play a trill sonata with Ghost Empress Melody to add to the atmosphere and...maybe make the ghosts a bit harder to fight, Heh-Heh
>Like a lecturer, explaining to the ignorant masses and untrained cultivators in the audience exactly what each monster is and what they're capable of
Play music while explaining what the fuck is happening, turn this shit into a documentary and teaching the masses of the real world.
Might've be her suggesting us through her assassin brother we fought (and took the arms of that we could give to monu and feiqing to see what they can cook up)
supporting the lecture with music idea >>6195688
>By hyping up the contestants and the monsters with enough brains to understand you, fanning the killing intent and bloodthirst of the fighters and the crowd

Start out with a Bang!
>By hyping up the contestants and the monsters with enough brains to understand you, fanning the killing intent and bloodthirst of the fighters and the crowd
Ending the vote, tallying the result now.

By hyping up the contestants and the monsters with enough brains to understand you, fanning the killing intent and bloodthirst of the fighters and the crowd:3

Simply sit down and play a trill sonata with Ghost Empress Melody to add to the atmosphere and...maybe make the ghosts a bit harder to fight, Heh-Heh:3

Floating around like a ghost and asking various audience members their thoughts and observations as the contests play out.:1

Simply sit down and play a trill sonata with Ghost Empress Melody to add to the atmosphere and...maybe make the ghosts a bit harder to fight, Heh-Heh:2

So You'll play ghost empress melody and Hype up the contestants and monster smart enough to appreciate it, and give explanations about whats going on when necessary

Update will arrive shortly

And because her mother actually thought it was pretty cool she hired Huan to kill some of her bullies amongst the family. And her brother ended his fight with Huan on pretty good terms with her.
Sitting down just at the edge of the Ring, surrounded by the other contestants who look down with silent trepidation or grinning anticipation as they waited to see just what would emerge from the cells beneath the arena to assail Fu. Slinging your legs over the side, you pull on the ghostly tethers and summon Ghost Empress Melody to you, dragging the enchanted Guqin down through the air to set it down on your lap. Plucking the strings, a fast paced, thrilling tune rises to fill the arena as you adjust the tightness of the strings and begins to dance your fingers across the Guqin, gracefully playing a rapid, heart racing beat as Fu remains half crouched, waiting for his opponents to emerge from the the shadows where they lurk unseen.

"I have high hopes for you, Fu, as my first disciple. And I'm sure all the crowd is excited to see those two axes of yours dancing and singing to the rhythm I've set. You don't want to let your audience down, or disappoint your master, do you? The pride of the palace of natural laws sect is resting on your shoulders, boy! Become a whirlwind of swinging blades and cut these vermin down to the proper size for spiders!" You sing song as you match the tempo and pace of your playing as the ground shifts "Keep on your toes, boy, these demons are born assassins and are half starved and mad for their hunger of fresh, still twitching meat! Muster all your enmity and cut them to pieces Fu"

Fu's eyes flash and he tosses one of his axes up, grabs the other with both hands and springs forward as the sands shift and a massive spider erupts from the ground, ichor drooling from its mandibles and fangs as it lunges for Fu. A collective cry rises from the arena as Fu and the Spider Demon both leave the ground, pouncing at each other. It happens in a moment, but with how exciting it is, almost seems to be performed in slow motion with deliberate, practice moves, like a graceful dance?

Fu slams his axe down, the spider bites into its head, Fu plants his feet on its forelimbs and kicks off, launching upwards, shrouded by a dozen ghostly white hands as his helmet's skull like visor falls in place and he grabs the axe he threw at the start of the match and sends it rocketing at the starved spider devil.

There is a loud crunch, an geyser of ichor, and hiss of hell fire and bile sizzling at the chitin and meat of the demon. Fu lands atop it, Ripping both his axes free and twists his head around. Two of the dead devils more intelligent siblings strike then, strands of silk flying through the air

"It isn't right for a spider, even a demon, to think to catch a man in their webs" You shout "And this warrior will not find himself so easily snared! That is the weakness of most spider demons. They think with their stomachs first in all things. And starved and beaten, they become even more feral in behavior. These ones were so wretched, they didn't even have names! But they're just the starters"

As if on Cue, Fu allows one web to wrap around his arm, clenches his fist and swings his limb turning one spiders into the other, crushing both to mulched meat. He shakes his arm, blood pouring out of the slices in his armor, entirely apathetic to the pain

"And she is the main course! Behold, the spider that has devoured enough rotting meat, moldering bones and tormented souls to attain human form!" You boom, playing your guqin much more intensely and at an even more rapid and frantic pace "The elder sister, enraged by the squashing of her three siblings"

"Hraaaasssssh" The demoness snarls, locking blades with Fu who is pushed back, as she claws and pulls at his armor with her free hands, while swinging the sickles she holds in two of them at him in frantic hurried pace

"Not exactly as elegant as us magical beasts hm? Though our ears, if you notice are the same. This brutish thing has only recently learned to turn her legs into hands" You explain as Fu "See how her teeth drip venom like fangs? Her extra eyes and the chitin plates covering her face, split between grotesquerie and beauty! Yet untouched by the warrior trophies my treasured first disciples bears! Claw marks of a man eating tiger, scars born from sword strikes, knife thrusts, arrow volleys, and a thousand other things!"

"You look like tough meet, ghostwearer!" The spider demon cackles "Not fit to pick my teeth"

"And you are unusually talkative" Fu begins, his eyes flaring behind his visor, and then glowing with a ghostly light, as he speaks with more voices than his own "For a corpse"

The spider demon hisses and hops away, but loses and arm, as the ghosts always hanging onto Fu's back, feeding him their resentment and breath, reach out and tear it off.

"And that is why you should not assail the man possessed by a hundred and eight lost souls so recklessly, my dear" You howl with laughter "Fu bears the grudges of those unjustly slain, the furious souls of the victims of the world. He is the judge and the executioner, listening to their pleas and carrying out their sentences with a single swing of his axes!"

"Shssssss, you're tougher meat than I thought. So much hatred behind those firm eyes. So much enmity. You'd make a fine demon" The demoness taunts, twirling her sickles connected by a chain while Fu rubs his neck, as his ghosts pull away the strands of steel hard spider demon silk that had started to tighten around his throat and arms

"I collect grudges, to bring peace to the dead. My enmity is reserved for the wicked. My hate for all that is wrong in this unjust world. A demon like you, should not be allowed to walk beneath the same sun as the innocent children of the world" Fu replied "So I am going to kill you. Bloodily. To please my master, and all those whose curses still linger in your belly, monster"

"You know how to make a girl feel special, boy, I'll enjoy plucking out your eyes!" She shrieked as she threw herself at Fu, as several lesser spider demons made their moves.

"And my tears shall soak into the earth, my bones shall become dust, my blood will dry and my flesh dissolve" Fu mutters, chanting a mantra as you detect a subtle shift in his aura "Yet this armor of mine, and these axes I wield, shall be possessed by my will forevermore. I am no boy. I am no man. I am not alive. All I am"

He stiffens, a great burst of deathly yin Qi sending the weakest of the spiders to the ground, twitching as they die as he is lifted from the ground ash he allows his ghostly entourage to possess him

"Is the curses and promise of retribution carried on the final breath of the murdered" He roars as he glows with Ghostly Qi from everyone of his scars "Embodying resentment itself, I am naught but an avenging warrior. No hero or legend, merely a punishment"

"The hell is going on Crow killer!?" The demonness squeals as you watch your disciple with sparkling eyes

"Oh my oh my~ this is a surprise even to me! A secret, law defining art! Possession refined! Fu has suffused his being with not only the grudges of their dead, but their very will! He is a vessel for several, hungry ghosts and fierce spirits!" You shout as the fight quickly goes from evenly matched to in Fu's favour, as he mutters in several clear, distinct voices the regrets and grudges of the souls possessing him as he, with one strike each, dispatches the spiders while parrying and deflecting the attacks of the "Main course"

He walks slowly up to her, and she, in defiance to your expectations, does not flee by instead transforms into a more monstrous form, throwing out webs and plum hued venom all around the arena. But Fu doesn't stop as he is cut and sliced to the point other cultivators of his level would have died, and focusing all of his energy into one strike, he collects a swirling vortex of destructive Yin Qi around himself and spins

When the storm of destruction stops, there are just pieces of the still twitching and silently screaming spider demonness. Fu drops to his knees, eyes glowing before he shut them and took a deep breath, exhaling a deep, ink black cloud of grudge energy as he stood up, the ghosts he empowered himself with hanging around him, looking intoxicated as he searched for the demon's chest, and with a single stomp, burst through her ribcage and crushed her heart

All in all, it took Fu four minutes to slay all of the monsters you'd sent against him. A dozen spider demons and the one who could talk and walk like a person.

"Thank you for this chance to bring glory to our temple, Master Huanliuxue!" He declared, pounding a fist on his chest

"Well then, let us see who is joining in the next...Emotofu! The White Jade Devil Opposing Armies kind of scary looking wild child, something in her eyes unsettles even the ghost and corpse loving me!" You declare
"And she'll be fighting....Corpse Puppets, be grateful, Emotufu! For you're going to be dancing with puppets guided by my mother's own expert hands! Not quite Jiangshi, a queer form of necromancy" You cackle as the kind of creepy girl nods and hops down the Arena, wearing robes and armor that are distinctive to her sect, and wielding a large, spiked hammer that is almost as large as she is "Now, my mother is known for her poisons, and the White Jade Devil Opposing Army's forces are known for cutting down devils, but I know that my mother has a hobby of making puppets, but does the pupil of Shengzhanshi know how to fight lifeless corpses? Due you, scary eyed girl? I can tell you've seen death, lots of it, and carry the aroma of it around you, but are you ready to face it here and now!?"

Monu doesn't make it easy for her, moving and dragging the corpses around from her seat beside you, pulling them through the air and making them move in ways impossible for a living creature, the stitched together corpses hidden behind rich, ceremonial looking armor. Emotufu however fights like a demon, berserk and with nearly a ferocity to match Fu or River Bastard's own savagery in battle. It takes her six minutes to Fu's four, but when she's done, she's coated in black, rotted blood, surrounded by pulped, preserved and pickled meat and sunderer armor

"Any more" She asks quietly, wincing. Her robes torn and armor broken, bruises all across her meager chest and a slash across her cheek

"No~" you pur "You may leave the ring in triumph, that was quite the merciless showing, Emotufu-er. Go, be showed in praise by your sectmates, and allow...hm..Hmmm. Xue Li! to enter the ring and begin his test!"

You could feel Xue Long's killing intent from across the arena, and feel his icy gaze upon you, as his grandson strode into the arena, frost gracing his every footstep, eyes locked on the wheel behind you, that spun, jingled and jangled and showed what he'd be up against.

"Carnivorous plants! Oh! He gets to fight some of the weeds from my garden! Good luck Grandnephew!" You declare as you hop up "Lets see if you've inherited your father, Xue Ming's valor and tenacity! I have high expectations for you, boy! After how marvelously and proudly your sire died at my hands! Go! Show me that you Xue's still have your fangs and prune these bloodthirsty weeds!"

After two matches, the crowd had grown accustomed to the brutality, barbarity and bloodshed of these matches promised, and were cheering, jeering or shouting encouragement or curses down at Xue Li, and you could see money changing hands even among your grandnephew's competition

"He has promise, he has a vendetta, that'll give him strength" Fu acknowledges "And I know strength when I see it, his eyes were just like I imagine mine must've been, the day we met. And when I embraced my role as grudge bearer"

"He isn't one of the first to die, Bloodshed" Emotufu notes "I know when someone is just fodder to be cut down"

"And he" She says lifting up her bandaged hand, twitching one of her broken, nearly bruised black finger "Is like me and this walking corpse"

"I...I am still alive you know, I just happen to have a lot of scars and...you know what, why should I waste my breath" Fu tries to explain before sourly cutting himself off to watch the match. Meanwhile, you tapped your nails on Ghost Empress Melody. Thinking about it, and the two Xue's you've personally killed already and the wave of killing intent you felt from Xue Long, you might need to leap into action to protect Xue Li if Fu and Emotufu's measure of his abilities and character are inaccurate. And if you do that...well every other master whose disciple enters the ring will expect you to rescue their students if they're at risk of dying horribly.

You don't think Xue Li will need saving, but...if you have to save him, it'd set precedence.

What do you decide to do, Huanliuxue?

>That they knew the risks when they entered this tournament, and if they die, they die. simple as that.

>That it'd be a waste of potential, and that you would leap to their defense if they were about to die. [good karma action]

>That mortal wounds and grievous injuries would be a good chance to show off your new healing methods!

>That death isn't the end, and a few deaths now could normalize the practice of Ghost Cultivating if you played your cards right!

>Write in
>>That it'd be a waste of potential, and that you would leap to their defense if they were about to die. [good karma action]
I mean I don't think we advertised this tournament as a death match. Accidental deaths are one thing, watching someone fail to death is another.
>We can heal mortal wounds and immense disfigurements. But to save them from the point of death would actually be to their detriment. If they know there is a safety net then they won't appreciate their brush with death.

So save them yeah, but only at the very last possible minute, and ensuring the other competitors don't realise that's what we did. Facing death head on, or.spending an hour without their arm should be a formative experience.

One can argue it's still good karma but even if not, I don't want their chance here to safely consider their own mortality to be wasted.
>That it'd be a waste of potential, and that you would leap to their defense if they were about to die. [good karma action]
>>That it'd be a waste of potential, and that you would leap to their defense if they were about to die. [good karma action]
>"Oh my oh my~ this is a surprise even to me! A secret, law defining art! Possession refined! Fu has suffused his being with not only the grudges of their dead, but their very will! He is a vessel for several, hungry ghosts and fierce spirits!"
I guess Fu learned from the time we accidentally got him posessed. One step closer to seeing what monster would result if he could withstand the Rooster General's grudge (or maybe Ao's?)
>"I...I am still alive you know, I just happen to have a lot of scars and...you know what, why should I waste my breath" Fu tries to explain before sourly cutting himself off to watch the match.
Poor Fu... Emotufu (which I keep misreading as Emo tofu) hit him with a low blow.
>That mortal wounds and grievous injuries would be a good chance to show off your new healing methods!
>That death isn't the end, and a few deaths now could normalize the practice of Ghost Cultivating if you played your cards right!

This post made me finally realize I had been reading her name wrong the entre time
>>That death isn't the end, and a few deaths now could normalize the practice of Ghost Cultivating if you played your cards right!
so its
3 for good karma
2 for let em die
2 for showing off healing.
I cannot wait for the day that heaven tries to judge us for our sins, only to find transcendent kindness in the form of our unmatched karma
What he >>6197404 said. Having the brush with death is part of the process.

>implying they'll get to judge us in the first place
I expect them to try some move that has effects on "evil" spirits and demons. at least one of them.
I expect all of them to be slapped in the face when the Righteous Judgment of the Heavenly Dao - Eradicating All Sins Beneath the Azure Skies skill is used against us with zero effect.
>That it'd be a waste of potential, and that you would leap to their defense if they were about to die. [good karma action]
Star shooter already did that when we charged at the heavens.
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Ending the vote, tallying the result now.

Thank you for the assist, Junior

That it'd be a waste of potential, and that you would leap to their defense if they were about to die: 4

We can heal mortal wounds and immense disfigurements. But to save them from the point of death would actually be to their detriment. If they know there is a safety net then they won't appreciate their brush with death/ That mortal wounds and grievous injuries would be a good chance to show off your new healing methods!.:3

That death isn't the end, and a few deaths now could normalize the practice of Ghost Cultivating if you played your cards right!:2

So you'll intervene if it looks like any of the contestants are actually going to die, bring Huan up to a total of 14 good karma acts

Update will arrive shortly
Besides there is almost nothing you hate in this world more than wasted potential. It was one reason the heaven's mistreatment of magical beasts ticked you off so much and made them your immortal enemies, besides of that it was a matter of pride and distant filial piety, as well as self preservation. Yes. If Xue Li, or any who followed him, were at risk of dying, you allow them to get injured enough to learn a lesson through their brush of death, then heroically leap to their defense. Which will surely do wonders for your reputation and make any sect whose students you saved indebted to you and the palace of natural laws, Heh-Heh-Heh. And that's just a nice bonus to go alongside with ensuring not talent or potential is wasted on what's supposed to be a relatively friendly contest.

Xue Li, however, doesn't need rescuing. He fairs well and fights admirably against the most foul tempered and nasty man eating plants dragged out of your orchard. His clan and sect's traditional ice and snow based techniques are a natural counter to the snapping fly traps large enough to swallow up a large dog whole and he ends up being nearly as quick as Fu was in dispatching them. Xia Xiaoling is next, and she ends up being set up against some of the grave disturbing, corpse eating ghouls taken from the Primordial basin. There is more of a stir amongst the crowd, and especially the more well traveled cultivators and folklorists, to try and figure out what it is Xiaoling is up against than there is over the risk of her dying in the ring. She handles herself well, but is the slowest to complete the challenge thus far.

And you help keep the tension and hype at a feverish pitch for each round that follows, with their being some close calls, like Shi Nianzu, nearly being brought low by a memory eating devil or Bomu Yanmei nearly losing their head when they're fighting a particularly furious breed of the same sort of Ant that Tiexingege was originally but managing to drown it in a mire of mud he created with a well performed water sorcery.

The crowd almost seems to forget what's at risk, and the contestants do as well, the contests enter the final quarter without nary a fatality but with many injuries. And you're having the time of your life playing Ghost Empress Melody and taunting the contestants, the monsters they're fighting and talking them up and boasting in their place as the good people of Chuan kingdom go rabid with bloodthirst and cheer so loud they must be hearing it in both heaven and hell, shaking the stands and chanting the names and titles you give to each contestant while you encourage them with your running commentary and fast paced, combative style of Guqin playing.

But eventually, someone's life is threatened. Whether due to cockiness, inexperience or merely a bad match up, it was bound to happen. And in this instance, its due to your fan girl Wu Yeliang, who had no fighting skills by spell casting and bragged about it, being set against...

Well a particular breed of hungry spirit. There kindred to Yujijiao, being a ghost that embodies and was born of famine. A ghost Ping had captured and brought back as cultivation material and for treatment to try and salvage their sanity. And it turned out they were a remorseless cannibal when you brought them back to a measure of stability, so you decided to make them fight as a tournament as one of the challenges.

And, just like Yujijiao is capable of, the unrepentant cannibal is able to devour both Qi and Life force. And in short order, after glutting on Yeliang's Qi and Magic, begins to drain her of her life force. Her fellow witches watch, terrified as the crowd goes silent when faced seeing one of the contestants moments away from a gruesome, agonizing death at the hands of a twisted, deformed specter

You wait until you can feel her heart beat still and her meridians flicker as the last breathes of life and Qi are dragged out of her mouth in a grotesque mockery of a kiss, to intervene.

Snapping your fingers, you perform a single step of Cat's court: Phantom Cat Waltz (猫 法院: 幽灵猫圆舞曲, Māofǎyuàn: Yōulíngmāoyuánwǔ qǔ) and switch places with a ghost light on the edge of the arena. Performing the Youlingmaobu, you enter the ring behind the mummified ghost, their monstrous face hidden by a funerary veil except for the lamprey like mouth clamped around Night Sprite's face. There eyes are pitch black, hers are rolled back, and her veins are bulging through her skin as the phantom feeds.

You reach down and clamp your hand around their throat.

"Enough!" You command, and with careful Qi control, evaporate the hungry ghost's ethereal form with a supercharged bolt of Blood Qi, shooting a carmine spear through the back of their skull before ripping them off Yuliang and toss them aside, as they're reduced to wavering ghost light.

There is a long period of silence as you clap your hands together and breath in deeply, then exhale a wave of Blood Qi into the near dead witch's mouth. Color returns to her face, and her eyes refocus as she blinks and scrambles, trying to get out of your arms as you lean with your face just an inch above her own, funneling life energies and healing magic directly into her.

"Wu Yeliang, of the Innocent Witch Court Sect, you have failed to slay your chosen monster, and are hereby disqualified!" You declare loudly as you drop her and turn away "Return to your sect, in shame, as the first to fail the challenge to exterminate their opponent"

She blinks and stammers, tongue stuck in her throat before she blurts out "T...thank you oh most merciful master for saving my life"

You ignore her as you return to you spot in the stands, and also ignore the numerous people who try to talk to you after, to thank you or ask questions or express their disbelief of your actions or your choice to save Wu Yeliang, with one or two being outraged that you did intervene.

You quiet them with a cold, imperious glare, and the games continue.

And you end up having to save and disqualify three more contestants. And when the last one finishes. You find there's a four way time, since the winner is determined by how long it took them to slay the monsters they faced.

It's between Fu, Bìléizhēn, Xia Hai and Shidi Xiaodao, since they finished with the exact same time, down to the same second. And while you letting some anticipation build over what should be done to determine the final victor, one of Jionghuagege's daughters buzzes by your ear and cheerfully tells you

"Mama is back! With Grandpa"


Oh they found five colors that quickly? You were expecting the Gege's to be away for at least a month or two, maybe even an entire year or more that is...this is. Most unexpected.

Double vote

How do you decide the winner of the monster slaying contests

>By popular vote

>By making them all fight a variety of monsters, at the same time, the winner decided by who kills the most

>Just pick Fu. You're allowed to chose favourites

>Have them fight a few more rounds, and decide the victor by whose the quickest in those fight

>Decide they all deserve recognition, and give them all a suitable epithet for their acomplishment, as well as the original prize

>Write in

And now that five colors is here, what do you do, Huanliuxue??

>Meet him privately and explain the situation with the five gods

>Bring Shi Tangmushi and one of the Chuan family to meet him to

>Figure out how the gege's found him first, and give him a chance to observe the tournament, incognito

>Be dramatic about it, and pick a fight with the five worthless former gods, so he can intervene

>Write in
>Have them fight more monsters at the same time

>Give him a chance to view the tourney incognito.
>and ask if he can meet her students
>>By making them all fight a variety of monsters, at the same time, the winner decided by who kills the most
Horde shooter mode.

>Meet him privately and explain the situation with the five gods
He can still watch the tournament if he wants to before going to talk to these goof balls.
>By making them all fight a variety of monsters, at the same time, the winner decided by who kills the most
>Figure out how the gege's found him first, and give him a chance to observe the tournament, incognito
>Make them fight a cooperative last stand against an onslaught of monsters, whoever's name is most cheered afterwards gets the win.

>Meet him privately and explain the situation with the five gods
He was probably already spectating, I mean this is the hottest event in the last millennia basically.
>Have them fight a few more rounds, and decide the victor by whose the quickest in those fight
>Decide they all deserve recognition, and give them all a suitable epithet for their acomplishment, as well as the original prize
The Four Dragons of Chuan, give the top four rewards, but then have them still compete for #1

>Figure out how the gege's found him first, and give him a chance to observe the tournament, incognito
Old man has been isolated for so long, let us envigorate him by reminding him of the days of his youth when he too competed in tournaments like these.
>Have them fight a few more rounds, and decide the victor by whose the quickest in those fight
Just in case the matchups influenced the time

>Meet him privately and explain the situation with the five gods
>By making them all fight a variety of monsters, at the same time, the winner decided by who kills the most
>Meet him privately and explain the situation with the five gods
>ask if he wants to watch some fights to get the blood pumping.
>By making them all fight a variety of monsters, at the same time, the winner decided by who kills the most

>Figure out how the gege's found him first, and give him a chance to observe the tournament, incognito

Let's give Grandpa a good showing.
>By making them all fight a variety of monsters, at the same time, the winner decided by who kills the most
The most dramatic finish!

>Figure out how the gege's found him first, and give him a chance to observe the tournament, incognito.
>Meet him privately and explain the situation with the five gods
Ending the vote, tallying its result now

By making them all fight a variety of monsters, at the same time, the winner decided by who kills the most:6

Make them fight a cooperative last stand against an onslaught of monsters, whoever's name is most cheered afterwards gets the win.:1

Have them fight a few more rounds, and decide the victor by whose the quickest in those fight:2

Decide they all deserve recognition, and give them all a suitable epithet for their acomplishment, as well as the original prize:1
- 4 dragons of chuan:1

Figure out how the gege's found him first, and give him a chance to observe the tournament, incognito:5

Ask if he can meet your students:1

Meet him privately and explain the situation with the five gods:5

ask if he wants to watch some fights to get the blood pumping.:1

So the winner of the monster slaying competition will be decided by who can kill the most while they all fight a variety of monsters in the ring

And you'll figure out how the Gege's found the Strongest God, and before giving him a chance to watch the tournament incognito, meet him privately and explain the situation with the five fallen martial dieties

Update will arrive shortly
Well the situation with the four way tie can be resolved easily enough. Fu, Bileizhen, Shidi Xiaodao and Xia Hai will just enter the ring at the same time and be set upon by the left over monsters that are around the same level of strength and danger as a foundation establishment cultivator. And whoever kills the most will be crowned the winner. You declare as such to the crowd, which is when the four competitors learn their fight isn't yet over. Not that any of them are displeased by this turn of events, Fu especially looks thrilled when he hears he'll be allowed to kill more monsters and have a chance to show off to the crowd and his sister Ju. And it does bring a smile to your face, seeing all four of the men acting with such sportsmanship and gentlemanly manner as they prepare to return to the fray, all of them swearing an oath to save the others if they fall and to only launch attacks at the monsters. It seems the final bout will be one that redefines honor and grace. A shame you will miss most of it. Because you have much more pressing matters to attend to.

"How me and Tie-Tie found grandfather colors?" Jionghuagege asks. repeating your question back to you as she relaxes on a couch, attended to by two of her daughters, who bring her honey and dew to sup upon, as the moonrabbits nap around her in their natural state, seemingly soothed by the ancient gods present

"I could just tell you" Said god says "I noticed they were looking for me, and thought they might have been in need of a lesson. Didn't think I had an invitation to this event. But, if it wasn't for my students declaring there was a matter of desperate and vital import, I would've not have come"

"You don't like crowds, do you, old man?" Tie-Tie grunts as she gnaws on a piece of sap rich wood, honing her mandibles and the scythe like blades sprouting from her chitin covered limbs, her antenna waving in the air as she speaks

"I've grown accustomed to my own company, young ant queen" He answers with a nod "Does that answer your curiosity, Huanliuxue?"

"But how did you know they were looking for you" You ask, stretching out and yawning, tail flicking and claws extended

"Oh! I want to answer this one. Well Huan-Huan, we were just calling out for him and waving our arms in the air. Me and Tie-Tie ran out of ideas quickly, when he didn't show up after we brought a lot of honey" Jionghuagege explains, before Tiexingege interrupts with a loud snap of her mandibles

"And meat, and a few other things. Even sparred and tried to act like it was a real fight" She adds

"I thought they were playing around" Five colors answers, smiling pleasantly "And that isn't how I knew they wanted my attention, I was curious to see what they'd do"

"So you were watching them all this time?" You ask

"A master is always aware of his students whereabouts and their travels" He answers with a polite nod "So, reformer, tell me, what is so important to summon a god to earth"

Says a god whose exiled himself from the heavens and spent longer than ten generations down on earth in his private garden

"Some former gods, stripped of their divinity, are attending my tournament. And besides wanting to show of this tournament of mine, I realize the five idiot deities aren't...well they need guidance, and there's only one god I trust in existence to lead them back to the righteous path away from" You begin, and shudder as Five Colors releases an ounce of his displeasure. Not causing a natural disaster, but causing the living, bleeding walls around you to spasm and discolor as if bruised

"The youngsters brought up by whomsoever reshaped the celestial bureaucracy and the laws of the world to fit their own prejudice and brought all heaven and earth under their heel. Those who betrayed their fellow daoists at all level, and slew divine beast and human immortal alike, to render the nine heavens a clean slate" He answers, wagging a finger, clearly furious beyond measure and only just within reason "That accursed brat of mine and his four friends who act as if all their selfish acts were done in mine name and by mine own command, who have perverted the natural order and crippled cultivation for generations by naming much of it as "Demonic", the very same sages who named you three lovely princesses to be an outlawed existence and a breed of demon? Those gods, raised upon a lie within an unjust heavens"

"...Yeah" You answer, stunned still by even being close to an angry five colors. He simply nods, grandfatherly expression never leaving his face despite him putting out enough killing intent it makes you feel uncomfortable, and You pal around with a seething mass of malevolence and bloodthirst like Ao most of the time.

"My my young Huanliuxue! So forgiving, I knew I saw a glint of magnanimity and true benevolence when were met, when you spoke of righting the injustices of the world and protecting those unloved by the heavens. I am proud to see you overcame your innately fickle nature as a cat to remain upon the righteous path. You're growing to be a worthy ruler and liege" He laughs, clapping his hands "With how potent a grudge you hold against the heavens, it'd be no surprise if you asked my assistance or guidance in striking them down. Even a former gods body, possess innumerable treasures, that would be invaluable for cultivation"

"They're Naive like children, ignorant and unaware of the state in their world and a god's proper place within it" You answer firmly, unshaken from the path you've chosen "My grudge is against the five dipshits and the heavens over all, not the coddle divinities who barely know how to wash their own ass and were made useless by the universal coddling and stagnancy the five heaven's defyingly massive piles of shit have enforced on the three realms and all the world"


"How very in character. Your protective, maternal instinct is one of your most defining features and strongest qualities of your might dao heart, child" He chortles, but then his eyes glint "However, while i greatly respect your gumption to demand an audience with I, the mightiest of all gods, and always enjoy speaking with a bright young girl like yourself, and seeing your flourish bring me great joy, however...."

"However?" You repeat, wondering where he is leading with that

"I require recompense. And before you promise the heaven or earth or turn down the offer. All I ask for is but one favor, that only you can do" He continues, pressing a finger to your snout and closing it with light application of spiritual pressure

"What favor could a god possibly ask of a mortal, even one as great and glorious as myself?" You question. He shakes his head and laughs

"As small as a grain of sand, as vast as the universe. You'll know what I wish from you, if you accept. I will only help these wayward, lesser divinities, if you agree to this term" He sneers, reminding you that, like all gods' Five colors has the ability to be a right pain in the ass.

Well, Huanliuxue?

>Play a guessing game to define the sort of favor he is asking

>Agree, since there is no challenge you can't defeat and no deed you cannot achieve

>Refuse, certainly not because you're a little afraid.

>"When did you figure out it was your bastard son who lead the usurpation of the heavens?"

>Write in
>>Play a guessing game to define the sort of favor he is asking
He wants us to spare his dumb descendant? The ogress. He wants us to name Huan's inevitable firstborn after him? He wants us to go to hell and say hello to his dead waifu? He wants us to make hamburgers a staple food of Chuan? He wants us to write his name on the moon?
>Play a guessing game to define his wish.

Why not, sounds fun. I'd accept it anyway because we like him and he never means ill intent.

Let him scratch our stomach? Skip the spirit severing stage completely? Not wipe the ling out by the roots? Share our dao?
Forgive somebody?
>play a guessing game

>"*huff*, very well you may pat my irresistibly soft belly. But only once."
>Play a guessing game to define the sort of favor he is asking
>Play a guessing game to define his wish.

Cats love games.
>Play a guessing game to define the sort of favor he is asking
>Play a guessing game to define the sort of favor he is asking
He wants to scritch our ears and pet our belly?
>Play a guessing game to define the sort of favor he is asking
>Play a guessing game to define the sort of favor he is asking
I'm guessing him to ask for something like a peck on the cheek
>"When did you figure out it was your bastard son who lead the usurpation of the heavens?"
Makes sense that our final boss would also be a Ling.
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Ending the vote, tallying its results now

Play a guessing game to define the sort of favor he is asking:9
-"*huff*, very well you may pat my irresistibly soft belly. But only once.":1

When did you figure out it was your bastard son who lead the usurpation of the heavens?":1

so playing a guessing game with the highest of the divine wins by a landslide

Update will arrive shortly
"Hmm, let me guess. You want me to spare one of your idiotic descendants?" You venture, one paw raised under your chin and tail flicking playfully "Perhaps the ogress or the current head of the Ling Clan?"

"Heavens no. I will not deny you your grievances against my far distant progeny, and you are allied with some of my lineage, so it is not as if my bloodline is facing extermination. And the one you call the ogress...she reminds me a lot of my tragically deceased wife, at her worst" He answers with a smile "Shall we make a game of this"

"I was hoping we would, hm, so if it isn't sparing your kind from my wrath or at least letting a particularly skilled one survive to sow their potential further" You answer, tittering as you try to figure out your next guess as you speak with five colors "My first born is to be named in your honor"

"You'll have a litter, unless you conceive as a human" He answers educationally "And I would not sully the roll of a beastial line with the name of he whose blood began their oppression"

"Want me to search every corner of the hells for your honey, the supreme devil mind?" You chirp, absolutely delighted by the game your planning as The Geges and a few of their daughters watch, eyes bouncing between you and their godly teacher

"Moxin has surely been reincarnated dozens of times already, but it'll be centuries still until she has spent enough negative karma to be reborn human" He answers with mournful frown "Try again"

"Want me to etch your name on the moon?" You guess, tapping a claw on your chin

"Oh I've wandered far beyond the moon already, love what you've done to decorate it. The transformed Jade rabbits are absolutely adorable, mayhaps I'll meet the flock you've adopted and brought to the mortal realm" He snickers "Another guess"

"Skip another stage of cultivation?" You ask and he laughs

"Even you would spend a few lifetimes trying. Core formation was the last realm that could be feasibly ascended through in the manner you were capable of" He explains with joy glinting in his eyes "try another'

"Share one of my daos? Learn to forgive" You ask and he shakes his head, looking offended

"I may as well ask a fish to renounce water or a bird to clip their wings, grudges and resentment define you, Huanliuxue, more than your claws and fur. And It'd be most untoward to demand a cultivate reveal their unique insights of the dao to others" He explains with a grandfather's gentleness "Would you like to concede and"

"No no, I've almost got it" You snap, waving your paw in the air and wince as you realize you can't imagine what a god might want, especially one as powerful and wise as Five Colors "Uh...Aha! I know, it is something that all beneath and within the heavens desire! To scratch between my ears and rub the peerlessly soft and downy fur on my stomach!"

"I will admit, I have felt the temptation" He chuckles, rubbing his chin, eyes twinkling "Ascended House Cats were once renowned for the quality of their coats, the first of your kind took particular pride in it...But no"

"Then what could you possibly want from me" You say, stopping yourself from calling the strongest creature in existence an old fart

"Turn the delusions and mistaken belief of your many worshippers into truth and reality" He answers with a malicious grin that could've made Ao in the deepest throws of bloodthirst seem like a tremble, close eyed kitten "And ascended to divinity. Become a true goddess. These misguided children think the heavens must approve, authorize and assist in the deification of any mortal great enough to reach even the lowest of the nine heavens. They are incorrect. Woefully so. You are already on the path, simply from the earnest and zealous faith of your worshippers, which you've absorbed unknowingly. It is a small amount of faith, yes, but it is a better start than some of the gods I knew had"

"Oh. Okaaaay~" You say blankly, not knowing what you expected but knowing it was certainly not that

"So, do you accept? He asks, patting you on the head with a much less fight or flight instinct triggering grin on his wrinkled, age worn face "It'll certainly enrage the gods above"

Double vote

Do you accept?



>Yes but ask how one actually becomes a daoist immortal/ diety

>Yes, but demand he doesn't assist you in anyway, for pride's sake

>Write in

And what do you do now Huanliuxue?

>Declare the winner of the monster slaying contests, reward them, then proceed to the random team battles and rest of the foundation establishment bracket

>Follow Five colors as he goes to scold the five fallen gods, just to see their reactions (can only be chosen if you accept his favor)

>Introduce Ao to Five Colors. Cause sometimes its fun to mix oil with water and then toss it all onto a fire.

>Introduce Five colors to the moon rabbits in your care

>Write in
>Follow Five colors as he goes to scold the five fallen gods, just to see their reactions (can only be chosen if you accept his favor)
"Oh! That's not a favour grandpa! I was going to do that anyway."

>Declare the winner of the monster slaying contests, reward them, then proceed to the random team battles and rest of the foundation establishment bracket
Declare a recess in between to:
>Follow Five colors as he goes to scold the five fallen gods, just to see their reactions (can only be chosen if you accept his favor)
I mean, I GUESS. I wouldn't want to call ourselves a goddess though. Maybe Imperial Divinity? Ascendant Queen of the Wheel? The Fluffiest? Our Lady in Heaven? Nance?

>Introduce Ao to Five Colors. Cause sometimes its fun to mix oil with water and then toss it all onto a fire.

>Introduce Five colors to the moon rabbits in your care
He did say he wanted to meet the rabbits. So we can give everyone a little break between contests to use the bathroom and get some refreshments while FC deals with the fallen gods and plays with the rabbits. And I can't help but want to show off Ao. So FC can raise an eyebrow and make a comment about how opposites attract when Ao's karma threatens to burn a hole in goodness itself kek
>>Yes but ask how one actually becomes a daoist immortal/ diety
guys, we can agree and learn more. might as well get some more info

>Follow Five colors as he goes to scold the five fallen gods, just to see their reactions (can only be chosen if you accept his favor)
>Yes, but how tho?

>Introduce Ao.
It's very fun.
>Go and watch the scolding.

The thing that convinced me was when he said it would piss off the gods.
Wasn't that our goal already anyway?
>Follow Five colors as he goes to scold the five fallen gods, just to see their reactions (can only be chosen if you accept his favor)
>Yes but ask how one actually becomes a daoist immortal/ diety
>Introduce Five colors to the moon rabbits in your care
>Declare the winner of the monster slaying contests, reward them, then proceed to the random team battles and rest of the foundation establishment bracket
>Follow Five colors as he goes to scold the five fallen gods, just to see their reactions (can only be chosen if you accept his favor)
Ending and tallying the vote now


Yes but ask how one actually becomes a daoist immortal/ deity:3


Follow Five colors as he goes to scold the five fallen gods, just to see their reactions :6

Declare the winner of the monster slaying contests, reward them, then proceed to the random team battles and rest of the foundation establishment bracket:2

Introduce Ao to Five Colors. Cause sometimes its fun to mix oil with water and then toss it all onto a fire.:3

Introduce Five colors to the moon rabbits in your care:2

So you'll accept five colors request and tag along to watch the scolding of the five former gods take place

Update will arrive shortly
"Cats are born to be worshipped, ever cultivators goal is the heavens, and I have a bone to pick with the current administration, you're just asking me to do what I've been planning from the start. If you'd like, you can ask another favor of me, Grandfather" You declare with a boisterous laugh as Jionghuagege watches, eyes sparkling like she's watched a theatric performance of one of her favorite chivalric stories of romance and Tiexingege just looks like you've given her a challenge to meet and surpass

"Oh why would I? I am curious to see exactly what breed and variety of divinity you will become, in the end. There seems to be an utter lack of originality and diversity in the nine heavens of this era, they've become stagnant over the overly strict and controlling laws placed around cultivation and all life" He answers with a smile "And it is better that all I say is tell you that becoming a deity through your own power and deeds is possible, else I might influence the end result of your most miraculous and peerless cultivation, Huan-er"

"You are literally the only being in existence who I'll ever allow to call me that, not even my own mother has the right" You answer with a friendly smile "But very well, I'll just tell anyone who argues that ascending to the heavens goes against the flow of nature or the Dao that you've given me your blessings, Heh-Heh"

"Then, after I have finished having tea with my students, I will go and scold the youngster gods" He says with a nod "Would you care to join us?"

"Oh I wouldn't miss their whipping for the world" You purr, grinning and showing your fangs as Five color raises a finger then lowers it with a chuckle

"Well, there were two ways to hear that sentence, I suppose" He says with a shrug. Of course, dealing with even fallen deities is a volatile and dangerous at the best of times, even former gods are still natural born power houses, even if they're naive, weepy and currently recovering from a heaven's defying hangover Heh-Heh

And you don't want the tournament to be remembered as one where a bunch of super powered lunatics claiming divinity killed a few thousand bystanders and the best and brightest of the new generation. So you first lure the five away from your new temple and garden. Which is easily enough done by offering them gifts and compliments through some of the prettier disciples under your command, and Lanfen is happy to volunteer after you impress upon her the importance of schmoozing these particular guests.

And then, you just lead them to some of the old growth of the Primordial Forest of the Tragic lovers and wait with Five Colors there. Ao is also watching, but from a distance. Since even he isn't crazy enough of a ghost to want to pick a fight with grandpa five colors and he admitted to being tempted to picking one with the five former divinities, so you told him to wait a few leagues away. Just to be safe.

"Lady Lanfen, are you sure a secret grove heavenly spirit fruits of Twelfth grade celestial quality is out here, we've been walking for hours. Why can we not just fly and carry you"Dìqiú Làng the earth breaker complains as you lay back, wearing your plainest set of out daoist robes as you snack on a peach you split in half to share with five colors

"I am certain, Sir Diqui" You hear Lanfen's unmistakable lofty and aristocratic voice carry through the woods

"Hah! Can we take a break for lunch, the meat buns you bought us are getting cold!" Xiānnù the immortal fury complains even louder than her brute companion

"Is all you to ever think of food and comfort?" Shen Mao the god lance balks "Surely it is just up ahead"

"We may be walking for days" Jié Wáng the martial king sighs "We've walked further before, and if there is truly a secret orchard of fruit grown from pits spat out by our fellow gods in ages past, it will be far from civilization and the sects that populate the mortal world and...Why have you stopped, brother"

"Miss Lanfen, hold. There's something in the air" Xīng Shèshǒu the star shooter, the piece of shit that tried to shoot you out of the sky says slowly, either your or five colors cultivation aura "The scent of blood and decay. I know that spiritual stain anywhere. That Qi can only belong to..."

"Me!" You greet as he notches and arrow and you flick a pit his way. His eyes sharpen, he draws and fires. You flick a finger and cut the arrow in twain with a sliver of cosmic qi sharpened down into a blade, creating a void space in the air that tears the arrow apart at the binds connecting its matter together

"Huanliuxue!" He roars, and Jie Wang is at his side, sword drawn and blazing with golden Qi. Shen Mao circles the head of his spear in the air, and Diqui Lang raises up his hammer, and Xiannu bites down on a pork bun as Lanfen tries to not panic or faint from fright

"What, its my tournament, and you idiots aren't exactly acting low key" You snort, biting hard into another peach, its juices spraying on your face and dribbling down your chin "I've had my suspicions you five were the stars that fell from the skies the first time I went against the will of the heavens and faced a diving tribulation, since the moment you signed up for my games. I may be a beast, but I am one of the smartest things in existence, darlings~"

"You dare!" Jie wang roars "Use one of your own students to lure us into a trap?"

"No, I had Lanfen lead you to a nice meditation and napping spot" You snicker, floating up in the air with drifting like a cotton seed "I didn't tell her to lie about their being ultra rare divine quality spirit fruits. And if I wanted a fight or you dead, don't you think I'd have been more proactive"

They keep on their toes, fangs and claws bared in your direction as you casually finish your snack and suck the juices from your fingers

"I didn't even want to meet you five morons" you say, sticking out your tongue and dodging another arrow "I was just repaying some debts I owe and setting up a meeting with you and a friend of mine"

"A demon!" Xiannu shouts. Stupid little girl!

"Hah! You intend to feed us to your repugnant demonic ancestor! Hah! Well we shall not be so easily overcome and made into a meal, you wretch" Diqui Lang booms, trying to sound clever for once in his long life. Star shooter however, just narrows his eyes further while Marital king and God lance look around for hidden threats, okay, so there are some brains shared between the five, since those three noticed they don't sense any demonic Qi. Just a whole lot of ghostly yin energies

"No" Five colors says and you nearly faint from bliss as he reveals his halo and his actual worthwhile divinity resonates through the air along with the soundwaves of his voice. Oh. So that is why people still adore the shitty gods. And the five dieties fall to their knees, and Lanfen. Well she does faint from bliss, with a content smile on her face

You glance in five colors direction and are nearly blinded as his true divine form is revealed, thankfully hidden by a corona of golden light, as he floats down from the ancient tree on a rainbow colored lotus blossom of light, one hundred and eight arms of every kind of valuable gem forming prayer signs or making hand signs or holding divine treasures in the boundary of his divine halo.

"And I would appreciate if you stop baselessly accusing your fellow daoist of treachery and ill intent. I am the five colors emperor. The liege and higher power you supposedly serve as deities"

They look at him with tears and start stumbling over themselves to try and beg for their god hood

"How pathetic gods have become in my long absence from the heavens"

And that strikes them dumb as you howl with laughter, holding your gut as you float above their heads, thrown around by even the slightest expression of five colors awesome powers

"I am gravely disappointed in you layabouts, in all of the pantheon and celestial bureaucracy, for not once thinking to check if I was actually present upon my so called throne. For not once questioning the insane mandates I supposedly spoke nor ever visited the world beneath their palaces to do as gods should and directly intervene in the matters of the world, when faith and prayer are given. To allow the kingdom once united to grow bloated and indolent, to neuter cultivation and progress and enforce a peace that has pulled the fangs of humanity and worse"

Oh fuck. No no no! He's talking himself into getting actually angry! Last time he was upset like this, he unleashed a thousand natural calamities and disasters upon the world

"Five colors" You say sweetly

"Haaaah, we will speak of the worse of your generations offenses, elsewhere" he growls "there is all the time in the world for me to scold you and impress upon you just how far fallen you were from the gods I knew and taught and raised. You hate Huanliuxue, for no reason! I was friends with many magical beasts like her, my wife raised one herself. I raised many from base beastdom! I enjoyed their company, they were always and remain as our fellow daoists"

The five gods, cowering, just stare in disbelief, comprehending his words but not understanding what he means or why the supreme, peerless divinity has suddenly appeared before them

"I am honestly shocked that the fight buddha himself has not appeared again to cast down your mockery of a celestial realm for the murder committed against so many who might follow in his footsteps. And what is this about Buddhists being the enemy of daoists! I practiced Buddhism as well, you stupid...Haaaah"

"Huanliuxue" he says, rubbing his temple "This is going to take sometime, about as long as a meal. But I shall control my wroth"

And five colors is really scary when he's mad. So you take Lanfen, and tell the old man you'll talk with the five younger gods after he's down pulling their ears and explaining to them in excruciating detail all the injustices committed by the current rule of heaven and the laws they put in place as well as the actual purpose and duty of gods.

It turned out, while you were away from the tournament. The tie breaker had finished. Narrowly, by a single kill, Fu had won. Followed shortly behind by a two way tie between Xia Hai and Shidi Xiaodao, with Bileizhen taking third place only because he killed one less than Xia and Shidi. And you're furious that the five former deities made miss such an exciting match!

Fu has attained Foundation Establishment stage rank 6

Double vote

What reward do you give to Fu for his victory

>Access to Blood qi

>Access to Cosmic Qi

>The title of "Ghost Prince of Slaughter". And give the other three less titles

>One of the sects treasures/ A new artifact made from a part of you

>Write in

And as the tournament continues to the random team battles and other games of foundation establishment, what do you do, Huanliuxue?

>Ask Ao his thoughts of Five colors and get to know one of your new disciples better (Who)

>place some bets before you miss the chance to.

>Play with the moon rabbits and decide you should start training them as cultivators.

>See what that crazy reborn demon is doing, you haven't seen him in awhile and he hasn't caused any trouble either, which is...troubling!

>Write in
>>Access to Cosmic Qi
What's better than ghosts? Space ghosts. From coast to coast. I mean if he wants it. If he doesn't we can give him a new belt made from our fur or something cool like that.

>See what that crazy reborn demon is doing, you haven't seen him in awhile and he hasn't caused any trouble either, which is...troubling!
Please do not try to kill someone important. I am not worried about them dying, just this fool getting his blood somewhere it shouldn't be.
>Access to blood.Qi
Fu is Yang as fuck. Give him.more Yang.

>Find thst reborn demon
>Access to Blood qi
Of Grudges and blood.
Fu is about going blow for blow. Cosmic is cool. but blood is his specialty.

>Play with the moon rabbits and decide you should start training them as cultivators.
Now if you DO want some cosmic trained cultivators boy do I got some rabbits from space.
>Access to Blood qi
>Play with the moon rabbits and decide you should start training them as cultivators.
>Access to Cosmic Qi
>Play with the moon rabbits and decide you should start training them as cultivators.
>Access to Cosmic Qi

>See what that crazy reborn demon is doing, you haven't seen him in awhile and he hasn't caused any trouble either, which is...troubling!
>>Access to Blood qi
>>Play with the moon rabbits and decide you should start training them as cultivators.
>>One of the sects treasures/ A new artifact made from a part of you
I remember WAY back we had the chance to make a charm from a fang (which I assume we can regrow at this stage). that or some of our fur since Fu probably won't need new axes for a minute.
>See what that crazy reborn demon is doing, you haven't seen him in awhile and he hasn't caused any trouble either, which is...troubling!
>Access to Cosmic Qi
>Play with the moon rabbits and decide you should start training them as cultivators.
>Access to Blood qi
>Play with the moon rabbits and decide you should start training them as cultivators.

Fu is a Chad as always, and helping teach our kids some proper Cultivation is fun.
right, so The sheet and pastebin have been updated.
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Ending the vote, tallying the result now. Sorry for being a little late, didn't feel well. Think it was dehydration.

Access to Cosmic Qi:4

Access to Blood Qi:5

One of the sects treasures/ A new artifact made from a part of you:1

See what that crazy reborn demon is doing, you haven't seen him in awhile and he hasn't caused any trouble either, which is...troubling!:4

Play with the moon rabbits and decide you should start training them as cultivators.: 6

So Fu's Prize is privledged access to Pure Blood Qi and you'll play with Piao Tuzi, Yewushi, Jiangnan, Meo Yen, Xìnrènhun, Xingfu Yongqi and decide you should start training the young bunnies to be cultivators

Update will arrive shortly

Many thanks junior!
Fu is...well its hard to tell if he's looking worse for wear, considering he always looks like a mangled corpse that learned how to stand back up and tied itself back together with bandages, but he's certainly more energetic than the runner's up who look absolutely spent and close to death from exhaustion and bearing some rather handsome and grevious looking wounds that'll surely mature into beautiful scars. Like the ones that disfigure Fu's face and covers his body under the layer of bandages he habitually wears. He is sat atop one of the monster's you'd been really happy to have captured, having been given it as a gift by one of the tribes living in the Primordial Basin. It was a weird, three horned, hard thrilled reptilian brute with some sort of a beak. You have no idea what it was, but it looked powerful. And now its head is no longer connected to its neck.

There are still twitching corpses, wooden and iron puppets, and the odd ichor a demon's corpse leaves behind when it is allowed to decay and so many other fascinating and exotic looking organs, viscera amongst the swamp of gore the sudden death round of monster slaying produced....well everywhere. And you can see Renshu and Ruolan crawling through it, picking out the salvageable materials from the mess of severed limbs, pulped organs and splattered blood.

"Master" Fu says tiredly, cupping his fist, one of his palms still bleeding "I did not shame the sect with my performance. It was quite the battle, I'm sorry you were not fortunate enough to witness it, Empress. As your first disciple, I well known your...odder proclivities and interests"

"I mean, I certainly enjoying the painting you, Shidi, Xia and Lightning Rod had made for me, it is so rare I find a chance to wade through viscera and still twitching meat...ya know, when I'm not on a spa day in the yellow Springs, Heh-Heh" You say, enjoying the variety of reactions that statement draws from the crowd, relishing all of the flavors of attention they're giving you "And I am proud of you boy. I've always known you to be a ferocious fighter, but I see the resentment you've cultivated allows you to push past the limits of your body and all those scars, and become a true menace of the battlefield. I knew I found a diamond in the rough when I first met you"

"When you allowed me to slay the beast that devoured my father, curiously and like a cat watching a mouse squirm and die. I've been loyal to you ever since, Princess" He laughs "Ah, what an exciting life I've lived up until now. I am proud to have represented the palace of natural laws and its beliefs today, and to be complimented by you, my savior and master"

"Thinking about playing at being cool and humble and refusing the prize?" You ask and he grins

"The laws of true cultivation and the natural world encourage greed. You cannot survive lean times if you do not eat when food is plentiful" He laughs as he shakily stands and shambles up to you to kneel "I await to receive my trophy, Sifu"

"Well, I'll open the Dao of Blood to you. The purified, true blood Qi, not that polluted and dirty tainted supply that some heretics seek or that which lead the original flavor of carmine mystics to drown themselves in the lifeforce and breath of the innocent, no, I'll reward you, and make you....the fourth? member of our sect to handle this rare source of Qi" You say throwing out your arms "That I radiate with, so, it'll not be rare for much longer if I stay alive for a few more years and give it time to settle and thicken in the Air, Heh-Heh"

"Is that why Chuan has become so strange as of late?" He asked

"That and Primordial beast essence, now open your mouth" You say, tearing open your veins by commanding your veins to rip out of them, and laugh very unlady like as those in the stands with a front row view turn away in disgust, fall over in a faint, or vomit as you burrow your veins into Fu's next and infect his blood with a seed of Blood Qi "Embrace the pain, my disciple, and know that blood is an expression of life and all its joys and sorrows, and not death as so many believe"

He nods, grimacing, his veins bulging as they strengthen and become iron hard, clearly in agony

"And who knows, perhaps meditating on the nature of living blood will allow you to balance your yang and yin and fix that mangled face of yours" You say, patting him on his head affectionately "If you show the aptitude I anticipate with this pure Yang essence, I might even teach you my new medical arts, hm"

He grins, bloodily as he nearly cracks his teeth clenching his jaw to avoid screaming out in pain. And then he passes out with a grunt that sounds to your ears like "I'll hold you to that". The tournament continues to the next rounds, with the random team battles drawing the most excitement from the contestants and audience both

Buuut, you are busy with more important matters. Namely spoiling and playing with your moon rabbits. Piao Tuzi has taken to riding on your back and playing with and trying to untangle and tie your hair, and Yewushi likes wrestling with you or his two new favourite playmates the tomboy Jiangnan and the ever playful Xingfu Yongqi. And you've managed to, with some paitence, convinced the cowardly Mao Yen to come play with and clamber ontop of you or play chase with you, but only when you're human. Your feline form afflicts the poor boy with a mortal, instinctive prey terror.

and the Naive, ever trusting Xìnrènhun likes touching your face or grabbing onto your sharp fangs or hanging from the front of your chest while Tuzi braids your hair, and now only thinks of you as her Mama, which just makes your heart melt whenever she calls you that.

"Mama, I want to play new games" Tuzi calls out, as you roll on the ground, lifting her up and down and making roaring noises while Yewushi and Jiangnan chase Mao Yen around as Xingfu Yongqi plays with your bloody ball of yarn, rolling it around.

And its when you think about what sort of games to teach these lovely children, and you see Xinrenhun, ever unaware and relaxed getting scarily close to moon collapse, that you realize you should probably teach these kids how to cultivate early, so they can protect themselves and survives if the impossible happens and you die and the palace of natural laws collapses.

"Of course, Tuzi, I know more games than anyone in the world" You boast and titter

And how will you start their training, Huanliuxue?

>With the new sect members, giving them no special treatment and teaching the new members the basic principles and foundations of cultivating Qi (Training Trial. Auto Success)

>By creating a type of training specialized for young children, inventing games and puzzles like the beastial edict did to teach them the first steps of cultivation (Intellect/ Creativity Challenge DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)

>Get the Geges to help, they're good with kids....well Jionghuagege is. Tiexingege is an awful mother, even to her few intelligent daughters

>"Mother...meet your grandchildren!" and officially adopt the Jade Rabbits and get Monu to help teach them

>Write in
>By creating a type of training specialized for young children, inventing games and puzzles like the beastial edict did to teach them the first steps of cultivation (Intellect/ Creativity Challenge DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)
>Specialised training.

No reason to give them the shitty [still better than anyone elses] standard training.
In a few seasons we need to face the ling.

I think with effort we can push Fu to core formation and get Lian up to CF tier battle power. Maybe manage to get the moth to the upper tier of FE.

The rest of the sect? I dunno. And any training we do for then will probably cut into our own training though I still maintain that we should go looking for another sun killing arrow.
. . . oooooor.
We can try Evolving sunkiller a different way. Maybe invoking an eclipse to weaken the sun's presence, drawing its power into a miniature, still quite powerful mini sun and then destroying it and feeding on the energy.
>By creating a type of training specialized for young children
>By creating a type of training specialized for young children, inventing games and puzzles like the beastial edict did to teach them the first steps of cultivation (Intellect/ Creativity Challenge DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)
>By creating a type of training specialized for young children, inventing games and puzzles like the beastial edict did to teach them the first steps of cultivation (Intellect/ Creativity Challenge DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)

We do not have several years of time to spend getting any of our disciples up to Core Formation, we only have a few months.
We absolutely can get Lian to CF capabilities do to her traits, dogged disciple, star pupil and little tiger.

Fu, I think can probably skip the last 3 stages with a mega good roll from us. Meditate near gods blood for his Yang, The ghostly skull for his Yin, come on people.

But yeah, I still value our own evolution first.
It took us, Huanliuxue, several years to break through and skip the core formation stage altogether from foundation establishment, and many years for us to break through from qi condensation to foundation establishment.

Where is this confidence sourced from? It normally takes several decades to centuries for a decent qi refinement, and we're skipping quite a lot of time already because we're ridiculous, but even such ridiculousness has limits.
It takes Fu, who is tier 6 foundation Establishment, 3 levels to get to tier 9 and then break through to be a core formation expert.
He is the closest to manage it. We push shit? With our elite teacher bonuses and a big roll and all our resources which are absolutely fit for purpose? We can probably push him across the line.

Where is my confidence in Luli and Qiang actually? Their traits. Emperor killer and little tiger where they explicitly say they can fight above their realm strength.
At current they are FE for Qiang and QC for Lian and can thusly determine that Qiang can assassinate anyone at their level, and Lian is fighting at a level of FE. Her foundation is also super secure and she is liable to move multiple levels once she breaks through. And once she does, her FE having ass would be fighting about on par with someone an entire realm above them.

Battle power is important in a war context.
Also it takes an orthodox cultivator a decade to reach FE.
This is absolutely artifical because they take zero risks.

We did it in a year.
>By creating a type of training specialized for young children, inventing games and puzzles like the beastial edict did to teach them the first steps of cultivation (Intellect/ Creativity Challenge DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)
We can add this to our religion's boy/girl/beast scouts thing for kids later. Make it so part of the faith is widespread attempt at spreading the dao.
Being able to fight at a realm higher does not equivalate to being able to break through to that realm. Having some techniques that are never-before-seen, gives any of them the edge. Their techniques are still a realm below where they can punch, but their overall strength allows them to have those traits.

Cultivation requires a good amount of understanding of their own path, lots of qi, and lots of time to integrate that qi into their meridians/physique, and become accustomed to it.

Rushing it is how you get broken cultivation bases and horribly crippled disciples.

And like I said, we're ridiculous. Even if our disciples are also ridiculous they're not up to that level, and going from qi condensation to foundation establishment is literally leagues easier than foundation establishment to core formation.

Inter-stage cultivation is incredibly difficult, from foundation establishment 1 to 2 is far less a challenge than from 2-3, and so on, so going from stage 6 to stage 7 is exponentially harder than from 5-6, and when you add in two other stages, it's just unfeasable.
I really don't think you are reading what I am writing my fellow.

I am certain that we can get Fu to break through. It would be dangerious, or it would require a supreme effort. But we can do it. I'm certain of that. It's my confidence that we can train him and have the resources to speed him along. His foundation is solid and his years in FE means he isn't rushing up the ranks.

Now LIAN LULI, our little mini Huan, Is as ridiculous as we are. But she won't make it to CF in time, she just can't surmount an entire realm in time. But she could reach mid stage FE, and in result, be uncontested in her stage. And that's perfect.
>By creating a type of training specialized for young children, inventing games and puzzles like the beastial edict did to teach them the first steps of cultivation (Intellect/ Creativity Challenge DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)
I am once again suggesting to send a small team with the old map of Chuan we've had for a hot minute to see what materials and treasures we can scrounge up.
I'm willing to send some of the kids. After all, could be an inheritance.

Let our kids have the shot. But we can take second pick of the spoils.

I maintain that the best way to directly increase our power is evolution
I agree with evolution being possibly the best way to directly increase power, its because of that I've been wanting to go for qi sources and more spirit veins before evoloving to make sure our possible evolution choices. are as powerful as possible.
>I maintain that the best way to directly increase our power is evolution
No, it is of course refining our Carmine Mysticism with divine blood. A ready-made boost that we would just have to take. Imagine the number of innocent lives we could have safed by just using it earlier.

The next best strength boost might be spiritual cultivaton. Evolutions arent all that strong, even though the two undeath-themed ones were interesting. I'd even wager these are the two who would have beend compatible in the two-for-one deal that we missed: blood-based (ghoulification) and ghost-based (lichdom) undeath would have been a similar unification as our bloody and ghostly Dao.

We already have two of evolutions and they each gave us a moderate boost. A further speed-boosting technique or some fundamental barrier training might arguably give a similar strenght boost.

We also might gleam deep insights into the nature of our own grudges if we went hunting a certain stone statue. Can Huan channel her own grudge? Will it turn us into a purer version of ourselves?
>Can Huan channel her own grudge?
>Can I think my own thoughts?
My guy, please. lmao
We didn't take the divine blood because it wasn't safe either with its DC. That divine blood isn't saving anyone when its tearing us from the inside. Also asa beast, especially one with primordial beast essence + blood, there is nothing that would better allow us to make use of all of our abilities then by becoming an existence DEFINED by them.
ex: we are currently a large cat that can use blood,beast,cosmic,ghost powers
ex: we are an eldritch monster cat that is a source of the blood, beast, cosmic, ghost powers pumping through its similiarly aligned spirit veins.
not a small difference. If we were to evolve rn I wouldn't the ling elder above us.
You are right and wrong.
The blood is going to massively rocket us up carmine.mysticsm. . At a dc 180. And if we fail, then we get a wound. Like the hungry ghost curse was a wound, that's gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with.

I also reject the notion of "moderate strength boosts", each evolution thus far has given us a noticeable boost in strength PLUS a peek that mere strength doesn't equate too.
Authority of all cats and control of the moon/luck.

Next I want fire immunity and flame cancelling perk, Which LETS SEE THE LING BITCH USE THEIR FIRE ON US THEN.
It is quite niche, I grant you, making us immense to a fifth of the basic elements. But our enemy is a specialist in fire, it will put them at a severe disadvantage.

And for speed? Forget speed boosting, focus on cosmic qi for teleportation.
>We didn't take the divine blood because it wasn't safe either with its DC.
>At a dc 180. And if we fail, then we get a wound. Like the hungry ghost curse was a wound, that's gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with.
The Spectre Starvation curse was not a mere wound, it was agrievous wound. Further, the whole interaction that lead to the Starvation had a pronounced, beneficial outcome: we gained a powerful ally, overcame the curse, farmed some strong cultivation materials (some of which we granted as a favour to an allied sect) and learned insights into a new technique. This is not a horror scenario!

Compare this to being too weak to protect a huge amount of innocents (children included), as happened when the Snowman devastated a whole region. We gained back the remnants of our sister's corpse and a nice Primordial Qi producing tree in a nearby town from this story arc - an underwhelming strength boost for our sect in view of the civillian losses. (Also: I am even thankful about Monu doing what was necessary in these dire times even if that meant temporarily allying with the Ogress. This - even though it was nasty and lead to tensions in the sect - probably saved a lot of innocent lives.)

Regarding evolutions: we should not cripple ourselves permanently by putting short term benefits (fire immunity) over long term consistency with our Dao and Physical Cultivation. Our Dao is Blood and Grudge themed, while our Physical Cultivation method, Carmine Mysticism is Vampirism/Blood themed. These two fit together and result in synergies. We should chose evolutions based on furthering these synergies and not on countering aspects of the next enemy. Additionally, I wouldnt bet my money on the fire immunity applying to spirit-searing fire and also not on the next enemy being a one-trick(element)-pony. High level cultivators of course have one or two aces up their sleeves.

However, I think we agree that now is not the time to push for the next level of Qi cultivation - even though we might soonish be able to achieve this. It would render us helpless and depended on defense from our sect while meditating and facing the next tribulation. Our sect needs more Golden Core cultivators in order to handle this (important side quest: find/create a strong poison in order to help Monu with her cultivation).
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Ending and tallying the vote now.

By creating a type of training specialized for young children, inventing games and puzzles like the beastial edict did to teach them the first steps of cultivation: 7

Everyone vote for making a type of specialized training suited for young children to learn the first steps on Cultivation, so that is what you'll do.

Update will arrive shortly
Usually, young children aren't accepted into Cultivation Sects unless they're born into it or related to one of the members, ordinarily through descent of some family they left behind in the mundane world of mortals and taxes. And when they're taught, they're taught like any other disciple of the temple, or told to practice some foundational martial arts and meditations until they're considered old enough to be taught how to absorb and refine Qi within their meridians. Which is foolish. Kids learn quickly. Just look at Luli for example, she's young, especially for a cultivator and the rapidity of her personal refinement and cultivation is only surpassed by your own or maybe Baifenchi. She's an incredible talent, a prodigy only beneath yourself, the sort prodigy who appears once in ten generations. And really little kids like the Jade Rabbits, would especially be turned away and told to wait a few years until they're being taught. Which is a waste, and utter waste. Sure, the basic principles of cultivating spiritual energy would be beyond most children, but they don't need to understand it completely or be able to explain and give a lecture about how they gather Qi and what benefits and treasures it brings them. Sure anything beyond the first steps of cultivation, the breathing exercises and awakening of the spiritual sense and opening of the meridians, would require close supervision so they don't do anything too dangerous, but they could easily be taught how to gather, condense and refine Qi.

Its just that most cultivators don't think to treat and teach them like children and since kids can't exactly handle the sort of training and lessons that are given when someone is properly inducted into the world of cultivation, they just don't try to show them and teach them how to cultivate in a way that could be understood by a child. And every magical beast in your sect was basically as naive and ignorant as a child when you found them, and so were you. And they caught on and matured quickly and came to understand the world around them so well they can take on a human form. The moon rabbits do that naturally, so surely, they can be taught how to cultivate.

You just have to create a new type of training that works for kids as young as they are, that could even teach a toddler how to cultivate. And your ancestors left you a guide! The Bestial Edict to Attain a Human form! You won't use the exact same riddles, puzzles and lessons it used to help gently urge magical beasts towards their second awakening and help them to understand and deepen their intellect, but you will take inspiration from them in creating new games and fun puzzles that'll, like the edict does, gradually introduce concepts in a form that they can understand so they'll be gently shown how to cultivate. And have a lot of fun while doing so.

"Tuzi-er" You purr "Mama's got a lot of new, fun games she wants to show you and your siblings...

Roll 2d100. Best out of 5. Higher result = Better outcome
Yeah I think we should break into some of treasure to boost our students as much as possible
Rolled 100, 68 = 168 (2d100)

Rolled 58, 63 = 121 (2d100)

I will roll a 132 sum
Rolled 43, 93 = 136 (2d100)

The wound was still a pain in the ass and had a distinctly negative effect until healed. Something we don't want while facing a cultivator a realm higher.

Ling has other tricks, including primordial beast essence and the dagger, but just wholesale noselling his primary element is still a massive edge since it forces him into using those tricks from the beginning.
Also re; soul killing fire. I'd bet it does. And if it doesn't, dead heat Qi
Are we allowed to double roll in this quest?
Rolled 72, 96 = 168 (2d100)

To speed up an hours delay, yes
Rolled 72, 4 = 76 (2d100)

In that case here is my second roll
This is a bit like poetry.

But this is a crit too.
These bunnies gonna learn.
168 + a critical success! A truly heaven's defying success! Huan once again turns the blue sea into mulberry fields and shatters the void!

Update will arrive shortly
Each of the rabbits has different interests, like all children, and thus like different games. Tuzi might wrestle with the more rowdy Yewushi or Jingnan, but you can't expect Mao Yen or Xinrenhun to join in on their play fighting willingly. Similarly, Xingfu Yongqi finds Xinrenhun's favorite game of cloud watching to be far too boring to partake in. And you can provide examples for everyone of these adorable little bunnies. Kids need to be entertained and kept busy, but you can't toss a rubber ball down and expect them all to play the same game or even pay attention it. Yuyi's litter for example prefer to play "Tug on poor Huan's ears and tail" and will home in and attack and grab on with their surprisingly strong little hands, before they'd ever pay any mind to a ball of any kind, even one made of the finest silk spun into a yarn.

So the key to these lessons disguised as new, fun games, is to make sure that there is a play hiding every teaching that can be enjoyed by and hold the attention of any child in the wide, vast world beneath the heavens. Now for any other cultivator, daoist, girl or noble to actually achieve this lofty goal of hiding lectures and learning in as many games as exist in the world or have yet to be dreamt up by some children rough housing and finding a new toy. would take years and perhaps expend much of their lifespan and worldly possessions to figure out what games which children will enjoy and how to slip in something as profound as cultivation methods and foundational skills into them while still keeping the game fun and easily understood by even the smallest of children.

But you are not most people! You are you! The great Huanliuxue who is worshipped across Chuan as the guardian spirit and protector of all children in the world. You love children, more than anything in the world. You delight in their innocent smiles and bright cheerful eyes. And loving children means you also understand and know that curious thoughts buzzing around in their heads.

So an effort of a lifetime, is reduced to that of a day, since you simply see what works and what doesn't as you play with the six rabbits and introduce them to the new games and change the rules of them to tweak them and make them fun. Sure it'll take a few more kids to really have a comprehensive list of every kid's game that can be used to teach cultivation, but you enjoy playing with kids so that won't take long at all.

Of course, since children, especially Moon Rabbits freshly fed moon dew, rarely like to sit still, you have to get clever to teach them their breathing exercises, but you figure out that playing a strict game of follow the leader and dealing goofy punishments to yourself for the slightest of mistakes, convinces them to sit down and mimic the first breathing exercise monu taught you. And dying some paper slips and infusing them with Qi, helps nurture there still sealed spiritual senses.


and tickling and poking them after catching them in a game of run, allows you to help their bodies purge blockages of their meridians and trace their really bizarre looking spiritual roots. And those are just the first three steps of cultivation, testing for potential, learning how to properly meditate and honing your spiritual sense to find Qi to draw into your languid meridians.

And by playing a game of precise tag, you show the six kids where the eight extraordinary and twelve principle meridians lay by making them have to touch the spots on the body where they're located beneath. Focusing, like Monu did when she was teaching you, on the Governing Vessel and Conception Vessel and the closed loop they form a complete circuit connecting at the upper Dantian at the head, the governing vessel running down the spine from the lower dantian and the conception vessel doing the same from the front.

And its with a rolling down the hill game that you managed to get the rabbits to start, clumsily and crudely, circulating the Qi already present in their bodies through and between the governing and conception vessels. And living on the moon and eating almost nothing but its dew, they have much more than a cups worth of lunar cosmic qi clogging their meridians. Its muddy and needs purifying, but its more than any human child of their age could hope to have. Then, giving them sticks and straw dolls made to look like them, and giving them each the task to poke and proud the other's straw copy to play a game of pretend sword fighting were no one could get hurt, and with some dramatic acting on your part and plenty of breaks for snacks and the game of "copy Mama as she meditates", and telling them to remember how it felt when they first learned how to breathe air, you play these games and many others until you notice the Qi moving through their key meridians at a sluggish pace

And can tell from how they're acting that all six of them are sensing their Qi moving through their bodies, and you explain it is just something that happens when you breath in the air of earth correctly. And after you've convinced Yewushi to stop holding his breath, not that he needs to breath, and seeing how quickly they caught on by just having fun and tromping around with you, you see if you couldn't show them games that'd increase their awareness and help improve the flow of their Qi

Games like swimming and trying to catch leaves in water, or hopping between lily pads or having warmed sand poured over there heads or trying to see what shapes form from the smoke of incense sticks or watching Mama cut her wrists and guessing the shape the blood spray will make....you don't play that last one with Mao Yen, and instead use vases full of water dyed with ink that you smash to the floor, much to the displeasure of the maids in your employ.

Or drawing on them to show them the "little rivers" in their body while they pretend to be giants stomping through a valley and trying to kick over the others sand castles.

And amazingly, in one day, they manage to breakthrough that initial bottleneck of opening the gates of their meridians and mapping out the flow of their Qi through them, and the moment they awaken their sixth and spiritual sense, that took you a few days of practicing and learning Qi circulation to awaken, they react the same as your younger self did. With the fog lifting from their five senses, their bodies feeling lighter and the world appearing more colorful and vibrant, while the scents and tastes in the air become more vivid and gain new depth and all the textures and sensations of the world and all its things suddenly feel deeper and more interesting, the six of them...well they cause havoc running around, with more energy than any little bunny or kid should have as they are thrilled by how bright and colorful the world they were already amazed by it being more than the grey of their lunar homeland has become

And it is hilarious seeing them realize they can faintly sense Qi and sense and scan their immediate surroundings surroundings. And with a challenge on who can make the funniest faces, you excitedly guide them through their first Qi refinement. And it delights you to see their eyes pop open as they feel the initial rush of power and the nearly divine sensation of freshly refined Qi flowing through, clearing and expelling the languid and cloudy Qi clogging their meridians, bolstering them in body, mind and spirit alike.

And because they live on the moon, eat spiritual potent moon dew, and are being taught by a living geyser of blood qi and primordial beast essence, their first cultivation produces, from the Qi they gathered, refined and condensed through your long day of play could more than wet the bottom of a cup. Cultivating, even clumsily and without intending to, with rich Qi surrounding them and the lunar treasure they were born with, and with your genius specialized training to keep them relaxed and at ease by playing with them for hours and tiring them out, is supremely effective. Your understanding of children and their nature and the dao and Spiritual energy, has allowed you to create a shockingly effective, early form of an initial, training wheels cultivation method.

They'd still need more training to be truly called cultivators and learn how to harness and wield the Qi inside their little bodies effectively.

But they've completed the initial steps of cultivation, opening their meridians, learning qi circulation,awakening their spiritual sense and refining the first Qi they've brought into their meridians as well as the innate amount they came into the world bearing, all in one day. A few hours. As long as it takes to cook a meal or for kids to finish a playdate.

This might just be revolutionary! It has to be! Because, with the Qi they've already refined, their newly formed cultivation bases are fuller and of far higher quality than a novice cultivator who had just been shown the ropes and guided through the steps plainly and not through about a hundred and eight different games. These little bunnies are going to have one hell of an advantage and leg up over their peers once they start learning actual techniques and spells, and could probably cost off on this children's cultivation for quite awhile before needing to pick a primary method or law later in life.

And while they've filled more of their cup just from being taught by you and being born and living on the moon, they'll still need to play these games and practice before they progress enough to be considered to have entered the Qi condensation stage. But all the effort they'll need to put in is sleep well, play happily and eat their favorite foods. You've given these bunnies a golden finger that'd make any young cultivator jealous. Who wouldn't want to cultivate while playing games and messing around?

What a genius you are! And while this will help the rabbits be able to fend for themselves quicker, introducing their revolutionary training technique will improve your already fantastic reputation! Starting your disciples training from early childhood would be one hell of a boon for any master and sect!

Hmm. Maybe you should keep playing with them, see if you could make them rise through a few ranks of Qi condensation and teach them some fun spells or martial arts even kids could handle and....

"Ao" You say, as you notice the happily running around bunny eared children suddenly stiffen and flop to their sides, playing dead "Why are you interrupting us? Playing with these cute little bunnies is very important, you evil bastard! Stop scaring them with your malovlent aura"

"You've taught them to cultivate? in a single day and by messing around with them like you were their older sister or a baby sitter, or a particularly spry nanny? As expect of Lady Huan! You're so full of surprises, my master. To think such an innovative technique had yet to be discovered before you took it upon yourself to invent a method to effectivelyteach little children how to cultivate. Truly astonishing. And I mean that" Ao begins to ramble and rave excitedly as he picks up the stiff Yewushi, who sticks their tongue out and hangs their head, trying to convince the scary ghost he's dead "it is truly inspired, turning games in a teaching tool and translating the basic processes of cultivation into their rules, knowing kids don't often break the rules of a game while they're playing with a trusted and greatly loved adult. I don't know if this speaks more of your quality as a teacher, or of a mother"

"Ao, don't think complimenting me will make me any less mad at you for scaring the babies. I know I'm incredible and an amazing genius already" You huff and pout "Why've you come barging in huh? We were having so much fun before you scared them all, you ethereal..."

"Oh, the old gods new students have requested to fight you in an exhibition match, the supreme deity caught me spying. And it really is...infuriating to know the heavens that crushed me under a mountain weren't even headed by the legendary five colors emperor, and the man himself seemed almost impressed by how cutthroat my own cultivation was. It really does piss me off to see how much of my own beliefs aren't offensive to that dusty old..." He rambles, face contorting into a draconic grimace as his ghostly grudge of...well being squashed with a literal mountain resurface "Anyways, before I get lost in a tangent about how much it irks me that I actually find myself growing fond of a god, after spitting in their eyes all my mortal life...the five he took on, have asked, as I said, to fight you in the arena"

"Why?" You ask simply

"Not to kill you, they're scared of you and me, apparently my worthy rival used to tell them horror stories of my many wicked deeds in life and how hard it was to truly put me down" He explains happily "I think they simply want to fight you. I can understand that, remember the thrill of our fight? Meeting some as strong or stronger than invigorates ones fighting instincts, no? Also, they mentioned something about the head martial god, the hero who buried my ambitions and...well crushed me under a mountain. You wouldn't have happened to have me them during your trip through the celestial realm..."

What do you do, Huanliuxue?

>Angrily chase Ao away and continue playing with and dotting on the rabbit children

>Agree to fight the five gods, just for the thrill of pummeling *former* gods

>Tell Ao it'll be a two on five, since you can't deny him the pleasure of a good fight

>Tell Ao to tell the gods they need to earn the right to face you, in the contests, no skipping in line

>"Well, I was taken to his manor and saw a great fat hippo dressed in fine silks with a fine sword strapped to his belt and a great, food flecked and wine soaked beard stuck to his red cheeks..."

>Write in
>Tell ao they need to earn the right, no skipping the line
>But if they manage it, let's make it 5 vs 2.
Who the fuck do they think they are? Not even old five colours gets to boss us around!
And I kinda want to increase our teamwork with Ao.

>Well I saw a fat hippo
>>"Well, I was taken to his manor and saw a great fat hippo dressed in fine silks with a fine sword strapped to his belt and a great, food flecked and wine soaked beard stuck to his red cheeks..."
Ao, I think your rival is lost without you.

>Agree to fight the five gods, just for the thrill of pummeling *former* gods
As much as I want to make it a date with our dead pal, I also want to keep him in the back pocket for when we fight the Ling.
>"Well, I was taken to his manor and saw a great fat hippo dressed in fine silks with a fine sword strapped to his belt and a great, food flecked and wine soaked beard stuck to his red cheeks..."
>Agree to fight the five gods, just for the thrill of pummeling *former* gods

I wonder how powerful their blood still is.

Also I'm sure we can make make a powerful poison for Monu with spiderdemon venom, other venoms from hell, venom from the Gege's children, Luli's mushrooms, rotten demon/monster organs, some plants from our grove some failed creations from the alchemy tests and maybe even a ghost and grudge energy
>>"Well, I was taken to his manor and saw a great fat hippo dressed in fine silks with a fine sword strapped to his belt and a great, food flecked and wine soaked beard stuck to his red cheeks..."
I wonder if will he laugh at the state of the heavens or mourn the loss of his greatest rival.
>Tell Ao to tell the gods they need to earn the right to face you, in the contests, no skipping in line
This tournament is already the perfect place to get GC vs GC level experience without needing to explore the land or hell, but they’re gonna follow our schedule.
We also have our Sinner Bone Centipede Gu that was never used outside of failing to use it in the middle of a fight. That’s an easy source we naturally produce and can now finally offer her after being busy with like 5 sidequests
>>Tell Ao to tell the gods they need to earn the right to face you, in the contests, no skipping in line
fair is fair, they were gods in the eyes of heaven, they have not earned such rights here.

>"Well, I was taken to his manor and saw a great fat hippo dressed in fine silks with a fine sword strapped to his belt and a great, food flecked and wine soaked beard stuck to his red cheeks..."
>>Agree to fight the five gods, just for the thrill of pummeling *former* gods
True, based on our treasures and techniques I also have some ideas on how to best help some of our students improve/evolve.

For Luli give her the core of plant monster.

Teach Quiang Vien Hunting eye and Baifenchi how to use cat's Court: Dancing across the border between life and death, Severing of the Eternal soul and Mortal vessel! and Secret Art: Red Dust Revival.

Have Renshu and Roulan use their alchemy and carmine mysticsim to make pilsl from the blood of the fallen gods and Humming Vines for Houmogui and teach all three blood refinement.

Use the aforementioned poison for both Momu and Canlan.

Give Senlin Zheren the Qilin antlers, the polished dragon turtle shell to Chuandapo and the giant snake fangs to Yujijiao.

Give one of the two Fire body stabilizers to Huli and have our alchemists study the other one so we can those pills against the Ling bitch. Also give him the orange Sunburst poppies and plant their seeds in our grove

Have our exorcists demon slayers and demons join the trip to the yellow springs

Have Fu, Bo, Wang and Jiangliehuo spar as much as possible.

Send Feiqin and Huli to the forge, Feiqin to craft, Huli to absorb the heat
>Tell Ao to tell the gods they need to earn the right to face you, in the contests, no skipping in line

>"Well, I was taken to his manor and saw a great fat hippo dressed in fine silks with a fine sword strapped to his belt and a great, food flecked and wine soaked beard stuck to his red cheeks..."
I wouldn't let the twins get their hands on the god blood. Higher tier crafting materials require higher tier crafters. Otherwise they cannot fully utilize the material and draw out its latent power. Like giving an autohammer to an inexperienced smith, he'll probably muck it up somehow.

I'd also caution about bringing demons on the trip to the yellow springs. Because the big guy and his people are going to be very trigger happy. And because I sincerely doubt the dude in charge of hell would allow us to get away with it. It's one thing to go on field trips with mortals, it's another to basically do fence hopping with criminals in their jail.
I'm not giving them the drops we got on our trip to the heavens but some blood from our newest sect members the fallen gods
>our newest sect members the fallen gods
They're going with Five Colors Grampa.
I thought it was the end for a second there
I still want to experiment with having Fu take on Xiongji's grudge to see what monster would come out once he can handle it.
>>Tell Ao it'll be a two on five, since you can't deny him the pleasure of a good fight
We want their blood. If only a few drops. Maybe it can be used to prepare our Carmine Mysticism for the great deed of consuming the truly divine blood?

We can also try imitating Fu's cultivation by channeling Ao. When he enters our body, it will be gruesomely romantic.
Ending and tallying the vote now

Tell Ao to tell the gods they need to earn the right to face you, in the contests, no skipping in line:4

"Well, I was taken to his manor and saw a great fat hippo dressed in fine silks with a fine sword strapped to his belt and a great, food flecked and wine soaked beard stuck to his red cheeks...":4

Agree to fight the five gods, just for the thrill of pummeling *former* gods:3

Tell Ao it'll be a two on five, since you can't deny him the pleasure of a good fight:1

So the gods will have to earn the right to fight you in the golden core tier of the tournament, and you'll tell Ao about the current shape of his former rival

Update will arrive shortly
"Well, they'll have to learn their manners and uphold proper etiquette for this tournament. I am the host and the greatest challenge, they'll all have to earn the right to fight me when we reach the Golden Core bracket, no skipping in line or weighing the contests just so they can have the satisfaction of fighting the great me" You answer smugly, tenting your hands and grinning as Ao nods along, clearly impatient

"Yes, yes, very good, I'm sure the god on earth will inform them of the behavior and expected courtesies of participating in a martial tournament" He drolly responded, rolling his red black eyes as he advance to you "But, more importantly, did you happen to have a chance encounter the man who was my sole rival in life, while you were causing mischief in the nine heavens? I saw him ascend, with the last breathes of my mortal life, and only he has held the epithet of the red star general. Now I admit, I am still ignorant of this era of weaklings and dabblers, but I am certain he is now worshipped as the foremost martial god, and is the leader the five former divinities mentioned with trembling voices and knees. I am simply curious, of what he has gotten up to up there, after leaving my crushed corpse imprisoned and sealed along with my willful soul"

Ao was either going to die laughing or be driven into a truly incandescent rage when he heard about the current state and er, shape of his honored rival.

"Well, I was taken to his manor" You begin and he smiles ear to ear, curls of teal smoke and flame peeling from his lips as his teeth lengthen into fangs and ghostly scales sprout across his cheeks and neckline

"Yes yes" He says excitedly "So indeed he is the man who halted my ambitions and managed to best me in mortal combat, go on, please go on, my master"

"And I saw a great fat hippo" You say bluntly, deciding not to play around with your friends expectations, hopes or dreams "dressed in fine celestial silks and pearls, with a fine sword strapped to his belt and a great, food flecked and wine soaked beard stuck to his red cheeks"

Ao blinks and tilts his head to the side

"Ah, ah, I see, you must be mistaken, the heavens are not for mortal eyes or knowing, surely that could not be the same farm boy who rose so quickly and fought against me at the peak of my power so valiantly and selflessly" He deludes himself, shaking his head and hand "Perhaps the former head martial deity or some form of monstrously spoiled heavenly beast, Red star was a mountain of a man, savage as bear sure but strong in arm as he was stalwart in heart. The real folk hero made manifest, the sort of ideal those who care more about if an act is righteously done or if a decision made is morally agreeable than they are of the results or power that is won through it, he can't..."
"No. It was him. I even saw his daughter, they wed him to a rain goddess, apparently. And he had to be the head honcho of the martial gods, since i saw him when he was dragging around a guardian deity so fierce he lopped off both of my arms, who faintly remembered the day my kind were branded as demons like he were a broken doll. Stop running away from reality, like a half crazed ghost, sure that is an accurate description of might Aodasheng, but it isn't a flattering look my friend and shield" You say sweetly, patting him on the shoulder as his already partially draconic look distorts and becomes half made of ethereal fire and several glaring eyes that glowed like dying embers and snarling gnashing mouths full of fangs.

"He was austere and temperate, he didn't indulge and become stupid off of drink, nor did he lust after fairies and jade beauties. He was a man of commitment, focus and drive, I began my invasion of what is now Chuan, when he was not even a cultivator and he was so talented and diligent in his cultivation, he became my equal in a few short years and he stalled and eventually ended by conquest before I reached the sea" He says, in a few dozen voices as he forces a genial smile on his face "He and the fat blob of god cannot...I refuse to believe he could have fallen so far and become victim to luxury and vice, to have allowed himself to...to have let himself go so far he...You must be mistaken, you have to be Huan, how could the man who overcame the heavenly restriction of immortality, have becomes some blubbery pig. Ah! It must be that your views as a cat, mislead you of who was in charge of the manor, perhaps it was a domestic god of cooks and feasts who..."

"There were a lot of fatties struggling to fit in their armor, they were having a feast when I was brought in if I remember. Only the junior martial gods were anything approaching slim and fit, and even they were utter simpletons" you say, smiling as Ao's ghostly form distorts and becomes truly monstrous, an serpentine affront to dragons, skeletal and wretched with his unique shade of fire and covered in rage filled, demonic eyes along its spines and great scything talons and temple shattering tail "They thought I was goddess, for instance, but the big tub of lard was still frighteningly strong. He pummeled a guardian deity older than himself, and threw down at least five gods and stripped them of their divinity in a tantrum"

"No...nonono NO!" Ao rages "My rival, the only man I deemed deserving of being my rival, who despite being a self righteous twit managed to match my cultivation without boundaries or restrictions! The strong hero who matched and surpassed my own progress while holding himself back to the inoffensive and ordained methods and techniques of the world! The one who killed me and condemned me and my loyal soldiers to centuries of confinement and madness! Cannot have become a fat brained moron stuffing his face and drinking himself numb to the world!"

"Well" You begin

"It simply cannot be! My era was one of the strong, the talented, the vile and the monstrous! Cultivators didn't fear experimentation as much nor curb their own development by only practicing safe and easy methods! And I was the peak of this world! The mightiest! The most wicked! The famous and infamous Aodasheng, the dragon soul, the tomb conqueror, the heaven defying! I fought and killed the others could claim the title of peerless beneath the heavens, I devoured the essence of dragons! I stole from the tombs of divine descendants and lead an army unmatched in history against the order of the celestial realm!" He roars, coiling around and growing in size and grotesqueness, furious "And yet i was overcome, by a prodigy like yourself! Who saw my acts as unjust and evil and rose as a hero to counter me, and actually managed it! Without the direct backing of the heavens until our final confrontation! He was the tiger to my dragon and he...HE WOULD NOT GROW FAT AND INDOLENT AND FORGET HIMSELF! He was my one equal! The only man who understood what it meant to cultivate, who like you knew the only limits were his own, and still surpassed me despite refusing so many easy avenues to power! Why!? Who could have driven him to such a mockery of himself! Lie! You lie! LIE LIE!"

He really isn't taking this well. He's about to go berserk like ghosts tend to do, and he is the strongest ghost walking around unsealed and uncontained in the world. Probably. A calamity class spirit. A soul so powerful and malevolent the gods themselves locked him away to prevent him from wandering around as a vengeful specter, an embodiment of death

"A fat hippo! That is my rival! A bloated ball of grease and stretch marks stomping and wobbling around, bragging about beating the great dragon hunter, the king of malevolence, the seeker of secrets, the keeper of ancient mysteries!?!" He shrieks, and your eyes boggle as a beam of bright blue light rips from one the dragon skulls he is ranting out of, as you hold the trembling moon rabbits, bundled up in your arms, shielding them from his aura and thrashing with your own cultivation halo.

He is going to destroy the building your in, if he's allowed to continue. And probably go on a rampage. Kill a...well a lot of people. And that is something you can't let happen. He's already frightened the poor bunnies with his tantrum, and it'd be your fault if he goes berserk and causes a bloodbath.

What do you do to Calm Ao down, Huanliuxue

>"Well, you and I will just have to march up there and whip him back into shape, won't we"

>Quickly open a portal to hell and drag Ao through it. The demons can deal with him, and he can cool off in the waters of the yellow spring.

>"Ao, it doesn't reflect poorly on you, if anything, its proof you picked a good rival. Cause I am almost certain the five wise immortal sages have been spoiling the heavens, and he must be a victim of their coddling..."

>Send him to the moon, away from the habitat of the jade rabbits, to rampage to his black heart's content

>Write in
Don't listen to miss Sun, Ao!
>"Ao, it doesn't reflect poorly on you, if anything, its proof you picked a good rival. Cause I am almost certain the five wise immortal sages have been spoiling the heavens, and he must be a victim of their coddling..."
This is prime realestate grudge.

>Good Ao, again! the five Sage bastards have stolen our rightful cultivation and place again! We will ascend soon and supercede the levels until we draw your rival out and force him to remember who he once was, Until he cannot embarrass you anymore! Now focus on that hate and compress it to a grudge, we will satiate it when I ascend.

If he doesn't calm down, throw him to the hills.
>"Ao, it doesn't reflect poorly on you, if anything, its proof you picked a good rival. Cause I am almost certain the five wise immortal sages have been spoiling the heavens, and he must be a victim of their coddling..."
Surely the corrupt five "wise" immortal sages wouldn't intentionally turn those with talent to vice-ridden fools out of fear of losing their position to righteous and powerful deities who would seek to right the imbalances in the heavens. Surely.
Poor Ao, he's hit the second stage of grief.
>"Ao, it doesn't reflect poorly on you, if anything, its proof you picked a good rival. Cause I am almost certain the five wise immortal sages have been spoiling the heavens, and he must be a victim of their coddling..."
>"Well, you and I will just have to march up there and whip him back into shape, won't we"
honestly these two pair up really well, his rival has been corrupted so it's his duty to force him to remember who he was.
Supporting >>6209275.
>Hold his hands and look him in the eyes. Taking in his yin qi so it doesn't kill alot of people.
>"Ao, my good friend. Do not lose yourself. Even if the fat pig has forgotten himself, you haven't. Remember this rage for we'll go to heaven together once we become immortals and beat his pig headed head in. Please my dear Ao, temper your anger into a fine sword and sheath it for the day that'll come."
>>Write in
>Consume his grudge
We want to be able to channel him, especially in the upcoming fight
Consuming grudge energy is a great idea to take the edge off.

I'll add it to mine here. I want him to harden his grudge but he needs to focus.
support actually.
This is literally our bread and butter
I think this was me so changing vote.
Honestly, I don’t understand why he is so surprised by this outcome. After all, leave a sword unattended and uncared for a long time and don’t be surprised when it rusts and decays to the point of uselessness. Without an opponent to hone himself against, the decay of the god of war to said state is an inevitability.
>>Quickly open a portal to hell and drag Ao through it. The demons can deal with him, and he can cool off in the waters of the yellow spring.
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Ending and tallying the vote now. Sorry for vanishing over the weekend, juniors

"Ao, it doesn't reflect poorly on you, if anything, its proof you picked a good rival. Cause I am almost certain the five wise immortal sages have been spoiling the heavens, and he must be a victim of their coddling...":3

Good Ao, again! the five Sage bastards have stolen our rightful cultivation and place again! We will ascend soon and supercede the levels until we draw your rival out and force him to remember who he once was, Until he cannot embarrass you anymore! Now focus on that hate and compress it to a grudge, we will satiate it when I ascend.:1

"Well, you and I will just have to march up there and whip him back into shape, won't we":2

Hold his hands and look him in the eyes. Taking in his yin qi so it doesn't kill alot of people.:1

"Ao, my good friend. Do not lose yourself. Even if the fat pig has forgotten himself, you haven't. Remember this rage for we'll go to heaven together once we become immortals and beat his pig headed head in. Please my dear Ao, temper your anger into a fine sword and sheath it for the day that'll come.":1

Consume his grudge:3

Quickly open a portal to hell and drag Ao through it. The demons can deal with him, and he can cool off in the waters of the yellow spring.:1

So You'll consume Aodasheng's grudge and tell him "Ao, it doesn't reflect poorly on you, if anything, its proof you picked a good rival. Cause I am almost certain the five wise immortal sages have been spoiling the heavens, and he must be a victim of their coddling..."

Update will arrive shortly
However, fortunately, the resentment of the lingering dead happens to be your foremost specialty! You've drank more grudges and clouds of enmity than you have blood, milk or broth! A ghost as old and wild as Aodasheng might have a deeper well of ghostly and deathly yin Qi and a possess some truly fearsome grudges, but the one driving him berserk is freshly bloomed. Not fully ripe, but Ao's enmity is something you've sought to possess and harness since you first finished your fight with the mighty spirit you call friend.

Opening your mouth wide, perhaps impossibly so, white teeth standing out in the roiling and rolling black clouds of grudge energy pouring out from the calamity spirit who continues ranting and raving and speaking curses so potent that their mere utterance curdles the air and forces it to still like you were standing in a grave. Breathing in, you bite down on the miasma of enmity surrounding you and chew the thick and heady resentment between your teeth, forcing them to transform into fangs too large to fit in your mouth to better grip and absorb the powerful, new born grudge as you force it down your throat into the Gu Cauldron of spite and curses you've been cultivating since you first learned to devour grudges. It scalds the base of your tongue and roof of your mouth and roasts the insides of your throat, smoldering in your belly as you breath in and devour more and more of the stinging resentment from Ao, as well as portions of his Yin Qi to hasten his return to something approaching sanity.

And while the sheer potency and spicy flavor of the grudge starts out tasting, it soon becomes torturous to consume and take possession of. Some peppers can be used as a poison in large enough quantities, and you think Ao's grudges is the same. Its simply too hot and flavorful for its size and mass. But, knowing what's at risk and what will happen if you allow the ghost king to go berserk in the middle of a festival you're hosting, you persevere in taking in, containing and sealing away all of Ao's titanic rage.

And there are moments, as you take in his enmity into yourself that you think you'll pass out and be overcome by a grudge for the first time in your life. But if there is one thing Huanliuxue isn't, its a quitter. And after what feels like a battle that lasts for hours against the ghost king's seemingly bottomless malovlent energy and fury, you emerge the victor and clamp your teeth down on the last flicking trail of smoke of the dense cloud of his cloud, chew it apart and swallow it down.

Aodasheng is panting, despite not needing to breathe, still clearly furious but not at risk of loosing control and showing everyone just what sort of monster you built your first temple over the prison of, looking equal parts exhausted and relieved despite the rage flickering in his bloodthirsty eyes, you can tell from his expression that he is thankful for your intervention and care.

Covering a burp with the back of your hand, you set down the now sleeping Moon Rabbits, who felt so safe in your arms even Aodasheng's worst Tantrum couldn't rouse them or scare them from their sleep, and walk up to the ghostly king himself, his knuckles wreathed in rings of teal and cyan flames, claws sprouting from his finger tips and half his face a burning skull that had half the features of a dragon and half that of a man.

"Forgive me, Princess, for that most unbecoming display of lack of discipline and uncontrolled emotion" He says, voice echoing ethereally as you pat his shoulder, feeling like you're about to burst from the size of the grudge you pulled out of him and swallowed
"Ao" You begin, before hiccupping and restarting your sentence "Ao, your behavior just now and that of the highest martial deity doesn't reflect poorly on you, if anything, its proof you picked a good rival"

His face turned fully human and the flames sputtered out and vanished as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully with a fully human hand

"May I ask that you explain how that is so and enlighten this rabid dead man of the perspective his blind eyes that cannot see mount tai has missed?" He asks politely and most gently

"Cause I am almost certain the five wise immortal sages have been spoiling the heavens, and he must be a victim of their coddling..." You begin to explain in a lecture, or well, more of a rant you'd prepared the next time someone asked you earnestly of the truth of the rule in the celestial court, but Ao stopped you by gripping your shoulders with both his hands, and you realized at that moment how big and power they were, even when he deigned to look human, as he grinned and towered over you.

"Ah! I see. I see!" He says cheerfully, nodding his head, his eyes slits of raw murderous intent "The reasons why everything in this era, except for your magnificent and untamed self, are so weak and ineffective, I knew the heavens had enforced a policy of stagnancy, but I did not imagine they'd be so restricting as to pull the fangs and claws from the divinities entrusted to slaw the fiercest of devils and heavens defying monsters. But it makes sense, does it not? The old heavens were slaughtered by the five, weakening and rendering their juniors as docile as winter catfish, simply makes sense. It is how a tyrant ensures his dynasties reign, is it not? By turning those who could stand against them indulgent and coddled as princes pampered by their mothers. And why, since my death, the stagnancy only worsened. They could not turn away Red Star, but they could turn him into a fat headed buffoon. A peasant will always lose to luxury and...my are you feverish, princess, your face is nearly as red as your hair"

"If you're going to rant so close, at least let go of me first so I can walk away" You scoff, pushing off his hands from your shoulder "But, your theory holds what and fits with what I saw in the nine heavens"


"And from what I've heard of the five young fallen deities" He continues, rubbing his chin in thought "The gods are prevented from interfering with the world directly, unless the five wise immortal sages permit and authorize it, under five colors presumed authority. Only doing the bare minimum to maintain faith and the natural order of the mortal realm. Perhaps I am but one of the causes"

"Oh? You mean when you annoyed the heavens so much tomb raiding and defiling the graves of their descendants they stopped bringing rain to your kingdom and territory?" You ask

"Well, yes but no. I mean, through my actions, I caused a mortal to dispose the former head of the martial pantheon and claim his seat" He says with a wickedly smug smile "And then there's....the current geography of this land called Chuan"

"Its thousand rivers and lakes?" You ask

"Yes, didn't a drunkard rain fairy drop a heavenly treasure and nearly flood the land?" He asks and you vaguely recall that goddess being the most popular idol of worship before you entered the seen and revealed yourself to your faithful followers. And that some of her worshippers attempted human sacrifice after Five Colors sent about a two thousand storms and calamities across the world when he found out about the state of it.

"I..." and you realize what Ao is getting at. That treasure should be still at the bottom of the biggest lake in Chuan. Another place to search, along with the ones on that map of hidden places and treasures you have somewhere

"...Those who deem themselves the strongest of this era are approaching" He interrupts, lifting up his head "I presume, in my grief and rage, I released an not insubstantial quantity of deathly yin Qi, Huan. And our riveting discussion of the heavens and their follies distracted me of the fact"

"It distracted the both of us" You snap, grinding your teeth as your spiritual senses pick out a few cultivation auras that you are intimately familiar with. Aodasheng's service to you and your sect, and his continued existence beneath the heavens, are supposed to be a trump card. A hidden trump card. A deadly secret. Like a jeweled knife hidden amongst imperial regalia.

What excuse do you make to the other sect heads and Grandmaster, Huanliuxue?

>That you were cultivating and or practicing a new spell/ technique and got carried away.

>You had simply summoned some of the powerful ghosts in your employ to advise you on a private matter.

>A dangerous wild, wandering hungry ghost tried to attack you and you subjugated them after a brief but fierce struggle

>It was mating season and you were repressing primal urges by circulating an excess of ghost and death spiritual energies

>That nothing happened and if they claim something did, you'll scold them and beat them up until they agree that no massive wave of ghostly yin qi suddenly appeared

>Write in
>Annoyed and irritated, tell them to go away. When they obviously press for what the fuck happened, begrudgingly admit that we just comprehended a new insight into our primary law.

The taboo of sharing secrets should suddenly make our defensiveness make sense.
Also, absolutely ship them.
>You had simply summoned some of the powerful ghosts in your employ to advise you on a private matter.
Pretty much true.

So do I, they have very good chemistry indeed.
>You had simply summoned some of the powerful ghosts in your employ to advise you on a private matter.
>>That you were cultivating and or practicing a new spell/ technique and got carried away.
>You had simply summoned some of the powerful ghosts in your employ to advise you on a private matter.
>That you were cultivating and or practicing a new spell/ technique and got carried away.
>That you were cultivating and or practicing a new spell/ technique and got carried away.

Technically true.....

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