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This is Zero Quality Fantasy Quest! Welcome!

You are Zero Quality, our protagonist! People just call you Zero.

You are in a tavern drinking some beer when you see a busty elf and you get a tent.

You have 5 silver and no weapons, but you're real strong from working the fields all day everyday since you were a small lad.

What do you do?
> Drink another tankard of beer and go talk to the elf
> Slap the barmaid ass and start a brawl
> Comment to the barman how hot the elf is
> Write in
>>6189750 (OP)
> Comment to the barman how hot the elf is
Always do that, and quietly. He might warn us of something bad!
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You comment to the barman how hot the elf is.

"Never saw an elf with such massive juggers, man! She's so hot!"

"Yeah, elves are kinda hot. This one does have dem big titties, but hear me out. An elf like that is danger. She'll draw attention everywhere she goes, people will start brawls. Besides, we don't even know how old she is. Once I saw a hot elf and she was like 300 years old. 300 hundred! My great grandfather wasn't even in the ballsack of his father and she was already screwing around. I can only imagine how many miles of dick she has taken already, it must be in the tens of thousands. The gods only know how many diseases she carries."

You notice that the elf became visibly upset at the comments, even though she's far away enough that she shouldn't have heard them.

> Agree with the barman
> Defend the honor of the elf
> Punch the barman in the face
> Write in
Well do you actually know any of that about her or is it an assumption?
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"Well do you actually know any of that about her or is it an assumption?"

"Well, it is a fair assumption my lad. Elves are lewd and long lived, it is only natural that they fuck everything that moves! I heard that in their villages, everyone walks around naked! The sheer amount of fucking that goes on there is insane."

By this point the elf got flustered, puts some coins on the table and leaves.

> Some people can't hear the truth, man
> Pay your bill and follow her
> Drink some more and change subject
> Write in
>Drink some more and change subject
Well, I don't know much about whether that's right, but honestly, an elf woman's probably no good choice for a man anyway. They've got like several generations of people to compare you to.

I just realized, are we like...an Cyclops?
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"And why do you only have one eye, son? Are you a cyclops?"

"I don't know. I was abandoned in the village as a child."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, son. You might be the child of a fairy!"

"A... fairy?"

"Yeah. They abandon their children in villages. Sometimes they are deformed in weird ways. Four arms, four legs, two heads... you got lucky you just got the one eye, people barely notice it."

"I see."

"Do you have like special eye powers?"

> Well, I see really fucking far at night, like absurd
> Once I stared at a goat for like two hours and it exploded
> Sometimes people act weird when I spend a long time staring at them, I was told to keep my gaze down
> Write in
>Sometimes people act weird when I spend a long time staring at them, I was told to keep my gaze down
But what does weird mean?
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"Sometimes people act weird when I spend a long time staring at them, I was told to keep my gaze down"

"But what does weird mean?"

"Check it out!"

You start gazing at a guy intently. After a few minutes...

> He starts laughing uncontrollably
> You notice him fidgeting uncomfortably, he got a tent
> He gets more and more pissed off and starts a brawl
> Write in
>Write-In: He becomes award-winning actor John Malkovich
1 - Fidgeting uncomfortably
2 - Write-in Power (He starts spouting his full name and the things he's done.)
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Typed roll wrong.
he becomes stunned, our father was a beholder
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"I'm Spartacus, killer of the hydra, ultimate champion of all these lands, no one can beat me in combat..."

He goes on rambling about accomplishments, then you avert your gaze and he returns to his drink.

"Is that guy name Spartacus?"

"Nah, he's called Derek."

You power makes people invent a name and do a bravado of imagined things they've done when you look at them for too long.

"Now that's an useless power my dude."

"Well, yeah, but it can be funny."

You try it again, but then the guy you're looking at says.

"What you looking at, one eyed? Wanna get punched in the face?"

> Punch the guy in the face
> Apologize and look away
> Run away
> Write in
>Punch him and run away
Wow Spartacus is such a cool guy
>Round of drinks on me buddy (put it on my non-existent tab)
Rolled 2 (1d2)


1 - punch him
2 - buy him a drink
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You pay for a round of drinks!

"Put on my tab!"

"But you don't have a tab..."

"You know, one eyes, you're a cool guy... I'll tell you about a thing I discovered. There is a place where a mermaid keeps singing, it's not too far from here, she's all naked and shit. The secret is closing both your ears! You won't be able to jack off to her, but hey, nothing is perfect."

"Great! Gonna go check out the mermaid!"

The barman doesn't let you leave until you pay your tab.

You now have 3 silver.

You head out and you can't see very clear because it is dark and you picked a different trait, but you can hear her sing.

> Get closer to the mermaid to see those bouncy boobs
> Give up chasing fishwoman boobs and go to sleep
> Jump in the water, you wanna touch those juggers
> Write in
Hey, if we stare hard at her, isn't she gonna stop singing?
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You stare intently at the fishbewbs while jerking off and after awhile she stops singing and swims towards you.

"Hey aren't you going to jump in the water to be eaten by me?"

"No, I don't feel like it."

"I think you're immune to my song. Cool, never met anyone who was. Let me give you a blowie."

She gives you a paizuri and drinks your seed then asks.

"Hey, would I can like, grow legs and stuff. There is some bitch I hate, a drow called Trixia. She lives in a cave nearny. Would you help me murder her?"

> Help the mermaid murder the drow
> Murder is wrong, I'm not gonna do it
> Only if you give me a weapon
> Write in
Okay, but why?
Yeah, I'd rather not be an accomplice of murder, even against a drow, without having context
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"Okay, but why?"

"I just told you, because I hate her!"

"Oh, it makes perfect sense now."

"But while I have legs I can't speak.", she says.

The mermaid grow legs and leads you by the hand towards the drow cave.

Inside the cave, the drow is whipping an orc who is tied to a pole.

"Help me, this drow be crazy!", screams the orc.

> Punch the drow in the face
> Chicken out and run
> Try to disarm the drow
> Write in
Punch Drow, then untie orc. He is too handsome for this.
Punch that bitch, but we should probably deal with her permanently before untying the orcman
>Punch the drow in the face
That bitch has gone too far!
>sex drow
You call that boobies? She's practically a washing board compared to mermaid woman (who already gave us some paizuri)
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You punch the drow right in the eye and she falls to the ground with a loud thud.

You then go untie the orc.

The mermaid jumps on the drow and starts tearing her apart with claws and bites!

By the time you're done untying the orc, the mermaid is eating the drow alive.

"Nooo, nooo, don't eat me alive, I just enjoy torturing people for no reason, it is my racial trait... oh goddess, the pain..."

You inspect the cave and you notice a small chest in a corner.

> Open the chest
> Grab the chest and run, you're not sharing with anyone
> Ignore the chest
> Write in
Tell the orc he should probably leave. Also go check out the chest. No need to run, though. If the mermaid wanted to eat you she'd have done it while you were in her mouth.
>Open the chest
We saved orc bro and helped the mermaid. The odds of getting the lion's share are on our side.
Yeah, unless it turns out it's just like...her bdsm torture equipment. Or her diary.
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You open the chest. Inside there is a a small pile of silver coins (about 30), a dagger, three vials of poison, a manacle, a dildo and the drow's diary!

You don't actually have a backpack, so if you want to carry all this shit you'll need to bring them in the chest.

> Trick the mermaid into drinking the poison, she probably doesn't know how to read labels
> Bind the mermaid with manacles and take her to town, accuse her of murdering the drow
> Leave all this crap behind, except the dagger and the money, you could use a weapon
> Carry all this shit back town to sell
> Write in
> Leave all this crap behind, except the dagger and the money, you could use a weapon
Ain't worth it.

And then wait for Mermaid girl to finish her meal, I guess.-
>Leave most this crap behind, except the dagger and the money, you could use a weapon
>Take the diary to read it
Maybe the drow has secrets we can profit off of
Oh yeah the diary. Read that, I guess.
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You loot the dagger and the money and then go read her diary.

"Dear diary, sorry for not writing as oftern, I was busy working on the teleportation circle for the queen when an orc wandered into my cave, I started torturing him to see if he had more friends coming, but he hadn't, but then I couldn't just release him right? So I just kept torturing him everyday."

Teleportation circle? You search around the cave and find a secret passage! Behind it, there is a pentagram inscribed in a circle with blood with an eye in the middle. When you enter the chamber, candles around it light by themselves.

"Creepy as fuck."

> Stand in the middle of the pentagram
> Leave this spooky ass place right now
> Destroy the pentagram by pissing on it and kicking the candles
> Write in
> Leave this spooky ass place right now
No way we're touching that shit, it might summon the queen anyway. Let's take the Mermaid and go.
> Stand in the middle of the pentagram
An eye?? Perhaps this holds answers to our heritage. All aboard!
>Stand in the middle of the pentagram
A single eye? Just like ours!
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You stand in the middle of the pentagram

it teleports you to a chamber with a giant one eyed monster with big tits

The monster asks

"Where is Trixia?"

What do you do?

> "She's busy, told me to come here and get the stuff."
> "She's dead, a mermaid killed her."
> "And how the hell would I know?"
> Write in
You're not like our mom or anything are you?
I'll back this. If she asks, tell her we didn't expect the mermaid to actually follow through.
I mean I back

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