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The world has fallen into ruin. The once-mighty empires have collapsed, their cities overrun by war, famine, and magic gone wild. The gods are silent, the great kingdoms are dust, and the age of heroes is but a whisper in the wind.

Yet, not all is lost. You are the last light of civilization, a remnant of a once-great people who have found refuge in a remote valley, deep within the ruins of an ancient fortress-city.

But beware! Foul things stir in the deep places, remnants of the catastrophe that ended the old world, and the heavens themselves are broken. Strange storms and unpredictable magic shape the land in ways unknown.

Here, amidst crumbling stone and forgotten magic, you must forge a new destiny.
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>>6191192 (OP)

Choose a Faction.

> The Ashenfolk – Descendants of a burned empire, your people bear the scars of war but wield knowledge of lost steelcraft and forgotten oaths. Doctrine: Pavise and crossbows.
> The Wilderborn – A hardy people of mixed blood, shaped by the wilds. You thrive where others perish and hold deep bonds with beasts and nature. Doctrine: Houndmasters.
> The Moon-Kin – Fugitives of a fallen elven kingdom, your people possess fragments of ancient magic but are hunted by unseen enemies. Doctrine: Longbows.
> The Hollow-Blooded – Survivors of a cursed city, you carry eldritch afflictions but also a dark power that sets you apart. Doctrine: Eldritch Witches.
> The Stonebound – Descendants of mountain-dwelling dwarves, you retain knowledge of deep-forging and rune magic, but your numbers are few. Doctrine: Runemasters.
> Write in (determine descent and doctrine)
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Also choose your starting location in the city.
>The Wilderborn – A hardy people of mixed blood, shaped by the wilds. You thrive where others perish and hold deep bonds with beasts and nature. Doctrine: Houndmasters.
1,3 collapsed warehouse
> The Moon-Kin – Fugitives of a fallen elven kingdom, your people possess fragments of ancient magic but are hunted by unseen enemies. Doctrine: Longbows.
3,8 ruined tavern.
Rolled 1 (1d2)


1 - wilderborn
2 - moonkin
You have 40 people in your group of survivors, but you don't walk around everyone together. Rather, you divided yourselves in smaller squads, which survive on their own and can cooperate when necessary. You figured each squad needs a hunter, a tracker and a mystic. The hunter looks for food, the tracker keep us aware of mundane dangers, the mystic of supernatural dangers. Squads will want to have a warrior as well, to fend off threats. Houndmasters are warriors specialized in training dogs for combat.

Each squad can spend a day and find 2d6 of a given resource, except medicine which is just 1d6. A scavenger on the group adds +1d6 for any resource. A hunter add +1d6 just for food. A mystic adds +1d6 for finding medicine. Searching for loot might yield special items instead (which can sometimes give you larger amounts of resources). The scavenger is better at finding loot than all the others.

The squad consumes 1 water and 1 food per day per member. Sick or wounded members consume 1 medicine per day. To build a temporary shelter somewhere consumes 1 shelter material per person. Purifying water near a water source also consumes 1 shelter material per person for each 1 water, but this amount might be changed by specific items (a big metal cauldron might let you purify more water with less fuel, for instance).

Wounds and disease have 20% chance to heal and -5% chance of killing you if being treated (if the chance was 10% on first day, it is 5% on second), the chance can go to 0% but you will only heal when the 20% roll is made. If not treated, has +10% chance to kill you increasing everyday (10% on first day, 20% on second day and so on) and just 5% chance to heal, the chance to kill can go up to 90%.

You can go without food for a long time, but if you go three days without water you die. First day without water you wake up thirsty. Second day you wake up dehydrated. Third day you die. To recover from dehydration you need 2 water.

Moving through the city and searching ruined places has a chance of disturbing or attracting Creatures. Iit is about 10% per tile traversed. Having a tracker in the group halves the chance.
Select one squad to command:

Squad 1 – The Duskfangs
1. Halvar (Warrior)
2. Bryndis (Mystic)
3. Orlaith (Tracker)
4. Eldrin (Hunter)
5. Lysara (Hunter)
Food: 14
Water: 8
Medicine: 6
Shelter Materials: 12

Squad 2 – The Blackpines
1. Wulfric (Houndmaster)
2. Torven (Tracker)
3. Freyaná (Mystic)
4. Tovan (Hunter)
5. Eowyn (Tracker)
Food: 18
Water: 7
Medicine: 5
Shelter Materials: 10

Wulfric’s Dogs
Fang – Alpha hunter
Ashen – Silent scout
Brim – Fierce guardian
Rook – Experienced tracker

Squad 3 – The Hollow Striders
1. Vaelric (Houndmaster)
2. Sylwen (Hunter)
3. Serin (Tracker)
4. Jorik (Tracker)
5. Zorya (Warrior)
Food: 10
Water: 11
Medicine: 7
Shelter Materials: 9

Vaelric’s Dogs
Gale – Swift runner
Iron – Combat protector
Shade – Stealthy shadow

Squad 4 – The Shadowstalkers
1. Fenric (Hunter)
2. Rowan (Warrior)
3. Branwyl (Mystic)
4. Alric (Warrior)
5. Draven (Warrior)
Food: 20
Water: 8
Medicine: 6
Shelter Materials: 14

Squad 5 – The Thornbound
1. Orin (Scavenger)
2. Sigrun (Warrior)
3. Garran (Tracker)
4. Morwen (Mystic)
5. Velka (Hunter)
Food: 15
Water: 9
Medicine: 8
Shelter Materials: 11

Squad 6 – The Frostfangs
1. Haldor (Hunter)
2. Nyssara (Mystic)
3. Caedric (Warrior)
4. Thalwyn (Tracker)
5. Edris (Hunter)
Food: 22
Water: 10
Medicine: 11
Shelter Materials: 15

Squad 7 – The Stormcallers
1. Thorne (Hunter)
2. Astrid (Hunter)
3. Soren (Mystic)
4. Elira (Hunter)
5. Ylva (Tracker)
Food: 12
Water: 5
Medicine: 4
Shelter Materials: 7

Squad 8 – The Ironfangs
1. Tovan (Hunter)
2. Orlaith (Tracker)
3. Garran (Mystic)
4. Kaelith (Warrior)
5. Jorik (Tracker)
Food: 18
Water: 7
Medicine: 9
Shelter Materials: 13

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