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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 759. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tndKYpPz2RU [Embed]

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>>6192012 (OP)
Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After Mechikabura boosted Karn's Demon Seal to withstand the full might of the Berserker Soul, Karn trained with this combined power for a month before facing off once more with Meloka Black. Traveling through time to Marron's world, Karn, Chaya, Meloka and Marron confronted the gathered Zamasu in their own or their stolen bodies. Then, after besting a Zamasu wielding his own body, Karn faced Meloka Black one-on-one. Taking her hand from her, letting the Hakai in her past finish her off before saving Marron from another Black Chaya. Only to enter a rip in reality, traveling to a realm made entirely of Zamasu. Working with Divine Dragon Force, Karn and his Stand bested that reality, reducing it to nothing before returning back to Marron's timeline. Finishing off a final Zamasu before Marron evacuated all her people, everyone retreating from her time back to your own. And as we rejoin Karn, you and your family who'd fought, along with the man who was Marron's father in another timeline, Krillin, are all seated in a small, quaint restaurant on his planet, Earth. Catching each other up on your own battles in Marron's timeline.

“Hold on. You destroyed an entire REALITY of Zamasu?!” your daughter, Chaya exclaims, everyone else having told their own battles before you told everyone your own.
“To have the power to destroy an entire reality... No wonder everyone looks up to you the way they do.” the shorter, bald man whose name you remember is Krillin says. However, before he can continue, a familiar voice speaks up from behind you.
“That wasn't a reality, not exactly.” it says, but you barely hear its words as you surge to your feet and turn. Having not sensed Fu's approach at all, you're a split-second second from transforming and attacking him. Seeing this he holds his hands out towards you in a gesture of surrender and non-confrontation, clearly not looking for a fight. “Woah, easy, easy. Didn't mean to startle you, big guy. But I do have to say, you may have crippled every single Zamasu on not just your timeline's major branch. That was one hell of a performance.”

“What do you mean? What are you talking about?” Meloka asks, your wife's gaze steely upon the demon hybrid.
“Well, how do I explain this..?” he ponders a moment, hand to his chin before grabbing a nearby chair and sitting backwards on it. Resting his crossed arms on the back of the chair, looking to you all as he thinks. “Ah, I got it. Chaya, your power comes from Faith, right?”
“Yeah. What about it?” your daughter replies, all of you curious what Fu is getting at. But your focus is more on how he was able to sneak up on you, on ALL of you so undetected. Where the hell did he come from?

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“You understand how divine power works, even moreso than your mother I believe.” Fu says, you wondering when he's going to get to the point. “What is the most important factor to divine power?”
“Faith. Without Faith, divine power doesn't exist.” she replies, sounding a bit confused.
“Yes, exactly. Faith. The Faith of mortals, of the masses of the universe creates, empowers and maintains its Gods. But what does the Faith of Gods create?” Fu asks, you all going silent at the implications. Until Krillin, once again speaks up.

“Well? Are you gonna tell us, or just keep riding the suspense?” he asks, Fu seeming to deflate a little. But he then perks right back up as he begins to explain.
“The Faith of Gods, across any given reality, maintain and establish the order of reality. Keeping things like the natural laws of gravity, inertia, life, and death intact, as well as keeping the realms separate among other things. However, theoretically, if you gather enough of the SAME deity, across timelines who all believe the world SHOULD be a certain way, well...”

“Then they would somehow bring that belief into reality.” you say, Fu snapping his fingers and pointing at you.
“Yes! Well, no, but also yes.” he replies, his answer confusion. “Not exactly. See, when one of those Zamasu in a stolen body gets angry enough, they not only tear through the fabric of space and time, but cut through the line between what reality IS and what it DESIRES reality to be. When you jumped through that gap, you entered what Zamasu, ALL of the Zamasu pictured as the utopia they were planning to create.”

“THAT is what they wanted? The world they sought to create?” you think to yourself, but as you think this Chaya speaks up.
“Hold on. If dad destroyed that, then-” your daughter says, voice trailing off with understanding as Fu grins and nods.
“Indeed. Your father Karn here not only bested Zamasu, he destroyed the very IDEA of the reality they wanted to create. You not only bested Meloka Black, their single-strongest Zamasu, but obliterated their very concept of what victory would look like. To destroy them on such a fundamental level... I don't know IF Zamasu will retain the will to fight now. You did it, Karn. You did the impossible.”

Well? How do you react to this news?
>Ask if he knows where the Zamasu are hiding out, being able to take the fight to them before they can
>Sit back down and process this, this is pretty big news
>Ask how the assimilation is going, if the people from Marron's timeline are all being merged with this time successfully
>Telepathically reach out to Mechikabura, ask him if what Fu just told you is true
>Other(write in)?
>Ask if he knows where the Zamasu are hiding out, being able to take the fight to them before they can
I just want to talk to them.
>before they can return would be ideal
Whoops, dropped a few words there
>Ask if he knows where the Zamasu are hiding out, being able to take the fight to them before they can
This feels like the most "Karn" answer in the moment. Also lmao, really just fucked up their collective psyches didn't we?
You destroyed everything they aspired to. Their dream is quite literally dead.
>Ask if he knows where the Zamasu are hiding out, being able to take the fight to them before they can
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Rolled 18, 41 = 59 (2d100)

Ask if he knows where the Zamasu are hiding out, being able to take the fight to them before they can return would be ideal wins it unanimously, writing.
>we BTFO'd Zamasu so hard we mindbroke every instance of him across reality
This is very satisfying. We broke their spirits, time to break their bodies.
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“It's a start. But they're still out there.” you say, Fu raising a brow at you. Perhaps thinking you'd be more awed by what he told you? But either way you keep going. “If this damaged them as much as you say, then we need to ready ourselves to finish them off.”
“Finish them off...?” Marron mutters but your focus is on the demonkin before you.
“So, do you know where they're hiding out?” you ask him. “If we can take the fight to them before they can return would be ideal. They're dangerous, and the sooner this threat is taken care of, the better.”

“I'll see what I can find. I'm sure they're somewhere in your timeline cluster, and the boss'll no doubt want them gone too.” he replies, rising up out of his seat. “But either way, you're in no shape to go on the offensive right now. You and DDF both need a rest. You haven't realized just how much that took out of you yet.”
“Deedee eff...?” Krillin mutters, his confused voice barely audible over the sudden quiet you've realized has settled over the restaurant. Everyone is looking towards you all, even moreso than when you'd entered now. But they seem to be more looking at Fu than you, which makes sense. After all, you and your family look almost like these far weaker creatures while Fu, with his purple skin stands out quite a bit.

“Later!” Fu says with a wave, then simply vanishes. His ki signature entirely disappears without a trace, no slash through reality or dramatic exit, he's simply... Gone. As if he never were. Silence hangs another moment, before once more the Earthling speaks up.
“So. Who was that guy?” he asks, you turning and sitting back at the table, taking a deep breath. Where to even begin?
“He's an ally, sometimes.” Meloka says, speaking up to answer his question before turning to you. “Another time traveler. But if what he said's true, then you really stopped them all.”

“No, not yet. Whoever's behind them is still out there. And if it is who we think, this problem isn't over.” you reply, feeling a bit worried. Sure, you stopped the Zamasu today and saved Marron's people, but what now? “There are more Zamasu out there, Zamasu who need to be stopped. Before they can do to any other timelines what they did to yours, Marron.”

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However, before she can answer, suddenly there's a loud bang from the entrance to the restaurant, and a man shouting out:

“Alright, nobody move! This is a robbery!”

Curious, you turn, seeing a pair of men with covered faces holding some sort of weapons, one going to the counter near the door and pointing it at the woman there while the other turns their weapon on you all sitting down inside the restaurant.

“Everyone stay calm, don't do anything stupid and no one has to get shot.” he says, clearly the same one from before. He then sees you looking and raises the weapon, pointing it directly at your head. “Especially you, big guy. You may be built like a tank, but that doesn't make you bulletproof! I'll fill you with holes before you can so much as stand up!”

Well? What now?
>Use your telekinesis to rip the weapon out of his grip and pull it to you then crush it in your bare hands. See how brave he feels after being disarmed
>Reach out and grab his throat with telelkinesis, start choking the would-be bandit
>Stand up and start walking over, ready to intercept whatever sort of projectile this weapon he has can fire. There are a lot of people here who're now PTO subjects, wouldn't want them to be killed by a criminal
>Turn back to your meal, this isn't any concern of yours. If he tries anything you'll kill him easily, but there's no point getting involved yourself
>Ask the table if anyone wants to handle this before you do, if anyone accepts leave it to them
>Other(write in)?
>>Stand up and start walking over, ready to intercept whatever sort of projectile this weapon he has can fire. There are a lot of people here who're now PTO subjects, wouldn't want them to be killed by a criminal
Yeah? Here's a reality check
>Stand up and start walking over, ready to intercept whatever sort of projectile this weapon he has can fire. There are a lot of people here who're now PTO subjects, wouldn't want them to be killed by a criminal
Robbing us is one thing, but interrupting a family meal? That's grounds for the death penalty back on New Salda/
>Stand up and start walking over, ready to intercept whatever sort of projectile this weapon he has can fire. There are a lot of people here who're now PTO subjects, wouldn't want them to be killed by a criminal
Criminals. Not the sharpest tools in the shed, are they? Didn't this one already catch an assbeating this week?
Yes, but that was a month ago. The day Chaya met Krillin and he took her out to a different place. Someone Chaya and Krillin are going to recognize.
>>Stand up and start walking over, ready to intercept whatever sort of projectile this weapon he has can fire. There are a lot of people here who're now PTO subjects, wouldn't want them to be killed by a criminal
Stand up and start walking over, ready to intercept whatever sort of projectile this weapon he has can fire. There are a lot of people here who're now PTO subjects, wouldn't want them to be killed by a criminal unanimously wins, roll me a single d100.

DC: 2
Rolled 93 (1d100)

nat 1
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Rolled 96 (1d100)

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96/100. Looks like he's not only not a match for you, but the civilians will be safe as well. Good work, writing.
“Again? Really? I gave those idiots a chance, too.” Krillin says, sounding more disappointed than upset at what's happening.
“Can I kill them this time?” Chaya asks him, your daughter's voice surprisingly eager as with a sigh you push yourself back up to your feet.
“Hey you big dumb brick, I told you not to move!” the man shouts, this time his voice laced with a hint of fear. Your complete disregard for his weapon seems to have undermined his confidence, the man taking an uncertain step back. “D-Don't come any closer, or I'll shoot! I swear!”

“Go ahead, pull that trigger.” you say, not breaking eye contact as you start walking towards him. “See what happens.”
“I-I warned you!” he shouts, pulling the trigger. The machine in his hands roars to life with a “RAATATATATATAAT”, firing a spray of tiny metal projectiles towards you. But you don't even break stride as people shout in alarm and women scream, you bringing your left hand up. Plucking each of the projectiles out of the air, catching the almost three dozen projectiles it fires in almost four seconds. The weapon's ammunition then runs out, the would-be robber pulling the trigger again and again as the barrel smokes. You open your hand, looking at the small smooth cone-shaped projectiles. “Wh-What? How did you-?!”

“My turn.” you say, drawing your left arm back. But before you throw them back to the robber, the human man Krillin dashes straight past you. The man only has time to take a single step back, dropping a rectangular part of his weapon and bringing another up in his left hand. Only for Krillin to reach him before he can reload, driving his left elbow into the man's sternum, dropping him down to his knees with a single strike. Wheezing out in pain as his eyes roll into the back of his head, collapsing onto his side. The other one, who'd been at the counter turns, eyes widening as he sees Krillin.
“Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me. There's no wa-GUUH!?” he says then wheezes as Krillin thrusts his right hand towards him, hitting him with nothing more than the force of his punch from a dozen yards or so away. Knocking the wind out of the the man, who struggles to raise his weapon. “Ghh! Tch!”

Faster than he can react, Krillin closes in on him as well, tearing the weapon from his grip and snapping it like a twig in his hand. But then, instead of knocking this guy out, reaches over, placing his right hand on his forehead.

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“You've been misusing your energy, so I think you shouldn't have it.” Krillin says, you watching as the guy reaches up, desperately trying to claw Krillin's arm off of him. But Krillin doesn't budge, using his energy absorbers in in palm to drink the man's energy. Whose movements quickly become sluggish, then his eyes close, body going limp. The orange gi'd man then releases him, the man flopping to the ground. Then without addressing the unconscious men turns to the woman behind the counter. “Sorry these guys caused trouble, I'm going to... Handle this.”

“O-Of course! Thank you so much!” the woman replies, the restaurant cheering as they start recognizing him. Chaya, without skipping a beat also goes over, grabbing the other one and throwing their unconscious body over her shoulder before turning to you.
“We'll handle this Dad, don't worry about it.” Chaya says with a smile. But you get the feeling she's just using this as an excuse to get some time alone with herself and the human.
“Alright. We'll be heading home shortly,” you tell her, then turn to Marron. “What about you?”

“Wha-Me?” she asks, sounding surprised. “I, uhhh... I need to help my people settle in here on this world.”
“Understandable. Take care, if you want to head over just shoot one of us a message.” you reply to her, Marron nodding. Then, after a second's hesitation rushes forward, hugging you.
“Thank you. For everything.” she says, her voice on the verge of tears. But with a sniff she regains her composure, pulling back and straightening herself up. “Right, I'd better get to it.”

“Good luck.” your wife says, Marron following Chaya and Krillin out of the restaurant. You watch her go, then turn back to your wife, who gives you a questioning look. “Well? What now?”

Which is a good question. What now?
>Telepathically reach out to Broly and Kori, ask how they've been doing
>Instant Transmission back to your ship and get back to your usual daily routine as well as tell Cooler that your intensive training's over and can get back to daily sparring with him
>Telepathically call to Chili, see how your son and his family are doing
>Instant Transmission to King Vegeta IV, tell him everything that happened and keep him up-to-date on what's going on
>Other(write in)?
>>Instant Transmission to King Vegeta IV, tell him everything that happened and keep him up-to-date on what's going on
>>Instant Transmission to King Vegeta IV, tell him everything that happened and keep him up-to-date on what's going on
Okay fine, what was it?
>Instant Transmission to King Vegeta IV, tell him everything that happened and keep him up-to-date on what's going on
Business time. Also if those bozos come back we should just end them if they keep coming back from jail
>>Instant Transmission to King Vegeta IV, tell him everything that happened and keep him up-to-date on what's going on
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Instant Transmission to King Vegeta IV, tell him everything that happened and keep him up-to-date on what's going on wins unanimously. Writing.
Here's hoping Vegeta is actually at liberty to disclose what Bardock and the gang have been getting up to after we report to him. It's been a minute since we've actually gotten a chance to talk at Bardock is all.
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“We should probably get back and tell Vegeta what's happened. He should be kept in the know.” you tell her, your wife nodding as you raise your right hand to your forehead, reaching out to the king telepathically. “King Vegeta, this is Karn. Are you busy?”
“I have five minutes, what's going on?” he replies, your wife touching your arm. As she does, focusing on the king of the Saiyans' ki through the link, you teleport directly to him. Leaving this planet and its abnormally light gravity behind. Only to appear in the king's throne room, Vegeta sitting his throne with his son in his lap. “Karn, Meloka. You both look... Exhausted. Was your mission today really so exhaustive?”

“Where to begin?” you reply, quickly relaying what all happened, as well as what Fu told you with your wife interjecting a few times. And after a couple minutes you've told him everything, the king looking worried. “But we got her people out and to their planet in this time, Mechikabura and Aeos merging them with this timeline.”
“I see, well done. But we have a problem.” he replies, you immediately feeling a bit worried. “About a month ago, I received a telepathic communication from Raditz of all people. You were unresponsive, so I dispatched Bardock, Leyas, Sarada, and whoever they brought along to investigate. And I just got their report back.”

Suddenly a chill crawls up your spine, you and your wife sharing a worried, knowing glance.

“They arrived on the planet Raditz and Redis had, until recently it seems, inhabited. However, there were no signs of life on the planet whatsoever. No one sentient was left alive, and, even more disturbingly, what happened to Raditz' home.” he says, then, after glancing down to his son and whispering something to him, Vegeta V places his hands over his ears. Which was superfluous, as King Vegeta then reaches back out to you both telepathically to finish his news. “Redis is dead.”

Images of a ghastly scene appear in your mind through the link, dried blood on the walls, covering the floor and had been dripping off the ceiling until it hardened. Her body looks as if it were detonated from the inside, as if something vengeful tore its way out from within her.

“What about their kid?” Meloka asks, aloud and not telepathically. “Is their child alright?”
“Unknown.” Vegeta replies, raising a hand and rubbing his eyes. Which look tired, heavy bags under them as he speaks wearily. “Raditz himself was not among the dead of that world either, as far as we can tell. I fear that monster has somehow returned, retaken control over one of our own and fled to who knows where to prepare.”

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“What about the deep range scanners? Surely they have something?” you ask him, to which Vegeta nods.
“Yes. Checking their records from around the same time as I received that message from him, there was a noticeable spike on his world before hundreds of powerlevels began disappearing a second. Within moments, less than a hundred were left and shortly thereafter several dozen ships departed. But Raditz must have been hiding his ki as he wasn't picked up again after the massacre. Who knows where he fled to?”
“What if he DIDN'T flee? What if he's still there, suppressing his power?” your wife asks, the alarm in her tone catching your attention and worry as well. “Get them out of there, before it gets them too!”

“They all made it back to their ships, and are in orbit around that planet while I plan out our next move.” Vegeta replies, reaching down and placing a hand on his son's head. “But I can't call them back, not yet. We have to be careful. If any of them were taken, can't have them coming back and risking bringing that monster here. If that Tuffle parasite makes it to our world and starts taking us over, the entire universe is in trouble. I've already requisitioned additional resources on hunting whatever did this down from Lord Cooler as well, but I haven't heard back yet.”

Well? What do you have to add?
>Telepathically reach out to Leyas and Sarada yourself, see if they saw anything else King Vegeta didn't mention
>Ask him if the ships were tracked, if it's possible to intercept them before they can get to another world and spread that Tuffle monster's influence
>Telepathically reach out to Cooler yourself, tell him what King Vegeta just told you and ask for his assistance as well. This problem needs stamped down immediately before it can become a bigger problem
>Ask him to keep you in the loop, when you fought it before that monster was figuring out divine power, this time you've no doubt it will be even stronger and he'll need you to take it down
>Other(write in)?
>>Telepathically reach out to Cooler yourself, tell him what King Vegeta just told you and ask for his assistance as well. This problem needs stamped down immediately before it can become a bigger problem
Also RIP Redis. That sounds like a fucking brutal way to go, especially after everything that's already happened.
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>Images of a ghastly scene appear in your mind through the link, dried blood on the walls, covering the floor and had been dripping off the ceiling until it hardened. Her body looks as if it were detonated from the inside, as if something vengeful tore its way out from within her.
>>Telepathically reach out to Cooler yourself, tell him what King Vegeta just told you and ask for his assistance as well. This problem needs stamped down immediately before it can become a bigger problem
We deal with this then we can get back to the usual. Use the Dragon Balls if we can.
>>Telepathically reach out to Cooler yourself, tell him what King Vegeta just told you and ask for his assistance as well. This problem needs to be stamped down immediately before it can become a bigger problem
Looks like Raditz is just doomed not to be happ and Chaya will deeply blame herself for this somehow.
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>Telepathically reach out to Cooler yourself, tell him what King Vegeta just told you and ask for his assistance as well. This problem needs stamped down immediately before it can become a bigger problem
Holy shit, the Chestburster treatment? Jesus. I guess GD really likes making Raditz suffer.
>Telepathically reach out to Cooler yourself, tell him what King Vegeta just told you and ask for his assistance as well. This problem needs stamped down immediately before it can become a bigger problem
it's too excessive really. We already got the message we can't save everyone, but it always feels like Raditz gets the short end of the stick/ends up being the go-to punching bag for stuff like this. Raditz might end up being our universe's Jiren at this point since he has nothing to live for but vengeance.
Telepathically reach out to Cooler yourself, tell him what King Vegeta just told you and ask for his assistance as well. This problem needs stamped down immediately before it can become a bigger problem wins unanimously, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 60
Rolled 35, 65 = 100 (2d100)

>Punished Raditz (Strength Is Justice), a Saiyan Denied his Happy Ending
But I'm not sure what we can do to help him other than giving Baby a late abortion.
Lord Kek, please give me a good roll to wash this horrible feeling out my mouth
She never knew what was about to happen, at least her suffering was only momentary.
The happiest day of his life turned to a nightmare. Poor man.
>I guess GD really likes making Raditz suffer.
You could have stopped this
It is sad, but he isn't family, and others always seem to take priority. At least to Karn.
Rolled 93, 63 = 156 (2d100)


Ah but so too, could you.
Rolled 84, 46 = 130 (2d100)

There's nothing that can be done, not unless we want to mercy-kill Raditz. But that would just put us more on Bardock's family's shitlist. And dying like that never truly solves anything. Even if we could do something for Raditz, do you honestly think he would accept it from us? He was only in this situation because Chaya couldn't commit to him at the time and settled for making babies with him before it was too late. So even though it was thanks to Karn he got out of the baby's situation alive, it only set the stage for being equal. It doesn't mean he's gonna be eternally grateful or come to us for help in his absolute lowest.
Rolled 63, 95 = 158 (2d100)

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I cannot, all I can do is retell the tales of this story. I cannot put my hand on the scale. Doing so always has consequences. Anyways:

93/100, 65/100. Success and success, well done. Writing.
Fuckin' how, by playing doctor? God, there's too many bodysnatching assholes around. If we left to help Raditz, Cui and his subordinates would be turbodead along with everyone else on that Earth. Maybe Meloka Black would've Kai-Kai'd to New Salda and started wrecking shit there, who knows?
He ran all the way to the ass ends of the galaxy just for us to come back into his life and for some new shithead to tear his life apart where nobody could help him. I don't wanna think about it anymore, I just want Baby as a corpse. We'll drag him screaming into hell if we have to.
Doing so meant that Marron's timeline is even more fucked. Or another one of our allies would have taken the bullet instead. I'm not gullible to believe there was a perfect route that would've ensured everyone's survival. Someone was fated to fall and unfortunately like I said Raditz seems to get the short end of the stick. It's something that everyone has to accept, regardless if they want to or not.

It's not my place to say what Karn should prioritize, as it's canon for him to reach out to family first. Remember he was willing to murder his people back several eps ago when his demon children were being abused and treated horribly. This just happens to be a catch-22 with no real conclusion. I can only hope Raditz doesn't blame us for it cause we're not an omnipotent god who can be everywhere at once. And I doubly hope he doesn't blame us if we have to kill his child as I highly doubt the kid can be saved at this point.

Agreed. Baby should die, no matter what. My only condolence is that Chaya's actions ended up bringing Raditz more pain than just letting him die honorably to Karn. So I know things are going to go to hell when she finds out about it.
I really don't blame Karn for this. We voted OOC on what Alert Karn got, we picked the known Zamasu threat, with no idea of what the other issues were, remember this is Event 2 out of the 4 other possible choices.

Plus as far as Karn and even Towa and co were concerned Baby was Dead and Gone for good.

Shit really really sucks but all we can do is handle the fallout of Baby, just like we would likely have had to handle the fallout of Earth falling to Baby and Maron being dead if we didn't go to that mission.
Sorry. I mean the fallout of Earth Falling to The Zamasu Faction, not Baby.
>If we left to help Raditz, Cui and his subordinates would be turbodead along with everyone else on that Earth. Maybe Meloka Black would've Kai-Kai'd to New Salda and started wrecking shit there, who knows?
Exactly. Stopping one disaster allowed another to flourish. But who would orchestrate these events to happen simultaneously, as surely it can't be coincidence, right?
Yes. I will say Raditz doesn't blame YOU, or any of your children for what happened. He does blame someone for things though.
Bingo. We have to handle the crisis in front of us, not get bogged down in the could have/should have game as that leads to ruin.
>He does blame someone for things though.
let me guess, himself?
Yeah, I don't blame him at all if he ends up blaming Chaya. She's completely at fault and nothing will change my mind. But good to know we're safe. Unless that means he ends up trying to kill Chaya, then its on sight. Even if I understand his reasoning.
Well that one's a given, I meant outside himself.
>But who would orchestrate these events to happen simultaneously, as surely it can't be coincidence, right?
Then we will kill them for that. No if about it, it WILL happen.
I mean its pretty obvious that hes blaming you know...Baby for all this.

Though man the Supreme BITCH really is grinding our gears.
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“We can't wait on this, I'm reaching out to Cooler directly.” you reply, focusing your mind. Reaching out telepathically to the current emperor of the universe. “Cooler, are you there? We've got a problem.”
“Oh? And what sort of problem would that be?” he asks, you getting the feeling he knows something. But without hesitation you retell what King Vegeta told you, explaining what you think is behind this. “Hold on. That monster, you DIDN'T kill it? Dammit, does Arctus know?!”

Immediately your blood runs cold, you hadn't even considered. And in your moment of hesitation, without severing the link with you, Cooler reaches out to his cousin.

“Arctus, answer me right now! Where are you?” he shouts through the link, you wincing.
“Cooler, what the hell? You can't wake someone from a hangover like-” Arctus replies, his thoughts fuzzy.
“That Tuffle is coming to kill you!” Cooler shouts once more, you feeling Arctus' mind instantly snapping to full focus. “The Saiyans failed to kill it, it will come for you and that head to protect its secrets!”

“Shit. Defenses are going online now, if anything's even close I'll know.” comes the panicked reply. You can almost 'see' Arctus taking a deep breath, focusing his mind. “Fortunately, they won't find it. I've hidden it where no one else can find.”
“Good. Karn, tell Vegeta that we'll be tracking those craft, and will coordinate with him once they're found.” Cooler answers. “Now, go. My cousin and I must speak.”
“Of course.” you reply, ending the link. Focusing your gaze after a couple blinks on the king, you relay everything you learned, watching his expression grow darker.

“I had considered Arctus to be a target, good thing Cooler is taking this seriously.” comes the tired reply, Vegeta sighing out as he slumps a bit in his chair. No longer looking like the child you once knew, but a man wizened by age and life.
“Why would the bad guys go after Arctus?” Prince Vegeta asks his father. “Isn't he the one who makes the droids?”
“Yes. Arctus has the data from the person who made the Tuffle parasite that nearly killed Raditz on his self-imposed exile.” Vegeta tells his son. “If that monster returned and is the one that attacked him and his family, it will seek to hide any weaknesses or fail-safes its creator could have noted.”

“Can we have Arctus send US the data?” Vegeta's son asks him, his questions impressing you. “If we have it, then we can look for a weakness ourselves. And not have Arctus at such risk from that monster?”

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“Good thinking, but no. The machine head, when powered up, tries to fight him to keep its secrets. If it were connected to the network, it could escape over that connection, disappearing with its secrets.”
“Oh... That's too bad.” Vegeta's son replies, a moment later one of the side doors opening. Revealing the queen of the Saiyans and your former student, Cenoria.
“Vegeta, come on now. You told me- Oh, Karn. Meloka. I didn't know you were back yet. Everything go well?”

“Well enough. We saved all of Marron's people who were left, and did what we could to the monsters attacking her world to slow them down.” you reply. “But it seems more problems keep popping up.”
“As they always do.” she says, walking over and laying a hand on her husband's shoulder, speaking more to him as she continues than you. “But if we don't take care of ourselves and get the rest we need, then we can't take on the problems we face at one hundred percent.”
“You're right, as usual.” the king replies with a chuckle, reaching up and ruffling his son's hair with one hand, reaching back with the other and placing that hand on her own. “I'll have someone reach out to you with the information as well, when we get updates. But for now I should rest.”

“Bye Karn, bye Meloka!” Prince Vegeta says with a wave, you both giving the royal family salutes before waving as well, leaving the king's fortress behind. Emerging into the early daylight and the bustle of Vegeta City, the planet's main city.
“What now?” your wife asks you, raising her arms and stretching. Which is a good question.

Well? What now?
>Go back to your usual daily schedule, you can take tomorrow off. But for now you're still raring to go after the other fight
>Head home and take the day off, you did promise Okira you'd spend a day resting after saving Marron's people after all
>Telepathically reach out to Broly and Chilli, make sure they're both doing well and know what's happened, see what they think and to be wary of what could be coming for them next
>Other(write in)?
>>Telepathically reach out to Broly and Chilli, make sure they're both doing well and know what's happened, see what they think and to be wary of what could be coming for them next
They should probably know Baby is still out there. Besides, a quick telepathic conference shouldn't get in the way of spending the rest of our day in peace.
Depends on if something else is going on that pulls your attention...
>Telepathically reach out to Broly and Chilli, make sure they're both doing well and know what's happened, see what they think and to be wary of what could be coming for them next
They're both pretty isolated from where they are. Raditz got ganked because he was in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with muggles for company. And that Baby is a sneak.
>>Telepathically reach out to Broly and Chilli, make sure they're both doing well and know what's happened, see what they think and to be wary of what could be coming for them next
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Telepathically reach out to Broly and Chilli, make sure they're both doing well and know what's happened, see what they think and to be wary of what could be coming for them next wins uncontested. Let's see how the two of them deal with this news, writing.
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“Hold on, we should tell the boys.” you say to her, your wife giving you a confused look. “It got Raditz because he was alone. Broly and Chilli are far away from the rest of us, they need to know what could be coming so they can prepare.”
“Oh, right. They should have a heads up.” she replies, you linking minds with her so she can add in as she sees fit, then you reach out telepathically to both of them.
“Broly, Chilli. We need to talk.” you think out to them, feeling your sons' minds connect to your own. Immediately sensing their worry at your declaration. “We've got trouble.”

“What's going on?” your eldest-born, Chilli asks immediately.
“How bad is it?” Broly adds, the two both bracing themselves for the terrible news. So you and your wife tell them everything, from how the day started with the battle against the Zamasu, your victory over them then the news King Vegeta'd given you of what happened to Raditz. After you finish telling them everything, silence hangs in the mental link. You can feel a familiar anger welling up withing Broly, his own fragment of the Berserker Soul's rage flaring. But Chilli, his anger is much more... Cold. Cold and dangerous, his hate focused and honed to a razor's edge.
“I'll find this bastard.” Chilli says, you getting a peek into his mind. Where unknown equations with unintelligible symbols flow through his mind, your son already contemplating how to find him. “How DARE that Tuffle monster kill Redis, and kidnap Raditz' body.”

“Hold on, easy. We're not going out after it, at least not yet.” you tell him, trying to get him to pump the brakes a bit. “Instead of going out hunting, we need to focus on defense. I can't let it take either of you, or endanger your families.”
“I'll kill them.” Broly seethes through the telepathic link. “I see that bastard, he's dead.”
“He's probably retaken over Raditz' body, as they didn't find him there.” your mother chimes in, you feeling Broly's rage falter a moment. Knowing he and Raditz were close, at least at one point. “So if you see Raditz, or even SENSE his ki, let your father and I know immediately.”

“What about Chaya?” Chilli asks, his worry for his sister lighting up the mental link. “Does she know?”

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“No. We told you both first, as you're the most isolated.” you reply. “That monster attacks those alone and more vulnerable. It would probably have a harder time sneaking up on Chaya at Dreadzone with all its security.”
“As if one guy with weak little fuzzballs couldn't break their security in two.” Chilli replies, a note of both pride and worry in his tone. “She needs to know. What if it reaches out to her again? What if it already has?”

“Or what about Namek? What if it goes there first, seeking the Dragon Balls?” Broly adds, his own worry now coming through as well. “With the power of the wishes, who knows what kind of power it could obtain, what trouble it can cause?”

Well? How do you respond to this?
>Tell them you and Meloka will handle warning everyone important today, while they focus on preparing their own defenses and early warning systems so they don't get snuck up on themselves
>Tell them that Cooler's handling things on the large scale, but that you're more worried about them. The Tuffle's ultimate goal is killing every Saiyan, before moving on to other goals. Your family and people are the immediate concern
>Let your boys know that, when the Tuffle is spotted you'll let them know but for now to focus on their own worlds and families
>Ask Meloka to inform everyone else while you reach back out to the Earth-raised Namekian, 'Demon King' Piccolo. Warning him of the danger roaming the universe and offering your help for him to grow stronger to confront it, should the need for him to defend his people's home arise
>Other(write in)?
>>Tell them that Cooler's handling things on the large scale, but that you're more worried about them. The Tuffle's ultimate goal is killing every Saiyan, before moving on to other goals. Your family and people are the immediate concern
>Tell them that Cooler's handling things on the large scale, but that you're more worried about them. The Tuffle's ultimate goal is killing every Saiyan, before moving on to other goals. Your family and people are the immediate concern
>>Ask Meloka to inform everyone else while you reach back out to the Earth-raised Namekian, 'Demon King' Piccolo. Warning him of the danger roaming the universe and offering your help for him to grow stronger to confront it, should the need for him to defend his people's home arise
we handle name and they handle Chaya. They can deal with THAT shitshow this time
Actually switching to this
>Ask Meloka to inform everyone else while you reach back out to the Earth-raised Namekian, 'Demon King' Piccolo. Warning him of the danger roaming the universe and offering your help for him to grow stronger to confront it, should the need for him to defend his people's home arise
>>Ask Meloka to inform everyone else while you reach back out to the Earth-raised Namekian, 'Demon King' Piccolo. Warning him of the danger roaming the universe and offering your help for him to grow stronger to confront it, should the need for him to defend his people's home arise
Sure trining picollo sounds hilarious
>Tell them that Cooler's handling things on the large scale, but that you're more worried about them. The Tuffle's ultimate goal is killing every Saiyan, before moving on to other goals. Your family and people are the immediate concern
>Tell them that Cooler's handling things on the large scale, but that you're more worried about them. The Tuffle's ultimate goal is killing every Saiyan, before moving on to other goals. Your family and people are the immediate concern
>>Ask Meloka to inform everyone else while you reach back out to the Earth-raised Namekian, 'Demon King' Piccolo. Warning him of the danger roaming the universe and offering your help for him to grow stronger to confront it, should the need for him to defend his people's home arise
Switching to this
And with the switched votes, Ask Meloka to inform everyone else while you reach back out to the Earth-raised Namekian, 'Demon King' Piccolo. Warning him of the danger roaming the universe and offering your help for him to grow stronger to confront it, should the need for him to defend his people's home arise wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 45
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 60
Rolled 44, 87, 19 = 150 (3d100)

Rolled 46, 63, 77 = 186 (3d100)

nat 100's only
Rolled 9, 57, 67 = 133 (3d100)

fuck u baby
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46/100, 87/100, 77/100. Narrow success, high mystery and success. Well, he's certainly intrigued by your idea, writing.
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“Mel, mind letting everyone know? Elders Guru and Pybara, as well as Chaya?” you ask your wife aloud, who looks to you with confusion. “I'm going to try and reach out to someone else about this, I'll join you for the talk with Chaya if I'm finished.”
“Sure thing.” she replies, also aloud as you both telepathically say farewell to your boys, minds splitting as you go to your separate tasks. You reach out through the void, seeking the Namekian you'd only seen the one time.

“Piccolo, this is Karn. Can you hear me?” you think out into space, reaching out to him. Feeling his mind touch your own, recoiling as he replies.
“What the-? What is the meaning of this?” he answers, suspicion tainting the link. He clearly still doesn't trust you, but you suppose that's fine. After all, he's also only seen you once. “How are you doing this?”
“How isn't really important, not as much as the why.” you reply. “We've got a problem. One that might make it's way to Namek, to steal the Dragon Balls.”

You feel the Namekian's whole focus shift to you suddenly as you tell him this, his doubts and hesitation completely washed away with the seriousness of this claim.

“What kind of trouble?” he replies, now all business. “What sort of guy are we talking?”
“A body-snatching parasite, one that conquers the host and puppets them into doing its will. It has one of my people, one of the stronger ones. He'd been living in isolation, and that monster killed his wife and maybe their unborn child, then took over his body.”
“Hold on. You're saying it can infiltrate your body and control you from within?” Piccolo replies, shocked. “How do you prevent it from doing so?”

“I have a technique that can stop it, at least it prevented it from getting inside us when we fought it last time. If you want, I could train you as well, pass the technique along as well as perhaps a few others. If you're willing to learn.”
“Hrmm. This technique seems useful, I wouldn't be opposed.” he replies, but then for a split-second you get a flash of what he's seeing. He's atop a plateau, looking out over the world of his ancestors. You recognizing the view from the Namekian Grand Elder Guru's home. “I shall... Get back to you on this. Once I finish my training under the Grand Elder.”

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“Of course, take your time. And warn Nail of what I warned you as well, I'd gladly teach him as well.” you reply, and for a moment get a flash of what feels like contempt through the link. But he doesn't say anything else, you both ending the connection. Then, you turn to your wife, who returns your gaze.
“The elders know, and are ready to tell their people of what to look out for.. All that's left is to tell....” she says, voice trailing off. No doubt also not eager to tell your daughter about this either. Both of you clearly worried of her reaction. You aren't sure how she's going to take it, which leaves you with just one question:

How do you do this?
>Instant Transmission back to that planet to her, both of you tell her in person. Things may be awkward with the human, but he should be aware to spread the word to his people's leadership as well
>Tell Meloka you'll do it, reach out telepathically to Chaya and let her know
>Say to your wife that you'll back her up, but let her start the conversation and only jump in as needed
>Agree to let her have the rest of the day without this knowledge, tell her tomorrow when you wake up. Let her have the victory she earned today without casting a shadow over it
>Other(write in)?
>Instant Transmission back to that planet to her, both of you tell her in person. Things may be awkward with the human, but he should be aware to spread the word to his people's leadership as well
>>Say to your wife that you'll back her up, but let her start the conversation and only jump in as needed
>Say to your wife that you'll back her up, but let her start the conversation and only jump in as needed
She's been in Chaya's shoes and was always the more articulate between us.
>>Say to your wife that you'll back her up, but let her start the conversation and only jump in as needed
Rolled 45, 34, 65 = 144 (3d100)

Say to your wife that you'll back her up, but let her start the conversation and only jump in as needed wins it. Not going to meet face-to-face, huh? Let's see how this goes, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: ??
Second DC: 40
Rolled 1, 36 = 37 (2d100)

nat 100 and a 41
well fuck. I'm done rolling for the day
Rolled 95, 74 = 169 (2d100)

Rolled 64, 58 = 122 (2d100)

This bodes well
Rolled 40, 24 = 64 (2d100)

You fucked up

For that one anon who screams Final Shine Attack, I will...not do that. Instead, I will scream-ATATATATATATATATWATA
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95/100, 74/100. High mystery(no way the 1 could survive a 95, right? Right??) and a success, writing.
>no way the 1 could survive a 95, right? Right??)
>chaya immediately teleports into bumfuck nowhere and gets got
Ha! But no, she's no longer the emotionally-immature child she once was. She'll surely handle this maturely and with a measured response, right?
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“I'll back you up, hun. Let's do this, together.” you tell her, Meloka nodding to you before taking a deep breath, sighing out before closing her eyes. You reach over, placing your hand on her far shoulder and pull her to your side. Reaching out telepathically, linking your mind to hers as your wife then calls out to Chaya.
“Kiddo, we... We need to talk.” your wife thinks to Chaya, you feeling her sudden interest.

“What's going on? Mom, Dad? What is it, what's wrong?” she replies, immediately feeling something wrong, perhaps sensing both of your hesitation. “Don't tell me Zamasu's back already?”
“What? No, no. Not him. But we have a bigger problem.” she answers, taking another deep breath before just coming out and saying it. “Raditz is gone.”

Silence hangs through the mental link, you feeling your daughter distancing herself more and more by the second. No doubt to hide her sudden burst of emotions, then when she comes back you can feel her holding a VERY tight reign over her emotions.

“What do you mean, gone? Is he...Dead?” Chaya asks, you sensing her sudden worry even through trying to hide her emotions.
“We don't know.” you interject. “Redis is dead, along with their child. We suspect Baby somehow survived and took revenge. Either it was hiding inside Redis, tore the kid up and killed her on its way out. Or....”
“That monster hid inside their child.” Chaya answers the unspoken question with surprising certainty. “Bastard. Thanks for letting me know, I'm heading back to Dreadzone now. I'll find this son of a bitch, and-!”

“No. Do NOT look for him.” your wife says, shouting through the mental link. “Do you understand me? Under NO circumstances are you to engage until we're ALL ready to go. Do I make myself clear?”
“And just leave him like that?!” your daughter fires back. “And just leave him like this? I know Raditz, he'd rather be DEAD than under that bastard's control again. We have to save him! Or at least put him out of his misery. And if you won't do it, I will. I owe him that much, at least.”

And as she talks, you can still tell that she does have some lingering feelings for him. But it isn't that which is motivating her, no. As she declares her intent so boldly, you can tell that she feels more responsible than anything. And that she OWES him this, as if all of this were entirely her fault.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234 paused-
And that's it for today's run, everyone enjoying this episode so far? Enjoy learning just what you did to Zamasu, what you took from them? Curious how Baby managed to avoid detection within Redis by Towa, or do you think the Tuffle was elsewhere on or off the planet when its 'main' body was destroyed by Chaya? Do you think you and Meloka can talk her down, or will Chaya continue to rampage emotionally and go off before she can recover from the battle with Zamasu? All this and more, when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues in 12 hours, at noon EST!
I'm not holding out hope. I'm calling bullshit on him hiding from Towa somehow.
I just hope Chaya doesn't blame herself too much for how this all went down so far. Best thing she can do for everybody is sit down and BREATHE.
Chaya I am about two seconds away from dropkicking you into a thorn bush. Sit the fuck down. Every time you do something with this boy it makes it worse. Goddamn. She never learns her damn lessons in time. I never get headaches like this over the other kids. And they do dumb and impulsive shit too.
Not saying that she is bratty enough to do it, but was thinking about Chaya tossing a 'shut up mum, I'm stronger than you now" at Meloka, and it got me thinking.

Is Meloka inclined to invite Chaya to train under Whis with her? Would Chaya agree to it, and would Whis? Or is the nature of Chaya's divinity/power source different from what Whis is best able to train / advise?
We'll have to wait and see.
Would be a good idea. Perhaps she'll realize this too? After all, while this news is quite jarring for her, we'll get to see if she's matured, or if she's still the same emotionally-driven being who drove Raditz away in the first place.
Give it some time, let's wait and see. See if her knee-jerk reaction is a momentary thing, or if she's still emotionally immature.
Even if she had the balls, she wouldn't with her father right there as well. For even though she could sense she was stronger than her mother back when she Kaio-Ken'd Hit, she knows she isn't stronger than her father. Especially not after today's events.
If she herself is or would be welcomed back, perhaps? Whis wouldn't have a problem, as he understands divinity to a level even Beerus and the Kais don't.
>Give it some time
I will give her exactly two mayflies worth of time.
>Exactly. Stopping one disaster allowed another to flourish. But who would orchestrate these events to happen simultaneously, as surely it can't be coincidence, right?
I think I understand who you mean. The same person that Mechikabura suspects is behind Zamasu organizing into an army. One of the Zamasu before death shouted:
>“No, please! Save me, Lady-!” Zamasu calls out one last, desperate time.
That hints at who this is.
>And that's it for today's run, everyone enjoying this episode so far?
Very interesting episode.
>Enjoy learning just what you did to Zamasu, what you took from them?
>Curious how Baby managed to avoid detection within Redis by Towa, or do you think the Tuffle was elsewhere on or off the planet when its 'main' body was destroyed by Chaya?
I think he was not there. He was far away when Towa was checking Redis. After this, as time went on people thought Baby is gone for good. He came back there and sneaked upon Redis. Once he infected her he hid inside her child. Perhaps the body of firstborn was also altered by the parasite.
>Do you think you and Meloka can talk her down, or will Chaya continue to rampage emotionally and go off before she can recover from the battle with Zamasu?
I don’t know.
>All this and more, when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues in 12 hours, at noon EST!
Misfortune seems to follow Raditz.
As long as that lasts until the first post today
Exactly. Someone's working behind the scenes.
Glad you enjoyed.
We'll find out soon.
Poor guy can't catch a break for long
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“Chaya. No one is saying we won't go. But we have to be READY when we go.” you tell her, brows furrowed. “You're as tired as I am, neither of us are in any shape to fight anyone on Raditz' Primal level of power today. And King Vegeta already used the deep range scouters, but Raditz' ki wasn't detected leaving the planet. Cooler's got his people tracking each of those ships that departed the planet after the killing started, we have to find where that bastard fled to. As of right now, we have no idea where it scurried off to. But we will, kiddo. We won't let the Tuffle get away with this. We'll make that bastard pay!”

“Alright.” she replies after a few moments' silence, you getting the impression she's just let out a heavy sigh. “Alright, I understand. You're right. My emotions are clouding my judgment, I'm thinking about this emotionally, not rationally. I shouldn't be making decisions about this, not in this state. So I'll leave it to you both. But you had better not face him without me. I owe it to him to save him, one way or another.”
“You're one of our strongest, no way in hell we're fighting him without you if we can help it.” your wife replies, you sensing the tiniest hint of resentment in her tone. “I could sense your divine power today, and as much as I hate to admit it, you've gotten stronger than me.”

“But we'll need you at your best. All of us will have to come prepared.” you tell your daughter. “Can we count on you for this?”
“Of course. Just tell me where and when.” she replies, then after a moment adds. “Should I warn the people here?”
“Probably for the best, you should tell Krillin and his boss. Earth needs to know, and be on alert for others approaching from space.” you tell her. “When we know more, we'll let you know.”
“Thanks for telling me.” Chaya answers, then after a few moments. “I won't confront him alone if he shows up here, but I'll let you know the moment I sense his energy. Even if he's suppressed, I'll recognize him immediately.”

“Thank you, Chaya.” Meloka replies, you all exchanging a few words before ending the link. Your wife then sighs out, her entire body sagging as she exhales. “Haaaaaaah, that went... A lot better than I thought it would, actually.”
“Agreed. Seems she's been doing some more growing up, since last time.” you reply, but some part of you isn't ENTIRELY convinced. You're sure she won't go seeking the fight, but when it comes time, you're not entirely certain she'll be able to keep her cool once the fighting starts.

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“How'd it go? Well, I hope?” Chilli reaches back out, you both having disconnected from Chilli and Broly a bit unceremoniously before reaching out to the others. “She didn't fly off the handle and start trying to hunt him down herself, did she?”
“Your sister, she's... She took it better than expected.” you reply after a moment. “Your sister's grown up since last time.”

“Good.” Broly answers, his mind having been connected to his brother's. “We'll keep our eyes out, I'll get a hold of Cooler's people and get ship descriptions. So if any of them venture into my territory I'll send up the warning.”
“Same. I'll set something up to detect anything getting close enough to my planet, could probably have the entire solar system watched by the end of next month.” Chilli replies, you and your wife telling your children to stay safe before ending the link, leaving you both with just one question:

What do you do now?
>Take the rest of the day off, relax and spend time with your children, as you'd promised Okira yesterday before the battle
>Gather your students, inform them all of what's happened and to pay attention. To be looking for any hints of anyone showing up towards the planet who's suspicious. You don't want them to be caught by surprise, or even worse turned against you by that Tuffle bastard
>Telepathically try and reach out to Freeza, let him know everything that's happened. Perhaps he'll have an idea you all haven't thought of?
>Go to Towa, ask if she can use a scrying orb to show you what happened to Redis and Raditz
>Other(write in)?
>>Take the rest of the day off, relax and spend time with your children, as you'd promised Okira yesterday before the battle
We DID promise
>Take the rest of the day off, relax and spend time with your children, as you'd promised Okira yesterday before the battle
no breaking promises
>Take the rest of the day off, relax and spend time with your children, as you'd promised Okira yesterday before the battle
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Rolled 90, 99, 66, 43 = 298 (4d100)

Take the rest of the day off, relax and spend time with your children, as you'd promised Okira yesterday before the battle of course wins it. Writing.
Okira will remember this
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For a moment you consider what all you can do, but your mind goes back to the conversation you'd had in the evening with your youngest. And you did promise her.

“I'm taking the rest of today off.” you say, Meloka looking to you confused. As if she doesn't quite understand what you just said. “Today will be spent with the kids, I've been too involved in training to spend enough time with them.”
“I think that's a lovely idea.” your wife replies, flying up and over your head, wrapping her arms around your neck and holding onto your back. With that decided, you send a telepathic message to your veteran students, telling them that you won't be there to teach today and that they're in charge of the lessons as you lift up into the air, flying past the city and out over the ocean towards your home. Soaring over the waves, you enjoy the smell of the sea and the breeze over your body, relaxing in the peace of your world. Flying over the sea and seeing your own shoreline, dropping out of the air and gently landing by your home. Barely disturbing the sand, your feet touch down just as Okira and Karn Jr walk down the ramp, their eyes lighting up as they see you both.

“MOM! DAD!” Junior and Okira shout, both kicking off the ground and launching themselves as you. Spreading your arms you catch the two of them, the force of their charge sending you sliding back a foot before stopping in the sand.
“Wait, where's Marron? Is Marron okay?” Junior asks you, expression a bit concerned.
“She's fine, she's just staying with her people right now.” you reply, hugging the two children to you as Tatsu and Tomi also emerge, seeming surprised at your presence. “She got as many of her people into our timeline as she could.”

“That's good. And you both made it back, so your training worked too?” Okira asks you more pointedly. “Did that imposter escape, or-?”
“No, we got her. Got most of them, but a few Zamasu did escape.” you tell her as the older twins, followed by the younger twins all come over as well. “And, according to Fu, we managed to really hurt all of them, so they hopefully won't be back for a long time.”

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“That's good. They should just stay gone.” Kayle says, the younger twin flying up and latching onto her mother's back, much as Meloka is doing to you.
“What are you gonna do now?” Okira asks you, eyes looking questioningly up to you. Which is a fair question, as you hadn't considered what you would do with a day off from your usual training schedule.

Well? What do you do with this day off?
>Sit down and relax, just spending time with them and have them show off what they've learned and achieved in the past month while you've been
>Take your kids to the M'lurnian Ruins and go exploring, it's safe enough for you to take your family and go exploring
>Have your kids go about their usual day's schedule, just accompany them on their activities
>Ask the kids what they want to do today, see if they have any ideas on what a day without you spending it training will look like
>Take the kids to this timeline's Earth, explore that planet in your time that Marron grew up on and see the sights
>Other(write in)?
>>Take the kids to this timeline's Earth, explore that planet in your time that Marron grew up on and see the sights
>Take the kids to this timeline's Earth, explore that planet in your time that Marron grew up on and see the sights
Color me curious
>Take the kids to this timeline's Earth, explore that planet in your time that Marron grew up on and see the sights
Take the kids to this timeline's Earth, explore that planet in your time that Marron grew up on and see the sights wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 15
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 45
Rolled 37, 57, 61 = 155 (3d100)

Rolled 8, 12, 98 = 118 (3d100)

I cast dice!
Rolled 40, 23, 47 = 110 (3d100)

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40/100, 57/100, 98/100. Success, mid mystery, and success. Well, you'll find something interesting, writing.
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“Not me, what are we gonna do. And I think it's time to take a little trip.” you say to them, your kids all looking up to you with wide eyes. “Let's go see what this planet, Earth, has to show us.”
“Wait, really? Maz asks, eyes wide. “We really get to go?”
“Of course.” you say, then looking up see Maza descending the ramp as well. “You're welcome to come to, of course. You and your siblings, too.”
“Going where?” he asks, and when Okira excitedly says Earth, his brow raises. “Alright, I'll see if Koruza wants to come along.”

He then takes off, flying towards the capitol city Vegeta. Which does cause you to raise a brow, what is your kid doing in the city he'd been attacked in? However, as you ponder this a moment, suddenly someone else appears. Two someones, Milha appearing with her girlfriend, the blonde woman Darkness.

“Hey Milha, will you be joining us today?” you ask, your half-demon daughter nodding.
“I'm curious what this planet has in store, after what Marron told us of her own world.”
“Well then, once your brothers show up, we'll head on over.” you reply to her, then reach out telepathically to Marron. “Hey kiddo, are you busy at the moment?”
“No, what's going on?” she asks, a hint of worry in her mind. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, things are fine. Actually, going to be bringing the family over to take in the sights of the world, see what it has to offer.”

“Oh, that sounds nice. We're still getting everyone situated, but there's, well... A problem.” she replies. “With this world being controlled by the Red Ribbon army, a lot of my people don't quite trust them. We still remember the Androids, made by the Red Ribbon army who terrorized our world for seventeen long years. They're a bit... Hesitant, accepting the Red Ribbon army are in charge here. Things are a bit tense.”
“I'll be there in a minute, once everyone's gathered.” you reply. “Perhaps we'll be a ble to ease tensions?”
“I hope so. Let me know when you're headed over, so I can get a bit of space.” she replies, you watching as Maza, with Koruza following close behind fly back over, dropping to the ground and landing with you all. Gathering everyone together you tell Marron that you're ready, and raising your right hand to your forehead focus on her power. “Alright, I'm ready. Come on over.”

And with a thought you leave your world behind, leaving New Salda and going to the human world, Earth.

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Where you see the crowd of Marron's people are still gathered, even Aeos and Trunks are still at work with the line behind them only a dozen or so people long. Seems their work of integrating them into this timeline is nearly complete. But Future Chaya and Ace, surprisingly, are both gone once more. Leaving you wondering why they didn't stick around?

“What the hell?!” a woman wearing a blue long coat shouts as you all suddenly just blink into existence, raising another metallic weapon, pointing it at you all. But Marron's arm snakes over, grabbing the barrel and gently pointing it down before she can shoot at you all.
“Easy, Mai. They're my family. The family I never got to meet.” your granddaughter says, then turns to you all with a smile. “If it wasn't for them, that monster Black would have killed us all.”
“I see. Forgive me, living through that has made me a little... Jumpy.” she says, turning and actually giving you a full bow at the waist.

“That's fine, you're used to protecting them. I get it.” you reply with a chuckle, waving off her apology. “So, what're you planning to do kiddo?”
“Once we're all assimilated into this timeline, we're going to find a place to settle down in. Somewhere where we all can rebuild, to call our own.” Marron tells you. “Once we're settled in, I think I'll come join you too. But what do you plan to do here?”
“We're going to explore, see what sights there are to see.” you answer. “Unless there's something of interest you think we should check out first?”

“I don't know if it's still around, but if this is where West City used to be, Kami's Lookout would be to the west of here above the land of Korin, if it's still there.” Marron replies, turning and pointing with each sentence. “Further southwest would be Baba's Palace, then further south would be South City on its island. Next island over is where the old World Martial Arts tournaments were held, if the place is still there. Southeast, still on the continent will lead to the still-burning Frypan Mountain, if it's still intact and Roshi didn't obliterate it. As well as Pilaf's Castle, or where it was in my time. Before it was smashed by Oozaru. Further east in the mountain range of Mount Paozu is Jingle Village and Muscle Tower are to the northeast, in the frozen plains.”

She's given you a few locations to check out, but, well:

Where do you go first?
>Kami's Lookout. It was faint, but you felt SOMETHING in that direction for a moment
>Baba's palace, you can sense beings stronger than most on this world that way
>South City and the world tournament area, see what these places look like
>Frypan Mountain and Pilaf Castle, they sound interesting
>Mount Paozu,
>Jingle Village and Muscle Tower
>Let the kids decide what they want to see first
>Other(write in)?
>Let the kids decide what they want to see first
These choices are all too good imho
>Let the kids decide what they want to see first
Be independent and all that, chill'un.
>>Let the kids decide what they want to see first
>Let the kids decide what they want to see first
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Rolled 3 (1d5)

Let the kids decide what they want to see first wins it. Writing.
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“Those sound interesting, what do you all think?” you ask, turning from Marron to your children. Who start talking among themselves, all at first saying they want to see different places. But as they discuss, several turn to you asking for you to have final say, you tell them all that they have to agree together. So they do, after a minute or so discussing they decide they want to go to the south city, where the tournament arena is. Curious what a human Martial Arts tournament looks like. So, with this agreed upon you all take to the air, flying south as Marron stays with her people. Flying over the continent, you then go out over the ocean, which smells oddly less salty than your own. Flying over the sea, you all then come to a rather large island bustling with activity, vehicles flying about and moving on the road.

“So, this is South City. Never thought I'd actually visit one.” Maza says, you turning to your eldest half-demon son curiously. Sensing your gaze he turns to you, grinning. “Mother had considered sending me to one, years and years ago to battle the Androids who appeared and destroyed it. In most timelines anyways. But it seems this one was spared.”
“Androids?” Okira asks, confused. “Why wouldn't she just BUILD androids to fight you, I'm sure she could have.”
“Indeed. Which is why I never went, in the end.” he replies, turning towards the large mountain. “And that is where the fools gathered, thinking themselves superior. Standing around doing nothing, while the robots went to work destroying the city right under their noses.”

But as you all fly there, looking down on the city, suddenly a single flying vehicle breaks away from the group, flying up towards you. The red bulb on its roof flashing warning lights, you remembering this from the first time you'd visited the planet. Local security and enforcers. The craft flies up level to you all, the window rolling down as a man with a thick mustache leans out, voice amplifier in hand as he shouts.

“Unknown beings! You are flying through restricted airspace, in direct violation of the law! Either fly down to ground level for detainment, or be shot down!”
“Really? They're attempting arrest US?” Koruza exclaims, you glancing over to him. Seeing Darkness held in Milha's arms, face blushing red as she's held in a princess carry. “Father, should I send him running?”
“No, I'll handle this.” you say, flying out to the front of the group. Where the man starts shouting once more.

“Don't move! You all are-!” he starts, but then freezes as he recognizes you. “Hey, hold on. You-You're-!?”

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“General Karn, of the PTO. I'm here with my family, taking in the sights of this world.” you tell the man, whose skin has paled considerably as he recognizes you.
“Y-Y-You're General Karn?! Ah-Oh-F-! Forgive me, General! I-I hadn't been informed you would be coming!”
“That's because this isn't an 'official' visit.” you reply to him, waving off his fear. “I'm just vising your world with my family, seeing what your planet has to offer and taking in the sights. Though, I would appreciate if this incident doesn't happen again.”
“Understood sir, I'll call it in right away! Umm, would there be anything else, sir?” he asks, you realizing there is.

“Yes, just one more thing. I was told that your people had a martial arts tournament here on this planet, and that the stage for this was near your city. Mind pointing out which way it would be?” you ask, the man looking confused a moment before retreating fully back inside his car, speaking with someone over his radio. After seceral seconds his head pops back, out of the window, along with his passenger's arm out of the other one.
“Of course. We haven't held the tournament in years, not since Demon King Piccolo destroyed most of the martial artists after his rise to power. But I do believe the old stadium is on the next island over.”
“Appreciate it, let's go everyone.” you sya, turning to your family and all of you taking off. Several of your kids wave to the local enforcement, who seem relieved as you all fly away. And after a few seconds of flying you see it, the island much smaller than the one the city's on. Flying down, you find the arena. Or, rather, what's left of it. The thatch roof is in disrepair, the entire site looking abandoned. And where a stage presumably once sat, now is nothing more than a large square hole, the edges seemingly blasted away dozens of scores of yards straight down into the earth. There are no stands or grand stadium, just a low wall from which behind the people presumably once watched. All in all, for a title like a 'world' tournament, it seems to be a rather small place.

“Wow. Someone blew up the arena.” Kayle says, flying down into the hole. Down and down she goes, until her energy stops. “This hole's DEEP!”
“Wonder if that was the so-called Demon King you took the other Namekians' world?” Okira ponders aloud as your kids start spreading out, exploring the place as you fly over it. You can imagine it was once a rather nice, if quaint place, its more archaic construction pointing to a long history of fighters long lost to time and their deaths at Piccolo's hands. Seems that he, after having been sealed away for hundreds of years by a martial artist, took his time taking them all out in this reality. But as you muse over this, Maz calls for you from within the main building. “Dad, Mom, come look!”

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Curious, you and your wife share a look before flying down, into the entrance past the broken sign into a larger room. One where a half-dozen fighting stages are set up inside the building, one of them clear of roof debris. And despite the antique look of it, the stone seems solid enough. Although small, when you consider the relative weakness of this world's people and how few of them seem able to fly, a stage like this would be just about right for them to test themselves against each other.

“Look, there were more fighting stages inside!” he continues, clearly excited as Koruza speaks up.
“This is where the preliminary matches were held, as Earth's World Martial Arts Tournament only had eight competitors who got the 'honor' of fighting on the main stage before the crowd.” your youngest half-demon says, clearly knowledgeable about this tournament. “Only other martial artists could watch these preliminary matches, gauging the strengths of whoever they'd eventually face before the crowds outside.”
“It's a shame this place is all abandoned, I was rather looking forward to seeing how differently techniques of Earth evolved in this timeline.” Maza says as Kayle leaps up onto the stage, then points down directly at Maz.

“Then let's have our own tournament! Me an' you Maz, let's go!” she challenges, Maz more than eager to take up the challenge. Leaping over onto the stage as well, both turning to Koruza. “Hey, you wanna referee? Since you know so much about the earth tournament?”
“Heh. Alright, why not?” he replies, flying up onto the stage as well. “The rules are simple. You have to either force your opponent to surrender or touch something not attached to this stage. No flying or destroying the building, no time limit. Both fighter's ready?”

“Ready!” Maz shouts, aura faintly glowing around his body.
“Hehe, ready!” Kayle replies, the two taking their fighting stances. Koruza looks back and forth between them, raising his right hand overhead, then swinging it down with a shout of, “Begin!”

And the younger twins immediately surge forward towards each other, this abandoned place filled with the grunts and sounds of combat for the first time in years. And as the two go at it, you have a thought. You wonder if Krillin and the others would be interested in reopening the tournament, the men clearly martial artists themselves. Surely they'd be interested in returning this place to what it once was?

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234 paused.
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy the start to this episode? Curious what you might find on this planet, what familiar and unfamiliar faces you may encounter and what secrets there are to find? Curious where the Tuffle menace has fled to, where it is hiding and if Zamasu will recover enough to be a threat anymore? This and more, next time when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues!
>familiar and unfamiliar faces you may encounter and what secrets there are to find?
If Korin and Yajirobe haven't had a baby I riot.
>Curious where the Tuffle menace has fled to, where it is hiding and if Zamasu will recover enough to be a threat anymore?
Doesn't matter, we are killing them anyways. I'm wondering if we'll find Arale. That'd be a learning experience.

Cute, but they don't look the type to want one.
>Curious what you might find on this planet, what familiar and unfamiliar faces you may encounter

Karn about to get his arse kicked by Arale
>'m wondering if we'll find Arale. That'd be a learning experience.

Lol. My page hadn't updated yet to show your post. Had the same thought, though
oh god I forgot she's on this planet
fuck fuck fuck shit if we see her we need to leave immediately
Ya know, for whatever reason, I would have expected somebody to have been haunting the old WMAT grounds. Though I guess it makes sense that the Martial Artists with lingering attachments to this world are probably haunting their places of death...that or they're all on Baba's payroll now.
If both are still alive.
If you land in Penguin Village, things could either go well, or go completely sideways.
She could do it.
Why leave?
Just wait. Perhaps the sounds of combat may draw eyes?
Fuck Captcha Check
Amen. All these shitty captchas just for chat-gpt bots to infest the site regardless
Agreed. If it worked that’d be one thing, but making the site worse for no benefit is annoying
>And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy the start to this episode?
>Curious what you might find on this planet, what familiar and unfamiliar faces you may encounter and what secrets there are to find?
Sure. I hope the lookout exists as well as Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
>Curious where the Tuffle menace has fled to, where it is hiding
Very much.
>and if Zamasu will recover enough to be a threat anymore?
I think they will be a threat for sure.
>This and more, next time when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues!
Now that we are on Earth I really need to ask do you think Karn would be a good driver? I would also like to ask which one of Karn’s family members or friends would be best at driving?
Glad you enjoyed. And if you discover the Lookout, site of the battle between Kami and Demon King Piccolo, you'll see what's left. Who is left.
He's learned he must be stronger to face either you or Chaya, much less both.
Maybe some. But most, without that dream to motivate them, won't stray from the Kai path of sitting by and doing nothing.
No, would find it pointless at best. If they had to drive? Meloka. She could do si with her eyes closed, thanks to her Energy Shell's perfect awareness of her surroundings.
I think the HTC would still be around, if only because KP wouldn't have any good reason to destroy it, other than to spite Kami or just collateral damage. There's nobody to terrorize with it and there's only 3 people in existence that know of that specific room.
>Maybe some. But most, without that dream to motivate them, won't stray from the Kai path of sitting by and doing nothing.
Wait, does this mean that their ambition fizzles out to shitposting about ningen on Godchan's /pol/ equivalent, or do they mellow out and become well-rounded and mentally sound (by Kai standards)?
>No, would find it pointless at best
They'll never know the joys of a roadtrip. Sad. Well, maybe not, they get space roadtrips. The real question is who would be the WORST driver out of the entire family?
The thing with Piccolo is that he's nothing if not thorough.
Dude murdered just about every martial artist on Earth on the off chance one of them might learn the Mafuba, remember? Destroying the entrance to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in case somebody wanted to try and surpass his strength instead fits nicely into that level of paranoia.
It's possible. But cab you get past the steward in a Guardian's absence?
Without the dream of a ningenless reality to motivate them, would Zamasu try and erase the mortals?
They've space road tripped before, some of them. But usually off to war. As for worst, that's a toss up between three of the youngest four, impatient and impulsive. Okira'd be fine, because her training ever since realizing what her Stand does has been careful consideration of her words and actions' consequences.
He MAY have. We'll have to wait and see.
But this does bring up a good question. Should we get Maz and Kayle from a… Different character besides Karn’s family pov, one that will get a bit of exposition out of the way before we roll into this weekend? Or perhaps we should follow Bardock’s pov on arriving to Raditz’ world instead, and see firsthand what Bardock, Leyas and Sarada found?
i say we gotta let the Baby hate stew, go with the kids' fight first
I am always down for the outside perspective, especially when it comes to stuff our kids are doing.
That said, who do you have in mind?
Would love a Maz and Kayle interlude.
Maz and Kayle, please. They feel forgotten.
Oh its a brewin'.
>That said, who do you have in mind?
Well wouldn't that just spoil the entire intermission if I said now?
There's a reason the episode ended with their sparring match in the old WMAT qualifier stage. Someone else was here, perhaps more than one someone...
>Well wouldn't that just spoil the entire intermission if I said now?
I know, but it's tradition for me to ask for blatant spoilers.
Tell me the plot of Citizen Kane. But no spoilers it just came out.
As I said, it's TRADITION!
>Maybe some. But most, without that dream to motivate them, won't stray from the Kai path of sitting by and doing nothing.
>Without the dream of a ningenless reality to motivate them, would Zamasu try and erase the mortals?
Is this really as severe as you describe it? It kind of sounds as if Karn remotely gave every Zamasu in existence in the past, present and future and a severe brain damage. When we meet a Zamasu next time will he be an apathetic soulless husk, an empty shell of a person looking blankly into the distance with a thousand-yard stare?
>Should we get Maz and Kayle
Maz and Kayle.
I think it's less of a lobotomy and more like shattering his idea of a better future across space and time. You know, the soul-crushing realization one tends to get when faced with horrific forces beyond their control. Zamasu will still hate mortals in many timelines, no doubt about that, but it will be the apathetic and defeated kind of hatred instead of the intense zealot kind. He'd have his misgivings, but would almost never act on them or possibly mellow out without that passion to exterminate all mortal life.

Basically, we beat his ass so hard it made him a marginally better person across reality.
>the soul-crushing realization one tends to get when faced with horrific forces beyond their control.
Bro got introduced to taxes.
>Is this really as severe as you describe it?
Let me put it to you another way, simplified. Let's say you have the dream of becoming a millionaire. Then that dream is put in a physical object, not just in your head but the two are inextricably linked. Then that object is so destroyed you can't ever recall what it even looked like, taking the dream along with it. You now cannot even FATHOM the concept of you being a millionaire.
THAT is the level of damage we're talking.
Picture's exactly it, the dream itself is dead regardless of motivation/Faith. THAT is the real power of the Berserker Soul.
HA! Not an entirely wrong comparison.
>THAT is the real power of the Berserker Soul.
That doesn't quite seem fair.
Fair? Karn's a lot of things, but FAIR isn't one of them.
Well, I still think Zamasu is at his core a vindictive piece of shit who likes making others suffer, so my bet is that even after this he will still look for ways to indulge in his sadism even if it's separated from his egolatry.
Thank you for this explanation.
Thank you for this explanation as well. I can see now why Mechikabura is worried about Karn’s power. I think Zamasu will be a shadow of his former self now. I wonder how he will react to this change. I wonder if he will give up or maybe he will try to fill this void with something else. Maybe each Zamasu will react differently. He had a fighting talent. Perhaps he will somehow focus on it now? I guess the void that was left after the dream was destroyed must be hard to bear.
Maybe he will do it as you say it. I’m not sure but I think each Zamasu might react a little differently to this situation. I’m curious how it will go.
He's not going comatose or anything. And some will recognize YOU as the one who took what is causing the sense of something missing from their souls on-sight. All Zamasu who shared that vision of reality will subconsciously know it was you, but won't recognize it until and unless they come face-to-face with Karn.
Yes. Combining the Berserker Soul with Divine Dragon Force has the power and ability to destroy concepts, much less HIM.
Probably depends on the Zamasu. Many of those still Kai, who never actually killed their Gowasu themselves will give up. But those who have Saiyan bodies, have Saiyan appetites and drive may find themselves not so easily cowed. Being mortal, at least partially, will help them overcome losing a dream.
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9 hours to the intermission. And we get to see the fate of a certain someone...
Alright, consider my interest piqued.
Nam? Good morning Viet?
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234 Intermission-


“Papaya Island. It has been a long time since I last saw you.” you say to yourself, then turn to the fisherman who'd pulled up close to the island. “Thank you for your help.”
“Of course, King Chappa. I was a big fan of your work, back when you'd won your tournament.” the man says, then with a conspiratorial look leans in. “So, is it true? Have you come back here to restore the World Martial Arts Tournament?”
“Hahaha, we shall see, my friend.” you tell him with a wink, seeing the man's eyes widen. Then, without waiting for his response you leap from the bow of his small boat, soaring through the air. Nearly flying over a hundred yards through the sky to land down on the beach, completely clearing the water with a single bound. “Hmph. Alright, let's see what's left of the old place.”

You are King Chappa, one of the greatest martial artists left on the planet. As a former champion of the World Martial Arts Tournament and survivor of Demon King Piccolo's servant Tambourine's purge of martial artists, when even great masters like the Crane Hermit, Gohan, and even the God of Martial Arts Master Roshi himself, you had redoubled your efforts. Focusing on pushing your body beyond its limits, you had become strong. Strong enough to defeat that monster Tambourine a hundred times over. However, when you had emerged from exile, ready to best the monster and his demonic master, you had learned that he had been bested. Defeated by none other than the students of Crane and Turtle, as well as Gohan's protegee. The three teaming up to beat the monster, returning the world to peace with help of the Red Ribbon Army, of all organizations.

But as you think on the past, walking through the ruins of the city that had no doubt been destroyed by the Demon King, the silence reminds you of all that you had lost. Your home, your family, your students, they were all wiped out by the Demon King's minion. As the wind whistles through the empty streets, the breeze blowing across your skin, you think back of all you've overcome in your isolation.
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Climbing Mount Goro-Goro and claiming the legendary Sacred Crown, an object you'd originally dismissed as a myth. But you'd sought it out after your near-death at Tambourine's hands, discovering the crown was indeed real. It and other legendary artifacts of martial arts masters past, facing their trials and conquering them to become the strongest you've ever been. And before you've even realized it, your feet have walked the path to the temple, where the greatest tournament on Earth used to be held. But as you look it over, you can't help but feel a wave of sadness. The temple grounds, once a monument to the history of Earth's martial arts was reduced to this sorry state.

“What a shame.” you say, shaking your head and placing your hands in a prayer pose, offering a quick word for the souls of the monks who once ran this place. Who, no doubt, had been executed by Piccolo. The building itself, while still standing, is in serious disrepair. It looks as if no one has maintained the building since the last tournament, years ago. However, you do notice something odd. Through a section of broken-down wall you do see that the lawn has, surprisingly, been cut. “Hrmm? Curious.”

You stop at the hole in the wall, peering around. Where you see some of the paths are still damaged, but despite this the rubble is all piled neatly in one corner. The grass is clearly trimmed away from the building and path, and despite the state of disrepair, the place is relatively well-kept. Unlike the rest of the city, someone has been taking care of these grounds as best they could.

“Hmmm. I wonder if any of the monks survived?” you mutter, gently leaping up and over the crumbling wall, landing silently on the path. Your bare feet not making a sound as you land and then turn, walking inside the main building. With all of your senses on high alert, unsure if whoever is still residing here would be friendly or not. Despite Piccolo's death, you're not sure the news would reach someone so isolated. In fact, you hadn't known he was killed for nearly six months. Stepping into the building, a wave of nostalgia hits you as you see the main interior room, where the preliminary stages are set up. Several covered in parts of the roof, one mostly buried where the ceiling collapsed, but one of the stages is still in pristine condition. And it is, in fact, the same one you'd battled Master Roshi's disciple, the former Orin Temple monk Krillin. Remembering back to that fight you leap once more, landing on the stage and taking your same fighting stance as you had that day, remembering your encounter with the young man as you close your eyes.
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“So, you are the Turtle Hermit's disciple?” you'd asked the small child, towering over him and not taking the boy seriously. “Defeating a student of the legendary Master Roshi will be proof of my right to this title.”
“Big talk.” the young man, who you later learned was named Krillin said, taking his fighting stance. Which, while he doesn't have the confidence of decades of experience, you couldn't deny even then that he was powerful. His guard left no openings, his eyes tracked your every movement without being drawn in. But you'd underestimated him, thinking you could start slowly. But as the signal was given to begin he'd immediately leapt directly into close range, his speed shocking you as he got in close. You had done your best to defend yourself, but back then you'd only been able to block about one of every three to four attacks he'd fired, quickly sending you flying out of the ring. Yet, after besting you he hadn't bragged, instead leaping down to you and offering a hand up. “You alright? I didn't go too hard on you, did I?”

“K-King Chappa?” a voice shouts, snapping you out of your memories as your eyes fly open. Turning, you see a familiar figure wearing a clearly worn black suit, still wearing his sunglasses even. “You-you're ALIVE?!”
“Announcer? You are still here in this place?” you ask, genuinely surprised that he's here, much less alive. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. I thought you were dead!” he replies, you seeing the broom in his hands. Realizing that he's been the one keeping this place as maintained as he could. “As for what I'm doing here, well... Honestly, just reliving the good old days, before the Demon King. It breaks my heart to see this place in such disrepair, so I come by every month or so to do what I can for it.”

“I see. It is good that this place means as much to you as it does me.” you tell him, leaping down off the stage and landing in front of him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “And now that the Demon King is well and gone, I was coming by to see what shape this place was in. How much work it would take to restore the grounds to their former glory, and bring this tournament back.”
“Wait, y-you mean it? You're going to restate the tournament?” he asks, eyes sparkling bright through his sunglasses. “Oh happy day!”

“One day, I seek to restore the tournament. But, first, we need to see what shape the old place is in.” you tell him. “Tell me, is the main stage still serviceable?”
“Oh, well, about that...” he replies, immediately sounding downcast. “I think you'd better see for yourself.”
“Very well.” you reply, turning towards the front, leading the way back to the entrance. Walking out of the building, only to be shocked with what you find.
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“Wh-What? Where is the stage?!” you exclaim, it taking your brain moments to process what you're seeing. Where there WAS a stage is a nearly-perfect square hole, carved deep into the earth. “What happened here?”
“It was the final match of the previous tournament. Tien Shinhan's big attack, the Kikoho. He used it to destroy the arena, leaving Krillin no place to touch down. Meaning he lost by ring out, as Tien can fly.”
“Mmmm. The Crane School's Sky Dancing technique. A useful skill, in the right circumstances.” you say, but then freeze in place as you feel it. Suddenly your entire body warns you of danger, of a threat headed for you. SO, without questioning it or explaining what you feel, you turn, grabbing the announcer and dashing deeper inside the building. Slapping your other hand carefully over his mouth and turning the corner, your heart rate skyrocketing. “Something's coming. Stay quiet.”

“Wow! Someone blue up the arena!” a child's voice calls, you gesturing to the announcer to remain quiet as you strain to listen. Then, from presumably down in the hole as the voice echoes back up. “This hole's DEEP!”
“Let us hide.” you whisper, the announcer nodding. Gesturing to a pile of rubble, then moving, sneaking in behind it with practiced ease. Which makes you think he'd been doing this even when the Demon King was still alive. You follow him, ducking into the hidden alcove. But then after a moment you hear what sounds like another child, this one more male-sounding shout out.
“Dad, Mom, come look!” it shouts, you and the announcer sharing confused looks. Who would come to this place? And, more importantly, why are these voices making you fear for your life? You hadn't been this terrified when facing Piccolo's hitman, Tambourine. So why does your body tremble so? “Look, there were more fighting stages inside!”

“This is where the preliminary matches were held, as Earth's World Martial Arts Tournament only had eight competitors who got the 'honor' of fighting on the main stage before the crowd.” another voice, this one clearly older says. Whoever it is, they are clearly knowledgeable about this tournament. But who could this be? “Only other martial artists could watch these preliminary matches, gauging the strengths of whoever they'd eventually face before the crowds outside.”
“It's a shame this place is all abandoned, I was rather looking forward to seeing how differently techniques of Earth evolved in this timeline.” yet another, older masculine voice says as you hear the sound of boots on the stage, then the girl's voice from earlier calls out a challenge.
“Then let's have our own tournament! Me an' you Maz, let's go!” the girl challenges, you hear another pair of booted feet land on the stage. “Hey, you wanna referee? Since you know so much about the earth tournament?”
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On the one cleared off stage you see two children, each around the same height as Krillin was that day while several other beings are gathered around. The first thing you notice is their uniform, most of the more human-looking ones wearing some type of battle armor. Except for the ones with different colored skin, who each have their own distinctive style and a woman wearing a fighting gi. But then you notice they all have tails, some wearing them wrapped around their waists like belts, others letting them flick back and forth freely. Everyone's eyes are on the two children, none of them noticing the two of you.

“Sure, why not?” the purple-skinned one says, not jumping so much as flying up onto the stage. “The rules are simple. You have to either force your opponent to surrender or touch something not attached to this stage. No flying or destroying the building, no time limit. Both fighter's ready?”
“Ready!” the boy-voice from earlier shouts, you seeing his aura manifesting with a reddish glow around his body.

“Hehe, ready!” the girl who'd gone down into the hole replies, the two taking their fighting stances as her aura rises as well. The one they got to officiate looks back and forth between them, raising his right hand overhead, then swinging it down with a shout of “Begin!” And immediately the two children go at it. Neither hesitates, moving so fast you can barely keep up. Their right fists clash in the center of the ring, the force of the shock wave forcing you to brace yourself, lest you be knocked right off your feet. Caught by surprise, the announcer is knocked off-balance. However, as he falls over, several bits of debris are also picked up by the force of their punch, no one turning towards the two of you as the children go at it. You don't even look his way, mesmerized by the speed, skill and power these children are displaying.

“HAAAA!” the boy shouts, following up the right with a left wheel kick up top, which she blocks by pulling her right back and bracing it with her left. Stopping the kick and immediately firing back with a front snap kick of her own. But the boy dodges by leaping up off his back foot, twisting in the air and firing an almost horizontal stomp kick with his right aimed at her face. But she dodges by flipping back onto her hands, then springing back to her feet.
“Such prowess...” you think to yourself, watching the two children going at it. They're already fighting at a level you can barely keep up with, despite their age. And your instincts tell you that the massive wall of a man standing there with his arms crossed, not wearing armor like the rest, his undersuit torn around his waist is the father. A man who radiates power, even looking near him makes your skin crawl.
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However, as you stand there, he seems to notice your gaze on him, turning and seeing you as well as the announcer. Immediately his eyes are hard, narrowing as he sees you both. You freeze, knowing with complete certainty that, should this being so desire, he could kill you. And there wouldn't be a damn thing you could do about it. However, as he looks at you both, suddenly a voice you've never heard speaks directly into your mind.

“Who are you?” it asks, tone authoritative and powerful. However, before you can reply, the Announcer speaks aloud, EVERYONE turning at his voice.
“I-I-I was the announcer f-f-for the World Tournament, back before th-the Demon King killed most of them.” he says, even the two children on the stage stopping mid-fight, turning towards you both. “And th-the caretaker who kept it as maintained as my l-limited skillset would allow.”
“And I am King Chappa. A former two-time champion of this tournament.” you say, stepping forward only a single step, no closer. “When I sensed your arrival I hid us, not knowing your intentions. But it would seem that you are fellow martial artists.”

“King Chappa? You survived?” the purple-skinned one asks, seemingly genuinely surprised. “You mean Tambourine didn't kill you in this timeline?”
“He certainly tried. But by a miracle I survived.” you reply, cautiously taking another step forward. “Your fighting talents are incredible. Would you mind if we observe?”
“Of course, come on over. As a native, I wonder how their skills will compare to your people's own.” the big man replies, gesturing for your both to come stand beside him. He then turns as you start walking forward, addressing his kids. “Looks like you two get an audience.”

“Hehe, now I really can't lose!” the boy replies, going back on the attack. Going in with a right flying side kick at the girl's head. Which she ducks and retaliates with a heavy right punch to his guts, only for her strike to be caught in his left hand. The boy, her brother firing a short left upwards kick to her chin, knocking her back onto her back. But with her body coiled like a spring on landing she rolls back forward into a left kick straight up into his body, stunning the boy a moment. But her follow up left is blocked, the boy landing on his feet and following up with a left turning kick which she blocks and spins into a sweeping trip, knocking him off balance. As the two children go at it, their fight already at a level you can barely keep up with, you wonder where in the world such powerful fighters could have all come from? Could the rumors that aliens landed in Gingertown a month ago really be true after all?
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You watch in awe as the two children continue their sparring match, seemingly evenly matched at first. But as the fight continues, the boy's aggression starts to get the better of the girl. Who misses timing on some of her blocks, while the boy keeps pressing his attack even when she counters him. He's tenacious, but as the two disengage after more than a minute of the most intense, high-speed exchange of blows you've ever witnessed, you can see that he's also wearing out. Despite getting the better of their exchange, the girl's nose bleeding and also breathing heavy, his breaths are more ragged, more labored. If nothing changes, he's going to gas out first.

“Incredible. I've never seen fighting of this level from ones so young.” you say, seeing the large man's mouth twitch up in a smirk as he doesn't take his eyes off the two. “Tell me: did you train them yourself?”
“Not alone. Their grandfather also taught them for years, as well as our planet's Guardians.” he replies, confirming your suspicion that they are indeed aliens. But, it would seem the announcer was unaware of this.
“Wait, you guys are aliens? Real life aliens?!” he exclaims, more shocked by this than the display of power and skill.
“Of course. You mean the tails and our... Complexions didn't give it away?” the tallest of the three with primary colored skin asks, blue skin standing out against the reds he's wearing and his white hair and tail.

“I don't know how much you've seen of this planet, but there are anthropomorphic animals, were-people, and a lot of others of all sorts of shades and hues.” he replies. “But I hadn't expected actual aliens to look... So much like us.”
“The universe does seem to have a preferred body shape.” the gi-wearing woman replies, then shouts up to the two on stage. “Are you gonna keep going, or are you both giving up?”
“Heh, you ready Kayle?” the boy asks, smirking as he clenches his fists. “I'm gonna stop holding back!”

“Me too!” she replies, both fighters' tired auras blazing as they begin to shift. Changing from red and blue to golden, as both children transform. Their hair changes from black to golden, same with their auras and even the fur on their tails. Their eyes also change from black to a bright green, the two then retaking their fighting stances as if they were fully fresh fighters, no longer out of breath. “I'm not gonna lose!”
“Oh yeah? We'll see about that!” he shouts back, and both fighters move. Their speed making them little more than blurs. But as the two fight, you can't help but smile. You had thought yourself near the peak of power, at the pinnacle. But now you can see that your journey so far was just the first step, the thought filling you with joy. You still have so much more to experience, so much more to grow. Your journey to martial arts mastery is still just beginning.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234 Intermission End-
I'm glad King Chappa lived, he's a pretty cool character. And the based Announcer lived too, which makes me really happy. But man, it must be a kick in the head to go on an intense training arc and come back to find that the big bad guy running the world in his evil ways died ages ago. But in the space age, anything is possible. I wonder if King Chappa will become more important later on.
Chappa training so hard he completely missed everything is peak Dragon Ball, not gonna lie. I'm also glad that his instincts are enough to recognize the truth of things, even if he can't sense ki.
The announcer never dies. Just like the bartender never dies. Hell yeah.
>Yes. Combining the Berserker Soul with Divine Dragon Force has the power and ability to destroy concepts, much less HIM.
Very impressive.
Very nice epilogue. Good to see those two survivors. Tournaments are nice, though Karn and most of his allies are too strong for them. Usually if they enter it's almost certain that it will devolve into Tournament between Karn and his allies as most other fighters would be insignificant.
Though there is a place where there could be a tournament with fighters that can bring real challenge. It would be at Conton City.
Yes, he's one that sadly never got enough time after DB. Especially with all the different ways he could evolve his signature technique, even BEYOND what Tambourine did in their fight.
We'll have to wait and see.
Thank you, glad you think so too. Shows up ready for one threat, only to be informed it's already over would be a Toriyama-style gag with him falling over.
I mean, he only dies in canon once, twice when Super happens. Both only happen because the entire planet went.
Karn is very specifically built. Constructed alternatively, one might say.
Glad you had fun, and hopefully we'll see more who may or may not have survived the Demon King's reign over earth. And while such a tournament would be beneath Karn himself, he may certainly like seeing the techniques the earthlings developed. After all, they made androids so indistinguishable from people the only way he can tell they aren't wholly 'real' is by them having no ki whatsoever. Stands to reason that they'd have other creative implementations of their fighting spirit. Especially after the techniques Marron told him of, how a LOT of Cell's arsenal came from Earth.
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.... Super Saiyan 4 is in Daima, and with it a slight redesign. What a time to be alive.
24 hours to go, are you ready?

I thought that was a shitpost, it's REAL?
Nah, it's real bro. And the redesign is kinda ass in my opinion.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7HW-V-BXrI [Embed]
The fact that everyone is all stunted and midgety looking does NOT help.
No it does not. I can understand what they were going for back making the arms more ape-like but not Goku's arms completely covered in fur looks weird.
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>GT is fucking canon
Ok, now that I got over the initial shock, I'm finding the donkey kong arms a little offputting. Kinda wish the hair on the head stayed black too, but can't win em all. More importantly though, what the hell does this mean for this quest?
Apparently this guy did a potential unlock on Goku and that's how he did it. I'm going to say that this is also the reason what it looks and functions slightly differently.

Unlocking it the 'natural way' like in GT gives you that version. Using magic shortcuts gives you the weirdo Daima version.
forgot the pic, it's supposed to be Neva. The Guardian of the Demon Realm Dragon Balls.
You dropped it again but I see your point. So does that make it the watered down Goku version of whatever the fuck Orangeccolo is?
I'm ready, I'm just still reeling from the impact of Baby Super Saiyan 4. Christ.
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Its not bad, not great either. But hard to top an iconic form. Although we can see what other spinoff series he took inspiration from.
The one part gt did right was aging him back up for 4.
What a time to be alive.
For this quest? Not much, as obtaining that particular variant of the form isn't readily accessible.
Not only Daima has this sort of coloration style. After all, what has Daima shown us of the relation between Demons and Kai?
More of the form BEFORE Orange Piccolo, the brighter yellowgreen one I believe.
Oh you guys are NOT ready, I can assure you that much. But for those of you who're as old as I am, his form may hit some nostalgia.
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>24 hours to go, are you ready?
I’m preparing to post.
>what the hell does this mean for this quest?
Could it be a new transformation path to pursue?

Is the recent destruction of Zamasu Dimension something that many noticed? Average deities, Kais, Angels, time travellers, do most of them know about it? Or is it something most of them have no clue about? Are only those few in the know aware of what Karn did?
>I mean, he only dies in canon once, twice when Super happens. Both only happen because the entire planet went.
Imagine if you will, the Announcer guy in King Yemma's office before the Earth gets restored, watching Goku and Kid Buu battle on, doing what he does best as the ogres around him keep cheering for Goku. It might not have happened in canon, but it feels like a thing he'd do, no?

I ain't gonna lie, I like the color better that way. Anchor Arms were odd at first, but after seeing Goku run on all fours like a literal monkey it made more sense to me.
I'd recommend everyone post in the morning before the new episode each weekend, just to avoid the 15 minute timer once we start. If your connection's stable anyways.
That MANY noticed? No, as it wasn't a physical thing. Until it was. But going into it and destroying it there was far more complete than destroying it in your timeline. You broke it across ALL Zamasu and even partially across time itself. But not going into that, as that's more complicated. Short answer, it cannot be brought back into your or Marron's timelines, as they were connected when that concept was erased thanks to Mechikabura's portal.
Oh absolutely, if he wasn't trying to end the series and wrap things up, he'd definitely have done a panel or two about it.
I still prefer the red and black, but that really only works with the yellow pants and definitively NOT orange.
I hate waking up this early. It's too early for SOON.
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After learning the true scope of his achievements against Zamasu, Karn returned home only to learn of the disaster the Tuffle parasite wrought on Raditz during the time you'd been handling the issues with the Zamasu. Killing Raditz' wife Redis, presumably taking over his body and killing that entire planet's population before fleeing into the void of space. After informing his most isolated children Broly and Chilli of what happened, then telling their allies Karn and Meloka told Chaya, who kept herself under control. Karn then took his family to Earth, to see the sights. Venturing south from the Red Ribbon Base, Karn and his family found the ruins of the planet's World Martial Arts tournament, and as we rejoin Karn, you're watching Maz and Kayle trading blows on the interior stage along with some of the locals, the younger children going full power.

“Haaa!” Maz shouts, having pushed his sister to the edge with a side kick leaps in, throwing an overhand right aimed at knocking her off the stage. Only for Kayle to fan block it over her left shoulder, then grabbing his arm with her left hand. Bringing her right up to his triceps while dropping to a knee, she swings him straight over her shoulder in a toss, sending him flying right off the platform. Crashing to the ground, landing flat on his back.
“It's over! Maz is out-of-bounds, the winner is Kayle!” the man who only called himself the announcer shouts over Koruza, everyone turning to look at him. Which he sees, straightening up and rubbing the back of his head in clear embarrassment. “S-Sorry about that. Old habits die hard.”

“I'm sure big sis Chaya'd want you to announce for her fights. You have a good voice for it.” Okira tells him as Kayle leaps off the stage, reaching down and offering her hand to Maz. Who takes it, the two laughing off their match as the announcer thanks your daughter.
“I'll get you next time.” Maz says, the two holding no hard feelings over this. But the one most surprised by their match is the man calling himself King Chappa, the darker skinned man wearing a half-gi in yellow.
“Your children possess incredible power and skill.” he says to you. “Tell me, are all of your children this strong?”

“More or less. The older ones are much stronger than them, but with age comes training and experience.” you reply proudly. “What of yourself? You seem strong, for those of this world anyways.”
“I will take it as a compliment.” he replies. “Yes, I spent years training after nearly falling to the Demon King's assassin, Tambourine. Evolving and perfecting my technique, so I could best even someone strong enough to kill the God of Martial Arts himself, the legendary Master Roshi.”

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“Wait, Roshi's dead in this timeline?” Maza, your eldest-born half-demon son asks, sounding genuinely disappointed and upset. “That's a shame, I was hoping to see one of his attacks no one else knew...”
“Well, there is another. Although, I have no idea where he is.” he says, sighing out. “His cousin, Jackie Chun showed considerable prowess, and even bested Krillin who I could not in the last tournament, or so I heard.”

“Wait, you didn't know? I didn't think anyone fell for that disguise.” Milha interjects, you wondering what she's talking about. “Jackie Chun WAS Master Roshi. He used the disguise to keep his students humble in the tournament, so they wouldn't win so easily and perhaps quit being martial artists if they beat the best in the world.”
“Oh. Well, that is disappointing to learn. But, it does make sense. Keeping a student motivated to keep learning is the mark of a true master.” King Chappa says to her, then turns back to you. “And speaking of learning; I do not know the limits of your strength, foreign one. But I wish to put my skills to the test.”
“Oh really?” you reply, surprised. Perhaps he cannot sense the sheer gap between you both? “Are you sure about this?”

“I know I cannot best you, as once your children take on that golden glow I cannot even best them. So I know you are doubtless far stronger than I. But still, I would like to witness the fruits of my labor, my years of training.” he replies, putting that question to rest. “I would like to challenge you to a match in this ring. I wish to see if, even against someone so far beyond my own abilities, my technique will work. What say you, alien? Will you humor me, and honor my request?”

Well? How do you respond?
>Sure, why not? You're curious what technique he has, and perhaps if you like it he even may be willing to share after the match
>Decline, but ask your kids and Meloka if anyone'd be interested in taking him on
>Agree, but activate your Energy Body as the match starts. Just in case he has something terrifying up his sleeve
>Add in a stipulation that neither of you can use lethal force
>Other(write in)?
>>Sure, why not? You're curious what technique he has, and perhaps if you like it he even may be willing to share after the match
Consider it the cultural exchange.
>>Sure, why not? You're curious what technique he has, and perhaps if you like it he even may be willing to share after the match
Surely Karn can hold back a bit
>Sure, why not? You're curious what technique he has, and perhaps if you like it he even may be willing to share after the match
we can sit back in our metaphorical chair. No harm in letting him try.
Sure, why not? You're curious what technique he has, and perhaps if you like it he even may be willing to share after the match wins unanimously. Roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 5
Second DC: 10
Third DC: 20
Fourth DC: 40
Fifth DC: 80
Rolled 38, 29, 17, 72, 6 = 162 (5d100)

Rolled 80, 33, 91, 90, 44 = 338 (5d100)

Huh. Just how much did he polish his techniques out in the wilderness?
Rolled 22, 58, 87, 16, 62 = 245 (5d100)

Just got here haven't even got a chance to read yet
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80/100, 58/100, 91/100, 90/100, 62/100. Four successes, but it seems that his attack grows beyond even what you can withstand. Writing.
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Ladies and gentleman, an Earthling has gotten a few good hits in on Karn. I am declaring this a global holiday effective immediately.
>Four successes, but it seems that his attack grows beyond even what you can withstand. Writing.
Damn, didn't know he had it like that. And this is a post-piccolo saga King Chappa too. Then again, things got really fucky in this timeline, so maybe my powerlevelfagging isn't relevant here.
This isn't a question of powerlevel. But how many fists can you stop each second?
Honestly I think tying speed to power was one of the biggest mistakes the series made. Makes the fast but not very strong rouge archetype not really a thing.
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“Sure, why not? What are you thinking?” you reply, the man grinning a bit in response.
“My challenge is simple: one minute in the ring, and see if I can hit you with my ultimate technique.” he says to you. “After one minute, if I cannot hit you, I shall concede defeat.”
“One minute? That's all?” you ask, surprised. To which his grin widens. “You must be confident in this technique.”

“Of course. After the Demon King's hitman, Tambourine, showed me that my Eight Arm Fist technique could be improved, I sought to perfect the technique.” he replies, turning and leaping up onto the stage. As he does, landing lightly on his toes, you can see he's clearly a skilled warrior. His every movement is efficient and wasting no effort, a clear result of decades of training. “And now, with my new level of mastery, I have evolved my technique to heights I'd never imagined.”

“Well, what do you think hun? Mind refereeing for us?” you ask your wife, turning to her. To which she sighs out, shaking her head.
“Yeah, why not?” she replies, the two of you leaping up as well. You stand across from King Chappa, your wife raising a hand. “Both fighters ready?”
“Ready.” you reply, taking your fighting stance. King Chappa doesn't immediately, looking you over.

“Mhrmm. Your stance is impeccable.” he says, raising both hands and placing them palms-together, bowing at the waist to you. Which he holds for a few seconds, then as he raises up you see his aura starting to rise. “Huuuuuuoooooooooah!”

Then as he starts moving his hands, tracing the same emblem Towa uses in the air with his palms, you watch as, suddenly, his arms start leaving after-trails. His energy flows from his body and almost completely into his arms, where you then begin to see spectral arms appearing in the wake of his arms' movements, but then your wife drops her arm.

“Begin.” she shouts, you holding your stance. But King Chappa kicks off, keeping his arms moving as he approaches you.
“Now, behold! The Infinite Arm Fist!” he shouts, dashing in and firing a left jab at your face. Immediately you bring your left up and stopping it with your forearm. Easily blocking his slow-moving fist, barely even feeling the hit. But as he draws his left back, following it up with a right hook, one of the phantom limbs swing the same way as his left. Blocking his follow-up with your left, his phantom left then swings in the exact same way as his first left. And by habit you raise your right defensively as well, only to feel his translucent fist strike your right forearm!

“What?” you mutter, surprised at the illusory fist actually strikes your arm, understanding dawning. No wonder he'd been so confident. “Tch!”

“HRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!” King Chappa roars as he keeps up the pressure, throwing punch after punch at you. But with each new punch, his attack continues to cascade. Each of the phantom limbs go through the same pattern his real fists do, but with each ADDITIONAL strike, the number of punches you have to deal with increases by the second. At first it was novel, but after more than ten seconds he's throwing so many punches his storm of attacks starts to actually push you back! There are so many punches headed your way you cannot stand your ground, forced to retreat under the onslaught.
“Tch!” you seethe through clenched teeth, genuinely surprised by how effective this technique is. As he keeps up the pressure, you realize that the only ways to stop this technique is to stop him before it even starts. You keep retreating under the surprising pressure of his attack combination, until your right foot reaches the edge of the arena. Stepping back, your heel hangs over empty air, nothing behind it. You have nowhere to go.

“HUUUUUUOOOOOOOH! HAAAAAAAAA!!” he roars, increasing the speed of his punches even more. And with nowhere left to back up you brace yourself, meeting his hailstorm of fists head-on.
“HRRRAAAA!!” you shout, swinging at your full speed. Meeting his phantom limbs fist-to-fist, stopping hundreds of punches. However, his actual fists slip through, both striking you square in the chest. Again, you barely feel his punch, but he has enough force to push you back, stealing your balance and sending you falling backwards. But as you fall, you see Chappa, sweat pouring down his face sink to a knee, the phantom limbs, which are still swinging, all fade away. “Tch!”

“Woah! He got you!?” Maz exclaims in shock, you catching yourself from falling completely off the stage with your flight. And as Chappa struggles to catch his breath, clearly winded from the effort you fly back onto the stage. “So cool!”
“What an impressive attack.” Koruza adds in, also clearly shocked as your other children talk among themselves. But you, your eyes are fixed on this human. Who, despite measuring nowhere close to your power, actually managed to hit you. Despite doing your best in your base form, you couldn't stop his technique once he'd gotten it started. Which just leaves one question:

How do you react to this?

>Congratulate him on his victory, this technique is impressive
>Try and mimic what you saw, how you felt his energy move. You think you can mirror this technique with what you've learned from Spirit Control
>Ask him how he developed such a technique, and if he'd consider teaching it to you all. You imagine that, combining it with your Juyo form, you could create a nearly-unstoppable offensive technique
>Thank him for showing you his technique, but ask how he plans to handle someone who he couldn't just send out of a ring with it
>Ask your kids what they think of his technique, see if they could see things from their perspectives you couldn't being directly on the receiving end
>Other(write in)?
>>Try and mimic what you saw, how you felt his energy move. You think you can mirror this technique with what you've learned from Spirit Control
>Ask him how he developed such a technique, and if he'd consider teaching it to you all. You imagine that, combining it with your Juyo form, you could create a nearly-unstoppable offensive technique
Crackhead Juyo? I'm in.
>Ask him how he developed such a technique, and if he'd consider teaching it to you all. You imagine that, combining it with your Juyo form, you could create a nearly-unstoppable offensive technique
I wonder what technique we should teach him in return
>Ask him how he developed such a technique, and if he'd consider teaching it to you all. You imagine that, combining it with your Juyo form, you could create a nearly-unstoppable offensive technique
Ask him how he developed such a technique, and if he'd consider teaching it to you all. You imagine that, combining it with your Juyo form, you could create a nearly-unstoppable offensive technique wins it. Let's see how this goes, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 45
Secon d DC: ??
Rolled 40, 24 = 64 (2d100)

Rolled 88, 59 = 147 (2d100)

Rolled 95, 45 = 140 (2d100)

Imagine jacking off with infinite hand power.
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Rolled 3 (1d3)

95/100, 59/100. Success and mid mystery, perhaps this may interest him. Writing.
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“I must say, you caught me by surprise with that one.” you tell the man as he's still down, holding a hand down to him. “How did you develop such a technique?”
“I'm rather curious as well. Your Eight Arm Fist is nothing compared to this.” Maza adds in, your eldest half-demon son clearly interested as well. “You have clearly been hard at work developing this move.”
“Thank you. It took years and years of intense study and effort. And yes, my Eight Arm Fist was only the base of this technique.” King Chappa replies to him, then turning to you takes your hand, using it to pull himself back up to his feet. “Thank you. After witnessing that monster do my own technique back against me, but even better, I knew I must improve. So, once I had buried the dead, paying my respects to my students and family in the ruins of my home, I went into exile. Leaving the monastery my master had built and going into the wilderness.”

“Why leave?” Milha's woman, Darkness asks. “I would think being in such a place would inspire you more?”
“No. Being with the ghosts of my family would have impeded my progress. I had to let go of everything, abandoning everything and going out into the world with only my body and skills.” he says, something you can't imagine doing yourself. “And in my travels, one day while trying to evolve my Eight Arm Fist to Tambourine's Hundred Arm Fist variant he'd used on me, I began to hear something. In a valley I was in, I could hear my shouts echoing, as well as the sounds of my fists striking the falling water. And that was the inspiration for this technique. To create echoes of my punches, forming an attack as unstoppable as the very rain from the heavens.”
“Echoes? I see.” Koruza says, bringing a hand to his chin. “Yes, I see. I understand how you were able to think of this technique.”

“It's impressive, I have to give you your credit. Tell me, is that something you would consider teaching us?” you ask him, the fighter raising a brow in surprise. “That is quite a special technique you've created.”
“Hmmm, an interesting proposition, to become a teacher once more. Perhaps. But before I can start teaching others, I must fulfill an old promise I made. To restore this tournament, to bring martial arts back to this world.” he replies, gesturing at the building around you. “Once I have restored the pride of martial artists, then I shall be able to teach once more.”
“Oh, is that it? We've got this!” Okira says, your daughter grinning with a mischevious glint in her eye. “How long ago was the last tournament? Before this place was destroyed?”

“An odd question. However, I have lost track of the years, myself.” he says, your daughter looking slightly annoyed. But then her Stand, Imagine Dragon snakes out of her mouth, whispering something in her ear. Which she nods to, then turns outside. “I'll fix this place right up!”
“You? With what?” King Chappa asks, confused. But you lay a hand on his shoulder, the man turning to you.
“Watch and see.” you reply, not taking your eyes off your daughter as she flies out over the hole of where a fighting arena once sat. Then as one she and her Stand speak.

”THE WORLD MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT ARENA AND SURROUNDING CITY ARE NOW RESTORED TO THEIR PRIME, IN THE CONDITION THEY WERE IN BEFORE THE DEMON KING PICCOLO AWAKENED!!” they declare, and the world around you begins to change. Rubbile moves, dust vanishes, cracked stones restore themselves, and the arena below Okira's feet reforms. In a matter of seconds, the once seemingly-abandoned tournament grounds are restored to their prime, and as you all make your way outside onto the newly reformed stage, you can see that the city itself is remade as well. No longer are the buildings falling down and collapsing, the wall separating the arena from the crowd, as well as from beyond the grounds is restored. Looking better than you'd imagined, this once-ruined place now looking pristine. And as you all look around, you suddenly hear sobs. Turning, you see the announcer dropping down to his knees, placing his hands on the arena as if checking to see if it's really there.

“I-It's back. I-I-I never thought I would see this place restored.” he says through the tears, taking his glasses off and wiping his eyes with a small cloth before tucking it back away inside his suit's pocket. “Thank you, thank you so much!”
“Impressive. And even after this display, you still wish to learn MY technique?” King Chappa asks your daughter, who turns to him with a smile.
“Of course. Your technique is really cool.” she replies, the darker skinned man chuckling to himself a moment with his eyes closed.

“I see. Very well, I shall try and instruct those of you who wish to learn.” he says, then turns to you. “Unless you have any business to attend to first, we shall get started right away.”

Well? Do you have any pressing business?
>Telepatically reach out to several people including King Vegeta IV, make sure nothing urgent is going on before agreeing
>Agree to start now, if something happens to interfere you can handle it
>Teleport to Marron first, tell her of the restored city and see if that is some place they can have to settle in now that it is no longer a ruin
>Ask if he can wait a moment, then reach out to your other children and see if they also wish to learn this technique with you all
>Other(write in)?
>>Telepatically reach out to several people including King Vegeta IV, make sure nothing urgent is going on before agreeing
>Ask if he can wait a moment, then reach out to your other children and see if they also wish to learn this technique with you all
>Ask if he can wait a moment, then reach out to your other children and see if they also wish to learn this technique with you all
Switching to this. I'd rather not accidentally pull a Goku and hoard techniques by omission.
>Ask if he can wait a moment, then reach out to your other children and see if they also wish to learn this technique with you all
Ask if he can wait a moment, then reach out to your other children and see if they also wish to learn this technique with you all wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 70
Second DC: 55
Rolled 2, 26 = 28 (2d100)

Rolled 25, 6 = 31 (2d100)

Rolled 71, 59 = 130 (2d100)

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71/100, 59/100. Success, passing the first means you didn't need the second, writing.
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“Would you mind waiting a moment? I want to reach out and see if my other children would be interested in learning from you as well.” you tell him, King Chappa nodding as you close your eyes, reaching out telepathically. Connecting your mind to Broly, Caulifla, Chilli, and Chaya. “Hey, everyone. Just found a really interesting technique, would any of you be interested in learning it?” you ask, sensing everyone's surprise.
“I can swing down for a few minutes.” Chilli replies, you deciding to add in.
“I'm not on New Salda right now, but on a planet called Earth. Gotta use Instant Transmission, can't use the usual portals.” you reply to your son, who acknowledges this.
“I cannot, in the middle of something.” Broly replies, then after a moment adds. “But show me sometime, I would like to see this interesting technique.”
“Sorry, there was a training accident with a Power Ball. A lot of the young ones got stepped on outside the capitol, I can't come.” Caulifla adds before ending the link, turning her full focus back to the problem she's helping out back home.
“We'll be there in a minute, two max.” Chaya replies, Broly ending the link to himself as you then open your eyes. “Just a minute, they're on their way.”

“So, you possess the ability to communicate with your minds?” he asks, you nodding. “Your people possess many strange abilities.”
“Thanks, we've spent decades learning what we could.” you reply to him, keeping the telepathic link open so Chilli can find you as you sense Chaya's ki start to approach you all from the north. “Where did we learn telekinesis from? Wasn't that on Boros' ship?”
“Yes, they had some sort of psychic on there, one we never met. Had that really awful long name too.” Meloka replies, reaching her arms up and stretching before turning to King Chappa. “But many of our techniques we created ourselves as well.”

“I see. Yes, creating one's own techniques is good, but so is learning from others with different experience.” he says, turning to Okira. “And, speaking of: how are you able to do what you did? I have never seen power like this before.”
“Oh, that's my friend Imagine Dragon's power.” she says, holding a hand up beneath her Stand. But Chappa, blinking once, clearly doesn't see her Stand, looking from it to side-eyeing you a moment. “You can't see him either, huh? Well, that's too bad.”

And as she finishes speaking, you sense Chilli's ki appearing beside your own. So you turn, watching as your son's tired face appears. King Chappa, however, caught by surprise, immediately leaps back, retaking his fighting stance.

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“I don't have too long, Meloka Wolbach's school will be over in another half-hour.” he says, then with a quick scan sees the one who isn't one of your all. “So, you must be the one my father spoke of. I am Chilli, son of Karn.”

And with his introduction Chilli offers him his hand, King Chappa looking from his face to his hand, slightly suspicious.

“Well met, Chilli son of Karn. I am King Chappa.” he says, taking three steps back forward, taking the offered hand. You can see he's clearly sizing your son up, but then realize he's not. Not in the way you think, but judging his apparent health. As his gaunt, almost sickly appearance would definitely appear surprising, considering the rest of you. The handshake ends, Chappa then turning to you. “Is this everyone?”

But before you can answer, she calls down.

“I'm here!” Chaya shouts, flying down out of the clouds, accompanied by Krillin. Who you can see IMMEDIATELY recognizes King Chappa, who notices Krillin as he turns towards the voices. Both men lock eyes, and without acknowledging anyone else start taking measured, deliberate steps towards each other. The sudden tension in the air is thick, the bald man's expression grim as he marches solemnly towards the taller fighter. Leaving you to wonder if this was a good idea after all?

Well? What do you do?
>Nothing, if they have an issue it's their own to work out
>Get between them, you don't need these two starting a fight and perhaps injuring each other. You want to learn how Chappa's technique works, after all
>Telepathically ask Chaya what's going on, if these two have some history you're unaware of or something
>Ready your telekinetic grip, if they go to attack each other shut them down before either can land a single swing
>Other(write in)?
>Nothing, if they have an issue it's their own to work out
They're both grown ass men, they can handle this without breaking everything Okira just fixed.
>Nothing, if they have an issue it's their own to work out
>>Nothing, if they have an issue it's their own to work out
krillin is cool, no need to meddle
>Nothing, if they have an issue it's their own to work out
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Nothing, if they have an issue it's their own to work out wins without challenge, writing. Hopefully this works out for you all.
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You see the two men approaching each other, expressions serious and unwavering as Krillin then calls to him as they get closer.

“King Chappa!” Krillin says, the two getting to within arm's length. Only for Krillin to suddenly levitate up to eye level, the two men swinging their arms out. Right hands clasping, biceps flexing, you see the two start pushing against each other. Testing their strength, seeing who is more powerful. But you know what Chappa doesn't, a fact he quickly discovers as Krillin starts pushing his arm out to his right side.
“Tch! Khhhh! Alright I yield, I yield.” King Chappa says, the two releasing hands and laughing good-naturedly. “You have grown more powerful since the last time we fought.”
“As have you, I thought Tambourine got you!” Krillin replies. “Hard to believe you're still here. And look at this place, looks like you've been hard at work!”

“Haha, no. This was not me, but the little one.” he says, gesturing to your youngest daughter. Who waves back at him with a smile, confusion spreading on the bald man's face.
“Wait, YOU fixed this place up? Even the arena?” he asks her, Okira nodding.
“Yes, Imagine Dragon and I fixed this place up as good as it was before that 'demon king' was awakened to started taking over this planet.”
“I see. I thought the city looked in better shape than I remembered. Was that you as well?” he asks, your daughter beaming at the praise. “Wait, that means you're the one who fixed up the Red Ribbon base that day!”

“That was us as well.” she says, beaming at the praise.
“Well I'll be.” he says, then turns back to Chappa. “So, what's this I hear about you having a new technique? It has to be good, to impress these guys.”
“Oh yes. I had created this technique to not only best the Demon King, but to defeat you in this very arena next time we faced each other.” he replies. “However, if you wish to learn the secret of my Infinite Arm Fist, we'll have to trade techniques. And the technique of yours I would want is the secret to Master Roshi's ultimate technique.”

“The Kamehameha? You must be quite confident in your technique, asking me for that one.” Krillin replies, you sensing Chilli about to say something but refraining, biting his tongue. “Very well, I'm in.”
“Good. Now that that is settled, let us begin.” King Chappa says, changing from his friendly tone to one that reminds you of your old man. A tone full of authority, the speech of a martial artist instructor is universal, it would seem.

King Chappa, surprisingly enough is quite the adept tutor. He had started with trying to explain the concept of ki, but when everyone informed him you all knew how to use your own energies, he moved into the technique itself proper. Which involved, as you sensed, infusing most of your ki into your arms. But them splitting this ki, sectioning it off as you moved through the pattern to activate the technique. Starting with your hands before you at sternum level, palms together, you then bring them down, separating them out in the shape of the sideways 8 that is Towa's symbol. Then, as you raise your hands up along the curved path, begin splitting your ki. Which, with your Spirit Control is something you achieve, using the principles of the Multiform technique to better divide your ki, feel your ki separate into several different 'arms'. You did it, you activated the technique!

Each one following the path your real hands make, shifting into your fighting stance as you decide to test it out, then throwing out a right straight. You have to hold back, to avoid causing a destructive wave of air pressure on this planet with a far thinner atmosphere, but as you draw your right back and fire a left jab follow-up, you see it. The first phantom limb mirrors your earlier right, then the third as you draw your left back as well. Leaving you watching as your phantom limbs continue throwing strikes. However, as your arms stop moving, you feel the energy of the phantom limbs come into contact with your real arms, merging back together into one.

“So that's why he kept his arms moving.” you mutter, realizing now why, even when you'd backed out of his range for a strike he never stopped swinging. Because once his arms had stopped moving, the technique would end shortly after. You watch your own semi-translucent hands strike the air for a few more moments before turning, watching your children try and master this new technique.

-Infinite Arm Fist Technique Acquired-

“Most impressive. You managed to copy my technique after seeing it only once.” King Chappa says, but as you turn see he isn't talking to you, but to your wife. “You must be an impressive martial artist as well.”
“Something like that.” she replies, gesturing behind her towards you with a thumb. “Had to keep up with him somehow, and I couldn't do so with raw power.”
“HAHAHA, I see!” he exclaims good-naturedly, turning from her to you. “Ah, yes. I recognize that look in your eye. You have done it as well?”
“Yes. Quite the intuitive technique, I understand why you'd kept swinging even when you knew a strike wouldn't reach.” you reply to him. “How long did it take you to make this move?”

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“Several years of intense effort. Creating this technique was far more difficult than teaching it. But that is no doubt thanks to your discipline.” he tells you, then the three of you turn back to the others, watching them.

Chilli, unsurprisingly is the first to successfully activate the technique, with four phantom limbs active. But immediately upon successful activation he decides to continue experimenting, using his magic to create crystal spikes around his real fists. Then, as he does, you see each of his phantom limbs do the same in turn, each one creating them just before the same strikes he had with his real ones. You watching King Chappa's eyes widen in shock as he sees this. But he isn't the only one, Chaya getting it almost as quickly. Except, unlike her brother, she's spent far more time training under Elder Pybara, splitting her energy from each arm into twelfths. Turning the very air itself around her into a blender as she swings.

“Oh man, this technique is WILD!” she exclaims, watching her soon thousands of swings a second. Even holding back, the sheer VOLUME of strikes she's throwing out begins to push the air away from her. So she slows down, slowly ending the technique as you had by holding her arms still. But just as you think it's over, she surprises you by going back to swinging, somehow keeping the energies from merging back with her physical arms. “Heheh, this one's gonna be a real show-stopper!”
“No far, big sis got it already!” Maz shouts, gritting his teeth. Veins bulging on his forehead, he's pushing far too hard to make the technique work. However, before you can say anything, King Chappa's already addressing him.

“No no, you're trying too hard. You cannot FORCE the ki apart, you must let it flow. Separating from you like water dripping off of you, not like a spray from a hose.”
“Ooooh, okay!” he replies, taking a deep breath and going back to the starting pose, redoing the activation. And, sure enough, he gets it as well! Focusing on his breathing, he only manages a single copy of each arm. But he did it, pumping his right fist several times in excitement. “I did it! I did it!” Look Mom, look Dad! I'm doing it!”
“Yes you are, good job kiddo!” you tell him, smile beaming. Going from child to child, everyone nails the technique in a matter of minutes. Even Krillin, with Chaya's help, manages to do the same, wielding eight arms of his own.

But what now?
>Keep exploring the planet, see where else the kids want to go after thanking King Chappa for his help
>Stick around a bit, you're curious why this 'Kamehameha' is so important as to be compared to this technique
>Head back to Marron, see if this city would be a good place for her people to settle and start building lives for themselves since no one of this world except the announcer presumably lived here
>Other(write in)?
>Keep exploring the planet, see where else the kids want to go after thanking King Chappa for his help
We can ask Krillin to show us why the Kamehameha is so important later. I'm tired of people asking about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber so let's get that taken care of now.
Krillin and the other androids have infinite energy generators as well, right? This trick might be really useful for someone who doesn't get tired.
>Keep exploring the planet, see where else the kids want to go after thanking King Chappa for his help
>Offer a technique to Chappa in exchange for his instruction today. Given his reaction to Chilli's entrance earlier, perhaps he'll be interested in learning Instant Transmission?
>This trick might be really useful for someone who doesn't get tired.
Or for somebody who constantly builds up energy internally, like a certain jolly green General of the PTO and a fair few of his family and friends.
>Keep exploring the planet, see where else the kids want to go after thanking King Chappa for his help
King Chappa's cool.
And combining this technique with the principles of Juyo? It'll just be even more evidence that Karn's a demon, because holy *shit* would I feel sorry for the sorry bastard on the receiving end of that.
The only issue is being able to shift from the technically demanding start-up for Infinite Arms and then jump into the mindset required for Juyo.
I don't think it's impossible, but being able to smoothly weave the techniques into each other is going to demand a lot of time and practice.
Rolled 3 (1d4)

Keep exploring the planet, see where else the kids want to go after thanking King Chappa for his help wins it. Let's see what happens, writing.
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Door number 3, eh? Well, well, well... Writing.
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I can only guess what's behind it.
"Help us Okira! You're the only one who can defeat Arale!'
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>Imagine Dragon can only rewrite non-living things
>Arale is an android, and thus, not alive
You might be on to something here.
“I must say, it is both disappointing and heartening to see so many learn my technique so quickly.” King Chappa says, his eyes holding pride in seeing your children using his technique. But you also see something else, something you can't quite place.
“Shows you're a good teacher, with good students.” you reply to him, the man smiling and nodding. Maz and Kayle, as you'd expected, turn towards each other once they both have the technique up and running, dashing directly towards each other.

“HAAAA!” Maz bellows as he charges.
“HYAAA!” Kayle replies in kind, the two slamming together in an explosion of shock waves. You move to between King Chappa and your children, shielding him from the shock waves their hundreds of impacts a second cause. Meanwhile Chaya moves between them and the announcer, throwing her arms out and forming a barrier, shielding the taller man as well. Everyone else stops to watch, observing as the two throw tens of thousands of blows towards each other. Their blows slam into each other, phantom fists crashing together until, simultaneously, both of their real fists slip through the storm of punches, slamming into each other's jaws. The cross counter sends both flying, launched clear off the stage. Stunned, neither can recover before falling to the grass outside the arena, landing simultaneously.

“B-Both fighters are out-of-bounds! The match is a draw!” the announcer shouts once more, everyone turning to him once more. Seeing everyone's gaze he wilts slightly, apologizing once more. “S-Sorry, habit.”
“Those two children are quite hungry. A good trait, for the young.” King Chappa tells you. “So, what will you do now?”
“Good question. I think we'll keep exploring the world, see what else this planet has to offer.” you reply, watching as the two both leap back up to the arena, hugging each other and laughing. “Your planet seems to be full of surprises.”
“Yes. But be warned, if you go to Mount Goro-Goro. Do not take the Sacred Crown from its pedestal.” King Chappa replies, Krillin perking up at this.

“Hang on. That legend of the thunder crown is true?” Krillin asks him, the darker man turning to the bald one.
“Yes. Part of my training was mastering that crown, becoming swifter than lightning. And once my training was complete, heading back down the mountain, I went back, returning it.” he replies. “The crown is back where it belongs.”
“Huh, never would have thought it was really real. But a deal's a deal, we'll get started. But not here, don't want to destroy this brand-new arena.”

“Agreed.” King Chappa says, turning to Okira. “Thank you once more, little one. If you ever are in need, call upon me. And I shall do everything in my power to aid you.”

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“I appreciate it, but it wasn't that big of a deal.” she replies, but bows back to him. “It was my pleasure to restore such an important place to your people. Hopefully we'll meet again, perhaps once this tournament is ready.”
“Haha! If your family enter our little tournament, I fear the full top 8 will be no one but you all.” he says good-naturedly. “Thouch, while you all know my strongest technique, you do not know ALL of my newfound techniques. I look forward to your participation, Okira.”

And the two then share a handshake as well as a nod of understanding, Krillin, Chaya, and King Chappa leaping over the wall, heading away towards the sea. As they go, everyone gathers, asking you what's next.

“Let's keep going, there's still a whole planet to explore.” you reply, trying to remember the other locations your granddaughter had told you of. But, unable to do so, you ask the kids instead. “Which way should we go from here?”

And for the next couple minutes they all discuss among themselves, Chilli and Broly having headed back to their own homes after saying their farewells. And your children decide to head further east, to explore the other islands. So, as a group you all take off, leaving the newly-restored island behind and taking off. With a thought you inform Marron of this, telling her the shape everything was in and how Okira fixed it. Which she seems surprisingly excited about, hurriedly ending the link. Odd.

But you keep flying, several of the smaller islands seem abandoned. The larger ones have small communities, but with their powerlevels all so low with no standouts like King Chappa's strength, you all choose to fly past them. Even passing by a small, pink house on an island barely large enough to fit even itself, until one island catches everyone's eye. With several buildings that look very... Distinct, from everything you've seen elsewhere. One looks like some sort of pot, another a giant mushroom, another that even looks like a boot.

“Let's stop here. This place seems fun!” Karn Jr exclaims, but something about this place feels... Familiar. Almost as if you've seen it before, somewhere...

But what now? Where do you check out first?
>The shoe-shaped house, who would live in a shoe?
>Giant mushroom, you're curious who'd live in a fungus
>The lighthouse at the southeastern end of the island
>Go over to the mountain you're sure just blinked twice at you all, double check and make sure this isn't another lizard god situation like you had years ago
>Head to the nearby mountain, where a surprisingly large castle overlooks the village from outside its limits
>Let everyone go explore while you stay in the air, keeping an eye on them. Something about this place feels off, but you can't quite place it
>Other(write in)?
>>Go over to the mountain you're sure just blinked twice at you all, double check and make sure this isn't another lizard god situation like you had years ago
>>Go over to the mountain you're sure just blinked twice at you all, double check and make sure this isn't another lizard god situation like you had years ago
>Go over to the mountain you're sure just blinked twice at you all, double check and make sure this isn't another lizard god situation like you had years ago
I don't like the feeling of this
>>Head to the nearby mountain, where a surprisingly large castle overlooks the village from outside its limits

Probably best to let whoever's in charge here know we're not hostile.
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Rolled 2 (1d8)

Go over to the mountain you're sure just blinked twice at you all, double check and make sure this isn't another lizard god situation like you had years ago wins it. Writing.
It's time
Damn, we're gonna have to pull out all the stops. ie we're gonna have to Dad the shit out of this.
“Am I seeing things? Or did that mountain just look at us?” you ask no one in particular, turning fully to face the mountain with eyes. Which blink again as it seemingly sees you take notice of it, everyone else turning to it as well. The 'mountain' seemingly begins to sweat, you flying down towards it, crossing your arms and glaring down on it. “Hey, you! Why are you hiding as a mountain?”
“Wh-What? I-I AM a mountain.” it says back, you raising a brow at this. “I m-mean, just look at me.”
“Mountains don't talk.” your wife says, raising her right hand and pointing it at the mountain, only for Maza to suddenly dash forward, grabbing her arm and pointing it straight up. His sudden reaction, the speed at which he moves and the TERRIFIED expression on his face freeze all of you in place.

“DON'T!” he seethes through clenched teeth, panic in his eyes. “Do NOT destroy ANYTHING! Not here.”
“Where IS here?” Kayle asks him, Maza turning to his siblings. Following his gaze, you see that both Koruza and Milha are both equally terrified.
“Penguin Village.” Maza says, voice trembling slightly. You hearing the actual, GENUINE fear in his voice. “We should leave, right now. Before SHE notices.”
“Hey, hi there!” Karn Jr, who wasn't paying attention shouts, waving down towards the ground. Where, you see a dust cloud leaving the town, heading directly towards you all.

“Shit, she's coming!” Maza says, releasing your wife. And before you can say anything else, he raises his right hand to his forehead, actually LEAVING this planet with Instant Transmission. What in the hell has him terrified so? Turning from him back towards the cloud, you see it stop below you. And once the cloud dissipates, it reveals a tiny figure standing there. No taller than your youngest, the figure tilts its head.
“Ho-yo?” it says, somehow not raising its voice yet also completely distinct. It then points up at you all, waving. “HO-YO!”
“Milha, who is that?” you ask, turning to your half-demon daughter. Who has paled as well, you seeing her grip tighten on her girlfriend in her arms. Who seems just as confused as the rest of you.

“Not who. WHAT.” Koruza says, Dark Rider appearing behind him. “That's a machine, one the man named Norimaki somehow made strong enough to battle gods. We'd better play nice. While it has the power to break this planet in half with a single swing, it has the mind of a child. If we play this right, we should-”

But Karn Jr, who clearly isn't paying attention to the worry in the adults, is already flying down towards her.

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“Hey, I'm Karn Jr! But you can call me Junior! What's your name?” he asks, flying down and landing by the purple-haired creature.
“I'm Arale!” she declares, the rest of you sharing glances before descending towards the ground. And by the time you all land, Junior is standing side-by-side with this overpowered machine, arm around her shoulders.

“It's okay, she's fine!” he says, grinning. “Arale, this is my family! My Dad and mom, my brothers and sisters, and my half-demon brother and sister too!”
“Ho-yo?” she asks as your youngest introduces you all oen-by-one by name. “OH! You all gotta meet MY family now!”
“Huh?” Junior replies as she grabs him by the armor, taking off at a sprint back towards the village with both arms behind her back. “Waaaaaah?!”

“Shit!” you exclaim, kicking off the ground after the robot girl who took off with your youngest. She's fast, surprisingly so, but just as you're about to transform to catch up to her, she stops running. Sliding to a stop by planting both heels in the ground, sliding dozens of feet to come to a stop in front of a seemingly quaint home. The rest of you all catch up, flying to a stop by them as the robot turns to face your youngest, pointing to it. “This is Arale's home!”
“Your home? Wow, it's a lot smaller than I thought.” your son says, the thing called Arale turning back to him. “My home back on my people's planet is a lot bigger.”
“Ho-yo? Bigger? Really?” she asks, only for the door to suddenly open. Where a man you've not seen before with scraggly facial hair and wearing a simple shirt and hat, one similar to Arale's own but he's wearing it backwards. Or, perhaps the robot girl's is the one backwards?

“Arale, what's going on?” the man asks her. “Who're all these people you've brought home this time?”
“They're ALIENS!” she exclaims happily, you seeing the man's expression immediately turn worried. “This one's my friend, his name's Junior! Junior, this is my daddy!”
“Good to meet you, sir.” your youngest says, reaching out with his right hand towards the man. “Your village here is a lot different than all the others around.”
“Well, Penguin Village is quite a special place. Glad you like it.” he says, taking your son's hand. “The name's Norimaki Senbei!”

Well? What now?
>Ask this Norimaki fellow how he managed to create someone like Arale, when other androids on his planet aren't anywhere close to the level of power she supposedly has
>Telepathically reach out to Towa, see what she can tell you about this place and Arale, see if you can figure out why he fled
>Keep quiet and observe things for now, but stay on your guard. You may have to act at a moment's notice to avoid disaster if she's truly as powerful as Maza claimed
>Other(write in)?
>>Telepathically reach out to Towa, see what she can tell you about this place and Arale, see if you can figure out why he fled
Yeah naw, dipping like that is cause for concern
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>Keep quiet and observe things for now, but stay on your guard. You may have to act at a moment's notice to avoid disaster if she's truly as powerful as Maza claimed
>>Keep quiet and observe things for now, but stay on your guard. You may have to act at a moment's notice to avoid disaster if she's truly as powerful as Maza claimed
Keep quiet and observe things for now, but stay on your guard. You may have to act at a moment's notice to avoid disaster if she's truly as powerful as Maza claimed wins. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 15
Second DC: 35
Third DC: ??
Rolled 35, 9, 7 = 51 (3d100)

Rolled 34, 52, 4 = 90 (3d100)

Rolled 76, 37, 16 = 129 (3d100)

I am just a tree. Do not look at me.
this ain't good
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76/100, 52/100, 16/100. Success, success, and failure. Well, let's see how this goes, writing.
What have we done
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For a moment you consider reaching out to Towa telepathically, to see if you can get any information on why Maza was so terrified of this seemingly-harmless childlike creature. But from his fear, you decide against taking your focus off of what's happening for even a moment. You can't sense any ki from her whatsoever, even your instincts aren't giving you any signals from her whatsoever. But whoever or whatever Arale is, she's powerful enough to worry even Maza.

“Good to meet you mister Norimaki. Say, I can't sense any energy from her. Is Arale a robot?” your youngest asks, without a care in the world. But before the man can answer, Arale does.
“Yes, I'm a robot! Watch!” she says, then reaching up she disconnects her own head with a click. Pulling it straight up and off, showing the mechanical parts inside.
“Now now Arale, what did I tell you about taking your head off?” the man who you presume made her, as she calls him father says in a stern voice.
“Oh, right!” she exclaims, eyes wide as she reconnects her head with another click. “Hehe, sorry! I won't forget again!”

But as she does, suddenly you remember why this place feels so... Familiar. But this is impossible, that was a DREAM! Or, was it?

“So, what brings you fine folks to Penguin Village?” he asks, looking over you all. You speak, not letting the child robot, who still has a hand on your son out of your sight.
“Just taking in the sights, seeing what this planet has to offer.” you reply, the man's brow raising as you don't quite meet his eyes, keeping focus on Arale as well as he himself. “Just got through with a pretty difficult battle, taking the rest of the day off.”
“A battle? What kind of battle? You said you were aliens, was this some type of star war or something?”

“Not quite.” you reply, but as Arale then turns, your focus turns solely back to her, the girl dragging your son over as a vehicle pulls up. Where a woman gets out, along with two strange, flying creatures you've never seen before. They're humanoid enough, but with wings on their backs as well as a pair of antenna sprouting out of their green hair.
“Ah, Midori. Everything go well at the store?” Norimaki asks, the blonde woman smiling as he calls her name.
“Yes, but I didn't know we were having guests.” she says, turning back to the car. “I don't think we got enough groceries for a party. Turbo, mind helping me carry the groceries in?”

“Pipi!” an infant, one that can't be more than a few months old at most says as it flies up and out of the other side, lifting its hands towards the vehicle it just exited. Then, with a pop, it's just... Gone.

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“What?!” you exclaim, expanding your senses as you search for the child. Only to sense its energy coming from INSIDE the building now, a moment later it flying to the doorway behind the man Norimaki.
“Pipi, pipi.” it exclaim, the man turning and smiling up to him.
“That's my boy. Big an' strong, like his old man!” he exclaims, seeing nothing weird with the powers the child displayed. You can sense it's ki, which means it isn't a robot like Arale. But what in the world is this place?

“Oh look, dear, the moon's out early today.” she says, you turning to see her pointing up in the sky. “And it's full! Look how big and beautiful it looks there in the sky!”
“Huh?” Arale asks, turning and pulling Junior along, turning to face the full moon the woman's seeing in the sky. But Junior, you see, closes his eyes, turning his head as far as he can from it. But as you turn from her, back towards the man, he also seems suddenly nervous.
“Don't look.” you think to all of your younger children, who all turn away from the direction they're pointing. Knowing that they could cause a lot of damage on a world like this were they to lose control.
“Wait, a full moon? Are you sure?” he replies, sounding worried. “You know what that means, right? That monster's going to come back!”

“Monster?” you ask, wondering what ELSE transforms under a full moon? No way there's a Ctarl-Ctarl here somehow too, right? But, as you have that thought, suddenly you hear it. A roar coming from the village proper, one you recognize instantly. Somehow, someway, there's another Saiyan in this village! And by the roar it's unleashing, they've just transformed into an Oozaru!

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying the episode so far? Ready to see how this plays out, and possibly discover how and why there's a Saiyan HERE of all places? Are you ready for more LORE, and to perhaps see if a certain someone's still residing in Penguin Village? All this and more, in 12 hours at noon EST when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues!
I can't even begin to imagine how a Saiyan landed here and escaped the PTO's notice, but I guess that's a question better saved for later. For now, we have kin to go meet.
>But, as you have that thought, suddenly you hear it. A roar coming from the village proper, one you recognize instantly. Somehow, someway, there's another Saiyan in this village! And by the roar it's unleashing, they've just transformed into an Oozaru!
wut the fuck? it's not Kakarot, Broly's our son, and it's DEFINITELY not Tarble. Who is this???
i am very worried.
>Somehow, someway, there's another Saiyan in this village! And by the roar it's unleashing, they've just transformed into an Oozaru!
Oh shit, is that Goku? :^)
Indeed. Who would send someone here, and why? And yes, perhaps you do. Or, perhaps, it's something else? Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Ha. But no, this world never had a Goku. No Saiyan landed near Gohan, who adopted them. But it would seem, somehow, A Saiyan landed here instead. If this is indeed a Saiyan, how long have they been here?
Worried is appropriate. Especially once you use your ki sense and discover just how powerful this Saiyan is. However, considering where we are and Senbei's reaction, I guess we can figure out how they got this strong.
GD, where is this Earth located relative to the last known location of Raditz?
>Implying Raditz is green enough to look at the full moon on accident
Even if he was here, we'd be able to sense him. This has to be some turbo bumpkin away from the PTO's sphere of influence.
>>Implying Raditz is green enough to look at the full moon on accident
No, but Baby might be.
Different quadrant entirely, not even close. This one isn't part of Bardock's family tree.
Yes, we're outside the usual sphere of influence. This place is a far expansion of territory.
True, but you'd have recognized Raditz' ki IMMEDIATELY. Karn has never sensed whoever this is.
It's Onio
Oh for fucks sake not him
better question is how is there a saiyan on this planet who turns oozaru right near penguin village and doesn't immediately get mauled by arale? remember arale is actual genuine bullshit.
Ha, but no.
>and doesn't immediately get mauled by arale?
Who says they don’t? Better question is how many years has this Saiyan lived around or in Penguin Village, getting MONTLY zenkai boosts at minumum every full moon?
Typical. Rando gets infinite zenkai but Karn plateaus. Typical I says! I will now piss my pants in protest. With force.
I wanna say this Saiyan is in their late teens to early 20's, lives in isolation, specializes in concealing their presence, and is ignorant of their own origins. This suggest we're dealing with an experienced ambush hunter living in the wilderness outside Penguin village.
It's pretty lucky that we caught them during a full moon if that's the case. We may not have found them otherwise.
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> Better question is how many years has this Saiyan lived around or in Penguin Village, getting MONTLY zenkai boosts at minumum every full moon?
This guy is going to make Super Broly look like a joke isn't he?
>Chilli and Broly having headed back to their own homes after saying their farewells.
I thought Broly said he was busy at the moment:
>I cannot, in the middle of something.” Broly replies, then after a moment adds. “But show me sometime, I would like to see this interesting technique.”
>“Shit, she's coming!” Maza says, releasing your wife. And before you can say anything else, he raises his right hand to his forehead, actually LEAVING this planet with Instant Transmission.
>And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying the episode so far?
Fun episode.
To be fair, I bet even Karn would get a zenkai from Arale, depending on how hard she hits you.
Perhaps. Or, perhaps they were just a member of the community otherwise? Maybe even one of Arale's friends who never got to see the giant monkey? Maybe Arale even points it out to her, wanting her friend to see it. ONly to turn and see the monkey where her friend was and "Hoyo?"
Not quite, hasn't been FORTY YEARS of this.
You're right, Broly hadn't shown up. Was getting tired and made that mistake, thanks for catching it.
May have been the smart move, serious characters have a massive debuff against gag manga characters after all, just ask Vegeta.
Glad to hear it, and the fun's just getting started!
Also, SOON
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You and your wife share a look, nodding to each other then turning to the rest of your family.

“Everyone, let's move.” you shout, aura flaring as you launch yourself towards the rapidly-growing powerlevel you sense from the village proper. “Focus on protecting the people, your mother and I'll handle the Oozaru.”
“Right!” they all exclaim, you and Meloka flying directly towards that powerlevel. And as you close in, the unmistakable form of an Oozaru roars towards the moon, pounding its chest in challenge. This one's strong, somehow nearly as strong as your wife's base form power as an Oozaru. Which is astonishing, whoever this is has to be exponentially more powerful than almost anyone else back home. Leaving you wondering who in the hell this is? But as you fly, suddenly you hear a familiar sound, looking down and seeing Arale, still dragging your youngest along running along the ground. Keeping pace with you at full speed.

“Hoyo?” she replies, looking up towards you both. “Where are you going?”
“We've got to stop that one from hurting anyone.” you say, pointing the Oozaru out to her.
“Oh, it's playtime? KIIIIIN!” she asks, then with her shout somehow increases her speed even more. As if she's EXCITED to run headlong towards an Oozaru so much stronger than anything else on this world that you're surprised you couldn't somehow sense it at any time before now. Arale, her speed constantly increasing charges directly towars the Oozaru. Who, either seeing or hearing her coming turns, eyes locking onto Arale immediately.

“GWROOOOOAAAAAAR!!” it bellows, firing a beam of pink energy from it's mouth directly down at her.
“Hoyo?” she says, you focusing on Junior's ki and teleporting down, grabbing Arale by the collar and lifting her up off her feet, then throwing your arms wide as you roar.
“BARRIER!” you bellow, activating your shield as the beam slams into your ki. Your energy shielding both Arale and your youngest from the blast, protecting her and your youngest. The beam continues for a few more seconds before finally ending, you dropping your shield. “Tch. This could be trouble.”

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“Hoyo? You wanna play with her too?” she asks, you turning back to the tiny robot girl and raising a brow.
“Her?” you ask, several more questions forming in your mind. “You've fought this Oozaru before?”
“Oozaru? What's that? You mean the big monkey?” she asks, pointing to the Oozaru. Who, ignoring the rest of you turns, grabbing the giant shoe building, tearing it from the ground and lifting it overhead. Then throws it down at you three with a roar. “Hoyo?”

“Tch! HRRAAAAA!!” you roar, reaching out with your telekinesis. Grabbing the building midair, sensing several beings are still inside it. As you do, however, the people you'd sensed inside all fall out through the windows, dropping towards the ground. “Shit!”
“I got 'em!” Junior shouts, golden aura blazing as he explodes out of Arale's grip, flying up and grabbing them out of the air. Your son, grabbing the people heads away towards the younger twins to help get them to safety. But as you start trying to set the building down, the Oozaru leaps, up, smashing down through it at the both of you!
“What?!” you exclaim, and before you can raise your defenses, the giant fist slams down onto the both of you. Smashing both you and the robot girl into the ground, the force of its punch surprising. How in the hell did this one get this powerful?!

“GWRRRROOOAAAAAAAR!!” it bellows, drawing its fist back and beating its chest in the air as you lay there, stunned. You haven't been hit that hard by an Oozaru in a long time.

But what do you do now?
>Fly out and attack, try out your Infinite Arm Fist on this Oozaru. Time for a practical test of your new skill
>Ascend to your Berserker God form, grab this Oozaru and take them out of the village before it can cause any more damage before subduing it
>Dash around and grab it by the tail, you're willing to bet it'll still be a weakness for a Saiyan who never got their tail trained
>Distract it and have Meloka take its tail off with a Ki Blade, this thing's too powerful to let rampage for long
>Take a look up at the moon yourself, you can maintain enough control long enough to take this Oozaru out of the village before asserting dominance
>Other(write in)?
>Take a look up at the moon yourself, you can maintain enough control long enough to take this Oozaru out of the village before asserting dominance
How could I not vote for a Gorilla Battle?
Who the fuck is out here?! Nobody should have been sent in this direction of space.
>Fly out and attack, try out your Infinite Arm Fist on this Oozaru. Time for a practical test of your new skill
Aint no fucking way we are risking a Green Monkey popping this planet.
Keep in mind, the coordinates for Earth have been in the PTO's databanks for at least 20 years, implying they've been planning for the invasion of the planet for just as long.
It's not inconceivable that they went ahead with the invasion mission right before Saiyans became an endangered species, and subsequently chalked her up as a loss when she didn't make contact after a few years. Hell, that might be part of why Cold tipped us off about this planet specifically.
I mean, we don't automatically turn into a funky green monkey every time we go Oozaru ya know, just when we transform on top of it.
Given Karn's experience with mastering his rage, he's not really at risk of transforming as a reflex while an Oozaru I don't think.
>Take a look up at the moon yourself, you can maintain enough control long enough to take this Oozaru out of the village before asserting dominance
My better judgement says to grab it by the tail since it presumably never trained its Oozaru power, but come on. Big Monke Fight.
Worse case scenario, we can still just grab their tail after beating their ass. Being more than ten times as powerful never really hurts in that regard.
There hasn't been any Saiyans sent this far out for years, not since the second Siege.
If you idiots break this island I will say i told you so.
>>Fly out and attack, try out your Infinite Arm Fist on this Oozaru. Time for a practical test of your new skill
Oh come on, when has a Great Ape ever destroyed anything on accident?
>>Fly out and attack, try out your Infinite Arm Fist on this Oozaru. Time for a practical test of your new skill
Changing to this, may as well test out the new tool we just got
>Fly out and attack, try out your Infinite Arm Fist on this Oozaru. Time for a practical test of your new skill
Fly out and attack, try out your Infinite Arm Fist on this Oozaru. Time for a practical test of your new skill wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 60
Rolled 81, 100 = 181 (2d100)

Rolled 56, 82 = 138 (2d100)

So is Karn an ORA ORA guy or more of an ATATATATATATA- type of guy?
oh no. please don't kill her
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The Champ sees you hitting crits out here Anon, never forget that.
Rolled 76, 69 = 145 (2d100)

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81/100, CRIT/100. Looks like you're able to keep this technique going AND figure out how King Chappa was able to continually increase his volume. Writing.
“Guhh. Not bad.” you mutter, pulling yourself up out of the ground and looking over, seeing the robot girl buried up to her neck in the ground. “Stay here, I'll take care of this.”
“Ho-yo?” she replies, confused as your aura blazes, you bringing your hands up in front of you, just as King Chappa'd shown. Seeing this, your wife starts attacking with weaker ki blasts, just to draw its attention from you. And it works, the Oozaru turning, swatting at the weak blasts her Warding Eyes shoot at it like someone would swat at flies buzzing around them. Giving you the time you need to focus, to activate the Infinite Arm Fist technique. Weaving your arms through the sideways-8 symbol, you create the other illusory arms waving through the air around you. “Hoooooh? Woooooow!”

“Haaaaa!” you roar, leaping into the air and start swinging, firing shock waves through the air as you punch. The waves of air from your fists start slamming into the Oozaru's chest, staggering it back away from you as you charge.
“Gwrrrrr?!” it growls in confusion, turning from your wife's attacks back to you, watching as you charge. It then tries to punch you on your way in with a wild right haymaker, which you stop with a hard left of your own. Fists crash into each other, your attack stopping the much larger fist. But then the phantom left follows up, smashing into the Oozaru's fist and knocking its arm back. “Grraaaaarr?!!”

“HRRRRAAAAAAA!!” you roar, continuing your assault. Closing in and unleashing the full force of your newly-acquired technique directly into the Oozaru's chest. Hundreds of thousands of punches land a second, however you don't feel your attacks pack the same sort of overwhelming feeling King Chappa's did when you were on the receiving end of it. Each time you swing, the four other phantom limbs trailing that one also do the same strike. But you don't get any MORE out of it, the way his attacks seemed to. But then realization dawns, and as you keep up the attack, you focus back on the technique itself instead of solely focusing on your attacks. Instead you put more and more power into your arms, further splitting the energy and increasing the number of phantom limbs you have on each arm. Going from four, to five, to six, then seven, the volume of your attacks begins to grow and swell. After each punch focusing more energy, creating another phantom limb. Until you have twelve on each side, firing more than a million punches a second into the Oozaru's torso. “HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”

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But just as you find yourself increasing the volume of strikes, suddenly the Oozaru's body begins collapsing backwards. It falls, you ending the Earth technique and allowing the spectral arms to fade away as its body crashes to the street below. Head lolling to the side, tongue hanging out its mouth as its chest heaves, struggling to breathe.

“Phew.” you sigh out, then drop down out of the air to the unconscious Saiyan. Placing a hand on her, for a few moments you're unsure what to do next. But then Tatsu and Tomi, the elder twins fly down, both landing by the unconscious Saiyan's tail and grabbing onto it. They squeeze the tail between them, you wondering what they're doing. Until, with a groan, the Oozaru's body begins to shrink back down. Reverting back out of her Oozaru form, you turning to the twins in confusion. Both see you looking and answer the unspoken question.
“Grandpa Tatsu taught us this. If you squeeze a tail like this, and hold it, it cuts off the flow of energy. Causing them to revert back to normal, Grandpa Tatsu had us do this when some of his students went out-of-control.”

“I see. Good to know.” you tell them, wondering why you'd not known that yourself? But you take your attention from your thoughts back to the unknown Saiyan, who has now fully returned to their base form. She's a young woman, maybe a year or two younger than Caulifla and Koruza, body lean with muscle and covered in a few scars. Some of which look rather nasty, this young woman's clearly been through quite a lot.
“Oh, hey! I know her!” Arale says, the robot having freed herself from the ground and looking down at the Saiyan girl. “But where's my friend Yasei's clothes? And where'd the big monkey go?”

Seems that Arale doesn't know 'Yasei' is the Oozaru, didn't see her transform back down. Leaving you with several questions.

Well? What now?
>Ask Arale where Yasei lives, so you all can take her home
>Pick the girl up and fly her back to Arale's home, where you can explain things to Senbei ans see how he wants to handle the situation
>Take the girl and Instant Transmission back home, get her to Dr White and have him run a full diagnostic check on the girl and ask Haathe to watch over her, just in case. If she's feral, don't want her tearing up the place or hurting Dr. White
>Tell Arale that she is the 'giant monkey', and that she's one of your people too. Then ask how long she's been around, try and find out what you can about this stranger
>Other(write in)?
>Ask Arale where Yasei lives, so you all can take her home
Much as I want to pick Arale's brain and get some info, that can wait until Yasei here is conscious. We can provide some basic healing via Spirit Control in the meantime I think.
>>Ask Arale where Yasei lives, so you all can take her home
Yes you absolutely can.
>Ask Arale where Yasei lives, so you all can take her home, opting to tend to her wounds via Spirit Control once you get there.
Switching to this then, even if it is just a modified version of the original option.
>Ask Arale where Yasei lives, so you all can take her home
>Ask Arale where Yasei lives, so you all can take her home
Again, who the hell is this?
>provide some basic healing via Spirit Control
Switching to this:
>Ask Arale where Yasei lives, so you all can take her home, opting to tend to her wounds via Spirit Control once you get there.
She may be related to someone, or perhaps two someones you know. Or knew...
changing >>6197669 to this to give it a better change of getting in.
>Ask Arale where Yasei lives, so you all can take her home, opting to tend to her wounds via Spirit Control once you get there.
Ask Arale where Yasei lives, so you all can take her home plus write in wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 15
Second DC: 40
Third DC: ??
Rolled 63, 56, 40 = 159 (3d100)

Rolled 73, 61, 80 = 214 (3d100)

Aw no fucking way. It couldn't be THEIR kid, could it? Are their genetic profiles recorded anywhere?
Rolled 20, 72, 100 = 192 (3d100)

Rolled 7, 100, 94 = 201 (3d100)

>Or knew...
Could one of them be Paragus?
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73/100, 72/100, CRIT/100. Well, there are revelations afoot. Hope you're ready for LORE, writing.
i'm thinking "they" means the og Maz and Kayle
I was thinking more along the lines of Maza and Kayle's namesakes. It's entirely possible they had a kid and decided to send them out when the war with the Covenant picked up in case the PTO lost or New Salda was destroyed.
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>73, 100, 100
WOW one of the best dice rolls I have seen.
Oh that one was too late, so close.
Have you seen the dice rolls we had for beating the shit out of Frieza in the wake of Babidi's death?
So fucking close.....
That's like what, 3 crits today? That's hype, but I have to wonder it we're collecting luck debt.
Rolled 44, 89, 74 = 207 (3d100)

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But the most important, as you see several people start to open up their windows, peering out to see if the battle is over, is you need to take her from here. So, scooping the unconscious young Saiyan up in your arms, you then turn to Arale and ask her.

“You said you know her, right? Do you know where she lives?” you ask, the robot girl's eyes lighting up.
“Uh-huh! She lives with Mr. Parzan, in the trees! Let's go!” she says, arms back behind her as she takes off towards the nearby forest. Exchanging a look with Meloka, who nods, the two of you take off after her as well, your children all following behind. As you fly, however, your wife flies up beside you, looking at the unconscious woman. For several seconds neither of you say anything, you focused on following the dirt trail left behind by the robot and using your Spirit Control to heal what you can of the damage you'd done to the girl's chest with your fists. Until suddenly she speaks up.
“Does... Does she remind you of anyone?” your wife asks, you turning to her, confused. “She looks like someone, but I can't quite place 'em.”

“Well, given how old she seems to be, I'd say she was sent offworld right before the Siege.” you say, looking back down at the unconscious woman's face. “Her parents probably forgot to record where they'd sent her, or the records of it were destroyed in the war. And if they perished in the battle...”
“No one would know where she was sent to.” your wife finishes, hearing the distinctive sound of Arale stopping once more. Raising your gazes, you see her sliding, coming to a stop in a clearing. Where, in one of the trees, you see a structure made of wood. Its construction, while not refined, appears sturdy enough in this planet's low gravity, you expanding your ki sense as the robot girl calls out.

“Heeeeeeey! Paaaaarzaaaaaaaan! Are you home?” she shouts loud enough for you and your wife to wince, even the unconscious girl in your arms eyes twitch as you keep feeding her energy, the bruising and bleeding fading away as you restore her body and spirit. “Yasei lost her clothes again!”
“Haaaah? What's goin' on?” a man's voice calls, their face appearing in one of the windows. “Oi, who are you all? And what are you doing with my daughter?!”

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A moment later the house's door slams open, the man kicking it open and jumping down from the tree. Landing on his feet, a wild anger in his eyes as he looks at you. But then, raising up to his full height, he only comes up to about your belly button. And seeing just how much larger than him you are, he seemingly shrinks back a bit. Some of his earlier bravado fading away, the man turning to Arale.

“Arale, who are these people? And why... Do they all... Have tails... Like...?” he says, eyes going wide as realization dawns. “You people are aliens!”
“Ho-yo?” Arale says, turning from him to you all.
“Give my daughter back! Sure she crashed here, but I've raised her all her life! I won't let you people take her away!” he shouts, his yelling waking up the girl in your arms. Turning your gaze from him to the girl, her eyes slowly opening to see your face looking down at her.

“H-Huh? Wha...?” she mumbles, then seeing a face she doesn't recognize explodes out of your arms, leaping back and landing on all fours, growling at you all before shouting, “GRRRRR! WHO'RE YOU?!”
“Easy, easy. You just saw the full moon, it's okay.” you say, the girl looking at you in confusion. But the other man, Parzan you think his name was, his face pales with worry. “But we handled it.”
“Full moon? You mean you guys saw that monster?” she asks, sitting down and crossing her arms. “I never get to see it!”

“That's because you're one of us, Yasei.” your wife says, unwrapping her tail from around her waist, drawing the kid's eyes. “You're a Saiyan.”
“Say? Yin?” Arale asks, head tilting to the side. But the man doesn't seem shocked, just more wary of you all. However, the girl brings her own tail around, looking at it then back up to you all.
“Wait, so I'm... I'm an alien?” she asks, sounding completely shellshocked by this revelation. “Does... Does that mean there are more of us?”

“A whole planet full.” you reply to her, seeing the girl's tail start to wag. As she does you turn to her adoptive father, a question coming to mind. “Where did you find her? Is her ship still here?”
“Ship? Oh, you mean that ball? Yes, it's still there. I was waiting until her eighteenth birthday to show her, but I suppose now is the time.” the man says, sighing out and turning to the girl. “I think it's time you see where it all began. Go get dressed, and I'll show you where it all began.”

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Helping his adoptive daughter up, she leaps into the home in the trees, coming out a moment later wearing a tunic-shaped pelt with a single shoulder strap, cinching it around her waist with her tail and dropping back out of the tree. Landing by her adoptive father, he starts to lead her and the rest of you all deeper into the forest. Traveling for several minutes in quiet, letting the girl think over everything she's learned until you all come to another clearing. One where, in the bottom of a gently-sloping crater is unmistakably an Attack Pod. While closed up, moss has began growing up one side, partially covering the opening seam on the right side.

“There it is. When I took you out of it, the ball closed up, and I've never been able to open it.” he says, Junior going to rush down. But you reach over, grabbing his arm and stopping him. He opens his mouth, you shaking your head then looking over to Yasei. Who looks stunned, almost in a trance as she walks down the grass-covered crater, going down and placing a hand on it.

“Y... This... This is where I came from...” she says, running her hand along the seam. Then, sudden determination gripping her she slips her fingers into the seam, prying the door open. Hydraulics hiss faintly, the door dropping open as she looks inside. You recognize the old pattern of the Attack Pods, the same style of ones you'd used to ride into the early missions when the Grey Empire was still a thing. She looks inside, then crouches, climbing in. Sitting in the seat, looking around. Reaching down, she then grabs the door, pulling it back up towards closed. So you reach out with telekinesis, holding the door and pulling it back closed. Peering at the woman through the small red viewport, as she looks stunned. Gently, she reaches up, placing a hand on the reinforced glass and muttering something. She then lowers her hand, slumping back into the seat. You leave the door up a few more moments before dropping it back down, seeing the woman inside with tears in her eyes.

“Mom. Dad.” she mutters, looking at her hand. “I... I remember now.”
“Ho-yo?” Arale asks, walking down and peering in. “Yasei? Why are you crying?”
“I remember them. I remember my parents' faces.” she says, smiling through the tears. “I can see them.”

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As she says this you look over to her adoptive father, who also has tears in his eye seeing the daughter he raised looking so happy. Understanding, you reach over, patting him extremely gently on his back. He almost doesn't notice, just nodding once in acknowledgment of your gesture.

“There's some kind of writing in here, but I can't read it.” Yasei says, looking up at the ceiling. “I've never seen this language before.”
“What? Writing?” Okira asks, everyone's curiosity piqued by this.

But what do you do?
>Ask Okira to read it aloud for her, see what the message left for her says
>Ask Okira if she can go see if she can read it, then add telepathically to tell you first what it says before saying it aloud to see what the message is
>Head down yourself and read it, to yourself first before aloud to see what it says
>Ask Yasei if she wants you all to see what it says, or if she'd rather not know
>Other(write in)?
>Ask Yasei if she wants you all to see what it says, or if she'd rather not know. Let her know we can translate right now though.
>Ask Yasei if she wants you all to see what it says, or if she'd rather not know
>>Ask Yasei if she wants you all to see what it says, or if she'd rather not know
Supporting >>6197781
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>Ask Yasei if she wants you all to see what it says, or if she'd rather not know. Let her know we can translate right now though.
Switching to this
>Ask Yasei if she wants you all to see what it says, or if she'd rather not know. Let her know we can translate right now though.
Ask Yasei if she wants you all to see what it says, or if she'd rather not know wins it, write in is clearly implied. Writing.
>Have you seen the dice rolls we had for beating the shit out of Frieza in the wake of Babidi's death?
I will get there while reading through past episodes in archive.
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Why did I drop TWO links this time? And my picture? WHY?!
4chan hasn't let me post pictures on here unless I go to a different browser or use my phone.
4chinz has been getting more and more abysmal of a website. I'm a filthy newfag and even I can tell it was significantly better to use about 5 years ago.
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“Do you want us to read it for you?” you ask her, Yasei looking back towards you. In her eyes you see excitement, but also worry and even a little fear. Clearly WANTING to know, but terrified of the knowledge. “If you want we can tall you now, or save it for later.”
“I....” she starts, then turns her head, looking from you to her adoptive father. Who gives her a warm smile and shallow nod, showing her his support for whichever she chooses. She nods back, takes a deep breath, then turns back to you. “I'd like to know what it says.”
“Alright. Okira, would you do the honors?” you ask your youngest daughter, who nods. Sliding down the crater's gentle slope, coming to a stop by it. Holding a small ball of ki in her hand to illuminate the pod's interior, the vehicle clearly out of power, your daughter starts reading it aloud.

“To whoever found this, should we not return, please take care of our little Durah. She means everything to us. Maz and Kayle.” Okira reads out, you and Meloka sharing a look. You remember them, as clear as day, how their sacrifice allowed you to save many others.
“You won't be forgotten.” you mutter, remembering what you'd said after their sacrifice all those years ago. Giving their lives so their fellow Saiyans could live, taking hundreds of Covenant bastards out with their final explosion.
“Wait, Durah? Is-Is that... MY name?” Yasei, who her parents named Durah asks, looking up at the words in the light of your daughter's energy. Reaching up with a hand, gently caressing the words gently. “Maz. Kayle. My parents...”

“Hey, why do Maz and Kayle have their names in her pod?” Karn Jr asks you, rather loudly. “They're not old enough to be her parents!”
“That's because they're not.” you say to your youngest, feeling the confused girl's eyes on you as you reach down, placing your hand on Junior's golden hair. “Your mother and I named them after those two.”
“You... Knew my parents?” Durah asks, carefully exiting the pod and nervously walking over to you. “What were they like? Were they good people? Were they strong?”

“They were. I didn't know them well, we'd only met once.” you tell her, sitting in the grass, the girl sitting down in front of you as well. “But I'll tell you everything I remember.”

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And so you do, describing what happened in broad strokes with the Siege of New Salda, how you home had been attacked and coming to your only meeting with her parents. How they had fought valiantly, but were both too injured to be saved with the enemy closing in. And how they chose to give their lives to protect their people. As you describe their final moments, how their sacrifice saved so many others' lives, the girl starts to cry. Tears streaming down her face as she realizes that she'll never meet her parents, your paternal instincts take over and hug the small, lonely girl. Holding her close as she cries, clinging to you.

“Your parents are heroes, Durah.” you say, patting her on the back and comforting her. She cries for several minutes, then when she finally gets herself back under control, she pulls back. Looking back up to you, a new resolution in her expression. “Feeling better?”
“Y-Yeah. Thank you.” she says, you letting her go and letting the daughter of your younger twins' namesake stand back up on her feet. Turning to the man, Parzan, and meeting his gaze.
“Why didn't you tell me before?” she asks him, an... Odd note to her tone. “Why did you hide this from me for so long?”

“I was saving this until you were ready.” he tells her, reaching up and placing a hand on her shoulder as he sighs out. “I knew this was a big revelation, and was saving it until you were ready. “But I guess you're ready enough now, Yasei. You've grown up strong, my daughter. And while we may not be related biologically, you'll always be my little girl.”
“Daddy...” she says, the two then hugging each other. As they do, your mind goes back to her parents, remembering their final moments. And you say a silent promise to them, that you'll take care of their daughter for them. They may no longer be here to do so, but now that you've found her, you'll do what you can to take care of her. You can do at least that much for them.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wklRrqSAUoY [Embed]

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234 End-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy this episode? What do you think of the revelations found in Penguin Village, were you expecting Earth to have actually had a Saiyan living here of all places? Curious what OTHER secrets Earth still holds, and how Durah may react to seeing her home for the first time, should you take her with you? Will she even want to go, or will she choose to stay an Earthling? Curious how everyone else will react to this, and how many other Saiyan could be out there, forgotten and abandoned on unknown 'weak' and 'safe' worlds? All this and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
"Karn, we've talked about this; you have to stop collecting stray children."
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Clever setup, her falling in Penguin Village kept her isolated from the bigger conflicts and Earth in its current, weirder state.
>And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy this episode?
Very good episode.
>What do you think of the revelations found in Penguin Village, were you expecting Earth to have actually had a Saiyan living here of all places?
This caught me by surprise. Is there some field around the Penguin Village that seems to make it a little cut off and isolated? I mean Durah must be strong, but nobody detected her power level. So I think there may be some invisible barrier that blocks detection.
>Curious what OTHER secrets Earth still holds, and how Durah may react to seeing her home for the first time, should you take her with you?
I'm very curious.
>Curious how everyone else will react to this, and how many other Saiyan could be out there, forgotten and abandoned on unknown 'weak' and 'safe' worlds?
>Until you have twelve on each side, firing more than a million punches a second into the Oozaru's torso. “HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”
That technique is so good. Cooler is not ready to face Infinite Arm Fist in combat.
>Freeza is also not ready.
>Beerus is not ready.
>Baby is not ready.
>Zamasu is definitely not ready.
>Bane will be impressed.
>Three eyed demon Ozotto is also not ready for this.
>Cell will want to learn this so badly once he sees this. Future Chaya and Ace too.
It's very nice that Karn and family learned this.
I was expecting, well more like dreading that The Bald One would show up as our vision foretold. Having another Saiyan here is a surprise, but I don't know how Durah/Yasei will react to all of this. New Salda is a lot bigger than Penguin Village. I'm sure there's more secrets to be found on Earth and *maybe* more saiyans in the ass-ends of the universe. Just one question though; was our stray Saiyan always meant to land in Penguin Village or was it a roll of the die that determined her upbringing?
The day Karn stops adopting strays is the day Hell freezes over and Shin becomes useful.
>Curious what OTHER secrets Earth still holds
Where's the super water man. You can't keep hiding it from us. Let's drink the evil irradiated water GD. Come on man.
Honestly, I can't imagine she'd ever want to leave Earth. It's her home after all, even if she wasn't born there.
That said, I do hope she agrees to visit so we can show her the fruits of Saiyan cultural development, namely stuff like Super Saiyan and Primal.
Yaaaaay, we adopted another one
I'm hyped we found a relative of those heroes.
Is Karn going to get to meet Cthulhu?
Thank you, it was a fun surprise to write.
I agree, glad you enjoyed it.
Yes and no. Not any sort of physical barrier, but there's something.
So much fun upcoming.
With how many Saiyans were lost in the Seige, there are so many potential more to find.
It's not too late :^)
We'll see what the young woman chooses.
>meant to land
Well, that's a bit of a difficult question. Wasn't MEANT to land anywhere specific, just on a faraway planet well outside any major power's reach where the average powerlevel is 2-7.
One of those is FAR more likely than the other, as your youngest daughter can make one happen anytime.
Better question, is Korin's Tower still standing at all? Or did DKP kill the cat and destroy that tower?
Who said leave forever? Especially when Karn's current main method of transportation is Instant Transmission? But would she want to see the world of her parents, the people they gave their lives to protect?
Ha! And yes, I've been waiting for the earth visit for so long. Had this planned out since the Siege itself, she's just the first one we've found.
Perhaps. But currently it sleeps, kept there by certain powerful magics.
>Had this planned out since the Siege itself, she's just the first one we've found.
>Better question, is Korin's Tower still standing at all? Or did DKP kill the cat and destroy that tower?
No not that super water. The other super water. In the cave. That kills you. Why are there so many super waters on E Arth anyway? Even had the water that made you live forever. What's next, water that makes your nuts bigger? Damn planet and its wacky water.

>Had this planned out since the Siege itself,
Bro is playing the longest con.
There may be more out there, somewhere. Some may or may not have been intercepted, who knows?
Good question. Better question, is the jar just a portal? Or did it contain a pocket dimension, one not actually ON EARTH?
Pieces have been moving about this game board of a universe for decades in-quest.
Also, post is now archived and the Karn and Meloka pastes are updated. Would change others, but I'm getting tired so they'll have to wait.
>Wasn't MEANT to land anywhere specific, just on a faraway planet well outside any major power's reach where the average powerlevel is 2-7.
I see. I meant moreso where on Earth she would land though, if it was always going to be on Penguin Village specifically or if she could've landed somewhere like Capsule Corp or Mt. Paozu.
> And yes, I've been waiting for the earth visit for so long. Had this planned out since the Siege itself, she's just the first one we've found.
That's a long time. I take it that battle was the big "oh shit" moment that a lot of saiyans were contemplating the possibility that they might actually go extinct, and tried thinking ahead of time to ensure some sort of survival.
Could have landed anywhere, even could have crashed down on a boat.
>take it that battle was the big "oh shit" moment that a lot of saiyans were contemplating the possibility that they might actually go extinct
Yes. This was THE Siege, when people knew the Covenant had mustered its greatest force in history and sent it after the Saiyans. When King Vegeta IV said we weren't running, a lot of people feared the worse and sent their children away early. Those who cared for their kids anyways
Given the nature of her initial departure, I'm fairly where Yasei touched down was completely random (or just subject to Earth's position on its own rotational axis, but that's semantics)
>OG maz and kayle's kid ended up in penguin village of all things
I mean she could have landed in much worse places.
I was gonna say somewhere in the ocean or just far enough away from civilization but close enough to strong martial artists that the first time she went oozaru as a baby she gets murked by like the crane school.
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Worse yet, she could have landed near the arctic and had to contend with Wheelo and his creations.
Yes. Considering the DB world map, she's lucky she didn't splash in the water on either side of the island.
True, for earth. She didn't leave with any 2 powerlevel like Goku, she was decently stronger than anyone on earth aside from DKP/Kami on landing.
No, unless they cut her tail off she'd have been fine. She was STRONG as a baby, which is why her monthly zenkai thanks to an eldritch being-tier creature like Arale has boosted her so high.
Nah, they weren't a physical threat to her. But if they pulled a pilaf and ko gassed her, Wheelo would have been the strongest in the world
Trying to decide on which storyline to progress, Broly or Chilli. Both have interesting plots going on within their own spheres of influence, but without knowing how certain future votes will play out I don’t know which is more relevant sooner.
I will use my Crystal box. It said Broly.
Shit, nobody else is gonna respond? After some thought, I'll say Broly because our boy, Mr. Jack Skellington Jr. has already been through a lot of shit and probably wants to chill out. Just look at him, he's all skin and bones. A Saiyan shouldn't look like they're starving, not while we are here protecting New Salda.

But seriously tho where is everyone
Broly. Chili has more personal interludes then I think any of our other kids, and by a large margin, so thats my vote.
>>Beerus is not ready.
I may have been too excited when I wrote this. Now I think Beerus could defend himself against this. However Infinite Arm Fist technique is still very good. The possibilities it offers seem really appealing.
So far Karn only saw it used on offense, but if somebody tried to use it in blocking I think it could be great too. It’s hard to hit Karn when he defends himself with his just two arms. Now imagine how more difficult it will be when opponent will need to get past two more or four more or even much more than that spectral arms.
It’s probably going to be Meloka who figures it out first, but imagine if you apply this technique but instead of only using it to fight with extra arms you also get to know how to deliver extra phantom kicks.
This technique has potential to really raise fighter’s threat level.
>But then realization dawns, and as you keep up the attack, you focus back on the technique itself instead of solely focusing on your attacks.
I’m very happy that we got 100 here as it helped to vastly speed up Karn’s learning and understanding of this impressively useful technique.
>Perhaps. But currently it sleeps, kept there by certain powerful magics.
Can we wake it up?
>Broly or Chilli.
So, when considering the defensive application of Infinite Arms, I think the first consideration Karn should be making is how it compares to his Energy Body, his signature defensive technique.
First and foremost, I think defense via Infinite Arms is riskier than Energy Body given it's an active technique rather than a (relatively) passive technique you can just toggle on and off.
However, the most obvious advantage of Infinite Arms versus Energy Body is the ability to near instantly counter at melee range AND keep that retaliatory pressure up.
Based on those early observations, I think that defensively, it's a classic Hail Mary type technique. Risky, but also incredibly rewarding if that bet pays off.
Broly. we don't get to see him as much as chilli
What halfassed wizard gazes into a cube and not an orb?
Ha. And probably thinking it over, plus Mon/Tue is the slowest posting time usually.
More than anyone other than Chaya, certainly.
It would surprise him, but the big weakness of the attack is unironically that it is a physical attack limited in both range and damage, and that its windup is extensive.
Yes, he hadn't taught you how to fully utilize it. But you figured it out on your own.
Potentially. But, if you do, it WILL drive you and your entire family mad beyond even Mechikabura's ability to repair. There's a reason Babidi didn't try and harness THAT instead of Buu, or to even attempt siphoning part of its power for the Majin's rebirth.
It isn't GREAT for defense, as the arms themselves aren't physical enough to be interacted with. Which is how such a flurry can be maintained, otherwise your arms and the spectral arms would be entangled, causing the technique to end.
Even weaving blocks into the technique will weaken it, as it'll cost tempo as every arm will break the attack pattern to throw up the same block. May deter a less perceptive foe from trying to attack that spot again, but to someone who pays enough attention they'll see they can punch through the spectral arms at your body.
Very true
>What halfassed wizard gazes into a cube and not an orb?
It's the best I can afford on EBT man DAMN can't a wizza get a break!?
>It isn't GREAT for defense, as the arms themselves aren't physical enough to be interacted with
I see, that makes sense. I wonder if the physical properties of the spectral arms can be changed somehow.
>Even weaving blocks into the technique will weaken it, as it'll cost tempo as every arm will break the attack pattern to throw up the same block.
Okay, I should have realized that based on the written descriptions of the technique. I suppose it's better suited towards a total offense then. Maybe we could try parrying or flash-blocking with Energy Body before shifting into Infinite Arms for retaliation. Though getting that to be viable would take a considerable amount of practice...
>May deter a less perceptive foe from trying to attack that spot again, but to someone who pays enough attention they'll see they can punch through the spectral arms at your body.
Duly noted.
Get a crystal sander and smooth those rough corners my guy. You'll be the laughing stock at the next shadow wizard meeting rolling up with a cube.
Yes and no. If you make them more physical, it not only takes a LOT more energy but is an entirely different technique. Pic related. And you can't make nearly as many, not only that but you then have to actively control them instead of having them set to 'follow' your primary arms. Then your movements are limited, since your own arms can get in your way.
The best time to activate the technique would either be while someone else distracts them, or immediately after a knockback, activating it as you chase the target down. It definitely is not a defensive technique, it is all about overwhelming offensive pressure. Your opponent can't charge up and fire a powerful ki blast, or use any seriously dangerous techniques while getting punched millions of times a second.
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That one's entirely my fault, forgot to attach image.
He's already chosen to be square, GD, I don't think he'll be going to any meetings in the forseeable future.
>It definitely is not a defensive technique, it is all about overwhelming offensive pressure. Your opponent can't charge up and fire a powerful ki blast, or use any seriously dangerous techniques while getting punched millions of times a second.
Seeing it in action and what it does being explained to us, it isn't so surprising to me now that it's such an inflexible "all-or-nothing" kind of technique. I imagine that trying to reinvent the wheel with Infinite Arms or combining techniques that don't revolve around pure physical aggression would be like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. And you've said something before about it being at odds with the mindset needed for Juyo, right? It'd take serious mental skill & technique to combine both. I'm not sure if we have anything in our current kit that could compliment it. I'll have to check and brainstorm later.
Duly noted. I guess it pairs well with techniques that make up for its lack of defensive capabilities and create openings or otherwise disrupt an opponent's offense.
It sure is a good thing we've mastered a passive ability that does the former and specialized in a fighting style that does the later I guess. Weaving that all together is gonna be no small task though, but I guess we can count on Karn of all people to put in the hours to make it a reality.
>He's already chosen to be square
Witch shut yo ass up. I bet you pull up with a crystal pyramid.
Yes, it isn't the most flexible technique in its current form. However, some of your family have already considered alterations. You could activate it BEFORE going into Juyo, as it would definitely be devastating. But getting that much unanswered preparation time mid-fight is basically impossible, unless your foe's also setting up something powerful.
It is a powerful tool, but with certain trainings could dramatically shorten startup time, start weaving it into other techniques, or even combining more with afterimage and using less power to not have them physically hit the foe, but would instead be the most realistic feints in existence.
We really need to spend more time with our Towa's Perfect Cell.
I miss the dude.
I'm sure he's off having a Perfect time. But I wonder what his endgame is. He has a limitless natural lifespan and is surrounded by very strong fighters in an alliance made out of convenience. Is he content with existing or does he want something more out of life?
>Potentially. But, if you do, it WILL drive you and your entire family mad beyond even Mechikabura's ability to repair.
Scary. How do beings like this even begin to exist? I don’t think a Kai made him.
Wise take on this topic. I also very much like Energy Body as it allows to go on intense attack while maintaining strong defense.
Your comment also made me realize that it is most likely not possible to turn on Energy Body and at the same time attack someone with Infinite Arm Fist technique because it seems like these techniques are opposites. Energy Body combines Ki into armor making it like a barrier that stops almost everything while infinite arms makes Ki flow out of the body to make the arms.
So combining it if it was possible would require to pour a lot of Ki into Energy Body to make it durable enough and also at the same time enough Ki to make spectral arms strong enough to provide are real attack. Even in theory that sounds hard to pull off in my opinion.
Thanks for explaining this technique more. I had a different idea of how it works before.
I guess I was thinking it’s not a problem to make the spectral arms block anything because if these phantom hands are strong enough to punch they can also block.
The paradox of arms getting in their own way and interfering with each other seemed to me like it would not occur, because I was thinking they would only stop/block or hit/punch something that is not Karn or his own Ki. Could you make them work this way? If you could it would probably be something very advanced.
>We really need to spend more time with our Towa's Perfect Cell.
Would he be a perfect sparring partner if Karn gets too strong for Cooler?
>How do beings like this even begin to exist?
They're from outside, man. They're just chilling. Don't worry about it. Do not ask questions. Do not gaze beyond the veil.
Surely it couldn't hurt if I just take a teensy-weensy peek beyond the veil? Just move the curtain a little to the side and take a split second glance?
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If you can find him. When's the last time you've seen him in character?
Ha. Perhaps if you find him, perhaps you'll know.
They existed long before this timeline was first written.
Yes, they're quite opposites. Total offense vs total defense.
The HANDS specifically can strike, but the arms are more immaterial.
Such a thing, improving the technique this way isn't impossible. But probably wouldn't be a development that Karn would pioneer.
Yeah. Understanding comes with... Risks.
That's how one goes mad. You begin to UNDERSTAND, for just a moment.
>Yeah. Understanding comes with... Risks.
Ya know, I just thought of a question. If we can perceive that mysterious presence outside of Time, and it can perceive us, why is that?
What changed about Karn on a fundamental level that made that mutual perception even possible? What are we now?
That is what the question is: what have you done before? Between the last time you went through one of Mechikabura's portals and now, when you and whatever this thing is can now perceive each other?
Shot in the dark, but does it have anything to do with DDF conquering that apparition of Super Shenron? Since it's bound to our soul, I imagine our presence as a whole would have become more substantial as a result, and thus easier to perceive, while in turn making us "greater" on a metaphysical level.
We have destroyed the dream, the dreamer has noticed, the dreamer that sleeps beneath the ocean and the cosmos.

We have disturbed the great dreamer. That is not dead which can eternal lie, / And with strange aeons even death may die
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234 Epilogue-


“Hun? Everything okay?” your wife asks from her seat beside your own, hands resting atop her very pregnant belly.
“Yeah, it's fine. Just... Got some bad news from Dad.” you tell her, not sure how to react. “Remember Raditz?”
“The one who was with Chaya? What about him?” she replies, tilting her head upon seeing your reaction. “What's wrong, my love?”
“That monster, the Tuffle. It got him again. Somehow, it survived Dad and Chaya obliterating it.” you tell her, then turn to your trusted second, the Kig-Yar named Can Kag who your father saved after the Siege of New Salda from the ocean's depths. “Get every Captain on a call, immediately. Extreme priority.”

“Understood.” Can Kag replies, giving out orders as you rest your face on your laced fingers, elbows resting on your command seat's armrests. You are Broly, husband to the former princess Koriand'r of Tamaran, adopted son of Karn, Captain of the Providence Deliverer and head of the Ca'Nas Pirates organization. What had been a ragtag group of former Covenant fighters turned pirates has been turned into a competent military force in the months since your takeover, having turned the most competent Captains into subordinates and replaced the rest with more driven individuals. Now your people control half the star system, and as the foundry continues to produce ships, your grip on this sector has only grown. However, your father has just delivered the devastating news of the Tuffle's return to you and your other brother who lives offworld with his family, Chilli. Warning you both to protect yourselves, you remembering back to what you'd learned of the Tuffle parasite before.

“Captain, everyone's awaiting your signal to begin the meeting.” Zic Nux, your ship's comms officer who is also a Kig-Yar calls up to you, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Shall I patch everyone through?”
“Yes, bring them up immediately.” you reply, the reptilian man turning back to his station. And with a few seconds of typing, several of the viewports are obscured by the faces of your fleet's other Captains. First among them, captain of the Enduring Justice and former Fleet Master Daze 'Vama, appears in the center. To his right and left appear Zyra 'Kafum and Toza 'Trazum, also Sangheili, the other four captains all Kig-Yar who'd been promoted up to their positions. “Thank you all for your prompt response time, I have urgent news.”
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“Can we make this quick, Fleet Master? I have my eye on a rather appetizing ship drawing close.” Zyra 'Kafum, the woman's voice a little annoyed. As a survivor of the Covenant War who claims to have killed two Super Saiyans herself, she was the least intimidated by your takeover. However, upon seeing your Berserker form the first time, she'd surrendered. Accepting your place as her superior, as long as you didn't stop her from her 'hunting'.
“Is it a Blarg ship?” you ask, the woman warrior shaking her head. “Okay, good. As of right now, do not engage the Blarg. Don't even uncloak near them.”

At your declaration there's an uproar, almost everyone shouting objections. However, the former Fleet Master, having worked closely with you to expand the operation, taking pride in how you'd expanded the operation he'd started, has learned to read your face. And seeing your expression, doesn't immediately voice his opinions. Instead, he waits to see why you've said this.

“Some o'dem ships have ta best pickin's!” the Kig-Yar Chur'R Kul, Shipmistress of the Fury and Solace shouts, her voice the loudest over everyone else's objections. “Why not?!”
“Thank you for asking. The issue is that my father has just informed me that a monster we can't fight has appeared.” you say, all of them going quiet as you speak. “Tell me, what do you all know of the Tuffles?”

Silence meets your question, until the Enduring Justice's Captain, Daze 'Vama speaks up with a question of his own.

“What are we dealing with, Fleet Master?” he asks you, tone worried. “What is the threat?”
“The Tuffles, a race my people exterminated, survived. Or, rather, a few of their war machines they'd made to kill us survived.” you tell them, everyone listening as you speak. “First was the hate machine, Hatchiyack, but my father killed it himself.”
“S'cuse me, but, killed? How's Karn kill a machine?” Yeb Yak asks, the newest addition to the rank of captains. He isn't the best speaker, as he wasn't given a formal education. But he's a master at commanding his crew, even matching some of the veteran captains on going through maneuvers for combat training. “It not alive?”
“Yes and no, long story short the Hate Machine created a body for itself, and my father destroyed it. It was powered by the souls of everyone who died hating my people, and when he killed that machine, their souls were finally freed to go to the other side, no longer trapped in this realm. But that was nothing compared to this new threat.”
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Silenced, everyone listens in rapt attention as you detail what you'd learned about your father and sister's fight against the possessed Raditz, how it could control even someone that powerful. Even withstanding the power of the Golden Oozaru and maintaining control of its body even through such blinding rage. But when you get to it escaping Raditz' body, your sister obliterating it, Daze 'Vama speaks up.

“And yet somehow this creature survived?” he asks you, steepling his fingers before his face, elbows resting on his seat's armrests. “How?”
“My guess? I'd assume, given it's body seems to be similar to Captain Ginyu's in that it can turn itself more liquid than solid, that it left part of itself somewhere safe. Away from the fight, so even if most of it was destroyed, it would still live on. However, we have a bigger problem. That monster, after killing most other living beings on that planet, it fled that system. The planet was in Blarg space, so it no doubt escaped aboard one of their ships. And until the PTO track that monster down, and we discover where it is hiding, we will not engage ANY Blarg ships. Raditz is nearly as powerful as me, especially since he'd gotten the same Primal form I have after that battle. And he can hide his powerlevel, so the scanners won't work to find him hiding among normal Blargian powerlevels. If you so much as see a Blarg ship approaching, alert me. Then I'll come over and obliterate it in its entirety.”

Silence greets your declaration, your entire group of subordinate captains wide-eyed at this. Until now, you had been conservative about using your power, so declaring that you would destroy such ships on-sight surprised all of them. However, Zyra 'Kafum is the first to speak up.

“That serious, eh? Very well. I shall be on the lookout, Fleet Master.” she says, nodding to you. Everyone else agrees to that after she takes the lead, the last one speaking acknowledgment is the former Fleet Master.
“Fleet Master. My ship just picked one up approaching from the southeast. Five minutes to contact.”
“Keep tracking it, and make sure it doesn't jettison anything or anyone. I'll be there in two. Everyone else, dismissed” you reply, and everyone seeing how serious you are, reaffirm your orders before ending the calls. Where you turn to your wife, who look at you with her beautiful, worried eyes.

“Be careful.” she says as you lean in, the two of you sharing a passionate kiss. “Please.”
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“I will. I won't let that monster anywhere near us.” you reply to her, gently caressing her cheek before doing the same to her belly, where your child sleeps. Or, so you thought, as it 'feels' your hand, the little one kicks! You and your wife both feel it, looking to each other with shocked expressions. This is the fist time the little one kicked, you both sharing a quiet moment of surprise.
“Did-?” she asks, not quite believing what happened. “Did our-?”
“Yes. A fighter, just like their mother.” you say, getting a wry smirk out of your wife as you stand up, kissing her once more on the forehead before separating, raising your right hand to your forehead. “I'll be right back.”

And without another word you teleport to Daze 'Vama's side, who's still sitting his his seat as you arrive. He goes to rise, but you wave him off, dismissing the formalities.

“Is that the only approaching vessel?” you ask, to which he nods. “Good. I'll handle this.”
“By yourself?” he asks, genuinely concerned. Shouldn't we send an escort with you?”
“No, I don't want to risk it. I can teleport away, our crew can't if something goes wrong. I'll make this quick, Captain.” you tell him, turning from the bridge to the door. But before you go out you stop, looking back over your shoulder. “Watch closely, I don't want anything surviving.”

“Understood.” Good hunting, Broly.” he says, you both sharing a nod before you leave the bridge. Running down the halls to the shielded hangar bay, you take several deep breaths, focusing on your ki sense. Expanding it as far as you can, finding the approaching ship after a few moments of searching. Locked on, you take a final, deep breath, then leap out of the energy shielded airlock, out into the void of space as you ascend into your Primal form. Aura blazing you dash towards the incoming vessel and the two rather meek powerlevels you can sense from it.

Closing in, you get visual in twenty seconds, slowing to a stop and raising your right hand. Gathering enough ki in one hand to obliterate it a dozen times over, you then fire, unleashing a beam directly at the incoming ship. Watching as your energy strikes true, erasing the ship in its entirety. Reducing it, the crew and whatever cargo the Blarg were trying to bring through to atoms. Ending your attack you scan the space it once occupied, but there's nothing. Not even debris left, you sighing and powering back down, raising your right hand back to your forehead and teleport away, returning to your wife's side.
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“So, that is that boy's detection range.” you mutter to yourself, reclining in your new throne, replaying the transmission of the crew's last moments. Loyal followers, but expendable, you had sent a ship to both of the sons of Karn's star systems away from the detestable planet of the apes themselves. Watching how both handled your scouts. “I knew he would be a threat.”
“My glorious king, should we send more ships?” one of the Blarg's military advisors asks, his mind under your thumb along with most of the Blarg leadership. Enough that you're now quietly in control of their empire, ruling it from behind the scenes as the current 'Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman' continued to work as the face of Drek Industries, and the Blarg race. “We haven't even seen their vessels, or what these pirates are capable of.”

“What a few Covenant warships can do is of no consequence. Once I have Broly under my thumb, his power will make short work of them.” you reply, waving a hand dismissively as two courtesans each cling to one of your legs. A Twi'lek on your right and a Togruta on your left, both women pressing themselves suggestively against your current host body's muscular legs. “How close is the ship to the other world?”
“Still several days out, our king.” he replies, the screen shifting and showing a nearly-identical ship's interior, as well as the view out the front viewport as well. “At their current speed, they shall arrive within visual range of the planet within-”

But then he's interrupted as, suddenly, crystals you recognize through Raditz' memories as Chilli's magic begin appearing inside the ship, both crewmen turning in surprise as they form a humanoid shape. The crystals shatter, revealing not the son of Karn, as you'd been expecting. Instead, he appears in his immaterial form, one you know from Raditz' memories. The boy is smart, shedding his mortal flesh just in case you were on board, preventing you from taking possession of his body. You watch, curious, as his crystals expand, covering the crew as well as the interior of the ship. But then he turns, directly to the camera, peering directly into it. Almost as if he's looking right at you.

“Come near my family again. And I will kill you.” he says, ephemeral voice booming with power. Then, to your shock his crystals start expanding across YOUR screen in the room, the boy's magic somehow working through the camera feed before, with a grinding crunch and hiss, something internal fails and the screen shatters. Chunks of crystal and pieces of the display all rain down, several of the staff and officers shouting in surprise and concern. But all you can do is smirk, you can't wait to capture those two. Turning them against their family will be most enjoyable indeed.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234 Epilogue End-
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Fucking Baby, defiling Raditz like that. There is no hell hot enough for this piece of shit. But how did Chilli pull a "The Ring" and attack through the screen like that? I know it's magic, but how tho?
>But all you can do is smirk, you can't wait to capture those two.
I would wish him luck but nah FUCK baby. My hate for this little spunk spatter is so dense it is almost gravitational. Fuck.
Or cold enough. As for how, that's a lot more complicated. But in that form he can see much more than the visible spectrum of light. And he was able to convert his crystals to that same signal, sending them along with the video/audio directly to the Tuffle, Letting Chilli know, at least partially, which direction he was in. And Cooler is now aware of that direction, along with the captured ship and its log still presumably intact.
Indeed. Quite the hateful being, his rage is greater than yours currently.
Fucking baby I swear on me mum.
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>Do not gaze beyond the veil.
Okay. I won’t.
>Just move the curtain a little to the side and take a split second glance?
Maybe nothing wrong will happen or perhaps something like this gif.
>But all you can do is smirk, you can't wait to capture those two. Turning them against their family will be most enjoyable indeed.
Very interesting epilogue. It was nice to see what is going on in Broly’s life though it also makes me wonder. Even after what happened Tuffle Parasite is not afraid. No, he is certain he WILL get Broly under control. That display of skill by Chilli was also amazing and again Baby is just happy that he will soon have someone as strong as Chilli as his new puppet. I wonder how he will achieve it? It does not seem like it can happen easily any time soon. I think perhaps he may have developed some new tricks to use against us. I just don’t know why he is so confident that it will go the way he wants.
>sending them along with the video/audio directly to the Tuffle, Letting Chilli know, at least partially, which direction he was in. And Cooler is now aware of that direction, along with the captured ship and its log still presumably intact.
Very well done.
>Indeed. Quite the hateful being, his rage is greater than yours currently.
Not for long if he fucks with our family. And that does confirm it. RIP Raditiz's baby. They were doomed from the moment contact was made.

I haven't seen that kind of baby Horror since I read a Dynasty of Dynamic Alcholism over on SV.
>Indeed. Quite the hateful being, his rage is greater than yours currently.
I was going to disagree, but honestly, life is pretty good for Karn right now.
It helps that he's a grown ass man handling his business and not a spiteful little ball of Tuffle skeet.
Best case scenario.
You know IC he has Raditz, which means he has Raditz' Primal power. On top of how strong his parasitism makes the host, as we see with GT Vegeta.
>I wonder how he will achieve it?
That's the question, isn't it? What ELSE does he have at his disposal?
Chilli is clever. Baby, while scouting got scouted himself.
Not sure if anyone wants to know that infant's fate, so spoiler for graphic details: Raditz and Redis' baby was mutated in the womb, transformed on a cellular level to be Baby's backup host. Which is why Towa couldn't detect the parasite or a Tuffle hiding inside the baby, as it was fully merged into another Baby by then.
Yes, Karn's burned out quite a lot of anger recently. Especially against Zamasus' Dream.
>Karn's burned out quite a lot of anger recently.
Let me lend him some of mine. He'll be able to spontaneously combust Baby on sight with even half of it with bad vibes alone. Language is insufficient to describe the amount of loathing I hold for that jizz-faced bitch doll.
When Karn has no more anger to burn, he will discover anger beyond anger.
Serious question, how is Raditz supposed to come back from this? I don't think he can be saved, and I'm not talking about taking Baby out of his body. This is worse than Carnival Forever, and that thing was FUCKED UP.
Possibly. Better question is if the Berserker Soul CAN run out of anger, if such a thing is physically possible.
A very good question. With his mind now subjugated by Baby, he can see and hear, even think everything Baby thinks. He knows what that monster did to his unborn son, and how much joy Baby felt in hurting him so. Right now he's VERY broken.
>Possibly. Better question is if the Berserker Soul CAN run out of anger, if such a thing is physically possible.
Nothing's infinite, this is known. But supposing you did burn through that anger, what would you find in the ashes?
>Right now he's VERY broken
I can only hope he can find the will to live if we manage to save him again.
>Nothing's infinite
Corporate greed, next question.
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>Corporate greed
Nothing a series of murders in broad daylight can't fix.
That's a good question. IF such a thing ever were to happen, what would be left?
We'll see. He still hasn't had time to properly grieve, as his very mind is overcome by Baby's.
Fair. The big seven are quite infinite within mortalkind, true enough.
That doesn't fix GREED, it just makes them more cautious.
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>That doesn't fix GREED, it just makes them more cautious.
Might I suggest a shift in scale then?
Surprise to no one, the French are still elitist assholes.
Well that's the French being French. Can't really get mad when a dog licks it's own taint after all, can you?
I can when they're frogs.
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A fine distinction I suppose.
It might be more merciful to kill Raditz and let him be free. Chaya would probably be against it, but she can't comprehend just how messed up and broken Raditz will be—in a sense, it's all her fault—so she doesn't get a say. Even Bardock and his family would probably come to the same decision rather than letting him live on after all of this.
And are the French not greedy today? Or does killing people not stop them from succumbing to one of the seven?
That's the first question: Short of a wish, CAN you even separate them this time? Can't rely on Golden Oozaru as Raditz has Primal now.
>Even Bardock
That's where you're wrong. Bardock wouldn't
24 hours to go! Ready to continue exploring Earth?
>Short of a wish, CAN you even separate them this time?
My first thought was Forced Spirit Fission, but from what I could see from it in canon is that it only separates energy, and Baby's body is less made of that and more made of some gross non-newtonian parasite fluid. Tranq'ing him with enough anesthesia to put down a herd of elephants and dissecting Baby out of him could either work or give us a scene straight out of The Thing. My third option is using DDF, but NOT any of its wishes. We never really asked how our ace-in-the-hole universal equalizing finisher actually works, did we? And we've never experimented with it either, right? Depending on how it works, it might save the day without burning a wish, and we don't want to burn one when there's still Zamasu left to kill.
I could see namek or karn agreeing to use a wish in this circumstance
I'm always down to spend more time with our kids, but I won't lie, Raditz's enslavement and the fate of our people hanging in peril is gonna be on my mind the entire time.
Honestly, at this point it might just be better to consider Raditz a dead man walking and just vaporize him. All thing's considered, he'd at least have some measure of peace being alongside his wife again.
It MIGHT do something, as separating Baby's energy from Raditz' own may help him resist. As we saw with Vegito vs Buuhan, Vegito using an internal Barrier so Buu couldn't merge himself with Vegito from the inside and take control of his body. Much the same way Baby does, looking back on it.
DDF would kill BOTH Baby and Raditz, as currently they're completely enmeshed. As has been stated, Divine Dragon Force turns a host's energy back against their body. Which is why fusions hit by it split, and others have their physical forms completely erased.
Better question is would Porunga be able to split them, or are Baby and Raditz both too strong for it to effect against Baby's will? After all, it couldn't move post-Namek GOKU against his will from Yardrat to Earth.
There may be more secrets to earth. Some unknown, and others wearing familiar faces...
At least while he lives. After that monster is finished, well. There are options for the aftermath, that much is certain.
It's easy to forget sometimes, since we don't lean on it like canon, but we have access to multiple methods of resurrection, including multiple wish dragons. There is some chance to repair Raditz' life, difficult though it may be.
Can’t exactly FIX what Baby did to their unborn child. Killed it and replaced it with himself, poor kid can’t even be wished back as it and Baby are one and the same.
There's also the matter of Raditz's late wife. I'm gonna be entirely real, I'm not entirely sure she would want to come back after all this.
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>DDF would kill BOTH Baby and Raditz, as currently they're completely enmeshed. As has been stated, Divine Dragon Force turns a host's energy back against their body. Which is why fusions hit by it split, and others have their physical forms completely erased.
As I thought. It's an all or nothing attack, unfortunately. And here I was thinking there was some hidden tech we never realized since we always use that move to kill.
>Better question is would Porunga be able to split them, or are Baby and Raditz both too strong for it to effect against Baby's will?
From what I can tell, both Shenron and Porunga have limits on what they can do against an individual stronger than them. They can't move them around or directly harm that kind of individual, but in the case of Dende's Shenron from post-android saga could "curse" people, as seen in Daima where Shenron turns Goku and his associates into weird adult children. IF Porunga is stronger than that Shenron, it gives us some wiggle room here.
Controversial and un-saiyan take here, but we can consider mindwiping Raditz, Redis, and everyone else unfortunate enough to get Baby'd or killed via dragonballs. Only problem with that idea is bringing back people like Redis's race that are SUPER DED from Baby since Porunga can't revive multiple people at once.
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We mind-rape them, and for what? Just so we can watch them live a lie and break down when they learn the truth?
If they have the opportunity to choose to live after this, we owe it to them not to take away those memories, awful as they may be. There's no chance for them to overcome this otherwise.
I dunno Vegetable man. I think I would very much like to forget my guts exploding from a literal monster in me. Because FUCK. How are you supposed to ever look at kids the same after that?
Given what GD's said about how that went down, she supposedly died before she knew what was happening to her. It's the sole saving grace of this tragedy, but it's kinda like finding a penny in a pile of shit.

Hard to say.
How it works has been explained before, either it hits or doesn't.
Porunga is absolutely not stronger, the difference is Earth's Shenron, at the time of Dende reviving it, has been buffed 3 separate times.
>Redis race
She's a Saiyan. If you mean the people of Raditz' planet, unfortunately they're dead dead unless Earth's Dragonballs are restored or DDF's wish is used.
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>How it works has been explained before, either it hits or doesn't.
>Porunga is absolutely not stronger, the difference is Earth's Shenron, at the time of Dende reviving it, has been buffed 3 separate times.
>If you mean the people of Raditz' planet, unfortunately they're dead dead unless Earth's Dragonballs are restored or DDF's wish is used.
Alright, lets focus on what we can do, murder the fuck out of Baby. I'm still up for asking Porunga for any advantages we can, like wishing up some anti-Baby parasitism spray called Baby-be-gone so we can get immunity from his hivemind shenanigans. And before you say anything about it being underhanded, consider this: Fuck Baby. Because what do you MEAN we execute the perfect counterplay and turn him into pringle dust, just for him to get a free Do-Over by spawncamping like a faggot and start setting up thousands of sockpuppets?

We'll have to wait and see how events unfold. As Karn IC has refused help on this very issue before, something Mechikabura would be VERY smug about if he could read the thread.
The time is now, episode 235 begins!
>>6201506 →

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