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The world is flawed.
It is not imperfect though, just crafted to be full of flaws.

Life is full of suffering and conflict, perpetual race where the living fight to find meaning and solace, either by giving themselves and each other meaning, or by taking it from those weaker than them.

An unwinnable war, a race against time, a race against “The World”.
A battle lost from the moment one is born, the pure soul is slowly drained of its myriad colors, and then cast away once it has been consumed.

Beyond the world exists a Gate, and beyond the Gate exists an Infinite World.
In that infinite world you still found suffering, that might just be a constant, but more importantly you saw the radiance of all souls, young and old; and saw meaning that does not exist at home. You learned that this infinity was cold and unfeeling, impartial and silent, and yet very comforting.

So you, [????], decided to bring “This World” into the infinite.
Not for anyone in particular, you don’t exactly have many people you care about to begin with, not out of resentment for the life you’ve had to live, after all that’s just how life in this world is.
Simply because you felt like things should be as they are beyond the Gate.

Another five joined you out of their own volition, together you worked for millenia to bring the world beyond The Gate, and failed.

The Gatekeeper did away with two, to who knows where. Another had to become one with the world and keep it from breaking apart under the immense strain from The Gate, and you don’t know what happened with the other two.

As for yourself, The Gatekeeper pushed the world away using you. Your cultivation burned away as it set the skies ablaze, your body shattered as it tore through the ocean and the world’s crust, and your soul was fragmented into infinite specks of spiritual energy, leaving nothing behind.

But that doesn’t matter, you reached the gate and went beyond it. You learned things that even The Gatekeeper itself is unaware of. Your existence "is" and "will be", it will simply resume some indeterminate amount of time in the future. Fate is simply a suggestion, and your destiny is yours alone… “Next time I will… Next…..”
>>6192166 (OP)
???, Year ?????

Your consciousness is foggy, but it “is” so this should already be good enough.

“First things first”, You think to yourself
Determining if you have a physical body yet, and if so how it is.
“Only Qi Gathering? Aiya…”

Cultivation, the absorption of energy, and knowledge to sustain and elevate one’s existence.
It has always been part of “Your World”, or at least long enough to have had a clearly set and mostly unchanged categorization for ages.

Qi gathering, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Golden Core, Soul Dividing, Soul Nurturing, Soul Fusion, Immortality.

Your current “Body” and “Soul” seem to be at the very first level, and your abilities are severely limited even by the standards of a human in the Qi Gathering stage, either something went wrong with the body, the Gatekeeper did something you were not aware of, or the world has it against you this time around.

The good thing is that your consciousness is still the same, your knowledge is all accessible, this should prove useful… you hope.

You wake up and decide to face

Your name is
>Bai Hua
>Jusuf Soren
>Write in

You’ll run a more thorough check on your “Body” and “Soul”,
>roll a 2d20 for body and soul in that order.

You can ask yourself a question to refresh your knowledge about something (optional)
>write in
>Bai Hua
Rolled 1, 3 = 4 (2d20)

-Do we still have our penis
-Does the body have any peculiar constitutions, both good and bad?
Wow I rolled dogshit.
Rolled 19, 20 = 39 (2d20)

>Bai Hua
>Bai Hua (this means white flower. I think)

Based, another cultivation quest alongside heretic and normal. Love to see it!
Rolled 2, 7 = 9 (2d20)

Oh forgot the roll and write in my excitement

>do we recall our lowest and highest points in our life?
Wonderful rolls, locking in.
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You face south, the sun is barely rising to your left, you’re in a slightly tall mountain from the looks of it, not tall enough to see the curve of the world, but just enough to have a wide view of the landscape, you see what appears to be a temple in the vicinity, and very few houses in the plains.

The weather is dry, and although it is a little cold, it is only to the extent of giving you goosebumps. You walk towards a flat rock that’s just started getting some sunlight and use it as a makeshift mat, your butt is warm enough to do a little self inspection.

You close your eyes and circulate a minuscule amount of energy through your body, it will take a little time to check every nook and cranny, so you ask yourself a few questions to confirm you’re still you.

>What was my lowest and highest point in life?
The lowest definitely has to be when that little vixen from Jianan’s All Embracing Love Palace bluffed you into a rigged bet and you became a Yang Furnace for the all women sect for 4 years. This caused you to miss out on the appearance of a hidden realm you had been preparing an entire decade for, and earned you the contempt and ridicule of your peers for the next 130 years… They weren’t even that pretty either.

Body inspection complete!
Barring the loss of your cultivation, your body is almost exactly the same as it was in your previous life, with two exceptions.

One, your penis is still there and it looks to be even bigger than it used to be.
Two, your meridians, blood vessels, flesh and bones are perfectly suited towards the practice of the Extreme Yin/Extreme Yang/Golden Buddha paths

The highest… If you had to choose one then it’s probably when you fought against four immortals while in the Soul Fusion stage with a broken spear, that brought all types of people looking to do battle with you for about 90 years, never had a dull day back then.

Soul inspection complete!
Your soul is way better this time around, you’re very unlikely to run into bottlenecks and Qi Deviation
Your compatibility with ancient Mystic Arts like the Spectral Master/Mistweaver/Star Emperor paths is a given.

What you initially thought had been something wrong turned out to just be a sense of discomfort at how fortunate you were.

With the inspections done, you get off the rock and begin to walk towards the temple-like structure, it will take a few minutes to get there so you continue to ask yourself questions to refresh your knowledge

>Write In
>Who are we, what is our past and what region are we in? Including the major powers in the region.
I mean who are we in the sense of who's body is this, not the reincarnated character himself.
>What was my notable skill, my previous art name, and pertinent reputation.
>What did I see beyond the gate.
The temple is empty, you can tell it has been a few years since anyone last passed by thanks to the amount of dust in the offering table.

You can see the mummified corpse of a buddhist monk sitting in the altar, and give it a light bow. You don’t agree with those who choose self annihilation to break the cycle of rebirth and suffering, but still respect their determination, not everyone is willing to give their life up for such an ideal, not you for sure.

With the due respects out of the way, you proceed to check the temple for something to put over your naked body.

Only some beige pants (likely white if you had water to wash out a decade’s worth of sand) and a deep red sash to be worn over one’s shoulder, yeah that’s the usual uniform you suppose.

You wanted to check the houses for food before starting your cultivation over, but your body and being THIS good takes precedence, you’re better off completely establishing your Qi Gathering and deciding on a style to follow as soon as possible

"Is this 'my' body or did I take over some poor son of a damn's fleshy bag?"
You ask yourself this while clearing a little space in the back of the temple and getting ready to cultivate.

"Well... There's no traces of a previous soul or consciousness... did I just "appear" here as I am, or did a body 'grow' out of thin air?"

"Who am I?".... I'm Bai Hua, abandoned bastard son of a small fry in the White Tiger clan, Bai Jin. I was cast aside when his legitimate daughter was born.

I left the White Tiger clan at a young age and became a rogue cultivator, was fortunate to be saved from dying like a dog by my master and younger (but still senior) brother. My master was the Crimson Tulip Sword, a Soul Dividing swordswoman who raised me and senior for a couple decades... We fell apart after master died because senior messed with a young master from The Seventeen Swords of Qin Mountain, I was just a weakling in the Core Formation stage back then. Brother rose through the cultivation stages like a soaring dragon and then disappeared, never heard from him again.

Time passed by and the world went to war, my only notable skill was that I refused to die, and that I knew my limits very well. I fought and lost, and lost, and lost again, I kept fighting and losing, running away, negotiating, prostrating myself, exchanging favors, all to keep living. I learned to use all sorts of weapons and mystic arts, and carved my own path and a spot at the summit.

The centuries piled up, as did the corpses, Qin Mountain became Qin Valley when I was done with the trash that killed my master, the fall of the Divine Huang Emperor, the unification of the Demonic Tribes, wherever there was war and conflict I would be there.

'The Crimson War God', 'The Annihilator’, ‘Dragon Devourer’ were some of the coolest names they gave me… well there is also ‘The Jianan Playboy’ too, I’ll never forgive myself for that one.

Hoping I didn't fuck the formatting here
You’re not sure where you are just yet, the energy flow is different from what you remember, so you might need to find a map or someone you can talk to.

On cultivation
Each stage up to Immortal has 3 stages based on the total required to breakthrough divided by 3
The first third is the early stage, second middle, last third.
Cultivation is done with a 1d20, this will be supplemented by any passive bonuses the character has and can be further added into by materials, special locations and certain events.

On Paths

“Normal” Paths:
>Ranged weapons
>Mystical Arts

Mystical Arts (Magics), Red are Yang polarity while Blue are Yin polarity.
Fire, Lightning, Light
Water, Earth, Dark

A cultivator can choose any two normal paths, one as their “main” and one as a “sub”
A cultivator can also choose two different “Mystical Arts” paths, same rules.

Special Paths:
Special paths are unlocked upon meeting certain conditions, be it an innate constitution, gaining access to certain knowledge, or having an epiphany during cultivation.

These paths have stronger techniques, but also limit the cultivator in certain aspects, special paths are single choice, no subs allowed.

Extreme Yin/Extreme Yang
The practitioner will excel in the use of a single Polarity of Mystical arts, but cannot use arts of the opposite polarity arts.
On the other hand, treasures and weapons of the opposite polarity will have a higher resonance, and those of the same polarity will be less effective.

Golden Buddha
The practitioner will excel in defensive, support oriented, and a few offense oriented light mystical arts.
Their physical body will be more resistant than that of an individual in the same stage, but their offensive capabilities will be very poor. Swords and Ranged weapons are forbidden, Polearms can only be used if they do not have a blade.

Spectral Master
The practitioner will be able to use their soul as a “weapon” directly affecting their targets’ mental resilience and soul, the creation of short lived “spectres” is possible for aid in combat.
Locks the practitioner to the use of a sword is less effective against opponents with a strong will and soul.

The practitioner will be able to control the otherworldly mist as a substance, its properties can be changed at will, and the creation of “mist” constructs is possible. Constructs and techniques are not aligned with Yin or Yang techniques.
Locks the practitioner to the “Unarmed” weapon, The World will hate your existence and will make sure you know it.

Star Emperor
The practitioner is able to directly harness the energy from the sea of stars and use it to cultivate, this stellar energy can be infused on objects and people for all kinds of results. Techniques are not aligned with Yin or Yang techniques
Locks the practitioner to the “Unarmed” weapon, The World will hate your existence and will make sure you know it.
>What did I see beyond the gate.
A plane of infinite energy, unbound by the “rules” of this world, a higher state of being if you had to put it in simple terms.

>Choose 2 normal paths, 1 Normal path and leave the sub slot open, or 1 special path
>Roll 1d20 for 1 path, 2d20 for two paths.
>If you’re unsure, you can always ask yourself a few questions before choosing.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Oh, well, there’s my answer. Whoops. >>6192289
I knew I forgot something, thank you for pointing it out.
If you pick a Normal Path and Mystic arts you can only pick 1 Mystic art, as each element counts as its own "Path"
Okay so if we picked Extreme Yang Lightning, we'll be incredibly powerful at channeling lightning through our body but Yang Based Weapons will not like us? But also Yin Based Weapons and Treasure like pills will be more powerful in our hands so for example we'll gain more power from a Thousand Year Snow Flower Herb compared to a Thousand Year Sun Ginseng if we picked YANG?
Ohh and if we picked Yang then things like Ice Iron and Nether Claw Daggers will be more powerful in our hands if they're Yin Based?

So basically if we pick Extreme Yang we'll max out our internal power for a single Yang Element while being incredibly at using Yin Weapons, Yin Treasures and Yin Pills?
Tentatively my choice is
>Extreme Yang: Lightning
Since we have the constitution to use this technique well. I want to use a lot of Yin Based equipment and rituals because they're cool though and I'm not sure I'm understanding Extreme Yang and Extreme Yin too well.
You got it right, you'd be doing/consuming/practicing Yin to nurture Yang.

Special paths are very strong in exchange for changing how you cultivate.

Extremes, will let you be a little cheating shit and eventually use all the elements in their respective polarity if you so wish to.

Buddha and Spectral are respectively Light and Dark only, while Mistweaver and Star Emperor are cultivation paths that do not "belong" to this plane, they are only available from the start thanks to Hua's experience beyond the Gate and that nasty nat 20 from the other anon.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>Extreme Yin
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>>6192326 #
>>6192289 #
Ugghh this is a hard choice, either Extreme Yin or Extreme Yang seem powerful but personally I wanna do a Black Silence Build where we use all weapons.

Alright I change my vote to
>Extreme Yin
Locking in 20 min, this daoist has a mighty need for roasted bean water.

As for the deleted, now resposted vote, you could achieve something similar with Mistweaver, assuming that you change your mind and convince the other players, that is.
Nah the point of Black Silence is having amazing technique AND an entire armory of powerful and unique weapons. Summoning weapons out of nowhere is cheating, we can always just learn Yin Based body enhancements and martial arts then get attributeless or Lightning Weapons.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>Extreme Yin

Or Smoke Attribute Weapons. We can still use Yin Weapons and Treasures, it's just less effective so we could totally have an entire armory of both Polarity. It's just Extreme Yin might mean we get to grab Ice Muscles and Jade Bones Early or some other powerful body buff earlier.
Locking Extreme Yin, writing.

You have a point there, I was just associating smoke with mist, you might like some of the later stuff in this cultivation world considering you're posting PM stuff.
Once you’re done confirming your identity is still yours and not a stranger’s, sweep the room with an old broom and dust an old cushion to sit on.

”What to choose, what to choose. I can’t believe I have so many choices this time around, past me would cry tears of blood and curse me for eternity hahaha!”

You’re like a kid at a toy shop, and like any kid, you beeline for the biggest, coolest, baddest toys in the center.

You immediately think about the alien mist and the experts you fought beyond the gate, shaped into all variety of weapons and structures, the seemingly endless soldiers and monsters, and how they would communicate with each other, and you using it.

The problem is bringing the mist in without the world noticing, it would take too long and you’re currently too weak to consider a “wait and see” approach.

Same applies to the stellar energy, the starting location isn’t the best, pulling stellar energy will be very hard, and you’re not even sure if any artifact below soul separation could stand being infused with it, you can definitely tell someone would explode if you poked the right spots with a pinch of it though.

The path of the Golden Buddha will guarantee your body reaches the Immortal stage by virtue of being absurdly hard to kill, but the defensive and support focus assumes that you
1.Won’t fight that much
2.Find someone to capitalize from your support, sure “supporting” yourself is possible, but it’s just Light Path cultivation with extra steps.

Spectral Master would be a solid choice… If you didn’t already know just how strong souls and wills get in the later stages of cultivation.

This leaves the Extreme Polarities, “simple” enough, a wide variety of choices, you won’t have the realm hot on your ass for a while, and you can always reference your dumbass senior (but younger) brother’s progress at least up to Soul Dividing.

Since you’re brothers, you’ll simply be the Yin to his Yang, if he’s still alive that is.

Your body slowly cools down, and unwanted memories resurface, you’re back to the days in the streets of Zhen when you had just been scammed out of all your spirit stones and the Demons invaded all the way to the capital.

The air was damp and reeked of carrion and mold, you clearly recall the feeling of your clothes, soaked in rainwater and the blood of others as you hid in a pile of corpses, then a single hand reached out to you, and you… grasped it back then, but it is no longer with you as you open your eyes.

You’ve chosen to walk the path of Extreme Yin in this life, your energy will overshadow that of Yin aligned treasures and materials, turning them near useless in your hands; If there is to be Yin, it has to be YOUR Yin. Your body and soul will grow colder than other people’s, and your constitution will make you prone to seeking the warmth and light of Yang.
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Rolled 2 (1d12)

When you're back in the temple, you notice you’ve gathered a substantial amount of Qi in a single session, enough to push you all the way to the middle stage of Qi Gathering, not bad for using a dark room with no ventilation and full of death energy.

You scavenge the room a little more and find an old and dusty map, looks like the zone you’re in right now is the border between Owayabo and Xingtian, you only recognize Jianan, Zhen and Datong.

Looks like Shun and Zhong ate into it, and Zhong is all territory that used to belong to the Huang empire, this probably started happening after you helped kill the emperor.

The continent looks similar but a few things have changed, for one, the mountain range separating this Owayabo from the rest didn’t exist at all; Then there’s Datong which used to be an island. Either an absurd amount of time has passed, or some good stuff happened while you were gone.

On Events: At the start of each year, Decade, and Century an event will be determined for each, these events will affect the player and offer benefits or challenges, this post will roll for the century's event.

You choose to go towards
Neato Burrito.
Going Owayabo means we can cultivate relatively isolated in the borders. But I wanna go nearer to the center where information, treasures and people are likelier to be gathering.
Rolled 6, 1, 5 = 12 (3d10)

Doing 1 roll for the decade's event, one for when it will occur and a third to determine when the century's will take place.
Locking at :27
>those rolls
Heh heh heh, that's pretty fucked up. Locking Xingtian, writing.
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Century’s Event (2, 5):
Golden Realm Appearance: Pocket realm full of treasures, all rolls will heavily favor high table results.
Happening in Year 50 (49 years to go)

Decade’s Event (6,1):
Alien Mist: Unknown mist threatens to consume everything, Qi accumulation and recovery rates are reduced (-3 to cultivation and rest rolls), Mistweavers are able to cultivate without restrictions (+3 to Mistweaver cultivation and rest rolls)
Happening in year 1 (RIGHT NOW!)

Seeing how you barely recognize anything, it would be best to drop by a central location where information flows through, you can probably make your way to the capital of Xingtian, Jianyang and see what’s up. South Zhong would be optimal but your Qi Gathering body would take too long to get there for what it's worth.

You fold the map very carefully and put it in a tiny bag of cloth that was sitting on top of the same table, to the side there was an empty gourd that you’ll be able to use for water (or liquor, the better water), which you tied to your pants. With your “starter” equipment ready, it is time to walk down the mountain.

The plan is to follow the river to Heipinghua, get some spirit stones for real clothes and some lowly mortal food, maybe a weapon and survey the terrain. If it looks easy go straight south to Jianyang, if not just go to Xuzhou and then Jianyang.

With your plan laid out, the rest is just moving. You start to walk down the mountain and face the south west, the river is sparkling a little with the sun’s light so it is easy to follow.

Not even two incense sticks into your first travel in who knows how long, a very familiar sensation assails your body. The warmth of the sun you had felt when leaving the building is obstructed… and not in a normal way. You have a faint feeling of what it is, and try to pretend it is not there until you’re a couple hours on your walk. The river bank is visible, but the river itself can’t be seen.

It’s that mist, the one you fought against outside this world. How it made it all the way to the surface is beyond you, but you understand that it will attempt to absorb this world into itself. It will sap people's energy and the energy around them, which is a pain because you’ll have to clear it out in order to cultivate in peace.

It doesn’t seem to be doing that to you, perhaps because you fought against and even had the chance to control it a little during your travels beyond the gate, it feels as if it were caressing you, but half a wrong does not make a right.

“Really? You couldn’t have happened an hour ago?”
Introducing Causality Denial: Bai Hua exclusive, you start the game with 1 point, then get another upon breaking through to Golden Core, and a third at Immortal.

These points can be used to:
>Bring another character back from the dead or completely reforge their body to Hua’s liking
>Guarantee the highest success possible in a single roll
>Reroll your cultivation path
>Reroll another character's cultivation path
Be sure to use them wisely

>If you want to use a Causality Denial point to reroll your path, roll a 1d6 and choose the path you want to follow.
>No buyers remorse, no asking for refunds, say hello to the mist and keep walking towards Heipinghua, roll a 1d20
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>>No buyers remorse, no asking for refunds, say hello to the mist and keep walking towards Heipinghua, roll a 1d20
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>No buyers remorse, no asking for refunds, say hello to the mist and keep walking towards Heipinghua, roll a 1d20

I'd rather use the points for Legendary Gear or useful Minions.
“I could always use THAT… but… No no, there’s no telling how long this will last, let’s just go to Heipinghua.

Hey, Itztli… if this makes it to you all the way out there, I’m still alive… I hope you and your people are doing well.”

You put the idea of messing with causality for a headstart to rest, sit on your hands in a figurative sense and wait for a better opportunity to present itself.

The walk down the riverside is quieter than what you would be comfortable with, another of the mist’s properties is its ability to also absorb sound, in combination with its energy absorption it makes a great deterrent against annoying weakling cultivators and beasts. You even took a little time to give the clothes you were wearing a wash, fill your gourd with water and find some fruit to eat on the way, nothing really happened.

Heipinghua, Xingyuan
The small city is as quiet as it could be, no doubt because of the mist, you go straight for the nearest street stall, it’s a young woman selling second hand trinkets with mystical properties.

”Say, young lady, do you know where a broke fellow in the Qi Gathering stage can get a few spirit stones to his name?

”Young lady? Little brats these days… I’ll be 78 in a few days I’ll tell you right now so don’t get any funny ideas… but if it’s work you’re looking for then you might want to check the Buddhist Temple in the center.”

A few minutes more and you find yourself before a well maintained temple, there are a few priests rushing in and out, they’re placing things outside the building rather urgently.

You pose the same question (minus the young lady part) to the elderly priest looking over the young ones running, and his answer is simple.

”“When the young ones are done bringing everything out, just follow my instructions and I’ll make sure you get some payment for helping”

You do as the priest says and place a few charms in a couple inconspicuous locations around the temple, then draw some lines along with the young priests to create a very rudimentary array.

”Here you go young man… and you’re no priest, so please do not dress like one if you’re not willing to follow our teachings” Says the priest, his breathing becoming a little erratic, he’s circulating his Qi into the array to activate it.

The activated array repels the mist in a small area around the temple, and everyone’s complexion improves in a few moments.

>find a restaurant, get yourself some food and ask where you can buy new clothes.
>suggest the elder a way to improve the array in the temple.
>explain to the elder that a larger array can be made using the temple as the centerpiece.
Write ins welcome!
>Explain to the priest that you're a traveling scholar who was robbed by bandits and suggest ways for him to improve the arrays in exchange for food, shelter and some spirit stones.
>Suggest the elder a way to improve the array in the temple and help around the temple for some Spirit Stones..
Do we know anything about this temple or the religion of the temple these monks are a part off?
>Suggest the elder a way to improve the array in the temple and help around the temple for some Spirit Stones.
>find a restaurant, get yourself some food and ask where you can buy new clothes.
Do we know when the Mist will end or we just gonna have to tough it out? Also how common are Cultivators and Martial Artists in this world, is it full weird wacky Xiaxia or closer to a more grounded Wuxia?
>Explain to the priest that you're a traveling scholar who was robbed by bandits and suggest ways for him to improve the arrays in exchange for food, shelter and some spirit stones.
>Suggest the elder a way to improve the array in the temple and help around the temple for some Spirit Stones..
Locking in.

Wanna make a guess?
Well so far it sounds like it'll be the weird alien Xianxia, especially because of the Mist and the right off the bat knowing about at least two martial arts using energies that cause reality to hate us.
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The priest’s payment was enough for you to eat for a day assuming the economy didn’t change much, but it was just that, 10 Spirit Stones.

”You’re right sir, I’m just a destitute scholar travelling for greener pastures from Kase. I was robbed by bandits, and had the mist not showed up at all, I’d be vulture food right now!

I chanced upon an abandoned temple in the mountains and managed to get these clothes, at least the heavens smiled upon me for once!”

Whether the elder bought it, or is just giving some face, you can’t really tell, but he does invite you in for a meal.

Soup, rice, boiled vegetables and pickles, all served in moderate portions so nothing is wasted. It has been millenia since you ate anything, and you can’t help but tear up a little after tasting food for so long.

The meal is eaten in absolute silence, and once finished, a few priests remain behind, likely because they had nothing to do right after eating, naturally you’re included in this group.

”Sir, I couldn’t help but notice that this array forcefully repels the mist away… This approach requires a large amount of energy… Ahem… to activate, and while the upkeep is lower, it always needs someone supplying it with their own… Qi, am I correct?”

”Correct.” Said the elder, he could add something else, but he’s clearly sounding you out with his silence.

”There’s a way to alleviate those two issues, if you can spare me a piece of paper I can show you how”

”Hmm… Zopa? ”Yes sir.”
One of the idle priests, Zopa you suppose, leaves for a moment a returns with a parchment of paper.

You quickly scribble a rough outline of the adjustments to be made and turn the paper around.

”Please excuse my drawing skills, I’m nowhere near an architect… That said, rather than pushing the mist out, we can use its invasive properties to guide it around the structure and into the sky, as it tends to dissipate when a certain altitude above the ground is reached. All the array would be doing at this point is creating a tunnel or path of sorts for it to travel with no resistance.”

This is of course, the very basics of what you know about the mist. If you wanted to be fancy then you could show him a way to use the mist as the fuel for the array itself or a way to create a shelter for the homeless with it, but you’re not sure how widely accepted the use of the mist is here, if anyone’s ever figured out how to use it before you that is.
The elder looks back and forth between the horrible scribble and your face, he signals Zopa over and the man rouses the other two priests next to him and rushes out.

In an incense stick’s worth of time, you feel the flow of the mist change to match that outlined by your design.

”Esteemed expert, is it okay if this information is shared with the rest of the city?” The elder asks.

”Didn’t I show it to you already? Of course it’s okay, but I’ll need your help getting compensation from the city’s Lord if that’s okay with you, and what’s up with this whole ‘Esteemed Expert’ thing, wasn’t I just a young man a meal ago?”

”Your speech betrays you, once one lives enough, travels enough, and learns enough, does one start to refer to Qi as Energy, and not just ‘Qi’. I’m good friends with the city’s Lord, so I will arrange a meeting with him.

In the meantime, our humble Heipinghua temple would appreciate it if you could rest in it. We might not have a very large library, but you’re invited to look if you so feel inclined to.”

You’ll gladly take up his offer, so you choose one
>Try to talk with some of the priests (about what, roll a 1d6)
>Go to the library (what are we looking for, roll a 1d6)
Yes, this is weird alien xianxia territory. We're on our baby steps but it will powerscale appropriately in due time.
>Do we know when the Mist will end or we just gonna have to tough it out?
There's a reason it is the decade's event.
Rolled 4 (1d6)

>>Go to the library (what are we looking for, roll a 1d6)
>>Look to see if the temple has any basic Fist or Staff Martial Arts that outsiders are allowed to learn, try to get a feel of the Martial Arts of this age. Even if we know better martial arts, it might be a good idea to learn some more basic and common martial arts so that we can defend ourselves without casting too much suspicion.
Rolled 5 (1d6)

>Try to talk with some of the priests (about what, roll a 1d6)
>Ask around if there are any ploothooks like Bandits or Mythical Creature Sightings that we can help out with to either earn some Spirit Stones or use as Elixirs.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

>>Try to talk with some of the priests (about what, roll a 1d6)
>Ask whether any great changes in religion or spirituality have happened.
Locking in talk option. Writing
Rolled 5 (1d6)

>Try to talk with some of the priests (about what, roll a 1d6)
>Ask the nearby priests if there have been any sightings of Mythical Creatures or Herbs after the sudden mist appearing. Maybe it agitated some creatures or plants out of hiding.
The only real question is, are the aliens hot. Or, can we bang the mist?
Buddhism from your time was mostly composed of two temples, the Golden Buddha and the Silver Buddha temples, they had a very heartwarming story to them.

Back in your early days, Buddhism wasn’t very widespread and mostly kept itself to the region between Owayabo and Xingtian now occupied by the mountain range. They were being persecuted by the Huang empire to near extermination. All the monks and practitioners ran away to that region, at the time called Hujin. There were many believers, and not enough space, so part of them began to live at night and rest during the day.

The temples were still always full, but it was at a manageable level.

In about a decade or so, the orders of the Golden and Silver Buddha’s were “formally” established, and when Huang Mengzhou was slain four hundred years later, the religion and practices spread like wildfire, taking over many locations that had been abandoned by the Daoists.
You approach one of the idle priests and make small talk, his name is Tashi, he didn’t ask for your name once, possibly out of politeness.

>5 on mythical creatures of herbs
He’s not sure about creatures, but there is a very peculiar species of flowers that only grows when an area is exposed to the mist, and any magical or mythical herbs that grow during this time are “Polluted” and can’t be consumed without risking severe side effects. You can probably figure a workaround to it if you can get your hands in a few herbs, but you’ll have to find one to begin with.

>2 on religion and spirituality
You ask him if there have been any changes on the religious landscape of this continent, and he answers that everything has been this way for thousands of years, you ask another priest and his answer is the same. You have to go all the way and give them a short lesson in history to give your question context, but the conversation doesn’t go anywhere, they didn’t even know about the origin of the temples or who Huang Mengzhou even was.

What you did get out of that was that it has been at least a few thousand years, and that the Silver and Golden temples are still a thing.
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A few hours later, the elder, who you’re now aware is named Dakpa, comes looking for you. He leads you through the mist filled city for a few minutes, and a fancy building pops into view.

”The city’s lord, Xia Yan is ready to meet you… I do not think he might give you trouble considering the weight of this information, but please have mercy on the people of this city.

”I’ll keep that in mind… And sir Dakpa, I’d like to apologize for lying earlier. My name is Bai Hua and… I don’t really know how old I am today, I don’t know if my previous titles even carry any weight either so I won’t mention them. Thank you for your generosity entertaining this fool’s lousy acting.”

With those words you leave the priest behind, and enter the building. An old looking steward welcomes you in and guides you to the second story, a long line of maids of all ages are present and give you a deep bow as you make your way past them. After going up the staircase, you’re led to the right wing, where a younger man is waiting for you at a table with two cups of tea ready.

”Welcome, Esteemed Expert. I’m Xia Yan, Heipinghua’s new lord. I took over after my father disappeared in the last mist incident and I’m still kind of wet behind the ears in this whole business, so please cut me some slack.

Ah! What am I doing, come in come in, the tea will grow cold!”

There’s no need to lie… that much, so you introduce yourself as Bai hua, a rogue cultivator who used to be at the Soul Nurturing stage and went into seclusion after a brutal injury, you survived at the cost of your cultivation being completely lost… that’s the story you decide to go with this time.
”Aah that’s saddening to hear, and excuse my rudeness but I’m glad you got injured, otherwise my small city might just have been sucked dry this time around!

Please name your price, I will spare no effort in seeing you compensated for your knowledge!
Should you desire, I can bring you every maiden in the city, every spirit stone in the region, or even give you the land itself!”

Huh? Is this because he’s young or is he just trying to make you humbly decline?

While you’re fond of the idea of trying our son out, doing so right now would be too rash, someone can kill you, or even worse, cut your son off.

Every spirit stone in the region will clearly cut into the people’s wellbeing, and even then they’re worthless if you can’t buy anything with them, the quality of spirit stones for direct cultivation has not been suitable in at least four hundred thousand years from YOUR era, you don’t even know how much has passed so it’s likely worse nowadays, it’s simply a currency at this point.

On the other hand, accepting land will tie you to it unless you find someone to manage things for you, and you’re too weak to protect anything anyways, at least if you play by the book.
You feel like a compromise can be made
>Rather than a specific sum of stones, you want cultivation materials of Yin Polarity, then you can be on your way to Jianyang
>Rather than accepting land, you’d like to borrow a plot of land outside the city, this will delay your travel to Jianyang, but you can set up an area suited for cultivation within the mist, and perhaps run a few tests on vegetation and animal life.
>Write in!

And roll me a 1d20 for the results.

We can explore the hotness of the aliens eventually, as for the mist, who knows? Where there's a will there's a way.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

I thought since we're Extreme Yin, we need Yang Polarity Elixirs?

>Ask for for a decent amount of spirit stones and Yang Polarity Materials.
>Also ask if for a weapon we can have to protect ourselves, either a knife that's easy to conceal or a staff we can use as a walking stick.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Ask for for a decent amount of spirit stones and Yang Polarity cultivation materials.
>Also ask if for a weapon we can have to protect ourselves, either a knife that's easy to conceal or a staff we can use as a walking stick.
Wow the dice for this quest have been real fucking hit or miss.
Aiya you're right. Please treat my words as if I had farted, it wil be Yang Polarity materials.
Also I fucking love the dice for this quest so far, didn't even need to pick an alien path to get bent and fucked over.

Locking votes at :45
>the dice: Did you say you wanted to live in INTERESTING TIMES?
Not again!
Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d6)

Rolling for the yearly event, will little Hua get fucked over again? We'll find out soon!
Wew lad.
Locking in decent amount of spirit stones and Yang Polarity Materials, as well as a weapon.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Rollin just to see the dice
The dice are just messing with us now
Yearly event (6, 3):
Traces of the Tower: The world senses the appearance of the tower and prepares its inhabitants, all cultivation rolls are boosted (+3)


>Ask for for a decent amount of spirit stones and Yang Polarity cultivation materials.
>Also ask if for a weapon we can have to protect ourselves, either a knife that's easy to conceal or a staff we can use as a walking stick.

”Let’s not be hasty, young master, all these old bones really want is some spirit stones and Yang Polarity Materials.
Does seven thousand spirit stones and a Hundred Year Sun Ginseng sound good?”

Color drains from the young man’s face, the hand that held the cup almost spilled its contents
”E-esteemed elder… were I to sell every house, every woman and every artifact in this city… I would still be short from seven thousand stones, let alone being able to find you a Hundred Year Sun Ginseng…

I could get you seven hundred spirit stones or a Ten Year Sun Ginseng at best, any more than that and I will have to increase taxes”

It is your turn in the face draining chair, seven hundred stones is NOTHING, you gave him a way to deal with the mist, you can see it in his eyes he KNOWS how valuable this is, he so knows this will fill his pockets in a year’s time.

You lowballed yourself and even named a price, now you pay for it. Are you really the Crimson War God?

”But if Elder Bai, no Patriarch Xia Hua were to remain in Heipinghua, all the gains could be completely yours! Just think of it! Owayabo is sure to pay big, fat coin for this method. They’ve had it the worst amongst all countries in the continent you know!?

Lord Hua of Heipinghua at the head, the white flower hailing from the “smooth flower” the poetic defeat of the mist! The glory! The riches! The tourism! A trade route outside the city over there, a red light district over here, two, no THREE new Inns!

Huahuahuahuahuahua! Liao Wen! Call Cui’er over we’re getting her married this year!”

What? Remaining in Heipinghua is an option, sure. But Patriarch? He wants you to manage a damn city? Who’s Xia Hua!? WHO’S CUI’ER? Don’t use that name to laugh, you destitute bastard!

This man is broke, this city is broke, you would rather be sucked dry by the mist and die than have your fortune stolen by this man for even a minute longer! You refuse, You’re unwilling!

”Young master, my faith requires me to go on a pilgrimage to thank the heavens for their favor keeping me alive, so I have to regretfully decline your offer.
What do you say if we just leave it at a Yang Polarity weapon? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, maybe a knife or a dagger, perhaps a staff to double as a walking stick… and your word that I will get a fifth of whatever you earn with this information.

Xia Yan’s eyes pop wide open, and he shakes your hand while showing you the creepiest, most disgusting, greasy, money grubby smile you’ve seen in a thousand years. ”Deal!”
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You do some small paperwork, both parties sign with their blood and seal a small “dao pact” to keep the promise in place. If this doesn’t pay off it’s no big deal, you can rake it big later. If it does pay off you’ll probably see good results by the end of the decade.

By the time you’re done the steward, Liao Wen, brings a staff over, clearly from the Golden Buddha temple you were in earlier in the day.

The Yang energy can be felt, but it is very faint, nothing to write home about… Should be good enough to kill someone in early Core formation before it breaks, but that’s just because you’re the one wielding it. And the design, well there’s no design, you really can use it as a walking stick, to poke the coals in a furnace or as a row if you need to.

You need to get out of here as soon as possible but it is late and you’d rather move during the day to try and get some Yang energy from the sunlight.

You decide to spend the night in lord Xia’s house, locking the door… just in case… you trust he wouldn’t send his daughter to baby trap you… surely not, right? Let’s put a cupboard against the door, yeah.

Cultivation time! Roll a 1d20, +3 from “Traces of the Tower”, +1 from your new staff.
Qi Gathering progress: 15/60

You're still broke, but at least broke with a weapon, once you're out of Heipinghua you will roll a d20 and
>Follow the river to Xuzhou
>Beeline to Jianyang

Yes, youll know more about the tower in due time, but first I'll drop some weapon related stuff.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>Follow the river to Xuzhou
>Go look for the flower growing inside the mist along the way.
>Follow the river to Xuzhou
Our fucking rolls man
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Follow the river to Xuzhou
These Buddhists are ruthless, kek
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Rolled 5 (1d6)

Weapon Nurturing
Extended usage of a single weapon infuses it with the wielder's "will" or "intent", cultivating multiple times while using the weapon creates a loop where the resonance between both wielder and weapon increases.
Weapon resonance can only be positive, and will increase both cultivation and combat rolls by the resonance level, resonance can increase up to a maximum of 4.
Breaking through while using a weapon has a chance of increasing its realm, as does infusing the weapon with materials of the same Polarity... Assuming you roll well that is.

>Rolled 3+3+1 (-3 from the Mist)

Your new staff has no name, no feats, and no resonance. It's stage is "Foundation".
Rolling for weapon resonance
Well, at least you didn't go into Qi deviation?
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Rolled 6, 2 = 8 (2d20)

Qi Gathering progress: 16/60

A horrible night, you were unable to focus on cultivating out of fear you’d get your bones jumped by any female, the mist is still seeping in to a certain extent even though Lord Xia was able to understand the principles behind your little trick, he’ll get the hang of it in a few days for sure.

You were thinking “Heh heh, I’ll just outgrow this stick in no time” but in hindsight, your fortune seems to have been all used up on your body and soul, you hope this isn’t the case but it might be better to simply prepare for the worst at all times.

The stick kept you from deviating, you’ve seen it happen and have had to deal with it before, but never really experienced it yourself. What will happen when someone with boundless knowledge from outside this realm loses all control? Better not find out!

Your staff obtained 1 point of weapon resonance!

The sun is starting to rise, and you’re already out of the small mansion, your steps are light, and the mist, despite messing with your cultivation attempt last night, seems to be cooperating right now and “guiding you” outside the city.

Your next stop is Xuzhou, so you make your way to the riverbank and follow the beaten path downstream, it seems like this river is the Xu river.

The journey is almost uneventful, no beasts, no mist flowers, no mist whispers or illusions, no draining, no sound, absolutely NOTHING.

Until you reach somewhere around the halfway point, there is a small cabin, clearly made for people to take a break or spend the night if it is too late. You’re not tired so you planned to ignore it, until the door opens and two men exit.

“Ay uncle, run yo’ pockets if you don’t want no trouble” Says one of the two, he’s holding a dull axe, might as well be a hammer at this point.
The other man doesn’t speak, but he’s holding a butcher knife.

He dares? He dares! They dare!
”How about YOU run them pockets huh ‘nephew’? What if I want trouble, you keepin’ me company, punk?”

The two seem dumbfounded, and you begin to approach them.

Bandit A: Early Qi Gathering | Weapon: Axe | No treasures.
Bandit B: Early Qi Gathering | Weapon: Knife | No treasures.
On combat
Characters have 1 action per turn, but certain traits allow for more actions, or repetition of the same action.

Bai Hua’s innate trait is Crimson War God’s Dance : +1 Action in combat, +2 on combat rolls +1 on failure rolls.
Combat and failure rolls increase linearly per turn, an extra action is gained every odd turn.

Difference in cultivation adds +1 to the stronger side per sub stage. As Hua is in the middle stage he will get a +1 bonus in this fight.

Objective: Make these little brats kowtow.
If you meet specific requirements when ending the battle, you’ll get an extra reward, the requirement this time will be kept a secret.

You have two actions, use them wisely:
>Choose a bandit and then
>Use your staff
>Use one of the Mystical Arts (Water, Earth, Dark), the simplest art is making a projectile and chucking it at your opponent.
>Write in

And roll a 2d20!
>“Ay uncle, run yo’ pockets if you don’t want no trouble”
Even so far away, we can never relax.
Rolled 7, 4 = 11 (2d20)

>Hit Bandit 1 With the Dog Beating Staff Technique.
>Hit Bandit 2 with the Ball Crushing Staff Technique
Rolled 1, 16 = 17 (2d20)

>Beat Bandit 1 with your staff
>Beat Bandit 1 again with your staff
Locking at :40, doing a tiebreaker roll if it's still 1-1
Rolled 19, 10 = 29 (2d20)

I don't know anything about cultivation op but you have enthralled me
Locking, hit bandit 1 with the dog beating staff technique and bandit 2 with the ball crusher.

It's just a fancy "number go up" genre nowadays, just add a little lao gan ma and some msg and you got a cualtivation story.
What if I want to add rampant xenophobia and horse people? Not to be confused with sea people, a different empire ending threat for a different part of the world.
Bandit A starts running toward you, his axe held up high and ready to descend. You’re moving faster, your staff is held up higher, and descends faster.

You’ll give him a taste of one of the Star Academy’s corrective staff techniques, the academy burned down to the ground when the Huang emperor died in your time, but the corrective spirit remains to this day. It used to have a fancy name, the “Mountain toppling strike”, but students, teachers and outsiders alike simply called it the Dog Beater, and that one stuck over the centuries.

Bai Hua: 19+2+1+1 =23 | Bandit A = 6

“Sit!” your hit connects right on the crown with a muffled crackling sound, a thin layer of dust rises from the ground, the mist roils and the man’s head bounces back up. The light in his eyes fades out and he falls forward, never to rise again.

Bandit B watches in horror as his lifelong friend leaves his mortal coil behind, by the time his fury starts taking over, you’ve already completed two full rotations of the staff, switched hands and thrust it towards his crotch.

This move has no ancestry, no fancy history, it is a simple jabbing motion, but everyone can agree it is a ball buster when aimed at the right angle.

Bai Hua: 10+2+1+1 =14 | Bandit B = 2

Your hit connects and all the built up speed, as well as your frustration, is released on the man’s crotch. The mist is pushed away by a few meters around you. He flies into the house and crashes through the door and the wall on the other side, you hear a loud cracking sound, it looks like there was a rock behind the house.

Extra reward requirement: Survival of the bandits, Failed.

The mist once again surrounds everything, and seems to be a tiny bit lighter than you're used to in your proximity.

Take a moment to asses the situation (write in), and Roll a 1d20 to see if you can find something useful on them.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Meh, we needed to destress by beating somebody to death I feel like.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Locking, last update for the night.
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>Rolled 14

Neither of the bandits had anything spectacular on them, but the spirit stones in their bags amount to one hundred, which seems to be a decent amount all things considered. Likely the spoils from a few days of robbery. And you did get some Yang infused tea leaves from the former ball haver too, these will at least help you keep from going into deviation when you cultivate.

The rest of the trip is also uneventful, and your steps are even lighter than before, just a little lighter and you’ll be hopping and skipping like a kid.

The dry and arid fog desert slowly becomes a lush forest, and within this forest is Xuazhou, as you approach the city, you can hear the screams of people, the clashing of blades and a few mystical arts being used here and there.

And that will be it for this session! I'll be back in 10-12 ish hours, maybe earlier if I can get my sunday things done quickly.

Any thoughts so far, questions you want to ask, opinions, suggestions, etc?
I like it and I love all Xia stories. I know this is the first thread and you're still setting things up but it feels kinda slow, I'd appriciate some clearer plothooks and goals that we can do instead of just wandering aimlessly.

I do enjoy the random dice rolls for events but yeah at the same time I'd prefer if we have goals we could work towards even if it's just like finding Mythical Herbs, Looting Ancient Treasures or Building up our arsenal of gear.

I'd appriciate getting involved directly in a plothook instead of just wandering around in part so we can also figure out what we're capable of and to build up our character's skills and gear.

Hmm it's honestly kinda hard to for me to also understand how strong and smart the MC is supposed to be, as far as I can tell he can basically destroy anybody on the similar realm but does he basically have an entire library's worth of martials arts in his head? The city lord seemed to be begging towards us so are we effectively strong enough to destroy smaller cities?
Personaly I enjoy the mindless wandering while we cultivate
>how strong and smart the MC is supposed to be
With the starter rolls for body/soul and cultivation he'll have to be at a disadvantage of at least 2 sub stages to start having trouble for a few turns (i.e someone in early qi gathering vs someone in late qi gathering).

>are we effectively strong enough to destroy smaller cities?
Not yet, though you could spend a few turns setting up an array that uses the mist to kill everyone but you'd have to go out of your way to set it up, and get good non combat rolls throughout the process.
Near the outer wall of the city are two stone platforms decorated with Qilin statues on the corners, one of each side of the road.

You see that there are people engaged in combat on each platform, as well as a small crowd cheering and yelling in response to each side’s moves.

Well that’s pretty inoffensive, looks like a small daoist sect’s inner tournament, you continue to approach the city and are brought to a halt by what seems to be a guard in the gate.

”Fellow monk, the entrance fee is 1 spirit stone” says the man, you part with the stone and are allowed entry, the city is a little larger than Heipinghua and doesn’t look as desolate, perhaps not being in the middle of nowhere helps with that. Still, the mist is making

Most of the people you run into as you make your way to the square are in the Foundation stage, very few are in core formation. With this you can deduce that the strongest people should be in the Golden Core stage.

After a couple questions to some people passing by, you find the way to the nearest inn and get the waitress to find you a table, you order tea and some wonton noodles... for 3 spirit stones.

There’s a lot to do if you want to bring the world beyond the gate, so you organize it in a mental list:

1.The physical manifestation of the gate, you’ll need at least 6 people at the Immortal stage to force its appearance.
2. A way to deal with the Gatekeeper, this will require you to figure out what it did during your battle and come up with countermeasures.
2.A way for the world to resist the strain from crossing the gate
3.A way for the world to adjust to the Mist

None of this means anything if you can’t get to the Immortal stage anyways, so you decide to work on a smaller time scale.

1.Get to early Goden Core: This will let you enter any hidden realm up to Soul Dividing, and put your name in the map again.
2.Look into how the mist is “leaking in”, because that shouldn’t be happening in the first place.
3.Look for an apprentice or successor, you’re not quite sure if there are enough Immortals in the world right now, so working to raise an additional ally is going to go a long way.

Your most pressing matters right now are (choose one to continue):
>A lack of understanding on the value of spirit stones, you’re not sure what those 100 stones can even buy you besides food.
>A lack of an environment to cultivate in, the mist will keep getting in your way every single time if you don’t do something about it.
>A lack of information on how the mist is affecting the cultivation scene as a whole, as well as its effects on wildlife and vegetation.

Write ins on how you think you could approach the issue are welcome, no rolls this turn.
>A lack of an environment to cultivate in, the mist will keep getting in your way every single time if you don’t do something about it.
We need to get to Foundation Establishment. Everything else is secondary.
>A lack of an environment to cultivate in, the mist will keep getting in your way every single time if you don’t do something about it.
>A lack of an environment to cultivate in, the mist will keep getting in your way every single time if you don’t do something about it.
>LAck for enviroment.
>We can barter for shelter as an array expert.
Forgot to post, locked and writing!
Well seems like everybody just woke up a little bit ago.
If the mist is going to be constant then you’ll have to work out a solution, you can’t really justify spending fifty years getting to Foundation Establishment, your teacher would hang you by the balls, your brother would hang you by the balls, you yourself would do it before they got the chance to.

You finish your meal, and before leaving, ask the waitress where you can get some decent quality Foundation Establishment talismans and herbs. She names 3 different shops, two of which she rambles about being “too stinky” and “too expensive but good” and then gives you her personal recommendation… ”The goods there are cheaper if you get them in a large volume, personally? I think it’s just a spirit stone laundering front and that’s how they can justify giving things for pennies… Just mind that the quality won’t be the best”

Oh yeah… good old spirit stone laundering, you go straight for the cheap shop, as you reminisce back to how one of your associates from a demonic path sect would run a weapons shop for cultivators “Golden Core and above” in paper, then use the earnings to fund a “luxury inn” in the middle of Datong’s inhospitable deserts. The Datong officials only caught on because someone gave them a lead.

Anyways, you enter the shop, aptly named “Honest Xu” and check the goods.

For your solution you’ll just use arrays, they’re one of the best immediate solutions for almost anything, after Violence and “Pumping more Qi into it” and “Just pump more money into it”.

You will require a few things for the array:
1.Talismans to inscribe instructions into
2. A medium to transfer the energy from talisman to talisman (the easiest, cheapest and most accessible is ink)
3. A treasure, artifact, weapon or cultivation material to serve as the centerpiece for the array so it can be easily operated.

Fondation talismans are 1 spirit stone each, ten for 7 stones, fifty for 25!? Yeah they’re laundering for sure.

Inkstones go for 5 stones each, two for 7, ten for 35.

Second hand foundation artifacts are going for 15 each, while second hand weapons are going for 45, new goods cost about 50 for artifacts and 115 for weapons on average.

You’ll also need to find a place to settle down for a bit. You can simply use a location close to this city and do the same as Heipinghua, but this will limit the capabilities of the array. Or you can find a more isolated area to set up a sophisticated array.
>You can set up an array like the one you left at Heipinghua to redirect the mist so it does not sap your energy during cultivation
>>You’ll use 30 stones on materials (twenty talismans, one inkstone and one second hand artifact). You will roll a 1d6 for the suitable location results. (The -3 penalty will be removed)


>Look for a more isolated area to set up a sophisticated array.
>>You’ll use 77 stones on materials, (fifty talismans, two inkstones and a second hand weapon), The weapon choice will be up to you, and the polarity will be Yang.You can choose a direction to look for your location based on the map and will roll for a 2d6 for the suitable location results and the weapon’s condition. (The -3 penalty will be removed, and depending on the location and weapon results you’ll get a bonus to cultivation rolls)
I forgot to add, you currently have 96 spirit stones and 3 meals a day cost 10.
Do with this information what you will.
Rolled 6, 1 = 7 (2d6)

>Look for a more isolated area to set up a sophisticated array.
>Just wander around and let the dice decide our luck.
Rolled 5, 3 = 8 (2d6)

>Look for a more isolated area to set up a sophisticated array
Locking at :40
I'll still need you to decide what kind of weapon you're buying, you can post a picture of it if you want.
I vote Hidden Weapons, Wires, Needles and Smalls Knives.
Same person btw, just outside using Data.
I don't mind Assassination Tools and Hidden Weapons
Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d6)

>Look for a more isolated area to set up a sophisticated array.
The duality of dice.
Writing, isolated area, hidden weapons.
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You decide to try your luck away from the city, so you get fifty talismans and two inkstones, then go towards the weapons section, amongst the used swords and spears, clearly worn out bows and gauntlets, a few cracked shields you spot a small knife with tiny little a black stone embedded to the handle.

“Is that what I think it is?”

You suppress the urge of checking it out immediately and simply grab the thing, then add in a simple black hanfu, if you’re getting a hidden weapon it will be hard to use if all you have is a piece of cloth covering one half of your torso.

You take the items to the clerk, who sums everything at 82 spirit stones, the cheap hanfu was 5 stones, and gives you a stick of candied hawthorn because you spent over 50 stones in your purchase.

You’re left with 14 stones, of which you spend 10 in consumables like salted fish and normal tea leaves, then wait for night to come while eating the little extra you got.

You storm out of the city before the sun rises, bags on your shoulder, and just leave it to fortune and follow the wind… which is flowing west.

After what seems to be a few hours, the moon is now falling down, and you feel like you should set up “camp” here. It’s a clearing with a few robust trees in the surrounding area, the river is a couple minutes away so water will not be an issue and like always, the mist is keeping everyone nice and scared.

Time to work.

Your trick in Heipinghua was simply moving the mist out of the way, what you’ll do here is use the mist to bring in and keep the Yang energy around you while staying out of the way.

You prepare Eight talismans to guide the flow of the mist in a circular pattern, sixteen to create the vortex effect you’re looking for, another sixteen to create a Yang vacuum, and keep ten spare for replacement or repairs just in case, lay down the ink work and do a double check of everything to make sure it will work.

Most of the energy will be coming in from the sun, and the rest you’ll likely absorb from the soil around you.
The centerpiece for the array would have been the knife you got, if it didn’t have the black “Stone”

You take the knife apart and extract the stone, then circulate a little energy into the tip of your finger, and the “Stone” begins to melt and reach towards your finger.

”It really was! How did this end up in such a dingy place! It’s the Sunspot! Ahahahahaha!”

Sunspot, a divine Yang weapon crafted by the Primordial Dragon Shama for Demon Emperor Jusuf back in your day.

The weapon’s true form is a liquid that changes its form when infused with energy, its raw destructive power is not the highest, but it is the most versatile divine armament of your era, you can increase the total “liquid” but it’s honestly impossible below Soul Fusion.

The thing gets incredibly hot despite its black color, so you’ll be better off shaping it into small projectiles to control its explosive power and keep yourself out of harm’s way… Being able to shape it at will also means you can make the perfect centerpiece for your needs, assuming the medium can resist the “charge” the Sunspot has.

The sun rises, and it’s time to cultivate.

The array has removed the mist’s -3 penalty!
The vacuum effect of the array will bring in more Yang energy than normal! +2
You’ve found a great location! +6
The unnamed buddhist temple’s staff resonates with you! +1
With the Sunspot as the centerpiece you probably won’t run into any issues! +5

Roll a 1d20 for cultivation and
>choose how you want to cultivate (sitting, practicing combat, physically exercising, dancing, write in), this choice is entirely for flavor, you can go wild if you want.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>Cultivate in the Horse Stance to train up your body alongside your mind
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

kek, check how it's done.

Do the 30x5 exercise. Truly advanced.
1 for Horse Stance
1 for 5x30
Closing at :50
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Locking, lets see what the dice have to say.
>12+2+6+1+5= 26

You infuse the sunspot with a little Yin Qi, and the array starts doing its thing.
In a few moments the area is cleared from the mist, and the Yang Qi starts to flow in, the air starts getting warm and you assume the horse stance for the first time in this body.

And isn't this body fresh, despite your blessed constitution, you still get cramps and can feel pain.

You keep the stance for a few minutes, stop for a breather and drink some water, then repeat. This process takes up most of the day, in your eagerness to begin, you forgot to prepare your lunch, but you didn’t feel like stopping to cook, so you skipped eating during the day.

”Huff… To be… young again… huff…”[i/]. You stop the array and lift the sunspot, head towards the river with your bag in hand, and wash the salt off one of your fishes.

Shape the sunspot into a flat disk, drop the fish on it and infuse it with a tiny little bit of Qi, just enough to fill the tip of a cat’s hair.

That brings you back to the day Jusuf got it from Shama, everyone had been expecting the tyrannical emperor to shape the divine armament into his signature giant sword, take off and subjugate the last independent tribes.

What he did instead was shape it into a grill and make Shama, and the other immortals present, his prided braised emerald jingwei wings with hundred year yin ginseng. It was all fun and games until Shama noticed and kicked his ass.

You did ask her to make you a weapon on a few occasions, but she would always decline, saying ”Your dumb ass has no care or appreciation for a blacksmith’s craft. I can picture it, you’ll get in trouble and blow it up or give it away to save your skin.”.

It would always sting, but not enough for you to change your ways…

The fish was good, it had a bit of a metallic taste to it, but it might be the lack of oil. You then wash the Sunspot with a little water and shape it back into a stone.

”Thank you Shama.”

It is night time, you’re back at the array site, drinking some water to pass the time.

>Reminisce some more (you’ll learn more about Bai Hua, choose about what)
>Get some sleep, you’ll cultivate more tomorrow
>Get some sleep, you’ll explore the surrounding areas in detail (What are you looking for)

Qi Gathering progress: 41/60
>Get some sleep, you’ll explore the surrounding areas in detail (What are you looking for)
>Look for the Flowers that only grow in The Mist.
>Get some sleep, you’ll cultivate more tomorrow
1 in favor of looking for mist flowers, 1 in favor of cultivating again
Locking at :00
>Get some sleep, you’ll explore the surrounding areas in detail (What are you looking for)
>Look for the Flowers that only grow in The Mist.
Rolled 6 (1d6)


Give me a 1d6
Rolled 2 (1d6)

It didn't roll been a bit.
Rolled 4 (1d6)

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Rolled 15 (1d20)

You walked for a couple hours, but couldn’t find any traces of these Mist Flowers.

”Well, so much for that..” Just as you’re about to turn around and head back to the array zone, a Lightning Horned Ram appears through the mist, horns crackling with electricity, its chest puffed to look larger and one eye locked on you.

Doesn’t look like it will let you fall back.

Lightning Horned Ram: Middle Foundation | Lightning element | 1 Action

Objective: Subjugate the Lightning Horned Ram
Extra reward requirement: Do not damage the horns or the liver.

You have two actions, use them wisely.

>Attack the goat with your staff (Choose the attack angle) and roll a d20
>Attempt to use a Mystical Art (What element?) and roll a d20
>Use the Sunspot (how are you shaping it?) and roll a d100
>Evade and roll a d10
Rolled 92 (1d100)

>Use the Sunspot (how are you shaping it?) and roll a d100
>Shape some of the Sunspot into tiny needles then fire a swarm of needles into the Goat's Eyes.
>Use Mythical Arts to cause the earth beneath the Ram to buckle and tear trying to cause the Ram to lose its footing so that it can't use its speed.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 25 (1d100)

I'll support >>6193428 >>6193427
Rolling 1d20 and 1d100.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

As expected of the Crimson War God, locking.
At least our combat rolls have been decent.
Your instinctual thought is rushing it down and bashing its skull in with the staff, or exsanguinating it by attacking its inner hind legs with your new knife, but there’s not much point in engaging on close combat when you have a divine weapon that can be used from afar.

”Let’s see what this baby can do when used at the Qi Gathering stage”

You casually open your left hand and point the stone towards the ram, and circulate a fraction of your energy into it visualize the form you want, and command the weapon. The horns will be useful, so you’ll try to avoid damaging them…

”Shoot a few needles into its eyes, disrupt its movement so it doesn’t rush me down while it is blinded, then shoot it again or bash it when it’s down”

If there's something you got beaten into you then it has to be that a methodical approach to fighting is always good.

Bai Hua: 92+2+0+0= 94 | Lightning Horned Ram= 15


The needles shoot out at a speed your (currently untrained) eye can barely register, the ram attempted to move but was unable to. They enter the eye, pass through it and pierce the skull, the brain, and exit the beast's cranial bone before coming to a stop in the hill behind it, about 200 meters away, you can tell because there is a red colored smoke trail coming out of the ram's head and a small shockwave all the way back there.

The ram spasms in place and falls over, there are no cries, no rushing you down, the residual heat from the needles boiled its brain in an instant.

>Use Mythical Arts to cause the earth beneath the Ram to buckle and tear trying to cause the Ram to lose its footing so that it can't use its speed.

The Ram's corpse simply shakes to the sides.

"...Heh heh."

What was the purpose of this? The thing is already clearly dead, but you just wanted to make sure from a distance... just in case.

Extra reward requirement: Do not damage the horns or the liver | Met!
You have obtained a Lightning Horned Ram's horns, as well as it liver.

>The horns are Yang Polarity material that can be held during cultivation for an immediate boost on cultivation rolls, or as an array centerpiece to free the sunspot for use during cultivation.

>The liver is a Yang Polarity material that can be used in cooking to obtain a temporary boost to cultivation rolls, or dried and ground into a fine powder, the powder has a variety of uses, but you'll need an apothecary or an alchemist to process it for you.

Roll a d20 to see if you can get anything else from the goat (What do you think would also be useful?)

Sunspot rolls before Golden Core will be to mitigate the collateral damage caused by it, use it wisely.
Also, action order is important.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Well we couldn't be sure if the Ram would have died or not, we the readers can't really tell what will happen.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Of course the Heavens hate us.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Behold, a natty, for funsies

I figure the kidneys would probably be useful. Based on what? I have no idea.
Sell the lightning balls as an aphrodisiac.
>We should be able to sell the fur
As expected of the Crimson War God!
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You recall the needles, making sure to do so without the intent to harm (A safety measure put in place by Shama and explained to all Immortals). And walk towards the ram, the horns are a given so you chop them off, and you also remember being in an auction once where the liver was being sold, so you open its belly with your new knife and gut the thing. The stench of boiled brains is replaced by the stench of blood and guts, nothing new.

And then there’s the rest of the body… there’s no way there isn’t anything else you can’t sell or use for cultivation.

You rack your brains for an answer, despite living for thousands of years, having an absurd amount of battle experience, knowing more battle techniques than you would realistically use in a fight, and being knowledgeable in (now old) religion and politics, you have shit for brains when it comes to wildlife, medicine, and alchemy.

You can work your way around creating and tinkering with artifacts, but that’s more by virtue of reaching Immortality and understanding “how things work” on a more granular level than being the results of research and study.

You know how to kill things, you’re very good at figuring out how to kill something effectively, but you’re not good at the next part. You always left it to “The guy” or “The lass” to pick out the spoils from beast hunting, if you needed medicines you’d buy them with the spoils from battle, if you wanted custom pills you’d contact your nearest alchemist, fork over some stones or treasures and let them care of the rest.

”The fur looks good, you can probably make something with it… the kidneys? I have no idea, I might as well take the balls too while I’m at it.”

Kidneys: 9

The removal of the kidneys proves difficult, you have no idea if you’re supposed to remove just the kidneys, or if you should remove them with the veins and the duct, so you settle on just the veins.
Using the 11 roll for the balls, because the heavens find it funny

You chop the ram’s balls off with a clean slice, grabbing the whole package penis included, and muse about how this is your first time grabbing balls that are not your own as you place everything in the piece of cloth you got from the buddhist temple, and neatly wrap it keeping the organs from touching each other.

You already sliced the thing open before skinning it, so you’ll be paid less, that much you know at least. You roll up the skin and tuck it under your arm, then head straight for Xuzhou. Nothing worth noting happened thanks to the mist, and you’re back in the city by dusk.

The entrance fee is paid, and after asking a few passing people, you find your way to the apothecary’s shop. A smaller and even darker place than “Honest Xu”, the apothecary is a tired old lady full of wrinkles, who takes her time checking your spoils.

”Middle Foundation is pretty good for this time of the year… what with the mist and all.

The horns are in a perfect state, I can give you 75 for one, 150 stones for both.

The liver I can buy for 120, or you give me 20 stones and I process it for you.

The kidneys… you’ll want to remove the veins next time boy, they will degrade faster and mess with the quality… a good pair goes for 70, but since these got messed up I can give you 30.

Same for the skin, if you’re going to get the skin then do it before slicing the thing open… I can give you 50 because you brought the whole thing.. Will have to do something about those burnt spots in the back of the head though.

Been a couple decades since I saw Lightning Horned Ram's of this quality, it was definitely in rut… Nice clean cut, I guess you’re a swordsman… The testicles can be processed into a paste or powder to give cohesion to some mixtures, they’re not too useful by themselves… The penis though, we can dry it and use it to help stimulate blood circulation, it’s mostly sold as a premium ingredient to gentlemen.

I can buy the testicles for 35, and the penis for 315 stones, or if you’re having trouble I can process it for 20.

>How will you sell the goods? Are you going to keep something? Need anything processed?
>What will you do with the earnings?
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Wow the balls were actually an Aphrodisiac lol.

>Sell the Kidneys, the Skin, the Balls and the Penis for 430.
>Have the Liver Processed for 20 Stones.
>Buy a set of Qi Recovery and Blood Recover/Healing Pills. 80 Stones for a set of each.
>Buy 80 Stones worth of lesser Yang Polarity Pills.
>That should give us 300 Stones left over.

>Haggle to get the best pills we can get, rolling 1d100 since we've had better luck with 1d100s I feel.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Supporting >>6193515 but also ask if she sells any spatial/treasure rings or bags so we can store our items in the future.
>Sell one of the horns, the kidneys, the skin, the testicles and penis
>Proces the liver
>Buy 80 stones worth of lesser Ying Polarity Pills.
Unless I'm wrong those work better with our Extreme Yang
>Buy a set of Qi Recovery and Blood Recover/Healing Pills. 80 Stones for a set of each.
We're Extreme Yin not Extreme Yang. So our Weapons and Pills need to be Yang Based but we can use Yin Abilities through our body pretty well. Not that we've been taking too much advantage of this fact.
Ahh in that case I'm changing >>6193518
>Buy 80 stones worth of lesser Yang Polarity Pills.
I'll take the preemptive haggling roll just this time. Writing
Last update for the night, will be back in 12 hours or so.
You'll need way more than what you have right now for a spatial treasure.

”I’m fortunate to have no trouble down there, thank you.
The horns I’m keeping, help me process the liver and I’ll sell you the rest…
Give me a set of Qi Recovery and Blood Recovery pills, and what can 80 stones get me if I want Lesser Yang Polarity pills?”

”About five or so.” Answers the apothecary, already

”About five or so of your best?”
”About five or so of my only ones, when you do this long enough, the only way to get ‘better’ results is with better materials. I’ll give you three more if you shut up and let me process the liver in silence.”

”Fair enough.” You let the woman work her magic, rather than using mystical arts, she rubs some acrid liquid on the liver and it is dried in a matter of minutes, the liquid becoming crystals that are wiped off with a dry piece of cloth. She then uses mortar and pestle to grind it into a fine powder, packs it in a small cloth pouch, and gives you the purchased items as well as the spirit stones.

You obtained 430 spirit stones, of which you used 180 for supplies, leaving you with a total of 250.
Each recovery set you purchased has 10 pills neatly packed into two color coded pouches (blue for Qi, Red for Blood), you instinctively switch the contents of the pouches.

It is late into the night, you can stay at an inn for 10 spirit stones and roll a 1d6, or you can rush back to the array and arrive in time to start cultivating with the first rays of sunlight.

>Stay at an inn (roll a 1d6)


>Go back to the array to cultivate
>>Decide how you will use the Ram's horn, the liver powder, the lesser pills, Sunspot, and the knife and staff
>>Roll a d20
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>>Go back to the array to cultivate
>>Go back to the array to cultivate with our new pills
Rolled 5 (1d6)

>Stay at an inn (roll a 1d6)
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Forgot the Dice
Hey can we use Casaulity Denial to bring Honest Xu through body reformation/revitalization so that we can have a sexy pocket alchemist?
>first girling a literal hag
damn dude
My fetish is when actual decrepit hags turn into beautiful women then having intense animalistic breeding sex with them.
I forgot about the +3 bonus to cultivation rolls from the tower event in >>6192672, so I will add it to the results we get this time around.

Tables organized, this won't happen again.

You'll run into better Causality Denial candidates, yes there will be hags I promise.
Maybe paste the current happening events on the top of the post, the Tower, The Mist and the Opening Grand Treasure Place.
Also I'm just memeing about the hag thing but once we reach Qi Foundation Establishment we gotta go groom a small child or regress an elderly person to be our assistant.
You’ll just return to the array site, there should be enough time to start cultivation right as you get there, at this point you’re almost glad the mist is around to keep things free from nosy beasts and people.

You fiddle a little with the horns so they can be used as your array’s centerpiece, it will not be as effective as the Sunspot, but you’ll be able to keep it on you and raise its resonance, Shama would understand.

The array is activated, and then you consume a single Lesser Yang Polarity pill… you might be able to take more but it’s best to be cautious. Then dip your pinky in the Lightning Horned Ram Liver powder and tap your forehead, right in the third eye’s location.

The array has removed the mist’s -3 penalty!
The world senses the appearance of the tower and prepares its inhabitants! +3 (Time dilation is a bitch, +3!)
The vacuum effect of the array will bring in more Yang energy than normal! +2
You’ve found a great location! +6
The unnamed buddhist temple’s staff resonates with you! +1
You’re confident the Ram’s Horns will be a good enough centerpiece! +2
The Lesser Yang Polarity pill stimulates your meridians! +2
Your Third Eye is more receptive because of the liver powder! +2


The Yang Qi flows in unimpeded, your body has no problems accepting it and refining it into Yin Qi, you would feel chilly were it not for the fact that the vortex of yang energy is hot enough to cause a mortal to pass out.

The process of cultivation is made up of three parts, the nurturing of the Body, the nurturing of the Soul and the nurturing of the Mind.

A nurtured body allows for a strong soul, A nurtured soul allows the mind one to perceive and understand the principles of the world, and a nurtured mind allows one to control their own destiny.

In order to successfully break through to a higher stage three things are necessary:

First is having a body strong enough to support the soul, exercise and physical training are required for this.

Second is a soul strong enough to grasp at the concept of the next stage, meditation and practice of mystical arts will help with this strengthening.

Third is the understanding and use of the next realm’s concept. A nurtured mind is needed for this, the stronger the mind the less risk of deviation there is, but should deviation happen, the stronger it will be.
Qi Gathering is the very first stage, where the cultivator begins to project their body and mind into the soul, this projection is called the “Sea of Consciousness”. And as one progresses, this sea of consciousness is transformed.

Foundation requires the individual to “Solidify” this sea into a landmass, many people will not make it past Qi Gathering, because they’re unable to complete the first transformation.

As a former Immortal, Bai Hua’s Mind already has a deep understanding of all cultivation stages, so he is exempt from Breakthrough dice checks. Other characters will be subject to them, but they can be mitigated in various ways by using Bai Hua’s expertise.

You contract the sea of consciousness into a drop of water with the might of your “Body” and compress it with your Immortal mind until it is no longer visible to the naked eye.

The land that you want to form is:
>A vast plain (Earth related trait)
>An mountain range (Water/Ice related trait)
>A deep trench (Dark related trait)
>A tower of strange architecture (???? related trait)

What you think about while doing this is
>A positive memory
>A negative memory

You’ll use this opportunity to
>Temper your eyes
>Temper your bones
>Temper your veins

Roll a 1d6
>A tower of strange architecture (???? related trait)
Mystery Box!
>A negative memory
Fuck the Gatekeeper
>Temper your eyes
Well our biggest benefit seems to be our intelligence more than anything
>A tower of strange architecture (???? related trait)
>A positive memory
>Temper your eyes
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>A tower of strange architecture (???? related trait)
>A negative memory
>Temper your veins
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolling for post breakthrough event, don't mind me.

Locking at :40.
Rolled 4 (1d6)

>A tower of strange architecture (???? related trait)
>A positive memory
>Temper your eyes
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Memory tie breaker.
Just wanted to clarify if this is basically our inventory or if we're missing anything. So we get a better idea of what we have.

>[Bai Hua]

>Cultivation Level: Lower Qi Gathering | Progress 41/60
[Qi Gathering] -> Foundation Establishment -> Core Formation -> Golden Core -> Soul Dividing -> Soul Nurturing -> Soul Fusion -> Immortality

>Cultivation Path:
[Extreme Yin]
The practitioner will excel in the use of a single Polarity of Mystical arts, but cannot use arts of the opposite polarity arts.
On the other hand, treasures and weapons of the opposite polarity will have a higher resonance, and those of the same polarity will be less effective.



Nameless Yang Energy Staff | Weapon Resonance 1

A random staff that Bai Hua got as a reward from some Buddhist monks so that he could protect himself after his rebirth. Helped him recover from almost Qi deviation when a city official kept trying to throw woman at him in an attempt to honey trap him.

The Sunspot | Yang Attributed Liquid |

A malleable liquid totaling the volume of a small palm-sized gem. It can be shaped into whatever the user wants and burns incredibly hot. It was originally a Divine Yang Weapon created for an ancient Demon Emperor but was left rotting in a backstreets store.

Lesser Yang Polarity Pills: 7
Some lesser Yang Polarity Pills can help a cultivator build up their cultivation level.

Qi Recovery Pills: 10
Some Qi recovery pills which can help a cultivator quickly build up their Qi so that they can keep using mythical arts or powerful martial arts.

Blood Recovery Pills: 10
Some alchemical pills which can help heal external injuries around the body while replenishing a person's blood caused by said injuries.

Minor Spirit Stones: 250
Spirit stones are used as currency by cultivators and can help a person with their cultivation by absorbing the energy inside.

Lightning Ram Liver Powder: 1 Liver's worth
??? No Idea, it's a Yang Polarity Material that could probably be turned into a greater Foundation Establishment Cultivation Pill or something.

Lightning Ram Horns: 2 Horns
A Yang Polarity Materials taken from a Lightning Horned Ram. Can be used as a material for cultivation or turned into any number of treasures.
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You made a big, imposing volcano In your past “life” because you thought it was the strongest most imposing kind of landmass... ah to be young. You then learned that in this world trenches are way more imposing simply because of the depth they hold.

This part is best done instinctively, so you’ll think about something and let your subconscious do its thing.

The first time you ran into The Gatekeeper was when your astral projection let you outside of this world, the the gate was full of mist, and beyond the mist was the infinite, with landmasses you hadn’t even dreamt about, colors you didn’t think existed and stars that defied all rationality, each landmass held buildings of incomprehensible designs and purposes.

You are currently seeing yourself wandering in that endless sea of mist.

”Oh? I wasn’t expecting someone to show up… Greetings, I am °!#%&... Your name is?” There was no source for the voice, it simply spoke into your mind.

”Bai Hua, Esteemed °!#%&. May I know where I am?”

”Hmm… One could refer to this as a bridge, or a gate of sorts. Being here means you’re apt to cross over, why don’t you check what awaits on the other side?”

”This is just my mind, I don’t feel prepared yet. Will I be able to return?”

”That will depend on a few things, Oh?”

A pair of eyes stares at you, and it is not the “You” in the memory.

”...You will definitely return, I can guarantee that.”

You panic and snap out of your trance, take a moment to get yourself together and then use a small amount of spirit sense to do self inspection… You didn’t botch anything, that’s a relief.

The “Landmass” you created is a large tower of strange design, it mirrors that of the strange structures beyond the gate but is currently a poor imitation, your soul and body are not strong enough to stand the real deal, nothing that can’t be fixed as you cultivate.

You focused on your eyes during this process, and it has paid off very well. The colors of this world outside of the array somehow feel… less vivid than before, you can see beyond the swirling mist.

Bai Hua: Early Foundation Establishment | 18/120
Special Traits:

Crimson War God’s Dance: +1 Action in combat, +2 on combat rolls +1 on failure rolls. Roll bonus increases by 1 per turn, an extra action is gained every odd turn.
Eyes of the Unshackled: Hua is able to see the differences in the flow of energy around him instead of needing to perceive it with his Qi, the mist no longer affects his visibility.

Nameless Yang Energy Staff (Foundation) | Weapon Resonance 1 - No Breakthrough
The Sunspot | Weapon resonance 0 -> +1

”Are they conscious even in a memory or did I somehow end ‘back there’... Interesting…”

You deactivate the array and get ready to leave, you might be able to keep using this setup to cultivate, but it will take longer to break through as opposed to finding a better location.
As you’re packing everything up, a lone figure walks out of the forest.
A young man, a little thin, long hair tied high up, face on the normal side but you can see the appeal to sheltered young ladies. White Hanfu, a piece of jade with very rich Yin Qi hanging from his hip and a rather long sword on his back.

He looks to be in the early Foundation stage just like you, and the quality of his Qi is very, very good.

“I don’t mean to pry but how did you do that? ” he asks.

“Just an array, seven thousand spirit stones and it’s yours.”

He reaches for the sword “And if I beat you blue and black?”

“Oh? You want to try?”

You will
>He dares? Beat him up (Combat)
>Talk him down, he’s just a brat (Roll a 1d100)
What is this guy? A bandit? Some common cur? Shameful. No wonder he gets no bitches. He doesn't even have that villain pizzazz. No style. No flourish. Just boring threats. BACK IN OUR DAY, EVILDOERS WERE COOL
Rolled 31 (1d100)

>He dares? Beat him up (Combat)
Ahh a young master courting death, classic.

>Throw up a hasty Darkness Spell to cover the area and rob him of his sight. (1d100)

It's an arrogant young master probably from some noble clan. There's about a few hundred of those guys running around causing trouble for everybody.
Getting mixed signals here, the dice check is to talk him down.
If you choose combat we'll have a turn where you can plan your approach and do combat rolls.
>He dares? Beat him up (Combat)
>Charge forward before he has a chance to draw his sword and start fighting him unarmed aiming to incapacitate.
Ahh I misremembered I thought martial arts was 1d20 and mythical arts were 1d100. Turns out that was just the sunspot.

I was aiming for a quick spell before he had a chance to act rip. Just Combat's fine then.
Post Breakthrough event: Ren Luoyang

He dares? He dares! He doesn’t talk like a lowlife so he’s either a little young master or an overconfident kid.

Very well, you’ll just beat some respect for others into him.

Ren Luoyang | Early Foundation Establishment | Sword | Jade infused with Yin Qi | 1 Action
Extra reward requirement: Ren Luoyang survives for 3 turns

You have two actions, remember that order is important.

>Throw up a hasty Darkness Spell to cover the area and rob him of his sight. (Roll a d20)
>Charge at him, what good is a sword if you can’t use it (Roll a d20)
>Grab your staff, he will unsheathe his sword, but it will give you time to see his stance
>Use the sunspot (What form? Roll a d100)
Rolled 10, 13 = 23 (2d20)

>Throw up a hasty Darkness Spell to cover the area and rob him of his sight. (Roll a d20)
>Charge at him, what good is a sword if you can’t use it (Roll a d20)
Rolled 10, 13 = 23 (2d20)

>Throw up a hasty Darkness Spell to cover the area and rob him of his sight. (Roll a d20)
>Charge at him, what good is a sword if you can’t use it (Roll a d20)

Ohh hey we actually rolled decent. Make sure not to beat him down too hard so we can teach him a lesson.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Locking, Rolling for Ren Luoyang's reaction.
Rolled 9, 10 = 19 (2d20)

>Charge at him, what good is a sword if you can’t use it (Roll a d20)
>Start targeting punching and targeting the man's non vital areas, trying to inflict pain on him while keeping him conscious.

Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

You circulate your Qi into the palm of your hand and aim it at him, releasing a “Cone” of darkness that covers the area directly in front, then charge at him from the side and throw a high kick.

The kick hits the kid's hand and prevents him from pulling his sword out, but he pulls himself together and manages to barely meet your follow up punches and kicks with some of his own… Not bad, you’re not using any real techniques though.

You exchange a few blows, neither side taking any damage and he jumps back to create distance while unsheathing his sword.

”Heh… You're not bad for someone who only broke through! Let’s see if you can deal with this!”

The sword is exposed to the air and strong Yin Qi pushes the mist around, you can “see” that he’s channeling his Qi from the Dantian towards his right arm and the blade.

“You’re pretty bad if someone who only broke through is giving you trouble heh heh” The mocking tone of your reply seems to have ticked him off a little, and the Qi intensifies.

Assuming he’s strong enough, he can unsheathe his blade with a downward motion to shoot a wave of sword intent at you, or he can finish unsheathing it, land and rush you.

You will
>Wait and evade (1 action), roll a 1d10
>Focus solely on evasion (2 actions), roll a 2d10
>Charge at him again and try to keep the fight unarmed. (Left or Right), roll a d20
>Throw something at him (Where? What will you throw?) roll a d20
>Prepare your staff
>Prepare the knife
>Use the Sunspot (What form? Roll a d100)
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>Charge at him again and try to keep the fight unarmed. His Right, keep beating right sword hand where he's channeling his Qi.
>Wait and evade (1 action), roll a 1d10
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 6, 8 = 14 (2d20)

>Charge him to keep the fight unarmed
>The focus on evading his blows.

1 of 3 turns down.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>>Prepare your staff
>>Meet his attack with one of our own using the Nameless Staff.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>>Prepare your staff
>>Meet his attack with one of our own using the Nameless Staff. 1d20
2 for charging in and evading
2 for using the staff to meet his attack.
Closing at :20
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Tie breaker roll.
Shame that I don't think the rolls will transfer over.
Yeah, I'm only using the rolls that voted for the decision that wins. It's still the first thread so I could change it if there's enough feedback, I wouldn't mind.

Bai Hua: 8+2 =10 | Ren Luoyang: 15+1 =16

You kick off the ground to charge at him with the intention of keeping the fight unarmed, but the Jade in his hip glows for an instant and the speed of his Qi’s circulation increases, he’s able to complete infusing the sword and unsheathe it by the time you’re close enough to reach him, all you can do is smack it to your left side.

(”Tch… I can only change the angle of the slash, I’ll have to evade it!”)

Bai Hua: 1+2 =3

You try your best to move out of the way, and barely manage to avoid being sliced in two, in exchange your left arm is left with a long cut from shoulder to elbow. Not a life threatening injury, but it will make beating this dumbass up more difficult.

The brat lands and starts walking towards you, sword in hand. “You were saying?”

Your left arm is injured, if you use the staff, you’ll have to roll at a -2 penalty.

You have two actions
>Use Mystical Arts (What element, how will you use it) and roll a d20 (1 action)
>Prepare the knife (1 action)
>Use the Sunspot (What form?) Roll a d100 (1 action)
>Evade with a d10 (1 action)

Turn 2 out of 3
Rolled 1, 8 = 9 (2d20)

>>Use Mystical Arts to Freeze his legs or slow him down
>Use Mythical Arts to launch a large boulder at him
Rolled 28 (1d100)

>Use the Sunspot to patch our wound
>Attack him again using the staff.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolling 1d20 for the staff.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

>Support >>6193887

A liquid perhaps acting like a cast/gauntlet?
>Yeah, I'm only using the rolls that voted for the decision that wins. It's still the first thread so I could change it if there's enough feedback, I wouldn't mind.
Knowing that people will probably just bait rolls and change their vote to fit whichever roll is higher. Probably better to just share the rolls.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Staff time, use it to.disarm him of his sword, maybe that him on the elbows.
Locking at :20

Might as well yeah
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Locked, writing, let's see how well Ren Luoyang does this turn.
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This is the start of turn 3 so you should have had 3 actions, I will add a third one for flavor to make up for my mistake. Please have mercy on this QM, I'll keep better track of the convoluted trait I made in future battles.

Also really good thinking with the sunspot!

You grab the Sunspot with your right hand and circulate Qi into it, then slide it down your arm over the cut.

Rolled 75, Crimson War God Bonus (Turn 3): +4, Weapon Resonance “Sunspot”: +1 = 80

The liquid is as hot as scalding water when it comes in contact with your skin, but it detects your intent and cools down forming a sort of elastic cast. The bleeding is reduced, but you’ll still have to take a blood recovery pill later.

The young man takes a stance for another strike, you can see he’s channeling the remaining Qi on the blade as you reach for the staff.

Bai Hua: 19+4+1 = 24 | Ren Luoyang: 7+1 =8

The jade does not flash this time... he’s too slow, and by the time he cuts you’re already running towards him. The sword qi arcs towards you, is deflected with a gentle motion of the staff, and trails into one of the trees surrounding the clearing.

You spin the staff once and smack his solar plexus from below, at an angle to dig into the spleen.


"Star Academy Corrective Staff Technique: Late for Class!"[/]

As he’s falling to his knees, you tap the top of his head with the tip of the staff just light enough for him to feel it.

Ren Luoyang survived for 3 turns!

You will let him off easy, it’s been a while since you saw a kid talented enough to injure you and the way he writhes in pain is kinda funny.

>Give him some pointers on combat or cultivation (write in your idea and I’ll tweak it if needed)
>Ask him about the jade
>Ask him if he knows about a better place to cultivate
>Ask him if he knows anything about the mist
>Write in (you’re invited to be condescending or teasing/mocking)
>Rob him of his pills, his gear and most of his stones while he's unconscious.
>Examine the Jade yourself but give it back to him.
>Give him some pointers, firstly tell him not to be such a dumbass next time because he doesn't know what sort of person he'd meet in the world. Then give him some other pointers, his sword technique has a lot of destructive power but it's incredibly slow. He'll need to learn how to intermix faster and more flexible movements in between Qi channeling.
>Rob him of his pills, his gear and most of his stones while he's unconscious. Just check to see what interesting things he has.
>Examine the Jade yourself but give it back to him.
>Give him some pointers, firstly tell him not to be such a dumbass next time because he doesn't know what sort of person he'd meet in the world. Then give him some other pointers, his sword technique has a lot of destructive power but it's incredibly slow. He'll need to learn how to intermix faster and more flexible movements in between Qi channeling
By what sort of person he'd meet in the world I mean making it clear he would be dead by now if we were a more wicked person.

Also it felt like he was using Draw Techniques but his wind up time seemed a bit slow and reliant on the Jade so he'll need to either mix in Low Qi Draw Attacks or learn how to fight with the Sheath while the Qi gathers.
Seems about right.

>Well youngster, Foolish brutalism didn't work did it? Karmic wise, it is I who shall now reclaim your pills.
>Still you have talent, no denying it, but your overconfidence is only matched by the titan wait for your build up. Most disparaging.
You roll him around with the staff and start to run your hands through his sleeves and pockets “Aiya kids these days…”

You empty the spirit stone pouch, then put 11 back in, enough for a day’s worth of food and the entry to Xuzhou “Back in MY day we wouldn’t talk like that if we didn’t know we could win”

He’s almost out of both Blood and Qi Recovery pills (1 of each so you’ll just leave them there), he either fights a lot or just got out of a realm. “What if you run into a hidden dragon? You’re lucky I’m such a magnanimous and outstanding elder, otherwise you wouldn’t even leave a drop of blood behind ”

“That move should be the first movement of Mount Yengyue’s Eternal Ice Blade, no?” You reach for the jade and touch it with your left hand, a voice tries to enter your mind through it, and you rap it with your fingernails a few times. “You shut up, I’m talking to him right now”

The jade grows silent.

“Listen up, the idea of that move is to be FAST, not strong, you’ve got some good sword intent, no denying it, but it’s useless if you take too long to even pull out.” There’s a single white flower in his pocket, which you put in one of your bags.

He tries to struggle, so you dig your palm under his ribs and dig into the spleen again.

“If you want a strong attack then there’s better options, ‘Lone Night Petal’ is hard to defend against because it’s a stab, the thinner your sword intent the better. The 13th move ‘Ice Leopard’s Call’ is mostly used to create space so you can sheathe again, but if you rotate your torso fast enough, it becomes the strongest move at close range.”

“The position of your sword is also wrong for that style too, you want it in your hip aiyaa…”

”Let him go! Aren’t you ashamed of bullying a kid like him?”

“Bullying him? This is just compensation for the injuries to my arm, and who are you? Last I remember shoving souls into artifacts was taboo in Yengyue.”

”I’m Meng Jixia!”
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“The Silver Sword Saint? Then I’m the Crimson War God, nice to meet you!”

”But you ARE the Crimson War God! And that in your arm is Jusuf’s Sunspot!”

“Okay, if you’re Meng Jixia, and I’m supposed to be the Crimson War God, you can just tell me something only the two of us would know”

”The small cave in the way to Chuehoi from Kamshuikok…”

“... You… Forget it, I’m keeping this until he can actually use it, and tell him to keep you safe or I’ll skin him alive, I’ve been practicing.”

”You’re going? It’s been a thousand years, we could… talk a bit more… maybe…”

“About what, how we got beaten like dogs and left like this? I’d rather not know how long you’ve been inside that thing, if you’re still around by the time I get my power back I’ll help you out.”

You take the kid’s sword, a fine product from Mount Yengyue’s sword sect, seems to have been made specifically for Core Formation swordsmen, but a sword is a sword and will still cut no matter the stage, if you use it you’ll have to be careful. The Yin Qi was not from the sword but from Meng Jixia, one of the 6 immortals.

There is an inscription in the sword’s guard “Drifting Flower”

You’ll be able to use the sword as is, but it would be better to attune it with Yang for the best results, you’ll need to find a Late Foundation Establishment Yang Beast or higher for the process.

You’ve obtained 243 spirit stones, a white flower, and a Yengyue Mount sword “Drifting Flower”

Your breakthrough will allow you to travel further, now you can:
>Head west towards Xuzhouning and into the country of Zhong
>Back to Xuzhou and set off for Jianyang (Are you restocking? anything you want to buy?)
>Southwest towards Zhenyun
That post was hilarious actually.

>Spend some spirit stones and ask for information on where to find places teeming with Mythical Beasts and Herbs. Then make your way towards whichever city that is.

Do the Xianxia, abuse Elixirs and eat legendary animals.

>Spend some spirit stones to find information on which city has the best Alchemists and Artisans then make our way towards it.

Let's go kidnap and raise our own pocket alchemist somewhere.
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I'm writing something just for fluff, also here's our current inventory, feel free to vote if you've been lurking.
>Spend some spirit stones to find information on which city has the best Alchemists and Artisans then make our way towards it.
>Meets old buddy. Talks for 5 seconds. Leaves. Doesn't catch up. Based.
>Spend some spirit stones to find information on which city has the best Alchemists and Artisans then make our way towards it.
>Spend some spirit stones on a book of the past 100 years of notable events. Preview it as we travel to get more up to date on the times. Some sort of begger sect or historian should have it.
Locking information for Alchemists and Artisans, we'll go to Xuzhou for leads and then work from there.

This happens shortly after Bai Hua leaves Xuzhou.


A young man, Ren Luoyang, is standing all alone in a platform outside Xuzhou, his opponents are thrown about in the floor, over the qilin statues and even in the stands.

He holds a wooden sword in his hand, the jade is safely tucked inside his Hanfu, and he looks worse for wear, there are bags under his eyes, but his pupils burn bright.

”Haah… Nowhere near close, they can’t even match his slowest move, even if I fight them ten against one… it’s just not enough.”

He was left with a day’s worth of food, no weapon, no nothing. The flower he got after fighting a group of rogue cultivators was taken too.

But the worst part was his teacher’s attitude, she berated him for the remainder of the day, forced him to get a job cleaning the spirit beast stable at an inn (it couldn’t be anything else, she insisted), and forbid him from using a real sword until he reached Golden Core.

”I told you before, didn't I? Don’t run your mouth like that just because you’re a little strong for your stage.

Did I spoil you too much?”

”Wanna know who that guy was? Bai Hua, THE Crimson War God, you’re lucky he was just messing with you… No, you’re lucky I don’t have a body or I’d be beating you up right now!

Do you know how embarrassing it was to have my apprentice act like a buffoon in front of him? AAAAAHHHHHHH

Two days of shoveling manure, if you don’t do that I won’t teach you anymore and you can throw me away into a river!”


Just thinking back to it makes him angry, but what can he do, she’s his teacher for better or worse.

”Teacher, you and that Hua dude… What’s your deal? You’re always so cold and detached”

There is no voice coming from the jade, but Luoyang feels a slight shock against his left rib.

”Whatever! I’ll go to Heipinghua and then cross over to Owayabo.”

Ohh shit was that our ex? I thought it was just one of the 5 guys who helped us open the gate.
kek. What a nerd.
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Bai Hua was battlesexual, Meng Jixia was a self proclaimed rival of his, as well as kind of a fangirl... he never got the hint.

You go back to Xuzhou while the kid is still recovering… Now that you think about it, you never got his name.

Well, if little Jixia is teaching him you’ll learn his name from rumors in a few years, no need to sweat the details.
“Let’s see, first things first, knowing more about recent history won’t hurt so I’ll look into that… And I guess I’m better off finding an alchemist and an artisan to start working with too.”

It doesn’t take long before you’re back at the apothecary, the old lady greets you by saying “No refunds, no take backs, no exchanges, if you messed up with the powder that’s on you”

“Hahahaha, no no the powder worked wonders, thank you. I’m just here for two things, I’d like to know if you have some idea of what city in Xingyuan has the best Alchemists.”

“Jiping, south from here, and the second?”

“If a kid with a dumb looking mug comes in looking for blood recovery pills, give him a discount will you?”

“Just because I already sold the goat’s goods.”

You leave the store and find a beggar, after talking with him a little, he sells you a little notebook with the most relevant events from the last 100 years for 10 spirit stones, and gives you a little piece of advice.

“Gossip says there was a swarm of Flame Mantises getting ready for mating season before the mist dropped a few days ago, if you want to be safe you might want to follow the river to Jianyang, then Jiang, then Jiping.”

In the last hundred years:
>Zhen lost half of its territory to shun and Zhong after the death of the Iron Fist Sect’s patriarch at the hands of his son, it is said he was thrown into a volcano and never returned. The new patriarch let the other countries take over, but it is clear he’s preparing for war.
>Jianan is undergoing a big drop in temperature because a Pure Yin body witch was wronged, Jianan’s White Tiger sect is looking for help
>Owayabo has started preparing for a massive exodus across the sea to the other continent, and towards Jianan, the negotiations are already taking place but it is very likely to succeed.
>Datong was brought into the continent thanks to the Mystical arts of a group of Soul Fusion masters
>Xingtian’s Buddhist monks have been warning Luding’s Crimson Crane clan about the possible appearance of the tower in their territory, but Luding is doing nothing to prepare.

You will:
>Take the safe way, your first stop will be the capital, Jianyang
>You’ll cut through the swarm. They didn’t call you “The Annihilator” as a joke, flame insects means yang insects and yang guts. (Choose a weapon and roll a d100)
Rolled 55 (1d100)

>You’ll cut through the swarm. They didn’t call you “The Annihilator” as a joke, flame insects mean yang insects and yang guts.
>Shape the Sunspot into a pair of goggles so that our eyes are covered from being slashed.
>Possibly use the Buddhist staff to resonate with the dark and water elements inside our body. Cast a massive paralytic mist through where the Flame Mantises are thickest and try to collect as many intact so we can eat them.
I too would like to see magic. Going up against a massive swarm of creatures after preparing a massive spell feels like what this character is great at.

We haven't been using our Extreme Yin constitution at all, let's cast a giant spell.
Rolled 65 (1d100)

Whoops forgot the dice
Would you like to take Lesser Yang Polarity pills before starting? If so how many?
If it'll help, let's take the pills and let Bai decide.
I have no idea how many would be a good idea I thought we were about to explode last time we just took one but then again that was the previous level.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Fair enough, Bai will decide it then, this roll is for some behind the board stuff.
Holy shit.
Is it soup saturday?
Flame Mantises are a beast of the late Qi Gathering stage, about as tall as a teenager, with sickles made of flames, they’re dumb as bricks but make up for it by moving fast for their stage.
They gather in large numbers during mating season, and die in a few months to serve as food for the new generation.

The sickles extinguish once killed, the caparaces are brittle after the creature dies, the flesh rots fast and the only parts that have yang energy are the eyes and the brain, and it’s not even that rich either. They’re worthless creatures… when they’re not in a swarm.

You leave Xuzhou and head southwest, it takes about half the morning to reach the place you’re looking for. You would be able to tell even if your eyes couldn’t see through the mist, as a cacophony of wingbeats, screeches and fire leaks through the mist… There’s about a thousand of them.

Safety first, you shape the sunspot into a pair of glasses to make sure they don’t get slashed, burnt or get any of the juice on them.

You pull out the remaining ten Foundation Establishment talismans and inscribe a few instructions on them, when summed up, you used up your Qi two times over, whenever you ran out, you popped a couple pills into your mouth and waited for a bit.

You first let five fly with the wind. In a couple minutes, the mist is converging in the area where they’re gathered, then you let go of the other five.

The mystical art inscribed on these is a miniature version of a Soul Nurturing stage water and dark technique “White Desert”. The area and coldness can’t match up to the real thing, you won’t be able to do it until Soul Dividing… Not that your current body would survive either, Extreme Yin or not, you still need to mitigate this little boy version.

If your calculation is correct you’ll need a Lesser Yang Polarity Pill to keep your body from being affected by the temperature drop from “White Desert” for half a day.

With all preparations done, you grab your staff and enter the mist dome.
Swing, Crack, Thrust, Smash, Grab an eye and eat it

The mist and your little spell turn the whole zone into a pitch black pit of death.

Crack, Slam, Crush, Scoop the head juice with your hand and drink it.

Eat and move, drink their blood to quench your thirst.

Pop a Blood Recovery Pill when the cuts pile up, a Qi recovery pill when your staff doesn’t smash like it should. A Yang Polarity Pill when the cold starts creeping in.
Your staff slips off a few times because of all the guts, but there’s no time to pick it up, you still have your hands

Slam, Punch, Rip the eyes off.

The ordeal is done in two and a half days.

You’ve consumed:
>8 Blood Recovery Pills
>10 Qi recovery pills
>5 Lesser Yang Polarity Pills

Of the thousand mantises you managed to consume 585 (65*9), the rest you had no time to eat or were consumed by their Conspecific victims amongst the chaos.

You have obtained 146 cultivation experience (1 point per 4 mantises devoured), and a 1.1 modifier from your yang pill consumption for a total of 160 points.

This is enough to push you into Core Formation: 58/180

The mist returns to its normal behavior, and the area starts to warm up. There’s no time to waste, so you sit down and begin to meditate.

Core formation requires the individual to transform the mass into a “Palace” of sorts. Point of failure is the inability to break the landmass down part by part and shape a new structure.

Cultivators often find themselves destroying the landmass (and dispersing their cultivation entirely) or building on top of the existing landmass (if there is not enough Qi, the body and soul are used for the structure, which dries the cultivator up and kills them more often than not)

What would you like to do with your tower?
>Make it taller
>Turn it into another structure of strange architecture (go wild)

What you think about while doing this is
>A memory of war
>A memory of peace

You’ll use this opportunity to
>Temper your eyes again
>Temper your bones
>Temper your veins

Roll a 1d6
Ohh wow we just had an all-you-can-eat buffet.

>Create some smaller buildings feeding energy into the main tower.
>A memory of war
>Temper your eyes again
Rolled 5 (1d6)

>>Turn it into another structure of strange architecture (go wild)
Make it look like the Gate
>A memory of peace
>Temper your veins
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 6 (1d6)

>Make it taller
>A memory of war
>Temper your eyes again

I thought we were already making our tower look like one of the buildings we saw through the gate.
Just so we're clear, I wasn't expecting the risky choice to go through or the rolls go well, so I had my fun writing this, I hope it was entertaining.

Locking at :10
Honestly I'm having the most fun when we do dumb risky shit like walk through a cloud of Fire Mantits and eating them as we go.
>Turn it into another structure of strange architecture (go wild)
>A tower needs a city around it palaces and temples with markets and streets make it a formation with the tower at the center.
>A memory of war
>Temper your bones
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Let's mix two of the options >>6194114 and >>6194113 make the main tower look closer to the structures we saw through the gate while making smaller structures around the base to help support it.

>A memory of war
>Temper your eyes again
Eyes 3
Bones 1
Veins 1

Smaller buildings 1
Gate 1
Taller 1
Smaller structures+closer to what you saw on the other side 1

10 min for a tiebreaker or I'll roll a die for it.
I'll change my vote >>6194116 to Smaller Buildings + What you saw on the other side then. Also you forgot another guy that also wanted to populate the surrounding area with smaller buildings.

Honestly I don't understand the leveling up system at all lol.
layman terms, the number go up and power of creativity = stomping power.
Shit my eyes glazed over because it was so similar.

If you mean cultivation as a whole then it's "number go up, level up and become exponentially stronger than the previous stage"

The quest system is easy:
>Each stage has an exp requirement, you cultivate with a d20 and try to stack as many bonuses as possible because otherwise you'll take forever in later stages.

We can work with smaller buildings+what you saw on the other side then.
Yeah no I get that part, I'm more unsure about how we shape our internal realm actually affecting us or if it's pretty much just fluff and we should just do whatever we feel like.
I'll cheat a bit, and ask for an additional choice from you guys, directly tied to the war story.

If you had to choose between big and small, which would you choose? No context.

Oh, that, for Bai Hua it's just fluff.

I'll make you rack your brains when we have an apprentice/successor/follower, which should be happening soon (unrelated to the question above).
Big, always go big
Very big.
They have big guts.
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(Here's a full map of the world so you know what I'm even talking about!)

Just like with Foundation Establishment, this part is best done instinctively, so you’ll think about something and let your subconscious do its thing….

You’re brought back to your time as a renowned Soul Dividing cultivator, the Demonic tribe unification war was at its most brutal, and you had just finished setting up the Yengyue Mount Sword sect along with little Jixia, and her people were getting ready to aid Jusuf.

You were not participating yet because no one wanted to pay what you were asking for, they didn’t believe you could back your claim of being able to kill Jusuf, and you were not about to do it for free to prove them wrong, and Jusuf’s faction was running on fumes.

Hebia’s Orthodox Alliance made use of the chaos to expand everywhere, eating three countries and a good part of Kalg that didn’t have many people of the demonic tribes. At that time, Raian was not an irradiated hellhole, and instead a pillar of development, their research on mystical arts was good, but their research on artifacts was centuries ahead of its time… and judging from what little you’ve seen it should still be ahead today.

To protect themselves from Hebia’s advance, the people of Raian made an… Artificial life form of sorts, Bones stronger than a Soul Nurturing sea beast, Veins richer than the Soul Nurturing plants of west Kauhing, Flesh as resistant as an elder of the Dragon race.

They had the collaboration of a few Soul Nurturing experts to create its brain, and then they stuffed it with all kinds of knowledge, they were missing combat information… and you were short on materials and support.

You kind of regret it now, you got the best materials in the continent, they brought you expert alchemists and array masters from all over the world and you were able to break through in a week instead of needing four hundred years.

Everything in Raian was put through hell a few days later. The lifeform was activated, and immediately went berserk, everyone in the research facility was slaughtered, the royal guard, the king, half of the Orthodox Alliance’s Soul Nurturing experts, almost all of their Soul Dividing elders and about Eighty Thousand Golden Core masters died.
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It took all of The Demonic Prince (at the time) Jusuf Laman, the Silver Sword Saint Meng Jixia, the Wanderer of a Myriad Illusions, the Brilliant Buddha of the South, and intervention from the Primordial Dragon Empress to create a barrier encompassing Raian and isolate the lifeform until it either came to reason or ran out of energy.

No one knew you were there, and you couldn’t break through the barrier alone, so all you could do was fight against that damn thing. You fought for seventeen uninterrupted days.

You knew how it would fight because it had your knowledge and thought processes, the problems were that for one it was way better at mystical arts than you (at least it only had Light attribute arts loaded in), and that it could adapt very easily and was still stronger than you, you resorted to all kinds of tricks to get an upper hand, until it would do the same to you and the board would be back to zero.

It was showing signs of slowing down in the later days, but then it figured out how to absorb energy from the environment…

You managed to damage it enough and it shut down before it could fully recover.

The most annoying part though was that it was BIG, “THICC” as the Kauhing natives would say, and that messed with your… circulation the whole time.

After you left, Jusuf signed a blood contract with you so you wouldn’t intervene, with the promise that you would be well rewarded when his war ended.

When you asked one of the surviving researchers about this design choice all he had to say was “I mean… it’s supposed to be our masterpiece right? You HAVE to make it visually pleasing”.

You might want to go check Raian when you have the chance… just to make sure it’s still shut down.

When you’re done thinking about how much pressure the lifeform could apply with its thighs, you were already done with the transformation.
“Figures, it all connects to that place in the end…”

The tower looks more complex, a little closer to the real ones, and around it are many buildings each with a different design and function, yet still homogenous when looked at as a whole. There are many streets leading all the way to the tower, like the veins in a person’s body, and the tower is the heart… You already have an idea of what to do for your next breakthrough.

You open your eyes and the world… is still a little bleak, there has to be a reason for this.
Eyes of the Unshackled: Hua is able to see the flow of energy in all things, the mist no longer affects his visibility, he will also be able to see objects that are imperceptible to the naked eye as well as being able to focus Qi into his eyes to look at things up close like a massive magnifying glass, or far away like a grand telescope.

You are met by a group of ten or so cultivators in the middle Foundation Establishment stage, flabbergasted at the scene.

“F-fellow daoist are you okay?”

“Fellow cultivator, I don’t practice daoism… Yes I’m doing very well, thank you.”

“Apologies sir, may I know exactly what happened here?”

>Lie despite being covered in insect guts (roll a d100)
>I was hungry
>Did you know that the natives of South Kwun practice a form of cannibalism that involves eating the brains of their enemies?
>Write in
>I was hungry
>Can't we clean ourselves up using Water Mythical Arts?
>I was hungry

Huh the Eye upgrades are honestly kinda underwhelming, but then again I'm not really sure what I expected and was more looking forward to using our super eyes to create powerful formations and find talented people with rare constitutions from just a glance.
Man I'm kinda hungry after reading about eating the swarm. I wonder if Flame Mantises taste like Shrimp or Chicken.
>Shrug kill beasts for cultivation resources. Got a rumor and fortune favored me. You know the deal. Haven't had the time to wash myself.
Got any yang treasures for trade?
Spare clothes would also be nice.
Well, let me give you a hint, you with the right prompt, a little Qi, and a little 1d6 you'll be able to discern a lot from other people.

As for powerful formations, you'll need an absurd amount of Qi to power them, Qi does not Flow through and is not Stored in the eyes, right now you're more suited towards intrincate, minute and detailed work, which should cover one of the things you set out to look for.

It's closer to Shrimp and the head goo is a little bitter.
>I was hungry
Truly these researchers are men of culture. Alas their love for culture superseded their love for making a product that wouldn't blow up in their faces.
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Rolled 23 (1d100)

>>Lie despite being covered in insect guts (roll a d100)
”I was hungry”


”I jest I jest, got a rumor and fortune favored me. You can have all of these for trade, got any Yang Treasures?”

Another daoist speaks up, his face is pale, well their faces are all pale, like you’re some kind of bug.

”Uh, no we can’t possibly use any of this… We simply came here on behalf of our sect, we were hired by Xingtian’s Silver Buddhas to clear the area out and… well we saw the mist acting strangely and decided to wait it out.”

”Makes sense, this mist is a pain I tell you. You stand up and with the little Qi you have remaining, you douse yourself with water to wash the guts away.
So half and half right? And you get me some soft clothes?”


”We split the earnings obviously, you fulfill your contract with the Silver Buddhas and get paid, and I get paid too.”

Before the daoist can answer, he’s pulled back to the group. That spends a couple minutes deliberating after which the eldest member turns to face you.

He’s doing the thing! The courteous salute with his hands, look at his bowing posture, he knows his stuff.

”Esteemed cultivator, we wouldn’t dare oppose someone who can do this, but please understand that this is not up to us we will need to rep-”

”Six to four, I get four and you get me some Yang aligned clothes… No, some good Yang aligned fabrics. Take it or get the hell out of here!” You stand up and crack your neck. The staff is too slippery right now, so you reach for the Drifting Flower sword.

In reality you’re too tired to have a proper fight, if push comes to shove you’ll use the Sunspot, loot them and go to Jiping alone.
“Aieee! We’ll do it, we’ll do it!” Says one of the younger daoists. The elder doesn’t seem to rebuke him, looks like he was just trying to haggle you down.

A few minutes later and a bar of soap, as well as four of their scented pouches in your hip, and you’re riding on an artifact towards Jiping along with the ten daoists. The artifact’s design is simple, it is a large green gourd. Made to transport people around.

They’re part of the Jade of Justice, a moderate size sect that operates in Jiping and Zhenyun. When you ask how many people a moderate sect has, the elder answers that it is about a thousand people all hands on deck. A little less than your time.

You arrive at Jiping in little over an hour, and disembark at the Jade of Justice’s main building, the elder daoist rushes off and you can hear a commotion coming from one of the windows. Two young boys rush out of the building, one returning with some Silver Buddha Monks carrying a coffer.

The other returned with a few ladies carrying rolls of fabric of varying colors.

The same elder exits the building, opens the coffer, divides the spirit stones and hands you an enchanted holding bag. invites you to choose what kind of fabric you’d like… The lack of pleasantries, courtesies and fluff is surprising, but not unwelcome.

You have obtained 4500 spirit stones, and an enchanted holding bag. While it does not have the same capacity of a true spatial treasure like a storage jade/ring/bag of holding, it will let you shove a considerable amount of things inside it.
>What kind of fabrics do you want?
>What color(s)?
>What do you want your fit to look like? (you’ll have to find someone to make the clothes later)
>Primarily Crimson and black in color. Loose clothing that's easy to move around in but can also be tied up with cloths if need be.
>Also a cape, whatever's appropriate for the nearby weather but a cape or large cloak would be nice.
>Extravagant and flashy crimson clothing that’s both good for travelling but also catches people eyes.
>Also start sewing arrays into the clothing ourselves, ones that can blur our image and give us lightning speed on activation.
I'm stepping off for the rest of the night, will be back in 12 ish hours, maybe less, will post again before locking the vote and beginning.
Caught up; delighted to see a GOOD™ cultivation quest.
Cotton, something durable.

Reds and blacks are good.
Maybe a hanfu and cloak?
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Linen. Blue and white with a black undergarment. This vibe
Is there a way to refine our body without a cultivation breakthrough? Something like forging our body to have Jade Bones and Ice Muscles, our body's already freezing.

Would that be a pill or would that be a spell? I remember it was a thing in Reverend Insanity where they had special consumables. One combination was Jade Bones and Ice Muscles which greatly increased Strength, Flexibility and Durability.

Another was just the regular Iron Bones and Steel Sinew which more focused on just durability and strength.

Actually yeah how does body refining work here since the Paths system seems a bit non standard.
Well iirc up to a certain point, body refining becomes less important because when you reach a certain cultivation level your body becomes completely purged of purities and building it to become the peak of humanity.

But the cool body cultivation shit makes you higher than human. Maybe they're specialized pills that you need to cultivate or medical baths you need to take over the course of a few years?
Looks like we're up for crimson? Locking votes and will update in a bit, got delayed by some irl stuff.

>Is there a way to refine our body without a cultivation breakthrough?
Yes, but the initial body rolls we got make treasures and pills very ineffective before Core Formation.

This is where the quest opens up more so look forward to it, it will also be more write in friendly for a few reasons.
I'm working out a simple system for Mystical Arts as we speak, "what do you mean QM, you didn't do that shit before starting?"
No, I did not lmao I'm sorry.

You pick out three large rolls colored crimson, black and white. Then ask the ladies to cut a few pieces of different shades of red. When you’re just about to grab a few more rolls, the elder coughs… Well he’s in a rough spot right now, let’s save him some face for now, instead you ask the ladies if there's a place you can have some clothes made.

The whole process is very transactional and once each party is done with their thing they quickly leave, you’re cordially invited to stay for a meal and some tea but refuse, you just know they’ll try to ask you to do something or make annoying questions...

You follow the ladies’ directions, and find yourself in the waiting room of a Tailor's shop. The man was excited by the quality of the materials and you gave him an idea of what you wanted to make.

”I want something easy to move in and durable, but it should be eye-catching too… A hanfu and a cloak or a cape, use the crimson and black ones for this… I also want a white linen coat with a black undergarment, this one should be inconspicuous and ‘laid back’ to mix in easily with the crowds”

The man nods and disappears, in the meantime you'll grab a light meal.

Right now you’re in the Core Formation stage, this is as far as your constitution will carry you without putting any effort in.

You'll have to temper your bones if you want a more durable body, your veins if you want a higher Qi density and efficiency, and your eyes if you want to percieve the world better and increase your overall dexterity.

Still, you could simply continue to cultivate as you have so far, but this will put you in a similar situation to your previous life:

A decent enough body, a relatively mediocre soul compared to other experts, as well as “know how” and “refusing to die” as your only redeeming points.

A crippling reliance on people you don’t know to handle things like medicines, elixirs, artifacts and weapons for you because all you really did back then was fight and kill things.

Little in the way of connections, you were able to strong arm a lot of things before due to your reputation but outside of the Immortals, you didn’t really have any friends… Well you wouldn’t consider all of them your friends either, just Jusuf and Jixia. No one wanted to be your apprentice either, bunch of cowards.
The best choice is to take a break from direct cultivation and let your “Core” settle down, two or three years should be good enough.

During this time you think you will start working on:

>Picking up a new ability like alchemy or becoming an artisan/artifact master, off the top of your mind your eye tempering will make fiddling with artifacts easier, and you might be able to find a use for them in alchemy as well.
>>How will you go about it, look for a teacher? Buy books and try your hand at things alone?

>Finding a good location and setting up a “Base” of sorts, you’ll use this place to live and cultivate in, it will serve as a storehouse while you get a spatial treasure.
>>Will you gather information, or trust your eyes and experience?

>Look for an artisan or alchemist to work with
>>Will you look for someone with an established reputation? Invest in startups?

>Look for an apprentice/successor
>>What exactly are you looking for? Blessed constitutions? Rich Qi? Women? Men? Blondes? Redheads? Some poor soul out there in need of Causality Denial? What do you want out of this apprentice?

Write-ins are encouraged!
>Look for an Alchemist disciple don't care for gender lean on female but a bro could be cool. I consider good instincts, memory and a disposition for drug making.
>Pay a beggar for information of major factions beast areas magical plants and towns a map of this. To plan where a good base settle down at.
>Pay some mortals to create your immortal cave for comforts basically a villa.
>And we pick up artifacting and slaying beasts for nearby towns to acquire money to find our studies and our Alchemist.
>Abuse the Eyes of the Unshackled to look for diamonds in the rough talents.

>>Look for an artisan or alchemist to work with
Use our newfound money and powerful eyes to look around the lower-end areas of artisans. Look for somebody who has incredible talent and passion but still hasn't had the chance to soar yet. Use our eyes to check out large amounts of works from craftsmen and/or apprentices from smaller stores to find somebody with talent basically.

>>Look for an apprentice/successor
Use our Eyes of the Unshackled heavily again for talented people. Let's look for two apprentices, a decent rivalry will help push them probably.

Firstly look through the back alleys for orphans thrown away but who have great determination and wit. Street Trash has a great will to live no matter the suffering, somebody we can teach our dirties tricks and be our assistant.

Then pay some information agencies to learn about second or third children of minor noble families or just decent children from noble families who were disowned. It'll be funny raising Bai Hua #2 and we can maybe teach them the Crimson Tulip Sword so that our master will have somebody to inherit their swordsmanship.
>Use our super eyes to look for an apprentice.
I want somebody smart and clever that we can use as our assistant and shadow. Bonus points if they're a hot Assassin Girl that can literally hide in our shadow.

You know what, I'm supporting this but I want a cute Assassin Disciple who can be our recon and body guard. >>6194568
Seeing that the other anon is supporting, will you go full combat route in this life as well or will you pick a craft?
Well since our boy knows combat to the immortal stage. Seems a waste to not pick up a craft. I mean he's got the sunstone to learn a lot from and help learning artifacts.
I wanna go for a Craft but I wanna focus on raising apprentices and assistants. I figured we raise our assistants and helpers now then after we've established ourselves and gotten a better idea of the world, we find a teacher that can teach us how to create weapons and treasures.

I thought this was more to do with our immediate plans and wasn't sure if we'd be able to focus on raising helpers and looking for a master all at the same time.

Also yeah if we learn how to create artifacts and weapons we'll have a much easier time using the Sunstone. Maybe figure out how to add to the volume even before we reach Soul Nurturing.
Good, very good.
We'll look for an apprentice then.
Rolled 10 (1d100)

The meal was okay, rice congee with some sliced pork and plum tea for 4 spirit stones

”Alright, let’s find an apprentice or two.”
You don’t think twice about it, more hands means more resources coming in, and you’ll make sure the investment pays off.

A short walk and you’re back at the tailor, who has two bundles ready, you open them to check the goods and man… did he do a good job figuring out what you wanted and adding onto it! He added a hair accessory for free too… well you’re paying him 300 spirit stones, this much is a given.

“Wonderful Sir, may I know your name?” You ask, he’s worth keeping in your radar.

“Du Xinyi, Sir! You can come find me anytime if you need clothes made or repaired.”

“I’ll definitely work with you in the future, Du Xinyi.”

For the time being you change to the white and black clothes, there’s work to be done. You find a small house for rent in the slums and pay 100 spirit stones to rent it for two weeks, your current objective is hunting talent.

There’s two approaches:

1.You can raise a single apprentice, find what they’re good at, give them your undivided attention and funnel resources into them, pretty simple. You can always raise more later on.

2.You can raise two apprentices, but this will be more expensive in the short term. You will also have to find evenly matched styles, divide your attention between the two… as well as pay attention to their dynamic, you don’t want them killing each other and wasting your time and money.

As for the apprentice (or apprentices), you have a rough idea of the kind of person you’re looking for:
1.Street Trash: Resilient, treat them well and they will be very loyal, put them through hell and they’ll endure, give them a goal and they will diligently work towards it.
2.Dregs from a family or sect: You know how they tick, you were one of them after all. Talented but not too much, or their talent was never found. You work around their ego and self esteem, put them through hell and they’ll try to find a good way out, give them a goal and they’ll find the most effective way to achieve it.

>Find a single apprentice, choose what kind and roll a 1d6
>Find two apprentices, choose what kind for each and roll a 2d6
>Find a single apprentice, choose what kind and roll a 1d6
How does one roll again? If this messes up once more.
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Rolled 3 (1d6)

dice + [no. of dice]d[no. of sides on the dice]
So for this it would be dice+1d6 as pic related
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Thank you forgot the plus.
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d6)

>>Find two apprentices, choose what kind for each and roll a 2d6
One street trash or just somebody with a large amount of determination and will while not being a dick.

One family dreg like us since it'll be funny.

Come on, we can be like our senior brother and ourselves.
Rolled 9, 4 = 13 (2d20)

>Find two apprentices, choose what kind for each and roll a 2d6
Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d6)

Whoops wrong dice
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d2)

Locking, let's see what the dice have to say about our apprentices' genders
Streetwise assassin waifu?
Oh yeah, this is good, the vote rolls are good too, I like this.
Writing, we're going into character creation for the apprentices in the next choices.
“Can’t be that hard if the master raised me and brother no?”

You spend two days roaming the streets, using your eyes to look and check all sorts of people out, old, young, adults. The beggars gave you an idea of the established families and sects in the city, only the eldest son of the Jade Lotus sect (a rival of the Jade of Justice) fits your requirements, the rumor goes that he hasn’t seen any progression in his cultivation, and his younger brothers already surpassed him.

You locate the target and use Eyes of the Unshackled, tail him for two days and find that he’s a hidden gem, his body and soul are not as good as yours, but still incredibly good. His demeanor reminds you of yourself, he’s throwing his weight around as the first son and is accompanied by one sect cultivator of the Foundation stage except for some days… (Rolled 1 For male, 5 for Observation results)

As for the second one… You spend 5 days in the slums, this one you chose on instinct. It’s a young girl, emaciated, covered in dirt and soot. No potential whatsoever, essentially a cripple according to your contact in the beggar sect… he’s right, she’s a complete cripple.

A meal every two days… that she eats while hiding in the corner of a small room, the homeowner’s daughters hit her and the son has his eye on her. Her face has grown to be a completely blank slate, it doesn’t betray any emotion, but you can see her eyes burn with the will to live. No one will care if she’s gone… (Rolled 2 for female, 2 {more like 1} for Observation results)
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You approach them each on a different day, crimson and black robes.

”Shao Rong…”


”The shame of Shao Qun, a blemish in the Jade Lotus unable to get past Qi Gathering”

”A cripple from birth, unable to even cultivate… Abandoned by her parents and the heavens”

”But I can see what they can’t, come with me, and the world will see your true worth…”

”I can show you the path to Immortality, to a land without hunger and fear”

A little trick with the sunspot, some clever use of dark attribute mystical arts, a tiny bit of Qi in your eyes and a confident smile seals the deal. Presentation is important after all.

Shao Ren
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Stage: Qi Gathering
His gifted physique allows for him to follow the Golden Buddha path, he should also be able to cultivate any of the normal paths (Sword/Polearm/Ranged weapons/Mystical Arts/Unarmed) to an incredibly high level.
His elemental affinities are Light and Fire.
Has a little experience with the sword, teaching him sword techniques will be easier, but he can do just about anything with the right motivation.

Gender: Female
Age: 13
Stage: No Cultivation
Her meridians are shattered, veins dried of Qi and her body is incredibly weak
You can use Causality Denial to reforge her body, or you can teach her either of the Mist Weaver or Star Emperor paths.
No combat experience, a completely blank slate.

Pick between
>What will you teach Shao Ren?
>What will you do about Lian?
>>If you’re using the causality denial point, roll a d6

And Introduce yourself for real this time, any rules in this house? (write in)
Shao Rong, the heavens are retarded and mixed up your name.
Well let's teach Shao Ren our old master's Red Tulip Sword technique. That'd be amusing.

As for Lian well much as I want a streetwise assassin Waifu I'm not sure if she's worth the Casaulity denial RIGHT NOW. Let's ask around the alchemists to see if we can fix her up, learn more about her and the costs then decide what we'll do with her.
>What will you teach Shao Ren?
Sword techniques, give him some real experience and try to figure out where he's getting bottlenecked.

>What will you do about Lian?
Well the mist is already here, let's teach her Mist Weaver. If she dies, she dies.
>Talk with the two about the paths. And give pros and cons.
>Give it to Lain straight the world won't like her. But it doesn't anyways. So who cares, these are the paths. that you know she can only travel.
Yeah if this goes to a tie then I wanna know more about each apprentice first and talk to them first so we know they're worth training and won't just go insane the moment they get any power.
>Get to know them both better first before we decide their paths.
>Try to talk to an alchemist about fixing up Lian's body somewhat.

Since Lian's basically a blank slate and her body is shit, does that mean she'll benefit a lot more from Body Cultivation right off the bat?
Writing, then Hua can decide what to do.
I'm not complaining and I know we can make it work but why did we pick up Lian instead of any number of the orphans in the streets? Is it because only certain people can cultivate or did we see something great about her?
Her body is perfect for alien cultivation, you have a causality point to reforge her body with. Or you can go in a long sidequest to heal her body.

There’s three people in the house, Bai Hua, Shao Rong, and Lian.

The silence can be cut with a sword.

“My name is Bai Hua, apprentice of the Crimson Tulip Sword, Huang Mengzhou’s executioner, Goia’s Annihilator and Dragon Devourer of the West. This all goes back a very long time, so I wouldn’t be surprised neither of you knows about this ”

“Shao Rong, Shao Qun’s eldest son, you better make it worth my time, old man.”


“Just Lian?”


“Oi what’s the meaning of this? How dare you bring this trash along!?”

”Hm? I just see two pieces of trash here, the smell might be different, but trash is trash”

“You! I’ll tell my father about this!”

”Your sect is probably full of trash too, wouldn’t you think? They wouldn’t be able to see a fly even if it sat in their noses.

Hmm…let me ask you a question… Suppose you can get past this hurdle of yours, what then?”

“I’ll show father and the sect that they were wrong, and get my status as the sect’s successor back… I’ll make the Jade Lotus sect the strongest in Jiping!”

”And then?”

“Uh… well…”

”Take your time to think, now little Lian turn your back to me please.”


You circulate some Qi into her body to do a deeper inspection with your spiritual sense, and she winces in pain.

”Same question for you, suppose we can heal your body… or that you become strong, what then? Anything you want to do?”

“Eat lots of food…”

The damage to the meridians happened shortly after birth, it was left unchecked so restoring them is near impossible.

”And then?”

“Buy a house… with many beds… for everyone.”

Her veins are very weak, just a fragment of your Qi is enough to strain them to the point of bursting, it’s a miracle she’s lived so far. Her body is malnourished, growth stunted and you doubt she’ll develop much.

”Who’s everyone?”

“Me… You... Him… Everyone…”

”Even those people?”

“No… I’ll kill them all… and then I can be happy.”

”Will you actually be happy?”

“...I won’t be angry.”

”Not bad, got an answer like this yet Trash Boy?”

“No… I don’t know what I want to do next… I just… I just want to live up to my father's expectations.”

”And if he dies today? You stop living? I don’t even need to check you out, I already know where your problem is… Let’s eat first shall we, I bought pork meat buns, the greasy ones from the main street”
Nice formatting error...

The kids dig into the food, Lian almost to the point of choking on the meat bun.

”There’s more, take it slow.

Anyways, Shao Rong, your problem is that you’ve never been your own person…

Right now you’re Rong from the Shao family, Rong from the Jade Lotus sect, Rong son of Qun. You ran into a bottleneck and no one expects anything from you anymore, so you can’t see beyond this failure.”

You serve some plum tea for everyone, and add a bit of honey on Lian’s.

”Why are you adding honey to hers? What, is she a baby?”

”You can just say you want some as well”

”No I di-” ”Yeah yeah, tough boys get twice as much” ”But now it’s too sweet!”

”Aren’t you a tough boy? Tough boys drink what they’re served”

”Geh it’s so sweet eugh!... And what’s HER problem then?”

”It’s easier to say what isn’t a problem… Anyways, here's how I can help you two reach Immortality.

Shao Rong, you were practically born to practice the Golden Buddha path, but I can also turn you into a master of any weapon or element”

”The WHAT? Are you for real? I don’t want to be a baldhead!”

”Brilliant Buddha of the South is as hairy as a monkey, you’ll be fine.”

”Oh… L-light is lame though I want to be a fearsome warrior! That way da…”

He’s droning on about his father again, so you turn to Lian.

”As for you little Lian… I could help heal your body so it can cultivate like a normal person, but the process will be long, arduous and excruciatingly painful… you might actually die.

Or I could teach you arts that don’t require Qi to practice, a way to strengthen yourself without cultivating the normal way using the power of the stars or the mist surrounding us right now… but the rest of your life will be very difficult”

You could also reforge her body, but you’re not sure if she’s really worth altering causality for.

“...Even more difficult? I don’t think it can get worse…”

>Are these kids worth raising? Anything else you want to tell them? (Write in)
Ohh wow Lian's adorable and Shao Rong's a little shit. I love them both already and I'll kill anybody that hurts them.

>Teach Shao Rong The Path of The Sword as his main Path and The Path Of Unarmed for his Subpath.

>Teach Lian to Practice being a Mistweaver alongside teaching her how to set up arrays

>Let's buy supplies for them, use whatever. Can we time skip a few weeks to get a feel for their progress and how our teaching is going?
>You may think light is lame however I'll tell you a story. About the killer robot who destroyed that whole area we remembered and killed countless experts.
>And fathers want their sons to be their own men. You are not cultivating to prove to anyone, you are cultivating to prove to yourself what you have what it takes to ascend.

>For you Lian you have to think further ahead, those paths will make people dislike you. These paths will make you healthy and you can live your life. The worst thing that can happen is being given hope and someone taking that away. That's worse then death. Remember that and brand it upon your heart, never lose your heart no mater what happens.
Actually can we do Sword main and Mystical Art light sub>
Sure let's do it.

Switching my vote to teach Shao Rong >>6194765
>Teach Shao Rong The Sword and Mythical Arts: Light instead. Maybe his Golden Buddha Body will help him learn somewhat.
Roll me a 2d20 for the results of the timeskip, and if you have any exp- preference for the kid's appearances feel free to post them, I've kept the descriptions vague for this reason.
>Teach Shao Rong The Sword and Light Mythical Arts.
>Teach Lian Mistweaver and Array creations.
Rolled 4, 11 = 15 (2d20)

Hmm maybe later. Right now it's not important what they look like, I assume Shao Rong looks like his dad though unless he actually looks like a concubine or something.
Rolled 20, 8 = 28 (2d20)

Ohh god I hope we can do smaller errands to correct their training somewhat when the dice decides to fuck us.
Rolled 3, 17 = 20 (2d20)

Wew I really hope that's 20 and 17, fingers crossed.
Best of Three dice maybe? Then again I'm not sure I understand how QM does things.
It's basically best of 3 since that's about how many votes the quest gets in average, so it's a 20 and a17.
Locking, and for the sake of consistency, if you have Lian and Rong cultivate in the same turn, the rolls will be
Roll 1 for Lian
Roll 2 for Rong
Since it's the same order used for the gender and observation results.
>guy gets a student one bad night's sleep away from just outright dying of wimp
>manages to make her able to lift a full jar of water and not die from slight bumps on a carriage ride
>guy gets student that bottlenecks himself because he's a genuine daddy issues twinkoid
>smashes the bottleneck by making the dork be a man (as swift as a coursing river, with all the strength of a great typhoon)
Damn. What a teacher.
You’ll take the gamble, not like you could bring yourself to give them hope and then take it away anyways, might as well kill them instead of sending them back home.

You send the kids to sleep and stay up by yourself for a little longer, they don’t need to know your real identity for now, Rong might use it to be a brat and Lian might get scared of you.

”First the lodging, I’m not bleeding myself dry with rent, food… ”

Ink and paper in hand, you work on a list.

3.Clothes for Lian (Du Xinyi)
4. 30 Blood Recovery pills
5. 20 Qi Recovery pills
6. 50 Core Formation Talismans
7. 70 Qi Gathering Talismans
8. 2 Inkstones
9. 1 Wooden sword
10. Prayer beads
11. 5 Lesser Ying and Yang Pills

”Looks good, I haven’t slept in a few days so I should turn in too… Huh?”

Lian is sleeping on the floor outside one of the rooms. ”Figures…”
You lift her up, open the door and tuck her inside the covers.

”We’ll have to focus on physical reinforcement first… Rong… I have an idea”

The next two weeks go by in a flash, you find a house with a courtyard a few minutes outside of the city, dirt cheap because of the location too, only 2000 spirit stones. You can’t really be a vagrant because Lian’s might not survive the trip to another city yet.

The next day is spent going around town and getting food and supplies, Rong takes some time to go home and tell them he’s leaving and “Never coming back!”... Later that night an elder of the Jade Lotus sect drops by to apologize and lets you know you can contact them if you need any help.

You then spend the third day setting up an array so Rong’s practice doesn’t suffer because of the mist.

Both kids spend the day thinking about what they want to learn.

Lian likes the mist because it lets her be alone in the streets, so she wants to learn how to use it.

Rong was both easy and hard, you’ll teach him the sword and Light Mystical arts.
”Light is lame! All the stories have the girls use it! And it’s always ‘shields this blessings that’, I wanna be like the Demon Emperor with his calamity flames! Or learn the Crimson War God’s Battle Arts!”

“You think so? Let me tell you a story from a long time ago… It’s about how the Crimson War God was getting his ass kicked by Light Arts”

You recall the story to both of them, switching perspectives around and removing some details for the sake of selling Rong on the idea, you spin the story from a desperate struggle into a COOL DESPERATE STRUGGLE.

”Woaah, you can make a blade with it? And burn the sky too? That guy must have been strong if it gave the Crimson War God Trouble” “Yeah you studied history right? That’s why Raian has no people living in there”

”You’re pretty good at telling stories Teach, it’s almost like you were there”

“I’ll let you in on a secret… I’m actually friends with the Silver Sword Saint and she told me all about this story, that’s how I know, but you two keep this a secret.”

”You’re lying right? Right?” Then his jaw drops when you show him the sword you confiscated from Ren Luoyang, so easy.

You had the idea of teaching him how to absorb Qi while fighting “Not like he’ll get it right?” You were wrong, he got it down in no time.

Your approach to his bottleneck is keeping him so busy he can’t think about failure and give him positive reinforcement outside cultivation.

How did you keep him busy? Sword training, you’ll pass on your teacher’s sword style to him, plus if Jixia is going to raise a brat you’ll raise a stronger brat.


“No one’s going to give you time in a real fight. Whatever you learned in your sect is obsolete here! Now stand or learn how to fight while lying down!”

>Rolled 17
The array has removed the mist’s -3 penalty!
The world senses the appearance of the tower and prepares its inhabitants! +3
The vacuum effect of the array will bring in more energy than normal! +2
The location is terrible but it was a cheap house! +0
You used the Sunspot as the centerpiece +5!
Total 27!

Shao Rong
Qi Gathering: 27/60
Lian’s training… proved difficult at first. It was hard for her to understand how to exert influence over the mist, and you had a hard time putting it into words and actions. Once she got the idea, she made a lot of progress. She’s currently sitting in a cloud made of mist.

”Hua… I did it”

”Good, how did you do it again?”

”Hmm… I make the mist mine… then bring it in front… then make a pillow…”

”Okay, and if I tell you the pillow is as hard as a rock?”

”Oh? It is… No it’s soft… Yes it’s soft again.”

This is uncharted territory, so you make her explain her train of thought and write down, then compare it with your existing knowledge and experiences beyond the gate. It’s also an exercise so she can express herself better.

You’ve been showing her how to make arrays, but it’s been a disaster because she has no Qi. It might be better to teach her how to make arrays with mist as the medium… But you’ll have to try it yourself first to make sure it is safe.

More than anything, her training has been all about getting her body back in shape so you’re paying a lot of attention to her nutrition, once it’s in a good enough state, you’ll start teaching her how to absorb the mist.

>Rolled 20
Mist bonus +3!
The world senses the appearance of the tower and prepares its inhabitants! +3
Total =26

Bai Lian
Qi Gathering: 26/60

>Continue training the kids, you can only train one this turn (Who? What would you like to train them on? Roll a 1d20)
>Take a break (What would you like to do)
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>Go search through the nearby area for Mythical Beasts and Herbs that our apprentices can eat so that they can quickly build up their cultivation.
>Regular Qi Refining stuff for Shao Rong. Things that are healthy for the body and can slowly repair it for Lian.
>Sell whatever is left over so we have more money for supplies later.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

+1, maybe we can find that flower that grows in the mist and it might help Lian's Mistweaver training.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>>6194830 +1
>He rolled 1 because he's unaware
Heh heh heh Anonymous, you have eyes but fail to see mount tai.
Hua looted a white flower from Ren Luoyang and no one has said or suggested anything about it
Ohh was that what that was, I thought it was like a keepsake from his girlfriend or something? We have so much shit it's kinda hard to keep track of it all.
Right, it might get messier later too. How do other quests keep inventory for the players?
From my personal experience, they have a pastebin link posted at the start of every thread that people cam check out.

I think a lot of people just keep it in their heads mid thread though and usually I don't think people get this much gear all at once. Not that I'm complaining since I'm a hoarder.
>Take a break (What would you like to do)
Visit alchemist and get a liquid to strengthen a body and is able to dilute so we can slowly build up Lians body.
Check out flower.
Buy weights and resistance bands for the two to get them in shape.
And look for info on beasts to go kill and make some money.
You could just make a txt file. Pretty sure you can post those as images here. I know you can with pdfs.
The liquid used is to sit in and soak up the remedy.
Yeah Medicine Baths, I'm not really sure I understand the QM's mindset when it comes to Medicine Baths and Body Refining though.

Ohh and QM mentioned that it's gonna be expensive as shit and a long term process getting Lian fixed up the regular way which is why we're teaching her Mistweaving and Hoping the Mist can fix up her body.
Expensive to fix her up so she can cultivate with Qi, since you already picked the mist path, it's just getting her to a "Healthy Non Cultivator" status so she doesn't explode when the mist is being absorbed.

I hope that clears it up.

>I'm not really sure I understand the QM's mindset when it comes to Medicine Baths and Body Refining though.

Aiya you guys are just too good at getting body rolls so there's no need for Yin Maiden Bathwater infusions yet.
Obviously what we need is Yang Tomboy Infused Bathwater to help build up our Extreme Yin Cultivation.
“Today will be our first trip together, you’ll want to get used to moving outside the roads, as well as starting to get an idea of what to look out for”

Teacher brought you and Lian to “pick up herbs, and maybe find a beast or two to hunt for a change of pace” so he says. He’s led the two of you to a location about an hour or so from the city. The trip takes longer because you have to stop and let Lian rest.

You’re currently looking for a normal plant, cat’s claw, to help with Lian’s recovery. While Lian is looking for a Yang Polarity plant for you.

It doesn’t take long for you to find yours, but Lian is lagging behind… You want to complain, but what can she do? She’s sick.


“Looks like the five year ginseng in this area already got harvested, we’ll have to buy some in the city instead. My bad, Rong.”

”We should’ve just gone to the city to begin wi-”

You hear the plants rustle and in a few moments all three of you are surrounded by a pack of Shade Wolves… You’ve fought one before but never this many.

Your palms are sweaty, your heart is racing and your knees feel like they will give out at any moment. Maybe you can grab Lian and make a run for it while teach deals with the wolves?

No, you’re too slow for that. You should fight, but your hands can’t hold the wooden sword, you scramble to reach for the talismans you kept in your sleeves but they spill out.

You don’t want to fail but everything you do is a mistake…

You have to

“We’re in luck today… watch carefully you two.”


”Hua… I have Rong”

“Alright, don’t move.”

Teacher’s movements are smooth and flow into each other like running water, he guides the wolves’ attacks with his palms open, and then strikes with his legs or punches. All are dead in a few breaths, and Lian lets go of your sleeve.

”Can Rong eat these?”

“Huh, yeah some parts. But it won’t be as good as the ginseng, we can just sell them instead”

”I’ll use them Teach”

“Are you sure about that?”


“Suit yourself then, now I’ll teach you how to skin them and what organs we want. Pay attention because each one will have to do this with a wolf”


A skinning and gutting session later, you’re making your way back to the house, your teacher went to sell the parts that won’t be used and get you a five year yang ginseng, leaving you and Lian alone.



”...I’m trash… and I got scared”

”Ah… W-well I’m trash too”






Lian has lost consciousness, and Bai Hua isn’t back yet…

And that will be it for this session, thank you for participating! Same deal, back in 12-ish hours.
Chinese Belle Delphine get out of my head
She needs some milk.
We took them? Lian? I figured they stay at home. At least Lian as she's very fragile. I mean it'll build a bond as long as she doesn't die here.
Thanks for running, can we set up an illusionary array for Rong? Looks like his biggest problem is mentality, we have to set up an illusionary array against an overwhelming opponent that can kill him repeatedly so he can fight without fear.

I assume Bai knows a way to set that up while doing the least amount of brain damage as possible?

Damn it Lian, you were out for a few moments. We really gotta fix that broken body problem huh, at least to the point where she isn't constantly dying.
Let's not have it kill him repeatedly. Shocking him numb where it hit's would be better. A shadow that shows the basics of the school of swordsmanship. Fueled by mist energy. Whenever we're out and about he can train against it. And as he beats it we add more/ make it stronger.
Hmm Agree to disagree but he'll need to get over his weak mentality if he wants to soar. I guess he does have talent so he's got that going for him.

The repeated kill method was one I read about in another story involving a swordsman with no talent at all but overwhelming perseverance and determination. Turns out once you've gotten used to overwhelming death looming over you, a swordsman can take a step forward to deal decisive blows or move with complete certainty.
Ohh I was sleepy I didn't read the whole post. The point isn't just to train his swordsmanship, we have to train his mentality. He needs to get used to overwhelmong odds against monstrous opponents and still say "Fuck It We Ball" without letting fear take over.

That wolf pack situation was shameful. In that regard, Lian with the iron mentality has an advantage.

We really gotta hammer in to Lian that she's not allowed to be trash anymore since she's now our apprentice. In some ways her mentality is good but the mental traum seems to be a problem.
There are other ways to build mentality without throwing him into the deep end. That's just the quick and dirty way.
It's better to give him a goal or rival character to beat. Something he wouldn't think possible that he overcomes. Overcoming hardship builds a great mentality.
It should give him an unreasonable task like climbing up a cliff with his hands and feet.
And when he fails strap weights on his arms and legs and drive him to be stonk.
And tell him to climb it again.
Prefer that there is another bigger hill. To give wisdom there is always another mountain to climb.
Hello fellow daoists


You took the kids out to scavenge, the location is close, the weather was good, Lian's condition was a little better now so you wanted her to get some fresh air. You stopped a few times along the way whenever she got tired, and things went mostly well.

You wanted to teach them how to find certain plants, and get Rong a Five Year Yang Ginseng… Which you didn’t find, but you did run into some shade wolves, nothing but trash really, Rong should be strong enough to deal with most of the pack with what little you’ve taught him, even with a wooden sword.

You assumed he wouldn’t panic against 17 wolves, your mistake.

You dealt with them and taught both the basics of what to look for in a beast. Rong had a hard time keeping his stomach in place once it was his turn, but his hand worked the knife rather well… you wouldn’t buy what he harvested though. Lian didn’t do good either, so you two helped her.

The wolf livers you got will be helpful for Rong, you’re having them processed into a paste to help with the gathering process when he practices.

The cat's eye you found should help reduce the inflammation in Lian’s body, the apothecary is also packing some herbs you can use to make an infusion for her to soak in, and getting ready to follow you to the house, you want him to diagnose her.

You’ll have to do something about Rong, he’s too scared of failure to do anything, so he fails over and over.

(”What worked for me was… Forget it, I’ll have to think of something else”)

The rainy streets of Zhen’s capital, the piles of corpses and wave after wave of demons chasing after you. You wouldn’t want to put anyone through that, friend or foe.

(”Maybe I can just beat him up until failure is just normal for him?… That still sounds too extreme.”)

(”...Maybe I’m too used to failure and can’t understand it?”)

You open the door and find Lian collapsed on the floor and drenched in sweat. Rong is holding a talisman in his hands, using a light mystical art… The most basic blessing art, and you can see other talismans scattered around.

”T-teach you have to do something, Lian… I don’t know what happened!”

”When did this happen?” You channel some Qi into your eyes and check her constitution, the apothecary walks up to her and starts taking her pulse.

”A little after you left, but you have to do something!”

”Heavens, what happened to this girl’s body?”

”Her meridians shattered since birth”

”No, not that… Her meridians are full of mist!”

…that explains it.

”...I see, can you do something about the rest of her body?”

You assumed she would be patient, your mistake… That’s two.

”I can, but the mist…”

”I’ll deal with it, we’ll take it from here Rong, you did well.”
The apothecary leaves past midnight after you took turns stabilizing her body and removing the mist, he gave you a prescription of normal herbs that his assistant will bring in a couple days and some considerations to follow.

It looks like she was too successful and started to absorb the mist little by little on her own, you’ll have to talk to her about this later.

”Teach, will she be okay?”

”Thanks to you, go get some sleep, I’ll look after her.”

The rest of the night goes by without any complications, Lian always wakes up early, and Rong is used to sleeping in late.

Today you will

>Talk to Rong first (write in)
>Talk to Lian first (write in)
>>Talk to Lian first
Hold Lian's hand to comfort her on the bed. Tell her she's not allowed to die especially since she's our apprentice, she represents us and our history from now on. Tell her that we need her and apologize for the fact that she never had a childhood but tell her that soon, once she's established her training it'll all be better and given time we promise to fix her body so that she can run around and play like everybody else.

More than everybody else, she'll be strong enough to protect herself and do whatever it is she wants.
Make sure to also mention how The Heavens aren't always fair but as cultivators, we are the ones who defy the heavens and decide our own destiny.
You boil some water and mix a couple ingredients in it, and it cools down a bit in the time it takes you to reach Lian’s room, you’ll talk to her first.

“Lian, are you awake?”


“I brought you something to drink, it tastes pretty bad but it will help you get better.”

”Yes…” The girl drinks the mixture, her face doesn’t show it but she takes a long time to drink compared to anything else you’ve given her.

“We won’t train for a bit, got it?”


You wait until she’s finished drinking and hold her little hand, it is very frail and it feels like it could snap at any moment.

“Listen Lian… You’re my first apprentice, you’ll represent me and my history from now on, but more importantly, you’ll walk your own path, so I can’t have you dying…

The heavens… The world is not fair, so all we can do is struggle and fight as hard as we can to decide our destiny. I can’t change your past, but once your body gets better you will become so strong that you will be able to do whatever you want”



”Why me?... I’m trash… useless.”

“Can trash control the mist like you do?”

”Maybe Rong can?”

“Maybe in a thousand years if he starts studying today… Lian, this is something only you can do right now.

Besides, even if you were trash, I’ll make sure you are the strongest, that way everyone else will be worse than trash.”

”It works like that?”

“Yeah that’s how it works, now focus on resting, no mist weaving, no filling your body with mist in secret, and if you feel bad tell me or Rong, okay? I’ll teach you both how to do body cultivation later.”

”Ah… Sorry… Okay.”

Rong wakes up a few hours later, you’ll talk to him once he’s done washing up

>Talk to Rong (write in)
"Good work on saving Lian junior. I'm proud of you. You've got talent, you've got drive. The only thing you are missing is guts. I can sense it. You are so afraid of letting your friends and family down that it is damaging your will to excel. Will to excel is everything! Don't train for anyone else. Don't even train for me. Train to impress yourself. Only then can you reach your true potential."
>Talk to Rong (write in)
>Good job you stabilized Lian when I went out. It was my failure to not notice how well taken she was to the mist. But you stabilized her until I came back. You succeeded Rong be proud. I as your master am proud of you.
I'll make sure to give you the best training.
>>Talk to Rong
Tell Rong that Lian's gonna be okay and he should focus on his training. Tell him that although he's talented if his mindset is weak he'll never break through his bottleneck. Tell him as Cultivators our lives are always on the line so he'll need to get used to fighting overwhelming odds and surviving.

Tell Rong that once he's firmly gotten the right mindset with his talent he'll be unparalleled so we'll need to focus on building that up.

Add these in too, I thought Rong was just gonna be a little shit but he's a good kid too.
The two of you eat breakfast together, you notice the bags under his eyes, and the fact he’s been stealing glances at Lian’s room the whole time.

“She’ll be okay, it was my fault for not noticing how well she has taken to the mist.”

”Thank goodness…”

“If you hadn’t done anything back then she would have probably died by the time we arrived.
You have saved a life just like in the books, be proud.”

”It was that bad?”

“Yeah, what did you feel?”

”I was scared...”
“Of what, messing up and not living to my expectations?”


Well, yes… but I was more scared of her dying.”

“And what did you do? Why did you do what you did? Tell me all about it”

”I thought I could give her some of my pills… but then remembered that her body is too weak to cultivate, maybe some of the herbs we had lying around could help, but I didn’t know which ones to use… she wasn’t awake either so I couldn’t feed her.”

“So, you thought about using mystical arts?”


“Did I teach you any arts yet?”


“Do you know of anyone who can use mystical arts without knowing how they work?”

”Only in books.” “Only in books, yes? Why did you do it then?”

”I wanted to try.” “Even if it failed?” ”Yeah.”

“Rong… as cultivators our lives will always be on the line, our actions will also affect others around us too.

We’re imperfect beings, we’ll make mistakes, our choices might not be the best. But making a choice and acting on it is the most important part, even if it leads to failure.”

You think back to your own master’s words, said to you and your brother in the tundra of Jianan.

”Not being able to do it now does not mean that you are unable to do it in the future.

And even if it is not done, what of it? Working hard should be caused by your inner desire, and should not come from the disparity from comparing yourself with others, or from what others want of you.

As long as you really try hard, it is enough.”

”...Thanks, Teach.”

“If you get it then focus on trying from here on, the results you can worry about once they happen.”

”I want to try being like the Demon Emperor”

“He’s awful.”

”And the Crimson War God?” “Awful.”

”The wanderer of a myria-” “Beyond awful, the Silver Sword Saint is a dork, the Brilliant Buddha is a stick in the mud and Shama is a hag.”

“Don’t be like any of those old people, okay?”

”Wait! Shama is a woman!?”
You’re not sure if he got the idea, but you’ll keep reminding him if you need to.

Lian will take a year to fully recover, in the meantime you can

>Focus on training Rong for a year (On what? Any special approach to teaching him?) Roll a d100
>Focus on hunting beasts and looking for materials, you can entrust Rong with keeping the place and taking care of Lian (Will you venture outside Xingtian or go to other zones within the country?)
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>Focus on training Rong for a year (On what? Any special approach to teaching him?) Roll a d100
The hill with weights training climbing up a steep cliff. He's gonna fail a lot however it'll build up his mentality.
Saving him form falling to he death and calling out how far he climbs.
Teaching him various herbs that are useful and treasures to expand his horizon.
Buying some books and teaching him mystical light arts.
I'd say rotation of these subjects. Also, the blindfold him with logs swinging around to train his instinct. Don't get hit bro.
Once he's got a good mental state he can pick up a sword.
Five days of training and study with two break days.
>Focus on training Rong.

Give him a goal. By years end I want you to have memorised. . . I dunno, the 9th layer of light collapsing sword play or something.
Or have him hit foundation establishment. I want a goal which seems really daunting [and maybe hype it up if we have too] but ultimately achievable with his talents.

Given that Lian is going to waste a year recovering, I think it is best that we put them to bond like Brother and sister, occasionally deligate him to care for her and keep company. Build a bond of gratitude amongst them.

I want to cultivate ourselves for a bit but, meh. Ah, I know.
Part of his training WILL be investigating leads, learning how to tell a good tip from a bad one is 3ssential
Aww that was a cute post.

>Focus on Teaching Rong for a year.
>Set up an Illusionary array so that he can get some practice using semi real situations. Have him a weaker version of us from when we were The Crimson Wargod that's still strong enough to be overwhelming in his mind. Have him work towards beating the Illusion, try to fiddle with the array to make it so that he won't take brain damage but make sure that the illusion feels realistic.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolled 16 (1d100)

>Focus on training Rong for a year
>Build up an illusionary array that Rong can practice in and try to build up his perseverance when it comes to dangerous situations.
Can we spend spirit stones to boost the roll a bit?
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>Focus on training Rong for a year
>Build an Illusionary array for Rong to practice his swordsmanship with.
Locking at :40

Wanna use your causality denial point? Otherwise no.
Locking in training using an array to train, writing!
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolling for yearly event
>inb4 the heavens are with me
Damn, I'm now emotionally invested in the kids
Yeah I gave up on Waifus and shifted straight to wanting to protect these small children by like their second post.
The only instinct stronger than BREED. The legendary PATERNAL INSTINCT.
I wanted to do just one thing but I've ended up wanting to write more, it'll take me a bit longer to finish, thank you for your patience!

Male Cultivators only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
“Since Lian will take a while to be able to cultivate, this old man better make it worth your time, eh young master?”

”Teach, can you not say that?” It’s embarrassing…”

”Young master.” ”Eeh? You too?”

”So? What kinda sword are you teaching me? Can I choose?”

“Let’s see…I know Storms of Mount Krish Lifts the Earth, Eight Hundred Metal Swords Traverse the Great River, the Star Academy’s Mountain Toppling Staff, the Unequaled True Sword of the Orthodoxy, Thirteen Branches of Poplar and Willow, and the Frost Condensation of the Snow Mountain Sect…

I also know the Sword of Hithering Light from the Heavenly Dao Academy, the Righteous Intent Sword from the Temple Seminary, the Three Forms of Hoshal from the Hoshal Tangs with the Tang Clan Sword, Many Flowers Like Embroidery, Mountain Spirit Splits the Cliff, the Mount Li Sword Style, the Welcoming Sword, the Mountain Reversing Sword, the Burning Heaven Sword of Mount Li, Playing Thrice in the Plum Blossom, White Crane from the West, Great Suspense of the Book and Ink from the South Stream Temple…

But for now I want you to try learning the Crimson Tulip Blade”

”So I can’t choose?”

“Do well and I’ll teach you a little of the others, deal?”

You spent some stones to buy a couple artifacts in the city… You tried using your Eyes of the Unshackled to scout the real good stuff among the heaps of goods, but there wasn’t anything worth mentioning… Maybe it’s a bad year for artifact makers as a whole.

What Rong needs the most right now is a strong mind, and in the end the best thing that came to mind was putting in dangerous situations using an array. The array is set up in a couple days, and replaces the one you had been using before.

Part of the setup creates a mist dome that you can control the density of, partly to show Lian things she will be able to do, and also because it will put Rong in a pinch more often than not.

The other part is a simple illusion maze.

He’ll cultivate three days and rest two, no cultivation allowed during rest. Of those five days three will be spent on sword techniques, the other two will be array training.

After three months you change the days he rests in. And three days will be array training.

And at six months you change the days again, keep moving them around to keep him sharp. Four days of array training.
You didn’t expect things to go this way at all, “I’ll make it worth your time” he said.

You’d always cultivate in the morning, then do sword or array training.

The first three months were very simple, you’d just read a freshly written manual and then practice the Crimson Tulip Blade along master. He would point out where you were making mistakes and how to correct them.

You noticed this sword is supposed to keep the sword intent compressed to a small area in the blade, and has no techniques to shoot sword intent.

Array days would be spent fighting one or two creatures, a shade wolf, a few Flame Mantises, a bandit who had just started cultivating. You saw your progress the whole time, and it felt very normal.

The next three months were challenging, the number of days you would do array practice increased, there were more monsters, more bandits, cultivators on the Qi Gathering stage, and mist would seep in and drain you sometimes.

Sword training also changed, he would either point out where you went wrong, or how to correct it. You would have to figure the other part out.
The next six months were really rough, sword training consisted of a day of sparring, then you would have to recount how many mistakes you made, where you went wrong and how to correct it.

The array had no monsters, it would always be people of higher cultivation stages than yours, your objective never stopped being “try defeating them”, and the mist was always present.

Old, young, men, women, demons and humans. Swords, Spears, Axes, Staves, Mystical arts.

You were always given a… script of sorts too.
>You’re the master of five students and…
>You're the heir to some sect and your brother is trying to get rid of you…
>You’ve found a material to save your wife but…
>You just had your treasure stolen by…
>You’re a mercenary getting paid to…

Then one day it changed again, from that point onwards it would always be a single old man. The man always held a different sword, and always used a different sword style.

From the moment he appeared until he disappeared… you’d be forced to kneel by just his presence alone.

It took you two weeks to not be crushed by the pressure, in a month and a half you could avoid some of his moves, and in the last days of your training you were trying your best to injure him, you were trying to crush him with your own will.

Rest days you would spend thinking of ways to move better, to endure better, you wanted to, you NEEDED to try again.

And finally, on the last day.

”Crimson Tulip Blade Blood Dew!”

….You missed your attack.

“Oh yeah that’s the stuff… We’re done, wash up, take the rest of the day for yourself.”

”What? But I missed it!”

“That’s fine, I’ve got something to talk about with you tomorrow.”

”Rong… Hua… Good work.”
He did well for a rookie, you were concerned because he was too scared during the first three months, he would get it done, sure… But there was no decisiveness to his moves.

One day you tried giving him context as to why he was fighting, and things clicked in place. Always make him feel like he has to act, that did the trick.

He was doing well against opponents of core formation so you thought you’d push him a little more, you changed the illusions to your past life and ran him through the whole list of your sword styles.

He couldn’t do much until today, he thinks he missed, but you saw he got a tiny cut on the illusion’s sleeve.

His cultivation is doing fine, he should be able to break through in a week or two, so you’ve already started preparing a suitable location for it.

The only issue is he can’t control his sword intent for shit, he more or less got the form of the moves you’ve taught him but he’s always shooting the sword intent off the blade. You’ll have to work this out before it leads to an accident.


Hua and Rong are practicing almost every day.

Hua always asks you to come watch.

Hua has been teaching you how to read and write, and brought you a few books to practice.

Your body doesn’t hurt that much…


Hua is nice… but he’s very scary whenever he picks up a weapon.

He is always awake before you, and always goes to sleep after Rong.

Hua always tells you to eat weird plants and strange soups and bitter drinks, he gives you sweets sometimes too…

Hua will tell you and Rong all sorts of weird stories… Rong is always excited but you don’t get it?

You can clean your own room without coughing once…

You can carry bags with vegetables, you can sweep. You’re already used to it, so you don’t mind it.

Hua scolded you at first… but after some time he let you do it. Hua is always helping you, so you want to help him.

Rong was scary, like the Ping sisters.

Rong is not scary, but he’s loud.

Rong is loud, but he’s nice.

Rong is nice, like Hua.

Rong always helps you, so you want to help him too.

The Ping sisters would always say good work to their father and brother… they would always smile?

You hate the Ping family, but you want Rong and Hua to smile.

"Rong… Hua… Good work."

The yearly event is a new talent tournament hosted at Heipinghua!

With Lian fully recovered, you can:
>Help Rong break through, and spend the next year training Lian while giving Rong pointers on the side
>Help Rong break through and have him join the tournament (Any restrictions or things you want him to TRY?)
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Old man in question, Rong's POV (I forgot to add it while dumping the update)
Is Rong still good with his family? They seemed to bid him farewell in relatively good nature last time and honestly I'm not feeling any animosity.

>Help Rong break through and have him join the tournament.
>Just tell him to do his best and make us proud, see how much he's advanced from where he started. Also maybe show his family how far he's gotten so that they won't get worried about him.
>Help Rong break through and have him join the tournament

This isn't gonna take the whole year right? We can still help Lain Cultivate Later? I feel like we can maybe find an alchemist who can create diluted Mist Pills from the Mist Flowers to help Lian Along but maybe we need to find a specialist.

Basically I really wanna get some progress done on helping Lian with her problems so she's not on the verge of death constantly.
He's THROUGH with his family and will NEVER come back, EVER (he's a brat throwing a fit, they'll definitely be happy to see him do well)´

This isn't gonna take the whole year right? That'll depend on a few things below the table.
What about the Ping family? Do they miss their little punching bag? They deserve a dog's death.
Help Rong break through and have him join the tournament (Any restrictions or things you want him to TRY?)
Look at the prelims and judge the gaggle of contestants and give him challenges based on the fighter. Which will be weighted to limit his mobility, which will have a release word for each limb that we'll call out.
Shouldn't take more then a month for the tournament. And then it's work on Lian.
>ALSO BET AND MAKE MONEY ON RONG WE NEED MONEY FOR THE TRAINING. Say use 50% of our funds and keep 25% of the winnings and bet the 75% as he progresses.
If we're betting let's cheat and use our eyes to identify his opponents alongside how to take advantage of their weaknesses
From what I've gathered, Rong is around 15 now while Lian is 13?
>Help Rong break through and have him join the tournament (Any restrictions or things you want him to TRY?)
We should focus him on trying to win this thing. I think we should concentrate on his body fundamentals, he seems to be doing well with swords but I'm getting the feeling his general stamina and strengths are lacking and he'll need that more than anything.

And of course, if Lian health allows, we help her cultivate slowly but surely.

>What about the Ping family?
They're 16 and 14 now that we skipped a year but yes. Rong is the older one.

Locking breakthrough and tournament.
“There’s going to be a new talent tournament in Heipinghua in four weeks, Qi Gathering and Foundation Establishment cultivators only. I already signed you up, and we’ll leave in three weeks.

We’re going to try getting you to break through to Foundation Establishment these next two weeks.

”Can I really do it in two weeks?”

“I think you can.”

”Me too.”

“Even if you don’t, I think you can win the tournament as is.”

”Me too.”

”Okay now you’re just pulling my leg.”

“Well, get ready for a lesson without practice. you can write it down if you want and ask any questions you have.

Yours will be a bit different, Lian, but you can join in too.”

You’re going to be using a little pot for demonstration purposes.

”Let’s say my body is this pot, the first step will be to fill it with water, this water is now the pot’s”

”Your first step as a cultivator is to take the Energy from the world into your body and make it yours, this power you now have can be called the Sea of Consciousness, for Lian it will be a sea of mist.

Once the sea covers your entire body, you can move to the next stage, we call this Foundation establishment.”

The kids nod, good they’re following so far. But the next part will make no sense.

”Foundation establishment is taking all that water… and turning it into soil”

You use your Qi to lift the water out of the pot, and then use earth mystical arts to fill it with soil… You could have just turned the water into soil if you had been good with arts in your previous life, but that’s not the point right now.

”I don’t get it.”

”Yeah I don’t get it either”


”I know it doesn’t make much sense, but this part is mostly about your ability to ‘change’ something… if there’s anything that can help you with this then it would be to let your imagination run wild when doing it.”

”Imagination huh? How did you do it yourself, teach? I know my sect has a manual for breakthroughs that everyone follows.”

”Using a manual is an option, but you’ll just be copying someone else, if that person had problems or shortcomings you’ll have them as well… So breakthrough manuals are banned in this house, understand? I won’t tell you how I did it for that same reason, but I’ll be with you throughout the whole process.”

”...I’ll give it a try then.”

”No pressure, just tell me when you’re ready and we’ll start.”

A few days pass and your teacher sets up… some sort of ritual altar? That’s what it looks like to you anyway.

There’s candles, incense sticks, sand, talismans inscribed with all kinds of weird instructions and a cushion in the center.

“This will just keep any distractions out of the way, you do your thing and if something happens I’ll take care of it” He said.

You were feeling nervous at first, but the incense is helping you calm down… it looks like the talismans are for isolating sound, but what is the sand for?

You close your eyes and start meditating.

Changing the sea into something else… You want to try changing it into:
>A landmass, a big and imposing mountain range
>Burn the sea and turn it into a large valley full of magma
>Turn the sea into a forest of pure steel
>Turn the sea into a bright sun

When doing this, you feel like there’s a calling coming from your


While you’re doing this, you’re subconsciously thinking about

>Your battles against the illusionary old man
>The time Lian’s sickness got worse

Roll a d100+40
Rolled 7 (1d100)

>Turn the sea into a bright sun
>>Your battles against the illusionary old man
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>Turn the sea into a forest of pure steel
>Your battles against the illusionary old man
Rolled 3 (1d100)

>Turn the sea into a forest of pure steel
>Your battles against the illusionary old man
Rolled 78 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

>Turn the sea into a forest of pure steel
>The time Lian’s sickness got worse
Locking at :20
>The duality of rolls
>didn't even need the master bonus to save the breakthrough
I'm sure if I had named this "SUPER FORTUNATE ULTIMATE GAMBLE MASTER CULTIVATOR QUEST" my players' rolls wouldn't have been this polarizing

Locking steel, veins, battles.
The Dao of Gambling is the strongest there is.
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Damn, missed the vote again
Still rolling.
You think about your fights against the illusion, the old man always held a steel sword, when he looked at you, the pressure would crush you, when you looked at his blade, you felt like the light reflecting off the steel would slice your eyes.

”Steel… I’ll turn it into steel”

The sea of pure water changes, it becomes a massive white burning mass of steel, and you can feel your mind burning, you need to cast the steel.

”Cast it… with my veins!”

The blinding hot energy flows through your veins into every meridian, it feels like your whole body is on fire and it doesn’t take long for the steel to overflow.

”They’re rivers! …huff… My heart… is the basin!”

And the rest of your body


Land of steel: +3 to sword intent based techniques, +2 to non sword intent techniques, +1 to defensive rolls. (This trait will improve based on breakthrough choices)

Shao Rong is currently jumping and laughing, you are too. He’s your apprentice, sure, but foundation establishment is hard to get through in a single try even for geniuses.

You saw the whole thing with your eyes, he might not have noticed it, but the sea of consciousness changed more than once, he was definitely thinking hard there.

The mountain range, the sea of flames, the bright sphere of light, and then a burning hot ocean of liquid metal, you saw him expand his meridians and veins and create a land of pure steel.

It went perfectly, there are no issues with his veins, the meridians are stable and his soul feels… stronger, perhaps he’s a little more confident.


“YOU did it, all I did was be close in case you messed up”

But still, a world of steel? What a madman… then again, every one of you six old timers wasn’t right in the head either.

”LIAN! Wanna know what I made!?”

“Don’t tell her yet, dumbass, I want her to figure it out by herself”

”Fine! This young master will entertain you just this once, old man!”

”Rong… The laundry…”

”What about it? It’s teacher’s day to do it, no?”

”He’s an old man… You’re young.” ”Hey hey what are you talking about, he looks younger than my d-”

“Aiiyaa my back, my POOR back. These OLD bones can’t take it anymore.” ”Uh no I take it back, this humble cultivator will honor his YOUNG, DASHING, VIGOROUS expert of a master! Spare me the laundry!”

”Is it that bad?”
You’ve packed your things up and left for Heipinghua, you decided to cut through the forest to save time. Lian would walk until she was tired, then you’d take turns carrying her with Rong.

The trip was uneventful for the most part, you ran into a few beasts that were defeated by him, now you’re wondering how the training will pay off once he fights actual people.
The vein tempering he went through really did a number on the amount of Qi that flows through him, but his minute control is still rather poor so there hasn’t been any progress on using the true Crimson Tulip Blade, which is a shame.

It might be better for him to know a sword style that lets him capitalize on all that Qi while he gets a hang of your teacher’s blade.

Heipinghua hasn’t changed much from your first visit… Is what you had expected but city lord Xia Yan made it big with your trick, he figured part of it out and is working on setting a mostly mist free road to Owayabo through the mountains, he’s negotiating with the imperial family there to sell the array, which more than monetary compensation will turn him into a sort of celebrity.

You’ll go and get your cut when the whole deal is complete… Just bide your time and go for the throat when he least expects it, like a Divine Lightning Jaguar.

You take a moment to go through the roster for the tournament, names and stages are listed for everyone to see…




“Heh heh heh heh”

Participant: Ren Luoyang

”What’s up teach?”

“Nothing, just thinking this will be a good tournament for everyone.”

You’ll gamble, you’ll gamble on him and Rong, they’re going to eat everyone else alive and you’ll be there to profit.

There are still a few days to go, so you could
>Teach him the Three Forms of Hoshal from the Hoshal Tangs
>Teach him the Burning Heaven Sword of Mount Li
>Teach him the Stupid Sword

And roll a d20

And this will be it for today's session, thank you for participating! Back in 10-12 hours, but that session will run shorter, got stuff to do on friday... If I figure out tripcodes I'll try to phoneupdate on friday!
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>Teach him the Stupid Sword
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>>Teach him the Three Forms of Hoshal from the Hoshal Tangs
we need to use that qi of him
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Stupid sword sounds like fools guard.
And I like that.

But he can learn it later.
>three forms of tang
The tangs are poisoner's by most report.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>Teach him the Burning Heaven Sword of Mount Li

He does have light affinity.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>Teach him the Burning Heaven Sword of Mount Li
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>Teach him the Burning Heaven Sword of Mount Li

I figured Silver Saint's apprentice would show up, didn't expect him to show up so soon.
>wake up
>heavens simle upon our group again

Locking mount li's sword
Ohh God are we doing Crits on this quest? I just realized it's possible you decided to screw us with Lian on the previous Herb Search Roll because we rolled a 1 even though we had higher.

You do know that on a best of three for a d20 there's like a 15% chance to roll either a 1 or a 20 right? I don't even know what the chances are of rolling one of 1 or 20 on a best of three but I think it's close to 30%

D20 Best of Threes can get swingy as fuck.
Swinginess makes perfect sense for Xianxia. The entire genre is just wild swings.
Lian was going to get sick no matter what, the dice check was to see if Rong could save her in time and we got a 17 (the dc was 15)
Yes, I was ready to kill her off in a couple posts but I had faith in my players, it was a gamble.
God damn it Lian, you're adorable but you really messed up there.

Personally I'd have voted to use Causality Denial if that happened, fuck reality save the Daughteru.

btw is there any other ways to gain Causality Denial other than just cultivating? What even is that actually, it feels like a game mechanic but Bai's acknowledged it before if I recall correctly.
You'll have 3 points of causality denial this quest, there are a couple ways to get more but that will depend on events and your choices, might very well be possible you're not lucky enough or choose wrong and miss out.

1 From (re)birth <- You are here
1 at Golden Core
1 at Immortal

They will let you:
>Bring another character back from the dead, death needs to happen in quest.
>Completely reforge another character's body (i.e. turning Lian into a normal cultivator)
>Guarantee the highest success possible in a single roll (a 1 into a 6 or a 20, etc.)
>Reroll your cultivation path (i.e. switching from extreme yin to star emperor or two normal paths)
>Reroll another character's cultivation path(s)
“Rong, I’ve seen that you’re still having trouble with the Crimson Tulip Sword.”

”Sorry teach, I’ll do better.”

“That’s fine, it’s not like you have to master it in one go… So I’ve got something that will put all that Qi you have now to better use.”

You were thinking about it earlier, Three Forms of Hoshal is just three moves total, but they’re incredibly strong because the Tangs paid a bunch of sword experts to help them create said moves.

The stupid sword… he might be too smart and too dumb to use it properly, if you can give him a live demonstration later he’ll be in your pocket.

Mount Li’s Burning Heaven Sword aligns with his experience just fine.

“I’m not writing a manual for this one, I promised an old associate I wouldn’t, so you’ll have to learn by eye, that good for you?.”

The kid nods, and you take them both to a location a ways from Heipinghua.

“We’ll be studying a bit of the Burning Heaven Sword. I can only show you a… different version because of my constitution, but I want you to pay attention to my footwork.

After that we can work out the Qi flow together.”

”From THE Mount Li?!” “From THE Mount Li!.”


You unsheathe the Drifting Flower sword and circulate your Qi towards it, and then you convert the Qi into a mass of cold darkness.

Rong’s eyes are wide open

”Behold! Mount Li’s Dark Heaven Sword!”

”Mount Li had a dark sword?”

”No you dumbass, they would never have one, and if they see me doing this I’ll be in trouble.

What’s important is to look at my movements and how the Qi is supposed to act, after that I’ll tell you the actual use of Qi”

You showed him its three basic moves.
Dawn in the Mountain, a thrusting move to pierce.
Dawn in the Horizon, a horizontal slashing move.
Golden Crow’s Cry, a move to shoot his sword intent from a distance.

”Got it?” ”That’s so simple!”

”So? I’m not about to teach you ‘The World Ablaze’ just so you can fight some rookies, rookie. You’re a few hundred years too early to even grasp it.

Now you just ignite your Qi, turn it into fire and keep it burning… Think of something that makes your blood boil an-”

The Qi in Rong’s wooden sword explodes into a wonderful golden flame and incinerates the poor practice weapon, as expected of your disciple.


”Sigh… You guys will be given equipment prepared by the organizers to keep things as fair as possible, every participant will have a charm that will break when the holder receives enough damage, if that happens they’ll be covered by a barrier and the fight is over.”

You’re getting nervous he’ll burn right through the barrier, or even worse, go through all the swords in the venue by the time the tournament is over and you have to pay for them.
No no I know what they do, I'm asking what they actually are because Bai seems to acknowledge them as something that actually exists and not just a quest mechanic.
The tournament is being held in a single day, all in all there are 16 participants from Zhong, Jianan and a few people from Owayabo, not many people.

”Where are we going?”

“We’re going to make some money”

”How?” “We gamble.”



”The Pings gamble… ” “Ah… Uh… Well… Rong is so strong it’s not really gambling if you think about it is it?”


“Don’t stare at me like that, how about I buy you something nice when we win?” ”...

There will be four rounds, you currently have 1500 spirit stones. Betting a lot on either Rong or Luoyang this early will tip other people off.
You will:
>Bet 200 on either Luoyang or Rong, you’ll get double back at best
>Bet 200 on the Foundation Establishment martial artist girl from Jianan, she looks sharp but the odds are stacked against her for some reason (roll a d100)
>Bet 200 on the young spearman from Zhong, he’s in middle Qi gathering but he is very composed and confident (Roll a d100)

Anything you want to tell Rong? Any challenges you want to impose on him for this first round?
Oh what they are in lore?
Since Hua went beyond to a higher dimension he's able to use influence causality to a certain extent in the lower dimension (this world). If he does it too much the gatekeeper will notice and we'll be in deep shit...
>Bet 200 on BOTH Luoyang and Rong, you’ll get double back at best. We know those two are gonna be shoe ins.
>Tell Rong to hold back a bit and try to make the fight seem close if possible. If he finishes it too quickly then our betting ratio will be too low but if he acts like it was a close fight the betting ratio might go higher if they make him a dark horse.
>Use our eyes of the Unshackled to clearly watch the girl and the spearman so that we can learn if they're worth betting on or watching.
>Buy Lian some candied haws and pat her head.

Ahh so if we don't care about the Gatekeeper or find a way to keep our influence hidden we can basically get more causality points. Neat.
>>Bet on both Rong and Luoyang making semi finals
>Bet 200 on Rong for overall victor
This is just the first round, nobody's established the bets yet so the ratios are gonna be skewed. Later on we can bet more it seems but if we wanna make bank we gotta set things up.
>Bet 200 on BOTH Luoyang and Rong, you’ll get double back at best. We know those two are gonna be shoe ins.
>Tell Rong to hold back a bit and try to make the fight seem close if possible. If he finishes it too quickly then our betting ratio will be too low but if he acts like it was a close fight the betting ratio might go higher if they make him a dark horse.
>Use our eyes of the Unshackled to clearly watch the girl and the spearman so that we can learn if they're worth betting on or watching.
>Buy Lian some candied haws and pat her head
Yeah I'll let you guys gamble more, these updates will come relatively fast.
”You’re done betting, teach?”

“You do know your stuff huh?”

”I did some gambling before I met you, I’d be mad if you didn’t!” ”Rong too?”

”Aiya don’t be like that, I’ll buy you something when we win okay?”


… Okay.”

Is it your impression or did the corners of her lips lift up a little?

“You’ll get a cut out of this of course, but let’s make it fun… You have to win this round, but you can’t be the first to move. Do that and I’ll give you some more stones.”


Ren Luoyang’s fight went as you’d expect, one move and it was over before the other kid could do anything… He’s using a steel sword but seems conflicted for some reason.

Rong’s fight… he was nervous the whole time, he waited for his opponent to move first and kept evading, he seemed to be hesitating for a few moves and then finished it in a clean slash with a bit of sword intent.

He’s either too nervous to use the Burning Heaven sword, or he’s in on this and is just downplaying before the real bets start.

With those two out of the way, you and Lian watch the other fights happen, all weak with a couple exceptions

The Jianan girl’s practicing your clan’s martial arts, the White Tiger’s fist, and she’s pretty fast for her stage and her strikes are very decisive. You can see Lian’s eyes are glued to the fight the whole time.

The spear wielding brat from Zhong is very impressive, he won against a middle foundation girl from Owayabo. The difference in raw power was overcome with pure finesse.

”…Four apprentices would be too expensive, wouldn’t it?”

The first round is over, you spent 400 stones to bet on both Rong and Luoyang and got 800 in gains.

With your 1900 stones you will:
>Bet 400 on Rong, you’ll likely get double back because of his performance.
>Bet 400 on Luoyang, the odds are changing so you’ll get 720 stones with the current standing.
>Bet 600 on the Zhong kid, his cultivation is keeping the odds of victory low, you’ll get 1800 stones IF he wins again (roll a d100)
>Bet 600 on the Jianan girl, these fools haven’t picked up on her potential yet. You’ll get 1500 stones. (roll a d100)

Anything you want to tell Rong? Any challenges you want to impose on him for this second round?
Rolled 47 (1d100)

>Bet 600 on the Jianan girl, these fools haven’t picked up on her potential yet. You’ll get 1500 stones. (roll a d100)
>Bet 400 on Rong, you’ll likely get double back because of his performance.
>Bet 400 on Luoyang, the odds are changing so you’ll get 720 stones with the current standing.

Even if we only bet and win once we can easily gain a lot of our money! Come on gods of gambling don't fail me now!
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>Bet 600 on the Jianan girl, these fools haven’t picked up on her potential yet. You’ll get 1500 stones. (roll a d100)
>Bet 400 on Rong, you’ll likely get double back because of his performance.
>Bet 400 on Luoyang, the odds are changing so you’ll get 720 stones with the current standing
Looks like we're back to our normal dice ducking rip.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>Bet 600 on the Jianan girl, these fools haven’t picked up on her potential yet. You’ll get 1500 stones. (roll a d100)
>Bet 400 on Rong, you’ll likely get double back because of his performance.
>Bet 400 on Luoyang, the odds are changing so you’ll get 720 stones with the current standing
Rolled 7 (1d100)

I'll support.
The second round went well too, Rong and Luoyang are a given. Looks like rong’s previous round was him being too nervous because this time he moved well and ended the fight in two moves, very good.

The Jianan girl went against a young lady from Zhong who was specializing in fire mystical arts. This didn’t stop her though, she weaved in and out of the way of the flames… then at the very end used her Qi to create a shockwave and dissipate a rudimentary flame barrier her opponent made, a very pleasing fight.


“Pretty good, no? Do you like martial arts?”

”I think?”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

The Zhong kid did it again and you can see a few people cheering on him, definitely the ones who won their bets, you saw someone had bet four thousand on him winning too, lucky dog.

There’s a short break for participants to have a meal and relax, because of the brackets, Rong will have to fight against the Jinian girl, which should be fun to watch. The Zhong boy will face off against Luoyang.

You’ve already doubled what you started with, you have 3250 spirit stones and you will:
>Bet 1000 on Luoyang for a 1200 payout.
>Bet 1000 on the Zhong kid for a 6000 payout. Roll a 1d100 (Dice check is 80)
>Bet 1000 on Rong for a 2000 payout
>Bet 1000 on the Jinian girl for a 2500 payout

The next turn will be a combat turn from Rong's POV, anything you want to tell him?
Alright, time for us to get serious.

>Bet 1000 on Rong for a 2000 payout
>Tell him that the Jinian girl is very slippery and she'll likely try to force the fight into close combat where he won't be able to use his sword very well. Advise him from this point on he should go all out and try to focus on using wide-ranged attacks that are difficult to dodge which he's good at while dodging the girl's close range attacks.
>Bet 1000 on Rong for a 2000 payout
>Use our eyes to try to see if we can find the Spearman and Girl's masters or their family members.
Excellent winnings all-around.

I agree with both of these anons.

A nice payout of 3200.
This us already a very profitable trip.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

“Okay Rong, your challenge this time is to win… that’s it.”

”Okay... did you bet?”

“Yeah on the spear kid from Zhong, you focus on your thing… What can you point out from her fights?”

”She’s pretty fast and slippery”

“Good, keep her beyond the tip of your blade at all times, any closer and she’ll have the advantage. You want to limit her options to move around or make her focus on dodging.”

”Got it.”


”What’s up?”




You’re standing on the platform again, the crowd is starting to cheer and call your and your opponent’s names.

“Jianan’s White Tiger Clan, Gong Xuefeng!”

”Jiping’s… Rogue Cultivator, Shao Rong!”

“You look pretty strong… But I’m going to win!”

”Ah… uh… y-you too!”

Gong Xuefeng assumes a stance with her hands open like claws, and you unsheathe the sword you were given. The judge has not announced the start of the match yet.

Once the match begins, you will:
>Rush her down with a vertical slash
>Approach and cut horizontally
>Wait for her to approach and thrust your sword
>Focus on evading

Roll a d20.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>Approach and cut horizontally
Keeping a wide stance is critical
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Wait for her to approach and thrust your sword but don't stop there. Continue putting pressure on her with hard swift, hard-to-defend stabs while keeping your distance. If she passes our defenses then focus a wide slash to hit her at close range.

>“If you want a strong attack then there’s better options, ‘Lone Night Petal’ is hard to defend against because it’s a stab, the thinner your sword intent the better. The 13th move ‘Ice Leopard’s Call’ is mostly used to create space so you can sheathe again, but if you rotate your torso fast enough, it becomes the strongest move at close range.”
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>Wait for her to approach and thrust your sword, keep your range and wait for an opportunity.
He was staring at her Mt. Tais but fear not for by the skin of his teeth he saw past them.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>Rolled 11 (+3 from Land of Steel)

The judge signals the start of the match as soon as you make your stance, and your opponent rushes in rather quickly, she’s not fast compared to the old man in the array but… her uniform is very tight...

Since you can see the path she’s taking, you thrust your sword to keep her at range.

You circulate Qi into your sword from your arm, and then ignite it, you want the warmth of the rising sun in the tip of your blade.

Dawn in the mountain!

She’s surprised by your attack, but manages to take the hit with her shoulder instead of her chest, then keeps moving towards your body.

You recognize this, she moved the same way when dispelling the fire barrier… a shockwave!

“Desert Tiger’s…”

Her body is already way past the range your teacher recommended, so you jump back and create space with a horizontal cut, no sword intent, you won’t hit anything.


She unleashes her technique, and you can feel it clashing against the blade.

“Hmph, you won’t get away from my next move.” She says, while gathering her energy again… her body is tensing up again, she will attack soon.



>Try to move in with a thrust
>Wait for her to attack and try to counter with a vertical slash
>Try to circle around her while using a horizontal slash
Roll a d20
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>>Try to move in with a thrust
Well surely she wouldn't use the same move twice, so just get into the range she was just in before disengaging. It's genius.

>that roll
Oh no. Anyway.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>You've fought much more dangerous enemies, step into her attack to meet it head on and stab her using her momentum against her.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Try to circle around her while using a horizontal slash
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>>Try to move in with a thrust
Bros. The uniform was just too strong. I mean, girl. The girls were just too strong. No wait

I wonder how "I'm just disappointed" Hua can get.
You've fought much more dangerous enemies… if she’s going to rush again then you’ll step into her and use her momentum against her.

You kick off the ground and thrust your sword, unleashing the Dawn in the Mountain again, but just before you can complete the motions.

“White Tiger…”

She hops to the side.

“...Crushes the Mountain!!”

And hits your chest with her shoulder.


You can see the charm being ripped as you’re sent flying by her attack. Neither the strike nor the fall hurt… but it’s so painful.

”Participant Gong Xuefeng wins!”

Pathetic, what did you spend all that time in the arrays for? You could see her moves but moved wrong on every occasion, why?

Why didn’t you move faster? Why didn’t you swing better? How did you not stop her attack?

You can still fight…damn, it’s not fair… you can still win.

But you lost, the charm is torn and there’s nothing you can do.

This sucks, it sucks so much.

”Hey! Rong, was it?”

You don’t want to talk to her, but you’re a dignified young master… you’ll entertain her… just this once.

”What is it?”

That came out wrong…

”Ah… uh… I never thought I’d see a move of Mount Li’s lost sword styles, that was so cool!”

She extends her hand to you, you’re unwilling, but what can you do other than take it?

”I’m still learning, it’s not that cool yet I think…”

”Well, drop by the White Tiger Clan’s manor in Wenxi when you know more… I’ll keep learning the White Tiger’s Fist so we can spar again!”

”I’ll try…”

”See you later!”

Sigh… you could still win…


“Oh boy, did the Gongs become the main family or is she a special disciple?”

You’ve just witnessed Rong get completely wrecked by the White Tiger girl, that was such a clean use of White Tiger Crushes the Mountain for her age… you could even hear a soft roar when the strike connected.

Looks like your old clan hasn’t fallen, that’s always good news.

”Rong Lost…”

“That he did.”

”I don’t like it.”

“It’s okay, let’s go cheer him up, you keep the bet I made a secret between the two of us, okay?”


You lost the bet, so now you have 2250 spirit stones.
Rong is leaving the stage, and you’re both making your way to him, what do you want to say?
>(Write in)
>"A failure is only wasted if you do not learn from it. Examine what went wrong. Every step and every detail. Play it in your minds eye as many times as you need. Once you recognize why you were bested you can find a solution. Do not waste your failure, it is the best teacher there is."
I am not good at pep talks.
>>6196064 +1
That was disappointing, Rong's pretty pathetic huh. I'm not sure if we can get both of them up to a useful level before the end of the third year when we'll likely start moving out to focus on our own objectives again.
”Sorry teach…”

“About what?”

”I lost after you taught me so much”

So much he says.

“Are you dead?” ”No.” “Crippled?” ”No.”

“Did you get your clan killed when I wasn’t watching?”


He’s all mopey, it’s almost like you’re watching your old self.

”Failure is the best teacher there is.

Examine what went wrong, play it in your mind's eye as many times as you need, look for a solution and try to make sure it won’t happen again.

…If you can't avoid failure no matter what just then stop wasting your time on it and do something else.”
Is what the book says, there’s truth in these words so you told them to him but…

”But I could have won…”

“Damn, I relly suck at this kind of talk… Listen you dumbass, this isn’t the last time you’ll lose, if anything it will be the first of many failures… Just stay alive and fight again, keep losing until you can’t lose anymore, and if you still lose then just get up and keep fighting”


”You did good okay? I’m proud to see my kid go out there and throw out the Burning Heaven Sword like it’s nothing after studying it for just one day so… don’t get hung up on this, okay?”


”Rong… eat this.“ She offered him one of the candied haws you bought as a bribe.


He took the candied haw and bit into it, you can see him tearing up a little.

”It's so sweet…eugh...”

“So! With that said! Let's gamble on the last match, that Zhong kid is some good stuff too I’m telling you. I’d drop a hundred thousand stones if his opponent wasn’t that sword brat”

You have 2250 spirit stones
>You’ll gamble 1000 on Ren Luoyang, the expected payout is 1500
>You’ll gamble 1000 on the Zhong kid, the expected payout is 6000 (roll a d100, dice check is 70)
Rolled 88 (1d100)

>You’ll gamble 1000 on the Zhong kid, the expected payout is 6000 (roll a d100, dice check is 70)
Fuck it we gamble.
Well it would be dumb not to back >>6196104
Nothing like some unhinged gambling to light our boy's spirits up huh?
Haaaaiil yeah
You make your way with the two to a small table full of old men just like the old you, everyone seemed surprised by the White Tiger girl’s victory.

To your delight they were discussing Rong’s performance, things like “That was the Burning Heaven sword wasn’t it?” and “No no he’s too young know that”, you can’t help but look at Rong with the smuggest and most punchable expression you can muster.

“Six thousand on the Zhong kid, I can feel it in these bones”


”No tipping” Lian crosses her arms while looking at Rong.


The kid actually did it, you felt like betting on him for the hell of it, if you already lost once you might as well throw caution to the wind, if things go south you’ll shake Xia for cash.

Impeccable spearmanship for a kid his age, the sword brat was overwhelmed again and couldn’t do much in the end.

You came in for easy money and a self esteem boost to Rong, but you got easy money and a life lesson for him.

“Well, things worked out somehow.”

He spent a full year training, went to Owayabo for a while to look into their fast draw styles and came back for the tournament to test his progress.

He lost before being able to display everything, the worst part is he didn’t even get to fight that guy with the flaming sword style.

”Aiiiiya this is why you should just go all out from the start Luoyang

Forget it, you better go find that squirt using the Burning Heaven Sword, go go go go gooooo!

Luoyaaaaaang! You can’t miss him!”

“Okay okay I get it calm down!.”

Sometimes he wonders if he’s really the young one here.
You’re sitting outside the buddhist temple in the city, you wanted to greet the priest elder and check how things were going recently, but he seems to be in a meeting with the buddhist priests from Owayabo in the city lord’s house.

Well, you’ll have to find something else to do.

“Pleased to meet you fellow swordsman, I’m Ren Luoyang, a rogue cultivator.”

”Hey, I’m Shao Rong, a rogue cultivator from Jiping city.”

“So I saw your sword style and thought it was the Burning Heaven Sword, I’m not too sure so I wanted to ask you directly.”

”Yeah, but I just happened to be fortunate and found a few moves in an old manual… Tried to restore it but, well, you know how things go haha…”

“That’s alright, I was looking forward to fighting you but we both ended up losing… Would you mind if we exchange some pointers?”

Rong turns to you, and so does Luoyang.

“Knock yourselves out, I’ll go shopping with Lian until the elder is back.” It’s hard to contain your laughter, he hasn’t noticed.

“Thank you, esteemed elder!”

”Hu-” You put a stick of candied haws in Lian’s mouth to shut her up, he has to find out at the right time.

You’ll let them play around, in the meantime you will spend some time with Lian.
>Anything you want to talk about with her? (Write in)

>Look for information about the mist flowers.
>Look for rumors on beasts or pocket realms of the Core Formation stage.
>Check the workshops out and see if there’s anything made by a talented Artisan
And roll a 1d6.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

>Tell her more about the Mist
>Check the workshops out and see if there’s anything made by a talented Artisan
Rolled 2 (1d6)

>Go ask Ren if we can borrow Meng Jixia so we can talk to her about the mist.
>Go have lunch with Lian while talking to The Silver Saint, asking her if she knows anything about the Mist Flowers and The Mist itself, especially since we want to possibly create some pills using the Mist Flowers to help Lian.
>Also ask her why she choose to be a piece of Jade. If it was us we probably would have been something cooler like a sword or maybe a hat.

We can ask Lian about her wanting to learn Unarmed Martial Arts later once we've talked to Meng.
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>Lain soon enough we'll begin your training. Your body is well enough to start taking in mist. I know some workings of the mist and'll try my best to advise you. However, I have never traveled the path. What would work for a normal cultivator might not work for you.

>Look for information about the mist flowers.
Figure might as well since her training will start soon.
So I can count this as 2 votes for mist flowers?

His writing is this fire?
Ohh wait did he not notice who we are, darn. I wanted to go talk to Meng Jixia for a bit. Can we nab his Jade piece without him noticing?
Just pointing out you had a very nice idea.
It would be impossible to take it without him finding out, he might actually just run away and leave his teacher behind.

Now the question is, do you think Meng Jixia noticed Bai Hua is here?
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Seconding talking to the Silver Saint, I figure she'll know something about the Mist if her apprentice was carrying around a Mist Flower.
Ohh yeah, just a random thought that came into my mind some day or so ago. Feels totally in character for Bai to ask why Meng would be a piece of jade instead of a meat human like us.

No idea on whether she'd notice though, I don't know her well enough and I don't know how the whole jade thing works.
You thought about grabbing something to eat and talking a little with Lian about how her cultivation will go. Then maybe look for details about the mist flowers, preferably on the other side of the city just to be away from Jixia while the kids bond…

But on second thought there’s no way two immortals can’t figure something out, you’ll also have to deal with this eventually anyways…

”Hey kid, I need to borrow your teacher.”

“Huh? I-I’m alone though? Wait… that’s MY sword, it’s you!”

”I’ll keep it for a while longer seeing how you got smacked by that other brat, now hands off the jade, I need to talk with Ji-.”

“Here you go, just put a little spiritual sense and she’ll wake up”

He’s starting to step back.

”Rong! You keep him busy, he looks like he wants to run away!”

He looked like he was joking but… well, it’s little Jixia, you can’t blame him.

You can do it Hua, you can’t just give them all that talk about failure without facing your own. You take a deep breath… and channel your spirit sense into the jade.

///I’ll be using green for Jixia here //

”...Hm? Luoyang, did you meet the Burning Heaven kid? Ah…”

”It spoke.”

”The kid is my apprentice… It’s been a while, Jixia.”

”It’s only been a year though? Well whatever, why are you teaching Mount Li’s moves to some greenhorn and not MY greenhorn.

Rather, why aren’t you teaching them to me? You never taught me!”

”I told you you were not compatible, you were also creating your own blade back then… I didn’t want to see it stained by the Li’s swords.”

”Hmph… Cheap excuses, so you just came here to give your kid some experience?”
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”Pretty much…


Just ask about the flowers, make fun of her like always and leave.

”Just say what you want to say, Senior.”

It’s simple enough, no?

”You’ll get mad.”

”I will! you only say the dumbest things when you get like this.”

”I’m sorry I brought you and everyone into that mess… I have a feeling you’re like this because of that too.”

”I knew it… Crimson War God, you saw it, we all saw it.

We joined you precisely because we saw it, and everything we did was because we saw it“


”None of us will blame you or Ran, and we won’t talk about this anymore.“

”Fine then, what exactly happened to everyone, and why aren’t you a sword? I’d have expected you to inhabit a divine blade or something like that.”

”My body and soul were destroyed and I had to put my consciousness in a boring object to not be noticed.

Wanderer of a Myriad Illusions was severely injured and went into hiding ever since.
Shama wasn’t too injured thanks to Jusuf, but she’s still weakened and being observed.
Jusuf… I don’t know, I want to believe he’s the same as you, or maybe he made it past the gate.
You’re here, your former body and soul gone.
Ran sacrificed his existence to keep the world from being destroyed when the gatekeeper killed you… He’s completely gone.“

”That dumbass playing bodhisattva until the end…”

You point to Lian. “This is my other apprentice, Lian. She’s going to be a Mistweaver like those out there”


”Wow… you liked them small all this time huh? Is that why you didn’t make me your apprentice? Hm?”


”That’s what you’re hung up on?”

”I’m already used to you having the most unhinged ideas… So you want to know about the mist then?”

“Yeah, people in this era seem to be treating it as a normal thing. And there’s even flowers growing in it, what’s the deal with that?”

”There’s not much to say, mist has been seeping in and out ever since we lost, we thought the flowers were just life doing its thing… It's less evolution and more like the mist is ‘replicating’ flowers, and wherever there are flowers you’ll see the laws of our world being weaker.

Any time this happens we spend about ten or twenty years with mist all over the place, then it retracts and everything is back to normal.”

//pictured, the (now confirmed dead) brilliant buddha of the south//
”Huh, where do I find some? I want to start researching them”

”You literally took one from us last year…”

”So that’s what it was, I never really checked it”

”Because you were having fun playing house I bet?”

”It’s fun, I finally get my teacher now.”

”Must be nice… Sigh… I doubt you’ll be able to get anywhere with just one, you’re better off looking for locations where flowers appear in every mist occurrence… Try Owayabo, Goia, or the northernmost part of Zhong. Raian too but it’s still irradiated from the artificial cow’s rampage.”

”Have you seen anyone controlling the mist on our side? Maybe using it for artifacts or medicines?”

”Apart from you and I presume this girl? No, no records or rumors. People tend to simply die because they’re fully drained by the mist during experimentation.”

So it will be uncharted waters no matter what... Observation, replication, distortion, absorption... that's concerning.

Once you’re done talking with Jixia, you return the jade to Luoyang who looks like he got put through the wringer, and Rong who looks just the same.

Ahh to be young.

You’ll work on Lian’s cultivation and look into the mist… it will just be a matter of where you want to do it.

>Travel to Owayabo
>Travel to North East Zhong
>Travel to Goia
>Travel to Raian

And that will be it for today, turns out I don't have to do IRL stuff so I'll run like normal, thank you for participating!

Yes, I owe you Lian time so I'll start the session with some Lian stuff for free regardless of your choice.
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For visual reference.

I'll also get a few pastebins together for character and inventories as well for ease of use later. Thank you for your patience!
>Travel to North East Zhong
>Tell Ren he can have his sword back later once he actually reaches a point where he deserves using such a treasure.
>Get Lian ready for the trip either trying to enforce her body with medicine or get her close to a breakthrough so she doesn't just die midway through the trip from existing.

Not gonna lie, I still have no idea what we're supposed to do with Lian and I'm kinda scared to experiment on her. If only we had an expert alchemist like Sama helping out but shit's weird and I dunno who to trust.
We got money could buy a flying treasure of foundation or core formation.
Be better then just walking.
Let's prepare a bit and head to the workshops.
Also we should head to Owayabo it's the closest flower area. From our location of Heipinghua.
The next question should we give our address to Jixia to visit us/ have Rong have a sparing partner/leave messages.
Third. How much money would we need to raise an alchemist to core formation?
Fourth let's buy a book on beast parts and how to harvest them.
>>6196209 +1
I wanna go to Zhong so we can hit up the other countries later and maybe go see the irradiated crater after a few years. If we go East we just meet an endless sea and have to circle back but if we go to Zhong we can go to other countries afterwards.

As for the alchemist, I really don't wanna raise a third kid two is already enough and the longer we take to raise an alchemist the longer Lian suffers and can't fully start her training without the risk of her exploding. I think we should instead bank of finding an old alchemist master or mist expert during our travels to Zhong.

As for for the flying treasure, treasures are expensive as fuck, even the semi treasure pouch we got as a reward apparently costs a fortune. We can take a carriage to make things smoother for Lian but I dunno about looking for and buying a flying treasure.
I want to go to Zhong too
Barebones pastebins, let me know if you want to see other information or have other pastebins available

Character Information https://pastebin.com/jwGgsHPe
Inventories: https://pastebin.com/ZzZfUfCb

She'll always be a gamble, just believe in the rolls!
”Lian, we will begin your own training soon… Your body should be strong enough to start taking the mist in by now.

I know some workings of the mist, but I have never travelled this path, you’ll be the very first person… What might work for a normal cultivator might not work for you, but I’ll do my best to help you.”

”Hua… I’ll do my best too.”

”I’ll do whatever I can too Lian, got it?”


”I know you two will, let’s stay at an inn today… I’ll decide where we’ll be going to.”

You take some time to go through your things after the kids are asleep…

Owayabo sounds like a good idea, but travelling to Zhong leaves the rest of the continent open for you to move around if needed. It is also far easier to go from Datong or Tingz to Hebia than Owayabo to Kauhing or Kwun…

The trip to the locations you want to check will be pretty rough. Jianchang, Chang and Jinzhou are very far out north, so the last part of the trip will be rough on Lian… at her speed it would take you about sixteen days to reach Jianchang on foot… assuming you carry her at all times.

If you have a flying treasure you can cut the trip to a comfortable three days.

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Regardless, it will be better for you to return to Jiping first, restock, inform Rong’s family that you will be going out of Xingtian and then set out for real. And you can check the artifact sellers again while you’re at it.

An alchemist will be needed for you and Rong soon, they can double as a physician for Lian… A third apprentice would be spreading yourself too thin, working with an established alchemist will be expensive, and raising some no name can end up being more expensive than just paying someone up front if things don’t go right.

To be fair you and Rong can do without an alchemist if you really need to, you’re afraid of the prospect of Lian’s cultivation going wrong… If it were yourself you’d just take the gamble and see what happens.


Maybe you should have waited a little longer before going into the business of being a master.

”A seven city trip would be the most optimal I guess, two of these should have decent artifact markets too, as long as I can get a flying treasure I can cut the trip down by a lot…”

For the price… If it’s too high you haggle, if it’s still too high you “negotiate” you have the sunspot for a reason.


A little face pops into your view, obstructing the map you were fiddling with.

”Oh, I thought you were sleeping.”

”I can’t.”

”Are you feeling okay?.”


”Does it hurt anywhere? I’ll find an alchemist to help.”

She taps your chest with her finger.

”My Hua hurts… He has to rest.”

What did she mean by this?

”Let’s sleep, okay?”

The girl takes your hand with her own, and leads you along to your room… You’re made to sit in the bed, and then you’re gently tucked in…

”Wait, I'm not done yet.”

She also got into the covers and is holding your arm, your escape has been sealed.

”Let’s sleep, okay?”


…How are you even supposed to answer?

”Teach! I can’t find Lian, have you seen he- Oh”

”Shh, Hua is sleeping.”

”...I’ve never seen teach sleep now that I think about it.”

”Me neither…”


You overslept and now Rong is looking at you funny, he’s so smug and punchable right now.

”Ahem… Okay, we’ll go back to Jiping to do a few things and then I’ll tell you how we’ll travel. Our destination is Northern Zhong.”

With both kids nodding, you set out of Heipinghua, the alchemist deal is best worked out when you’re in Zhong, your most immediate priority will be finding a flying treasure.

Roll a 1d6
Rolled 3 (1d6)

I wonder if we'll run into a dangerous opportunity or just regular danger.
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Rolled 3 (1d6)

Btw once we get Lian better we should burn down her old adopted guardian's house.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Let's go gambling
Oh sorry I forgot to turn the dice rigger
That vengeance is hers alone, if she doesn't want to then we'll have to respect that.

Now if they start fucking with her again on the other hand...
The journey to Jiping is uneventful, save for Rong complaining he didn’t have a sword on the way back, nothing of interest happened and you made it back home safely. Need to get him a sword that can resist the heat of his Qi… you’ll have him hunt for the materials himself once you reach Zhong.

As soon as you arrive, you sit down and write a letter.

“Rong, I need you to take a letter to this place, can you do that?”

”Huh? Yeah, sure!”

“Good, I’ll be going to the workshops with Lian while you do that, let’s meet up in the Tailor’s store”

”Which one?”
“Du Xinyi’s.” ”Got it”

You made your way to the market with Lian in tow and got a surplus of the most basic items.

Three sets of Blood Recovery Pills, one for each.
Two sets of Qi Recovery Pills since Lian has no Qi.
Fifty Foundation Establishment talismans for Rong, and you used the leftover Qi Gathering ones as part of the payment.

You’re fully focused on traveling so cultivation materials will be ignored for now, next comes looking for a flight artifact, you visit “The Smiling Handyman”, a shop you window shop in frequently in search of good crafts, the owner hates your guts because you’ve never bought anything… His fault for having poor eyes.

“Sir I will have to ask you to leave if you’re just here to sightsee again”

“Aiya you just never have what I’m looking for!”

“Then ask me and I’ll see if I can get my hands on it for you!”

“No no, this humble teacher wouldn’t dare waste your time. But since you’re so graciously offering your help… Do you happen to have any treasures capable of flight? Preferably on the large side of things.”

“Then you should have asked! I have some I can’t sell because of this damn mist.”

The man then takes 4 treasures out. “They’re 7000 stones each, but I can cut you a discount.”

>A prayer mat from the extinct kingdom of Raian, big enough to fit all three of you for 6000 stones
>A Large gourd one will have to stand on, you’ll have to carry Lian before she breaks through, but it will be faster than the other treasures, 6200 stones.
>A Canoe made of ice crystals, big enough for all three but very cold, you’ll have to keep Lian warm… 5500 stones
>A long sword made for one person only, you’d have to balance Rong and carry Lian. 4500 stones.

Which treasure are you interested in?
Are you haggling (roll a d100)?
Would you like to use your Eyes of the Unshackled? If so, what are you looking for?
Did QM forget to say how many stones we have after all the betting? Yes! He did! Sorry.

We currently have 6700 spirit stones.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>A prayer mat from the extinct kingdom of Raian, big enough to fit all three of you for 6000 stones
Would you like to use your Eyes of the Unshackled? If so, what are you looking for? Hidden functions since this is from the tech kingdom. Could call him out if it's a fake for a cheaper price.
Rolled 57, 5 = 62 (2d100)

>>A prayer mat from the extinct kingdom of Raian, big enough to fit all three of you for 6000 stones
>Haggle, First 1d100
>Any other treasure around the store that the owner hasn't realized the value of. Second 1d100
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>>A prayer mat from the extinct kingdom of Raian, big enough to fit all three of you for 6000 stones
>Haggle, First 1d100

Uggh we're gonna maybe wanna pick up some jobs during the travel, our budget's getting pretty low after this and it's not like we can just fix another major disaster for an exorbitant amount of money. Especially not with the kids around.
>Venered Anonymous coming to the realization that we're a single dad of two juggling expenses to bring food (and cultivation materials) to the table.
“Can you do 5000 for the old rug?” You ask.

“What do you mean 5000, that thing is from the ancient Raian kingdom! It’s quality goods, their artifact crafting was the best!”

You use the Eyes of the Unshackled to check the mat, it’s the real deal, beat up and with some of its extras gone, but Raian quality is second to none.

”Couldn’t have been that good if they’re all dead. Can’t you do me a favor, all I want is to take my niece to her mother before she passes? Just look how pale she is, her meridians are crushed, her veins are dried… She won’t make it past next month.”

Lian picks up on your attempt at sympathy and pretends to be drowsy as best as she can, it’s not too convincing to you, but it works on the shopkeeper who doesn’t know she’s always this deadpan.

“... Haiiiah don’t do this to me brother, my wife will have my head, the best I can do is 5400.”

A discount is a discount.

“You saved my life here, I don’t know how I could face her parents if I don’t make it in time”

You look past him into the shelves and find nothing else worth purchasing… usual.

You’re left with 1300 spirit stones, not completely destitute, but just enough to have to worry about expenses, there’s still time for Rong to do his thing, so you’ll check if there’s any work you can do on the way to Chang.

A little asking here, a bit of asking there, and you have 3 potential jobs you could take on the way.

>Escort a group of children and Qi Gathering cultivators from the Jade of Justice to Xinan, your first stop. The Issue is that you’ll be unable to set an array to deal with the mist, so naturally you will travel slower due to Qi inefficiency and have to stop at a few locations.
You’ll have to do the fighting if any beasts or bandits show up during rest stops.
The payout is 1000 spirit stones stones.

>Transport two large boxes with “undisclosed” goods to Suihuilan, your second stop. The delivery location is outside of the city. You’ve used your eyes to check and it’s essentially two young ladies currently bound with various sealing spells, a little older than Lian. Likely to a brothel as workers or an unorthodox sect for consumption.
You’re gonna have to make sure the goods are delivered alive, then make sure you’re paid, and make sure you leave with both students.
The payout for this is 3500 stones.

>Take a woman to Chang, your final stop. You weren’t given any details apart from the payment, which will be 2000 stones.
>Escort a group of children and Qi Gathering cultivators from the Jade of Justice to Xinan, your first stop. The Issue is that you’ll be unable to set an array to deal with the mist, so naturally you will travel slower due to Qi inefficiency and have to stop at a few locations.

I don't really wanna do human trafficking and the woman seems like a pretty fun plot hook but we'd have to carry her till the end which seems like a pain.

This first job doesn't pay much but it means we can maybe befriend The Jade Of Justice Sect and it'll finish up quickly.
>Escort a group of children and Qi Gathering cultivators from the Jade of Justice to Xinan, your first stop. The Issue is that you’ll be unable to set an array to deal with the mist, so naturally you will travel slower due to Qi inefficiency and have to stop at a few locations

What's Rong doing with the letter again?
>Escort a group of children and Qi Gathering cultivators from the Jade of Justice to Xinan, your first stop. The Issue is that you’ll be unable to set an array to deal with the mist, so naturally you will travel slower due to Qi inefficiency and have to stop at a few locations.
“How did things go?”

”I didn’t think you’d set me up like this… I talked with him.”


”He knew about my breakthrough and the tournament, said he’s glad I’m stepping out of his shadow, and to not trouble you too much.”

“Sounds like what any father would say, did you say goodbye?”

”Yeah I guess, it’s not like I’m going far away you know?”

“You never know... Anyways, we’ll be going to Chang with a flying artifact I bought and we’re going to escort some kids from Jade of Justice to Xinan for money first”

”Sounds good to me, is the pay good?”

“Not at all, but the other options were too sketchy”

You’re discussing how you will take turns looking after the clients and how to deal with possible attacks when a small hand tugs your sleeve.

”Hua… I want to say goodbye too.”

Lian’s face is expressionless as usual, but her disposition is very somber, she’s holding a small box wrapped in cloth behind her back like you won't notice.

“You sure you can live with that?”

”Hey, wait, Teach?”


“Are you really sure?”


”I’m not sure I like where this is going, miss Lian? Who are you saying goodbye to? And that box?”

”A present.”

She must have bought the "present" with the stones you gave her as allowance from picking herbs all the way back then.

>Help her say goodbye
>Meet up with the clients and see if you can leave early
>Sure go say goodbye as she's out of sight.
>"Rong go shadow her and ensure she doesn't get into danger. I'm gonna meet the clients to see if we can leave early. Let's go meet back up at the house(or other known location."
>Help her say goodbye
>Help her say goodbye
>Help her say goodbye.
Let's make sure we don't impose ourselves.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Looks like we're saying goodbye then!
Sorry anons I passed out.

“...Okay, let’s go say goodbye then, you coming along Rong?”

”I’ll wait outside.”


The three of you spend the rest of the afternoon quietly waiting. The tension is palpable, it’s obvious but no one will say anything about what is about to transpire.

You move when the sun sets down and the streets are empty, the city gate is closed and most people are turning in for the night.

Like the Ping house.

“Do you know how to say goodbye?”


You point to your neck and run your finger down

“First you’ll say thank you…”

Then you point to your chest.

“...Then you’ll say goodbye.”

”Got it”

The house’s gate is easily opened, and the two of you walk in, the present is out of the box and gently wrapped in the piece of cloth.


She enters the parent’s room.

Thank you, Goodbye.


The present’s color changes.

Then she walks to the son’s room.

Thank you, Goodbye… Goodbye..

Her clothes’ color changes.

She enters the older sister’s room.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…. Goodbye, Goodbye.

And in the younger sister’s room.

Thank you, Goodbye, Thank You, Goodbye, Thankyougoodbyethank”!!”yougoodbyethankyouthankyouthankyougoodbyethankyougoodbye”hngh”goodbyegoodbyegoodbyethankyou.

And then there’s silence.
Lian leaves the last room.


Her hands are trembling, full of cuts that she has yet to notice. She can’t let go of the present, now chipped and a little bent at the tip, no matter how hard she tries to.

”Ah…” Her throat is coarse, and her chest hurts a little.

You take the hand holding the present and help her open it… You hide the present for her and then help her wash up.

It’s only when she’s clean and the cuts are being bandaged that she comes back to her senses.

”Hic… Hua… I did it…”

”Master!” Lian cries until she’s too tired to, and by the time morning comes, you carry her out and leave the Ping residence behind. No one will care if she’s gone, just like how no one will care if they’re gone.


“Let’s go, we have things to do.”

”Is this okay?”

“I think it is, but I’m someone who holds grudges too.”

”Well… I’m glad she could do things on her own terms… I guess… It still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”

“Right, here’s hoping you don’t ever have to understand… And the clients?”

”Waiting outside our residence, five kids and two cultivators.”
You leave the city and go back to your place, the client is waiting for you. Just as rong said, five kids who haven’t started cultivating yet, around ten in age. The Qi Gathering lads are about the same age as Rong, but they’re really nervous… This might just be their first assignment.

“Greetings Seniors! I’m Wangdue, and this is Palden”

“Looking forward to working with you!”

Yeah, they’re definitely fresh out of the sect, how pure. “Greetings, I am Bai Hua, he’s my apprentice Shao Rong and this girl is Lian, we’ll make sure you arrive at the destination safely.”

One of the Jade of Justice kids rides a separate treasure, the other accompanies the children.

You get on your prayer mat and carry Lian, who’s fast asleep.
The idea is to have two stops so everyone can rest and recover their Qi, the locations are in the woods, isolated and kept a secret from the contractor.

You fly all the way to the first location and as you’re waiting for the clients to rest, you’re surrounded by a pack of shade wolves, about 20 in total

Rong should be able to deal with these, or you can do it yourself.

>Let Rong deal with the wolves (roll a d100, check is 40)
>Step in and use your staff, knife or sword (roll a d20, check is 7)
>Deal with the wolves with Mystical Arts (What element?) (Roll a d20, check is 7)
>Just use the Sunspot (Roll a d100, collateral damage check is 60)
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Fuck. The Pings had it coming but I fear Lian has scarred her psyche further. We'll have to watch closely to avoid heart demons.

>Let Rong deal with the wolves (roll a d100, check is 40)
Kid needs to blow off some steam and get back a sense of accomplishment.
>Let rong do it.
>Give him tips mid battle, and get the clients who aren't cultivators to watch.

Free experience tykes.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

>Let Rong deal with the wolves (roll a d100, check is 40)
>Keep watch of the surrounding area and be ready to throw a sunspot needle if anything strange happens.

Damn I wanted to bunr that place down it would have been cinematic.
QM left his dice rigger on again.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>Let Rong deal with the wolves (roll a d100, check is 40)
>Keep watch of the surrounding area and be ready to throw a sunspot needle if anything strange happens.
>Give Rong Drifting Flower but tell him not to use it unless it's an emergency.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Alright, let's see what happens now.

They were worthless people, burning the place down is just going to bring undeserved attention to them, by the time the Jade of Justice and Jade Lotus sects found out, the family was devoured by rats and insects.
You pass the Drifting Flower to Rong, he’ll be taking care of things this time.

“Here you go, remember it’s not yours.”

”I don’t feel like I can lose today!” He’s not even listening to you, the new toy is controlling his mind.

Rong walks in front of the group, where most wolves are and holds the sheathed blade on his hip, his posture lowers and he…

”Behold! Mount Yengyue’s Eternal Flame Blade!

First movement! Autumn’s!… Uh… Snowfall!

“If you’re going to say a name then think of it first, dumbass!.”

Naming failure aside, he shoots a wide wave of flaming sword intent sideways. The charging speed was faster than Jixia’s apprentice, and it was obvious part of it was simply because he kept trying to figure out a name.

Most of the wolves had no time to avoid, and are burned to a crisp, he cleans up the stragglers using simple swordplay without much sword intent.

The children cheer and the two Jade of Justice lads are visibly surprised. “Is that really the Shao Rong that couldn’t cultivate a year ago?” “I don't believe you!”

”Heh, pretty cool don’t you think?”

“Did you ask for permission from that brat or his teacher?”

”Uh, no?”

“Then it is pretty cool! You make sure to smack him with it next time we meet.”

It doesn’t take long for the clients to be rested, the group sets out as soon as the treasures are activated… and fortunately enough the second stop is completely deserted, no people, no beasts, just a peaceful light meal, a toilet break for the mortal boys and you set off again.

You complete your escort job at a small house in Xinan that belongs to the Jade of Justice, get paid and head straight to the nearest inn.

Lian has been “Sleeping” since Rong dealt with the wolves… she should be hungry by now.

>”Wake” Lian up so you can eat (Is there anything you want to say or ask her)
>Leave the food on the table and take Rong out for a convenient walk no more than two steps outside the room. (Roll a 1d20)
>”Wake” Lian up so you can eat (Is there anything you want to say or ask her)
>Just sit next to her while she eats and make sure to make it clear that we're here to talk if she wants to talk.
>After she's finished eating and if it's an appropriate moment, tell her we need to continue at least some of her studies. Have her continue studying and practicing arrays but make sure she doesn't activate them herself, just make sure she's learned to set them up then we can activate them ourselves. Basically just teach her the theory while.
I honestly don't know why we had Lian trying to activate the arrays I figured when we taught her arrays we would be teaching her the basics and activating it for her. Also I figured during an emergency she could activate arrays using spirit stones.
“Lian, I brought you something to eat… They didn’t have any meat so I got you more rice.”

The girl slowly gets out of bed, she has no trouble eating and you don’t see any problems with her body either, but you can tell she’s very tense.

“…I’m here to talk if you want to talk too.”

”Sorry… I couldn’t stop.”

So that’s what it is about.

“Did you hate her?”


“Remember what I asked you when we met? Are you still angry?”

”I… I’m not sure.”

“I’ll be here to talk if you’re angry, or sad, or tired… Rong is here too.”

”Thank you.”

You wait until she’s done eating, and then let her know about your plans for the future.

“We’ll get to Chang in a couple days at most, there we’ll try to find someone to make Rong his very own sword…

We’ll go further north east, we’ll continue your studies with arrays, and we’ll also work together on using the mist... I want to teach you a fighting style if you’re interested in that, but if you don’t want to fight that’s fine too…”

You might be overthinking and maybe she’s fine, but if you can help her avoid or weaken a heart demon you’ll do it.

”I’ll do my best.” Says the girl as she leans on your shoulder, the two of you simply stay like this for the rest of the afternoon.
”Oh, you’re awake Lian.

Listen uh… If you ever feel like there’s something you can’t tell Teach, just talk to me okay?”

”You too.”

You'll pretend you didn't hear that, but it's good they're willing to lend each other an arm.

“So, how did it go?”

“Right… I looked around like you asked me to, it took me a couple tries but I found someone from the beggar’s sect.

The mist is too thick in the northern cities; they lost all contact with Jinzhou’s people a year ago.”

“And Chang?”

”About four months since the last letter came in.”

“Jianchang?” ”People are having trouble entering and leaving the city, the silver buddha temple from Qunyang has set up a sort of relay zone about 120 Li south of the city for people to rest after leaving or before trying to pass.”

”We should be able to get into Jianchang without much trouble… The other two will depend on how the mist is behaving there.

Did you check on Lilin?”

”Ah, no I didn’t, why should I look into that one?”

You spread the map and get the attention of both apprentices.

“It’s part of the trading routes to the north, you’ll most likely go through it if you don’t have a flying treasure… That means you’re bound to find desperate people trying to travel or take something to or from the location.

So, here’s a little question for the young master, should we keep heading in our normal route and then go to Jianchang, or should we detour to Lilin for information and work”

>Keep heading to Suihuilan and look for more information there (Anything in particular you want to look into) Roll a 1d6
>Detour to Lilin and look for work related to Jianchang
>>Detour to Lilin and look for work related to Jianchang
Making money along the way.
>Detour to Lilin and look for work related to Jianchang
There's no rush. The more time Rong has to contemplate, the sharper his sword intent will be.
Also funds for an alchemist to hire on retainer.
>>Detour to Lilin and look for work related to Jianchang
”I think making a detour would be better, if it is part of a trade route like you said then we’ll find work and more information.”

“That sounds good.”

You leave with the morning sun and fly a short distance outside of Xinan, once you’re out of view you descend.

“Lian, can you make a small array to push the mist away? Just the talisman work is fine for now.”

”Okay.” The girl gets to work as soon as the treasure touches the ground.

“You pay attention too, I need to make sure you can deal with the mist on your own.”
”Like this?”

“Almost, we’re flying so the array has to include the part below the mat, right now you have a dome… How would you adjust it?”


”We could just make a second talisman for the lower part.”

“That’s one way, yes… What if this were our last talisman?”

”Oh!” ”Oh..”

Lian squeezes the characters for “Land” right below the ones for “Dome”, she’ll have to turn the array off before the treasure touches the ground, otherwise the talisman will burn itself because it will try to apply the array to all the “Land” below.

”We have to turn it off or it burns.”


”I was thinking we could use the other side to negate this one and put the right instructions.”

“That’s the ideal way, but you won’t do it often. One because it’s easy to mess up, second because most of the time you’re fixing small mistakes like these.”

You activate the prayer mat, and then the talisman. The mist is pushed away and your flying speed increases. The trip to Lilin takes less than half a day and you deactivate the array before getting near the city.

The city of Lilin is part of the trade route from south and central Zhong to the north, as well as Zhen to the east, because of the trade volume there are always carts going through or people flying around whenever there’s no Mist.

Right now the streets are full of people and there are arrays like the first one you saw at Heipinghua forcefully pushing the mist away. The situation up north might be worse than you expected.

“Any ideas where to go, Lian?”


“Yeah, Rong did this part yesterday so I want to see how you would do it.”


>The beggars… cheap, friendly.
>The board… “Legit”.
>The slums… There’s always work.
>>The slums… There’s always work.
Hmm I wanna find work with the larger sects but I feel like Lian would be more knowledgable about the streets and the slums.
>>The board… “Legit”.
>Beggar sect

Beggars everywhere.
>The beggars… cheap, friendly
>The slums… There’s always work.
Lian ponders for a moment… Looks around a few times and then asks you to follow her.

It doesn’t take long before you’re in one of the smaller streets, there are a few street vendors and some people lazing around, playing dice, drinking. She looks around again and homes in on a single person… of the Core Formation stage.


“Ohoo old feng you never told us you had another daughter”

“Shut up, this one’s too pretty to be my daughter! So, how can this old man help you, missy?”

”Beggar’s sect?”

“Ya got a very good eye, ain’tcha… What business do you have?”

”...” You can hear Rong’s hard work from yesterday crumbling into dust.

”Work in Jianchang.”

The beggar gives you and Rong a look, then turns to the girl again.

“I can have someone look around, you can come later today.”

”Hua… Let’s get food.”

“Can’t forget some booze can we? Friend, any good place around?”

“Right ‘ere!” He points to the open door next to him.

You enter and buy food for the three of you and another six people, as well as a pot of rice wine, that should be enough for the beggar, one or two apprentices, as well as the people playing dice with him.

While you wait for the dishes to be prepared, you ask Lian.

“Why did you decide on the beggars?”

”The board has legit work… Too complicated.””

”...The slums always have work… But I’m not strong.”

”Beggars don’t give work… but they find people…”

”How did you find one that fast?”

”Rong… look for poor people, then… look for people who look around a lot.

…It’s a thief or a beggar, maybe a murderer.”

”Poor people that look around a lot huh… You mean like having their guard up?”

”I think? Not helpless at all...”

”... I hate how that makes sense, thank you Lian.”

”Teach Lian.” …This has to be the first time you see her body language being smug.


The food is ready and you bring it out to share with the cultivator and his friends.

“Well if yer’ gonna be like that I can have what ya want sooner.”

“We can wait, but I could use a chat while we wait.”

“What does mister want to know?”

>Information on Chang
>Information on Jinzhou
>Any rumors on creatures around the heavy mist
>How is the crown reacting to this?
>Information on Jinzhou
>Information on Jinzhou
>Any rumors on creatures around the heavy mist
>Mist creatures
>the crown reaction
>”Teach Lian.” …This has to be the first time you see her body language being smug.
“Do you have any details on Jinzhou? Last I heard is that there hasn’t been any contact for months.”

“And that would be about it, we don’t have much information either because our members there are all below core formation. I can only get as far as Jianchang myself… Though there are some rumors flying around.”

“What kind of rumors?”

“Things like the mist whispering to people and ‘something’ possibly lurking outside of Chang and Jinzhou, flowers growing where the mist is thick… and mirages of some strange building in the distance far out east.”

“Something like a creature?”

“No one has observed the thing up close, personally I think it’s just a denser mass, but you can’t rule out something being strange enough, or I hope I’m mistaken, strong enough to survive a year with all that mist around.”

“Sounds wonderful, and the golden threads? Are they just giving up on two cities?”

“It’s lookin’ like it mister, ever since the first mist incident they have been moving people south while keeping enough soldiers around for Zhen to not get any funny ideas.”

“So it’s mostly soldiers and logistics personnel, and people who look for work around the military.”

“Yeah, you could say that.”

Part of you wants to ask if he thinks there’s enough resources in the cities, but even if he knew, the answer likely won’t be the best.

You can’t help but think back to the sieges in Huang before the emperor was killed and what people resorted to at the time.

The wine runs out and the sun is setting in when a kid, not older than 12 walks up to the beggar and gives him a little piece of paper.

“Didn’t mean to eavesdrop but you know how things are at our stage… Based on what the missy said I had my boys look into work that ain’t in the boards or the underground.”

>Transport a box full of enchanted holding bags to Jianchang, the job would be paid by a commander of Zhong’s army out of his pocket. The payment is 8000 spirit stones, has to be completed in a week tops.
>>“Worked with him once, he’s a man who doesn’t like his people suffering so either the bags have resources or they just got a bunch of poison.

>Get a Jingwei heart, this one’s a beast that lives in the northern zone so yer’ gonna have to find and hunt it. Payment is 5600 spirit stones but it has to be done within a month.
>>”Had my boys do a bit of digging around, this is an artisan that needs the material as soon as possible for a contract of his own.

Then he stops before the last one in the list. “Well, this ain’t really Jianchang but I figured you might be interested anyways, you don’t strike me as a ‘normal’ core formation fellow.”

>Escort a woman to Chang. She’s willing to pay 4500 spirit stones
>>“We looked a bit into this one, she’s been selling her service as an alchemist ever since she arrived here.”

Which job will you take?
>Transport a box full of enchanted holding bags to Jianchang, the job would be paid by a commander of Zhong’s army out of his pocket. The payment is 8000 spirit stones, has to be completed in a week tops.
This is an easy job and we can double our money. Only downside is that we've got to hurry to get where we're already going.
>Transport a box full of enchanted holding bags to Jianchang, the job would be paid by a commander of Zhong’s army out of his pocket. The payment is 8000 spirit stones, has to be completed in a week tops.
>>“Worked with him once, he’s a man who doesn’t like his people suffering so either the bags have resources or they just got a bunch of poison.

>Escort a woman to Chang. She’s willing to pay 4500 spirit stones
>>“We looked a bit into this one, she’s been selling her service as an alchemist ever since she arrived here.
Talk with her see if she's got a flying treasure or can she fit on the rug.

I'd like to take both to see if we can hire her since we've been wanting an alchemist
Looking at the map it's a hop skip step over the spot. So reasonable 2 for one.
Looks like you've got a plan, you'll have to give me a 1d20 to negotiate with the alchemist client.
>Transport a box full of enchanted holding bags to Jianchang, the job would be paid by a commander of Zhong’s army out of his pocket. The payment is 8000 spirit stones, has to be completed in a week tops.
>>“Worked with him once, he’s a man who doesn’t like his people suffering so either the bags have resources or they just got a bunch of poison.

>Escort a woman to Chang. She’s willing to pay 4500 spirit stones
>>“We looked a bit into this one, she’s been selling her service as an alchemist ever since she arrived here
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Here is my negotiation tactic.

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Let's see.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

I only just realized my fuckin' ID changed yesterday, not like someone would take over my slop but let me try the whole tripcode thing.

Nice rolls btw, locking.
“Hmm… I can guarantee Jianchang within a week, but Chang will need me to see what’s going on with the mist up there. Can I borrow your boy to guide me to both potential clients?”

“Yeah that’s fine by me mister, thanks for the wine and dine… and best of luck missy.”

”Thank you”

You have the boy guide you to the commander first, since this is an out of pocket request you’re expecting to negotiate at his personal residence. And sure enough, you’re taken to the affluent part of the city.

A maid welcomes you in and asks you to wait for the master, after a few minutes he enters the room and the same maid serves tea for the four.

“I am Luo Bu, commander of the troops in northern Zhong. I oversee the men in Jinzhou, Chang and Jianchang. Thank you for considering this old soldier’s plea.“

“Pleased to meet you, Commander Luo. I am Bai Hua and these are my apprentices Shao Rong and Lian. We’re here to discuss the terms of your contract.”

“Excuse me if I may be so bold to ask, is sir the Bai Hua from Kalg’s Mount Yengyue’s Sword Sect?”

”On paper, yes, but I never participated in any of Yengyue’s affairs… Luo Bu was it, How do you know that name?
“Sir might not remember me, but I was a rank soldier in the siege of Wenshui.”

Ah… That answers the question before you could ask it.

”Commander Luo, I can guarantee taking these to Jianchang in the requested time, how do we confirm the completion?”

“I will give you a pendant that will activate a device here once you arrive. You will also be paid at the delivery location by one of my soldiers.”

You sign a simple contract with the commander and get ready to leave.

”Before I go, can I trust you to keep me dead for a while longer?”

“Absolutely, I will pray for your success”
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You leave the building and have the kid guide you to the inn where the alchemist is staying.

”Hey Teach, what the commander said back there…”

”I’ll tell you once we’re in Jianchang’s mist, I know you already know… But I’d rather re-introduce myself, is that okay?”


The inn is bustling, and most tables are full of people with the exception of one in the very back. This table has a single woman, short light colored hair, very peculiar black clothes. She has bags under her eyes and her expression is easy to read unlike Lian’s.

You give a brief introduction and tell her you’re here for her work offer

“Ding Ai, you don’t look like the others… Can you really take me to Chang?”


You slide her a piece of paper.

”I can’t take you immediately because of a contract in Jianchang, but I can get you to Chang afterwards.

I have a way to deal with the mist, but you have to keep everything you see and hear in absolute secrecy.”

“How can I trust you?”

This time you speak ”Can you afford to not take this chance?

“...” The woman weighs her options…

“You better not be lying or I’ll poison all three of you.”

And agrees, you sign the contract just like with the commander and agree to meet outside the city tomorrow after you pick up the box.

At night you prepare a stronger array using Core Formation talismans and show both kids the way to inscribe them. Then you make a few spare copies together to make sure they know the way. You’ll instruct them on the logic behind the array when there’s time.

You give clear instructions to both Rong and Lian before leaving for the commander’s residence in the morning, Rong will carry the box, and you will carry Lian. Each disciple will have three advanced arrays on them, and Rong will prioritize Lian should anything happen, both have plenty of recovery pills ready.

The box is retrieved, and the second client is met outside the city.

“Miss Ding, are you ready to depart?”

“Since before you said you could take me to Chang.”

You get her to sit on the mat, activate the artifact and then the new a few minutes away from the city.

Roll a 1d20
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>“I am Luo Bu
One letter off from being a man we must not pursue. Whew.

I will roll a 6.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

How do you guys do it!?
By sacrificing our luck to 2/20 or 5/100 rolls the other half of the time.
>tfw sucking all the luck from other quests
Rolled 11 (1d20)

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395 KB PNG
You actually passed an event's DC and saved Ai's ass. It was 15.

It has been two hours since you set out, and you should be close to the relay point outside the city. You decide to give the new array a test, if the mist is too much you’ll just head back a bit, adjust it and try again.

You can feel how the mist is resisting your advance, the treasure’s speed drops by about half and it takes you a full two hours to go from the relay point to the city’s gate.

“Damn, you really do have a way.”

The group has been quiet the whole time, and the three of you take the chance to do away with the silence… at once.

“Told you” ”See?” ”Yes”

“Heh, I guess I wasn’t the only one wanting to talk”

“Well, we still have to check how it works from here to Chang.”

The city gate is wide open, the relics, artifacts, talismans and anything used to push the mist out is damaged beyond repair… It doesn’t bode well.

You don’t dare deactivate the array… From the density you can estimate that Lian will die in a few seconds, Rong and the client in Minutes and you’d last an hour tops. It’s far worse than you expected.

“Sir Hua…”

“We’ll be fine for now, do you happen to know where the military’s headquarters are?”

“If memory serves right then north west, close to the wall”

Sound is non-existent in this city, the sunlight has a hard time leaking in as well… a permanent dusk, from here on you rely on the eyes of the unshackled to see clearly.

The military grounds are empty, there are no signs of battle.

“We’ll go inside the main building, we’re turning back as soon as we can’t proceed with the treasure”

The other three nod.

As you make your way inside, the floor starts to change its composition from polished spruce wood to soil, to stone, to sand, a milky white liquid, and finally a bone-like material. Cradled by protrusions made of wood is a cocoon made of mist threads.
>Rolled 18

You contemplate channeling more Qi to reinforce the Eyes of the Unshackled, but the thing pulsates and makes it obvious that there is something inside… There is a distorted sound coming out of the cocoon, but none of you can perceive it well, let alone understand it. Shortly afterwards, you can see the buildings shake and a cloud of snow rise from the ground.

You turn the praying mat around and speed out of the building, the headquarters, the rising cloud of snow and mist, and the city itself. As the treasure flies at top speed, you notice a figure around you.

You can see that it is standing on two front legs or arms, the legs are an amalgamation of things that should be alive but are not, and things that should not be alive but are. There are no hind legs, and where a head would be you can see something similar to a giant dandelion. Its height is about half a Li (about 250m).

”It's less evolution and more like the mist is ‘replicating’ flowers, wherever there are flowers you’ll see the laws of our world being weaker.”

You think back to your conversation with Jixia as you lower the treasure’s altitude to blend in with the woods, unsure if it will help not being noticed.

After an hour of “crawling” through the mist, you exit at the relay point, and don’t stop until you find the buddhist priests and have them call someone from Zhong’s Army.

The moment the treasure touches ground, Rong rushes to the nearest tree to throw up, Lian glues herself to your arm, and Miss Ding remains in the prayer mat, staring into the void. The talismans for mist isolation are all sticky with viscous mist, and when the priests touch them they burst into flames.

Today it was confirmed that Jianchang has fallen, the fate of the other cities is yet to be determined, but it might not even be necessary to verify. The man in charge of the troops pays you the 8000 stones, and thanks you on behalf of commander Luo.
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“Miss D-”

“Just Ai is fine”

“Alright, are you sure you still want to go to Chang? I can’t get you there right now, but if you give me a few months I can improve the method as well as make some other preparations… Of course, this assumes you still have business there considering what’s happened here. ”

“Shit, everything was real… The damned whispers, the missing people, the thick mist. I should just go back and tell my master it’s a failed mission.”


“You’re still asking after seeing that shit? You’re out of your mind.”

“I get that a lot”

“Aaah screw it, I might as well ask you.

I’m looking, well my master is looking for a Mourning Emerald. We had a deal with someone in Chang to buy a little for his breakthrough but this is damn impossible.”

”Hua, what is that?”

“A Yin Polarity material people use during breakthroughs to temper their eyes… Your master’s going for Soul Dividing?”

“Yeah, you wouldn’t know where to find one, would you?”

North of Nangchen is the entrance to a legacy realm, the highest stage that can enter it should be Golden Core, you went once and saw that there is a cave where they’re produced.

The issue is determining when the realm will open or if it has collapsed… Entering it, finding the gem and leaving should be relatively simple.

You currently have 10300 spirit stones, you can:

>Sell her the information you have for about 1000 spirit stones.
>Offer her a deal to look into the legacy realm and retrieve the material in exchange for her services as an alchemist (Roll a d20)
Uh. Maybe we should start making sure more people get these anti mist arrays if it's getting THAT bad out there this quickly.
You're too weak right now to do it for profit, if you want to do a service to society as a whole you could do it for free.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>>Offer her a deal to look into the legacy realm and retrieve the material in exchange for her services as an alchemist (Roll a d20)
>Tell her that the situation's gotten really bad right now and we wanna stay in Chang for a little bit to get our affairs and plans in order. We need to gear up and find somewhere to leave the kids.
One Favor, I'm willing to spread the mist arrays to everybody for a single and simple favor. I want the authorities to find us a Master Alchemist who can help us refine the Mist Flowers into pills for Lian and that's it, maybe the recipe for it too.
Of course, we pretty much always roll a 2 when we don't roll an 18.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>Offer her a deal to look into the legacy realm and retrieve the material in exchange for her services as an alchemist (Roll a d20)

Good place to find some more materials, especially for Rong and his new sword.
>Offer her a deal to look into the legacy realm and retrieve the material in exchange for her services as an alchemist (Roll a d20)
>Ask the timetable on when it must be acquired.

>Question do we do Commander Lue a solid and give him the way to negate the mist using mist?
>Of course, royalties that the government pays us. For using it. A line of spirit stones per month the mist goes on. That can be picked up at any government office.
Getting a stipend would be too annoying, let's grab some gear from their armory in exchange for improving their anti mist arrays. I'm pretty sure they're pretty low on supplies but they should be able to spare us some weapons, maybe some armor.

Doubly good if we can take any of the gear they took from criminals, it'd be a win win for everybody.
If you're okay with giving the second biggest country in the continent unrestricted movement and a massive edge on battle for the next 8 years for a wage or some trinkets then sure, we can go that way if there's enough support, I can write around that.

(assuming the decade event table doesn't just roll mist again and we end up with 20 years)
I figured we might as well just fix their array while blackboxing it as much as possible in exchange for some trinkets and gear. Not the actual array blueprints itself, just improve and fix it enough that they'll have an easier time moving supplies.

Just so the city doesn't start falling before we even get back from the Legacy Realm.
What you put it like that. Nvm. If we reach golden core in a reasonable time we'll fly around and give all the kingdoms. Access. Or have the begger sect spread it around.
That actually sounds pretty entertaining... though the human casualties will be horrific, I wager, since it will push a lot of people from the frontlines only to end up dying into the mist.
“Well… There is a legacy realm in north Zhen where Mourning Emeralds have been obtained before, it’s supposed to open for a week every 3-4 years.

We would have to determine if the space hasn’t collapsed yet, then after that calculate the next appearance and prepare… If you’re willing to provide me with your services as an alchemist, I can take care of everything for you.”


“We can discuss what that entails if the realm hasn’t collapsed, of course”

“Well, I don’t have any leads at this point. I hope you don’t mind me writing a letter to my master.”

”We’ll be looking into the Tyrant Spider Queen’s Forest, but first I need to confirm a few things about the area, that will change how the search will be done.”

“Sure, I’ll be sending the letter from here then.”

You find the priest in charge again to ask a few questions, the man is busy but delegates his current task to another priest as soon as he sees it’s you.

“How can I help?”

“My apologies for taking up your time, I just wanted to know if there have been any reports of thick mist in Zheng around Nangchen, or if there have been any reports of it expanding into other areas.”

“This is a first as far as the temples are concerned. At the risk of sounding like I’m bragging, we have people in every country across the world.”

“Priest, I will be researching the mist on my own from here onwards. I will provide any relevant findings to the Buddha Temples… I trust this information will be used for the benefit of the people and not some petty squabbles.”

“There’s many people researching it as we speak, but I think you might be the only person to navigate such thick mist without the difficulty our people have been having.

I look forward to hearing from your results, Sir…”

“Wu Hua.”

“Wu…The irony isn’t lost.”
You call Rong and Lian, then meet up with Ai again and set off for Nangchen, the route flies over Qunyang and turns north again, the thick mist hasn’t encroached this area. It doesn’t take long for your group to arrive at the city… although calling it a city is giving it too much credit.

A small town of about 400 people or so, most non cultivators and a few people in the foundation establishment stage, you’re fortunate there is an apothecary, which you visit to buy a few plants.

Their purpose is for you to pretend you’re using a medium to verify the state of the legacy realm, all the actual work will be done by your eyes.

>Physically fly to the heart of the taiga and use your Eyes of the Unshackled and roll a d100 (Anything you want to keep an eye out for while moving)
>Focus all your Qi into your eyes and check from a large distance, roll a 2d10
Rolled 63 (1d100)

>Physically fly to the heart of the taiga and use your Eyes of the Unshackled and roll a d100 (Anything you want to keep an eye out for while moving)
Herbs/ natural yin treasures in such an area. Maybe a hot spring. Even if we can use yin treasures we could sell/trade for money.
Rolled 10, 4 = 14 (2d10)

>Long range

Best avoid it if we can
Rolled 67 (1d100)

>Physically fly to the heart of the taiga and use your Eyes of the Unshackled and roll a d100 (Anything you want to keep an eye out for while moving)
Gotta keep an eye on Herbs, mostly the White Flowers since you said before most herbs growing during the mist turn toxic. Aside from herbs if there are any ores or mythical creatures we can see that we can turn into weapons or pills later.

We need some Yang Attuned material to make a sword for Rong and maybe upgrade the sword.
Please for the love of god I hope Ai can figure out the Mistweaver Pills. QM is literally writing down how being exposed to certain mists even for a few seconds can kill Lian and I'm genuinely stressing on how to make sure she at least doesn't die the moment we look away from her.
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You decide to fly around the zone where the realm’s portal opens in to look for other points of interest.

This area is rich in Yin energy and Yin polarity materials due to the year long cold, it will not bring you much progress but if you can do something about the mist ridden plants you’ll profit.

There is a Buddhist temple to the west, overlooking the Xincheng river that you were planning on taking residence in exchange for a mist repelling array… But you’ll get to do it for free, it looks like it was abandoned about a hundred years ago or so, the area around the temple has a few hot spring pools with a little yang energy, but not much.

The zone where the portal will appear is the dead center of the tundra, surrounded by a marsh… there are no concerning distortions. You estimate it will open in two years, but it will be necessary to check every now and then for the possibility of an early alignment.

You pass these details along to Ai (after pretending to be a southern Kauhing shaman playing with herbs and salts) and offer to take her back to Nangchen or a western city to contact her master.

“It’s fine, I’m more interested in what you want my services for.”

“I’m having this kid cultivate with the mist starting tomorrow. What I want from you is to help me keep her alive in the worst case scenario, keep a medical record of her changes as she progresses, and to look for ways to use the mist as a material for medicine and alchemy..

We’re going to be using the temple west from here as our headquarters”

“Are you out of your mind?”

“Yes, next question.”

“I thought I’d be helping you and the boy, am I just going to be this girl’s nanny?”

“He’s practicing yang arts so this place is almost useless, I have an extreme yin constitution so this place IS useless… If you’re willing to help us once we get materials from the legacy realm then I will use your services for us.”

“I’m sure my master would ask ‘what is the purpose?’”

“Having our world master the mist, not just this girl or a couple people… If you don't have enough loose screws I can take you to the nearest city, and you can be on your way to your master.”

>To Rong’s training regime
>To the first entry in Ai’s record
>To Liang’s Mist Gathering breakthrough
>To the first entry in Ai's records

Character establishment!
>>To the first entry in Ai's records
>To the first entry in Ai’s record
Entry 01:

“In addition to keeping a record of the patient’s condition, I'm supposed to keep a personal record as well. The Teacher said that it would be best to write down everything in regards to this case, and I agree.

He also recommended that I keep a separate personal log, this will be the first entry.

I never thought I would end up playing doctor in the middle of nowhere, that sounds more up my master’s alley. All I wanted to do was fetch a breakthrough material for him and go back to my studies.

But the allure of uncharted waters is too much for someone like me who likes to research, so I accepted the offer.

Today I did the first examination on the patient, most evident was the damage to the meridians and blood vessels from birth as well as signs of severe malnutrition, bone fractures and muscular damage that were not looked after in time, physical development was affected by these factors and the patient is smaller when compared to someone of the same age and gender.

Eyesight, touch, taste and smell show no problems, hearing however is reduced. No traces of alcohol or hallucinogens or evidence of previous use.

The patient is reserved, and will avoid eye contact if given the choice. If not asked to, the patient conveys her ideas in very few words. No speech impediment is evident when asked to read a long text. Will have to determine how the patient acts under stress.

Long story short, a case of child abuse, her being alive right now is most likely stubbornness in the face of death and whatever treatment the Teacher has given her in the last year.
I did an examination of the Teacher and her fellow student. The student’s body does not possess any innate disposition, but the quality of the veins and meridians is some of the best I have seen, vein tempering is evident. No problem with his senses and he’s reserved around me, but very open around the Teacher and the Patient, a healthy young man.

The Teacher’s body possesses an Extreme Yin disposition, veins and meridians are the best I have ever seen, clear signs of advanced tempering of the eyes. The quality of the Qi flowing through his body is essentially pristine. I’m unable to gauge the “extent” of his senses. Open to everyone I have seen him interact with so far, but it is clear there’s more than what he lets others see.

The teacher procured, or rather, wrote down two documents for me, one with the treatment that the patient has been in for the last year, as well as changes in behavior and symptoms, and one with the general idea (so he says) of how the patient will ‘cultivate’ using the mist.

We’re both supposed to be in core formation, but a good part of his plan completely goes over my head because of metaphysical concepts I have yet to grasp at, but what I am able to understand is rather solid… “So long as the kid makes it into the first stage it will be a guaranteed success in the long term.“

He’s out of his mind.

I have prepared bone nurturing, blood restoration and a couple of anesthetics to be used on the Teacher’s instruction. We must avoid any treatment with Qi unless the patient’s life is on the line.”

If someone besides me ever sees this then good luck finding the respective files if they aren’t attached."

>To Rong’s training regime
>To Lian’s Mist Gathering breakthrough
>To Rong’s training regime
Let's save Lian for last
>To Rong’s training regime
“Teach asked me to keep a log to help with my training and to write down anything I saw or thought about Lian. I don’t get the point if I can just tell him or the Alchemist… Yeah I’m just missing the point I guess…

I’m not sure what to write either, I’ll just ramble and it might make sense I hope.

Teach explained things in a nice way today, but the dumbed down version is just ‘We’re in a shitty place to cultivate and I’m paying attention to Lian for a while. If you’re not making progress on cultivation I need you to get better at something’

He told me to come up with a training regime myself, if it’s good I’ll follow it, if it ain’t then I have to go back to thinking.

I kinda get why, but it’s frustrating that I can’t come up with anything decent.

Anything I see or think about Lian

I thought she’d be a waste of time at first but she’s grown on me, doesn’t talk much but that makes what she says important… I’m kinda happy that she’s not afraid of me anymore.

Wondering what kinda fighting style she’ll like, I heard Teach say she was nervous when she watched all my fights. If she picks a blade I’ll try to teach her that one Yengyue sword move myself.

Or maybe she’s not the kind to fight? I’m curious now.

But I’m also afraid of her getting hurt, it’s like I have a real little sister now? …Hope the old man never reads this.

Honestly I’m scared, I know Teach and the alchemist are capable but I’m ready to run with her to town if I need to.

Damn I still can’t figure out how I want to train, maybe swing my sword in the mist as much as I can without passing out? I really don’t know.”

>To Lian's Mist Gathering Breakthrough
>To Lian's Mist Gathering Breakthrough
Let's go Lian take control of the mist.
Sure, after a Lian log entry
>To Lian's Mist Gathering Breakthrough
“Hua asked me to keep a diary to practice my writing and reading, but I know the real reason.

He knows I know, but he acts like he doesn't… I like that about him.

But that’s fine, I like writing because I think I can express myself better this way.

I have been trying to use more words when I talk like I do when I’m writing, but I don’t know if it shows yet.

I was scared of him at first but Rong is a dork, I have to make sure he doesn’t get in trouble. Rong is different from Hua, and I think Hua is trying to keep him different.

I think I know why… Rong has something Hua and I don’t have anymore, I didn’t think I had it at all, but seeing Rong reminded me I did have it.

I don’t want him to lose that, so I have to do my best… Maybe this is how it feels like to have a little brother.

I had my examination with Miss Ding, she looked at and touched me like I would break with the slightest breeze. I might break, but that is not your fault so don’t feel like you’re responsible.

I’m not scared about tomorrow at all because I know I can do it, Hua knows I know. But he’s still worrying so much… I like that about him.

When I’m strong I’ll spar a lot with Rong and we’ll beat that weird thing in the mist black and blue.

We’ll become strong so Hua doesn’t look so alone anymore.

I will write a lot about how I feel in this Diary for you, because I know... I also noticed I use ‘but’ too much… b- I have to practice more.”
The sun is rising and everyone is gathered in a small room inside the temple, the door is closed and there is a mist repelling talisman activated so the room doesn’t have any mist. Despite having 4 people, the place is still rather cold… One could blame Hua’s disposition, but the truth is that there would be little difference if he left, it is a very cold day in the tundra.

“Lian let’s go over the process one last time”

”Okay” Lian is sitting on top of a soft cushion and covered with a few blankets, other than these, she’s only in her underwear.
It is a little embarrassing even if everyone knows that it is to maximize the surface area of her body for mist absorption, as well as making it easier to apply first aid.

Rong is not sure where to look, Ai is the same despite being an alchemist and a doctor. Hua’s gaze doesn’t even seem to register her as a lady, but he still prefers to look into her eyes.

”Pull the mist from outside… slowly absorb it… and when I ‘feel full’, I ‘change’ it to a sea?”

“A sea is the easiest to make for anyone practicing Qi cultivation, but you’re not doing that so you can improvise… Just think of something simple.”

“First test, we’re starting when you’re ready.”

”I’m ready”

The girl closes her eyes and takes a very deep breath to control her short and nervous breathing then exhales with her mouth.

A small tendril of mist leaks in through a gap in the array and is absorbed by Lian’s chest.
Narrow, Small, Dry, Cracked…

A strand of her consciousness has fused with the mist entering her body. The girl is not aware yet, but the first step was a success.

She travels an ashen desert, there are parts of the desert that are split by massive ravines. These ravines all lead to giant empty lakes that all converge in a colossal basin devoid of life save for a few drops of an azure flame in the bottom of the abyss.

When she looks up she can detect three different constellations, all with different colors and warmth to them. She can also see a fine layer of snow beginning to fall.

More and more snow piles up on the desert, slowly filling the ravines and lakes. The basin remains untouched, as the azure flame desperately burns the snow away. Not melting, burning as if it could not stand its existence in the same world.


She approaches the flame that can ignite the world of snow and burn everything in creation to ashes and she gently holds it with her right hand.

She can feel its reluctance to give up, but it cannot resist her, as the flame is her and she is the flame.

A sea of flames set the world ablaze, and only a drop remains, the girl will fade out if left alone just like the small flame.


The flame fades out, the desert begins to freeze and the ravines are caving in on themselves.

The girl fades away, but the strand does not.

The strand, now in the form of a small girl, extends its hand and calls the seemingly infinite snow…

The snow converges into the palm of her hand, and is compressed until she can no longer see it.

The compressed snow becomes a cocoon, and inside the cocoon is

>A sphere
>A mirror
>A person

The strand feels a calling from
>Its Bones (Body Tempering)
>Its Eyes (Eye Tempering)

The strand recalls

The strand
>Does not stop

Roll a 1d100
Ahh finally done with what I was doing.

The way I see it, Rong can't learn the Crimson Tulip Sword it's much too delicate and precise for him. I wanted to have somebody carry on our master's legacy but it's obvious that Rong is better suited for a powerful and overwhelming sword that focuses on power rather than a delicate and precise one focusing on control.

We also need him to learn how to take a hit, the previous fights Rong and us have gotten into feel very swingy. Both of us need to be able to keep fighting even after getting a bad roll but I'm not sure how to do toughness training without going overboard.

Overwhelming attacks are good and all but still both of us need some sort of safety net otherwise completely similar fighters that focus on quick kills or get lucky once become our complete counters.
>but I'm not sure how to do toughness training without going overboard.
Maybe try tempering something other than eyes all the time? lmao
Rolled 51 (1d100)

>A family
>Its Eyes (Eye Tempering)
>Cold, Dark and Very Comfortable
>Does not stop
Ahh but we're reaching the point where we can temper without breaking through so we can use the eyes to find herbs to temper ourselves later.
>I wonder if they'll roll for body tempering on the skelly sticc girl
>they still roll for eye tempering
That's interesting
Fuck I got it wrong it was supposed to be a Cold, Dark and Very Gentle place.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

>A family
>Its Bones (Body Tempering)
>Cold, Dark and Very Comfortable
>Does not stop

Fucking kek
Horses and water as it were.
Rolled 65 (1d100)

>A family
>Its Bones (Body Tempering)
>Cold, Dark and Very Comfortable
>Does not stop
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>A sphere
>Its Bones (Body Tempering)
>Does not stop
I'm good either way but I kinda figure she'd have benefited a lot more from having tempered eyes if she's gonna learn the White Tiger Style Martial Arts.
>does not stop
Lian's smart and perceptive enough that she should be able to learn the White Tiger Style and read her opponents without tempered eyes at least from the offset. Obviously we start temper maxing later but right now we gotta make sure she doesn't just die randomly.
The strand thinks back to a night full of sticky warm rain and damp hatred, the raindrops become a myriad of scarlet hands that tug at it and drag it down to the depths of a bottomless swamp.

Before the hands can submerge the strand, they are frozen by a comfortable breeze. The scarlet is washed away by darkness.

Inside the cocoon is a family of three tiny snowmen…
One is very small and half melted with brittle sticks for arms, the one on its left is a little bigger with strong branches and a glowing gem for its heart, looks very well made.
The last snowman to the right of the half melted one is the tallest, it is made of pure ice and its arms are robust tree trunks.

The two snowmen look like they’re lifting the half melted one up by holding its sticks with all of their strength. The strand wants the snowman to be made with the ice of a mighty glacier, so it can protect its family. The little figure responds by growing colder, the melted parts absorb the cocoon and the snow around it until it is the largest, carrying the other two on its arms.

The strand is not aware, but there are two constellations holding its arms far beyond the sky with all of their might.

The family of snowmen grow to become invincible and cover the basin, their coldness expands to every ravine and lake, the desert is now a tundra of happiness.

But the strand doesn’t stop at that…

The family fuses together becoming a great snowman, this snowman calls all the snow in the world to it, and the gently falling snow is now a raging blizzard.

All the snow converges into it, and it is compressed into the palm of the strand, until she can no longer see it, becoming a cocoon once more

The strand
>Thinks of the present
>Thinks of the future

The is absorbed from the inside by
>a dragon
>a tiger
>a girl like the strand

The strand
>Meets a figure in the mist
>Meets a figure beyond the mist

Roll a 1d20
>the is
The cocoon* holy shit me get it together
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>Thinks of the future
>a dragon
>Meets a figure in the mist
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>Thinks of the present
> A girl like the strand
>Meets a figure in the mist

Rolled 17 (1d20)

>Thinks of the present
> A girl like the strand
>Meets a figure in the mist

If it makes you feel any better I have no idea what's going on during breakthroughs regardless of any spelling mistakes.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>Thinks of the present
> A girl like the strand
>Meets a figure in the mist
Mah child, mah baby gurl.

I'm kinda disappointed that Lian's already taken our family name in the inventory, I thought it would have been its own big thing.
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Congratulations you have created Mist Jesus.

Oh no... maybe I made it too obscure and esoteric?

It's only in the inventory glad you noticed
Well I seem to remember you saying that the whole point of the story is to be mysterious and esoteric but that breakthroughs are mostly fluff. Aside from fluff I assume all we really need to remember is number go up, traits of burr and tempering goes clang.
The landscape here is an analogy of her body.
The ravines are her veins, the lakes her meridians, the basin her dantian and the desert is the rest of her body.

Rong's forest is his body, the rivers are his veins so on and so forth.
Just keep going, I'm mostly just a munchkin that's really confused because I don't understand how to min max the absolute shit out of the breakthroughs to give as much power as possible because they're so esoteric.

Above all else I'm happy that Lian's hopefully gonna be in a healthy state and we can work out the detail for other tempering and miscellaneous stuff later

Even now though I'm trying to think about how to min max Lian and Rong's training. Rong's doing well with the sword but the Crimson Tulip just doesn't mesh with him and the other Anon was right we should have trained his body a bit more to be tougher.

I wanted to train Lian as an assassin that's also good at using her head but it seems her interests are in Unarmed Martial Arts and she isn't showing that much aptitude for arrays. She isn't untalented in arrays or cunning but it seems like her main talent above all else is perseverance which we did look for in a student specifically. Seems like she'll likely be another frontliner but we'll need to see her more to figure out more about her future studies.

Ahh shit I just realized why I'm even more confused for Lian because we don't even know how we're supposed to build her during breakthroughs since we don't know how to build her in general.
The crimson tulip sword is not a sword of talent, we'll have a specific explanation soon for his training.

Also Lian can be an unarmed assassin, if there are no witnesses left you can call it an assassination!
Meh I love the kids and they'll always be at the back of my mind but honestly I'm also excited about being able to fuck around as Bai Hua again. I'm hesitant to do crazy shit with the kids around.

As for the Crimson Tulip maybe, but even if it's not about talent Rong and his personality seems way more suited for a Strong Sword with overwhelming power instead of a Precise One that relies on Minute Control like Crimson Tulip. Rong himself is a pretty headstrong person which I guess we can temper down the line but still if we've got entire libraries of Martial Arts in our heads maybe another type would suite him better.

As for Lian, touche. With her mistweaver powers she'll probably have a more mysterious, esoteric and versatile fighting style regardless of what we teach her. Hmm I wonder if she can use mist construct focuses to set up arrays quickly. Using those mist constructs as focal points like Mist Woven flags that make mistweaving even easier to do, maybe arrays will be more useful than I thought.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>Thinks of the present
>a tiger
>Meets a figure in the mist
I for one love how trippy and slightly comprehensible the inner world scenes are. It's like taking a tab of acid except the walls don't have sharks coming out of them to gnaw my fingers and toes off.
A lot of the issues come from my absolute failure to explain things in laymans terms.
As well as not really having an actual combat system in place by the time the quest started, not having set arts/spells and giving so many choices for things without much thought behind it for the sake of storytelling.

I am at fault for this.
Shug when I was writing alot I just winged it most of the time. 10% planning and 90% story. Don't get too hung up on making a system. There isn't many tools to keep track off and pull information on the fly. The more complex the more you crunch numbers and less updates you do.
Yeah, I figured some relatively simple gimmicks for each weapon path (sword/polearm/ranged/unarmed) and a special snowflake mechanic for mist/star.
For magic/arts... We'll go to custom writeup land and I'll veto/balance as needed wee it is magic after all.
Training arc!
Training arc!
The cocoon is absorbed from the inside by a small figure, it is a girl just like herself.

The girl grows in size to match the strand, her facial features are clearly visible, she looks confident, her eyes are focused and her lips have an irritating smile like that Hua and Rong show each other all the time.

The smug girl takes the strand’s hand, and then the world is engulfed in light.


Lian finds herself in a land of roiling mist accompanied by lights of all colors, even those she was not aware even existed. There is something beyond the mist, but she can’t see past it just yet.


“Hm? That’s two now… Your name is?”


“Lian huh… What a cute name, do you want to know where you are?”

”No, I just want to go home… They are waiting for me”

“Really now.”

”We will come here later if we want to.”

“Haha, I see now… So that’s how it is… Yes, this pleases me very much,you will definitely come and I look forward to meeting you and him again.”

Lian’s consciousness fades away again, and when she wakes up she’s met with the unfamiliar temple’s ceiling.

Rong’s eyes are tearing up and he’s making a face she has never seen, Miss Ding is alternating between her book and herself with a vacant expression, and this is the first time she has seen Hua smile like that.

Each man is holding one of her hands, and she can feel warmth coming from both.
Lian successfully took the first strand of mist and continued to absorb at a steady rate, you knew it would take her about three minutes to complete the absorption process, and then shape the first… Cognitive projection? you guess could be addressed as such, should have asked the gatekeeper.

Seas, lakes, storms, raging fires, most of the time these are the concepts used because they are vague and relatively easy to imagine. She instead skipped about a dozen steps and self annihilated.

You felt even colder than when you started walking the Extreme Yin Path and both you and Rong rushed to try and push the mist out of her body.

It would have been beyond over if she hadn’t separated a strand of her mind. It would have been over if the strand was unable to shape the mist at all.

But it was able to.

Not one but three snowmen… Somewhat similar to Foundation Establishment and core formation at once? You need to understand the significance of the snowmen so you’ll ask later.

”Hm? They nurture each other!?”

When the large snowman appeared, the talisman was overpowered and an immense amount of mist poured in from the outside. Rong and Ai were relatively unaffected because they each held an improved talisman.

The snowman became a cocoon again, and it was absorbed by a projection of the true self… which is generally what you do during soul nurturing?

This makes no sense, she makes no sense, what the hell happened to your carefully crafted plan? You don’t know.

You’re glad you don’t know, you’ll need to talk with Ai about this… You might even want to talk to Ai’s master about this if he's going for Soul Dividing, you didn’t get a way to contact Jixia, curses.

Lian has broken through in an unorthodox way and has become a Mist Sovereign, she is able to use mist to reinforce her techniques, and create mist constructs to restrict her enemies and help her allies.

We'll call it here for now, tomorrow we'll help Lian figure a fighting style out and look into Rong's training regime (self imposed)!
>Soul Nurturing

Did she skip golden core?
And go into Soul Nurturing?
Wha. huh.
Well it's

Qi Gathering -> Foundation Establishment -> Core Formation -> Golden Core -> Soul Dividing -> Soul Nurturing -> Soul Fusion -> Immortality

If she's really on Soul Nurturing she would have skipped about three steps maybe four considering she was probably less than Qi Gathering with her body in such bad shape.

I'm not really sure I'm understanding Mystic Arts but it kinda feels like we don't really use our Extreme Yin Body well enough and mostly just mass cultivate our regular martial arts with Yang Energy.

I feel like we aren't using our gimmick to the best of our abilities but maybe that's just because we're not sure what we can actually do with Mystic Arts and the Extreme Yin Body Mystic Arts.

What Mythic Arts would poison fall under by the way, I remember when we dove into that swarm of shrimp we used a mixture of Water and Dark to bring up a poison mist but is that right?

Actually since Bai seemed like he focused way more on regular martial arts the first lifetime, is he actually pretty new to the powerful and esoteric mythical arts? Would we benefit a lot from learning from Yin Arts masters or are we just as likely to learn from regular training/remembering our past?
Thanks for running QM, absoloutely love this quest.
Down to learn some mystic arts Yang and
Do artisan/artifact master. As our two mystic art paths if I'm reading this correct.
>A cultivator can choose any two normal paths, one as their “main” and one as a “sub”
>A cultivator can also choose two different “Mystical Arts” paths, same rules.
Since we choose a main path and haven't chosen our mystics yet.
We're Extreme Yin so our Mythic Arts would be Yin: Water, Earth, Dark.

Also that two path thing only applies to normal paths not sure how things work with special paths.

The path of Extreme Yin is a special path. I'm not sure how QM is gonna be tweaking the Martial Arts learning process.

I think we can probably set up Yang Arrays if we find some Yang Focus treasures but the Mythical Arts we shoot out our body would be Yin Mythic Arts.
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Actually when we get a moment I figured we could turn the Lightning Ram Horns into a handful of small array flags and turn the staff into a large array flag/focus.

The Horns and The Staff we're starting to outgrow but using them as foci to create powerful arrays seems like a decent idea since they're unlikely to break in the heat of battle.

Might be a bit of a waste though since you only really need to pull out arrays to do major mystic arts when you wanna wipe out on army or fight an army.
>The more complex the more you crunch numbers and less updates you do.
I feel this sentence in my very soul.
Still only able to read as sessions are happening during my sleep time. At least you know you have one more lurker. Good job figuring out the puzzle to break through in an unorthodox way anons, that was carefully planned and executed
Hey DrDragon good to see you alive. Yeah I've written a few quests on Fiction.live. The main problem I've had with stat stories is math. It's easy at first.
However, you become a human calculator as the story progresses also having to note all the side character progress. Doing math for 2 hours before you can update is not fun.
One of the reasons I want to eventually pay someone to make me a website that I can make said site keep track of and I can reference on the fly all the needed lore and math.
Alas, lack said funds until my investments skyrocket up, and making said website is hard with all the HTML, CSS, Database, Python I'd have to learn.
You could probably use one of those ttrpg worldbuilding tools.
Like legendkeeper, Obsidian or fantasia archive (though I actually haven't used any of these yet...)
I'm still alive, just back in the wage cage and couldn't push an update yesterday. I'll be back later today!
Not a problem at all life happen, looking forward to when you're free!
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>wage cage
The second physical check is completed on the spot, Ai goes through a long list of questions and Lian tries her best to answer all of them. As soon as she’s finished, Ai slumps on her chair while staring at you, it’s obvious she has things she wants to know, you’ll talk about it later.

“All good?”

”I think.”

”That’s good, let’s get something to eat and I’ll need your help checking a few things, okay?”


You didn’t bring anything special in terms of food, your mistake. You make a mental note of going to one of the nearby cities and celebrating her breakthrough for real… Rong’s too. After eating a plain meal you bring Lian to the tree in the center of the temple while Rong keeps thinking about his regime.

“I’ll explain to you how a person goes through the stages of cultivation first"

"You won't tell Rong?"

“It's best if he figures these by himself, he'll be way stronger that way"

"And me?"

“You'll understand why I'm telling you these things when I finish."

You give Lian an explanation of the whole progress as well as what a cultivator has to do to break through every stage to immortality, with examples from your previous life. And she immediately understands what happened to her, the girl's expression doesn't change, but her tone does. You've noticed that she tends to look away whenever she feels she's done something wrong, and today is no exception.

"Hua... I did a lot of those things, did I do bad?"

“I don't think so, remember I said you're the very first person? If it works it works, though I need to ask you.”

Why snowmen? ”I like snowmen”, what do they mean? ”They are a family”, why three? ”It’s embarrassing…”, how did they become one? ”There is more than one in a family, but it is still one thing?”

Why did the snowmen become a cocoon again? ”Hmm… Not sure.” Why a girl? ”It’s what I want to be.” Why did you snuff the flame out? ”It was keeping me from being me…”

That’s very interesting, you expected her to have a strong mind… but not this strong. You won’t need to worry about heart demons for this one, maybe, probably… hopefully. Still , someone going through so many "mental” stages at once sounds like something that only happens in books, her fortunate breakthrough just confirms it is possible.
That said, someone going through every “mental” stage up to immortality at once sounds like something that only happens in books, but her fortunate breakthrough just confirms it is possible.

“You scared us back there you know.”


“It’s fine, I had faith you could do it… but you better tell Rong you’re fine.”

"He worries too much?" “Is that a bad thing?” "Maybe."

Lian is alive and well, Rong is alive and well, they’re both getting along fine… their dynamic might change from here on, but you’ll do your best so a repeat of your past doesn’t happen. The evening wind blows through the halls of the temple with a low hum, the setting sun dyes the stone bricks a pleasant and slightly warm orange.

Your eyes feel heavy, and your right arm is warm…

Tomorrow will be a long day, you’ll first see Rong’s progress with his regime idea, then help Lian find a suitable fighting style.

The light from the sun’s first rays wakes you up, you haven’t felt this drowsy in a very long time and the warmth in your lap doesn’t help much, nor does the weight. Looking down reveals Lian as expected, but rong’s head is also resting on your left leg.

You fell asleep with your back leaning against the tree and these two thought it would be better to snuggle up than carry you in.

”Wake up you two, today will be a busy day.”

”It’s still morning though… wake me at noon teach…”

>Just let him sleep more, you can work with Lian in the meantime.
>Wake Rong up, the faster you have him out of thinking in circles the better.
>>Wake Rong up, the faster you have him out of thinking in circles the better.
>Wake Rong up, the faster you have him out of thinking in circles the better.
So uh. What stage is Lian at?
>Just let him sleep more, you can work with Lian in the meantime
>Just let him sleep more, you can work with Lian in the meantime
Rolled 2 (1d2)

”No can do, young master, I want to see what you came up with.”

You try to wake up Rong but he shuts his eyes with more force every time you nudge him, he’s using part of your cape as a blanket to cover his eyes from the sunlight.

”Nuuh lemme sleep old man…”

”Even if I say I’ll show you a special sword technique?”

”I bet you’ll only show it, let me sleeep…”

He groans and tries to pull on your cape again, until you place your fingers on the tap of his neck. The young man’s reaction is to curl up and roll like a pillbug, he turns around and looks at you with a betrayed expression.


”Fine fine I’ll show you, but you better not laugh okay?” ”I won’t.”

Rong assumes a pose much like a scholar and begins to pace back and forth, his steps don’t make much noise because of the stone floor and the quality of his shoes, they are quite loud because there’s nothing else making a sound, this only makes him more nervous.

”Okay, to be honest I couldn’t figure something out… BUT! I had three separate ideas”

Both you and Lian nod.

”The first thing I thought about was doing physical training in the mist to increase my stamina outside of it. I will alternate between light exercise and rest, then move on to weight lifting, then into fighting without using Qi… This way I will be able to fight even if my Qi is drained!”

”Okay, next idea?”

”Since I tempered my veins, I think I can focus on that and make my sword intent even stronger, so my training will involve trying to perfect the Burning Heaven Sword moves that you taught me.”

”And the last?”

”Well… I was thinking that my sword isn’t elegant at all so I can work on better controlling my sword intent by using small amounts of it… just enough to not be sucked up by the mist for as long as I can.”

He has put a good amount of thought into it and knows his shortcomings and strengths, the fact he’s not trying to come up with a single method that puts everything together also shows he’s looking for more immediate results.

”Not bad, I’m surprised you’ve thought of ways to use the mist as a tool for two of them I think…”

>The physical training sounds good
>You should work on the power of your sword intent
>Having minute control over your sword intent is important
(write in if you have any suggestions for him, or if you want to put him through another kind of training!)
>Having minute control over your sword intent is important.
>Once controlled you can naturally increase the power of your intent.
>This allows you to then fight with scraps of Qi and extend your battle capacity.
>However there are(idk if he knows can forgo this if it's not a thing) certain secret realms that seal your qi.
Making body cultivation important. When you run out of Qi you'll do body strengthening. Which will push you to your mental limits. With whatever you recover of qi well go straight back to using the smallest of qi to cover your weapon in intent. Then rest.
>The physical training sounds good
>Having minute control over your sword intent is important

Exercise in the mist and try to have Rong drain his Qi as much as possible while doing so. It's much easier to sense and control Qi when you're absoloutely drained, when a vessel is overflowing it's much harder to notice a few drops and he always did have way more Qi than normal people.

We should oversea the training a bit at first just enough that he doesn't accidentally kill himself in the mist.
Alright so I think we're kind of in agreement of a general idea, have Rong drain his Qi as much as possible so he'll have better results in minute control and physical exercising.
Cool idea we could array the hot spring and gather some yang medicine plants. Throwing Rong in for recovery bouts after training.
”Your first idea is good, the second you’ll see results by practicing the third. Powerful sword intent doesn’t just mean having a lot to throw around.”


”Fighting with little Qi is an art in and of itself, so I think you can exercise in the mist until you’re almost drained, and then practice your sword with the smallest amount of sword intent like you’re proposing… You’ll see improvements without needing to break through once you can squeeze a drop of Qi for all its worth.”

”Huh… I wasn’t thinking of it that way, I guess that’s why I couldn’t come up with a real method.”

”Good work Rong.”

”Did you think about how you will rest? I saw that there are some hot sprin-” ”I checked the map you have and there are some hot spring-”

”Very good heh heh, we’ll work without any support for a week or so to see how it goes. After that we’ll go west for supplies for everyone.”


Rong’s looking pumped up, he took out a piece of paper and is already scribbling how he will be training now, and explaining to Lian how he’ll also come up with a training regime for her. While the two of them fool around, Ai walks out of the hall and gives you a rather awkward greeting, she was likely waiting for you to be done with Rong.
“It’s about Lian’s physical check, I wanted to talk with you but you fell asleep and Lian asked me to not wake you up”

”How delicate is it?”

“Not delicate at all for her, but I don’t know about your other apprentice.”

”Is it that good?”

“It’s incredible.”

”Let’s hear it then, that’s good news for him as well”

“Her body is at the early core formation stage… that’s just how much the mist changed her body.”

You turn around to look at Lian… and see her tiny body holding Rong in a princess carry, who rather than being embarrassed or upset is laughing his ass off, he even looks happier than her.
“Huh, I thought he’d have a problem with it.”

”He’s going to push himself too hard to try and catch up, did you hear what he wants to do for training?”

“I did, I guess you want me to help?”

”Yeah, at least while I teach Lian how to control her strength. Can’t have one killing himself training and the other because she doesn’t know how to use her body.”

“I’m not that good of a teacher though, don’t get your hopes up.”

”He needs a doctor to pull his ear when he’s overdoing it, you’re the right one for the job.”

You explain to Rong that Ai will be looking after him for a few weeks while you work with Lian, and bring Lian to a different part of the temple, where you tell her about the situation with her body.

”I see, but why only my body?”

”That’s because she doesn’t know how to determine your ability with the mist, I don’t either but finding out will be the fun part.”


She looks at you with a puzzled expression, and you pat her head. She’ll soon understand the satisfaction of overcoming challenges.

”Let’s focus on using your body first, then we can look into how to better control the mist, does that sound good?”

”Will you teach me martial arts?”

”Yeah, but I won’t teach you the White Tiger Fist, there are better techniques out there, here’s what I can teach you.”

>The basics of the Dragon Emperor Fist, a style you and Shama found in an immortal pocket realm that specializes on raw destructive power
>The basics of the Cloud Herding Palm, a style that specializes on redirecting, stopping and countering an opponent’s attacks
>The basics of the Divine Star Fist, a style that focuses on disrupting the opponent’s Qi flow.

>The basics of the Dragon Emperor Fist, a style you and Shama found in an immortal pocket realm that specializes on raw destructive power
This makes sense as most will be used for confusion arts. So Lian will be a beast with arrays+mist confusion+pure destructive power.
>The basics of the Cloud Herding Palm, a style that specializes on redirecting, stopping and countering an opponent’s attacks
This would synergize well with her minion usage. She's also quite small, that would leave her at a disadvantage in terms of sheer strength against foes of the same or higher stage.
The average cultivator 5'2", 90 lbs when soaking wet, looks like they've never lifted anything heavier than a tea kettle lad/lass can shatter a mountain with a tap of their finger. Size matters not.
>The basics of the Divine Star Fist, a style that focuses on disrupting the opponent’s Qi flow.
>The basics of the Divine Star Fist, a style that focuses on disrupting the opponent’s Qi flow

Probably a lost cause but I wanna teach Lian assassination.
By the way I just realized a simple way we can gain some temporary durability before we try and temper Ice Muscles and Jade Bones.

Using our Mystic Arts we can probably flash forge armor made out of Ice or Stone to take a few hits from us so we aren't just getting mutilated from a bad roll.

Stone would be harder but it might slow us down but I assume we can Mystically Harden some ice to create simple armor.
Locking at :00
Actually forget I held that vote, I'm retarded and (as usual) didn't elaborate on each style or bothered to give more than two words for a description... which kind of feels like an insult to you guys. I'll try to do this with more stuff I introduce, just gotta find a way to word my autistic worldbuilding properly.

I'm dropping an update with lore for all and then you can decide.

There are no wrong choices, if you want to keep your vote just let me know too.
”The Divine Star Fist”

”...Okay, we’ll go with the Divine Star Fist. Do you want to hear its origin or should I just start teaching you?”

”I want to hear it… If Hua will teach me then it must be strong.”

”You’re not wrong there, well, let’s do a little history lesson then.”

This fist has its origins in times so ancient that even the Dragon Empress herself wasn’t even born yet, back then there were four brothers who inherited an even older fighting technique and refined it to a divine level. Those unfortunate enough to be enemies would explode under the pressure of their own Qi and bodies… It was said that the technique could only have one successor, but their master insisted on teaching it to all of them. One brother was good to a fault, he sacrificed his life for many people and the other three brothers. The second brother was ruthless and chased power and the perfection of his technique above all. The third brother also chased power, but he fell to depravity and corrupted the technique in many ways and became a monster. The last brother was a righteous and just man.

In the end the last brother ended the man who became a monster, and his other brother’s obsession. This fulfilled the prophecy of one successor.

The Divine Star Fist was then only passed down to one successor at a time ever since, it is unknown when it disappeared from the world, but one day a tome was found in ancient ruins by the now gone Raian Kingdom… I happened to get my hands on it, but I don’t know if it was read by anyone before.

”To perfect this fist you will need knowledge, you have to understand how Qi flows through things and how bodies work. Its difficulty is only matched by its great power, you will be able to kill or heal with the right movements.”

”Kill or heal… Like Hua.”

”Sorry Lian, I’m not as good at healing as you think.”

”I don’t believe you… can I hear the other two?”
”Sure, then let’s see… for the Dragon Emperor Fist…”

It is a collection of techniques left behind by a Primordial Dragon who was feared in ancient times, he was almost invincible and so the heavens tried to give him some flaws, for one he was unable to fly unlike other dragons, he was also unable to be a full dragon or a full human. But he turned those flaws into his greatest strengths.

He would channel his infinite energy through that small body and crush mountains with a punch, destroy sound with a kick, split light with a slice of his palm, rather than flying he released so much power that he would vault over the blue sky at indescribable speed with a single jump.

His strikes could melt through divine metals on speed alone, and if he wanted to, he could absorb the lesser Qi of others into his body as well.

Not even the emperor or the empress could match his raw power. The style is actually called the Dragon Emperor Fist for the purpose of angering the draconic royalty into fighting. As he stood in the pinnacle he grew bored, so he travelled all over the world finding apprentices, raising them until they were incredibly strong themselves, enough to challenge him. The only thing that he lost against was time.

He grew old and one day died of age despite still being as strong as ever.

”Invincible? Hua didn’t fight him?”

”...... A-Ahem… Cough… Mastering this style requires you to have a perfect understanding of your own body and power, when you fight with it your body is pushed to its absolute limit at all times, then the rest of your power pushes it further beyond.” You’re not sure if you could have defeated him if the rumors were true… It would have been fun to try for sure, it feels like Lian’s image of you is a bit skewed though.
”Lastly the Cloud Herding Palm…”

This technique comes from someone known as the Sword of Deceit, in his time he was a young practitioner of the Mystical Arts who fell in love with the daughter of a sword Immortal. The man’s body was perfectly made for the mystical arts, but a poor match for a blade… any time he used sword intent he would be severely injured.

He abandoned the mystical arts and destroyed his cultivation, then studied every sword under the sky, mastered every blade without welding it and disguised himself as a novice swordsman, challenging every swordsman across the world to duels and stealing their swords. His “sword” focused on defeating the enemy with their own moves, with the least amount of movement and Qi used, he fought every swordsman alive and dead for 300 years while saving his Qi for one day.

When the day came he challenged the sword Immortal, and used his “sword” arts and knowledge of the blade to control a million swords like a sea of clouds in perfect harmony and defeated the immortal to marry her daughter.

Those who came to understand that his sword was instead a profound martial art began to call him the Sword of Deceit.

”Mastering this palm involves acquiring a very peculiar ‘instinct’ for combat that is honed over a myriad of encounters… very few will be able to directly contest or circumvent the techniques of someone who masters it.”

After hearing the whole story for all of the styles
>Hua… I still want to learn the Divine Star Fist
>...I want to learn the Cloud Herding Palm
>I’m strong now… Teach me the Dragon Emperor Fist

Yes, one is a blatant HnK reference
Meh it's alright, sometimes it's good to keep things short and tidy.

>Hua… I still want to learn the Divine Star Fist
>Hua… I still want to learn the Divine Star Fist
This makes me want to throw dynamite.
>>I’m strong now… Teach me the Dragon Emperor Fist
>Hua… I still want to learn the Divine Star Fist
>Hua… I still want to learn the Divine Star Fist
Shame this would've been fun.
>Hua… I still want to learn the Divine Star Fist
Let's raise our little Medic
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“Hua… I still want to learn the Divine Star Fist”

She seemed interested in all of them but decided on the Divine Star in the end, were people exploding what piqued her interest or was it the healing?… It could go both ways with her you feel. With history time finished, you stand up and she follows along, it doesn’t take long for the two of you to be in an isolated area.

”We’ll learn a little of the very basics today, let’s begin by getting into stance and moving about.

Of the four brothers, one you won’t really bother looking into, you can understand the approach but it will get in the way of her training. The second brother didn’t really have a stance because he was ridiculously strong so it’s pointless. That leaves the eldest and youngest brothers to go with.

You’ll go with the eldest as both hands are positioned high, this will work for Lian’s height and it should be simpler to use the moves. You assume the stance and ask Lian to imitate it, then correct the position of her body.

”Once more


You repeat the process, anytime her posture is off you correct it. Then swap dominant arms, then correct it, then repeat. This continues for about an hour or two until it looks sloppy enough, this much will do for now.

”Now keep the stance up and walk around with it

Huh… It’s not that easy

”You’ll get the hang of it, it takes time.


You spend the rest of the afternoon moving about in the stance, you add a little difficulty by pushing and poking her around to break it. She manages to get back into that sloppy stance just fine most of the time, not bad for a first day.
Ai meets you in the temple’s tree to discuss Rong’s results for the day.

“We didn’t do the full thing, I went to the Hot Springs with him and we found a small cabin that he could rest in, this way it won’t be necessary to fly back and forth all the time… So long as we set an array up that is.

I can also give you a list of materials that I can use to compliment his training, I won’t charge you for processing them either.”

”Oh? We haven’t entered the realm yet, are you okay with that?”

“If we don’t find anything I can simply drag you to my Master and he can find an use for all three of you”

”Fair enough, give me the list and I’ll work it out, I need to visit a city for Lian too.”

You see the items in the list and most of them are cheap and easy to obtain, likely to be used as coagulants, to break down, dissolve, and improve the effects of the more rare ones. This shouldn’t go for more than 500 spirit stones for the amounts that she needs.

What calls your attention are these three items: Three vials of Sixty Year Old Flying Frog Mucus, Seven Two-Headed Bear Brains, A whole bag of Blue Lightning Clam Pearls.

The first can’t be found in this continent, so it will be expensive. The second is a core formation beast so the material isn’t high on demand, and the third is a pain to get your hands on even if they can be found in the western zhen coast.

You’ll also have to get him a sword that can take a beating but not too much so he needs to stay vigilant of his sword intent.

For Lian you’ll need a few books on meridians and the basics of Qi usage, both of them need new clothes, especially Lian since she’s going to be in combat from here on.

“Xingzhaoy is the best city to get these materials in, but Qingzhou has an arena where you can fight for spirit stones if you need… I’m not really sure how much everything will cost though, sorry.”

You have 10.000 spirit stones.
>Go to Xingzhaoy and see how much things will cost, then decide what to do for Spirit Stones
>Just go to Qingzhou, there’s Spirit Stones to be won.
>fucked the formatting again
Sorry at work so I'm skimming why aren't we raiding the Treasure Realm?
Fuck nevermind I see it now.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>Just go to Qingzhou, there’s Spirit Stones to be won.
>Ask Ai if she can teach us some Alchemy too, we'll pay her extra so she can have some spending money. Rolling 1d20 to persuade her in case Alchemy is supposed to be secret.
Go to Xingzhaoy and see how much things will cost, then decide what to do for Spirit Stones
>Just go to Qingzhou, there’s Spirit Stones to be won.
You decide you’re better off going to Qingzhou, making money there and then dropping by the other city, or just hiring someone to buy the stuff for you. With this in mind you tell the kids.

The port city of Qingzhou is relatively big for being so far up north, you can see vessels and artifacts sailing in and out of the port, people come and go in mounts and artifacts through the sky and the land. The architecture is very practical in nature, and rather than being a planned city, one can tell that if a building is simply built as it is needed. Very likely to have been a small town that grew over time. Houses are mostly made of stone and things look as cold as they are.

The people are a clear reflection of the city as well, most are dressed in simple and practical clothes that will let one take a few hits and resist the cold. You don’t see many people on the “elegant” side of things, but there are a few here and there, most likely rich or outsiders. Your group (with the exception of Ai) are sticking out like a sore thumb, Rong’s clothes are too bright, yours too “fancy” and Lian’s too southern.

You don’t need directions, as the arena is a large colosseum in the west area. The people coming in and out are more varied compared to those in the rest of the city.

As soon as you enter some cultivators turn around to look at you and your group, rong seems to be getting the most attention because of his age and the Drifting Flower on his hip.
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“Welcome to the Grand Arena’s Qingzhou branch, fellow cultivators. Are you here to participate?” You’re welcomed in by a young girl in a showy outfit, a pretty face and a nice body… you estimate it would take two Lians to hide her legs. She looks at Rong, then Ai, then Lian and stops at you.

”I’ve been living under a rock for some time, care to explain to these old bones how your arena works?”

“Not at all! I don’t know when was the last time you went out brother but this place is state of the art spatial arts, our guests are transported to smaller realms so they can go all out without worrying about collateral damage. And our observation platforms have some of the best quality around if you prefer to spectate or bet!”

”Interesting, what about your formats?”

“I’m sure you’ll find one to your liking!”

The formats listed are

>Standard tournament: 32 participants, 5 rounds maximum, you pay an entry fee of 1000 spirit stones and the payout increases the higher you go (1.500/4.000/6.000/10.000/32.000)
>Gauntlet: The entry fee is 6000 spirit stones, and you get to fight stronger opponents, the payout doubles for every victory and if you win enough rounds you become the “defender” of the title. You’re paid once you win or are defeated.
>Free for all: The entry fee is 800 spirit stones and you’ll be thrown in a random location inside the smaller realm, last man standing wins. The payout seems to be about 20.000 stones.

You’ll be the one participating this time, Rong is too green and Lian is out of the question despite her body. You also want to show off a little in front of your students, so you will:

>Participate using the Cloud Herding Palm
>Participate using the Dragon Emperor Fist
>Participate using the Crimson Tulip Sword
>Standard tournament: 32 participants, 5 rounds maximum, you pay an entry fee of 1000 spirit stones and the payout increases the higher you go (1.500/4.000/6.000/10.000/32.000)
>Participate using the Crimson Tulip Sword
>Standard tournament: 32 participants, 5 rounds maximum, you pay an entry fee of 1000 spirit stones and the payout increases the higher you go (1.500/4.000/6.000/10.000/32.000)
>Participate using the Crimson Tulip Sword
>Give Rong and Lian like 1000 spirit stones each to bet on the tournaments. It'll be a good lesson for them to learn to gauge different fighters properly.

St. louis Jumpscare.
Rong. Rong eyes up. RONG!
>Standard tournament: 32 participants, 5 rounds maximum, you pay an entry fee of 1000 spirit stones and the payout increases the higher you go
>Participate using the Crimson Tulip Sword
>Give Rong and Lian like 500 spirit stones each to bet on the tournaments. It'll be a good lesson for them to learn to gauge different fighters properly.
”When is the next tournament starting?”

“In a few minutes from now, are you interested? The slots are filling up”

”Yeah I’d like to join, Rong and Lian, you two take these and go bet with them, this will be an exercise on gauging people””

”Sure, let’s go Lian”


The two and Ai are guided by a younger girl to a different area to bet and spectate the matches, while the blue haired receptionist leads you further into the building, you notice that things get brighter as you continue to walk down the hall, before space opens into a larger waiting room. The room itself is separated from other rooms by a crystal-like barrier but it is possible to see a little into the other zones, you can likely see through by channeling Qi into your eyes.

“Everyone is given a death defiance charm, defeat is determined when the participant gives up, loses consciousness, or the charm is destroyed”

”I see, do you guys have weapons for borrowing or renting? I left my sword with my disciple back there”

Since Rong is going to be training for sword intent precision you’ll show him how things look like done correctly, a cheap sword should be even more effective to drive the message home.

“Yes! But the quality is not the best to be honest, I can let you get the sword from your disciple if you need to”

”That’s fine, whatever you have will do just fine”

“Fufu… Okay then, here is a chest with a selection of weapons you can borrow, you can also keep it but we will deduct it from your earnings if you win, or charge directly for it if you lose.

I’m looking forward to your performance sir!”

”Aha cut these old bones some slack”

You take the sword out of the chest, it seems to be made for someone in the late foundation establishment stage, the edge is good enough to cut down a beast of the same stage, but cultivators are always tougher. It looks to be on the sturdy side, definitely made to take a beating.

A few minutes left before the matches start, this time you spend swinging the sword around to get a very good idea of the length, weight and shape of the weapon, circulating a little Qi into the blade and seeing how it reacts. Your extreme Yin Qi cools the blade immediately and a layer of frost starts to build up, you dispel it and let it warm up again before going into the first match.

The voice of an old man echoes in your waiting room “Participants 30 and 9, get ready for battle.” It’s your call, and you step into a small array that teleports you into the real arena.
Rolled 85, 92 = 177 (2d100)

It is a circle surrounded by tall walls, the floor has simple large tiles and the ceiling is pretty high up for this kind of format, at least 30 meters tall. Apart from these details you don’t see anything else even after using the Eyes of the Unshackled to look for surprises.

Your first opponent is a cultivator of the late foundation establishment stage, a little shorter than you, he looks quite old and is going to be using a large battle axe surrounded by Light Qi. He’s wearing heavy armor that is attuned to Dark Qi.


“Raaaaaaghhhh!” The man jumps as soon as the start is called, a cloud of dust is lifted up as his body ascends and you can see a trail of dark Qi left behind by his movement, he will attempt to cleave you with a single strike.

It has been a while since you wielded a sword, and it feels like your instinct is taking over, using a sword is something you don’t just forget

>Restrain your killing intent
>Let it flow freely

You have two actions:
>avoid the cleave by making the smallest movement needed.
>jump away from the cleave.
>Rush him down with a series of thrusts
>Attack from a distance with sword intent

Roll 2d100
Rolled 26, 16 = 42 (2d100)

>Restrain your killing intent

>jump away from the cleave.
>Attack from a distance with sword intent
He'll undoubtedly cause a big problem around where he hits if he's going for big windup alpha strikes like that.

>those dice
AAIIIIEEEEEE the pain! Bested in a single turn!? Is what I would have said if I weren't about to roll a hundo
This is not divine punishment for not picking one of the ancient unarmed arts, I swear.
Rolled 22, 33 = 55 (2d100)

>Restrain your killing intent

Support this >>6201360
Good moves, bad dice.
Rolled 16, 2 = 18 (2d100)

>Let it flow freely
>jump away from the cleave.
Figured you'd do DC sets instead of rolling

Hopefully 2 out of 3?
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Rolled 53, 54 = 107 (2d100)

>Restrain your killing intent
>jump away from the cleave.
>Attack from a distance with sword intent
It's more fun when everyone gambles, me included.
I mean hopefully we're not losing here on the first round that would suck.
You’re not feeling too confident on your sword yet, so you keep your killing intent suppressed and try to jump away from what you estimate will be the area of impact, the opponent’s armor glows and he accelerates, falling faster faster than you expected… Not good.

The ground doesn’t explode, but a large shockwave of light Qi hits you at full force, sending you flying towards one of the walls. You managed to react in time to not collide against it and recover your stance, but still took some damage.

Being too close doesn’t look good and you’ll need a moment to recover from the shockwave. In the meantime you move around shooting out a few waves of sword Qi with the fifth move of the Crimson Tulip Sword, “Petals in the River”. The waves travel freely towards the man but are dispelled by his armor, glowing once again.

It looks like a ranged approach won’t work at this level, you might need to get serious since you’re lacking in the treasure department, and using the sunset now would make you look like a fool in front of your students. On the good side, he seems to be recovering from the impact himself as well, he didn’t capitalize on your miscalculation in the least.

You adjust your posture, close your eyes and open them again, then take a deep breath. The man starts moving again, he’s slowly getting up and his body and armor creak in unison, the axe has a faint lingering glow from the previous attack.

The blade in your hands trembles, and the sword intent surrounding it flickers between the normal blue and your own crimson, the area surrounding the sword is starting to get colder too.

>Continue to restrain your killing intent
>Let it flow


>Focus your Qi on the pommel of your sword, then run in and try to disarm him with a sword bash. He won’t be able to do much without the weapon.
>Forget the axe, focus your Qi on the blade and just go for the gaps in the armor. He won’t be able to do anything if his charm is destroyed
>Let it flow
>Forget the axe, focus your Qi on the blade and just go for the gaps in the armor. He won’t be able to do anything if his charm is destroyed
>Continue to restrain your killing intent
>Forget the axe, focus your Qi on the blade and just go for the gaps in the armor. He won’t be able to do anything if his charm is destroyed
>Continue to restrain your killing intent
>Forget the axe, focus your Qi on the blade and just go for the gaps in the armor. He won’t be able to do anything if his charm is destroyed
>Continue to restrain your killing intent
We don't want to reveal our reincarnation yet.

>Forget the axe, focus your Qi on the blade and just go for the gaps in the armor. He won’t be able to do anything if his charm is destroyed
When wielding a sword, precision is what matters most.
You keep your killing intent in check, once it’s out you’ll have a few people out there know you’re alive. And now that you know what the trick is, all you have to do is “kill” him before he can pull it off again.

The adversary turns towards you and his armor glows once again, as he is speeding up, you can see that he is being dragged into you rather than flying or running. He’s got the axe raised and ready to swing, it can only be a vertical cut based on the angle, the weapon’s light glow is now gone and it doesn’t have much Qi left in it.

You wait until the axe is being swung to sidestep it, Qi flows into your blade as you spin it and it quickly focuses on the tip, creating a tulip petal that is pierced through as it goes into the helmet’s left eye. The man’s charm breaks before the second move “Maculate Blade” can be completed and he is teleported away.

One of the walls hums with a dull sound and a door is created for you to return to the waiting room.

It looks to be a different waiting room, as the order of the furniture is different this time. The other matches are still ongoing so you’re given a little more time to rest. All waiting rooms are isolated from the rest of the structure now that you pay more attention, it is not possible to spy on the other participants or get information from the outside.

The Crimson Tulip Sword makes up for its lack of firepower by giving the wielder a lot of control over every technique. Your teacher was a weak person who didn’t have high quality Qi. She chose to squeeze the most value out of every drop she had and the result was this style.

Five basic moves, Five advanced moves, and two moves that alters the nature of the sword intent. While the next opponent is announced, you play some more with the weapon in your hand, twirl, spin, switch hands, get a really good feel of the weight, get more accustomed to the texture of the handle.

“Participants 30 and 17, get ready for battle.” The call comes and you step into the small array for the second time.

When the teleport is completed the arena is in a completely different location. This place is a dim hall full of thick pillars that extends for quite some distance, the space between each pillar is about five meters. The ceiling is low and the floor’s tiles seem easy to rip out and break. Your second opponent is a cultivator of the early Core Formation stage like you… His body has more Qi than the average person and you can see he’s carrying a spear infused with Water Qi.

He gives you a serious salute, which you return and both of you get into position.

The man isn’t breaking stance or moving beyond keeping you in his sight, it looks like he wants you to take the initiative.

>He’s definitely a Mystical Arts user so you’ll see what he’s made of with a ranged technique (Basic/Advanced)
>He’s probably a polearm user and is inviting you in to have an easier time responding to your approach, gauge his effective range with a basic movement technique
>Try to take him out before he can do anything with an advanced move (Slashing, Thrusting or Ranged)
Roll a 1d100

And how will you use the pillars? (Write in)
I will also be around all day so I'll update closer to the old rhythm!
Rolled 14 (1d100)

>>He’s probably a polearm user and is inviting you in to have an easier time responding to your approach, gauge his effective range with a basic movement technique
Footsies is a time honored fighting tradition. Also kicking floor tiles at people.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

>Step behind a pillar, movement technique to another and another, then surprise thrust from his front.
Rolled 36 (1d100)

>He’s probably a polearm user and is inviting you in to have an easier time responding to your approach, gauge his effective range with a basic movement technique
Rolled 36 (1d100)

>He’s probably a polearm user and is inviting you in to have an easier time responding to your approach, gauge his effective range with a basic movement technique

Our dice fucking suck
And how will you use the pillars? (Write in)
Movement style that causes after images confusing your opponent where you are leaving qi ghost signatures to confuse qi sense while hiding your own qi signatures. Messes with those who haven't trained there mental and instinct.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

>He’s probably a polearm user and is inviting you in to have an easier time responding to your approach, gauge his effective range with a basic movement technique
Rolled 15 (1d20)

We must fix it. Behold the ceremonial roll
>he's so powerful the dice have to make him job
Hahaha! Wanna change the quest focus to our lady and savior of rolls, mist jesus, Lian?
He’s probably a polearm user waiting for an easy counter. ”Let’s see what he’s capable of then” is what you think to yourself.

You walk behind one of the pillars and concentrate a tiny fraction of your Qi on your legs only, this is the beginning of the 4th move, “Murmur of a Cool Stream”. You make sure to cover the distance between each pillar in no more than two steps, and your foot leaves behind a single spot of cold Yin Qi with the same amount of energy as your body has when you step.

You move in and out of the pillars, go around him, approach and leave his range. Every now and then you’ll slice the floor and chuck a tile at him to keep him on edge. After some time you stop channeling Qi at random intervals when moving behind the pillars. He does have a rather good defense and a cool head over his shoulders, but his effective range is just that of the spear itself, and he's starting to get confused because of the Qi spots.

He hasn’t used the spear’s Water Qi even once, it’s very likely an offensive enhancement. It’s time to wrap it up (DC 10)

>Use the pillars to approach his blind spot and attack with a basic technique (Slash? Thrust?)
>Whittle him down from a distance with a ranged technique (Basic? Advanced?)
>Move in and defeat him with an advanced technique (Slash? Thrust?)
Roll a d20
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>Wanna change the quest focus to our lady and savior of rolls, mist jesus, Lian?
A good teacher doesn't run away to his students. Unless it's soup sunday.

>Whittle him down from a distance with a ranged technique (Basic? Advanced?)
Just keep it basic. If he's going to turtle the whole time he'll inevitably get worn down. And if he's forced to attack we'll have a chance to move in. Attrition is what this style of sword is good for anyway. Efficient.

>inb4 roll a 3
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>Move in and defeat him with an advanced technique. Slash, always Slash. Our dice fucking suck screw holding back.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Whittle him down from a distance with a ranged technique (Basic? Advanced?)
>Piercing attacks using Qi Showing our disiple the weakness of the spear. Unless truly mastered to parry anything the spears weakness is being counter speared. As slashing is easier to block with a spear.
>Another weakness is staying in one place unless you have an ultimate defense.

Attack = Defense.
Speed beats Attack.
Speed beats Defense Via running away.
Higher Speed beats someone of lower speed.
Therefore unless the attack is massive area of effect Speed will win.
I love you people and your rolls.

He’s a sitting duck unless he has some last minute trump card, which seems unlikely if you consider his cultivation and age. ”You better be watching Rong, this is how I’ll have you fighting soon.”

You step out of a pillar, point your blade at him and give him a polite smile. The man frowns, and you sidestep behind another pillar. The speed of your steps increases more and more, and you begin to use the fifth move again, this time instead of wide arcs of sword intent you control the Qi in the blade to be released in a very small area.

The principle is similar to Jixia’s move that you recommended to her apprentice, she learned that from you after all.

Your opponent, who was initially able to block and parry all of your attacks, is now having trouble keeping up with your movement and attacks, when you infuse half the amount of Qi into a tile and kick it, then let out a slash with half the sword intent right behind, the man is hit by one of the two. He adjusts but is thrown off by the changes in your rhythm.

It doesn’t take long before he surrenders, and you’re both teleported out of the area.

That’s going to be 4.000 spirit stones in your pocket, pretty good for a few minutes of fooling around!
“Participants 30 and 22, get ready for battle!”

You don’t spend much time waiting for this round, you were given enough time to stabilize your breathing and relax a little before calling. You were probably the slow one this time around,this opponent is probably in the middle Core Formation stage or has good treasures like the first one.

Stepping into the array takes you into a wide open riverbank, to the north and south are dense lines of Mangroves, you remember this sort of geography from the coasts of west Kwun, good times back then. The water is about calf deep and the floor is very soft because of the sand.

Your opponent for this round is a young woman (about as old as Rong) in a pretty pink dress, she’s carrying a large sword too impractical to be held with one’s hands and an absurd amount of Qi flowing through her body, she looks attuned to Light elemental Qi.
She immediately uses Qi to float and avoid getting her feet more wet than they already are, her expression is one of displeasure and she glares at you.

“Let’s end this quickly, my feet are all soggy now!”

>She looks like an unconventional sword user, probably using her large amount of Qi to control the blade without holding it herself.
>The sword looks too unconventional to be used as an actual sword, it might just be a catalyst and she herself is a mystical arts practitioner.

How will you act?

>”Sure!” Rush in before she has a chance to do anything with an advanced technique (Slash? Thrust?) (Dc is 50)
>”Mine are soggy too, you know?” Use the movement technique and your Extreme Yin Qi to freeze the water, prolong the fight. (Dc is 40)

Roll a d100
Rolled 63 (1d100)

>She looks like an unconventional sword user, probably using her large amount of Qi to control the blade without holding it herself.
”Mine are soggy too, you know?” Use the movement technique and your Extreme Yin Qi to freeze the water, prolong the fight. (Dc is 40)
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>>The sword looks too unconventional to be used as an actual sword, it might just be a catalyst and she herself is a mystical arts practitioner.

With such high qi makes sense. Swords no doubt a spell focus.

>”Sure!” Rush in before she has a chance to do anything with an advanced technique.Thrust (Dc is 50)
>Throw Qi into your feet to launch yourself at high speeds at her. Clad Weapon in Qi and extend your range throwing her off the distance.
I wonder if she'd be temporarily distracted if we just kicked sand at her. Getting her dirty would probably piss her off if her first instinct when starting a fight is "My shoes!". Like creasing a man's J's.
Rolled 83 (1d100)


It would be a real waste to not use all thst qi.
>For shits and giggles use Mythical Arts to fling quick hardening balls of clay at her. First 1d100 dice.
>”Sure!” Rush in before she has a chance to do anything with an advanced technique.Thrust (Dc is 50) Second 1d100
>Throw Qi into your feet to launch yourself at high speeds at her. Clad Weapon in Qi and extend your range throwing her off the distance.
Rolled 47, 40 = 87 (2d100)

You stand with your legs wide open and prepare your sword, the girl begins to circulate her Qi, and you can vaguely see the outline of a dragon behind her as your own Qi starts freezing the water around your legs.



You hop off the water and the ice breaks, leaving a small solid part right under your torso. You close and pull back your legs for a moment, before channeling a large amount of Qi in the soles of your feet.

The moment the Qi dragon is fully visible is when you reduce the area to just the tips of your toes and release it as you use the remaining ice as a foothold. You then compress the sword intent in your blade, push it to the very tip and thrust your right arm out.

You leave behind a stream of small tulip petals in your path, and the adversary tries to shield herself with the Qi dragon’s body, unfortunately for her there is a gap wide enough for your sword to easily slide in and pierce her left shoulder. Your freezing cold sword intent expands the instant the metal touches her skin ripping her clothes apart and bursting from her back in the form of a tulip flower that buds and explodes, pushing her deeper into the blade.

The dragon is blown into pieces and as it dissipates as the flower grows, she tries to move her right hand to use it one single time, until the explosion of the flower made of sword Qi disrupts her movement.

Once the cold sword intent reaches her heart, the death defiance charm bursts and she is teleported out of the arena. There is a surprised expression in her face, and she stares wide eyed before her silhouette disappears.

A door rises from the sand and you enter it, this round you get enough time to dry your feet without using any Qi before being summoned.

“Participants 30 and 6, get ready for battle!” You step into the array, the location is a small platform standing on top of a rocky summit, two steps away from the end of the platform is a free fall in all directions.

Your opponent is a visibly old man of the late core formation stage, he’s unarmed and you can feel Earth Qi flowing throughout his body.

“I concede” says the old man before the voice can even signal the start of the fight.

He what?

“Senior brother, you’re pretty strong from what I can see… Why concede now?”

“Hah! Strong you say, I appreciate your compliment, but this old man here only wants easy spirit stones… Just looking at you tells me you won’t be an easy opponent at all and I promised my wife I wouldn’t be at the arena for a while… She finds out and I’m DEAD!”

Oh… Well wives really are a terrifying force of nature, you can understand his predicament.

“Best of luck with the lady, senior.” You bow to the old man and he returns the greeting.

“Thank you, lad.”

Rather than returning to the waiting room, a new array appears and you’re asked to step in.

Your last opponent is…
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…Well, about the arena! The arena this time is a perfect replica of… Huang’s imperial palace throne room, the floor is a massive slab of black marble, cut into east and west by a gorgeous red carpet about seven meters wide. The area is mostly open, but there are many scarlet curtains that were rumored to be dyed with the blood of virgins (it was fake, just very expensive tinctures extracted from rare materials), they were incredibly heavy and would be used as a medium for all sorts of arrays when you were trying to kill Huang Mengzhou.
Your last opponent is… Well, 10.000 spirit stones is pretty good, you know!? Doing like the old man did just now is also an option, just keep joining the tournaments!

”Oi, stop ignoring me and give me back what you have in your sleeve.”

”... What does this young, fair and eloquent fairy mean? I hold nothing of value… Actually, have we ever met before? It is my pleasure to make acquaintances with someone as beautiful as you!”

”Nothing of value? Even though you begged me so much to give you something like it back in the day?”

Shit, she knows.

Standing in front and staring you “up” as she is a couple heads shorter, is a little girl with deep black hair tied into two hair buns, with part of it let down as a sort of twintails. She wears an equally tiny black cheongsam embroidered with a golden dragon, a grey coat of strange design for your world and short gloves. She looks a little younger than Lian, but she has been this way for thousands of years, behind her head exists a divine halo, one of the few visible signs of having reached immortality.

”Give me the Sunspot, Bai Hua. I don’t mind conceding if you return it.”

One of the many things she hates is seeing her creations not being used. And you haven’t been using the Sunset at all in this tournament.

”You’re not here to bully the weak, are you… Is the Grand Arena your idea?”

”Is there a better artisan than me? Who else can pull off something like this?”

”Damn, I guess you rigged your buildings to react when the Sunspot entered them.
So much for trying to stay hidden.”



>A measly 32.000 spirit stones? Try getting me all the materials to reach immortality again and I’ll consider it.
>If you want it, then you’ll have to take it… But you already knew that, you hag.
>I promised my wife I wouldn’t be at the arena for a while… She finds out and I’m DEAD!”
kek. This man possesses wisdom that exceeds even the heavens.

>>If you want it, then you’ll have to take it… But you already knew that, you hag.
Fuck off lady. Just make another one if you're so damn good at making stuff. Man, we're gonna have to use the curtains to blow her up or something.
Rolled 36, 63 = 99 (2d100)

>Shama, so good to see you again but you'll have to take it from me again you hag.
>Fire off a Mystic Arts frost wave
>Dash through the frost wave and follow up with the Dragon Emperor Fist just to confirm it's Primordial Dragon Shama

Grab the first attack!
>Shama, so good to see you again. Alas, I have need of it to protect my disciples and for cultivation.
>Unless you can give something of equal value I'll be losing out unfairly. 32k Spirit stone doesn't hold the value of the Sunspot you know that.
>I can also give you some once I reach the stage to produce more.
>All the shit to immortality and maybe.
This was part of the plan actually, I'll ignore your rolls here because I feel like you can roll even lower heh heh heh.


”Shama, so good to see you again but I’ll be losing out here, we both know the value of even a drop of this… I’ll be keeping it unless you can give me something of equal value.”

”What, you’re asking me for materials? What do you need all that for? I’m surprised you’re not at the Soul Dividing stage yet. Are you fooling around?”

”You already know, I need this to protect them for a bit.”

”Hmph… You and Jusuf are both the same, wasting your time on weaklings when I’m here… Fine, let’s play a game then”

”Mahjong? And gossip about others while drinking tea? It’s been a while after all.”

”Shut it brat, beat me and you can keep the Sunspot, lose and you give it back. I’ll fight at the same level as you.”

”That sounds even better.”

The two of you look at each other, there’s no point holding your killing intent back against this one, and the same can be said of her. The air grows heavy and distorted as your “intents” collide. As the pressure builds up and both parties get into position you ask yourself “Do the kids know who this is? I wonder who they’re betting on right now.”

Your last opponent is the Primordial Dragon Empress, the other living master of the Dragon Emperor Fist. Because of her Grand Arena’s rules, she will fight at the early Core Formation stage, that won’t stop her from trying to crush you with bursts of speed and massive power behind every strike.

You will
>Keep using the tournament issued sword.
>Pull the Sunspot out and turn it into a sword.
>Fight her fist against fist, switch to one of the Divine unarmed styles for this battle, state which one you want to use (you can also choose to use the Sunspot as gloves/gauntlets if you would like to)

If you use a sword, will you keep using just the Crimson Tulip techniques? Or will you add in the Burning Heaven style as well?

Roll a 1d100 (DC is a secret)
Rolled 100 (1d100)

>>Pull the Sunspot out and turn it into a sword.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

>>Fight her fist against fist, switch to one of the Divine unarmed styles for this battle, state which one you want to use (you can also choose to use the Sunspot as gloves/gauntlets if you would like to)
Fuck it we ball. Let's go band for band with her using the Dragin Fist. Of course, we shouldn't play fair. May as well set up spells and traps and arrays as we go. If she's smart she'll do the same, so we should keep an eye out for that.
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You forgot the second part, will you keep using just the Crimson Tulip techniques? Or will you add in the Burning Heaven style as well?
Crimson Tulip techniques.
Watch carefully Rong, this is what to strive for in this swordsmanship.
You pull the sunspot out and change it into the form of a sword, take a stance and Shama assumes the Dragon Emperor Fist stance. This time there is no voice, you both move at the same time.


Shama begins the fight with a flying kick aimed at your face, her speed is higher than that of all the cultivators you’ve fought so hard, but you can still follow it with your eyes. The kick is intercepted by the back of the Sunspot sword, you push her back and use the movement to go use Scentless Virtue, the thrusting technique that did the girl with the weird sword in.

Shama grabs the tip of the blade with her fingers and uses it to pull you towards her, then follows up by throwing a punch. You use your movement technique to jump back and slice away with sword intent.

The sword qi, now dyed crimson by your killing intent, tears through the carpet and freezes its surroundings. Shama blocks the waves of sword intent that are aimed at her with both hands and closes in with various jumps, you respond by stepping out of the way and thrusting or cutting.

Unfortunately for her, you understand her fighting style, she hasn’t ever fought at this level from what you know, she is tiny so you have better reach, and she is also pissed off… She’s at a disadvantage on all fronts.

”Dammit! Hua! Get here and let me punch you!”

She roars and her draconic qi circulates faster and faster, she will go on a rampage.

>Settle this in one move with the Forgiveness in Summer, the advanced cutting move (DC 70)
>Focus on avoiding until she tires out with the Summit's Flower, the advanced movement technique (DC 50)
>Fall back into the curtains and try to use them to set an array up (What kind of array?) (DC 50)
>>Fall back into the curtains and try to use them to set an array up (What kind of array?) (DC 50)
How about we set something up to encase everything from hip-height down in solid ice? All we have to do is jump to avoid it and we'll have that split second to attack while she is momentarily immobilized.
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Dropped muh dic
Rolled 74 (1d100)

You fall back into the curtains and run your index finger over a few of them, a small amount of Qi is used to inscribe instructions on them… Connect, Yin, water, flood, connect, Yin, water, flood, connect, Yin, water, flood, connect, Yin, water, freeze. Once you have passed through three or four you activate them with a large amount of Qi, and climb an uninscribed curtain like a rope.

Wave after wave of cold water pours from the curtains and hits Shama’s body, slowing her advance, perhaps because she’s not used to being this weak, the water is actually pushing her back a little… And then when the water is frozen you hear a smack, peeking out of the cloth labyrinth reveals the lady face flat against the frozen water, her left leg stuck inside it.


She struggles up for a moment before crushing all the ice by slamming down with her fists, and she charges into the curtains.


You continue running around and inscribing curtain after curtain, these spells are just to slow her down while you get the whole thing done… If you were better at mystical arts, you could have used just two or three, but you haven’t studied much yet so you’ll need a lot for the intended effect.

”Hua you bastard!”

Whenever she’s just finished moving to break out of the ice you slide across the still intact ice and follow up with a cut, a thrust, a kick or a pommel slam. And she chases you deeper into the labyrinth, repeating it all over again.

”Egh!” ”Ack!!”
”How dare youuuuuu!”

She keeps releasing draconic qi, but she’s terrible at using it optimally. She was born strong, and only became stronger, so strong she never had to worry about running out of energy, you can tell she’s growing desperate because she’s piercing through the curtains when they’re frozen, her body is full of cuts and bruises but she keeps going to get a hit in.

The array is complete, you pour all of your Qi into it… and reveal yourself.
”IT’S OVER!! YOU’RE DONE FOOORR!!” Shama gathers all of her power into her legs, she crouches and launches herself forward to cover the distance.

And the array activates when everything below her shoulders is inside of the specified height. The floor freezes, the air freezes, the curtains freeze, and the ice freezes over. That frozen ice freezes again, and again, encasing the girl shaped dragon in a glacier.

As you close in to deliver the last attack, you’re met with a sight no one has ever seen before.

”It’s over… hic… It’s all over…” Shama is crying, perhaps for the first time in her life. Her tears not only burn hot because of her blood and her Qi, but because of how bitter her words are.

”I should have… beaten some sense into your thick skulls…”

”You bunch of fools… were… the only ones who dared to reach out to me… Now everyone is gone and I’m the only one left again”

Her voice gets quieter with every word, the ice is draining all her energy away, her lips are a little cracked and devoid of their usual color.

”I thought you would be back… with me… sniff… but you’re having the time of your life… playing house with two kids who don’t fear you…

I hate this… should have let me die back then… if it would be like this… then I...”

Shama loses consciousness and the location changes to the waiting room, where your disciples and Ai are waiting for you. You expected for Shama to be sent to a different location, but she’s lying unconscious on the floor of this room.

“Oh boy...”
”Teach! You did it!”

Your disciples run up to you and both hug you, you’re not too hurt, but certainly drained of Qi. your muscles hurt a little, likely because the two youths are too enthusiastic right now.

”Who is that?”
”We could hear everything until the last fight. That one we could only watch, how is that kid so strong?”

It looks like only Ai, who is shaking in her chair while looking at the girl sleeping, knows her identity.

You have won the tournament, 32.000 spirit stones, and even got to keep the Sunspot too!

>What will you do about shama?
Ah dumb lady. Boneheaded lady. Stubborn lady. We should probably at least give her a hug. And sit down for tea with her to talk and catch up. Maybe discuss with her some steps on how to be more personable so she doesn't drive people away so hard. She may be a hag but she's still a girl at heart, what an outrageous woman.
>Sit down and talk with Shuma have a heart to hear tell her whats her name is alive(in a jade stone) and everyone but the budda lost there life.

>I just woke up less then three years ago. I honest found out recently that anyone was still alive. And well I'm still weak since I want to become stronger step by step.
>I'm glad you are alive Shama.
>Tell Shama she's being a dumbass, only Ran died and honestly he probably had enough good Karma that he reincarnated into a buddha in another world even after getting his existence erased.
>Meng Jixia's... mostly fine but she decided to be Jade for some reason we can probably get her a new body later shouldn't be too hard.
>Jusuf's too much of a tough bastard to have died, if we're alive he's definitely fine.
>And Wanderer of Myriad Illusions is around but yeah I have no idea that guy's always been weird.
>Introduce her to the kids as Auntie Shama and ask them how much money they made gambling. Tell them we're having lunch with Auntie and she's paying.
Oh we're almost on bump limit, what does one do then?
Also calling it for now, will continue tomorrow. Thank you for participating!

If we're having lunch with her then I wanna try to be constantly indirectly praising our little disciples with pride as we eat.

I wanna hug her but it feels a bit out of character,
The thread will probably last another couple weeks after bump limit. It's no biggie. Only really need to worry once it gets to page 10. But once a thread is nearing its end for whatever reason you can archive it on suptg.

>I wanna hug her but it feels a bit out of character,
One of those awkward one armed shoulder hugs.
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It means nothing, the thread already got auto saged days ago I'm fairly certain. After a certain amount of posts or 3 days, the thread will no longer go to the front of /qst after every post.

So usually when a new thread is made, it'll go to the top of the board after everypost but once it gets auto saged that won't happen anymore. This means that sooner or later the thread will keep falling lower and lower down the board until it can't fall any lower and get deleted.

With the abysmal speed that new threads are made this thread probably won't get deleted for weeks maybe even months. It might be a good idea to start a new thread once we reach like page 6-7 then link the new thread here. Personally, I enjoy threads that link the new threads to keep things neat and tidy.
Thanks! I'll keep an eye on the page count then.

>I wanna hug her but it feels a bit out of character
>One of those awkward one armed shoulder hugs.
It's a former battle autist and an out of touch friendless hag, it will be awkward no matter what kind of hug it is.
She's protect shaped though, so if you want to hug her you will hug her.
Dunno if anybody here knows how to archive threads though but so long as you link the old OP to the new OP it should be fine.

Old qst archives are stored here btw https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html
It's pretty simple, you just click the "add thread" button on the interface to the left. It'll bring you to a little page where you fill in the page info and details. Just gotta remember to tag it correctly.
Oh, in case it's unclear, "thread #" refers to the post# of the thread's OP. In our case it would be 6192166

Though asking the /qtg/ they can tell all of this stuff too.
Can we get Shama to join our group?
You manage to get the kids off of you after struggling a little, and pick up the sleeping Shama and place her in your lap, she has a lot of injuries but it’s not too severe, nothing some rest can’t fix.

“She’s a long time friend, I’ll introduce us when she wakes up… Ai?”

“Wha- what is it?”

“Have you ever studied a dragon before? I’d like you to check on her condition, not these injuries but a more in depth analysis.”

“Is that who I think it is? Can I really do that?”

“I beat her up so it’s fine.”

“Okay! Heh… heheh… Master won’t believe me haha… heh”

As soon as you give her the okay she takes out a set of needles and begins taking Shama’s pulse and prod around her body with them and her hands, her fear was immediately crushed by the prospect of studying a live dragon, and this one in specific.

Just when you’re about to ask the kids how their betting went, the receptionist who welcomed you enters the room with a young man in tow, both are carrying a tray each with a few bags.

“Mister Hua, these are your winnings for the tournament. We’d also like to extend an apology, we’re not sure what happened but the person in your lap was never a participant… The arrays were somehow tampered from the outside and she defeated the other two semifinalists at once, we’re doing our best t-”

“It’s okay, we’re all alive and I won so I don’t mind, but you guys don’t know who this little brat is?”

“No sir.”

“I see, I’ll deal with her for you if that’s okay, are there any good restaurants around?”

The receptionist looks at your group, then at you, then at the sleeping girl and agrees. “Fufu, mister looks reliable so I’ll leave her in your hands. I’ll guide you to the best place in the city too.”

“Young Master, Young Lady. I have brought your earnings, we look forward to working with everyone again in the future.” The young man passes each pupil a cloth bag with spirit stones and leaves.

“Rong’s breakthrough, Lian’s breakthrough, Ai’s gracious cooperation and meeting this little one, there’s a lot to celebrate!”

“Ah, it’s not that big of a deal really” Ai is a little flustered by your statement, but quickly changes the topic. “I think it will be more convenient if we talk about what I found when we’re out of here.”

You leave the Grand Arena, but not without getting the attention of a bunch of people on the way out, rather than ill intent it looks like people are keeping their distance, more specifically from you. The young lady takes you to a fancy restaurant down the street and a waiter guides you to a large table on the back, the seats are particularly comfortable and the lightning is warm and cozy, a stark contrast from the city itself.

>Order food with a sensible price
>Order expensive food
>Order VERY expensive food
>Order VERY expensive food
Make Shama pay for it she's a high class artificer so she should have money. Also ask if they serve Yang Mantis.
>>Order expensive food
The kids deserve a treat. But not a waste of money.
>Order expensive food
>Order expensive food
>Expensive food
The menu has no prices listed, as is the usual with high class restaurants. You order the autumn festival banquet since it has some dishes with rare ingredients listed. Two bottles of distilled two hundred year earth anise.

”Is it okay to order all this?”

“Yeah, She will pay for it, don’t worry too much.”

Lian has been quiet the whole time, her attention focused on the sleeping Shama, who you’ve been carrying since you left the arena. Her gaze alternates between the two of you every now and then, but the girl says nothing.

“So, what did you find?”

“It’s a mess I don’t really understand. I can say she’s technically an immortal because of the halo manifestation, but her body and soul are so damaged she can’t exert any power above the Golden Core stage. Some injuries opened because of your fight but she’s healing at a good rate for a human.”

“For a human?”

”For a human… I thought you’d just leave me out there.”

Shama is now awake, but she makes no effort to move, you don’t make any effort to move her either, she’s visibly tired and has those injuries. You won’t use the eyes of the unshackled out of respect. Ai’s face goes pale the moment Shama look at her, it looks like she’s especially weak to psychological attacks and the natural fear that is inspired from being in the presence of a primordial dragon.

“Things have changed a little since last time.” ”A little you say… hah.”

“I guess real introductions are in place this time around… I wanted to wait until I was at least in Soul Dividing before telling you, Rong.

I’m Bai Hua, the Crimson War God and this is Shama, the Primordial Dragon Empress… Let’s say we got into a mess and all six of us immortals had to pay a price for it.”

”I knew it!”
”Is that good?”
”It’s more than good, this is the best any aspiring cultivator could ask for! Aiya you just don’t get it, this senior brother will tell you all about our teacher’s feats later.”
”Okay, this senior sister will listen to your stories later.”
”Huuh? What’d you just say? I’m the older one here.”
”He found me first… I’m the senior.”
”And I’m stronger, so you’re the junior!”
”But you’re a pure boy. I am still the senior.”

They’re both unaffected by Shama, one is too hyped up about the situation and the other doesn’t really care.

Ai is… well she’s conscious, but you’ll have to wait a bit for her to calm down.
“These two are my pupils, Lian and Rong. I’m having her cultivate with the mist instead of Qi, and Rong’s innate constitution is very good, so I’m teaching him the sword.”

”Hn, you’ve always had a fine eye for potential, it’s good to see it hasn’t dulled. I had thought of looking into the mist but haven’t been able to.”

Three waiters take turns bringing in all the food in the banquet, there are hundred year old blue lobsters, roasted emerald jingwei meat and boiled eggs, a whole night boar king stuffed with rice, spices and its own meat. The vegetables are normal but their quality is very good, and you’re given a couple pitchers full of juice made with rare fruits from the western continent.

You open one of the Anise bottles and serve yourself and Shama.

”Shama… Time to eat.” Lian pats the empty seat between you and her.

”Certainly, I’ll have some of that jingwei.” Shama, on the other hand, adjusts her posture while still in your lap, and starts putting food on her plate.

”Shama… Hua can’t eat.” She continues to pat the empty seat.

”You’re right. Here’s some boiled egg Hua~” She’s trying to feed you now instead.

“Thank you.”

”Hua can eat by himself” The speed of her beckoning intensifies.

Shama stops trying to feed you, neatly places her plate and chopsticks on the table, and leans her back on your chest.

”Ah… Hua… I’m so hurt and tired, I’m afraid these old bones cannot eat on their own anymore… Please feed me some jingwei?”

“Here here, ah~” You decide to play along, it’s the first time you’ve seen Lian act like this, and seeing this ancient master lowering herself to the same level as a kid is very entertaining too.

”Mhmmm~ it’s been a while since I had jingwei meat you know?”

“I’m glad you’re liking it, it’s your treat after all.”

”I’m broke like always though?”

“Didn’t we just walk out of your grand arena?” ”Mine on paper, they had the honor to be graced by my ability.”

“And they didn’t have the privilege of paying you for it? Who conned you this time?”

” I have no need for currencies like you humans and demons, I’m a noble ancient member of the dragon race and I can get all I need from na-”

“Who conned you this time”

”It’s not like they conned me! They gave me information that could help treat my condition.”

“And didn’t offer any help? Did you get to treat your body?” She got conned, as usual.
Shama drops the act and tries to stand up ”... I’ll go win some matches to pay for this, you can leave when you’re finished if you want.”

“In that condition of yours? What even happened anyways?”

”I didn’t die thanks to you and Jusuf, but I’m stuck in my human form and my power has been on decline ever since… it’s over for me… I ended up wasting everyone’s efforts.”

“Don’t be an idiot, I’m here and Jixia is stuck in a piece of jade but still alive, Myriad illusions is too crafty to die and Jusuf too stubborn to stay dead… Ran might have died, but his karma was so good that I’d bet he’s living the good life in a higher plane of existence.

This isn’t over yet, so don’t just go and die on us.”


”Anyways, I could pay… but you’ll have to make up for it later. Who was it this time?”

”...The Orthodox Alliance.” “The Orthodox Alliance.”

”And what will you have me do to make up for this?”

You have 39.000 spirit stones (since you gave Lian and Rong 1000 each), the cost of the banquet is 7.000 spirit stones.

You can
>Let Shama go earn the spirit stones and part ways for now
>Pay for the banquet on the condition she teaches you the art of artifact crafting (Shama will join the group, but will be unable to fight because of her wounds)
>>Pay for the banquet on the condition she teaches you the art of artifact crafting (Shama will join the group, but will be unable to fight because of her wounds)
It's a learning experience for everyone. We've got entire new lives to spend powerleveling with even more knowledge than we had last time. It's like taking one in a million talents and coating them in gold. Lian is experiencing emotions she never thought possible.
>Pay for the banquet on the condition she teaches you the art of artifact crafting (Shama will join the group, but will be unable to fight because of her wounds)
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>tfw hua doesn't understand shama was flirting with him, not pretending to be childish
>Pay for the banquet.

You really need someone to stop you getting scammed.
We're also scamming her right now, it's not like the ordered all that food, or will eat it all herself.
I realised, but it's okay when we do it.

After all, would we hurt a friend?
Don't answer that.
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>Pay for the banquet on the condition she teaches you the art of artifact crafting (Shama will join the group, but will be unable to fight because of her wounds)

Hey, why not use a Causality Denial to go fix Shama up? As an Artificer she's probably the most useful person we can use Causality Denial on since she can mass produce Artifacts and probably pills. Also with her help we can probably get Jinxia The Silver Sword Saint a new body and have an expert on dealing with the radioactive cow.

I was saving it up on the off chance that Lian would die during training but she's fine now.

>Pic unrelated

A written here >>6192423

Introducing Causality Denial: Bai Hua exclusive, you start the game with 1 point, then get another upon breaking through to Golden Core, and a third at Immortal.

These points can be used to:
>Bring another character back from the dead or completely reforge their body to Hua’s liking
>Guarantee the highest success possible in a single roll
>Reroll your cultivation path
>Reroll another character's cultivation path
Be sure to use them wisely

So we can use a Causality Denial Point to at least bring her back to a Nascent Dragon or something.
It's certainly an idea. But then she'd start bullying us
We're the Crimson War God even at Core Formation where we're at we can bully her all the way up to Soul Dividing and she probably won't get her full Immortal Body back immediately. This'll likely just give her a boost back to the right path.
There's a small caveat, to reforge Shama's body we'll need to know how dragon bodies work.

You're altering reality for the sake of another person with that, you probably won't get bullied (too much), but the other person might get the wrong idea.
Ahh so we gotta hunt down some dragons then, that's good we can study their corpses and gain some materials.
Lurker here, this quest is like seeing a dragon soar the air and it's been a blast to catch up to!
Really bringing out the awesome wackyness of cultivator stories, keep it up young master!
Thank you, I was originally thinking of running a quest using the Cloud Herding Palm's backstory where you play as the Sword of Deceit from his very early days, but I read the other xianxia quests running and saw it would be a bit similar to some and decided to try and give a different experience... hopefully it feels different enough.

”I was thinking it would be good to become an artisan, why don’t you come with us and teach me the craft? That should pay for the Jingwei you ate.”

”All my knowledge for a measly seven thousand spirit stones after you said all that? Are you trying to con me too?”

”Of course I am, do you want to be scammed or not?”

”You’ve really changed, Bai Hua… the old you wouldn’t do something like this.”

”What do you mean? Remember Myriad Illusions? The alliance’s pope? It’s not my first time scamming someone.”

”You never scammed someone into a better deal, you fool.

Fine, I’ll gladly let myself be ‘conned’ this time.

But you’ll have to carry me around for a bit though, I really am too tired to move right now.”
The rest of the banquet is eaten in peace, save for Lian’s particularly cold disposition. There was too much food, so you had it be wrapped up and put into your enchanted holding bag.

”So… Lian, Rong, how did your betting go?”

”I looked at the brackets and asked around a little so I was able to find out that there were regulars participating.
I used the first round to bet on one of the newcomers, then paid attention to other matches to get an idea of the rest of the groups.
In the second round I bet on participants that won the first round and were regulars.
The third round I bet on the regulars because they were stronger.
For the fourth round I was paid compensation because of Lady Shama’s entry.
Last round I bet everything on Teach”

”That’s pretty good, how many times did you win?”

”Including you then three out of five. I lost in the first and third rounds because I failed to account for artifacts correctly.”

So he won twice.

”And Lian?”

”I bet everything on Hua every round.”

And of course, she won five times.

”I’m happy you believe in me that much, but how many stones did each one of you make?”

In the end Rong made 9.800 stones through strategic betting while Lian made 6.200 by going all in on you, you can tell she’s a little frustrated at the difference in results.
”Teach, I told her what she could do but she just bet on you.”

”Why do that when Hua will win every fight?” ”Why do that when Hua will win every fight?”

”... ” “...”

It’s not that they’re wrong but…

“What if I’m up against someone I can’t beat like Shama?”

”Your Crimson War God’s Dance?” “Well…” ”Your Divine unarmed styles? The Halving Blade? Your other sword styles? Movement techniques? All the other fighting techniques? Your Manif-”

“Fine fine I get it! But that’s not the point… The idea was for her to learn how to gauge opponents as well as being able to make some money on the side.”

”It’s just gambling at the end of the day, don’t listen to either of them.” ”Okay.”

“Haah my authority as a teacher… Forget it, since your earnings were this good, let's go do the only thing better than making money, spending money. I’ll give you some advice on things to look out for while we shop, and we’ll see how to best use what you earned for your training materials.

Our senior sister Shama will also have some good advice for artifact materials and crafting tools, yes?”

”Of course, I assume you will also buy me a few things, yes? As you can see I have nothing but the clothes I’m wearing.”

“Definitely, so long as the budget allows it.”

>To Lian’s Material Shopping
>To Rong’s Material Shopping
>To Hua and Shama’s Material Shopping
Shamefur dispray I keep fucking my greens despite "proofreading"
>To Rong’s Material Shopping
>To Rong’s Material Shopping
>to hua's material list

Show em what they need for core formation
>>To Hua and Shama’s Material Shopping
Featuring some contraceptives from our resident dragon girl?
You wouldn't dual cultivate with a dragon loli hag would you?
Doing a tie breaker roll at :30
>To Hua and Shama’s Material Shopping

Does Shama know alchemy too? I feel like Artificing and Alchemy is gonna have some overlap.

Also by now has our energies stabilized? A part of why we were taking it slow was because Hua said he needed like three years after the mantis incident to stabilize going from just starting Foundation Establishment almost immediately to Core Formation.
>Loli hag
this read pleonasmic
Sorry I couldn't run today, my right wrist is falling off and I can't quite type or hold anything it. Hopefully back tomorrow!
Take your time to heal in case it gets worse.
Hope you get better and we can wait. Some quests get updated like once a day or not even that.

Question, how common are dragons and are we right to assume we can turn dragon corpses into food/medicine/weapons?
>Does Shama know alchemy too?
No, she's more into the mechanical side
>Artificing and Alchemy
There is an overlap of both the higher you go (i.e needing processed materials to craft something, or an artifact to process a material) but for the most part they will be treated separately.
Mostly it should be safe to cultivate a little once Lian has some combat knowledge.
>how common are dragons
Pretty rare (and strong), shape shifters like Shama are Primordial dragons and an anomaly. Yes you can procure materials from dead dragons.
You pay the tab at the restaurant and ask a few questions before leaving. The waiter mentioned a couple places where you can find materials for alchemy, supplies for cultivation, and an artisan’s shop. He gave you a written recommendation for the latter, so you walk across the city to the place, since Shama is tired she’s being carried by you, and the rest of the group follows from behind.

You tried to carry her piggyback but she got mad, sit her on your shoulder but she still got mad, you tried to sling her over your shoulder like a rug but got even angrier and demanded you carry her like a princess, for being so old she sure is being a spoiled brat.

Now that everyone is a cultivator it doesn’t take long to reach your first destination, the artisan’s shop. On entry you’re welcomed by a middle aged woman and an old man at the counter, you pass the note to the lady and she smiles.

“I’m here to buy some artifacts for her and for myself, and some tools in general”

“Follow me this way, leave it all to this auntie here, uncle! Some tea for the young ‘uns while I help them? ”

“Aye aye” The old man starts pouring tea for everyone else, while the lady leads you further into the shop.

You’re guided into a dim and questionable section, separated from everything else by thick curtains... You recognize everything here from your time as a Yang Furnace in Jianan. The peculiar clothes, the incense burners, the strangely shaped devices, the fancy shackles, the… ‘essence catchers’, and so on and so forth.

”Hoho, some of these are of pretty good make, I have to say that the quality shows a skilled artisan made them.

But Hua, what is the practical purpose of having the middle part of these clothes open? And why are some of these devices only made to vibrate? Hmm… How does one use those essence catchers? I bet they would be useful in a pinch…

”Please tell me you’re teasing me and you actually know what all of these are.”

”Rude! I’m asking because I don’t know what they are. It's my first time in this kind of place so I don’t know… You on the other hand sound like you’re aware of their functions, out with it.”

“Ohoho Mister, to bring a pure maiden here in the middle of the day, how daring! Young lady, these are products to aid in dual cultivation”

”Huh? You need these kinds of things?”

”It’s not the old traditional type that you’re thinking about, it’s the more popular type… It’s easier if you just think of these as things to be used in human mating rituals first and cultivation second.”

”Ah! M-mating huh… I see I see, I think we might be in the wrong place then… can you take us to th-”

Oh… she shouldn’t have reacted like that, did she not learn all that time ago, it’s over for her now.

You point to one of the frilly outfits ”Do you have any of these in her size? She’s pretty small after all”

”Eh!? isn’t that plenty small already!?”

The lady picks up on your idea and follows up “It has to be smaller in proportion to the body, I think about half would be good for her”

”Good, can I get some shackles? And that curved bumpy one, yeah the one in the back”

“Oh my, oh my! You sure know your goods huh Mister?”

”Wha-wha what do you do with that one?”

”Take a guess.”

”N..no nononono H-Hua? I’m not mentally prepared for that yet!”


”Ah! No I mean…”

”Hahaha, sorry, you’re just too cute when you’re getting teased.

But I can buy you anything from here if you’re interested, serious offer.”


”Oh well. See, we’re actually here because I’m new to the craft and she will be teaching me, so we needed some basic tools and supplies.”

After you explain in detail, the lady guides you around and recommends a few tools, which Shama begrudgingly agrees with.

Your purchase includes various carving tools and knives, needles of different sizes, scissors, rolls of Qi conductive thread of various colors, a few magnifying lenses as well as some low quality Yin and Yang polarity wood, metals and cloth for you to mess up with.

On shama’s instruction you also purchase a barrier stone and a reusable talisman with a basic offensive mythical art. The total is about 5.000 spirit stones, leaving you with 27.000 and you’ll have to think of something to get Shama to stop sulking later.

>To Lian’s Material Shopping
>To Rong’s Material Shopping
>>To Lian’s Material Shopping

Love Hua's autism but the shop scene itself I'm not sure how I feel about.
>>To Lian’s Material Shopping
However it's not out of line since first few updates. He's a rogue although a rogue whose didn't see affection much and is starting to understand it. Is my view on it.
I just thought he was bro'ing out. Like how you say to your boys how one of them could absolutely fit that traffic cone up their ass.
>Lian's list.
>To Lian’s Material Shopping
>>To Lian’s Material Shopping
Holy shit the painkillers I got turn you into a living husk, I'm pushing this or I will die without being able to move things forward!


You make your way to one of the other shops, this one is larger, but somehow more cluttered. The smell of old books assails your nose and the dust particles floating around give the place a rather welcoming feel.

There are books thrown all over the place, and boxes with books and scrolls piling up and spilling over, the writing is loosely separated into very broad categories, each with a group of boxes. The person at the counter is a deceptively girly boy who doesn’t say anything, but has been keeping an eye on your group since you entered

”Lian, Rong, when you’re dealing with knowledge there are three things you want to look out for.” You say as you start to dig into one of the piles, the one with medicine.

”First, if you don’t know about a topic then get as much information as you can and see what coincides, that helps you learn things that are considered common knowledge or widely accepted ideas.” This one won’t see much use with you and Shama here, but once they’re doing their own thing it will be helpful.

You take an old book barely holding itself together and flip through its pages, it takes a moment for you to find what you’re looking for. ”Second is for books and scrolls like these… If you find something with footnotes, extra pages by someone else or any comments, then it’s worth looking into. If you’re lucky you get someone who writes down how to get through a bottleneck or if there was something wrong… or you can be very lucky and end up learning the location of a hidden realm or treasures.”

The kids nod, and as you’re looking for a new book the boy at the counter comments.

“Also look for new books and scrolls, you can get revised knowledge and new ideas… if you’re lucky you’ll have even fresher hidden realms or treasures if the author hid something in the writing if you can decipher it.”

”What our friend here said. Lian, I found what you’ll need for your training, but I want you to try your hand with what we’ve explained and look for a medicine book or two yourself, it can be about anything.”

”Got it”

Lian will look for medicine books
>Lian will look for books on humans, roll a 1d20 (check is 15)
>Lian will look for books on demons, roll a 1d20 (check is 15)
>Lian will look for books on dragons, roll a 1d100 (check is 95)
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>>Lian will look for books on demons, roll a 1d20 (check is 15)
Maybe mist creatures have been misreported as demons. I will now display this truth by rolling a 12
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>Book on demons

Alternative cultivation paths?
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>Lian will look for books on demons, roll a 1d20 (check is 15)
Heh, I could put a 99 DC in a Lian d6 and and you guys would still manage to roll a 101 somehow.
Rolled 73 (1d101)

Yeah in exchange you'd give us a DC 30 and non of us would roll higher than 7

It balances itself out.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Rolled 87 (1d100)

Out of the spirit stone mines for the weekend in a couple hours, will update with whatever has the most votes by then!
”Hm… Dragons.”

Lian digs into the mountain of scrolls and checks a few, but doesn’t find anything like what you mentioned, she’s looking for content on dragons from the get-go for some reason. She keeps going through older looking scrolls, newer ones, there are a couple with annotations related to humans but she ignores them.

”Maybe Demons… Yeah, Demons.”

She looks through the mountain again and procures a large book, upon close inspection this one is actually two different bundles of pages tied together judging from the quality of the paper. One part is the Classic of Demonic Blood and Bones, the other part with newer paper has “Short thoughts and comments on the Classic of Demonic Blood and Bones, by Changsheng”.

Ironically enough, the short thoughts section has thrice the amount of pages as the classic itself. You give a cursory glance to some of the pages and see that there’s a LOT of words in them, others have detailed drawings. Was this Changsheng person ill, a genius or perhaps a charlatan? It will be worth finding out.

The book you got for her was the Classic of Blood and Bones, a book on humans. There are a few key differences in the flow of Qi and the composition of the bodies, but both races are relatively similar to each other with the exception of pure blooded and high ranking demons. She’ll be able to get good insights on both humans and demons if she studies diligently and with a bit of luck .

Besides these books there’s not much else that would be worth purchasing, at least by your standards. You bring both books to the boy who looks at them and names 700 spirit stones as the price. You'd object if it weren’t for the other half of the demon book, so instead you take two small books from the counter and add them in, he doesn’t increase the total so you’re getting them for free.

You’ve spent 700 of your own stones, Lian will spend from hers in the next purchase.

You have obtained the Classic of Blood and Bones, the Classic of Demonic Blood and Bones, and two volumes of the allegedly super interesting Love Ruan.
The next stop is a tailor’s shop, this one is full of ladies, and the moment you explain you’re here to get clothes for your disciples, a swarm of aunties floods from the inside of the shop and both Rong and Lian are practically carried inside. You, Ai and Shama are invited in by the strongest of the ladies and tea is served for everyone.

Two ladies walk up to the table you’re having tea at, each holding a piece of paper and after some whispering to the strong lady, she turns to you and asks.

“I can get Mister a good deal, both in core formation materials for eight thousand spirit stones each. Or I could make something for them with foundation establishment materials for four thousand each.”

You have 26.300 stones, Lian 6.200 and Rong 9.800

>Core formation materials for a total of 16.000, you’ll cut into your own stones for Lian and hope Rong’s cultivation materials are cheap
>Foundation establishment materials for a total of 8.000, the clothes might not survive the training or the upcoming legacy realm, but you’ll have more stones for Rong’s materials.

You can try to haggle with a d20 and a write in.
>Foundation establishment materials for a total of 8.000, the clothes might not survive the training or the upcoming legacy realm, but you’ll have more stones for Rong’s materials.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Oh I would have loved to pay full price but as I was fresh off my winnings, I came across a woman crying and under heaven there is no more generous beggar than I, I stopped to ask what happened. . .

Just continue with a story like this about how we had to buy medicines, food, clothes for widows, sick spouses, children, disabled children, ect ect.

Repeatedly and heavily use "from the forests of streets of Houzhu to the palace in Mizhan you will find no beggar as honest as I". To try and break them down with exasperation, entertainment or most unlikely of all, they believe us.

I think 5k for a core formation cloth is nice but I will accept 6.
>Core formation materials for a total of 16.000, you’ll cut into your own stones for Lian and hope Rong’s cultivation materials are cheap
You need a d20 and a write in for haggle
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Dear beauty as first time customers can we perhaps get a discount for my cute little disiples as a first time customer?
Absolutely lacking any and all rizz
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>>Foundation establishment materials for a total of 8.000, the clothes might not survive the training or the upcoming legacy realm, but you’ll have more stones for Rong’s materials.
I would like to haggle, but anon has rolled a 1. Dooming us all. Alas.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Haggling and had how we bought the girl apprentice from slavery despite no potential because how heartbreaking her condition was
And how the one sit on our right can never become our official dao partner if we're too poor to pay for a proper wedding.
Are you haggling for core formation or foundation establishment materials?
>Core formation materials for a total of 16.000, you’ll cut into your own stones for Lian and hope Rong’s cultivation materials are cheap
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Core formation materials will be for the best, if the craftsmanship is good then it should be enough to last them both until golden core. The price is rather high, sure, but you can understand why.

It’s hard to procure good quality materials with the mist because most beasts are hidden, things that wouldn’t be much of an issue to hunt become way more dangerous either because it’s more difficult to reach them or people are weakened enough to deter them from risking their lives.

That didn’t stop you from trying to haggle these people down, you tried to portray yourself as a poor man riddled with debt from saving your sickly apprentice and… the first part fell flat, you’ve got too many people with you, all too well dressed. Rong also has what you would call “An air of wealth” about him that makes playing poor a bad idea.

In the end a deal for a discount of 2000 stones is agreed upon, the condition is that the ladies will get to play dress up with both disciples. The rest of the afternoon is spent drinking tea and watching your kids wear all kinds of clothes. Rong was dressed like a buddhist monk, a Zhen army officer, a member of the Grand Arena, the young master of a local sect, a travelling merchant and more. He was embarrassed at first but didn’t take long to start “getting into character” much to everyone’s enjoyment, he really gave the impression of being a performer.

Lian on the other hand was more like a doll, and the ladies went crazy when they noticed she didn’t put up much resistance (on your instruction). The clothes she tried on were more intricate, with finer fabrics and a lot of accessories. Almost every time she’d walk out of the dressing room, she would have a different hairdo, and she always asked you how it looked.

The last outfit both wore was what they chose as the design for what you would purchase. Lian’s outfit was a simple dark green cheongsam with a white shirt under, white baggy pants and dark green shoes, as well as a lighter green coat. The ladies added in a pair of hair ribbons and earrings too. While Rong went with a dark hanfu similar in design to yours, but with more reds and a white coat.

Lian paid 5.200 stones and Rong 7.000, you used 1.800 of your own so Lian didn’t have to use all, it will be best if both of them have an emergency fund.

This leaves you with 24.500, Lian at 1.000 and Rong with 2.800. You’ll most likely end up buying Rong’s materials this time.

>Try your luck at the local apothecaries (roll a d6)
>Leave for Xingzhaoy, if you’re fast enough you’ll make it to the city before the gates close. (roll a d6)
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>>Try your luck at the local apothecaries (roll a d6)
Behold, century old rabbit tendons. How does a rabbit even live that long?
Rolled 3 (1d6)

>Try your luck at the local apothecaries (roll a d6)
Rolled 1 (1d6)

>>Try your luck at the local apothecaries (roll a d6)
Perfectly balanced.
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Ughh damn I missed the post last night.

>Check out the auction house and use our eyes to find hidden treasures.
Last in your shopping list is what Ai listed for Rong, the Apothecary is still open for business and before entering you ask your disciples and Shama to stay outside, as Ai is still having a hard time talking when in front of the primordial dragon.

The place is very clean and well kept, the middle aged man at the counter invites you in and you hand the list of the things you need. He procures everything with the exception of the three materials.

“The Sixty Year Old Flying Frog Mucus we got a fresh shipment of, Two Headed Bear brains I have just one I was planning to use for myself but I could part with it if you name a good price.”

”And the pearls?” You ask, the fact he’s not mentioning them probably means that there’s something up

“I have them, but there is a client of mine that ordered them in advance, he hasn’t paid yet though, he can wait a year or two more if you need them now”

”What are you looking for to graciously part with and accidentally delay things.”

“Thirteen thousand for the Brain, Sixteen thousand for the Clam Pearls. The Frog Mucus is six thousand because it’s as fresh as you can find it in this continent”

It’s like he’s trying to wring every spirit stone out of his goods, the prices sound too high for the stage and their relative difficulty to find. You look to Ai, who runs the numbers in her head and shrugs “Sounds about right if you really need them right now.”

You won’t be able to buy everything today, with that in mind you ask Ai what she’ll be using each material for.

The pearls are meant to be crushed and the powder mixed with other materials, the resulting mixture is dissolved in one of the pools and will let Rong physically recover at a faster rate.

The brain would be used to distill a tonic that he will drink before each training session, the effect is that he will build up more strength over time at the cost of being more exhausted once he’s done training.

The frog mucus is made into an ointment that constricts his meridians and relaxes muscles, he will have to pay more attention to how he moves and controls his Qi.

The cost of everything else in her list is 1000 spirit stones, and you get him to add a few large sized ghost sandalwood trunks and branches in for another 300. The branches will be used as Rong’s “swords” and the trunks for Lian’s initial meridian memorization.

You and Rong have a total of 26.000 spirit stones left after the basic materials are purchased, with this you can.

>Pay 19.000 stones for the Flying Frog Mucus and Two-Headed Bear Brains. Better final Qi control and physical prowess at the cost of having to wait more between training sessions. (You’ll have to come up with something for him to do in between sessions or have this be free time.)
>Pay 22.000 stones for the Flying Frog Mucus and Blue Lightning Clam Pearls. Better final Qi control and faster recovery after training at the cost of not being as physically strong as he could be once finished.
>Pay 22.000 stones for the Flying Frog Mucus and Blue Lightning Clam Pearls. Better final Qi control and faster recovery after training at the cost of not being as physically strong as he could be once finished.
>19.000 stones
Slower training but better training.
In-between sessions we can have em do history shit or plan for the future or chores.
>>Pay 19.000 stones for the Flying Frog Mucus and Two-Headed Bear Brains. Better final Qi control and physical prowess at the cost of having to wait more between training sessions. (You’ll have to come up with something for him to do in between sessions or have this be free time.)
>Pay 19.000 stones for the Flying Frog Mucus and Two-Headed Bear Brains. Better final Qi control and physical prowess at the cost of having to wait more between training sessions. (You’ll have to come up with something for him to do in between sessions or have this be free time.)

Hmmm we could buy him books on mystical light arts and have him learn the theory. As he rests which would strengthen his mystical art.
”Let’s go with the Flying Frog Mucus and the Two-Headed Bear Brain.”

The apothecary appears skeptical at first, but soon changes his attitude when you place the spirit stones on the counter.

“If you’re close by I will try to get my hands on more pearls in the future. I would like to ask, but you’re free to keep your silence… are these materials for your sect, esteemed cultivator?”

”They’re for my cute little disciple.”

“By the heavens, all of this? Small sects would use this much in a few months, she’s a very fortunate disciple I must say.” It seems there has been a misunderstanding, he’s looking at Ai while speaking.

”Oh no no, she’s not my disciple just yet, the one in question is outside waiting for me.”

“Please visit if you need anything procured for yourself or your disciple. Doing business with someone who does this kind of purchases is always a pleasure, even more so when they pay upfront.”

”I’ll be gone for a while, but I will remember your kind offer, let’s go Ai.” You put all the materials in your bag and leave the place with Ai following behind.

“You’ll really teach me? I have to tell you, I already have someone I consider my master.” She asks jokingly, so you answer jokingly as well.

”I can just teach your master a few things, that way I will be your grandmaster heh heh. Anyways, I can find you a suitable combat style while we’re training everyone... If you're okay with it that is.”

“I would be an idiot to say no at this point… I’ll be in your care, teacher Hua.”

With all business in the city finished for the time being, you pull the rug out and everyone hops on, Ai takes the front, Rong sits on the back and the middle section that should be spacious enough to hold three people is all cramped in the middle.

Shama, who was completely exhausted and fell asleep while waiting outside, is resting on your left side. While Lian, who is also completely exhausted for whatever reason, is resting on your right side.

It doesn’t take long to reach the temple, and after placing both ladies in a bed, you get Rong and Ai to help you set up the training areas. Lian’s is done in a few minutes, just clear the area, sweep the floor, put the sandalwood down and map every meridian point on it, you’ll map the veins later when she moves to that part.

Rong’s takes a little longer, mainly because you show Ai how to make a mist warding array that can be adjusted and the rest is making sure Rong understands when he has to switch into sword intent use.

Training will officially begin now and it will take a full year, divided into 3 turns.

In addition to their training you will use this first turn to:

>Fully focus on artifact crafting with Shama
>Explore where you want to take your Mystical Arts
>Improve your mastery and affinity with the Sunspot

Roll a 2d100 (Lian then Rong in that respective order)
Rolled 92, 14 = 106 (2d100)

>Fully focus on artifact crafting with Shama
Poor Rong
Rolled 59, 1 = 60 (2d100)

>>Fully focus on artifact crafting with Shama
Rolled 20, 93 = 113 (2d100)

>>Fully focus on artifact crafting with Shama

Poor Rong indeed kek
>Fully focus on artifact crafting with Shama
Rolled 77, 91 = 168 (2d100)

>Mastery with sunspot
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>those rolls
Today is the first day of your path as an artisan, the sun is just starting to rise and you’re sitting next to Shama.

”What do you exactly want to make?”

“Well, I don’t really have a specific thing I want to make right now… I just thought it would be good to pick up on another skill, you know?”

”Huh… What is the best thing you can make? Show me how you make it.”

You spend a few minutes carefully carving a few patterns on a piece of yang polarity wood, making a replica of the array centerpiece you used to repel the mist and cultivate a year or so ago. Shama pays attention the whole time, and you present it to her once finished.

She gives it a close look, touches the carving, circulates a little Qi into it and smiles while shaking her head.

”It’s not that bad… even a monkey can use it and it won’t explode, I think you’re good enough already.”

“I’ll assume that’s a compliment.”

”It is...”


”... You know, I’ve never done this teaching thing, how do you teach someone?”

“Right, Jixia would write what she wanted to teach for the day back in Yengyue. I kind of did something similar when I was helping her so she might have picked it up from me.

For now you could point out what can be improved on what I made, if you saw any mistakes, or just use what I showed you to talk about something you think is important… Organizing lessons and all of that might be too formal I think.”

”Huuh you think being a teacher is too hard for me? Is that how it is?”

“Where’d that come from? I said it’s too formal for us, not hard.”

”Oh but you make it sound like you taught Jixia very seriously, very formally too.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? I’m not that hard on people anymore, so I’d rather not have to be reminded of when I would ‘teach’ people.”
”Quiet, I’ll teach you so seriously you will be begging for more every da- “
“Ahem, I’ll teach you so well you will look forward to my next lessons.”

Shama doesn’t give you any time to retort and instead follows your advice.

”Let’s see, the first part is to have a clear idea of what you’re making… Always ask yourself these questions, Hua.”

What do I want this artifact to do? Where will I use it? Do I need it to last? How safe does it have to be? Do I want someone else to use it? How much time do I have to make it?

”After that it just becomes a game of matching materials and techniques!”

She points to your hastily made centerpiece and continues, her expression transforms into a pleasant smile while she drones on.

“See this you made? It pulls Yang energy, it can be used anywhere, it doesn’t need to last, it is pretty safe, it can be used by someone else, it doesn’t take much time to make. There’s not much finesse to the technique you used, but that can be justified by the amount of time you put into it. In the end it is also a game of adjusting, you’ll never have the perfect materials and conditions to make something so you can only do your best with what you have on hand which I personally think is the most fun part yes looking for workaroundswithafewthingstoresolveabigproblemhasalwaysbeenwhatIhavealotoffundo- Cough”

The esteemed primordial dragon empress only stops when she chokes on her own words due to a lack of air. Perhaps realizing that she went on for too long, or with too much passion in her words, she turns away from you and clears her throat again.

“I-I think we will make more progress if I teach you what the best materials are for each job, how they behave in general, and what tools or techniques are most suitable… T-try to think of an artifact you want to make and we’ll look at it together tomorrow.”

You spend the rest of the day overseeing Lian’s training in the morning, and Rong’s training in the afternoon. Then everyone uses the evening to wind down.

What kind of artifact would you like to try making with Shama?
>A mist array
>A cultivation array
>Maybe offensive/defensive mystical arts?
Write-ins are welcome!
It looks like we're back!
Yeah, 4chan shot the bed.

>Some kind of stealth/group stealth artifact?

We have travel, mist avoidance, battle stuff.
Maybe defence or an improved travel mat?
A weapon for our treasured girl student.
Something that pull the mist over time, like a hammer with a censer-like head. She can use it to strike and liberate the deadly fog to handicap the opponent
Alright simple enough idea for a write in.
>Building an immortal mansion that can shrink to a necklace or ring that we work on to add workshops, living space and defensive measures.
I'll swap from this to >>6208244
On the basis of a cool idea. And if she can store a lot of kist it makes for a good cultivation/clearing aid
>Storing lost of kist
Introducing new Forbidden technique, the Cyst Mist! Forcing a bundle of mist in a wound, this proliferate and rot quite fast, multiplicating the amount of mist.
Useful for when it won't be there anymore
>Something to store mist
My apologies fellow cultivators, I got recommended Tale of Immortal and got hooked.


It doesn’t take you long to settle on making something for Lian, there is a lot of mist right now, but it should start disappearing in a couple years if the information you’ve gathered so far is to be believed.

An artifact to pull in and store mist is what you’ll try to make, the shape is yet to be decided, but you’re already aware this limits your options for materials as is. You note the idea down and completely wipe it off your mind for the night, otherwise you won’t let yourself or Shama sleep at all.

The day starts as quiet as always, you prepare something to drink and walk to the desk you worked on yesterday. Shama is already sitting in one of the chairs with a few sheets of paper likely taken from the temple. Her expression is confident and she looks at you as if inviting you to take a seat.

”Well? Did you think of what you want to make?”

“I want to try making something to pull in and store mist for Lian, it should also double as something to bring mist in from the ‘outside’ when this phenomena subsides.”

Shama’s confident smirk is completely frozen, and you can detect a few drops of sweat forming on her brow, looks like she wasn’t expecting you to take things in this direction. The sheets of paper are gently folded and set aside

”If your expression wasn’t so sincere I would think you’re just doing this to mess with me… I never looked much into the mist, so I can’t promise good results.”

“Sounds to me like you’ll have fun with this.”

”I can’t say you’re wrong there. Let’s start testing materials then?”
You write simple instructions in a talisman to gather, the opposite of your usual arrays for the purpose of showing her how you’ve been manipulating the mist.

”Oh? That’s quite the frequency, no wonder people haven’t found out how to work with this yet.”

You spend a good part of the morning testing different materials, due to the Mist’s Qi draining property, using materials that are malleable or resistant because of the quality of their energy is a waste.

The Yang infused piece of wood thins down and splinters easily.
The Yin infused metal you had bought starts dissipating, and the various cloth pieces you tried to use simply fell apart.

”What do you think?”

“Hmmm… Layer it? One to pull the mist in, One to make a spatial pocket so we can have a good amount saved up, One to mask the mechanisms, and having at least 1 layer of insulation between each?”

Shama smiles and reaches for her papers again.

”And shape it like a thousand layer cake?
We do one layer of insulation first, one to pull the mist and make the pocket, it touches the mist as little as we can get away with…

Since you want to hide the workings we put a layer with some functional looking spell and then seal it up.

I actually prepared a little for today, I’ll teach you how to make a spatial pocket, and how to cram a few functions into a single material.”

Shama will oversee your crafting, so there is little room for failure. You’ll have to decide on the form and the materials to be used for the artifact. A weapon is not advised, as the mist will make the materials rather fragile even with insulation.

>Use the good old common stone
>Use the Lightning Horned Ram’s horns
>Use some Yang polarity copper that resisted even after being affected by the mist.
>Use a combination of all 3 (roll a 3d20 instead of the d6s)

The form will be
>Jewelry like a bracelet or a necklace
>A Censer
>A bottle
>Write in

Roll 3d6
Rolled 6, 4, 6 = 16 (3d6)


I'm not sure I see a great value in the other forms.

>Use lightning ram horns.
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d6)

I agree with >>6209352, a necklace makes a lot of sense.
Rolled 2, 3, 6 = 11 (3d6)

Necklace support
>Use lightning ram horns
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Rolled 3, 3, 2 = 8 (3d6)

>Ram Horns

I'm biased by those guys
Rolled 3, 4, 2 = 9 (3d6)

>Use some Yang polarity copper that resisted even after being affected by the mist.
I'm still alive, just having some life issues getting on the way of things. I'll update over the course of the day.
GL. Life takes time.
You end up deciding on a necklace, cultivators and daoists are always full to the brim with trinkets and jewelry so it will be easy to pass it as a normal artifact. After a little consideration with Shama, you settle on making it with the Lighting Horned Ram’s horns.

”What will it look like? You’re not going to tell me you’ll just tie that thing with rope and give it to her, are you?”

”No way, it would be too big to go unnoticed… I’ll have to think of something”

”I guess we’re done for now then, just let me know when you figure out what you want it to look like… I’m going to sleep for the rest of the day.”

You’re left with a little bit of time before Lian’s training starts, and you spend it thinking of how to shape the thing. While you haven’t actually seen Lian have a preference for something in particular, you feel it should be something that a young lady can wear without any second thoughts.

Lian’s training comes and goes, so does Rong’s and you start to get a clear idea of what you’ll be making. You scribble a couple designs, and a few ways to try and interweave the two basic functions, that of the pocket space and the mist absorption for each. It was an entertaining evening but you kept running into the same two issues every time no matter the design.

Artifact’s design: Rolled 6

You end up with a single small flower, its stem and two leaves included. The flower absorbs the mist, while the pocket space and the second function are stored in the leaves. The mist is supposed to be compressed and pass through the flower into the stem, then into the leaf with the pocket space spell.

To be fair, you took inspiration from artifacts you’ve got your hands on before, but it was still a challenging task and ended up taking the whole day, so you talk with Shama in the morning.

Artifact’s functionality: Rolled 4

”Either the artifact is too dangerous because of how the mist affects the flow of Qi being used for the pocket space, or the design itself is the point of failure and I end up without being able to absorb much mist.”

”Yeah I can tell from just looking.
Hua, the ideas are good, but your execution is too crude… you can do this… And hmm… this and this, and we’ll be good to go.”
Shama takes your designs and adds a few more spells to each, you notice that they’re all placed near the failure points you had and connect to both main spells, she also makes some changes to how different pieces are connected.

”These here react to the mist’s frequency and reduce the flow of Qi in the inscriptions for the pocket space if there is too much of the mist, this way your girl and everyone near her won’t blow up if the artifact is damaged either… We just won’t be able to absorb a lot of mist at once.”

”Oh so that’s what those do, I didn’t know they worked like that.” You had seen such mechanisms used before but never thought much about how they worked.

Crafting process: Rolled 6

You take out the carving tools, set up the magnifying glasses and keep all the needles nearby. A piece of the horn is cut off and slowly transformed into the shape of a stem, hollowed out and then cut in half. You carefully work on the spells that will act as the switches on each half.

The carving is done with two of the smallest needles available and a small fraction of Qi, you blow and wipe the horn dust as you work and all your focus is on the artifact. The surrounding sounds are filtered out and you enter a trance-like state.

You recall an old song your teacher used to sing in a now long dead language, she really liked it, and it rubbed off on you and your senior over the years.

”hmm... hmm hmm”

Something you realized almost immediately was that the magnifying glasses were useless, as using the Eyes of the Unshackled lets you control how close you want to look. You move to the leaves when the stem is finished.

”hmmmm humm...“

Lastly comes the bud, you cut the petals separately and inscribe the mist absorption spell on each. All pieces fit together using shama’s changes to the design, and after some clicking here and there the whole thing comes together. All that’s left is activating the spells and…

The flower absorbs and compresses the mist before depositing it inside the pocket space, the safety switches make it work as if it were breathing the mist around it, and in a few minutes of stress testing the temple is almost completely cleared out of mist. The fake function you added was to simply attract Yin Qi, it should keep her fresh in hot places and will most likely pass off as such a trinket to the eye of your average person.
When you come to your senses from the crafting trance, the sun has long since set, and there are four people sitting around you.

“Oh… I didn’t check on you two today, sorry.”

”Wow Teach, I didn’t know you could also sing.”

”Shama helped.”

“I was singing? …What did I sing?”

”I don’t know… But you sound happy.”

“W..hat language was that?” Ai is still struggling to speak with Shama nearby, but at least it’s only to the point she can actually make half a sentence.

”It’s a branch of ancient demonic… I recall hearing it from the sages of the flame haze clan.”

Leave it to a primordial dragon to know ancient history.

“I can't live life
Without you by my side..”

Of course she would also understand the language… leave it to a primordial dragon to know ancient history.

”I’ll believe the will engraved in my heart
In the flames of battle I find it again and again
Even if the world is painted with emptiness
Residing in your memory, telling me what I got now
I notice the flame of certainty
My reason for existence is there…

“Huh… So that’s what it meant? I didn’t know at all.” You knew.

”It feels off somehow, but it sounds good when teach sings it.”

“Prob bably… lost in translat ion”

”Certainly, it uses rather romantic words in its native language too. I really didn’t take you to be the type to like these kinds of songs, Hua.”

”It’s just something my teacher would sing a lot…”

”And you made a tulip too, do you know the meaning of flowers?”

”I might have been a young master, sure, but I never bothered with that drivel. I just made a tulip because I like tulips, is that wrong?”

{Not at all, but if you would like to I can teach you the symbolism of flowers, you know?} Yes, she would also be a fluent speaker. As expected of a primordial dragon.

”...What does that even mean? I hope you’re not insulting me too much with that tiny mouth of yours.” You’ll pretend you didn’t understand what she just said, and instead give Lian the artifact.


”I made this for you Lian, it is not too refined, but I hope it can be of help in the future.”

You try to explain to Lian how to use it and what it is supposed to do, but your words seem to enter one ear and come out through the other. She’s clearly lost in thought and not responding to anything… Well, you’ll explain things to her later.

Crafting success!

Even with Shama’s supervision and your own abilities there was a risk of failure, but everything went better than expected. Lian has obtained an artifact to absorb mist, she will be able to use it to empower herself twice or fully recover her energy once during battle, it will take a few months to refill if the mist is not present.

>To Rong’s training (Part 1)
>To Lian’s training (Part 1)
It's not a proper update without fucked formatting I guess. I've been a bit swamped with work lately and had two relatives hospitalized for different reasons in quick succession, so there wasn't much time for anything.
I'm getting things back on track again so I'll make sure to update often, or at least give a heads up if I can't.
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>It's not a proper update without fucked formatting I guess

>had two relatives hospitalized for different reasons in quick succession
Damn, hope they're doing okay dude.
>To Rong’s training (Part 1)
The QM curse strikes again

>To Rong’s training (Part 1)

Solid update.
>Rongs training

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