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File: Behold, the Wizard...jpg (340 KB, 736x1078)
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The world of Aenolyn is steeped in struggle. The powerful empires of yore have crumbled, the wisdom of the pantheon has gone quiet, and the grip of mankind has weakened. This is an Age of Despair...

But not for you!

Every few centuries, the stars align and anoint a Wizard. Today, you have become that Wizard! An architect of arcana! A scion of spells! A true master of magic! You alone can do sorcery beyond whole circles of archmagi!

Once you figure out how to actually do it. Right now you're still reeling from your mystic awakening. You're pretty sure you hit your head on the way down. Ouch. You lay in the mud and try to collect your bearings.

Who are you?

>Proud Ditchdigger: You never learned how to read, write, or 'rithmatic. You don't need it when you know the value of hard work! (Serf)
>Lazy Aristocrat: You never worked a day in your life. You don't need to when you have your household servants! (Noble)
>Orphaned Squire: You saw your knight get slain by orcs and have been running ever since. You learned his lessons well but they're on your trail! (Fighter)
>Hungry Pickpocket: You escaped the gallows after stealing from a fruit stand. You are on the run from the law and a hefty bounty! (Rogue)
>Failed Apprentice: You were expelled from the mage's tower for your terrible spellwork. You'll show them! You'll show them all! (Mage)
>Village Idiot: You are severely disabled and never got any help. Basic interaction will be difficult. (Hard Mode)

I'm annoyed at the civs that start and go nowhere, so here we are. This might be a oneshot, this might not. We shall see.
>>6195195 (OP)
>Proud Ditchdigger: You never learned how to read, write, or 'rithmatic. You don't need it when you know the value of hard work! (Serf)
>>6195195 (OP)
>Hungry Pickpocket: You escaped the gallows after stealing from a fruit stand. You are on the run from the law and a hefty bounty! (Rogue)
>>6195195 (OP)
>>Proud Ditchdigger: You never learned how to read, write, or 'rithmatic. You don't need it when you know the value of hard work! (Serf)
Based and serfpilled
>>6195195 (OP)
>Proud Ditchdigger: You never learned how to read, write, or 'rithmatic. You don't need it when you know the value of hard work! (Serf)
I'm taking the serfpill
Yeah, Switch my vote to serf
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Ah, that's right. You are a Proud Ditchdigger! Your father dug ditches for the lord, your father's father dug ditches for the lord's father, and your father's father's father dug ditches for the lord's father's father. You come from a long, proud line of ditch diggers.

Nobody in the barony can dig ditches like you can! Nobody bothers, but that's 'cause they're slackers. You haven't slacked a day in your life! Well, 'sides from holidays but those is sacrilege to skip. That's what the holy men says.

You remember who you are. Good. That means you didn't hit your head too hard. You stand up and look for your shovel. It's gone. That's not good. That shovel was given to you by the baron's chamberlain himself.

You remember what happened. It was destroyed when you turned into a Wizard and dug a really, really good ditch.

Your new Wizard instincts tell you that your head for learnin' magic is good. Really good. So good that you already know one kind of magic. You just didn't know that it yet 'til the Wizard thing happened. You rub the sweat off your noggin and look at the beautiful ditch you just dug.

Choose a starting magic!

>Arcane: You zapped a hole in the ground using a glowy, blasty thing.
>Void: You thought really hard and the dirt disappeared.
>Blood: You just dug like you normally do, just a lot better.
>Death: You, uh, accidentally got all the village skeletons to dig for you.
>Space: You pushed the dirt somewhere really far away from here.
>Time: You made the ground remember when it used to be a ditch.
>Summoning: You got something weird to dig for you.
>Earth: You asked the ground to dig itself politely, and it did.
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>Time: You made the ground remember when it used to be a ditch.
Fuck this, this is a temporal mage quest now
>Void: You thought really hard and the dirt disappeared.
holy kek those choices, but I pick being a Voiddigger
We are gonna make so many ditches.
>Void: You thought really hard and the dirt disappeared.
>Void: You thought really hard and the dirt disappeared.
>>Earth: You asked the ground to dig itself politely, and it did.
Imagine the stories the Earth could tell us if we could speak to it.

>Time: You made the ground remember when it used to be a ditch.

A serf with unlimited magic potential and affinity for temporal shenanigans, what could go wrong?
It really was something. There you were, just digging a ditch for the baron's new... well, you don't know why you were digging it, you just know the baron's chamberlain told you it was important. So it was. Asking why ditches need digging isn't your job, your job is digging the ditches.

You're getting sidetracked. There you were, digging a ditch 'cause the baron's chamberlain told you to, when you had a sudden thought. It hit you like the one time your cousin dropped a stone on your head but you've always had a sturdy noggin so you was fine.

You thought... What if there wasn't no dirt? What if... you thought... digging the ditch is just getting rid of the dirt to make the shape? What if digging the ditch is just making it so there's less dirt than there was before, and it's not a new thing? The ditch. It's nothing. It's just no dirt in a par-tic-ul-ar shape.

Your entire life's work has just been making nothin'. Your head kind of blew up. You did something with your hands and got rid of the shovel and the dirt. Made a really good ditch. You guess that means now you're the shovel.

You're also a Wizard of, uh, Void? Your Wizard instincts tell you that's what it's called. The Void. You ain't never heard of it before. You have heard of Wizards. Every serf to the baron knows that it is very, very bad to be a mage if you aren't working for the king and Wizards are the biggest mages there is.

Even if you don't feel magical. You feel kind of confused. Does this mean you can dig ditches faster? You think on that for a bit. Now you're kind of scared. If you dig ditches faster than the baron needs them, then the baron won't need you to dig ditches anymore! You won't be a ditchdigger then, you'll just be a Wizard!

Oh no. This ditch is a week ahead of schedule. It's already started! You need to do something!

>Explain the situation to the baron's chamberlain: You didn't mean to destroy his shovel, honest! You just turned into a Wizard and it happened.
>Ask the holy man for advice: You know he'll be praying this time of day. You know every serf in the barony goes to him for wise counsel, and being a Wizard is kind of like marriage troubles, isn't it?
>Think about things: You don't want to run into things. It takes time to dig a ditch and the baron's chamberlain isn't wanting his shovel back 'til nightfall. You got time to think.
>Do an experiment: Your Wizard instincts tell you that Wizards love experimenting. They also tell you what that word means.
>Do an experiment: Your Wizard instincts tell you that Wizards love experimenting. They also tell you what that word means.
>Captcha: SHOP
>Do an experiment: Your Wizard instincts tell you that Wizards love experimenting. They also tell you what that word means.
"The ditch comes from within, do not dig without it."

>Do an experiment: Your Wizard instincts tell you that Wizards love experimenting. They also tell you what that word means.

Reject human authority, investigate!
Being a Wizard is all about magic. It makes sense that you should try to learn more about magic before you do anything. Your idea of Void is vague. You don't know what you're doing, just that you're doing it.

You start casting.

>Roll 1d100 for Void Experiments, Wizards roll Bo3 for magic research
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 48 (1d100)

Rolled 85 (1d100)

You realize you can see something you didn't before. There's a lot of clear something all over. It's like a mist but thicker and flows like water. It's invisible to the naked eye but you're a Wizard which lets you see it. You'll call it mist, since that makes sense.

Some of the mist is in the air. Some is on the ground. Some is in the grass. You feel your mind flex and scoop up the mist like a bucket. It gets sucked into you at a steady rate. Soon, there isn't much mist left outside. You think inside of yourself, of where the mist went, and find a big hole sort of like a ditch except round. You look deeper, you're not looking, just thinking.

At the bottom you can see the mist is kind of pooled together. You can see some of the mist is different. Some is earthy, some is cloudy, some is grassy. Not very much but you can notice it. You wonder what that means. You imagine digging a ditch in the mist. Taking all of the earthiness, cloudiness, and grassiness, and scooping it out.

You do that really quickly. It takes you a second. The mist that's left is black. Blacker than black. It's like the mist is gone and all that's left is the shape. Your Wizard instincts tell you that's Void. You look at the pit. It's about the size of a lake. Only a little part is filled. It's like when you're filling a ditch back in and just started.

You imagine taking the Void mist out. It leaves the pit and goes back into the air. You look at it. It floats there. Your eyes can see that the air is black like it is. Nothing can sit in the same space as it does. You think.

That's kind of dangerous. You imagine the mist moving to make different shapes. It does. You can make a pole, a rock, a blade. You make a pole and look at a big stone in the distance. You imagine the pole throwing itself into it. It does. Now there's a Void pole sticking out of a stone and sinking really quickly.

That's really dangerous! You want the mist to go away. You imagine filling the ditch you dug back in, except the ditch is the mist you just threw. It works and makes the Void vanish. Now it's back to normal. Except for the big stone that has a hole in it, but you can't have everything.

Now that you know the trick, you spend a couple of hours getting the hang of it. You get to where you can suck in some mist, Void it, then make a shape and throw it in a second. You realize that you can suck in mist and Void it to save on time. There's not enough mist to fill the lake full. Not even half of it. Oh well. It should work fine.
You remember back when you were a boy, still learning the ditchdigger's trade, and the king sent a mage by the village. He wore a red cloak and was looking for apprentices for the tower. All of the boys and girls were lined-up and he looked you all in the eye. The mage didn't choose you 'cause you had no magic, just a couple of shut-ins who weren't no good at digging a ditch.

That's not the important thing. You remember that he did a dem-on-stra-tion in the village square. The men rolled up a hay bale and then, once he got the baron's permission, the mage threw a fireball that burnt it to ashes. You think of how it took the mage almost ten seconds and only burnt a single hay bale.

You bet your magic, 'cause that's what this is, could dig a ditch where a haybale was in two seconds. It could maybe do it to ten haybales. Being a Wizard is going to make your job a lot easier.

It's been a few hours since you became a Wizard. Your work is done for the week. You've destroyed a shovel but the baron's chamberlain is sure to understand once he sees the fine ditch you dug.

What if he doesn't though? You've worked for the baron your whole life but he doesn't know everything. The baron's chamberlain knows even less of everything. They might only see the damage the Void can do and not how many ditches it could dig. That could be bad.

You might be forced to defend yourself against the baron's men-at-arms in full harness. The thought terrifies you.

>Explain the situation to the baron's chamberlain: You destroyed his shovel but you can explain everything.
>Ask the holy man for advice: You don't know what you're supposed to do now that you're a Wizard.
>Dig some more ditches: Now you can finish your work for the rest of the month!
>Do another experiment: You want to test what this Void magic can do!
>Go straight to the baron: This was way over your head as a serf but now you're a Wizard. Maybe he'll listen.
>Leave the village: You can't be certain the baron's chamberlain will understand. Maybe you should keep this Wizard thing a secret until you're safe.
>Ask the holy man for advice: You don't know what you're supposed to do now that you're a Wizard.
>Ask the holy man for advice: You don't know what you're supposed to do now that you're a Wizard.
Better to have someone else intercede for us
You need some advice. You broke the baron's chamberlain's shovel, so you can't go to him. Your father died in a ditchdigging accident years ago, so you can't go to him. You're a serf, so it wouldn't be proper to go straight to the baron.

The leaves the holy man. You know he's had book learning and is a priest of the, uh, the big temple. His job is to help peasants like you get through their spiritual problems. Becoming a Wizard is a big spiritual problem.

You go to the village. There are lots of people that live in the fields around here, but only a smaller number of tradesmen live in the village itself. One of them is the holy man in the village temple. You suppose praying to the gods all day is a hard job, so it makes sense he would be here.

The temple is a large, two-story stone building in the middle of the village. The only one bigger than it in the whole village is the baron's keep. It isn't really in the village, it's outside of it, but everyone agrees it's part of it. You go to the door and walk right in. It ain't locked. The temple has plenty of benches for listening to the holy man and a pulpit where the holy man can tell everyone what the gods want them to hear. You're looking for the holy man, though.

You check around and find his office. The holy man spends all day writing scrolls and letters here. There are several shelves crammed full and a few stacks of scrolls that go up to the ceiling. You never learnt to read. It's basically magic.

You think on that for a bit. If you're a Wizard, maybe you already know how to read? You look down at the scroll the holy man's writing on. It's gibberish. Oh well. Maybe you don't have a talent for that kind of magic. The holy man looks up from his work and smiles at you. It's a warm, comforting smile. You feel like you can trust this man. He speaks in a fancy accent but doesn't make you feel dumb. "Greetings, friend. What brings you to the Pantheonic Temple?"

You start to answer. "Um..."

>"I forgot. Thank you. Goodbye."
>"I broke the baron's chamberlain's shovel."
>"I broke the baron's chamberlain's shovel when I turned into a Wizard."
>"I broke the baron's chamberlain's shovel when I turned into a Wizard and now I have Void magic."
>>"I broke the baron's chamberlain's shovel when I turned into a Wizard."
>"I broke the baron's chamberlain's shovel when I turned into a Wizard and now I have Void magic."
No pussying out now
>"I broke the baron's chamberlain's shovel."
Baby steps. We gotta see how he reacts to the little things before revealing the big ones.
Rolled 3 (1d3)

As the tie hasn't been broken yet, let's leave it to the dice.
You got to be careful here. The holy man sometimes says the mage's tower don't trust the temple. If he thinks the same thing on Wizards, that could be bad. He might warn the baron and spook him before you can explain yourself! You'll start slow. Try to measure how he handles the little things before you tell him the big ones.

"I broke the baron's chamberlain's shovel."

The holy man frowns. "That is unfortunate. Damaging another man's property is a sin, especially one so close to our liege lord, but there's no need to fear. You did the right thing by coming to the Temple. I'll accompany you to the castle and intercede on your behalf."

You rub the patch on your shirt sleeve. "T'was an expensive shovel, mister holy man. At least forty silver coins out of the good baron's coinpurse." He puts the scroll he's working on away and stands up. Like most book-learnt men, he's pudgier than usual. His eyes soften as he sees how desperate you are.

"Friend, that your concern is for the wrong you have committed rather than the punishment you are to receive is a commendation on your soul." You clearly don't know what that word means and he corrects himself. "You're a good man. Don't worry. Accidents happen to everyone, even the saints. The baron's chamberlain can surely find a suitable task for you to pay off your debts and if not, I'm certain I can augur a need for more ditches."

The holy man leaves his office and you follow. "Tell me, how did you break the shovel? There's not a ditchdigger in the barony that could match you. Perhaps the real fault is with the toolsmith." You think on what he's said so far. He seems supportive of your mistake but not the type to let you get out of punishment. You think fast.

>Come up with some kind of lie to hide your Wizardry.
>Flee the temple, it's a terrible sin to lie to a priest but you can't tell the truth!
>Confess that you've become a Wizard and are looking for advice. Be vague on the details.
>Confess everything, that you've become a Wizard and know Void magic. They say honesty is a virtue.
>Confess that you've become a Wizard and are looking for advice. Be vague on the details.
He seems quite supportive. And leaving out details ain’t lying, either.
>>Confess that you've become a Wizard and are looking for advice. Be vague on the details.
Better to leave the void part out, if anything, so any jealous rivals won't know.

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