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Outpainting takes an image with implied nudity (usually a cropped pic of bare shoulders and cleavage) and expands the image. Let's try to post appropriate images of celebs that we haven't already seen naked a thousand times
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Source pic
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Need the Duff
Gilmore Girls too
Giada for the shotas
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No good excuse for her to keep her tits off screen
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Good work so far!
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too generic for my time, maybe someone else cares enough

who even is this

literacy issue
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Sure, I'll have a go
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Please this?
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Will this one work?
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though we can do this I guess
thank you! can you do with bigger tits but still small nipples?
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i got this one too but sure if itll work tho
Who are they then?
Former CNN presenter Bhumika Tharoor. Used to jack off to her when she read the news. She’s on some other channel now >>19407146
Jenni falconer
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Alex Jones
Good wizard. Can you ply your craft to Megan please.
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Holy shit that’s perfect, thank you! Can you do this one too? Not sure if lets you do two at once, if not I can break it up into two images
Thanks. Can you make her nude?
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I didn't like any of the direct generations, but I guess I can just nudify this one.
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That is quite excellent. Many thanks.

Can you do the same for Nicki please. Sadly only have a suitable, lesser quality image.
Wrong thread.
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who dat
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Laura Compton
srry just read u said celeb, its a massage therapist I met on tinder lol
I mean, I like them. Take them to an appropriate thread, and I'll take a look.
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Possible to do Jameela showing her tits and armpits please?
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these are great. can you do ariana plz
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Can you do one of Milana?
What's going on here?
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>What's going on here?

He must be really into that blue shirt.
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We had this one in a recent thread, lemme see ...
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Charlotte hawkins
Emma Paton
Holly willoughby
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But since we're here
Best result yet IMHO thank you
I appreciate this one and the body looks great, but the it looks a little out of proportion to her head, could someone
re_wizard that a little?
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OP here.
I fully support this content
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Bit of a frankenshop here-i liked the first attempt but the head was proportionally massive; that's why the hair and throat needed messing with.
Fuck yeah! I appreciate your efforts. Proportion can be tricky
Heh, just noticed that we lost one of the ear hoops to the latent space. The result still seems acceptabru though.
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Need it
Lol. Now I'm noticing what it did to her chin too
A bit more matured
Bueller? Bueller?
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Happy wanking
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Enjoyed that, so here's another
>> Outpainting thread
Not at all what was requested
Tori Kelly
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Can the wizard explain what model/lora/settings they are using for these? Mine look too cartoonish
Holly willoughby
Fucking idiot
Natalie Pinkham
Miss Frogface AGAIN!? Get help, my dude.
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I've done several in this thread.
Krita with the acly Krita-AI-Diffusion plugin.
Mostly SD1.5, the checkpoint is RealisticVisionV51_v51VAE.
No loras, but a lot of selecting areas and re-generating specific bits.
The colors usually don't match very well, so at the end I glue together all the generated layers but not the original image, then filter:HSV adjust to hide the transition line a little better.
Sometimes a little painting into a transparency mask to e.g. bring back something like a necklace from the original.
How can someone use SD to nudify a photo?
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Hey FAGGOT TIMES ONLY stop ruining every thread in this board with these ugly british cunts
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leather lindsey never gets enough love
Can the best celeb bunny Felicity get some improvements please? bonus points if the heels/hose stay on or get shinier.

interesting. i dont use krita but very interesting process
I am retarded, disregard. somehow missed the bit on a top half and semi exposed part
Would this be any better with a shoulderless dress?
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Not speaking for everyone, but yes I can deal with a shoulder strap or two.
Kirsty Gallacher
Anyone able to do a face swap, deepfake or edit of this girl to make it look like she’s blowing or fucking a bbc?
Thank you anon, nice to see her tight body put on show. If I find a decent strapless one I may return but much appreciated
Can someone fix the tragic reality of this pic?
Found one, if only she had a bit of leather or something to her but hopefully enough of the top part to work out
Kate garraway
Teri garr
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Waitress from Always Sunny
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JPEG Artefacts! The Musical
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Not the ideal thread for it, but sure whatever.
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Have you tried fucking right off?
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Kill yourself you stupid son of a bitch
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Any chance of some Cardi please before the thread implodes.
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shiny is always good, thank you anon
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Hnnnnng those hips. Thanks man.
Original thread ideasman OP, here. (I started the first four threads of this theme a few weeks ago but haven't been back to the site in a week or so. Glad to see someone carried the torch!)

Looks like you're beginning to see why I added rules after a couple of threads. Naming the celeb when she gets posted ensures she's actually a celeb, and also allows wizards to look her up and see her body type, tit size, etc, if they don't know her by name. Worth including this in the first post of each thread to avoid frustration.

You're doing great work, tho! I'm really proud of this idea and glad so many anons seem to agree.
Wrong fucking thread, read the first post and don't be a retard.
Still wrong thread for that. This thread will see her pussy and legs added, not redo the tits so they change from real to fake.
Classy. Nice addition, anon.
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Ah, much better.
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This broad Raye please. She's a singer or something like that.
Kek, you filled her glass? Should've stripped the blurry slut in the background too, kek
Teri Garr has cute itty bitties, sir. You do us all a grave disservice with this.
maybe if I knew who she was, or gave a shit about your opinion
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however, since it's not a big ask
Pretty whack looking.
Stop posting here
You're given their names for a reason
kaya scodelario. would be good to outpaint the left side as well as going down to show off her body. thanks wizards!
Kirsten Dunst. Full body nude if possible, please
Hot milf Priscilla Presley from The Naked Gun days. A little blurry so I'll post some alternatives in case this is too poor quality to attempt.
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Option 2
Option 3
Oops, missed a bit of her dress, there. Sorry, you may need to trim that away first. Or skip it if you orefer
Option 4 (last one)
You don't know Teri Garr? From Tootsie and Young Frankenstein? She's Phoebe's birth mom on Friends! Philistine!
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Your beef may be with google images itself.
Those are padded and push-ups. Her natural look was small tiddies.
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<shrug> Yeah. Which I might have known if I had any idea who she was. Which neatly takes us back towards the beginning of this conversation; wanna do another loop or are we done here?
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That's exceptional work!
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Is a twitch girl celeb for u?
Well you didn't provide a name and there's no way I could find it out, so probably not, no.
Xfibi sry german twitch girl
Sophie Dossi is a 23yr old entertainer and contortionist America's Got Talent alum
Her delicious bendy body
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hagmaxxers get in here
Haha, nice work!
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Bmp pls
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thanks. will you do this one?
Had to do one as a contortionist.
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wait, what.
That's the ticket
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I think that's an extra elbow instead of a left hand, but anyway.
Looks good, but I think her tits are still a little small.
Eva Larue from CSI Miami. Body ref
Jennifer Coolidge
Some excellent requests coming through, great work anons. Can't wait to see what the wizards can do with these.
Emily Perkins
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Why you no read good? Proper reads tell you no. This is be for other threads.>>19413996
Christina Chong
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Stephanie Hsu
you can easily remove a shoulder strap though. don't be so stingy
Noel Wells
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Whatever the hell this string and frame thing is.
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Damn that worked well thanks!!!
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sexy mutt
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thanks anon
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Heather thomas
Cate Blanchett
Julie Bowen
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Did you sort by "worst compression" for that shot? Tried to match it somewhat, but there's a limit to how much I care.
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What site is this one made on?
the pixelation is so bad oof. needs better source image
Ah, sorry. That was mainly me not changing my jpeg export settings back after being a dick about Heather Thomas. Hold on, I'll do another.
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These might be better
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incredible dude ty
Not a celeb but could you please do a nude out paint ? She has huge tits and a thicc ass
Michelle Zauner
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Winona Ryder
bump for this. nicer cates to outpaint

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