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Please, help me remove the background.

I want to change the appearance of the room.
The background needs to be replaced with something else, that could be as simple as a white wall or a bit more complex if you feel like it.
The main issue is to replace the colors around the hair without causing any damage or forming rough lines.
Everything needs to look smooth and natural.
Also, I need replacement with more of the floor at the bottom.
The problematic areas are marked in "edit".

Lastly, few edits would be appreciated.

I would like the nails to be with the same shape and color as "nails", and large hoop earrings to be added.

In any case, thanks in advance for your help.
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How much do you want this done?
Based on past experience this is spam. He wants someone to do something so he can then complain about some of the details. The apparent goal is to have people look at the same shitty pic over and over again.
Very much.
Assuming you know what was written in the past threads, you are talking nonsense.
Yes, I am picky and I want it perfect.
But what you said is untrue and I can bet money on that.
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If that's true, I honestly recommend you pick up some free image editing tools and learn how to use them. Gimp works well for me, but there are other options. You'll want to understand layers and transparency masks in order to blend elements together and paint transitions between different images.

That will be a faster way to get a result than if you keep asking in here until the cows freeze over. Alternatively, go bother some graphic designer on fiverr or whatever. But what's here is clearly not right for you.
Do it yourself or pay someone.
Great, I never thought of that.
Thanks for the advice.
Spam thread; please ignore.
Please consider suicide
> Very much.
That's a fucking lie. You obviously don't want it that much because:
1. You won't accept the past legitimate edits.
2. You aren't willing to just redo the picture of yourself.
3. Not willing to pay someone to do it for you.
Personally, I think people that ask for money to do edits on this board are a bunch of faggots and con artists but clearly no one wants to do this to your "standards" for free so you can either seek them out or give up.
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>The problematic areas are marked in "edit"

The problematic area is you. Fuck off.
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I fixed all the problematic problems in the image
oh hey, you're still here. you should fix that.
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For example.
This site is very weird, but you’re too much dude
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I think that captures all your requests. I will need 2 Bitcoin in payment.
No, that's no what I want
Only edit what is requested if u want to help, but it's obvious u r just trolling anyways
The background and floor are very good but the rest is not what I need. I don't want some1 else but me if u r not trolling
Give him his damn 2 Bitcoin you delusional fuck.
It's perfect you whiny bitch.
u changed me thats not what i need, need again what i asked for
the only thing i dont like in my pic is well explained , idont want u to replace me with some1 else
>idont want u to replace me with some1 else

Meanwhile, I want you to stop spamming your idiotic requests. But you can't always get what you want. Or, to bring it to your level, u cunt alwiz git wut u wnt.
okay so if thats the guy who posted the pic, i was right. u r not trying to help me here but to troll me
you can't reason with crazy, don't waste your breath
Your pictures are low quality and you are physically repulsive, even for a transvestite. You also are either too stupid and arrogant to realize that no one wants to edit your disgusting photos or you are intentionally trying to piss off everyone who has the misfortune of having to look at your fucking threads. Either way you are a piece of shit. Some people have even given you advice on what to do but you continue to spit in everyone's faces by ignoring them and not trying to fix your issues yourself. You don't even have the common fucking decency to speak like an actual person when responding to people. People like you are the reason why eugenics exists.
why is it so hard to understand? I will not stop untill i get what i want. so, useless comments like "fk off and do it urself" wont help any1.
aslo spamming my threads with useless comments wont play in ur favor cuz once i decide there is too much spam that distracts from the initial request, im gonna let the thread die and make a new one.
Look, idc that u dont like me, u cant get rid of me by spreading hate towards me, just think about it, i have been here long enough doing the same and too bad for u if u still think u can stop me somehow
on the other hand the amount of all those spam comments and troll edits is so big that it is enough for u to actually do what i need and get rid of me for good, your own and every1 elses who doesnt like me here
and hey, u will also do one good dead, helping some1 regardless of him not being able to repay u
Which reminds me, please don't forget to fuck off.
Have another bump
I understand it perfectly. You are exactly as I described in >>19428573. I am well aware that you won't stop posting your disgusting pictures. You've proven that. Also, you can fuck off with your "good dead". I have done hundreds of requests on this board and wouldn't do yours for all the money you have because you are just that much of a piece of shit. I just wanted to remind you of that and the fact that your request will never be done. As long as you keep posting the same thing, I will continue to remind you of this.
I am nothing near what u described there but can have ur opinion based on nothing but seeing me bumping my threads.
Also, I never said that u personally have to make my request. It was just a comperison to all the troll edits done and the time needed to make the request and get rid of me, isn't that what u all want after all?

And what exactly u say u r reminding me?
My request will never be done?
I already know that it is very unlikely to be done but there is always a possibility.
Now imagine some1 actually do it, what will you say then?
U will die of malice probably
Isnt this sad for u
Like if u don't have any problems in ur life to spread hate and negativity online that will only reflect on u
Honestly? What will happen is that you find some detail to whine about so you can keep posting your shitty pictures. You don't want your requests done, you want people to look at your garbage shots

Go away.
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Here's my new artists rendition of what this beta likely looks like

pussy ass bitch needs to jerk to his own pics because he's probably too scared to come out or still lives his mommy and is afraid he won't get anymore chicken tendies
You still have long way to go, try again

Also ur privious statements are just lies already discussed in past threads.
While it's true I need very well made edit and I'm picky, I'm not here to just spam my pics, careless of what edit I get.
So you're not a cross dresing beta bitch?

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
If it walks like a cuck and whines like a cuck
Yes that's obvious, anything wrong with that?

You don't have to like what others like, everyone is free to do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't harm others
I just threw these threads to be analyzed

":Analyzing the provided text, it seems like the individual may be displaying signs of certain mental health issues.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):

Repetitive Posting: The person posts religiously every day and states they will not stop until they get what they want.
Fixation: The individual's insistence on a specific edit and their repetitive requests can indicate an obsessive fixation on an unmet need Personality Disorder (e.g., Borderline Personality Disorder):

Impulsivity and Emotional Instability:
The language used shows impulsivity and a potential for emotional instability ("I will not stop until I get what I want," "You will die of malice probably").

Narcissistic Traits:

Sense of Entitlement: The individual exhibits a sense of entitlement, expecting others to fulfill their requests despite the inconvenience or unwillingness of others.

Cross-Dressing: While not necessarily indicative of a mental illness, the individual's cross-dressing could be relevant if it's causing significant distress or impairment in their daily functioning
Based on the information provided, the most apparent issues seem to align with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and elements of personality disorders (such as Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder). The individual's behavior suggests a combination of obsessive tendencies, emotional instability, and interpersonal difficulties. Many of those with personality trails should seek medical help, as they may pose a harm to themselves or others."
Try to analyze your posts, I'm sure there will be something for u aswell
Anyways, I didn't ask you for medical diagnosis, keep it to youreelf
Nobody asked you to spam shitty pictures, yet here we are.
That's why u r free to ignore the threads u are not interested in
Yet here we are, you are making drama for no reason
I guess u have too much time on hands
sure thing Billy, but it's not going to ell you anything you don't already know.

"Aggressive and Hostile Behavior:

Verbal Aggression: The use of derogatory language ("pussy ass bitch," "mommy's chicken tendies") indicates a high level of hostility and aggression towards others.

Impulsivity: The use of such inflammatory language could indicate impulsive behavior.

Difficulty Managing Anger: The text reflects a possible difficulty in managing anger. Generally caused by irritation, leading to explosive and hostile outbursts.

it is crucial to note that these observations are speculative based on the text provided. A thorough evaluation by a mental health professional would be necessary to accurately diagnose any mental health conditions or issues."
But let's leave all of this for a moment

I just wonder why u r doing this
I just don't get it
Yes, some ppl will troll post here and there even make troll edits sometimes but u r something different
It's more than just not liking me bumping endlessly
There must be some other reason aswell
You've shown great dedication in trolling and hating (or call it however u like) even tho u know it won't do anything

I have something in mind why u r doing this
I think ur feelings are hurt
You probably made some edit that I didn't like some details on
U keep saying things like "u won't like some little detail"
Am I right? Is that so?
Are you feeling like I didn't appreciate u trying to help me?
And now u try to "punish" me with all of that?

If what I assume is correct
I want to apologize if I made u feel unappreciated. I try to show appreciation to all none-troll edits even if they don't meet all my requirements but it's possible that I neglected some and im sorry if I did.

That being said, don't expect me stop bumping and leave when I get an edit that isn't exactly how I need it.
I have never done an edit for you. Your not smart enough to try to psychoanalyze me

I just don't like you

also I lol'd when you apologized. the true nature of the onions boy
That's even worse
U r doing this for no other reason besides not liking me
I'm more concerned about ur mental health than mine
Also, there's nothing wrong with apologizing
People are fed up with your shit cluttering up the board. Do you really think there is a deeper reason than that?
Concur with >>19432069. I wouldn't do your request for 4 reasons. First, your picture is low quality (immediately puts it at a low priority). Second, personally I find cross dressing disgusting (the fact of it being so niche, even on this board, is proof that a significant majority of people probably have a similar opinion thus limiting the number of people who would even consider doing your request). Third, your request is boring (what kind of sane person would waste their time shopping in a white wall and floor pattern?). If it was just these things, I'd be perfectly happy to just ignore your threads. However, the fourth and biggest reason why I (and everyone else) will not complete your request is because you can't just let your stupid request die. Even when the occasional person comes by maybe once a year only because they are tired of seeing this shit over and over again and is able to muster the slightest bit of good will towards you to do a real edit, you still continue. No person acting in good faith (ie actually wanting a job done) "needs very well made edits" of such a shitty picture. I have to agree with >>19431754 on your motive. Ultimately though, the reason why you do what you do is irrelevant because you are as described in >>19428573. You are right that there is a possibility that your request will be done though. It's about as likely as the Earth quantum tunnelling into the center of the Sun as you're reading this or picking a specific grain of sand out of all the ones on Earth a number of times in a row equal to the number of combinations you can organize a standard deck of cards.
Also, you don't even have the fucking decency to consolidate your requests to one thread. >>19410253
Another bump
As a matter of fact, I would do that but I have to post around 10 images after and that is way too much in both time for posting and messing up the requests

As of your post explaing me why u won't do my request, just don't do it if u don't want to.
But to tell me I should accept edit that is not exactly how I want it because my Pic is "low quality" makes no sense. Plus, for me the quality of my pics is not that bad
"No person acting in good faith (ie actually wanting a job done) "needs very well made edits" of such a shitty picture."

I forgot to answer to this
Even of my pics are with bad quality for u, for me it's acceptable and if I post them here, that means I really like them and. I just need small improvements to like them even more. Why would I accept bad edit that will make it look worse? U know bad edit can make the pic obviously looking "edited" at best and that's not what I want to
Global Rule 3. You will not post any of the following outside of /b/:
Troll posts
Anthropomorphic ("furry") pornography
Grotesque ("guro") images
Loli/shota pornography
Dubs or GET posts, including 'Roll for X' images
Your point?
This tread is a Troll post by a attention addicted tranny
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