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File: original image.jpg (759 KB, 651x1812)
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Please, help me remove the background.

I want to change the appearance of the room.
The background needs to be replaced with something else, that could be as simple as a white wall or a bit more complex if you feel like it.
The main issue is to replace the colors around the hair without causing any damage or forming rough lines.
Everything needs to look smooth and natural.
Also, I need replacement with more of the floor at the bottom.
The problematic areas are marked in "edit".

Lastly, few edits would be appreciated.

I would like the nails to be with the same shape and color as "nails", and large hoop earrings to be added.

In any case, thanks in advance for your help.
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How much do you want this done?
Based on past experience this is spam. He wants someone to do something so he can then complain about some of the details. The apparent goal is to have people look at the same shitty pic over and over again.
Very much.
Assuming you know what was written in the past threads, you are talking nonsense.
Yes, I am picky and I want it perfect.
But what you said is untrue and I can bet money on that.
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If that's true, I honestly recommend you pick up some free image editing tools and learn how to use them. Gimp works well for me, but there are other options. You'll want to understand layers and transparency masks in order to blend elements together and paint transitions between different images.

That will be a faster way to get a result than if you keep asking in here until the cows freeze over. Alternatively, go bother some graphic designer on fiverr or whatever. But what's here is clearly not right for you.
Do it yourself or pay someone.
Great, I never thought of that.
Thanks for the advice.
Spam thread; please ignore.
Please consider suicide
> Very much.
That's a fucking lie. You obviously don't want it that much because:
1. You won't accept the past legitimate edits.
2. You aren't willing to just redo the picture of yourself.
3. Not willing to pay someone to do it for you.
Personally, I think people that ask for money to do edits on this board are a bunch of faggots and con artists but clearly no one wants to do this to your "standards" for free so you can either seek them out or give up.
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>The problematic areas are marked in "edit"

The problematic area is you. Fuck off.
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I fixed all the problematic problems in the image

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