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Part 5.
Previous thread >>19437913

Since people seem to like it here's part 5.

Turning hentai/cartoons into realistic images with AI.
No underaged girls
Multiple people is hard
Text is hard
No animations

Leave feedback so we can improve

AI won't always be perfect, some images work better than others

>>19440941 Pic related
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Request from another thread since this one wasnt made yet.
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thank you for the last thread!
Keep on rolling
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i saw in the last thread this >>19442923
if its not suited for your skilled touch then here something else.
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Works I guess?
for me it's a win! thanks :)
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The hair is kinda hard to replicate
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Why does it always generate extra limbs
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These are great
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Generated one with extra steps/more res because its so good
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Last one for today, going to bed
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well done!
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Incredible thread! Thanks to all contributing!
Awesome. Thanks!
Thanks, these are amazing!
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would you kindly do this one?
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Could you please do this one?
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Was trying this on Fooocus but it just wouldn't go.
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I like these threads.
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pink mercy please
Sabu is one of the bests
AI gonna AI

And then they say it'll rule the world...
smash cut to where an ai drone kills you for not having enough legs
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i for my part welcome our mechaspider overlords
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she isnt realy happy to be real
but the rest
good work!
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I'm not realifying stuff into cp kek
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is it just me or did the AI not only brushed over the details but also mae her a bit fatter?
Regardless something for the archive.
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Tattoo on one arm is missing, ethnicity has changed from Caucasian to east asian and the corsette she was wearing has changed into something else.
>ethnicity has changed from Caucasian to east asian
How the hell can you tell her ethnicity in the anime pic? kek. Anyways, realistic models aren't as versatile as anime models so don't expect 100% accuracy. I could probably do it if I put more effort in, but then I'd have to charge money. Or you can gen on your own, it's not suuuuper hard.
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I see. Thanks. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
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Does this work
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Nice. Thanks!
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That's pretty good
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Good job. Thank you ones more.
Let us see if AI can handle this kind of image.
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Not posting this one cuz it looks like a child lmao
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Thanks again for the good work!
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You're welcome. Enjoy!
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this artist seen to bring good results
i will keep requesting from it.
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It's not really tied to the artist. In general, more detailed art will net better realification
Op here, thanks for keeping the thread alive. I don't have much time myself these days sadly.

Feel free to post your models because I see some really god tier posts here, wonder which models and settings you're using.

I'm personally still getting the best results with ponyrealism.
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more detailed art got it!

Thanks for you and other AI artist service!
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Let us see if AI can handle intended multi arms
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and a odd question i always had: is it capable of making good looking snakegirls?
Image is an extream example but i like to know.
Failure is an option!
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Interesting result for this one lol
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It struggles a bit, but it came out better than I expected.
indeet but AI took her extream houreglass body.
Would you try a redo?
Welp, guess I'm into big muscular dickgirls now. Awesome stuff, thanks.
Oh damn your speed and quality is overwhelming.

And yes: realy good outcome. Lost and arm but gained some mass. I can life with that.
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It does decently when it comes to the body. But it fails to gen the snake head. This makes sense to an extent since there's probably not a lot of "realistic" snake porn, so the model probably has no idea or very little idea of what snake girls are supposed to look like
it took her ass and breasts again!
But beside that its already more then i hoped. Could have ended into an eldric horror but it is "just" anohter naga. And the nipple play is a nice Idea of the AI.
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I'll try after the other requests, but I don't have high hopes. I tried like 10 gens and the body was pretty consistent among all of them.
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muscular dickgirl your say?
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good to know, i will keep this in mind.
Thanks anyway for trying!
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I don't know why PonyRealism is so popular on Civitai. It's literally dogshit except for specific use-cases. You'll probably get good results with literally any model other than PonyRealism.
i forgot to be angry about your breast stealing AI model
okey done. Would not mind if you retry that to match the orignal image.
In the meantime here is more of my best.
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Realistic models will generally try to keep body proportions... well... realistic, which means certain proportions will be closer to average lol. Unless the proportion is very much in focus like the breasts in this >>19444082

Also I always post the best out of 10 gens. So if a certain proportion is not the right size for you, it's probably cuz the AI model is consistently generating it within a certain size limit. But sure, I'll consider retrying.
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Very nice, thanks.
File deleted.
Ok, I've got some really gross, freaky shit which I'm curious to know if it will work or just turn into nightmare fuel.
I just wanna say that a) it doesn't work, and b) stay at least 5 miles the fuck away from me
Hint taken, I will spare others the eye bleach.
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again good output and info how it was made.
How well would you think is the AI at slime girl generation?
If it dont work a girl in simular pose would also be fine.
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i seen to miss something
most likly for the better?

anyway... more slimegirl for testing.
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>that moment when you post wrong but still right image
the orignial was green!
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i have no idea what the AI would make out of this cute image but lets find out!
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I love how folks have pretty much forgotten about the porn and are just curious about how the AI works kek.
Thanks. I mean I still would. Might have to warm her up first though.
Now I'm curious as to what anon posted.
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for science!
It's one of those things that you're gonna be super curious about, but once you see it, you're gonna deeply regret it kek
At least its the same color... but i think the AI did not liked busty kneeing slimegirls.
was it deleted by himself or the system?
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I'm assuming the AI had trouble comprehending the body posture owing to the body color and distortion.
I posted and deleted it. Look up the artist Tariyaki, league of legends with sona.
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I'm skipping this one since the AI pretty much just botches it. I'm assuming it's cuz the subject is upside-down, had a weird skin color, and has an extremely distorted body.
Call me jaided but i have seen worse.
Still not good to look at but not the worse.
Most of it comes from the artist habit of drawing ugly thing even more ugly.
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Thanks, OP.
I instantly recognized the original just by seeing the thumbnail of the AI one. Dksha29
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and flipping it would not work? Another limit found just means another horrizon can be aimed at.
Urge for snu snu rising.
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The flip wouldn't be too much of a problem. The biggest detrimental factors probably are the skin color and the extreme skin distortion.
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by the way: does the AI artist maybe request what i shall next request?
As odd as this sound i like to somehow say more then thank you over and over again, so why you dont ask what my archive could hold for you.
being immortal sexy vamprie lady does not help her dentalplan.
But good job!
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>Whon no Siuret: THIIRIAR GOVINE!!
Does AI understand headcrabs?
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god dam this maked me laugh.
Notice only now i posted the wet version.
Try again with the dry one?
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>"How your go ass | res and mul?"
i will asume it will ignore or shit itself.
>by the way: does the AI artist maybe request what i shall next request?
I'll take any traps/femboys you got (not futanari)
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the fact it understand "here is text" blows my mind. Now THIS is close to something a human could understand.

lets try again!
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Or it will just fuse the headcrab into the woman's head kek
A wizard of culture I see.
Thanks, I hate it.
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>puts on mining hardhead
Oh dear i have to dig deep for this. Give me 5 mins i may come back with something.
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one i found so far
hope its not to big cocked for your traps/femboys taste. I am more a houreglass/bimbo type but i am shure i have more hiding somewhere. Good art is good art gregardless of what makes me horny for it.
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That is too big cocked for me kek. It's fine tho.
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>"Wat you giebi? THert foii <3at nol?"
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>gives boobs to a femboy
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
I have often found AI really struggles with flat chests on women, unless you prompt an actual dude, then you get full chad jawline and beards. I just want a washboard with big nips please!
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Oo I love this one
I just put "femboy, otoko no ko, feminine body" in my prompt and it always gives me a feminine femboy
Lord that is good.

Also checking those double trips.

Moar for your troubles.
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Lmfao my face detailer spent a fuck ton of time detailing every single face in the crowd.
Turning them all into czech elon musk
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My man got a sex change surgery while getting realified
Cock too small to be noticed by the AI?
Which models are you using mainly? I don't think ponyrealism is that bad but your model does seem on another level

Do you also describe the image with prompt?
Too small and too dark probably, not enough contrast so it blends in.

Also dongalf, if you're using comfy i'd love it if you could share your workflow , i have a simple img2img with prompt and an upscaler but no face detailer or anything extra.
Jasmine time. Of course she has a penis.
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Lol probably.
I'm using a custom mix. Most of the popular realism models except "PonyRealism" and "Better than Hentai" should give you pretty decent results.

Also yeah, I prompt details of the image if they are either in-focus, or susceptible to removal by the model (experimentation), to keep the context stable.
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Here you go: https://files.catbox.moe/bvxexw.json
I've divvied up the nodes into groups so hopefully it should be simple to understand.
Sorry, can't do gifs dude
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Lmao I love how it inserted the face of that black dude
Hnnnnnng, that bulge.
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>nudify the blue parts?
>much appreciated

this better? maybe nudify the blue parts too?

much appreciated :D

forgot the pic, sry im new to 4chan lol
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>IJIIA: Theamenc Achddaowmer, Gursed

Also nah, I aint doing nudification
Welcome newfag
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for the life of me i cant find my trap stash.
this is the best i found in the mind... on paper is futa but its the idea...
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please do my drawing
Still waiting for this one.
That's loli dude. I ain't generating cp kek
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Femboy link, but thiiiicccccccc
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so good, u can make her caucasian woman?
Dem thighs.
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its like lego, it will jump into my view when i am not locking.
Realy need to work on the order of my folder.
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Has it gender swapped them over?
To the kind anons taking requests: do pics saved from AI mirror threads work?
Gr8 work, this doable?
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I love how it retained her big eyes and pink cheek spots kek
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nice, thnx
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nice. thank you dongalf
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She's canonically 19. Ever heard of petite women?
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>She's canonically 19
Yeah, tell that to the jannies
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lets try semi monster girl.
Do people actually not know that petite women exist? Some of the characters on this thread aren't even canonically adults.
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couple more?
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Lol those extra strippers
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Tried gondalfs workflow but its way too confusing for me, this came out alright tho
Didn't go through the upscaler since I don't have one downloaded
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Nice! You can download an upscaler from ComfyUI's Model Manager. They are like 67MB. Also, Dongalf*
last one :)
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Following this on /b/ love the Nico Robin ones, last one if u want
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Sorry realised it too late Dongalf*

Gonna stick with my workflow for now, less confusing lol.
I will try to copy the face detailer because man that works well
Kek I don't the guy got the point.
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this did not turned out well
lets play save and use rebaca
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ones again i need to refresh the page bevor i say anything. THIS is a alot better
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Didn't realise there was a copy thread over on /b/, pretty cool.
It's a nice way to learn SD
Nice! Makes her look more mature.
Yeah I like bumping up the denoise a bit more because I feel like when I try to get the image to match more closely to the original it tends to look worse.
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I don't like these AI mirror ones desu
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good to know
sadly is mild compare to this (and the last 5 threads)
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Came out a bit different
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Last one for me today
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I need to find a way to bump up the denoise and still provide enough conditional signalling to keep the context stable, cuz the model's barely at full realism power kek
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seen to be. At least her body part did not shrink.
I am a sucker for big round houreglass women.
Let try something again shall we?
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yeah that's the struggle

Meet Edward Dickorhands btw
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I don't aim for exact copies, I use the reference image as a guide to get a realistic alternative

Pic from previous thread, I'm off for today
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Its still sad to see breasts and hip being turned down.
I think I'm gonna take a break too. I've been genning for like 6 hours.
You did great, awesome gens thanks for the tips and the workflow too.

The dragon one in /b/ is neat too
you earn that right
thank you for your service today!
No problem dude, enjoy! Lemme know if you manage to find some cool tricks
Glad you enjoyed!
Holy fucking fuck, scratch that, I've been genning for like 14 hours KEK
Btw nice fucking sexts dude holy fucking shit! Your year is gonna improve starting today m8 I can feel it.
i did not even notice it
Thank you for the good eye!
i miss clicking on you.

also holy fuck i got alot of triples
Thank you for doing it.
Are they hard to work with or something when they're from AI mirror?
Thank you!
Take care, Dongalf. Enjoy your time. Thanks for all you've done.
Does anyone know what software is being used to make these?
Stable Diffusion. Follow the links/tutorials in the OP of the following thread to learn more
Fuck, i mean
Could anyone make this realistic using a petite woman as model? I mean if literal 10 year-old characters could be generated without generating cp surely this is possible.
Definitely possible, but arguably at a level of effort where I expect to get paid kek
Flat chest, no ass and naked: that's gonna generate cp for sure
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i like to see this two becoming real
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