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I would like to see her tits (maybe vulva, too, but mostly tits). Can some talented anon please reveal them? Thx
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This is probably the best one for a full nude
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OK anons, let’s see what you got. Strong preference for realistic breast size & image. Believable is best imo.

Will post some bonus images for a bump later on!
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DM me discord/telegram - "whiterabbitOG" (paid) Discount on the whole set!
Would need to see a hi res sample first, cheers
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how's this?
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Do not pay for any of this shit lol
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what lora are you using for the pussy? that's damn good.
None, it's just utopianPony_v2-inpainting
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Holy shit these are fucking amazing, thank you. So well done
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Nothing to undress here, just some backshots to round out the thread
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She thanks you all for your participation!
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So lovely girl! Here you have my versions... enjoy!
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props to the faggot that tried to make money from this lmao
go fuck yourself
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Thanks to her for her beauty!
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A toast to this successful thread
You versions are outstanding, sir- thank you!

Cheers! Agree, highly successful & super high quality input from all involved
Lets's continue... post moar!
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Only the most skilled vulva artisans need apply for this one
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Removing the panties from underneath the garter & lace is truly inspired. Bravo.
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I will post differente versions of the new pics, for OP to choose and fap at will
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What about changing her underwear? Like the idea?
These are amazing, thank you. Can definitely work with them!
I don’t mind it. But I would probably prefer to see some pics of her with just the bra on (can see vulva), or just the pantries on (can see tits). Is that possible?
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I also have these for a real challenge for someone very talented. I don’t even know if it’s possible honestly.

She is basically nude under this very sheer sleepwear. Just some nipple covers and panties underneath. Is it possible to show her nipples and vulva underneath the sheer sleepwear, but keep the sheer sleepwear in place?
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That's something i can't do... but i can still nudify her if u want
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Wow, yes - these are great. If I upload some more could you do some extra panties on/bra off, bra on/panties off? These are hot
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Those are great! Can anyone do mine?

Let’s stay on topic buddy!
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Great half on/half off candidate (remove bra or panties only)
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Chef’s kiss - Bellissimo! Thanks!

So good that if you feel like it, please feel free to pick any other from the thread.. love your vulva work
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This thread has exceeded all my wildest expectations.. another girl while I look for more of the main thread girl. Bra off?
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Bra and/or panties off & leave the stockings & suspenders? Or any combo that works!
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Another great candidate for bra/panties off & keep stockings/suspenders
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These blue ones are absolutely fantastic
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Dude even made the panties sheer at the pussy… this is a masterpiece
Have to go now... i'll be back tomorrow and continue working on this beauty!
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Dude *fuck* yeah. Can I ask what software you use?
Awesome, love your work!
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Can someone undress her?
Colleague of me :)
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Love the color
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Same treatment please
Let's keep this thread for hot lingerie models exclusivly
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Bump for moar of OP's model or similar pics!
How to use this?
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Tricky one!
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I don't know about that, I just downloaded the model I named from CivitAI and added it to my local Stable Diffusion Forge setup. There are plenty of guides on how to get that going but you do need a good enough computer for it.
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Tricky one!
Great ones, i wish i could make some edits like that myself
her please
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Pretty please wizards
For private requests > Session ID (no spaces):
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Really wanna see her tits nudify wizz
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Nude, Microkini, Slavewear. Thank you in advance, Wiz!
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please get her big tits out
Do this one ohh wiz pls and thanks
any wizards on?

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