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File: 156858.jpg (312 KB, 1280x720)
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Trying to find:
One summer in Loliwood
Adventures in Loliland
A full download of unteralterbach.
Sengoku Rance, preferably a full install, not one with Japanese local needed.
your fuckin bonkers for wanting something like this
Quick fix to my post, Adventure in Loliworld.
The first two are by Shiny Devon, but I can't seem to find an actual place to download them.
Still searching
Just be sure not to download the first link, click it, close the page and then download.
Last I checked it's still working and all you have to do is unzip it and run the game.
It's 700mb but says it's downloading at 30kbs. Thanks for the link and I'll wait the 4 hours, but please let the other games be faster to download.
Message Shiny Devon directly for his two games
do these games have fetish other than children?
It's called Loliworld and Loliwood, what do you think?
I found a copy of loliwood, but I'm sure as fuck not downloading it.
Good luck with that and make sure you scan for viruses.
You are awesome and thank you. I checked around and said sight was safe, but downloading it to an external harddrive on my old PC to be safe.
Well the download half worked. The file contained Loliwood and Loliworld, but no images, just the game and all the text.
R, don't fail me now, it's almost Christmas.
Is there no intelligent degenerate able to help me? I know I'm not smart enough to find a good safe download.
you should ask on the atf forums

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