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Can I get a nudify done of her showing off her nice dark nipples?
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like dis?
holy shit this looks so real. thanks for the nudify.
how was this done? inpainting?
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Anon, any chance you could do this one? Could she also have brown nips?
yah inpaint specifically i use Fooocus for inpainting since comfyui sucks dick for inpainting. plus a detailed nipple lora, should have used a detailed skin lora to get those goose bumps shes got but o well
Thanks for the info, I've tried setting something similar up but to no success unfortunately. I'll check Fooocus out
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Thank you, this is fucking great
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Could you try one of these pics man? I like it when light skinned girls have darker than usual nipples
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i am unsure which angle or lighting works best for the process
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too dark?
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a little too dark, would it be alright to get one close to this
what nipple lora do you use? plus the skintones you get are shockingly real with translucent veins.
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i've been dying for a good one of this girl
Detailed nipples XL(Civitai), the veins i dont control sometimes it comes out really detailed other times it looks like play dough.
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Could I get one?
she's cute, got an ig?
Small streamer named Meilizzz. Enjoy!
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>>19573947 damn, you're good af
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Thanks for the thanks
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Thanks indeed!! Have this one as well, man. Hope you're liking the gals I've provided, lol
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wow the trim job. had no idea
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probably wearing granny panties if that why you skipped
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Naa, man, wiz probably skipped because the dog is in the way. Makes it really hard. She cute
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ok. thanks anon.
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Is this feasible?
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Challenge accepted
holy rollar thanks!, would love any iterations now that she is cleaned up!
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I say it again, you're good af, damn
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wow thx
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can you adjust her to still be wearing a dress but aaccidentally flashing a nipple or more cleavage than normal?
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Thanks for keeping the gloves. So hot
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"just a quiet girls weekend...nothing to worry about"
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Please do her too man
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built like a LG fridge.
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Could they be a bit bigger? She used to be huge
lucky anon...she deserves some more mock ups!
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getting a hug from my neighbour
Thank you!
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Cumify or bj face swap?
more of her anon?
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hourglass body heaven
lets at least put her clothes back on...
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thats kind
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"honey, I am going to stay one or two days after the work convention...I need to relax...trust me its all ok..."
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"here's a pic, ready to start the day...so busy, nothing happening crazy here!"
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perfect dildo riding position...can you add one?
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the pic she sends you vs the guy she told you not to worry about
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"lol i just told my boyfriend im going to the conference!! Here you go...see you in a minute!"
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"meet my new co-worker, about to open the store!"
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Could we get this ass uncovered?
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Thank you
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thanks for the thanks
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can you do her please?
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i love yifan
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Wish I had more of her!
can you do ass nudifies?
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Thank you can I have another?
Can I get another one of her
This hoty needs it
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Thanks. Another one if you're down
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Huge tits, nude and on a beach sucking a massive cock.

Then if you can, do one of her drenched in cum
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Plz’ wiz’
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really nice. What model is that?

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