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I was wondering if anyone here knows of any AI image editing tools (free, preferably) that are particularly good at transforming images of women to make it look like they're pregnant? They don't have to specialize in pregnancy images, but it has to be a tool that I can upload images onto, then select a portion of the image I want to edit, and it makes them look like they're pregnant after editing.

I was using Canva for a while, but you have to pay for the AI edit feature now.
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Not sure I understand your question, but for an image editor (well, digital painting tool mostly) with AI functions, look at Krita with the Acly stable diffusion plugin. Here's a low-effort example.
How complex is that? Do I need some level of programming knowledge, or do I use it similar to other AI editing programs where I circle the areas I want edited and then input the request?
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Depends what you want. You can just select an area and prompt/neg-prompt, then select from the results to create a new layer. But it's running comfyui in the background, and if you like you can go in there and set up your own workflows.
I haven't used Canva, but it seems to be an online service? That's going to be a big difference: Krita runs locally, so you need a reasonably beefy gpu and amount of vram. The AI plugin has an online service, but for obvious reasons that's paid as well.
If you have a mildly recent gaming machine, just try it; both components are free. Get Krita at krita.org, then the plugin at interstice.cloud. Then schedule a lengthy coffee break while the plugin downloads several gigabytes of AI infrastructure.
>beefy GPU

Well, unless a 4060 counts as "beefy", guess I'm out of luck.
4060 should be able to do it if it has 8gb of VRAM and you could set up a low power local stable diffusion AI dealie do
How long did it take you to render this:
I'm doing these on a mobile 3080, though admittedly one with 16GB vram. A 4060 is at least worth trying, I think. Just queue up a few generations and then do something else for a few minutes.

At that sort of resolution and that size inpaint mask, about 15 seconds for a batch of 5 at a time on SD 1.5, or maybe 20 seconds for a single image on XL. Flux is slow. SD 3.5, bit over a minute again for a batch of five. The example uses 1.5.

I'm bombing around in other threads with a Radeon RX 580 with 8gb ram doing this.

Depending on the quality I want, 1-5 mintues. See below redirect

It's asking me if I want to run it off my CPU. Since I have a Ryzen 7 7700, would that be a better option than the 4060?
not the guy you were talking to, but>>19576541

CPU will probably be 100% worse. You can try both, but when I started, I was using A111 and unknowingly it was only using my CPU and everything too 5-12 minutes.

You can try both to compare, as I am not a computer whiz, I am a ghetto computer loser that just half asses everything, but I would gamble the GPU would be significantly faster.

I mean, I don't have your equipment, so the best answer you're going to get is by trying. But in general, from what I know any CPU is slower at this sort of task than any recent GPU (at least Nvidia GPU, because cuda support).
I downloaded Krita, installed the plugin, and have the AI image generator up and running, but I'm not sure what tools are where, and how I select individual parts of an image to modify.
you'll have to wait for other guy, I don't krita, I comfyui, I was know your gpu can do it when you figure it out.

But I would also assume you make a mask around her stomach, like I did>>19576298

Highlight a circle around her stomach with a tool so the AI knows where to focus.
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Nice, I got it working.
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and now you go down the rabbit hole of finding better prompt words, loras and other add ons, playing with how many steps, etc... to make it look more and more realistic.

But yeah, not that hard once you get it working. DIfficult to get going and difficult to master, but pleanty usuable as halfassery
>DIfficult to get going and difficult to master, but pleanty usuable as halfassery
I like you.
What was your setup for that image?
Used the prompt in the screenshot, but at 100% and with a different checkpoint (uberrealistic porn merge V.23).
If I download that from civit as a safetensors file, do I just add it to plugins like normal?
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No, the AI setup has its own directory structure for that. Click the settings cogwheel in the AI panel (see one of the red arrows from earlier), then click the folder icon to open the right place in your file system.
Okay. What would you recommend as the Quality Preset for re-shaping images with the generator? Right now it's on default, which is DPM++ 2M.
No, this is where you start experimenting and finding out which one you like better.
I recently installed comfyui for the first time, what would you recommend for like a tutorial? I keep looking around but it depends so much on what I'm trying to do. Currently trying to make NSFW pics and vids based off of faces, any recs?
Again, I'm super small time, never tried videos, but I just inpaint all around the face and try a prompt, maybe mspaint a rough outline, on a basic gen model I pieced together from playing with three other models and taking the bits I liked.


Other wizards are smarter and better than I
Is there a preset or something for the AI to make vagina's gaped?

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