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File: IMG_4387.jpg (180 KB, 1387x1795)
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180 KB JPG
I like this drawing of Asuka, but I want it naked. Keep the crop top on her, but other than wearing that, she should be completely naked.
File: 00005-3403792550.png (811 KB, 1387x1795)
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811 KB PNG
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While I'm at it
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(I am not the author of the request)
oh how did you do it, I am amazed, can you please tell me how you achieved such results
I quickly made it "nude" in Photoshop and then ran it through Stable Diffusion inpainting with a "sketch" LORA.
This is the first time I've heard of these tools, can you please tell me more about them, or better yet, provide a link to these tools?
Stable Diffusion is just all these AI enhanced edits you're seeing in this board. You can use it to generate images or to alter existing images. There are models that mimic pretty much every style you can think of (photos, cartoons, anime, hundreds of artists). The first image I replied with was just altering part of the image with a sketch model, the second was altering the whole image to an Evangelion style model, and the third was based on artist "optionaltypo". There are tons of guides on how to set up SD locally but you can also run it through websites although I don't suggest doing that since they usually ask for money or are limited. You will need a decent GPU to run it locally though.

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