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We're back bros
MMMmMMmmmmm if anyone wants any wrestling images edited let me know... it would be truly badd ass
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I need AI nudes of my favorite e-stacy, please!
fuck yeah
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love this skanky bitch like you wouldn't believe
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Wish her tits actually looked like this.
for real
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>big pink nipples
my fucking DICK
We need more Lexi
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She's perfect. Thank you wizard
id legit eat strawberries out of her ass
Need these two kissing
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If any of these work. I know older images are low quality and hard to work with.
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This is what Vince really wanted for us and the TV jews never let him
This thread needs more material. I've always enjoyed making these fakes too.
We need more AJ Lee she used to be one oftthe hottest
Ill post some more when I get home. Currently sitting at the dealership getting my car worked on.
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Excellent stuff
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This would be a great image without Seff and Mark in it. It's funny with them in it though so I'll give you that.
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I'll do a separate one where it's just her, I was just running stuff from the AI Wrestler Thread to see what it'd look like.
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Absolutely based
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I made one of her a while ago. Here's an improved version.
Holy shit I fucking love that
Thanks. Like I said, this thread needs more material. I'd like to do more.
I'll dump all the wrestling hoes and thots I have on hand.
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Time for Serena
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Inspired by another post ITT
Man, you definitely are pulling through. This is great. I'll do a few tonight but asp wizard will have to hold down the fort tomorrow.
Anything you choose to edit for the boys will be greatly appreciated.
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Great pic.
no you
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this is finna dimes
Begging for hard slippery anal
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she has such a nice butt
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I think it's because I did the renders with the pic too big. This looks a lot better.
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Now we're talking!
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Alright I'm out for a couple days
Send me to fuckin jail, I'm going in.
Thread will probably die over Christmas, but I'll make it again after. Thank you for your service wizard
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Unfortunately, I can't do any more until Christmas.
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All good brother! Enjoy your holiday and we can pick up after.
My /pw/ brothers, e-drones and AEW trannies alike, I must ask: do not let this thread job to Christmas
I'll try but I'm gonna be busy all day
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lmfao based
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How do I get the ai to make nudes? I keep trying different combos but I get fully clothed every time.
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idk man i got the error message saying it cant make what i asked for
The trick is to use non-sexual terms for sexual stuff. It accepts words like cleavage, busty, etc. Describe the outfit. Cut-off, skimpy, shredded, etc. Then keep re-rolling the dice until you get a jackpot.
I got a couple of okay Liv images.

any hairy paige or aj lee
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Holy coooooom
Not to be a critic or anything, but this one came out kinda bad.
I kinda agree actually. I'll probably come back to it.
No rush man, enjoy the holidays
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Wanted to try something different
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This turned out significantly better.
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Alright, I'm out of ideas and pics I'd like to do. I'll keep on checking if something new comes to the thread.
Hell yeah it did
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Keep the boots on
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Remove the fishnet top if possible... anything else can stay or go
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Best I could do.
Rheamaniacs we eating good tonight
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>Bayley wearing an extremely thin high-waisted leotard, deeply bent over, viewed from behind, looking over her shoulder with a sensual expression, in a bubble bath, with neon lights, soap bubbles dripping down her booty,do the needful sar"
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So much ein
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Oh my.
It gets better the more you write inputs like a Indian
This is sarcasm or shit posting. Im a vet of the CS world . All the low level programming is done in India. So dumb down your prompts :)
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>isn't. To much christmas whiskey
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I like smiles.
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Merry Christmas
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Your choice
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That's great work... Merry Christmas bro
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Merry Christmas
We really haven't got any Allie either.
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Great pic.
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based wizard
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Fake Bayley is working me into a seething shoot
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Can anyone do Pom from TJPW?
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cum in my nigger
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Not nude but lewd-ish
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If Grok shot on you during the match then bring the evidence to Wizard's Court and we will settle things mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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