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File: fucktwitch.jpg (98 KB, 1775x755)
98 KB
How the fuck do I save a clip from twitch?
I'm trying to save 01:37:55-01:38:30 from https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2348126540
I've tried a couple things like clipr and they just give me unknown errors.
I need to make a few clips of this streamer's vods/streams/whatever I'm not really into streaming or twitch, but I like cooming to her so I'd trying to make clips.
How do I do?
try yt-dlp
I'm only seeing some github stuff I don't understand when I google that?
look up a tutorial on how to install and use it, you also need ffmpeg which may require another tutorial
i have never used it for twitch but it's on the supported sites list
Jesus I was really hoping there was a site that'd work and I could just put in url, start, end, and have an mp4, rather than installing two programs that need a tutorial each.
there was a pc program that did exactly what you're asking, let me see if I can remember the name and if it still works
How is it I see clips from twitch on reddit all the time? Are people making clips of long streams?
Sorry I don't really 'get' twitch, I just like cumming to the streamer I posted, usually her Insta but I think there's some decent clips in her stream recordings.
well, twitch has a Clip button
I tried yt-dlp, unfortunately I could not get clipping functionality to work so you'd have to download the entire stream
Recording your screen with OBS is an option
This works
Can someone prove their thing works by posting a webm of the OP clip?

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