A qrdA good few years ago, my best friend mentioned that he saw a bizzare peculiar porn video. He described it as follows:>The video, titled something along the lines of “Pakistani Patriot” (as far as my friend can recall) starts off with a close up-shot of a creampied pussy, after which the camera slowly zooms out to reveal that the vagina belongs to woman of Eastern, perhaps Pakistani origin laying in bed. Now, right next to this bed stood three, rather tall, well-groomed, average built men, fully nude and with dicks so long that my friend can only describe them as “hoses”. These men were, as the woman, of Pakistani origin. These men all stand side by side as in pic rel, at attention, with their hand over their chest while staring proudly and attentively into the far-beyond, much like football players do before the start of the game during the anthem ceremony. Since their dicks lend themselves to much attention, the camera also focuses a lot on these throughout the 30-something second video. Pic rel illustrates the final seconds of this clip where you see both the woman and the men in full view. The problem is: he never bothered to save it, and it was scrubbed off Pornhub once they rolled out their “verified only” policy. And ever since then, this strange, hilariously-sounding scene has become a lost media of ours, cemented and mythologized in our minds. We’ve spent quite some time trying to find it online, but in the process exhausted all our efforts by now. So as a last resort, I hope that some of you could perhaps help us in our efforts, maybe one of you is in possession of it. If such is the case, we would greatly appreciate you sharing it.