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whites that think they are "genetically superior" make me laugh every time. their only cope is appropriating jewish inventions as white achievements. they bask in the gIory of those dead men while creating nothing themselves and being a drain on the rest of the world with their excessive lifestyle.

before you call me with racial slur, know that i am white myself, but i realize my unearned privilege.
master race babby is mad waa waa
Making original posts is a rule on /r9k/. Follow the rules, or you are no better than an animal.
It always makes le laugh when cu.cks like you come here at this late date and STILL try to act smug after reading half a dozen fucking articles about how the west is collapsing into "fascism"
You seethe and cope and scream whites are so inferior then bitch like faggots in heat about your impending doom at the hands of the very people you impotently try to mock
its pathetic
Very hands of whom? Lol white racists are just faggots who cry cope and seethe and get beaten up by minorities all day long you won't do shit cave nigger
it's not 1924, gramps
OP is a bootlicker for browns
based keep up the good work ano
You can say "cucks" but you can't capitalize it or it becomes KEKS
It's pretty easy to understand when you see what kinds of people actually take pride in being white. It is almost always the dregs of society, the absolute remnant slop of the human species, who have literally nothing besides their race. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine being such a fat, ugly, worthless creature of a person that you have nothing going for you but the color of your skin? It's really depressing to think about. It almost makes you want to feel sorry for them.

I smell nigger. Anybody else?

Yet you're the one who wants to live in their neighborhoods. Not vice versa.
BIaine thread. all fieIds.
>samefagging because your first post didn't get a reply
>really thought no one would notice
Christ, racists really are fucking retarded
>Very hands of whom?
The very hands of the porn addicted trannies who sit on their unwashed asses all day and unironically type out:
>" white racists are just faggots who cry cope and seethe and get beaten up by minorities all day long you won't do shit cave nigger"
In a couple hours you'll be commiserating with your fellow faggots on twitter about the lattest DEI program to get the Axe or next tweet with a nigger-word in it the richest man in the world promoted on his social media platform.
Its you who wont do shit faggot.
You wont lock Trump up,
You wont reinstitute Roe
You wont protect the migrants (hell the dems will vote for will openly move to ban them from the US)
In 1924 russia was communist and half of europe was soon to be so as well.
Now Marxists are purged from everywhere but the farthers conrners of the earth and the EU is about to elect the most right-wing government in its existence.
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>Can you imagine that? Can you imagine being such a fat, ugly, worthless creature of a person that you have nothing going for you but the color of your skin?
-t person who supports black history month
blow it out your ass you self mutilating faggot
normal white people are racist every place that isn't an urban liberal shit hole
Anyone who went to highschool in a small town knows well enough plenty of hot white girls will say nigger and se niggers as stupid.
>buh buh buh hot women do it too!!
So you admit you're as retarded and morally inept as a woman. Congrats
Being white male is too much suffering

A samefagging post replies to a previous post by the same poster.

Two consecutive replies that reply to OP are not samefagging posts, by definition. Unless they are also posts by OP.

Why are niggers too stupid to know what the word "samefagging" means? Is it because the word doesn't exist in ebonics?

Maybe we need a Black Studies PhD (snort) to come on here and devise an /r9k/ - to - Sambo ebonics translation of the word "samefagging".
OP BTFO by fpbp yet again.
Mods are fucking retarded. They probably can't even see that OP spelled "glory" as "giory"
I don't find whites to be human beings. There. I fucking said it.
The irony is

White supremacy is a tool created during colonialism(something whites also blame on jews) in order to justify slavery and colonialism. They claim to be superior for things they claim to not be responsible for
Samefagging means one person pretending to be two (or more) different people, regardless of the context. All the extra semantical bullshit you added has nothing to do with the word.

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