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This is the ideal body and everyone should know it!
only subhumans like this body type
I have the same body lol
What makes people attracted to this type of body?
post pics pls
its simply hot, why are you attracted to the things you are attracted to
>t. roidtranny
>t. fat and listens to podcasts
i'm literally underweight though, i just know that the sort of body the man in the OP has is repulsive to actual biological women
>is repulsive to actual biological women
LOLE. imagine being this clueless...
>i'm literally underweight though
and also probably skinnyfat
>i just know that the sort of body the man in the OP has is repulsive to actual biological women
post pic then what they find attractive
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we can all angle in a dirty mirror sonny

come back in ten years and then itll start to count
Yes this is my bf has this mmm I only can masturbate to him
dirty stinky man hands typed this post
small veiny man hands with slight summer heatrash thats getting better typed this post
>Ideal to homosexuals
Cute scrawny female hands typed ths
i looked like this but then i started taking estrogen so now i have boobs
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>and also probably skinnyfat
i'm 16.8 BMI (6'1", 127lbs), it's practically impossible for me to be skinnyfat at this weight
>post pic then what they find attractive
something like this. these are the sort of guys that i see have a lot of success with women
Women don't exist on this board. It's only men and trannies here.
You're only showing one quarter of what makes this body ideal, being the face.
>Assuming he's tall/lanklet.
We will never be gaslit.
zyzz took steroids, not conventionally attractive.
OP pic is an underage child with no muscle, not conventionally attractive. r9k posters reblog it cause most of them are teens or gay pedos

women prefer the highschool/college "natural football player" bodytype, with a bit of extra abs. obvioulsy not lineman. see picrel, with athletic glutes and calves
10/10 would hit his booty then suck him off
women this women that

timothee chalamet is the biggest male actor atm, they like his body but complain abt his pinched rodent face

funnily its the bodybuilding shit thats actually male on male lol
>rancid yellowed teeth
fucking minging
What's that circle? Is that where he jabs himself with Ozempyc?
really reaching there

american bleach pearls are not normal, nor are they healthy in the long run

t. american
timothee chalamet is a FAMOUS ACTOR.

you put a timothee chalamet clone and a guy who looks like my gifrel and plays quarterback for the school in a highschool or college, and who's gonna be more popular?
the little 5'7 frail timmy would not be getting any pussy in college when competing with the football team. get out of twitter and get a grip on reality. masculinity and popularity play a MUCH bigger role than you expect, and the actor, while good looking, is not going to make any woman drop their panties ever after they see him getting bullied by an athletic 6'2 chad.
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why is there so little porn of cute twinks fucking thick brown girls its not fucking fair we deserve some representation
twinks usually fuck each other thats why
>after they see him getting bullied by an athletic 6'2 chad.
Your homoerotic fantasies get out of hand anon
so i bought a drink from this guy, he was really busy and didn't have an ear to lend
you're the homoerotic one, simping for failed males like the blatant faggot/tranny you are.
if you think women would EVER choose a twink over a musclebound chad (assuming everything else is the same), you're delusional.
women LOVE muscles.

because women don't want that, you fucking tranny faggot. they want muscular men instead, which is why those sorts of men are the ones you see in 100% of porn not aimed at faggots
you think this way because when you're bullied you cry and take it.

you also dont have anything else to give you confidence, like an exceedingly big brain.

what youre saying might have been sorta true ten or twenty years ago, at least as far as "normal girls" go (as if anyone wants them),, but the jocks of today are little shits who slouch around in slides, dirty socks and mullets. nobody wants that, which is why zoomers are so lonely, and pining for internet twinks as we see itt.

go look where women post. its skinnies in the vast main, and in fact the buff guys they do like tend to be middle aged (e.g. iain glen.) or even older.

semper parvischolii vicit -- lacrime, quod illa veritas est.
you need to look inside yourself and realize that its in fact you who is obsessed with male muscles

nothing wrong with that of course, but you are projecting onto women.

my dick is thicker than my wrists and i get hit on even when the dick is hidden soo
>musclebound chad
>LOVE muscles
>muscular men
you sound like someone who represses his homosexual urges. chad lives rent free in your head and you find it hot
its important that you stop looking at skinny smoothboy pictures

men have fuzz, and if they dont, they have razor burn bumps, simple as that hon
to clarify, what i mean is that youre looked at pictures that are filtered smooth and dont represent reality

a man can of course nair and shave himself smooth as well as anyone, but he cant do it every week if hes got a healthy amt of testosterone. women get problems from it too but you really dont want to see what long term shaving does to the male crotch in person.
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im also ana twink
how do i cash it in?
*looking lol
women will love whoever the social engineers in the media she consumes TELL her to love.
>ana twink
be a twink that hits the gym or does cardio
ana honey? with those ribs? you have folds lol.
I walk, is that cardio?
shut up fluorescent domesticated loser

going to the gym indoors just makes you look worse no matter what you do there

that tum needs some SUN and summertime fun
not enough
>that tum needs some
thats why i said cardio dummy
nope just skinny theres some nuance between twink and skinny. You need fatter thighs and a large waist for a man along with a somewhat round butt so basically heavier lower body which isn't apparent in your pick
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you can cope and sneed all you want, but it won't change reality.
there's a reason why whenever a self-dox thread ends up on this board, the majority of the posters are skinny faggots - i've never seen a muscular man post here, presumably because they're too busy fucking several different women each week
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posting just cuz lol
>i've never seen a muscular man post here
yeah because all the muscular incels post on /fit/
its not "cardio" you fuckin moron. its just fucking living.
I'm a bi/faggot and I've never seen the appeal in this body type on men or women. I like muscular guys and thicker/chubby girls. Stick thin dudes are the lowest tier for me. I'd take a stick thin woman over one.
going out and touching grass is also good
interesting isnt it? /fit/ which is 99% male encourages bodybuilding and male musclehead culture. a board full of pictures of ripped bulging men couldnt possibly have gay users could it??? no way.../cm/ on the other hand is majority female kek

i like the look of a schlong too but not exclusively. im thus entirely objective.
My body is more toned compared to that but I also have thin bones
touching the fuckin lawn outside your house is not living you ratty indoors creature. walk up a mountain
I have low weight but also dont exercise so thats why I dont have that skeleton look and I have the boy look
sometimes I walk 5 miles inna day
i hate the sun i wanna be pale
twink is skinny young looking guy, your definition is wrong
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Tbhh I probably looked better with a flat chest x)
if your weight was actually low you would have "that skinny look" lmao. you dont have fuckin feathers. im not saying to starve yourself, its not exactly healthy, but youre the one tryna pull some nasty ass ana shit when you dont even qualify.
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>walk up a mountain
have done that recently
his teeth look normal, are you confusing whitened teeth you see on every single hollywood star with normal color of teeth? (real life tip: thats not the natural color)
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well heres an older pic of me
but really my bmi is under 18 so I qualify to be ana
muscle lover is right about one thing by the way:

dont post selfies on the chanz unless youre prepared for the good wizards and the dark wizards to quickly know everything about you and look at all your files.

if youre not squeaky clean, better hope the good wizards deem you worthy of protecting!
holy shit, zoomer. being technically underweight on a bmi chart doesnt make you fuckin ana. it makes you a normal human being, compared to modern fatworld, but not ana lmao.

your type be thinking youre le skinny legend just because you were the skinniest at your fatass school lol...
nice, now do it twice a week, and in a cropped tshirt so you get some color to you. bear spray works on rapesters too btw.
so having a bmi of 16 doesnt count?
ok i guess
do you know what anorexia means? it means literally not eating. even if youre deathly skinny from bulimia thats not true ana. people fucking die from amorexia you utter tool. no 16 bmi is not anorexic. again, holy shit zoomer.
damn lotta drama in the twink tummy thread
id literally lick every part of this 'boy', i dgf who knows.
Shave your chest and then maybe.
he has a song playing on his apple watch. what music do cute boys listen to?
a little hair is sexy tho, especially on arms
it would be much hotter if he showed some pubes peaking out as he lifted his pants UwU
cute boys listen to salem rather than crystal castles
damn nice gyno nigga
Hair on some places can be hot but I don't like ungroomed chest hair. It looks like shit on me personally, just gets all around the nipples, gotta shave all that off.
What height? You look tall as well as thin.
Literally just eat more you huge massive retards.
Shut up, they are cute like that
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I just found this actor. He is perfect but I don't know if his body is super thin. He's 6'4 and beautiful.
wrong. what they actually need to do is read more
5'9 130
im tryna weight i swear!!
*tryna GAIN weight plz
so are you just fucking up your entire life for fun or like what? how long have you been on the sissy porn shit?
loool never watched sissy porn... how is this gonna fuck up my entire life lol?
You want to be a woman? You were born a woman in a man's body?
i just want the effects of estrogen lol
What effects? Titties? I really do not understand you. I wish I could.
Also, post more pics because you look so so good.
do you not understand that fucking up your hormones fucks up your body permanently, thus fucking up your life?

youre not playing a fucking video game with a character creator. you are a biological creature whose proper development depends on a correct balance of hormones. you will give yourself cancer, ed, osteoporosis and dementia with this shit, retard.
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ya and some other stuff like soft skin and hair
i think ill be okay but ty for the concern
theres legit no difference between you an a vicodin addict except that your reason is vanity rather than misery, which is far nastier.

if you think itll stop le hooorrible male aging, it wont. you will age far worse: like a large baby getting old before his testicles dropped.

you probably wont walk back this retarded shit, if anything youll double down the more you fear le precious yoooth slipping away. when your dick stops working and starts hurting -- all the time -- remember that you were warned.

you know how you keep soft skin? eating right and living cleanly, avoiding smoke and drink. you know how you get rid of body hair? nair and a razor. youre looking for an answer in a pill because your e literally just fucking lazy.
Discord or do you post your cock anywhere?
Exactly what I've been saying.
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Correction, this is.
Gyno. Probably from low test.
>when your dick stops working and starts hurting
sounds hot
looks like you thought a lot about this. it doesnt stop aging but ill age how i want to now :D and soft skin from estrogen is sooooooooft its so nice
i dont post anywhere else
You're killing me with the blurry photo! Post cock in soc please.
i wish i didnt have to think about this bizarre bullshit. its just that ive seen your story too many fucking times, pillhead. you all go the same route. could be vicodin as i said, doesnt matter. as the thrill and the novelty wear off, youll go for bigger doses and get into worse shit. this is called "chasing the dragon." it leads to living death. it leads to an eventual and crushing realization that you fucked yourself forever for a moment's entertainment.

in a few years, the little worms you're attracting here won't care about you anymore. you'll be old news. youll do more and worse shit to try and win their attention back, but theyll have groomed up a younger model of you. then its over, for fucking ever, because you fucked with your natural body enough that you will not experience the new natural forms you would otherwise take. you will not have a lithe and strong late 20s phase, you will not have your burgeoning and virile 30s, you will not progress to tight, toned burlhood as you mature further. you will not be a silver daddy. you will be rotted from the inside.

you will have this sickly, wan, pathetic, indoors, fluorescent shit for two or three years and then it will be over, forever. thats the way it goes with pillheads, doesnt matter the pill.
He was probably molested as a child. That is usually the case.
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>you will not have a lithe and strong late 20s phase, you will not have your burgeoning and virile 30s, you will not progress to tight, toned burlhood as you mature further. you will not be a silver daddy.
thank fucking god holy shit

>moment's entertainment
this isnt entertainment this is who i am lol. this is how i want to express myself and it makes me feel confident and proud of who i am.

i dont have a lot of good pics of my dick tbhh

I look like this but unfortunately I'm ugly, short, and not gay so I don't see any benefit
Sorry you got molested anon.
...so are you trying to be a woman or are you just gay?
> i dont have a lot of good pics of my dick
That's a shame. I'm obsessed. I like your hair.
No matter how hard I try, I can't look like this. My body is flabby despite being skinny and I have gyno.
do you understand that youre not a video game character? that youre not a static object that can be molded and altered like clay? that no pill will make you immune to the passage of time?

the alternative to your natural development is not remaining a static softboy forever. thats not an option. you can age normally, beautifully and naturally or you can rot from the inside.

your 20s will instead be you slowly losing your figure from estrogen fatgain and becoming increasingly fatigued from lack of testosterone. your 30s will be you starting to gain serious weight and starting to have serious fatigue and weakness every single day, while your skin starts to sag and prematurely wrinkle. your 40s will consist of crushing fatigue, multiplying metabolic and endocrine conditions and brutal depression because you lack the testosterone your xy body expects.

all this because youre too lazy to use nair and a razor, and too lazy to eat healthily and take care of your natural skin. the pills do shit all to help you "pass", retard. you take them to feel special & because you have been sold a vicious and heartless lie about how they will preserve your youth forever. theres no fountain of youth honey.

its sadder than that. pure boredom.
>My body is flabby despite being skinny and I have gyno.
news for you: you arent skinny fool

walk more and eat less. the first thing is more important.
i have this exact body type weight 122 lbs. i have pretty much had no success with women all my life. in highschool it was the jocks and as a i near 30 its the heavier built tradesman that get all the woman. idk i think this body type only attracts teenage girls desu.

evolutionary speaking this guy is not protecting you from shit so it always made sense that as woman peak in attractiveness (their 20s) they are attracted to the most masculine men they can get. this body type is not masculine at all rather dysgenic and usually is achieved through childhood malnutrition which is what happened to me.
>news for you: you arent skinny fool
I have a bmi of 19.
Unless I starve, which I do already. I can't lose fat.
Tbsts my hodytype
5 ft 7 117 lbs. similar bodytype to many of these pics
can you drop your discord
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wow that's literally me. like actually.
I'm so flattered ^w^.
>evolutionary speaking
Anon, stop.
I guarantee you that men who are much weaker and uglier than you currently have wives with 4+ children. I know some of them personally. You are psyching yourself out because you've been brainwashed by this shithole.
just gay i guess lol
ty anon!
why does this upset you so much. i can do what i want with myself
whyy lol
you can also very fuckin well be told how you're fucking your entire future for two years of internet attention, tops. feel free to not respond. i'm thirty and i'm cuter in a crop top than you are or ever were or ever will be, if you keep on this shit, jsyk. eat kale not pills.
I remembered the time that we watched that arnold movie about clones for our biotech class and the stacy beside me gasped an audible EEW when arnie showed his body.
>feel free to not respond.
loool i dont post myself as much as you think this is probably my third time.
>i'm thirty and i'm cuter in a crop top than you are
you around jealous its never too late
>just gay i guess lol
so do the boobs and people maybe thinking you're a tranny not bother you then or? just wondering anon.
Well, I hope you come back because I will be thinking of your sexy body and if I never see it again I'll be very sad. I hope you are in the US. Can you make up an initial so I can look for you one day.
idk. nothings much different besides that and you cant really see anything when i wear a shirt. ive always been basically a cryptotranny my whole life so i dont think anyone would be that shocked. but also im not claiming to be a woman.

omg idk if id even remember an initial lol. i seriously dont post much. ty for being nice :)
you did in fact respond sonny. interested in more lessons? i posted myself itt by the way.

imagine thinking anyone would be jealous of a fuckin pillhead.
what is cryptotranny and how long have you been on estrogen?
Used to look like this but then I went through puberty. Basically, anyone who finds this body type attractive is a pedophile. It's fine if stays a fantasy though
i just mean i was always feminine, long hair, 'misgendered' briefly. and only 6 months
ur drunk anon
the fact that you're still responding tells me you're extremely starved for attention. (as if the pills didn't tell me that already.)

ok, i'll be your friend. what do you like to do for fun? i like to go hiking, i steal bits of succulents from plant stores to grow new succulents of my own, and sometimes i write wack poetry.
>I went through puberty
you're supposed to get skinnier in puberty, sir. you got fucking fat, stop coping.
This. You are sub board to become humanl-shaped, not sea lion shaped
No initial? Well, if I ask for cryptotranny maybe you will respond ;_;
Don't scare away my crush. I haven't liked anyone in a while.
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twink tummies look so stabbable <3
You're only allowed to stab them if you're a girl, sorry
in that case i will become a tranny so that i can stab twinks
I'm 70kg rn, low bf too. I don't really work out but Im still in good shape somehow
I'm 6'2 and 135 pounds. I also love thick brown girls. Ideally Muslim, Indian, and Hispanic.
consider not being a fuckin groomer trying to crack eggs. the rooster's here, and your fox days are fuckin numbered.
You don't know their age
>all of the people simping over the "twinks" (skinny failed males) in this thread are faggots and trannies
>not a single biological woman in this thread
surprisingly >>77887525 is a girl...you evidently didnt read shit

as for failed, check out what i can do: >>>/lit/23380190

contribute if you can, fat for brains
>believing that someone claiming to be a "she" on 4chan isn't a tranny
holy fuck lmao, you're delusional
i mean, we could just say anything. works of fiction and falsehood after all. but "thick brown girl" is hardly the most preposterous claim ive seen today. any thoughts on my work?
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r9k please continue this thread so I can jerk off in the morning
wtf my dick is so small, i fucking hate you
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this is such cope retard, trannies age well so long as they stay slim

there are many good arguments against trooning but bad aging is not one of them, men look like shit over 30 universally
Would cuddle with so fucking hard.
I have a body similar to picrel in the OP and the bodies populating the rest of this thread. I don't have a lot of visible muscle and it makes no sense because it's not like I sit my ass all day, I run and I hike and yet I still have physique. I would think I would get at least a little toned but no I don't, I don't understand bros. Must be low t or something idk
No definition at all or do you just have body dysphoria? post pic
i'm posted in this thread and i'm thirty

pro tip: fucking the shit out of your hormones fucks up your body, bad and unfixably. every subtle little thing will go first. then the big things will start to slip.

pro tip #2: overeating and sitting at a desk all day fucks up your hormones too, though not as bad as pills. put both together? youch. stay slim, sure, if you can on a metabolism fucked to hell by taking the wrong hormones. exercise is gonna be tough with muscular deterioration and osteoporosis though! if you don't believe me, read up on the health of eunuchs. plenty of them are fat enough to have their own supply of estrogen, and whaddaya know, it doesnt make them fine.

pro tip #3: if you look like shit at 30, its your own fuckin fault.

pro tip #4: grooming earns you a ticket to swift death. change your ways. you have about six months. you've been warned.
its not really a riddle. youre not half as thin as you think you are. either youre not half as active as you make out or youre eating poorly. (or youre just young and have baby fat.)

when you say "i run and i hike" do you mean like a few times a week for a few hours? what do you do the rest of the time? sit at a desk or lie in bed?

understand that natural living humans spent 8-10 hours a day walking at the minimum, and they did this living on leaves and a bit of deer meat. look at a kalahari man then look at yourself. what you have that he doesnt is called sloth.
>when you say "i run and i hike" do you mean like a few times a week for a few hours? what do you do the rest of the time? sit at a desk or lie in bed?
I walk 4 miles everyday which I believe is normal, I run 2-3 times at 3.5 miles every week and I hike once a week, this is normally anywhere between 5-12 miles. And yh, for rest of the time I'm working or playing vidya or sleeping and I believe most of this board does only the latter options
>Jerking off to chests
Whats the point if there is no dick in the thread?
Need more twink bodies
More of this penis.
youre making a good start. ill caution you not to judge yourself by whats "normal" however. "normal" in current year is fucking bad. keep it up for 5-6 years and youll hit true lithe.

that is, if you eat well...you pretty much have to cook at home at least 9 times out of 10, restaurant food pretty much all has way more calories and salt than you think.

i have old fashioned oatmeal with a scoop of yogurt most breakfasts. oats, water, pinch salt, minute in the microwave, stir, another minute. you can cook it in a pot too but its not that different. scoop of yogurt on top, sprinkled with a teaspoon or two of sugar. you can also pour milk over it or stir in a spoonful of peanut butter or jam, or add raisins or walnuts. well you can add anything you like really, but ive had phases with all these. cinnamon is also tasty to add.

as far as dinner, one of the easiest healthy things is pasta with fresh ingredients: theres a cookbook called sauces & shapes by oretta zanini da vita that you should buy or pirate, but heres a few easy ones: 1) heat olive oil in a pan, add a can of tomato puree or strained tomatoes with a pinch of salt and red pepper flakes. cook on low & stir til thickened. add cooked pasta. can add some ground beef/ground sausage if you like too. 2) kale pasta: start pasta cooking - when its 3 minutes from done, add chopped kale to pot (tuscan if you can get it, trader joes has). strain & stir well in strainer to get water out. drizzle with olive oil, fresh cracked salt & pepper, and parmesan. 3) get a bag of arugula. grab bunches in your hands and rip em up into a bowl. stir with olive oil, black pepper, and a bit of liquor/liqeur. let rest 20 minutes, then stir in a bit of lemon juice and salt. add to fresh pasta.

eating only these foods for a summer physically transformed me. the fastest thing you can do, though, is eliminate salty processed foods. 99% of people can lose 10-15 lbs of water weight from cutting most frozen/restaurant food.
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Boy chest is very nice and most twinks have an adonis belt due to lowbody fat leading immediately to the cock. It's hot.
>most twinks have an adonis belt due to lowbody fat
I've been working out and mine looks very pronounced now. Keeping a lowbody fat percentage is important especially to have visible abs and have the physique show through.
>Smooth, youthful, moisturized skin
>Popping veins
>Healthy complexion
>Toned twink body
The ideal male body. I'm straight, but that body has me salivating. 10/10 would lick, kiss, and worship. *drool*
Literal dsl
Yes pronounced adonis belt keeps me going in life.
It is ideal. Twink chest is truly something to be marveled at
being a normal xy human being in a world of pigfats might make someone one sort of special, but it doesnt mean someone is a "twink" ya goomba.
I look like that and I've never held a girl's hand.
Need twink gf
are you a cutter? it looks like it on your arm?
I look like
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Let me
do girls know you look like that? (if you really do.)

if all you wear is gray hoodies, people will assume youre just another bloblet under there.
I dont do anal. No

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