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I've been bullied when I was a teen for having hairy legs.
I've never wore shorts again ever since, and it's been 15+ years.
I can't even imagine myself having sex because the woman would be disgusted by looking at my legs.
I shave it today, but I still don't show it to the public because that's another reason to be made fun of - "hey, look at you, you shave your legs! haha".
I can't win, so I just hide them.
You're about to find out how shitty it feels when it starts growing back. Kek

I no longer care if I have hairy legs or hairy ass. It just is what it is. It's not like I'll have sex anyways no girls likes me
ur so insecure lol. no 1 really cares as long as the hair matches ur height and face
Hairy legs are way better than having no leg hair as a man. Only women and faggots shave their leg hair.
I'm already used to it, I've been shaving ever since I was 17

I know. I want to try it soon, but I need to buy a trimmer and some shorts first. I had an idea that, if I keep my leg hair trimmed, no one will say anything.

May be. But I think people will notice and I hate attention
You hate something that is an indicator of masculinity and testosterone? Be proud of it, king.
>TFW I used to have hairy legs, but I got alopecia and now it looks like I shave my calves when I do not.
>Also my pubes are very thin with bald patches. Yet I still have a hairy back and chest.
I am very hairy as well, all over my body and I hate it. I honestly feel disgusting and unclean even when it has grown out. I have to do a full body shave every once in a while and I feel nice right after but it grows back in just a few weeks. It's so tiring. It even grows in ridiculous places like my earlobes and on my nose...
Shaving - too much time consuming.
Wax/plucking - too painful.
Chemical hair removal - horrible smell
I did laser on whole body - worth every dime.
I fucking hate it too.
I hate body hair in general.
I feel the exact same way as you do.

Shaving sucks because you can always see the shadow and it suckxs when it grows back. I am thinking of trying out hair removal creams, but still.
My arms and legs are so hairy and it's gross.
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>no 1 really cares as long as the hair matches ur height and face
Nigga how the fuck does leg hair match your height and face? Stupid fucking zoomer.
>I no longer care if I have hairy legs or hairy ass. It just is what it is. It's not like I'll have sex anyways no girls likes me
>hairy ass
Wow wow wow, hold on anon, don't be rash now. Have some fucking decency man, everyone should shave their ass. It's just.. just everyone should shave their ass, alright?

My last gf had a hairy asshole, it drove me crazy. At first I tried to justify it to myself, I even tried to make myself like it. While I was fucking her from behind, I would stare at her hairy asshole and think dirty thoughts like "look at this dirty cock loving whore and her hairy asshole, I'm going to cum all over her slutty, hairy asshole" or whatever. Because I'm a good boyfriend, you know? Because it's what's inside that matters, not the hairy asshole on the outside

Anyway, I dunno how long it was but after some time, I couldn't take it anymore and I told her she needed to shave her hairy asshole. I even offered to shave it for her, and she let me do it one time too, reluctantly. Like, god damn bitch, you should be thanking me! A shaved asshole is a big improvement in quality of life
I really wish humans were like fantasy elves are always depicted as, with absolutely zero body hair below the eyebrows
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>big improvement in quality of life
B-b-b-but what if I wanna keep my shit filter!!!11
Nah dude, that shit's gotta go. You know that's why they cut off sheeps' tails right? And the sheep are grateful too because life is just better without a bunch of clumped up shitty asshair

Like, straight up, if you take the time:life improvement ratio, then I bet shaving your ass has to be one of the best, if not the best thing you can do for yourself. Everyone should shave their fucking assholes
>I've been bullied when I was a teen for having hairy legs
Kids with no leg hair were the ones bullied here.
your height build face etc. youre retarded
yuh maybe dont shave it bald just go over with a 3 razor itll look lighter and less gorilla like
>Kids with no leg hair were the ones bullied here.
See, the way bullying works is you just poke and prod until you find something that really gets to them. Doesn't matter what the fuck it is, I might bully you for something that I have too, shit, as long as it makes you cry, that's all that matters
i literally shave all my body hair and have been doing it since high school
girls never cared
guys never cared
i dont think anyone even noticed desu
hello me

It was weird learning buttholes look gross mostly on account of the hair around them.
hair shows T

also like anon said, it will be really uncomfortable when it grows back
My legs are hairier than that. I'm 20 years old and my upper torso is slowly getting as hairy. You're a fag for shaving. Man scaping your body sure but shaving your legs? The fuck
But look at how much better his right leg looks than his left now. This shit has me tempted to shave my legs too, god damn
No one was actually seriously bullied for it. It was just a common theme among the kids that it was "gay" to not have hair on legs. If someone noticed that you had shaved your legs that was even worse.
Shit, kids were definitely bullied for it if they were late to grow leg hair when I was in school. The only kids that shaved their legs were like, the track runners and shit so they mostly got away with it. I always figured all the sports were for fags lol
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>man caring about having hairy legs
I don't think it's attractive to a woman. Woman like masculinity
You weren't bullied idiot. People don't get bullied for hairy legs
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real chads don're care what women like
All guys have hairy legs though
are you retarded? Now you are going to look like a faggot
Real chads are relatively normal with cool, interesting hobbies and a clean disposition. But shaving your legs is very non-masculine.
enjoy being a disgusting monkey. At least you preserve your fragile heterosexuality.
i'm not shy about either, but fuzz can make some of my looks less coherent so i do the needful

sometimes i wear fishnets, because i can do whatever i want in Minneapolis. I'm not going to get shit when i'm surrounded by east africans in dresses
it's worthwhile to do a quick pass with an electric shaver 2-3 times a year, because it's a time saving for washing and drying off

you should at least be shaving your pits occasional. deodorant doesn't work if it doesn't touch your skin, and the good stuff does not wear out between showers if you do keep it tidy and you're not morbidly obese
I don't like the look or feel of having hairy legs so I usually shave mine once every two months or so, but people have started accusing me of being gay or even a closet tranny for doing this, and I am neither of these things. I really just like the look and feel of having shaved legs and everyone else seems to think it's a gay thing.
I've considered going as far as telling people it's because I'm a competitive swimmer or something because "I just like having no/less leg hair" doesn't seem like a real reason for people but if I lie about it people would eventually find out I'm not a competitive swimmer and think I'm even gayer for lying about it.
if you're autistic just tell them that the stimulus from your leg hairs touching things or vice versa bugs you
Hairy legged man here. Don't feel ashamed of your leg hair, thats really weird. You're a man men have hairy legs.
I bet you wash your dick as well, disgusting faggot.

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