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Peak man physique right there
legit over 4 u buddy just do yourself a favor
twink bf twink bf twink bf
need need need
or i will die
Very similar to my body
i'm built like this
it is NOT peak
this is my body :<
why is everyone a twink here?
I looked like this 50 lbs ago and still didn't get sex or a bf
It doesn't change a thing about how shit life is but at least you don't have to hate yourself for your body I guess
i want to pin him down and pinch his nipples
If you're straight and you look like this, then it's actually fucking over. Yes, I'm speaking from experience here.
Be glad we are not fatties
I like skinny men as well but this one looks kinda soft and have big hips
More mannish but skinny is top tier men
he looks like he has XXY chromosones
>wide hips
>lack of defined muscles
>extremely lanky (so probably tall)
not eating is the reason im manlet
yeah but will you? no. you'll sit there keeping those thoughts in your head and do nothing like the pussy ass coward you are
have all these traits but balding
apparently balding is just as common for them as it is for normal men, assuming they have normal T levels
How old are you and are you straight because you are perfect.
youre not a female go fuck yourself for giving false hope
would anyone take a twink bf if they're 6'2 and have stretch marks all over their body from puberty
I really am and my last boyfriend had a body just like this but was 6'3. You know there actually are girls here, it's not that strange.
how are you 6'2??
I didnt eat at all and im 5'7 ;-;
so over
>but was 6'3
Ah, and there we have it, lads. The final piece of the puzzle.
Same bro. Short as hell
i ate when i was growing and became a twink after
White boy might as well be girl nowadays.
If it's "peak" male physique how come I could definitely overpower him and rape his butt IF I wanted to? Which I wouldn't cause I'm not gay. I'd just punch his lights out and loot his pockets.
i want to date a guy more feminine and skinny than me so i could dress him up like my little doll and do his hair and makeup and then watch him get all flustered OMG!!!!
thats pretty gay anon
but i cant blame u
im clearing my name
its technically not gay because he has a penis...
I would let my gf do that, only in private though.
desu i have fantasized about being a rich girl's doll
but thatll never happen
2 penises is GAY
even thru the lack of meat i can still see the gyno. if this guy gains weight its over for him
thats soo sexy, imagine his tits being perkier than urs. a cute girl, but shes actually a boy!
is this an anorexic tranny or an xxy boy
transition goals for ftm (me)..
Looney troons posted this in /lgbt/
fake "gay UwU boi"
I don't think I'm that kind desu, I just want to have male body lol. Any kind of male body. As long as it is male body.
Just because you were flat chested before transition does not mean you pass. YWNBAM
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There's nothing abnormal about not being fat.
I will hold you down and tenderly rape you
I would rather that you did not do that, actually.
Too bad you cant, eh?
you look like the onceler
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This physique isn't very good.
I know from experience.
Cute. Would
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You are very cute
>attention whores post their bodies
>thread dies because they look like shit
Many such cases!
you're so original this thread stops when you see the face of the person in the picture
you can finally cast eldritch blast
>those shoulders
>those hands
That's clearly a man bro, also no woman has a chest that flat unless she's gotten a titty chop (which leaves visible scars)
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>t. i look like this haha
I'm one of those people and i posted my body in here. Can't say anything for the other two though.
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okay but is anyone apart from fags even attracted to twinks? Like, are there girls who shlick to such slim bodies? (i dont mind if they're brown fembots)
There are. Mostly young women. If you look like picrel you need a very strong combo of manletism, small dick ans fucked up face. This body is great. Alt/art/goth hoes like lanky skinny dudes.
Whats up with your skin? Eczema or is it something different?
I look much worse than that. Picrel looks normal
Only one of those is (somewhat) genetic
Kleinfelters is a fit meme for a reason
>I eat like shit and haven't exercised in my entire life. WHY DON'T I HAVE DEFINED MUSCLES? WHY AM I SKINNY? WHY DO MY HIPS LOOK WIDE?
young white twink is peak male physique, thick brown lady is peak female physique
Depends. Women like a very specific subset of twinks, different from what fags or prison-gay men want.
They want a man who's still clearly male and acts in a masculine (or at least non-feminine) way. They also usually want him to be tall, while as fags prefer shorter twinks.

Even then, twinks are only liked by a small subset of women, supply far exceeds demand.
Can I breed this?
built for mpreg
>They also usually want him to be tall
But that defeats the aesthetic and ruins the proportions. Average height and short twinks are the best because the size is cuter and they're easier to dominate :3
Feminize white boys and turn them into mindless horny sluts
do older men dick you down?
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Something like this is also top tier
>Bulging veins
>Smooth, hairless skin
Simply divine
that is pretty hot build
Bro don't thirst post when you got an accute fungal skin infection wtf are you doing.
Cortisol skin cream, wash clothes at high temp, this ain't normal.
It's psoriasis, which is genetic, not a fungal infection.
Still sucks and I wish there was a cure (steroid creams help, but they never get rid of it entirely), but it's just something I have to live with.
This is the ideal build. OP build is literally only good for getting fucked by other men. THIS is the build that will get you bitches and twinks, whatever you want, providing you have a decent face and aren't a dicklet.
fucks sake, this thread was just about to die, why did you have to bump it?
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Because we love boys!
The question is, why don't people have access to the floor, if you don't have access to the gym you could very easily just do some pushups,. its not really that fucking hard

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