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hello from the psych ward
Hey, why you there, bruv?
average japanese bedroom
don't fuck too many crazy girls in there bro
>cammo pants
its fucking over
I fantasize about getting Baker acted like this but my mask's grip on my face is too tight to ever fly off
Hi anon. I wish I was in the psych ward. I feel as if it's the only way to get better now
manic ep crashed into depression and ill killmyself if i went home (im going home tomorrow Ns im still gonna kms)
there is no one else here but me and some fat schizo boomer dude who left i think. this has not helped my mental health
alcohol is a hell of a thing
There's nothing more embarrassing than getting thrown in the psych ward. You really couldn't hold it together? Are you THAT fucking lame? You might as well just kill yourself at this point. It's over. Your life ended the second you let them pick you up.
Kek, he really believed the therapist when he told him that he wouldn't be sent to the psych ward if he just told the truth. Have fun in the grippy sock jail, try not to bring too much attention to yourself and try not to get raped, a lot of those places have a reputation for that.
hasnt helped me at all besides given me time alone with no distractions to really stew on how fucked i am and do some deep research into suicide
Might as well enjoy it, OP. Go crazy, start shit, so you can get a shot of thorazine.
how did you get in?
Seems comfy. Remind me of army barracks or when served on a ship.
How is your routine?
Wow anon. Why'd you get sent in there for? Don't take things too hard on yourself
went camping with ny friends, got rejected by some cunt i was flirting with all night, turned to heavy drinking to cope with the sheer blow to my ego, made a big scene, cops were called yadayada
Don't do it anon. Just try to find some reason to keep going another day, and then when it's the next day just do that again. Every time you have the thought just list off every single thing that you would still enjoy doing and try to find one thing that you still want to do, even if it's something small that seems kind of silly. Even if it's something like seeing a sunrise or looking at the stars or seeing a funny post on 4chan, just remember that this is your last chance to have those experiences ever, so what's one more day to have a couple more nice experiences before you go? Good luck anon.

Also I hear the socks are really comfy, is it true?
shooting fish (mental ill dude) in a barrel (psych ward)
Do you have a room to yourself?
yea nah i have no reason to keep going
the socks are pretty comfy tho
OP are you the guy who makes the daily post about killing mental health doctors, or is that another robot in the psych ward
so it's just soft jail now?
before you would have to innovate not making sense
i got out like 2 weeks ago
ye like i said, im the only person here besides the nurses
thats not me sry
i just stay in bed all day rly
they feed me twice a day and give me valium and shit so i dont freak the fuck out like i did the first night here
What happens in the psych ward anon?. do they drug you up?
Do you have a pen and paper please please plase
Thry let you have a phone?
Is it bad? You look like you're chilling
Also tell us what happened, elaborately
What did you do the first night?
Lmao I actually lived like this too.
One Christmas they didnt pay us to go home, they said we have to pay out of pocket or we can stay in barracks and they feed us instead.
So I stayed. All day in my room, literally just reading a book, maybe watch tiny bit of YouTube,
They just needed to account for us 6 am and 5 pm.
We could either go back after counting or go on a bus to go eat in the hall, which I did.
That two weeks was awesome.
Wtf are all those things on the wall beside the door, why tf is your psych ward so damn high tech
that doesn't sound crazy
Good to know about the socks since I'll probably end up there at some point.

I'm sure that there's something out there which you want to experience before you kill yourself. Think about it, killing yourself means most likely not experiencing anything ever for the rest of time. Is it not worth an extra day or two of suffering just to see or feel or smell or taste a last couple of things? You don't have to delay by much and it doesn't have to be anything significant, but maybe you want to see a sunset once more before you die? Maybe you want to taste some good food? Maybe a video game you wanted to play, or a movie/anime you wanted to watch? This is your last chance to do literally anything, surely it's worth just sticking around for a little while longer to experience some things you'll never have a chance to again.
i had to wait for like 6 hours at the first hospital i was dropped at before the ambulance came to take me to another one that had a ward in it
when i got here i was really tired from a bunch of shit theyd given me so they qyuestioned me a bit then sent me to bed, i didnt sleep much but was so addled i couldnt do anything
next day they got me up to go talk to a separate dr, she asked me a bunch of questions about what happened and etc then she let me go and i went back to my room, drugs worr off so i flipped it and started kicking and screaming and crying so they gave me more drugs and then i went to sleep
today i wpoke with a 3rd doctor but mostly ive just been in bed on my phone all day determining the best way to die when i get out, they gave me some work sheets to do but i cbf
think ill hang myself
yea i do
kinda just chilling, mask on so i dont get an extended stay to interrupt my exit
they took my boots tho, was gonna use the laces to practice nooses
idk, i dont remember anything after the first bottle and no one will give me specifics
no idea
Is it quiet? Sure seems better than my place with 3 construction sites and heavy traffic around
>No idea
Check it out retard, don't you have any fucking curiosity in you?
besides the PA system blasting all night yea its pretty quiet
its a nurse/emergency assist button
idk why there are 3 of them
so you want to kill yourself because you got blackout drunk and landed in the psych ward one time?
You have actual genuine friends?
You chimped out like a bigger because a girl didn't want to flirt with you?
>redsocks in hospital
i was invited into her tent 1 on 1, sharing a bottle with her and talking face to face cuddling, arm around her, then she got out and walked off and got hwr sister to tell me to go sleep on my own so yeah i was pretty fucking put out
not just some random slut either, a girl i liked
you fucken know it cunt
Staff treating you well?
>Wtf are all those things on the wall beside the door, why tf is your psych ward so damn high tech
Duress/call systems or maybe just temp controls.
the nurses are all very patient and kind
doctors have been kind of so/so, but overall pretty good
Oh ok
Answer the other question
Those your genuine friends or just people you hang out with
Mf rating like he's in a hotel kek
Looks cozy in there. If only it had carpets instead of hard flooring, but I imagine that's harder to clean up and is prone to getting damaged.
i dont even hang out with them
i just see them regularly, and 1 of them is my housemate
his girlfriend is the sister of the girl I was flirting with
If you kys write a suicide note telling these lame asses their part in why you did it.
>the nurses are all very patient and kind
Don't be a shitcunt then.
I see so many teens go through ED wanting attention because they're swallowed pills or wanted to run into traffic and it would do the World a positive if they just succeeded
Why do they let you have a phone in there? They didn't let me have shit when I went. There was only 1 TV for the whole ward with like 10 people sharing it. Literally nothing to do except sleep all day. Most boring time of my life
bit dramatic aint it?
i dunno. theyve given me metal knives to eat with so maybe its a test? i tried it ofc but couldnt do much more than graze my arm with it
Less dramatic than what you did to end up in the ward for sure
>bit dramatic aint it?

I mean, they don't seem like great people or care about you much desu. Maybe its worth telling them as a last fuck you or something.
>im still gonna kms)
How does it feel knowing, natural selection it's taking you out of the gene pool? Curious
i cant cry too much, i wont be the first or the last
a bit disappointed i have to just throw it away instead of dying in a war or something
How old are you, OP? orig
well he was either actually camping or in the theoretically woods
In adult hospitals they do
I went to one as a kid and I had no phone and shit.

Worst experience of my life
right where you deserve to be for wearing the grip parts of your socks on top
>im still gonna kms
I'll drink to you bro and I'll try not to forget you for at least a week.
Do you have to pay for anything? I`m broke and desperate AF to get help.

Should I just pull up there wielding a toy knife while spouting looney tunes kind of shit?
I crashed as well and I'm seriously considering attempting.
Looks comfy. Didnt know they let you use phones too.
how did you sneak your phone in?
Take your paperwork and call a disability lawyer in your to try to eek out a check. Tell them you have documentation of your illness.
Remember that this is not a waste. If you are suicidal just drink instead. Look at game technique or work out. Eat too much.
that is retarded
fuck that whore

you dont need her and fuck the cops too
>Remind me of army barracks or when served on a ship.
Sounds like utter hell.
Shut up nigger, let people have the agency to kill themselves if they want
After hearing OP's story, he doesn't sound too terribly messed up considering he has friends to hike with and is competant enough to flirt with a girl ( most robots wouldn't be able to for the amount of tim'e you did).
As long as OP isn't withholding any relevant information then this sounds more like a freakout /stress break which made people follow an unnecessary protocol to "cover all ground" and be safe. You're fine OP and likely on the younger side. Good luck to you
>internet in your room
Been there, done that. I hope you're not in there for too long, it takes adjusting once you're outside again. I could have easily been a shut in neet dummy for the rest of my life . Played minecraft and dicked around for a year after getting out. Luckily I had the right people around me.
when i was at the psych ward, they had a all-genders toilet
do they have that here too?
jewish psyop
No it was freaking peaceful and awesome
are you retarded? why do you want to kill yourself, if you are very aware, that this just one of your mood swings and not a well-thought out decision. I mean, you literally wouldn't have done it a few days ago, why the fuck would you do it now, knowing that it will change in three weeks or whatever again. bipolar disorder can be treated very well with mood stabilizers. if your mood swings are the only reason you wanna kys, then you might as well get treated in that hospital.
I like your socks, where did you get them?
>boo-hoo for meee...
This is what happens to atheists/disbelievers/wrongdoers.
How long are you staying there from?
Most of the wards in my country don't allow cell phones or computers, hope you realise you have it kind of easy.
Give my greetings to every holy one in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me send you their greetings; all the holy ones send you their greetings, especially those of Caesar's household.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
We are all under your bed OP.
Just kidding I belong in a psych ward at times myself so I know how it is.
Why are you trying to kill yourself? I have an alternative no normie is going to ever recommend you.
Make sure to get some psych ward pussy
I will rip your face off like a pet chimpanzee gone postal one day.
Anon sorry but you weren't up near The Rock with [UtS] gang when this went down, were you? Do I know you?
Wasn't a thing when I was there. The men and women were in separate hallways and they were always watching to make sure no one went to the wrong side.
which state are you in cunt? i tried to voluntarily get into a ward but then again i don't sound like as much of a retard as you
Anon this is very kindhearted of you but, coming from someone who has been admitted and is in a severe episode rn and probably should be inpatient...
This feels equivalent to
>*waves ice cream cone in front of face*
>"Hey, cheer up buddy. Come on, it's your favorite flavor. I just want to see you smile..."
>*camera zooms out*
>*you are tugging at the edges of a corpse's bloated face. bits of teeth crumble, pieces of the lips slough off and the tongue lolls out, now uncontained*
>the ghost of the deceased looks on.
>he knows not to try to lick the ice cream.
>he tried when he'd been quite a few days fresher.
>"Maybe... we could play with the beach ball, then?..." ... ... ...

[it never FINS]
Maybe you could lead by example, you lurching, stuttering cunt infection.
Thats probably good. Buddy of mine was in one that was a complete fuckfest where people who were molested worked trough their traumata by exchanging stds.
I got harassed while in the psych ward it was great
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are these harassers in the room with us anon?

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