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What happened to
>have sex, incel
Then come and get me. You all thirst for manwhore Chads anyway.
No, you only want to be virgin chad's first victim (you will not be the last)
Even religious women prefer to be in Chad's polygamous harem and will find ways to justify it rather then just dating a shy virign.
said no one ever. nice try glowie but we're not joining the military
*Virgin Chad husbands
Women are more judgemental of promiscuous men than men are of promiscuous women. I hope you incels understand that.
Most men can't even slut themselves if they wanted to. Are you retarded?
Fuck off. The last femcel who claimed she was into autistic virgin men broke my heart. She said she would never sperg out at me and yet that's exactly what she did in the end she insulted me for no good reason and blocked me. Apparently my only crime was being "cringe". I hate you femniggers with a passion.
You're always walking on eggshells when you talk to a girl. They have so many options, so many prospects messaging them at the same time, they will just ghost you over some small shit and not think anything of it.
*Autistic Virgin Chad Men
No way in hell have biologically female hands typed this.
Women just speak.
>Men are all the same, they just fuck and go away. Valorize yourself, sisters
>*10 minutes later*
>Go daddy, pound my pussy
They say they hate playboys but playboys always end fucking them
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I'm sorry that I did this yesterday.
no you dont
women find virgin guys gross
my virgin intact 7.5 incher will one day be the reward for the woman who accepts me into her life and has the courage to take my virginity
Sluts find virgin guys gross
Virgin girls want virgin guys
My virgin wife didn't care that I had been around a bit before. Stop himboshaming men!!!!
Sluts don't want virgins because they're "insecure" and don't know how to fuck. Virgin women don't want virgins because they want someone experienced to guide them through their first time
>wants a virgin husband
>waiting in line for non-virgin
oh no sisters... not like this
Trips of truth always delivers
Most virgin girls I know want virgin guys, because they want to get through it together. If you are a virgin dating a guy with higher body count, it feels like you are throwing your innocence to trash instead of a nice experience you do together
I don't think a virgin dating someone with a higher body count is necessarily a bad thing. More important is the attitude towards sex and intimacy from both persons. I accept that you can't always get it right when it comes to dating. I'm just not a fan of how sex is such an important part of dating these days when there should be greater focuses on compatibility.
Umm what is virgin again?And how do you know it.
>More important is the attitude towards sex and intimacy from both persons
If someone only has sex with people that he/she loves then it's impossible to have a high body count.
>High body count = incapable of commitment
People that say "I'm just having fun, when it's time I'll settle down and be a good wife" almost always divorce. Their brain get rewired by having multiple partners, you kinda turn into a "sex nomad".
>Most virgin girls I know want virgin guys,
Yet your personal anecdotal experience doesn't translate to the world as a whole. But good try.
>We want virgin husbands
this couldn't get more untrue.
also reversing gender talking points doesn't really work.
Ah ok, so that's what you meant by higher. In that case, I agree. It shows the lack of desire to actually bond and commit to a person.
>We want virgin husbands
Im going to bite this bait. No you fucking don't. You want experienced men that are desired by other women. You actively shame and harass me who can't get sex. Not only that, but you get the ick from men who choose to pay for sex, despite shouting at the top of your lungs that "SEX WORK IS REAL WORK". It's actually laughable. There is an incredible divide between men and women and it is irreparable. Enjoy getting drafted to die in war like the rest of us.
We actually do, why should i have to settle down for a used dick? i want a new one
Why can't femoids make their own memes? Lack of soul? Copying male memes and inverting them doesn't really work.
>We actually do
Prove it by dating me and if we do hit it off because I don't want hook ups
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you do , do you? this looks like a job for me ; )
They want virgins who are Chad, only Chad can talk about being a virgin and get roasties swarming to be his first time
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>Virgin girls want virgin guys
Nice try but not on my watch, pic related.
It became
>incel have sex
I want to slut myself to my future wife only
That is a man sweaty
trannies found another psyop to play with
hang yourself
Lmao I could draw something better in ms paint in 5 mins. Trannies can't meme.
>Even the most nerdy bad with women guy's I knew had sex by age 22.
Who's going to tell him?
Do it then, stop shitposting and do it
I actually really do want virgins. But I just pretend the opposite really hard, and that actually works too. Because that's more common, no one questions it. Every chance I get I'll go all out ranting at someone about how much of a loser they are for being incel and that they should kill themselves, and I loooooove adding in there that women aren't as big of pedophiles as men and we don't get turned on by the childishness of virgins. This always works. Never once in my entire life has a man ever said "you're lying because I'm what you really want". Not once. I'm not sure if it ever even crossed their minds. I probably would make the best cuckoldress too because I do it so often. What I especially love love love is telling men that they literally have to be Dom. And this works a lot and really well too. Tell them they will never have sex or experience any normie emotions their whole lives unless they behave in a Dom way, and they aren't allowed to be emotional, only women are. The best part is how bad this hurts them too. No man my entire life has ever called me out for lying. I feel no guilt for doing this ever. Because if men didn't want this they could stop it. But they don't want to be cute to women like me, so I help them act manly for the women they really want but just don't know it yet
I have no idea what the hell this post is trying to express.
Cucking virgin betas turns me on
>The best part is how bad this hurts them too.
>I feel no guilt for doing this ever.
You are morally bankrupt. The irony is that by doing this you are reinforcing everything you hate. Women truly are the architects of their own misery.
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kek how typical
women lining up to get plowed by chad while I can't even get a text back
Just bag yourself one and be happy
This is literally how evolution works. This is basic Darwin's survival of the fittest. I would be morally bankrupt if I didn't do it, because I would be letting weak genes survive. It would be hurting the human species' longevity. I'm a saint
If I did that I would be as unhappy as a man because I'd get bored of the virgin after he started speaking up for himself or knowing what he wanted, and I'd have to impregnate him, so he'd too be preoccupied raising my offspring to notice me cheating on him with new virgin boys
I will never let someone shame for being a virgin, they can't because it's genuinely anybody's loss who rejects me for it when I decide I want to lose it. That fact I'm a virgin doesn't make my big penis disappear, my face any less cute, or my body any uglier, I just lack sexual experience, but that can literally be changed in less than 5 minutes, and they'd be passing up something memorable just because they can't put up with that 5 minutes of ice breaking before I can really let myself loose and show off. If anything, I'm the one who should feel sorry for them for being so small minded that it forces them make such a poor decision as not take prime meat fresh on the market before I get taken by someone else or end up as used as anybody else. Maybe that's cope, maybe that's the truth, either way, I'm going to believe it and not let grifters and overgrown bullies break me down more than I've already done to myself the past 10 years.
>because they want to get through it together.
You are talking about teenagers. Adult women arent virgins and dont want virgins.
You're coping because you can't lose it. You're just so young you falsely believe everyone will eventually
It's not hard to buy a hooker retard
They forgot the "with me" part
>have sex with me, incel
>Virgin girls want virgin guys
There are no virgin girls over the age of 14
this is the weirdest fucking psyop
They probably think that shaming men about being virgins incites rape or some shit.
I am a virgin man. I have never held hands with a girl. I don't look ugly, I just have issues being around people.
I am open to meeting girls who are virgins and also never held hands with a boy.
i am a virgin husband bc you circumsized me, i can't start until i am uncirc sorry -
>We want virgin husbands
That aren't me, you mean
I know it's retarded but I've seen that you posted this pic often and I don't like the perspective of the collage so I made this.
>Most virgin girls I know
You have zero proof they are virgins. As a guy who is invisible to women, I have been present when they ignore me and talk among themselves. There are no virgins after college.
I like this updated meme.
It's just their notion of humor
why's he fucking princess bubblegum?
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Ahaha now that you mention it I see it
Thank you, I believe the strong vanishing point is the reason the Flower cuck meme is so used.
I love these alternste reality memes. You literally can't reverse the genders to refute the anti-woman incel arguments.

Virgin men are preetty easy to find. It's just that women don't want them (which in turns also shows the lack of value and morals most women have).
Incels would love it if the standart was reversed and if women actually wanted virgins( before whoring around. )

I also don't thinkna single person on this thread was born with a vagina
That entire rant was about how you want it to be special and that's why you're waiting. But I'll see you when you are done looking for someone to love you and it will be 100
When will retards understand that men and women are different??
A woman stays a virgin because she knows its important to consolidate a formal relationship (marriage)
A man NOWADAYS stays a virgin not out of purity, thinking in his future wife, but because hes a degenerate that cant get a relationship OR WORSE he cant get a slut to bed him
Wrong. Continue lying to yourself. I'm sure you'll be happy one day if you just lie yourself enough.
They shouldn't agree to the relationship before getting sex from the woman. Asexual rape victim women get into relationships like that with men all the time because they know they will still agree to it without the high standards of asking for sex in exchange. But there's no point being a virgin if sex doesn't secure a man. So testing sexual compatibility first makes more sense
You'd be surprised. I've met a woman who also posted the "I want virgin man, ughhh". Mind you, this was the day after she got pumped and dumped by her Chad slutty boyfirend who cheated on her. And the next day she was right back on the cock carousel sucking another slutty Chad's greasy dick
>Women find virgin guys gross

Demons hate anything that resembles goodness.

>Virgin girls like virgin guys
And unicorns like to eat rainbows. No woman, out of her own volition, and without social or religious pressure, without fearing hell; actually makes the rational moral desition of staying a virgin until marriage to a good man. No matter how long it takes(like marrying at 29, but a virgin)
Decent person with half a brain could actually teach their virgin partner how to fuck in order to get great loyal sex from them.

Women don't even want to think about sex or do anything, they want everything magically done to them. It's a mix of low accountability and repression. And sexual repression of the worst kind, it doesn't stop them from having sex, it just stops tjem from having sex in a smart way. Which is why repressed women who get offended at curse words end up railed by 17 dicks from different criminals before they turn 20.
>testing sexual compatibility
Coomer retards like you should be beheaded
Sorry. I'm a submissive and you know you will fail the test. You will have to settle for a woman who doesn't know how to cum. But don't worry, a female having an orgasm isn't necessary for her to get pregnant. Goodbye
>the test
See, coomers only see sex as a transitional thing
The only women that like virgins are the degenerate ones that like to take their "purity". The other day I got hit on Leddit and I checked her profile and she had several stories of how she popped the cherry of young men
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The tale unfolds
It is. Because I wouldn't be in a relationship unless I got sex. I get what I need out of friendships otherwise
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What women want should never be a factor in what they actually get.
Audible kek.
>says good bye but keeps responding.
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I remember, I think a CGPgrey video, that talked about game theory and how people end up doing the worst stuff.

People in airports, for example, become monkeys when grabbing their suitcases from the baggage carousel. Instead of makign a space and calmly and orderly grabbing it. The thing is, if one behaves orderly but everyone else is acting like a monkey, one loses.
It's a race to the bottom. Waiting for sex makes you the loser who waited and spent money and time ro have sex with Sally with 8 dick on her past. And Sally only got 8 dicks on her past because men said they only wanted to dat her after fucking her. And they wanted to fuck firsr, date later becaude they didn't want to be the loser cuck who put effort into fucking the slut...and so on and so forth.

The solution? Punish people who have sex with people they 100% shouldn't have sex with. Jail for women who have sex with known criiminals, jail for adulterers and their lovers. Socially shame people who have sex with partners they 1000%% know are shitty. Shame people who practice modern dating practices: casual sex being the norm until one of your cucked partners becomes "official" and only then you become monogamous. People who do that shit should be spat on; and that's literally 99% of modern women and 60% of men. Bring back slut shaming.

I take it back. Sally could, if she wanted to, end up with a relationship with a guy without fucking him the first date. She just would neef to build trust, not date anyone else. She woulf need to be the one to put in effort and money into dates. She would need to be an actual virgin before doing it too; she would need to show the guy she can be trusted. For a woman to show she's marriage material takes effort, but it can be done. No woman will ever do it, though
It's a real woman. You can tell because there is no actual logic and its erratic and based on feelings
I wouldn't mind being the live in sex pet of a rich guy as long as he gave me money for hot prostitutes for myself too
Translation: you wouldn't mind betabuxxing and cucking some loser.

Women really have nothing to offer.
80% of females go for 20% chads and then wonder why the chads aren't virgins

Also females should just stop being so conservative anyway. Virginity is a dumb social construct. Also y'all should put out and be slutty for incels. Fuck your bullshit trad standards
You don't see too many drawfags around here. Not bad OC
I will use this in my shitposts from now on, thank you for your contribution
you femoids play too many fucking games to take seriously and you don't understand men at all. that's why guys just fuck you around first to avoid your bs
What the fuck are you talking about. Abandoning conservatism is what causes the problem in the first place. Only when sluts are common and accepted you see 80% of women flocking to 20% of men.

And identifying virginity isn't le social construct, it's based on psychological and epidemiological realities of sexuality and disease.

Wanting women to be sluts and expectig them to fuck incel losers is a lie and a psyop. It's a lie created by Chad so women will be easier to fuck, and also created by bitter roasties who don't want to be shamed for their shameful past actions.
lmao the guy looks like eric barone
This thread made me realise that I fucking hate men
Theyre literally slaves to their basic instincts
I would rather die a virgin
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Yes, I agree
Now hopefully women will do the same
No hymen no diamond
Every time i see this post i contemplate just buying a hooker to get it over with as soon as possible, stop spamposting you used up roastie no one fucking cares.
Hey idiot learn to green text
Youre not a virgin, and you already hated men for other reasons. Stop kidding yourself.
this just shows retarded religious women with no prospective rating themselves as happy and goood
Your words cant change reality whore
Not a single man in this thread has felt the touch of a woman. The only whore in here is you
Lol im a virgin, craziest think ive done is play a strip game with a girl in a video call before when i was blackout drunk. So...
I was once in bed with a girl and was able to hold hands, kiss etc. all naturally but I didn't go further (I didn't find her sexually attractive)

I feel like sex would come naturally as well even without experience you'd just maybe cum instantly so I'm not too worried
Don't care
I don't want a woman that's already given herself in the most intimate and vulnerable ways to other men, I want our love to be special and just between us.
No hymen no diamond
Do not get married gentlemen

Just say you will to get sex and then dump her.
A rational response to the state of things, but I don't wanna make more whores and I wanna give myself to my virgin wife
What a weird psyop. Women have made fun of virgin men since forever.
its actually a level of psyop even deeper than that. god is drawing the memes, and even slowly changing them over time. he does this type of thing to the artwork in this reality, likely because of the way our attention spans work. hes not only drawing memes that seek to sexually gaslight and humiliate. but, thats one of the things hes doing. you could probably contact the person who drew the picture in the OP, and they could already tell you their name.
Then give me a white virgin midwestern gf thatll take a white man in his late 20s
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I wish women actually cared about male virginity instead of just saying this as a way to cope with having a high body count.
i was a virgin until my looksmatch crush rejected me for a literal criminal. so i became a lying, conniving chadlite to manipulate stupid women like you into thinking i liked them just to pump and dump.
women made me who i am, blame them.
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obvious self bump -_-
>obvious self bump -_-
Did a single thought cross through your faggot brain before you wrote that in the 44 seconds that you had to send this retarded opinion?
The OP claims that it wants men on here to stop having sex while I claim that all women lie about their body counts and virginity as I have came into contact with a few of these 4chan using women before
They aren't femcels because no such thing exists, these whores just want premium dick and don't settle for less
I have never seen more vile creatures in my entire life, these self described humans lack all the attributes of humanity, walk this Earth as if they emerged straight from the gates to hell
Mentally ill to the max, any self respecting anon wouldn't even rape any of these demonic entities but the most ironic part is some of them want to be raped
outliers exist, but i still agree with you anon, for the most part
there must be some women out there who actually care about that, but usually not, in my experience
to a lot of them, being experienced is a good thing, but i hope i get with one of these outliers who actually give a fuck
I've slept with hundreds of guys and virgins are still the best. That's why I'm so abusive towards them. If I can't have them, no one can. So I'm going to convince them that women who are attracted to that type of thing don't exist. And the absolute easiest way is with children too. Threatening them with never having a family is far worse than never having sex
And that's really easy to do because they never want to have casual sex, they always want it to be romantic and special, so just by telling them that since they fail to perform when a woman requests sexual things, that isn't normal and they are a danger to kids. It's mostly true too. Real men can fuck hot women. They don't have to have their mommy hold their hand like a baby. And if they expect women to cater to their needs and treat them like children instead of adult men, they are pedos and deserve lifelong inceldom that they likely could never escape from anyway
>Never once in my entire life has a man ever said "you're lying because I'm what you really want". Not once.
That's probably because you're not worth that
It's because men are Dom and women are submissive. It's even in the human genome. Women have had a 17 to 1 reproductive success. That's literally the definition of Chad only. Loving Chad is in human DNA. That's just biology: https://psmag.com/environment/17-to-1-reproductive-success
>tfw theres 2 missing from the pic rel
Sorry femanon, I escortmaxxed once and gave my v-card to a girl with tits 5 times bigger than yours.
That wasn't a serious thought, more like "what about". It's like someone who's really into cars and one day their car broke down and they had a massive bill to get it fixed and as they paid they thought "imagine if I could just ride a bicycle around" and maybe they could but they're never actually gonna do it, because that's not what they're passionate about. It's just escapism so you don't have to think about the cost of your actions.
luckily we are in the post-scarcity era so this shouldn't apply anymore... right?
Oh wait..
this is exactly the type of woman that I refer to in this >>77946514
I don't care about your pseudoscience, I was just saying (You) aren't worth discussing with.
>I've slept with hundreds of guys
stopped reading there
if you think guys with experience are your thing, go for them, i don't care
if you prefer virgins though, i hope you get some who don't think a high body count is a problem
otherwise, if you think it's wrong to like high body count for some reason, maybe try sticking a knife in your neck and try better next life
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I cum so often to the thought of little white boys killing themselves over the fact that women don't want to fuck kids or micro dicks and we actually like big strong real men who can fuck right and aren't pathetic beta bitch coward pussies. If you want kids so bad why don't you change your infant screaming baby's diapers for eternity while listening to me getting fucked by actual real men with big BBCs. You virgin cuck white micro dick beta losers belong at the kiddy table
That's real science. Google it lol. Sorry you are unfamiliar with the structure of DNA. But evolution proves you are a failure and shouldn't exist. Your dick isn't long enough to get a woman pregnant. You're just a freak of nature midget
Cope because you will never have kids with ED. Women know your lack of an erection means you don't like women who know what they want and how to ask for it

>Go daddy, pound my pussy

jarring. Get parental controls, then lay off porn and this site.
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You guys are unsafe to be around kids because you can't perform, and women know it. Women know there's something wrong when you can't get hard when she tells you directly what she wants and likes. They know why
Sorry but no, I don't think I will.
I know you won't breed. You can't without convincing a woman you should be able to. And women have so many right now that we understand what it means when a guys dick goes soft when he realizes we know and can verbally explain what we enjoy and what makes us cum. Women know that means men don't enjoy women who what they want. So sorry, you no longer get access to the bodies of children who don't know what they want anymore :)
Having pictures like this is the reason you cant get a text back. I swear being a degenerate releases certain pheromones that people can sense right off the bat
I'm not reading all that but I recommend lots of therapy
Ok. Have fun never cumming to anyone else again, love
Who *know what they want

Men know when women just even know what they like and get turned off from it. Women don't even have to say it. Men can still tell by the way we act. We don't like little boys like how they like little girls. We like real men. I cum so fucking hard to the thought of insecure men killing themselves over this. Cleans up the gene pool. That's why they call me the garbage man
If men accepted nice women's love I wouldn't do this. But virgin men desire to be hated. They are too insecure to accept love. They want to be treated like shit and driven to suicide. And me being a heroic wholesome type of person, I'm happy to oblige them in their request for wanting to accelerate their demise. Because if they can't like what I do, I'll just lie until it kills them. I've done it more than once before now. So I can clearly keep going and continue to be rewarded for it too
Women simply don't like or cum to crying little babies. We want real man who can make us feel like the protected babies. You know exactly what to do if you can't perform and keep your disgusting, clingy, needy, child like, fragile emotions in check. No one wants you here loser
Come and take it
the most coherent and well spoken woman
Women can't even decide where to go eat. You guys don't know anything and dream of being a man and having le freedom
I'm almost being like that. I'm pretty confident in my looks and body so I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. Women are cruel so be cruel back and just pump and dump and treat them like disposable toys
This is a really shitty psyop most likely thought up by some interns at a three letter agency. This meme fails because it simply is not true, incel memes are based on common experiences for ugly or undesirable men. It just doesn't work when you switch the genders out.

Women don't want virgins, and if they do, they want attractive virgins. The ones from there shitty romance novels where the guy is super shy and nervous but also somehow knows everything about women's anatomy and is a god in bed for some reason. They don't want Kevin who's a but bookish and awkward and plain looking.

Men want virgins because they feel a primal disgust towards high bodycounts, this is most likely a defense mechanism against STD's and being lied to and raising a child that isn't your own. For most of human history resources have been hard to get, and wasting them on an offspring that isn't yours is catastrophic.
Women are even worse than men with the "I want a virgin sex god".
>We want virgin husbands
Fuck you. I'll take the 19 virgins and stay halal.
Also, this is obvious bait.

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