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Class 466 edition
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I hope we get an uploaf in the morning
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It's too hot tonight. Probably won't sleep
I hope you get a life in the morning
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They knocked his confidence. I knew it'd happen sooner or later, they accuse him of being a wrong'un and stinking all the time. He get bad moodlet. Luckily he still having great New Years at Varg's Pub.
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I hope you get a sprog in the morning
i opened the window and a bastard moth got in and it went in my laundry pile it's fucking eating all my clothes RIGHT NOW.

stomped on them a bit so hopefully the fucker got squished but they're crafty little cunts. little baby one too i bet it's full size by tomorrow from all the eating. and it goes in my mouth while i'm asleep.
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He still not feeling well. Varg's Tavern let him sleep on sofa he so bad. It drain his energy levels all the time, his date go home because he not felling well which is understandable and they still have great date but he got party to go to in an hour and he still feeling like shit. He bring alcohol to next party so once he there he drink himself better.
do you not have nets for your windows?
no because im not a nonce?
it not right. sims are cruel creatures
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It Hotdog party it Hotdog party. All sims come to this party. He never see so many sims in one house. He exposing them all to the fishy shitty stink, some are not amused.
enjoy your bastard moths then lid
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Careful, that's a man
i think she can smell it
She TMAUist. It not right
no. i live in England.
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She can smell it, they all can smell it. His smell so bad it gives negative moodlets to other sims.
He go home empty handed with no fit bird despite going to Sim New Years party. He go sleep and hope new year bring better things.
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Alcohol destroyed his guts he's puking it all up down his dirty toilet. He not well.
At least he got his Skoda Wamiq
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wasted all that time watching the england match and now i'm too sleepy to play elden ring
Enjoying Bloodborne, lads. Feels very comfy like the other Souls games. I was wandering around for two hours and got to the cleric beast wondering why the fuck can't I level yet. Anyway, I very nearly beat the cunt but died when it had a pip of health left. NOW I CAN LEVEL? Lost me 5000 odd souls. CLASSIC. Going to go back and kill that cunt hiding down an alley with a big sword.
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It's literally called a Wornado.
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That's a good effort making it that far without dying anyway
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It's not right what that cobbler did to anon. He could have cost him his job, he could have ruined his life.
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found bloodborne so much harder than dark souls cos i never used to parry in those games. love the world design though, that alone was motivation enough to push through. still absolutely never going to beat sekiro though.
Fuck I need to replay ds1 or 3 again
Good post have fun
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These things more bullshit than most bosses to me
Fufging saved
Never parried in Dark Souls either. I'm a little confused as to the point of the gun. Should I even be using it if I'm focusing on strength? Do the silver bullets do anything? I'm basically just dodging and then unga bunga.
Looks like the giant deer parts from Elden Ring kind of.
Gun is just for parrying really
If U time a shot right during enemy attack animation it parries them
The timing is a bit easier than DS
Its not exactly essential but v useful, worth trying
Silver bullet just the default ammo iirc
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And L1 changes attack type
If you didnt notice already
Yeah I noticed that, I read all the little tutorials in the dream world. Not sure whether to two hand my axe or practise parrying with the gun. I usually go all in on strength in these games.
SSM uploaded a morning video of him puking his guts up like 2 years. Was rancid listening to those chunks land into the toilet.
What's Mark been up to so far this week then?
Getting pissed, going to cex and gambling on the geegees. Same thing as every week
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Personally? You can do fine without it but worth trying at some point
The axe is a good choice I had fun with that and im shit with pure str
She fucking did it again..

>Me sat on sofa with my laptop playing CK3
>Wife comes downstairs an hour after putting sprog to bed (she fell asleep)
>Says 'I want to watch something with you'
>I reluctantly turn off the laptop and we start watching House of Dragon together (I hate it but it was her choice)
>3 minutes in she falls asleep on my shoulder

I always get infuriated against shield lads when doing dexterity builds in these games. Blood build in Elden Ring can be amazing though. Dual wielded blood daggers or katanas phwoar.
Ranni is best Souls waifu and it's as simple as that. I would die for her. I would turn into a doll for her.
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Few games of Wortnite then it's beddingtons for me. Got to be up early for me waircut appointment.
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You know what to do king
Still waiting for the SSM iphone 15 set up video
It's probably at CeX already
Having quite a hearty chuckle at this picture. How does someone who violently assaults people with a Nintendo Switch get married? I wonder if he made Mario jumping noises while he did it.
Those stuck up Nintendo princesses get on my nerves as well ngl
One week from now I'll be balls deep in a Parisian hooker
It's obviously a joke.
Nah he's keeping it. He'd rather sell his arse and shit through his ribs

The cope in RiffRatts comments is funny though. One of them called it "mid-range" when it's literally one step below the newest Pro version.
I know lad but I'm just going along with it. The thought of a soiboi Nintendo fanboy wife abuser tickles my funnybone.
*informs the wapus that Shifty Shellshock has died*
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Get to bed soon wagies! chop chop!
You would've thought neets have time to cook nice food
Whenever that Butterfly song came on back in the day I wanted to punch TV.
Maybe one day I'll post my neet meals and we can stop with these ghastly comparisons. My food is absolutely banging.
very strong memories of liking this song when it used to come on metro radio on the way home from school, didn't know it was him until today
Might go to bed. Another long day tomorrow of calling random posters a nonce and/or sprogless wagie. These posts don't type themselves you know!
The wapu hath womfily gotten up inna middul of this finearse night
Compared some free samples from Kindle to the pirated ebooks I have aquired and the kindle books are 10x better formatted.
Never had a problem with epubs myself. They convert fine wiht calibre.
in the era of AI maybe they do
Yeah I know I'm just saying any of the ones I've found online have shit formatting, Anna's Archive has like 50 odd versions of a book, hard to tell which is the best.
I shall be doing NNJuly.
just came back from seeing green day
it lush
Back on the NN grind. Get in
why? the single time you've allegedly stuck with it you gained literally nothing from it by your own admission. is it just a fetish thing?
First Laura's ASMR upload in 3 weeks. I bet Ruthmong has spaffed to it already.
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It's a hard life but someone has to fucking do it.


There many wenefits to semen retention.
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Rung the red telephone and got an immediate and positive response
Fackin dashcam's strap broke earlier inna heat as well, got dang rubber really can't stand direct sun exposure for even a short amount of time apparently

Luckily thoughbeit i've got anuddah strap sitting right here and shall be affixing the device to it thru the usage of maximum strength mounting tape
>There many wenefits to semen retention.
But you didn't feel any of them, you said that yourself lad. You just fetishposted all month and gained nowt.
Anyone know specifically what they actually censored in the reprints of the James Bond books?
How much money would someone have to pay you to suck a willy? Or would you completely never do it regardless of money?
I'd do it for free if it was an attractive enough tranny or femboy. They're hard to find, however.
fetishposting is it's own reward
>There many wenefits to semen retention.

Any of them help you not be a dosser?
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I go beddingtons now. My eyes feel heavy and body yearns for slumber.
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>Wouldn't wake up this morning, believe me
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I'm a loser simp for Goddess Mckenna x

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Time for some ASMRingtons then sleeps for me.
>I'm a loser simp for Goddess Mckenna x
>Mckenna Grace (born June 25, 2006)
bit weird innit
Chavs outside have smashed a load of glass bottles across the road and cars are now driving across them. Can hear the scrotes in the distance shouting and smashing something else up now as well. Worst thing is that I know (and they know) that they won't be punished either.
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Joggin me noggin aren't i
Going to lay really still until I get the sleep paralysis shakes.
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England were playing earlier so quite a lot of people will have been on the wissingtons all day. I didn't drink today as I was rough af off the night before. Life's better when you're not wungover.
No femboys or trannies. What about a regular bloke?
I've started rewatching the David Tennant Doctor Who.

Don't mind if I do.

That's... Not how that works
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Few things are as womfy in life as procuring a snack during an allnighter

The little things in life should be appreciated, cherished and looked forward to, for most of life consists of nothing but comical amounts of hardship and pain (if you're not Chad or a wyhmyn)
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She finished her university course and going backpacking. What have you even achieved in your life? Another summer melting in the childhood boxroom?
You had a wank to her new video yet Ruthmong?
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I'd rather be homeless now than work in a deadend, low paid job all my life.
No I don't do that. She's better than all of us.
She's not better than me mate.
Hate Ruthmong. Literally the only reason he comes here is to lash out at us because it's the only social interaction he has, and he uses it to try and make us feel as horrible as him. Genuinely nasty ghoul of a man.
Yeah she is. Life is going well for her.

Your life is posting on here all night. That's sad.
>you're ruthmomg
>you're pretending to be ruthmong
>you're defending ruthmong
genuinely don't know which one is more grim
I really wish my brain worked out a career plan. I gave up a long time ago. Combination of that, no friends, no sex, no holidays just made me throw the towel in and LDAR.
forgot no shoes
corr fink imma garn hairfta put me caledonian purple heather 'pu on the qmee surverys again. little brat asking for an extra wustlers at dindins

if he want one he can pay for it himself
>dua lipa
>some rando black woman who isnt famous

worst glasto headliners ever
I had shoes then obviously. I just think the world doesn't work for everyone... especially men that aren't attractive.
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Dating in 2024 is pretty grim I must admit.
Same honestly. This is obviously a space for incels etc. but he's something different, he's a genuinely horrible cunt who only wants to spread negativity and bring the lads down, not to mention the fact that he's getting more and more aggressive towards his ASMR slags. The audit shite can fuck off as well, needs its own thread.
Shall now fart, shall i not
Get to bed you unemployed, pussyfree manchild.
he's no worse than all the normalfags on here who do the same thing
actually i just woke up, now getting ready for work
>"The carnage in the caucasus caught on camera"

Why are these journos like this
So you watch their videos and then complain about it here
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Youtube rain sounds failed me tonight
Wish i had a car bt I'm too anxious
i have one AMA
future belongs to no one de lads

Even ebin has a car
Gf didn't come home again last night
Ugh im so tired de lads
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>phoned in sick again
>feel better than yesterday but still not great
>prefer to rest more than push it at work
>pretty sure I have covid
I am making tea and chicken soup.
Too right lad. Keep it womfy for another day.
Sprogberg is sick
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56p left in the bank and it's lush

His GoPro days are over.
He off to CEX for cash injection oh and its lush.
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No more money for kebabs and beer? It's self harming time.
Halfway through the week, halfway through another year. And another day of making the same posts and reading the same posts that are made everyday. Corr get in de kings.
and you're still here to read it all king
He's got arthritis. He needs support for his mobility so he can move around and leave his home.

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I made this account literally two days ago. Lmao, coomers man, you gotta love em.
Hope you're doing it for data mining purposes my leeed
got a 15 hour shift tomorrow lads. Wish i was unemployed
How hard would it be to trick coomers into paying for an AI generated OnlyFans?
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Feeling a bit unwell am I not
Stupid stupid
Just gonna go out and do the thing
probably against TOS
got a 16 hour shift posting drivel on britfeel tomorrow
*laughs in KYC*
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i cant google the health benefits and possible drawbacks of certain foods without seeing "may cause cancer" and "may cause heart disease" these days
it wasnt like this pre covid
i need to use yandex more often but so much porn gets thrown in the results sometimes s m h
Go on lad, what's your twitter?
Phwaor those fackin baked stick things knocked me out real good earlier

No idea what was in them but the system wasn't too fond of it. Probably the [redacted] ingredient
Soon even the checkers won't be able to tell the difference
>Ohh lovely bit of sun this morning
>Best open the doors and windows for a bit to let in some fresh air before it gets too hot
>Open doors for a few minutes
>Three flies buzzing around my head

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Childhood is simping for Alizee de lad
Adulthood is seasidemarkmaxxing
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DVDlad here with a MASSIVE update. This is the motherload. The holy grail.
>got an Oximeter at home
>checked my oxygen levels
>97 and 2.2% PI
>feel a bit better
>covid is kill
We can fight it without any of the new vaccines. If you are worried when you get it, just get an oximeter from Amazon.
If you have no fever and your oxygen is good, you are winning.
Nobody gives a damn at the company but we also have tons of people over 55 there. I don't want to give anyone covid and kill them.
sex with britfeelers
They're checking ID you mong
They don't cross reference it with anything, they just verify it looks real. You will be able to generate a realistic enough ake ID soon if not now
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It SeasideSIM time. I'm a little bit early today but will promise to keep you updated for at least an hour on the SeasideSIM adventure.
It brand new year and it a fresh new start. He starting afresh this year and he going gamble free he spend too much money on lotto and get like fifty simoleons back he being robbed, he being cheated.
It brisk and unexpectedly snowy season this winter in Dorset. He hope it warmer. He not sure what he going to do today.
He can't wait for Spring to come so he can design his very own mini-pub garden on his property.
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Massive update on massive man's massive hoard
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Oi! In my train station am ya?! >:O
Great picture. Represents my DVD life quite well.
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Work placement coming up
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He spending first new day of new year drinking. SeasideSIM got 5k in his sky rocket but not sure what to spend it on; he really hoping to make his pub garden come true but he got to wait for spring. He dependent on SeasideARMY donations to keep him afloat or anything Benji 02 can dig up and sell.
All in all, Year 3 of SeasideSIM starting off sulphite free. He got that Plum Cider. (and it's lush)
This is me with books. I barely even read, just like having them.
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Benji 02 stop SeasideSIM drinking for cuddle. He never done this before and they closer than ever.
He's been on Google and self diagnosed himself with having arthritis and now is wheelchair-bound after having his foot amputated

already been posted you sad mong
He might get a PS5 in October/November de lad
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He's patrolling the thread for reposts and calling other people sad
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Well he can't work with arthritis can he?
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Seaside in agony walking his Benji 02. He got arthritis in his left ankle. He over fifty now it all downhill. He take Benji 02 to park then off for a trekkie brekkie. He got arthritis, he got arthritis.
His dancing days are over. Seaside become old man in 2 SIM years.
Didn't know they still did that

No worries, Labour will sort that out. It's all on for free
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Did DVDlad buy another DVD? Corr
what are your hobbies other than seething
in his spare time he likes to hang around schools and watch the children play
They can't send you to prison if they don't know who you are
sounds very wholesome desu
He likes seeing the naivety and potential of the future wardens of the world first hand
PS5 pro too. Thank you wagies!
leave lollers alone de lad he's alright because he doesn't touch them
>he doesn't touch them
he said so himself on his trip
DayZ and shit music
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He get invited to party but he ended up being late as he had to wash his arse in the sink after the shower which delayed his arrival. He have piss then get stuck in with the rest of the new years day party.
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He start making his famous Seaside Supper for the party. His famous 'Cooked a Little Bit Longer" and "4x the garlic" techniques have taken social media by storm. He level 10 Social Media Mogul now.
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And the SeasideSUPPER is 10/10 and super lush. All the sims some for a bowl of the authentic slightly fishy taste (He only cook on fishy days)
It not right. He need place in Wornwall with big sink to wash his arse after the shower.
He's said more than once that he only thinks about them. Not even sure he looks at them tbf
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Poor lid just went mental at having to sit next to a foreigner. He blow fire right into his face. It not right.
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they spike his fucking food with weapons grade chilli, they try kill him. He furious. He not going back to this place ever again.
you believe the words of a nonce?
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Best picture you've posted so far lmfao
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>wagie rings other wagie
>pointless small talk, shit "banter" every 3rd sentence is a shit joke at the end fake laugh every few seconds
>cant just simply ring and say what info they want to share then hang up
>neet shut in dvd hoarder excited about watching a shitty western show from the 60s
footmong seething as usual. Go outside
Roight den

The other tapeshire was busted/expired already so i had to use the other one, quite the jerryrigged contraption but it gets the job done until the other thang arrives from chinkistan in about three fiddy
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Literally this meme. Sad!
alri Crosslid. I agree with you on this one. I'm a WFH wagie and I always shut down these pleasantries immediately because I just can't be arsed chatting to people I've never met IRL.

>Heyyy Anon you alright mate? Long time no speak!
>Yea good cheers, how can I help you.

Get the conversation over with ASAP so I can go back to watching Youtubes and playing CSS.
CSS not dead? I sometimes play on the KSF surf servers
>he hoards 100s of useless DVDs
>wonders why he's a loser virgin
absolute state
Oh it's dead but I play on a server full of bots and probably about 30-40 active players. Mostly 8-10 real players online. I tend to play it in 10 minute chunks during the day but you have no-lifers on there who rack up 1000s of kills in a day. Literally there all day.
Oh and meant to add I used to love surf servers although I was never that great at them. Really satisfying to hit the ramps perfectly and fly around.
Stinky farty froggingtons
>he cries on britfeel literally all day every day
>wonders why he's a loser virgin no one likes irl
absolute state
>loser dvd hoarder wanking to rape revenge films
absolute state of him
It's quite difficult yeah.Takes a bit of time to start getting ok at, then a ton more time to start even getting "good". There's like 600 maps or something daft now so there's always something for all levels though.
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Any tips on how to reduce the flatulence in my Stinky Farty Froggington Apu? They're one of the new generation of breeds. Poor lid smells like rotten cabbages and he will not stop consuming brassicas and Jerusalem artichokes. He stinking the house out in 10 seconds flat we just need your help.
l o l
lusting for BBC
Have to say I don't like any of the regular posters here anymore.
lusting for DVD
In my spare time I like to rant at anonymous people online
lusting for legless gesture
>not wanking to rape scenes in films
lusting for big lebolski
lusting for SimsideMark
lusting for bacon buppies
sick of all these overnight recipes for breakfast
leave your cold brew coffee to steep overnight
overnight oats? right there in the name.

well it's the morning and i want them NOW.
lusting for trekkie brekkie
Imagine driving wherever you normally go nd some chav text driving rams into you, you fly through windshield, onto the road, impaled arse first through a traffic cone, warm blood in your mouth but the thing is the car is still there catching fire next to you, spreads to the engine, roasting you like a chicken on a skewer, a crowd of zoomers gathered gawking nd filming for tiktok, fortnite dances, you get reposted as a s0ijak, some ppl on twitter think you were doing a palestine thing LOL but theres a different current thing by then so no1 really care. Why do you drive knowing this could happen at any moment? The power of what drivers call being on autopilot aka dissociation
You need a slap, mate. Absolutely pathetic. Grow up.
my imagination about being anxious (independent of this thread, just got here) was this:

imagine if you had anxiety but were an actor, and you were cast in a role/scene where the script/director said "OK anon, for this part you need to be really nervous."
all you'd have to do is turn your acting skill off. any practice or rehearsal you'd just do the opposite, revert to your default self, and probably win an award. mental.
what's a gremlin?
swear it used to be a brand of hoovers or summat.
you are never doing that
>hey babe want to come over to my gaff and rawhide and chill?
*stares like clint eastwood*
dvd mong
Interesting morning adventure.
Almost got flattened by a lorry that decided to cut two lines without looking if there were any cars there. There was a car there. It was me.
Then at the gym some lass decided to do bent over rows right in front of me so her tits were directly in my eye line.
lusting for dvd mong
dvd incel
>you own an obscure western only pensioners care about on dvd? sure I'll blow you!
lusting for dvd incel
lusting for wilkins cider
incel dvd
>dvd? get your dick in me
vhs incel
dvd person
lusting for vhs
dvd collector incel
>you own i spit on your grave on dvd? rape me dvd chad, rape me!
Not an argument de lad
I'm not sure why my DVD updates have riled you lads up so much. Just a bit of fun.
lusting for blu ray
lusting for hd dvd
I think they are just having a bit of fun too lad
The DVD diddler has struck again. When will this menace be shown the hard length of the law?
lusting for dvd update
I still have my HD DVD drive for the Xbox 360. I backed the wrong horse.
No you are seething DVDchad has a sizable DVD collection and you don't. Sad!
lusting for dvdchad
It's just one seether who whinges at literally every single person they can identify. Rest are just having a laugh
lusting for sizable dvd
lusting for bit of fun
sticking me erect cock through a dvd and pretending it's a raptor
Next to the betamax and minidisc players.
A true chaf enjoys his favourite films on UMD.
lusting for dvdchads tuppence
Why do I keep doing this to myself lads.

>Recently new postie started in my area
>Pretty young lady
>Received parcel yesterday, been thinking about her all day
>Open door to her today for another parcel
>'Thanks, you're my favourite roastie'
>Shut door grinning to myself
>10 minutes later crying in my room realising what I fucking loser I am
corrrr fancy watching the Dalek Civil War trilogy today. comfy
You don't own shoes, do you?
You should have opened the door and battered her head in with a stuffed Jess from Postman Pat.
lusting for new postie
Just explain next time that you meant to say 'postie' but got flustered because of her beautiful appearance. Then offer her your number.
Any halfway attractive lass I see drives me mad with horney envy like a monkey.
You've got her right where you want her lad. She'll be absolutely intrigued now, probably wondering all day 'did he mean to say roastie? What does that even mean? Am I really his favourite postie?'. She'll be ringing your door even if there's nothing to deliver next time.
Yearning for the days of being 14 where I'd get a boner walking home from school and not be able to shift it so have to wear my backpack back to front to hide it.
>Goes home, looks up Roastie
>first result is urban dictionary
>"Middle aged Women who was very sexually active with many partners but now wants to get married and have kids, which is nearly impossible."
It's so over
Love my local female postie who is young and wears tight shorts and boots. Nice arse on her.
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Stop watching porn and the bones come back
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It's not looking good is it
lusting for rostie postie
Filter working overtime today corr
lusting after filter lad
What happened to that fat bird?
lusting after lusting lad
lusting after fat birds
Try my slutty filthy burger with loaded freaky naughty fries. 25 quid mate, and it tastes of nothing but spice powder and grease.
Had this intense sharp headache for 3+ days now, reckon i have a brain tumour smth
Corr, anudda gucci-arse kittingtonshire diss

Fink may hafta give diss one the DL
Kill cobblers. Behead cobblers. Roundhouse kick a cobbler into the concrete. Slam dunk a cobbler baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy cobblers. Defecate in a cobblers food. Launch cobblers into the sun. Stir fry cobblers in a wok. Toss cobblers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a cobblers gas tank. Judo throw cobblers into a wood chipper. Twist cobblers heads off. Report cobblers to the IRS. Karate chop cobblers in half. Curb stomp pregnant cobblers. Trap cobblers in quicksand. Crush cobblers in the trash compactor. Liquefy cobblers in a vat of acid. Eat cobblers. Dissect cobblers. Exterminate cobblers in the gas chamber. Stomp cobbler skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate cobblers in the oven. Lobotomize cobblers. Mandatory abortions for cobblers. Grind cobbler fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown cobblers in shoe grease. Vaporize cobbler with a ray gun. Kick old cobblers down the stairs. Feed cobblers to alligators. Slice cobblers with a katana.
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Sugar clog the arteries
I'll cobble your cock mate.
seasideMARK is live in Swanage

While he has the chance before the arthritis and amputations come
New exposed fella dropped

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>tfw no terry moore gf
Women were so much more attractive back then.
I hope nonce fella gets done for causing catastrophic mental strife to are Mark. It not on.
And its lush and I mean lush
Heading to Tesco, anyone want ought?
some DVDs
Some shoes please la
Sorry, my local Tesco doesn't do DVDs anymore. Otherwise I'd be buying them.
Wish I was a rich lad during The Great Depression making poor starving women suck me cockle for a grain of rice.
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l want a girlfriend
I don't want a girlfriend or a relationship, just want a cute wee lass to shove me rancid cock in a few times per day.
They do that for money already
Cobbler still hasn't found them lad?
Then get off of 4chan and get one lad.
I don't want to pay for it, laddy. More like a personal slave I keep chained in a boxroom. Nought wrong with that, is there? I'll even let you come round and have a go on the feet.
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Yea a gf wouldn't be too shabby ngl
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he out there making friends whilst the rest of us are stuck indoors bored lonely and depressed
Is that lass naked?
She's never gonna date a 4channer though kek.
It's even more muggy than yesterday. Went out for a walk down the canal and now I'm sweating me bollocks off.
Nice little shower de lad you'll be right as rain
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kinell.. i'll never experience that.
might go outside
Very depressing. That looks like the most enjoyable thing I've ever seen in my life. What a body.
>might go outside
you wont
too hot, sod that. I'm staying in
not joking. I've been out since half 9 this morning and I'm fucking soaked.
Sitting in me underpants with the fan on me now having a coffee.
32C fuck off
Just grab a pair at your local jew victimhood shrine; they have many.
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it rained for the past 8+ months lad, enjoy it while it lasts

Being up norf we are only getting shitty sub 20c but its still slightly on the unwomfy side with all the cloud and humidity
fuck off with this heatposting, incels
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sloptubers just found out about the broken elden ring build some /erg/ anons and i were talking about days ago and are getting hundreds of thousands of views
stolen valor and it not right
It barely rained, and when it did I was enjoying it. There is literally nothing to enjoy about this weather
People don't enjoy Elden Ring. The vast majority just look up some OP shit that allows them to one shot mobs, and brute force against bosses and move on. Peak consumers.
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He's making small talk with ramdomers again

it still prefer it to the long cold miserable dark winters that never fucking end tbqh
He talk to anyone. He's social
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Can't beat the long dark winter nights. Even when outside it's nice when you're all wrapped up properly.
Looks lovely and quiet in Swanage. My mum text me from brighton beach earlier and it was packed.
Fuck it, i'm on the Summer Fruits. be rude not to innit?
Touch grass you clad-in-black and red freak.
Get it down ya you poof
It summer. It hot. The Summer Fruits come out. It's the only way to be lad.
gotta make sure clocks on time
think of all the weird edge cases, switching to the Gregorian calendar, he Earth not being a sphere
one 'year' isn't the same as another 'year', not to the picosecond. you could be atop a mountain or underwater. however many years old you are? that's wrong. you'd have to carbon-date yourself.
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oh yeah totally. majority of normie consumers that play ER treat it like a boss rush instead of an rpg because of sloptuber and streamer culture. like, you're not a korean who spends 12 hours memorising every boss move while naked. you're supposed to go around finding items that make you more powerful.
worried about From's next title tbqh but they dont seem to listen online mong culture and just do their own thing. so who knows. i love these games

anyway im just venting my frustration about sloptubers lurking various 4chanboards for content. i hate them.
He is being very, very foolish
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Just found out I'm a fascist dee lads
eh? arent fascists all about nofap n that? the fuck is that twitter mong on about
lad no offense but this is a tweet from December of last year and has 14 likes. Why you arsed about what it says?
"Nofap" is a sign of porn addiction. It's like going to alcoholics anonymous. People who aren't addicted to porn don't need weird masturbation rules
You said "no offence" but I am offended by this comment. What now?
what is your current favourite seasidemark quote?
for me its
>get in there sparksta
idk why but it just makes me giddy every time i hear it
oh ye i seemed to have misread that post a little
Use a spellchecker for starters lad.
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Too much hedonism and degeneracy going on in my life. Cutting it right down arent I?
Offence is the UK spelling you wannabe yank tosser.
Whats your favourite auditing video?
Lad no offense but this is a post on /britfeel/ and it has one (you), why are you arsed about what it says?
This is one of my favourites

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Embrace Hedonism. Nothing more degenerate than sniffing potent poppers and licking the sweat off a girl's soles.
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Any videos where the auditor gets beaten up
what's the answer here? it's like giving a child unfettered access to sweets, obviously they'll just scoff them.

in our modern enlightened times we have freedom and the internet and how dare anyone restrict us. but at the same time pornography is damaging as hell. personally, i wish it never existed or was heavily criminalised. but that'll ruffle a few feathers.

can we microdose fascism? just a little bit of authoritarianism
life boat launch. and its lush

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Sometimes I lean into it, but I look forward to more sensible times.
If you need to use these to enjoy it, then maybe you are not that into feet hmm.

This is my fave by far
Don't need poppers to enjoy it. But man, the high makes me so much more into it. I shove my face into the soles, inhaling the scent, giving into my perversions.
I like how Mark won the old guy round in the end.
I love how people with no concept of languages think if you just repeat the same sentences over and over, people will magically understand what you're saying. Even though you have a bloke speaking utter gibberish back to you, they never stop to think "hmm, I cant understand a word he's saying, but clearly he'll understand me asking for ID over and over"
Are poppers legal? Where would you procure them?
They give you brain damage though. Horrible stuff desu desu.
Yes, They're legal.
Sex shops and online.

Any actual proof of this?
This must be why so many gays get stomach bugs because sniffing poppers turns them into fecal/ass eating demons.
It is just obvious really. That is my source. Anything which hurts your head must be bad.
So you have no idea what you're talking about then? Cool.
He took poppers. His head hurt

Fuck me, do you need a diagram?
Wasn't the poppers lad.
Just do whatever you feel like. If that doesn't work for you then address the problems. Not everyone is like a child who wants to just scoff as many sweets as possible, and if they are, the problem is the child. Not the sweets.
Well one followed the other so for me it was. Drugs are bad.
Not gonna lie, bricking it about tomorrow lads. Not gonna be a fun day at all. Got a 1:1 with my manager after I fucked something up. I try to tell myself it doesn't matter, but I hate disappointing people and I really have no excuse other than 'I made a note to do it and forgot'.
It's because they increase your blood pressure so could come with a headache. Can be counteracted by taking paracetamol at the same time.
I hope you're not taking poppers for gay stuff, lads.
Good luck lad. Although, as a line manager myself, I probably wouldn't do anything about it even if you fucked the company beyond recognition. Can't be bothered for the drama and under UK law employees are so protected it's almost impossible to sack someone unless they caused (financial) damage on purpose. But good luck nonetheless.
Well that was the purpose of it, yes. I was impressionable.
I exclusively use them for gay stuff.

Bet you were a hot little popper pig.
Why else would anyone take poppers. It's to relax your bumhole
I did it a few times. Wouldn't wish to again.
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If you need some recommendations..
I bet if you were sniffing with me, you'd be back in that faggy headspace. Mmmmmm.

Love it
Yeah I doubt I will receive any real action against me, like I said it's more that I hate disappointing people like this and frankly I've not been putting in the effort I should have in general so that makes me feel a little worse about it all. My manager is perfectly nice, but a touch of a jobsworth, so we'll see what she has to say about it. She's asked me to 'have a good think' about why it was that I messed up, but really I just forgot some stuff. Trying to come up with something better than that.
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Still no gf despite sitting in coffee shop for almost 3 hours, it not right.
Aren't they also just popular as a mild high? Like at raves and stuff?
I did some really gay stuff today anyway thoughbeit.
>Why did I mess it up???
>Why don't we discuss why you, as my manager, allowed me to mess this up?
>Where were the controls? The 4-eye checks?
How noticeable is the butthole relaxation effect from poppers?
Curious what that would feel like. Do you only really notice when something/someone is trying to get inside it?
Tell us more x
You're in the wrong country. Anglo/Germanic coffee shops are for pretending to work by yourself. You need to go to Med Cafes which is for social situations.
Stop browsing tranny porn lad it puts normies off for some reason. Have a look around and smile at incoming roasties as much as you can.
Uhhh too embarrassed.
Feel sorry for the North Koreans being deployed to Ukraine lads, imagine seeing a drone for the first time amd it's trying to kill you
Just smile as they walk in? Is that normal?
Bunch of 5'3 asians with no combat experience. I'm sure they'll do well
What happens if you suck a popper in your arse?
If you glance a fit bird walk in wait until she's ordered and looking around the place. Then pretend you're stretching or just leaning back. Deep intake of breath and blow out audibly, puffing your cheeks. She should notice you then and if she makes eye contact then you smile.
What the fuck? I can't believe this is happening. World War 3 will be in full swing before the summer ends. Prepare, my fellow dossers, life is about to suck.
>Reform on course for 18 seats

I reckon it will be double
Us dossers are all on ESA and not eligible due to health reasons. Wagies lose again.
I'll have to try that next time then. This Starbucks has a weird layout though where often I don't end up sitting in a way I can easily see everyone.
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Was I groomed lads? Met this older woman, she was 46, on FB in 2011, She got close to me, and said she loved me, She was married. She'd buy me video games, including GTA V, The most expensive edition. She flew to meet me, she lived in another part of the country to take my virginity. And then she lost interest.
She's not attractive so yes, you were groomed. If she was fit you'd just be a legend.
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She's not great but she was filthy. She briefly came back into my life when I had a gf to send me pics of her shoving pens up her arse. Kek.
Thought that was a SSM selfie for a second.
You posted this before you boring bastard.
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Thoughts on her arse?

I didn't get a proper answer tbf.
oh, granny poster is back
Here's your answer: yes.
Yes to what part?
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Not bad, but I made some improvements.
anal with britfeelers
Any in particular?
drivel with britfeelers
seasideMARK Had a lvoely day out, I deserve this pint what a lovely day it lush

seasideMARK What a lovely hot summer dsay 26th june it been lush I mean lush what a experience.

Who wants a jaw spinning? I'm at Coventry train station now waiting for a train change in 30 mins.
how about you spin your pretty lips around my cock babe x
yes a few
Should prostitution be legal or illegal?
Which ones then?
legal desu
Why did teens stop caring about rock music?
this is a pointless question because I'm bored lonely and depressed. plz someone talk to me
shouldnt be allowed to post here if youre over 30
What causes incels?
When did you last get laid?
What will the youth subcultures of the future be like?
Can't stop giving money to hot girls on Onlyfans...
England will never win anything. Football in England is a working class sport and its dedicated fans are room temperature IQ mongs on benefits. Middle and upper class people with higher IQs focus more on Rugby and Cricket.
Britain does very well in the Olympic with posh sports like sailing and horse jumping and that shit.

Hence, the type of lads who get talent spotted at 10 come from rough backgrounds and have low as fuck IQ. They do not have the pitch IQ.
They are all on too much money to give a fuck about international games.
selling your arse and shitting through your ribs, is it really worth it?
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He riddled with arthritis.
He need bigger house by sea in Swanage he need special equipment so he can wash. He in agony and can barely move.
He need his disability car more than ever.
But they took it off him.
This is how they treat Arthritis-TMAU sufferers in the UK.
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The Shippy Phenotype.
Imagine this big fat bastard in a dank basement, with a camera on a tied up Holly Willoughby. She's in her underwear and has been dancing for hours as he shouts "SPIN TO WIN," over and over again. Finally, the wheel lands on "creampie." Holly knows she is about to bear the child of this mentalist.
Shiieeeetttt im bout to turn 36 bruv
Why's the thread so slow tonight?
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>surf finance pepe
kek. good times. made a few quid off that
im not a faggot but what does that stuff do? loosen your bum or something? the bottles make it look like literal poison
no more money left. yanks and tories took it all. labour gonna do some saving soon cause every penny is needed for bames
is that andy ditch
going to work soon and ive been sweating all day, am i going to have a shower? no, no one there likes me anyway so i hope i smell bad and offend them, its my way of rebelling
Phwoar imagine a mod where you can fuck Ranni in VR.
It loosens your arse I think?
It makes you woozy and dazed too, I've only ever used them when I watch porn clips involving sniffing them.
We all took poppers earlier and we're a bit worse for wear iykyk
The idea of anal disgusts me but I'd probably do it with a sheath.
there are probably women running around in vr chat right now with ranni avatars
get yersen online de lad
>It makes you woozy and dazed too
sounds rapey. why are gays like this
Might get one of those blue flesh lights and pretend it's Ranni.
A gay's entire existence begins with rape.
I speak Wolof
we're all out drinking with HHL
me? ive just been enjoying a green lid calippo
Cooled down now. Watching "Onions Green - 1979"
Remember, Tuesday is Onions Green day
can i listen to green onions instead?
>international train station
We truly do live in the future
you west african mate?
>He doesn't know about the hhl fan meetup
We're at ruthmongs having a party. He's a bloody right deano. He had two birds suck him off in front of everyone.
a new cathedralpost for you all
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Officially too hot now. Yeah bring on Autumn in fact.

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