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>Impossible to find a submissive bf who behaves like a functioning adult outside of our personal/sexual life
Over. I dont want to be someones mother, I want an equal partner who doesnt need power dynamics outside of the bedroom and just submits to me sexually. Bangmaid mommy seems like such an exhausting role to fill.
congrats on finding out that many guys got into this kink not because their are submissive but just because they are manchildren
Define a functional adult. Not interested in simping I just want a definition to add to the collection I keep
The biggest thing for me is ability to hold a job. I do not expect anything prestigious or any large amount of money even just working food service or retail is fine, just have the ability to be able to get up, get ready, and interact with other people.
>just have the ability to be able to get up, get ready, and interact with other people
If this is in one's skillset then why would they post on /r9k/?
A lot of people here are just "failed" normies myself included. I have no issue speaking to my co workers, I just dont have friends or go out besides to work.
Need a qt Dom girl to own me in the bedroom then kick me out of the house for the next 16 hours until bedtime
what are you exactly into? maybe that affects it somehow or the type of guy you go for
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>submissive bf
I'm a functioning adult with an apartment and a job but i'm no cuck, sorry, better luck next time. Btw kill yourself ntr smooth brained monkey
Ok but do you like femboys and have big tiddies?
I guess treating men like pets and commanding them to do certain things for me, I dont like things like pegging and stuff. I also am into edging, denial, and overstimulation but I guess that also ties into control
Define femboy, and no I have an average sized chest

>Looks for bf online during the workday
>Wonders why they can't find one who has a job
Smooth slim short boy?
I'm a bit too feminine to be a twink
>I guess treating men like pets and commanding them to do certain things for me
Well if it specifically that it's pretty easy for them to think you would do the same outside of the bedroom
nta but why do you use gay terminologies to describe yourself when talking to a girl? assuming they aren't larping
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that's so interesting, whore. please, tell us more.
>i want a man who is more like a boytoy
>why can't any of these people be normal?!
When a man wants a girl toy, like puppy girl or something equally inane, they don't expect the girl to be normal people who can hold a job and socialize.
The meaning doesn't change
OP is, without exception, a man.
you're not a woman and you will never be one. periodt.

It's because you're too lazy or stupid to do any amount of research and recon. Every year the college announce the graduates, and many Livestream the commencement ceremony. This gives you a list of names that you can harvest from.

Once you have a list of names you can start researching them online. Ideally you're looking for timid looking STEM graduates who have LinkedIn pages, but no conventional social media. This signals the right blend of career responsibility with social timidness.

Once you have selected a target you use public record to find where they live or use their LinkedIn page to find their employer. This allows you to locate their vehicle, which you conceal an AirTag on. After tracking their movement for a while you'll get an idea of their routine and the places they like to visit. Even a total homebody autistic will have a routine where they stop at convenience stores in the morning. You use this as a context to create "Organic" chance encounters. That's when you tell them that they're cute and that you'd like to take them out sometime. Because they're timid they'll absolutely melt and take you up on it.

That's an extreme example. You wouldn't need to do this unless they were a total ghost online. Even guys who never post to social media are friends with people who do, so you can use the information from those profiles to get a better idea of what that person likes and what events they may be attending. Even if you don't go with the full AirTag tracking route you'll be able to locate the online micro communities where there's types of timid guys hang out, so you can find a different target that fits the same archtype.

Basic stuff really. I don't get why people expect for a perfectly kink-matched life partner to fall out of the sky. You've got to go on the hunt if you want to bring back your prize.
Not her but I was toying with the idea of how to find a girl with the right drive, will, above average intelligence and above all ideological view of the world. I could not stand dating some normie girl whose life revolves around instagram and doomscrolling. Absolute surveilleance is not possible, but some hacks I thought of
>Crunch data on public library book borrows, find girl with highest similarity score. Girl would for example read a lot of william gibson
omg meeee pick mee I love code and consoles and the PS Vita and Hatsune Miku and I have a fairly stable job (hoping to get a new, better one soon) and I'm tall and skinny and uhhh idk that's it I just need someone to hold me and tell me it's all gonna be okay pl0x :3
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>Absolute surveilleance is not possible

Absolute surveillance is always possible, and it's never been easier or cheaper. Reconnaissance is free.

I was just shit posting, but the core of my message is still true. Special things and people are hard to find, but people expect them to just happen. If you want snow you go to the mountain, if you want surf you go to the beach. Don't go bitching online about there not being able to find snow and surf in your hometown.

Assuming you are American, I would target based on college major, and possibly race. You're pretty much going to be stuck with an Asian or Indian if it's a hard science major.

Hmong girls tend to be the easiest. They're the least pretty of the Asians and don't have the strong ethnic cliques that Koreans, Chinese, and Vietnamese do. They're just as burnt out from Asian tiger parenting, and really appreciate being taken out and shown a good time. They can be identified based on their surname and the clan they originate from.

The absolute least anyone should be doing is targeting someone with a major that they think would be compatible.
>absolute surveillance is possible
Reconnaissance yes. Surveillance no. Unless you have access to nation state services.

>rest of the stuff
There's a two fold problem. Once, even if you identify a potential target, what are the chances she'll reciprocate? Two, only superficial traits are publicly available. Things like major or work.
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have a funny meme anonette (male)
I'm pretty sure I added you before and we got on well enough, but you clearly had a gaggle of guys to get attention from and weren't interested in anything real. was fun to talk about bugs though.
I feel the same about women...
I want a partner, not a burden.

Anyway, I'm a switch, so I could be submissive as long as you don't cross the line.
So close... I want an equal partner in and out of bedroom. Soon I'll meet one!
Wait until you discover time zones
>Stalk a man to get a decent bf
is this what it comes down to with modern dating?
We are all working in local government. I work reception in my towns parks and recs department. Nothing too crazy, but makes decent money, i'll get a pension, and I have reliable hours.
You have not considering I have never posted any contact information on here, let alone had a conversation about bugs.
>I want a partner, not a burden.
Exactly this, I feel like I could not fully care for another adult without feeling resentful. Preforming physical (having to be the one who gets up and goes to work) as well as emotional labor sounds terrible long term.
>I want an equal partner in and out of bedroom.
Meaning what in the context of in bedroom, switching roles and such?

You've got access to the GPS array. There's also the good old fashioned stakeout. If you care enough you can see everywhere a person goes. The rest of the information can be deduced based on the types of people she associate with.

>what are the chances she'll reciprocate

Lot of variables determine the chance of success. A lot of it is decided by their hormonal cycle. At the right point in the cycle they're a lot less picky. Just have more targets. You're looking for a life partner here, you should be treating it like a life mission if you want something special.

The practical solution is to make as many platonic friendships as you can with women. There are going to be points in their cycles where they're just not ovulating and not thinking about anyone in a sexual way, but eventually that time comes. If they seem more friendly or in a good mood around you that means their cycle is peaking and they're more likely to accept an invite to a social event. Doesn't hurt to have an idea of which places do food and drink specials on different days, as well as a calendar of one-time events.

>Two, only superficial traits are publicly available. Things like major or work.

Yeah, that's why people date. It's about convincing them to spend enough time with you so that you eventually share your secrets.

It takes work to get something special. There's a lot you can be doing, and none of it is guaranteed. All you can do is juice your odds by selecting the right hunting grounds and timing well prepared shots appropriately.

>Time zones

You're not European, don't bullshit me.

>is this what it comes down to with modern dating

It's been this way as long as women have had a choice. Your other option is an arranged marriage. You get to pick your partner, so you need to be a self-advocate in order to get a good outcome. It's like you're walking outside during a rainstorm, looking up at the sky with your mouth open, and wondering why it's taking so long to have your thirst quenched. Take some initiative and fill a glass from the water cooler.

All you ever hear from women is about the shit they want and how sad they are to not get it, but nothing about how they're gonna change that.
>You're not European, don't bullshit me.
Never claimed to be but I made this during lunch in PST.
Ill be back in a year when i get myself established, if you still want a subby bf to be a mommy to(only in bedroom) then ill be waiting

Yeah, so literally during the workday, lmao. Don't get it twisted, I'm shit posting on a government salary too. I'm just saying that when you get home you won't be thinking about this problem you have and won't be taking the necessary action to resolve it.
>I want a guy to submit to me but I don't want him to get anything out of it
Wow that sucks for you womp womp
Idk man I think a loving relationship is enough for most people. Why does there need to be a monetary exchange?
OP said she doesn't want to be a "mommy" which basically is code for not wanting to be loving or care for her man at all in woman speak. Women in general just see men as dildos and they get the "ick" when a man starts having emotions. Obviously submissive men are way more likely to show their emotions.
I am op retard. I don't want to be a mommy as in having to go to work to provide for an adult child while he stays home all day because having a big boy job makes him too "uncomfy". I used to hold my ex when he would cry, it is not an issue if men are emotional. Being an adult is stressful, and supporting your partner through that stress should be a given, but those stressors do not come from being home all day like your 14 again.
>edging, denial, and overstimulation
Doing this to each other as mutual switches would be the hottest thing but alas I am a neet. Gimme a little over 2.37 years.
>Meaning what in the context of in bedroom, switching roles and such?
Nope, we'll just let it flow naturally, each one complementing the other instead of having someone take charge. I'm talking out of my arse, of course. I have no idea if that will work.

Yeah, and what >>77964046 was just translating your true intention. Sugar coat it however you want, a "Loving relationship" to you is one where you spend his money, expect him to do shit for you, and deny his orgasms.

You're the one equating love to money, here. The stay at home NEET boyfriend has all the surplus time and energy to provide love. If it was about him and love for him the money would be no object.

I'm not even saying that this is wrong. Unconditional love is nonsense. Only reason to have any kind of ongoing relationship is mutual benefit and shared goals. I just don't like the code you're using. "Loving relationship" means they get your presence in exchange for their labor.
why is it so hard to find a dom woman. I'm functional, I have a nice car, good job, live on my own and pay all my own bills, I can definitely be a man when it comes to meeting my responsibilities and speaking up when I need to, but when it comes to sex and love, I want the woman to do the leading, tell me everything she wants so I can give it to her and not play a fucking guessing game
>goes onto autistic NEET message board during work hours
>whines and complains about not being able to find a stable and employed boyfriend
Gee have you ever tried looking anywhere that isn't the "retard neet and autistic failed normie" message board, hun? Might find luck, I dunno, literally anywhere else

Good luck though, I personally work landscaping, very hard and tedious work with very long hours, and if I had to come home to someone this needy and condescending after another fucking 11 hour day of mulching it'd probably finally drive me over the edge and make me blow my brains out.
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I used to work landscaping and it's part of the reason why I will N E V E R put up with a woman's bullshit.
>Sugar coat it however you want, a "Loving relationship" to you is one where you spend his money, expect him to do shit for you
I am literally talking about how I both want us to handle our own finances, have you read anything I have posted? I have a cushy government job, I do not need or would ever want a man to support me financially. Having one person dependent on another creates room for resentment and unfair dynamics.
>"Loving relationship" means they get your presence in exchange for their labor.
Their labor of..? Sitting home all day while I have to go for work, then expecting me to play mommy for them? Are you intentionally retarded?
This is exactly what i'm looking for! Like I said find nerdy women in local government or stem jobs.
>it'd probably finally drive me over the edge and make me blow my brains out.
Hope something else does! Taking a casual complaining shit post I made during my lunch this seriously..yeesh.
you'll have to settle for an egalitarian switch bf. functional adult + submissive with a dick doesn't exist outside of trannies.
All submissives are actually exhausting and want to dictate the terms of everything implicitly. Male submissives are less annoying than female ones, but they're still not great. The only people any good at it are switches, and of course you're going to have to switch with them.
>Sitting home all day while I have to go for work, then expecting me to play mommy for them?
that sounds pretty awesome
>nooo it's exhausting for me
>seeks a role that's exhausting for the other party instead
are you retarded? wait, don't answer that, woman makes it obvious.
you want someone to give you all the traditional benefits that women get from being in a relationship, but then you want to provide none of the benefits that are the reason they get into relationships to begin with and want THAT aspect to entirely cater to you also.
hello? he gets whatever scraps you see fit to give him, but still has to work his life away as normal, to maintain a relationship with someone who cares about themselves more than they care about him and who will leave anytime she doesn't get her own way, is challenged or has to compromise.
why bother
I'll take it
I agree, having to think for another adult is just insane. Idk why people tolerate stay at home gfs/bfs.
It is exhausting to have a woman tell you exactly what she wants, and how she wants it done? Lmfao. Pick a narrative, either you hate when women are indirect or you hate when their too direct.
>Over. I dont want to be someones mother, I want an equal partner who doesnt need power dynamics outside of the bedroom and just submits to me sexually. Bangmaid mommy seems like such an exhausting role to fill.
Why don't you go and trade with one of the ones who feel the opposite
uhhhhh florida??!?!?!
>Taking a casual complaining shit post I made during my lunch this seriously..
It's more just that it's a stupid post, bro. If you want a normal boyfriend, don't come to the dedicated pissing ground for autistic weaboos, neets, and little in between. Instead of arguing with people who have no reading comprehension and will sing the praises of being a NEET you could literally, right now, right this very second, have INSTANT access to the normie guys you want especially since you yourself are ALSO a normie.

Guess my confusion is "what's even the point of this thread" when the solution to this problem is very obvious. Threads like these are just so fucking dumb and gay
>Pick a narrative, either you hate when women are indirect or you hate when their too direct.
Being direct and being selfish and self centred are not the same thing anon, even if you try to pretend they are. Being direct is great, commendable. Being selfish, the default state of most women, is abhorrent and a waste of anyone's time.
I even read the rest of the thread since posting that, and your continual use of phrases like "not being dependant on one another" and such really cement the selfish attitude and the complete lack of commitment, like you want a ''relationship'' that is really just two people with entirely separate lives who happen to split rent and eat together and sometimes he gets to eat you out, but you want to be independent and untethered - entirely able to just leave at a moments notice should it suit you better.
Whilst a real relationship both parties are incredibly dependent on one another and their lives are so tethered together and entwined in every aspect from money to whatever else you can think of that leaving would be an incredible hassle, because you're actually committed to one another and value one another more than you value yourselves. Your priority is not 'you', it is always them by a slight margin or 'us' as a unit over yourself.
Ps femdom is not just "a woman telling you what she wants and how she wants it" that's literally just basic communication, your detailing of wanting a submissive and things you desire to do do not fall under the banner of just telling someone what feels good anon.

>talking about how I both want us to handle our own finances

What you say and what you feel are not the same thing. You talk about loving relationships on one side, but demand money from the other. You talk about submission in one way, and then equality in another. In one post you specifically said "Do things for you when asked", which is clearly more than just sexual in nature.

I'm telling you that people have warped ideals of equality, submission, and dominance. It's never equal, submissives just want stuff done to them, doms just want stuff done for them. Anyone who uses the terms equal, dominant, or submissive is just gaslighting themselves into thinking their self-interest is actually something they're doing for the other person.

You don't realize it, but you're offering a one sided deal. You want stuff done for you, and you want the person to view the opportunity to serve as payment for the service. It's a raw deal, and it never goes well. I know this describes you because the methods of dominance you described here >>77962987 are about exerting control over the man, and are in no way mutual.
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Oh yeah just saw this, figured I'd add this addendum, you're not a failed normie. You're just a normie. A very plain Jane average woman who wants the average relationship with the average guy. Not trying to insult, more its a compliment. You do not belong here, you belong on Bumble or Tinder or wherever. You not having friends outside work is not "failed normiehood"

Great Yakub PLEASE get these crystal Cafe refugees out of my board please mighty Yakub stop these devils from appropriating my language because they think it makes them quirky
Plz be bucharest
Yea because most normie men would be ok getting called a good boy and pretending to be my pet in the bedroom
I do not even live in europe
Hey Miss teacher, pick me. Can you please explain whats going on the the pic related I don't get it. Also stop being a goober and get a bf already its not that hard.
>most normie men would be ok getting called a good boy and pretending to be my pet in the bedroom
the key word is pretending. They'll humor you but we will always know who is in charge when you end up calling them daddy.

>A very plain Jane average woman who wants the average relationship with the average guy.

It's true. Read through the posts and she's basically asking to speed run to the default "Subby hubby" married relationship without having the put in the work of gradually tame and emasculate the man and giving him children. Married women control the bedroom and their default fetish is denial.

>ok getting called a good boy and pretending to be my pet in the bedroom

Men will fight, kill, and die on the battlefield for a few bits of ribbon and brass that tell them they were a "Good boy". They'll do anything for approval, because they're starved for it in the open world.
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>Yea because most normie men would be ok getting called a good boy and pretending to be my pet in the bedroom
YES! UNIRONICALLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY YES. DO YOU THINK NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T HAVE KINKS OR THINGS THEY INDULGE IN PRIVATE? ESPECIALLY in Weimerica where its not even socially unacceptable to talk about or advertise on your dating profile???? Are you for real??? Fuck, I want a woman to put me on a leash, and I'm not gonna pretend like that's somehow some INSANE OUT OF THE ORDINARY SICKO PERV shit that's the sole reason I'm an autistic weirdo freak.

You're not remotely special for being dominant, consider it the VERY good thing it is and stop pretending youll find your nerdy prince charming straight out of a manhwa from here.
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>Read through the posts and she's basically asking to speed run to the default "Subby hubby" married relationship without having the put in the work of gradually tame and emasculate the man and giving him children. Married women control the bedroom and their default fetish is denial.
I don't even have a problem with the "subby hubby" thing. MOST guys have no problem with a girl who takes charge. MOST guys actively WANT someone who'd desire them sexually like that. The "submissive in private husband" shit is PEAK of normie fetish popularity. There's nothing wrong with it or what OP wants, but it grinds my gears that she thinks her vanilla ass romance manhwa tastes SOMEHOW make her think "hmm, I can't POSSIBLY be with a normal man, ONLY fat aspie cock can give me what I TRULY desire!" Like what the fuck, man. R9K has been infiltrated so hard it's not even funny, half this fucking board now is craigslist style personal ads for "I want a slightly unorthodox bf/gf teehee I'm so quirky its le over le chud doomer zoomer heehee"

Just so fucking sick of this board being racebait and Soc 2.0 man, I want the REAL NIGGAS and TRUECELS back. Get these fucking /pt/ lurkers off my board NOW.
Why are we being retarded and acting like women being submissive is not the default for heterosexual sex?
Why are you being retarded and acting like gentle femdom isn't literally the most default of fetishes for heterosexual couples? Its not that it's the default, it's that it's the SINGLE tamest fetish ANYONE could fucking have, ESPECIALLY if it's a woman because that means the overwhelming majority of guys are probably gonna want her anyways. People who pretend like they're somehow different and out there and le edgy outcast are ALWAYS fucking like this and I can't stand it. This hoe is a POSER.

>women being submissive is not the default for heterosexual sex

Go put it in your woman's butt without saying a word and see what happens. The default is receptive, not submissive. Even the most "Submissive" slut will be issuing commands for you to go harder or deeper. Men actually get off to this kind of "encouragement", unaware that they're submitting to their women.
Sounds like me but I'm in europe unfortunately.

>The "submissive in private husband" shit is PEAK of normie fetish popularity

It's not even a fetish, it the default. Only men are concerned with their sexual "performance". They want to do a good job and are constantly listening to and responding to her cues. I know that when I'm told "Do whatever you want" it actually means I'm expected to be rough, pull hair, and slap ass. If I actually got a pass to do what I wanted I'd spend an hour just slowly edging myself while she gets bored.
I feel fairly confident I meet your criteria, but you will never have anyone like that you will respect in a relationship.
Well, what are you like, OP? What are your interests, what is your taste in men? I fit all of your criteria but I'm hesitant to swap contacts with an r9k poster. I've had full time jobs in the past, but right now I'm scraping out a living doing freelance video editing and voice acting. I wouldn't like to be submissive outside of the bedroom, it's just a fetish I can't escape, which honestly annoys me. I'm not a pussy, I'm just not not sexually dominant.

Are you cluster B or some other kind of insane? Trans? What's the catch here?
Plase be in London.
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I don't expect a response, but I am a submissive guy and I fit the bill pretty well. I have a job in the education sector, I do art and tinker with eletronics, and generally mentally mature and adequate.

I find the dynamic appealing because I want to be nurturing partner to an ambitious, dominant woman, that doesn't mean entirely shedding my personality, moreover projecting a maternal desire onto her, if anything I'd like to take care of a strong and assertive woman in a "behind each great person.." arrangement women commonly filled.

But that is harder to pitch and put into word than "BDSM femdom ha-ha CBT"
God forbid you putrid bitches settle for men who just want normal equal romance without the power dynamics shit inside or outside of the bedroom. Holy shit women's standards are fucked.
Reading, botany, geology. Main things are keeping plants and finding rocks. I have a tumblr that cost $500 haha, I saved up for it through out last year to get myself a Christmas gift. I do not have any diagnosed mental disorders. Maybe just a bit over enthusiastic about some stuff that can be off putting.
Hm do you mind a woman taking lead for some things or do you want to be a man who would "guide" one in the right direction? I am very sure of myself and my goals. How old are you?
>Goes into a thread about femdom
>Gets mad about femdom
>>Goes into a thread about femdom
>>Gets mad about femdom
A "femdom" who just wants to pick and choose the aspects of femdom that she likes while not doing the stuff the man wants. Women can't fucking stamd the thought of fairness
I'm the first reply, those are damn respectable hobbies. I love plants and hate dull grass lawns. If I could, I'd build a house and grow a mini jungle around it.

Did you make this thread with the hope of getting some prospects? Is proximity important, or are you willing to start off long distance? Are you a career woman?

Dating apps are horrible for this sort of thing and using something like fetlife is fruitless too. If you're real and seriously looking to take a gamble on a stranger, I'm game, for whatever reason. Do you want to paint a wider picture of what you're looking for?
Yea man, a relationship where both parties provide equal emotional, financial, and household labor and both are compatible sexually is very unfair. I am basically hitler.
>Did you make this thread with the hope of getting some prospects?
No was just complaining over lunch
>Is proximity important, or are you willing to start off long distance?
If also in the US it's fine if I click with someone enough.
>Are you a career woman?
I do office work (reception) at my local parks and rec department. It's cushy, I get a pension, pay is decent. I love my job, I would not mind staying in local gov my whole life.
nta but shouldnt femdom by definition be about the woman? i am a submissive male who just wants to please a woman, i dont think it should be male centered like most relationships are, that is exactly what i want to avoid.
Kazuha and Beidou are such a cool ship
>Yea man, a relationship where both parties provide equal emotional, financial, and household labor and both are compatible sexually is very unfair. I am basically hitler.
You should become a radical feminist and support true progress. Stop being a conservative bitch
Sounds like your idea of "femdom" is just fetishizing women
>Not looking for prospects, just complaining
Well, fair enough. I won't bug you longer. Good luck finding what you're looking for.
Having submissive kinks contributed to my depression which made me a NEET

Now my mind is in full and I'm genuinely "submissive" and humiliated and anxious attachment in a pathetic way which I'm unable to solve

When I was young I was avoidant and I'm pretty sure girls wanted me, thinking I was masculine and dominant. Which left me relatively uninterested in them and I maintained avoidance. You can't win in life
Sounds kind of like me desu. I managed to get in a relationship where I pretty much paid for everything, cooked for her, and took care of her but in bed I had no idea what to do or how to engage in it. So she was always the one to start it and I would follow along.
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Oh damn, a response I did recive. I am 21. I'll caution I am not into BDSM style femdom and pegging and other sexual stuff akin to it.
and no, or course a woman with her own interests and motivations is better.
I'll be honest with ya anon I just found the art cute, no idea about the characters.
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Best I can do is switch and let you take the lead sometimes. None of the fag assplay shit, no third party, but you could use me as a meat dildo when you want, including when I'm passed out. Likewise I'm into free use so I'll be taking you when I want too. Just be white and american so there's no citizenship bullshit to deal with.
I would not feel comfortable with a man paying for everything desu, unless that was his love language and he literally insisted I would feel very awkward about it.
>I'll caution I am not into BDSM style femdom and pegging and other sexual stuff akin to it.
>Best I can do is switch and let you take the lead sometimes.
Most of the time?
>None of the fag assplay shit, no third party, but you could use me as a meat dildo when you want, including when I'm passed out.
>Likewise I'm into free use so I'll be taking you when I want too.
Less perfect
>Just be white and american so there's no citizenship bullshit to deal with.
I am both white and american
>I would not feel comfortable with a man paying for everything desu, unless that was his love language and he literally insisted I would feel very awkward about it.
well she was a NEET and lived with me. I think my love language was more cooking her food, especially her favorite food.
I could agree with most of the time. How old are you?
Beidou (one eyed woman) is the Captain of the ship and Kazuha (short guy poet) is a refugee outlaw from another country who ended up becoming a part of her crew. Oh and the game community fandom ships them together and degen hentai artists draw lots of porn of them together.
Yup, that's a good summary.
They're not a couple though. People are just projecting their fantasies onto these characters and filling the gaps

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