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Beautiful Place To Get Lost edition.

thread questions
>your type
>This painting?
>When is it better for something to be left unknown?
>Do you struggle to communicate? Why that might be?
>What is something you saw recently, that you believe no one else to have seen.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.G. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology


Explanations of functions

Turbie-Wurbie's Cutesy Test Link Compilation! UwU

Exploration into Enneagram

Syntax of Love

contributions to and suggestions for links are well noticed. new thread sometime every Friday.
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pretty close.i was doing fine, but then i took the Victors Stone and now it is rather rough. just fought Old Dragonslayer and he killed me in three. im not getting one shotted unless i have no humanity.
important is a bullshit word. it is too vague, there is really never not a better, more telling and impressive word for the job. aside from importances impotence, it is a word that can be implied just fine.
>Maybe it is about the imagined recipient, more man against all.
this is basically what i meant.
>sounded like they've never been in a situation to be offered advice. That makes me assume that maybe they've never had friends, or trusted anyone enough to share their troubles with.
it is possible theyve overlooked advice, or have a particular, maybe peculiar, idea of what advice is. his type supports that idea. anyway. still here, if you want to advise the second choice.
Oh hey look, the retarded nigger did it again
Jesus christ in a handbasket, stop splitting the threads
>stop splitting the threads
i still love that song.
>its not that complicated, you're probably just overthinking it
as always. maybe i need to just view it as a baton passing game and not a puzzle with correct answers.
>i want to be known
well, i at least know that feeling intimately, so i know a piece of you.
>i have uncanny luck, blessed even
i seem to be uncannily cursed. i always told myself when i was younger that there was some kind of even balance of good and bad things in the world, so that if i was having a hard time of it, someone else a million miles away should be having an equivalently good time.

i do know what you're saying about the guy. you kept a souvenir to remember, instead of building something that would live outside of the past. i don't know the situation, so i can't say if you "traded" that or if it's just how things happened. that's what i mean, from the letter. you ponder in remorse, always. it's sad.

>This painting?
looks cool
>better for something to be unknown?
better implies a directive that can be met or fallen short of, and the question doesn't include the question. it depends on that.
>Do you struggle to communicate? Why?
communication is nothing but struggle by default, like exercise. you're supposed to struggle so you can improve.

have you considered making a philosophy thread on a more ponderful board? (not
dun"instead of", just in general.) that seems to be something that you lean towards very heavily when you make OPs. i think it's fun and cozy and can lead to good discussion, but you need some plain, crunchy, hard data type questions to draw the autist crowd that fuel typogical talks. philosophy/sociology here are cozy and quiet topics that lead to low traffic threads, like /feels/ or /nightwalk/. sneaking them in as a side dish in works but it's delicate.
please let me know if my commentary on the topic is annoying, i don't want to be a dick and be like "oh i'm the OP expert" when i really am just opinionated.
>This painting?
one of my favorites, and it is my favorite Thomas Cole. its interesting to me how most people seem aware of Consummation and Destruction, but not of the other three paintings in the series. it is fitting that Desolation should be less known. those towers reminds me other Thomas Cole paintings i like.
>When is it better for something to be left unknown?
spoilers are the first thing that come to mind. so, when the means of coming to knowledge lessens the worth of the knowledge. sadly, many things are only able to exist in obscurity, and although that is worse than being able to exist openly, it is better than nothing. a concrete example of this is a wasp nest i saw yesterday, i know once other people notice it they well kill it. another example would be a swimming spot that suddenly becomes popular, and then crowded. there is also the fact that as art gets more well known, it becomes less and less real. words seem to work in a similar way to art, how they wear out.
>Do you struggle to communicate? Why that might be?
yes, of course. i think everyone is really bad at communicating, only with me its apparent. really, i think im better at communicating than most, especially acting as a medium or in regards to ideas, at least once ive collected my thoughts. the problems only come when i am involved personally, and i guess the reason for that is the same reason im able to be good at impersonal communication.
>What is something you saw recently, that you believe no one else to have seen.
i found a bit of blue jay down. i know no one else has seen that.
>>your type
>>This painting?
Lovely. Makes me want to play D&D.
>>When is it better for something to be left unknown?
When it's going to negative feelings.
>>Do you struggle to communicate? Why that might be?
I struggle to communicate COHERENTLY at times, usually because I get excited and carried away.
>>What is something you saw recently, that you believe no one else to have seen.
I saw my roommate do a silly victory dance after he closed another case. I don't think he's ever done something like that in front of our friends.
is it possible for an autist to have amazing social skills?

I am hanging out with this really smart and sexy and charming woman, im pretty sure she is a narcissist, she loves talking to people and getting stuff out of them, shes a real charmer.

she says she is autistic, i dont believe her.
afaik autist are generally social retards, ya?
god damn i love being blind.
>adapted weapons for obscure targets
what i mean is that the target of the fireworks is not animals or more sensitive people, it is only that knowing they will be disturbed is registered as proof of the effectiveness of the weapon. the target of the fireworks is obscure in peoples mind, and is obscurity itself.
>the same reason im able to be good at impersonal communication.
mirroring is a extremely effect way to get people to listen to you, but it requires a certain amount of detachment and a certain kind of awareness. another extremely effective way to communicate is making an airy and evocative statement, then tying it to something concrete. an example of this method would be last threads "adapted weapons for obscure targets" and this threads "what i mean...". the downsides of what i think of as the balloon and brick method, is that it is hardly brief, and nearly always nixes any further conversation.
i dont like to dilute myself, and i dont mind being a ghost, and i liked the dark. i think most people are terrified of being a ghost, so they are very willing to dilute themselves in order to gain some stability. in a word; type problem.
https://youtu.be/ognBcHjlcJo?si=5_mQqsmKnjR7X4I5 [Embed]
>When it's going to negative feelings
such as?
>closed another case
he a lawyer? cop?
christ. im not fixing that twice.
>autist are generally social retards, ya?
by necessity. she is saying that as a tool, another way to charm and get stuff out of people.
>baton passing game
yep. its play. sometimes meaningful play, but it is all play.
>just how things happened
i have a hard time thinking like that. its okay that its a bit sad.
>some kind of even balance of good and bad things in the world
do you believe that still?
>When is it better for something to be left unknown?
it isnt meant to be a puzzle either. still, i could have been more clear.
"what must x be for the following statement to be true, why?: it is better for x to remain unknown." lets say you discover a beautiful lake, do you think it is better to show people or to keep it secret?
>have you considered making a philosophy thread on a more ponderful board?
yes, and ive decided it isnt something i want.
>sneaking them in as a side dish in works but it's delicate.
it kinda is now. what do you think about spinning these friday threads off from 'main' /mbti/?
>i don't want to be a dick and be like "oh i'm the OP expert" when i really am just opinionated.
you may not be the expert, but you are the standard. i appreciate it. this thread did kinda have shitty questions, and i made it late. i wanted light questions because i figured anons would still be chewing on the last couple threads questions, but i went for the wrong light.
>such as?
A friend of mine found out a few weeks ago about a very annoying change which will be implemented at her job in the fall. There's nothing she can do about it. But now that she knows about it, it's going to be hanging over her head all summer. She'd have rather been blindsided by it.
>he a lawyer? cop?
Private investigator.
i don't know. that's as much of a system or a power as i can tolerate, an automated scale that always breaks even. reality is identical whether it's fair in the grand scheme or not, so it doesn't matter too much. it was a cope.
>show people or keep it a secret
i entirely though of "secret" as "not known to me", you thought of it as "known to all or just to me". Fe/Fi moment? i'm rusty. anyway, it depends on the people and very granular reasons as to why i would or wouldnt)
>spinning friday threads off
i don't know, that's all your call. i don't browse enough to know if the friday threads are going good or not, but apparently people stopped going along with the forced scarcity plan so i don't know what the move is here, and thank god i don't have to anymore. i know /altmbti/ existed in the past and it's reputation is not pristine.
>appreciate it
you're welcome. i have an OP chambered from the old days but anons haven't left a window longer than a couple hours, so i never caught it in my rare glances at the catalog.
Stop bumping this thread you shitheads
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>Fe/Fi moment?
not a type thing. just words being weird. besides, infjs and istps have the same 'functions', only infj is an irrational while istp is a rational.
>friday threads
they were twice as bright, and about a fourth as long. desolate and beautiful. i think what makes a good thread more than anything is op looking after the thread, a nice pic and thoughtful questions are simply signs of care. guess if this one fails i will call it. it would be fitting if this was the end of the epilogue, and what i predicted too. really, its wonderful it went as well as it did. its nice we got to chat again, twice even... or maybe one and a half. anyway. if this is the last thread i make, im glad you were here for it.
also glad you escaped the gravity. do you see the blessing in that? in all of this?
see, told you i was rusty.

>i might call it here, as i predicted
if that's the choice you wanna make. i have some bone that jumps angrily whenever the idea of giving up in the face of people telling me to give up, but it's not my zoo anymore. i'm glad chatting means that much to you. it's a compliment.
>do you see the blessing in all of this? escaping the gravity?
not really. i kinda got my heart broken. i "escaped the gravity" of mbti just like a prisoner "escapes his cell" by the entire facility being hit with a nuclear warhead. this isn't how i wanted things to end at all. i still have so much to learn.
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that is more of 'function problem, and, least as far as S/N is concerned, would be more like hw going "6" and hilda going "number". type problem between Ti/Ni, is probably best expressed in how you tend to see song posting like a puzzle, where i tend to see it as a matter of aesthetics. E/I is probably best summed up by that guy bitching at me and me.
>giving up
more like moving on. the thread is dead, this has all just been the funeral march.
ive got what i want out of these friday threads, and i figure everyone else has, so i see no reason to keep making them. you know, half the reason i started these was the hope of this conversation. i wasnt satisfied with how things ended; this is better, dont you think?
>this isn't how i wanted things to end at all
thats how it works. "what you want is were you dont want to look" and all that. you got out, thats the important part. heart break is the cost of living, and an important lesson. guess thats a cold comfort.
>still have so much to learn.
there are other, better places to learn things now. really, what more could you ask from /mbti/? you dont need this place to read jung.
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>pretty close.i was doing fine, but then i took the Victors Stone and now it is rather rough. just fought Old Dragonslayer and he killed me in three. im not getting one shotted unless i have no humanity.

Ahh, sorry just noticed this thread was up. Wait, please don't tell me you joined the Champions Covenant? I'm not telling you to not join it but iirc that covenant is there for try hards or people who want a challenge. Way of the Blue was the covenant for babies like me, Actually I'm usually a sentinel until my second character where I'm an invader. Invaders are usually more skilled because they get more action and tougher scenarios

>it is possible theyve overlooked advice, or have a particular, maybe peculiar, idea of what advice is. his type supports that idea.
Not exactly sure what that means but I sort of have an idea.

>anyway. still here, if you want to advise the second choice.
Hey! I wouldn't say you're my second choice. I just wanted to help someone who's never been helped before but I'm here if you would like any advice for anything. I like to think I have a knack for offering great advice.

>Stop bumping this thread you shitheads
But I like this one. It has a cozy atmosphere.

>Lovely. Makes me want to play D&D.
You're lovely! I've never played D&D before. I want to try it after watching some critical role and other d&d stories like the one about the Grey Necromancer.
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>more like moving on
yeah. i get that, obviously. it's gonna be a long time before i'm over it, though.
>i wasn't satisfied with how things ended; this is better, don't you think?
...nah. i'm glad we are talking, but this is just stapling a page onto a book that ended terribly. an epilogue isn't a new ending. it's just a pile of butts. the thread is dead, but something killed it. these are not 'real' relationships, but they meant something to me. there are better places, but i don't know them. i could read jung on my own, but i don't really care to; i know he's a brillian thinker, but it's his system. with no group to discuss it with, i don't have so much use for it. i can make my own system that doesn't need to be verbalized or make accessible to all types, i can categorize people in ways that make sense to only me and have much better results that way.

i wonder if this will be my last /mbti/ hot take: jung's work isn't for you to understand other people, it is for everyone to understand everyone else. it's use is in how all comers can share a square one and terminology and a system to compare and contrast each other in. for the purpose of the individual, it's better to make your own understanding. if you cannot make your own understanding, you were never going to get jung to begin with.

it's not like thread was full of brilliant advice all the time. it's just that people gave a shit about me for a long time. people caring to listen was nice, and that existing in such a low pressure environment was incredible. the point is the seat is empty. i have to find a way to fill it, and i don't know how, because /mbti/ is the only thing that's ever been there. but that's life.
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>your type
Ne Fi
>This painting?
A once beautiful place/civilization. That now lays in ruins or has seen better days at the least.
>When is it better for something to be left unknown?
If it's not important and will have no impact either way. Not everything needs to be said. Not everyone needs to know every single thing. Especially if it's not going to help a situation and only potentially make things worse.
>Do you struggle to communicate? Why that might be?
Not at all. I don't know. I usually know exactly how I feel about things, how others will likely react to what I have to say, and how to soften it so that it's not taken the wrong. That doesn't mean that I don't sometimes put my foot in my mouth, or can't resist "Just Have to" say certain things that would be best left unspoken or at least saved for a more opportune moment. But that would also make me feel like I'm being fake or not my true self.
>What is something you saw recently, that you believe no one else to have seen.
I saw a woman drop her phone/Credit Card today while at Olive Garden. I figured she saw it drop but when she made no effort to grab it, I caught her attention with a gesture and motioned towards her phone and mouthed, "you dropped your phone." But they couldn't understand me lmao, so I had to SPEAK UP LOUD ENOUGH SO EVERYONE COULD HEAR THAT SHE DROPPED HER PHONE. Please lady... Let me be suave and enjoy my spaghetti instead of spilling it everywhere.
well then. what do you think, should i change the name, spin /mbtfri/ off 'officially?
>you joined the Champions Covenant?
fraid so. i was a bell keeper, but i was too shit and i hated waiting for invasions, and i changed my mind about how i wanted to roleplay. plus i was breezing through fights and figured it would respawn the two Heide Knights near the first bonfire, if i hadnt taken it would have had taken forever to get that damned chest plate. anyway. arnt you going to help me with my build?
also, ive killed the Sinner, Rotten, and Bug, but the cat, the ghost at the castle, and the map says there are four old ones; where the hell is the fourth? of course i dont want to look it up, but a gentle nudge in the right direction from you would be very appreciated.
>Let me be suave and enjoy my spaghetti instead of spilling it everywhere.
kek. you could have wrote here a note. im trying to learn sign langue so i can pretend im mute, but its rather hard no having anyone to sign with.
>I've never played D&D before. I want to try it
I highly recommend; especially if you're looking to make some new friends. If there's nobody to play with locally, there are free sites like Roll20 which also have boards for players looking for games and game looking for players.
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>well then. what do you think, should i change the name, spin /mbtfri/ off 'officially?
Idk. All I can say for sure is that I prefer the chats in this thread more. I don't know why that is exactly but they're nicer. If someone manages to keep it alive throughout the night I'll try to keep it bumped tomorrow.

>i was a bell keeper, but i was too shit
The factions that are summoned to defend areas, are usually only able to easily be summoned around a certain level and once moving out of that range it becomes harder to get matched. iirc there were some higher level places that could also be defended. The problem with ds2, is there's an additional mechanism that makes it more difficult to be matched with others. It was sort of bandaided in the DLCs iirc.

>would respawn the two Heide Knights
You can also just use a bonfire "aesthetic"
You're on hard mode.
>arnt you going to help me with my build?
I don't think its bad enough to respec, but if I were to respec, I'd drop my Str and Dex to bare min levels needed, same with vitality? The stat needed to be under 70% for your equipment. Pump the rest into stamina, which I think is same as equip weight, and health. Since Ds1, and every other souls game I've played. When I go a melee build, The str/dex stats are the last stats I pump. As you'll always get DPS increases from just upgrading your weapon. I hope you're upgrading your weapon right? I'd said your health is a bit low. They used to call me a madman for keeping my Vigor stat at 27 because of Diminishing Returns. I can't recall the soft caps and hard caps but I could look them up quickly. Most people get at least 30+ to 40+ Vigor. You sort of have some stats in quite a few places. I'd guess you have faith for healing spells?

>kek. you could have wrote here a note
It was difficult enough to get their attention.
Bug? Describe the bug.
>the cat, the ghost at the castle
Did you find a castle with lava nearby?
i forgot to say my piece on
>I want to try it after watching some critical role and other d&d stories
i strongly recommend playing in the flesh. what you do ideally, is try out some wargames and boardgames, and then when you have a group for that, bring up playing a ttrpg to them; but that is the ideal. most games work well enough online, but i think ttrpgs are too social for that to work well at all.
oh, and you know, wouldnt hurt to give some locally grown produce a shot. /tg/ exists. if nothing else, might be worth making a thread about it over there.
>i strongly recommend playing in the flesh
It always looks so fun. I really wish I would have tried it once.

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nicer than every reg in recorded history haha
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>your type
>This painting?
ugly as shit , faggot penis
>When is it better for something to be left unknown?
when you are a sissy bitch with low T
>Do you struggle to communicate? Why that might be?
No, I say whatever I want all the time
>What is something you saw recently, that you believe no one else to have seen.
my cat chilling out on the floor noone has seen him like that ever but me stay jealous faggots.
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>You're on hard mode.
good. besides, you can abandon a covenant but you cant unburn something
>I'd drop my Str and Dex to bare min levels needed, same with vitality
for sure my Str is way too high. Rapier has S scaling in dex, so maybe my dex isnt so bad. i really wanted to use the Black Knight Halberd, then the Gargoyle Bident, but now i really dont want to use either and im out of respecs for now, thats why str is so high. leveled faith for fire bonus because im a noob. i dont have a single spell slot and have not used a spell once.
>upgrading your weapon
yes. i just did after getting my teeth kicked in by the Mastodon Knights at the castle steps. Rapier is at +7 and so is my shield. Enchanted Falchion at +6.
>Bug? Describe the bug.
big bug. many legs. many eyes. two faces. black. spat lasers. fucking bullshit.
>Did you find a castle with lava nearby?
cant say i have. unless you mean the place at the bottom of the fort in the Forest of Fallen Giants with the significant salamanders.
>It was difficult enough to get their attention.
paper airplane. or get up and set it on her table, that way she certainly sees it but you dont have to yell.
>big bug. many legs. many eyes. two faces. black. spat lasers. fucking bullshit.
ahh the spider. yeah sounds like you need to go to castle.
There's two ways or maybe more to get there.
Ok. So you beat the guy at heides tower right? Which this pictures are reminding me of desu.
There's a lady up there you need to buy a key from. There's a place called Huntsman Copse? if I remember correctly There's two different main paths there. Explore them both.

>out of respecs for now
It's really limited in DS2 and not possible in ds1 iirc. Everyone messes up their first build. So Don't worry about it. You only need 10 Attunement to gain a spell slot. Then 13 for 2 slots.
>Huntsman Copse
ive been there and beat the Chariot. i will go look now, and if i dont see anything, im going to ask for more specific directions. thank you. hope this isnt a bother.
whats up with the dude in the chair? am i missing something, or is he just like that?
turns out i was just having a Ni-gga momemnt. i walked right past the lever the lowers the bridge, and i just assumed that it had something to do with the guy i killed, and is thus unimportant.
youre a god send man. thank you.
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>an epilogue isn't a new ending
hideaki anno would like to have a few words with you, but i get your meaning. maybe you can think of it like a bridge between something old and new. so the prison was nuked, but you arnt dead, and the bus ride back to town is kinda nice. i dont really know man. are you up for one last puzzle? sorry this post is so late.
>hot take
i think jung's work is for jung and his friends. still, as you say, jung was a good enough writer he can be used as a sort of lingua franca, but just because you can speak german doesnt mean you have anything worth saying. none of this is novel, not really a hot take: although it is widely know, it isnt something that people talk about openly, because the people that know it think its implied and useless to say out loud for that, and because the people dont dont get it tend to get very loud. i say all that to say, yes, and im glad you see that. anyway.
reading jung is fun for some. is there anything you would care to read?
>the point is the seat is empty.
have you any interest in drawing, painting, ceramics, knitting, or anything like that? maybe music? you could share those things, or just make them for yourself. it isnt the same thing, but it could be a similar "central" element, and could very well lead to meeting good people, people who might already respect you because of your work and be much more forgiving of your peculiarities for it. sorry, i know this sort of "have you though of" can be annoying.

>Your type
>Post the coolest/weirdest/funniest/[bestest] Gematriac phrase you can find
>Your type

>Gematriac phrase you can find
Lot of antisemitic phrases here. What exactly is this?

Depends on who's shoe it is.
What you make of it.
"Not taking too seriously" and non-attachment are not the same things.

Knowing when to hold tighter and when to let go of the cord burning your flesh away as it slips is different than knowing when you are holding a cord that is burning your flesh away
>Not taking too seriously" and non-attachment are not the same things
is this meant for me? I'm confused.

>Knowing when to hold tighter and when to let go of the cord burning your flesh away as it slips is different than knowing when you are holding a cord that is burning your flesh away
I think I get the difference but I'm not sure if this is meant for me. Feels like I'm missing a reference or something.
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Posting my results in case anyone wants to compare.
>Posting my results in case anyone wants to compare
I'll compare but I don't see a link for this.
>youre a god send man. thank you.
So, would you say my advice was helpful? Would you recommend my advice services to others?
I miss turbie ;-;
do you think turbie is having a good summer ;-;
we INTPs are closer to perfection than any other type
l o l
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>your type
>How many people in the entire world do you trust 100%? Complete full trust.
>what's the last book that you read that you'd recommend and why?
>What's a hobby that you used to have and miss doing? Why did you stop?
>What's a hobby that you've been thinking of getting into but haven't yet? What's holding you back from trying it?
>How cute are you feeling today? You can't say it's subjective
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>your type
>How many people in the entire world do you trust 100%? Complete full trust.
no one
>what's the last book that you read that you'd recommend and why?
Robinson Crusoe
tales of youth and adventureship
consequences of acting on perceived wants and ones impulses and overcoming them
dilemma of living a life most suited to ones needs and one which will be remembered
>What's a hobby that you used to have and miss doing? Why did you stop?
I do what I want 24/7
>What's a hobby that you've been thinking of getting into but haven't yet? What's holding you back from trying it?
>How cute are you feeling today? You can't say it's subjective
>>your type
>>How many people in the entire world do you trust 100%? Complete full trust.
I'd say about 14: my roommate, my parents, my older brother, and about 10 of my closest friends.
>>what's the last book that you read that you'd recommend and why?
Sadly I don't read much.
>>What's a hobby that you used to have and miss doing? Why did you stop?
I miss serious dancing and gymnastics from time to time, but the effort just reached the point of not being worth it.
>>What's a hobby that you've been thinking of getting into but haven't yet? What's holding you back from trying it?
None at the moment.
>>How cute are you feeling today? You can't say it's subjective
5.5 maybe? It's a 'catch up on work' Sunday, so I probably won't be going anywhere and haven't really put any effort in.
>I miss serious dancing and gymnastics from time to time
Are you good at dancing? Like regular dancing and not ballet. Have you ever had dance battles against anyone when out clubbing/partying? did you stop dance and gymnastics at the same time?

>5.5 maybe
Out of a 6? How cute do you normally feel? And I'll try not to bother you too much so you can catch up on work.
>Are you good at dancing? Like regular dancing and not ballet.
I'm all right at it. Nothing spectacular, but not embarrassing either (unless I get caught dancing in a grocery store or something).
>Have you ever had dance battles against anyone when out clubbing/partying?
Lol no.
>did you stop dance and gymnastics at the same time?
Yea, they were pretty well intertwined; the gymnastics training was to enhance my dance moves.
>Out of a 6? How cute do you normally feel?
Maybe around an 8.
>And I'll try not to bother you too much so you can catch up on work.
No worries. That's one of the big appeals of the format of /r9k/ - being able to take little microbreaks without spending too much time on it.
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>No worries. That's one of the big appeals of the format of /r9k/ - being able to take little microbreaks without spending too much time on it
So I'm appealing? Glad to hear it from you.
>embarrassing either (unless I get caught dancing in a grocery store or something).
You ever get caught dancing while driving and stopped at a red light? I've had people point at me to their other passengers....

>enhance my dance moves.
Never met anyone with enchanced dance moves. What else is enhanced of yours, your armor or other equipment?

>Maybe around an 8.
I bet your downplaying and you're an easy 9 or 10
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>>your type
5w4 sx sp inxp
>>This painting?
i've seen that series before, i like it. it's really nicely painted too, at least to a layperson
>>When is it better for something to be left unknown?
it depends on the situation and the people involved, i guess. you could say if the knowledge would cause pain or suffering, but the lack of knowledge might also do the same.
>>Do you struggle to communicate? Why that might be?
sometimes. people say i'm very eloquent and well spoken, but often times i feel like i'm having trouble getting my point across or i feel like i'm rambling by overexplaining what i mean to the point ppl get a little lost. also, i used to be pretty bad about communicating emotions but i've gotten better at that through time and practice
>>What is something you saw recently, that you believe no one else to have seen.
to have seen at the same time, or to have seen ever before? i guess my own drawings, nobody else has seen some of them, and it's unlikely that anything specifically identical to them has been drawn before just bc of the peculiarities of my pencil and how i draw and being a beginner so things look more chaotic
>your type
intp 5w4
>How many people in the entire world do you trust 100%? Complete full trust.
Trust nobody not even yourself
>what's the last book that you read that you'd recommend and why?
thinking about thinking: mind and meaning in the era of techno-nihilism
It's a good somewhat accessible introduction to existentialist critiques of technological society and how that relates to philosophy of mind, which I think is very important
>What's a hobby that you used to have and miss doing? Why did you stop?
dont think i've really stopped doing anything?
>What's a hobby that you've been thinking of getting into but haven't yet? What's holding you back from trying it?
Anything involving going out around people, would like maybe to play music w/ people and go to concerts more, book stores or just community involvemnet in general but i am still basically a shutin though much better then I used to be
>How cute are you feeling today? You can't say it's subjective
been extremely worn out and tired recently

>This painting?
havent seen it before its very pretty i like it
>When is it better for something to be left unknown?
If it doesn't contribute to a good life and the act of getting the knowledge means you aren't doing something more important
>Do you struggle to communicate? Why that might be?
yeah, lack of talking to people, sensors thinking differently, trying to explain my ti when anyone asks me a simple question
>What is something you saw recently, that you believe no one else to have seen.
there are really nice sunset views from my balcony no one has seen those but me i guess atleast from that perspective
>thinking about thinking: mind and meaning in the era of techno-nihilism
good recc, thanks! I've been looking for something like this after trying to read linkrel and understanding nothing
Have any of you gotten a family member or a friend to the mbti quiz for you? It would be interesting to see if it overlaps with your own personal idea of you.
>So I'm appealing? Glad to hear it from you.
>You ever get caught dancing while driving and stopped at a red light? I've had people point at me to their other passengers....
All the time. But bopping out in your car is a lot more common than bopping out in a store, so far less embarrassing.
>Never met anyone with enchanced dance moves. What else is enhanced of yours, your armor or other equipment?
Heh. Outfit, sugary beverages, and positive feedback.
>I bet your downplaying and you're an easy 9 or 10
I was going for an average. Some days I feel cuter than others.

>Have any of you gotten a family member or a friend to the mbti quiz for you?
Only my roommate (ESFJ)
>entp is just a more talkative intj
true or false?
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they have the same functions just w/ opposite introversion/extroversion
got the link wrong, it was this link
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I should be advancing state-of-the-art psychological models and yet I'm stuck here with you.
nobody is detaining you and you're welcome to leave any time you want to if you don't like it.
What? I'm free to leave? But where will I go?
>I should be advancing state-of-the-art psychological models
How would you do that?
No idea mate, but clearly the realisation I could be doing something is the hardest part.
>realisation I could be doing something is the hardest part.
What else do you think you could be doing?
>boring Romantic shit. Visually nice and painter was certainly talented, but this kind of painting is from a bygone era and we really ought to be creating and focusing on art for the future
>when the knowledge is not useful
>not even a little bit. It's one of my best skills
>I was at Church and saw above the icon of the Holy Theotokos some orange little lights that looked like fireflies. I no longer go to Church or believe in God, but no one else seemed to notice the lights
Eating doritos and building crumb cauldron
>trusts 14 people
>doesn't list her boyfriend
helpful, certainly. as for if i would recommended it, it really depends.
>to have seen at the same time, or to have seen ever before
arnt those the same?
>we really ought to be creating and focusing on art for the future
why? and, what is art for the future?
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>All the time. But bopping out in your car is a lot more common than bopping out in a store, so far less embarrassing.

I want to boop you now.

Anyone can feel free to answer these or ignore if too difficult.

>Which mistakes have you made that caused the biggest positive change for you or given the biggest learning experience?

>Are there any bad experiences/traumas that you've seen or experienced that have caused you to be a kinder person? In what way are you kinder?

>A summer tradition or experience that you miss doing or haven't done in a very long time
>we really ought to be creating and focusing on art for the future
nigga thinks because he can look at porn on his phone that ruins and landscapes aren't pretty and worthwhile, people would be much better off if they spent more time looking at stuff like this
seeing the beauty in the ruins of a dead civilization is also pretty important to be mindful of as well... (study the greeks and all that)
>seeing the beauty in the ruins of a dead civilization
You're the only one here who sees the ruins of a dead civilization. Everyone else just sees a pretty picture.
neck yourself
over for you, autist
literally jewish
A post with a cat
not worthy
go for a walk
you care about stupid shit which doesnt matter
>you care about stupid shit which doesnt matter
What do you think is worth caring about or matters?
it's literally destroyed roman/greek columns covered in plants lol, even has a bird nesting on top of one
sorry you just wanted to seem cool by hating something "simple" but simple things are actually only simple because people don't put the time in to engage with them
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1. Health
big space
2. everything else (doesnt matter much)
maybe stuff like family or whatever but its all health ultimately
be healthy, then you are pretty, feel good, people will like you (looking at your pretty face, interacting with someone who feels good all the time etc)

most people in this thread are looking for "something"
there is no such thing
the only answer is health, thats what everyone is seeking atleast subconsciounsly
you cant read yourself out of a fever
>>doesn't list her boyfriend
'Roommate' is a euphemism.
>>A summer tradition or experience that you miss doing or haven't done in a very long time
I kinda miss having a lawn with sprinklers to play in and space to set up a slip-n-slide. Sure I can go to a sprayground and they're awesome, but just not quite the same.
>it's literally destroyed roman/greek columns covered in plants lol,
No one else mentioned that. Why did you see things differently?
its literally what the picture is of, most people probably don't feel the need to articulate it explicitly if you questioned them they'd say the same thing though
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i NEED affection from Rxy
>arnt those the same?
For example, a friend and i are walking through the woods, and i spot a rock on the ground that i think looks neat. My friend does not see the rock, which means that I believe that it was just me who saw the rock, i.e. it is something I believe no one else to have seen.

However, other people walking through the woods before me may have also noticed that specific rock, which would mean I am not the first person to have seen it, meaning it would NOT be something no one else has seen.

which is why i asked for clarification, and also provided an example that has seen been seen only by myself both in the moment of its viewing, and throughout its existence
I got entp. My dream type
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im inXp not inFp kms
5w4 sx spbros.. it's over...
oh wrong pic lmao
Straightest infp
there's nothing wrong with wanting a radahn or mohg bc mohg is better bf
What's this mean? Which one am i
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i could do a lot of things, i could read a lot of books, i could find new hobbies to focus on or do anything. talking about it here is perpendicular to the point, though. i can't find it here or even get pointers on where to look here anymore, even though i want to. i have to move on.

thank you though. sorry the puzzle timing didn't work out.
id be remiss if i didnt post it anyway. https://puzzle.aggie.io/OlPtCU

good luck. for whatever its worth, i have faith you will.
>can't find it here or even get pointers on where to look here anymore,
nta but why do you think that?
a puzzle dropped
a puzzle untouched
this could say a lot to our society had it the ears to listen
https://youtu.be/IQkvlAH_JPk // https://youtu.be/k84ohKq4zwo \\ https://youtu.be/qWGvRmYV2-Q

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