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roasting in heat and taking it easy
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Very hot outside but I'm chilling in my room with AC on and taking it easy.
I had a shower just a bit ago, but it's already nice and warm out. Humid too. The rains... They keep coming.
I hate the water
I hate sea life
But the oceans love you, anon (:. Won't you come for a swim? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq_BNBUNC8Y
it's actually cold here where i live, and yes, i'm taking it easy
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Noo not le cute octopus!
>The rains
I love rain!
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I love the rain too, it's always so cozy. Hurricanes are nice to enjoy inside, as long as they don't damage your house. Most of them are fine here. It's okay though, surely the octopus got away in the cloud of ink... They're slippery like that. However, this next video will be extremely graphic.
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I wish i had an AC in my room...
I have 2 keep the door open if i want 2 feel the effects of the AC we have...
do u like the rains?
must be so refreshing
hungry hungry hippo!
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>do u like the rains?
Oh yeah, when it gets super flooded here then all of the ditches fill with water and slowly drain into the larger canals. It feels like there's little rivers and of course the frogs and tadpoles make the water shimmer and shine under the light of the moon and street lamps.
>hungry hungry hippo!
A fierce beast. A terror in the rivers. A dangerous animal, just like these bears.
>must be so refreshing
yes it is
Anyone here gay and looking to get a dick in their ass?
I might be a bit gay because I can't stop thinking about cock.
i took my eyes off this thread for just a bit and THIS are the posts i see
I'm sorry for being a fag. :(
I've already had 3 beers this morning and got some Taco Bell breakfast. Now I'm going to watch anime and take it easy
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There is a feeling I can't name that make me love summer rain. I guess it's just cozy and refreshing
How do you take it easy in the heat?
It drives me insane.
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>Hurricanes are nice to enjoy inside
Hurricanes are kinda freaky. Are there any tornadoes where you live?
>this next video will be extremely graphic
Terrifying predator!
>I have 2 keep the door open if i want 2 feel the effects of the AC we have...
Same, but I just put my earbuds on and all the noise goes away.
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>Oh yeah, when it gets super flooded here then all of the ditches fill with water and slowly drain into the larger canals. It feels like there's little rivers and of course the frogs and tadpoles make the water shimmer and shine under the light of the moon and street lamps.
sounds like a pain though when u need 2 get somewhere when everything's flooded
cold drinks and AC!
I don't feel fully comfortable unless the doors are closed as well
Invigorating? Around here it's very invigorating since it's the start of our rainy season.
>Hurricanes are kinda freaky. Are there any tornadoes where you live?
I've heard about tornado warnings but I've never seen one here, thankfully. Those might be a bit harsh.
>Terrifying predator!
Truly horrific...
>sounds like a pain though when u need 2 get somewhere when everything's flooded
Luckily the roads don't tend to flood over since it's so flat here.

Also, another horrid beast.
>rained all summer
>barely went above 20 degrees
Man this has been a shit year. I shall drown in my sorrows by masturbating to 2hus with large, thick, unkempt bushes
Just woke up from nap. If you're a bit gay then this might work out, I need you to be comfortable being on your knees and looking up at me while you service my cock. Inbetween providing such a service, I will more than likely instinctually treat you like a woman by buying you things and hugging you from behind. As for why? I dunno, because I am an animal.
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I woke up at 5 today and need to leave for something I forget was happening. Apparently it's in 30 minutes.
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>I don't feel fully comfortable unless the doors are closed as well
Me too, but I'm hidden behind a wall so it doesn't bother me that much. Is your computer exposed?
>I've heard about tornado warnings but I've never seen one here, thankfully
Yeah, I'd be anxious all the time if I lived in a tornado area.
Oh no, are you gonna be late? What's it about?
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Cute homiesexual
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>Luckily the roads don't tend to flood over since it's so flat here.
how often do they flood over?
>Man this has been a shit year. I shall drown in my sorrows by masturbating to 2hus with large, thick, unkempt bushes
wut 2hus r ur favourite?
where must u go?
Don't b late!!!
u mean 2 the door?
yeah, it's exposed
It's real awkward when someone walks by and my door is open
So what are you like and what are you wearing?
Oh i'm nta i just thought when you said "instinctually treat you like a woman by..." it was going in a very different direction.
Very wholesome.
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>It's real awkward when someone walks by and my door is open
Ah that sucks. Gotta be careful while browsing then!
Have you ever been caught looking at questionable things?
When I say woman, I guess it's a projection. I'm a soft person and a romantic. Yeah I'd probably want to fuck you daily until my dick hurts, but I also like people to express their emotions. This is probably a huge turnoff for a lot of people. One time this femboy was hitting on me and because I was open and prioritized more of a personable relation between the two of us, he thought I was cringe.
I think some people just want to do the fetish thing and then don't want a close connection, don't take it personally.
Did you try looking for someone on /trash/?
one day if i get surgery to be cute and feminine and not an ogre i hope i find someone like you
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>Ah that sucks. Gotta be careful while browsing then!
yeah that's true
>Have you ever been caught looking at questionable things?
a couple of times i think. We just don't talk about it. What about you?
Is that like a joke, or is that serious
No one wants me, this has been my experience. They think I'm cute, or attractive then poof zero interest romantically. :)
living with other people can be absolute fucking nightmare, i was forced to live with multiple degenerates even after i said no, but i made their lives as hellish as possible, i even wanted to kill them, there is nothing worse than being forced to live you not only dislike, but also can't fucking stand them
No i'm serious there are threads there sometimes like discord friend or friends with benefits threads.
A lot of people struggle with things like shame so genuine love type attraction instead of just lust might make them uncomfortable.
That's more about them than you.
And this is commonplace on /trash/? It doesn't surprise me that people struggle with those kinds of things. From a young age men are taught to suppress certain aspects of themself through either bad parenting, or abusive relationships.
What even happened on this thread?
>i'm taking it easy
Good you are making progress, that's what matters.
yeah i understand that, gays are fucking faggots that hate intimacy and romance and love nothing but sex and AIDS
but if a guy got get past my hideousness to jerk off to me i can't really ask for much more considering who i am
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Hm yeah those are up every now and then but more often there's the casual fapping together thread.
Exactly, so a lot of people have baggage, just keep being yourself and then someone who's unburdened ready and willing to engage in a serious relationship will respond in kind.
Don't get disheartened, i know rejection is rough but you just gotta keep on rolling.
Man this makes me so aroused.
Yeah you're pretty much right. I'd love to disagree, but I've been burned with a 100% rate when dealing with homos.
Your welcome?
I just wanna point out that two people have indicated that on some level they want what you have to give ITT.
There's someone out there that needs you, you just have to find each other.
Alright, take it easy brother.
I'm a self hating homo
i mean i'm not gonna get surgery for years (i mean hopefully i get it asap)
but i wish one day..
I'm about to get off 4chan, but I'll say this. I think if you just let go and got into some kind of relationship then the self-hate would completely die so long as your lifestyles didn't clash. What >>77993475
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>a couple of times i think
How bad was it?
>What about you?
Probably a few times but I'm not sure. Last time it happened I had a lewd wallpaper on and saw my mom peeking through the window...
Wdym? The content or the reaction?
>Probably a few times but I'm not sure. Last time it happened I had a lewd wallpaper on and saw my mom peeking through the window...
Did she say anything about it?
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>Wdym? The content or the reaction?
The content. I'm assuming there was no reaction. My mom never said anything.
Meanwhile me in Australia
I'd rather have the cold than the heat.
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Yeah same, although it's pretty annoying when you wake up in the middle of the night freezing and your dogs begging to be taken out
just put more blankets on???
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Australia gets very hot during summer, doesn't it?
How are you doing, Hutanon?
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Yeah it does, i live down in the southern part where it gets dry during the summer, as you get further up north it becomes more tropical
Still looks better than 40C and 35C at shade.
im doing okay! how are you doing koisher?>>77994854
have you ever seen a tasmanian devil?
anons, i just ate dinner and i'm about to go rest in bed, in two hours there will be a metokur stream roasting boogie

don't worry tho, i will still be here enjoying the thread and taking it easy
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I know it can get pretty dire over there, I've seen the hellish fires. Winter must feel like a respite.
I'm okay too, trying to chill, but my ass is anything but chilling in this heat.
Rest well, anon.
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May have been some lewd images
I can't 'member exactly what it was
u r chilling!
henlo hutanon!
how has ur day been?
wut about the AC?
its fucking COLD in Canada
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>I can't 'member exactly what it was
I still remember mine out of embarrassment.
>wut about the AC?
Turned off at night, plus I keep the door closed at this time.
And that's a good thing!
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I am back home

I didn't miss anything. It was a meetup with some old university friends to celebrate one getting his PhD. It was nice leaving the house again. We played an analogue version of Gartic Phone.

>Have you ever been caught looking at questionable things?
I think my dad walked in one me a decade ago when I had a lewd picture of Aya____ on my monitor
install linux. you can emulate windows only games using wine so they run on linux like they would on windows (1 click)
You think? I have to go for runs, and showers sometimes, specifically just to warm up. I weigh 165 and I'm 6ft for reference

how can you stand it?
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>We played an analogue version of Gartic Phone
Cool. Was it fun?
>a lewd picture of Aya____
Ayaya! Do you still have it? What did your dad say?
Don't you have a fireplace or something at home?
Going for runs sounds good though, you keep yourself healthy.
>fireplace or something
the apartment I reside is has automated heating. brrrrr
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And that's still not enough to warm you up?
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I need your kisses
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M-My what!? I can't do that, anon...
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>I still remember mine out of embarrassment.
what was it?
>Turned off at night, plus I keep the door closed at this time.
can u fall asleep in this heat?
also Nue looks so erotic...
what was it like? Did u enjoy meeting ur frens again?
i dun wanna do it now
why are u so adamant that I install it anyway?
today was a very pleasant day. the weather was nice and a tasty snack was had. hopefully you're all taking it easy too.
>Was it fun?
Yes. Drawing things poorly is always fun!
>Do you still have it?
No, but I spent a while searching for it and came up with nothing. She was in a maple tree and had her shirt slightly open. You couldn't see her boobies, just a bit of cleavage. It was obvious what I was doing
>What did your dad say?
Nothing. I think he was disappointed.

>what was it like?
Mostly relaxed. The game ended up being very funny.
>Did u enjoy meeting ur frens again?
Yes. We said we'd try to meet up a couple more times before I'm gone.
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>what was it?
Aru from Blue Archive. It wasn't too lewd, just a picture of her butt lit by sunlight.
>can u fall asleep in this heat?
I should be able to with the fan on.
>also Nue looks so erotic...
Hehe, I agree!
Glad you're taking it easy! Done anything cool today?
>Yes. Drawing things poorly is always fun!
Were there any drawings you particularly enjoyed?
>She was in a maple tree and had her shirt slightly open
I don't seem to have it either, sadly...
>I think he was disappointed
At least it was a 2D image.
walked around the neighbourhood, snacked, that's it really. simple days in themselves can be simply pleasant. haven't had any sweets or real actual food in about a week from a strict diet so it was nice to have a treat. how about you, how was your day?
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>simple days in themselves can be simply pleasant
That's true, it helps the mind relax.
>strict diet
Are you trying to lose weight?
>how was your day?
I took it easy by playing vidya, watching videos and collecting Nue pics. Average hikineet day.
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>Were there any drawings you particularly enjoyed?
Most of them were just stick people so anything that had a bit more effort was appreciated although that was pretty rare.
>I don't seem to have it either, sadly...
One day I'll find it again
>At least it was a 2D image.
I think he'd have preferred a playboy centrefold or something.
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>Yeah, I'd be anxious all the time if I lived in a tornado area.
I'd love to live in a bunker and if I could have that then I'd be super relaxed in a place like tornado alley B^).
>how often do they flood over?
Usually it's only for a day or two after a hurricane or just when the rains start if it was really dry for a long time. As a fun fact, dry ground is less absorbent of water and that can make places like deserts prone to flash floods.

>"Schlurp :-DDDD" the webm
It's not even warm its like 72
just watched metokur's stream, jesus fucking christ, boogie was a even worse degenerate than i fucking though, that's almost impressive
Catching up on it from a restream. I remember him being super slimy and two-faced, seems like it's gonna be a great stream though and I'm only 20 minutes in.
It's cold outside and my zinc roof leaks.
metokur was justifiable angry with good reason in this stream but the stream was still fucking hilarious like most of metokur streams are, as always, i enjoyed

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Parents leaving too early again and waking me up in the process...
>Most of them were just stick people
Oh I see, that's my level of drawing too.
>One day I'll find it again
Maybe I'll find it next time I collect Aya pics.
>playboy centrefold
Eh...I'd rather have my hypothetical son stick with 2D. 3DPD is gross.
>I'd love to live in a bunker
That'd be cool, I'd do it too. I'm just concerned about the insufficient vitamin D intake.
Have you ever seen a tornado?
Lol you look nothing like these characters you post you disgusting tranny
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About to go to bed
Not a super productive day but at least I got a good amount of exercise in
Was actually a nice temp too for once, rained a bit and was mostly in the 70s
i fell asleep i dont know why i keep waking up at 7:30 these days
yeah its really hot these days even early in the morning it sucks
>how has ur day been?
yesterday it was an okay day nothing much happened really
>was mostly in the 70s
damn how did you go back to the 70s??
did you meet any cool band??
bee yourself!
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so gross
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I wish I looked like picrel, but no human does.
Exercise is productive! Goodnight, anon.
>yeah its really hot these days even early in the morning it sucks
My parents turned the AC on before leaving so I'm comfy.
>i dont know why i keep waking up at 7:30 these days
Too hot, maybe?
At least I don't look like that...
must be nice having an AC...
>Too hot, maybe?
that and the noise my ceiling fan makes, plus the noise my mother makes, plus my brain making questionable dreams
I spent the evening trying to get my head around how OOP and inheritance works and I've cobbled together something that seems to work. Should have paid more attention in that single compsci class I had on it 8 years ago.
I should probably go to bed now.

>that's my level of drawing too.
I cannot speak from a position of authority, but the trick to getting better is to just draw more. Learning fundamentals will help but it's a good way to get burned out and make no progress. Drawing silly pictures for other people will probably get you further in the long run.
>Eh...I'd rather have my hypothetical son stick with 2D. 3DPD is gross.

>yeah its really hot these days even early in the morning it sucks
Thankfully it's cooled down here and the humidity has plummeted. If it gets worse you can freeze a towel or something.
Good Morning Everyone. I spent the entire Saturday playing Kenshi, which I've just bought at the Steam Sale.
Super Comfy game.
Now at 11am it's time to continue playing.
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>must be nice having an AC...
My room is still a bit too far away from it, but yeah, better than not having one at all.
>the noise my ceiling fan makes, plus the noise my mother makes
I struggle with noise too, especially during summer. I just got used to falling asleep right after. It works most of the time.
>my brain making questionable dreams
What kind of dreams?
>how OOP and inheritance works
Le cat is an animal.
>just draw more
You're right. All you need is patience, and maybe some good references.
Goodnight, Eiki anon.
That game looks cool, I've been wanting to try it. Is it hard?
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>Thankfully it's cooled down here and the humidity has plummeted.
there was 80% humidity yesterday...
>I just got used to falling asleep right after.
rarely happens to me when i wake up i always stay awake after
unless i have to go somewhere...
>What kind of dreams?
i dont remember now but when i woke up this morning i remembered and i know it was something weird
i think a part of me was cheating in tf2 on my main account?? and maybe me driving too i cant remember lol
Well it's not really hard from a mechanical perspective but it's more hard from a knowledge perspective.
However the experience of learning and literally fucking around and finding out is fun.
I wish I could help you with all the OOP stuff, but I'm super bad in explaining and I've last used it 5 years ago so my knowledge is super spotty.
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>That'd be cool, I'd do it too. I'm just concerned about the insufficient vitamin D intake.
I already have to take vitamin D supplements so I'm already halfway adapted B^).
>Have you ever seen a tornado?
Once in the far distance as a kid. It wasn't much though and technically I think it'd count as a sea spout or waterspout. We were driving across a bridge during one of the weaker hurricanes to hit my area, the infamous Katrina.
>bee yourself!
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God I wish I had an imouto who let her toes breath in the summer heat
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>when i wake up i always stay awake after
I've noticed it happens when I have too much to think about. Thoughts get obsessive and prevent me from falling asleep again. Maybe learning to meditate can help?
What I usually do is try to keep my mind on whatever I was dreaming about before waking up, and that usually keeps me in a hypnagogic state.
>unless i have to go somewhere...
You could trick your brain by going outside every time it happens...
>cheating in tf2 on my main account
Dreaming of becoming a cheater, are we?
I'd classify that as a bad dream. I've had it happen to me a few times and it's always so weird and anxiety-inducing. It's like trying to walk in dreams but worse.
>hard from a knowledge perspective
Thought so. It's usually like that with survival games. Kenshi in particular seems to have a steep learning curve because of the many intricate mechanics it has.
>I already have to take vitamin D supplements so I'm already halfway adapted B^).
I take them too, but I don't think they're enough. I suppose you could go for a walk every day to make up for it.
>I think it'd count as a sea spout or waterspout
I've seen a couple of those too. Even if they were far away I still felt terrified.
>the infamous Katrina
Woah, how did you handle that?
We lived in a beach house for some time when I was little and there was a hurricane once. Horrifying memories.
But toes are stinky!
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>I take them too, but I don't think they're enough. I suppose you could go for a walk every day to make up for it.
See, I already do. The amount of vitamin D you can absorb in one go is only so much so I used to have to take one when I woke up and one when I went to bed and that helped a bunch. You can add vitamin D in your food too, that's how peoples like the Inuit could survive without sun for months as well as the reduced sunlight they got in the first place(with all of those clothes and the arctic levels of light and all).
>I've seen a couple of those too. Even if they were far away I still felt terrified.
They seem so cool though, I'd want to be closer but I'd probably die B^)
>Woah, how did you handle that?
It was actually super tame for us here, it was Louisiana that got fugged over because most of that state is below sea level. They're kind of like the Netherlands of America, as they have tons of levies and engineering projects to keep the sea back and a lot of their land is still sinking into the swamp.
>We lived in a beach house for some time when I was little and there was a hurricane once. Horrifying memories.
Was it a house made of wood? Here in Florida we make our houses out of concrete and put them on hills. Nice, solid concrete foundation and then the walls are built up with cinderblocks. We also install hurricane shutters to protect the windows.
>Maybe learning to meditate can help?
ive tried many times already, i dont think its possible for me to meditate theres too many things going through my head
>Dreaming of becoming a cheater, are we?
becoming? im already tainted unfortunately
>I've had it happen to me a few times and it's always so weird and anxiety-inducing.
funnily enough, this morning my mom asked me if i wanted to go practice driving since im gonna have to drive to school in a few months.
i did go practice and it wasnt terrible, but the anxiety before starting was awful
i think there was something more in my dream but i cant remember it...
do you think bees are cute?
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>do you think bees are cute?
Oh yeah, bumble bees can be especially cute but they're all less adorable when you make 'em angry. They can be a bit of a meme on /an/ too.
imagine freaking out that much over a post
>toes are stinky!
Yea I wouldn't wanna smell them I just think they look dainty and cute
And on older girls subtley revealing
>he thinks all caps means someone is slamming shit around and bashing their head against the wall or having a panic attack
i just have autism and i must display slight irritation in the most hyperbolic expression possible xDDD
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W-Why does his dick get hard..?? G-Gross!!
>The amount of vitamin D you can absorb in one go is only so much
What about magnesium? It's supposed to help with vitamin absorption, isn't it?
>that's how peoples like the Inuit could survive without sun for months
How did they add it?
>They seem so cool though
I agree. I wonder what happens to the poor fish caught in one though.
>it was Louisiana that got fugged over because most of that state is below sea level
I see... Doesn't sound like a fun place to live in.
>Was it a house made of wood?
Concrete, I think. Probably not as sturdy as your house since we rarely have to deal with stuff like that here.
How often do hurricanes hit there?
>ive tried many times already
But have you persisted for long enough? It takes a long time to develop that ability.
>becoming? im already tainted unfortunately
I hope it weighs on your conscience, cheater...
>but the anxiety before starting was awful
Yeah it's usually just anticipatory anxiety that goes away after a while. Unfortunately for me it's more than that.
So you'd just look at them?
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That's not autistic, you're just acting like an edgy kid.
>What about magnesium? It's supposed to help with vitamin absorption, isn't it?
If that's true then that might explain a few things with me... I have a low magnesium diet... I'unno though.
>How did they add it?
I should've picked my wording a bit better -- they didn't add any, they got it from their diet since they ate tons of food rich in vitamin D. Like a lot of oily fish tend to have an abundant amount of it in them. I believe they'd also get their vitamin C through things like eating raw seal skin in the months where they couldn't get berries.
>I see... Doesn't sound like a fun place to live in.
wew, it's one of the worst states out there from what I hear from anyone who's visited. They do apparently have lots of good food though.
>I agree. I wonder what happens to the poor fish caught in one though.
They stay in the sky for a bit before -- well... I do remember hearing stories about some ocean fish being found way inland after bad storms. I can't imagine many fish stay anywhere near the sea spouts though.
>Concrete, I think. Probably not as sturdy as your house since we rarely have to deal with stuff like that here. How often do hurricanes hit there?
I see, I see. It might also help that our houses don't tend to be tall, they're almost always 1 story. Hurricanes hit us every year though, almost always at least one is going to go past your house during hurricane season but usually more than one. Most of the hurricanes aren't that bad though. Every 20 years or so a bad hurricane tends to come through, we had a bad one here about 2 years ago though so I should be good for a while B^).

Also, for all of the Italians here, a meme I'm sure you won't tar and feather me for B^). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnFlx2Lnr9Q
>i dun wanna do it now
>why are u so adamant that I install it anyway?
its better
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>But have you persisted for long enough?
around a week...
>I hope it weighs on your conscience
eh i mean i mostly cheated to troll certain people in games that were being dicks so not that much
i dont do it anymore anyway
>Unfortunately for me it's more than that.
do you still get anxious whie driving too? if im really focused i dont but if i make a mistake i get panic attacks
i like bees theyre the only insect that doesnt disgust me
but they sound they make while flying always puts me off
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Having handled angry bee hives before, I can say that the normal buzz stops being so bad when you hear how they buzz when they're angry. I'm just definitely too familiar with wasps and bees though. As a fun fact when they all start stinging you, you can smell the chemical signal they give to sting. It has this weird, rotten smell to it. Like a weird, rotten flower smell. The smell doesn't really go away from your bee suit for a while either, the stingers probably keep leaking the stuff for a while. Also, behold a man who fucking snags a queen out of a swarm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgOYLDf5Wv8
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i hurt my tooth whilst eating meat
maybe i should go visit that dentist again...
i'm afraid she'll scold me for being neglegant...
that's nice
u should meet up again once ur phd is done!
>Aru from Blue Archive. It wasn't too lewd, just a picture of her butt lit by sunlight.
she looks like a dommy mommy
>I should be able to with the fan on.
Somehow i fell asleep without a fan. The mornings are so hot i was practically roasting when i woke up 2day
how r u 2day?
>i fell asleep i dont know why i keep waking up at 7:30 these days
this was happening 2 me 2 earlier. IDK why it happened 2 me either. Now it stopped. I usually wake up now at around 2pm.
I'm gonna try it when I'll be ready 2 install it
>its better
but everynyan here has windows
Picrel had me dying
Im just realizing that 90% of 4chan users should be considered bots, nasty algorithms meant to waste my time and If someone isnt being nice to me I should not give them the satisfaction of interacting with me. Also have just recently been getting my bearings back; i was in a episode of lunacy for a few days, starting the day of the solstice, and just ending 2 or 3 days ago. Thanks for making these threads btw
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>maybe i should go visit that dentist again...
You definitely should. Your dental health is important, fren.
>Picrel had me dying
Gotta love seals and sea lions B^)
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>I'm sure you won't tar and feather me for
jokes on you i actually like dean martin
you should listen to his cover of Volare
i think its just the buzzing sound all insects make that i find scary especially the one stink bugs make i hate it
didnt know bees can make different sounds depending on their mood though
>how r u 2day?
so far im doing okay. this morning was quite stressful though
>I usually wake up now at around 2pm
thats a bit too late though... youre losing all morning!
>i hurt my tooth whilst eating meat
how did you manage that? did you bite a bone?
>jokes on you i actually like dean martin
>you should listen to his cover of Volare
I'll have to check them out and I was assuming you'd be mad about the pun B^).
>i think its just the buzzing sound all insects make that i find scary especially the one stink bugs make i hate it
It is something of an instinctual fear, iirc even other mammals are afraid of that kind of buzzing sound.
>didnt know bees can make different sounds depending on their mood though
Oh yeah, some wasps also do cool displays too. Here's a video of some warrior wasps "drumming" (skip to like 1:10 to see them doing it). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_K7Tp97PsE

Bees can actually communicate locations to one another as well as letting other bees in their hive know how great they think that place is. They're also capable of learning from watching other bees doing a task.
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>If that's true then that might explain a few things with me...
You might wanna look into it. I take magnesium supplements before going to sleep.
>they got it from their diet since they ate tons of food rich in vitamin D
Makes sense.
>wew, it's one of the worst states out there from what I hear from anyone who's visited
I can imagine. Lots of floods and other nasty stuff. I don't see the point in living in such a place.
>being found way inland
Free food, at least...
>Hurricanes hit us every year
Are you used to it? Or does it still spook you? I still get spooked by simple storms...
>we had a bad one here about 2 years ago
Did it damage anything?
>around a week...
Yeah that's not enough. Sticking with it is definitely easier said than done.
>to troll certain people in games that were being dicks
Not as bad, I guess, but it's always better to just report them and forget about it.
>do you still get anxious whie driving too?
I don't drive, but I used to get anxious all the time while practicing. It never got better so I gave up.
>she looks like a dommy mommy
She acts tough but really isn't. Cute character.
>Somehow i fell asleep without a fan
Didn't you sweat? I always wake up if it's too hot and usually I either sleep restlessly or am unable to fall asleep again until I turn a fan on.
>i'm afraid she'll scold me for being neglegant...
Does that mean you haven't been brushing your teeth?
>I'm gonna try it when I'll be ready 2 install it
did you take in what I told you?
tell me everything you know about linux
>but everynyan here has windows
thats because theyre addicted to rootkit games
>league of legends
>genshin impact
they all have 3 things in common:
1. they can't be emulsted using wine because
2. they are rootkits
3. they're games for manchildren and actual children
emulated* dumb autocorrect
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>You might wanna look into it. I take magnesium supplements before going to sleep.
It might be a bit hard for me. I remember hearing from my mom(who has to take thyroid meds too) that you need to take them 12 hours away from taking your thyroid hormones, or something like that. Might be easier to eat more veggies.
>Makes sense.
If I remember correctly too there's a weird thing with seal meat, if it's prepared incorrectly then it can cause botulism or something like that.
>I can imagine. Lots of floods and other nasty stuff. I don't see the point in living in such a place.
B^) gator meat is pretty damn tasty and Louisiana is one of the states that farms it from what I remember. I highly recommend trying it if you come to the gulf states.
>Free food, at least...
wew, just a bit... Fermented.
>Are you used to it? Or does it still spook you? I still get spooked by simple storms...
I'm pretty used to it, yeah. The last couple of hurricanes(even that really bad one), I walked my dog during them. My dog loves it because he gets to play in the puddles. Hurricanes don't really have any lightning shooting off so it's largely just tons of wind and rain. I think that makes it a lot cozier.

Does the lightning scare you?
>Did it damage anything?
Oh yeah. Power was out in our town for something like a month and our roof got pretty ripped up. A tree almost fell on my room but the power line caught it and managed to hold it up so it didn't get to terminal velocity. I spent weeks outside after that helping our neighbors clear their properties. B^) they kept telling me to take breaks because they were worried I was going to die of heat stroke or exhaustion despite me telling them I was fine.
least insufferable linux user
>Yeah that's not enough.
i might try again in the future when my brain calms down (if it ever does)
>but it's always better to just report them
more fun to troll them and piss them off, also, its tf2 reports dont do anything and theres cheaters in every single game anyway
>I used to get anxious all the time while practicing
me too, my instructor was awful. how about yours?
>the pun
i didnt get it....
>They're also capable of learning from watching other bees doing a task.
woah, bees are better at learning than i am
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>i didnt get it....
Oh, the image rhythms and matches the cadence of the song but with "a moray" instead of "amore" which both sound really similar.
>woah, bees are better at learning than i am
They also love balls, apparently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6hGjh9SJ_M
This was such a great video on them. Also a nightmarish looking video that is actually just resin and stingless bees. It does look viscerally gross though, because of the color and structure, so I'll spoiler it.
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but if they're bots then they have no satisfaction anon
> Also have just recently been getting my bearings back; i was in a episode of lunacy for a few days, starting the day of the solstice,
do u experience psychosis episodes?
yeah i'll go and make an appointment...
>so far im doing okay. this morning was quite stressful though
wut happen?
>thats a bit too late though... youre losing all morning!
but there isn't much 2 do during that morning...
>how did you manage that? did you bite a bone?
i have a chipped tooth. Up until now it wasn't sensitive
I suppose i should go and have that checked out...
>She acts tough but really isn't. Cute character.
Is that the sort of girl that you would like?
>Didn't you sweat? I always wake up if it's too hot and usually I either sleep restlessly or am unable to fall asleep again until I turn a fan on.
I did
had to take a shower when i woke up 2 wash all of that off
The sun gave me a mini headache in the morning because my windows face the east. That was annoying...
>Does that mean you haven't been brushing your teeth?
I have been, but the damage has already been done...
sometimes i forget though
i forgor 2 brush last night
i forgor :/
>thats because theyre addicted to rootkit games
there are many games that aren't supported on linux, not just the ones u mentioned
>do u experience psychosis episodes?
No my psyche is just very inter-connected with nature and cosmic happenings. I always get worked up during the solstices and full moons
sorry I didn't know you were a genshinsexual
>i forgor :/
>>thats because theyre addicted to rootkit games
>there are many games that aren't supported on linux, not just the ones u mentioned
thats because those are rootkit games idiot
list the games you play and i'll tell you which ones are rootkits
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>It might be a bit hard for me
Ah I see. What meds are you taking? If you don't mind me asking.
>Might be easier to eat more veggies
Veggies are great!
>it can cause botulism or something like that
Spooky... Never thought about eating seals. I guess I'll keep it that way.
>gator meat
Never considered eating alligators either... Now I'm curious.
>wew, just a bit... Fermented.
Right... Free fertilizer?
>I walked my dog during them
But doesn't stuff fly around? It's dangerous.
>Does the lightning scare you?
Yeah, mostly for the possibility of one hitting the roof and damaging my stuff (and electrocuting me).
>Power was out in our town for something like a month and our roof got pretty ripped up
Damn, that's bad.
Maybe you shouldn't plant trees nearby... That could've gone worse.
>I spent weeks outside after that helping our neighbors clear their properties
I'd have probably given up and died in your place.
>i might try again in the future when my brain calms down (if it ever does)
Same. I told myself I was gonna start not long ago but I still haven't...
>reports dont do anything and theres cheaters in every single game anyway
Why do you still like the game despite all that? I'd ditch it without a second thought.
>how about yours?
I had 2. First one didn't give a shit about what I was doing so I didn't learn much from him, and the second one noticed that I didn't know some important things so he was a bit strict with me. They definitely made my anxiety worse.
>Is that the sort of girl that you would like?
I don't have specific preferences like that, but I do like that sort of personality (in anime).
>had to take a shower when i woke up 2 wash all of that off
Sufferings. I hope you're feeling better now.
>my windows face the east
Don't you have something to block sunlight, like blinds?
>I have been, but the damage has already been done...
You should have periodic checks so it doesn't get worse.
>i forgor 2 brush last night
better than a linux user!
>wut happen?
did some driving practice with my mom
>but there isn't much 2 do during that morning...
you could go for a walk, do chores, play piano, catch up with anime, theres loads of things to do
>I suppose i should go and have that checked out...
i think that is a good idea yes
cute bee video although i just cant stand seeing a lot of insects stacked together its too gross
>Why do you still like the game despite all that?
because its still a lot of fun, when theres no cheaters. and also nostalgia. ive been playing it since 2016
>They definitely made my anxiety worse.
yeah, mine didnt really care about how i felt, and often said it was my fault for not understanding stuff and not his. overall a dick
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Told myself that I'll give time until I'm 25 for things to get better or I'd kill myself. As I turn 25, I'm in a worse spot (mentally) than a decade ago when I told myself those words, and matter of fact I can't intentionally kill myself. I did put efforts, however, to make things better, to be a better person and a more resilient one as well - I failed. A decade of mistakes and nothingness. And nothing is what I have ahead of me.
Honestly, what a shame and joke of life
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>Ah I see. What meds are you taking? If you don't mind me asking.
Synthroid, I imagine it's the most prescribed thyroid hormone stuff.
>Veggies are great!
The texture of most plants is nauseating to me (':. I do like soups with veggies in them or anything that hides the texture. Strawberries were particularly nasty to me, despite how much I like their taste.
>Spooky... Never thought about eating seals. I guess I'll keep it that way.
I wanna try seal jerky (:
>Never considered eating alligators either... Now I'm curious.
My best way to describe it is like a very juicy, meaty version of chicken. It is however more chewy.
>Right... Free fertilizer?
ez pz B^), or alternatively free fish food
>But doesn't stuff fly around? It's dangerous.
Nah, most people prepare pretty well for them to keep things from flying off. People will also either bring trash cans into their garages or weight them down. A lot of people put their cars in front of their garage doors too to protect them. I never went out in the most hectic parts though, just during the eye of the storm(where the storm completely calms down) or at the edges of it. When it gets really bad you wouldn't want to be out there.
>Yeah, mostly for the possibility of one hitting the roof and damaging my stuff (and electrocuting me).
I remember hearing that one sign that a lightning strike is about to happen is that your hair will stand up like it will when you build up a lot of static electricity. At least for some lightning strikes. If that happens you want to move and go flat onto the ground. You don't want to be the tallest thing around -- also cover your ears.
>Damn, that's bad.
>Maybe you shouldn't plant trees nearby... That could've gone worse.
I would love to, but I don't own any of the vacant lots ):
>I'd have probably given up and died in your place.
kek, had nothing else to do and I'm one of the only young people around.
Yeah, thewebm also looks gross in the wrong context too
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>because its still a lot of fun
I used to be very into Dota 2 but one day I ditched it because I got bullied. It seems that to me no matter how fun a game can be, if it's toxic I just ditch it.
Kinda related. Doesn't arguing with people make you anxious? It's always painful for me so I try to avoid it.
>mine didnt really care about how i felt
Well... Maybe they don't get paid enough to justify the extra effort of giving a shit.
Relatable... Might be better to just try to accept your circumstances instead of beating yourself up over it. I'm trying to go in that direction (can't say it's working well).
Uh, my ignorance strikes again...but what issues do you have exactly?
>The texture of most plants is nauseating to me
Is that an Asperger's thing? Either way that sounds very bothersome...
I eat veggies all the time and I love them. With the proper seasoning they can be better than meat.
>very juicy, meaty version of chicken
What's the catch, other than being chewy?
>When it gets really bad you wouldn't want to be out there
I see, that makes more sense.
>one sign that a lightning strike is about to happen is that your hair will stand up
So it's not instantaneous. Interesting. I'll keep that in mind.
>also cover your ears
Yeah... That part is also scary.
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>Uh, my ignorance strikes again...but what issues do you have exactly?
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It's actually a fairly common auto-immune disease. The immune system, in short, attacks the thyroid(the organ responsible for regulating your metabolism) and hinders its ability to make thyroid hormones. My thyroid is apparently riddled with scar tissue (^^^^^:. It'll sound bad, but it's fine as long as I get supplemental thyroid hormones. No pain or anything.
>Is that an Asperger's thing? Either way that sounds very bothersome...
Yeah, it's really common. For some autists it can lead them to eating really unhealthily, luckily I'm fine on diet besides not eating as many plain veggies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avoidant/restrictive_food_intake_disorder#Autism
>I eat veggies all the time and I love them. With the proper seasoning they can be better than meat.
wew, for me nothing beats meat. Has great texture, taste and is filling.
>What's the catch, other than being chewy?
Just that and that it's more expensive than chicken. People largely eat the tail, which is the best meat, but I've had smoked gator ribs before and they were more like pork ribs with a bit of a metalic taste(probably related to the smoking) but weren't chewy at all which was nice.
>I see, that makes more sense.
But I really love the stormy weather though. The day or two after a hurricane passes through though you'll still have storm swell and the waters'll be really choppy out there. It could be such a clear day out but the waves look like a thunderstorm should be there.
>So it's not instantaneous. Interesting. I'll keep that in mind.
Yeah, not always. Iirc charges build up from both the ground and the sky towards each other in almost all cases. Lightning is likely not going to hurt you in your home either, electricity wants the path of least resistance which is likely to be through the wiring of your house.
>Yeah... That part is also scary.
Are you usually spooked by loud noises?
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>if it's toxic I just ditch it.
theres bound to be toxicity online everywhere you go, you need to just ignore people and mute everyone if you cant handle it
>Doesn't arguing with people make you anxious?
nah, i think its fun actually, i love when retards get incredibly pissed off at a videogame just because im not doing what they want
>Maybe they don't get paid enough
my instructor was the owner of the school... so yeah i think he was just a terrible person lmao
i also set a limit to myself but its 30, so maybe you could increase it to that and try for a bit longer
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I had something like that before. I extended it but since then realized that I was being too hard on myself. You can't and shouldn't expect yourself to be as functional as everyone else. If you've been trying hard for this long then you've already proved to yourself that you're a good person. Don't shame yourself for not being successful and well, anon. It's worth figuring out how else you can live your life too.
>>i forgor 2 brush last night
brushing is gay
toothpaste contains jewish chemicals
it only helps in the short term
just eat an apple
>better than a linux user
why is genshin impact your bible thoughbeit
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wut about bg3?
>I don't have specific preferences like that, but I do like that sort of personality (in anime).
wut sort of personality would u like irl?
>Sufferings. I hope you're feeling better now.
well i'm no longer sweating...
that's good at least...
>Don't you have something to block sunlight, like blinds?
yes i do have blinds but they don't really protec from direct sunlight. They just start glowing.
>You should have periodic checks so it doesn't get worse.
how do i deal with le anxiety?
>did some driving practice with my mom
how did it go? R u gonna go for a driving exam soon?
>you could go for a walk, do chores, play piano, catch up with anime, theres loads of things to do
i suppose that's true.
I need 2 become moar active...
don't beat urself so much...
it had this sort of deadline too, but i just stopped caring
>wut about bg3?
its a steam game, steam is supported
try again, I ain't no fat oaf
it isnt the game itself is boring now and i dont like gacha mechanics
if it wasnt for hu tao i wouldve stopped playing years ago, not that i even play the game consistently now either
>how did it go?
it was okay, i was just very anxious all the time and my mom isnt the best teacher.
>R u gonna go for a driving exam soon?
anon... i already have a driving license...
>I need 2 become moar active...
yes! i used to wake up very late like you do too, and i can tell you that waking up early (i dont mean at 7 or 8 but you can get there eventually) lightens your mood up aswell.
>it isnt the game itself is boring now and i dont like gacha mechanics
>if it wasnt for hu tao i wouldve stopped playing years ago, not that i even play the game consistently now either
well sorry
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>Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Sorry you have to deal with that...
>Yeah, it's really common
I had a sperg fren who found some clothing textures irritating and would wear them inside out sometimes.
What else do you struggle with aside from veggies?
>Just that and that it's more expensive than chicken
I'll try it out if I ever travel to the muricas. Do you eat it often?
>But I really love the stormy weather though
It's nice as long as it doesn't do damage.
>It could be such a clear day out but the waves look like a thunderstorm should be there
Surfing time!
>electricity wants the path of least resistance which is likely to be through the wiring of your house
But doesn't that mean it could electrocute me if I'm wearing headphones, for example?
>Are you usually spooked by loud noises?
Yes, my ears are sensitive. It's mostly a physiological issue.
>theres bound to be toxicity online everywhere you go
Yeah but being constantly judged makes me anxious. I get a lot of performance anxiety in online vidya.
>nah, i think its fun actually
Wish I could be like you... If people call me bad I just wanna leave because I think I'm being a hindrance.
>so yeah i think he was just a terrible person lmao
I guess he was just a dick then.
>brushing is gay
I don't know about that. OP seems to have serious dental hygiene issues.
>wut sort of personality would u like irl?
I'm not sure. I like gentle and shy personalities, so maybe something like that. You?
>well i'm no longer sweating...
Good good. Here the temperature has calmed down a bit too. Now it's windy.
>but they don't really protec from direct sunlight. They just start glowing
Oh... Maybe you should do something about that.
>how do i deal with le anxiety?
You don't, it's the price to pay for neglecting yourself...
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>Might be better to just try to accept your circumstances instead of beating yourself up over it.
You mean trying to accept that I'm fundamentally broken, drive people away and unable to do things or, if I do them, do them always wrong? This is all I'll amount to...
I'm not even beating myself over it, I don't have the energy for that. I'm, in fact, falling asleep/my eyes are closing every so often, can't even think.
>i also set a limit to myself but its 30
I hope things will turn out well for you.
>but since then realized that I was being too hard on myself. You can't and shouldn't expect yourself to be as functional as everyone else
>If you've been trying hard for this long then you've already proved to yourself that you're a good person.
I did, I don't know if hard enough but I've never seen it being enough 'enough'. I don't think I'm a good person but also not a bad, intentionally malicious person, it's not even strictly about that.
>It's worth figuring out how else you can live your life too.
This might be the hardest thing since I have nothing, and I'm very exhausted.

At least there will be cake later today, a meager consolation...
>>brushing is gay
>I don't know about that. OP seems to have serious dental hygiene issues.
that's because he eats slop. an apple, a glass of milk and much water goes a long way unless you eat 50% pizza or something
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>Sorry you have to deal with that...
It's not so bad, could've been way worse.
>I had a sperg fren who found some clothing textures irritating and would wear them inside out sometimes.
I had a bad habit of doing that accidentally B^)
>What else do you struggle with aside from veggies?
Food wise? Not much really. It's both fruits and vegetables. Sandwiches too.
>I'll try it out if I ever travel to the muricas. Do you eat it often?
Nah it's a special occasion sort of thing. Usually you'd get it at a nice restaurant or a fair or something.
>It's nice as long as it doesn't do damage.
true, true
>Surfing time!
kek, not too much to surf with in my part of Florida, sadly.
>But doesn't that mean it could electrocute me if I'm wearing headphones, for example?
Nah, your body is pretty resistive and the ability for your headset wire or anything to transfer power is gonna dwarf in comparison to the wires in your walls.
>Yes, my ears are sensitive. It's mostly a physiological issue.
I see. Do you have problems with eye contact?
It is true though, no one can be perfect and some people are going to be too different to fit in properly.
>I did, I don't know if hard enough but I've never seen it being enough 'enough'. I don't think I'm a good person but also not a bad, intentionally malicious person, it's not even strictly about that.
You just don't want to feel like a disappoint, right? I know that's how I feel a lot.
>This might be the hardest thing since I have nothing, and I'm very exhausted.
You still have us, right? People who can relate to you.
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>I get a lot of performance anxiety in online vidya.
i had that too, when i used to play competitively. learning how to not give a fuck is an awesome thing.
>If people call me bad
call them bad back and see their funny reaction!
>I hope things will turn out well for you.
same goes to you
>At least there will be cake
the cake is a lie... also happy bday
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>it was okay, i was just very anxious all the time and my mom isnt the best teacher.
yeah it's understandable. I get very anxious 2 when i drive. I don't geddit how ppl do it...
>anon... i already have a driving license...
well at leasy u DO have it. I still don't have one...
>yes! i used to wake up very late like you do too, and i can tell you that waking up early (i dont mean at 7 or 8 but you can get there eventually) lightens your mood up aswell.
how early do u get up?
>I'm not sure. I like gentle and shy personalities, so maybe something like that. You?
I think i would prefer and extroverted dominant personality. Someone who could say that i asked 4 no pickles instead of me.
>Good good. Here the temperature has calmed down a bit too. Now it's windy.
windy is nice. It get rids of the humidity i think
>Oh... Maybe you should do something about that.
like get new blinds? IDK
i thought about getting ones that the Norwegians have
those would be cool
>You don't, it's the price to pay for neglecting yourself...
but is scawwy...
happy birthday! I hope this day will be nice 4 u anon...
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nice trips
>get very anxious 2 when i drive.
do you have any idea why? i dont know why i get anxious. ive driven 50 times already and i still get anxious everytime
>I still don't have one...
theres always time to try again besides if youre able to use public transport or a bike use those, theyre better anyway
>how early do u get up?
usually around 9 or 9:30
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>trying to accept that I'm fundamentally broken
Yeah, salvaging what you can and making the best out of it. It's what I'm doing.
Also, happy birthday!
What's wrong with toothpaste?
>Food wise?
In general.
>Sandwiches too
What's wrong with them?
>kek, not too much to surf with in my part of Florida, sadly.
I see. Would you surf though? It's kinda scary, but I used to love big waves so maybe I'd try.
>your body is pretty resistive
Good to know. That's one less phobia to deal with.
>Do you have problems with eye contact?
Sort of, yeah. It used to be a lot worse but I'm getting used to it.
>learning how to not give a fuck is an awesome thing
I've been trying to for as long as I remember. I guess I could play pvp games again sometime and see how it goes.
>extroverted dominant personality
Wouldn't it make you feel...vulnerable? I can't imagine myself in that situation. There's also a high chance they're into pegging...
>It get rids of the humidity i think
Yeah the air now is a lot fresher.
>i thought about getting ones that the Norwegians have
What's the difference?
>but is scawwy...
Decaying teeth sounds scarier to me.
I really don't want to go to work tomorrow....
I have to explain to my boss why I couldn't fix a simple problem even though I tried and then another problem happened...
I don't know why everything goes wrong the minute my boss leaves and then I have to be responsible for it all. I just want to be ignored so I can take it easy. This is too much stress.......
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>You just don't want to feel like a disappoint, right? I know that's how I feel a lot.
I collected and keep collecting failures, and I'm always told I never do anything right and it shows, so I guess you could say that.
At some point I just grate at people for whatever reason or because I mess up in some way, so I'm used to losing people that now it doesn't bother me as much as in the past yet only in a different way. But, hey...that's just how life works too: people you know keep moving forward, they improve themselves and their lives, they go high and higher and leave the people who can't match their pace behind. Meanwhile I'm here, I'm still here, only hoping I've been a positive influence in their story. I can't selfishly drag people down that's not right.
>You still have us, right? People who can relate to you.
It's not exactly that, while appreciated for the time being.
Compared to people, I don't have aspirations, wishes, hopes for the future. Not anymore; everything is more feeble, even a yearning for love and I did so yearned for that. While I was trying to improve, I did put a bit of faith that I could forfeit so I could just leave everything behind and lift myself from torment, but now I know for a fact that I can't - I don't have the courage to die...and I don't have the courage to live. Comedic.
>the cake is a lie... also happy bday
Thank you, and I hope I can get a picture to share. Don't expect much though, it comes from a cake shop.
Honestly? I'd like to eat something sweet tomorrow too, just for comfort.
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>do you have any idea why? i dont know why i get anxious. ive driven 50 times already and i still get anxious everytime
probably because i'm in a metal coffin traveling at deadly speeds. As if that wasn't enough i need 2 focus on pedestrains i might hit and watch out 4 other obsticles like other metal coffins that r moving at deadly speeds.
r u getting ready 4 school with these driving lessons?
>theres always time to try again besides if youre able to use public transport or a bike use those, theyre better anyway
yeah i suppose ur right about that one. It's just that i spent so much money already on it...
>Wouldn't it make you feel...vulnerable?
why? I think it would make me feel safer actually.
>There's also a high chance they're into pegging...
not u too... Every1 I talk about this with brings up pegging...
>What's the difference?
they r adapted 4 white nights. When u close the blinds it gets as dark as night in ur room
maybe u could ask him 2 let u work 2 jobs instead of 3 during fridays?
>maybe u could ask him 2 let u work 2 jobs instead of 3 during fridays?
It's usually just 2 but I only have to do 3 sometimes. I don't' mind doing 3 as long as everything goes well...I just wish everything didn't mess up and then when I try to fix it for the second time...there is nobody there to help, and then I'm so busy doing my other jobs that I don't have time to go back and look for help, so I just have to let it go until Monday.....
Hopefully he will understand....I just wanted to do good but luck was not on my side....
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>In general.
Certain smells can mess with me, but I'm surprisingly good at not freaking out from sound. More so than normal kids were able to, I'd be the one kid not covering their ears when the loudspeakers screeched at school.
>What's wrong with them?
Texture as well.
>I see. Would you surf though? It's kinda scary, but I used to love big waves so maybe I'd try.
I kind of wanted to as a kid, but my balance is all fucky. I would love to spearfish or scuba dive though but those require friends and money B'^). Doing them solo is very inadvisable.
>Good to know. That's one less phobia to deal with.
How many more to go? I'm pretty good at not being afraid of things that aren't people B^).
>Sort of, yeah. It used to be a lot worse but I'm getting used to it.
I see. Did you have anything you were super into as a kid or even now still as an adult?
When you grate on others do you come out and apologize later? That's not something so unforgivable and sometimes people just need to know why you're as upset as you are. Lashing out is a normal response when someone is overwhelmed.

What were your aspirations and hopes for the future beyond just love? Perhaps those flames can be rekindled if you can see a way to it, a light -- hope. As for love, well, I can't exactly help you there... I'm not exactly successful with any of those ventures either.

I may pass out before being able to respond. I have become all squeaky clean.
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Woke up even later today. I need to stop doing that. Or maybe keep doing that until it loops back around.

I feel like a lot of the resources on it just overcomplicate OOP. I just wanted to reuse variables and methods and eventually figured out the errors I was getting were unrelated.

>there was 80% humidity yesterday...
Christ. Anything over 50% is awful. Only problem with lower humidifies is that I tend to get nosebleeds more often.

25 is still pretty young to write yourself off. The fact it's causing you this much anguish is laudable in a sort of sense. Most people wouldn't care, which I'd say puts you a cut above them, and that's a pretty good reason not to top yourself.

I struggle with ARFID too. Tried to fight it for a couple of months with graded exposure but eventually just accepted I wasn't going to get any better. ;_;

>I get a lot of performance anxiety in online vidya.
My hands tend to get really. really cold after doing team-based stuff like raids in MMOs. I think it has something to do with that because I get worried I'll mess up any everyone will be mad at me. I tend to be less bad with 1 v 1 stuff because I can cope with my own failures.

I get the impression that your boss likes you or, at the very least, won't reprimand you for it. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

>Don't expect much though, it comes from a cake shop.
Store-bought cakes are nice. I have a caterpillar cake every year.
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>I get the impression that your boss likes you or, at the very least, won't reprimand you for it. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
He only likes me because I show up every day. But you're probably right, he probably won't reprimand me, but still I get so stressed out because I just want everything to go right and everyone to be happy, but everything went wrong and I know he's going to be a little annoyed about it, even if it wasn't my fault
>I guess I could play pvp games again sometime and see how it goes.
you can try guilty gear since its 1v1 and theres no one that can shittalk you
or we could play tf2 together with guya too
>Don't expect much though, it comes from a cake shop.
better than no cake at all! its been a while since ive had one
>I'd like to eat something sweet tomorrow too, just for comfort.
i think you deserve it
>deadly speeds.
that depends on how fast you decide to go though...
>i need 2 focus on pedestrains
the intrusive thoughts are what scare me the most
>r u getting ready 4 school with these driving lessons?
yeah since im gonna have to drive there by myself once it starts.
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>spoilered response to my spoiler
It's okay, fren. Also are you a fellow sperg then? What's your ARFID centered around? Hopefully it's not too bad, like only being able to eat chips and ramen. I knew a kid like that in school, he wasn't so healthy...
>What's wrong with toothpaste?
it contains jewish chemicals that destroy your teeth
you really think dentists will give you something thats good for your teeth?
that would mean they make less money
>Also are you a fellow sperg then?

I've not been diagnosed but I wouldn't be surprised if I was. I scored pretty high on the autism quotient but not enough to pursue it any further. It seems like I'm just a bit odd.
>What's your ARFID centered around?
It seems about the same as yours. It's a texture thing for me as well, my brain just does not like chewing certain things. It's not as bad as some people have it, but it's pretty far from being "normal"

>the intrusive thoughts are what scare me the most
Is this like an imp of the perverse thing? That happens to me sometimes.
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I'm about to pass out, but I officially endorse you as an honorary 'tismbro. vid unrelated
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>why? I think it would make me feel safer actually.
I don't know, I find the idea very uncomfortable...
I tried to get into it in the past but I couldn't. It made me feel too vulnerable.
>not u too...
I mean, it's pretty normal in femdom, so...
>When u close the blinds it gets as dark as night in ur room
Oh that's pretty nice. I'd love to have something like that.
>Certain smells can mess with me
What kind of smells? My nose is also pretty sensitive.
>but my balance is all fucky
More sperg stuff I suppose.
>I would love to spearfish or scuba dive
Same. Scuba diving especially sounds like a lot of fun. Relaxing too.
>How many more to go?
Uh, let's see...Probably on the hundreds. I'm a pussy.
>Did you have anything you were super into as a kid or even now still as an adult?
Aside from vidya, not really. I can obsess over stuff though and I've been teased for it several times. Are you trying to diagnose le 'tizmo in me?
>I feel like a lot of the resources on it just overcomplicate OOP
You're right. It's not really that hard and it's also pretty handy. You should learn about design patterns too.
>My hands tend to get really. really cold after doing team-based stuff like raids in MMOs
Same. I used to play tank on a game where tanks were very important. Never managed to get used to it, always anxious every single time I had a raid.
>I tend to be less bad with 1 v 1 stuff because I can cope with my own failures
I feel bad when I'm seen as an unworthy opponent... Feels like I'm wasting people's time.
>guilty gear
That's too much for me at the moment...
>or we could play tf2 together with guya too
Eh, guess I could try. Never played it and I probably should at least once in my life.
But my teeth are pretty healthy and I brush them at least twice a day...
>twice a day
That's probably fine, but I feel like that's too much. I think once a day is fine if you let the fluoride absorb for 1 hour without drinking or washing your mouth. Twice a day is for people that feel like they have bad breath and want to believe that brushing more will cure it, but it probably won't. Just brush your tongue good after you brush once and you should be fine. Just my opinion
>But my teeth are pretty healthy and I brush them at least twice a day...
thats because toothpaste contains a chemical that replaces the natural protection
you know when you bite your teeth together after brushing and their surface feels a bit flaky?
thats that
this protection wears off very quickly toughever making you dependant on toothpaste
you are a sick individual
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Yeah but there's a risk something could go wrong, no? I feel like ur best days r the one when u work 2 jobs instead of 3.
>that depends on how fast you decide to go though...
did u know that 30+ km/h is considered deadly speeds?
>the intrusive thoughts are what scare me the most
yeah me too. I'm also very scared of just fucking up because i get tunnel vision when doing things
>yeah since im gonna have to drive there by myself once it starts.
u should just practice driving there and back i think. That'd be the best 4 u imo
>I don't know, I find the idea very uncomfortable...
>I tried to get into it in the past but I couldn't. It made me feel too vulnerable.
I want to be able 2 feel vulnerable and safe at the same time
>I mean, it's pretty normal in femdom, so...
It doesn't have 2 b...
>Oh that's pretty nice. I'd love to have something like that.
yeah me 2. The sun at the morning is annoying.
>You should learn about design patterns too.
I see people using {set; get;} when declaring variables but I'm still not entirely sure what the purpose of that is. I also don't really understand when I'm supposed to use lambda expressions, I just know that sometimes things don't work unless I use them.
>I used to play tank on a game where tanks were very important
Was it World of Tanks?
you know those are a gift, right?
grift* i should really turn off autocorrect
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>Is this like an imp of the perverse thing?
i dunno what you mean with that, but whenever i drive and see a bunch of people on the sidewalk my brain tells me to go run them over
>That's too much for me at the moment...
its not THAT bad
>Never played it
woah really? i thought almost anyone on earth played it at least once in their lives. but yeah you should do it at least once
>did u know that 30+ km/h is considered deadly speeds?
for the pedestrians...
>i get tunnel vision when doing things
yeah same whenever im driving i hyperfocus on something and forget other things. honestly i have no idea how i even passed the exam
>u should just practice driving there and back i think.
eventually ill start doing it
worst thing to ever exist
if I see you using OOP I'm gonna kill you
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I don't know anon, I can definitely say my breath loses any remaining food smells after I brush my teeth. And yeah, brushing your tongue is also very important.
You might be right. I wouldn't be surprised if toothpaste was yet another kikery we were fooled to believe in. The modern type, at least.
I guess because I feel (mostly) dominant.
>I want to be able 2 feel vulnerable and safe at the same time
But do you feel / want to feel manly too?
>The sun at the morning is annoying
But the sun is supposed to be there in the morning... It wakes you up and gives you vitamins.
>{set; get;}
They abstract the logic behind getting/setting class properties. Imagine you had to do additional steps before getting/setting, but wanted to keep it as a black box to the user.
>lambda expressions
They're useful for shortening code and making it more readable. Instead of having to make a separate function every time a method/function needs another function as an argument, you just write it in place and it saves a lot of hassle.
>Was it World of Tanks?
No, it was Tera.
>its not THAT bad
Yeah well...I don't know about fighting games, they're too scary for me.
>i thought almost anyone on earth played it at least once in their lives
I haven't played almost any pvp games. It's pretty much a phobia that I have.
Go back, my /g/uy.
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i wanted to talk to my mom about my intrusive thoughts but i think shes gonna send me to the psych ward if i do
>they're too scary for me.
why is that?
>It's pretty much a phobia that I have.
we will help you get over it! hopefully...
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yeah but u gotta do wut u gotta do
being a fulltime NEET is impossible
>yeah same whenever im driving i hyperfocus on something and forget other things. honestly i have no idea how i even passed the exam
maybe u got lucky. I failed the exam 3 times already
>eventually ill start doing it
I think u should do it whenever u practice with ur mom. Does ur mom drive often?
she could give u tips when driving on that specific path
>But do you feel / want to feel manly too?
Idk, maybe? Being manly is kind of a pain in the ass though...
>But the sun is supposed to be there in the morning... It wakes you up and gives you vitamins.
it shines on my face and gives me headaches
>i wanted to talk to my mom about my intrusive thoughts but i think shes gonna send me to the psych ward if i do
everynyan has intrusive thoughts, don't worry about it.
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>i dunno what you mean with that, but whenever i drive and see a bunch of people on the sidewalk my brain tells me to go run them over
That's more or less what it is. It's from a Poe Story, I think. Like when you're on a building and you impulsively think "I could jump off." As far as I can tell it's a normal thing most people do (when it's not in excess), and I vaguely remember hearing a theory that it's a result of your brain running through possible scenarios in a given situation.

>They abstract the logic behind getting/setting class properties
So it's like: when you get/change this variable, also do this function? Or am I misunderstanding?
>Instead of having to make a separate function every time a method/function needs another function as an argument, you just write it in place and it saves a lot of hassle.
I think I understand. A little bit. I definitely didn't have any classes on it in school, possibly because we only learned Visual Basic for some reason, although it seems like it does support them.
I've never played that. Was it any good?
>You might be right. I wouldn't be surprised if toothpaste was yet another kikery we were fooled to belie
>Go back, my /g/uy.
/g/ loves oop doe
you should at least debloat windows
>yeah but u gotta do wut u gotta do
>being a fulltime NEET is impossible
you don't need a job to make money
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Cakes/desserts really can put people in a better mood, hopefully. It was small I could eat it by myself but it was nice.
>When you grate on others do you come out and apologize later?
I apologize for almost everything, even when not necessary or when it's something I'm not responsible for. Out of courtesy and politeness at first, I even apologize for presumably bothering people.
>sometimes people just need to know why you're as upset as you are
I guess it can also be like this, I simply don't want people to feel bad because they can't help. I'm aware of how this thing works.
>Lashing out is a normal response when someone is overwhelmed.
I'm 'just' 'mentally ill' in the end.
>What were your aspirations and hopes for the future beyond just love?
It's feeble now, but I would've liked to be a good and respectable person, someone one would look for and be proud of but not out of pity - genuinely proud of. And capable; I'm always told I'm wrong and that I'll do everything wrong so being capable might be something. I'm not though.
>As for love, well, I can't exactly help you there... I'm not exactly successful with any of those ventures either.
It's fine, really, I already have some knowledge I can work on.
>I may pass out before being able to respond.
Rest well.
>Most people wouldn't care,
Psychopaths live in easy mode; on the other hand I overthink a lot and about everything.
>better than no cake at all!
>i need 2 focus on pedestrains i might hit[...]
Understandable and same goes for me. My focus can be low when I'm outside and I tend to space out almost all the time. I have a diver license though and I'm cautious enough, other drivers might not be the same (and not so kind).
>i wanted to talk to my mom about my intrusive thoughts but i think shes gonna send me to the psych ward if i do
Wouldn't do it but I'm biased because of experience.
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>everynyan has intrusive thoughts,
i think mine are sliiiiighly different from the average guy thoughts
>maybe u got lucky
i definitely did
if you want some advice in case you intend to try again, go first (they make us do exams in groups idk if thats the case there too), try your best to ignore everyone in the car (except for when theyre giving you commands) and breathe slowly. keep telling yourself that its just like another practice lesson
>Does ur mom drive often?
she drives me around all the time
>she could give u tips when driving on that specific path
she is not very enjoyable to be in the car with
>Idk, maybe?
always knew you were gay
>Like when you're on a building and you impulsively think "I could jump off."
its not really "i could" but more like "i should"
and sometimes i have to try and snap out of it
and tell myself not to do it
the other times that i talked to her about my mental issues it never ended well anyway so i dont think i will
very nice cake btw
dont think i could eat it without feeling guilty desu...
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>why is that?
Being put in a room with a stranger and having to fight against them...
>we will help you get over it! hopefully...
I used to play Overwatch with a fren and it was alright. What makes me anxious the most is playing alone.
>i wanted to talk to my mom about my intrusive thoughts
Nothing good ever comes out of that, unless you're very close to her. What would you tell her about?
>Idk, maybe? Being manly is kind of a pain in the ass though...
Do you at least feel like a man?
>it shines on my face and gives me headaches
You need to diffuse it. Direct sunlight is not good.
>when you get/change this variable, also do this function?
Yes, you can run additional logic before/after getting/setting a field.
>I definitely didn't have any classes on it in school
That's normal. They don't usually teach this stuff because it's more modern.
>Was it any good?
Eh, Korean mmos have always been a mess. It was good for a time, then it wasn't. I did have fun on it but mostly because it was my only place for socializing.
>/g/ loves oop doe
From what I remember it's a mixed bag.
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>Being put in a room with a stranger and having to fight against them...
thats fun! (unless they steamroll you)
>I used to play Overwatch
oh no... the bad copy of tf2...
>Nothing good ever comes out of that,
>What would you tell her about?
i noticed that whenever i pick up a sharp object i inadvertently pretend to stab myself with it and think i should actually do it and how nice it would be if i did, so i thought maybe i should tell her
dont think i will
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>i think mine are sliiiiighly different from the average guy thoughts
how so?
>if you want some advice in case you intend to try again, go first (they make us do exams in groups idk if thats the case there too), try your best to ignore everyone in the car (except for when theyre giving you commands) and breathe slowly. keep telling yourself that its just like another practice lesson
it also depends on what instructor/examiner u get. If they're nice ur obviously gonna have a better time
what was ur instructor like?
>she is not very enjoyable to be in the car with
y not?
>always knew you were gay
just because i'm a sub does not mean i'm gay!!!
>Do you at least feel like a man?
wdym by that?
>You need to diffuse it. Direct sunlight is not good.
diffuse it how?
>oh no... the bad copy of tf2...
idk is it really a copy?
i geddit that ppl call it literally tf2 or whatever but honestly i don't see it outside of maybe similar aesthetics and even then it's kinda a stretch
I never played it though so i couldn't really say.
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>how so?
they are more violent i believe often i get urges to hurt myself and rarely others too, or to destroy everything i own or something like that
read the reply above for an example
>what was ur instructor like?
a huge piece of shit
>y not?
she comments on every single thing i do and doesnt let me focus
>idk is it really a copy?
nah it took some ideas from tf2 thats it
i just like joking about the ow vs tf2 thing
>just because i'm a sub does not mean i'm gay!!!
cope gay boy
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>thats fun! (unless they steamroll you)
I don't see it as fun... I get performance anxiety.
>oh no... the bad copy of tf2...
I thought it was good, for the most part. But if you say tf2 is better then more of a reason for me to try it out.
>i inadvertently pretend to stab myself with it
You wouldn't do that, it's painful as hell and probably not enough to kill you.
Don't tell her, you'd just make her worried and cause more problems to yourself.
Why the rush though? I thought you were doing fine.
>wdym by that?
Maybe you feel more effeminate, like a twink.
>diffuse it how?
With working blinds, I guess. Or maybe curtains.
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>I get performance anxiety.
but think about how fun it could be to combo some random kid 100 to 0
(its very fun when they ragequit)
>tf2 is better
i dont think overwatch (in 2016-2018) was bad or unfun, but tf2 has always been better. now OW is just hot garbage and the furthest thing from fun.
>Why the rush though? I thought you were doing fine.
i dont know, i dont want to die (most of the time) i dont plan to kill myself anytime soon and im not sure why my own brain wants me dead so much. maybe im just putting it under too much pressure and it wants out lol
>You wouldn't do that, it's painful as hell
you see, i think thats the good part of it
when i say "i think" i dont mean me, but rather my brain
but yeah im not telling my mom
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I think everynyan has thoughts like that, more often than they'd like 2 admit. U shouldn't worry about them, unless ur actually thinking of going through with them
>a huge piece of shit
yeah my first instructor was a piece of shit too. Made me break down a couple of times too...
>she comments on every single thing i do and doesnt let me focus
maybe that's a good thing. She lets u know if what ur doing is good or not.
>cope gay boy
I'm not gay i pwomise...
>Maybe you feel more effeminate, like a twink.
nah i wouldn't say so. I look like a twink, but I work out too and my goals aren't really twinkish
>With working blinds, I guess. Or maybe curtains.
ur right i do need better blinds. Those Norwegian ones i told u about would be really nice
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>U shouldn't worry about them, unless ur actually thinking of going through with them
id rather not have them at all though..
>Made me break down a couple of times too...
deja vu'
>She lets u know if what ur doing is good or not.
its really distracting and it annoys me so id rather if she wouldnt talk unless im running into a wall
>I'm not gay i pwomise...
>i pwomise
need I say more
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>its very fun when they ragequit
That'd make me feel bad...
>now OW is just hot garbage and the furthest thing from fun
Yeah I've heard awful things about it. I played it when it first came out.
>tf2 has always been better
But tf2 has cheaters...
>im not sure why my own brain wants me dead so much
You're your own brain. Try to listen to your body and do some introspection. Self-neglect can cause unperceived stress.
>you see, i think thats the good part of it
I don't see what you'd gain by hurting yourself.
>nah i wouldn't say so.
So you do want to feel more like a man.
Some people say futa is not gay. Would you agree?
>ur right i do need better blinds
Some semi-transparent curtains could help in the meanwhile. Shouldn't be expensive to buy them.
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lts cold here
>That'd make me feel bad...
you care a bit too much about strangers online methinks
>But tf2 has cheaters...
when it didnt, i mean
>You're your own brain
i believe our brain and ourselves are 2 different entities
it often happens that i want to do something but my brain doesnt
>I don't see what you'd gain by hurting yourself.
i think the reasoning behind it is that i need to be punished for being the way i am and doing things wrong
that looks cozy!
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>id rather not have them at all though..
It's just something that ppl have. U need 2 learn 2 deal with them. But don't worry, u're not the only one who has these thoughts
>its really distracting and it annoys me so id rather if she wouldnt talk unless im running into a wall
do u make moar mistakes when she talks or nah?
>need I say more
jokes aside i'm actually not gay. Not even bi. Fully straight.
>So you do want to feel more like a man.
idk if that's the reason i work out. I do it cause i don't wanna be a skeleton anymoar. Idk if that means that i want 2 b moar manly or nah...
>Some people say futa is not gay. Would you agree?
No, i'd say it's gay
>But tf2 has cheaters...
not anymore it doesn't!
valve is taking care of the problem as we speak!
cozy place
and cute dog
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>you care a bit too much about strangers online methinks
>when it didnt, i mean
Is it even playable now?
>i believe our brain and ourselves are 2 different entities
We're many different entities, but they're all tied together to compose an individual.
>but my brain doesnt
And you should be able to understand why.
>i need to be punished for being the way i am and doing things wrong
That's an unproductive mindset to have. Most things are out of your control to begin with.
>I do it cause i don't wanna be a skeleton anymoar
Fair enough.
>No, i'd say it's gay
Good, that's the right answer.
>valve is taking care of the problem as we speak!
Aren't they a little late for that? It's an old game.
glad to see the thread is still up and strong
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>on the other hand I overthink a lot and about everything.
That's not necessarily a bad thing.

>its not really "i could" but more like "i should"
Again, I don't think it's anything to worry about unless you're acting on it or these thoughts are constant.

>Yes, you can run additional logic before/after getting/setting a field.
I see. I can't think what use I'd have for them in my gaem but it'll be useful to remember that.
>Korean mmos have always been a mess
I've never played one by my impression is there's a lot of grinding

>you care a bit too much about strangers online methinks
That's not a bad thing. They're still people with lives as full as your own.
I wish I had working A/C, mine broke down a few years ago and we've been planning on selling the house for a while (finally gonna happen next month) so we didn't spend the money to fix it. Fortunately it hasn't been THAT hot, mostly in the 80s and mostly dry so the nights are relatively cool but it still sucks, especially because I've been doing tons of physical outdoor labor cleaning up the property and moving stuff out.

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