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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

happy saturday!

>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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>a long list of self harm alternatives (thank you muddy):

>a first aid post cuting:

>a wound care guide:

>a bbpd workbook:

>the illustrated self harm care guide (thank you Sisyphus!)
uh hello anon
how are you this fine day?

'morning folks.
Thanks anon for the thread.
You guys are doing good today?
I'm starting to dislike weekends. I can't see her on weekends. And in two more weeks I'll be on break.
But anyway, day's going good so far and I'm happy :)
Hey sisyphus. Off to a good start today?
Forgot the name but you guys know it's me. Adding it now anyway
Howdy anons. I regularly lurk these threads but haven't posted yet. I injured myself for the first time in a few months, it wasn't very severe and I cleaned myself up but I feel very silly.
I am so frustrated, I have two exams left but I have been so anxious the past few days, my chest and head feel heavy and I can hardly focus on studying, this sucks
heya saka
weekends are when you can arrange meetups easily with her :>

for me today has been quite boring desu but im supposed to meet a friend in few hours maybe

why lurk but not post?
might feel bit silly but oh well
rent we all little silly?

good luck with your exams anon
maybe you need to take a break and refill your batteries
Hi anon. Why did you do it? Wanna talk about it?
What's on your mind anon?
Take a one or two days break from studying if you need to. Your health is more important.
Too early to meet up with her outside of uni I reckon. But I'm getting there.
I'm going to class on Monday and I'll see her there. I'll try and seat next to her and chat a bit after class.
I'll try to get closer to her in these two remaining weeks so that I can finally meet up with her outside of uni during the break.
mornings everyone! mr galaxy here to say every one of you is appreciated and deserving of love
'morning Galaxy.
You sound happier today, something on your mind? Or are you just happier and that's it?
In any case, always good to see you around.
>every one of you is appreciated and deserving of love
Thank you. You too are appreciated and very much deserving of love.
maybe not happier but less anxious. cuz im not exactly happy with how my mom has been raising my brothers. i really want to cuss her out.
>less anxious
That still something!
Happy to hear that!
But hey, look at how you started the day, with a good warm and friendly good morning post. Something like this is always appreciated specially when it comes from someone like you. That's how you should start your days, even when things are rough.
Dance like a drunk pirate and smile in the face of the devil!
Knowing that you are less anxious made my day better, thanks :)
I feel like my words aren't worth posting.

I've been getting voices commanding me to do things I don't want to, and hurting myself makes them happy and calm down for a while. I don't want to increase my medication, I already get enough side effects from it.
>I feel like my words aren't worth posting.
They are and you are very much welcome to share what's on your mind and we'll be glad to help you.
>I've been getting voices commanding me to do things I don't want to, and hurting myself makes them happy and calm down for a while
I ain't no psychiatrist but this sounds like schizophrenia to me.
Do you have someone close to you who you can trust? Someone to talk to?
In any case, start posting here. The folks here are willing to help you, me included.
You just obey the voices whenever they appear? What happens if you don't do what they tell?
its been a rough week because of that too.. but im doing good now!
>but im doing good now!
That's awesome Galaxy!
Really really happy to hear that!
Seeing me friends happy makes me day a lot better!
Do you have any plans for this fine day?
I am schizophrenic. I was diagnosed four years ago, but I've had the symptoms since I was a teen.
I don't obey them, they tell me to do things I don't want to do, like hurt my cat. I would never, ever hurt my cat, and have never harmed animals ever in my life despite struggling with voices like this. I save spiders in cups and take them safely outside. I don't doubt my willpower to disobey them.
But the voices get loud and nasty and I can't hear anything else over them sometimes so harming helps bring the volume down and make them leave me alone and I can get a breath of air for a while. It breaks the loop, so to speak.
Don't harm yourself.
If they want you to do bad things, and you do a bad thing in order to not do another bad thing, you still doing a bad thing.
You wouldn't harm anyone else so why would you harm yourself?
Idk if you have someone to talk to, but if you don't, then talk with us before doing anything when they come back. Would you be able to do that?
bump bump 1337
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I have someone to talk to some of the day, another schizophrenic that I've been close with for three years. He sleeps 15 or 16 hours a day though due to his medication. When he wakes up we spend the day chatting and we recently began to play D&D with him as the DM and one other player, an autistic guy that seems nice. I've not gotten to play before because it's such a social thing, but I enjoyed it.
I don't know. I feel like I deserve to be hurt more than someone or something else.
Thanks for talking to me, I appreciate it. I'll consider coming back and saying something if I feel talking might help.
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hello everyone
happy caturday
It's very hot today but I'm okay though I feel a bit off
I'm staying at home and drinking lots of warter
You guys should hydrate too!

Hello Sisyphus

Hi anon :>
>starting to dislike weekends. I can't see her
try not to obsess over that girl saka
I feel it won't end up well
>two more weeks I'll be on break
woo :D
and break plans?

Howdy partner
>haven't posted yet.
it's nice to meet you ^^
>I injured myself
what happened?
> I feel very silly.
it's okay anon, it happens
just try to not make it a regular thing

Hey anon
yeah exams suck they're the worst
Are they going to be difficult?
Best of luck anon

sending lov to u <3
Hope you're enjoying your weekend
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car is all good after a quick check, so ready for the trip

>Anonymous thread

yo sisyphus
>how are you this fine day?
tired. I worked all morning and had the most brutal arm day I have ever had and my limbs are reduced to jello but i love the feeling.

hey saka
>I'm starting to dislike weekends.
i don't like them either. get stir crazy and forget other people exist these days
>can't see her on weekends. And in two more weeks I'll be on break.
it sucks man, i know. Just get as much time as you can and stay in touch. Have to try to push to meet up as soon as you can outside, even if you're a bit hesitant to.
Know it's a scary situation, but it's a good place to be too. Would give anything to be in that position again, so enjoy even it's tough since you're young.

back at you galaxy! good to see you and hope you're having a good weekend

heyyy cat! happy caturday!
>It's very hot today
here too again, but should rain later so gonna cool a lot
>You guys should hydrate too!
good you are doing that. I am trying but have been a lot so it's hard, but home now so will catch up
>we spend the day chatting and we recently began to play D&D with him as the DM and one other player, an autistic guy that seems nice. I've not gotten to play before because it's such a social thing, but I enjoyed it.
That's great anon. Keep the good company!
>I don't know. I feel like I deserve to be hurt more than someone or something else.
You don't deserve it. You deserve dignity and respect. Don't you ever think otherwise and keep this in your mind at all times. Don't hurt yourself again, and if you feel the urge to do it come talk to us.
>Thanks for talking to me, I appreciate it. I'll consider coming back and saying something if I feel talking might help.
Always glad to help folks in need. Do come back, you are welcome here and we'll lend you a hand whenever you need.
I ain't obsessing. It's just that seeing her smile always make my day a whole lot better.
>and break plans?
I'll go on a trip with mom, dad and the dog. We're going to see me dad's part of the family on another state.
Hey officeanon
>so ready for the trip
Have a good trip!
>i don't like them either. get stir crazy and forget other people exist these days
But I'll see me friends tomorrow. Including that one. I guess I was too harsh on him. I want to apologize. He might think that women are more important, but I don't leave me brothers behind.
>Have to try to push to meet up as soon as you can outside, even if you're a bit hesitant to.
I will think of something before classes end. I just need to talk more to her. At this point I'm still her colleague of some sorts. But I'm getting there and I won't turn off me engines! Heave away and straight ahead!
im here at a friends place so my brother can learn some stuff about leatherworking.

i am enjoying it so far yes.

i am, just hanging out with my youngest brother
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>car is all good
yay :D
>ready for the trip
where you trippin?
>should rain later
it might rain here too
>home now so will catch up
drink drink drink
chug chug chug!!

>ain't obsessing
that's good
I'm just worried your mood is dependent on her and if something not good happens you'll be completely devastated
>trip with mom, dad and the dog
sounds cool
is it a long drive?
stop most namefags who use these have it on filters
>im here at a friends place so my brother can learn some stuff about leatherworking.
Nice. Have a good time there Galaxy :)
>I'm just worried your mood is dependent on her and if something not good happens you'll be completely devastated
Seeing her does help my mood a lot, but it isn't dependent on her.
But I'm excited. I'll follow on officeanon's advice, I'll try and get closer to her in these two weeks so that I can see her during the break.
>is it a long drive?
It's a 6h or so drive. But it's very nice.
fuck forgot me name
>Have a good trip!
thanks! Still have a week to go and prepping to do, but plenty of time to get everything done
> I guess I was too harsh on him. I want to apologize.
very hard to tell one way or another from our end listening sometimes. If you think that's the case, respect your decision to do so and hope everything smooths over.
> I don't leave me brothers behind.
good mentality to have so glad to know to do that. When I was in college, I undervalued male friendship to focus energy on women, and ended up without friends who had my back and never got what I wanted either.
>At this point I'm still her colleague of some sorts.
that's the thing you have to get past in the one i never did well with. Sure you'll figure it out, but it's critical to get into more than just talking about class and seeing each other at school since then it ends in that.

that's nice. Enjoy your time, hope you're both having a nice time

>where you trippin?
it's my trip to the plains states in the middle of the US. Gonna be lots of parks and nature and just endless grassland as far as the eye can see. gonna be nice
>it might rain here too
hopefully not too much since need to do some yard stuff before going too
>drink drink drink
i did so no worries :> you do anything fun with your time today or just chilling?
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>but it isn't dependent on her.
that's good
>try and get closer to her
best of luck :D
so far it's been going well for you
>It's a 6h or so drive
are you driving?

>it's my trip to the plains states
oh yeah I remember
When are you going? pretty soon right?
sorry if I've asked about it already
>need to do some yard
god dman the hoa !!!!
ot whatever is forcing you to do this
>you do anything fun with your time today or just chilling?
no, Just doing nothing but because it very hot
met with fren today :)
was fun :)
cant wait to meet him again at our village
made the mistake of letting him join tthe vc of a friendgroup of mine and troll them a little bit but a bit after it they justt started asking questions like "why do you have a kid 4 years younger than you with yoou" too troll me back so yay
troll for troll
>Too early
maybe maybe
cant wait to see you get there

heya galaxy <3
>I feel like my words aren't worth posting.
whys that
i dont think i say something of note really but i still say
>I'm staying at home and drinking lots of warter
heya cat
i dont think i drank enough water today :(
damn i need to hit the gym again but i will be unable to for this week :(

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>met with fren today :)
that's sounds very
glad you had a good time
>dont think i drank enough water today :(
noo D;
you need to hydrate
glug glug glug !
>thanks! Still have a week to go and prepping to do, but plenty of time to get everything done
Don't forget to prepare a nice playlist for you to listen on the trip. Listening to music on the road is turbo nice :)
I have such good memories from my childhood times when me dad would put stuff like Jethro Tull, Eric Clapton and Neil Young for us to listen on the road.
>very hard to tell one way or another from our end listening sometimes. If you think that's the case, respect your decision to do so and hope everything smooths over.
I was just a bit too paranoid the other day. I gotta apologize to him. He's a good dude and I overthink a lot of things some times.
>good mentality to have so glad to know to do that.
I value me friends. Goes without saying but I'm talking about you folks too :)
>that's the thing you have to get past in the one i never did well with. Sure you'll figure it out, but it's critical to get into more than just talking about class and seeing each other at school since then it ends in that.
I have a bit less than two weeks I reckon, before break. I gotta do with that time, but I'll do my best!
>so far it's been going well for you
Yes! And I'll keep them engines going!
>are you driving?
Nope, I don't even have a drivers license lol
I don't think I'd do well with cars. I'm thinking about bikes though. As a Kamen Rider fan, I'd feel very badass riding on a bike, specially if I were to wear a red scarf.
Seems like you had a good time today sisyphus :)
Happy to hear that.
>cant wait to see you get there
Thanks sisyphus. I'll keep updating you guys. Things are going well :)
I'm getting physically tired from smiling lmao
I have so much hope for the next weeks and only good things have been passing through me head throughout the day. Seeing some of you folks getting better, meeting me irl friends tomorrow, thinking about the possibility of seeing her during the break, thinking about me family from another state that I'm gonna see in a few weeks... I'm really happy :)
I wish I could share a beer with you guys.
>When are you going? pretty soon right?
yeah, one week exactly. This time next week I'll be up by the lakes already. Gonna be fun
>sorry if I've asked about it already
it's ok!
> whatever is forcing you to do this
county government :/
>because it very hot
understand. Was like that 2 weeks straight not long ago here and i didn't even feel like going on my daily walks even

>was fun
glad you had a nice time
>damn i need to hit the gym again
i had to get resistance bands and a bar to take with me on my trip. Most places I'm staying have small fitness center, but always pitiful amounts of weights and I've been training almost 2 years seriously so need better
>will be unable to for this week
just get to it when you can, hope you can get some stability with it

> nice playlist for you to listen on the trip.
gonna be driving 5 hours at a time some days, so definitely need it
> good memories
that sounds nice. I don't have memories about this kind of stuff, but something nice about flying down the open, endless highway with music blasting along the way
>I overthink a lot of things some times.
it's okay. As long as you try to be more conscious that you have a disposition to that. Honestly, women can really make you think and act strange when you get really into one like you are now, so it's understandable
>Goes without saying but I'm talking about you folks too
and i value being friends with you and everyone here just as I would any other friendship and also more than some irl friendships if we're being real xD
>but I'll do my best
i believe you man. Just deep breaths, play it cool, and stay calm but be decisive. Hesitating is the last thing to do, just have dignity no matter what and things will go well
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I'm eepim
goodnight frens
incredibly suspiciously good mood
im bettting it will go t shit tomrrow
>that's sounds very
it was very very
>you need to hydrate
will drink some more

>Seems like you had a good time today sisyphus :)
im quite surprised by it!
but always a pleasure
>I'll keep updating you guys
im rooting for you
thats goood :3
so nice to see things going right for someone
>i had to get resistance bands and a bar to take with me on my trip
you continue working out while away from home?
>just get to it when you can
i will try to
hopefully get JACKED finally
doesnt really matter desu but would be nice
good night cat swweet dreams
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Hi /cut/!!

I've been lurking in these threads for a while and I recently got into drawing and digital art. What do you guys think of my first full on piece?
zdalja or irkador?
as per the art
reminds me of the anime inspired art a friend of mine does but better lol
why lurking though
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hello frens.

hurt myself 2 days ago, i was on a nice streak before this, almost a month of not doing it

feeling dumb because i tossed my razors back then and so i used a pair of scissors and then a serrated knife and it wasnt satisfying at all so i had to do it way more including in places i dont normally

now its summer and my family is prob gonna see or be weird about my style of dress etc. woe is me and so on

how to not kms over this minor slip up?
>z or irkador?
I smacked my keyboard and it looked pretty cool so I'm going with this name lol. first one is smthing else that id rather not have on 4chan. I'd prefer you delete your post because I'd rather not have the first name on 4chan.
>why lurking though
I'm not so sure. I personally don't sh but I find the people who frequent this thread to just be pretty kind and cool.
>gonna be driving 5 hours at a time some days, so definitely need it
If you wanna some recommendations, I would gladly suggest you some good music to listen on the road.
>but something nice about flying down the open, endless highway with music blasting along the way
These times were so good. I remember being a kid in the backseat of me dad's car, he'd drive through an almost empty road at the end of the day, with a clear sky and the sun setting behind the mountains far at the end of vast fields.
Down the crags at one side of the road there was the beach, and the sea breeze would enter through the car's window, and dust in the wind would be playing in the car.
I'm listening to dust in the wind while I write this post, just so that I can relieve these memories a bit better.
Oh man, I miss these times.
>it's okay. As long as you try to be more conscious that you have a disposition to that
I just need to take a step back whenever I start to get paranoid. Nothing good will come of seeing problems where there ain't none.
>and i value being friends with you and everyone here just as I would any other friendship
I can't stress enough how much I cherish all of you. And you helped me so much, and continue to help me. You really are a great dude. As is everyone here.
This general is awesome, full of awesome people. If I'm in a good place now, it's because I had you guys backing me up along the way.
Can't fully put it into words. I'm just very grateful.
>Hesitating is the last thing to do
I've mentioned him here before. But as the wise old samurai with a gun would say: "Hesitation is defeat!"
'night cat, see you tomorrow :)
>incredibly suspiciously good mood
You guys won't stop making me happy I see :)
Seeing you folks like this makes me day a whole lot better
>so nice to see things going right for someone
Wouldn't be going as right as it is without you guys help :)
>that game
idk anon but sounds like a minor inconvinience
say you just wanted to change styles or something idk
ive never been asked anything aboout th way i dress
not when wearing hoodies in thee fucking usmmer hheat not when wearing shorts in the middle of winter
surpisingly only whne im wearing lots of layers of clothes in winter which ok??
>I'd prefer you delete your post
ohh im sorry but i cant
i just get an error saying that i cant delete a post that old, didnt even cross the 20 minute mark
didnt mean to, when i posted the reply both of your were up and only after posting it i saw that it got deletted
>I personally don't sh
thhats nice to hear
most people if not all are kind so i hhope you enjoy
>Seeing you folks like this makes me day a whole lot better
im glad it does <3
>Wouldn't be going as right as it is without you guys help :)
well you yourself have done the most important steps so give credit to yourself too
it was a good time he made a wallet for his dad

hallo :3

we had fun :3
>ohh im sorry but i cant
lol its fine, its not like anyone is out the get me lmao.
Hey there Irkador, welcome!
That's some good art you got there. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I'm not very knowledgeable about this sort of art, I'm more of a music guy. But I can appreciate a good artistic work whenever I see one :)
Hey anon.
What's on your mind? And btw, if you don't have clean blades, don't cut. And if you do have clean blades, also don't cut.
Now about your dressing, you gotta wear the long sleeves if you don't want them to see the cuts.
If you wear the long sleeves, they might be suspicious, but if you don't wear them, they'll see the cuts straight away.
And dude, your family might not even ask about the long sleeves. But idk, this last bit is just conjecture, but a feasible one.
>how to not kms over this minor slip up?
You said it right there, a minor slip up.
A huge slip up should never give you a reason to take the easy way off, so for a minor slip up it goes without saying.
In any case, hop in here whenever you feel like doing something bad to yourself, and let's have a chat :)
>well you yourself have done the most important steps so give credit to yourself too
Yes, my efforts have been legit and I'm happy with the way I'm handling things. But you guys have been helping me a lot, and I can't ignore that.
>we had fun :3
Happy to hear that, Gal.
You deserve it man, glad you had a good time :)
i dont know if i deserve it but thank yous :3
i think
i think im going to sleep
i neeed to wake up early tomorrow and go to monastiraki with my dad to fuck around idk, maybe get something cool from the fleamarket
or idk
i must have my childhood luckyluke wallet somewhere
i just realised while typing it that he isnt lookiluke as everyoone here has been pronouncing it but actually luckyluke
holy fukc
still im sorry
id hate it if that happened to me
nice that you recognize that<3
>still im sorry
>id hate it if that happened to me

Nooo dont beat yourself up over it :( its really all good. That art was just for a passion project I'm working on, and was planning to make it all public in a few months/year time under that name.
Don't you ever doubt the fact that you deserve to be happy.
And even if just for the day, you were a bit happier today and that's awesome.
I'm really glad you got to have fun today.
And btw, don't hesitate to greet us tomorrow with a good morning post like that of today. It will do good for everyone here including you :)
>nice that you recognize that<3
Even nicer than that is having people like you around :)
>i think im going to sleep
'night sisyphus, see you tomorrow
>i neeed to wake up early tomorrow and go to monastiraki with my dad to fuck around idk, maybe get something cool from the fleamarket
Have fun out there!
i see, i hope you find it!
can't sleep. just a little bump to keep the thread afloat.
i cant help but feel like i dont deserve to be happy... i did feel horrible that my brother is being neglected same as me..

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