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We need Asperger Separatism because those with our condition are almost always universally mistreated despite often being more capable than their neurotypical counterparts. What I am essentially advocating for is the creation of well-furnished hidden "homeless" encampments that are styled like the trenches in Ukraine. College educated autistic people suffer from an 85% unemployment rate thus are very likely to end up homeless. When they do end up homeless they are more likely to be mistreated by the police, the general population and even other homeless. This is why we need to form our own separate, hidden and exclusive colonies for high-IQ autistic people. Fact of the matter is we really do not have a choice in this regard despite how ugly our situation may seem.
Why bother associating with normies? All they do is treat us like garbage.
Assburger doesn't really exist. This is a trick of Jewish pharmacy kings to explain why some kids are a bit too shy.
a society of asperger can never work
you're not social creatures
If literal retards can run entire countries (see: Africa) then why can't high-IQ nerds do the same?
I have been saying this for a long time
Its real
It is very possible that our society would be better ran than the current ones
Aspergers, ADHD, autism. They're all fake as fuck. Nothing a few good ass bustings with a board can't fix.
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I don't usually like being rude but your retarded nigger ass should commit suicide

this anon is right even though he doesn't understand why, the path of the autist isn't one thats sung with praise but that of ridicule and ostracism for autists will never be fully understood or accepted by normal people which is why to reach their potential they have to go through a trial of fire to prove themselves to be worthy and rise above the rest to claim their place
Autism is fake and you being an overly sensitive retard with no accountability is the real issue.

You'd think autists would be winning Oscars with the way they talk about muh masking. What a strange coincidence between being that much of a narcissist and being a supposed "autist"..
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I don't mask, i let everyone know very much i have autism. The boys have me around because i'm supportive, fun, and carefree The girls like my autism and im friends with all the nerdy girls. All the cringe shit i see on the internet from introverted autists fuels me to become a better autist.
Okay so what exactly makes your behavior "autistic" then? How does it show when you socialize?
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I am terrible at non-verbal communication, i hyperfixate a lot and info dump on people i trust, i often dissmiss etiquette and social norms, it's hard for me to understand other people's feelings, i am very direct with what i want
Autists are the true human. They have real senses and a real internal world. Normalfags are all nigger cattle meant to wage wars and breed. The Jew doesn't want you to know this.
Hitler tried. We need another autistic fascist dictator. Hitler was autistic. It should be obvious.
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>autism apartheid now using nazi inspired flag
Damn, the guy who said this was a glow op fucking called it.
People like you are the reason why we remain isolated.
Nigga, you have no plan beyond taking a bunch of socially stunted edgelords with an axe to grind and putting them in the same room. The first iteration of this was a company with no product, then it morphed into making a literal sperg waco compound. And now we've blown past that straight into sperg nazism. You deserve to be isolated, so you won't harm anyone else.
I'm autistic and i hate other autistic people, just learn how to behave like a human being it is not hard
>It is very possible that our society would be better ran than the current ones
probably not true because most aspergers tend to fixate on solutions they think is right, ignoring other options.
Adding to this, every single one believe they should be in charge. Look at the constant STOP LIEKING WAT I DUN LIEK!!!!!!! shit that plagues most sperg-infested communities on the internet. We'll have waifu ISIS forming in a week, among other random ass-burgers insurgencies constantly fighting each other and the main sperg-nazis that it will make Somalia seem like a stable nation. Hell, I'm pretty sure Haiti would probably be more stable lmao.
An autist colony would end with everyone hitting themselves and fighting each other over sensory issues and not sharing the same hyperfixation. Autists are destined to die alone, it's a maladaptive condition that continues to spread only because natural selection isn't allowed to do its job in the 21st century. Total eradication is the only solution.
And unlike Africa, or even Haiti, nobody is going to intervene, since auteria offers nothing of value to the world. Autists are just that unlikeable, to the point where them exterminating themselves would be a net gain for humanity.
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Nikola Tesla was probably autistic i believe and i think he was cool
>We need Asperger Separatism
If there was a asperger society no one would have any children doe
Unfortunately the average autist in the modern era has produced nothing other than cringy fanart, public nuisance, and even mass shootings. They don't even make it high enough to produce anything of value to humanity (all legitimate scientific research nowadays is done in TEAMS, which autists run themselves out of by being utterly insufferable, btw) considering sonichu or whatever their puerile obsession is isn't even an academic subject.
Tsmt the word society is literally based off of social you cant have a society with a entire population of people who have problems collaborating with each other
This idea is a little far fetched but I somewhat agree with the sentiment. We've come a long way in a short period of time and I think 10 years from now there will be more of an established autistic cultural identity. Just 10 years ago nobody was talking this way and most spergs didn't even realize they were spergs or that there were people out there who related to their experience. While autism does come with some weaknesses that should be acknowledged, not viewing ourselves as defective or judging ourselves based on how well we meet normie ideals is a start. Things are definitely moving in the right direction.
Considering the high suicide rate of autism relative to the general population, they'd probably off themselves first
There have been autism/asperger supremacy blogs out there as long as the internet existed. Hell, I would argue they were some of the first things shat onto the internet since it was once a place for outcasts and other losers. Thing is about 10 years ago, people were still normal, so they lmao'd at those retarded posts, and the spergs behind them either moved on with their lives or killed themselves. The only reason we're seeing this garbage today is because zoomer """autists""" (invariably self-dx'd) found those old screeds and mixed them with modern day idpol faggotry to pretend they invented autism rights or some other stupid shit like that. Speaking of which, I have yet to hear anyone satisfactorily answer the question of what rights in particular the autistic are denied. The explanations always degenerate into some nebulous allegations of conspiracies that only need reptilian space jews to be an actual conspiracy theory, though most of the time it's already there.
It's not a matter of rights from a government perspective, it's about creating our own groups and communities so that we have to deal with you less and you have to deal with us less. Seems like a win/win.
No, it's not, because every time some faggots with imaginary grievances get together they start plotting terrorism. It's a tale as old as time.
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Unironically, extremely based and redpilled. Please explain your ideas more.
>what rights in particular the autistic are denied
Much higher rate of unemployment, much higher suicide rate, higher rates of childhood abuse/neglect, much higher rates of loneliness, much higher rates of bullying compared to normies. Autism itself has been a punchline for the last forty years.
Also disability is often legislated as a protected category in western legal systems, but in effect this is also often just ignored when it comes to autistic people. Like, people will learn you're autistic and then just flagrantly do shit that would probably be illegal if it was ever looked into
>Much higher rate of unemployment, much higher suicide rate, higher rates of childhood abuse/neglect, much higher rates of loneliness, much higher rates of bullying compared to normies.
These are disparities, and none of them are things you personally experienced. if you're like the typical useless self-dxer in the west, if anything your life wasn't hard enough.

>Autism itself has been a punchline for the last forty years.
Every group gets mocked. Difference is, they laugh it off, while you make death threats.
That doesn't mean we allow the disabled to get away with rape and murder, which is what you overgrown children are demanding for whatever reason. Face it, your type don't lack any rights. You still have free speech, and even the right to own deadly weapons to turn against the rest of society. You have too many rights to abuse, as a matter of fact.
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>fake as fuck. Nothing a few good ass bustings with a board can't fix.
Instead of Asperger Shelters we should bring back boarding schools. Six of the best on a regular basis will beat the aspergers out of these lads.
>Much higher rate of unemployment
You don't have a right to work in most societies. You act like an anti-social cunt or get in the way of business, you get shown the door, like everyone else.
>much higher suicide rate
OK, and? You self-owning yourself is not a violation of any rights. I anything, that is something you have control over.
>higher rates of childhood abuse/neglect, much higher rates of loneliness, much higher rates of bullying compared to normies.
You don't have a right to force others to associate with you against their will, especially if you have nothing to offer yourself.
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>Every group gets mocked. Difference is, they laugh it off, while you make death threats.
Based autists not caring about normalfag social pecking orders
>You have too many rights to abuse, as a matter of fact.
Just a tip, but "as a matter of fact" adds a sense of inauthenticity and this would be better bait if you left it off
Like it or not, WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY. You make threats, other people react to keep you in line, so they don't get hurt. And they have the numbers, credibility, and resources to make sure you can't do shit. This is the same "balance of power" concept that shows up over and over again in all sorts of sperg slop, from historical infotainment on youtube (even the milhist fanwank) and map painting simulators. You did learn something from all that obsessive gameplay, right??????????
The autistic aren't oppressed, but they should be!
>Like it or not, WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY. You make threats, other people react to keep you in line, so they don't get hurt. And they have the numbers, credibility, and resources to make sure you can't do shit
Unironically, YES. Thanks to mass shootings perpetrated by the autistic, a significant portion of the US, and growing, have implemented red flag laws, basically streamlined, legalized SWATing, to report anyone you think might go postal. And that's not counting the super local school/town policies that do the same. If you hadn't heard, this basically guarantees a police raid on your local autist's house "just in case". Even if the law isn't on the books, there might be an alternative for
>promoting #woke ideology
>LGBT grooming
>promoting gun culture to minors
and even the classic """anonymous tip""" to the popo, who are more or less forced to react "just in case". Be on your best behavior, spergs. You did this to yourselves, now you live with it.
You talk like an fag and your shit's retarded. I hope someone doxes your family members on tor hidden services because they think its funny
Hello? Police? Anons acting real sussy rn...Yeah I think he has a gun or smth. Hangs out on those weird poltical chatrooms too.
As I said you talk like a fag
Yeah yeah, tell that to the judge.
>he has no argument
>not even denying he fits all the red flag criteria
You want to be a headline this election year?
They are so obvious and dumb. As well as petty.
It's an election year, the Spring '24 massacre season was a total bust, and the the way the debate went on Thursday even the minimum federal funding for the internet tard wrangler department isn't guaranteed anymore. Wonder if our old friend will show up?
WTF lol that's kind of harsh.
I'm autistic and everyone knows I'm different. I honestly don't think that there's any hope for me. It's hard to deal with the real world when I'm seemingly the only one on my own. Not to woe is me too much, I know that I'd make a terrible friend. It's probably for the best that I'm alone
>muh autism
just eminemmaxx because he has Aspergers and yet became one of the greatest rappers
I doubt he does, retard. most autistics are completely useless. saying "just become like *insert famous person here* who "allegedly" has the tism. Knock that shit off
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>We need Asperger Separatism because those with our condition are almost always universally mistreated despite often being more capable than their neurotypical counterparts.
>reeeeeeee clean my diapie
too bad go collect your disability and fuck off leech you could quite tell i am different but that hasnt stopped me i have dreams cracker and i want to achieve them
you'll do nothing, nigger
as will you. The last autistic person i was friends with couldn't even hold a job for longer than a year
>seething is over 9000
struck a nerve cracker? remember your crab bucket mentality dont do shit to anyone who has experience
>too bad go collect your disability and fuck off leech you could quite tell i am different but that hasnt stopped me i have dreams cracker

neither of you are going to achieve anything
you're just going to not shower for like a month and then play genshin impact for another 1000 hours
I'm neither of them, but, I don't get gatcha games. guess I'm too cheap for that kinda thing.
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Thanks for reminding me to do this.
"Laughing it off" more often than not is just a form of submission anyway. Delivering some resistance back is the least you can do.
this is the dumbest shit i've read in a very long time. aspies by nature don't band together or do anything related to sociability, trying to make a "nation" or having any kind of separatist movement is not only missing the point entirely but suicidal if taken seriously.

i get it, spergs are angry at normies because they're frustrated with being sociable. i get it. but trying to split off from normal people isn't the answer
>The last autistic person i was friends with couldn't even hold a job for longer than a year
Wow he's literally me
>a bit too shy
That's not what asperger's is. So why would anyone listen to you after typing that?

this is the sperg blind spot, you can't see how badly you also mistreat others because you lack the ability to accurately judge others' emotional states, desires, non verbal communication, etc... so you think you're martyrs but you're actually missing the requisite perceptual tools, basically elephants in interpersonal china shops
>you lack the ability to accurately judge others' emotional states, desires, non verbal communication, etc...
i had an autistic friend who would constantly tell me to man up over serious things but the instant i told him that it became exactly like OPs post just shit about how he's always treated like x or y
autistic people are genuine fucking monsters man
I got beat and it just made me worse. My parents eventually learned that it was best to just listen to me and respect my boundaries, and to leave me alone when I needed to be alone. Then I stopped being as mentally ill. I wish Autism could be beat out of me. I fucking wish. I'd line up for a beating every day
i grew out of my adhd. i think. I use my phone a lot. it's probably been reduced to that
Maybe you should just man up
Your autistic friend was correct. And it's not hypocritical when you "treat him the same" because he isn't the same. You're like someone with a broken finger crying to someone with their legs blown off
I got spanked all the time and it didn't cure my 'tism.
>Maybe you should just man up
i'm still not going to start treating autistic people differently
honestly if you know your autism causes issues for you why not see behavioral therapy for it?
>i'm still not going to start treating autistic people differently
That's alright but calling him a "monster" for telling you to "man up" is ridiculous. There are things you can help and there are things you cannot. Your friend has a neurological disorder, what exactly do you expect him to do about it? "Le therapy"?
>honestly if you know your autism causes issues for you why not see behavioral therapy for it?
It's different for everyone, people get different symptoms. Me, personally, the issues that most bother me are sensory problems. It has ruined me. I was unable to go to school and I can't just live a normal life. That's just the way it is. There is nothing behavioural therapy can fix about it. The social difficulties, I used to be completely clueless but I have learned a lot to the point I can behave appropriately and with respect and manners. However, there is nothing I can do about forming friendships and romantic relationships. I think people don't see me as socially advanced enough so they don't connect or relate to me. They like me, but it ends there. That's just my burden to bare in life, I cannot just go to therapy and fix it. There is no point dwelling on things you cannot change

Maybe your friend might benefit from it, but I think I have reached a cap on how I can improve. I have come a long way when I look back at how I used to be, so you it is possible for some autists to improve. But there is a limit

It is absolutely brutal, I'm simulating their way of seeing the world knowing they can't see mine. The whole time they think that's what they are doing, but of course they can't see it at all so I just watch them mask and make up inaccurate stories about why people are doing things. I try to love them anyway. The good news is they can be amazing friends and they usually are good in the sense that they don't *want* to hurt you. Unfortunately you have to structure your relationship with them such that they can't have too much access to your unshielded feelings. For their own sake as much as yours. No matter how delicately you do it, they will not be able to understand and think you're excluding them. Which you are. The same way a tech autist would exclude a normie from root access to his phone, they'll fuck your feelings up without meaning to.
No it's not. Imagine if you told your friend that your mom just died and he just told you to man up. That alone would cause enough anger to get your "friend" a well-deserved punch in the face.

Oh wait, you can't. Because you have the 'tism.
Wait, if I told my friend to man up for being upset, he would deserve a punch in the face? No I can't imagine lol

I think you mean for me to imagine if my friend told me that. Yeah, he would deserve a punch in the face. That has nothing to do with autism because no autist would like that said to them if they love their mother

>Oh wait, you can't. Because you have the 'tism
You don't understand why autists can't understand. It's not literally "if its not me, then I don't understand"
I was about to make a post explaining it so you can read part of it, or all of it if you want to know. Or not

But anyways. If your friend said that, it's not because he's autistic, it's because he's a cunt
Sperg here

When I was a child, I had no concept of jealousy. So I could not comprehend it. People just got more and better things than I and it was a fact of life. I envied, but Jealousy made no sense to me. Why would I spite someone if they have something nice? Good for them. Only when I worked hard on something I cared about and was proud of that work and a teacher dismissed it because they had a personal grudge against me that I still don't understand, only then could I conceive of the concept of jealousy, born out of an injustice whether real or only perceived. The others went on to reap their reward of their efforts, even other children that I out performed, while I was spitefully mocked and taunted by said teacher as he gleefully told me that I could compete but I wouldn't be getting through. And so at 10 years old I felt Jealousy for the first time in my life, for those children that I did better than who got through

Why am I writing this? Moral of the story: If you don't have it in you, you cannot see it in others. Autists can only project their own psyche onto others. Much like anyone else. The difference is, autists have less going on, they are simpler while non autists although different are similar enough to understand each other's psyche by extrapolating on their own. So autists are just left in confusion if you don't explain all the nonsense and rules and what ever goes on in your head if you don't explain the logic behind it. They may not agree with the logic, but if they come to understand it then they can respect it and respect your customs, ways and expectations

Treat others how you would like to be treated. They say it is a good rule of thumb. What if you want to be treated a different way than most other people? What if your mind doesn't possess the same concepts that their preferences and gestures are built upon? Then it's terrible advice and you will hurt people and they will assume the worst of you, and you will become isolated
Read >>77999422
> If you don't have it in you, you cannot see it in others. Autists can only project their own psyche onto others. Much like anyone else. The difference is, autists have less going on, they are simpler while non autists although different are similar enough to understand each other's psyche by extrapolating on their own. So autists are just left in confusion if you don't explain all the nonsense and rules and what ever goes on in your head if you don't explain the logic behind it. They may not agree with the logic, but if they come to understand it then they can respect it and respect your customs, ways and expectations

>Treat others how you would like to be treated. They say it is a good rule of thumb. What if you want to be treated a different way than most other people? What if your mind doesn't possess the same concepts that their preferences and gestures are built upon? Then it's terrible advice and you will hurt people and they will assume the worst of you, and you will become isolated
>couldn't even hold a job for longer than a year
Symptoms must be pretty mild if you can go a whole year at a job without sperging out. Mild enough to be totally nonexistent, if you ask me.
All of these assume actual autism. Too bad that's often not the case nowadays, especially with self-diagnoses. They're aware of the social contract and expectations, they just choose to ignore it, if not go against it, to get a fleeting sense of power. This is why people rightfully assume the worst about them, and they end up isolated. There are now several generations of kids who can name at least one petty sociopath like this that they went to school with.
>it's not because he's autistic, it's because he's a cunt
Same difference.
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>Imagine if you told your friend that your mom just died and he just told you to man up
Ah, I read that wrong. I have to go to bed lol

But yeah, some autists will use autism as an excuse for anything. But if you understand why they are so confused in the first place then you can decipher when it is an excuse or not. As I said, what autist would not understand getting upset about being told to "man up" for being sad that their mother died?
The only excuse I can come up with is they can't imagine their mother dying and haven't thought about it, or they never knew their mother. Or they are some cold hearted bastard who doesn't love his own mother

Yeah i'm talking about actual autism. Was that not what we were talking about? You said your friend had autsim

Not really. You can be a cunt with autism, yeah, sure. Of course they exist in high numbers. Most people autistic or not are cunts and spergs are no different. The mistake you are making is you see an autistic person who is a cunt and associate being a cunt with autism because it is the most notable thing

Anyways i'm going to bed. I've said about all there is to say and we'll have to agree to disagree
Oh yeah and for the record, I myself am not "self diagnosed". I was professionally diagnosed and I definitely have it. I used to deny it because I didn't want to accept that I couldn't change, but no, unfortunately I do have it. All the signs were there even when I was a newborn but I wasn't diagnosed until 10. I have thought a lot about things, and contemplated a lot on why I am the way I am and this is what I have come to understand. So take that as you will

>we need to form our own separate, hidden and exclusive colonies for high-IQ autistic people.
This is a cool idea but also quite retarded, because isolating people like me will just make our life worse. The world is run by neurotypicals and communication is the end-all be-all for success, we just need to inform the public more about Asperger's and require social services or job training opportunities for people with Asperger's.
The asshole wouldn't understand that his peers don't want to be shot to death when he brings in daddy's assault rifle over someone not liking sanic the gay edgehog or whatever. So I'm under no obligation to """understand""" his inherently illogical point of view.
No, you're too lazy to put in the same effort other kids have to do in order to transition into adulthood. You can change, you just choose not to, and everyone else can see right through that and are judging you for your failures.
lmfao they get all this and more nowadays, and they shoot up more public places than ever. People have largely given up on the "carrot" (positive stimuli) methods and are reverting back to the "stick" (punishment) methods since those were the last ones that worked. Face it, no matter what you do, the vain mental cripple wasn't going to be happy, so at the very least you could make sure it wouldn't take out other functioning human beings with it.
> But yeah, some autists will use autism as an excuse for anything. But if you understand why they are so confused in the first place then you can decipher when it is an excuse or not. As I said, what autist would not understand getting upset about being told to "man up" for being sad that their mother died?

>The only excuse I can come up with is they can't imagine their mother dying and haven't thought about it, or they never knew their mother. Or they are some cold hearted bastard who doesn't love his own mother

look dude i get you.
But with my own experience with autistic people. i'm done with them. They're a bunch of untrustworthy manipulative sociopaths that view life and peoples emotions as game until it involves them, then and only then do they turn around and actual behave like humans
Someone post that study where they tried to flip autists treating "friends" the same as "strangers" as a sign that they're """more empathetic"""
Shit i used to be seeing this autistic woman who was poly. She was cool but would constanfly over exaggerate how her boyfirend treated her and when called out she would just break down and say "why does everyone think im a hypocrit for dating him?" or "why does everyone think he's evil?"

like how do you not understand that's how you're painting him
even worse it was all usually through text message which just makes it more inexcusable
Nice take retard, but a "mentally challenged" person can easily see how bad this point is.
>they get all this and more nowadays, and they shoot up more public places than ever.
The percentage of shooters now with Asperger's or asd is quite low but there's a common trend with all of these shooters, they have suffered from isolation punishing people for not acting "normal" will just cause more isolation which causes people to lash out.
>reverting back to the "stick" (punishment)
This is because brainlets like you use whac-a-mole methods which don't deal with the problem but just cover it up.
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Hardest-hitting analysis right here:

>...reading the abstract. The test was a survey asking them how they would divide up gifts of money between a group of people, some friends and family, some total strangers. The abstract says that they would often just give every group an equal amount of money.
>What that means is that friendship and closeness means far less to them. It means they are not loyal, and friendship with them does not grant you any additional consideration. Why would you want to associate or be friends with someone that will treat you like a stranger?

>There's has to be an evolutionary reason why all people from all cultures have the same visceral disgust at autistic traits, even the benign ones. Reality is that if you gave them any power or trust they would betray it for a stranger that more immediately serves their interests in the here and now. And that's me being generous.

Funny how they didn't realize that other people would actually read the fucking text past the headline. And you get the same typical autistic faggot cowardice since those smarmy little weasels just slink away the moment things don't go their way. I expect the same out of the uncomped glownigger assets ITT.
>The percentage of shooters now with Asperger's or asd is quite low but there's a common trend with all of these shooters, they have suffered from isolation punishing people for not acting "normal" will just cause more isolation which causes people to lash out.

dont care
autists are insufferable
you could literally not speak to them for like 10 fucking years and they'd be in the exact same spot and think you're on the boat with them because you came back into their lives
shit that can even be seen with chris chan
Back in the good old days when we were able to beat the normal into kids, at least they would make it to adulthood fucking normal. That was the last thing that "worked", so we have to go back to that. It's why we've largely given up on """including""" the little shits and just encourage people to turn them into the cops after every weaponized spergout in case they draw inspiration from it.
here's a good example of that same boat shit
my current job: i got it from actualy learning go interview and talk go people
even after explaining this multiple times
the retard for some reason thought i got my job because of my mother BECAUSE he got his job that he could barely hold because of his mom
Respectfully kys, because you're the problem. Niggers like you should be locked up for stealing oxygen from people.
keep telling yourself that
it's not gonna make it suddenly true
>at least they would make it to adulthood fucking normal
Beating people causes them to be unstable adults retard.
But at least they were scared enough to behave. Meanwhile excessive coddling makes unstable kids that commit mass shootings.
I end up here because my dad was like that and you have too

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