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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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I'm at the point of touch starvation where I'm genuinely considering going on grindr and getting fucked by some random guy just for a moment of human intimacy.
>reikos trap
why are drawfags fetishizing grooming
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>forced bi starvation torture fetish
many such cases, blyat.
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i wish reiko groomed me into taking hrt before testosterone turned me into an ogre
i wish i could do this
Grooming people into trooning out should honestly be punishable by sterilization and/or imprisonment
yeah reiko is a piece of shit but if i met him then i probably wouldn't have to kill myself
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I thank god everyday that when I was 14 I was in an esoteric hitlerism cult discord server and not a femboy grooming one
>r9k user
>prison gay
damn that's crazy
>i wish i could do this
literally anyone can
>i wish reiko groomed me into taking hrt before testosterone turned me into an ogre
some nigga from here offered me that shit back when i was 14 and i said no lmao.
>punishable by sterilization
i mean half the groomers already do that to themselves anyways
Sex with the hrt femboy grooming victim

>Captcha: GAYS
this image makes me feel dread
Enjoy your HIV faggot. Imagine getting fucked for 2 minutes and instantly kicked out after post but clarity kicks in because you're such a loser. Just work out and stop being a pussy
>literally anyone can
hairy manfaced bottoms are disgusting
i'm not putting myself out there like that lol
lol what do you think half the people going on there are? anyways you shouldn't be wanting to bottom as a man anyways that's gay as shit.
Have sex with non hairy man faced guys.
Most gays now are prison gay and want a femboy and not an actual man.
i wouldn't know cause i'm straight.
>Grooming people into trooning out should honestly be punishable by sterilization and/or imprisonment
it should be rewarded with medals if it's taking people who have always wanted to get on HRT and helping them do it instead of them inevitably rotting for the next decades
go and hug your mother or father
and if that doesn't 'do it for you' then you aren't touch starved, you are lust driven
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i kneel. my Queen! originally
why wouldn't you just start on your own accord then
i wish someone had told me to not tell my mother i was a troon at 14 and get put on a waitlist and instead just start injections behind her back
it's insane how much of a different world i'd be living in rn
>it's insane how much of a different world i'd be living in rn
it really isn't though
i mean it is my fault
i tried to DIY when i was on that fucking waitlist but i didn't try hard enough
but it is insane. i'd be feminine and cute. i wouldn't be mentally ill. i wouldn't be sperging out at people here and on lgbt and i wouldn't be constantly fantasizing about my suicide. all because i was too stupid to think about something that is common sense, especially handing someone as mentally ill and stupid as my
mother something as personal as that
oh it's you. makes sense i guess if you've wanted to be a woman for that long but you shouldn't idolize groomer retards. i wish i was smarter when i was 14 too but i'm sure everyone does. idk.
>i wouldn't be sperging out at people here and on lgbt
you shouldn't be wasting your time on the troon board or on the incel board regardless you know.
sure but did the decisions you made when you were 14 essentially ruin the rest of your life
i thought it was a fucking game
it makes me feel better i think
>sure but did the decisions you made when you were 14 essentially ruin the rest of your life
>it makes me feel better i think
giving yourself tranny and incel brainrot makes you feel better?
>i wouldn't be mentally ill. i wouldn't be sperging out at people here and on lgbt
the thing that you don't realize is that you still would be those things
>I wish reiko groomed me into taking hrt before testosterone turned me into an ogre
stop fetishing grooming thats disgusting
Also maybe you wouldnt look like a ogre if you didnt constantly eat burgers and greasy food that destroys your hormone balance
how do you know that
what do those things have to do with my bones, my testosterone is nuked
i already looked like an ogre before starting hrt
>how do you know that
because you're already a mentally ill sperg! that wouldn't go away if you were cute, you'd still be mentally ill.

the only difference would be that people would be more likely to overlook your mentally ill sperginess if you were cute because they want to put their pp in your buttholio
i'm a mentally ill sperg because of what happened
>how do you know that
how would you know otherwise? unless you can rewrite the past what's the point of this hypothetical? you would gravitate towards those places for one reason or another.
>already looked like
nigga you don't even look that bad. so i've heard.
no it doesn't work like that.
i mean maybe i'd be here but my point is i wouldn't be miserable
lol you're certain you weren't a mentally ill sperg before then?
>nigga you don't even look that bad. so i've heard.
post pics

pics and dixxx
i was a sperg but a happy sperg
i don't have any. i just know they used to come here and complain and people told them they looked fine.
you're a retard bro. i hope you grow up some day. idk.
i don't know what to tell you lol. too bad you can't predict the future. when i found this place i didn't think i was going to be here almost a decade later but here i am.
idk what to say this is all i think about and it's why i'm miserable
i just want to be capable of thinking of other things but i can't when this is the body i use to interact with people and the world and show expression
actual body horror
where's that pic from looks cool
>actual body horror
this is why fembois are always way better to be with
well sorry anon. lol honestly i haven't really interacted with people and the world in so long that i'm not really sure what to tell you. i'm just saying i'm not sure if spending so much of your time posting about it on a stupid website is doing you any favors. i mean if it makes you feel better more power to you i guess.
lomando.com i think. and nice digits.
Literally just go on Grindr you'll find some middle aged fat guy willing in 10 minutes even if you're hairy manfaced, they just want to fuck something
The post nut clarity will make you want to kill yourself, try simply sexting and maybe jacking off on camera first to see if you can handle it.
And what if I just don't nut?
you will nut, you will cum
weak and socially awkward males should be made into women and fucked by men. everyone would be better off this way, especially women.
shut up faggot you make trans people look bad
>weak male hands typed that
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>>semen covered disgusting hands typed that
you can't make a male into a woman.
they already make themselves look bad desu.
you can make them into fuck holes, that makes them women enough for 90% of /r9k/
stop being a porn addict retarded nigger lmao
do you think most of this board has better options
everyone has better options than porn addiction
You vill nut goy, and you vill regret it.
Ive started delusionmaxing and use my imagination to have a phantom sense of a woman who loves me hugging me and speaking loving words to me. With enough training I can check into an insane asylum and live a perfect life of my imagination
fake schizo
Listen, no one who was part of reiko's harem was "groomed" into being a sissy. That nigga repeated over and over again that he wantes to turn people into sissies and that was the point of the server, which you had to join. No straight dude went to that thread, clicked the link, spent hours every day on reiko's server, and got "sissified". That is literally fag cope or larping. I understand how going on a kid's game and pretending to be a kid is grooming. But lol nigga you're a grown ass adult, leave the computer. Don't join a pinkpill server. Click "leave server". Don't buy thigh highs and a buttplug, holy shit.
That is gay asf. OP. Discord? :3 Daddy will give you all the attention you want

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