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Anyone else feel like theres been a general cognitive decline on the internet? and I'm not just referring to the uptick of "brainrot" content on youtube and zoomy sites like tiktok. I mean in terms of prose, wittiness, humor, etc, etc.

it feels like more and more people default to regurgitating meme phrases and references. Or just respond with the most lukewarm and mundane "jokes" imaginable. I genuinely can't think of the last time I laughed at a "joke" said by another human on here.

I've also noticed how having a kneejerk reaction to things and refusing to engage seems rewarded nowadays? every time I see someone post "I ain't readin allat" it's usually responded to positively. while people who actively try to engage in the discussion are beaten down for daring to have an actual thought. at first I thought it was ironic, but as time goes on it seems like less and less of a joke.

it also feels like tribadism is at an all-time high nowadays. with how easy it is to completely block out people from engaging with you on the internet peoples tolerance of eachother has never been lower. I've seen people genuinely wish death on people over the most minute things. and not in a funny absurd way. Like just being genuinely caustic and vile. which yeah I guess was always a thing but not to this degree.

Is this just a side-effect of the internet becoming so popular and vast it's fully possible to just "live" on it without ever needing to engage with reality? is it due to the current political zeitgeist really pushing the "us vs them" agenda? why has the internet become so dark yet dull at the same time recently? where did we go so wrong?
Did you actually write all of that expecting anyone to read it?
it's literally a 1 minute read as long as you aren't a braindead neanderthal. really not that long.
Absolutely, but it's mainly a symptom of brain rot content since all of it encourages simple mindedness and dissuades people from digging beyond the surface.

Ask the average person what their time spent on the internet looks like each day and will inevitably be just scrolling through their social media feeds. Those feeds are AstroTurfed to high hell by every every competing nation and corporation vying to keep you dumb and enthralled with consumption. Further any attempt at real discussion can quickly get killed with waves of bots being stupid.

All in all the old internet is dead and each generation of new users are continuously forced into specific fields of infinite low quality content generation that is designed to divide and conquer their mental fortitude and capacity.

You are a lazy cretin. Please die in a car crash.
It's all the fault of short-form video. Things weren't nearly this bad even in 2018. The only solace is that you can't keep people on short-form propaganda forever.
I'm honestly kinda worried about what the future internet is gonna be like as it becomes more commoditized. we're already reaching a point where the gap between ones online persona and real self is becoming smaller and smaller. and how any slights against it are a slight against one self.

also something I didn't mention is how dark "trolling" has become. trolling back in the day was mostly funny light stuff (think "I put on my robe and wizard hat" or any squeaker trolling vid.)

Nowadays trolling seems like more of an attempt to completely dismantle your opponents ideology and fuck up their life. while also serving as a "shield" for people to filter their actual thoughts through. it's no longer just about seeing how angry you can make someone over stupid shit.
Probably a big aspect yeah. Hopefully people get bored of the brainrot soon and start thinking again.
The future of the Internet is going to be each country to having their own self contained little internents so that they can better manipulate their citizens into being angry at each other and worshiping corporations. China did it first and if you watch internet based legislation in western countries they're all trending towards stronger state and corporate control.

The Dead Internet theory already helps highlight how totally artificial big platforms are nowadays and many encourage users to self censor.

We're already on the down turn.
Maybe not the majority, but that does at least mean that new spaces for that will develop, and with new ideas not as broken by the commodity system or this assumption that everyone's opinion is worth hearing at all times developing alongside it. Stuff that's been neglected or denigrated on the internet, like prose fiction and nonfiction alike, will have a resurgence because that's what returns when there's nowhere left to go and you need to do something cheap and quick, but still effective.

If the media apparatus today is an entire graft-filled military complex, then a pamphlet or article is an assault rifle. It wins in the end.
Yes and people aren't even ashamed of it if you call them out they just ignore you or post a basedjak and say it's you
Yeah dude it's short form videos fault people are making 3 hour video essay about breakfast cereal characters
The AVGN and Channel Awesome-esque review channels weren't much more creative. Just latching onto a trend and trying to make it big in that. The live action skits and original intro songs did have more sovl than the over-edited slideshows of stock images in video essays though.
What he said I ain't reading allat shit nigger
>Anyone else feel like theres been a general cognitive decline on the internet?
Guess I'm going to have to go with "yes"
>why has the internet become so dark yet dull at the same time recently? where did we go so wrong?
I've noticed it too. I think it's just a lack of content. I know there's technically more Content than ever before but it's almost all indistinguishable background slop, take this very board for example. There's new threads every day, non stop, but it's rarely anything more interesting than "how come no gf" and "why havent you killed yourself yet" to the point that the most compelling meme to come around recently is the guy who is depressed while fucking a fat girl. Dire state of affairs. This is because we're all online all the fucking time, and I don't mean just Us as in terminally online retards. Everybody is a terminally online retard. Normalfags and women and old folks too are all glued to their phone every moment they possibly can be.

So we're all addicted to the endless novelty that we came to expect from the internet, but the novelty has all dried up. There's nothing new anymore, we did it all and saw it all. What remains is to post rage bait to try to get some kind of engagement, or somehow find a way to engage in the same slop day after day yourself, or to identify with some group and go an eternal online crusade against your tribe's sworn enemy, whatever that is. There's not really any point trying to engage intellectually with people either because they're all doing one of those things, and it's not like they have the capacity to contribute meaningfully even if they tried. If you want to have a reasoned, informed conversation about some topic unironically just load up chatgpt or claude and you'll have a better time than trying to talk to people anywhere online.
This is cope, original youtube had some video upload limit of like 3? 10? minutes and nobody became retarded. Then the Vine app released and aside from kids in some very specific age range almost no one used it and it died quickly despite being literally tiktok. Something happened to make this kind of rapid fire quick scroll rot slop appealing on a mass scale.
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>it also feels like tribadism is at an all-time high nowadays
Tribalism..? Now I know what kind of porn you watch so often that your autocorrect would make this mistake.
here's some free food, that should be for me
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People on the "young internet" (let's call it) came from a world where there was no popular internet/world wide web. They learned by reading, talking, maybe watching television. Early internet discussions reflected that, the users tried to be thought out and articulate when they posted their thoughts or some information.

Young people today have been online since they could talk, just watching random shit from random idiots. They are bombarded with non-stop short form visuals, twitter-length messages, and quick dopamine-spike games. They only understand tickling their hypothalamus, if they get bored or understimulated they're onto the next thing immediately.

It's nearly impossible to learn or even think when you're an endorphin slave flitting over to your next fix like a hummingbird searching for nectar. Every day an old internet user dies and is replaced by a child that was watching Tiktok in his stroller while still in diapers. Eventually the majority of users will be addle-brained fools that can't string two sentences together.
i'm like 35 and my brain is on the level of that webm, how over is it for me
>thinking you're engaging with biological humans on the internet
Genuinely one of the more disturbing webm's i've seen on here. And you've really hit the nail on the head. I bet it would be a significant challenge to find any teens today who read books outside of school let alone any who read literature.
You need to smash your screens and pick up a book or drawing pad.

That's a lot of words for something that isn't that deep. It's never been cheaper or easier to access the Internet, so the quality of the average participant has never been lower.
Okay, that was actually a good one. OP may not appreciate it despite his preaching, but I do.
im going to have to agree since i stopped reading your post after 1 sentence
Remember who dominates the internet OP: kids, teens, and normalfags from all over the world (meaning countless ESLs and thirdies too). Given their standards it is guaranteed that slop will always top the charts.
How does it even get this bad? Is this an attention span of literal seconds? How do you even do anything? I remember spending hours reading encyclopedias as a child, how does it come to this? What kind of enjoyment can possibly be derived from this?

Genuine question, how?
it's been easy to get on the internet since the 2010s. and most stuff doesn't seem deep or interesting until you actually think about it. maybe try digging below the surface sometimes?

Honestly man the brainrots gotten to me too. I use to read all the time (in 5th grade I had 11th grade reading comprehension) and I was extremely eloquent. now I find it fairly difficult to talk and get my words across. it's crazy the way brainrot gets to you.
yes it's gotten dumb
some sort of matrix trick
You severely underestimate the sheer amount of braindead neanderthals on the internet at any given time.
>I remember spending hours reading encyclopedias as a child
I also did this, and now my brain is fried. The issue is that when I was a kid every fucking thing was cool, new, and interesting. Just reading the encyclopedias or even fictional books or whatever was so compelling. I've never heard of any of this stuff in my life, every word is new. I've never seen a story like this, or read about a character like that. Now everything just feels the fucking same, I know I don't know everything in the world and I'll occasionally still go on wikipedia binges for out of the same sense of curiosity, but I do mostly know about everything I give a shit to know about at this point. It's just the novelty. When I'm young everything is novel so I can read encyclopedias and it's all Fucking Cool. Now nothing is novel so I require a constant stream of spastic slop. Right now while I write this post I have a youtube video in picture-in-picture, a discord chat, texting with a bitch, and fucking Cookie Clicker running all on top of shitposting on 4 different boards.
Cu' I ain't readin' all that baka no cap
How did your attention span get so fried in the first place? If you don't think there's anything to learn, why not learn math? It's extremely interesting and fun and there isn't anyone in the world who knows everything about every field of math, so there's an effectively infinite amount of interesting and fun content to learn which also helps you improve your problem solving skills and logical thinking. It might take some time to wean yourself off of all the quick dopamine stuff to really have the attention span to learn it though.

Also don't talk bad about cookie clicker, it's a great game.
I got a chemistry degree and I took all kinds of higher level math, atomic physics, etc even well beyond what the degree required because I was really interested in that stuff but I pretty much had my fill by now. Obviously there's more there but at this point math is mostly an exercise in memorizing notation if I want to learn more, and in general for personal use physics and chemistry stuff is purely memes to "learn" for no reason, I can't really do practical chemical synthesis at home without going to jail. I played through Turing Complete a while back for the computer engineering knowledge and cleared that up through the assembly language challenges. Youtube video is an hour long chess lecture (ben finegold) and the discord chat is some cooking and baking server so I'm not totally wasting my life on pure slop but I definitely need that constant stream of stimulation. Trying my best to make it arguably worthwhile media consooming at least.
Great to see someone who played turing complete, it's my favorite game. I beat water world though so unless I'm misunderstanding your post I win :). For physics, if you want a longer term difficult project then a fusor is something that you might want to try, you'll probably have to get a couple of licenses depending on where you live but it's what I'm working on now and I am really enjoying it. You could also get an FPGA for a couple hundred dollars and make your own architecture irl or even use it in some other projects. I think that the main thing you should do is keep yourself to one bit of content at a time, choose to either watch a chess lecture or browse 4chan, not both.

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