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>white girl exists
>gets harassed by native Christian white guys
>brown Muslim migrants comes to save her and they fall in love with each other

This is what modern French movies are in a nutshell
Yeah french cinema is jewish as fuck
t. french
Just remember, your enemies are not in the middle east or in Russia, they are right within your country.
They're also in the middle-east (in a small country called Israel)
The curse of the low IQ now is no one guy is winning everything
I would say its up there with UK and US movies. German movies are also pure Jewish filth but they are so bad that no one here even watches them
You can seethe about it but I have unironically seen this play out multiple times. At houseparties when the White frat harass Women the Black and Brown dudes from the hood usually beat the shit out of them to teach them a lesson
I'm curious did cuties get any backlash from the French when it was released?
Only in your most fucked up racist liberal dreams.
Movies., TV, video games, music, social media... basically everything on a screen is full-on propaganda now. Even out in the real world, you're surrounded by propaganda at all times.
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>At houseparties when the White frat harass Women the Black and Brown dudes from the hood usually beat the shit out of them to teach them a lesson
whatever helps you get off anon
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Nah its kind of true that only White men feel threatened by Brown migrants and their neighborhoods. White women feel perfectly safe in them while you pretend to be tough in your little White safe space
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This thread triggered all the White cuck nationalists
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I've been asking myself lately, if I'm going to live in a non-white country either way, would it be better to live in one that's not explicitly anti-white? I'm thinking about moving to the Philippines after I save up enough money.
I remember people laughing recalling her tweet when all the women on tiktok were getting busted in the mouth by the blacks roaming the city.
>women have a shit sense of danger
this isn't news m8. these are the same people that get their shit kicked in by their bf mickey methhead and then claim that some beta at mcdonalds made them feel unsafe.
Not much, certainly not as much as in the US. The left-wing has much more cultural power here, and the jewish media have a long history of supporting weird pedophilic movies. French cinema has a reputation for being weirdly sexual. Also african now because muh colonialism and muh racism. I hate it so much. This is part of the reason why people here are voting more and more for conservatives, liberal jews have gone too far with this and globalism and now people are getting pissed.
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>that pic
i honest to god can't tell if it's really shit bait or just seething on the part of someone with brain damage.
You can do all the gaslighting you wish but everyone knows which areas to not wonder into. They know the demographics of those places too. Just because they don't say it, just because they are virtue signaling retards, doesn't mean they don't know :)
You know too. You are just a liar and everyone sick of it. This is why Biden is going to lose.
This. From an evolutionary standpoint, they've never been the ones who have had to fight the battles. Whoever won usually spared the women and absorbed them into their tribe/nation. So they're not built to concern themselves with their own safety since they expect men to protect them.
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Only French men are voting for conservatives. French women are staunch supporters of migration and brown cock. Indian soldiers were famous for seducing and fucking French women

You have the skin of a pig and your women worship Brown men
>You have the skin of a pig and your women worship Brown men
See, this why no one wants you here. You are fucking bitch. You better hope to god that a fascist dictator doesn't take control. You better pray to your turd god.
>You have the skin of a pig and your women worship Brown men
This Indian that capitalizes "brown" and saves images such as that is the one hanging at frat parties, guys. kek. They are such fucking liars. How can anyone interact with these people and not come away with disdain?
>Only French men are voting for conservatives.
Not anymore. Things are changing. Bardella has earned the vote of many women. Conservatives won the european elections here and are about to win the parliament too.
>Indian soldiers were famous for seducing and fucking French women
LMAO are you the indian bbc poster?
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White women would be staunch xenophobes if immigrants were mostly fertile young Asian women. I didn't see too many "Refugees Welcome" rallies and banners welcoming all those young female Ukrainian refugees, wonder why.
Pajeet copemaxxing once again
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Ohnononononono poobros...
Lmaoo what a cucked race. Voting wont safe as immigrants will destroy you in a civil war. Same goes for the UK, Germany, Italy, Sweden and any other White whore country. Its over Timmy
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Cope harder faggots. We have the money to buy your womens pussies
Your ancestors lost to a few tens of thousands of bong soldiers. lmao.
You know I was watching some guy wonder Bangkok recently and like the city is better than most US cities. The restaurants available to you, the infrastructure, it's better than my city already. They also have like zero tolerance for crime. Comparatively these places are becoming better than America because America has been overran with shitty people that don't care about the future of the country.
I thought you meant the Christian white guys fall in love with the Muslim migrants..
You work for a jew, and you're shilling a Mongolian ice fishing board. You don't have enough money to pay local whores in your heaps of trash and feces.
Why the fuck are indians behind all the racebait now. Who let them on thr western web
It's outsourced JIDF since the jew shills can't take being called kikes constantly
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Chadpreet single-handedly destroyed White boy reputation
Why would anyone consider the opinion of literal street shitters though? lmao
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The yanks are finally learning to hate The Eternal Frog and their negrophiliac ways, you love to see it.
That's why they pretend they're niggers and post shitdick threads until you out them as a jeet then they post jeetcope like in this thread.
Thanks frenchies
Honnetement mec, vtf
I remember when back in school, we'd watch Monsieur Claude And His Daughters. It really isn't subtle at all.

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